I could not really think of any theme for these links – so they will just spray to all fields. Enjoy them, ignore them (more likely) or what you will.
Um…maybe. [Darn CS Monitor link got “subscription only’d]. So read this instead. (some of us posted it in comments earlier today).- Christ, what an @$$hole.
- Oh you had a bad day… (Note: not a link to the Daniel Powter song)
- Even more Socialist success in Venezuela.
So there you have them. Commence to snarking!
CS Monitor link is subscriber-only.
Swiss is a Christian Scientist? That takes balls to be a soldier when you eschew medical care and trust wizards to heal you.
*narrows Methodist gaze*
Here you go!
Also this.
I was wondering if I’d be the first to point that out. Obviously not. 🙂
IT WASN’T THIS MORNING, DAMMIT. I’ll go figure something out.
And note that the URL doesn’t give any hints as to what the story is about. Boo hiss.
Eh, it was a South Korea story that was bland – but it had a lovely timeline graphic of their shitty run of presidents, coups, assassinations and impeachments.
And you being Swiss would know about blandness.
He’s not Uncivilservant!
*readies cat butt*
The Swiss had 500 years of peace and all they invented was the cuckoo clock.
Be fair. They also made those big horns.
And some cough drops and so-so chocolate?
500 years of peace?
What about Reeeecolaaaaaaaa
“so-so chocolate”
You realize, this means war!
/Bugs Bunny voice off
re the so.so chocolate. You have not tried Christophe Berger in Geneva.
I don’t think Holly Martins believed the 500 years of peace thing, either.
That was kind of a lazy link, no?
On the bright side, this is evidence that we didn’t ignore your links.
Good point.
Carry on!
This was all a test.
This has all happened before. This will all happen again. So say we all!
Woah. Sounds like there was some really screwy stuff going on inside the Gary Johnson campaign.
No shit. His running mate endorsed Hillary…
They should have canned Weld right then and there. If Johnson didn’t like it, they should have canned him too.
Or caned them both.
“they should have canned him too”
With both of those guys gone they would have gotten more votes.
Gary Johnson is a scumbag? The professional politician is a scam artist?
Who could have seen this coming?
Weird, there is a linked related article there written by Avens O’Brien, I knew her when she was a little kid, her mom was the High Priestess of the Druid grove my wife at the time was part of
Bah, podcasts. Let me guess–Johnson embezzled campaign funds to keep up with his 10 grams a day dabbing habit, as he is hopelessly addicted to the pot, whereas Weld was just directly bribed by a single Hillary cocktail party invite. Am I right?
No he used ’16 donations to pay off ’12 debts, which he explicitlysaid he wouldn’t do.
Is Daniel Powter the guy who came up with that aggravating earworm of a song that American Idol loved? Christ, what an asshole.
This guy?
I was disappointed to see last night what Kelly Clarkson looks like these days.
Cut her some slack. How good do you think you will look at 70?
Hey, Detroit. Here comes the Qline…
Half hour to go three miles, and that doesn’t include the time to drive and park to get on the damn thing.
So, if you want to bar hop, or head to any pro sport on Sunday this is useless.
WTF are you talking about? There are no pro-sports teams in Detroit.
I tried coming up with a great reply, but realized the Lions were the only team to make the playoffs in the past year, and they suck.
/runs of sobbing
Shit. You guys had Lidstrom for all those years.
This is payback.
*patiently waits for sloopy’s Red Wings wrath to stir*
That time of the month?
*Vigourous applause.
I’m too tired to entertain it.
Unless we can segue into the Caps loss. Then I think I can muster the energy.
Wow, that is stupid. Woodward is as perfect of a thoroughfare as you could possibly think of to build an elevated rail line without disrupting existing car traffic, and yet they decide to do whatever the fuck this thing is. How long before we see photos of one of these broken down in the middle of an intersection? Six months?
6 weeks.
The American Conservative says “Thank You, Colbert”, but not in a nice way.
The president tweeted out a montage video showing all the times that Democrats demanded that Comey be fired. At first glance, it’s funny. But, then you realize that this is an epic troll being sent by….the president. Is this what politics has been reduced to in this country? Just back and forth trolling?
Model or…….
…..college girl? I go college girl
Hey, weren’t there four links, you know, posted ALREADY?!?!
*readies rats*
How many, Winston?
I meant there are 4 links. I love Big Brother.
I thought so…here, have a bottle of Victory Gin.
4 and a half if you count the paywall snafu.
I zorched the paywalled link.
That’s why it counts for half.
C’mon….round it down to a quarter, at least!
Only if you have more gin.
I thought that the Christian Science Monitor link was actually suppose to be a link to subscribe to the paper.
Does Swiss get a cut?
hmmm… *slowly narrows gaze
Well I never!
*hides check from CS Monitor*
I knew it! Methodist my ass.
Hey, Methodists can sell out too!
Well my staunch Southern Baptist grandma was fairly certain all Methodists sold out Jesus and will burn in hell.
Of course, she also believed that you should carry anti-bacterial wet wipes around to clean toilet seats so you don’t get AIDS.
But these are good ones (esp the last 2)
Personally, I just want Trump to be a toddler in a China shop: break a whole lot of their sacred cows and point and laugh at the outrage. And honestly I don’t mind him diminishing some of the “dignity of the office.” People domestically have become too infatuated with the president and what he can do. Getting that knocked down a peg might actually be better in the long term. And people abroad might point and laugh, but as long as America’s the hegemon there’s not that much they can do.
Well, it’s a bad idea for the head of government to also be the head of state, and we’ve been seeing the consequences with the whole cult of the presidency thing over the last couple of decades. (At least.)
If Trump was the sort of Republican who was content to be a punching bag, getting smeared by a lying hypocritical media and hoping that by standing above it all the criticism would go away, he would never have become President in the first place.
Oh I know, and it has been absolutely delicious to watch the media flail at them with their usual tactics, see that they’re ineffective, then deciding that they didn’t prog hard enough. Cable news was set to die ever since the rise of alternate media, but it’s like they want to accelerate their decline.
What a fucking twat.
The lack of fucking curse words does not a fucking civil society make. It’s the lack of motherfucking ideas and goddamn logic behind those shitass curse words that defines society down. I’d take George Motherfucking Carlin over David Gaping Asshole Brooks any day of the fucking week because Carlin actually thought about his words first.
Yeah, he’s moaning about curse words as an example of cultural degeneracy, when in reality it’s actually something entirely different: laziness. Colbert’s joke is just so goddamn lazy and uncreative, the fact that he’s swearing is bloody irrelevant.
There seems to be a [bleeping] correlation between laziness and the use of [bleeping] curse words.
Look. I was told it meant you were fucking smart if you used cuss words. It confirms all my biases. /every jackass on facebook.
There’s a legitimate use of curse words if someone’s behavior really calls for a good cursing.
But simply as a device for saying “look I’m TOTALLY serious here!” – it doesn’t do much for me.
Someone’s never been in the military.
Yeah…you can learn some very…creative combinations from your Drill Sergeants.
The fuck you say
Not enough has been made of the reference to Dorothy Kilgallen. I remember as a kid when she was on the panel of the TV show “What’s My Line?” She may have been one of the first people to be famous for being famous.
Exactly. Colbert was making a schoolyard insult that was neither funny nor inspired.
You but he’s so edgy. And taking on the President like he has done is so brave. So. Brave.
I dont watch colbert but from what I have seen of him and the other high profile pinko commie…comedians nothing in their routines rises about grade school playground trash talk.
But, then you realize that this is an epic troll being sent by….the president. Is this what politics has been reduced to in this country? Just back and forth trolling?
It never was not trolling.
But in all seriousness, that was part of Trump’s appeal. He’s a guy who will give you the middle finger and mock the shit out of you. There’s an extremely transparent and fake ‘professionalism’ that the political class throws on that is not reflective of their real personas. I’ll take the goofy trolling over this mass delusion about how ‘serious’ politicians are.
So…..model or college girl?
Why not both? At the same time.
(a man can dream)
Fair point
The model’s tattoos scream setting fire to your car after keying your cat.
College girl, then, right?
“In an earlier era, nobody with Trump’s crudity could ever become president. The people, in their collective sensibility on such matters, wanted presidents who conducted themselves with dignity and propriety, at least in public.”
There’s a reason Trump likes Andrew Jackson. Shot a guy who insulted his woman, got rid of most of his cabinet because their wives didn’t like his friend Eaton’s wife…yeah, the voters really hated crudity in those days. Everyone drank tea out of china cups while daintily lifting their pinky fingers, just like something out of Jane Austen. /sarc
And let’s not even get started on Lyndon Baines “Emily Post” Johnson.
Nope, no crudity here:
“When Charles Dickens wrote about the “handsomely carpeted” chambers of the House and Senate in 1842, he gave visitors this advice: Do not look at the floor, and if you drop anything, do not pick it up “with an ungloved hand on any account.”
“So prevalent was chewing tobacco — and so bad was the aim — that the condition of the carpets, Dickens wrote, “do not admit of being described.””
Ah, ‘the pettycoat affair’. Back when political scandals were fairly mundane
got rid of most of his cabinet because their wives didn’t like his friend Eaton’s wife
Well, she was a gorgeous hussy.
“yeah, the voters really hated crudity in those days. Everyone drank tea out of china cups while daintily lifting their pinky fingers, just like something out of Jane Austen. /sarc”
I was laughing about that too.
Reduced? You think trolling represents a reduction in quality from the non-trolling that came before? Trolling is the future. I for one, intend to be ready for the next meme war.
I think it’s pretty impressive that the first President to really get social media was born in 1946.
” Just back and forth trolling?”
I prefer this over legislating me to death.
If only President Lincoln had thought of sending that Steve Harvey email, maybe he would be alive today.
Saw last week that Corbyn had a 21% favorable rating and a 53% unfavorable rating according to election polling. That’s with Labour pulling 30% of the vote (Conservatives at 46%), so even a ton of Labour voters don’t like him.
Apparently that favorable number might have been too high.
“The bolivar currency is down more than 99 percent on the black market against the dollar since President Nicolas Maduro was elected to the presidency in 2013, meaning that $1,000 saved then would be worth less than $5 now.”
Behold, the future.
That’s why I’m opposed to saving. Spend it now. Retirement? That’s future Negroni’s problem.
>not putting all your money into monocle futures and a swimming pool full of gold coins and bullion
One does not necessarily need to store value in the form of currency.
Knowledge. You’re talking about knowledge, right?
Should encourage spending then.
Has anyone else mentioned the paywalled link?
Wait….what?! No….let me go look!
We’re gonna make a big, beautiful wall. And the Glibs are gonna pay for it.
93%? Talk about efficient!
So I actually read the link about Corbyn’s very bad no good day (Some of us care, Switzy), and I wanted to find out more about his manifesto. Found a link to it here. Some highlights:
-100,000 additional police officers.
-A universal superfast 30mbps broadband internet service to all households by 2022.
-Rent control in the private tenant sector.
-Voting age lowered to 16.
To bad the reported got ran over and not Corbyn.
SUPERfast, not regular fast, SUPERfast
30mbs is slow ass internet.
Mine is 20 Mbps out in the middle of podunk. The local utility is bringing fiber to the premises at
*when you’re typing and accidentally bump the “post comment” button”
…at up to 100 Mbps.
Hmmm. Are you in my neighborhood? That is happening here. Painfully slow at installing it they are though. I hope the service is better than the people who are arranging the installs.
In what century is 30mbps SUPERFAST? I get 200mbps at my house.
It beats the British Standard speed; carrier pigeon. (Insert Spotted Dick joke)
Mine’s more freckled.
The calluses just look a little off under the right lighting.
The polls are universally showing the Tories ~10.5% over what they got in 2015 and Labour ~2% below what they got in 2015. I’d be stunned if Corbyn is still leading the party a month from now.
Also, here’s John McDonnell, the Labour Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (i.e. the guy who would run all financial and economic government matters if Labour won) giving speeches in front of Stalinists.
Labour’s going to get massacred, and it will be beautiful.
Will it be a labour of love?
Followed by lots of labour pains?
Reading further, I have a new favorite plank from his manifesto:
We will cease the badger cull which spreads Bovine TB.
I’m not sure why, but something about that just seems like the perfect combination of British, left wing, and derp.
Killing badgers spreads tuberculosis to cows? WTF?
Mass hysteria!
internet for everyone but everyone has to pay a govt licence for it, I’m guessing?
i always find this a remarkable confession of political weakness. Pelosi was floating this last year. its basically admitting, “we can’t win over people with brains”
They should change it to not being able to vote if you can be claimed as a dependent or do not have health insurance in your own name after the age of 18.
I think it would be good in principle for people on welfare to not be able to vote. But in practice, this would be a pretty bad idea since the government could create conditions that basically make everyone dependent on some kind of welfare, thus disenfranchising a large portion of the population.
Why i hate the press
I dont like the implication that the members of the press are really shameless liars.
I prefer that people state it plainly.
And there’s what I was expecting. I’ve become quite certain that at some point in the indeterminate future, there’s going to be some massive scandal breaking where it’s confirmed that more than a few of these “anonymous high-level officials” that feature nonstop in lamestream news lately, were entirely made up, because people were convinced they were stopping Orange Hitler 2.0 and that justified any deception.
Maybe it’s some sort of JournoList 2.0 leak like previous bogus smears (we already know that some of the usual suspects there have zero compunctions about lying when they considered the stakes lesser). Maybe somebody has an attack of conscience and/or greed and writes a tell-all book.
Or maybe I’m wrong and the Trump/Putin watersports sex tape leaks and ends his presidency.
“Judge Mathis,” the syndicated reality-based court show, continues to be produced in a separate studio at NBC Tower.
You know, if someone just made a tv show of James Mattis yelling at people I’d probably watch it.
While throwing knife hands
Something seems not quite right about this depiction of Noah’s Ark.
What about this depiction of Noah’s Ark?
Well Ken Ham is clearly going to end up as Dennis Hopper’s character whenever global warming finally makes Waterworld a thing.
Like Olde Williamsburg…except older…and it never happened.
I pains me when I see artists draw bird couples. They like to draw two males, as they are more colorful and recognizable.
That is a really weird thing to give a shit about. But Libertarians aren’t all aspies. Nope. Not at all.
He’s no aspie, he’s just a ornihomophobe.
Why do you hate gay birds?
I love Gaybirds: The Musical!
What are you, a gay fish?
That’s the real reason there are no more unicorns.
No, I think they committed suicide after seeing this.
If I listed the things not quite right about the ark story that would be near the bottom of a long list.
Cops: DUI suspect who struck a family returning from Disneyland had been deported 15 times
Deport him to somewhere between Bermuda and Puerto Rico.
(looks at map)
that’s pretty much “anywhere in the Southern US”
Funny, when sailing from Bermuda to Puerto Rico, I didn’t pass by any Waffle Houses.
Jerry Brown = Promises to use more taxpayer money for partisan political efforts which usually work against the interests of California taxpayers
surprisingly, that remains a wildly successful political strategy in California.
as for you? Yes, i didn’t realize you meant, “in a straight line”
If its not a straight line then it could be anywhere in the world including the very spot where they are standing now.
I had a stupid
He should be allowed to stay in the United States indefinitely, in a federal pound-him-in-the-ass prison that is.
My neighbor has a brother in federal prison for some stock trading shenanigans, and he said that federal prisons are a bit less violent and ass-rapey since you have a lot of white-collar criminals there. Murderers and rapists are more likely to go to state prison unless their crime became federal for some reason.
Bud, dude. CNN says the city where this happened is practically in Mexico. Why the fuck that matters, I do not know.
CNN says the city where this happened is practically in Mexico.
Was it Anaheim?
New drinking game idea: you must drink every time you read an article that discusses the proverbial shit hitting the proverbial fan in Venezuela and the word “socialism” does not appear anywhere in the article.
I’m gonna get drunk mighty fast if I do that.
That’s the plan
You’re obviously a sock puppet for shreek. You’re trying to kill us all.
That hurts.
“The new location will allow me to welcome more celebrity guests and more importantly let me do what I enjoy doing best, being funny.””
Harvey is funny? Coulda fooled me.
Besides that, what a supreme dick. An asshole really.
Steve Harvey reminds me of One If those wind-up set of chattering teeth
It was pretty funny when he announced the wrong winner at that beauty pageant.
I’m not really seeing it. I imagine they nag him nearly t the point of insanity.
“Corporal Hauntings
(Re)membering Father”
Alternate Title: “I Can’t Believe an Academic Journal Published this Shit”
The wife and I are going to D.C. in September. Anyone have recommendations of places to stay, things to see?
Someone told you to go to hell, and you went and did it??
Anacostia is beautiful that time of year.
It’s like traveling the world
The DC Eagle.
I approve this message.
Go to Union Station, get on an Acela, and go to Philly or NYC.
The Air & Space Museum.
we;re flying into probably Boston in August. We’ve got a week, probably will go to Philly, but besides that? I’ve got a young teen boy to tote around, so we figure we’ll hit the AmRev spots, but if anyone’s got any particular Don’t Miss recs?
Alongside the American Revolution sites in Philly go to the National Constitution Center. It’s actually pretty decent, or it was the last time I was there (which was several years ago to be fair)
Bonus points for licking the Liberty Bell.
Is it like the Blarney Stone, where the locals have been pissing on it for generations?
It’s in Philly. The natives piss on everything. Look up the mummers parade.
I’m still trying to get him to stop eating things he dropped on the floor. NO.
In Philadelphia, show your kid where the city firebombed MOVE to teach him that The State is Not Your Friend.
+1 This is what tyranny looks like.
August? Go to the cape.
Dude, young teen boy? Take him to somewhere on the Redneck Riviera– Rehoboth Beach or OCMD. Trashy teeny-bopper chicks in bikinis looking for strange. Make it a vacation he’ll never forget!
Oh goodness, we vacationed at Cape Henlopen one summer in the early 80s. Frankly I prefer the mountains and forests.
Redneck Riviera
I thought that was Myrtle Beach.
Not sure what your price range is. Always liked the Tabard Inn.
In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay
Redy to wenden on my pilgrymage
To Caunterbury with ful devout corage?
Go to the Capitol and leave your bag unattended.
Walking thru the FDR monument takes longer than his term in office.
The thing never ends.
I enjoyed the Smithsonian museums when I was a kid.
I thought the Air and Space museum was very cool. Planes and rockets hanging from the damn ceiling. Pretty cool.
Yeah, that was me favorite
I’m assuming you’re going to the National Mall. Lincoln Memorial is most impressive.
There rotunda in the Capitol also quite cool.
I liked the National Mall because they had beer stands every couple hundred meters.
Silver Springs, MD (red line) – AFI Theater (great for classics, etc).
Spy museum is a lot of fun.
Korean War Memorial is amazing. Esp early morning/evening.
So the whole comey firing looks to be coming down now and again nothing of substance on the trump collusion front
If the election showed one thing it is that Americans don’t give two fucks about beltway inside baseball or they would not have elected a reality TV show star the president. Yet here are the media completely drunk on some stupid inside baseball. Nobody gives a F***
Cnn is now covering how much scoops of ice cream trump gets
Did Trump summon the steward with a can of sand to determine what happened to the leftover strawberries?
Amazingly, I was thinking the of same reference myself.
*rolls steel balls around in hands*
“Some say Trump’s refusal to put a cherry on top has nothing to do with the alleged Russian connections. But expert political correspondents tell CNN that this is solid evidence that Trump is indeed a stooge of Moscow.”
How can you trust someone who only gets one scoop of ice cream.
“Single-scooper, single-scooper, this man is a party pooper.”
I’m an Ice Cream Socialist.
SHOUTS: A scoop of vanilla for everyone!
WHISPERS: Two scoops of chocolate for me.
I am so tempted to go off on this prog in my feed who’s whining about the “so much racism and lack of democracy”, and just list the Univ Arizona secret police, Antifa, segregated dorms and graduations, hoaxing, democrats calling for coups, and wrongthink witch hunts. Yeah, it’s getting less free, and guess who’s doing it, sweetheart? YOU and your ilk.
If my friend who’s a professor is any guide, the answer is that there is no anti-speech left and that it’s all the fault of right wingers.
Meanwhile, in reality, the left has been pushing “speech we don’t like is exactly the same as physical violence” incredibly hard as of late.
To progs democracy is whatever they want.
If you dont do what they want then it is anti democratic
Much the same with “freedom”. If a leftist is using the word, you know for a fact he means the opposite.
You’re free to do as they say
Ask her if it’s time to open the Camps.
Perhaps it is. I’m trying to come up with some sort of leftist summer camps where they could be…”concentrated”… in one place so we know where to find them when we need their sage wisdom.
Why not just deport them Germany? Or perhaps Poland? Then they’re the EU’s problem, not ours.
I don’t think Germany accepts migrants from developed countries. I vote Poland because I think they’d have the good sense to shoot them at the border.
I believe Clinton called them Adult camps.
Perhaps include skydiving lessons?
U of A is my alma mater. I have donated a few bucks to them in the past. No more.
Marijuana decriminalization bill makes it out of committee in Texas.
Norml has a form letter you can email to your state rep/senator.
Fuck if they legalize mj in TX I may have to move to the new weed and guns libertopia.
Too hot for me.
And weed might as well be legal in Ohio.
Sadly, we have found a way to fuck other things up. And the retarded liberals that continuously flow here from California are intent on turning the state Dem.
Been there, done that (live in Colorado).
My condolences.
At least the scenery is nice there.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is finalizing a budget blueprint that promises a balanced federal budget within 10 years, doubling down on cuts to domestic agencies and adding a new round of cuts to the Medicaid programfor the poor.
Details are sketchy and remain subject to change. But Republican officials on Capitol Hill say President Donald Trump’s upcoming budget plan will rely on rosy predictions of economic growth — and the higher tax revenues that would result. The plan also relies on cuts to Medicaid and other so-called entitlement programs such as food stamps to promise a balanced federal ledger.
…Because Trump promises to exempt Social Security and Medicare benefits from cuts, his budget team has focused on a category of other benefit programs such as retirement benefits for federal workers, food stamps, and Medicaid when scrubbing the budget for cuts.
I predict Reason will moan that the wrong things are being cut and that Trump is punishing the poor while rewarding his crony pals, or something like that.
whoops, sorry, supposed to be blockquoted
blackquoted is close enough I suppose
+ 1 wesley snipes
1. Are these actual cuts, or “You’re only getting a 3% budget raise instead of a 5% raise” cuts?
2. How much is the defense budget going by?
3. Is there any chance we’re not still doomed due to debt?
4. Call me when he promises to balance the budget next year. A promise 10 years out means jack shit.
Call me when he promises to balance the budget next year.
I would settle for “within my first term in office”.
Yep. Whole thing falls apart as soon as the next administration comes in. Democrat scraps it on general principle and a McCain Republican drops it for the optics. Only chance it would actually happen is if the next administration is driven ideologically or pragmatically towards a balanced budget, which I think is unlikely.
Its all in the draft stage so none of that is clear, nor is it even clear than any of this will even make it to proposal.
i agree with your “weak tea” assessment, but i still find the libertarian “Never Good Enough” attitude sort of tiresome
At the very least it should be acknowledged that there are almost zero rewards for a political figure to actually ‘cut stuff’, especially in a first term as president. The fact that he’d even make superficial gestures towards some sort of fiscal-self-awareness should be applauded and encouraged.
I think it’s entirely fair to argue that a ‘balanced budget within ten years’ is not a promise that will actually be kept. Rather than a ‘not good enough’ argument, it’s just an obvious example of kicking the can down the road and making it someone else’s problem. The cuts now are good, but in the long run they’re irrelevant if the Chelsea Clinton or Jeb Bush administration decide to add another ten trillion to the debt.
No one claimed it was one.
Point me to the last time any president even suggested balancing the budget was a *possibility*. I can’t recall one in this century.
Bush claimed to have one.
let me guess – by excluding 100% of military spending?
balanced federal budget within 10 years
How come whenever a proposal like this happens, it is timed to occur AFTER the president gets out of office.
Even Clinton, if the trend had continued, wouldn’t have balanced until 2001 or 2002.
Who is your team again sir?
I think he’s a Maple Syrup fan.
Another Honorable Public Servant Retires Gracefully
lost her re-election bid last year after being indicted.
She was a better pol than HR Clinton, who couldn’t even deal with the hint of wrongdoing. The FBI refused to indict and she still couldn’t win.
Goddammit. You just reminded me that my congressman is Charlie Crist. Fuck.
Mine is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Wanna trade?
Human-trafficking? Ewww.
There were no humans involved in that transaction.
I raise you… KEITH ELLISON! Beat that!
Must have been quite a town hall meeting…
Wright later posted about the incident on her Facebook account.
[S]he bravely ran away
away away away away
[Ms. Wright she] ran away
I am not even going to look him up to see what party he belongs to. I dont have to wonder about her political leanings either.
says something when the thought of a Democratic congresscritter getting harassed by some unhinged chick is pretty absurd.
In that case the story would be making international news rather than some Tennessee local.
I was born in 1981 and am technically part of Generation X according to “Top Men” demographers. While I definitely feel more affinity in attitude and culture to Gen Xers than Millennials, I think there are definite differences between those my age and those born in the “meat” of Gen X (say early to mid 70s). So I found this:
My friends and I always said we are the last cohort to remember what life was like before the internet. We also had the luxury of making it all the way through college without social media fuckery (I graduated in 2004 and Facebook went live at all universities in 2005). Thoughts from my fellow Glibs?
I was born in the 70’s…damn I’m old.
The Oregan Trail I played was not in color…
Monchrome, baby. Green, actually.
Born in the Summer of Love.
Lol yep. Green.
The way God intended it
My first computer was a TI-99/4A. BASIC with line numbers.
My first program I wrote was the santa landing on the roof one…
You just died of dysentery.
You ran out of buffalo.
born in 1966…
Don’t feel bad. I have all ‘o y’all beat.
The generation thing is stupid because they are too wide.
I was born in 1969, you were born in 1981, we shouldnt both be “Gen X”. But, of course, someone born n 1982 is a millennial, and entirely unlike you despite only 1 year difference.
Doesn’t work consistently over demographics. People in urban environments compared to rural environments were exposed to the internet way earlier on average. I’m a Millennial and probably one of the youngest people here but I remember DOS, Oregon Trail, didn’t have dial-up until 17 (and only had non-dial up once I left for university) and got onto Facebook at 20. Because I lived in the middle of goddamn nowhere.
’86 here. When I was 3 my dad had a Commodore 64. Haven’t been without a computer in the house since. Dial up around 7. DSL around 11. Cable around 14 (1.5 Mbps – up to 4 times faster than DSL!). Got one of his hand me down Athlon desktops for my very own when I was probably 10 or 11. We built matching desktops when I was around 16. My Xbox had a modchip, 160 GB HDD, ran linux from one of the 4 ROMs, played all my N64 games via emulator. Our series 1 Tivo from 1999 had dual 120 GB HDDs, LAN card. Not exactly big city urban dwellers (I lived in Spokane, WA), but my dad was a bit of an enthusiast in those days, so I benefited from that.
Speaking of disk size, I recall the college radio station back in ’93 getting a hard drive for the Mac with a big… 40MB capacity.
Of course, the TI-99/4A loaded programs from cassette tape.
Born in 91 didn’t have a computer or internet until 97 or 98. We had a Packard Bell because my dad mistook it for HP. It was a terrible computer but so much better than nothing. I remember Apple 2 and DOS computers being common until the Y2k panic. Before Y2k prep my school had all apple 2’s except for 1 windows 3 computer that was spoken of in reverent tones and reserved for staff and elp kids. My parents were behind the times so we had dial up until I was 17.
Facebook was around in 2003, I believe. It was only available to college students at first. I remember first hearing about it from a friend of mine at our fraternity house. I looked at it and shrugged: “this will never catch on”, I said.
But, yes, there is a difference between Millenials born in the 80’s versus those born in the early to mid-90’s. I remember the end of the Cold War as a kid. Kids born after the end of the Cold War don’t even know what a big deal it was when it ended.
One of my most vivid memories from school was being in 1st grade and watching the Challenger explode. The other was watching the Berlin Wall come down.
There’s a definite difference before and after.
I remember watching the Berlin Wall come down on TV with my parents. I didn’t grasp the concept of the Cold War, but I realized it was a big deal because all the adults around me were fixated on the TV. I also remember when the Gulf War started, because I was playing Nintendo and my mom came home from working and demanded that I stop playing so she could watch the news, because a war had begun.
I was a brand new 1LT when the Wall came down. Thought – “whew, guess I won’t ever have to see combat.”
I was visiting my relatives in Bavaria in the summer of ’89. The top story on the news was the tent city the East Germans had erected on the grounds of the West German embassy in Prague.
1st grade?? Did you think it was a dragon?
I was in 6th grade. we watched it live on TV in the library (one of those TV’s on push-carts). I saw the puff of smoke and realized it had blown up long before the news anchor had acknowledged anything was even wrong. I remember the teachers felt very awkward about it, as though they’d made us accidentally watch porno. I pulled one teacher aside who looked distraught and said, “Don’t worry. Accidents happen”. she thought this was hilarious and told everyone.
“Don’t worry. Accidents happen” is probably pretty similar to what they told Christa McAuliffe’s family.
Huh. doesn’t work in print.
Did you guys know the Challenger astronauts all had clean hair?
I remember being confused why my teachers were so upset, not fully understanding what had actually happened. And getting sent home early.
I was in eighth grade, and there was some sort of state-mandated standardized tests that either took half a day or our grade didn’t take, so I was home from school. I remember being ticked that they interrupted The Price Is Right.
Oldest GenX. Remember Watergate fucking up summer TV as a kid.
Iran hostage situation in Jr. High.
Reagan getting shot in HS.
Challenger exploded in College.
I was a brand new Armor LT when the wall came down.
I just missed going to both Grenada and Desert Storm.
Feb 1965
We’re old, dude.
Sheesh, older than everyone who’s posted so far.
’65 here too.
I was just short of 12 when Roger Chaffee, Ed White and Gus Grissom were killed in the Apollo 1 command module fire. I remember watching Kennedy’s funeral on TV. It was on all 3 stations so there was nothing else to watch.
I missed Desert Storm and thought – “well, that is that…” WRONG!
SLD: Collectivization is retarded, blah, blah, blah.
I was born in late 80 and usually get lumped in with Gen X (sometimes with Millennials depending on who’s doing the study). My wife and I have said for a while that there’s a tiny niche of people who were born in the early to mid 80’s that don’t really fit, demographically, in either category. I think that may be the article that we read that spurred us on this thinking.
I’m from the “using Alta Vista to jerk off to Pamela Anderson” generation.
*Raises fist* Solidarity!
8 bit strip poker on the Commodore over here.
Well that, and Oui.
No scrambled-signal?
Skinemax, of course
Lady Chatterly and I were great friends.
The only Kristol I ever liked.
+ Batman
Leisure Suit Larry?
To me, I think the rapid proliferation of information technology and telecom is a brighter demarcation than almost anything else. The advent of cheap cell phones, the internet, then smart phones, social media and the ubiquity of connection. Gotta be connected, all the time, everywhere. Stimulation, stimulation, STIMULATION. Perhaps WWII and 9/11 are as big in terms of sea change, but in some ways I think they even pale in comparison. I see the time we are living through now as akin to the Stone Age going into the Bronze Age or to the Industrial Revolution. It’s not just a single event that alters the world geopolitically; it’s an evolutionary change that alters HOW humans live at a fundamental level. Being part of a group (and likely the last) that remembers what life is like before that change is rather interesting. Perhaps it’s solipsistic of me though, my great-grandmother was born in the 1890s and lived to be 97 so she got to see from horses and buggies to space travel. Interesting times we live in…
I remember the first time being on some forum and was chatting with someone from the UAE. I was thinking the world just changed. It was pretty awesome.
I first started programming on a Pet computer with 16k. Had an Atari 2600 in 1978-1979ish. At age 14 my friend had a VIC-20 while I had a Commodore 64. At 16 I was programming Wang computers at an insurance agency. The main hard drive was the size of a washing machine.
I also remember when Facebook got big, and thought of it just as a competitor to the weirdo Myspace. Myspace was actually a lot more fun – everyone in the local punk scene was on it and we were always swapping pictures and getting raunchy. I never thought FB would take off, thinking that your average adult wouldn’t be posting pictures online for everyone to see. I guess it shows that I suck for determining future tech.; so don’t help on any start up that I’m part of!
But I also had a real “Tom Sawyer” childhood – very little parental oversight – always in the woods, or out with my gang of friends. BB guns, ice skating, wristrockets, fighting, BMX bikes, Dungeons and Dragons, etc etc
Soave spreads false accusation after it’s already been proven untrue:
“We know that mere days ago, Comey asked the Justice Department for more resources in order to continue his investigation into potential ties between the Russian government and the Trump campaign.”
That assertion, which came from the Washington Post based upon anonymous sources, has been refuted by McCabe today during his testimony.
I’ve fairly certain that Soave doesn’t actually know how to research things and write anything beyond clickbait. Should have gotten that journalism degree from Columbia.
I’m kind of expecting him to pull some sort of final Will Wilkinson-esque heel turn and reveal he’s now going to be writing for Mother Jones or WaPo or somesuch after padding his resume and wallet at Reason and Cato.
He actually pisses me off–I know that there were some more principled libertarians that could have taken the positions he’s managed to snag for himself. Sure, they might not have the hair, but they also might not have swallowed whole the leftist cultural outlook that Soave can’t seem to disavow, not to mention the fact that this isn’t the first time he’s not just been peddling crap–see the Berkeley brouhaha where after self-defense was established, he was still tut-tutting like it was those evil-right-wingers equally to blame, to keep those cocktail party invites going.
I’ve never seen Soave actually articulate solid and coherent libertarian values or principles in his writing. Whenever he voices a position that at least somewhat lines up with libertarianism, his reasons as to why are always some shallow reasoning, emotional appeals or vapid utilitarianism (i.e. “the left should support free speech because if they don’t it makes them look bad!”).
I don’t think it’s a stretch that he is just plain ignorant of libertarianism and using this job as a plank for his career.
(Not to mention that, after a couple of years exposed to him, I think his personality is pretty rotten. There’s an arrogance there that he constantly reveals)
And then that leads me to thinking about why a supposedly libertarian publication keeps on having issues with Weigels, Soaves and Dalmias…
(I already know the answer, though. It’s cocktail parties. It’s always cocktail parties.)
“Should have gotten that journalism degree from Columbia.”
Then he could just pull fabrications out of his own ass instead of reprinting what others have?
“To be sure, that claim came from an anonymous source that just got refuted…”
“based on anonymous sources” to me means “I am a shameless liar and just invented this out of thin air”.
This all sounds to me like “The FBI has not completed its investigation into a moon landing hoax yet.” Crackpots await breathlessly
Coming Soon to the US = Totalitarian Text Messages
Was watching this show called “Hate Thy Neighbor” or something like that. One of the episodes was in the Ukraine and the dude was talking to all these football firms. They’ve basically formed there own paramilitary groups. They have a little truce going on amongst themselves while they go out and fight separatist. The Ukranian military doesn’t control them although there is some cooperation. They sounded pretty hardcore. True believers and admitted racists. Ready to purge. Pretty volitile situation.
Two words come to my mind: Groovus Maximus
I hope he is ok.
I was wondering what happened to him. I didn’t think he was in Ukraine though. I thought Prague or something.
Odessa, in the other end of Ukraine. Well, now; I believe he was actually in Luhansk or Donetsk during part of the war.
Breaking News: Trump appoints French immigrant as director of the FBI.
So, is he going to surrender on the war on drugs?
The original was only marginally better.
That was pretty funny
But seriously, how would he be any worse?
Veterans Affairs has 346 workers who do only union work
*throws up hands*
Well, if you think you can find something to cut from the federal budget, I’m all ears!
Post office has same deal. I’m guessing they all do.
It’s frequently a way of giving clerical work to someone so injured or incompetent that they can’t actually perform the physical duties they were hired for. Probably cheaper than the litigation process involved in firing them for being useless.
I saw that kind of shit all the time at the state prison. The staff spend a lot of time whining to their union rep about being made to do actual work, then the time they spend away has to be covered by other employees in overtime. Good ol’ AFSCME and SEIU.
PS: The AFSCME and SEIU represent prison staff, and they donate astronomical sums of money to Democrats (in fact outranking the infamous Koch Industries by a huge margin) so keep that in mind next time you hear “progressives” complaining about private prisons; ask yourself why “progressives” might have motivation to have all prisons run by the state.
How many are shuffling the halls of Congress doing nothing but party related duties while collecting a federal salary? I remember reading about that 20+ years ago.
Desingner beard colors
So how many of you guys are doing this? Come on now, be honest. I can’t do it because I’m already too purty and I wouldn’t be able to leave the house without being raped.
Ok, that was supposed to be ‘designer’, not desinger, which I’m not sure what is.
Who doesn’t love looking like an idiot?
I’ve never tried growing a full beard because it comes in pretty patch. Which is a little faggy. But not nearly as faggy as having a nice, thick beard and dyeing it Skittles colors.
I don’t much like full beards. I’ve had this goat for about 20 years though. It’s already various shades of something, but no skittle colors. Wife likes the touch of gray so I don’t mess with the color.
That is officially the gayest thing I have ever seen, and I have watched gay porn.
Go on…
I watched wrestling once. Pretty sure that’s gayer than gay porn.
At 13 I was told by the Jr. High principal to shave because facial hair was a violation of the dress code. Seriously, I didn’t do it, but I only had like a week left of Jr. High. In High there was also a dress code, which everyone ignored and it was done away with when after my freshman year. I’m feeling ancient here.
Shit, I’m having a bad posting day. That was a response to your next post.
Yeah, I have issues with this threads often as well.
My face is too pretty to keep covered up with fur. I’ve never had a beard, even though I could have grown one at 12 years old.
So ‘Fruitloop’ isnt just a metaphor anymore.
Fake Scandal
Heh, these fake scandals, they keep on coming.
Huh, that link seems really familiar.
Damn, you actually read the articles?
Who said anything about reading. I just click everything hoping for hot chick pix. I was sadly disappointed.
Well, I mean ever since Thicc Thursday was cancelled, you’re more likely to see a penis.
Well if I find hot chick pics, I’m going to see a penis anyways.
Your wish is Glibertarians’ command
Chicks and guns. It’s like you can read my mind.
I take pride in my work.
Yes, but Hyperion’s link didn’t lead to a paywall.
*narrows gaze*
Neither did my link to that story…
Universities have lost their collective fucking minds
Muito dineiro to follow, without a doubt..
Would both those chicks
Bullies win if you let them. Which is sad because they’re so easy to shut down because at heart they’re all cowards.
So… what’s the deal with the sexy paramedics and Bill Murray?
Are you talking about ghost busters?
Looks more like Kelsey Grammer to me.
I also thought it was Kelsey Grammer.
Ahh… maybe someone should read the links.
And then tell me what’s in them.
history of the entire world, i guess
I thread good.
Couldn’t watch, too annoying. Guess I’ll go catch up on Poppy videos.
It’s been up one day and has 37,000 comments?
His History of Japan was well received.
Bangladesh prime minister says Clinton personally pressured her to help foundation donor
“While secretary of state, Hillary Clinton made a personal call to pressure Bangladesh’s prime minister to aid a donor to her husband’s charitable foundation despite federal ethics laws that require government officials to recuse themselves from matters that could impact their spouse’s business.”
More mysoginistic lies. Oh wait the Prime Minister is a woman herself. Not surprising but you can post this one on your facebook if you want to stick it to some proggy friends.
Did you hear about Lou Reed?
The Browns let him down
More mysoginistic lies. Oh wait the Prime Minister is a woman herself.
If she’s slandering the name of Vagina One, she’s not a woman-woman. More like an Uncle Brenda.
The proper term is Aunt Jemima.
I wonder how much this will get, compared to hard-hitting pieces obviously deserved of intensive front-and-center coverage by CNN, like “Trump eats chicken with a knife and fork” or the late-breaking “how many scoops of ice cream does Trump get?”
“Oh my God, you guys, stop harping on Clinton! you’re just trying to deflect over Trump being Putin’s fuckbuddy, and we all know it!”
Leave Hillary alone! *Tosses back blond wig and cries hysterically*
When asked to comment people had this to say.
I scream, you scream, idiots scream over ice cream.
I thought my song was pretty good. :'(
They have managed to crank it up past 11.
They broke the knob off well over a month ago and they’re going at it with a pair of channel locks now.
BUTTHEAD: Heh, heh, heh, Beavis, fruit plate.
BEAVIS: I know, right.
The David Frum “This explains a lot” is accurate. It certainly does Dave, just not what you think it does.
Moar Fake Scandals
Hey, not everyone can be Hillary.
12 terms? I’m sure they were all squeaky clean except for that one little slip.
You guys really don’t work, do you?
I drew a picture of a tree today.
I’ve had to go in at 5:00 AM every day this week. (Well, technically not had to, but they’re begging us to do overtime, and since I’m up before my alarm clock goes in, it’s easier to do an hour of overtime before the normal work day than at the end.)
Lately I’ve been getting up earlier. Having that extra hour of free time before work makes the morning much more tolerable. Not gonna waste it on doing OT, though. You da man.
I can use the extra pay. Better get it while I still have a job, since I expect it to get shipped to a lower-wage state when Fuckwit Cuomo’s minimum-wage hikes go into effect.
I just finished a week and half is shut down work at my plant. I worked 20 days in a row 7pm to 7am every day. I’m worn out.
OT: There’s this image montage that I saw once and (foolishly) didn’t save… It had two columns: the first one was a collection of screenshots of big media websites around 2005 heralding Venezuela as “socialism that finally works” and “the end of Western imperialism”. The next column was screenshots from the same websites listing the typical socialist horrors that are now taking place in Venezuela.
Anyone know what I’m talking about?