I had such a peaceful drive through the pastoral settings of central Texas yesterday to get my daughter. Listened to a few butthurt Dems lament the firing of the guy they demanded be fired a few weeks ago. Listened to the hype surrounding the deciding Game 7 between the Capitals and the Penguins. Heard surprisingly little about the Celtics vs Bullets (sorry “Wizards” but you’re always the Bullets in my book) and managed to conduct a little business. Then I reached my destination and got to experience the joys of unloading a dorm room on the fourth floor in a building where the elevator wasn’t working. Bastards. Followed with a nice five hour return trip and a wonderful discussion with my daughter about how so many of her friends had transformed through the school year into shrieking aspies who were dead certain (from their 19 years of life experience) that Trump was destroying the country and the world. Thank God she was as amused in describing the performance art as I was in hearing the description.

Pretty much sums it up.
Anyway, only one of those things matters now. So go ahead and vent Capitals fans. Vent that your team laid a giant egg last night and played scared. Vent that your captain is a shrinking violet in pressure games. Vent that its 19 years now since they got to the finals (a series in which I got to go see the Red Wings beat them in Game 4 and skate around with the Stanley Cup and bring Vladdy onto the ice, which caused me to cry). This links is for your tears. So here we go.
The hypocrites aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. To one in particular, its part of The Big Payback. Hit me!
Shit gets worse and worse in Venezuela. If only those wreckers and capitalist instigators would have embraced the Chavistas none of this would have happened, eh comrades?

A typical Tuesday in Caracas.
Man arrested for hiring 16 year old to dance in a bikini. No word on whether or not they’re gonna shut down every cheerleader and swim team car wash next or if the good old double-standard will stay in place.
Colorado on the cutting edge of something big. I wonder where the protests are.
And aside from Comey’s firing, this should be the biggest story in the country right now. But I doubt it even makes the cable news.
One last lament for Caps and Oilers fans. This is for you guys.
Have a great day, dear friends!
You should identify as disabled and sue them.
dang it….
Meh throwing stuff out a window is the same regardless of the floor
– 1 Count Vilem Slavata of Chlum,
Wow. First? Oh, um, say, if hiring a 16-year-old to dance in a bikini is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Anyway, here’s some breakfast derp: When Angelino squirrels don’t eat nuts: a feminist posthumanist politics of consumption across southern California
Feminists and nuts go together.
Feminists and but don’t go together.
Both jokes work.
*nuts, not but*
Fuck you, autocorrect
feminists don’t do butt stuff?
I have it on good authority from World Champion Super-Genius Savior Bill Nye that they do. Ergo = you’re all cishet shitlords that must be neutered.
No they’ll more than happily peg you to assert their dominance and challenge the cis hetero patriarchial paradigm
So am I naive to assume that the state will actually have to show objective and quantifiable harm to the 16-year-old?
She was statutorily raped hundreds of times by the eyes of passing motorists.
Yeah, not reading that.
Frisco robbers used gay dating app to snare hate-crime victims, feds say
“The hate crimes carry a maximum penalty of life in prison. ”
Ugh. These men “stole property, including motor vehicles,” why is that not sufficient to send them to jail?
Because if they stole that stuff from cis straight white men it’s not that big a deal. They stole from an oppressed group, so that’s just the ultimate evil.
I believe that sort of activity is actually encouraged and applauded.
Something has to be done to even out all that white male privilege.
No the stealing stuff isn’t what is important, it is saying mean things to an oppressed group that is going to get them life
Lady Justice takes a peek under the blindfold and thinks, “Those shoes are awful. Must be straight.”
There was a recent news article locally how a molester with a massage therapy office used coupons in the mail to lure victims. So, he’s not eligible under hate crime laws for any “enhanced sentence,” because his victims were mostly just white females of no particular protected class, and he didn’t steal property from the victims (aside from payments, I suppose). Just sayin’.
So, if lesbians passed themselves off as regular old hetero Tinder harlots to rob straight men, would the treatment be the same? To ask the question is to answer it.
25) I was listening to Ralph Stanley the other day, and the never-ending morbidity of the lyrics combined with the high-speed virtuosity struck me with a thought: Was bluegrass music the heavy metal of the 1940s?
I mean, I sort of think of bluegrass as played by old guys, but back in the 40s and 50s these guys were young, probably rebellious types. Like heavy metal compared to standard rock, they played a type of music that was more of a niche, that had to be sought out, that probably appealed more to disaffected young types. Maybe there’s even a parallel between the kind of high-speed foot-kicking dancing bluegrass attracted and headbanging? Or am I way off base with this comparison?
I think you’re way off seeing as bluegrass was pretty derivative of other folk music and had been played for probably 50 or more years prior to the 40s.
Just my opinion.
Au contraire, it is yet another parallel! Heavy metal was pretty derivative of existing rock that had been played for 20 or more years already. Just an offshoot of that rock with particular attraction to disaffected youth…
Heavy Metal is just Surf Rock with Distortion
Dude needs to learn tremolo picking.
Oh…Death metal on a clarinet.
That’s like fusion jazz surf rock.
But now it’s evident to me why Dick Dale is called the “grandfather of metal” or the “godfather of metal”
I can’t listen to The Ventures anymore without hearing double-kick-drum fills
On the other hand, the surf music WITH distortion is fucking awesome.
Hell yeah, I really liked I Get Around part. Would like to hear the entire song that way.
Dude, do you even Six String Samurai
6 String Samurai Dueling Guitars
Fuck, you beat me to it.
Dick Dale is pretty metal. Dude has tigers for pets and shit.
Bluegrass’s roots are Irish music. Fiddle tunes and whatnot.
This is like saying Mozart was the first punk …
Mozart was more like the Beatles–he wrote the book on how to do it. Liszt was the first punk. Beethoven was the Rolling Stones.
My point is: drawing parallels across musical genres (and especially time) isn’t worth the brain cells. Different cultures and perceptions of what music was.
Punk, for example, is amateur garage-band type music, one spawned as rebellion toward the mainstream. It’s hard to see how Listz, who was played piano since age 7, and received formal musical training could be compared to the genre, especially given the blues-based roots of rock music.
Further, playing bluegrass takes exceptional skill at one’s instrument, not the case for things like punk or heavy metal. There are certainly some punk/metal guys who HAVE incredible skill, but it’s not a prerequisite for success as it is in bluegrass.
As a devotee of both genres, skill is much, much more integral to metal than punk. Indifferent musicianship is often feature and a not a bug for punk bands. I used to have an old Misfits bootleg tape where Danzig starts yelling at the crowd in between songs, “We don’t care about making mistakes, fuck that shit. You care about that shit, go see a cock rock band or something.”
I’m gonna have to take exception with the bit about metal. It’s a very, very different genre than punk. A “bad” metal band is bad because there’s either a lack of instrumental skill or uninspired composition. Most metal musicians are heavily influenced by classical music, and often jazz as well. There’s a reason that there’s a subgenre known as “math metal”.
+1 Dilinger Escape Plan
+1 Texutures
Au contraire. Metal played without skills = Limp Bizkit or equivalent. I.e., really really not metal.
Who was J. S. Bach?
You know who else was from Austria?
Yes, it’s FALCO!
Why do you keep asking that question?
Alles klar, Herr Kommissar?
Just going to leave this right here.
Barbara Schett?
That migrant without any paperwork?
Steve Irwin?
Do you even speak Austrian?
G’day, mate!
Forget it, the only foreign language he knows is Swiss.
I just assumed Slammer had a typo
Erich von Stroheim?
My great grandmother was in a bluegrass band in the 1850’s. I restored her fiddle and it hangs on the wall now.
My great great great great grandmother knew how to whistle. I am mentioning this because I don’t.
Shoulda joined that gypsy troupe Pie.
Was she metal?
She was so metal she wore metal-studded leather hoop skirts.
iirc the disaffected youth of the 40’s were more into Swing and maybe even a little of that Negro music (aka Blues). Bluegrass was basically the country music of the 40’s
I’ve got something in my eye…
Elderly couple dies holding hands after 62 years together
I’m sure Rasilio will be along shortly to explain that this is the one successful marriage.
Wait…they died. Does it go into the unsuccessful column?
IDK. Everyone gets a hagiography when they die. But these folks got married only 3 weeks after their first date… Call me crazy, but I estimate a roughly zero percent chance that this marriage was anything but rocky as hell.
Why would you say that? My parents got married 6 weeks after a blind date and their 50th is coming up this year. Banjos and I got married very, and I mean VERY, soon after we met and we’re pretty happy (even after three kids in quick succession, which is enough to drive one insane).
Oh it’s certainly possible to get lucky like that. And in your case you knew going in that you were at least ideologically compatible (although if I recall correctly you were previously married to a psycho so you do know how hard it is to find the right person). I just find in incredibly unlikely that some dude could say “Hey Tom this here is Delma” and then those two people end up being perfect for each other in every way. I shudder to think what my life would have been like if I had married any of my first few girlfriends where I was smitten and oh so sure we were meant to be together. Especially if I were to have married in 1955 and the social mores of the time led me to stay with them forever.
I certainly believe that happy marriages exist, but I’m skeptical that many of them were matches created by a random number generator. Presumably most happy couples knew a fair bit about each other’s personality, values, goals, and dreams before tying the knot.
In all seriousness, SP and I knew within a week. We’re now going on ten years and this has been a fantastic marriage.
Absolutely. And how old were you when you met? This is take 3 for you right?. I totally expect grown adults with a lot of relationship experience to be able to quickly suss out whether their current relationship is the right one or not. I’m skeptical of the kids of a previous era who got married in 3 weeks at age 19 and then stay together forever because that’s what was expected.
Imagine if you stayed with your first wife forever because it was culturally and religiously expected of you?
Happy relationships are classic survivor bias. My current relationship is going on 16 years now and we’re both very happy. We both knew pretty much right away that we were right for each other. Of course we both thought that about our previous failed relationships too…
/waves hands furiously.
Way to go jinxing it, OMWC.
We had had some online interactions (she was the sysop for a forum where I participated), but never anything that you could describe as anything beyond surface friendly and polite. Definitely not extensive and never anything outside of public. When marriage 2 was ending, a mutual friend (and someone I mentioned in my post about Greatest Jewish Guitarists) suggested that I might want to talk to her privately.
I mark that as the start of the week it took for us. I was 52 at the time, she was 43.
My first wife was a foaming-at-the-mouth feminist, and nuts. But she was a nationally-ranked college basketball player and had an athlete’s body. And I was younger and more hormone-driven. We would have killed each other for sure if we had been forced to stay together.
We all need to have that one awful chick that makes the good one stand out. Luckily, I didn’t marry the awful chick that I had shacked up with for a couple years.
Funny thing is that if the Internet had been around when I met wife 1, I would have been able to avoid the situation because I could have looked up her playing stats. I found out later (much later) that she averaged 6 minutes per game and 6 fouls. I married the female Maurice Lucas.
What I and I suspect Negroni are getting at is that just because something can and does happen does not mean it is likely to happen or even have a measurable chance of happening.
The fact that we celebrate things like this when they happen shows just how rare it is, and lets face it, just because they were still in love with each other till they died doesn’t tell us whether they were actually happily in love or miserable in love and we don’t have the slightest idea of they were actually totally monogamous over that time.
The ODDS of this happening are tiny, it absolutely does happen and it isn’t even struck by lightening rare but anyone honestly looking at the odds would never bet on it.
My belief that I never really got into yesterday is that we could build a better stronger model of marriage specifically by removing a lot of the emotional baggage that expectations of sexual exclusivity brings.
This reminds me of a lot of “social construct” arguments. I don’t buy it. We won’t, just by willing it / arguing it well, reach a point where everyone is the Rational (Wo)Man who can blithely dismiss jealousy and consternation over their romantic/sexual partners having other romantic/sexual partners. I’ve seen too many people haughtily try polyamory and fail dramatically. Indeed, the rare exceptions are the ones who make polyamory work, not monogamy.
I’m also wary of chalking it up to mere odds, rather than people taking personal responsibility for their happiness and success in relationships; rather than, “oh, it didn’t work out, but it’s not my fault, this is how human beings have evolved / are socialized to be.” In fact, it’s anti-libertarian.
I met my wife-to-be when I was 17 – completely random through the power of a slurpee, a broken knee, and an ex-girlfriend. (long story)
Of course we didn’t get married until we were 29, but that was more of a hatred of social mores than anything else. As we got older and I started earning an income, marriage seemed like a good idea for the benefits and the decision to start having children. But yes, we had a long time to get to know each other, becoming best friends. If we had gotten married young, i would hazard to say we would still be together.
Is it bad that I originally read that sentence as “Hey Tom this is Dalmia?” Could you imagine being set up with Shikha?
She probably wouldn’t be able to object to you stepping out on her, so long as it was with an illegal immigrant.
My wife and I were married five months after meeting on a blind date. In fairness, we had to speed things up quite a bit because, right after I proposed, I got orders to Okinawa for a year. Why forsake that sweet, sweet separation pay?
Funny part is that we were set up by a married couple that neither of us knew all that well. The husband got kicked out of the Marines for being a druggie, and the wife was a stripper who had her own drug problems. After they split up, she became a prostitute who went to prison for working with her pimp to stick up her customers.
Now this right here is a good marriage story people
People always think we’re joking when we tell that story. Never fails to amuse the missus and me. She did something like 4 years in San Quentin.
Oh, and there’s also this – they had a son together. The husband ended up waiving his parental rights and giving custody of the boy to his parents. The wife was in prison at that time, so she had no custody rights and thus has no contact with the kid anymore. The husband somehow got some kind of clerical job with the IRS despite his OTH discharge, and spends most of his time fire-dancing now. Not making that up either – the fire dancing group he’s a part of performed at halftime of a Niners game a year or two ago.
See, Facebook DOES have a use – we wouldn’t know any of this if she hadn’t looked up my wife on it after getting out of the klink.
“I got orders to Okinawa”
Stop the suspense. How do you Okinawa.
Sounds kinky.
Drinking habu sake, doing lots of karaoke, and scuba diving.
How old are you? Your orders to Okinawa weren’t in 1945 were they?
hah….I’m 40, but I also enlisted at a bit older than most. I was 26 when we met.
Was it an act of contrition or some awful premonition
As if she saw into the heart of her final blood-soaked night
Those lunatic eyes, that hungry kitchen knife
Ah, I see sir, that I have your attention!
Well, could it be?
How often I’ve asked that question
Well, then in quick succession
We had babies, one, two, three
I asked my wife to marry me after we’d known each other two weeks. That was 20 years ago.
I think there are generational differences in culture that changed how people perceive marriage, what it’s for, etc. It seems like at a certain point the purpose of marriage in the popular mind went from forming and raising a family together to actualizing each other, “completing” each other. At that point, you’re doomed. It’s much easier to have a long-lasting, happy relationship with someone if you see each other as partners in a common enterprise, each responsible for pulling their own weight, helping each other achieve a common goal. It also brings you closer together, IMO. If you see your other half’s purpose as solving your problems or making you feel “whole”, you don’t really see them as a person so much as a tool, so you’re going to lack the respect and the humility you need for a successful relationship.
Well said. When I was in college, we had friends – who always had a revolving number of relationships – ask my-then GF and I how we made things work. My answer was: “We don’t treat each other like shit, and we’re friends first.”
My wife (then girlfriend) bought me a DVD of a bunch of videos directed by Michel Gondry, back when there were DVDs and people watched music videos on them sometimes, and I distinctly remember there was this bit where he was talking about something his brother had said to him about love. Basically, he was with his girlfriend for a long time, and he said that it’s normal to fall in and out of love with someone, but that’s different than love-love. You can’t stay “in love” forever; it’s like an emotional sprint, you just can’t sustain it over time. In those valleys, friendship is what sustains you. It’s nice to get butterflies when someone walks into a room, but the real paydirt is when you realize that the person you’d bitch about your wife to is your wife (or husband, or whatever).
Nicely said.
Very nicely said.
So much this.
My parents met at a wedding, had a total of four dates spread over time (my dad was in the military) and were happily married for fifty-nine years when Dad passed. Fifty years into their marriage they had a spider invasion at the house and decided that they needed to stay in a hotel until the exterminator could take care of the problem. While I was on the phone making arrangements for the hotel the two of them were talking to each other like a couple of teenagers getting ready for one very frisky prom night. It would have been cute had I not been so grossed out.
SP said to me last night, “I have no idea of how your first two wives let you live.” Does that make our marriage successful?
You’re still alive.
I think that was foreshadowing.
I’ve learned to sleep with one eye open.
Gripping your pillow tight?
Exit light?
Gripping your pillow tight?
The brown one?
If SP chokes to death now, it will be very, very suspicious.
Our daughter (webdominatrix on this site) has predicted this.
Do you sill have a penis?
The way SP puts it, SHE has the penis, I just am allowed to keep it attached.
I expect to go the same way except my wife’s hands will be around my throat.
“die, you son-of-a-bitch-die!” are probably the last words I will hear.
Of course i will say on my deathbed: “The gold is hidden in the… uhhhh….” ::death rattle::
Bill expects a similar fate.
It’s buried under the big W.
Gets very mad, mad, mad, mad and *narrows gaze*
OK, I lol’d. *slow golf clap*
Was this how the hand holding went down?
Four tons of garbage collected on Everest
“Chinese north side”
I think we’ve found the problem.
” I got to go see the Red Wings beat them ”
In light of the discussion on last night’s weird thread, this phrase takes on a whole new meaning for me
*projectile vomits*
Wings-Caps Game 4 hightlights
I still don’t know how Scotty Bowman transitioned to hockey coaching from managing Charlie’s Angels for so long. There’s so little crossover between the two jobs.
True. One thing I loved about Scotty was how he would stare off into the rafters, it seemed like nothing could shake him. So then we he did get riled up, you knew it was important, goddammit, and the refs better pay attention.
I always like how he just sorta took off the year that the Wings played zero defense with Coffey leading the way. After the season he said if they wanted to win the cup they’d man up and do it his way.
Dammit, now you’re dredging up bad memories of Coffey’s own-goal.
In these uncertain times, I take a great deal of comfort in the knowledge that the Caps will get bounced in the second round. That kind of reliability is rare.
/bitter Rangers fan
As a Redskins fan making the transition to hockey, all of this feels strangely familiar…
I always thought of the Caps as more analogous to the Eagles rather than the Redskins.
from the article “Zubaydah, whose real name is Zayn al Abdeen Mohammed al Hussein”
With name like that, your bound to get picked up by the CIA. Might as well get a Hitler in there to.
Any relation?
I thought it would be this story: http://circa.com/politics/clinton-pressured-bangladesh-prime-minister-personally-to-help-foundation-donor
Holy shit. And the guy she was trying to help was essentially a payday lender on a huge scale too.
And fuck Painter. He claims Clinton had no choice but to break the law because campaign finance laws don’t allow her to raise adequate funds. See, she really had no choice but to sell the office of SOS for personal gain.
One set of rules for thee, and another for the left…
Our insurance adjuster for my wife’s recent car wreck was named Osama.
That’s when I would decide to be called by my middle name. You know?
What if his middle name is Hussain?
Then he should choose something completely different. Like David.
Go FOTB Chinese: “Call me Oscar”
Just wait till you hear from the lawyer.
I interviewed a guy named Osama back in 2004. He said, “I go by Sam these days.”
Probably in D.C. blaming it on Betsy Devos
Did they follow her up from Bethune-Cookman, where they booed her yesterday?
Funny how college students are so opposed to school choice.
No protests yet, but I know if Hickenlooper signs this we’ll get an angry letter in the next local newspaper from our generally pissed off ex-teacher.
U of Arizona Is Hiring snitches
I actually feel kinda sorry for students who would actually report bias. I assume they also fancy themselves anti-authoritarian. But something is missing for a student who runs to the teachers to report colleagues for minor crap.
National Review covered this a few years back.
These are people who have never been bullied in school. Could it be that bullying has beneficial social side effects?
Let’s say tattle-taling is socially pernicious. But maybe parents and teachers have a bias in the way they raise their kids that blinds them to this, because tattle-taling allows them to run more orderly houses and classrooms. Other kids, though, can see through that and take care of the problem on their own via bullying. But when we eliminate bullying from the schools for what are surely good reasons, we get the negative unpredicted outcome that kids are now never socialized not to be snitches.
other parts of the job include planning social-justice programs for the residence halls, increasing “awareness and knowledge of diverse identities and how they influence interactions,” and promoting “inclusive communities through positive interactions.”
The first part precludes the second part.
Reason number 2.356 for living off-campus.
Kids figuring things out between themselves shouldn’t be classified as bullying. There is bullying that torments a kid for no reason other than that the kid is different from the group, that is terrible. It is a whole other thing when a kid gets called out by their peers for being a complete jack wagon.
We’ve got a cat that bites too hard when playing. The vet told us that was because he was raised without a sibling that would smack him down when he does that.
Negative reinforcement works.
All animals need to learn that actions have consequences.
This is why only children are the worst.
Hey! I resemble that remark!
Just imagine if Obama’s Choom Gang had kicked his ass for taking extra tokes with his “interceptions”. He’d be a better man today.
The first lesson in life and I always tell me daughter: NEVER SNITCH.
You’re the worst kind of miscreant if you do.
The youngest son was a horrible tattle tale. He would always come to me and try telling me how he had been abused by his siblings. My response was always “Huh, that sounds about what happens to tattle tales.”
Right after that he would run to his mother and whine. She was also the youngest in her family so she was receptive to his complaints.
My wife and I have been very consistent with our boy. He is only five, but he mostly understands that if he comes to either one of us with a tattle tale about what what someone did, his story is going to be ignored.
No one likes a tattle tale. I don’t want my child to be “that kid”
When my sister and I were kids and one of us would tattle on the other, my mother would always punish us both. One for doing whatever prompted the tattling, the other because “Nobody likes a rat”
Snitches get stitches.
At the daycare the educators are always teaching the kids not to tattle tale and here we have a fricken university legitimizing a loathsome behavior we teach to avoid.
Fucken assholes.
My response to getting punched/slapped/kicked by my siblings was to hit back. At which point we both got in trouble.
As a kid I always got back at my older brother. There was always a low level of warfare going on.
I once stabbed him – for some payback – with a Playmobil, leaving a foot imprint (you could read the copyright in reverse!) on his skin. Or the time where he was laying on the grass, waiting to go to church. I walked up and kicked him right in the head with my ol’ clunky Sunday shoes. Of course he made me pay for that later on.
We never tattled on each other though.
My sister and I (she was a complete tomboy) were the ones who always fought. We never tattled on each other, but we always threatened to. Not that it made much difference.
We grew out of that fairly early on though, about the time we hit the teen years.
The fighting or the ratting?
I had a tough spot as a kid. My older brother had 4 years on me. I could never best him in a fight. I had little brothers that were 2 years younger than me. They were twins so I could never fight just one. My older sister could always beat me up until I got old enough that it was no longer acceptable to fight girls. I got my ass kicked as a kid all the damn time.
My older brother has got 5 years on me so I was automatically over matched. That didn’t stop me from trying! And I still was “dangerous” enough to make him wary of bullying me since I would get back no matter what.
My best friend was in the same type of situation – the youngest – and got wailed on by his brother. He never fought back though, trying to go for appeasement.
Is there a lesson there? I dunno. I still harbor long grudges and can’t let slights to my “honor” (ha!) go.
I would think that the lesson is-
Always fight back.
Like I said, I got my ass kicked all the time when I was a kid, but that didn’t stop me from trying. Losing has it virtues. I’m probably a more resilient person for my efforts.
My dad, who was a cop, hammered that into me from a young age. Nobody respects a snitch, including the police.
The Stasi is alive and well.
Isnt deadspin supposed to be a sports site?
Its gawker so… no?
Yea i know they just peeve me pretending to be something they arent
But do they really pretend anymore?
The WSJ article is paywalled, but here’s Breitbart’s summary.
Deadspin is garbage.
No joy in Mudville. Eh, Sloopy? If it makes you feel any better, my favorite NHL team was never reached the finals. I feel your pain.
My pain occurred the day the Red Wings were eliminated from playoff contention this year, ending the streak of years in the postseason. Couple that with the Joe not seeing playoff hockey in its last year and yeah, this season sucked.
I have no love whatsoever for the Caps. None for any D.C. Sports teams for that matter. I cried when they brought Vlad Konstantinov on the ice because it was so sad what happened to him.
Red Wings fan, huh? Well then, I don’t feel bad for you at all. In fact, your suffering sends a tingle up my leg. Now sufffaaaa….
As Revenge for Killing Pepe, 4chan Is Trying to Radicalize Creator’s Other Cartoon Characters
I don’t think Pepe’s creator quite grasps how the internet works.
I’ve started to see Harry Potter getting the Nazi meme treatment as well after some trolls got tired tired of constant comparisons to the novels. Trying to associate the series with alt-right and kill the appeal.
Poop bombs: the Venezuelan opposition’s new weapon
Wait how do they wipe after producing the bombs?
Plenty of old bolivars to go around.
Or, “why you should never let your economy run out of toilet paper.”
Puputov Cocktail….. Band name?
Venezuela has Chipotles?
They’re throwing poop, not radioactive sludge.
This is why the revolution won’t be televised.
I’m surprised this isn’t getting more coverage. The people of venezuela are marching to protest Trump. I saw it on Msnbc.
Yes, but La Marcha de la Mierda just rolls off the tongue better than “Shit March.”
You know who else sounded better with their native tongue…
Saucy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOSYiT2iG08
Attending these is violating Niven’s 1st and 2nd laws.
1) Never throw shit at a man with a gun
2) Never stand next to the guy throwing shit at a man with a gun
Scientists Want You to Give Them Money to Study Psychedelics
I like this! It’s certainly better, than say, you being forced to give money like we are for a lot of other “scientific” studies.
I woyld like it if scientists would give me money to study psychadellics.
Hey man I just need a couple hundred grand for my next hit, after that I’m going clean and studying global warming
Groovy song.
Trotz doesn’t want to talk about Ovi.
I can’t blame him.
The freakout continues unabated.
Some here may say Everyday Feminism is the peak, but for my money I go with DU.
I heard Everyday Feminism was closing due to lack of funds… Gonna be a sad day for the interwebs
I don’t know. The derp has gone from being interesting to funny to irritating to disturbing. The less there is the better but never fear, there will always be plenty of it out there to make fun of.
But think, with a little patronage they could have punched through disturbing and become the feminist equivalent of that ISIS newsletter.
Oh, that’s red ink. Thank god. I stepped in it.
Suderman was the first name that popped in my head.
Oh, commenters at DU. It sounded like a Suderman column to me.
You should read his blog post from yesterday, basically saying the Russian hacking narrative has some real merit and that Rep. Chaffetz is a hypocrite because he was planning a series of investigations and inquiries on Hilary but now that she’s not elected, he’s not going to do that anymore. It’s like giving a guy shit because he’s not rooting for a team in the playoffs that never made it to the playoffs.
Member when the Left mocked any notion of Russian influence on American politics as the Red Scare?
Yeah, whenever they are accused of it.
That was back when the Russians were commies and totes okay. Now that they are not, Russian influence is bad.
That was back in 2012.
Not to mention 2008.
If you go by people that want to avoid discussing the criminal activity at the DNC and Clinton foundation, and more importantly, would hate for others to find out some insider pissed that the bullshit did it, those evil Rooskies embarrassed the left and ruined the She-beast’s run for the WH. Or something. So now they are the bad guys, and since that orange guy stole the election from a more qualified top woman whose great success was ridding the coat tails of a rapist scumbag, he has to be in cahoots with them…
Because it just couldn’t be people rebelling against a corrupt establishment that sees them as dispensable drones that should serve the elite…
Written by Tommy Carcetti. It takes a brave radical to use a fake name.
I like that he picked the name of a fictional character based off of Martin O’Malley as mayor of Baltimore, when he first developed his reputation for corruption and incompetence.
Yes, yes, the guy who was elected in a free and fair election is democracy’s enemy, not the idiots trying to overturn it.
So, you shall oppose this by protesting, rioting, refusing to accept election results, and causing chaos in the US? Deep thinker, there.
Putin doesn’t strike me as a heavy drinker. The worst ones aren’t.
Russia is the left’s Birtherism. And, frankly, Trump is right to string this along. The longer it plays out with absolutely nothing showing, the longer the left looks like a bunch of jackanapes for playing it up.
I thought Putin didn’t drink vodka though? The Russian equivalent of a teetotaler who only occasionally drinks beer.
Didn’t he come out of one of their intel services? I can see where that would be a much better path to success when a majority of your fellows tend to be heavy drinkers.
KGB in East Germany, got involved in politics and ended up appointed head of the FSB by Yeltsin (notorious alcoholic). So probably a few factors involved in the lifestyle. (Conspiracy theory parallels: Trump is also a known teetotaler in contrast to the death of his alcoholic brother.) Although I guess there is a state owned vodka brand bearing his name and likeness if you wanted to charitably reinterpret the comments.
The greatest quarterback in history is backing an interesting online venture.
The only part I don’t understand is why they used a picture of him in a Chiefs uniform.
That doesn’t look like Dan Marino. And Marino never played for the Chiefs.
Brings me back to the classic who was better Marino, or Montana. Montana had the Super Bowls and a strong team. Marino had the numbers and pretty much no support.
I grew up idolizing Marino. Remember those debates well. The Dolphins were AWFUL through most of his career. They had him, and a couple decent WRs, and a couple decent OL… and that’s it. That the Dolphins were as good as they were through his career (think they only had a couple of losing seasons) is an absolute miracle.
For all but maybe 3 seasons of his career, the Dolphins defense ranked in the bottom half of the league. I’m not even a Dolphin fan but it really irritates me when people denigrate Marino’s career because he had the gall to play for a team that never gave him a decent running game or defense.
I thought Unitas would be the best I’d ever see in my life but Montana proved me wrong. Marino might barely make the top 5.
Montana had a really good team around him. Marino had mostly shit.
Montana made the people around him great- there was a lot of turnover during his tenure. What he did that, in my mind, separates him from the rest was the thing that Unitas could do, but maybe even better- be absolutely fearless about being hit, getting the ball off a microsecond before the collision, accurately and quickly. Both of them had that leadership quality of, “We have under two minutes and no time outs. We’re two scores down. We have them right where we want them.” And then pull it off. Amazing cool, calm, and clock awareness.
^ This. I’d never say Marino isn’t a great QB, just that he’s not the greatest. He may have even been more talented – he had a stronger arm for sure. But Montana had what OMWC just described above. Probably the greatest example of that is the John Candy story:
Trailing by three points and standing at his own 8-yard line, Montana broke the ice in a tense huddle by pointing out John Candy in the stands. From there, Montana cemented his Super Bowl legend, completing 8-of-9 passes on the 11-play drive that ended with a 10-yard TD strike to John Taylor with 34 seconds left.
Mike, thank you for triggering me! In the 34 seconds that were left I finished a fifth of bourbon, then “walked” uptown in Oxford where I proceeded to get into a fight with some random guy in a Niner’s shirt, which ended with me burning his shirt. I do not remember anything else until the next day.
Yeah, here’s the thing – Montana had great defenses. Because of Montana and Rice and Craig and company, everyone remembers how awesome their offense was. Their defenses were almost as good, though. Marino never had defenses anywhere near as good as the ’80s Niners.
What’s impressive – and under appreciated – about Marino is he still got the Dolphins to two Super Bowl appearances.
Duper and Clayton were the only support he had.
Just the one, in ’84.
His ’84 season is still by far the best IMO. The records have been broken, but if he’d played in the era where DBs aren’t allowed to look at WRs without drawing a flag, his numbers would’ve been even more incredible.
Especially when you consider that defenses didn’t have to bother to respect the run game. His RB was Tony Nathan. Who was terrible.
Only one SB appearance for Marino.
*should have refreshed*
We all know that Tebow was the greatest ever. ESPN had football sabermetrics to prove it.
Well, those sabermetrics obviously don’t include the “wokeness quotient.” Add that and Kaepernick is 1st and 2nd best EVER
No, no, no…we all know Michael Sam was the best ever.
He should call it Tendr and let you swipe the meat left or right.
*narrows colon*
What the fuck is new about that? If I wanted to split a cow, I’d just post a CL ad and have a dozen calls in an hour. Then I’d go to the butcher and pay him, cone back in a few days and collect the meat that he had divided according to the shares.
My farmer will sell me as much of the cow that I want. I didn’t realize this wasn’t the norm.
I suspect this venture is targeted toward people who had no idea where the meat came from in the first place.
I’d say your suspicions are spot-on
Yeah. This is weird. We just bought a 1/4 cow. We have chicken coming from my brother in law, and will order part of a pig in a few weeks. I’m guessing them top men city folk figure stores just shit out meat and put on the shelves.
They know damn well that meat comes from the grocery store. They have no clue how it gets there.
In my pasture I have a steer that was a twin. His mother rejected him, so I had to bottle feed him for 4 months. He is now about almost a year old and has spent the last month in the lot eating nothing but sweet grain. He is about 800 pounds. On Monday he is going to the butcher. The Lachowsky house is getting ready to be fully supplied with beef for the foreseeable future.
Why would you buy it? Can’t get the milk for free?
Don’t ever question Joe Montana again. Ever.
You’re gonna be disappointed when he lays out the multi-level trapezoid the whole thing runs as.
Disappointed…or inspired?
This is the greatest QB ever.
Most interesting QB ever would have to be Frank Ryan.
Certainly among the smartest.
My mom actually treated Tommy Kramer for his abuse problems. She failed.
Ah, yes. The drunken King of the Rusty Scupper!
Tommy had a lot of potential.
He was my hero growing up. Tommy and Sammy White.
And she blames herself for not having done more?
She worked at a place called Hazelton. Lots of local celebs went there. Think Chris Farley did a spell there.
File under weird, but true. We hired an investigator for my company that was best friends with Farley. He actually looks just like him as well. His brother, a priest, is the inspiration for the Matt Foley character.
Woops. Quote fail. Thought I copied ‘run’s Farley sentence.
Do we need to prepare a cot for you, Chipper? That Minnesota fat is a unique kind of fat. You could almost call it a healthy fat. Almost.
Farley? So far it sounds like they have a poor track record.
I doubt any of the rehab centers had much success back then. Even now they don’t do so well.
Minnesota Fats? Love that guy!
The rehab-industrial complex is powerful here in Minnesota. It’s really quite a nice scam – out of the way place to dry out and lay low until the shit dies down.
No, the track record isn’t particularly good, since a lot of the people there weren’t exactly going on their terms. One of my cousins failed several times through that place. Funny, he’s been clean for years now, once he decided to – you know – stop using.
y’all a bunch of fly-over country hicks. The coastal betters need an app to get their meat.
I just bought a 1/4 cow in January. It’s delicious.
Genetically modified moths… This sounds like a bad movie like Mimic or something
Unless they can carry two diminutive Japanese women, I don’t want to hear it.
+1 Toho
Funny. Japanese women are scared to death of moths. I don’t get it all all. My wife will run out of the room if she sees one but has not problem picking up a praying mantis. Those things freak me out.
When I was a wee-shaver, a fad swept through the school where all the boys would capture and keep praying mantises in little enclosures and then we would feed grasshoppers to them and as competitive tensions rose, our mantis’ would fight to the death while we gambled lunch money on the contests. So let me just tell you, praying mantises are fucking awesome.
My gawd…that is so awesome.
Some might call it sick. I sir, do not.
Meh, if they were mammals it might have triggered my empathy gland. We’re talking about critters with a brain scarcely bigger than a small collection of human skin cells.
But enough about Socialists. 😉
Just disgusting things.
What the fuck is that? Parasite?
Yeah. HM gave a nice breakdown a few years back on it. I think this video captures what you boys in school did.
love the sound track
I couldn’t make it to the end. Feeling a little ill.
Damn Japanese side of youtube, you scary!
So the big local story has been about how Dominion needs to build power lines across the James River to supplement the local grid and prevent rolling blackouts during peak demand. A variety of interest groups have been fighting it for the last two years because “viewshed” and other bullshit concerns. The economics were pretty straightforward from the beginning, the least expensive option (by a longshot) was to run elevated lines across the river.
The issue was finally settled this past week. What was the compromise you might ask? Dominion is paying off all of the local mob. Historic societies, local tribes, etc… are all getting millions so they will shut the hell up about something that didn’t affect them anyway. All of those millions will of course be extracted from the locals in the form of higher rates.
I should have figured that was the endgame from the beginning.
It’s going to fuck up the viewshed for everyone right? They need to let y’all wet your beaks too.
Some of us are happy with cheap, reliable power.
How do I get in on that scam?
A) Set up organization
B) Bitch about every major project
C) ???
D) Profit!
C) is being willing to look like a complete ass in front of your whole community.
I’m already pissed at Dominion for double-charging me last month. Assholes.
Fuck elections. What we need is some good ol’ diversity quotas!
It gets really dumb after that.
Diversity diVERsity diversity……
Sounds like a great leap forward.
Maybe a trip through the Tunnel of Prejudice?
Fuck elections, we need legislators to be appointed by Top Men.
So, how should we get started? Let’s replace that old white man, Joe Biden, with Mia Love? Replace yet another old white man, Bernie Sanders, with Ann Coulter? Do you think this might be the kind of replacements they’d like?
No, their wrongthinkfulness renders them not authentically woman and/or black.
Diversity= less white people, more anyone else. And I’m expected to clap like a trained seal at the prospect that I and my children be knocked down a few pegs in all aspects of our lives.
Goose, gander.
Ah, American policing.
* Cop actually doesn’t shoot suicidal man
* Department fires cop for not shooting suicidal man
* Fellow cops text non-shooting cop, calling him a coward
Guy wasn’t trigger happy? We don’t need their kind in our PD! Shoot first, procedures were followed later.
Procedures? What are you talking about? Procedures are simply an obstacle to prevent us from catching all the bad guys!*
*Definitions may vary and are subject to change on a whim.
Right, the guy who didn’t shit his pants and panic-fire is the coward. And freedom is slavery.
The dude that didn’t shit his pants and panic-fire served as a Marine and completed two tours of duty in Afghanistan. I’m guessing the shooty cop would shit his pants if he ever saw active military duty.
Why is it that we expect massive restraint of our soldiers in a damn warzone, but police showing no restraint when dealing with our fellow citizens gets excused?
Because fuck you that’s why. I think cops should not be allowed to fire unless fired at first. If you can’t handle that, find another fucking job.
That’s kind of how I’ve always felt. For everyone that says to me “Hey, it’s a dangerous job” all I can say is “Yes, so if they can’t handle that, they should get employed doing something else.” Putting your life on the line is in the job description, so if you panic and go shooting someone innocent, killing the family dog, or throwing a flashbang into a baby’s crib, “I was in fear of my life” isn’t a good enough excuse. Get another job!
Except it’s not even a particularly dangerous job. Check the national labor statistics on job mortality. Cops are quite a ways down on the list. Even sanitation workers have higher on the job mortality than cops.
“Hey, it’s a dangerous job”
That shit pisses me off to no end. My fucking job is more dangerous than a police officers.
Years ago, my little brother was tasered in the chest by a police officer. He was charged with a felony of obstructing governmental operations. I could write forever about this story, but long story short-
It was absolutely unjustified, my father sued the department, and the charges were dropped. The cop that tasered my little brother justified his actions by telling my dad that he was just trying to get home to his family. Fuck him.
The cop that taseredy brother committed suicide about 6 years later while under indictment for drug trafficking charges. Good Riddance.
That is an awful story. As tragic as suicide is, I’m glad that at least he didn’t kill any one on his way out. Or did he?
As Sheriff Bell says in No Country For Old Men, “I always knew you had to be willing to die to even do this job.”
anyway, regarding the dangers of policing – I imagine that’s fairly variable, dependent on where you look. In most places like small towns and suburbs, I agree, being a cop isn’t particularly dangerous. In shitty parts of New Orleans or Chicago, probably a bit more.
Yeah, I take the “danger” thing with a grain of salt. Sure, it can be, depending on the situation, but it’s also a job where you’re issued with firearms, tasers, pepper spray, ballistic armor, and the ability to call in reinforcements. You have the legal authority to detain someone in the street, restrain them, and throw them in a cage until the judge gets back from lunch. If you shoot someone, most likely you’ll go on paid vacation until it’s ruled a “good shoot”, and then you’re back at work as a hero.
So, you know, fuck off, officer. Deliver pizza to public housing projects and then tell me how dangerous your job is.
Huh? What part is that?
The collapse in prices for Venezuela’s crucial oil exports has left it short of cash to import medicine and basic goods
Hard hitting journalism right there. What other cause for the shortages could there be.
The opposition blames President Nicolas Maduro for the crisis.
But that’s just like, your opinion, man!
Maduro is the problem. Everything was fine under Chavez.
Poor Venezuela. They just happened, by accident, to acquire the wrong Top. Men. It’s all just a misunderstanding.
They executed poorly, and thus, failed to bring about heaven on earth…
Bad luck man, bad luck. And wreckers. Bad luck wreckers
I believe BO said exactly that about the US being in the economic doldrums.
Heinlein, of course.
The capitalist patriarchy want him gone because he was showing the world we don’t have to settle for male white corporate oppression. Once again (((they))) have ruined a good man.
Socialism is the unluckiest political philosophy ever conceived. Every time it’s tried it runs into nothing but bad luck.
I know you were being sarcastic here, but the progs really believe this is exactly the problem…
Bad luck, wreckers, and kulaks..
Here in DC, we set our watches by the Caps choking.
“Caps choked? Must be 8:42am on May 11!”
That 2nd period was vintage Caps choking.
How are you gonna have all the hustle and bustle and yet, whenever you’ve got a chance to take a shot on goal, you slow it down and pass it back to your boy? I swear to god, it’s like every other time a Cap could either take a shot or pass, they’d pass.
Upon entering, the defendants assaulted the victims, restrained them with tape and made derogatory statements about their sexual orientation, the indictment states.
“She doesn’t mind the language, it’s the beating she don’t need“
+1 nasty little rash
Epic rant on the shittiness of the Capitals
Everyone was making the “Ovi is the only Russian not influencing DC these days” joke last night. Everyone.
He’s saying Ovi is the Maria Sharapova of hockey?
She’s actually won stuff, even if it was drug-aided.
Yeah. Should have called him the Anna Kournikova of hockey.
Kournikova won plenty in team events (doubles), unlike Ovi.
I meant Anna Kournikova. I get those two confused.
That’s so sexist.
Sharapova has one of those Seinfeldian changing faces.
/sexist pig
I’m so triggered right now. And by triggered, I mean crawling the Internet for more cheesecake pics of Anna Kournikova.
They all look the same to me.
He’s saying Ovi is the
Maria SharapovaAnna Kournikova of hockey? (FIFM)That makes more sense. Yep.
I’m always wary about these emotional reactions.
Reminds me when I had to calm my Portuguese friends down about Ronaldo when they were growing increasingly impatient on his international performance. At the time he didn’t have the quality of players and tactics to support him. Then – poof – it all unlocked itself. Same with Messi.
I think Ovechkin is an outstanding player and the Capitals did the right moves in my view including getting Trotz. The window is not closed….yet.
Let’s wait and see I say.
Other than that. Fleury was lights out.
Oops. ‘with his international performance’. And about Messi, I meant he’s going through similar criticism with Argentina – and still helped them along to a WC final in 2014. Very hard to win an international trophy. Plenty of great players didn’t win one – Maldini and Baggio for example.
I’m bitter ’cause I lost $20 and I’m from the area, but, objectively, it’s worth considering that the Pens are a damn good team, and, as you say, Fleury was on last night. Pittsburgh didn’t make any mistakes, and whenever the Caps made a mistake they got punished hard. It was the Dark Souls of hockey games.
Should have called him the Anna Kournikova of hockey.
Magazine editor quits after outrage over column saying he doesn’t believe in cultural appropriation
I always found the concept of cultural appropriation incredibly stupid and still cannot understand how it is a thing.
Well, it’s definitely a requirement for any advancement at all. Which is probably why they are against it.
The intention behind the magazine is to offer space for honest and challenging discussion and to be sincerely encouraging to all voices. The Union recognizes that intention is not enough, and that we failed in execution in this instance.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. You.
Meant that to be a silent scream. Oops.
The intention behind the magazine is to offer space for honest and challenging discussion and to be sincerely encouraging to all voices.
Obviously not.
I’m pissed at all of the cultures that appropriated the ideas of Thomas Edison! (or whatever white man you want to put here).
Yes, all other cultures must henceforth eschew anything developed by Western civilization and culture, including the enlightenment, democracy, technology, universities, etc.
No, because the West doesn’t have a culture, they just stole everyone else’s culture, so, you can’t appropriate Western “culture.”
That’s what I keep hearing. Even the French who are, by and large, the epitome of cultural snobbery elected a president who often said things like “France has no culture, the immigrants bring us culture.” Justin Trudeau said the same thing not long ago. It seems to be a primary talking point among globalists.
Those crafty Westerners, managing to steal all sorts of stuff from people who never had it in the first place! Must be some of that Tricknology.
Fine. Fuck their cultures. I never want to hear about them if they’re so sensitive that they can’t tolerate someone else learning and communicating ideas from them.
They really should stop appropriating white people’s tricknology to send out tweets condemning cultural appropriation. I find it deeply offensive.
So we fired the guy who tried to do this.
They are rejecting the Western cultural concept of logic.
The alternative to cultural appropriation is cultural segregation. There’s no better way for a culture to die out than to forbid the vast majority of a population from taking interest in it.
Father of the Year!
He is an inspiration!
Kevin Spacey?
I like how he cops to the bj, but he says he stopped her. I’m guessing it was after about 10-15 minutes…..”Hey, you know what? We really shouldn’t be doing this”
At that point I say in for a penny, in for a pound.
But yeah, the guy’s a hero. I’ll be 39 this year, and if I could convince a teenage girl to give me a hummer it would be tremendously validating. Not that I’m gonna try or anything. Just sayin’, I’d be flattered by the offer.
Yeah but you gotta wonder how the wife feels about it
In my version, she is joining in.
The John Oliver Property Tax Scam: HBO Comedian Secretly Buys Manhattan Mansion
Well hes just blaming the game not the player… The fact that a man like him was corrupted by the system and compelled to use tax loop whole only proves how bad they are.
Trump actually created it or just used it?
And, holy shit, there are a lot of ‘to be sures’ in that article.
Trump Time Machine!
“Trump actually created it or just used it?”
I see that pop up more and more. Progs used to say “This loophole or carve out was lobbied for by People’s Enemy X!!”
Now it’s just “People’s Enemy X did it”, even if said People’s Enemy has no actual political power.
They did it with Clinton a lot, justifying her incredible closeness with Wall Street. HRC, one of the 30 most powerful people in the country, was just a pawn tossed on the whims of big finance.
Seriously, what legislation did Trump get through congress that created this?
The article states that the original intent was for a tax break on run down properties that weren’t normally going to be developed. He used it when he built Trump Tower and his lawyers took it to court when they were denied using that exemption. Trump won and the loophole was widened for everyone to drive their dump trucks full of cash through.
It’s unclear from the article if he originally lobbied to have the exemption added, then expanded it or just just that his lawyers saw something and took a shot.
So Trump did not in fact create the tax “loophole”, he just exploited it. Like John Oliver.
It’s a bit hard to tell, but it seems like Trump was the first one to figure out that the loophole existed, and pursued it through lawsuits when the city tried to stop him from using it. So he didn’t really create it, but he was its pioneer in a manner of speaking.
So John Oliver owes him a debt of gratitude!
Then again we all got the sense he was a little hypocritical shit.
If wealth and power can corrupt a fine man like John Oliver we’re doomed.
I liked John oliver in his first season on HBO. He did some pretty good stuff on snowden, and civil asset forfeiture. Since then, I can’t even.
I posted that yesterday. Yes, I’m petty enough to point it out.
Running up the score…because wealth is zero-sum, you see. What the rich take, all the rest of us lose.
That’s how things work…
…ed 10,000 years ago in hunter-gatherer societies. Maybe we can evolve a bit?
Was the name “Bullets” too offensive? Someone wearing one of their t-shirts probably triggered a school shooting.
DC. Preet went after them.
via wiki
In November 1995, owner Abe Pollin announced he was changing the team’s nickname, because Bullets had acquired violent overtones that had made him increasingly uncomfortable over the years, particularly given the high homicide and crime rate in the early 1990s in Washington, D.C. It was widely believed to also be related to the assassination of Pollin’s longtime friend, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
A contest was held to choose a new name and the choices were narrowed to the Dragons, Express, Stallions, Sea Dogs, and the Wizards. On May 15, 1997, the Bullets officially became the Wizards. The new name generated some controversy because “Wizard” is a rank in the Ku Klux Klan, and Washington has a large African American population. A new logo was unveiled and the team colors were changed from the traditional red, white and blue to a lighter shade of blue, black and bronze, the same colors as the Washington Capitals hockey team, also owned by Pollin. That same year the Wizards moved to the then MCI Center, now called Verizon Center, which is home to the Capitals, the Washington Mystics of the Women’s National Basketball Association and the Georgetown Hoyas men’s college basketball team.
*bangs head against wall*
So that means black magic is banned right.
Tried to bold that part, but I screwed up the tags. Yeah, my eyes rolled at that one.
Could have been worse. Choice #3 was “Kleagles”
Like the vagina tightening exercise? Say what you will, but I think that team name would send the right message.
*golf clap*
I still think of them as the Baltimore Bullets, which is even more appropriate.
They found out that Trump fired Comey and now they’re rioting again.
I heard somebody made a video denigrating Catholicism.
Hate speech does it again.
Is there anything it can’t do?
Remember when I posted a link earlier to a campus shutdown at ultra-liberal St. Olaf where students were protesting an anonymous racist note left on a black student’s car?
Get ready for this. It was ….. FABRICATED!!!!
Who would have guessed that it was a fake?
It is nice to see how easy they can pivot from “THERE IS SO MUCH RACISM HERE!!!!” to “well sure, I’ve never experienced any racism here, but we should be on the lookout for some”.
So did the boy who cried Wolf for the first couple of times.
So it’s like a racism fire drill? Huh.
That said, fuck St. Olaf.
What are you, an Adolphus alum?
If you were going to create a fictional liberal arts college in Minnesota, you couldn’t invent a more stereotypical name than St Olaf
She said she would be graduating soon, leaving for Europe in June and “would rather not spend the end of my college career and my last month and a half in the U.S. worrying about an investigation.”
She doesn’t care about racists. Get her!
She’s gonna freak the fuck out when she sees how tolerant those Euros are. No racism there at all. Nope.
Nah, she’ll probably ignore any problem like the left does whenever the economic problems in Europe are brought up.
Could have happened though so narrative.
Whoa! No wai!!
It started a dialogue! Isn’t that all that really matters?
Now I want to check on the American University incident, because, as predicted, I have not heard anything further from the administration, even though they promised to continue to communicate.
The flippancy with which “hate crime hoax” is bandied about will never not be shocking to me. Even after the UVA fake rape shit, I still can’t believe anyone would think, “Look, faking a felony to get attention isn’t a sign of serious mental illness and may reflect negatively on the culture, it’s just something that can lead to a discussion of real problems…that we seemingly can’t find many examples of since we put all of our hopes and dreams onto these fake ones, but still!!!”
Yes, hate crimes are so pernicious and ubiquitous that we need to fake them in order to start a “conversation” to address the problem.
You can tell they feel let down by the revelation that it’s fake. You’d think that would be good news, that racism isn’t as bad as we thought, right? Wrong. These developmentally stunted individuals crave the opportunity to lash out in morally self-righteous posturing to signal how devout and woke they are. It gives them dopamine hits, so they always want more “hate crimes”.
What the hell is going on in the article’s accompanying photo? It looks like a Mormon doorbell ringer trying to sell a cocoon with a midget inside of it.
1) the Mormon is the manliest man enrolled at St. Olaf. Seriously, I’m stunned they found such a masculine dude there.
2) it ain’t a little person, it’s a ‘mocker
For some reason our young hipsters have taken to the trees.
I have Morning Joe on in the background as I get ready for work. If I had to take a drink every time I heard them say Russia, I’d never make it into the office.
So, is that a bad thing? Just aks’in.
But did you hear that Joe and Mika are engaged!!11!!!11!!
Is it Masochism Thursday in your part of the world?
(shudder), I’d rather face a two-hour lecture from Dalmia.
Kind of, sort of score one for the 4th amendment?
Bob Seger returns to Pine Knob
If you’re into it.
There he goes, on the road again…
Is it too early for a drink? (working from home today)
Good no. Let’s get drunk.
No, here you go.
5 PM is perfectly respectable round these parts
Only beer or wine, have some self respect!
I working the night shift this week. I have had 3 beers since 7am. I’m just about to pop the 4th.
The “holy crap, I’m being taken seriously” news of the week: I got a notice to join a Specialty Court Review panel. This is like “we think you’re OK, and wonder if you’d give your opinion to members of the judiciary” sort of panel.
And sometimes a stepping stone to being a *gulp* judge/magistrate/referee.
Lol! Yes, they have no idea who they are dealing with.
Go you!!
I want to find the person who invented auto-play burn his house down and then kill him. I’ll bury him next to my previous victim, the guy who invented the automatic function for power windows in cars.
I was sitting my car yesterday trying to crack the damn window, and it kept going all the way up, or all the way down. I could not get it to stop. All the while my 13 year old daughter is laughing her ass off while I’m swearing at the thing.
Worst widely adopted invention, ever.
I turn a crank to open my windows, as God intended.
These euphemisms are getting less obscure.
those switches have 2 position detents, you can use them like normal switches if you don’t ham-hand the things
1) that feature varies 2) it’s my god given right to ham-hand switches and have shit still function as desired
Car shopping is hell. What we really want is too expensive. Everything else has some kind of drawback. Maddening. It wouldn’t be so bad if we had more time, but since the remains of my wife’s former car are being stripped for parts, time is of the essence.
Okay. That’s funny.
Alright, that’s pretty great.
Okay, that is funny.
That’s great.
Well, it was pretty good.
Next month I’m going to be seeing John Moreland play in Ann Arbor. Looking forward to a mini-vacation since I haven’t had much time off since December.
Wife and I are taking the kids to see Mumford & Sons in a few weeks in Pittsburgh for their first real concert. Drag camper there, concert, camp overnight, then back to Michigan to camp the rest of the week. Pretty excited.
He’s a rather sizeable fellow.
He ’tis. Good heart-breaking lyrics though.
Losing Sleep Tonight
Preview of Thicc Thursday:
Also proving that there has to be at least a few British women on the right side of the Bell Curve.
Eh, I’m more partial tothis side.
No saying I wouldn’t, but I’d definitely want to see her ID first. I see more developed girls walking out of the middle school; not that I hang around watching… um…. let’s talk about something else ok?
Well, considering that she’s 27 and famous, you’re good to go.
She’s a-ok.
Great Caesar’s ghost! I’m all in.
Gah, plenty of cellulite.
Fortunately we have a very advanced rear shock absorption system to prevent injury from over-rapid engagement.
I really need to move closer to the beach.
Dat vertical asymmetry doh.
Seriously, I’m sure she’s fine, but she’d look better if she transferred about 1/4 – 1/3 of the first floor to the second floor, if you see what I mean.
Ugh, An ass the size of Texas with copious amounts of cottage cheese. No Thanks.
Board meetings at the office means lots of yelling and free food.
When do they bring out the hookers and cocaine? I just assume all corporate board meetings are Wolf of Wall Street/Bernie Madoff style.
We gave all our money to SpaceX, so I think hookers & blow have been eliminated from the budget. If they want hookers & blow, they’re gonna need to go see Elon Musk.
But does it make up for all the blood?!
Ten Best Nigel Farage moments
Dear Lord I love that guy.
I wouldn’t call that his ten best. It only had one or two tirades of him telling the rest of the EU parliament what a bunch of assholes they are. He’s given dozens of such rebukes and many were better than one’s on display here.
The way he would rip the EU parliament to shreds and they’d have to sit there and listen to it was beautiful
Ohio Department of Education going after online charter school.
“overpaid by $64 million last school year”
Jason Heyward is jealous.
Quist has said previously that he was taken out of context when he told the Chronicle in a audio-recorded interview that he would support the registration of assault rifles. The comments have become the subject of attack ads against him.
When asked about this Wednesday, Quist said he meant “fully automatic” guns should be registered. Registering those types of firearms has been required since the 1930s.
“I wasn’t aware that those are already required to be registered,” Quist said.
I guess I was wrong. He’s more like Maxine Waters in a cowboy hat.
““I wasn’t aware that those are already required to be registered,” Quist said.”
I’m an ignorant motherfucker, clearly I should be given political power.
This slogan could work for ~97% of our elected officials.
Yabut, what about the shoulder thing that goes up?
Is it too early for a drink? (working from home today)
The sun is always over the yardarm somewhere.
My dad and his wife just got back from Italy, and they ate that famous Florentine steak. Anyone have any experience cooking one of those things? I wanna try it.
I wish I could reproduce the steak I had at a Cuban restaurant in Puerto Rico. It has some delicious green sauce on it and the beef was so tender. The gin & tonics (geeen? and toneec?) there were strong enough to float a boat.
As best as I understand, the key to a great steak is the raw material. Cooking a great steak is not difficult. Obtaining a quality piece of meat is the trick.
It’s the opposite for me. There is a world-class (and I mean world-class) butcher in Alexandria. My problem is getting the temp just right. I like mine on the line between rare and medium rare.
Heat is the key. When I grill, I make a very hot fire. My goal is to burn the fat around the edges and sear the outside of the steak before the inside gets cooked.
The way to make it work is to have a very hot hot grilling surface and to spend very little time cooking your steak. Maybe 4 minutes on one side and 3 on the other. That way you end up crispy fat and a pink to red center.
Black and blue is the only way. Then you can soak up the blood with a piece of sourdough.
I wonder if cooking directly on the coals would work here? Alton Brown does it with flank steak, but that’s a very high, very fast cooking (like, 30 seconds per side).
I prefer the reverse sear method.
I have also had great luck with a sous vide cook followed by a crazy hot sear in a cast iron pan.
I was thinking of doing this sous vide to hedge my terrible track record of steak cooking.
It’s a nice choice because you don’t have to pay such close attention.
For grilling, do you have a decent thermometer? It really makes a difference.
I only have a digital probe that I use for poultry. I really need to get and instant read.
Yes, you do. Knowing when to pull the steak off is important and could account for your troubles.
I have one of these.
It’s cheap and accurate. They make a more expensive, slightly faster one, as well.
Buy one. Today.
Just bough this one. Should be here Saturday, so I could go get my meat tomorrow night and have it for Sunday din-din!
This one
Yes, the direct/indirect method works pretty well.
I start with frozen steaks, and throw them on the hot side and then transfer to the cooler side of the grill after a few mintues searing the outsides.
I watched a couple of episodes of House of Lies last night. I’m on the fence, which means I’ll probably watch a few more. The kid creeps me out.
I find it to be a depressing documentary. Like Portlandia.
Tesla solar roof initial pricing competitive with asphalt shingles.
Yeah…. no.
They may produce electricity, but I’m betting they’re shitty roofing material and most likely, you can’t walk on them without damaging them.
One roof leak and there go all your savings.
I’d be interested to see how they’re installed. I’d insist on snow barrier over the entire roof to prevent water intrusion instead of the usual application. It comes with an ‘infinity’ warranty too…
If you really want solar, install panels over a quality roof. I’m not into this dual purpose stuff. Too many ways it can go wrong.
Installed over a quality self adhered underlayment like Grace Ice and Water Shield and you’re good to go.
I work in building materials testing and I’ve tested several of these solar shingles and every. single. one. has failed the wind driven rain test for water infiltration.
Ugh. So I’m sure they’ll sell like hotcakes in FL and TX. Great…
Not without passing.
Excellent. I’m in the insurance industry so that brightens my day.
Florida Building Code and Texas Dept of Insurance have both adopted the Miami-Dade requirement for wind driven rain for steep sloped roofs, depending on your proximity to the coastline (everywhere in Florida and a ton of area in Texas). There are more than a few companies trying to get in on this market, one in particular has been trying to pass for 4+ years with no success.
Let’s not bring race into this.
They identify as waterproof, cishet shitlords! /prog contractor
$210-$220/SQ is pretty standard for architectural shingles depending on your location. It certainly piques my interest.
How big a subsidy did he need from the US government in order to afford to set the price that low?
30% of the cost of materials…
How much of that price is subsidized?
For your listening pleasure:
Yes, a direct ripoff from Rick and Morty.
Also, the best part of these girls (aside from how they look) is the band name. “Their current name is derived from a historical scientific name for a species of amoeba.” Chaos chaos was always my favorite amoeba. Then the bastards changed it to Chaos carolinensis. Probably the same human paraquats who demoted Pluto. Power-drunk bureaucratic Illuminati equine posteriors.
I got into an argument regarding Net Neutrality on facederp.
What do you call it when you win the argument, but everyone pretends you’ve lost?
Shades of boom and the bust.
“Collective Denialism”?
I regularly read articles about rhetorical modes like that, where simply “pretending you’ve won” (even tho you have no argument) will drive your opponent into a froth
My problem is i always forget the terms used to describe these things. there are so many and they often overlap.
A lie repeated often enough….
BTW, its pretty much Buttplug’s only rhetorical mode.
he just goes, “Duh! Obviously X”
and when people go “here are 100 reasons why X is stupid”
he goes “LOL look at all you TEAM RED PEANUTS GETTING PWNED”
Feels like the other site recently.
It’s not a debating tactic so much as they just don’t acknowledge the rebuttals. “We are consumers; big bad cable is screwing us over; super-awesome good government will make them stop” is literally what they keep shouting over and over again. Oh, and if you are a customer that wants certain traffic to more reliably and quickly to get to its destination, you should just purchase much more bandwidth than you otherwise need, so that even if your neighbors’ netflix and steam downloads are at a high level, your packets will still make it to their destination reasonably quickly. They literally refuse to acknowledge that not all people connecting to the Itnernet want the inbound/outbound packets privileged the same. The fact that the rules can be used as a cudgel to keep competing startups from entering into markets dominated by the big bad cable companies they refuse to acknowledge. It’s like they’ve never heard of Strategic Lawsuits to Dissuade Competitors.
No, they believe that they are the 99% and the law should force society to cater to *them*. It’s even stupider than syndicalism; at least the syndicalists produce goods and services.