Looks like you get me again for the Afternoon. So I will continue to just lob a few random links out there, and let you go at it.
- HaXxor Attack in Britain! No word if they are l33t.
- I’ve got motherf#$%ing scorpions, on a plane!
- OK, which one of you was this?
- Yeah, click this and you will see an “important topic that producers should not be afraid to report to their veterinarian and to all breed associations.”
There you are, links with even less substance than normal! Enjoy, scorn, revel in or despise – as you want.
Can Trump reinstate Clapper to some position just so he can fire him again?
Assistant Vice Janitor.
Don’t you mean Лит?
Video of said l33t haXXorz
I’m assuming this is a clip of someone hacking the gibson.
Hack the planet, etc.
I forgot about Bunk being a Fed.
Get out of here, hacker!
I preferred the guy who kept telling me to come in, don’t stand there.
Affecting users in US as well. My company’s IT is battling with affected PCs in our company.
One report on this stated this malware originates from malware developed by NSA but I have not seen that mentioned elsewhere
Of course (based on other articles) caused by the NSA sitting on a vulnerability because reasons and not releasing info about it (so it can be patched) because reasons.
Obviously it’s the Russians trying to undermine the Labour Party.
As if Labour needs any help with that.
Nonethless, every electoral loss or minor setback within leftist governments and aspiring communist dictators is being attributed to Russia. In other news, the Venezuelans are rioting again because of Trump firing Comey. The Venezuelans are very concerned about the Constitution or something.
Ummmm…last link brokey.
Wait he was masturbating the cops? Had to have been Dunphy
Golf clap.
If you’ve already reached the tunnel, why would you need to masturbate?
*golf clap*
You might need a little fluffing to get in.
Dude’s name is Esquilin…what did you expect?
“Go back to Joisey you paehvert!”
Did they fly in on the winds of change?
Probably escaped from the zoo.
Were the passengers rocked like an hurricane?
I got stung by a scorpion once. I felt like I was on fire for about 3 hours.
what kind? I got tagged once and it was like nothing.
Now I have it narrowed down to 3 fraternities that you might have pledged.
My son got hit when he was 2. He started tweaking out so I took him to Phoenix Children’s, where they administered an anti-venom for about $40,000. The boy’s pretty much fearless now, so money well spent.
*blinks repeatedly*
Fly? Like a Jet City Woman?
…it’s all I got
It was Scorpions. It makes me wonder if there’s Anybody Listening.
Some Friday night weirdness. In Which someone who looks very much like a dude but apparently “identifies as a woman” proceeds to mansplain that lesbians are sexist if they don’t like penises
I’ll be sorry when everyday feminism is gone.
I love it when they eat their own. Or don’t, as it were.
Also, I’d link to Dude Looks Like a Lady if I wasn’t posting from my phone.
On it.
That ADAM’s apple just keeps moving around and drawing attention to itself. Inconvenient truth there, I suppose.
That and the shoulders
I suppose the corollary of this is that men are sexist if they don’t like penises too.
It was eleven levels dumber than that. She’s basically decided that her “identify as” supplants your own sexual attractions.
Basically it is the end result of some poor fool following their own logic chain to the point of “if I feel like I am an attractive woman, then you must be attracted to me if you identify as someone who is attracted to women. Even if I happen to have a penis.”
Presumably the same logic follows for all body type activists: You are transphobic if you don’t find a trans woman (or man) attractive. You are fat-phobic if you don’t like chubby women. You are racist if you don’t want to have sex with Yanomani women. Etc.
But the glaring part is that she’s decided that her personal “Identify As” trumps your personal “Attracted To”. As if you can’t identify as someone who is attracted to 19 year old blond women with big, perky breasts and a cute little v-j surrounded by a Brazilian wax job.
How about this: I’ll respect your “identify as” and you can respect my “attracted to”?
It’s been a long time since I’ve banged a Yanomani chick. Great sex, but those wood squewer thingys in their bottom lip do get in the way a bit.
Sorry to tell you, but that hipster in Venice was WASN’T Yanomani.
Now that you mention it that full sleeve of arm tattoos didn’t look very traditional at all.
The idea that you must be attracted to group x is no less retarded than the one that you must like or respect group x. While the former isn’t popular at the moment the latter has enormous support and legal weight behind it.
S/he looks like the Kurgan with a wig on.
That’s extremely unfair to Clancy Brown.
I’m pretty sure that was posted here a couple of weeks ago.
Either of that or the same sentiment is being written multiple times there, which wouldn’t surprise me.
I lost count of the lazy, self-serving logical fallacies.
But I found it amusing how the author calls other people’s arguments a strawman right after making a strawman of their position.
I am going to keep linking this here : The Cotton Ceiling.
That scorpion thing would actually be a pretty awesome security system: instead of sky marshals have a bunch of secret overhead compartments filled with scorpions. If anyone tries to hijack the plane (or is just generally unruly and you’re too lazy to get a government thug to kick them out) a rain of stinging arachnids will solve your problem. It’s the evolution of the trunk monkey!
Only if persists for more than two hours?
Side effects may include nausia, madness, extra limbs growing out of your body, and spontaneously breaking out into chants to elder gods. Do not take Tfarcevol if you are nursing, pregnant, may become pregnant, or plan to visit Innsmouth.
I don’t know if Sloppy already announced it, but the Glibertarians.com passed the 100,000 comment mark this week.
Wow, That’s a whole lota snark and STEVE SMITH memes.
“Glibertarians is looking for an intern to build our cutting-edge new comment system! Yoú will be expert in Perl, SourceForge and Adobe Flash!”
You know who else hired an intern that ended up fucking up everything good about the site?
How do you know this? Secret admin powers?
Does that include just the numbered comments or subcomments too. What’s up with the numbers, anyway? JATNAS-mania?
My admin powers aren’t a secret. I’m just not allowed to used them.
It includes the subs. Otherwise, we’d only have like 10 comments.
Also, I’ve heard rumors of a secret deep numbering scheme which would allow you to link directly to comments like on a certain other site.
Yeah I need to email SP about that.
The comment # link is pretty well known.
What most people didn’t know is that there’s a permanent User ID embedded into the html, which is assigned in sequential order based upon when a user signed up for Reason.com.
So, for example, Tulpa, who is currently using the handle “Chip Your Pets”, has always been User ID 126 (not that you wouldn’t know Tulpa’s writing style immediately).
It’s very easy to catch the handle hoppers with User ID. I haven’t bothered, because I don’t really care.
I’ll be dipped in shit. Never knew it was exposed like that.
Re: idiot boy. Other than mendacious reveal as soon as he started commenting, why wouldn’t he just sign up under another throw away email address rather than just keeping the same one?
The serious stalker does that. Always re-registers.
ID # 667, that was close
I use a chrome plugin that allows me to display all anchors, so I can get urls like this one :
Your Dashboard should list it. 102,190 Comments currently.
You have a dashboard?
We all do. It allows you to chose colors or something.
Too bad it doesn’t apply to the main site. This blue links on blue background really isn’t my cup of tea.
You are not poppy. You are bacon. Delicious bacon.
That last link is fucking useless without pics.
Also, why do people freak out over scorpions? Unless it comes from the middle east they don’t even hurt that badly. I’d rather get tagged by a scorpion than stung by a bee. FFS people.
If you’re wearing boots, you just stomp on them.
Screw you. Have you seen this documentary on scorpions?
Trump’s trolling is now epic.
I’ve been stung by a scorpion once and stung by bees. I’ll take the bees. The scorpion hurt like a bitch.
Did you get revenge?
I get that they aren’t really dangerous unless you’re a kid or elderly, but mostly because they’ll make your life suck for a few hours. Maybe you got lucky and it didn’t hurt, but nearly everyone I know that got stung by a scorpion said it hurt like hell.
Vhyrus – this is the pic at the last link.
“Swiss Servator Currently serving at the pleasure of a Swiss multinational.”
When I was in grad school, I temped for a large insurance agency. Not long after I started there, they were acquired by a company whose name starts with the 26th letter of the English alphabet. Said company was/is based in a country associated with the alps. One of the lawyers in my department told me one day that the company had started to go downhill “ever since it was taken over by a bunch of fucking [citizens of a country associated with the alps] bankers.
Zero Hedge?
They predict everyone else is going downhill. I wouldn’t be surprised if they make a bundle doing it though.
I like the number of links they go and find, but they’re a bit loony on some stuff. If the price of oil goes up $X a barrel it’s an OMG! event that will shape the future! If the price goes down a few bucks that too is an OMG! moment that will shape the future!
It does, in a very minor sort of way.
yeah, they’re good for chart fodder and their closing bell article is usually interesting, but it’s a bunch of millennarian whackjobs commenting over there.
Dow drops 1% and it’s the goddamn end of days
Zed Zed Top?
Insurance agency or insurance company?
The Z people don’t really do the agency thing – they use brokers for P&C stuff, or sell life products through banks and the like.
If it was Zwiss Re, I could speculate it was them, maybe…?
In free speech good news: a Kentucky court has ruled that a printer does not have to print gay pride t-shirts. And they even use sound, non-wishy washy language
Thanks for the info. Sure my derpbook feed will be lighting up soon. Ugh.
What these fuckheads never understand is that most businesses are thrilled when a competitor takes a principled stand like this. Easy money, if providing a service were actually the issue here.
No you have it all wrong. If they choose to participate in the commerce system they have no right to deny people services. Its right there in the social contract.
or something.
Most of those fuckheads don’t understand business or even rudimentary economics. Sowell was so right.
But what if that’s the only printer in America? How will they ever get their gay pride t-shirts? /prog
If it were the only grocery store or gas station within a hundred miles they might have a bit of a point. But only a bit of one. And AFAIK that situation has never arisen in the US. All merchant refusals have been related to optional services, not essential services.
Get a load of Tonio’s dessert privilege. Cake is essential, not optional!
I’m told that it was rather difficult for black musicians to travel in the south due to challenges finding accommodation.
Now you can say that it’s “optional” for musicians to be able to travel as part of their trade, and you’re not wrong, but I don’t think you’re fully right either…
I find it difficult to articulate where that “essential” line begins, and how much hardship is too much.
Well, if the average Prog weren’t allergic to capitalism, I’d say it sounds like a business opportunity.
Who could have possibly seen this as a likely consequence of centralizing the whole system? NO ONE COULD HAVE. NO. ONE.
Great documentary on how New Zealand went from top-down hell to bottom up greatness.
Not sure if this was posted but you guys will get a kick out of this.
Alex Jones and Keith Olbermann are fighting on twitter about who’s more resistance-ier
[Cartman screaming “Cripple Fight!”.gif]
That there is the absolute best reason possible to just ignore Twitter.
Alex Jones? A cripple? I’ll have you know his filtered water and supplements have rendered him a near demigod.
Would you call such a man a cripple?
Keith Olbermann, I’m afraid, is the resistiest. He’s convinced the cattle cars are coming to haul us all away.
He’s so convinced that he is pleading with foreign powers to overthrow the government.
Which one is Keith?
Stolen from that other site
Georgia cops have magical drug-detecting abilities that are more accurate than actual drug tests, apparently.
Try to ignore the woman’s name in this conversation, but this pretty much says it all.
Princess Mbamara: “How can you look at somebody and say marijuana?”
Officer Carroll: “Because of the totality of the circumstances and a lot of things — and there are involuntary responses of the body that we can observe that have suggested impairment of marijuana, okay?”
That sentence makes the Dunphy in my head shed a tear of happiness.
“How can you look at someone and that they’re a sociopath douchebag?”
“Because of the totality of the circumstances and a lot of things — like wearing a police uniform and there are involuntary responses of the body that we can observe that have suggested impairment of authority, okay?”
“I didn’t realize that you could get arrested for something that you didn’t do”
Really? No seriously. Really?
Most people are naïve about such things until it punches them in the face.
There’s naive and then there’s believing that 100% of all the people arrested in history are guilty. Jesus. If you believe the judgement of Police is that accurate then why even have trials? Also why isn’t she asking the cops for stock tips?
You misspelled nutz
Uhhhhhhh, I guess all those people at The Innocence Project are just sitting around with their thumbs up their asses then.
This sort of shit is why “legal”ization of marijuana is a fucking travesty which will actually make me personally less free.
I have driven stoned 95%+ of the times I have ever operated a motor vehicle, especially under the ridiculous standards of blood concentration that they’re trying to establish as the standard. I have, despite decades of regular driving, never caused any accident of any kind.
Clearly I am a fucking menace to the public and should be denied the right to ever drive again, should I choose to continue to use a medicinal herb.
Oh yeah I forgot we’re almost practically kind of sort of neighbors.
This one looks interesting. I’m pretty close to here. I go by it all the time but have never stopped in.
Go to the Elevator if you like overpriced and overcooked food and decent but also overpriced beer. Columbus Brewing Company ain’t bad.
I’m a big fan of Zaubers beer in Grandview. Would eat somewhere else first. I hang out at Lucky’s quite a bit. 40 taps, lots of local stuff. Good food.
Oh hey. I am in cbus too. Probably tear up short north, as per usual.
For those of you down there, what’s the local impression of Platform? I know they opened a tap house/brewery down there.
First I’ve heard of Platform. Just looked it up. Very sketchy area. No way in hell I would be drinking in that neighborhood. No reason to drink in the hood with hundreds of other options available.
Lots of craft beer events going on in short north tonight.
Heard of platform but don’t know much about it.
So far the score is 1 Margarita and 1 beer. Probably make the switch to vodka sodas and do about 10 of those until last call. Cheers!
If your a Glibertarian, and you like Ohio State football, you should go check out @ScarletAndGlib on twitter. It should be a place to congregate on Autumn Saturdays to discuss the Buckeye game (live tweet) and cfb in general. Plus there can be snarky commentary without shitting up Glibertarian comment threads.
Meh, not too into the sportsmall except for the work related tailgate parties.
LMBO I would have titled it but you guys will appreciate this
I can’t remember which pundit it was, but they had a great take on that:
That fuck up was Steven Colbert’s fault. He gave the news to audience straight instead of framing the narrative properly.
CUT! I didn’t get to tell you what to think yet!
We eat the night, we drink the time
Make our dreams come true
And hungry eyes are passing by
On streets we call the zoo
Quick thought =
When is claiming to be hacked in the interests of government?
Is claiming to be hacked now a new political-rhetorical ploy?
To what degree would political figures/institutions “hack themselves” for the sake of the attention/victim-cred they would receive, and the credibility it would grant their criticisms of their enemies?
Off the top of my head…
Maybe they’re about to ask for more money?
The reporting suggests the current cyber-attacks are real and widespread, and the only reason NHS or some others seem to be particularly-badly-affected is because they provide the best headline-victim.
I wasn’t thinking so much about the current thing ongoing, so much as that the public ignorance about computer security, and the effectiveness of the “Russia done hackerd the Elections!”-narrative, provides some incentive for govt agencies or political figures to claim victimization in certain circumstances.
My favorite line was “Why would someone attack a healthcare organization?”
Uh, because they click on links like everyone else on the planet.
It is, but I don’t think this is that.
neither do it. I was actually thinking more about the Macron claim of being Haxxored before the election, and how the news media has since apparently forgotten about that completely. (AFAIK)
‘neither do i’
In case no one else has pointed it out yet, the calf with six legs is obviously because of global warming.
Now, I am back to work.
Goddamned fucking property taxes paid today. I need to smash something.
Find a Democrat and smash their dreams.
you misspelled ‘vagina’.
I was a day late and owed an extra 500 bucks because of that.
Make Gin and Tonics, not war.
You know you really own your property when you pay rent to the government to own it.
Since urban “renewal” was in the previous post’s now-moribund comment section, I’d like to mention that apparently One Third of a Nation, a WPA-funded movie praising screwing over slum residents by getting rid of their current homes, is currently on Youtube.
A comment from a story on Tennessee, being the first state to offer free community college for all
I see a lot of people on here complaining that “it’s not free.” “someone has to pay for it.” If you just spent a few seconds trying to learn and think about this before jumping into your ignorant judgement, you would see that it is paid for from the state lottery. No extra taxes! I will never understand how people can create such strong opinions about a subject before they even take the time to learn about it.
“…paid for from the state lottery.”
Sure it is. I have seen that one before. Shall I tell you exactly what is going to happen over the next 5 – 10 years?
I like story time. Is it scary?
It involves shifting the money to other places and spending it like a drunken sailor. Not scary if you’re in crony town.
This is a damn lie. I’ve been told that pull tabs are making more than enough money to pay for that monstrosity of a stadium in Minneapolis!
So… a tax on people going to community college?
The lottery is a tax on stupid people, so maybe.
Also poor people.
Gambling is bad, mmkay. Except when the state conducts it.
so by ‘the state lottery’, they mean the Alchemists’ Guild?
The modern Progs must have learned how to turn bullshit into gold.
Is this the same state lottery that is used to fund the public schools that are constantly complaining about not enough funding?
Employee: Four pounds of grease… that comes to… sixty-three cents.
Homer Simpson: Woo-hoo!
Bart Simpson: Dad, all that bacon cost twenty-seven dollars.
Homer Simpson: Yeah, but your mom paid for that!
Bart Simpson: But doesn’t she get her money from you?
Homer Simpson: And I get my money from grease! What’s the problem?
Global warming, price of oil, Trump, Russians, cutting of science – all that leads to freaks and bad sex and deep dish.
Don’t forget Nickelback. Lots more Nickelback.
Man uses plastic bat to defend son from goose, gets ticket
I gave up trying to make some snarky headline
Fowl Ball Punch!
(nods approvingly)
You’re supposed to just kick them in the head.
Prepare for pant-shitting, Kennedy may be retiring this summer.
TW: Autoplay.
And sooner or later they’ll realize that Ginsburg passed away in 2014.
OK, I LOL’ed.
Every day I hope she’ll fall down several flights of marble stairs.
You’d think so, but they’ve got a plan.
They’re already using that plan on Gabby Giffords.
Okay, now I lol’d. They really did that with her.
“Tuscon Representative Literally Half-Brained, Swears Loyalty to DNC”
Bill Maher made that very joke the week after the election.
We can only hope.
I for one, look forward to the pant shitting over the activist, right wing Supreme Court.
I’ve been working hard with FedSoc types I know trying to break down the old kneejerk that striking down bad laws is the kind of Judicial activism we should view unfavorably. Overall, I think attitudes are finally changing on the right.
I work with socialists….and nationalists. Naturally, we avoid politics at work.
Man, hire some national socialists and complete the trifecta. Stage a tiny version of the Munich riots in your breakroom.
When they fully realize the depth of their loss in 2016, how much is costing them as they see their totalitarian dream torn down piece by piece the tantrums will only get worse. I fully expect violence and calls for insurrection, coup, assassination etc.
Oh wait, the left never does that sort of thing. It is always the TEA party terrorists who do that.
Some days, I wish it would happen so I’d have an excuse to not come to work.
Let’s be fair, sometimes it’s Christian anti-abortion extremists and alt-right Nazis false flagging Islam.
Is it OK that I’m sorta proud those armed ‘miltitant’ AntiFa types are from my state?
You know what? I am too. For two reasons:
1) It means that the second amendment is becoming less of a partisan issue.
2) I might actually get to shoot some of them.
It’s like you read my mind.
I don’t necessarily want to shoot them, but if one of us has to I’ll volunteer.
Reppin’ 406.
Seriously, don’t move here because there’s crazy women all over the damn place.
That’s why I’m adding this to my elegant man-about-town look.
A very nice addition, if I may say so!
Whoa, Riven took her divorce rougher than I thought.
Lol! I’d like to point out that Mr. Riven and I eat at that exact Red Robin anywhere from two to four times a month.
But why?
I thought maybe I had dated her, but when I saw the video I realized not. There have to be tradeoffs to the crazy, you see.
“Vaginal orgasm is associated with indices of women’s better psychological, intimate relationship, and psycho-physiological function”
Correlation does not imply causation?
IDK, everybody is happier getting laid.
Are there other kinds?
I’m kidding. I know there are, but the most common one is just garbage.
“The most common one is just garbage”
Come again?
HAHAHAHA get it???
I lol’d
According to the internet, yes.
shopping for shoes?
*opera applause*
I am offended that you would suggest that i drive a minivan
Addled on what? Hard to imagine being stoned enough on anything to think that’s a good idea.
I know right? Driving a minivan is always a terrible idea.
I got a Toyota Sienna as a loaner when my truck was in the shop. I really enjoyed that van.
*looks away wistfully*
A friend of mine has one with with every option available. He calls it “the Starship”.
Wasn’t that a trim level at one point for the Toyota vans?
I’m on my second Sienna. I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE.
Don’t be so quick to judge.
1000 HP Minivan
Even if Tunnel of Love was on the radio?
You may be drug-addled, but you’re not a pervert.
wrong. I am half-a-pervert, but stopped using drugs years ago.
So the Kony guy is back at it I see.
*stands to begin thunderous ovation*
I get a real kick out of accidentally stumbling on samples i recognize.
today’s example: this movie soundtrack
If you spot the tune, you win a cookie.
Yes I know it’s not Thursday, but THE PEOPLE DEMAND THICC.
Especially since HM has been AWOL of late.
Well, it IS New Jersey.
This is the kind of shit that drives the Trump supporters. People don’t have any trouble with importing Indian doctors. They don’t have any trouble with Sikh gas station owners. They don’t have any issues with any of the various ethnic restaurants in their town.
The issue they have is fucking judges letting a 2 time bank robber cop a plea deal that was essentially designed to keep him in the country instead of being deported. Then look at that, he moved from robbery to murder.
Or Columbian doctors, like the late Dr. Bolaños. RIP.
Utter BS. Even a misdemeanor conviction should get a green card revoked unless there’s some compelling reason.
Any kind of actual crime (in the libertarian sense, aka “This guy violated this other guy’s rights” should be an instant deport.)
Of course my opinions on criminal justice are a little outside the mainstream anyway.
How did a scorpion get on the plane?
Anti-First-Amendment school administrator resigns
‘“Dr. Ruff has acknowledged that the demonstrators had a right to be on a public sidewalk,” the school district said in its statement. “He acknowledged that his conduct cannot be defended or ‘condoned, and he deeply regretted his actions as displayed on the video. This school district will not interfere with the rights of anyone to express themselves.”’
Francisco Franco still dead
“Spain’s opposition parties have voted to move the remains of fascist dictator Francisco Franco out of a state-funded mausoleum, in a non-binding parliamentary motion the government is likely to resist….
“It was passed by 198 votes to one, while 140 politicians abstained, including those from the conservative People’s Party (PP) of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.”
(Autoplay ad)
The chapter on the Spanish Civil War in Paul Johnson’s Modern Times is a really good read.
Guess how this sentence ends: “NORTHFIELD, MINN. – A racist threat against a St. Olaf student that touched off campuswide protests and forced the college to cancel classes earlier this month was…”
“…more powerful than we could possibly imagine?”
“…fully operational?”
“…orchestrated by the Secret Nazi President? (BWA HA HA)”
Completely valid and proof of open racism and resentment towards minorities that a Trump presidency has created spontaneously after 8 years of complete and total racial harmony.
… I assume it’s a huffpo link.