Sorry-ass Houston Rockets. Although I’ve been a Celtics fan since forever, having grown up with no local pro team, I’m trying to develop a rooting interest in the hometown squad and last night certainly didn’t help that cause. Anyway, they got absolutely freight-trained by a depleted Spurs team. And now Popovich, the smug assclown with an incredible basketball knowledge, gets to face off against the Warriors again, where I can only hope he gets publicly humiliated. Either way, the Astros beat the Yankees last night, so something positive happened. You know, since everybody with a heart hates the Yankees.
Other than that, we’re all just waiting on hockey to kick back off again tonight with a matchup tonight between those two hockey-crazy hotbeds of Anaheim and Nashville. That’s right, Canada. That’s how bad our domination of hockey has gotten.
So having rambled on about sports long enough, lets get to…the links!

The incredible, edible avocado.
Listen, dummies. If you’re too stupid to know how to cut something, then you don’t deserve to eat it.
New York Times reports one person’s version of a dinner conversation, reported to them third-hand, as truth. Gives passing acknowledgement to first-person account of said dinner conversation that doesn’t fit their narrative.
Turkey sliding further and further toward a fascist state. And they don’t even need Trumputin to do it!
Want to get to the bottom of the Trump-Putin election interference (which likely doesn’t exist)? This guy has the solution for you! (TW: get a barf bag before reading it. Seriously.)

The hospital in question.
I’ve got a serious question: are there people out there that are naive enough to require this advice? Because its all pretty much common sense (except the forwarding service bit, that’s pretty awesome). Anyway, here’s some news you can possibly use, or at least an opportunity for you to discuss more alternatives for those of you that read the links.
Single Payer in action! But, you know, we’re the uncivilized barbarians that want people to literally die in the streets.
Shaka when the …. wait, that’s not right.
I’ve been a Celtics fan since forever
I knew there was a reason I hated sloopy.
Growing up in Massachusetts, I was a huge Celtic fan during the Bird, Parish, McHale era. I watch very little NBA these days – the game just sucks. It’s all post-up, traveling, and 3-point shots by the centers.
I’ve watched a bit of the Celtics – Bullets. Everyone is mystified at a team that can execute a basic pick & roll. Any of those 80’s teams would annihilate the league now with basic team play.
I seriously doubt that. The players these days are just so much stronger, faster and bigger not to mention the ability of everybody from the center to the point guard shoots respectably from behind the arc. The 76’ers would run any of those teams off the floor.
Yup. Same for pretty much every sport: these dudes are all better athletes then even the best athletes of 30 years back.
The Chicago Bulls at peak Jordan maybe win 4 out of a 7 game series against the 76’ers just because of the Hand Check rules would completely unshackle Jordan and he would be an unstoppable beast, even now. But your talking about the best player to ever play the game from twenty years ago, the peak Celtics wouldn’t stand a chance just because of just how much the game has changed. Also it’s against one of the worst teams in the league those 90’s Bull teams wouldn’t even win a game against the Golden State or the Cavaliers.
Better than this?
The older teams were much more sound fundamentally though.
Today’s NBA is pathetic to the extent you really know who is going to probably win as two or three teams out of 30 really have a shot.
Contrast that to MLB and of course the NHL. Not a single #1 seed left. The NFL is so-so but still better.
I don’t get all this US/Canada NHL thing. 68% of the players are fricken still from Canada. Though that’s steadily come down since it was 93% when I was a kid.
It’s like me saying the Blue Jays or Raptors are Canadian. No they’re not. They’re just based in Toronah.
I see my ball-breaking of Canadians worked as intended.
Good. Good.
::rubs hands together like Palpatine::
How do you manage to exist as a human?
He’s an AI that has only learned what you taught him.
The NBA is pathetic because there are really only 5 people playing the game as opposed to the MLB/NHL or even the NFL(although not nearly to the same extent as those two others) having one elite talent papers over so much in way that it doesn’t even come close to in any of those other sports, except for maybe football at the QB position, if you have a transcendent talent you can win/get to a championship with a mediocre supporting cast, which is something you simply can’t do that in any of those other sports. It also causes a total lack of innovation by due to this fact and in my opinion makes the game at the pro level the worst product of any of those other sports. The NBA also sucks because it rewards teams that are complacent with just playing the lottery every year hoping to have a blue chip player in their lap and punishes teams like the Spurs and Rockets that attempt to innovate and compete every year with teams that are obviously better equipped with how the lottery is set up. Also the NBA quite possibly has some of the dumbest backward thinking front offices of any teams in any of the leagues.
And a new trend has happened that makes it even worse. If you play in a weak conference (i.e. the East), and you’re a great team (i.e. the Cavs) you can literally take several days off during the year and just focus until the playoffs come around. It’s almost as if why have a regular season?
I was listening to pundits dissect DeRozan’s comments about Lebron being quicker and stronger than last year. One guy said it’s because he was fresh due to taking days off.
Yeh. I’d love to see NHL teams try and pull that given you can miss the post season not only by a single point but through a tie-breaker it’s that tight.
You’ll NEVER see Crosby take a night off *because* he can. Or any other hockey player; or baseball for that matter.
I don’t fault James and the Cavs for doing that. It’s a function of the overall health of the league and they’re exploiting it for their benefit.
Disagree. The Hawks did it this year and it bit them in the ass. Kane especially was phoning it in the last couple weeks of the season.
Yeh, I admit there are some players who mail it in but it’s not part of the overall culture.
Actually hockey is the worst at this.
You don’t even need an all time great, just an above average goalie on a hot streak can easily win you 12 of the 16 playoff wins you need to take the Stanley Cup all by himself.
The difference between Hockey and the other sports is that rather than just needing 1 superstar it is a transient luck situation where you need to goalie to be completely focused and playing his absolute best for that one month stretch and not run into a similarly dialed in goalie with a better supporting cast.
As noted, it’s just ball breaking, but….
You’ve gotta admit that if the NFL actually added Mexico, a few Canadian Teams, and NFL Europe and then didn’t have a US team win a title for a whole generation despite the Euro rosters being full of American players, it would be weird and a blow to national pride to have “our” sport dominated by other countries that consider it their 4th most popular sport, after soccer/footubul, cycling, racing, and watching paint dry (yes, that’s counting soccer twice).
The teams in the playoffs can’t execute a fast-break if more than one pass is required. Nobody even tries to rebound. I watched the Celtics’ center (the guy with the funky pony tail) take a 3-point shot the other night. The shot missed the rim by a foot a bounced into the stands.
I don’t care how much they lift weights today, they suck. Any of those good teams from the 80’s would dominate. The Lakers and Sixers would just run a modern team out of the building while nobody would have a clue how to deal with the Celtics’ inside game. Imagine these guys today trying to deal with McHale, Mosses Malone, or, God-help-them, Kareem in the low-post.
You know, I tend to agree with this. Those teams were really, really good both athletically AND fundamentally.
I wonder if the 3-point line ruined the game? It was new enough in the 80’s and early 90’s that it didn’t change the game much. Now teams just fire away with awful 3-pointers because it changes the risk-reward for a shot.
And nobody knows how to coach or use a center any more. Tommy Heinsohn (who would have had about a million points if there was a 3-point-line in the 60’s) talks about it.
of course and they would still win 100-80 every night because scoring in the low post is worth two points as opposed to the three they would score at the three every time because none of those teams would even bother defending the three. Also it’s not even weight lifting anyone of the teams today has like 4 guys on the court that would be playing power forward or center back then that are guards now.
Also, the rules for traveling and carrying the ball are virtually nonexistent in today’s NBA.
“Travel, double-dribble, travelling, carry…”
Audio of me watching the current NBA.
To me carrying is the worst. Everyone basically does it now and it’s never called.
Yeah, I think it kind of depends on what rule set was used.
If they use the ruleset from the 80’s todays guys would get creamed by the physicality of the game, if they used todays rules their athleticism would dominate.
Why it is almost as if the rules in play define the kind of player who can be successful
I’m a casual basketball fan at the best of times, but everything you say about the NBA is why I tend to prefer college basketball. I’ll watch NBA, but it’s basically a different game. The travelling and the dives kill it for me.
The traveling has been out of hand for a long long time.
I stopped watching for the same reason I stopped watching baseball: They went on strike in the 90s and I decided they could all go fuck themselves.
Entitled rich athletes/movie stars/government workers striking is the surest way to make sure I have a burning hatred of them for a long time.
The baseball strike in the 90’s is the reason I stopped collecting baseball cards or really caring about it in any way.
Yeah, I never went back to those sports. I’m not a big TV guy, so the Writer’s strike didn’t cause me to draw a line in the sand.
I stuck with football up until a few years ago. The combination of it becoming mostly commercials, horrible officiating, and the new safety rules sapped most of the enjoyment for me. It seems to have become mostly an exercise in pedantry and tedium.
Now, I kind of follow tennis and am considering trying to get into hockey.
Sounds like something that could happen to someone who would marry an NY Times employee.
Now the NY times is doing euphemisms, too?
Cutting an avocado is damn simple I have a hard time imagining what they must be doing to badly injure themselves.
Dull knife? I could see some of the shit people use gliding of the skin as they apply more force to try to split it and severing their hand clean off. But seriously, who are these people?
I bet you they are trying to cut the pit in half…
Says more about them than anything else.
You’re probably right. Or perhaps, they’re shit at aiming the knife when they do the chop to lodge the blade in the pit and twist it free. At least that’s how I get the pit out.
Pretty bold of the NYT to present such a compelling argument that some people really do deserve to just die in the streets.
I realize the British tend to have a drier sense of humor, but if that guy was serious about warning labels on avocados, maybe it would be best to just wrap the whole place in bubblewrap and confiscate all the sharp objects. You’ve got to be dumb as a bag of hammers to injure yourself so badly while cutting an avocado that you need to go to the hospital. God forbid any of these mouth-breathers should try to shuck an oyster.
Had a friend in high school who cut himself shucking any oyster, got blood poisoning and almost died.
The MSM. That’s what’s been looming darkly over his presidency.
his entire presidency.
All four months of it
I saw a post on facederp that Ben Affleck blamed his alcoholism on Trump policies. My first thought was, “Huh?” He hasn’t been president that long.
Affleck and Damon are a stain on my generation.
My generation. had these guys.
Not that I disagree, but Bourne Identity though.
Matt Damon “Guns Bad, unless I make millions acting with one”
Fuck him.
That is just inherently patriarchal.
Chamberlain was a better Bourne.
I was so mad the first time I saw the Damon Bourne movie and saw what they’d done to Marie. Where’s my savvy econ expert who saves his ass as least twice? At least the Chamberlain movie had her closer to book-version Marie. And then they killed her in Supremacy, so screw you Greengrass for making it just another boring revenge plot.
“There is only one path to investigate and stop Trump: Democrats must win some elections.”
That sounds easy! Why don’t they do that? God, it’s like Ryan Cooper has to think of everything…
Something is going on with Zero Sum Game and Martians. But what, exactly, is a question that has loomed darkly over his entire tenure at glibertarians.
Baseless accusations are fun!
Looks like we need a special prosecutor to get to the bottom of this. And on a totally unrelated and certainly unplanned benefit, Zero Sum turns out to have done something illegal in his life. Special prosecutor FTW.
In the social justice system, PC-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In San Francisco, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious feels crimes are members of an elite squad known as the “Special” Victims Unit. These are their stories.
“Special”? As in, “has to wear a helmet while riding the short bus”?
They’re people who think words are violence; is there really any other kind?
How about ‘Social Justice Retard Victims Unit?
Bravo, sir!
At least the martians aren’t the grays. The grays are like the Asians of the galaxy: they can’t drive a Probe for shit.
Speaking from experience? If so, I’m sorry about your ass.
It’s STEVE SMITH a hairy grey?
Damn Martian Probe drivers…
That one wasn’t a Martian, obviously.
Nobody got rear-ended.
Bonus points if that was a GTS but I don’t see skunk stripes.
Yeah, “something”, we don’t know what, and we nor anyone else has any evidence at all, but we know it’s “something”.
I’m pretty sure the “something” is a need to distract from the abundant evidence that the Obama administration was using the intelligence agencies to spy on Trump’s campaign.
Yet I still read yesterday, written as ‘fact’, that any thought that anyone in the previous administration wiretapped anyone in the Trump administration is “ludicrous”. And Trump fired Comey just the day before he’d testify about how Trump and Putin conspired together to change everyone’s votes for Hillary to Trump, because Trump only wanted to be President to get rich.
Don’t smirk, this is really what our intellectual betters on the Left actually believe.
My favorite part is that ‘s there was no wire-tapping because no one actually taps wires anymore. Never mind that Trump is 70 years-old, and put it in quotes.
I don’t think the journalists and pols on the left actually believe this crap, they are pushing to distract their idiot followers, who do actually believe it.
This is why I am leaning closer and closer toward Special Prosecutor. Remind everybody that the investigation will undoubtedly entail getting into the unmasking of US citizens and whether or not the unmasking was needed in the course of previous and other ongoing investigations or was it all political. Remind them there is a good chance Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes and other Obama’ites could very well end up in prison.
Float that out there and see who re-thinks the need to go looking for some mysterious Russian connection to Trump.
The thing is that they decide what they report. If Susan Rice gets sent to prison, they might give it a brief mention, then forget about it.
Susan who?
From the robo call link:
Subscribers can choose robot personalities, such as Whiskey Jack, who is frequently distracted by a game he is watching on television, or Salty Sally, a frazzled mother.
I prefer to call them “sloopy” and “Banjos,” because that would actually be accurate.
Not answering the phone when you don’t recognize the number is a good plan.
This is where the Android beats the iPhone. On the android, I dismiss a notice of an unanswered call, it stops telling me I have a missed call. on the iPhone, it keeps that stupid “Pay Attention to Me!” number over the phone icon until I purge the whole recent call history. Most of the calls I get are spam, so I know I didn’t answer, stupid phone.
I use the “block” function after not answering. Not that it helps, they’re chameleons.
I have my phone number, and a google phone number on my android. The google number is my business line, and the one I use for anything that requires a number. I get countless calls because I hire vendors for my company. They all ring to google and are distinct so I can just ignore them. It’s been a godsend.
Yeah, I generally block any toll-free number, and if I get frequent calls from a number I don’t recognize that doesn’t leave a message, blockeroo. Ironically, my favorite things about Androids tend to revolve around how easy it is to not talk to people with them.
I now text back stuff like “I’m on my way” or “Let’s get together Friday.”
26) I’m positive my son would be on the autism spectrum if we had him tested for such a thing. I’m fairly sure I would too, actually. Notice, being on the spectrum is a psychiatric condition, and most people would consider someone on the spectrum to be lacking in some way.
Not even 20 years ago, such people would have been seen as introspective, socially awkward, maybe with some eccentric habits, but not *diseased*. They simply had a different personality. If they were socially awkward, they probably made up for it with different personality attributes. Now, such people need special classes or treatment in school, possibly medication.
Those on the spectrum are hardly the first to go through this. It happened to alcoholics decades ago (and since then, all sorts of others prone to addictive behaviors). At one time alcoholics were called dipsomaniacs, and drinking too much was seen as a personal failing. In some cases, dipsomania could even be considered amusing. Has treating it as a disease reduced alcoholism? Maybe, I’m not sure. I do know that all treatments will fail unless the alcoholic decides he really wants to give up drinking. Pretty much the same as before we saw it as a disease.
Why aren’t extroverts considered diseased? I mean, they’re always going around getting in people’s business, bothering you when you’re trying to read a book or think, flitting around at parties instead of having deep one-on-one conversations or hanging out by the snack table, the way parties were meant to be. I sure would hate to be on the extroversion/oversociability spectrum, having to take Albuterol or whatever to increase my social anxiety to a socially optimal level.
Only time I am an extrovert is when I’m really drunk.
Am I the only extrovert here? Wait, does making everyone I meet irate mean I’m an extrovert? Pissed two people off today for asking for proof of their assertion that Trump is in bed with the Russians.
That just makes you a heretic.
And clearly a Trump fan according them.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the autism label is a detriment to proper care. Autism is merely a description of symptoms, not a proper diagnosis. The underlying causes can be widely varied and to slap a label on it and administer mind-altering drugs to alleviate symptoms isn’t really helping.
Most studies have shown that drugs are not effective in all but the most severe cases of autism and even not really then. Regular occupational and speech therapy can be extremely effective and I’ve watched my wife change the lives of many families by giving their children the ability to finally communicate their needs. Sometimes an autism label, especially for public school kids, is critical to being able to access these services.
In my own case, my son was diagnosed as Aspergers but it was really a serious medical issue manifesting itself behaviorally. I still haven’t forgiven a few medical providers for just shrugging it off as an autism spectrum disorder when he needed medical intervention.
I’m sorry to hear that. I still think of Asperger’s being separate from autism as it was before they just through it all together on the spectrum. Never fail to underestimate the incompetency of some medical care providers.
This in fact could be the case for a lot of autistic people. We know there are high correlations to immune and gut disorders. Far as I can tell, the medical substrata of autism don’t get sufficient investigation, because autism is the psychiatrists’ “turf”, and a big part of their gravy train consists in continuing to view autism as a disease of the mind.
It’s also the case that in most states, the school district gets more money from the state to run special programs for special needs kids based on the number of kids, so this creates an obvious incentive to “classify” as many kids as possible. This is why what were formerly considered just quirky personalities are now “pathologies” that need “treatment”. Obviously many kids do need actual treatment, but they deliberately cast the net as wide as possible.
I was thinking more about getting therapy (speech, occupational, physical) during school but that’s a good point too. Unfortunately, the special classrooms in public schools are reminiscent of Bedlam. A couple years ago, the special needs teacher for the “special” class at a local elementary school was arrested. She was turned in by the aide for beating the children and locking them in a closet.
And then the school fails to provide the specialized programs and just pockets the extra money. That’s what mine did, anyway.
As opposed to other psychiatric conditions, which are a “proper diagnosis”?
A proper diagnosis includes the underlying medical reasons.
So you’re saying that almost all psychiatric diganoses in the history of forever are “improper”?
Ok. Don’t think I disagree, just want to be sure I understand what you’re saying.
I’m not going to lump all psychiatrists together because I know some that are quite diligent in trying to diagnose what is actually wrong with the patient thru bloodwork and other tests. But yeah, the field can be lacking.
The problem is the psychiatric diagnosis manual tries to be overinclusive to satisfy the therapists of the world out there. If I had my way, the manual would only be a pamphlet, and focused on the real psychiatric disorders — schizophrenia, bipolar, and major depression. I’d even change the name of depression so people wouldn’t confuse the disease with feeling low. Autism, MR would be classified as neurologic, not psychiatric. All the other mental health ‘conditions’ which are treated by talk therapy could be in a separate book for use by psychologists and social workers. Psychiatrists would only treat the big diseases, which they would then focus on as conditions of the brain, and not something you can be talked out of.
In the old times, DSM II, I believe, they separated psychiatric diseases and psychological disorders. Diseases had to have some underlying physical cause, whether it be brain damage, hormonal imbalances, neurological miswiring, generic abnormality, etc. These would be treated by a psychologist. Anything else was listed as a disorder, and would fall under psychologists. Your ‘talk therapy’ issues. Then the DSM went full retard, and hasn’t been anything but an expensive paperweight.
The field definitely is lacking in people with both therapist and analyst skills.
They need more analrapists.
A collection of symptoms without a known unifying pathologic process is a syndrome, as opposed to a disease
Sorry but I have to completely disagree unless you were to see an incredibly incompetent developmental specialist. Being introverted is not a factor for an autism diagnosis. When given toys as a child, did your son play with them or did he instead sort them into piles based on size and shape and that was his “play”? Did he respond to his name? Did he even know his name? There is so much beyond autism besides being socially awkward and keeping to one’s self.
There used to be something called autism, and it was as you described it. People who didn’t respond to external stimuli, didn’t communicate verbally, etc., and this was a discrete diagnosis. Now there is the “spectrum” and it brings in all sorts of people.
To answer your questions: “Did he respond to his name? Did he even know his name?”
He knew and responded to his name.
“When given toys as a child, did your son play with them or did he instead sort them into piles based on size and shape and that was his “play”?”
Umm, sometimes. He would drive his toy cars and trucks around and make noises, although just as often he would line them up by color and size.
Thanks but I didn’t mean to put your son on the spot like that, my questions were meant rhetorically. To use the toy cars and trucks example though, I don’t mean lining up similar toys (like cars and tucks) by shape and size but rather there’s no distinction of the type of toys. I think all kids line up and arrange similar type toys and can organize by color or shape. What I meant as a factor for autistic children is they don’t see toy type because they don’t see normal toy function. The green pile will contain all types of toys (cars, blocks, play food, puzzle pieces, etc) and none of these toys are ever played with as intended (at least initially). Though I guess Asperger’s may initially show differently, I am not as familiar with that.
Agree that it’s been lumped together with “on the spectrum” but there is still a very clear distinction between high-functioning autism and Asperger’s in current medical literature even if the diagnosis code is now the same. Lower functioning autism gets difficult because there’s often concurrent medical conditions.
Thanks for your response. i think we may actually be talking about the same thing. It sounds like your wife has done a lot of good in people’s lives and obviously there is a such thing as autism.
My complaint is more about a general school and societal tendency to classify people who aren’t quite normal into some sort of “diseased” box. My son, who has been diagnosed with ADHD and has various other “issues” (as school officials like to put it) that suggest he could receive an autism spectrum diagnosis if we pursued it.
Insofar as what is called “autism” is a number of characteristics converging at the more extreme end of their ranges, I suppose this makes sense. But it’s still catching a number of quite functional people into the ever-expanding special ed maelstrom at schools, and also makes it easy for people to dismiss natural, if somewhat eccentric, personality differences as improperly treated mental conditions.
Agree with everything. School officials are a special sort of slime, perhaps only outdone by SJWs.
Thanks, she had her first run in with a SJW recently. I’m fairly immune from my exposure as a lurker at the other site for some years (derp inoculation) but it took her back. This SJW berated her for trying to change autistic kids through treatment instead of accepting their conditions. Said my wife couldn’t understand because she was neuro-typical. This “person” was stating that it was better for these kids to sit in their own shit and never be able to request anything they desire than learn the basics of communication. What is wrong with SJWs? I seriously think they are mentally defective.
Most of the serious progressives I have encountered, and I am not referring to your standard “liberal” that votes Dem, but the dyed in the wool hard lefties, seem to me to have some serious mental issues going on. This very well could be confirmation bias on my part, but I think there is some truth to it.
I can’t help but wonder if part of the problem with overdiagnosis doesn’t stem from the fact that the overwhelming majority of elementary school teachers are women and might not be able to grasp the concept of boyhood. Honestly, it would also explain a lot of “zero tolerance” policy, as well.
Well yeah, the schools do tend to treat boys as defective girls, and treat normal boyish restlessness and rambunctiousness as pathologies they need to stifle and drug into submission.
My nephew is one of those but he makes up for it, as you know, through force of personality and character. People love the guy. He even managed to finally swing is first job at a restaurant chain who treat their workers really well. Now he’s learning the little miserable spot we call the ‘work environment’. I coach him where I can; including to save his money.
They call this ‘hoarding’ now on the left. Losers.
Maybe, maybe not, but I think it’s definitely increased the number of people who identify (or are identified) as alcoholics. I’m a young, dashing 38, and it seems to me that a lot of people I’ve known as heavy drinkers would now be considered alcoholics. Similar to how people who were just thought of as gluttons when I was, say, 16, would now be considered “food addicts”.
Everything’s a condition now, because victimhood is a privileged status. I would probably be considered somewhere on some spectrum, and I’m sure I could score some kind of prescription for being an introvert, or having a bad temper, or crying when the dog dies in a movie, or being really, really good at manipulation, or being famously stubborn.
“Everything’s a condition now, because victimhood is a privileged status.”
Which is weird, as someone who actually has some disorders everyone I know who has it would be more than happy to be rid of the damn things, and yet now people want them it’s weird.
Actually, I consider America’s treatment of alcoholics one of our greatest failings. There have been drugs out since the 90s that will drastically curb cravings and, with therapy, help people live a normal life that includes occasional consumption of alcohol. Instead of using this as our go to treatment, people who get in trouble with drinking get shunted into pseudo-religious 12 step programs that have abysmal success rates. I used to work with kids sent to a live in program based around the 12 steps because they got in trouble with the law. Almost all of them ducked out of the program to relapse, or graduated…and relapsed. Years later I learned that there’s an actually effective treatment mechanism available that could have helped these kids, and millions of other people, for cheap. Damn near broke my heart.
I was going through the archives of the Last Psychiatrist when I came across this very good thought (not mine so I won’t number it): The reason parents have to hover/helicopter over kids all the time now is because we no longer teach kids to judge people/situations by how they look.
No profiling! Now, off to my gated community, Jeeves.
I may have missed it along the way, but why would you number it if it was your own thought? Reference purposes?
Want to get to the bottom of the Trump-Putin election interference (which likely doesn’t exist)? This guy has the solution for you! (TW: get a barf bag before reading it. Seriously.)
Damn you weren’t *barf* kidding *barf*
The main trick here is to elide the difference between “election interference” and “campaign interference.” The former is utter bullshit, the latter likely isn’t, but these are very, very different things. It’s like the difference between “private email account” and “private email server,” which was a favorite smokescreen trick of the Team Blue reporters.
It’s interesting that according to the media, dead people voting is not election interference and not worth in-depth reporting or investigation.
Women die; people who die are dead people. Therefore you want to take the vote away from women!!!!!!!!
But dead people can still vote, they do it all the time in Chicago.
And in many other donkey strongholds..
They keep using the term “hacking”. If Seth Rich, or someone else at the DNC, gave those emails to Wikileaks, that’s not hacking.
The known extent of the “hacking” is the idiot Podesta responding to a phishing email and giving away his password. Which isn’t really hacking, either.
I don’t know. I place social engineering in the hacking space. It’s often the only way to get credentials.
Phishing, not hacking.
Free Kevin!
That might be considered low-level hacking. But there is no evidence that anyone hacked the DNC server. And certainly that no one “hacked the election”. Also, from the little evidence that has been made public, it’s possible that the Russians could have phished Podesta, not that the Russians did phish Podesta. For all we know, it was some kid on 4chan.
That’s the thing. Phising, or in this case possibly spearphishing, is certainly hacking in a broad sense, but when the press and the Dems use the term they’re using it so broadly that it loses meaning and just retains the nefarious implications. Either they’re claiming that Russian hackers actually manipulated vote counts in some fashion, which is not supported by any credible evidence, or they’re saying that releasing information that would influence voters against Clinton is “hacking”, in which case the press has hacked every goddamn election since the invention of the Kentucky longrifle.
This shit is all smoke screens to deflect from the fact that the Clinton campaign rigged the primaries and literally was not just contemptuous of the deplorables that voted for Trump, but of a broad swath of the usual democrat voting electorate, but that they also were engaged in some other highly questionable tactics. The story became even more important when team blue realized that with someone else taking the WH their use of US intelligence and law enforcement agencies to spy on political opponents would come to light.
This Russia shit is about keeping focus away from the criminal behavior under Obama and sure to have continued under Clinton, while hoping to delegitimize and undermine Trump. After all, the guy is basically trying to undo all the suspect shit of the last 8 years where Obama legislated from the WH.
Now that trump is doing some of the same the left is suddenly all about the law, the constitution, separation of powers, state rights, and all that crap they told people was antiquated thinking when it inconvenienced team blue’s agenda.
Without double standards, team blue would have none. and team red is just idiots that simply think if they say the right things team blue people will invite them to the cocktail parties. Morons the lot of them.
For all we know, it was some NSA
employeehacker.Well, we know they do have the ability to leave foreign-source “fingerprints” on their hacking.
There’s some circumstantial evidence that the phishing might have come from a group that possibly helped the Russian government in prior hacking attempts. If that’s not enough to impeach Trump, I don’t know what would be.
That’s such a crazy idea that it might just work!
I guess the strategy of hero worshipping a guy whose smug, elitist and yet pedestrian condescension was a daily insult to the average American and then blaming all criticism of Team Blue on racism isn’t working so well?
It would have worked if only they’d done it harder!
I like this one., but the version in The Lost Boys is superior (because of 80s Sax guy).
80s Sax guy!
I’m trying to figure out how much cash I’ll need on my road trip and I ran into a variable I can’t answer – Parking Valets. In two circumstances, the logistics of the day make it simpler to make use of the valet parking than to go through the frustration of hunting out a parking space. But I don’t know if the valets are tipped positions nor what the typical rate would be.
In a similar “what about…” I have to figure out what to do to avoid baking my computer on a Kentucky day in early june because I’ll be in between hotel stays and walking around a distillary and baseball bat factory.
I’ve always tipped the valets, but I vary the tip on how much the hotel charges for valet parking. If it’s $10, valet gets $5, any more than that I give them $3.
I’d say at least ten bucks. I’m not kidding, but then I tip five bucks when I buy a foot-long at Subway. My thinking is that these jobs pay poorly and I remember when I was doing them how great it was on the rare occasion when someone would tip me like that. I remember getting a twenty dollar tip back in 1981 just for driving some rich guy’s kid to where his private plane had landed. Twenty bucks in ’81 was considered a shit-load of money to someone in their early twenties.
Give them a couple of bucks when they bring your car around. Either get a bunch of $2 bills or a bunch of singles and partner the singles. Otherwise you end up handing a fiver to some guy for putting his ass on your carseat for 2 minutes and holding the door for you twice.
Never been a valet, but I was a bartender for years. Once in a while I’d get a dude saying, “Why should I tip you a buck for opening my beer?”. There’s a lot going on before I just popped open his beer. Like I said, don’t know much about valets, but I’d still toss him a couple bucks.
I’m not saying don’t tip, I’m saying try to avoid having only fives and larger on your person when you get to the valet stand.
That makes sense. Just don’t shrapnel the guy with change.
I always dump my small change on the ground and make them crawl for it. Then I guffaw while I polish my monocle.
How many times to you get punched in the monocle on a daily basis?
This is why we wound up with GayJay.
Oh not that many
Wait … so THAT WAS YOU!!!
Definitely tip valets. I usually tip $2 if all they do is bring my car around. If they handle any baggage, add $1 per bag.
Why don’t you take a deep breath, plan your trip a little more loosely and then enjoy it more?
Maybe it’s just me, but planning a lengthy road trip down to the minutest detail like where you’re going to park in Louisville, Ky before you even leave might take some of the joy out of what (a road trip) is supposed to have some spontaneity to it.
I’m not planning minute details. I have keystone items that I reserved in advance (hotels, a day at the races) and an idea of some of the places I want to see or things to do (the louisville slugger museum tour, for example) which have not been reserved and can be dropped or reshuffled as need be.
What I’m trying to do is make sure I don’t get caught out in an awkward situation where I’m either improperly rude, or out of cash at a bad time.
Ok. I was worried you’d planned it down to the detail of where you’d park for the 3 hours and 47 minutes you’d allocated for the LS museum (hint: it takes 4 hours and 23 minutes to see properly) and the 2 hours and 13 minutes allocated for the distillery (which actually only takes 2 hours and 2 minutes unless you use the bathroom, adding two minutes).
Honestly, I usually book my rooms ahead of time and that’s about it. I’ll look up local attractions wherever I plan on spending more than a few hours and then decide once I get there what I’m gonna do. It’s served me well in the 6 trips I’ve taken across the country and the several I’ve taken from TX to the west coast and TX to the east coast.
Most of the great vacation meals I ever had were found just by driving around and taking a chance
We called it a FunHunt
I did the LS tour last time I was there. Interesting if you have an hour to kill, or more if you are a baseball fan. I did the Even Williams (I think) bourbon tour that is real close to the LS factory. They give you 3 differently aged bourbon samples and then shuffle you up to the store. I drank all the Mrs. as well as mine to start the afternoon off right.
I think it’s funny you’re saying this to UnCivilServant. Might as well try to get my grandparents to change…they plan vacations, including weekend trips to their kids’ house across the state, out to the smallest detail a year ahead of time, and have been doing so for 60 years.
If I don’t at least have a framework of a plan and know where I’ll be sleeping each night, I am not going to be relaxed when actually on vacation.
Uncertainty makes me fret until I fix the source of it. And I do plan in margins of error, because nothing goes according to initial plan. (*glares at the memory of Hurricane Irene*)
Just a little test. When was the last time you checked your tire pressure?
On this car?
I will have to find out what it’s supposed to be and perhaps put my portable air pump in the back of the new car before the trip.
You’re ready to roll. Have a nice trip.
Ah. Internet says 38psi. I’ll have to see how low it’s ebbed if it’s not rainy tonight.
Check the door jamb. There will be a sticker with pressure.
The door jamb is per the vehicle specs. Better to just look at the tire sidewall and adjust up or down from there.
Sneaky, sneaky.
I see what you did there.
Or was it Sandy…
It had to have been Sandy, Irene didn’t hit New York in the right time frame.
You sir are insufficiently aspy. We’re revoking your libertarian card.
I’ll redeem myself with a little anecdote.
I count steps wherever I go. And I refuse to live in a house with an odd number of steps between floors. And if a building I am going to work in has an odd number of steps between floors, I will only take the elevator.
Seriously. Who the fuck would have an odd number of steps between floors? It’s insane.
I also always set the volume on a tv at an even number. Usually a multiple of four as well. And then I’ll usually try to find a multiple of four and another even number. Because 24 and 32 are much better volume settings that 28.
Volume should be divisible by 5, you heathen.
No, volume should have an integer cube root.
It should always go to eleven!!
In my car one time my wife put the volume on 14. I turned it up to 15, then proceeded to explain “increments of 5, but since 17 is my lucky number that’s allowed, as is 12 and 22 since that is 5 less and 5 more.” She will turn the volume down on the TV to 1 or 2 at which point I will show her the mute button on the remote. It’s so hard to reach a woman these days.
I don’t allow volume on any of my TV or gadgets to be set at an even number. If I see an even number I’ll walk over and change it. My wife thinks I’m nuts.
My jersey numbers have to be divisible by 7, and I put my gear on left to right. I’m not crazy.
Hanging out here makes me feel normal. NONE OF YOU ARE CRAZY! (or, you know, all of you are.)
I have a bad habit of not thinking about parking until I get somewhere. It usually ends disastrously. Getting in the habit of thinking about where to park, if there’s street parking available, and if you need to have cash on hand for parking garage/valet probably would be a better idea than not.
I used to valet. We got a modest hourly wage and then split the tips. We’d do the cars, but we’d also take luggage to and from rooms, and on occasion acted as bellhops. I’ll just assume that the valet is going to deal with your car and maybe take your stuff up when you get there.
There’s two schools of thought. If you’re not taking your car out much, say you’re just parking for your stay and then getting your car when you leave, a generous tip would be $10 for the whole time. $5 would be a smidge on the low end, but certainly acceptable. As with anything, it depends on service, so if you’re the only guy there and you’re waiting twenty minutes for your car, feel free to stiff the guy, but if there’s a line of cars and the valet is breaking land speed records with a smile on his face, hook him up a little bit.
If you use the valet service a lot–and you may as well, since you’re paying for that shit–a buck on retrieval is fine.
The big thing is to tip in such a way that everyone involved is getting a piece. So, if you’re just sticking your car there for the length of your stay, split the tip between the first day and the last day so that nobody gets stiffed.
Say Hi of my parents while in town.
I was born and raised without a heartt. Great game last night. 2 good teams.
Leeroy Jenkins! turns 12!
I remember showing that to my then fiance. She thought video game videos were stupid, but she ended up laughing her ass off and we watched it a dozen times in a row. I played WoW back then so it was really funny to me.
Server? Faction? Name?
At least I have chicken
I was ridiculously amused by the PALS4LIFE cameo in this account of the Battle of Berkeley.
I’ve got a serious question: are there people out there that are naive enough to require this advice?
One of those pieces of advice is “Turn to the Government”. Worst advice ever.
They’re called grandparents.
In a paper titled, “Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2016,” Lott wrote that, “While whites still hold the vast majority of permits, the number of black permit holders has grown more than twice as quickly as the number of white permit holders.”
“Concealed carry has increased most rapidly among black females,” Lott concluded. “From 2000 to 2015, the rate of growth was 3.81 times faster than among white females.”
In a statement to Fox News, NRA spokeswoman Catherine Mortensen said: “Women are the fastest growing segment of firearms buyers in the country.”
Also NRA= white patriarchy?
“The NRA is a natural home for women firearms owners,” Mortensen said. “Increasingly, women today don’t want to rely on a spouse or neighbor for protection. They want to be able to protect themselves and their families.”
I would love to see gun-rights supporters call out gun control for the institutional racism that it is, loudly and constantly. It should be the main talking point of every guns rights organization and at the focal point of every pro-firearm legislation. Let’s see the Dems and Progs twist themselves in knots defending against that. I hate the racism card which is usually unfounded bullshit but this is one spot where it’s dead on. Racism was the foundation for gun control’s initiation to keep guns out of the hands of blacks and it’s still a factor in it’s implementation to this day. I’m hopeful that the gun ownership rise in minorities might help reduce the importance of the gun control platform in the prog movement.
I wonder how much of this is due to Medea. She’s always packing heat. Might get some black women thinking that’s not such a bad idea.
I don’t know why, but this really tickled my funny bone. I’ve got the damn church giggles and can’t stop
While whites still hold the vast majority of permits
Gee I wonder why that is, couldn’t have anything to do with what part of the population they make up.
Are we counting White Hispanics?
Given that I’ve seen the Pink Pistols described as an extremist right-wing group, I’m not sure if that will happen, much as I’d like it to.
It’s almost as if you can’t describe a complex matrix of opinions on a linear spectrum.
Linear? I think it’s binary.
That’s such zero-dimensional thinking.
Wasn’t the NRA started by two Union generals to teach freemen how to use rifles because they didn’t learn as boys?
“I would love to see gun-rights supporters call out gun control for the institutional racism that it is, loudly and constantly.”
I always throw it back in their faces when I hear that voter ID is essentially the same thing as barring blacks from voting. If it’s unacceptable to ask for an ID at the polling place, why is it a wonderful idea to check ID, ask for a special firearms license, then do a background check* for someone who wants to defend themselves?
* The EOCC had a “ban the box” campaign where they tried to spread the idea that disqualifying job applicants based on a criminal record was racist.
This reminds me of the Derpbook meme saying, “If millions of young black men bought guns and joined the NRA, you’d see gun control overnight”. I’ve pointed out to people posting this drivel, that just about every “gun nut” I know (and I come from a family of “gun nuts”) would have no problem whatsoever with it. Really the whole claim reeks of projection. They’re afraid of young black men with guns. So, they assume everyone is.
They also tend to think guns are ickky and are pissed other people they look down on could have them..
My undergrad alma mater gets a green light rating from FIRE. Now I can go back to giving them donations.
Ah, you attended the G-spot.
Every Tuesday and Thursday night and Sunday morning. Like clockwork.
Went to go check on mine, it has a yellow light, which is too bad, because I never felt like I ran into any trouble while I was there. Also because I’m thinking about going back for a master’s. I just have to up my GRE.
Red for mine.
Mine wasn’t rated at all, which is a little bit strange, since it’s a fairly big school (Texas Christian)
My uncle taught there for a while in the ’90s.
Green Light for dear ol’ U-V-A
Really? Last I saw, we sucked for free speech.
I was there 95-99 and it was pretty much an apolitical campus in those days. Also, we had a good football team then.
Yellow for mine (Rutgers). I’m actually kind of surprised they’re not red.
red for the D-REX.
next time they call begging for money, I’ll claim I WOULD have donated, except for that
“New York Times reports one person’s version of a dinner conversation, reported to them third-hand, as truth.”
Stating “In a Private Dinner, Trump Demanded Loyalty. Comey Demurred” as fact is just seriously bad journalism.
No, I’m pretty sure that’s textbook stuff they teach at Columbia.
And your taxes are paying for it:
The structure of the sentences is so awkward, it can only be deliberate?
Without playing these word games, they couldn’t call it “Mr. Comey’s account” and they are clearly dedicated to reporting it as if it is a reliable account from Comey himself. Transparent.
It doesn’t even seem like the NYT bothered to ask Comey what happened.
You’re right, I didn’t see any boilerplate in that article indicating that they attempted to get him on the record before writing an article detailing “his account” of the story. Truly amazing from the Newspaper of Record.
Amazing? This is the paper of Walter Duranty.
I almost choked on my coffee this morning because our local lefty columnist had posted a new column: Exploring the dynamics and power of tribal partisan identities
Could he have finally figured out that Team Red/Blue partisanship is a stupid dynamic that is not helping anyone?
Luckily for my second cup of coffee, turns out that the only tribal partisans who are willfully blind are the GOP-ers who voted for Trump. And that we should be more like France and weed out the icky GOP-ers.
Yeah, no blinders on him at all.
Projection your honor!
the negative stories about Clinton that so offended her detractors – Benghazi, her email server blunder, etc.
Shit just happens to her, huh?
If someone attracts bad things like a vortex of fail, you really want them in an important office at the heart of government!
Yep no lies from her or the clinton foundation or deplorables comment
You see if you consolidate your scandals under two names, it sounds better when you compare it to a bunch of other scandals someone else had. No need to go looking into magnitude of the scandals relevance to the job they are auditioning for.
Trump scandals? Like the fabricated “OMG RUSSIA!” thing? Racism? I would just once like them to provide an actual example of Trump doing something that is actually racist.
Fuck these asshole for making me defend Trump.
Ryan cooper is the same guy that said federal taxes should be increased by 10k on households making 100k. So 10k on top of what you pay now. This is per household so if both making 50k
His reasoning is analysis paralysis and the govt would be able to make decisions on your needs for you
Not sure how I feel about this story: Sex tourism victim wins unprecedented civil judgment of nearly $1M
It sure seems like some asshole raped a girl in a foreign country. I would like to see him punished for that.
On the other hand, I can easily see a law punishing people who go to strange lands to get some strange could easily be abused.
That’s an awful story and not one where I have any hope of finding out what really happened. Either a 14 year old got raped or a massive scam is going to destroy a guy’s life. Glad I’m not the judge.
Who knows what happened?
Paywall. Apparently I must have already read an article on that site, so now I must pay to read more. Fuck them.
Food worker fired for prisoner sex in kitchen cooler
No ability to consent under law? Feminists get sudden idea.
Pikers. DC spent 200 million dollars on a street car that goes 2.4 miles that you can literally outwalk in the time it takes to get from beginning to end. It cost 200 million to build in the midst of the regular metro having huge maintenance issues that are costing the city 100’s of millions to repair. In addition it costs about 8 million annually to run, and last I checked was not charging ridership anything to ride it due to the already exceptionally low use in an effort to drum up ridership.
Supposed to be in response to Private Chipperbot.
Detroit is all up in that, too.
Edit fairy?
A SugarFree and a Gilmore under one number, nice work people!
SugarMore? Gilfree?
It seems pretty implausible that she forced a male inmate to have sex with her against his will. Also, if she faces charges, she might turn around and accuse him of rape.
If she’s drunk and the inmate can’t consent, what do they do? Charge both or neither?
I could understand that they don’t want people who work at prisons having sex with the inmates. And that seems a perfectly justifiable reason to fire someone. But saying an inmate can’t consent is ridiculous.
Anyway, women almost never get charged with sexual assault (unless it’s a teacher with someone underage). If both people are drunk, it’s the man’s fault.
Look, if a woman is drunk she can’t consent, so she got raped even she consented at the time. If a man is drunk, he can consent anyway, so he is responsible and a rapist. Because men and women are equal.
Wa…wa….wait a second.
You are a city that’s broke and has entire neighborhoods sitting empty, You install a 3 mile streetcar, because why not. And then the coup de grace, you decide you need an official Storyteller…
And if they really need a storyteller, I say hire Sugarfree and really give them something to talk about.
You don’t pay Sugarfree to make him tell stories, you pay Sugarfree to make him stop.
We’ll be using that in our first fundraising drive.
I’d tell stories about Detriot for half that.
Involving Warty Hugeman, I hope.
Fraggle Rock had a chief storyteller. Of course, they also had highly productive Doozers building things all the time, too. Maybe Detroit should look into that.
They need to consult the Trash Heap.
I may regret asking this, but how many ways can they come up with to piss away money they don’t have?
Hmm. How about $1.2 million a month for an unfinished jail?
And they are probably going to turn down an offer from Quicken,
Dan Gilbert wants to build a soccer stadium and entertainment district on the current site. Which makes too much sense because there is no way a city would want to build a jail welcoming people downtown…
The End
More proof the left has the mentality of five-year-olds.
Damn I was gonna post the stupid Avocado article. I had a ride from an uber driver from turkey the other day who was a staunch Ergoden guy. It took me aback, it started when I told him that I would love to go back to Turkey but probably wouldn’t due to all the goings on over there. He basically said it was all bullshit and nothing has really changed except for the fact that “the western media was spreading lies about Ergoden in an effort to get him out of office just like they are trying to do to Trump”. He was pretty heated about it so I just let him rant. So to recap Turkish guy living in DC was a huge Trump/Ergoden supporter.
My only thought is “But Erdogan actually changed Turkey’s constitution…”
Politics is like religion. Once most people pick a side, it’s over.
“But Erdogan actually changed Turkey’s constitution…”
If you really loved democracy, you would know that you would have to reject any electoral outcome you disagreed with.
That entire twitter feed is full of “may be inappropriate content”.
Inappropriate for cute puppy fetishists?
Although from the warning I expected a tornado to drop from the sky and grab the puppies…
When the breeder sent pictures of our puppy, I knew I had a winner. All the puppies were crowded around the big feed bowl – one however was splayed out, face-down in the bowl.
OMG cute overload
I got a warning that the tweet may contain disturbing material. It’s puppies for god’s sake.
I guess they think that’s funny or something
Spain: “Pacifist” Imam Arrested on Terror Charges
Wait… Half a million Euros gets you a hundred thousand square feet?
“lives in a 10,000 square meter (108,000 square foot) mansion in Teulada-Moraira, a small coastal town on Spain’s Mediterranean coast”
How is the town big enough to hold his house?
I did a quick internet search to find the largest mansion I could.
“Aaron Spelling’s…150 million…56,500 square-foot home”
56500 ft^2 = 1.3 acre
That’s floorspace Inside the building…
Prog: “No one should be allowed to have a house that big!”
Me: “Seems excessive but if you’ve got the money, go for it.”
Me: Garage is too small.
I actually have it on good authority that a former chair of the DNC said that is nobody’s business what a private citizen freely accepts as compensation for work.
They meant Europeans.
Don’t they often list the lot size rather than the dwelling’s size when it comes to European housing?
I don’t know. But really, the only sensible methodology would be to list both. There’s a big difference btween a 1.3 acre house and a shack on 1.3 acres of meadow.
Tommy Robinson Arrested After Trying to Film Alleged Rapists
*TW that’s a fucked up site, but the only other one I could find was Stormfront.
The comments on that site belong on Stormfront anyway. They’re pretty fucking despicable.
That site is something else. Ethno nationalists if I’m not mistaken. First time I saw them was when Styxhexenhammer did an interview with them. Now, I like Styx, but those are fucked up dudes at Red Ice.
Gates of Vienna covers those kinds of stories pretty well.
Trump gets two scoops of ice cream, because that’s how many genders there are.
And only one flavor. Vanilla.
As long as one of them is Rocky Road. She’s a fox.
Insert Yakov Smirnoff Pokemon joke.
Mother Jones is now Buzzfeed?
Aaaaand in comes the first comment:
“Nick Bell • 2 hours ago
Americans have shown that they prefer a incestuous sleaze bag over a mother. So many Americans think that they can tell mothers what they can do with their own bodies. Many Americans do not believe in paying mothers the same as men.
And most white mothers prefer Donald Trump (including my own). America has never been a great place for mothers.”
I used to wade through the comments of the left to see how the disorder works…but I’ve grown tired of them and their nonsense.
“• Reply•Share ›
Handypants2 • 33 minutes ago
Just more reason to elect more women in every level of politics..
Treating women poorly is a sickness and the country suffers.”
Motherjones can’t even capitalize on Reason losing its core commenters.
“Most U.S. colleges — 89% — reported zero incidents of rape in 2015, according to American Association of University Women (AAUW) analysis of data provided by schools to the U.S. Department of Education.
Reported is the key word. Just because a school had no rape reports doesn’t mean no rapes happened.
AAUW’s findings very likely do not reflect the true state of sexual violence among college students, since a majority of incidents go unreported.”
So if rapes are reported it means rape happened, and if no rapes are reported it means rape happened?
Reported is the key word.
Ummmm…. Yeah, seeing as it needs to be reported for us to count it… They are acting like this is some sort of statistical nuance. It’s simple data recording. We can’t make inferences about the data we don’t have.
Rates is for my mortgage rant.
3.5% fixed, no prepayment penalty.
“And now Popovich, the smug assclown with an incredible basketball knowledge, gets to face off against the Warriors again, where I can only hope he gets publicly humiliated.”
He has grown to be insufferable; particularly since Trump.
His ‘we are Rome’ quip was especially grating. Right Pop, all of a sudden America – poof!- is Rome.
It never occurred to him that in order to be Rome ‘now’ actually evolves and if he’d realize that Obama played his fricken part.
The US = Rome quip is one of the most tired lefty cliches going. It’s at least what, 40 years old at this point? I’m all for non-interventionism and controlling our debt, etc., but saying we are Rome is the laziest, uncritical statement someone can make while trying to sound profound.
I still like Pop
You just don’t like the Rome comment because you don’t want to have to upgrade your wardrobe to be Ostrogoth compliant.
He has no problem with participation in the Bread and Circuses
Popovich is deformed. Yeah it’s a cheap shot, what of it?
Why aren’t extroverts considered diseased? I mean, they’re always going around getting in people’s business
Hear, hear.
And, to your larger point- I just noticed a banner near a major intersection with the message, “1 in 5 people is living with a mental disease” or some such folderol.
Undoubtedly a plea for money by a special interest group.
“1 in 5 people is living with a mental disease”
Only 20% of the country are Progs?
Shit like this is why statistics is regarded as a front for epic bullshittery.
I’m sure 1 in 5 Americans have a mental disease of that category includes mild situational depression and a phobia of speaking in front of crowds.
Proof that the GOP hates children.
They are refusing to help make child care “more affordable.”
I did it by making more money.
Was that wrong?
We did it by having Mrs. Holiness stay home with the kids, while I went out and busted my miter.
Somehow we got by and our kids turned out pretty good.
Check your privilege, you Papal shitlord!
Yes, we did the same thing.
Same here, we took the “government free” approach to childcare and the wife stays home.
“busted my miter”
Something, something, euphemisms, something.
Where do you think the kids came from?
Popes are supposed to have children, they’re supposed to have “Nephews” and “Nieces”.
Nice? near Avignon? HOME OF THE ANTIPOPES?!
Unless their last name is Borgia, in which case not only are they supposed to have kids, they are supposed to have sex with them
I find child care to be extremely affordable. I honestly don’t even notice it in my budget.
I notice it every April 15.
Or maybe they could stop insisting that children must be under 24/7 supervision?
There should be a meme that can be sent to articles like that. All it should say is “that’s not how economics works”
Is this person whining nothing has been done 4 months in?
Minnesota-only grumbling.
More conflation that something can only be done if the government does it/subsidizes it. Dear Lord, how *did* people breed for thousands of years before the Democrat party came into existence?
Look, if you can’t expand dependency on government, how do you expect to expand the rolls of voters for the party of government dependency?
I don’t know, I can think of a lot of ways government can make childcare more affordable without subsidizing it.
Getting rid of a bunch of regulations and privatizing schools would be a good start
They’re whining that the GOP won’t make other people pay to provide day care for their kids.
Fucking great song, Sloopy!
I can always count on you for sober reflection on my music choices. Thanks, Tundra.
I really like that song. I saw the Call in the late 80’s early 90’s or so. They opened for Starship who I had no desire to see. Luckily the guitar player for Starship got his head kicked in at one of our local bars the night before so the Call played a long set.
Alex Jones brainwashed my son, so I want him killed. Silly YouTube, but awesome in its own special way.
Yeah, I could only listen for a few seconds. I can’t stand the willful dissonance from the left.
Well, if everyone in that video could somehow find a really short pier to take long walk off, I wouldn’t be too upset
Seems staged.
A proggie friend just posted a “Don’t Tread on Me” meme on her Facederps. I get the feeling it’s more along the lines of “I don’t really know what this means” as opposed to “I’m suddenly anti-government”.
Don’t tread on me – but treading on those icky people is cool!
It means “Don’t Tread on Me Free Shit!”
The real irony? SHE WORKS FOR THE STATE!
So do I. Just not that state.
Ask her if she booked her next vacation at the Bundy Ranch.
I think it means, “the rachet only goes one way!”
She doesn’t want anyone unwinding any of the laws that they worked so hard to put in place. Or defunding the EPA.
Principals not principles.
Does she also think “1984” was a cautionary tale about the dangers of having the wrong people in charge of the government?
No, a morality tale where Winston errs, but learns the error of his wrongthink in the end.
I find seeing this here especially appropriate considering I just had a friend on Facebook post a supposed letter by a Canadian about how he doesn’t understand why Americans don’t want to pay for everyone’s healthcare. Saying crap like I don’t mind paying more taxes so some kid in Alberta can get the surgery he needs. It’s called being a decent fucking human being! I’m tempted to go looking for that Steven Crowder video on YouTube about the Canadian healthcare system. But I’m sure the response to that would be something along the lines of “Crowder is a known right-wing extremist loon!”
I previously commented about this, but it was on another site.
I had a discussion with a canadian and a brit about healthcare. In one part of the conversation the brit had mentioned that he’d learned to stitch his own injuries because of the wait times. Later on when I said that I’d gotten two sets of x-rays for $66, the rebuttal was “what about the people who don’t have $66”. If I were a better debater, my response would have been “You don’t have treatment now anyway.”
I was having a similar discussion with an American “progressive” single payer enthusiast. I pointed out that many people in single payer countries die on the waiting list, and his response was, “well, at least they were ON a list!”
If Canuck healthcare is so great, why do 10% of their docs decamp to the US after graduation?
The smart ones get educated at places like McGill because of the cost and split.
My nephew is aiming for med school and I suggested he do that. Go make real money and make a difference if you can.
You can tell your idiot friend that it also pays for all the useless visits that drive costs up and leads to rationing – i.e. who gets to get what surgery. You can be turned down in the Canadian system because it’s COST-CENTRIC.
What happens to those people you can ask him?
Fuck I hate progressives. In their smug believe they are humanists, they support the most anti-humanist systems and measures.
Omelette, eggs etc.
Remember, “The metric is money” it’s about how much we spend. That is how good it the program is.
That’s what pisses me off the most. You could tell reading that post the smug sense of moral superiority coming from whomever wrote it. These dumbasses are so convinced of their morality while advocating for the most immoral disgusting things ever.
A proggie friend just posted a “Don’t Tread on Me” meme on her Facederps. I get the feeling it’s more along the lines of “I don’t really know what this means” as opposed to “I’m suddenly anti-government”.
I’m going to guess it’s a plea for the government she loves to save her from the government she hates.
That Canada hospital story is hard to believe. Maybe the lesson is that single-payor only works with a completely subjugated society. If the people in a hospital refused to help my wife after she collapsed in their damn waiting room, I wouldn’t be in shock, I’d be in jail for many assaults and possibly murder.
That strict protocol is in tact.
I don’t know, it seems pretty tactless.
“Turkey sliding further and further toward a fascist state”
This, for my money, is the news of the year. To anyone paying attention, Erdogan has been marching down this path for quite a while, but recent developments have made it even more shocking. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this was the ONE example of an advanced, secular, representative government in an overwhelmingly Muslim country. For 100 years, they had relative prosperity for the region, a lack of sectarian violence (Kurds aside) and a diversified, functioning economy. Now, Ataturk spins in his grave while Erdogan turns it into another Iran or Saudi or Pre-Hillary Libya. It’s tragic.
I’ve noticed a removal of Ataturk images from official events and venues over the last couple years.
Oddly enough, it was Obama’s administration that cozied up to Iran, Turkey, and Russia. Strange that the antifa crowd only turned out for Trump.
Only strange if antifa is actually “anti-fascist”. They are just the muscle of the hard left movement in the Western world. I know you know this, but a disturbing number of people in this country don’t.
Steyn talked about it last month. During that century of peace and progress, the yokels outbred the urbanites in Turkey – it’s their country now.
I think Erdogan wants to recreate the Ottoman Empire. The Turkish military is big and scary good by Middle Eastern standards.
So Erdogan wants to make enemies of the US and Russia?
They’re also a member of NATO. So, yeah. Implications.
It’s the implication…
Where did he learn to use “terrorism” as a justification to stomp on civil liberties?
Olbermann Calls On Foreign Intelligence Services to Overthrow the U.S. Government. Really.
Serously check out the video of Olberman’s rant. To call it hyperbolic would be an understatement, but I don’t think there’s a word that rises to the level of his hysteria. “Treason” might even be a word that applies.
Moar sauce:
Do these people even know what a coup is?
Two doors?
I see what you did there.
It’s as if Swiss doesn’t even care anymore.
Olbermann just jumped the megalodon shark.
He’s been completely unhinged for a long time.
Uh. Isn’t this what they say already happened in November?
Yeah but that supposedly helped the OTHER team. It’s different when such interference would help a Democrat because the Democrats represent the best interests of the republic.
Needs more pots and pans.
I really mean it, you can’t really understand the level of derp until you’ve seen the video. Watch it, it’s a total shitshow like you’ve never seen.
I tried, but after the first two minutes I lost the ability to comprehend language. Thankfully, I could still operate an opposable thumb to hit the back button on my mouse.
I’m making it through. He’s growing on me.
1:30 – That’s all I could take.
This might literally be the worst case of TDS that any human being has or could ever have.
That is the greatest theater I’ve ever seen.
That promo photo of Olbermann draped in the American flag is pretty damn theatrical.
That’s disturbing
Do you think he’s edge lording or is a true believer?
Delusional believer.
I bet somewhere you get college credits for watching his show.
I don’t think he understands what would happen to him in the “what comes after the coup” world.
Man bun IT guy got his hair cut. He was in the kitchen complaining about how everyone is going to stop him in the halls to comment on his hair. Then he proceeds to walk around the office, pointing out his hair.
The way to do a change like that is to make the most dramatic shift possible – then openly insist that nothing is different and anyone who mentions it is remembering wrong.
UnCivilServant’s suggestion has always been my approach.
Coworker: “Did you change your hair?”
(I went from hair down to my shoulder blades to a pixie cut)
Me: “No, why?”
I have also never once worn new clothes.
Without free speech, how would the douchebags self-identify?
OMG it’s just like he’s a black woman!
Attn: Soccer nerds. My son wants to go see two teams I’ve never heard of play at Comerica for ICC (?) tournament. Is this high quality soccer, and will the money to go be worth it? Something like $75/ticket.
It’s summer tour preseason stuff. Expect to see great players mailing it in.
True, but I’ve noticed they’ve started to take it a little more seriously in recent years. I remember when the Impact invited Fiorentina over and said to bother to come if you don’t bring your top players.
The did. And then I got to see Jovetic pop his knee during a practice session.
/face palm.
Yeah, I saw Spurs and Liverpool in Baltimore a few years ago. After a great opening 20 minutes…it ended 0-0 with their fringe players on the field.
Who are the teams? And generally, I say go for it if it’s the European sides. Why not?
AS Roma and Paris Saint-Germain. He went to the Chelsea-Real Madrid match last year at the Big House and he said none of their marquee players made the trip. He loved it, but was bummed about the stars not showing up.
Go see it. It’s exhibition soccer for international teams during their off season. Euro-teams don’t play in the summer, so it’s the perfect time for them to come to the US and play exhibition matches for $$$ and as a kind of outreach. It’s great clubs playing their B and C teams which means it’ll still be pretty good soccer.
Now that I’ve outed myself as a soccer nerd, we need some soccer articles on this site *runs and hides before rotten vegetables begin flying*.
So you’re a Commie mole, I see.
No event is worth $75 unless there is some sort of side benefit.
Bullshit. I’d pay that in a second for a Lou Reed/David Bowie double bill.
Side benefit is that you’re dead
Well, Lou Reed will have to find someone else because Bowie is dead.
At least we will always have Lou Reed.
I was set to pay $200 to go to Riotfest in Denver last year to see the Misfits reunion, but my 93 year old grandfather’s health was failing and Labor Day weekend looked like it might be my last chance to go visit him. So I went to Long Island instead. Grandpa made an amazing recovery and now feels better than he has in years, which is wonderful……but I’d be lying if I’m not a little bit disappointed that he didn’t have his turnaround BEFORE Riotfest.
Soccer? Bring a supply of caffeine.
We went and saw PSG play Real Madrid here in Columbus last summer. Yeah, the biggest names never play, but he had a blast, and that alone made it worth the ticket prices.
To call it hyperbolic would be an understatement, but I don’t think there’s a word that rises to the level of his hysteria. “Treason” might even be a word that applies.
Kristof wrote a column in the NYT a while back which was nothing less than a call for a coup under the flimsy guise of a “25th Amendment emergency”. These people are fucking insane.
I’ll bet good money that this Olbermann video is worse. I came across it like 30 minutes after he posted it and what shocked me was that he didn’t immediately take it down. I think Michael Moore would watch this video and tell Keith Olbermann to get a fucking grip.
“Olbermann shouts ‘Treason and Treachery!’ if his assistant accidentally brings him a latte made with dairy milk rather than soy milk.”
The “never Trump” conservatives often seem more balanced than many of the people on that other website.
They’re certainly sounder critics of Trump than anyone on the left.
Because they actually cite tangible reasons to oppose actions X, Y and Z, instead of strapping on a pussy hat and mouthing hyperbolic platitudes. Let’s face it, the left is predominately retarded so we shouldn’t expect much from them.
Taking a moment to breath into a paper bag a few times before taking to twitter makes for a more credible journalist than most lefties.
Riffing on the inappropriate cute puppy content on twitter from above:
Interesting philosophical question, what defines NSFW? Pretty much everyone can agree that hardcore porn is NSFW, and most people would say that nude bodies, whether artistic or not, are probably NSFW. This is just a variation of the “I’ll know it when I see it” porn argument.
But what of fetishes? Let’s construct a thought experiment: you share a cubicle with someone who is an honest to G-d high heel shoe fetishist. You are looking at shoes online either for yourself (for my female-identifying audience) or for your SO (for my cishet shitlord audience). Since these images are genuinely sexually arousing to your cubemate, would it be considered NSFW? Discuss.
I think anything that would make your employer say WTF he glance at your screen over your shoulder should at least get the ‘possible’ nsfw tag. Any pic with a lot of skin is going to naturally get a double take.
“Would HM post this in the overnight thread?” is probably a good rule.
Anything that causes you to shove the monitor off the desk when someone walks by is NSFW.
Ugh… I already passed this year’s online sexual harassment training. For the love of god, no more please.
Show me on the power point presentation where the bad co-worker touched you.
It depends on your gender. I had a client with a middle aged woman who had a Tom Brady obsession, and wall papered her cube with pictures of him. Most were just him in his Pats uniform or look like something from the cover of SI or GQ. But some were him shirtless on a beach or in his underwear. But totes cool since she’s got lady parts.
If her male counterpart had a similar shrine of Maria Sharapova or some such, I’m sure HR would have found a banker’s box for his personal effects and shown him the door.
Yeah but toxic masculinity so…case closed.
I can top that. I have a probably lesbian coworker who has constructed a shrine to Cara Delevingne in her cubicle.
The question is which creates the hostile workplace environment for the fair sex? Keeping it up? or making her take it down? 😀
Don’t call me Caitlyn: Baby name plunges in popularity
The popularity of the name Caitlyn has plummeted more than any other baby name, a year after Caitlyn Jenner announced her new name and gender.
In fact, Social Security’s annual list of the most popular baby names shows that the four names that dropped the most were all variations of the same name: Caitlin, Caitlyn, Katelynn and Kaitlynn.
Each year, the Social Security Administration releases the top 1,000 baby names.
Emma was the top baby name for girls for the third year in a row last year. It was followed by Olivia, Ava, Sophia and Isabella.
I know a girl with that name. Her brother has been in the process of “transitioning to female” which neither her nor the rest of her family approves of. So she loses a brother and then she has her name associated with Jenner. Poor girl.
I agree – her brother who is transitioning has a shitty family. Poor girl, indeed.
It’s a sad situation
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
*focuses death beam*
Meh. They shouldn’t have to approve of it.
Well, I never liked her brother before he decided he was a she because he’s a lying douchebag but I’m not his mom. She loved and defended him when he was a lying douchbag and now she’s disowned him. I don’t really care, but it is sad for the family.
It’s a mental disorder. I’m not sure that the best response to a mental illness is to enable it with unquestioning approval. The post-op regret rate is fairly high and the post-“transition” suicide rate is as well. In this day and age, some other mental disorder might be masquerading as a type of body dysphoria. This person could be craving some kind of social status or attention which they’re apt to get in 2017.
I’m not against giving the he/she some kind of acceptance, but acceptance should definitely not be a forgone conclusion. Since JB seems to be implying that this person is possibly a pathological liar or has some other pathologies that could be at work here so maybe acceptance and a pat on the back would be a bad call.
Yeah, but your mom disowning you is pretty harsh.
There are children involved as well which is what makes it especially sad
Yeah disowning your own kid is pretty inconceivable to me. Are they fundy Christians? In any case, thank his/her lucky stars he/she was not born into a Muslim family.
No they are not, however, his wife, who he married as a man before he decided he was a she, and who he is still married to is Muslim. I don’t think she is all religious but her family is. I don’t know the whole story about what is happening with her family but I believe they are now estranged as well. So yeah, pretty crazy.
That’s a relatively mild response for a Muslim family. A friend of mine dated a Muslim girl who had to go into hiding when her family found out she was dating an infidel. Her brothers and father threatened to kill her and my friend. Before too long they broke up when she agreed to an arranged marriage that her mother proposed as a way of reconciling the family.
what defines NSFW?
Call me crazy, but I’d say, “Anything that keeps you from doing the job you’re being paid to do.”
I think a major factor in the decline of productivity is the amount of time people spend doing non-work-related stuff on company time, using company computers and internet access.
If God didn’t want me to screw around at work, he wouldn’t have made Al Gore invent the internet.
I use the internet to fill the time between work requests.
If you’re obsessive enough to pay attention to when I’m not here – that’s when I’m working.
It’s ok, I just watch pornhub in the background while I do my work.
The ambient sounds helps you concentrate.
These euphemisms.
Is this a thing?
It’s actually a decline in the productivity growth rate.
What decline of productivity?
Vacation Day: clean house, cut lawn, run weed whipper, sweep ‘n’ clean back deck, set up volleyball net, go shopping for party food and drinks, and then be prepared for the after-party cleanup.
It still beats work-work though.
Inviting the high school girl’s volleyball team?
Me at a girls volleyball game: Alright FreeSociety, keep it together. Make it look like you’re interested in the game, not the players. Must….try…not to….stare. *fails, goes home to shower off the pedo feels*
The setter gives the two signal and FS falls apart.
I don’t know what that is but it sounds hot.
Setter calls the play much like a catcher but instead flashing fingers out by his junk she flashes fingers by her butt.
Probably best to do an image search “incognito”.
Me at a girl’s volleyball game: Boy, if anybody recognizes me through this disguise, it’s ten years in the joint.
*raucous applause*
Ugh. I’d rather be at work – that sounds exhausting.
A little mood music.
I’ll add some Snake Corps
Excellent choice.
Post-punk and coldwave are my fav genre.
The Sound
Little Nemo
I could go on and on but my wife is cracking the whip – time to get back to work.
Nice. Hadn’t heard of them before.
French! Check out Asylum Party if you want more of the “touching pop” sound.
Yeah, I got sucked into a mini-vortex of that stuff just searching for this and that name popped up too. Will research.
God they were criminally ignored
Awesome. SL&G are one of my all-time favorites.
Sad Lovers and Giants material all sounds similar but somehow I could listen to their albums all day long.
Depends on the period. They got less “edgy” – for lack of a better word – over time. Here is my favorite FWIW.
I just got onto a Percy Faith jag and boy … those strings are LUSH!
Turkey isn’t sliding into a fascist state. It’s been a fascist state ever since Mustafa Kemal set up the original republic.
I listened to some of the original Jolly Roger calls on YouTube a while back, and they were pretty funny. Cool to see that he’s turned it into an actual business with new personalities. There’s another good one by a different person that features “Lenny”, a scatterbrained old man.
I’m starting to like like this Kevin D. Williamson.
“Miss Burleigh’s suggestion was not enough. Not nearly. Rather than send Bill Clinton into his dotage with a generous allowance of Viagra and interns, they gave his wife — his batty, corrupt, inept, corrupt, feckless, corrupt, preening, unbearable, corrupt, condescending, and corrupt wife — the Senate seat being vacated by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the last good Democrat. She was elected to represent the state of New York in the Senate when she did not even live there, leading Moynihan to wryly praise her “Illinois-Arkansas enthusiasm.””
Warning: Big picture of Chelsea Clinton. Do not attempt during breakfast.
And then there was this:
“Leave Hillary alone!!”
Gladly – once she goes away!
Bit more thorough takedown of Chelsea that I enjoyed over the weekend:
Aside from the usual attacks on how vapid and unaccomplished she really is, the point I enjoyed most is that those trying so fervently to “make Chelsea happen” have to overcome the major obstacle that unlike Bill and Hillary, Chelsea doesn’t seem to have any actual ambition. She’s already living the more-money-than-you-could-ever-hope-to-spend life and seems pretty content with it.
Hmm, seems that now you might only be able to see the first couple graphs? Whatever, NRO. I thought you were cooler than that.
The Thomas Frank piece in Vanity Fair was even more fun since it comes from the left.
I didn’t see that one, I’ll go look for it thanks.
Possibly better link:
“Without establishing herself in any field, she segued gently into the realm of the ceremonial job, as though, having skipped entirely the “rising to the top of one’s profession” part of life, it was time to kick back a little, to accept due recompense in the form of board seats (such as the one on the family foundation) and advisory sinecures and other such vapor-jobs, prestige appointments lightly tethered to the vaguest of duties. Remember how, on Seinfeld, the lifelong dilettante Kramer retired to Florida in his forties? That’s our girl Chelsea, albeit with the wacky charisma replaced by an exceptionally monotonous raise-your-voice-and-be-heard female-empowerment component.”
Thanks, that link worked. Weird.
Yeah, I didn’t realize until just now that NRO has some kind of paywall shuffle going, sorry about that.
That article hit a paywall.
Things are going to get disgusting when the Obama girls get out of college.
At least they are easier on the eyes.
Damning with faint praise.
That was supposed to be one “like” not “like like”.
A few weeks old, but The Handmaid’s Tale has become a flashpoint for me illustrating just how incomprehensibe and intellectually bankrupt the left has gotten. In addition to Geraghty’s thoughts, I’d add: how unbelievably spiteful and malign would you have to be to believe that the men in your life, the men you’re married to, related to, gave birth to, or with whom you work, would acquiesce to the state of affairs depicted in the show? And of course it’s only now with the show’s debut that anyone throws a hysterical tantrum, despite the book’s having been around for thirty years, because these people are led around by the nose. How repulsive are you to think that Pence is a forerunner for the Commander because he’s faithful to his wife? How hysterical to think not only is this fiction “timely”, but presaging events right around the corner? How evil to convince your daughters they’ll be sold off as sex slaves because Trump was elected?
Semiliterate goddamn cretins, all of them.
All men are potential rapists just waiting for an opportunity to justify their predation. Since Christfags are a special kind of deranged, they sublimate their innate rapeyness into creating a society in which rape and female subjugation are de rigueur. Don’t trust your male co-worker or your male friend or even your brother and father. They are a monster inside. No matter how they behave or what they say, they are just one step away from violating you, enslaving you and turning you into chattel to be used as breeding stock.
All the Handmaid’s nonsense lately drives me crazy. If campus rape hysteria, women’s college graduation rates, and abortion rights/family court/child support means society is one day from turning into an Atwoodian Patriarchy, I’d really hate to see what society needs to look like so it’s never possible.
Whenever I hear that women are oppressed, I mention that men make up the overwhelming majority of suicides, homicide victims, workplace fatalities, and incarcerations. Women live longer and attend college at a higher rate than men.
When someone points out such a disparity among say, blacks and whites, “progressives” take it as evidence of a systematic conspiracy to keep these people down. But when it’s men and women, we just hear crickets from the left.
This may need to be in the PM links…
Man orders prostitute. She turns out to be his wife…
That is fuckin’ awesome. Literally.
Also, he didn’t recognize his wife’s tits from the “from the neck down” photo?
I’m guessing it wasn’t her (28 vs. 49 years of age)
It’s a Rodney Dangerfield joke come to life
It’s The Pina Colada Song (Escape), just with a few more complications.
The advertisement he was answering was for a sex worker who enjoyed pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.
She advertised being 28 when she’s 49. FRAUD.
So I waited with high hopes and she walked in the place
I knew her smile in an instant, I knew the curve of her face
It was my own lovely lady and she said, “oh, it’s you.”
Then we laughed for a moment and I said, “I never knew.”
Don’t forget the link out to the guy who chopped off his balls and microwaved them.
Ah I see you didn’t
My genitals hurt
I think it’s the microwaving them that makes the story for me. It wasn’t enough t o just chop ’em off.
Twig and berries, or just the berries?
My fake news sense is tingling on this one. The story, however, is so awesome, I’m willing it to be true.
so does he still have to pay for the sex, or is it free because she’s his wife?
Are you under the wildly mistaken impression that sex with one’s wife is free?
So far, I’ve bought my wife three houses.
if you like pina colada…
AP: Trump lawyer reviewed tax returns for past ten years, claims no evidence of income from Russia… “with few exceptions.”
Iowahawk: My toenails are fungus-free, with few exceptions
Has already been 10 years since we outlawed business with Russians? Time flies.
I wish the Dems would at least spell out what crime they think Trump committed. Did he give Putin the password to Podesta’s email server? Did he jump on an FRB conference call to blue sky a bunch of Twitter trolling strategies? Helped craft an ingenious plan to make Hillary ignore the midwest?
FIS, not FRB
I just want to know if their theory is falsifiable.
No. It has all the trappings of a typical conspiracy theory. Lots of “links”, “circumstantial evidence”, and “bad optics”, but no smoking gun.
Stupid site won’t let me cut and paste:
“Was found by neighbors writhing on the ground in pain outside his property.”
Outside his property. Indeed.
Dude with free speech sign attacked by Nazis.
I think wearing a mask makes people illiterate. That’s why bank robbers write notes beforehand.
I think the term “Nazis” needs a rest.
Only a Nazi would say that.
I’m a shock trooper in a stupor
Odds that any of those “anti-fa” had anything but an upper-middle class white suburban upbringing?
Hilarious that the “antifas” self-censored their signs.
Nice of the bobbies to do F-A in that instance.
As I sit back and watch the shit show that is our government, I always wonder just how much worse it could get. For example, all of those that cried when Hillary lost and are calling for Trump’s impeachment due to the Russian ties. It would give me great joy to have an investigation uncover multiple instances of a Russian-Clinton collusion about rigging the election in her favor, or some other type of corruption, only because Trump was unable to prevent it. Trump and the Clinton’s are friends after all are they not?
(suspects mary)
Nope. Transplant from “that other place.” Mostly commented about climate articles and tried to educate jackandace but just gave up. Anyway, I understand why you guys suspect Tulpa when you see an unfamiliar name.
I tend to agree, I STILL think Trump is a Clinton lackey that escaped his chains. Hollywood can’t write this shit, it is amazing. Also, that Russian investigation may very well reveal some very uncomfortable data about the Clinton Foundation and Russians…They can’t be THAT stupid to really want that can they?
Yesterday the Ford motor company allowed all the auto journalists to release their first reports on the new road-going GT (retail = about $475,000 or something like that)
I would call it the longest tease-porn in the history of cars were it not for the fact that the new Acura NSX had been teasing people about how it was just around the corner for something like 5-7 years. Ford, by contrast, really only did it for about 3.
The one detail that happened to be mentioned which took me by surprise = its being built in Canada.
Yes, the car which is supposed to be the new flagship/apex of American car building, and which wrapped itself in Flag-inspired paint-jobs wherever it traveled/raced…. is Canadian.
I am so ashamed.
Side note = the reviews are… generally positive, but mixed. For money like that, everyone compares them to Ferrari/McLarens. The general take-away is that the chassis is genius, but the drivetrain is uninspiring. Its not even making any effort to pretend to be a luxury-car, its just a race-car made road-legal.
Here is one of the many review/tests which were published yesterday
It is stupid of them to build it in Canada. This is an extremely limited production run and the buyers are in the “cost is no object” category. There is simply zero reason to outsource a single component of this vehicle. Why not have it assembled by hand at an iconic plant (Like the Fucking Ford Rouge Plant) or some such?
Holy missed marketing opportunity, Batman.
the whole purpose of the car is as a marketing-expense, so everyone in the world will go, “Wow” and maybe slightly modify their collective opinion that all cars made in the US are boring and boxy and made by a lazy illiterate union workforce that can’t compete with the japanese at any price.
its to remind people that Americans can be good at stuff when they want to be…. which is rare, sure, but the story of the 1960s GT40 was exactly that = a money-losing show-off effort to rub in the face of Ferrari. It was nothing but a pissing contest to remind Europeans that we have great engineers on top of the best mass-production abilities.
I think a lot of the people throwing half a million bucks at the thing may not give a shit who assembled it, but to the car-fans who put posters on their walls, and who actually do comprise most of the ‘culture’ that affects the way cars are marketed and sold…. i think it undermines the prestige-value somewhat.
Yeah. They could have done a huge marketing bit around it for people who could never afford. Hand made at the famous Rouge plant in Detroit. Webcams at all assembly areas with car # identifier. A buyer could click and see their actual car being built.
Like Ray Zalinski…
I got a new job recently as an admin professional role in the office of a very prosperous and well-known company. The pay is decent considering my qualifications (or lack of). Anyway, I’m still uncertain of whether or not they’re going to give me any work to do. The job duties were never really specified beyond “supporting the department”. This past week, they gave me a total of two or three tasks, which took no more than ten minutes each. The rest of the time was literally sitting at my desk reading S.O.P. documents that I found on the shared drive (and that was something I did on my own initiative, not something I was instructed to do).
On one hand, i’m kind of worried about my job security; how long will it be before some manager notices that I’m never really zipping around the office and going to meetings like everyone else? On the other hand, it’s better than being a nervous wreck because I have a humanly impossible workload (like at my old job).
Anyone else been in this situation before?