Trump is the only one who can’t let go of the election.
Yeah remember when he told opponents ‘I won’t to try to get them to fall into line?
I won*
Ah the vaunted no you tactic It’s a bold move Cotton let’s see if it pays off.
Former Obama administration flunkie says, “what goes around comes around” to Coptic Christians.
Oh c’mon, that can’t really be what he..
Holy shit.
“Terrorism? We don’t do it, and if we did they’d deserve it.”
What an
assholeworthless piece of shitYeah! We need to bring a lot more of that into the West. What could possibly go wrong?
I question whether Zardoz is actually a drug mule or not. I don’t know about you, but if I’m a dealer I don’t want my delivery boy to be a giant floating head that yells random stuff about BRUTALS and THE PENIS. Might attract some attention.
After being freed of the Tabernacle’s control, Zardoz seems a bit less Gun is good, Penis is bad, lately.
Don’t tell me he now favors gun control.
Nah, below it looks like he wishes he had an FFL.
He delivers to my Dispensary, which is why I’m Smoking now,
This Chosen One watched much Star Trek Voyager today. Asks ZARDOZ– and other Chosen Ones: Is Harry Kim the worst character in the STAR TREK universe?
Harry Kim can Lick Me. Hard.
No. Wesley Crusher and the Traveler.
This. The absolutely worst. With that fine ass empath next annoying, but at least easy on the eyeballs
The ass-empath from the original series?
[heads off to IMDb to look her up]
Apparently, she was on As The World Turns for almost 40 years.
And at the time she made that Star Trek episode, she was Mrs. Glenn Ford.
I thought he was referring to Troi.
Lwaxana (or however it was spelled) Troi could be annoying, but I was too busy thinking about Deanna’s looks to be worried about her annoyingness.
She could be but the one with her dead daughter was pretty good. And she was less stoopid on DS9.
My favourite episode was went she fought MacBeth and Keith David.
Yes, Troi. The ultimate touchy feely libtard. But man, did she fill out that spandex in all the right ways.
There is one episode with lengthy scenes that are basically just a shot of her ass from below as she’s floating up into the sky.
But yeah, the future seems to be all about leaving nothing to the imagination – for females and males.
No, Wesley is worse, both in-universe and in real life for giving Will Wheaton a career.
God, what I wouldn’t give to be able to retroactively remove Wesley from TNG. Wil Wheaton is awful.
Dr Pulaski says hi.
Oooh. A good choice.
Sha Ka Ree doesn’t feel for you.
He’s a pathetic loser but not the worst character.
Yes, being Harry Kim is sufficient enough punishment for the crime of being Harry Kim.
Yeah….I bet he can’t even get booked at Cons. No milking that Trek identity for life for him.
The guy who played him was apparently pissed off because he never got promoted and he was the only Star Trek actor to ever be refused a chance to direct an episode.
If only Wheaton had suffered a similar fate.
Sounds like the boss found him “troublesome”. That explains a lot.
Mark Twain. That damn voice!
Oh shit, I forgot about Guinan. Fuck that old-assed bitch.
I liked Guinan. You just have to separate the character from the real-life person.
B’Elanna Torres?
I know her character mostly got totally hosed because she got pregnant a few years into the series, but… bleh. Started out kinda kickass and interesting, became… non-notable?
Quark’s Mom has to rate pretty high on the list, at least in a tie with Lwaxana.
I choose Data’s ‘daughter’ Lal (LOL).
More LOL: this thing tried to spell-correct daughter to do.
And do above should be dong. The laughs keep on coming.
ZARDOZ: ask one of the Brutals if he/she would be so kind as to help you “Bogart a doobie.” All will become clear!
Our poor ZARDOZ is being manipulated by this Ray guy. Stay away from the police ZARDOZ and stay safe!
Your Future Reptillian Overlords wish to issue minor regrets for my disparaging remarks a few years ago. With that aside they are curious if Zardoz makes deliveries to low orbit?…I mean ummm asking for a friend.
You mean you aren’t a gravity-defying rock? You’re, you’re… just a balloon?
[runs sobbing for the gun safe]
This is so Fucking Fun! Hail ZARDOZ!!!
The L5 Society. Wow, that takes me back to the early days of the Shuttle Program when I was a member. ALL HAIL ZARDOZ!
Repeating from the end of the morning links, because I want to praise these people.
My mother lives in Weston, Florida, which is home to a pretty large Venezuelan ex-pat community. Was heading to help her with something and drove past a pretty good-sized protest by the Venezuelan ex-pat community. Plenty of “Venezuela Si Maduro No” posters as well as “SOS Venezuela”, which has been their rallying cry (you see it all over the place; on the back windows of cars, in signs in Venezuelan restaurants, and the like).
When running into Maduro supporters here and there, I’ve often invited them to a meal, paid for by me, at a local Venezuelan restaurant if they told the ex-pats to their faces what they were saying online. For some reason I’ve had no takers.
Ha! Let us know if you end up with any takers. Oh, and film it…
It’s funny how people who have actually lived under communism/socialism are its most vehement haters.
It’s REALLY easy for some rich Yale students to sit in their dorm rooms and crow on about how “socialism works”, but if they ever said that to a former citizen of one of those countries, they’d get a flaming earful or possibly a slap in the face.
I’m friends with a girl whose parents escaped Soviet Russia. They’re *gasp* horrible racist Trump supporters. She, meanwhile, is sophisticated and longs to live in Europe where they’re so much more civilised-with-an-S than the scum who live here in ‘Murica.
Reminds me of a story I read a few months back. (Sorry, I can’t find the original story, Russia and Muslims have a lot of bad bad blood between them.) Basically, some Arab immigrants were in Moscow, and after hearing some propaganda about how easy women are, tried feeling up some women in a Moscow bar.
The ladies boyfriend’s and their boyfriend’s friends objected to this rather vehemently. Which is a polite way of saying they curbstomped them, and broke a few bones. The Moscow PD reaction could be summed up as “Well WTF did you think was going to happen?”
I have a friend whose family immigrated from Poland in the 80s. He was a kid at the time, and he told me about Watermelon Day, apparently a holiday there. Actually, Watermelon Day was just the one day a year the grocery stores would have watermelon, so parents would tell their kids that it was a holiday so they’d behave better while having to wait in line all day long for the chance to have some watermelon. It was an interesting glimpse in how people coped with the shitty situation they were in.
I had a date with a Venezuelan woman once, back when Chavez was still alive. She was born in the US while her parents were studying in the US. She took advantage of that to head to the US. On the date, when I asked about why she left Venezuela, she went on and on about how she could tell Chavez was going to destroy the place. She got out while the getting was good.
Could you describe her, please?
Very Catholic. Large breasts. Short. Former lawyer turned Spanish teacher. Has standards, in other words, that date went nowhere.
Back to the breasts…
Size of her head.
Il Papa don’t preach.
Are you keeping your baby?
No, but two of the rugrats who claimed to see the Virgin Mary 100 years ago were canonized by Commie Pope today.
A dingo ate your baby.
Chelsea can suck my dick.
That is all.
Clinton?! I don’t think I could get mine up to her, but you do you.
I was trying to come up with something clever like “Clinton? Not even with STEVE SMITH’S dick!”
No; Chelsea Manning.
I… think I’m going to be sick.
It’s too bad Man Shitty won today.
I really want to see Pep forced to coach in the Europa League.
The ignominy doesn’t seem to be affecting Mourinho in this year’s contest.
Speaking of which… I’ve been meaning to bitch somewhere about how much it sucks that Champions League wash-outs get a pass to Europa League. I just know fucking Man U is going to win it. I thought the whole point was to give the B teams a shot at some silverware, but no!
Which also means they’ll get a backdoor to the CL even if they finish fifth in the EPL. Which means more EPL teams for Fox to jam down our throats and ignore everybody else.
I’m similarly annoyed that a Serie A team I support, Napoli, *never* gets any airplay. Despite finishing in the top 2 or 3 every year lately. It’s a similar story in most leagues – the networks have a set list of teams that get all their attention, and everyone else can fuck off.
Hell, the group games this season between Bayern and Atlético were shunted to a higher-tier channel so they could show more Arsenhole.
Does an extra EPL team get in? Or does the 4th place team get screwed. I remember a few years ago Tottenham finished 4th and was kicked out of the champions league because Chelsea got in as defending champ.
I think I heard today that Man U winning the Europa League will not kick anyone else out.
I think the rules were changed a few years back so that the Europa League champs qualify automatically. If they’d qualify on the basis of their league position as well, then a champion or runner-up from a lower-ranked league gets the spot.
The rule is that no more than 5 clubs from a nation may make it — top 4 and a CL/EL champion. If the 5th and 6th place teams from a nation happen to win the CL and EL in a particular year, the 4th place team would lose the CL spot.
And Mourinho isn’t human. He’s not capable of feeling ignominy.
You’d rather have Wenger?
I’d rather have Hoeneß, but he’s retired.
You know, I’d never thought of ignominy as something you could feel.
That conversation looks like it’s in in English, but I’ll be damned if i can make heads or tails of it.
Is there foosball in the bar you’re at? I think its like that
And when I comment it Zooms past a bunch of pot, cool
Mexicans? Ass sex? Hello?
Here’s a primer:
Liverpool have to beat West Ham tomorrow. I have no clue why we’ve suddenly decided to suck the last few weeks.
Man I was so giddy when Klopp showed up. But even he can’t get these nogoodniks to play consistently. I think what they need is simple: splash money on superstars. Doesn’t seem likely to happen, though.
Losing one of the top three scorers in the league for a dozen or so matches to the ANC and then injury didn’t help. Neither did losing Coutinho for a good chunk of the year.
They’d have finished second if they stayed healthy relative to their competition. Alas, we’re gonna be lucky to hang on to fourth.
I’ve got a friend who’s a Man City fan who bitches to me about Bayern’s spending, overlooking the number of German players and coaches who get lured to England and Spain by the free spending.
It would be great if this site had a spoiler tag, so people scrolling through comments wouldn’t get spoilered on games they’re going to watch on DVR…
I would have thought gun smuggling would have been more in Zardoz’s wheelhouse. Gift of the gun and all that. I guess the whole gift part might be problematic.
I have a feeling ZARDOZ might outgrow Ray’s operation. And when that happens, gun smuggling will enter his purview.
Smuggling doesn’t require an FFL.
But I was told by the internet that Jews are trying to destroy the goyim with political correctness, social justice and identity politics while maintaining their sacred and precious ethnostate! It couldn’t possibly be these ideas are the product of idiotic Western ideologues, it has to be the product of international Jewry!
(((They))) are pretty crafty that way!
*returns to Stormfront*
The alt-Right fixation that Israel is exempt from the lefty criticism regarding other states for its immigration, religious and anti-terrorist policies has been baffling me since I learned about the movement. Also, a handy indicator that I should keep the fuck away from them.
Don’t worry Pan, if you’re a good and loyal Slav they’ll just chemically castrate you to ensure you don’t poison their precious white homogeneous society.
I am now suspicious of MJ legalization.
Thanks for ruining something else, Jews.
Commie Pope is coming? Oh dear, what to wear?
The locals had a solution for that.
(Also, the fuck is up with the guy in the middle, did they crucify a midget?)
I was channeling Trump. No Commie Pope here. You’re right, the streets will be lined.
It’s just poorly done perspective
No, you’re right. That guy is short.
I’m nuts over the guy.
Sorry about the BBQ sauce on the blunt, ZARDOZ
Mmmm, bbq sour diesel
Yeah, the only part of this article which was surprising is that they identified the guy as a Democrat….eventually.
Man, if I were ever in favor of the government coming in and declaring a property blighted so they can take it by eminent domain and cut the owner a pennies-on-the-dollar kind of check, it might be this time.
Wake up! How can you believe that?!? You should be ashamed!
Hilarious part of importing American Culture War into Canada is that the left must eat their own, given that ‘Conservative culture’ here consists of Kevin O’Leary on Dragon’s Den and Rex Murphy when they let him out of his cage (in his case, it’s more of ‘cranky old Maritimer’ than ‘Conservative’ but let’s roll with what we have).
I find it funny that we export our conservatives like we export our celebrities. Steyn’s in New Hampshire and rarely writes about Canada anymore, Lauren Southern’s off getting arrested with anti-immigrant groups in the Mediterranean…Levant’s still around though.
Steyn experience has hopefully taught other Conservatives that they have no place in Canada.
Hey, great victory, he beat the charges in various Human Rights Tribunals. No outlet in Canada is gonna ever hire him again, regardless. Not worth the risk.
Southern, though…man, her latest videos (like why she got arrested) are making me worry she’s gonna go down the “muh white nations” hole…
Southern, though…man, her latest videos (like why she got arrested) are making me worry she’s gonna go down the “muh white nations” hole…
I’m getting that impression too. Shame.
Yep. She’s young, naive and clearly impressionable. I saw one of her recent videos that was just pure emoting about European architecture and thought “yeah, she’s about four steps away from “the future of the white race”. If she does, well thanks for further associating libertarianism with racism Southern.
I just don’t see the point in trying to save Europe. At this point it is abundantly clear to me that they really do lack all desire to change course. Like, Le Pen was literally just promising socialism for the actual French, and she couldn’t sniff a win. Coupled with the Wilders loss, it’s pretty clear that Eurabia is going to be a when, not if thing. Especially when you consider the Turkish situation. Demography is destiny, as Canadian Public Enemy Number One likes to say.
America is different. We still have huge amounts of space, we still have a dynamic economy. We have an incredibly attractive and dynamic culture, which is seductive in the extreme. I remember a John Ringo book where the Hadjis were attacking a water park with nerve gas, using a Muslim immigrant as an unwilling accomplice. He ends up jumping ship and helping Our Intrepid (Not Exactly) Hero, and when the fanatic calls him a bad Muslim his reaction is basically “Dude, your God says we gotta murder teenage nymphs in wet bikinis, then fuck it, I’m with the Great Satan. Give me that wangdang sweet poontang.”
Like, I am willing to bet there are at least a hundred or so young Muslim males inserted into the US as sleeper agents in the 90s or 200s who are too busy spending Al Qaeda’s money in Vegas or on chasing pussy to accomplish their mission of terror. Because if some bearded freakshow is gonna give you a visa and a Swiss bank account, that’s way way way too nice a deal to give up to go out in a blaze of Allahu Akbar glory. Especially when you consider that, in the US, you might wander into a shopping mall with a loaded rifle all ready to gather your virgins up, and some fat soccer dad puts a couple slugs from a Kel Tec into the back of your skull. Much much safer to just ignore the activation signal, and call up another prostitute to your suite in Atlantic City.
Yeah, Europe is lost, with the possible exception of Britain. (We’ll see how Brexit goes, or if it actually does). As admirable as this group Southern is starting to promote might seem, I seriously doubt they are numerous enough to have any real affect. Europe is gone, your French, Italian, German, etc. identities are all just part of history now. It sucks, but that’s the way it is. Get out now, while you still can.
I think Europe is going to explode at some point. It’s not going to be pretty.
When I decided to leave Europe and move to Asia, my Expat friends were aghast. “Europe is fucking dying”. That was 20 years ago and I pat my 25 year old self on the back for the foresight.
I think Europe is going to explode at some point. It’s not going to be pretty.
I agree, though I think if the EU breaks up it will help not hurt the situation. What the EU has turned into has stirred up nationalist fervor, and I think if the EU countries go their own way that would defuse the nationalist fervor.
There’s certainly an argument to fight for Europe, even if the current elites are willing to push their societies towards destruction or totalitarianism via the EU. Like it or not they’re our father civilization, and despite their history of flipping from aristocracy to socialism they’re a good ally to have in the long run. The West is currently at a turning point, where it either loses ground or massively exports its culture to the societies around it. The Islamic world has taken an interest in the West for a reason, namely, they’re scared. Western cultural hegemony threatens to destroy their way of life. We can win, we just have to have a willingness to do it. And, despite what idiots like the alt-right think, white nationalism is not the solution. Cultural supremacy is, and we’ll eventually figure that out.
I would prefer that Theodore Judson doesn’t prove us all wrong. I would prefer that Western pluralism be a cultural memetic, a scourge that rots away at Islamic society until they’re no more threatening than, say, the Amish. That can only be achieved by pushing against them, not abandoning ground.
Mark Steyn said it best when he framed Western culture in pure absolutism: that is, once Western culture has a hold of something, it holds it forever. The fight for Europe, even if it is a failure, is worthy purely for the overall fight of Western values versus the rest of the world.
I get what you’re saying, Titor, but it’s kind of hard to fight for Europe when Eurowon’t fight for Europe. Maybe the U.S. and Canada can come up with a cultural Marshall Plan. Be the bastions of western culture that Europe should be, and export that influence more aggressively.
Our something, I’m drunk and probably not with posting attention too. You’re from the future, you should know how this plays out.
If you can get enough people to fight for Europe, sure I’d be all for that. We can see that potential in Britain with Brexit and the massive landslide Conservative victory that just happened. But then we see France electing a guy who said that they just need to learn to live with daily terrorism in their country. If the will to fight for their own culture isn’t there, I’m not sure I can see any hope of victory.
Macron did not win with an overwhelming majority, he won with barely half in an election where many simply abstained from the process, if the second run is anything to go by. Even if France loses in the long run, it will become an example of what surrendering results in the long run (namely, an indented, Islamist culture that threatens the overall stability of a Western nation). I’m skeptical to the idea that Europe will simply kowtow to their demographic change. In reality I think what you’ll see in the long run is a ethnic revolt in response, for better or for worse. It’s up to libertarians to define themselves as the better way in comparison to Islamic authoritarianism and left wing totalitarianism.
I get way Europe is seen as a losing battle, but in the long run the fight is worth it purely in order to articulate ideals that reject the standard European assumptions and lead to more stable and long standing culture. Europe has been damning itself for decades, the influence of Islam is only an example of any invasive culture that would upend such a destructive system. Once the new migrant populations fail to provide the resources the state requires, namely, a new population to tax and exploit to continue their statist idiocy, I think there’s a much more open field for people to start promoting alternatives.
I think the more likely scenario is a bunch of young European men start taking up late night baseball, cricket, and having lots of flat tires. Because bats and tire irons are legal weapons. I’m not advocating some Sons of Martel type movement, just saying I wouldn’t be shocked if that happened.
According to polls, younger French voters largely went to LePen, while their parents went for Marcon.
Were they in it for the anti-Muslim or the Socialist policies? Anti-Muslim rhetoric aside, the FN are pretty much socialists with a slightly racist bent, although they’ve been trying to kind of get rid of that racist label. And anyone named Le Pen is probably a poor advocate for the “I Believe in the same things as my dad, just t not the racist and anti-Semitic stuff.”
God forbid you actually be permitted to explore topics outside your immediate purview and social circles.
“Forer added that the bill is meant to strengthen the preference for those who contribute to the state, incentivize doing so and help them integrate better into society.”
Nothing helps people integrate more than bribing them. “My woman loves me. Look, she’s staying around”.
“Uh, that’s because she’s a prostitute”.
You don’t pay prostitutes to stay around, you pay them to leave.
Gin, tonic, and The Two Towers. Good Saturday night, hope the rest of the Glibs have a night as good!
I’m having a gin and tonic as well. I also have a crock pot full of homemade tomato sauce and meatballs and an apple pie in the oven.
Oooh. That sounds like a damn good night. The fiancée has a loaf of French bread in the breadmaker, and we’re nerding out. This is the first time I’ve seen The Two Towers on BluRay, and I had forgotten what a good movie it was.‘
Love this scene.
We’re coming up on that scene now.
A kid/young adult can learn a lot from LotR. Duty, sacrifice, the primacy of principles over principals… I owe a lot of my current outlook on life to Tolkien.
Some evils must be confronted. Some evils cannot be negotiated with. And when it comes down to it, it is better to buckle down and do the right thing even if no one will remember it.
“A time may come for valor without renown. Who then will your people look to?”
Gin makes me sentimental.
Tolkien had the right idea about power and its corrupting influence.
He and Lord Acton have the right idea as far as “lessons about power” go.
Ethics, doing the right thing when no one is looking, /Me
Blue coat gin and fever tree bitter lemon. Not sure if it has a name, but its tasty.
I’ve moved on to Hendricks gin and Fentiman’s Rose Lemonade. It mixes really damn well.
Love that fever tree bitter lemon too, though.
Hendricks is good, but blue coat is perennially on sale, so it became my go to gin.
I don’t know that I’ve ever had it. I’ll have to keep an eye out. Hendricks is awfully expensive.
It’s generally pretty highly regarded. It helps, for me anyway, that it is one of the few liquors made in Pennsylvania. Because of that, our state monopoly liquor stores always push it and have it even cheaper than normal.
I saw today that they have a new variety that is agreed in old bourbon barrels. I haven’t tried it yet, but it intrigued me enough to buy a bottle. I’ll let you know if it is any good.
Here is the relevant part of the unofficial transcript of Pope Francis’s airplane press conference
TL;DR version – journalist with TDS wonders why the Pope doesn’t freak out at the very thought of contact with Trump.
Claudio Lavanga (NBC News): Thank you. Holy Father, yesterday you asked the faithful to break down all the walls, yet on May 24 you meet a head of State who is threatening to build walls. It is a bit contradictory to your word, but he also has – it seems – opinions and decisions different from you in other topics, such as the need to act to confront global warming or the welcoming of migrants … Thus, in light of this meeting: what is your opinion of the politics that President Trump has adopted so far on these topics and what do you expect from a meeting with a Head of State who seems to think and act contrary to you?
Pope Francis: The first question … I can respond to both… I never make a judgment of a person without listening to them. I believe that I should not do this. In our talk things will come out, I will say what I think, he will say what he thinks, but I never, ever, wanted to make a judgment without hearing the person. The second…
Claudio Lavanga: What do you think about the reception of migrants?
Pope Francis: But this you all know well…
Claudio Lavanga: The second instead is what you expect from a meeting with a head of state who thinks contradictory to you?
Pope Francis: Always there are doors that are not closed. Look for the doors that are at least a little bit open, enter and talk about common things and go on. Step by step. Peace is handcrafted. It is made every day. Also friendship among people, mutual knowledge, esteem, is handcrafted. It’s made every day. Respect the other, say that which one thinks, but with respect, but walk together … someone thinks of one way or the other, but say that …. Be very sincere with what everyone thinks, no?
Claudio Lavanga: Do you hope to soften his decisions after the meeting?
Pope Francis: This is a political calculation that I do not permit myself to make.
So… he was supposed to tell Trump fuck off or something? I’m not a fan of this pope but at least he has more class than this douche.
They work in tandem. Both are douches, but the Pope is allowed to be seen as taking the high road while still getting the message out that Trump is a monster.
It feelz so good what he says. Meaningless and insulting to anyone who wants to hear concrete proposals, but the luv in him is palpable.
It’s spelled Papalble.
Let’s apply the hypothesis that the Pope wants to have a constructive discussion with Trump.
If this were the case, he wouldn’t bash Trump to the media in advance of the meeting.
And what do you know, he *doesn’t* bash Trump in advance of the meeting, almost as if he wants fruitful dialogue with the leader of a powerful country.
And if they traded insults on a previous occasion, all the more reason to soft-pedal it now in hopes of a “reset.”
Or how about he apologize for his class bating and demagoguery before meeting with the victim of his words? I guess not being an asshole the week before meeting someone is better than being a total prick until the last minute. Not exactly virtuous, but not laudable.
“the victim of his words”
Trump is such a vulnerable snowflake, I bet his feelings were *really* hurt by those “words.” /sarc
He maybe an asshole, but that’s irrelevant. Her skanky dress doesn’t mean I get to rape her.
huh, I would have expected NBC to ask him to banish the demon Trump to hell, and install her highness.
Pens just lost in OT. Should make a lot of you happy!
I just wanted Ottawa to lose. WTF Pittsburgh?
I hardly ever see the Sens, but damn, that’s a nice hockey team. It’s fun how these games ramp up as the series progress.
Regular season is scrimmaging, I think.
This is the first year I followed an entire season. Is it always the case that the regular season standings mean nothing during the playoffs…?
I wouldn’t say nothing, exactly, but hockey is a weird game. If your goalie gets hot (or cold), your playoffs change dramatically. It’s what I like best about the game. An 8 seed can make a serious run, sometimes even win the whole thing.
I do wish the regular season was a hell of a lot shorter – I think it would be more relevant.
Yeah, 82 games seems insane to me. Like at least twice as many as needed.
I always look forward to lockout years!
“regular season standings mean nothing during the playoffs…”
NHL playoff seeding is moronic. The three best Eastern teams eliminated one another before the finals.
Goal scored by Bobby Ryan, native of Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Flyers fans: Happy.
A beauty. Fleury had no chance.
SJW tries to pry open Overton window, gets fingers crushed.”
The big question is: Will Lacy prostrate herself before the mob and accept her new scarlet letter or will she abandon them and follow Rubin and go after them?
Who is this and why should I care?
A big YouTube “sex educator” that is a full on TDS case, but she had the temerity to admit that anti SJWs have some legitimate points. She tries to virtue signal her way to safety before she drops that bomb on her followers, but they’ll have none of it. Shows you can’t even have a toe cross the line with the faithful.
The regressives eventually always eat their own. Any and all wrongthink must be destroyed.
But now that we’ve reached that point where they have no one left to police except themselves, it does seem that there’s some push back happening. And at least Rubin and maybe Laci depending on what she does with this, will be a voice against it, which is a start.
The part that’s troubling to me though, is that colleges are still churning these people out and seem to be building up rather than peaking. Hopefully though as more find their voice, administrations might find some balls and stop giving in all the time and curb the worst of it.
Maybe when they finally go Supernova it will collapse in on itself.
And form a derp singularity so dense no intelligence can escape.
Yay! A black hole where nothing can escape. Just don’t get too close.
No thinking allowed
Well, you can get kind of close, it will just spaghettifi your brain.
Youtube social justice warrior who suddenly has started to flip towards at least being willing to tolerate the opinions of others. Sargon sees her as an example of the tide turning against social justice; personally I’m more skeptical and view her position as more of her attempts to tailor herself to the realities of internet opinion than anything else.
I have no idea if the tide is turning or not, but people starting to do the right thing for the wrong reasons? Better than the opposite. I suppose I could apply that thinking to the Pope’s semi polite attitude to meeting Trump, but some prejudices die harder than others.
As I previously stated, if the idea of free speech remains a universal constant in America at least I can hardly complain. However, it seems that people like Green are more responding to demographics than anything else, that means their opinions are fickle and subject to change. If she’s able to weather to abuse her fellow believers throw at her I’m at least willing to entertain the notion that she’s changed, but overall I can’t see social justice as something that will tolerate the idea of freedom of speech. Social justice cannot stand the ability to criticize it, it’s natural function is as an ideology that refuses to engage those who challenge it.
Just listened to Sargon’s take. Funny given that’s almost exactly what I said about the Pope. Apologize and then we can talk. Certainly she’s reacting to a shift in public opinion (free speech FTW) which exposes a tacit victory for the free market.
Holy moly, that wreck in the NASCAR race.
Amirola airlifted to hospital.
Twitter videos don’t play on my browser (Firefox on Linux Mint).
I did my part for liberty today. Ate supper at a volunteer fire department fundraiser. Pork tenderloin w/ gravy, homemade mac-and-cheese, greenbeans, roll, dessert and iced tea. $10 total.Food was excellent and superior and/or cheaper than the restaurants ’round here If I owned or rented property in the fire district I would have bought and stuffed down two (just because the food was that good) and thrown an extra $10 or $20 in for the cause.
I can’t call it a “libertarian moment” because I was, at 55, the second youngest person in the crowded fire hall. The youngest being someone’s 7 y/o grandson, or great grandson, who was politely busing tables.
Now I’m hungry.
Awwwww, Baby; We gotta go now
Fuck all that, we gotta get on with this
Good ol’ AC going off on tstsnbn.
Time to go say “hi”.
Wow. I didn’t know AC could write coherent posts. He’s completely right too. Wish he’d come here.
AC would be a welcome addition.
He can when he’s not tripping.
Baizou 白左 is Chinese for “Cuck”?
Painting this weekend. Lots of time for wandering thoughts.
1) Why does the paint always seem to never be thick enough on the walls yet it does a remarkable job of coating any other surface that I don’t want it on.
2) Ran out of paint of on the second coat. Last time I painted the bathroom had a quarter gallon left after two coats. The surface area hasn’t increased so…?
3) I’m sure I had at least another 1/4 gallon in the roller and brush when I washed them out afterwards.
Oh well, primer is done. Top coat goes on tomorrow. Gin time now.
Is the Gin Cold?
So, I picked up Stellaris the other day on a Steam sale. After playing about four hours, nobody is messing with me. I figured all the AI opponents were afraid of my massive military might, or I was just awesome at diplomacy. Then after looking around for some tips, it turns the game was pretty broken, with the AI pretty much never declaring war. So I installed the new beta patch. , loaded up my previous save, and it took about 5 minutes before my empire was fucked over in a devil’s threeway.
Ahh, Intergalactic House of Pancakes we hardly knew ye.
Since I may be the only one here, that sounds terrible. Will you be ok? 😉
Hm, I should probably start up Stellaris again and give it a try. It got repetitive for me though.