We’re on Day 127 in a row of the Trump presidency destroying itself. But despite 127 days in a row, with each day having the latest Outrage That Destroys The Trump Presidency, he still seems to be president, alas. Here’s yet another example of progressive breathlessness, a particularly funny one. And with a numbered list! That makes things much, much worse than Nixon! For whatever reason, I can’t help but think of the greatest cartoon character of all time, Screwball Squirrel, torturing Meathead.
At one time, my grandfather was the postmaster of Boring, Maryland. I thought you couldn’t do better than that, but the King of Rent Seekers has proved me wrong.
On a serious note, fun is fun, but let’s be honest: STEVE SMITH is a menace, and it’s no joke when you’re the victim.
Dear Penthouse Letters: I used to think you made those letters up, but let me tell you what happened to me…
Certainly one of us, but the only question is, what’s his handle here?
And last but not least, a link with no associated cartoon, though it ought to. A dog fetches a stick.
I saw that.
He didn’t even change the picture. Shame, shame.
Recycling is a virtue.
Nice alt-text, though.
St. Mattress?
Recent emigre from Florida?
Aaaaaaand this is what I get for spending time formatting a post relevant to the links.
Also, let me say that the people that design the packaging for kitchen plastic wrap deserve an encounter with STEVE SMITH.
How about paint and paint related products? How about glue packages? Sugar and flour bags?
When it comes to packaging there is an awful lot of asshattery out there.
+1 GPS and Larry David
Try buying toys for your young son. Cardboard, plastic, and zip ties everywhere. I have to get my wire cutters and box knife out to free a toy tractor from its packaging.
Hah! I still bring a side cutter to Christmas to open all the toys that my nieces and nephews get. What the hell is the deal with those industrial twist ties, China?!?
That’s to help you make sure that the toy remained in its packaging when you as a collector are looking for the stuff… No seriously…
Not to mention that due to the Consumer Product Safety Commission you have to have a precision screwdriver set at the ready if you have any kids toys with batteries.
My girlfriend bought a wooden picture to hang over the bar in our apartment. The thing was in a cardboard package. Alright. No problem. But the picture was literally screwed to a piece of cardboard attached to its back. What the hell was the logic there?
My pet peeve is that they don’t make Saran wrap out of saran any more. Saran is a wonderful plastic for excluding oxygen, but the LDPE they use now passes air like a sieve.
Better than Sarin Wrap.
I don’t know, Sarin is pretty good at excluding oxygen too.
It’s also much better than this Sauron rap.
Don’t speak Spanish, but his rhymes did sound pretty wack.
I’m still a bit hungover from Friday night… or maybe it was all the “Hair of the Dog” I had yesterday.
^Same here^
I was thinking about having a bit’o that just now
My niece was complaining about her hangover today. She’s 27. I almost punched her in the face to show her what one feels like at 47.
Do you people not know how to drink?
Asian flush, bro.
I’m 26, still only had two really bad hangovers. Once from drinking an entire bottle of burnette’s cotton candy vodka, to prove a point. The other time was after a particularly heavy Halloween party, I don’t remember how much I drank, but I never blacked out so that’s a plus. I also make sure to drink a metric fuck-ton of water and take B-vitamins before I drink and after I stop. So there is that.
I’ve only sworn off never, ever touching the damn stuff ever again maybe 4 times max.
I will never drink cotton candy vodka again, but bourbon is my old and dear friend.
My wife drinks the foo foo sugary stuff. Definitely an acquired taste. You’d have to acquire a vagina first.
Cotton candy flavored vigina.
Go on…
I’m 30 and never had a hangover, but then my drinking habits are the definition of moderate.
I’m 26 and also never had a hangover, but could be related to my not drinking habit.
Hey, I’ll join this club. 27 and never been drunk. Which is probably because I can’t stand most alcoholic drinks.
Same. I’m 31 and I’ve never had a hangover, but also a really moderate drinker. I really, really don’t want to be sick (I have a phobia about throwing up) so as soon as I start to feel drunk I’m like, “Okay, time to stop.”
My first hangover/drunk experience was in Russia.
You know who else had a bad experience in Russia?
Jason Borne?
Guy Sajer?
Hillary Clinton?
Aleksandr Pushkin?
The bed in Trump’s hotel room?
That’s how they learn to teleport. You can look it up in the YouTube contents, just search.
‘I’m 26, still only had two really bad hangovers.’
Fuuuuuuucccckkkk yooooooouuuuuu.
Hey, hey know. Hate the Scot-Irish and Quebecois genes I carry. I can’t help that I have the genetic for alcoholism
*now (need coffee)
It’s your youth that upset me. Keep up your current pace and get back to us when your pushing forty.
Fair enough. I’m have heard tale of the dread 30+ yrs old two day hangover. I’m not looking forward to it. Although my drinking habits are cyclical. Every couple of years I go real heavy, then for the next year or so I drink only socially if at all. I try to keep a balance between fun and party.
I was around thirty two when it really hit me. Since then, seeing as how about 5% of my labor hours accrued over the course of a year involves running the risk of getting punched in the face or stomach, I’ve attempted to moderate my intake of booze during the work week…with varying degrees of success.
Bouncer? Security? That sounds like a small but significant chance. Hope you are well compensated
PT/boxing coach.
Aka: punch drunk/drunk.
I hope the quality of my posting history now has some context.
I’m 45 and maybe get hung over once a year.
“burnette’s cotton candy vodka, to prove a point.”
You could have just had sex with another man, and put it on tape.
Actually, the point I was trying to prove was that straight men could hold sugary liquor. I was basically having a drinking contest with a couple of really bitchy twinks at a party who thought by straight-bourbon-all-the-time habit wouldn’t translate into a any other liquor. I finished the bottle walked out standing upright and got halfway back to my dorm before it hit. Also the only time I have ever puked from being drunk.
I’m 55, and I’ve had hundreds of the damn things. Upside: It’s easy to quit drinking. I’ve done it any number of times.
I’m 56, and based on your life description, I wouldn’t be surprised if we’d been in many of the same places and situations…
You snappers don’t know nuthin. 57, so much wiser than you brats. I’ve had some terrible hangovers. But they were all when I was much younger. I really don’t get them anymore no matter how much I drink. If I have a particularly heavy night of drinking, it just results in not sleeping well, dehydration and waking up really thirsty and a general feeling of spaciness for the first couple hours after waking. After that, I’m fine. But I do remember in my 20s, having those room spinning and worshipping the porcelain god, I’ll never drink again if I live through this, 2 day long type hangovers.
Same here. Even when I get stumbling drunk, the aftermath is what Hype describes. Either my liver has given up, or is now the master of ethanol processing.
25, maybe had one.
I usually get too drunk at the bar, Irish exit, sprint home, then pass out. I wake up at 6am, ready to go and unable to sleep.
So I make biscuits and gravy.
pass outpower blackout. power nap?A lot of alcohol will effect your sleep negatively. But I’m with you on the biscuits and gravy, that will fix you right up.
That’s pretty much it right there. If anyone/everyone did this, the hangover would be near-extinct.
more or less. I mean, if you raise the bar, people will simply push harder.
Problem is, we’re usually too drunk to remember to drink the metric fuck ton of water prior to passing out.
It doesn’t matter how much water you drink if you drink a lot of alcohol, you will still get dehydrated. You’ll just pee out all of the extra water. I do take a lot of vitamins and I don’t really know if that helps or if it’s just that my tolerance to alcohol is now so high that I really don’t get too drunk, I just fall asleep if I drink a certain amount. Then I wake up thirsty, drink some water, put on coffee and feel a little spacey for a couple of hours, then I’m fine.
if you take a lot of B vitamins before drinking you basically help reduce the dehydrating effect that alcohol has (which reduces the amount of water you recapture in your gut). Adding ‘lots of water’ beforehand to that might help also mitigate any effect that remains. I agree that drinking lots of water when already drunk (prior to sleep) has minimal effect, and tends to just make you want to pee, but a little can help.
B vitamins (i think its B6 mostly) can have wondrous effects in reducing hangover. You can certainly still get mildly hungover no matter what you do, but they can seriously reduce the impact.
Coming up on 59, and only three hangovers in my life (though they were multi-day barn-burners). Once on sake, once on some gloriously delicious red wine and once on an afternoon of drinking Normandy cidre with a dash of Pommeau in it. The wine and cidre/Pommeau mixtures were particularly excruciating.
Weed is better that way.
That hunter doesn’t look like STEVE SMITH’S type – of course it is rutting season.
I like how all the STEVE SMITH tracks look like someone laid a flat stamp on the ground and pressed straight down on it instead of a track made by something shifting it’s weight…you know, walking or running.
At least this time they have a bloody knife with DNA on it, right?
The comments on that “mom has sex with 15 year old boy” story are some mighty fine derp.
There is something wrong with boys these days.
The stories I could tell…
I had a friend in high school who’s dad was recently divorced; his girlfriend was this smoking hot 30-something blonde with a rocking body. If I was over at their house for a computer gamin’ / Dungeons and Dragons all night session, she would walk around in a sheer robe, showing a lot of leg. And she would also come by to peck us on the cheek before heading off to bed. Yigh-ye-yigh.
That’s horrible, you poor kid. It looks like the resulting therapy straightened you out pretty well though.
That should be good for 3-4 years in prison now, no?
Beauty and the Eye of the Beholder: Gender and Attractiveness Affect Judgments in Teacher Sex Offense Cases
Attractiveness of a male who has sex with a juvenile doesn’t affect judgment about length of incarceration. For females, however, that’s not true. People are more lenient if the perpetrator is attractive.
Surprised? Me neither.
It’s been well established that women get lighter sentences than men for similar crimes. It’s a no-brainer that hot chicks would get even more leniency.
Also, conditions in women’s prisons are much better. There’s still rape that happens, but it’s very rare. Most rape claims in women’s prisons are just ex-lovers trying to fuck with each other. Plus, a lot of the staff (especially elderly men) will go really soft on them because they’re women.
I like to bring this up when I hear that American women are horribly oppressed.
We’re on Day 127 in a row of the Trump presidency destroying itself. But despite 127 days in a row, with each day having the latest Outrage That Destroys The Trump Presidency, he still seems to be president, alas.
Just you wait, buddy.
Trump must be impeached. Here’s why.
The republicans are gonna get right on that.
Congress must be impeached as well!
It is amazing that Tribe forgot to mention the only other President to be impeached. I forget what his name was, it’s right at the tip of my tongue.
Andrew Johnson?
Ugh. Should have kept reading. Never mind.
I like how the headline is “must be impeached.” Not that it should be considered or even investigated. And someone with an actual career is willing to put their name to that without even an ounce of shame or fear of ridicule. Says a lot.
Hey, someone is missing here…
“Obstruction of justice was the first count in the articles of impeachment against Nixon and, years later, a count against Bill Clinton. In Clinton’s case, the ostensible obstruction consisted solely in lying under oath about a sordid sexual affair”
No big deal. Just perjury.
Ah yes solely in lying under oath. That is such a stupid non-crime. Only partisans would think that’s worse than made up accusations of election tampering.
And why was Clinton under oath? Something about a lawsuit concerning alleged assaults by Clinton perhaps?
Wait until the investigations tart on how far the Obama administration went using foreign and domestic intelligence agencies to spy on political opposition. I have a feeling that the very same crew of idiots now demanding Trump-Hitler’s scalp will be rolling themselves into pretzels trying to explain why this whole investigation thing is a farce at first, and then doing even more of that to explain why even if it was done, it was done for a great reason: non-leftists shouldn’t be allowed power…
This whole denial of any political spying on Obama’s part has me baffled.
Obama and many members of the “intelligence” community told a bald-faced lie about the very existence of the spying program. It’s known that the NSA was spying on foreign leaders.
it seems like a no-brainer that the administration in power would use these spying programs to dig up dirt on people who might be taking over after them. I know Obama doesn’t really like Hillary, but I think he’d rather see her in power than Trump. He still has his party to think about.
But one thing I’ve noticed is that it’s extremely difficult to get Obama fans to say anything negative about him even when it’s dead obvious that he’s at fault. He’s a skilled politician; I’ll give him that.
Plus given the pants wetting at possible (probable?) Russian participation in releasing the gmails of a private individual there is complete silence about Obama openly trying to influence the Israeli presidential election, the Brexit election and most recently the French presidential election.
Exactly. “Interference in an election” is totally cool when “progressives” do it.
Oh, this X10^69
This horrifyingly heinous act (that didn’t, in this case, actually happen) has been a foreign policy staple throughout our modern history.
On Thursday a few days ago on Maddow’s show, her and Wyden were sneering and jeering at Trump’s supposedly false accusations of wiretapping.
The tone of the whole shone was absolutely breathless, too, like the Trump/Putin bondage watersports tape, which results in immediate removal of Trump and confirmation of all the Russia hysteria, was going to drop any nanosecond.
Hey, careful now, the man is a professor at Harvard.
Ain’t it funny how some of the most ridiculous shit comes from these credentialed elites that seem to have wasted their education?
I think the credentialed ones just know that they can say whatever the fuck they want and most people will accept it because of the credentials. For many, it’s the reason for even having them. Your argument gains weight not based on its merits, but because of where you’ve been and what degrees you hold. A lot of arguments even within academia boil down to this. People will side with the more credentialed individual more often than not.
No longer. To wait for the results of the multiple investigations underway is to risk tying our nation’s fate to the whims of an authoritarian leader.
Buy now! Only 10 units left.
The WaPo. Fake News.
What in the name of god is Tribe talking about? What high crimes ? When did he admit he fired Comey over an intensified investigation into Trump? I keep hearing the words ‘constitutional crisis’. What crisis? People are going to get fed up with this bullshit and it is going to bite these stupid fuckers hard.
Shhh – let them talk themselves right over the cliff.
Look at their circulation numbers-they already have.
Both that and the Atlantic article are big nothing burgers.
“And what is alleged this time? Nothing less than attacks by an authoritarian foreign government on the fundamentals of American democracy, by interfering with an election—and doing so as part of a larger strategy that included parallel interference in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and elsewhere. At worst, such efforts might actually have changed the election results. At least, they were meant to destroy trust in democracy. Not much of this is fully understood or proven, but the potential stakes are incomparably greater than what happened during Watergate, crime and cover-up alike.”
So a foreign government may have done something before Trump took office, but that’s somehow his crime?
Not much of this is fully understood or proven
That seems kinda important to the whole, let’s impeach the president thing.
The whole, ‘faith in democracy had been weakened’ falls squarely on the shoulders of the left. They are the ones very screaming about non-existent election tampering, and needs to invalidate the election.
Don’t you understand that unless a team blue globalist wins, something nefarious must have happened? Damn whomever it was that had the temerity to show how corrupt and criminal team blue was before the vote, because that was the real crime!
I read the article and basically it comes down to Trump must be impeached because Professor Tribe doesn’t like Trump. His preferred major part candidate had far greater issues with emolument than Trump (imagine what they would say if Trump had a non-profit like Hillary did). He is also relying on reporting that does not fit the transcript of the interview. Tribe doesn’t want to wait for the results of investigations. Simply being under investigation (despite what Senators Grassley and Feinstein have said) is enough for Tribe to demand impeachment. It used to be innocent until guilty, now it is guilty until proven innocent as far as Trump is concerned.
Here’s a bit of vintage Waylon Jennings from his best album.
Classic, thank you sir.
Best album perhaps, but still his best solo song.
I came to a realization a few years ago. “The Dukes of Hazzard” premiered when I was 5 or 6 years old and it probably had more impact on my political development into a libertarian than Rothbard, Heinlein, Friedman, and Hayek combined. The Dukes were good, honest people doing the right thing and the stupid ass gov’t was constantly harassing them for no good reason other than venal corruption and a desire to control.
Right on. I was the same age and friggin loved them. I have remarked here a few times that The Dukes of Hazzard was one of the most libertarian themed shows on network tv.
Pretty good commentary here: https://advocateofliberty.wordpress.com/2013/08/16/dukes-of-hazard-the-a-team-and-why-im-a-libertarian/
Thanks! Good read. I’m a firm believer that most positive changes towards liberty will only come about through cultural change. As silly as it sounds ( and the A Team and the Dukes were certainly that) popular culture really can help shift thinking towards more (or less) freedom.
Excellent link. The A-Team definitely played a part as well. Again, good guys doing the right thing despite the authorities.
The other piece of it involves a the hiring of a principal at my elementary school that taught me the pettiness of bureaucrats and the ineptitude of journalists at the tender age of 9 or 10.
A little inaccurate about the voluntary nature of the A Team, at least for BA. They were drugging the shit out of him anytime there was air travel involved.
For both of you libertarian women out there:
Let’s Celebrate The Moms Who Braved Abortion Stigma To Do The Right Thing For Their Family
(emphasis in original)
If you are a feminist or a prog, you need abortion to be in constant threat. Otherwise, it stops being a wedge issue and you don’t really have anything that even remotely appeals to normal females. You just end up having to glob onto things like “binders full of women” to demonize your enemies.
I heard this issue is particularly important for bull dykes too…
I deliver pizza three nights a week. Two guys at the pizza place – they’re pretty cool, but boy, the politiderp is strong with these two guys.
The younger guy of the two, Bouffant*, is VERY proud of his atheism. You get him going and it sounds like nineteen-year-old me spouting all the boilerplate atheist stuff. (Bouffant is early-mid 30s) His enthusiasm might mean he’s a recent convert, but he’s a Democrat – self-congratulation is rather the rule with these types. The older guy, XT7* (about 65), tells me on a near-daily basis that the problem with things is that nobody votes. XT7 believes that the rich are running things into the ground, and if the poor would just get off their asses and vote, our problems are over.
The typical evening begins when I’m working at the prep table and Bouffant clocks in, then makes his way over to where XT7 is doing dishes. And he regales the older man with: Democrat talking point, hilarious sketch on Colbert, Democrat talking point, hilarious sketch on Samantha Bee, etc.
Anyway, I told that story to tell you this one. So I was talking to XT7 the other night and he mentioned something about politics, and I said, “You know, I hear you and Bouffant going on about politics and I’d like to jump in, but I’d be accused of being a Republican Donald Trump supporter, and I’m not. But I’m not going to get sucked into partisan bullshit. Great example – all of this shrill nonsense they’re saying about Donald Trump? That he’s Hitler, only worse? They said the exact things about Mitt fucking Romney four years ago. Romney, the biggest square that ever lived. His most harrowing incident from his youth was drinking a grape soda on a dare. I mean, you don’t have to like either Trump or Romney to notice that they are two very different people.”
XT7’s response: “Well, I uh, remember, there was a, uh, tape where, uh, Romney was saying bad stuff about minorities, they got him on tape.”
Yeah, dude. Totally convincing. Who doesn’t remember the Tape Incident? Besides everyone.
It just gets old. Every election cycle, the Republican candidate is Literally Hitler, and when you point out that that isn’t the case, you’re a GOP shill. Way to foster reasonable discussion, American Left.
* – not their real names
I can’t often talk with my leftie friends. Any topic I disagree with and I start looking like some sort of ultra trump to people.
It’s fucking confusing. They don’t think. They have a side. you either agree, or you’re on the other team.
I might see the issue…
I blame my age group and the fact I live in The People’s Republic.
I “grew up” in the military. Literally had one liberal in an entire squadron. Political consensus wasn’t an issue.
Heh, this sure sounds familiar. God, I’m so sick of these “news” comedians–Oliver being at the top of that list right now–but Colbert I feel somewhat betrayed by because I actually enjoyed his show in the past.
woman’s basic right to access reproductive health care
Are you saying that in the natural condition women don’t have access to hospitals and doctors?
Haven’t you heard that Trump is going to deport all OB-GYNs and shackle women to the kitchen sink?
Will she be able to reach the stove?
Trump’s next EO:
All kitchens to be remodeled to a galley style.
Wait…. If fetuses aren’t people, then in what way are these women moms?
Pffft. Everybody knows STEVE SMITH doesn’t climb trees. Fake news.
I believe him. Isn’t that the rule?
Nope, just for women.
Elon Musk woke up Friday morning and shared a ton of information on Twitter and Instagram about his new tunnel-boring machine — codenamed Godot — and a video showing what it will be like to race through one of those tunnels at speeds up to 125 miles per hour aboard an electric sled. Which Twitter storm is likely to be more important to the future of mankind?
I’m sure my grandchildren will ask me where I was when I heard the news that mankind would soon be able to travel on marginally faster choo choos than they traveled on for the previous 150 years.
I’m no fancy engineer, but it seems to me that tunnels are far less cost-efficient than simply building above ground. How does an investor see this and think, “This guys the golden goose that just won’t stop giving!”?
They have to dig tunnels because above-ground rails are prone to earthquake damage in southern California.
Right – all that subsurface earth doesn’t move around in one.
The cost saving factors in with not having to rescue, treat and then bury earthquake casualties. They are already buried. It is much cheaper.
And Ayn Rand can tell us why they all deserved to die.
Because they are dumb enough to ride an underground train in an area prone to earthquakes?
You heartless Objectivist!!! 1!
The land under a single shitty house in LA is going to cost you about $500,000. Underground is cheaper.
Godot never shows up, does he?
I think that musk is openly joking with us now. This is a project that will never come to fruition, he’s just channeling money to himself.
*tunneling money to himself.
He will, just be patient.
Anything to distract from Solar City, I guess.
Is that anywhere near Fuck City?
This better be a clip of Gob…
Well done, sir.
That’s actually how I picture Tesla strategy meetings.
Probably accurate.
I hope people actually watched the cartoon. Tex Avery was a fucking genius. Redheads, violence, and alcohol are recurring themes. My constant exposure to his work when I was a kid explains a lot.
Here’s another of my favorites.
The reason I love old cartoons is the art. People actually drew and painted by hand. All the computer animation feels sterile to me.
And no political correctness…
I watched it, Great stuff.
OMWC new link: Upskirt and Thicc in the first 1:30. Superb start.
Inappropriate pronouns
othering nonbinary genders
Man, you’re gonna be in trouuuuble.
About a month ago I watched a 1933 cartoon called The Organ Grinder and mentioned it here (I can’t find the comment, however, since the search doesn’t seem to search comments). There’s a scene where the organ grinder wants the monkey to rattle the tin can to get the kids there to drop coins into it, and the grinder tells the monkey, “Shake your can.”
The monkey proceeds to bend over and start twerking.
I had a VHS of some old cartoons that I wore out as a kid, some of Tex Avery’s stuff was on there. That was a real throwback, thanks.
Avery was a genius, probably more imaginative and funnier than Chuck Jones. The Cinderella cartoon was great, squirrel one less so (don’t make your protagonist a dick, or I’ll cheer for the doggo – same thing as Road Runner).
30s and 40s cartoons were made with adults in mind, since they’d show before main feature in cinemas, and boy, does it ever show.
They expected audiences to sympathize w the “doggo” in those cartoons.
Meet the woman who will save the world from Drumpf!
“Kathy Tompa will spend 15 years in prison after she admitted she had a sexual relationship with the 15-year-old for months.
She must also register as a sex offender.”
That sounds excessively harsh. The Age of consent in GA is 16.
Oh, boy. The cuckold of the country. Excessive, sure, but you walk into court with her?
He likes to watch…
Thanks a lot guys
Childish men are to blame for women having kids late in life
Yeah, couldn’t be that men have been neglected and had their needs glossed over in a quest for equality. It’s just all the toxic masculinity.
Misogynist! Men have no needs, they’ve been in charge of everything, making 115 cents on the dollar compared to women’s 35 for the same work!
I love the femenist notion that women should be free from opportunity costs if they’re decisions.
So I did my best to skim the article. And all I can say is, after reading the three anecdotes, how is it then that I see lots of young people my age get married? Could it be that trying to move fast in your career could be a slight hindrance to relationships? Heck the first girl should have dumped her boyfriend a long time ago if he doesn’t but want to make the same commitments she does. Once again femenisim boils down to, women should have their cake and eat it too.
“The trouble with all this finger pointing is that it leaves out half of the baby-making equation: men.”
That’s just bad math.
Just wait until they bring a long term male breeding inhibitor to your more civilized areas.
the guys don’t want to enter a shit contract?
Dafuq? Every man who isn’t a career man is societally scorned for being a lazy good-for-nothing shitbag.
what else would they call that?
Are you saying that every guy who isn’t a career man is a lazy shitbag?
I’d ask the author and her friends/examples one simple question – What are you bringing to the table?
The article itself points out that eligible men are in short supply. Well, the laws of economics come to the fore in the dating world, too. Slimmer supply means a higher price. You want to have a terrific career? Fine. But, those eligible guy your age can command the better price of a younger cohort. Maybe redefine “eligible”? Or is that going to impede on your
So many of the women I hear throwing out this whinge seem to think that they’re entitled to Prince Charming, no matter how much baggage, how many failings, and how vast the shortcomings they themselves come to the relationship with. Oh, and meanwhile Prince Charming is supposed to be utterly grateful that she gives him the time of day.
Enjoy your cats ladies.
Women are allowed to have as many standards as they want for men, because men are disgusting shitlords whom they are blessing with their presence. Men, being said shitlords, aren’t allowed to have any standards for women, as that would be disgustingly piggish of them.
And I welcome such ladies to enjoy their cats. Until they can invent something like spousal redistribution, men are going to be able to choose the women they’re with. And they can scream themselves hoarse about how men are immature and shitlords all they want. Men are still going to decide that they’d rather not be with women with whom being with is a chore.
Marc Lamont Hill: Trump’s position on Israel/Palestine is repugnant. His call for Palestine to “reject hatred and terrorism” is offensive & counterproductive.
Yes, it is so offensive to tell these people that they should reject blowing children on buses up.
Well extermination of their opponents is part of Hamas’s charter so it must be part of their human rights.
He just means that both sides should be addressed and I agree. Call for the pally’s to stop blowing up children and call for the Israelis to shit-can their affirmative action for arabs idea. See, both sides are just as bad.
Russia was also hacked, but somehow this will be blamed on Russia.
It’s like she stole Miley Cyrus’ hair from a few years ago.
“pink dominatrix suspender leggings” ??
More bad hair:
Also, (((would)))
At least Milla doesn’t seem to be copying anybody.
Also, (((would)))
Would also.
Top story: Hot Actress Had Lunch
You have to love the Daily Fail.
At least they aren’t the Washington Post.
That’s no shit.
That cut looks cute on her. I wouldn’t call it bad.
Might want to skip the latex leggings until she loses that election weight. They look like blood pressure cuffs.
Miley’s current hair,
works for the hippie beach-bum image she’s selling.
In other news, would.
She looks so wholesome now. Aww…
It’s funny, but I have seen prog friends on derpbook freaking out about this, the narrative currently is that Miley exploited black culture for as long as profitable and now that is isn’t anymore (no citation given, btw), that she has gone back to the more traditional white culture. But they also freaked out when she went all twerky. There is no satisfaction but the grave for these people.
Spoke too soon.
Because working with black people is racist.
She needed to shed Hannah. Lot of child stars can’t get past their cutsie personas. I think the whole twerking thing was a calculated move. It was hideous and pathetic, but it likely accomplished its desired effect. Now she can redefine her adult persona in any manner she chooses.
My .02
She could have just saved a lot of trouble by just releasing a sex tape.
Preferably one where she is peed upon.
A piss sex tape would have been classier than her horrendous gyrations with her tongue sticking out.
The route she took maximized her visibility at the expense of her musical talent. People talked about how she acted and looked not her music. She could just get easily pigeon holed as a “shock” act as Hannah.
Unless she goes back to a more wholesome adult persona.
Drew Barrymore comes to mind. She went bad-girl for a time and I think it definitely helped rather than hurt her career.
Drew went bad-girl because she had no choice. Her career had fallen apart during her teen age years due to her age and drug use (bad publicity). People were interested in where Miley was going next. She could have chosen many different career directions (for the record from what music I’ve heard from that album it was pretty good) but she chose to ride inflatable penises on stage.
SJWs: “White people are so lame. I mean, they have no culture! None at all!”
White people: “There is actually a great deal of white culture – opera, classical music, literature, paintings, and-”
SJWs: “Haha! That’s all a bunch of boring ‘white people’ shit! It’s totally unhip and uncool!”
White people: “Ok, perhaps I’ll listen to some rap music and go out for some Mexican today.”
White culture is fucking everywhere around us. It’s the dominant culture so hipster doofuses tend to pretend they reject it while they play on their Iphones.
Would. Would. Would.
Preferably all three at once. I might need an IV and a hospital stay afterward, but I’d be willing to give it a go.
Needs some soap and water to wash those ink scribblings off of her arm first.
Sizzles? The word has no meaning now.
I always loved our constitution, despite its flaws, particularly the bill of rights. I appreciated it, but I have never appreciated it as much as I do now. I never understood what a powerful bulwark it is against tyranny.
I see calls for violence, insurrection, sedition, speech police, I see the american philosophical association warning academics against criticizing feminist theory, gun grabbing and all kinds of jackbooted absurdity. The fact is that we can tell them to go blow it out of their ass and there isnt much they can do about it.
I hope everyone understands what Hillary had in mind when she promised a full-on assault on the bill of rights.
Get a copy of the bill of rights, frame it and hang it in your living room.
Can I hang the commerce clause from the tree out back?
There is nothing wrong with the commerce clause.
–Applying leftist dictionary to Suth’s statement.–
So you think an obese and ugly man should go to the movies naked.
Will do.
Ok. How about the overbroad interpretation of it?
Therein lies the problem.
It doesnt matter what words you put on paper if people are going to redefine those words to mean what they want it to mean.
Solution: pitchfork
*heats up pitchfork with a blowtorch*
On the bright side, the vestigial liberties we retain are an indication that more people than not still respect the principles of the constitution at some level.
On the down side, as soon as public opinion turns the principles of the constitution go with it.
Because when you get right down do it, it really is just a piece of paper. It’s not a bulwark against shit. The American people are, but they probably won’t be forever.
I think you would be surprised. We still have a silent majority…mostly silent anyway. They will wake up and pay attention when the shit starts affecting them personally.
I think that’s wishful thinking.
One team may be slightly better than the other, but both have demonstrated they have no qualms about shitting all over the document if doing so furthers their accumulation of power.
The constitution is a bulwark but it’s ultimately a rag that’ll be crumpled up and tossed in the garbage if our side loses the argument. If the indoctrination at the universities continues unabated that might just happen even if we win it.
Our side?
Team freedom of the individual over that whole collectivist bullshit from team blue and red?
We don’t really have a ‘side’, it’s more of a dark moldy corner behind the water heater.
I’m nearly certain that the only people who care about liberty are 53.69% of the commenters here.
Not sure 169 people equates to a side.
we could take over a very small town.
Or build one
well, I think most of us live near the us canada border.
Somebody has a list.
The best thing about Trump is that Hillary won’t be appointing judges.
Get a copy of the bill of rights, frame it and hang it in your living room.
I am currently wearing a t shirt with the 2nd amendment printed in the shape of an AR-15 on it. I wear it at least once a week.
The one I am wearing as I type: https://www.gunshowtees.com/products/i-love-my-guns-n-coffee-shirt?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla
Nice. Bookmarking to purchase for my wife. Thanks.
I approve. Gun T shirts are like meme wars in the meat space.
Found this whopper linked at the Musk tunnel story:
England has a laff at this.
It’s like he has no context at all but makes assumptions based on his worldview, huh. Weird
Someday I’d like to see the supporting evidence for these sorts of claims.
I think what he’s trying to say is that the US has too many rich people.
The headline alone makes me want to punch someone.
You’d best not read the article, then.
It’s basically a plea to price it so the poors can afford it. I could be wrong, but… I think we’ve been down this road before.
Are you fucking kidding me? Germany has (had?) a law prohibiting the use of the title “doctor” unless one has earned a medical degree or PhD in a German institution. Even if you received a doctorate in another country, if you attempt to use the title, you can be imprisoned for a year.
Once again, somebody forgot about Dre.
HM’s just pissed because he’ll be HM, PhD at Oktoberfest rather than Herr Doktor.
India would like to have a word
Howard has never been to India?
Man arrested after ‘masturbating vigorously’ in public because he ‘hates Portland’
Masturbating well is the best revenge.
This guy is one of my personal heroes.
Dicks out for…
They should let the jerk off. He is doing his part to Keep Portland Weird.
I can sympathize with his feelings, living in the area.
(this comment is a rebroadcasting of an earlier comment to the same link. please hold your phone calls).
“Simply tweeting video of a Muslim student characterizing his religion on an interfaith panel cost me my job.”
At @Portland_State interfaith panel today, the Muslim student speaker said that apostates will be killed or banished in an Islamic state. pic.twitter.com/YpsVSB1w9P..
. She said I had “a history” of affiliation with conservative media , and argued that that history was toxic to the “reputation of the Vanguard .”
Speaking of punishing apostates.
Something tells me she doesn’t know the meaning of the word “vanguard”.
I didn’t even notice that at first. Wow.
Sounds more like the Muslim student was describing Islamic countries rather than advocating for that state, although this doesn’t see quite accurate:
but in a Muslim country, in a country based on the Koranic laws, disbelieving, or being an infidel, is not allowed so you will be given the choice [to leave].
Choice to leave…after being stoned to death?
This is my surprised face.
For what it’s worth, here’s the paper’s mealy-mouthed response, where they manage not to actually respond to him.
Lawsuit. Hands down winner.
I think everyone missed this puzzler from the article, “An atheist student spoke on behalf of a secular-humanist worldview and challenged the audience to think about how we as a society can develop our own moral framework without religion.” I’m sure that statement is a nice wash job from what the atheist said. All you need to do is take the current moral framework that is religion and exercise God from it and you have a moral framework without religion.
Oh these misguided atheist make me want to pound my head into the wall. I feel like they believe that God does and does not exist at the same time. They don’t agree with the morals that religion bring. Well then God does exist because that is how the bible is created and we don’t want to follow a God that created such rules. Oh, ok then, you saw God doesn’t exist, then the bible is a set of rules created by man through market forces and became the social contract for thousands of years. From there it’s all Derp, Derp, Derp, with them.
Jesus fucking Christ on the fucking cross!
Related joke:
Q: What’s the difference between Jesus and a vagina
A: A vagina can get nailed a few times and still works.
The more it gets nailed the better it works
Umm, I was at one time, a 15 year old boy. 15 year old boys are not innocent or a child. This kid had probably been serfing milf pr0n for at least 2 years before he finally scored some.
Is there a Bay Area Glibs meet up? I’m here for a month or three to get my personal life in order and could use a night of saucing with people who wouldn’t take ‘Another day in Trumps’s America!’ the wrong way.
Footage of your typical commentariate meet up.
Dudes can party
So you’re going to drug rehab in the Bay Area, and want to get sauced. Brilliant.
Not in rehab, thankfully. Just ended my relationship and moved out to be with some friends and family until get the next step somewhat figured out.
But that rehab place in Malibu looks nice, except for the whole ‘no drinking’ part.
Are you a chick?
If so, are you thicc?
There are no libertarian women!
It is known. Any women who are libertarian are not actual womyn. They are gender traitors.
Nice Samurai Jack reference. Are you a fan, or just a casual user of that particular clip?
I watched SJ back in college, but I have to admit that I was always more of a Dexter’s Laboratory fan.
I watched them both, I like SJ for the drama (such as it was) and DL for the laughs. I’m also watching the SJ conclusion series currently running, which I recommend for closure purposes in the Samurai’s never ending quest to return home.
I’ll take the non-Thicc ones.
Rehab is just a place to meet new people to party with.
PapayaSF is most often our Pied Piper arranging Bay Area meetups, weve had some good ones. Try emailing his screen name at gmail dot com.
“Exercise Your Freedom of Speech With Anti-Trump Aerobics”
Apparently, it’s needed to burn off the Mac ‘n’ Cheese and Chocolate Cake?
Don’t forget the empty calories from Ben Afflack’s stress drinking.
Omg. How is it possible for people to be that stupid? College?
Trump is the lazy journalists segue. Just use him to give relevance to whatever crap you have to write.
That just sounds like two-minutes hate with extra work.
Elon Musk is apparently working on some sort of brain-computer interface:
The limbic system cartoon was pretty funny.
Richard Spencer sure does get around.
Nobody knew or cared who Richard Spencer was until the hate mobs of the left made him famous. Good job, idiots.
Just what the movement to preserve southern history needs.
They (progs) needed an enemy to give a face to the movement. Trump is one facet of it, but Richy here is another. It’s Alinsky all over again. Make an idiot famous and freeze the public perception of him and the movement he ‘represents’. The problem is, unlike the last hundred times that this has worked the pendulum is swinging against them and making people like spencer famous for the wrong reasons is having the wrong results. Instead of shaming the ‘alt-right’ into silence they are emboldening a bunch of professional trolls and actual assholes.
I think they pushed too far too fast and now your seeing these white or European identity groups gaining members globally. Britain First, Generation Identity, Pegida, Azov. I think that for now most people reject these groups but I also think most people reject leftest elitist mass immigration policies, and not because they’re racist. If the left keeps pushing their agenda who knows how that plays out.
I don’t see it going well for anyone.
So far the left have played this thing wrong at every turn, as long as their goal was trying to gain popular support. But within the echo chamber where they live everything has played out just as it should.
Meanwhile the rhetoric that is driving away middle America, is driving some to support these racialist movements, after all if you are told that you are racist, and can never change that, then you are probably going to start believing it.
Finally, both of these sides, the nebulous alt-right and the screechy progs have no respect for american institutions or law and will do what they want to meet their goals.
I have no doubt that the progs will start any trouble but I’m less certain that they will be the ones delivering the final blow.
I agree no real winners here. It’s a shame because it doesn’t have to be like this. Perhaps this can be worked out politically with some moderation. Doesn’t seem like political moderation is in large supply these days though. Media surely doesn’t help that situation.
I think the “everything is racist/sexist, whatever -ist” crowd is also at least partly to blame.
If you’re practically a Klan member because you sing along with Kanye in your car and say a specific unapproved word, then screw it, might as well just join the Klan.
What the “progressives” have done is conflated actual, harmful racism (like burning crosses on a black person’s lawn) with engaging in activities that may be a bit boneheaded but are completely harmless (like wearing sombreros to the college cafeteria’s “Mexican Day”).
“if you are told that you are racist, and can never change that, then you are probably going to start believing it.”
Also, our young people have grown up in an atmosphere of identity politics where everyone had there own group. Seems pretty natural for the white kids to start wondering why they can’t have there own especially being the targets of hostility by other groups. These kids are far removed from the pre-civil rights era and have no context for these attitudes.
I’m far removed from the civil rights era and I’m 37. My mother was 8 when the CRA was signed. We are 3 generations into blaming whitey for things they have no memory of without a history book.
I don’t think it’s a matter of “let’s become racist” it’s a matter of people realizing that the most racist people in the US are not white.
People simply agree racism is bad, it’s just that that conclusion has led them to dislike racists.
That era has been around for a while.
See also the latest hilarity with the U of A social justice Cheka.
“if you are told that you are racist, and can never change that, then you are probably going to start believing it.”
There’s also the matter of, ‘If you’re going to do the time, you may as well do the crime.” And whether they can articulate it or not in philosophical terms, most people sense that in the morality of a proscription rests partly on its universality. So if it is okay for Yellow Pride, Brown Pride, and Black Pride, why isn’t okay for White Pride? The progs present to whites two options; submit or be destroyed. And they forget that there is always the third option; fight back. Not gonna end well.
“there is always the third option; fight back.”
I think that’s what you are seeing. I think alot of that has less to do with celebrating identity than it has to do with giving sjws the finger, which of course they deserve.
That’s what it’s looking like. What is hilarious, as many have pointed out before is that even in a physical confronatation in deep-deep-deep so deep blue it might actually be stalin red territory they still get thier butts kicked by a few pro-trump/anti-antfa
Agreed. I live in the PNW. Which is SJW infested like a rented trailer is with roaches. But I am seeing Confederate Flag t-shirts, I’m hearing people use the phrase ‘nigger-rigged’, I even know a guy who is a genuine San Francisco hippie type who now runs a BDSM porn website doing and saying things using the most offensive terms simply because he can’t stand the nonsense. It is buried, but there is a rebellious streak in Americans and the neo-Victorians of the SJW crowd are bringing that out.
And while now it is mostly a middle-finger, my biggest worry is that they won’t know when to quit and identity does become the new defining fault line for reals. Nobody smart wants a society that’s like the inside of a prison where survival depends on hanging with “your kind” and fuck everybody else. For now the fighting is mostly verbal, but it /could/ get physical if they keep double down.
It’s not going to come to that. In the real world, outside of college campuses, prog concentrations, and the blogisphere, people are mostly not like that although I certainly see some spill over happening.
I only time I heard n-rigged was when a (black) sergeant asked some hillbilly private if he had taken care of something. “yes, s’arnt. I nigger-rigged it”. Then the light bulb went on in his head as what he just said and to who. He was already pushing before the sergeant started pointing at the ground.
Isn’t the term kind of a compliment, though?
I don’t know about compliment, but it does have the synonym of ‘po-boying’ which conveys the same idea; you don’t have the money to do it correctly, but you can get the job done with some scavenged bits and bobs and a bit off cleverness, at least for now. One might view it as an admirable thing to be able to do those sort of repairs
I do recall a preacher back home that exhorted us to use Afro-Engineering instead, which is, in some ways worse on its face unless one realizes it was used to be sort of smart-assed about nascent political correctness and the renaming of things like janitor to sanitation engineer that was happening in the 70s and early 80s.. I dunno, being in software a long time, “kludge” is my go to. Or “MacGuyver” it. I’ve just heard it quite a bit lately and it seems an intentional poke at the SJW types.
He sure does. There’s an article about him in the Atlantic (i noticed it next to the “Worse than Watergate” story linked above)
Reason magazine gets a shout-out in the lede. Because Spencer attended the Christmas party where Hitchens spoke. It isn’t mentioned who invited him, but i imagine people might be asking soon.
Too long to read the whole thing, but read enough. Seem like the writer’s patronizing elitism really renders his opinion meaningless to anyone not like him and plays right into Spencer’s hands. How to write a story about a douchebag and come off as a bigger douchbag.
I just went looking for his name among Reason contributors. He isn’t listed, so i assume he’s never published anything there. His bio suggests most of his writing is for the New Republic and for The Atlantic.
So he was just party-crashing as well i guess. Cocktailz, yo. Something tells me that the association of ‘libertarian’ with Richard Spencer in the opening of the piece was not at all accidental
“Something tells me that the association of ‘libertarian’ with Richard Spencer in the opening of the piece was not at all accidental”
I’m sure that you are correct. I remember a few of those Christmas party articles with Hitch but don’t recall Spencer’s name mentioned although no reason I would have.
I bet that Welch will flag this story in next weeks (if there is one) 5th Column, and in doing so offer some explanation of why no one has mentioned Spencer’s attendance before
i presume the truth is that most people had no idea who he was or whether his kooky ideas even existed then. The author (wood) suggests that even at that point he was sort of just blandly fringe-ish, not a proto-hitler.
Another story by Graeme Wood where he associates Libertarians with criminal-baddies and economic-hypocrites.
There seems to be a thread in his writing of “everyone i went to school with is an asshole (except me)“
Yeah what a douchbag
There are a lot of assholes among Harvard alumni, no doubt in the slightest. But you are correct that the author should consider looking at a mirror once in a while.
It isn’t mentioned who invited him
Dave Weigel?
Virginia Postrel?
+ big feet
“She was advising him on how to kiss her daughter, how to touch her daughter, when would be an appropriate time to touch her buttocks, what would be the appropriate time and manner to remove her shirt,” Forsyth County Assistant District Attorney Heather Dunn told the judge.
Pretty sure I’ve seen that movie before.
A cool page that illustrates how various sides think.
The free speech one is crazy. property made sense.
the voted ones anyway. the meme side is ok.
The one with the different political affiliations was interesting. Libertarians were there only ones on the, well libertarian side of the spectrum.
Some of those were pretty good. Mother’s Day gifts and Currency were funny.
I liked that. Some of those are pretty damn funny/accurate.
I found the constant association of libertarian left with “weed” and Libertarian right with “guns” to be a stupid cultural flag which had little real clarifying-aspect; it actually did the opposite, by pretending the differences between “libertarian left+right” is primarily cultural rather than a different view of economic liberty.
IOW, It says more about the graphics-creators and their shallow view of libertarian politics.
Just because you have liberal attitudes towards weed and guns (I do) doesn’t even mean you necessarily identify with/ spend your time playing with either (i don’t). That’s something that seems little appreciated. same with, say, prostitution. I’m all for decriminalizing, etc. but i have a pretty low opinion of people who actually *do* it. My attitude towards prostitutes is somewhere between pity and scorn.
Lefties can’t understand the difference between ‘permitting’ things and endorsing them. They simply don’t understand the idea of letting life sort itself out, because trying to impose an artificial order on it is ultimately more-damaging to everyone.
Lest I forget:
Happy mother’s day to all of you libertarian moms!
Your kids are damn lucky!
Aren’t you supposed to address any mothers who may be libertarian as Muthas
“We’re on Day 127 in a row of the Trump presidency destroying itself. But despite 127 days in a row, with each day having the latest Outrage That Destroys The Trump Presidency, he still seems to be president, alas.”
I’d complain about being othered for not shitting my pants over Trump’s latest tweet, or whatever, but complaining about being othered is the default setting for pants-shitters–and I don’t want any part of that.
If and when Trump does something worthy of pants-shitting, I’ll do my patriotic duty and shit my pants. In the past, however, that’s required doing something rather than saying something–torturing people, suffering 35,000 American casualties over a bad war, violating the Fourth Amendment rights of 300 million+ Americans by way of the NSA, violating a “no new taxes” pledge, using the coercive power of government to force people to eat broccoli, nationalizing GM, etc. . . . I won’t just shit my pants over something somebody says.
There’s something effeminate about people obsessing over what people say and how they say it–but I don’t necessarily mean that in a disparaging way. I’m just saying I don’t think that kind of obsession comes to most guys naturally. I hear women talk about other people at work, or friends and family, and half the time it isn’t even meant to be believed (or disbelieved). They talk about these things for other reasons. Talking makes them feel better, I guess. Sometimes they talk about what other people said and how they said it just to have something to talk about.
Ever seen “The View”? They sit there and talk about that kind of shit constantly–it’s a show about nothing. Women like it! I was immobile in a hospital bed one time, and when I came to, the damn nurse had turned it on and was watching it while I was unconscious. It was a traumatic experience. The show started and they started talking and talking and talking about nothing–I kept waiting for the guest to come out, but there was no guest. The whole show was just these women sitting around talking about what other people said. I couldn’t move to find the remote, but I was looking around the room to find it–to use the force to will it into my hand–no luck. I finally started yelling, “Make it stop! Make it stop!” The nurse came running, she thought I was having a nightmare or something, but it wasn’t a nightmare. It was The View.
That’s how I see the media, generally, these days, talking about Trump. It isn’t really about anything. It isn’t even meant to be believed. The media talks about Trump for the same reason chickens cluck and cats purr. It doesn’t really mean anything, and it isn’t supposed to mean anything. It’s supposed to make you feel something, like validation, I guess.
If Trump signs a bill that repeals the individual mandate and gets rid of the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion, I’ll be impressed. I’m impressed by his appointments to the courts so far. If and when he does something awful–to our constitutional rights, free trade, gets us involved in a bad war, etc.–I’ll call him out for it. But it won’y have anything to do with anything I see the mass media whining and crying and blubbering and moaning about.
Trump said this! Trump tweeted that!
So friggin’ what?
(Ken goes on the Moderator Watch-List as “potential malcontent”)
He is on the list for being ‘potential’? He gets off of the list when he is a full blown malcontent, right?
Yes. But only to be added to a temporary list before being shifted over to the Final List.
Maybe that list will mean that you’ll get a final ride on a choo-choo.
That makes two of you…at least.
For the record, I never called you effeminate
Beg to differ.
Nice tree, hope you noticed the forest, too.
What,it means they’re happy? That they like you?
If that’s the depth of what the news media means when they talked about about Obama, then what they said about what he said didn’t really mean anything.
“Ever seen “The View”? They sit there and talk about that kind of shit constantly–it’s a show about nothing.”
It’s a show about a hen house full of cackling hens.
It’s made to appeal to women sensibilities.
The reason men talk? That isn’t really addressed on that show.
I don’t mean to be disparaging towards women, here, but their minds work differently from men’s, they talk more, and they talk for different reasons.
Women have a mode of speech that isn’t meant to be taken seriously the way guys would take things seriously. They’re playing three dimensional chess sometimes–and we don’t even know it.
Guys have modes of speech that women don’t understand either. When women say they want to be treated like the guys, they don’t mean they want us to make fun of how they dress, call them “fatso”, and brag about how we slept with her mother. Maybe women see that male mode of speech like the grunting of pigs.
Regardless, the media seems to have adopted a female mode of communication, in which talking about what the president said and how he said it is the news.
It’s not quite, “Don’t roll your eyes at me like that” or “she gave me a dirty look” yet–but it’s on that level. That’s basically what they’re reporting on.
“Regardless, the media seems to have adopted a female mode of communication”
I think it’s been that way for a long time. Even when I was a kid, soap operas were around. Back then, men were generally out working all day and women were at home watching TV between their household chores. So we got all this advertising targeted solely at women and soap operas. I wondered what that was all about, so I sat down and watched a little one day to discover that it was a bunch of emotionally damaged people being overly dramatic and women seemed to love it. Then I remember back in the 90s they started making all of these commercials in which a smart pretty woman was out shopping with her short fat balding semi-retarded husband who couldn’t do anything without being told how by the wife. Yeah, TV is a woman’s thing, always has been.
You know what else was “a show about nothing”?
How I Met Mein Fuhrer
It’s Always Sunny in Bavaria
Welcome Back Hitler
The Facts of Reich
Goehring Pains
“The Facts of Reich”
*Stands to applaud vigorously*
So, the wife and I have been watching Handmaid’s Tale of late. I have to say it’s not a total mess. But it is funny as me and my wife are both wretched atheist and libertarians the observations that the show makes sometimes hit us in a way that I don’t think the how intended.
For instance:
-She commented that what the Republic of Gilead is doing looks a lot like what a lot of Muslim theocracies do
-We both bemoaned a scene where a bunch of right thinking young people hold a protest against the budding RoG and are promptly gunned down by a bunch of PMC looking guys who are clearly RoG mercs, I complained that if the gov’t had gotten so bad as to induce mass firings and bank seizures that they protestors were basically showing up at a gun fight armed with thoughts and prayers and my observed that a few well placed roof top snipers might have ended the massacre before it began. But that would mean thinking in those terms
-I observed that the economy of such a gov’t as the RoG would probably implode after resigning half of thier workforce to the maternity ward.
this seems to be everyone’s reaction. Even people predisposed to hate it seem to have come back and said, “its not bad actually” and the people expecting to see some left-wing fantasy have ended up pointing out that it doesn’t seem to pander to any modern SJW ideas at all. I think the people praising its wokeness probably decided it was great before they ever saw it (much like Murray’s Bell Curve was predetermined to be racist before anyone read it – or not)
Yeah, the characters are fairly real so far, in that they do stupid things and smart things and are generally just trying to make it in a situation where everyone is getting kinda fucked. The biggest issue that I have had so far is that none of the characters seem to enjoy the world that they inhabit and yet for the most part won’t act. But I suppose that is more of a human thing than a story thing. I’m sure that there were plenty of people who hated the USSR but didn’t want to take the risk of trying to change it either.
An accurate portrayal of a left-wing utopia
That was another thing, in the most recent episode, Commander Waterford (the ‘owner of the titular handmaid) said : ‘We tried to make a better world, but better doesn’t mean better for everyone’
I thought that summed up Utopianism so well. In trying to make a better world the worst elements of the old have to expunged.
And the worst byproducts of the brave new world have to be studiously ignored
(when not actively making excuses for them)
I was going to submit something about this next week.
The differences from the book are telling.
In its own way, it goes away from the book like the movie “Children of Men” completely ignored the book–but in “Handmaid’s Tale”, they’ve kept to plot–they just changed some subtle references that completely changed the subject of the story.
The book was criticized when Atwood wrote it for going against feminist orthodoxy–so that isn’t the topic switch. They kept that aspect! I don’t want to go into it too much and give it all away; suffice it to say, the book suffers from the second worst case of dated metaphor I’ve ever seen in my life*, and by correcting for that, the producers changed the topic of the series.
And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.
*”A Madman’s Diary” by Lu Xun has the worst case of dated reference I’ve ever seen in my life.
Are you still submitting? I would like to see another glibs reaction to it. I’ve read the book twice, once when it was assigned in a HS lit class and again in college once I had grown up a little more. I liked the writing and the style, but there were definitely parts that did not age as well as, say 1984 or even Brave New World.
Yeah, I think so–unless the topic gets exhausted. I just need some time, and I’ve got some of that after Monday.
It’s funny how the further back you go, the more relevant dystopian literature seems to today.
Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels–especially the part about the elitism of the Houyhnhnms–could have been written about elitism and the social justice warriors today.
. . . especially the part at the end, where after being with the Houynhnms so long, he can’t stand the company of regular people anymore and hold all of his fellow men in total contempt.
The closer you get to today, the worse the dystopianism gets in its lessons.
“Children of Men” rips off “Handmaid Tale’s” central premise, but “Children of Men” is the most anti-libertarian novel I’ve ever read.
Never read it all the way through, got about two chapters in. Liked the movie as a HS student. You said that CoM ignored the book, how bad was the book then? How was it anti-lib?
The movie had almost nothing to do with the book.
Without spoiling it too much for anyone who hasn’t read it, the central message of “Children of Men” (the book) is that if you knew what the bureaucrats knew, you’d run the country the same way they do–and you’d literally do it “for the children”, too.
P.D. James was a lifelong bureaucrat for the National Health Service. Oh, if only you little people knew the tough choices we make on your behalf–you wouldn’t whine and cry this way about freedom. Oh, and stop with all this complaining about the nanny state and the welfare state . . .
Here’s a story about what the world would be like if we didn’t have children to justify our bureaucracy: . . .
The book is an argument for the nanny state written by a career bureaucrat that portrays freedom from bureaucracy as dystopia. I can’t think of a more anti-libertarian novel. You’d need to go to non-fiction: Das Kapital or Mein Kampf.
I’m intrigued. As you may know, I’m a big fan of creative adaptation, and I’d love to see something like that that used such leverage to give things a very different feel from what was being adapted.
To put it another way, I’m a big fan of subversive adaptation.
Sooooo, Verhoeven’s “Starship Troopers” then?
That’s intentional. In the framing story for the book, written in the mode of an academic journal article, Atwood explicitly compares Gilead with Iran.
found this the other day: http://www.history.army.mil/html/reference/army_flag/vn.html
List of Vietnam War campaigns
Advisory 15 March 1962 – 7 March 1965
Defense 8 March 1965 – 24 December 1965
Counteroffensive 25 December 1965 – 30 June 1966
Counteroffensive, Phase II 1 July 1966 – 31 May 1967
Counteroffensive, Phase III 1 June 1967 – 29 January 1968
Tet Counteroffensive 30 January 1968- 1 April 1968
Counteroffensive, Phase IV 2 April 1968 – 30 June 1968
Counteroffensive, Phase V 1 July 1968- 1 November 1968
Counteroffensive, Phase VI 2 November 1968 – 22 February 1969
Tet 69/Counteroffensive 23 February 1969 – 8 June 1969
Summer-Fall 1969 9 June 1969 – 31 October 1969
Winter-Spring 1970 1 November 1969 – 30 April 1970
Sanctuary Counteroffensive 1 May 1970 – 30 June 1970
Counteroffensive, Phase VII 1 July 1970 – 30 June 1971
Consolidation I 1 July 1971 – 30 November 1971
Consolidation II 1 December 1971 – 29 March 1972
Cease-Fire 30 March 1972 – 28 January 1973
Jeebus. It’s failure on the installment plan. 7 counteroffensive campaigns?! No one thought that sounded fishy?
Ifv your plan is no good you just need to commit to it twice as hard. It’s like trying to make up a net loss on a product through quantity.
“No, dig *up* stupid!”
How else are you gonna get all those campaign ribbons?
Quibble on: How else are you gonna get Campaign “stars”…? They are on the same ribbon. Quibble off.
To be fair, I think a lot of those plans are based on terrain/territory gained/lost in terms of mileage. It’s a measurable metric – as opposed to listing a bunch of no-name, unpronounceable villages or partial provinces in every case.
Was listening to Christian radio the other day and they were talking about Chesterton’s views on evolution. I was unimpressed. It’s clear he didn’t understand the theory.
Some Chesterton quotes on evolution:
“It is absurd for the Evolutionist to complain that it is unthinkable for an admittedly unthinkable God to make everything out of nothing, and then pretend that it is more thinkable that nothing should turn itself into everything.”
“Nobody can imagine how nothing could turn into something. Nobody can get an inch nearer to it by explaining how something could turn into something else. It is really far more logical to start by saying ‘In the beginning God created heaven and earth’ even if you only mean ‘In the beginning some unthinkable power began some unthinkable process.’ For God is by its nature a name of mystery, and nobody ever supposed that man could imagine how a world was created any more than he could create one. But evolution really is mistaken for explanation. It has the fatal quality of leaving on many minds the impression that they do understand it and everything else”
“Evolution is either an innocent scientific description of how certain earthly things came about; or, if it is anything more than this, it is an attack upon thought itself. If evolution destroys anything, it does not destroy religion but rationalism.”
His views on birth control were…interesting. How many kids did he have? Oh right- none.
“I despise Birth-Control first because it is … an entirely meaningless word; and is used so as to curry favour even with those who would first recoil from its real meaning. The proceeding these quack doctors recommend does not control any birth. … But these people know perfectly well that they dare not write the plain word Birth-Prevention, in any one of the hundred places where they write the hypocritical word Birth-Control. They know as well as I do that the very word Birth-Prevention would strike a chill into the public… Therefore they use a conventional and unmeaning word, which may make the quack medicine sound more innocuous. … A child is the very sign and sacrament of personal freedom. He is a fresh will added to the wills of the world; he is something that his parents have freely chosen to produce … he is their own creative contribution to creation.”
Ah, the classic creationist criticism, where they don’t even understand that they’re talking about the theory of abiogenesis, not evolution. It’s like being back in 2006.
I have gotten weary of critiquing creationist, if only to avoid getting lumped in with the other Atheist-Statist crowd. I don’t get how one can get skeptical of the idea of god, and then turn around and think the state is awesome.
But I do enjoy the Bible reloaded.
That’s his point. Sans abiogenesis, evolution hasn’t provided the evidence of atheism that some claim. With abiogenesis leaps of faith are required.
Evolution isn’t about proving atheism. It’s about explaining the diversity and history of life and it does this very well. Creationists don’t like that because it effectively rebuts their old favorite, the watchmaker argument.
As for abiogenesis, while we may never know for sure how it happened, the Miller-Urey experiment showed that amino acids can form spontaneously in the right conditions.
Which is a hell of a lot more scientific than some preacher waving a bible around and shouting “GOD DID IT!”
Except nowhere does he recognize that he’s talking about two separate theories that are not linked to each other in the way he suggests, and treats them as one and the same, which is incorrect. Throwing around terms like ‘evolutionist’ while talking about abiogenesis is reflective of scientific ignorance.
Well, do most people who smugly declare they believe in evolution actually know anything about evolution? Most people are ignorant when talking on subjects of science. Evolution is short term for a whole lot of shit to most people. To include atheists.
True, many if not most people who proudly declare their belief in evolution don’t know a damn thing about it, they’re just signaling their goodthinkfulness that they aren’t an icky fundamentalist Christian.
It’s unfortunate that such an important scientific concept gets dragged through mud because it ruffles the feathers of people who think the bible is a science book.
It always amazes me that evolution is what gets their goat, as if it’s the only bit of science or history that contradicts their beliefs.
Sure, but if you’re going to make your brilliant contribution to the debate (whether for or against) at least have some idea what you’re talking about. The creationists always pull this out like it’s some kind of winning answer that really sticks it to the ‘evolutionists’ when in reality it’s the equivalent of saying “I’m going to disprove gravity because the theory of relativity has a few holes.”
Well, it is only a theory.
*handwave, eyeroll*
“Nobody can imagine how nothing could turn into something.” That seems about on the same level as “Fuckin’ magnets, how do they work?”
But Feynman conceded — no, proclaimed — that he could not explain how they work, if by “explain” you mean reduce to something simpler that the audience has more reason to accept. And I understand exactly what he meant, and agree. You can “explain” how magnets work in terms of electrostatics, the Lorentz transformation (special relativity), quantum atomic physics, and the Pauli exclusion principle, but none of these are more intuitive than simply accepting ferromagnetism axiomatically.
It has been a while for me but I thought Hawking did a fairly good job of it.
As a Christian I’ve gotten real sick of the constant attention given to evolution. If the account of creation in Genesis is meant literally or not, what difference does that make to how I’m supposed to live my life as a Christian today? I don’t get the obsession some have on this.
Path dependence. It was the last thing they could reasonably hang on to as a way to anchor their beliefs in fact, and thereby breach the is-ought dichotomy.
Not sure if it’s been linked yet or not, but I saw a little bit of what could be positive news about the Trumputin.
Here’s the link:
Trump getting ready to clean house?
But here’s the part that got my attention.
This could be good. Because if one of those persons mentioned there has to go, we know for sure who it will be.
The rehabilitation of Ty Cobb
short version: almost every smear about Ty Cobb came from some asshole named Al Stump.
Five years after Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier, Cobb publicly supported blacks and whites playing baseball together, adding, “Certainly it is okay for them to play. I see no reason in the world why we shouldn’t compete with colored athletes as long as they conduct themselves with politeness and gentility. Let me say also that no white man has the right to be less of a gentleman than a colored man; in my book that goes not only for baseball but in all walks of life.”[19] Using even stronger language, Cobb told the Sporting News in 1952 that “the Negro should be accepted and not grudgingly but wholeheartedly.”[139] In 1953, black newspapers cited his praise for Brooklyn Dodgers’ catcher Roy Campanella, who Cobb said was “among the all-time best catchers” in baseball.
progressives lie about everything, exhibit 13D
Cool how markets work. Ive heard rumors of some of his Baseball Cards possibly hitting the market
Have they torn down his statues yet?
The impression I got from reading about Cobb was that he wasn’t a racist, he hated everybody equally. He fought opponents, teammates, and fans.
I don’t know. He seemed to like his floozies well enough.
I found this Washpo story linked to by Drudge pretty funny because it buries the lead. Americans don’t actually give a shit about Comey being fired:
So, the actual majority of Americans either don’t care or support Comey’s firing. Based on those numbers, even many who voted against Trump and hate him don’t care. But to try and pretend their propaganda is working, they show that 53% of those who say they are paying a lot of attention do care.
Meanwhile, without a hint of irony, Dems say that if Trump destroys any tapes of conversations he had with Comey, he’d be breaking the law:
I’m not even sure tapes of private conversations are even considered public records. Meanwhile, Hillary kept deleting emails even after she was subpoenaed by investigators.
“Meanwhile, without a hint of irony, Dems say that if Trump destroys any tapes of conversations he had with Comey, he’d be breaking the law:”
Fake scandal.
What percentage had to be told who the fuck Comey is before they answered the question. I’d have to guess somewhere around 75 percent.
What percentage didn’t know, but knew they opposed/supported it because Trump did it.
They knew about Comey because he tried to mess things up for Hillary. He was in cahoots with Trump and the Russians. But then Trump fired him so now they know he must be a good guy after all. It must really hurt to be that stupid.
Hillary kept deleting emails even after she was subpoenaed by investigators
Yoga dude. They were about yoga.
The “taped conversations” tweet by Trump is right up there with the stupidest shit he has ever tweeted. And that is a long list. I usually just laugh at him and all the outrage his silliness causes now, but that one made me scratch my head. WTF?
I haven’t heard of this so called publication, but here is some protectionist derp some dude pulled out of his ass.
I actually agree many appliances built today are shit compared to what was available 30-40 years ago, but I don’t think things are as they are for the reasons this guy seems to have fabricated.
The funny thing is that free trade is based off of comparative advantage, which whole a model, is logically unassailable. It’s practically a tautology.
I understand that people might be worried about offshoring since much of it is driven by the plethora of regulations and taxes that make it difficult to run a profitable business in the US. But what I don’t get is the idea that buying things from other countries is inherently bad for the economy. I mean, if that’s true, isn’t the same thing true for states? Should you be penalized for ordering things from another state? Is the shoe company in California “taking jobs away from Ohioans” because I ordered a pair of shoes from them? What about cities? Would cities be better off if they had a steep tariff for anything that crossed city limits? And hell, why not apply this to the neighborhood level? Are you throwing your neighbors into poverty if you drive across town to buy groceries?
Have you ever met an extreme green type who throws around the word local as a synonym for good?
The word, regulations did not even enter his discussion. How many regulations did a washing machine manufacturer in 1970 have to follow compared to today? Regardless of where they are built. Water flow? Electricity usage? Approved by x, y, and z to be sold in North America.
Dude has a bunch of holes in his article and seems to just make up “data”.
I will say though, the washer and dryer I have now have both been repaired in the first two years I owned them. The old washer and dryer I had for a decade, that I bought used, never needed to be repaired other than a belt on the dryer that rotted because it was so old. They had no computerized shit though. Simple things break less and are easier to fix. I am not sure that has anything to do with free trade. It has to do with what the market is offering us. I see a niche market for simple reliable appliances.
+1 speed queen
I agree with your assessment. But i think his argument that “quality is ignored in arguments about net-trade-benefits” is an interesting one nevertheless.
I have not RTFA, but if I understand correctly, it’s that foreign goods are often cheap crap. To which I’d respond:
1. It’s not really for me to decide whether what someone else is buying is cheap crap. They can make their own choice. If people want to pay a premium for what they consider to be a better product, those products will continue to exist. If people are overwhelmingly preferring the cheaper option, then so be it. This argument isn’t really about global trade as I’d see it. It’s just standard bitching about markets leading to things they don’t like. It uses ones own qualitative preference in place of a thesis and then declares market failure (even if the term isn’t used – I don’t know what else we’d call it).
2. It’s a pretty broad, generalized argument. I don’t think American cars were better because they lacked foreign competition. In some sense, the argument here seems to be one against competition.
There may be an issue with modern appliances, and some of it may stem from global trade and a lack of quality control. But how much is hard to quantify and I don’t see why I should be prevented from buying something I want at its actual price point because someone else doesn’t approve.
No one arguing whether you should or shouldn’t. The issue is whether the data which suggests net-$ benefits from trade is actually accurate when considered from a $-per-unit-value POV.
All things considered equally, a washing machine today is basically the same as a washing machine in 1955 (ignore electricity consumption, or how well it washes, etc).
when people say, “look at how much cheaper free trade has made consumer-product X” they tend to look in terms of the price of that good, the degree of household penetration, etc. which is all well and good.
However those measurements of benefit *could* be qualified if you actually looked at how long that product lasted, or how much people spend on that category of thing over the course of their lives, etc. Its just an argument which says that the current method of data-capture overlooks material changes in the quality of goods.
I am not endorsing any arguments the guy makes *using* those claims. I’m just saying that i’ve never seen any real attempt to capture the dimension of Cost/Quality in most traditional arguments about intl trade.
See above. I’m just saying that when we measure how much the average consumer has benefited from things like “cheaper appliances”, we don’t capture any decline in the actual unit-value.
I don’t think adding this sort of calculation would actually affect most of the pro-free-trade arguments, FWIW. at least not as much as the guy there suggests. I also think the reason it hasn’t been done before is because there is no simple way to do so that would be consistent or reliable enough to compare to things like gross-trade figures. At best it would be the subject for a case study; and i think the areas where it would be most-obvious? would not be favorable to his argument. -e.g. with, say, Automobiles… where there is robust data on quality and cost of maintenance/replacement over time. In that case it would end up undermining his argument completely since i assume the data would show that imports were vastly more reliable and cheaper than the domestic-produced versions.
So this is more of a nuts and bolts argument (westernsloper’s argument below made that more clear to me). But I still have to question the notion that it’s inherently better for goods to last longer. It may cost less, which if we’re just focusing on costs would be a relevant argument, but that doesn’t really matter if people are ultimately getting a product that can do more/just has superior technology in it. There’s also the fact that you’d have to look at why specific products are failing sooner. The assumption is that it’s because foreign goods are cheaper rather than technology has simply made them more complicated.
Over time, one would also suspect quality control would improve.
But arguments like this work when the economic arguments put forward for free trade are purely utilitarian and lack any notion of principles. Which is often the case.
I’m not suggesting that, and my interest in his point wasn’t reliant on that angle. (which i do think he was arguing)
Its simply that typical calculations of net-benefit from cheaper-overseas goods don’t often try and consider the issue of quality at all.
e.g. someone says, “Americans can now buy X for 30% less than when they bought it 20 years ago!”. “cheaper X means more money for Y” etc. We are “wealthier” because of this net gain in material goods.
but there’s never any actual accounting for lifecycle consumer spending, or whether those ‘gains’ are real.
e.g. say item X cost $100 when it was a domestic product; imports offer it for $70. Yay.
But what if the average family buys 3 of X over the course of their lives rather than, say, 2? Because the newer, cheaper product is less reliable?
Now the average family spends $210 for the same value they used to get for $200. The net value has actually declined.
Of course, if you factored in other things like electricity costs, or shipping, or repair/replacement, or a zillion other things that might have been made cheaper by ‘more trade’…. when you add it all up, there’s still demonstrable benefits from ‘more international trade’.
My point was just that this sort of analysis generally isn’t done. As per my car-example, i suspect it wouldn’t necessarily work in favor of the protectionist even if it *were* done. that still isn’t an argument that the issue should be ignored.
I’ve always been under the impression that economics was by definition a process of measuring empirical “costs” and “benefits”…. and that if you think there are some ethical or moral issues to be considered, those were separate cases.
I mean, you can say, “trade is good because trade is a moral good”…. but i’m not sure what that has to do with the price of Tea in china, if you see what i mean.
Bingo. If something costs half as much, but lasts a quarter as long, it’s a bad deal. But short-term analysis won’t catch it,and will make it look like a good deal.
Anecdotal, but we redid our kichen last year. The oven was faulty on delivery, the fridge just ganged the icemaker. Wheen I have redone (three) kitchens in the past, major appliances didn’t fail. And these were supposed to be good quality appliances.
Now,now, Brochettaward…You’ll never make Priest with that attitude
net-trade-benefits=what you buy needs to be replaced every three years? (which is a statistic he seems to have made up)
I am not familiar with net-trade-benefits. Speak English yo.
I would think they figure that into a product. How cheap can we make this thing before people stop buying it. Even then, some people will always buy the cheapest thing there. Ex. My Dad.
In the “believe it or not, there are worse choices than her” news, Merkel seems poised to take the most populous German state in local elections.
Martin Schulz is a turd of the highest order, and Germany is triple-fucked if he gets within sniffing distance of power.
If you want to see shithead in action, this segment of Farage’s speech right after Brexit vote has a nice (if small) example of his shittiness.
According to the latest projections AfD make it into the Landtag while the ex-Communists are falling just under the 5% threshold. That would mean the CDU and the FDP would have a slim majority, I think.
What difference does it make? In a couple of decades all of those people will be under sharia law and Merkel’s head will be on a spike.
Looks like they won:
If there is one consistent storyline across Europe, it is the collapse of the center-left .
the future of the world’s population
Amazing that Nigeria will surpass the US in the not too distant future. Rule of 72 for the win.
how accurate are the projections? well…
“…in 1958, when the UN projected the population in 2000 to be ~6 Billion (it was then 42 years into the future) they ended up being out by less than 5%. The short answer is: these projections are pretty good.”
Jebus, the comments…
Note well that we do have a say in birth rates. We can’t control them (at least not very morally and not very well), but we can influence them, if we want to.
South Korea, which is a constrained mountainous peninsula, decided in the ’60s to influence their birthrate, with improved health, education, and then public campaigns. “Two is enough!” in the ’70s and then “Two is too many” in the ’80s. Their birthrate fell from 6 to 1.05 by 2005. That’s a much faster decrease than China accomplished by decree.
They decided, and then influenced it.
When countries in Africa see a beautiful green future for themselves, they could decide and do the same. The World Bank’s work on eliminating extreme poverty is what makes this possible. However that’s not sufficient–we need to want a healthy population (level) which supports a healthy planet too.
I call this campaign, “Norm of one”–to create a norm of one child families (which would yield probably an average of 1.4) for a few decades until the climate migrations we see now stop. We might even continue with small families until the mass extinctions we’re causing stop–assuming we collectively choose to value nature over raw growth.
What global population would you guess that will be?
climate migration? that’s what they’re calling it now?
Yes. Remember, global warming caused Syrian civil war.
And diabetes
Golly an entire planet full of ‘only-child’ adults. These people don’t want peace out prosperity.
Mass extinctions? Say wut?
These people are completely ignorant of what role the family serves in third world countries. Because despite pretenses to be educated, they don’t know dick.
Wait, wait, birthrates went down in a country that went from a poor, mostly agrarian semi-developed country to a wealthy majority middle class urban country? I’m sure that trend isn’t present in every single society that has gone through that change.
Nope, must have been the public campaigns.
There’s a step change from agricultural to industrial societies where the economic incentives for having large numbers of children flip. But it doesn’t happen overnight and the improvement in infant and child mortality rates make it appear that population is out of control. It was one of Malthus’ big mistakes; he was right in the middle of that change. But once you hit an industrial society or beyond the incentive is to have fewer children.
this is one of the big things that the golden age of Science Fiction got wrong. Yet very few modern SF writers have tackled it. John Ringo’s “Council Wars” series does use it as the impetus for the fall of a no-shit Utopia though.
I’m working on a series of science fiction short stories that take typical science fiction tropes and describe how market forces allowed society to adapt and then nothing else happens.
I am always amazed by the overpopulation dogma. It’s a belief widely held despite nearly all evidence being the the contrary. The population has increased with the standard of living pretty much as far back as we can see.
Even on smaller levels cites tend to wealthier, a person who tries to live alone in the woods will pretty much live in squalor. Yet for some reason more people= poorer makes sense to people on some fundamental level.
Sociopathy. They see people as inanimate objects. Everyone is an impediment on the path to Utopia
So, are those that have left California to other states climate migrants because they wanted to get away from the anti-business climate of Cali?
Turkey: Large Muslim crowd prays in front of Hagia Sophia, demanding it become a mosque again
Organized by the Anatolia Youth Association (AGD), the group gathered in front of Hagia Sophia at around 4 a.m. with the motto “Break the chains, Open Hagia Sophia,” and prayed the morning prayer with a call for the reconversion of the museum into a mosque.
From 537, the year it was constructed, until 1453, when the Ottoman Empire conquered the city, Hagia Sophia served as an Eastern Orthodox cathedral and the seat of the Patriarchate of Constantinopole, It was turned into a mosque by the Ottomans before being secularized and converted to a museum in 1935.
The AGD made the call to mark the anniversary of the conquest…
Meanwhile, Jewish Israelis can’t even say a prayer in earshot of the Temple Mount.
In 1839, following the Tanzimat reforms in the Ottoman establishment and legislation, non-Muslims were permitted to enter Temple Mount, but in order to do so they had to obtain special permit from the governor [6]Jews who managed to obtain permission to visit the site at that time, such as Moses Montefiore and Baron Rothschild, had themselves carried across the site by Muslims, in order not to violate the rabbinic prohibition against Jews setting foot on the holy ground of the area.[2]
that’s some pretty epic derp right there
I have to say, if I were a Rothschild, I’d hire people to carry me around all the time.
Venice is on the case, of all places!
Still needs to be revenge-burned.
I’m betting it goes nowhere – Erdogan is a fan of Blue Mosque, since it was built by the Ottomans, rather than re-purposed Roman building.
Looking over the last week or so, Scott Adams has really been on a roll. I need to remember to check his site every day (at least I can get to it at work – unlike Glibs 🙁 ).
He better be careful or Michael Mann is gonna sue!
Now they are being mocked.
I said very early on before this AGW thing really got teeth that it was a bullshit scam and that it would do more damage to the credibility of science than the Piltdown Man scam. That pisses me off. I shouldn’t say “I told you so” to all that bought into it, but I am going to. Over and over again.
Difference being that it was one guy who did the Piltdown Man scam, right? Just a lot of people went along with it because they wanted to. The warming scam is all about money. And that sort of mentality has seemingly spread like a virus throughout research. I’ve been around research departments for more than a decade now and as of the last few years, there seems to be a sort of militant attitude that has sprang up out of the warmist movement. You will see signs around that researchers have put up saying things like ‘WE DEMAND MORE FUNDING NOW!’. Seriously, what the fuck? You’re doing some research and that just gives you the right to my hard earned money? Get your own fucking funding, assholes.
“a sort of militant attitude that has sprang up out of the warmist movement.”
They doth protest too much methinks.
You are just saying that because you are in the pocket of big oil. Or big denier. I forget which, but the warmistas are totally not doing it for the money.
“because you are in the pocket of big oil”
Well, I will openly admit that I completely support big oil. Mostly because of big oil, I am living a lifestyle that the richest people on the planet could not even dream of a few hundred years ago. Damn right I love big oil.
You’re Saudi?
Yeah, of course I am, since there’s no one else on the planet benefiting like this from fossil fuels.
In other news, I hear that Israel decriminalized the devil’s weed. Them Jews must hate the children.
Just clocking in. Can anyone summarize the 421 previous comments? Thanks.
Trump. You’re welcome.
we were talking about you.
It’s not good.
Hey, you weren’t supposed to tell him!
Mostly arguments about who works and who doesn’t around here.
The usual. Abortion, circumcision, deep dish pizza.
You forgot the Mexican pot ass sex.
Well I went to T*aco here. Delicious margaritas!
Now it’s porch time with a bunch of beer. Listening to the Avalanches new album, Wildflower.
jesus, hasnt it been like 12 years since they released anything?
…lol, so i checked, and apparently the thing i thought they released 12 years ago was actually “this record”, which they started working on 12 years ago.
It was delayed several times by the record label.
I wish I could afford the Since I Left You album. They have had several playlists in the middle there.
Not sure i follow. What exactly is so ‘expensive’ about it?
It’s about twice as much as I’d like to pay. I can find SILY vinyl for a few hundred, which I don’t really want to spend for some music. My girlfriend has told me I can find rip off albums for cheap ($20-$30
If you need vinyl, Amazon has it for $30+shipping
why would people be bidding up the OG releases if its still in print? weeny-japanese collectors who want 1st pressings?
well, shit. Now I feel like a moron. Thanks.
It’s about twice as much as I’d like to pay. I can find SILY vinyl for a few hundred, which I don’t really want to spend for some music. My girlfriend has told me I can find rip off albums for cheap ($20-$30) but I have not tried that route yet.
can I get a mod to delete these? No idea why it double-posted.
I read T*aco as Thac0 and thought a bar that catered to gaming nerds might be a worthy business idea.
I’ve ben rewatching Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace recently. I almost want to write a full article for it. It’s quite good, I really enjoy it.
That was an Episiarch favorite. I watched 3 episodes out of (?) a few years ago, when he recommended it.
I really enjoy that kind of show. I love that kind of show. I highly recommend the movie Mystery Team.
I loved that show! My wife is from the town in East London where the hospital is set, Romford.
Has anyone played Endless Space 2? I bought it last night but was too tired to figure out the basics. Maybe this evening.
I haven’t. I’ve been playing a lot of NHL and Elder Scrolls Online of late. I almost want to buy ghost recon Wildlands,
I’ve only played a bit of the United Empire during early release.
I’m waiting until I have a span of uninterrupted time to really dig down.
Great game currently in the last minutes between Golden State and the Spurs. Bad break for Kawhi though. I would have preferred him in this whole thing. Hope he is back for game 2.
Kahwi tripped on a teammate’s foot who was on the bench.
Not that play.
Looked like a foul, it didn’t deserve a flagrant.
Flagrant, not flagrant, whatever – still dirty. It’s a time-tested dirty tactic, sliding a foot under a jumpshooter. And Pachulia has a history of dirty play. Fuck him with a woodchipper.
Spurs blew a 26 pt. lead. Ouch.
Time to injure Curry, since it’s open season on best players.
You know as well as I do that the NBA is determined to get a Warriors-Cavs final, whatever it takes.
Just like the lottery’s going to go Boston – Lakers – Knicks in some order.
Joss Whedon has the worst case of TDS that I’ve seen anywhere. By far.
Did…did he just admit to killing his mother?
She died of cancer, though it is possible she died to get away from him.
He wrote this while Obama was in power. Has to.
Eight years of Obama does make more sense as a causal factor for “tub of fuckery” than five months of Trump not doing a lot.
I don’t know, some of the regulars on The Other Site might give him a run for his money.
I’ve had this exact same thought. -Patrick Rothfuss
Et tu, Rothfuss?
That made me curious so I popped over to have a look.
I should not have done that.
i must be missing something, because i skimmed through H&R and it seems like the same old boring mess.
I’m mostly talking about OldMexican the Trump Whisperer and Hazel, who’s straight up emotionally unbalanced.
I always kinda liked OM. I was surprised and disappointed to find out he is a hater of the gays.
There is a big pile of Hihn stupidity/insanity that I could have done without.
Whedon is claiming a gift that is, by right, to be given out by the Lords of Xibalba, and he shall pay for his hubris.
Yeah, I got linked to his Twitter around the election. He’s totally lost contact with planet Earth. Expect him to write the next villain that a 95-pound female protagonist engages in fisticuffs with to spout fresh and topical lines like “make X great again.” You remember everyone saying “shock and awe,” right? Fun.
Also, my memory is a bit fuzzy and I have zero desire to actually comb through this fucking Twitter feed, but I also seem to recall Whedon saying Patton Oswalt should be President while Oswalt was also going on some sort of “death to all those uncaring Nazi subhumans that don’t agree with me” rant.
He’s slated to helm the Batgirl movie. So there’s your villain right there.
I got as far down into that heap of shit to see someone suggest that insulting average Americans by screaming ‘racist!’ at them might not be the best strategy for winning elections and get responded to with “The KKK feels the same way”. I hope they bring back the tranny bathroom crusade and push for transracialist rights. Actually, now that I have seen more inside their bubble I understand how Krugman could suggest a fake alien invasion by the government and earnestly think it is a good idea.
I am confident that the Democrat party as it exists now is dead. What few of them are left will probably be massacred in ’18 and ’20.
This gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
“In America, we don’t worship government. We worship God.”
And the triggering continues.
Trump is about as religious as I am, which is to say, not at all. But apparently he’s learning to be a politician. Nothing good can come from that.
The election was basically a contest between the worst Presbyterian and worst Methodist ever.
We worship _______________. Putting “God” in there is not the worst possibility.
Can I join?
Jesus Christ! That guy is the living avatar of Marfan Syndrome.
GIFs substituting for video are a violation of the NAP.
Harambe didn’t die for this.
Why, no, Youtube, I haven’t masturbated today. Thanks for the recommendation!
A bit of Cheerleader Effect going on there, but hell to the yes.
My answer’s almost always would.
The asian girls I have experience with were hot as hell but also very high maintenance and emotionally exhausting to be around. I like to look. Then I like to go away and have peace and quiet.
This August will be 13 years and counting.
The food helps.
You are doing god’s work HM. Keep it up brother.
So… typical females?
HM’s browser history and miscellaneous “recommendations” must be a thing of wonder, if what he gifts us with is any indication.