We’re on Day 127 in a row of the Trump presidency destroying itself. But despite 127 days in a row, with each day having the latest Outrage That Destroys The Trump Presidency, he still seems to be president, alas. Here’s yet another example of progressive breathlessness, a particularly funny one. And with a numbered list! That makes things much, much worse than Nixon! For whatever reason, I can’t help but think of the greatest cartoon character of all time, Screwball Squirrel, torturing Meathead.

At one time, my grandfather was the postmaster of Boring, Maryland. I thought you couldn’t do better than that, but the King of Rent Seekers has proved me wrong.

On a serious note, fun is fun, but let’s be honest: STEVE SMITH is a menace, and it’s no joke when you’re the victim.

Dear Penthouse Letters: I used to think you made those letters up, but let me tell you what happened to me…

Certainly one of us, but the only question is, what’s his handle here?

And last but not least, a link with no associated cartoon, though it ought to. A dog fetches a stick.