Happy Monday, commentariat. I hope everyone sufficiently pleased the matronly persons in their lives yesterday. My wife did all her own shopping, so I’m pretty sure I hit it out of the park this year. Speaking of hitting it out of the park, how about that 2nd game at Yankee Stadium yesterday? Listen, its the Astros, you gotta celebrate in May or June, because there’s nothing good about September or October.
- Pvt. Manning will remain on active duty, but not be paid, while awaiting the result of appeal. (Here’s another BH link, which I don’t believe a word of, I just want to pat the poor helpless little Antifa losers in the picture on the head, and encourage them to find a clue)
- Get away from her you , bi… What do you mean this exoskeleton isn’t xenomorph queen rated? What about Walmart Black Friday woman? No?
- Russia warns against intimidating N. Korea. As if Russia is going to be in favor of anything that encourages Sino-US cooperation. They would warn against a joint US-Chinese mission to alter the course of SMOD.
- Sad little assholes, part II. All those torches, and not a single hood or cross. Even the white supremacists are losers these days.
- Anyone else think this revision of the Dinosaur Killer Asteroid’s nuclear winter to a lucky strike will fail to change a single mind about nuclear power? Or did we stop pretending fallout was a problem several decades ago? (Remember: More people died at Chappaquidick than Three Mile Island!)
And since I’m ending on down note, here’s a little bummer song that’s nonetheless fun.
Here’s some wrong-think on stuff our leaders refuse to acknowledge.
Donate to VDARE? Hard pass.
Dang it. I didn’t know that was VDARE before I clicked on it. I never go that far down the abyss. The furthest I go is Taki Mag and even then only occasionally.
Here is the link to the Mark Steyn video on youtube. It’s worth a look.
ESPN is fully committed to sucking.
I got into an argument with an acquaintance about ESPN being political. He felt as though that it would be irresponsible if ESPN didn’t have a political bent. I responded that it was irresponsible to the stockholders (Walt Disney through ABC owns 80 percent of ESPN) and their employees for ESPN to continue towards this direction when it’s clearly not working on top of losing them money.
Yes, because no one else was covering that angle. What ever happened to the idea of being good at something?
Remember when sports and comedy weren’t saturated with politics? I ‘member
Related TW: Family Guy
What’s he babbling about. ESPN is about SPORTS. Their pundits and personalities can barely handle sports and now you want them to be political?
It’s a bold strategy, Cotton.
He’s one of those Lefties that feels the need to inject politics into everything. People watch sports to get away from the bullshit of politics.
I really do think that’s overblown. They don’t give a shit about ratings. Their revenue comes from cable subscriptions, and those are down pretty significantly over the past few years. That’s because of cord cutters, who tend to be younger (and more liberal) than your average viewer.
Doesn’t that make their strategy doubly stupid? I know people who maintained cable for years almost entirely just so they could get ESPN, and finally have cut the cord because ESPN’s politics drove them away. Meanwhile, younger people who might have been attracted to their progressive politics are cutting the cord anyway for various reasons.
I look foward to ESPN Classic being rebranded as OTL All The Time.
I couldn’t tell you the last time I watched ESPN, but I’ve watched the hell out of FSN, FS1, NBCSN, and NBC Universal Sports.
Now THAT would make that shit tip over.
^Yeah funny we don’t hear much about that guy anymore.
Vero Beach man says jail doesn’t serve beer
I’m sure someone can whip up some prison wine for this poor soul.
Perhaps a Pruno 2015 would be to his liking?
Omar comin
“Gunfire victimizing Kansas Citians at alarming rate.”
Apparently Kansas City is being terrorized by a roaming noun.
Is that like “SUV kills family”?
Damn it meant inanimate noun*
I read that as “a roaming nun” and was confused, scared and secretly aroused in equal measure.
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one!
I got victimized by gunfire once. Didn’t get much else done.
The cops’ guns must be going off all by themselves.
Citians? Really?
Hey, better than being victimized by Steve Smith
Any breakdown by demographic there?
Stay west of Troost and north of 63rd and you’ll usually be fine.
If you make even the most gentle attempt to sort through the bullshit embedded in this story, you will quickly conclude the story is really about Agricultural Protectionism under the auspices of pretending to give a shit about “fraudulent Organic labeling”
they of course note that the vast majority of these imported ingredients (corn, soy) are going into animal feed and processed foods, and present zero risk to consumers. But really the issue that domestic farmers are miffed about is that they’re losing their lock on the bullshit food-scam.
I think the bigger concern ought to be: we’re importing corn and soybeans? WTF?
The subsidies aren’t high enough!!
We keep turning corn into a really shitty fuel, so there’s less to feed the cattle.
Oh, right. How can I forget the abortion that is mandatory ethanol content. Hooray for idiotic ideas imposed by force of law.
My understanding is that ethanol production has only small impact on livestock feed production, but has a much greater impact on corn syrup and sugars.
Well that is fascinating. I’m glad to see it isn’t a black hole. But sad that I’m still paying a subsidy to a farmer to grow corn so that I can have the privilege of paying more at the pump for a worse product.
Mmm, had the first corn on the cob this year over the weekend, hot off the barbecue, with just a little bit of char and a lot of butter and salt. Not much can match that on a picnic table.
I’d like to try that. How long does it take to cook?
You’d have to ask my brother-in-law that. It was my favorite kind of BBQ, where other people do the cooking and cleaning, and I’m have no choice but to eat and drink all day.
about 15 minutes to cook on the grill, takes about 2 – 3 minutes per ear to prep for cooking on the grill however.
To do it right you need to peel back but not remove the husk, remove as much of the silk as possible, brush all around with butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper all over (which means salt, pepper, rotate, repeat 3 more times) then fold the husk back up
Thanks. So it’s cooked in the husk? Direct or indirect heat?
15 minutes in the husk isn’t gonna get you much char on the corn unless you are using very high heat, when I grill in-the-husk corn I don’t pre-butter or season it, but soak it first , it then steams in the husk, takes about 30-40 minutes over direct medium-ish heat turning often to get tender, If you want char you’ll have to pull the husk back and give it a few minutes per side at the end. I’m usually doing a grill full (couple dozen easr) and we have a pan of melted butter to dip the cooked corn in and leave the seasoning up to the consumer. Just my 2¢.
What we really need to do is start paying farmers to burn their surplus. Americans are already too fat, they don’t need that extra food. Also, something something excess production, labor theory of value something. YOU’RE ALL RACIST!
Venezuela has the right idea on food and agricultural policy!
Can Macron’s Charisma Heal France and Europe?
Looks like Emanuel is getting the full Obama-Trudeau in the World Press.
But will he heal the climate?
Fun fact: if you want a leader who will “heal” the country, he kind of has to represent the country. Fellating someone who routinely does things 40%+ of the country hates* is not going to “heal” anyone.
* = I don’t know if this is true of Macron. France is not quite like the U.S. politically. It’s basically “which flavor of socialism would you like? Heavy or extra heavy?” There are cultural issues, however.
Another word I hate in media: Heal.
Definitely would like to hear more ‘heel’, though.
JR: “It’s Angela Merkle with the steel chair–!”
Healing is just you accepting what I knew was best for you all along.
Sexual healing?
O’Neill covered Macron pretty well.
TL;DR version: If the only way you can get a pro-EU candidate into power is by having him be framed as an outsider the EU’s doomed in the long run. The population is already rejecting the status quo, this is just a bump in the road.
Also, LePen came with a lot of negatives.
You never go full Obama-Trudeau!
Oh, christ.
Did people see that story about “torch bearing” white nationalists? they’re fucking *candles*.
Gotta keep the mosquitoes away during the protest.
Don’t you mean (((facepalm)))?
*loud applause*
They can’t even tell the truth when they have a slam dunk story on their side.
They have completely lost the ability to write in a calm, measured manner. Everything has to be “DESTROYED!!!!!” So of course they call a candle a torch.
That was the counterprotest. The Spencer group did have torches.
Is there some clear correlation between “size of flame” and how racist you are?
If i brought sparklers, what would that make me?
Probably in contravention of some stupid city ordinance against fun.
If i brought sparklers, what would that make me?
Part of the ‘Log Cabin Alt Right’?
Didn’t say that, just noting that they did have torches.
Both sides can go fuck off as far as I’m concerned. Especially that smarmy leftist shit Tom Perriello.
About 10 years old?
–“If i brought sparklers, what would that make me?”–
Um, gay?
Bobarian said it better.
More importantly, they had Steve Winwood.
So short of lovin’, though, that they had to beg listeners for some.
According to the Charlottesville paper, the Daily Progress, the pro-statue protesters were carrying “tiki-style torches” snd the anti-statue protesters were carrying candles.
Apparently torches are somehow more triggering than candles.
Because of the cultural appropriation. I guess, as a lifelong beach person, I am a little offended.
You don’t look like a beach bum.
You can’t see below the waist.
*golf clap* for RBS
Sorry I’ve been stingy with those recently but posting from my phone is a pita.
does that pita come with hummus?
Hawaiian Nazis! they’ve spoiled limbo for me forever
Marvel cancels Black Lives Matter comic due to poor sales.
All hail the market!
Next up: electric cars…
No, i should keep subsidizing my rich ass neighbors when they buy a tesla.
Hi Doom!
What’s new?
Not much, really. Still trying to sort some cash for my 40.
Work just did a giant sale, so ive been working 12 hour shifts all week.
Finally had a day off yesterday and had too many margs for lunch. I took a power nap on my hammock.
You mean all those people screaming about inclusivity, diversity, and other SJW pet projects in comics aren’t actually comic buyers? Shocking.
Mathematics always wins in the end. Always.
Subtle Coates, subtle.
I’m guessing the first issue of Transmetropolitan probably was more nuanced and had something more substantial to say about police-minority relationships than this.
+1 Magazine rack of truth
The Americops are a previous Marvel concept.
It’s still freaking dumb and an obvious “DUR AMERICAN POLICE BRUTALITY” metaphor.
Well, the Americops are a reference to Americop, who was intended as an homage/parody of Judge Dredd, who is himself, a AMERICANS LUV GUNS AND VIOLENCE metaphor written by and for smug Brits:
Yeah I followed the wiki chain back to him. That’s double stupid, because he’s a parody of a parody, and at least Dredd transcended his writers’ politics somewhat.
The makers of the recent movie subverted that in that Dredd was a decent man under all that armor and was a good cop.
Fairly early on, they fucked up the parody by taking Dredd at his word. So you get a scene where he chills right by street crime because he just came back from the Moon, and so is technically not back on duty. As soon as he is sworn back in, he rushes back to that same crime scene he drove by with no second though earlier, and Dredds it up.
Market failure!
Annnnnnd this is why the Progressives hate the market. The market gives people things that they actually want along with giving people the ability to reject the things they don’t want. Progressives have an ideal of how the world should be and damn it, you’re going to buy into whether you want to or not.
Remember when that county-ran fire department let a home that was just outside of it’s service area burn and how that was blamed on libertarianism?
That was a classic. “People who don’t pay for service don’t get service”, a cautionary tale about the dangers of not funneling money through government.
The example I always remember is the big fire somewhere or other, and the only home spared was one owned by some millionaire; it remained unmolested because the guy had paid to have the place sprayed with some kind of retardant foam, ahead of the oncoming fire. Naturally, afterward people bitched about how such a product was unfair because not everyone could afford to use it.
“Pulliam-Moore argues that the comic book industry “needs to change in order to sustain itself and cultivate new readers,” and insists that stories like The Crew “deserve to be told,” but offers no solution for “culturally relevant” comics that just don’t sell.”
No one ‘deserves’ shit, shitface. Tell a good story, spare us the racial and diversity bull shit and do what Mordecai Richler once said to someone who panicked over cuts to the arts: WRITE BETTER.
Now fuck off.
I love how the comic’s narration mentions twice (just in the panels that we’re shown) that these sinister cops are PRIVATE. Ooooh, it’s extra evil because it’s private!
Despite the creator’s anger at a problem entirely in the hands of government employees, he still feels the need to take a stab at the private sector. That says a lot. That’s how much they hate non-government solutions.
That may have been editorial. I’m quite confident Coates has no problem blaming the white-controlled government and white police unions for police abuse.
The challenges of leading Millennial in the military.
It appears to me the lower ranks are still populated by red staters who haven’t absorbed the kulturkampf. We need an article on how to be lead by millennials. Currently the army is doing transgender tier III training.
It was nice having the strongest military in the world for a while. Who would have thought that Caitlyn Jenner would be the downfall of our military.
A form of argument i find grating =
.e.g. “oh, you have a complaint about someone? A similar complaint was made 1000 years ago, and look how silly that sounds now!”
im not sure what to categorize that as. Its not really “reductio ad absurdem”, although it seems like it shares some qualities. It purposely avoids the specifics of the current complaint –
e.g. “Kids grammar and spelling is terrible because they overly-rely on spell-check; same with their retention of key-facts – preferring instead to ‘google’ everything”
Handwaving and saying, “everyone complains about technology!” doesn’t really speak to those issues. Sure, i presume in the long run it doesn’t matter. but saying, “it happened before” doesn’t really make any substantive case arguing that we MUST accept a decline in basic skills as a necessary consequence of technological evolution.
In fairness, it’s perfectly true that absolutely every piece of technology going back to the hoe was decried by some old curmudgeon as the end of human ability and the harbinger of a new era of laziness.
OTOH, they’re almost always right, so it’s a mixed bag. People from illiterate cultures do have better memories, and are typically more observant of their immediate surroundings than people from literate cultures. But there are tradeoffs, obviously.
“In fairness, it’s perfectly true that absolutely every piece of technology going back to the hoe was decried by some old curmudgeon as the end of human ability and the harbinger of a new era of laziness.”
‘We used to dig the earth with our hands and that’s the way we liked it.’
fwiw = my complaint is not so much about the specific argument made here re: “Technology”
…but rather with the form of the retort;
– person says X is bad, and offers specific reasons why
– other person says, “but in a very general sense this has happened before 1000 years ago and obviously nothing bad came from it so you have nothing to complain about”
my point was that the retort simply handwaves away the specifics of the current complaint, and applies this “Historical Generalization” (which may or may not actually be accurate or even relevant) and pretends that some great insight has been offered, when in fact they’ve mostly just changed the subject.
I see it a lot. just a pet peeve. I am not actually particularly fussed about kids being unable to spell or being too-reliant on the smartphones instead of ‘thinking’.
Oh, I agree completely – I was just pointing out that they’re also often hand-waving away very real concerns from the past, as well.
On the flip side the argument it is countering never provides any evidence that those skills are indeed basic, that they are superior to the new skills, or that there is a meaningful, observable reduction in capabilities in the younger generation adapting to new technologies by deprecating old skills in favor of new ones made more relevant by those technological changes.
Hey when the Norks drop a EMP and all our tech become paperweights these kid wont be able to spell ‘eucaliptus” consistantly and all human knowlege will be lost in perpuity.
This is a good point that the argument needs to be made concerning the usefulness of the old skills to object to them being deprecated, and I think that the reliability of the new technology weighs heavily on how useful a deprecated skill is. Writing, which was mentioned in the example, is a technology that is near 100% reliable, as it relies simply on knowledge and very simple tools. The more complex the technology, the less reliable (usually, there are of course exceptions). A GPS is incredibly useful, but if it breaks (as electronics do, from time to time) it is not easily repaired and if you lack basic navigational skills (which are deprecated by the GPS) you could potentially be in major trouble.
i think the ability to communicate w/ the written word is an essential basic skill, and that there is some demonstrable decline in the quality of it since kids have developed the habits of texting/tweeting in pidgin-english and emojis.
as for ‘meaningful, observable’, etc. try getting into a debate with a millennial and ask them to ‘cite examples’. Dollars to donuts the response is “just google it”. There is a different attitude about being able to substantiate their own arguments. why bother? just put that burden on the other person.
there is some demonstrable decline in the quality of it since kids have developed the habits of texting/tweeting in pidgin-english and emojis.
Ho boy, someone hasn’t had to read a lot of pre-standardized/early modern English.
Other major annoyance of early modern English that drives me batshit: “Y or I? A or E? Fuck it, they’re completely interchangeable.”
Actually i did, not that it matters. (*i hated it. the faery queene sucked too)
its equally as irrelevant as the initial article’s citation of how ‘socrates didn’t like writing either!’
i think pointing to a rapid decline in writing standards within a short period of time (say 20-30 years) isn’t necessarily pretending to some absolutist position about the english language. Its just noting that kids have a hard time composing paragraphs compared to prior generations.
Military Times had a great article on this a few months ago, but I can’t seem to dig it up on their site right now. I think this was it.
Russia warns against intimidating N. Korea. As if Russia is going to be in favor of anything that encourages Sino-US cooperation.
Russia also seems interested in reclaiming their status as North Korea’s sugar daddy after China completely took over following the end of the Cold War. Now that there’s U.S. pressure and the CCP has figured out that they can’t really control Pyongyang to the same extent that they thought they’re starting to put their foot down. Gives Russia another PR and foreign policy victory if they become the ones holding the hermit kingdom’s leash.
Russian control of North Korea ain’t going to work out much better. One of the few things idiot-falseman on the other site said that was actually correct was, “North Korea does whatever the fuck it wants”*.
* = I think this was his point. Honestly, who knows? All that really mattered to him was arguing.
Yes but Russia would still prefer that they be the one on top that people go to in regards to it, rather than China. Russia’s still running on the bloody Congress of Vienna system for diplomacy, they don’t get that they’re a dysfunctional middle power with a slight boost thanks to nukes rather than even in the top five.
Hihn, or John?
I think he means mtrueman, whose one consistent principle is to always argue in bad faith yet strut like chess-playing pigeon.
replace “idiot” with “m” and “false” with “true”
Why don’t you take a shower and stop coming home drunk at 2am once in a while then maybe your wife will want to have sex with you!
Now that’s just crazy talk. The obvious solution is tender, loving medication.
Is it available in Chardonnay flavor?
…Asking for this one mammal friend I know, who ponders such things
I am sure woman with a leather fetish will be thrilled.
Wanted to get in on the fun of you guys talking about your fancy meals and alcohols, so I’ll just let you know that I had a box of Cheez-its for lunch.
That goes really well with a Laphroaig Quarter Cask and a Romeo y Julieta.
That goes really well with a Laphroaig Quarter Cask and a Romeo y Julieta.
But really, Cheetos and all their ilk are the perfect accompaniment to, well, almost anything.
**”But really, Cheetos and all their ilk are the perfect accompaniment to, well, almost anything.”
White gloves, not so much.
Washed down by a PBR?
What kind of savage do you take me for?
We don’t need them, man.
My ramen place closed last week. Didn’t find out until I drove 20 minutes to get there.
I am pissed.
Can you get ramen and a pack of hot dogs at the nearby grocery store for $3?
Look at the menu. LOOK AT IT!!!
You don’t even know what ramen is, son.
Extra for meat? I didn’t realize ramen was Japanese for “theft”.
Extra for extra. Hakata ramen already comes with pork belly.
If their business model was so good, why are they closed?
Set and Match.
Moving to a bigger location. Open in 2 weeks.
Overturned on appeal.
Aw, crap. Now I’m hungry again, and dinner isn’t for hours.
No wonder they went out of business. They’re charging 7 or 8 bucks a bowl for something you can get at the grocery store for ten cents.
Those prices are amazing.
The katsu curry looks good. Now I’m hungry too.
I don’t get it.
Ramen was the stuff I had when I couldn’t afford real food.
You go out of your way for it?
Tonkatsu ramen broth is one of the most delicious soups, and also the most difficult to make.
It you’re talking about some flavored instant freeze dried shit, that’s not ramen.
It’s Top Ramen.
+1000mg of sodium.
You sound like a noodle snob. And I’d thought I’d heard every kind of snobbery.
Bully for you.
Thanks for the compliment. I always take pride in what I do.
You’ve obviously never watched Tampopo.
This is the most pretentious shit I have ever seen.
Its fucking delicious.
Ramen, pho, hot pot.
In that order.
I ended up getting Pho. The place has a B Health Rating, so I know it’s good.
The guy smokes a cig while he stirs the pot.
Ah, like the good mexican place i go to.
I was once ripped off by Sepp Blatter, but I should have seen it coming.
He opened a noodle place under his giant poodles name and I guess I didn’t read the sign carefully.
I really thought Fi-Fo Fi-Fi’s FIFA Faux Pho place was legitimate.
One day, I hope a fancy ramen house comes to Billings. … … And a Dave and Busters.
My ramen place still exists, but the lady who made it moved back to japan.
So i am unable to get ramen in boulder.
I keep hoping one day Ishinoya will open locations somewhere other than the coastal states.
BW3 investors want to move restaurant in different direction.
BW3 used to be the place to go in college, get a few 22oz beers and some wings for $10. I took my kids a few weeks ago, had four total drinks, and everyone a small order of wings or burger, to the tune of $70. I can’t believe how expensive it is there now.
Well, “bankrupt” is a “different direction”.
And the wings are shitty.
I hat that place but everyone else in the family loves it, even the vegetarian.
I refuse to go there for that reason. It’s a ripoff and a half. Also it’s a refrigerator inside.
Every American schoolkid’s #1 concern = WHO IS GOING TO RAPE ME?
the story is a spin-off of AP’s ongoing rape-tastic investigation of sexual assault in schools.
As I pointed out in an earlier iteration of their moral-panic-generation = the headline claim is basically “Sexual Assault Is Exploding in American Schools”
but why? Because the definitions of sexual assault have been diluted to meaninglessness. Foreseeable consequences include schools now being completely unable to distinguish between “teen horseplay” and “actual rape”, and administrative resources becoming completely swamped trying to deal with all of them as though they’re equally serious.
the entire repository of AP stories in the series is here “apnews(dot)com/tag/SchoolhouseSexAssault”
I guess they’ll have to hire a whole slew of new administrators to help with the
casework load.Over 90% of kids have autism AND have been sexually assaulted.
‘All my friends got raped, why can’t I?? Am I not good enough? I don’t care what you say Mom, no one is ever going to want to rape me!’
Now, now I think you need to go to a therapist, his office is unmistakable there is a slight space after the e, it is Dr. STEVE SMITH.
Now, now I think you need to go to the rapist
Now you’re just asking for it.
A therapist who is also an analyst.
Mr. Garrison?
Exploding like an orgasm?
Like an incontinent obese person
Thank goodness that I graduated from junior high in 1999. I think most of the guys in my class including myself would be labeled as rapists today.
You were part of a rape culture and weren’t even aware of it. Does your fiance know about your proclivities?
Jr. high in 1999?
I never saw the 80’s.
you poor child.
He was actually blackout drunk for the 80s.
They were most excellent
A totally different head.
The first half of that decade had some of the bestest music ever!
Unfortunately, the second half pretty much balanced out the first.
*commences burning effigy of Winger*
I thank my parents for getting me into some good tunes from the era.
No, not really.
AIDS, Drug War.
But I spent half the 80s in ‘jail’.
But did you enjoy it?
I got in one year.
Who could forget the terror of acid rain?
The 1980s were when it was just about smoking and they assured us they would never ever trample on people’s civil liberties including ticketing them in their own cars or preventing them from doing so in their homes. We were ‘crazy’ to think it would come to that. Not only did it, they took it it up a notch with 2nd and 3rd hand smoking.
‘Member? I ‘member.
There was also a time when it was absurd to suggest the government would ever use Social Security numbers as Citizen ID numbers, or ever even consider using driver’s licenses and car registrations as tools to make law enforcement more effective.
Young glibs, is this the famed Glibertarian moment?
Its a cool club.
Rufus, now you know why these people don’t have jobs.
Because the cost of mandatory befits and minimum wage along with student debt loads have fucked the labor price and demand curves out of a sane equilibrium?
Too old for OMWC, younger than you?
Rufus graduated from Degrassi Junior High.
The late 90’s were a golden era. Popular culture was obsessed with which new pop singer was still a virgin; EMINEM was being defended for using homophobic slurs (he’d pillared today for being un-woke and cultural appropriation); there were no long occupations of Middle Eastern nations, and oral sex was being discussed on national television.
What a glorious era.
For me it was the early 90s and not because of geo-socio-politics. Basically there was a little bit of a sexual re-awakening and all the good drugs were still pretty available. Basically being a hedonist was a lot easier then. It was still going in the late 90s, but some of the good drugs started to really dry up bad. Again, I blame Jerry Garcia’s death and lack of Dead tours thereafter. I’m not joking.
.50 a tab for acid, awesome
Or you could get a $50 sheet at a show and sell off half at a local liberal arts college for $1/hit, keeping the rest at $0.
Or so I’ve heard.
I prefer the late 70’s. Sure disco and the collars sucked but there was lots of freedom and still great music. At 17 a friend and took the bus from AZ to Yosemite to climb for a month. Nobody freaked out at our parents, at us or at the national park service.
Sex was “fer sure” and the worst thing out there you could fix with a shot. Vietnam was over and the BS of the middle east was still far in the future. Drinking was legal in most western states at 18 or 19 and nobody gave a fuck about pot.
Hard to believe that would be golden times because goddamn disco sucked.
there were no long occupations of Middle Eastern nations
Camp Doha says ‘hi!’
“distinguish between “teen horseplay” and “actual rape”
That’s some intense horseplay.
There’s basically an army lunatic harpies at every university who get paid to write vagina poetry and churn out poor statistics. Until those departments are abolished this will continue.
this is entirely about public primary schools and high-schools
The experts they consult, the laws and policies written and the statistics used to justify them are typically the brainchild of lobbying and “academic” research. Universities effect the outside world.
I’ve witnessed the witch burning trials of the military sexual assault pandemic over the last few years buttressed by questionnaires that showed 10 bajillion sexual assaults occur every year since drinking + having sex= sexual assault according to the new math. In reality there’s less chance of being raped in the military than out but the experts knew that couldn’t be right in a place with so much toxic masculinity so more experts were hired, reports were written.
That mostly is driven by that bullshit class action lawsuit that some ass-hole used to make a ‘documentary’ on the prevalence.
It is totally the military’s fault and has nothing to do with a small number of isolated cases that were dramatized.
We were forced to watch that movie. That’s where I realized the train had gone off the tracks. The assault numbers came from surveys where they decided people who didn’t know they were raped were raped. Then they claim the military is hiring felons. Those felon numbers were the same, surveys asking about sexual behavior before the military decided people were felons with no trial or even accusation. They reported that as hiring felons and rapists.
There’s a lot more wrong, in the movie but the fact that our leaders cowed in the corner afraid of the lobbying power of the lunatics says it all. These are well, funded and well connected people who have no issue lying. And it’s my observation that universities are the ground level training for them who then lobby for more money to find more problems for more money….
true that. and i suppose that the people who come from these universities to primary-school administrations bring their insane concepts of ‘sexual violence’ with them
Setting aside the idea of “sexual violence” – its really not much different than the way “actual violence” is treated on schools now.
When i was a kid in high-school, if you got into a fistfight in the hall between classes… you would get sent to the Deans’ office. and he’d yell at you and call you an idiot and ask why you and other-person were grabassing. And you’d both apologize and deny that either started it. and then you’d go back to class.
Now, you’re going to be suspended, arrested, and your family is going to be in lawsuits for the next year or so
its basically ‘zero tolerance’ run amok.
See, the one I’ve seen up here that the media always pushes comes with a title declaring how many sexual assaults happen in the military, and then you actually look at the data they’re quoting and half of those are for unverified ‘inappropriate touching/statements’ incidents.
Who’s going to rape me? The smart money is always on Tong Po.
It’s odd that STEVE hasn’t raped you already.
What’s your technique?
Moped muggings on the rise amid fears police officers are no longer chasing suspects
It can’t be that we are bogging down the police with dumb bureaucratic rules. We just need common sense moped reform!
Only solution is to hire 10,000 more officers and mount them on mopeds. Plus all the attendant administrators, mechanics, safety officers etc.
Fun to ride, but you don’t want your friends to see…
*opera applause*
Is it a hate crime to laugh at a cop on a moped?
And which would be more embarrassing to a cop, being put on moped control or segue patrol?
“Figures from the end of last year found crime involving the vehicles had risen by 600 per cent over two years, ”
Pshaw. Barely a blip on the radar.
Fun with statistics —
2 yrs ago – 2 recorded incidents
this year – 12 recorded incidents.
Incidents increased by 10.
Incidents increased BY 600%!!!!~!!!@!!!
+ 1 Quadrophenia
My first thought on seeing the headline was that there were now more muggers who were moping or sad while they robbed you. Then, aha, mo-ped.
A woman at Disney World stole an expensive stroller. What she did was use her young daughter as a front. She walks up to the stroller with her kid and places her in there and then pushes the stroller away. And who is going to notice?
Someone did, there were no details to how she was caught but police found that she had an online page that listed numerous other high-end strollers, purses, wallets and diaper bags.
The stroller she got caught with had a wallet and an epi pen. Don’t leave your wallets in your strollers, people. And certainly not anything you might require rightfuckingnow to save your live like an epi pen.
I heard about it on a podcast but instead of making you listen to that I found a text article. Cause I’m nice.
We didn’t go to Disneyland until our kids could walk, but even if the couldn’t our previous practice was to use umbrella strollers and just use ourselves as mules for carrying everything we needed. This incentivized us to carry to absolute minimum. And if it happens I end up pushing a toddler around in Disneyland or any other theme park that’s how I ‘m going to do it.
I don’t know how many of you have tried to walk through Adventure Land on a busy day, it totally sucks it is so crowded and it’s crowded because of all the massive strollers parked out side of Indiana Jones, Jungle Cruise and the gift shops. C’mon people scale it back it bit. Hunter and Mathilda don’t need a rolling palace to enjoy the park from.
Umbrella strollers fold up to almost nothing, if Disney would mandate that only those were allowed in the park they could take care of a lot of their congestion problems in all areas of the park.
Disney sucks.
Busch Gardens, VA. Kids get to learn some muddled European geography (“Where’s New France??”), and parents get to drink beer.
It was more fun when the “countries” had more obscure names – England was Hastings, France was Aquitaine, Germany was Rhineland and Oktoberfest, etc.
We were planning on going for a day last week. Bought the tickets. Over $100 for 2. On the way we find out that it’s not open during the week and the tickets say NO REFUNDS. Fuuuuuuuuck. We emailed them and they gave us a refund, but fuck we were pissed for a few hours.
I haven’t been there since i was a kid, but they always had a reputation for very very good rollercoasters. The loch ness monster + the ‘big bad wolf’ (i think it was changed to something else) were genuinely A+ rides when i was a teen .
Do they have good beer?
Modern strollers are insane. Especially the triple wides and those bullshit SUV style ones.
I wouldn’t want to take a toddler to an amusement park. Take ’em to the local playground instead.
Less witnesses?
I knew it.
If you have two kids ages 3 and 1, with the associated diaper bags, then the double stroller is a helluva lot easier than taking two umbrella strollers and humping two diaper bags around.
Of course, we didn’t take our kids to theme parks when they had no idea what was even going on.
3 and 1? Park them in front of the machines in the laundromat. They won’t know the difference.
^ This.
A three-year-old is every bit as excited by the backyard as they are by a $1,000 trip to Disneyland.
My wife always had these ideas about taking my boy places when he was 3 or 4. I finally convinced her that if we just went into the back yard and let him shoot us with a water gun he would have just as much fun as an expensive trip.
*Opens $100 birthday gift, plays with box*
That’s a cheap hooker.
Every time my girlfriend says “I bought you something.” I immediately get a big smile and say “Really? What’s her name?”
I have a no stroller policy. I can get through the entire LA zoo in 45 minutes. Other families take 5-6 hours.
If my little fuckface needs to be carried, he goes on my shoulders. I did a 3 mile hike to a waterfall in the desert with him on my shoulders last month.
it’s LA – wouldn’t it be easier to just hire illegals to carry them around for 5 bucks an hour?
The problem is they keep putting anchors around childrens necks thinking it means they get to stay in the US.
Probably other families observe animals, not just power walk.
Reminds me of my aunt’s family. They did the same thing only in a vehicle – they’d take these crazy 2 week, 4000 mile driving vacations where they’d drive from their home in south Florida. Stuff like Delray Beach to Mt Rushmore to Zion and back. Their longest stops were generally at Cracker Barrel for lunch.
*looks around shiftily* Doesn’t sound like anyone I know…
Sounds exactly like my childhood vacations. I think I saw the Grand Canyon, some Navajo ruins, some extinct volcano, and the Painted Desert all in one day.
You sure your parents weren’t just holding pictures up in front of your window with the engine running?
For that particular trip I was 6. So no – I am not sure at all.
The best part of a journey is the end?
I know when they feed the animals. I get more action in 45 minutes than everyone else gets all day.
BTW, they feed the bear a few minutes before the zoo opens, so head in that direction first.
There’s a joke in there but I don’t feel like putting forth the effort.
Well now you’ve told everyone where Jesse lives!
Myself, I have a strict no-carrying policy. You walked there, you walk back. We can stop and rest (I’m not a tyrant), but they learn to gauge distance pretty fast when they know they need to walk back every step they walk forward. I pity my poor friends who are still trying to carry around their whiny 8-year-olds who say the car is so faaar!
Wait, what?
“poor helpless little Antifa losers in the picture”
It is disturbing that anyone defending ‘free speech’ is automatically labeled ‘alt-right’ (whatever that means) nowadays. We are all alt-right now. Hell, the Founding Fathers are alt-right now too, I guess
Well, many of them were slavers, after all.
</eCar split in halfm> lengthwise.
Tags fucked, yet working.
Apparently, contractors are the same the same the world over:
Roofing Sheets Taken off Wrong House (Safe for work.)
Is that the Icelandic version of a search warrant on the wrong house?
Best part is that this is news in Iceland.
Something is very wrong when you’re basically growing weed for the government and you can’t make money.
It reminds me of how “porn.com” is a not-very-successful porn site. I mean, for fuck’s sake. You can only blame that on bad management
In this case, however, it seems to be Govt (of course) forcing the manufacturers to create expensive ‘delivery systems’. Just letting people vape that shit is too easy.
A boot stamping on a
human facedropped ice cream cone forever.At what point does it become consistent with the NAP to go down to City Hall with a woodchipper and start feeding (feeting?) people in as they leave the building?
A growing part of me thinks we’re already there.
I almost fainted when reading about this sheer, anti-civilization savagery!
Damn, that is some cold oppression,
Small town tin-pots make some of the worst petty tyrants.
yeah, that shit is fury-inducing
Did he use a conic section formula?
I find it hard to believe that ice cream originated in China.
Well, they called it ice cleam.
You scleam!
i laughed far more than that joke deserved.
I am a sucker for your style of humor.
I’m sure the professor’s at Miyah’s University can explain why the government is in the right.
I-mmigration poll of the day:
What the fuck, South Korea?
basically, the entire planet is leery of immigrants. shocker.
this is a pew poll i waved in Matt Welch’s face when he was claiming that trump’s ‘halt in the refugee policy’ was Anti-American and contrary to our core values
i think the silly response from someone else in the commentariat (chemjeff i think) was that, “He meant the values we should *aspire* to!”. I don’t even know wtf that means. when you rhetorically accuse someone of being “anti-American”, you’re by default claiming to know what americans want/think/feel. When it turns out that they think the opposite of what you’re actually claiming, then *you* are being the ‘anti-american’ one.
this isn’t to suggest i necessarily agree with the polled results. just that i think claiming something is, “anti-american” is fucking lame.
Actually no you are not, America was founded on a set of ideals, those ideals exist independently of whether most American Citizens and residents continue to hold them as ideals or even remember that they exist.
And in this case Welch is largely right relatively to possibly even completely open borders is part of those ideals and it doesn’t matter how popular the idea is.
Which part of the U.S. Constitution declares nearby open borders an absolutist American ideal? (I’m serious, I’m not American and would like to see the actual argumentation for this). Article One gives powers of naturalization, but that does not immediately equate with ‘open borders’ (nor does it, as Welch suggest, mean that there would be support for public funding to settle refugees in the United States).
If it’s just ‘some American founding fathers felt that way” great, a ton of them also though high tariffs were vital, but I don’t think Welch et al. will be suddenly changing their minds because it’s ‘anti-American’.
The part where it specifically does NOT grant the Congress of the United States the power to regulate immigration.
Immigration was an issue for he STATES to govern until after the Civil War so given that the founders couldn’t find it in them to even mention immigration in the Constitution there is simply no support for the idea that closed borders were part of what they considered important or essential to the country.
How could you possibly make the claim America was founded on a belief of open borders?
Please =
1 – enumerate these ideals, and then
2 – explain which one specifically suggests that the president should not have the authority to temporarily halt a refugee program which has only existed since 1980
I can’t tell what that sentence is even trying to say. can you clarify that?
I’m pretty sure it’s:
“Welch is mostly correct, American ideals include the idea of relatively to possibly even completely open borders.”
re: “” relatively to possibly even completely open “”
given that “open” implies an indiscriminate state, i don’t think there’s any such thing as “relatively or possibly blah blah”.
There’s only 2 possible positions = 1 – open, and indiscriminate immigration. And Not open: where a healthy amount of discrimination is applied.
If the argument is that the founders intended the former, then it is certainly strange how they gave so much authority to the executive branch on matters of immigration.
I imagine the retort is, “The authors of the constitution were unamerican!!”
I disagree. “Open borders” doesn’t mean “no borders”. If my door is open, it doesn’t cease to exist. I would argue that “open” refers to the default state and that they can be “shut” at any time for good reason, as opposed to “closed” as a default state, to be opened under extraordinary circumstances. I believe the lawyers among the Founders would have been familiar with the Magna Carta’s clauses on freedom of movement, and I would be quite happy to just return to the original Anglo-Saxon common law precedent on it:
I don’t see much to argue with in that.
The term “merchant” suggests that discrimination about who is actually crossing the border has already been made.
I can both think that freer borders are preferable and also recognize that most Americans presently living don’t want freer borders, and as such using the label “anti-American” has about as much utility in the context of this discussion as calling people pineapples.
So basically these polls are telling me that the same third world country’s populations that are swarming into the west, precipitating demographic existential crises in Europe and North America, are damn near unanimous about the importance of defending their borders and having policies in place for to restrict immigration.
not really. they’re just saying that liberal immigration policies aren’t popular.
And the fact they’re unpopular *proves* a) how stupid people are and b) we need liberals to progress us further.
Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying, but it’s where precisely such measures are popular that is so striking.
I always figured the establishment of borders probably wasn’t just because people like drawing lines.
OT : The Washington Post, in an article reporting on… The Washington Post… writes the following :
Could anything better illustrate the pernicious nature of the press practice of routinely using anonymous sources? What, they couldn’t get the legal department to clear someone to say that completely non-controversial statement on the record? They just had to protect their sources from the consequences of their brave whistleblowing?
Creative picture shared by the LP of Florida Facebook account.
That’s a LOLer, right there.
Is it 5 o’clock yet?
Just kidding, I get out at 4:30. For now.
It’s 3 here and I don’t leave til 5:30.
In other words, fuck you and everyone breathing right now.
That’s what you get for living on the worst coast.
I live in Arizona. Try not to be too jealous.
It’s nothing but dessert!
Not enough chocolate sprinkles.
It’s nice in the mountains
John level typo. I approve.
But the crowd got what they came for.
Indy 500 practice all day, online, here
WTF could be going on with my browser that it won’t play any videos? It buffers just fine, but won’t play. If I skip ahead, it won’t play. It says it’s playing (as in, the pause button is visible), but the fucking things won’t fucking play. Gah!
Try a different browser. If it works there a reboot will usually do the trick for the broken one.
Your connection ok?
Connex seems ok, since vids buffer pretty well. I’m restarting. Didn’t work on an alternate browser, either. SpaceX has a launch in an hour. Gotta watch & see if Inmarsat’s payload blows up.
I can respect that.
Well, did it blow up?
Doesn’t look like it. Oh well. Maybe they’ll have engineering problems of Hubble-like proportions.
2.2 μm?
I blame Russian hackers.
All better now. Windows had some updates to install, so there you go.
Awesome, hopefully your calamity will come to fruition.
I don’t want SpaceX to fail, just Inmarsat. I was feeling guilty about feeling that way, but then in our team meeting this afternoon everyone was talking about the same thing. So now I realize that not only am I a terrible person, so are all my colleagues.
Feeling guilty is no fun. Embrace and enjoy the terribleness:)
So you have to masturbate to photo stills like a caveman now? Free streaming porn is a human right.
At the very least a gif
I know, right?
What if I combine still photos with a 1-900 number?
It never hurts to try new things, if you can afford the phone bill.
But you weren’t doing $15/hr worth of work. /DNC
How has that site been lately? They experienced an identical commentariat abandonment over a year ago.
I don’t comment there nor do I read the comments. They usually have a relevant story or two every day. It’s a site I check whenever I’m browsing news.
Sorry to pimp my own crap, but it’s relevant.
“the very face of a protest movement run by amateurs that has provided the greatest challenge to President Donald Trump”
“Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!”
“I don’t know how she does it,”
F’ing AP
What a hack
Goddamit Trump! Even our coconut water isn’t safe from your minions?!
That pic gave me flashbacks of Warty’s basement. Guess I’m not sleeping this week. Again.
All natural ingredients
That dude freaks me out. Glad I’m not trippin’. Or am I?
Because you people are the only ones who will understand why I was screaming at my car radio as I drove through Fashionable Shopping District on my way home from the grocery store:
NPR had an article on evening drivetime about a JAMA (AMA official journal, yo) article on how blacks in “non-segregated neighborhoods” had lower blood pressure. Yes, blacks here in the US. And they actually continued the idiocy throughout the article and referred to “segregated neighborhoods.” Like those were still a fucking thing.
So, their argument was that self segregating blacks are less healthy than non racist ones, correct?
Tell that to the blm kids at universities who now want segregated everything.
I’m sure they acknowledged that de facto segregated neighborhoods exist because of government fiat, right?
Who you calling “you people?”
Hey some of my best friends are liber…wait, that’s not true.
I don’t know how some of the people on this site can stand to listen to NPR. I know I should listen to a wide range of views so that I’m not guilty of living in an opinion-bubble, but there’s some weapons-grade derp coming from those airwaves sometimes. Last time I tuned in, my takeaway was basically that Trump is singlehandedly responsible for all of the ill will towards Muslims.
I think they’re still re-running Car Talk
I think the VA goober-natorial race will prove to be interesting. The Dem front runner is an unabashed progressive. He’s like a younger, handsomer Bernie. The NoVA dronebots and Charlottesville intelligentsia will love him.
I’m guessing rural VA not so much.
Rural VA doesn’t really matter anymore. There’s a reason the VA progs have been reeing extra hard about the theoretical draining of the swamp. All those NoVA parasites are what has turned VA into a blue state.
Handsomer implies that Bernie is in some form or fashion handsome, doesn’t it?
SpaceX is live, y’all! (well, right this minute they’re playing creepy space music. Should be live with hosts in a few minutes)
I think I can actually get away with watching this at work.
First creepy octopi, now creepy Space music? What’s happening here? My auto-correct changed Space to Soave. Should have left it.
What do you have against octopodes?
Did you watch that video? He was up to something sinister for sure.
Couldn’t they get someone attractive to narrate?
As someone who works for a direct competitor to SpaceX, No they couldn’t.
I walked by the operations center in El Segundo today…. maybe I was looking at secretaries.
She’s ai’ght (and she’s an engineer, IIRC), but she doesn’t seem to be on tonight’s broadcast. My company got the full-on hosted job. We had 4 hosts.
(my company has a large contingent of offices in AZ, BTW. Sounds like we work in similar industries)
Or at least someone with an interesting voice. Christian Slater does awesome narrations.
Morgan Freeman.
Hells yah.
Speaking of Freeman, did you see this?
I have a semi.
Don Lemon looks like he was designed by genetic-engineers who had never actually seen a black person
Literally LOLed
*reads Gilmore’s comment, then looks in mirror with forlorn expression*
Watching it now, thanks for the heads up.
I ain’t gonna lie, watching a launch still gives me chills at liftoff.
I also can’t help but imagine where we might be if we pursued the privatization of space after the moon landings.
I agree. I love all big, loud machines, and as much as I thought NASA was so much pork, I watched every launch & landing of the space shuttle.
I had a habit of “being sick” for every Apollo mission. Luckily my mom never figured out I was using the lamp to rig the thermometer. I wished I could have seen the Saturn V live.
My friend and I went to Edwards to watch the first Shuttle land. That was a great thrill. And I was watching when the Challenger failed. Bummer.
Check out “heavens-above.com” and set it for your location. You get astronomy and every pass from a huge Db of satellites. The USG blocked the site on ;gov computers for years because the satellite list was a little too complete for their tastes.
Re: Inmarsat5:
“On ships, our biggest market today is in merchant shipping, and there it will provide a combination of operational services and crew welfare.”
Crew welfare=porn.
God bless satellite internet.
*wipes tear from eye*
geekssmart people, what’s with all the smoke/vapors always pouring out of these rockets pre-blast off?Liquid oxygen I believe.
Yeah, the various stupidly-cold liquids they use for fuel and oxidant tend to do some boiling-off, and the vehicle’s designed to vent the boil-off so there’s less unintended ‘splosions.
Ah thanks ignore my lower comment.
Okay, but why put it in there just to blow it out? Cooling? I’d think these things would get so hot so fast that any pre-cooling you do would be almost useless.
They aren’t just blowing it out. It’s boiling off as they fill the fuel tanks, and the vapor you see is the excess boiling off the top. Most of it makes it into the rocket.
IANARS, but I suspect they fuel as quickly as they can as close to the actual launch time as they can (keeping in mind that various things can still go wrong after the fueling’s complete), and their tanks cannot be adequately insulated against zero boil-off, ’cause it would be too much of a weight penalty. Those two things alone tell me they have to vent gases, even if everything goes tickety-boo. And if everything goes sideways and they launch two hours later than they planned, well, venting’s even more important.
So that “cultural appropriation” tidbit I linked on Friday? It’s now a fucking Canada’s ongoing national crisis with multiple articles up on the CBC.
Indigenous critic Jesse Wente spoke with Matt Galloway on CBC Radio’s Metro Morning about the mushrooming scandal surrounding an editorial published in Write magazine that argued for “cultural appropriation.”
The author of the editorial, Hal Niedzviecki, has since stepped down, as has Walrus editor Jonathan Kay after he published an opinion piece of his own advocating for debate around the issue of cultural appropriation.
Several media executives, including one from CBC, had also tweeted they would contribute funds to an actual appropriation prize.
Do you assholes want Trump? Cause this is how you get Trump!
On the other hand, everyone involved is some species of Socialist, Conservatives being purged from cultural life ages ago, so at least I can laugh at re-enactment of Bukharin/Zinovyev Trials.
It’s difficult for me to imagine any leftest concept more infantile and retarded than cultural appropriation.
When did it change from “You need to learn from other cultures!” to “If you do anything related to another culture it’s cultural appropriation!” anyways?
It was a better club to beat people with, which is what it’s really about.
Exactly right and in most cases it’s someone not even part of that culture being “outraged” for them. Not to mention the fact that it’s totally arbitrary as to what is and isn’t appropriation. They’re idiots.
Go down to Cherokee, NC and tell the native American people living in squalor that they need to stop selling blankets, headresses, piece pipes, etc (most of which were made in China) to the white tourist because they are perpetuating racism and see how that goes.
They’re gatekeepers. Their whole bag is getting power so you have to ask permission of them for everything. That way they can take whatever they like from you.
This is their latest statement, in which they had the gall to say “the former editor’s freedom of expression was respected”.
I have to say after ready so much ass kissing for having an opinion that cultural appropriation is nonsense I get annoyed. Everything has to be couched in some bullshit about how culture makes us richer and wonerfuller. This is how you get Trump, because measured responses are not appropriate for unhinged people.
From a related article, because I wasn’t kidding when I said ‘multiple articles’:
They are having self-criticism sessions now.
I read his subsequent “apology“.
The apology did far more damage than his initial piece, which was (to a sane person) uncontroversial. The apology basically gave carte blache to the critics to run fucking apeshit.
by advancing a good argument, and then instantly capitulating in the face of public-pressure, you basically destroy the possibility that anyone else can advance using your same point; it has been publicly discredited.
It might as well be an Alinskyesque tactic for all i know. Destroy the best arguments by advancing them, then apologizing for being a heretic.
I wasn’t joking about self-criticism reference:
When my job at the plastic bag factory was circling the drain, my boss told me he wanted me to write a short essay on what I thought he wanted me to do. I decided not to play that game. I figured that whatever I wrote would be used against me because I didn’t correctly read his mind. So I told him just tell me what you want me to do.
The whole thing reminded me of Communist self-criticism.
I read some articles on this around 3 AM this morning ’cause I couldn’t sleep, and it got me to wondering: why the Hell are our intellectual and moral superiors in Canada forever bitching about all the good stuff in American culture coming to Canada while simultaneously importing all the bad stuff without so much as a peep of protest? I’ve got friends whose teenage children have had their brains infected with this cultural appropriation shit, but who cannot stand the idea of American TV shows being shown on Canadian channels in simulcast.
Canadian dissonance?
“3 AM this morning”
As opposed to 3 AM this afternoon?
/pedantic ass
“There’s a frog in the woods. Some say the frog is dead, or the frog is not REEEEEing. But isn’t better to be at least as trolly as the frog? If there is a frog?”
It’s morning in Kekistan!
I always Pepe in the morning!
Like I said, “3 AM in the morning,” which is code for “man, I can hardly think straight.”
Plus, I’m drinking Korean Jinro right now, and it’s mighty fine. :p
It also shows how for the CBC have their heads up their asses, and the problem of having an elephant-in-the-room broadcaster that tries to set idiotic agendas.
Steyn talks about – it’s the latest tactic for the shutuppery bullies.
I found myself watching a Yuri Bezmenof clip on YouTube today. Over the years I guess I’ve gone from hoping his predictions were wrong to now just thinking the NSA is tracking views to that movie so they can figure out how many laborers they’ll have in the gulag.
I’ve no idea how “Socialist countries’ 1960-1980 Survival Guide” became a necessity in 2010s North America and Europe, but here we are…
So the Florida legislature passed a bill that would give more money to charter schools, especially where they serve children in failing public schools, and gives charter school teachers merit bonuses in line with what public school teachers get. In a shocker, the public schools are not happy with the competition and are crying for the governor to veto. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article150662907.html#storylink=latest_side
He can no longer call himself a Republican (even a stupid one) if he vetoes that thing.
Rick Scott, whatever his problems, isn’t a moron. I’d be amazed if he vetoes this.
Then the battle just begins. Because they’ll still be plenty of powerful people in FL that will screw with them every step of the way before and after they open. That’s going on in Ohio with the department of education, even though the governer is supportive of charters (or at least portends to be). Same with legal pot in Colorado, plenty of powerful nannies doing everything they can to overrule the voters choices.
A limited victory for religious freedom and freedom of association in Kentucky – TL;DR version – you can’t discriminate based on sexual orientation but you can discriminate based on politics, even if the politics in question is “pro-gay” politics
Fashionistas called Cucks
“Now that Dolce and Gabbana, H&M, and Nike have supported women in veil, we call on these brands to support us as well because we are also fighting for our freedom of choice.”
UK Doctors Banned From Calling Pregnant Women ‘Mothers’ In Case It’s ‘Offensive’
The controversial advice features in a 14-page booklet called “A Guide To Effective Communication: Inclusive Language In The Workplace.”
It says: “A large majority of people that have been pregnant or have given birth identify as women. However, there are some intersex men and trans men who may get pregnant. We can include intersex men and trans men who may get pregnant by saying ‘pregnant people’ instead of ‘expectant mothers’.”
The guide, available to all public doctors working in the National Health Service, also tells doctors that they should not use the terms “born man” or “born woman” in relation to trans people as these phrases “are reductive and over-simplify a complex subject”.
There is currently only one known case of a transitioning person in Britain becoming pregnant. Hayden Cross, 20, was born a woman but is legally male and has had hormone treatment but not sex-change surgery. Mr Cross is now believed to be four-months pregnant.
Huh. I always thought one of the main features of men is that they can’t get pregnant.
1. (of a woman or female animal) having a child or young developing in the uterus: “a pregnant woman”
The guidelines have upset some. Michael Nazir-Ali, the former Bishop of Rochester, told the Mail on Sunday: “I think it is sad that society is being pushed in this direction. God has made us man and woman, and mothers relate to their children in different ways than fathers. This ruling will confuse people about the vital role of mothers in bringing up their children.”
I have to hand it to the progs. They came up with an idea so stupid that a heathen like me is agreeing with a bishop.
OMG! Why can’t men be mothers, you gender-stereotyping shitlords?!
We should just start using the inclusive gender neutral adjective ‘preggers’ to refer to all with child.
Pregga, please!
There’s also a video version of the guide
I would have linked to this.
If you look Michael Nazir-Ali up on Wikipedia, you’ll see that he says a lot of politically-incorrect stuff.
OMGZ!!! Trump lets Russia peek into the intelligence community’s reindeer games with info about a mutual enemy.
Well done, everyone. Now something that could be genuinely terrible gets drowned in all the screeching. Because I can’t trust Trump to not be retarded, but I can’t trust the media to not blow shit out of proportion either. Well done, fuckers.
Oglaf had the right idea.
Meh. I’m actually less bothered by everyone’s condemnation of leaking than by everyone’s reverence for intelligence. Except in the case of short term military operations, classifying information has never served any good purpose. Ever.
Yeah. Last time I checked, the Prez, rightly or wrongly, is the ultimate classification authority. If’n he wants to give sensitive info to third parties, he can.
yeah, wapo is a birdcage liner. I don’t trust a single thing they write with “anonymous sources”. Especially ones that cite “former officials.” How the hell would former officials know what happened in an Oval Office meeting?
That’s exactly my thoughts. The credibility is such shit they might as well say the high shaman descended from the mount and revealed the wisdom in the entrails when they reveal “sources.” Actually a shaman probably isn’t trying to be wrong.
It’s 2017. Show me a video, play me audio, or find a guy willing to put his name to his statements. Otherwise, I’m gonna be highly skeptical.
I just assume that “former officials” are Obama lackeys who still have some sources within the deep state.
What’s really funny to me is pearl clutching over how dangerous what Trump did was and how it will strain relations with this third party who gathered the intelligence. As if they’d ever have known if former officials didn’t leak the story anonymously to the Washington Post for political gain.
I expect this to be about as significant as that time the russians hacked the energy grid
remember when we had a different candidate for president? that other one?
You know, the one that said the real problem in Washington was “overclassification”? And who kept years worth of classified intel on a homebrew server in someone’s toilet? and routinely had assistants mail said classified intel to her sex-fiend, no-security-clearance-having husband?
that one would have been much better than this one.
oh sure, you hypocrites always bring up Hillary to defend Trump! nice whataboutism, you racist! /twitter
“You can’t let him in here, he’ll see everything. He’ll see the Big Board!”
– Gen. Buck Turgison
Wait, where’s jesse with our hairy bears?
Grizzly nailed him for cultural appropriation.
Grizzly nailed him for cultural appropriation.
Man, we really aren’t doing phrasing anymore, are we?
It’s after 5, I can’t bother with double-entendres. Single ones are best you people will get.
Mee-ow to both of you.
Jesse’s probably drunk in a hot tub or something.
I obviously need to take over with Monday Gunday. I’ll be in touch.
I was thinking a parallel concept — Tuesday Floozeday.
Sun’s out, guns out.
Hairy man-bears toting guns? Yes, please!
If by that you mean pics of me, then… sure.
Whoops. Jesse is at jury duty.
Bright side my case settled before we even did jury selection. Now I’m baking quiches.
You phe misim?
Nyet. Dinner chain for a coworker who had surgery. Bacon, roasted broccoli and whatever cheeses I had handy (mostly cheddar and mozzarella) and seasoned with an herb mix from a cute little town in the foothills.
Calling someone fat is now sexist. Are these people just doing Mad Libs?
Was (proper noun)’s take on (proper noun) (anything)ist?
Sexist? Isn’t it Massist?
I liked Lionel Shriver’s euphemism in The Mandibles: Persons of scale.
Men are fat.
Women are “full-figured”.
Ladies, however, can be fat if they sing.
Yeah, well, it ain;t over til the – um… hm.
Was reading about IQ the other day. Turns out that there is not much difference in productivity between 130 and 170 because after 130, the main factor in success is self-discipline.
Not really shocking stuff. It’s interesting there’s so much concern about IQ when most of the problems associated with low IQ would go away if self-discipline were increased. And that is easier to do than raising IQ.
I don’t find that surprising. Both my older brothers are definitely smarter than me, but the nearest in age to me in particular is lazy AF, and not in a productive way (if that makes any sense). My wife’s also smarter than me, but works like a dog when she wants something, almost to the point of monomania. She’s much more successful than either of my bros.
Oh, yeah, well, I have a study which shows that lazy people are better at…actually I haven’t finished the study yet but when I get around to doing it, the results will rock the academy.
Can you read it to us when it’s done? Or just the summary?
As someone with an IQ around 150, I agree. I am fairly lazy, partly because I didn’t have to try very hard at school due to my intelligence. I kinda wish I wasn’t told I was a genius my whole childhood cause it kinda put me on autopilot.
If it makes anyone here feel better I now am a proto rocket scientist and I frequent this site and I feel like a moron both at work and when dealing with most of the people on here.
Me am smarts too!
This here is some sad humblebrag territory guys.
Just because somebody tells you you’re a genius doesn’t mean it’s true.
If only adults doled out the proper amount of emotional abuse.
White folks need to beat their kids.
6 figure salary, lazy as fuck and an IQ hovering around 90. I win.
I think out of all the commentators I listen to on youtube, Mr. Metokur is my favorite. Even more than Sargon, Vernaculis or others….his enunciation, clear language and mixture of sarcasm and “implied straight face” while commenting is absolutely hilarious.
Even he can’t keep it together for the full video today.
I like him on occasion. I think HM has pointed out that he occasionally strays into yucky antisemitic territory. I haven’t seen enough to say; I don’t listen to people’s livestreams. But i think his Hugbox-Chronicles, Twitterisms, etc. were classic.
Yeah, he latched on to that “Jewish kid’s shows producers/Interracial cuckold porn” conspiracy theory pretty hard.
But as with all things in the LULZ-sphere, it’s hard to say where intentional super-irony ends and earnest belief begins.
Dunno. Haven’t seen his video on that one even on the archive channels (yet at least). In general, I think I can take it with a grain of salt – given the way he manages to start out sounding kinda gullible/taken-in and just work along with the gag in an extremely subtle/dry way for almost all of them. I guess I could be missing something.
Either way, the quality of his auditory presentation is definitely on the top of the pack IMO.
Oh he has a professional’s “radio voice”, no doubt. And his approach to ‘storytelling’ (if you want to call it that) is pretty good. he’s slow and methodical and creates humor through understatement, sarcasm.
if he wanted he could have been 10X as popular as all these other ‘talking heads’ channels (a la Sargon, Shoe, Bearing, Raygun, etc). But he seems to have chosen to keep it lower-profile and more sporadic.
He used to go by Internet Aristocrat, and took a break before coming back as Metokur, for reasons that I could never be bothered to look into.
he ‘retired’ after gamergate. he made a goodbye video
Lol @ that goodbye video. So, so wrong. What a crybaby.
that’s a great point.
I subbed to Metokur, will check it out. I watch a ton of YT commentary as well. There needs to be a thread where we can get into this in more detail. I have YT Red and I like it, although I cancelled in a protest to YouTube’s Ad-Friendly nonsense…
But, based on a Phillip Defranco vid, channels get $ based on how long YT Red subscribers watch the channel, regardless of if they are “ad friendly” or not. Hmm.. need to look into this more.
^Meant to be reply to LT_Fish
I’m too lazy* to search for it now, but he broached the subject during one of his recorded Google hangouts when he was still Internet Aristocrat.
*see above
Is any of that true? Like the infographic in the article?
Like, if the creator of the show actually did a movie about cuckolds, then I don’t see how it’s a huge leap to point out that it’s a little disturbing that the plot of a children’s show is set up in a G-Rated version of the “classic” (if such a descriptor applies to porn tropes) cuckold triangle (cute girl, wimp white boy, masculine black man).
Like, it’s not a conspiracy theory to point out that Quentin Tarantino has a foot fetish. It is a conspiracy theory to say that his foot fetish and his long lingering shots of bare feet are a sign of how the Freemasons rule the world.
Taking the race of the child actors out of the equation, the stock characters you describe have been part of Western drama since commedia dell’arte, at least. If not all the way back to Roman comedy.
In my opinion, it takes a special kind of crazy to sexualize, what is essentially a live-action cartoon for 7-year-olds. Even if one of the show’s creators had to do shitty soft-core to pay the rent before his big break.
Like a lot of alt-right people (real ones), I’ve seen his comments get weird on the topic of Jews, but I rarely watch his videos. I can barely keep up with Sargon alone.
I don’t understand why it even matters, the Jewry or racism or whatever are just pre-canned taboos that aren’t even rational or consistent. We’ve already seen the anti-racists are the most racist, feminists are the most sexist, etc. these aren’t philosophies of equality they’re tools for power.
The average democrat or republican have far more animosity than any actual isms. I can say “I hate that guy” and as long as it’s not for some rule decided to be taboo it’s fine. As if the problem isn’t hate itself.
Christ we have people that want to jail climate heretics. The discourse of “I don’t like the Jews very much” is on a level of civiliity we should aspire to at this point. I guess when I hear someone say this person doesn’t like x people I just think so fucking what, get over it.
The discourse of “I don’t like the Jews very much”
Except it tends to be less this, and more “they’re an infestation that destroying our culture, what should we do about them?”
Now the most common response is deporting them to Israel, but given that there’s a lot a large population of the alt-right who think the Holocaust didn’t happen…let’s just say it’s understandable to be wary.
We must travel in different circles because I see that as about as common as the KKK, which is not very.
That’s why I don’t see it concerning. We live in a place so devoid of racism and anti-semitism that pointing out black crime rates or Jewish hypocrisy for racial preference has to be conflated with “they gonna put y’all in chains”, or Nazis. Meh, sounds to me more like people don’t like they’re axe getting gored so they want to declare their cows sacred.
That’s based on actually interacting and reading alt-right blogs from before Clinton even mentioned them and threw them onto the collective stage. Some alt-right members (noticeably Jared Taylor) are very light on the Jews but the overwhelming mass of the movement views them as villains that need to be removed. That is not something to take lightly or sum up as ‘they don’t like Jews’.
We live in a place so devoid of racism and anti-semitism
Exactly, which is why it’s so easy to handwave legitimately dangerous views if they don’t come from the mouths of progressives.
Vox Day blog has them. And he is the one who articulated 16 point of alt-right, so no complaints about how “he doesn’t represent us” – shoulda nailed your thesis to the church door first.
He’s very convenient for me because he fits my Aspy classification tendency – he distinguishes between alt-lite (probably where I’ll be if proggies continue, Milo), alt-right and alt-white (white supremacists and nationalists).
I’ll confess to being a philo-Semite and pro-Israel in general, but it’s a self-defense mechanism, too. Last time Germanic types were solving the Jewish Question, Slavs didn’t have it so hot either.
I draw the line at whines about how “Muh nation has open borders but no one criticizes Israel, beacuse (((conspiring)))!”
Because in the world where fucking Israel Apartheid Week exists, conspiracies centered on Israel not being criticized are madness.
Yep, when they flip out about all the left-wing social justice Jews, they seem to completely ignore the fact that said left-wing social justice Jews are utterly suicidal when it comes to Israel.
What I get from that video is that Commodore 64 was John the Baptist to OracleOS’s Jesus Christ. I am OK with this.
So, is Halt and Catch Fire any good?
Never heard of it until today! But it sounds interesting. I still pine for an Amiga I never had…
You wanna see Mackenzie Davis program the fuck out of C64? This is your show.
Atari ST or GTFO, d00d.
A shit computer for remtards on free dinners.
Pistols at dawn, d00d.
Weren’t the rules clear at the start of the competition?
Two teams finish level on points in Romania’s top soccer league, with Gheorghe Hagi’s team winning the tiebrearker. FCSB, the former Steaua Bucharest, bitch that no, they really won and are going to take the case to the Court of Arbitation for Sport in Lausanne.
Fuckin’ CASL!
Where’s Pie in the Sky when we need him?
(Probably drunk on slivovitz or something.)
I read the VDARE piece way up top out of curiosity. Here’s where they lost me:
It’s way past the time when we high-IQ, low-fertility, long-civilized Arctic peoples—the whites and the yellows—can afford to bicker among ourselves, about election hacking or anything else. We should be putting our smart, pale heads together to plan a geostrategy to preserve our nations, our civilization, from the swelling numbers down there in the tropics who seek to displace us by demographically overwhelming us.
OK guy, deep breaths. Calm down.
I’m pretty sure white people can fuck up Europe just fine on their own. They’re about to do it for the 3rd time in as many generations.
I have to wonder how valid IQ is as a measure of intelligence and thus genetic fitness if the population of the so-called dumb people is increasing and the population of the so-called smart people is decreasing. Remind me again whose culture is broken?
People get so smart they stop reproducing? What the hell kind of sense does that make? Idiocracy is not a documentary.
Science and technology have advanced as the population increased. More people means more smart people. If stupid people do in fact reproduce more, shouldn’t the whole world be a lot dumber than it was 100 years ago?
I’m not familiar with VDARE’s arguments as to why, but in most of the alt-right stuff I’ve seen this is where the influence of (((them))) comes into play, about how they’re secretly destroying all our culture and institutions and promoting decadent and self-destructive lifestyles.
Because the high IQ races (and I personally find it interesting that on the internet I’ve found a correlation between low IQ and how obsessed you are with IQ) seem to be particularly gullible and easy to manipulative.
Someone at the other site used to link to VDare years ago. As I recall they werent so much about teh jooos. Just run off the mill anti-immigration articles with the typical dose of racism thrown in because they just can’t help themselves.
If stupid people do in fact reproduce more, shouldn’t the whole world be a lot dumber than it was 100 years ago?
I was gonna crack something smartass here, but, unlimited submarine warfare, Nivelle offensive, followed by the last Russian offensive. “Dumb” seems like a wrong adjective, and yet.
(No, I dont’ think February Revolution in Russia was a stupid decision. Shipping Lenin, though….)
I was going to comment about what the fuck that was all about. Low-fertility Asians? I would think THE DERB, out of all people, would know that 1.3 billion Chinese didn’t happen through some Mao-era secret cloning project.
I overheard a conversation among some Tanzanian teachers about why there was so much AIDS in Africa. Their conclusion was that Africans like to have sex more. I chimed in with “you know there are about a billion Chinese people, right?”
I suspect human sexual behavior on average is pretty uniform across history and cultures and the only real difference is how much people talk about it.
Another thing the IQ doomsayers forget is regression to the mean. Even if low IQ people do reproduce more, their children will most likely be *smarter* than their parents. It won’t just trend down to Idiocracy. And by the same principle high IQ people are more likely to produce children *dumber* than they are.
The whole panic is nonsense.
People stopped reproducing as much in Europe and in certain parts of the US because the government regulates and taxes the shit out of the economy, making kids expensive as hell. I have long been skeptical of the notion that some arbitrary level of “advancement” leads to a cratering birthrate. IMO, Libertopia would have a steadily growing population. It’s not that people as a whole don’t like having kids, it’s that kids are so damn expensive and the econcomy is so moribound that by the time you get married, pay down some student loan debt, and get ready to have kids you can only have one or two before the wife has to go back to work.
I have long been skeptical of the notion that some arbitrary level of “advancement” leads to a cratering birthrate
Not a cratering, but a significant decline based on widespread access to birth control and shifts in society (primarily urban vs. rural and modern vs. agrarian). Modernized urban societies have less utility for large groups of children, and even rural economies no longer require large families to maintain subsistence agriculture. But rural families will still, on average, have more children than urban ones. Compare my grandfather with eight siblings, to my dad with seven, to me with three.
Right, but my argument is that has a hell of a lot more to do with big government and it’s associated costs then it does any intrinsic “fertility chilling” characteristics of the modern society. It’s not that birth control and modern urbanized life cause lowered fertility, it’s that sky high taxes and the hidden costs of inflation and the regulatory state destroying growth make large families expensive, for those who are taxpayers.
It’s a personal theory of mine, and it’s completely nontestable because the State is immortal and eternal. But I do think that in a libertarian nation you would see net population growth.
It’s not that birth control and modern urbanized life cause lowered fertility
Birth control, by its very existence as a widespread available product, does cause lowered fertility rates. Urbanized life, based on what pre-industrial statistics we have, does play a role in comparison to rural lifestyles.
Taxation and overbearing costs obviously do have an effect, but if you got rid of that the population would still have a far lower birthrate than, say, the baby boom. Some generations, dependent on the current cultural environment (the ‘post-feminist’ push for women to focus on their career at a young age, for example) could even experience rates similar to now. Regardless of whether you neutralized the state, children would still be overwhelmingly expensive in comparison to pre-industrial ones, and that will incentivize fewer.
and that will incentivize fewer…in populations smart enough to understand the basic financial needs to afford them.
As noted below, the poor tend to care less about this.
I think economic factors remain the primary driver. To get a middle class lifestyle off the ground, you need two people who exit postsecondary education or training and only begin to get established enough for children by their late 20s (assuming they’re the same age). You need two incomes to maintain that lifestyle, which means kids are popped out one or two and then Daddy gets the snip and they start socking every dollar they can in a college fund. Oh, and how many women really really want to go back to work when their kids are young versus needing to go back to work, and for what? To pay taxes, basically. 50% of every dollar you make is going to the State, one way or the other. You need two incomes just to pay the looters.
In Libertopia, education doesn’t last nearly as long, you keep every dollar you make (and those dollars maintain or increase in value, not decrease), student debt is lower, housing cheaper, wages higher, the economy immensely more flexible and with more opportunity for growth. If Mom or Dad wants to stay home with the kids and run a side business, there’s no fees or licenses or red tape. Housing is cheap, food cheap, medical care cheap.
Oh, and how many women really really want to go back to work when their kids are young versus needing to go back to work, and for what
I should have made this a little more broad and noted the reality that women will likely continue to make choices that will maintain lower than historical fertility rates. Marriage and first child ages for women are six years later than it was the 1950s. That’s substantial because that’s six critical child bearing years stripped away. I don’t think that removing the state will suddenly result in women getting married and settling down at the age of nineteen again.
As Pan notes below, despite the shifting of taxation over the past forty years, Europe’s fertility rates haven’t shift in cue with it. That indicates stronger cultural influences than economic.
Uh, Europe has been statist as hell since the end of WWII. Either democratic socialist or communist. England nationalized their heavy industry after WWII. There’s been no shifting taxation or regulation at all. It’s been full Top Men of one form or another from the Bay of Biscay to the Baltic since the end of WWII.
Uh yeah, like I said, because the current economic nuttery keeps making it more and more impossible to raise a middle class family before couples hit the late 20s/early 30s. You can either be on the dole and reproduce young, or wait until you’re established and reproduce old.
Uh, Europe has been statist as hell since the end of WWII. Either democratic socialist or communist. England nationalized their heavy industry after WWII.
Sure, and if your thesis was correct there’d be some indication of shifts in the birthrates occurring do to changes in taxation and the regulatory state, but that’s unsupported by the actual birthrate data. Despite England nationalizing their heavy industry they experienced a baby boom on par with the United States. If your thesis was the largest influence periods like the Thatcher years would influence birth rate data. They do not.
There’s been no shifting taxation or regulation at all.
Completely incorrect, places like Sweden dropped a ton of their socialist baggage since the 70s because it didn’t work. And yet the Swedish birth rate did not shift or recover slightly, but stayed on the exact same general trend that was present in Western Europe as a whole and Sweden since 1971.
Uh yeah, like I said, because the current economic nuttery keeps making it more and more impossible to raise a middle class
I’m not sure of your age, but you’re assuming that modern women, age twenty, want to settle down and have children, and would do so if they had the chance. In my experience this is overwhemingly not the case, and given the choice they will still continue to have children (if they do) at a later age. Because they want to, not because they have to.
Again, this isn’t just economics, there are cultural influences that transcend it.
The move from an agricultural economy has made the need for farm labor within families less necessary.
Eh, poor people always have more kids. This is no different in Europe, under the same regulatory and taxation regime as everyone lives. And no, it’s not because euro welfare states love showering money on poor people who have children but refuse to give it to the middle-class ones (despite what ‘muh nation’ types are screeching, some of them also whining how it’s native whites who can get no baby cash, unlike them migrants).
As Steyn pointed out, of the six founding nations of EEC, only one has a leader who has children. This is not because Mr Macron or Frau Merkel couldn’t afford kids. It’s because they didn’t want them. Europe is not more taxed now than it was back in 70s, and the birth rate is in the shitter. Even in countries where no one gives a fuck about either taxation or regulation (Spain and Italy).
Seems to me he’s saying stupid people are producing more now, not for all times through history. I don’t necessarily think fucks a lot to make babies is a good measure of culture, but then there’s no objective measure anyway. If there was a measure of success it would probably be who’s best at making killing machines.
Only if you’d be willing to use those killing machines to the fullest of their abilities.
Killing machines that sit in a warehouse for decades until obsolete are a societal sunk cost.
My spike is OUT!
I’d like to twirl that little thing like a top
I’ve never been so psyssed about the Dominican Republic in my life.
I posted a story before about this “situation” involving a cop and a female student at my old high school. Well now the cop has been fired, and they’re still just calling it a “situation”.
Perhaps a cock-holster was involved.
I’m assuming
Titanium dioxide.
The ultimate whitewash!
Ferrous ferric oxide.
Trump spent the day knob-slobbering over the police today.
Jaguar escapes zoo enclosure, attacks spider monkey.
Fucking beast, murdering our fellow primate!
Inner Sphere scum.
/Clan Smoke Jaguar.
Where the Hell’s my Stone Rhino when I need it?
The Jaguar had a name, the monkey doesn’t so it’s ok.
I’d expect no less in Trump’s America!
In Obama’s America, inner city zoo keepers shot gorillas who were simply playing with light skinned* children and then slandered their names by claiming they were being aggressive. Have we already forgotten?
Trump killed Harambe,! Wake up, sheeple!!!!
Ape doesn’t kill ape, dude. It’s in their code.
And a better memer than I would have realized “Tranq Darts Can’t Melt Gorilla Hearts” would be a better hashtag.
It’s a young man’s game….
The Morgan Freeman of cats.
So the comments at your cat link somehow got me here so thanks. #NotaStalker
14″ Abrasive Chop Saw!
That was my nickname in college
Huh. Small world.
Behold, peak millennial.
<a href="https://twocents.lifehacker.com/how-to-afford-a-house-when-youre-spending-all-your-mone-1795231082".Behold, peak millennial.
Behold, peak millennial:
(my two previous attempts to post this may have been eaten by Zardoz)
Ohio officer accidentally overdoses after touching Fentanyl during drug response
I, too, have overdosed after accidentally touching powdery opiates with my nose, tongue, and penis.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have officially reached Peak Millennial:
(Apologies if this gets posted four times. This is my last try before giving up.)
There were a couple ways to go with this story: report on the facts, or editorialize on the guy’s ideology, or perhaps use the pulpit to bemoan our country’s lacking moral clarity. Cheong, instead, chooses to kick the murderer’s sad youtube career a few times while he’s down. I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t entertained.
I met a thicc Japanese lady today. Understatement. Ass so giant it could be a closer for Yomiuri. The kicker is she is normal above the waist. Minajesque. Couldn’t not stare.
Watashi wa watashi no beddo ni imasu.
Google translatese from “I’ll be in my bunk”
I had to use Google Translate. I only know English and a few phrases of Rodian.
You’re in bed? You’ll be in bed? It makes a difference!
If the end result is same, does it, really?
More dramatic if scampers under the sheets than if he’s already there, enjoying himself.
Young socialist attempts to defend Venezuela; hilarity ensues
Tucker Carlson discusses Venezuela’s failed socialism experiment with student activist Dakotah Lilly.
And that’s when I realized, this was gonna be prime derp.
Then, two minutes in – DAKOTAH
ISPRESENTS AS A GUY!Derpy, you give me the best gifts.
Well, with a name like that he’s kind of forced to be a prog, isn’t he?
My favorite part was when he talks about the rampant capitalism of the Chavez era. Oh, and the hoarding by evil multinational core-pore-ray-shuns.
Damn them!!
Finishing it, it’s just…sad. Cringy on both ends, and, damn, the kid is just…my god, Carlson, there’s no point yelling or talking, the kid’s brain is mush. He’s almost dumb enough to be your co-host, ffs!
I have a hard time watching his show. It always follows the same format.
He asks leading question.
they ignore question, make stupid speech
he identifies something in stupid speech that doesn’t make sense.
they change the subject and point fingers at the right
shit devolves into him beating up the stupid commies like a human pinata.
it never seems to produce any actual proper “exchanges” – where one person says something and the other actually responds to what is said with some intelligent reply. instead they just throw shit from behind rhetorical cover.
They’re all like that.
It’s funny, listening to people who didn’t know emoluments from emollients a couple weeks ago, and who would happily deprecate the plain meaning of the First and Second Amendments, given the chance, who nonetheless hold forth on the Constitution like they don’t spend half their waking hours trying to burn it down because EUGH RICH WHITE SLAVEHOLDERS.
Funny as in infuriating. As in, it’s funny we put up with this horseshit.
Dead DNC staffer’s family hired a PI who says he found evidence he was in contact with Wikileaks.
The problem I have with a murder conspiracy is that Hillary couldn’t get her flunkies to properly translate a single Russian word. She’s a moron and she surrounded herself with morons.
Clinton Goofs on Russian Translation, Tells Diplomat She Wants to ‘Overcharge’ Ties
Clinton presented Lavrov with a gift-wrapped red button, which said “Reset” in English and “Peregruzka” in Russian. The problem was, “peregruzka” doesn’t mean reset. It means overcharged, or overloaded.
And Lavrov called her out on it.
“We worked hard to get the right Russian word. Do you think we got it?” Clinton asked Lavrov.
“You got it wrong,” Lavrov said. “This says ‘peregruzka,’ which means overcharged.”
The two top diplomats, who met in Geneva, laughed and Clinton explained: “We won’t let you do that to us, I promise.”
Top. Men.
Look, Russians honeypotted/honeydicked him to get Podesta to click on the link, and then murdered him to cover their tracks.
*insert Secret Nazi President BWAHAHAHAing here*
I have mulled over the notion of whether or not Hillary and the DNC are getting too much credit. There’s no reason to think the Clinton’s are anymore skilled at murder than they are at hiding their corruption. But Top Men and Woman’s don’t always have to be competent to get away with something, as demonstrated by the corruption. There’s nothing really competent about how the Clinton’s structured their foundation, for instance. They don’t do a good job of hiding their graft. But you don’t really have to when your friends and allies are the ones pulling the strings and telling everyone else what to think.
I’m not endorsing any murder-conspiracy here just yet. But I sure wouldn’t put it past those people. They think they are super serious and doing very important things. The main issue with it is that it doesn’t really accomplish much. If he’s already leaked, and you are killing him, it’s not actually sending any message. It’s just revenge. Which, then again, I can’t really put *that* past the Clinton’s.
On statue/monument removal
I oppose mainly on the grounds that it’s a waste of money. Hurt feelings should be a reason to spend thousands of dollars tearing something down.
Even if you think statues of General Lee are monuments to unspeakable evil, isn’t there some educational value in leaving them up? Hell, they left Auschwitz up as a museum.
*should not (I assume)
yes- should *not* be
typos- I make them
Get ot!
Even if you think statues of General Lee are monuments to unspeakable evil, isn’t there some educational value in leaving them up? Hell, they left Auschwitz up as a museum.
I’d quibble that there’s a difference between a statue meant to honor a historical person and a location that was kept far away from the population, used for unspeakable acts and then preserved (with it’s presentation to the public carefully structured) as a reminder of the possible inhumanity of man.
As an aside, I went to Auschwitz 23 years ago, and I can remember it like it was yesterday. Some things stick in your mind (and for a reason).
It was a concentration camp.
Run away, strange sea vagina, and never return.
I’m not sure if that’s sexist or speciesist…possibly ableist since I’m guessing sea vaginas are not belegged.
*bites lip, focuses on gazing narrowly*
I don’t know where I read it, could be here but someone said: “So if the Civil War didn’t exist then neither did slavery.”
sure, but is it one that matters?
iow – is it right and proper to monumentalize things like the holocaust, because its conveniently hidden away and inoffensive…
…but it is wrong to monumentalize people like Robert E Lee, because thinking about him hurts some people’s feelings*?
(*never mind that what they think is probably based on historical misconceptions about the guy in the first place)
And once you make that call – that its OK to minimize and erase aspects of the civil war – where do you draw the line when people start claiming to be offended by other detritus of it?
The location is incidental. My point was that Auschwitz was something hidden that was very deliberately dragged into the light to remind people of the horror of the event. A statue in the middle of town is meant to be a daily reminder of the radness of a person. Whether or not Lee’s statue should be torn down is also incidental to my point. Derp’s comparison doesn’t make sense because the purpose of the memorization is so radically different between the two.
Well i would dispute that this “key difference in purpose of memorialization” actually exists in any real sense. the purpose of memorials are the same – ‘to remember’.
*id also note that auschwitz was largely neglected and kept obscure by the communists for 40+ years, and it wasn’t until the 1980s that there was some effort to pay more attention to the place (i think because pope JP II drew attention to it), and it wasn’t even spiffed up for international visitors until 1990. I visited there in 1992, and all the multilingual signage was brand new. All the locals in the town hated the place and would tell anyone who asked that it should be razed to the ground. Probably still do.
Eh, I’m down with people toppling statues of Lenin and such (Stalin got his toppled way before). If Lee is a hated, reviled figure then statue will come down, one way or another.
Now, if he isn’t and the statue still comes down….well, it’s all about power in the end, isn’t it? Then we get to see where it lies, and who can seize it.
Note: I’m not a fan of it, but once the veneer of procedure is stripped, it doesn’t come back on easily.
What are the whiners going to do if statues are erected on private property?
Whiners will whine, regardless.
You gotta watch out for the fuckers who don’t care and topple them anyway. Ones who come fully prepared to counter the anti-trespasser measures. Some ropes, some guns, maybe some hoods so people can’t recognize them, gather in numbers at night, bring portable illumination… you know, the classics.
You’re tempting me to watch Goodbye, Lenin! again.
Who am I to stand between a man and his German
fetishenthusiasm?I just like saying I’ve watched a German comedy and watching people grope for a mental box for that that makes sense.
German comedy, eh?
Henning Wehn is the only German stand-up I’ve heard of. He is hilarious and from what I’ve seen of him has a tendency towards libertarianism. Or at least a heavy skepticism of government, without claiming a particular ideology.
You know who else could stand up and talk and make Germans applaud?
Goodbye, Lenin! reads as a black comedy by Anglophone standards. That said, it’s an interesting piece on a country coming to terms with what was lost and what was gained with a rapid political change.
The Lee statue was also privately commissioned/funded (way back when) compared to many “monuments” to progress, etc. Again….quite the strategist and general. Would we tear down a statue to Alexander the Great because we didn’t like his politics?
They left Auschwitz, and bloody purged the country anything that was seen as positive iconography of the Nazis. They didn’t let Germans into the Olympic stadium until the 90s. They filed swastikas off random public statues. Auschwitz isn’t really comparable to a Nazi statue because their goals are explicit different: one is an indicator of the horrors of a regime, one is the regime praising itself.
Assuming the WaPo story is true (and my view is that I think it probably is, but that’s just me), he’s the President. He can declassify it and reveal it if he wants.
The positive side of this means that we’re totally going to find out whether there are really aliens at Area 51, aren’t we? (I’m sure many, many others have already made that joke)
I question just how classified this material actually was and what the hell it is that the Russians would do with it. If anything would be damaging, it would be issues in the relationship with whoever provided said intel to us to begin with. But, the parties in the region that are allied with us against ISIS aren’t really in a position to not to cooperate to begin with. It’s also very unclear as to what was revealed. The name of a town where some intel came in about a supposed ISIS plot to take down planes with electronic devices is what is implied.
Yet, no third party would have known about this if it wasn’t leaked. It was leaked because it was politically useful to do so by people who then want to claim that they care about the nation’s national security interests. And the leakers are, bet your ass, former Obama lackeys. Guys who are probably passing along second or third hand information. It’s entirely possible Trump’s people called the NSA and CIA at some point, asked about something Trump said, and it then just became gossip. But nothing was actually revealed.
I’m very skeptical that Russia could really do much with this super awesome revelation just because some former Obama political hacks vaguely suggest they could.
Also, for the win – it really undercuts the whole moronic argument put forward to defend Hillary that emails weren’t marked classified so there was no crime. As if the content didn’t make it classified. But yea, the president has the leeway to declassify.
I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that the leakers (and the leak train) broke more laws and security regs than Trump did in this case.
wasn’t there a recent president who set a record for prosecuting leakers?
Oo oo! It was Dubya the Chimp, right?
we know they must have a (R) after the name.
I can assure you that there are no aliens at Area 51. Other than the ones on the bumper stickers.
Of course not.
They are in a hanger at Wright-Patt
Or hanging out mornings in the Home Depot parking lot.