Happy Monday, commentariat. I hope everyone sufficiently pleased the matronly persons in their lives yesterday. My wife did all her own shopping, so I’m pretty sure I hit it out of the park this year. Speaking of hitting it out of the park, how about that 2nd game at Yankee Stadium yesterday? Listen, its the Astros, you gotta celebrate in May or June, because there’s nothing good about September or October.

  • Pvt. Manning will remain on active duty, but not be paid, while awaiting the result of appeal. (Here’s another BH link, which I don’t believe a word of, I just want to pat the poor helpless little Antifa losers in the picture on the head, and encourage them to find a clue)
  • Get away from her you , bi… What do you mean this exoskeleton isn’t xenomorph queen rated? What about Walmart Black Friday woman? No?
  • Russia warns against intimidating N. Korea. As if Russia is going to be in favor of anything that encourages Sino-US cooperation. They would warn against a joint US-Chinese mission to alter the course of SMOD.
  • Sad little assholes, part II. All those torches, and not a single hood or cross. Even the white supremacists are losers these days.
  • Anyone else think this revision of the Dinosaur Killer Asteroid’s nuclear winter to a lucky strike will fail to change a single mind about nuclear power? Or did we stop pretending fallout was a problem several decades ago? (Remember: More people died at Chappaquidick than Three Mile Island!)

And since I’m ending on down note, here’s a little bummer song that’s nonetheless fun.