Happy Wednesday that feels like it should be Friday. There’s a CSI van parked across the street. I’m expecting David Mancuso and the hottest female cop to ever wear a badge and a silk blouse to stop by any moment. Oh look, Firstros win again.

This… is my BOOMSTICK!
- BP CEO writes that global energy demand remains strong and growing, but abundant supplies of oil and gas are now a fact of life. No word on how many barrels they plan to lose unproductively to poorly-capped wells or plant explosions this year. The joke about working for BP’s plant in Houston was that the money was okay, but the survivor benefits were what really mattered.
- Chelsea Manning is a free citizen. Just remember when you read all those anonymous leakers who claim to be in and around the Oval Office that actual brave government employees who leak actual secrets get thrown in prison or exiled.
- Greeks demand an end to austerity. So nice of the birthplace of democracy to demonstrate its terminal state as well
- The Washington Post — uses Infowars as a cited source and has the balls to lecture anyone about Fake News.
- More enlightened European racism. Britain obviously has a dearth of Grievance Study majors and lazy artists
- Hoarders aren’t spending their retirement money like economists want them to. I think we all know the solution, tovarisch.
- Which one of you is this?
Its been a while since the anthem was run.
Because there weren’t enough authoritarians in fedgov:
Never heard of him.
He was the black sheriff who was going after Black Lives Matter for while, talking about how they were endangering cops. I don’t know what his actual history in the police is though, but he was being fetishized by the cop-lovers for awhile there so I’d like to know what his ‘authoritarian’ behaviour is like.
From last November
From Clarke’s recent book Cop Under Fire: Moving Beyond Hashtags of Race, Crime and Politics for a Better America :
“Homegrown radicalization has the enemy inside our borders. Islamist-radicalized Americans are not criminals. They are enemy combatants. Our criminal justice system should not prosecute them. Military tribunals should process them.” – p. 162
What a surprise, no record of service from him. As usual the cops want to play soldier. Alright, I expect him to follow the Geneva Conventions in regards to his police conduct from now on (hint Clarke: it’s more strict that your police training).
He has also been a poster boy for the NRA. Really good on gun rights, but a huge cop-sucker.
Milwaukee sheriff. Always wears a cowboy hat. Spends more time on Fox News than he does in his office.
Has great ideas on gun control. Terrible ideas on a lot of other stuff.
Is this the same jackass who had the Packers fan arrested on a flight?
“Milwaukee sheriff. Always wears a cowboy hat. Spends more time on Fox News than he does in his office.”
Are you perhaps leaving something out?
Prisoner jerky?
Ooh, damn.
Hey, I just noticed you had a few comments auto-filtered on Monday. Sorry I didn’t catch that earlier.
How vile are his opinions that they get auto-filtered HERE of all places?
It was the same link, and it got rejected 4 times. Askimet (the spam catcher) didn’t like it.
What Playa said. If folks notice that happening try to flag down an mod. The autospam filter is good but not perfect.
Can the login period be extended so I don’t have to keep logging back in every two weeks?
Oh yeah. I believe he is NEAR!
-Howard Johnson
The guy who has been romantically linked with Sean Hannity?
Way to godwin the thread.
What Sean Hannity does with his butthole and the penises of other men is none of your business. None of your hot, sweaty, luscious business.
I’m still shuddering from the realization the Mika hold Morning Joe’s cock in her mouth and that Morning Joe willingly puts it there..
It’s hard to imagine them having sex. It seems like there would be a lot of instructions and protocol.
And mutual vomiting, ala the Marquis de Sade.
Fuck off, slaver.
Does this increasing inequality also flow from having a job?
I had someone pitch to me that all wealth should be confiscated at death. I said “I want to give my kids money when I die, why should you have more say than I do over my money. “He seemed confused that this could effect actual people instead of anonymous billionaires.
None guess as to whether his net worth is positive?
Remember, though, that these people would eat cat food in order to pay for their health care if it were up to the Republicans. Somehow.
There’s an ad that runs on NASCAR where the AARP informs me that the elderly are struggling to get food in America, and that “these are our parents and grandparents, people!”
If they’re our parents and grandparents, I’ve got a crazy fucking idea. How about their children and grandchildren get them some fucking food?
Better to let them starve. Feeding baby boomers just gets you more baby boomers and we’ve seen what they’ve done to ‘murrica. Better to let them die.
The worst part is that Jeff Gordon is in it.
Yes, inheritance is evil and should be taxed out of existence.
Meanwhile, we should support programs like Social Security, which confiscates a huge percentage of a person’s paycheck for their entire life and leaves them nothing whatsoever to bequest to their children in the event that they die early, making all their payments essentially an involuntary donation to the federal government).
Social Security literally infuriates me.
“you need it!! How will you retire without it??!?!?”
“Bitch, if I did nothing but park my FICA taxes in a mutual fund, I would retire in fucking style, not be clipping coupons and pinching pennies to make my SS check last the month.”
As usual, they break your kneecaps, then hand you a crutch and expect to be thanked for the crutch.
It also functions as a wealth transfer from the old (and relatively wealthy) to the young (and relatively poor).
How the fuck is it a good idea to tax a broke-ass factory worker trying to put himself through college and give the money to the executive of that company who just retired and has a few million bucks waiting for him?
It’s also incredibly regressive from a racial POV. Black dudes who work end up paying into it their entire lives, then dying, and of course the “benefits” aren’t something that transfers to the widow.
I would sign away my right to collect SS if I could get out of the FICA taxes.
This is actually incorrect.
It’s one of the few reasons to get state-married instead of “married” via explicit contract law. The other one is a reset in cost basis on inherited assets.
Oh, FWIW, I think the “disparate racial impact” take on it is a great argument, because it throws proggy formulations back in their face. And is true, black men die way earlier than all other Americans.
Of course, the same thing applies to the lower average lifespan of men versus women, but for some reason I don’t think you’ll have any luck pointing that out.
You also get a higher tax deduction on your house sale (among other things)
This argument might work well, I am going to use this.
But that’s the point of it.
wait Wait WAIT….
I thought old people were under constant threat of being pushed off a cliff?
Just remember when you read all those anonymous leakers who claim to be in and around the Oval Office that actual brave government employees who leak actual secrets get thrown in prison or exiled.
So do traitors like Bradley Manning.
^What he said
See, though, that was Bradley, not Chelsea.
Manning should still be rotting in a cell. His chain of command should be eternally ashamed for not having the guts to yank Manning’s security clearance the moment it became apparent he was not acting in a manner appropriate for somebody with a security clearance.
RE: Inforwars. I ran into a WaPo paywall
Same here. I’d rather read Infowars than actually pay to read the WaPo
Naturally. You fucking alt-right racist asshole.
I have been discovered!
Now that you admit it, please update the rest of us on the antics of satanic lizard people in Bohemian Grove.
Well, you see, there are these shape shifting aliens and, well, they rule the world and they have this secret serpentine orgy at Bohemian Grove each year and….I’ve said too much
Better than Scientology’s theories.
The twist is that all of Scientology was began with false memories implanted by psychologists as a scheme to drum up business and make a few bucks.
That ain’t no shit.
Unfortunately, my local rag seems to be picking up WaPo stories with great regularity lately. Bastards
Clear your cache.
You’re getting a little personal, aren’t you? Can’t you ask me out for dinner first?
Well, I was trying to help you read WaPo whenever you want. It’s just a cookie, all you have to do is delete it.
Just trying to be funny.
Yep, that did it. Thanks!
Methods mentioned below by DOOMco and Playa work also. I just like clearing my cache anyway. Not that I have anything to hide, of course.
Porn window or a google search of the title will get you around it
Go porn mode.
I don’t have the slightest idea how to do that.
You’re not fooling anyone, you know.
Dang. I just got played.
You deserved it after your UW panties comment below.
In google chrome, it’s called “incognito browsing”. In safari, it’s called “private window”.
It turns off cookies so that they can’t track how many times you’ve visited.
Obama continues to be “meticulous…about not publicly violating that unwritten code of conduct among ex-presidents that bars criticizing whoever’s currently in the Oval Office.” In full cover spread for People. In which sources close to Obama trash Trump.
This is the media’s new favorite way to tell us all how great Obama’s cock feels inside of them.
My guess is: hotdog…hallway.
Do you have a moment to talk about accepting Obama’s cock as your savior?
I enjoyed the cover of the supermarket tabloid today:
People that text in movie theaters should be thumped with a club.
who even goes to movie theaters anymore? My house has way better food and booze.
Read the links. The “which one” is pure gold.
My guess is there are no winners in the whole story.
Alamo Draft House came out okay.
How are they? One just opened near my house.
I like them. It’s the only way I’ll go to a movie theater. They’re expensive, though. Plan on spending ~$50 for 2 people to watch the movie and have some food.
Oh I know. Plus I live in Austin, so I’ve seen it on the local news, heard it discussed on every single radio station, and had multiple office discussions about it.
Did we meet at that Austin meetup hosted by that other place some time back?
I didn’t huff any toluene (that shit is bad for you). But yeah we met at the book party thing for Root’s Overruled
lol and now you fixed it so I look like I’M the one huffing toluene
My condolences.
Shit. And you still interact with me on here? Did you leave before I got blitzed or something? Or was I actually sociable without being obnoxious?
we stayed and helped you close out the tab paid for by the KKKochtopus, but we left when they expected us to start spending our own money on booze. I think we were all relatively hammered by that point. I don’t know how long you stuck around afterwards. Good times.
Oh ok. Table farthest from the top of the stairs (at the front of the building). I remember now.
Good memory. Yep that was us.
It’s not any of us, since there are no female libertarians for us to date.
Ted, as Sloopy will tell you, if you get a woman pregnant fast enough she’ll even marry a libertarian.
Honeymoon pregnancy. It happened on the honeymoon, I swear.
Motivated women can carry full-term in seven months.
Followed by the fastest human gestation period on record?
Ok. But they can’t have a preemie after 10.
they can’t have a preemie after 10
You’d be surprised what a proper amount of smoking and drinking will do during pregnancy.
Jesus, Bobarian. We’re not Irish.
Well, the Regal here in Charlottesville is pretty nice – being across the street from a “Burger Bach” brewpub is a plus.
But the Violet Crown is the real winner. 20+ beers on tap and I can take the food and booze into the theater. All the seats are nice – for the same $10 price – but about 1/2 the theaters are only 3 rows of lazy-boy leather seating (with tray tables)!
We’re supposed to get an Alamo Draft House sooner or later.
“Greeks demand an end to austerity.”
If you would demand an end to socialism, that might happen in a few decades with enough hard work. As it is, Greeks, you’re still in the ‘ran out of other people’s money’ phase for the foreseeable future. Sorry to have to reality you like that.
The whole Greek debt issue remains, to this day, the derpiest shit I’ve ever read. People arguing that the Greeks had the right to vote themselves the rest of Europe’s money, and anyone saying otherwise was a fascist.
The Brits are totally going to go into decline now that they’ve opted out of paying their fair share of that debt. /derp
Government spending cuts cause recessions, got it?
If you’re looking for alternative facts, Reuters got you covered.
Communist fucktards, which, remember, like to think of themselves as *anarchists*, are outraged by cuts to the *government*.
My kids usually demand an end to the consequences of their actions, too.
You big meanie!
My wife won’t let me enforce any consequences to their actions and as a result we have a 17 year old with a 130+ IQ fixing to flunk out of High School
Even I didn’t flake out until college.
Posted this before, but it bares repeating.
Erdogen’s thugs pummel Kurdish protesters in….Washington DC? This is shameful. The US cannot stand for this kind of political violence by a foreign power. Erdogen is a real bag of dicks.
I really would enjoy forming a posse and catching these assholes out somewhere and beating the literal shit out of them. Keep in mind, I don’t plan on doing that, but I want to.
Not the actors in your video, the Turkeys.
They give jive Turkey a whole new meaning, man.
Erdogen’s bodyguards should have just put some MAGA hats on the Kurds after they were on the ground and walked away. The media would have written some pieces about Trump supporters being violent and called it a day.
CNN will just photoshop in the hats. NYTs will say Trump planned this.
Some of the usual characters have already blamed Trump for this. They just discovered that Turkey has been sliding into a totalitarian state. It’s so cute how they’ve suddenly become interest in the world again after an 8 year coma.
I guess they didn’t notice when Obama said we have to support Erdogan against the coup. Yeah, that was a great idea.
Hey, Edrogan’s a fascist, where were the Black Block protesters?
Posted this before, but it bares repeating.
The naked truth, eh?
Naked Turks? Now you’ve got Jesse all hot and bothered.
I was unimpressed by Erdogan’s henchmen. They looked more like ’70s cinematic villains than anything.
it bares repeating
Aw, fuck it. Nevermind.
No, I get it. I no spell so good
Ted, have you ever been in a… in a Turkish prison?
Do you like gladiator movies?
The embassy guards probably have diplomatic immunity so can’t be charged, only expelled from the US.
And they are effectively judgement proof once they are out of the country.
They’d better be careful about attacking cops. When a cop puts a cap in their ass, I bet their immunity doesn’t cover that.
Unlikely since the DC cops knew they were embassy personnel. Different rules apply to them.
South African guy *holding up credentials* “Diplomatic immunity!”
Murtagh *shoots guy* “It’s just been revoked.”
Lethal Weapon 2 is awesome, mainly because the young Patsy Kensit got naked in it.
Lethal Weapon 2 is awesome,
mainlyonly because the young Patsy Kensit got naked in it.DC police and the state department say they are looking into it, but not hopeful that they’ll be able to do anything. Apparently Erdogan’s goons were involved in something similar a year ago too. It might be time to stop inviting him over.
Growing up in DC area you would regularly see news reports of people trying to charge or sue embassy personnel for crimes. Those people were always fucked.
Too bad DC makes it just about impossible to legally carry. One of the protestors would be entirely justified to pop one of those goons.
Absolutely. Diplomatic immunity will be pretty worthless when that happens.
In Falls Church you always wait to cross the street if you see a blue plate coming – none of those folks know how to drive.
I would love to see the Kurds back there tomorrow with a bunch of American softball teams and tire iron enthusiast societies having meetings all around them. See if those thugs try that shit again.
Look how fucking useless those fat fucking cops are. Limp wristed flailing with a billy club at someone who’s kicking a protester’s head while he’s on the ground. Like now they are timid and unable to operate their TASERS?
Noticed that most of em are armed. In the first part of the video one of the motor cops gets a couple whacks with his asp on a plainclothes Turk’s back before the cop notices he is armed an backs off.
Yeah, cuz they’re fucking donut eating cowards. I don’t give a fuck about their diplomatic immunity, they forfeited that when they attacked unarmed protesters on American soil.
I quite frankly would have been fine with the cops using lethal force on those fucking thugs. That would send a fucking message.
Not that I necessarily disagree with sending a message but, putting myself in the cops shoes, given what I saw from the video that’s not really a fight I’d like to start. Outnumbered, and probably outgunned, is not a recipe for keeping my blood on the inside.
Although, I’d love to see how the pols would react to a shootout between DC police and the Turkish Army.
Yeah like I said, cowards.
LIke, this is what a decrepit nation looks like. Those are foreign thugs beating up protesters in the the nation’s capital, while the police basically give them a little tug and slap.
Tase them. Spray them. Crack some skulls. Like, the fucking goon squad can’t even goon the people I want them to goon. What the fuck do I pay taxes for again?
You do make a good point. The worst of it was it looked like they were arresting the protesters who got assaulted after things had cooled off.
My disgust and alienation cannot stop increasing.
spending their retirement money
The old man is well, old enough that he is required take a percentage of his funds out of his IRA. This money just ends up being socked away in another account. Of course taxes, fees, etc are taken out.
At 70-something my parents are finally coming to terms that they best start spending their “Scrooge McDuck vault of money” while they can.
You’re damn right he has to take out an RMD from his IRA!
He promised that money to the government by earning it!
My dad retires end of June. So far they have a six week trip to Europe planned, and are hard at work finalizing the itinerary for their trip around the world. I’m rooting for them to die at $0. But unless one of them develops a brain tumor that affects their pre-frontal cortex, it will never happen.
Why $0? Isn’t this time for them to start taking out loans and die a million or more in the hole? Modern politics has taught me that he who dies in the most debt wins.
Or as a friend of mine used to say, “whoever dies with the most toys wins.”
sort of. He who dies the day before his colossal collection of toys is repossessed wins. It doesn’t count if you actually earned those toys.
Mostly I don’t want the hassle of telling bill collectors to fuck off.
As far as I am concerned, the goal is to die with a net worth of precisely $0.
Moonves remains my favorite entertainment executive as he continues to tell the grievance mongers to fuck off over complaints CBS is too white/male. It baffles me that there aren’t more of them doing this.
Nobody responded to it in the Jewsday thread, but:
Which one of you is this?
(My money would have been on OMWC.)
OMWC would come up with a much better name than “Mr. Ding-A-Ling”.
Rabbi Schwartz, of course.
Rabbi Schwantz?
It’s not Chuck Berry?
I posted this late in the AM links. RC Dean and Saur Kraut gave me some great ideas, but I’ll take more if anyone has them. Thanks!
OT: Question for those of you familiar with Madison, Wisconsin. My daughter is going to graduate school at UW next year and I’d like to get her a gift unique to the Madison area or UW. Something like a gift card to a local restaurant that college kids hang out at. Or some popular boutique store of some kind. Or something else that I haven’t thought of yet. Any ideas?
A blue light lamp to help ward off Seasonal Affect Disorder?
An actual sun lamp is damn close to being a necessity here.
Yeah. Well see…we live in NE North Dakota, so she is actually moving to a southern locale…
A bus ticket to Chicago?
A plane ticket home?
Mosquito spray?
I’m changing my answer. UW panties. That wouldn’t be weird at all, right?
Only weird because I don’t remember the girls from Madison ever actually wearing them.
But I’m sure that’s changed over the years, Mike!
You are all a bunch of assholes. Very funny, but assholes nonetheless.
Seriously, just give her the sage advice: ‘don’t come back a communist or I’ll disown you’. The People’s Republic of Madison is the last Soviet outpost from the Cold War
Yeah, this worries me. But she has a good head on her shoulders. *crosses fingers*
**Clears throat** points to Leon County, FL.
Is she going to be there before the end of summer? Tickets for the ferry to the west side of michigan, and some spending cash. Breweries in Grand Rapids, Wine/Breweries in Traverse City and Bellaire. There are a shit ton of lake towns with stuff to do. And you don’t have to deal with Chicago. The west side of Michigan is prettier than 99% of the country.
That’s a great idea. I’ll check into that. Thanks PC!
Mike, you really just noticed that we’re all a bunch of assholes? Come on.
Hey, don’t make fun of Mike for being slow!
Assholes. I’m surrounded by assholes.
That’s why I love it here.
A “four time Big Ten West Champs” shirt.
With a giant 0-59 on the back.
She’ll never have to buy a drink in Columbus again.
Give sloopyinca a buckeye.
A six-pack of Leinenkugel.
A book on how to play euchre.
Euchre is a Midwestern tradition. That and being fat
Fat and Drunk. If you’re going to generalize, at least be accurate.
*cracks another beer and reaches for the cheese curds*
That beer better be domestic.
*self reflects*
True dat!
The invention of Euchre:
First Drunk German Dude: “… and ve’ll make it sho te jack ish the highesht cart in te game!”
Other Drunk German Dude: “… jacks are higher zhen Kinks?”
FDGD: “Nein, just te one jack! It will totally screw mit zhere hetts!”
ODGD: “Das ist eedeeotic.”
FDGD: “Okey, two jacks zhen.”
ODGD: “Das ist brilliant!”
FDGD: “Now, let me tell you about pinochle…”
I have experienced a German Skat deck. I have seen the shady origins of these eccentricities.
An admission to Arizona State?
My snapchat?
Any ideas?
Some like apparel, but I think you have to step it up for grad school.
Holy frickin ass crackers!
Damn! I wonder what the pet deposit would be for that?
I’m a big fan of Tex Tubb’s Taco Palace, and they appear to be part of a local restaurant group that does gift cards for any place that’s part of the group:
It’s not super close to campus, but it’s close enough to get to without too much trouble. They make a wonderful margarita to go with the burrito the size of your head when you do get there.
Downside is hipsters, but that downside is everywhere in Madison and you just have to come to terms with it.
That looks great. I like the one gift card for all those different restaurants. I’ll have too get her one. Thanks!
She’ll prob will be driving through Chicago frequently. So maybe a onePass (highway payment gizmo) to make that less painful. It’s not the cost, it’s the hassle.
Despite my name and avatar, no. She will actually be heading west to come home. But I appreciate the suggestion!
A ticket to great taste of the midwest?
That looks VERY fun. She won’t be down there in time for this year’s but I will certainly keep it in mind for the future. Thanks!
You have to apply for the ticket lottery in early May, i think. I went six years in a row.
My trips to Madison now are nearly exclusively to Kohl Center or Camp Randall, but both are close to/on campus. Most of the places from when I went to school are long gone, but I can recommend Mickie’s Dairy Bar (just south of the football stadium.) That’s such an old style diner though that it wouldn’t surprise me if they don’t have gift cards. The other place that’s still open from my day is The Church Key (couple blocks from the Kohl Center.) I didn’t care for it much when I was in school there but the 50+ year old me enjoys it now. Seems more like a sports bar I guess than a campus bar.
One thing I wish I had bought when I graduated was a lifetime membership to the student union. Both unions there are nice, but Memorial Union is in an especially great setting on the lake. Though come to think of it, I’ve never been carded all the times I’ve been back since then, so that’s $50 saved.
Mickie’s looks just like the kind of place I was thinking of. I’m with you, I’m guessing they don’t have gift cards. But I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for all the insider info!
Hoarders aren’t spending their retirement money like economists want them to.
In the olden days, we used to call this “saving for a rainy day”, “planning for the future”, or even “being smart”.
You didn’t save that.
Here’s some enlightened European racism. Let’s just ignore gang rapes so we don’t hurt Muslim feelings.
The Comey-Trump quotes obviously aren’t obstruction. So the story will die now amirite?
How will they keep this energy going for 4 whole years
The New Yorker told us today that Trump’s presidency is “starting to unravel”. So I am sure it won’t be long now.
They don’t need to. They honestly think the longest they’ll have to wait is until right after the midterms. Because they are pretty sure their team is gonna win control of both houses and they’ll impeach Trump even if they don’t have an actionable offense to charge him with.
So, we should prepare for more schadenfreude after the midterms? Because there is no way they are going to retake the Senate with the map that they have to contend with. Even the House is going to be a tough haul
Calling everyone sexist racists will get them elected THIS time!
Yeah. And putting up a bunch of hardcore leftist progressives and saying “we need to fuck rich people more and open our borders to as many illegals as want to come here from third world shitholes” is gonna win that white working class vote back to the point that Texas will be in play again.
Lol. Retards.
“And putting up a bunch of hardcore leftist progressives and saying “we need to fuck rich people more”
Don’t forget the new favorite of ‘we need to shut down white people’. Excellent strategy they have their. It’s working so well, they’re going to double down on it.
Also, the clear and open indicator they’ve shown that they’re willing to attack and beat people up for standing against them (or at least permit radicals to do that while they hold the hands up and say ‘sorry, nothing we can do about it’).
The new claim is that Trump firing Comey is the obstruction.
LOL. Seriously, if that’s what they have…
I even thought that Comey coming back and saying he was re-opening the investigation into Clinton’s Emailgate scandal was really odd. The only thing I could come up with is that it was like a hostage with a gun pointed at their head in a desperate plea to clue the outside world that they need help. Combine that with the Lynch and Bill Clinton tarmac meeting and it’s almost impossible to believe that there’s not something scandalous going on.
In contrast to that, this TDS is not believable in anyway whatsoever. Comey wrote himself a memo and now the NYT claims by some anonymous source that Trump ordered Comey to drop an investigation and he recorded a memo about it that would probably get himself indicted? Ok, whatever.
Here’s a conspiracy theory for you: Maybe Comey leaked this memo because he wants his other memos to be subpoenaed as well.
You mean the ones that will take Clinton down? Yeah, that is a conspiracy theory for sure. Trump just fired the guy. Are you saying maybe Trump is going to give him half of Manhattan after he disbands Congress and becomes dictator for life?
No, he just gets to give a big middle finger to all the people who fucked with him over the last four years.
I’m not a Trumpalo. I certainly entirely believe that Trump is a shady bastard. I just don’t get the unbelievable level of teeth-gnashing over this, not when recent history has shown us:
-The sitting Attorney General secretly meeting with the ex-President husband of a presidential candidate, from the same party as the AG, under investigation by the FBI.
-The head of the FBI inventing a nonexistent need for intent to prosecute violations of security classifications.
-The head of the IRS keeping his job (to this day despite clearly abusing his authority to go after political organizations he didn’t approve of
-His underling, who actually carried out the illegal auditing, escaping prosecution
I’m not convinced that Trump is a shady bastard. I believe that Trump is a guy who took advantage of the system we have in place and is no worse than your average politician or crony, it’s just the norm right now. And having lived the privileged life, I just think he’s never had to think about these things in a way that someone actually affected by it, would. Not that it should be that way. Now Hillary, there’s an entirely different level of shady. I don’t love Trump either, but he’s sure lovable compared to the alternative. I think that Trump believes he’s doing the right thing even in cases where he is extremely misguided. Hillary OTOH, is pure fucking evil.
I think there’s a possibility that Trump make a vague Trump-esque comment to Comey about how he thinks Flynn is a great guy and doesn’t deserve to have his name dragged through the mud or something like that, and nothing became of it. And that’s it. That somehow is an example of rampant corruption despite the entire election cycle being dominated by the other candidate dodging evidenced accusations several magnitudes greater than that, and the past eight years where abuses of power far greater and illegal are handwaved, as Chipwooder covers. If anything comes from this (which I don’t think is going to happen, I think this is lame red meat for the leftist partisans being shoveled by their masters and the hack media) it’s basically openly admitting exposing the United States government as completely corrupt and unaccountable, while at the same time entirely validating the idea that your vote is worthless. That is not a good road to go down.
But those things all just happened, not due to any plan or design, but merely the random variations of an infinite universe that we’re just now beginning to barely understand. Mere happenstance and random variations that only appear to be meaningful due to the human need to seek out patterns in the random stimulus we are constantly inundated with.
There is some world out there where Rand Paul is president.
That’s why I spend all my spare time on inventing a multidimensional portal gun.
And Rand Paul continues, in this reality, to be the most sensible GOP senator. It did surprise me today when I read an article that Rand was surprised that Sessions is going down the SoCon road with the drug war and mandatory minimums. I mean, where has Rand been the last few months? Has he heard any of the stuff that the garden gnome has been spouting out of his dinosaur SoCon piehole? And what the fuck is wrong with Amash? I understand perfectly not being a Trump advocate, but jumping in bed with the Democrats and that senile old crank, McCain? Just STFU up already, Amash.
The congressional R’s are just all happy they don’t have to defend their lack of repealing
ObamaTrumpRyancare at the moment.I still don’t fault him for his Sessions vote. You’re not gonna get Donny Two Scoops to get down with weed. It’s just not happening. The AG was gonna be a fucking drug warrior POS from the jump.
If voting for a guy who was going to get confirmed anyway lets us get a tax reform bill or a regulatory reform bill with Rand Paul’s fingerprints on it, that’s a trade worth making. If Rand was the deciding vote on Sessions, that would be a totally different matter IMO.
Rand’s made comments that indicate that Session said certain things in private that led Rand to support him, that he’s now going back on.
I guess the difference here is that the president is giving the order instead of an underling? Anyway, I’m with you. I don’t get the “look shenanigans!” all of a sudden.
Amass is buying it apparently.
Police refute 911 hold time after Midtown robbery turns deadly.
We can’t afford to hire more dispatch operators. We need to spend another 100 mil on expanding our 2 mile 100 mil street car to 4 miles!
So nice of the birthplace of democracy to demonstrate its terminal state as well
“democracy” or “mob rule”?
So hard to distinguish, these days.
Well, the old timey political philosophers believed that the good forms (monarchy, aristocracy, democracy) were inherently unstable, and fated to degenerate into their bad counterparts (tyranny, oligarchy, mob rule)… so, both?
Not Hans Hoppe. He thinks monarchy was the shit
Constitutional monarchy IS the shit. The libertarian future is in that or Starship Troopers-style restricted voting.
Lord Vetinari democracy.
Ankh-Morpork had dallied with many forms of government and had ended up with that form of democracy known as One Man, One Vote.
The Patrician (Vetinari) was the Man; he had the Vote.”
I run my legal department explicitly on that basis.
>Starship Troopers-style restricted voting.
I like the Freehold of Grainne in Michael Z Williamson’s books.
Civic virtue demonstrated via military service, competence demonstrated via a substantial poll tax being the actual major source of funds for the treasury. Not really a democracy, or even a republic, because residents have no actual political power, but are not taxed, where citizens have political power purchased by their blood and treasure.
But what’s to keep the more successful citizens from acquiring safe, favorable positions within the military for their children? And once they fulfil their service time, having they’re parents purchase their citizenship? You’d still wind up with a entrenched class of quasi bureaucratic layabouts.
Unless that is covered in the story. But if you were not allowed to tranfer your wealth after death to your children or there is a specific rule forbidding an inheritance from being used for citizenship wouldn’t it tend to make somebody less productive once you reach a comfortable lifestyle? My understanding of economic theory is tenuous at best but that would seem to have some long-term negative effects for a society.
>And once they fulfil their service time, having they’re parents purchase their citizenship
It’s not a nominal amount, you have to save up a huge amount of money and then donate it all to the treasury. Like, we’re talking about earning a fortune in the millions of dollars and then signing all of it to the treasury. Theoretically you could earn that money back again, and buy your children citizenship, but why? There’s no taxation, no regulation. Political power doesn’t actually have any opportunities for graft, because there’s no government contracts, no vote buying schemes, no using the regulations to punish a competitor.
‘…but why? There’s no taxation, no regulation. Political power doesn’t actually have any opportunities for graft,…’
If you’ve commited to military service and donated millions for the purchase of a citizenship then you must be getting something out of the deal aside from the extra responsibility. If not, what incentive is there, aside from basic survival of hostile armies, to participate at all? Surely there has to be something else and if so, it’s probable that you would want that something to be as attainable for your offspring as possible.
That’s how the system in the book selects for good government: the only people with governmental power are people who have:
1. Volunteered to serve in the military.
2. Demonstrated competence in the market.
3. Willingly given up a large quantity of wealth in order to serve.
Well, that kind of answers the question, doesn’t it?
The vast majority of government employees, and especially the bureaucrats and politicians, do what they do because it’s a cushy job that’s completely free of any expectations of actually producing or accomplishing anything. In the book, there’s no coercive taxation or central banking, so there’s no source of plunder.
I don’t know, man. It seems for a society for like to work you would have to not only be perpetually at war, but you’d also have to have a steady prosperity that exceeds the necessary needs of the military. A risky proposition at best. In order for that to be accomplished the society would probably become imperialistic by nature.
And if there finally was lasting peace supposing that people would continue to donate to the state at the level to maintain a defense in case of unexpected war out of some sense of civic duty assumes a level of selflessness in human nature that I’ve yet to see.
I suspect that a demonstrated willingness to deliver terminal strategic damage to the tune of billions of dead reduces the need for an expensive military.
Dunno – once you start getting interplanetary, I think a First Empire of Man a la Pournelle/Niven works better.
Old timey as in Roman – thus the Republic, which combines the best features of the three good forms in order to create a stable system. (That was their theory, anyhow – I’m a monarchist, myself.)
Hey, did you know that the US does not list Syria’s Al Qaeda affiliate as a ‘terrorist group’? Why, you ask? The same reason why the US is more interested in fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda’s enemies in Syria (Russia, Iran, and Hamas) and allying with Al Qaeda and ISIS’ funders in Saudi Arabia. Did someone say Sibel Edmonds?
The Intercept reports on how the FBI posed as journalists to spy on the Bundy family. Ironically, I just saw part of the FRONTLINE documentary yesterday that discussed the Bundy family and their ongoing conflict with the federal government. The Intercept is full of socialist slavers, but god damn they hate the government just as much as any good libertarian.
Model or……..
…..college girl?
Usually college girl wins. Today college girl got destroyed so badly she might actually play ball for the Spurs.
I disagree. I go college girl. When given the option, you always go college girl. That’s a life lesson right there
Ok… You heard him Mike Schmidt… I know what I’m gonna give your daughter now.
You asshole
It’s a lesson you failed today.
College girl ain’t even close to winning.
I will not stand here and have you people besmirch that young supple girl.
Yeah, give someone else a turn!
See? I toldja so…
You were right. But, McKayla Maroney is still hot
The missing season of Married With Children?
Look, Teabaggers and those types are way more dangerous than Al Qaeda. And those guys are like sooo last week. ISIS is so in now. Get with the times, bro!
That Bundy-story is interesting. Recommended.
of course none of this shit will get reported by anyone else, because everyone’s too busy pumping bullshit claims about Comey, et al.
Model, or college girl?
Well, the obvious answer is both (either separately, or together).
Florida Man tries to turn snake into princess.
Rattlesnakes are big on consent.
Market Goes Down. Trump To Blame.
So interesting to watch both parties come together to bring Trump down. I’m struggling with whether I care, or not. I feel like Trump is the only thing keeping the Republicans from passing stupid shit. However I’d rather have the Republicans in power than the Democrats and Trump could be the Republicans downfall in the next mid term.
The establishment do not want Trump continuing to poop on their crony parade.
The left howls at the moon and shits pants for 6 consecutive months, non-stop to obstruct Trump from doing more of what is working for the economy. And it’s Trumps fault? I really do hate these motherfuckers with a burning passion hotter than a universe full of super massive blue stars, for making me defend Trump every fucking day.
Uh is the first day since the election the market has gone down?
I know looking at my mutual funds from the end of Q4 2016 to the end of Q1 2017 I was very very happy.
The funny thing is, my client’s orgs, who are mostly super liberal orgs, are going to give the biggest raises to their full time employees in almost a decade. Why could that be? Certainly they cannot have more confidence in a Trump presidency than they did in 8 years of the mostest coolest first black president ever? You cannot even make this shit up.
I saw that some kind of unemployment metric, not sure which one, hit a low it had not hit since the Reagan boom.
Just having a President who is not actively hostile to the creation of wealth is doing wonders. If they actually pass tax reform and/or regulatory reform, let alone an actual spending cut, he might very well roll into 2020 with explosive growth and a ~3% unemployment rate. I don’t care how hard the fucking Left screeches, he ain’t losing votes if he brings back Reagan level economic growth.
“Progressives” are still human beings, and they still follow that inborn profit motive for the most part. It’s funny: I’ve heard them go on tirades about how terrible capitalism is, and an hour later, I bring up the subject of stocks, and they’ll go off on an excited tangent about their investment strategy and how much money they’re going to make. This is why black markets thrive in communist countries; just about everyone is a capitalist at heart and enjoys free exchange of goods.
We’re certainly traders by nature, just watch kids interact and you can see that.
Another interesting aspect of this human nature and capitalism thing. I work with a lot of researchers. Well, sort of, they account for a lot of my clients. Just a few days ago one of them seriously suggested that one thing Trump could do was get the regulatory off their fucking backs concerning a certain new regulation. A ‘completely unnecessary waste of their time’ was what they called it. Do I know for a fact that these people are liberals? I mean, did I ask them or did they tell me? No, but I’m still 99% sure of it. They hate federal regulation as much as you do when it affects ‘them’.
I’ve seen it before.
I seem to be the only non-“progressive” in my family; the rest are pretty devoted progs. At a recent gathering, one of them was talking about selling a homemade blend of dried peppers. He was remarking on how complicated and expensive it was just to bring food from your garden to the store shelves. Other times, he complains that it’s hard to find local, homegrown food and bemoans that it’s all from “factory farms”.
I don’t like discussing politics with them mainly because they quickly turn to ad hominems (e.g. if I ever say something about gun rights, the only response I will ever get is “I think you’ve been reading that NRA magazine too much”). I try to subtly call their attention to these issues without “bringing up politics”, although I did have an involuntary outburst last week when I heard someone mention the Trump ice cream story as though it were anything other than oral diarrhea from the Clinton News Network™.
Well, that’s the way it is when you’re dealing with selective reality and feelz.
I’ve had card-carrying socialists tell me that taxes are the most evil thing in the world.
SILENCE!! The Gods of the Market Have Spoken, and They Have Expressed Disfavor For The One Called Trump. This is Totally Not a Normal, Profit-Taking Correction After Abnormally-High Period of Growth
Well, whaddaya know. It’s snowing. Gotta love that global warming.
Actually, the old timers will all say, “This is what Montana springtime used to be like.”
*The very same people who will tell you about the winter of 19XX (prior to your arrival, of course), when it was sixty below from Halloween ’til the Fourth of July, and the snow was so deep they went in and out of their houses through the chimney.
92 and humid here, this afternoon. But this has been a fucked up spring. A lot of cool and very rainy weather. I was afraid my tomatoes were going to drown. I just now have a few green tomatoes coming on after it’s been warm and sunny for a couple of days.
92 with a nice breeze here. Going to grill up some burgers and hot dogs in a little bit.
This was interesting, given that I didn’t know that Comey was a lackey of Chuck Schumer. Bonus appearance by Glib fave Preet Bharaha!
Comey was just aghast at the Bush administration’s abuse of civil rights. I mean, by god, just look at how much he did to safeguard them as head of the FBI! Good thing Obama cleaned up all that secret surveillance stuff, too, or I’m sure Comey never would have taken the job.
Best. Tat. Ever!
I see what you mean!
Minnesota man.
I’m a little uncomfortable with the PDA there.
Figures a dude in a stag film would have a stache like that
The Deer
Just wanna say New Holland The Poet is sooooooo freakin’ delish.
Why the fuck do people “check in” to places other than restaurants?
I get restaurants and yes I’ll click through to check out their menu and look at the food porn. So keep doing that, but I don’t need to know you’ve gone to Pep Boys, your tax guy, the DMV or anything else.
Now nobody knows me or gives a fuck where I’m at at any given time so I’m never going to bother checking in anywhere but if you have a following do you really want people knowing your habits? I wouldn’t. I might check in at a restaurant but only as I was leaving. As for the rest of my wanderings, no.
Maybe I’m getting too old for all you kids on my lawn these days, but I have no idea what you mean by checking in, at a restaurant or anywhere else. Please explain.
There’s this thing called the internet that has really lowered the cost of transmitting information. That cost is so low that it is but a trivial expense to send out your current location to anyone who wants to know it.
When you go to a place and send out the relevant information this is called “checking in.”
And….and people actually do this?
Yes. In fact there is an app called Four Square that is for exactly this. But you can do it though Facebook as well and maybe other places, too.
I’m a little flabbergasted. I can’t imagine why anyone would do this outside of a serious case of narcissism.
Umm, Foursquare hasn’t had checking in as a primary function (or a function at all that I know of) in a few years. Checking in serves different purposes on different apps. On Yelp and (previously) Foursquare it helped generate a pattern of of use that could be used to generate better ratings and recommendations for other users. For users it was mostly a way to signal to others that they weren’t at home masturbating while watching TV.
it was mostly a way to signal to others that they weren’t at home masturbating while watching TV
If only I had known.
Scruffy Nerfherder is Mayor of at home masturbating while watching TV.
My theme song is kind of like a cross between two XTC songs, Mayor of SImpleton and Pink Thing.
I could see checking at a place like a bar just to let friends know in case they want to hang out and have a few drinks.
But that’s more of a group text thing. You’re not blasting that out to all your FB friends or twitter peeps.
The people I know who do it check in at like, special events, to share the fact that they’re at the special event with their friends. They do not check in at the DMV.
If you go the gym but you didn’t tell everyone on FB, then did you accomplish anything really?
Seattle Times Reporter writes glowing obituary about woman whose life was spent in devotion and sacrifice to others.
Turns out woman was a life-long indentured servant.
It focused on how Ms. Pulido raised a family of high achievers, even though she had been illiterate most of her life. I was more drawn to the sacrifices she made for others.
I’d never met Ms. Pulido, but the person Tizon described to me was a familiar one: a woman who devotes her life to caring for others. We rarely write about those women, and I saw the obituary as an opportunity to acknowledge and honor those sacrifices.
Tizon and I talked for at least 90 minutes as I collected details for the story. He told me how Ms. Pulido was “asked” to care for a young girl whose mother had died. How a relative requested that she “always look after the girl.” How she followed that girl into adulthood and took care of her children, and the children’s children. She shopped, she ran off troublesome boyfriends, and, having had no romance of her own, was obsessed with the royal wedding of Princess Diana.
Comey testified two weeks ago no one told him to stop investigation
And why wait 3 months later after firing?
Pretty sure the law says you have to reveal right away if obstruction
Comey and his circle decided to keep it all secret. For purely altruistic reasons, of course.
I love how no one wonders if it was appropriate for Comey to be sharing the details of his professional conversations with his boss, the President, with the members of his “circle” in question.
So my awesome jukebox run was interrupted by some crappy rap. Since I only see white people in here, I’m assuming the person who played it was the worst kind of cultural appropriater. I think that rap musicians and producers should demand that no rap should ever be played in front of or sold to white people. It’s a travesty to black people everywhere.
please point us to the offending crap-rap, please? i’m just curious
So Rod Rosenstein has appointed Robert Mueller as special prosecutor to investigate Trump-Russia links.
Commence everybody on both sides shitting themselves until he reports that he’s found nothing, and then the left continues shitting themselves.
Oh he’s gonna find something worth prosecuting. They always do. That’s why the powers that be let the statute run out the last time.
its gonna be a witch hunt. Which means maybe Hillary will be involved.
It’ll probably be more of the same. More innuendo. More contrived interpretations of things that don’t matter. Whatever they do find, will be most entertaining.
Retarded fake libertarian moron at the fake libertarian site that shall not be named outs himself as a George Soros loving progressive registered democrat voter, and then later on gets mad when he gets called out on it.
Criminy, what a complete idiot.
You talking about Ed? He’s a little on the left-libertarian side of the spectrum but he’s anything but a progressive.
Ed is one of the better people I’ve come to know from a libertarian perspective. He’s 100% in the individual rights corner and while he and I might disagree on immigration, I still respect his libertarianism.
He’s a registered democrat who votes for progressive democrats. In Philly no less, which has already got more democratic party voters than it needs to begin with.
Did you read the piece? The entire thing is a paean to George Soros, progressivism, and this progressive lefty democrat Soros bought the election for.
You read a different article than I did. It sounds like the article you linked to is about a former PD who is aimed for CJ reform who got elected as DA. So what if Soros gave the guy money? That’s no different that people decrying otherwise good causes because the Kochs donated to it.
Was going to say, Soros as boogeyman is the right’s version of the Koches as boogeyman.
From what I’ve read, the guy’s about as good as a DA as you can hope for, Democrat or no Democrat.
He quoted people. Those aren’t his words. And yes, he registered Dem. I registered R in the past to vote in primaries for Ron Paul. People do what they’ve got to do within the voting system they happen to live under.
Seriously, I know Ed better than most here. He’s left-libertarian. But that certainly has the stress on libertarian.
There are no “comey memo allegations”, because all that has been reported is some secondhand interpretation of what his notes mean. Until comey himself testifies as to what his notes were intended to suggest, they’re 100% NYT-spin
absolutely no one has provided any testimony or documentation establishing that obstruction of justice ever took place.
I think for now “Comey memo allegations” means “what NYT and WaPo have reported”. If all those exist and prove to be true, it’s grounds for impeachment per Amash. We just haven’t made one movement towards showing it even exists, let alone its truth.
Someone cut a slit in the bubble wrap on November 9th and all that the mouth can do is scream and scream and scream some more.
Did he say on what grounds? Because I’m not seeing any.
That son of a bitch, Trump, left the toilet seat up! Impeach!!!
Trump will be impeached and soon our inter-galactic nightmare will be over! What’s that you say? President Pence? Back to the old drawing board…
John McCainMitt RomneyDonald Trump was a reasonable, responsible man – not like this monsterMitt RomneyDonald TrumpMike Pence!”He’s despicable. How dare an upright, Christian family man have a cringy attitude about “Muh Buttsexxxx”?
As much as I can’t stand cops, I do love me a good live police pursuit. There’s one out of LA right now. Little Del Sol. Pulled into a parking garage.
Aaaand now it’s over. I like ’em to last a good 20-30 minutes.*
*I don’t need to say, I hope, but I’ll say anyway – I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I just like watching Keystone Kops and Keystone Robbers go at it. Like that one guy who stopped for gas. And the cops were, like 10 minutes behind.
Where the Hell is that?
/Socal native
Where’s what? Los Angeles?
I think she’s talking about the Honda Del Sol, not the location in LA…although I’d love to know what the location in LA was.
In LA there’s a pursuit every day that ends in -y. My favorite was the dude that went all over town and then was caught when he was dumb enough to go to his mom’s house, where they were waiting for him. The “oh shit” was probably visible from outer space when he turned the corner. Hi-larious.
I haven’t seen that one! I subscribe to a bunch of YT channels that post these (as well as local LA stations that cover them live on YT) and I watch them during chill out time.
I also liked the two dudes in the Mustang convertible that posed on the car at the end of the chase.
Link, please!
Found it, I think.
That’s the one! There are a bunch of versions of the same chase with helicopter commentary as well.
Almost 3 hours!
i remember that. Didn’t the perps just drive home and get arrested on their front doorstep? to cheers from their neighbors and friends?
i actually felt a little proud for them.
Yeah, they stopped in their own neighborhood, the cops were FAR behind, posed on the car, took congrats from the neighbors and waited around to get arrested. And it was raining, which gave the chase itself that extra something special.
Does anyone understand NeverTrump cons? Do they do anything besides whine about Trump while claiming to be true conservatives yet don’t appear to accomplish much of anything related to what they claim
I get it from a philosophical point… he’s not much further to the right than Hillary Clinton, so, to them, he’s yet another in the line of Dole/McCain/Romney. He may not be establishment, but he doesn’t “speak conservatism as a natural language.” I think they’re foolish if they buy into all this BS media furor, but most of them have pivoted away from NeverTrump to FakeNews.
Well the thing is sure he is not further right of Hillary clinton but when did conservatism actually go anywhere? It isn’t like it goes that direction.
I am thinking like Brett Stevens, Ross Douthat, Bill Kristol, George Will etc
Oh, I assume that’s the establishment lashing out because they didn’t get JEB!
Beltway journos are so dishonest!
Chris says that trump tried to end Russian investigation
the media are their own sources now. Whatever gets circulated between WaPo, NYT and CNN every 24-hours becomes fact as long as they all agree it sounds nice.