Well the Spurs sure got their asses kicked. Like K-I-C-K-E-D. The only downside to that I can see is that these beatings will precipitate Popovich’s Hillary Lovefest media soundbites played incessantly on ESPN. Because I can assure you they’re coming as soon as the Spurs are out of the playoffs (which will be in two more games). Also, go Nashville! The Predators took the series lead against the Anaheim Mighty Ducks…that team named after a freaking Disney movie. Also, the Firstros pounded the crap out of Miami and just keep chugging along with an 8 game lead. Keep it up, boys, and I’ll come see a game soon. Oh yeah, and the conspiracy theorists are already out in force after the Celtics and Lakers went 1-2 in the NBA draft lottery. Good luck dealing with LaVar Ball, Lakers front office. That dude is cancer.
That’s pretty much it for sports unless you want to talk soccer. But I think waiting until Monday for that would be appropriate. So that’s what I’m gonna do on my end.
And with that…the links!
Another day, another major news outlet publishing a third-hand anonymous account of something President Trump supposedly did as fact. And they’re cheering in the pressrooms that this will be the end of the man they all rooted against winning. Also, here is (finally) a SOURCED (Cabinet level!) story about the President openly offering to give the Russians intel. From 2016. And the outlet and their commenters cheered like trained seals, hypocrites that they are.

American Airlines: Racists?
I’m starting to think the airlines are all playing a big game of one-upmanship. How else to explain the latest retarded shit from American Airlines?
City hires full-time code inspector. Results are predictable.

Oh, that’s much better!
Newspaper sues to open hearing in IRS Tea Party targeting case. I just hope an open hearing doesn’t result in the public finding out what happened. Because they might result in threats against the people that conspired to wholesale violate guaranteed constitutional rights, or something.
Damn, looks like Denver schools have some serious money.
Want to know where to start a career? Protip: don’t do it in Augusta, Georgia.
Sometimes this is the only way to get your point across.
Have a great day!
I’ve never seen Anaheim, is it any good?
i’ve seen the movie, but I’ve never seen the ducks play are they any good?
It’s not the left wing lock, but they have a system.
In the world of bad sports team names, Mighty Ducks is still better than the Wizards.
Can they multiclass?
They’re not even Mighty Ducks, just Ducks. They lost the “Mighty” part when Disney sold them a dozen years ago.
Damn unconscious plagarism.
While focused on the characters, I came up with heraldric emblems for the various houses in “Prince of the North Tower”. The narrator’s heraldric beast is a bird with a white breast and black wings large enough to be commonly depicted as carrying an ox in its claws. Unthinkingly I named this creature the “Ravenwing Roc”. Now it dawned on me that “Ravenwing” is a formation of the least interesting Space Marines in 40k. Since I have more than 40k words in the book so far, and the motif is repeated, I don’t want to change the appearance of this emblem, but I do have to come up with a new name for it.
I liked the alliteration and the ability to simply refer to the coat of arms by a shorthand of the beast’s name. I don’t like the sound of the Sable-wing Roc, but that is so far the only idea that’s rattled through my head. (It’s clunkier and less alliterative).
If anyone has any (usable) suggestions that they are willing to let me print without hassles, I’d love to hear them.
Oxblood Oxheart. Great name. Not the best fighter but a great name.
The only problem is I don’t think it works for a bird.
Dude, it’s fantasy! Everybody names their animals stupid ass shit (usually alliterative) that makes no sense.
Although Peter Bray might come after you in this instance.
Perhaps I should clarify – this is not an individual animal. It is a type of animal, the depiction of which is used for the heraldric emblem of the narrator’s family.
So it’s a species of big-ass bird with black wings?
Just call it a white-breasted ravenroc. Or a ravenroc.
I thought about Raven Roc, but I kept thinking of the place where President Eden was in Fallout 3.
I don’t know what any of this shit is you’re talking about.
So its a big magpie?
Twilight Roc. As in between light and dark.
Coloration-wise, fairly close.
Hrmm… *thinks about name suggested*
You could say Magpie Roc as something not fearsome sounding but dunno if it works with the text.
while “Magpie Roc” would be okay for the narrator, it just doesn’t seem like something the forebearers of the guy would have had. He’s descended from a guy known as ‘Jochen the Warlord’ or ‘Jochen the Decapitator’ who was known for being a bit of a dangerous dude.
Well there was a darkwing duck, you can have a darkwing roc and say it was a reference
I’m changing the name to avoid one highly litigious corporation – I would rather not turn around and run right into another highly litigious corporation.
Heckle Roc
No, Jeckle Roc
How about Fraggle Rock?
I was expecting this suggestion to come as ‘Fraggle Roc’.
I was torn whether to stick with the theme of go for accuracy.
Woody Bloodpecker?
/Doubles as a venereal disease
Something from the Latin? Corvus or Corvidae?
Old Norse: Hrafn? Old German: Hraban?
Was the Ravenwings primarch Corax?
The Ravenwing is one of the Dark Angels companies – their bikers.
I might look into the norse or germanic derivations, as they’d fit in with the setting (Vaguely HRE-inspired, but the Byzantine equivalent are the Dwarfs, and there’s no Arabia to cause them trouble)
Thunderchicken. You’re welcome.
Roc a bye bullie
White breast black wings…
Raven Simone
Rex Raptor
Greater Roc Oreo
Oreo Oriole
Ghetto big bird
Spot the Roc
You are having too much fun, aren’t you?
Yes. <3
Winged Death
morte alata devastanteque
Instead of Roc, how about a <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turul"Turul? It is a large mythical bird of prey, similar to the Roc, but from Hungarian mythology instead middle eastern. Our a Simurgh, a bird from Iranian myth. (Link limit, you’ll have to look that one up yourself.)
No real suggestions on the alliterative adjective to pair with either word, but having a ‘T’ or an ‘S’ in addition to an ‘R’ should open up some options.
Have you considered the benefits of naming it the Darkwing Roc?
Not that I can recall, why?
Ravenwing is generic enough that I can’t see anyone being able to realistically copyright it or accuse you of plagerism unless your story has other similarities to WH40k
We’re talking about a company that threw a fit over a children’s book title “Spots the Space Marine” for using the term “Space Marine”.
Tie the creature to a particular geographic location? Redcliff Roc or something along those lines?
Or work with the idea that it’s a ravenous creature? Ravening Roc?
Or culturally appropriate and call it Twilight Thunderbird?
You’re looking for something conveying dark (black) and intimidating, and aiming to maintain ‘Roc’ – for good reason.
If you’re of the opinion that your milieu has a number of distinct species of roc, you could consider something that conveys the idea in more abstract terms, and just introduce the information that it has lustrous, obsidian wings *once* in an edit, and then you’re free to lighten up on the name. Incidentally, in heraldic lingo, the description is most likely to be something like “sable roc rampant on field argent, with pale gules”. Historically, the college of heralds defined creatures in terms of morphology, so you’d get “hawk”, “cow”, “dog” rather than “goshawk”, “jersey cow” and “rottweiler”.
So what you could do, later in your narrative, is to simply speak of “the terrifying prospect of the North Tower’s roc, advancing through the mist”, having already got the detailed description of the heraldic symbol as a literal description and/or the heraldic description, way back in chapter 2. The normies of the milieu wouldn’t need to be constantly reminded that that particular symbol meant they were in for a world of pain.
The Roc in question is the narrator’s family emblem, so he sees it all the darn time. That’s why the name is a big deal. The motif appears in architecture, on his sword, on his surcoat, on his signet, etc, etc.
Here’s how we’re first introduced to it:
I dunno, you might be beating ’em over the head a bit with the constant reference to “Ravenwing Roc”; after a while the reader will be conditioned to simply ‘roc’ which of course still doesn’t overcome the issue of you renaming the bird.
Often, in the mundane world, the qualifier of an animal variety is geographical, or named after a naturalist or an alleged characteristic, so maybe you don’t have to be so direct in alluding to the blackness and raven-ness of its wings. Indeed, it’s likely that the selection of that variety of roc will have been because of some historic event or legend that specifically associates the bird with one of the scions of the family in order for them to have adpted it. You could select something like a mountain peak where the rocs have roosted from time immemorial, and weave into that their dreaded size, fearsomeness and black wings. “Saurons magpies” are the primary reason that Skarnfell is now a lifeless valley of ruined settlements and empty pastures.
So, their name becomes something like “Skarnfell Rocs”, and does nothing to eliminate the image described in a paragraph you have probably already written, and frees you to add yet another named landform to your environment, which gives you free reign to use naming conventions that fit your milieu.
This is a first draft, and it is a clunky paragraph.
The other was emblazoned with
a Ravenwing RocFlappy McClutchyclaws. The scale of the black-winged, white-bellied bird was shown by the ox in its talons.Sorry. I couldn’t help myself.
Here’s The Real Reason ‘Wonder Woman’ Is A PR Disaster
She cannot be written without triggering something that is completely and utterly unacceptable to trigger.
She’s right. Some sub-faction of progressives is going to be pissed no matter what you do. You’re not going to win that crowd over no matter what. So, the only reasonable strategy is to cater full-on to the cishet male shitlord audience. Bouncing, jiggling, glistening T&A in every. fucking. scene. And lipstick lesbian subtexts galore. Trust me on this. We are the only ones who can save you. You can laugh all the way to the bank.
See Xena: Warrior Princess. Seven seasons worth.
This is what I’m saying.
And a certain crowd of feminists embraced that with ardor.
Andy Sidaris made a whole career out of this approach.
That man is a saint.
Woops. Some NSFW in those trailers. Didn’t think they’d show actual nudity in the trailers.
If YouTube can’t be my barometer of what’s work safe, then WHAT IS?
What the fuck is with the anti-sex feminists anyway? Like, feminism in the 60s and 70s was about women being free to act like men in the realm of sex: to chase and not just be chase, to have sex with who they pleased. They wanted to make slut or hussy a meaningless term, used only by hopeless God bothererers.
Is it because they’re all plain and/or heavy girls, and if they can’t get hot guys to have sex with them then clearly anyone who is having sex with hot guys is a traitor to the womyns?
“Was she a large girl? Big through the hips? Roomy?”
Thing is even plain and heavy girls can generally get hot guys to have sex with them. They might not be able to get them to marry but sex is pretty much always on the table for a woman who wants it.
The difference is that a lot of feminists are insufferable shitheads. Almost anyone can find someone to have sex with these days, but when you’re both fugly and a shithead, it makes it more difficult I’m sure. Also, why would any sensible person have sex with someone they know may say it’s rape a week later? Fuck that shit. If I’m a young guy on a university campus today, there’s no way I would even talk to or in any way acknowledge any of the female students. I’d just serf out the local cougars, period.
No one will have sex with them. That’s what it’s all about. I think it’s called envy.
Those bitches — as far as I can tell, at least half of them are man-hating lesbians. They don’t want men to have fun, or other women to have fun wtih men. They adopt the shaming technique because it works and identity politics is a cult so they get power, but I think a lot of it has a foundation of them believing men are disgusting and shouldn’t exist.
My closest female friend and I used to say, “We don’t hate men, we’re just embarrassed we like them so much.”
It’ll be like “Barb Wire II: Titty-jiggling Boogaloo”
You’re joking to some extent. But is that actually wrong, though? It never really struck me that the goldmine target demographic for action/adventure movies, or even comic book hero movies more specifically, was females 18-34. I notice Hollywood keeps trying to push movies for this demographic and they wind up, at best, “cult classics”.
I know directors want to be loved by progressives for their art. But, their product isn’t really art and they do have a responsibility as employees of a public company to make money for their shareholders.
What’s the one major thing missing from all action movies these days, guys?
Full penetration.
That is top notch alt-text on that American Airlines photo.
And to think, I used to fly them solely because “at least they aren’t as bad as United”. Bah.
Well thank you, sir. I was afraid my alt-text was getting overlooked. I guess it just hadn’t been that good lately.
Thanks for the Nick Lowe link Sloop. Good stuff. Here’s one more
I swear, Nick Lowe was born a 50 year old man and he never looked any older or younger.
I used to have hair like that. The 70s were a weird and glorious time.
I heard that Nick Lowe’s balls have balls.
Nick Lowe can slam revolving doors.
Cruel To Be Kind is so good I can almost forgive him for that song.
Nick Lowe was a bass player, and the producer of his own albums. No surprise but you can really here the bottom end in his recordings.
Related: Also check out Nick Lowe’s first group – Brinsley Schwarz, which were the first to play What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love And Understanding? before Elvis Costello covered it.
bonus: No grey hair on Nick
So Lakers keep their pick. Maybe Boston takes Ball and they get Fultz. Although Ball probably fits with the Lakers, especially if they wanna get George.
Boston should trade that pick. They don’t need a point guard. And the world doesn’t need another top draft pick dropping dead before training camp.
Trade it for whom would be the question … I wonder if they have a shot at hayward in free agency
Needs to be a guy with a few years left on a good contract. And a big man that can defend outside. Otherwise they’re always gonna be looking up at the Cavs.
Mozgov for fultz
Andre Drummond and the 12th pick from the Pistons. I do not follow basketball so I’m not sure if that’s laughable or not.
I find Drummond overrated myself. Although I think he is generally seen worse than a year ago
Jimmy Butler.
Has this finally done it? Will this really be the end of the secret Nazi president? The answer is no but tune in next time anyway for whatever exciting storyline our sccriptwriters manage to think up next.
BP is smiling – he is going to have material for 4 to 8 years, at this pace.
The credibility gap on the pay gap
Critics of executive and gender compensation massage the numbers to back their cause
Makes sense-the CEOs of the enormously successful companies make big bucks. The CEOs of companies that aren’t rolling in moolah, not so much.
You mean being CEO doesn’t but instantly make your company successful? Who would have thought?
“It really brings down the appearance and dignity of neighborhoods when there are a lot of vehicles parked in front yards on a continuing basis,” Sosa said. He said in the past the city has had problem with “junk cars” taking over Groves’ streets.
Wow, if there ever was a good time to break out a “fuck off, slaver” – this is it!
Fucking busybody scrunts, I swear.
Does putting it on gravel instead of grass really improve the appearance?
I’ll get that Camaro running one day, I promise.
+4 blocks
My HOA keeps sending me letters to remove a working vehicle from my own driveway. It isn’t registered but it is completely whole. Not on the street, in my own fucking driveway.
Fuck HOAs. I fire realtors on the spot for showing me HOA houses. Nothing screams “spank me daddy gubmint” quite like voluntarily signing up to pay for your neighbors to choose your paint color and fence height.
SJWednesday: Diversity So White Edition (aka we’re never going to be satisfied)
Misty CopelandSteve Nash, the firstBlack womanwhite guard in a while awardedprincipal dancer for the American Ballet Theaterstarting guard for the NBA all star game, was playingClara, the princess in the show,and I was excited to see aBlack ballerinawhite guy take the lead.Wait, the changes make it racist, don’t they?
Canadians are white?
It’s not the changes that make it racist, it’s the skin color of the guy typing it/
Also, she wasn’t awarded principal dancer. She earned the spot. Because groups like this thatbstrive for excellence don’t “award” people with the most visible position. They give it to the person that is the best and who earns it.
I wonder how Misty feels about people wondering whether she got her position because of affirmative action?
If Misty were alone with this person, I’d reckon she would tell her she couldn’t give a fuck what color the other dancers are as long as they’re the best.
And then she’d be excoriated on twitter for being a race traitor.
Okay, I’m glad others addressed this.
Oh, and Misty Copeland? So would.
If only someone had a dream of people being judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. I guess we’ll just have to keep waiting for that…
If MLK Jr. were doing his thing today, he’d be vilified with other race traitors like Morgan Freeman, Condi Rice, Thomas Sowell, etc. Same for Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass.
Wait, Morgan Freeman is an enemy of the state? When did this happen?
Enemy of the State
Freeman hates black history month and identity politics.
He’d be torn apart and ostracized for being a misogynist before he’d had a chance to accomplish anything.
Impurity is unacceptable.
You know when 2/3’s of your population is white, you shouldn’t be surprised when you see that distribution everywhere.
It’s astounding how many progs don’t get that. Like, a room of 100 people that “looks like America” has 70+ white people in it.
Like when you live in the coastal bubble, you think it’s even 25% all around and that 15% of the population is gay, and there’s at least one or two transgender people in your social circle, but that’s not reality.
Wouldn’t surprise me one iota if they think ‘final solution’ to ‘balance things out’.
There’s a precise SJW formula for this quandary. If diversity=less white people and diversity = “our” strength then obviously… less white people= “our” strength. That’s the secret to a successful society, less white people, got it?
If they increased the amount of black dancers she’d complain that white society only sees blacks as entertainers
“Black Bodies are being exploited for White, privileged, hetero-normative entertainment.”
What’s the NBA got to do with this?
He said ‘hetro’.
He said NBA, it’s the WNBA that’s gay
and I was excited to see a Black ballerina take the lead.
Serious question, why would you be excited by the race of the lead ballerina? And, on a certain level, isn’t that incredibly insulting to Copeland? I mean, I would imagine she’d be incredibly proud of her achievement in getting the lead. To have that followed up with some fan raving about the color of your skin would seem like it would be an insult to that pride.
I really pissed off some chick on Tumblr who was extolling advances for women in comic books when I suggested that maybe comic books aren’t a great measure of success. Decades striving to achieve an ultimately impossible benchmark of parity, and comic book diversity is what they have to show for it? LOL! Oh, was she pissed.
Anyway, ballet diversity is only slightly less retarded a metric than comic book feminism.
It turns out that comic book feminism, like comic book “diversity” doesn’t sell.
Comic book feminism doesn’t sell, thankfully.
Or trash disposal diversity, or homeless diversity.
A couple years ago when rates of workplace death fell faster for men with women, which was ultimately traced back to higher rates of job loss among men following the 2008 recession, but was roundly heralded as further evidence of patriarchy exploiting women.
Sentence fragment.
faster for men than women
Like orgasms?
Years ago I bought a “made for women” porno. It sucked. And not in a good porno way.
I’ve seen those. They seem to be barely distinguishable from Skinemax soft-core. I figure, male or female, when you make the decision to sit down and watch a hard-core flick, you want to see some salami being pounded into a taco, some rippling abs and some big fake breasts, not a couple pretending to be in love and consummating some beautiful relationship.
Err not really interested in seeing fake breasts at any point and I’ll take real ones of any size but otherwise yep, spot on.
That said can we do something about the spitting and choking? Not sexy in the least
Were you expecting to see some dudes washing dishes and scrubbing the toilet? My wife says that would turn her on.
I think she is playing you, yo…
“maybe comic books aren’t a great measure of success”
Depends; how large are the protagonist’s tits?
Or the antagonist?
WHY CAN’t BLACKS AND WHITES TAKE THE SAME LEVEL OF INTEREST IN THE SAME SHIT!?!?!??! Because white people are racist that’s why.
It must be tiresome to not even be able to enjoy a ballet because you can’t stop injecting your SJW worldview into every facet of life.
Indeed. if that author can’t even watch a bear driving around in a little car, there’s something wrong with them.
please, I enjoy all the meats of our cultural stew
Whew, that saves a lot of cognitive effort. Do you work for an “organization”? You’re supporting racism.
It’s cute when they accidentally stumble upon the truth, but for the wrong reasons.
Conveniently excluded: political persuasion.
Because if you engage in wrongthink you’re not authentically black, so you don’t get diversity points for that.
In the list of diversity factors, as you noted, political persuasion is omitted, but I love the way it reappears in the criticism of Trump.
My Family’s Slave
She lived with us for 56 years. She raised me and my siblings without pay. I was 11, a typical American kid, before I realized who she was.
Read that yesterday. Just about broke my heart.
Another nail in Trump’s coffin. The Bloombergousie are bleating breathlessly about the latest revelation of Secret Nazi Random Crisis Generator’s disdain for Washington protocol. You’d think the guy shat in the Pope’s hat on live teevee.
The only thing I’ve heard about the Pope recently was that he finally had vague recollection that he was supposed to be some sort of Priest of Christ and not a Communist agitator.
That’ll pass.
If he’d shit in the pope’s hat I would nominate Trump for dictator-for-life. As a random jackoff on the internet, my nominations carry some weight.
Save The Derp!
Y’all heard them. They’re disturbed as fuck. It’s totes important that you part with your sweaty capitalist dollah bills and save their institution.
Dear EF – If your drivel has no audience, your drivel is not that important to save.
But think of the reduction in global derp production. Who will pick up the slack?
There is plenty of excess capacity.
Excess capacity would imply there is no more demand for the derp, go pretty much anywhere else in the mainstream and you will see that’s not the case.
If there were demand, EF would be able to find consumers.
Clearly there is excess capacity.
We need to dump some derp in the ocean.
Can’t we shoot the excess derp into space?
To be fair shooting it into space will create more jobs and thus it is superior method. Also we do not pollute our precious oceans.
Problem is if we shoot the Derp into space, and it comes across an alien civilization odds are they will decide to destroy humanity to prevent this from ever spreading.
Derp harvests should be treated like raisin harvests. A certain percentage of it should be seized and destroyed to raise the value of the remaining derp. Why produce that percentage of derp in the first place if you’re just going to destroy it, you ask? Well because derp.
Time to think about it
Arghh. Never mind.
I highly doubt the person writing that is a Southron. How dare she appropriate my culture! I am outraged!
I assume they’re not actually attempting to leverage the filthy free market to save them, this is an appeal to sign a petition to demand government funding, right?
I mean, access to independent feminist media is a *right*, not a “privilege”. You *deserve* it.
I have committed no crime that deserves that cruel and unusual punishment.
whether you want it or not!
Like all government “services”.
You see, this is why we shouldn’t leave things up to the market. EF is, like, extremely important. They’re saving society, but they can’t do this in this evil capitalist for-profit world we live in! You people are too stupid to realize that you need EF, so we should give them government funding. #SaveEF
“Not at a time when unapologetic white supremacists are in power.”
“No, it is not tax-deductible since we’re a social justice committed organization, but not a nonprofit.”
“They’re disturbed as fuck”
This is so *troubling* and *problematic*.
I will throw a few dollars their way. Their content is too entertaining just to let die. I’m convinced that it’s a bunch of trolls running the sight. Nobody could be that stupid. (I hope)
Nobody could be that stupid.
Some people will actually send them money.
Flappy Mac Clutchyclaws.
You’re welcome.
Yep. Best one.
Teachers learn to use math as Trojan horse for social justice
If 2 gender-queer Islamists have fifty progressive stack points apiece, how many non-binary individuals of color does it take to balance them out?
One, upon seeing them they’ll blow themselves up, thus leaving zero on both sides.
::golf clap::
I was told there would be no math.
If you spend the most dollars per student per year and you end up with the 30th best (whatever it is) education system in the world, how much additional money should we allocate to the system?
To be fair international rankings are kinda bullshit. And as far as I know asian americans do pretty well in the american system.
They do pretty well in every conceivable system as compared to their peers. The rankings are indeed bullshit, but this is not evidenced by the fact that NE Asians tend to be better analytical thinkers.
None – they would have been beheaded by their religion’s leaders.
They aren’t so good at English either:
“Quality social justice and mathematics exploration in the K-12 classroom should be apolitical and non-agenda-driven.”
But across the board, independent media is in trouble, y’all – and now that trouble has hit us at Everyday Feminism.
Sounds like somebody got wind of the ACLU’s massive donation windfall, and wants a piece of the action.
Baldwin didn’t have any frequent flyer status — she had an AA credit card. The rest of the article is just as wrong. This passenger is crying “racism” because that often helps when one complains — even (especially) if the complaint is unjustified.
More details about the incident, if anybody actually cares what happened. http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/american-airlines-aadvantage/1841698-2-passengers-get-op-ups-flight-cancelled-black-pax-moved-y-white-pax-stays-f.html
It’s to the point when someone says “I was wronged because white people are racist”, I don’t care. I couldn’t not care any harder. I hear these accusations on an almost daily basis. Whatever reserve of sympathy I had at one time has been used up long ago. I’ll just assume she’s a race baiting liar until proven otherwise. And once proven otherwise, I’ll shake my head in exceedingly mild disgust before resuming my natural state of giving no shits and moving on with my day.
Yeah, I saw this on FT several days ago.
Btw, flight attendants have said the same thing to me or my wife at times when on a less than full flight. I didn’t realize I was being microaggressed and could get payola for that sort of thing.
(Op-up= operational upgrade. For whatever reason, usually your booked cabin is full, the airline is moving you to a higher cabin outside of the normal upgrade process (miles, paid, status). She flew in the cabin she booked. Boo hoo. Sometimes you fly in the a lower cabin than you book. It happens.)
Didn’t read the article but the tweet amused me
These women aren’t being forced at gunpoint to have these kids late in life are they? Now that would be a bit of a problem.
I read the article. Summary: now that affluent women are in greater supply relative to successful males in their age and income bracket , the men are acting like they have *options* and not committing! Thereby forcing women to consider men who might be *below their station*. Fucking childish men!
They deserve to spend a decade post college in the workforce (and in the dating market), and then right when they’re ready to get married and have kids in their mid 30s, they deserve a guy with the three sixes to swoop in and carry their body which shows a decade of corporate work and Tinder dates into wedded bliss.
The money quote:
And apparently, this is a problem for the women.
Well women won’t date lower than their perceived status apparently.
It’s almost as if Hypergamy is a thing.
But I thought they were getting paid less? It’s all so confusing!
Well imagine how much more they would make if they were payed fairly
You sure it would be More?
Because men are just scared and intimidated by smart successful women!
Women in my social demographic are making 1 dollar for every 92 cents that I make. This is an outrage! Let’s all strap dicks on our heads and MARCH ON WASHINGTON! We’ll call it the million dick march.
“Let’s all strap dicks on our heads”
Like I need an excuse?
Already done.
Move out of fucking NYC to a place with more normal demographics populated by men who are more likely to be marriage-minded. Oh no wait, that’d mean you’d have to venture west of I-95 into Deplorable Nazi Jesus-land. Lordy, lordy, the mere thought just gave me the vapors! Where is my Chardonnay and fainting couch?
Last week MASH was on an HBO channel I had in a hotel. Damn I forgot what a funny movie that was – and incredibly, unbelievably, un-PC. And not just the whole Spearchucker Jones thing. It was pretty funny how every man in the movie just dismissed everything Hot Lips said, the moment she said it.
I great many movies could not have been made today because of the “culture” in hollywood.
Blazzing Saddles being way up on the list.
Best movie quote evah;
Where the white womenz at?
Have there been any really good comedy movies released in the past ten years or so or has the genre been strangled by everything being off limits?
I wouldn’t know. I stopped watching.
It’s not a movie, but I enjoy the series “Little Britain” since they aren’t afraid of doing non-PC things. They mock gay men (The only gay in the village), have a minstrel bit where they wear blackface, dress as women in fat suits; often as different races, and go out of their way to make the viewers uncomfortable. One of the actors – Matt Lucas – is openly gay so they can “get away with it”.
Also: voice over by Tom Baker
An example
Team America was the last movie that made me laugh hard. Looked it up – 2004.
The Guard was pretty damned funny. Love Brendan Gleeson.
I’ll put Hot Fuzz (2007) into the good comedy list as well. How many movies have you cheer when a grandma gets dropkicked in the face?
I still think the 80’s were a golden era when it came to comedies though.
I like most of Bridesmaids. The lunch/bridesmaids dress shopping scene comes to mind.
My all-time favorite comedy (Bad Santa) was made in 2003.
Yup, somewhere around 2005 is when the PC world went insane for some reason..
The true comedy nowadays can only be found on TV, usually cartoons (see: Park, South; Rick and Morty, etc.).
I wonder when schools and businesses will figure out that caving in to the snowflakes is a terrible business model?
Mizzou likely to cut hundreds of positions amid expected 7 percent enrollment drop
I read in a different article that Mizzou’s enrollment is down 35% since the 2015 protests. Consequences.
I think that was the drop off in applications, not enrollments.
Finally found the article. Of course, a certain percentage of this is due to good old fashioned drop-outs. Still, it’s a pretty big number.
The race-fueled protests at the University of Missouri took a huge bite out of enrollment, with the student population dropping 35 percent since the fall 2015.
took a huge bite out of enrollment
Scruff McGruff’s brother stayed in academia.
“I need some students over here…anyone?”
Are they also cutting the social justice bullshit?
If it’s Nick Lowe you want, here’s a touching ballad of love and devotion.
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
“I’ve been contemplating suicide, But it really doesn’t suit my style”
The song
You also don’t want to link correctly, apparently.
Naw, he just gave up.
Bla autocorrect always screws it up.
Man rompers are an abomination. But I won’t have people sullying the solid reputation of the union suit.
Meet the Anti-Trump Supporters of ‘the Resistance’
12 Things a Guy Thinks When You Sit on His Face
Is this supposed to be humor? Do women who read cosmopolitan find this funny? I am genuinely curious.
I guess? It’s sort of “woman funny”, i.e., not actually funny. Except it was written by a guy? Who, I gather, never actually had a woman sit on his face.
It needed to be dirtier, funnier, or, preferably, both.
Does “woman funny” mean “I should laugh at this joke or else the person telling the joke will feel bad”?
Anyway, Cosmopolitan isn’t about humor but about pushing the Sexual Revolution.
off a cliff?
There’s No Economic Justice Without Abortion Rights
Some men in the Democratic Party seem to think a strong defense of reproductive rights is optional.
“Safe, legal abortion and modern, reliable contraception made it easier for women to pursue education and work; it let us delay childbearing and to choose our marital mates more carefully, and enabled us to leave bad relationships more easily or avoid them entirely; it let us compete with men. Which is a big part of why it’s such a divisive and animating issue, both for the women who are thriving because of the freedom contraception and abortion offer, and for the traditionalists who think life was better when gender roles were clearer and women knew their place (and it wasn’t in the corner office or on the factory floor).”
Indeed, abortion and contraception are the *only ways* women can “delay childbearing” and “choose our marital mates more carefully.”
You can’t possibly expect them to Abstain, could you? That would be monstrous
No, they can do more anal
“they can do more anal”
The Catholic way! (apologies to Eddie)
Hey, look, it’s ENB’s pal Jill Filipovic!
Who’s preventing people from reproducing? Have the progressives started sterilizing undesirables again?
Sex is so icky!
Only if done right
Needs a theme song.
Supposedly, this was written by a grown woman:
Money quote:
God, do progs just suck the fun out of sex. And not in a good way.
WTF? An adult woman can’t just tell the guy she fucking that she doesn’t like that particular activity? Why can’t these YouGoGrrls ever do anything without turning it into some kind of activist statement?
Funnier would have been: “I am being waterboarded”
“I’m starting to think the airlines are all playing a big game of one-upmanship. How else to explain the latest retarded shit from American Airlines?”
They’ve been watching those old Saturday Night Live sketches where David Spade worked for Total Bastard Airlines…and thought those were training videos.
Had to make a promotional video today that will be shown on TV. Just introduce myself and what I do for the company. I’ve been doing voice acting for about 10 years, but the camera freaks me the fuck out. I get squirrelly and unintentionally ad lib in inappropriate jokes. This’ll be the third time I’ve been interviewed by a Japanese station and won’t be the last. How the hell do you make yourself feel comfortable in front of the camera?
Imagine the camera in its underwear.
But with a mosaic over it’s junk
Don’t mock the mutation that causes pixellation down there, it’s not nice.
Don’t even try. If you’re comfortable you will really say some inappropriate shit.
So basically, I’m fucked. Even the tv crew was laughing at my interview.
They’re racist. They’d laugh at you no matter what.
Seriously, though, I always do better with a little fear and apprehension. Fewer f-bombs too.
That’s easy…have a jug of whiskey handy and take a swig whenever you feel some kind of hesitation about whether a joke of yours is appropriate. Your concerns about appropriateness will dissolve, and you’ll be much more relaxed.
Glad to help.
This is the sort of quality support you can only get here.
something something tentacles
Damnit, I’ll beat you next time.
Just work in a few lines about tentacle sex-they’ll love you.
On a more serious note, the camera is just the person you’re talking to. Don’t treat it as some exotic thing, treat it like you’re talking to a person standing right there.
Good advice for the non lunatics out there. Live presentations don’t bother me, but that big glass eyeball staring at me turns on the freak in me.
Just make the mood light. Make a joke or two at the outset. Hell, put in a set of fake buck teeth and coke-bottle glasses and bow to the camera. Then take them off and give a “but seriously” and get down to business.
That should take the edge off for everyone in the room.
Have someone sit next to the camera (or in front of it, below the lens) and talk to them.
Sharon Stone?
Are you sure that would help you be more articulate on camera??
Show more skin. Nobody will be paying attention to what you say.
“voice acting for about 10 years”
Which tentacle porn might I have heard you in?
Dammit LH.
Once you’re completely freaked out, go find the crew for “Why the *$@^&!# did I come to Japan?” for another interview.
NPR did a blatantly transparent hit piece on charter schools this morning. They focused on one Florida mother with an autistic child who couldn’t find a nearby charter school for her kid. Because, you see, if anyone anywhere can’t find a nearby charter school which meets their ver special needs then the whole system is broken.
Apparently the series continues all week. Updates if I don’t smash my radio.
Wait, so if there aren’t good charter schools available for everyone, there shouldn’t be any for anyone?
Isn’t that the theory with regards to healthcare?
Yet the people who talk this way end up adopting systems where the nomenklatura get superior goods and services.
Don’t you get they are MOAR equal?
Did you bring enough gum for the entire class?
Only if they pay for it.
You were that kid?
I wish.
I lacked the seed capital and the inclination to interact with other students to the extent required to sell them stuff.
I had a reliable supplier in Jr. High. I made a non trivial amount of money selling chewing tobacco to rednecks.
Which parent did you steal it from?
overlooking how said mother must have felt about her other non charter option, because that doesn’t fit the narrative.
You know who else was a code inspector?
Alan Turing?
The “e” comes be the “d” on my t shirt.
Dade Murphy?
Samuel F.B. Morse?
Prejudiced against my link and Zero Cool, eh…
The Sixers now own the Lakers’ 2018 first round pick, unprotected. This makes me happy.
Well when they make the playoffs next year that pick won’t be worth so much.
The Lakers are not making the playoffs next year. They’re still going to be terrible. What are they going to add that would add 20 (or even 10) wins to their 2016-2017 record? Ball ain’t gonna do that. Who’s out there in free agency that’s going to do that? And they’re not getting Paul George unless they give up that #2 pick in the deal.
“City hires full-time code inspector. Results are predictable.”
This should put to the test the idea that “if you strictly enforce bad laws, there will be a popular revolt and the bad laws will be repealed!”
NPR did a blatantly transparent hit piece on charter schools this morning.
[insert expostulation of shock and surprise]
You do all realize TDS is going to win, right?
I realized that after one podunk judge in Hawaii was universally acclaimed to have both standing and jurisdiction to shut down a perfectly lawful executive order on immigration, based on something said on the campaign trail. Nevermind that the “what was said on the campaign trail” argument wasn’t considered an applicable argument in the case Obamacare penaltax fiasco. In 2017, “the law” is whatever hurts Trumps and helps La Resistance.
This is going to end in violence. There are quite a few pissed off Trumpets who will smash heads if Trump is truly impeached.
If the results of a free and fair election are overturned based on bullshit in order to preserve the cronyism, corruption, and graft of the political establishment, then I would not be shocked to see things end in violence.
It needs to if they get away with this calumny. Trump is a douche but the people now all up in arms about him are deadly to liberty and individual rights..
An anonymous source quoting unseen Comey notes to the New York Times has a credibility multiple of 1*10^-3.
Meanwhile, for consistency’s sake, I have a number of questions about how consistently Comey has behaved depending on who was in the White House at the time.
In the case of Hillary Clinton, Comey decided there wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute, but that wasn’t his determination to make as FBI Director. That determination rightly belonged to the Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Did Loretta Lynch ask Comey to end the investigation into Hillary Clinton? Did Barack Obama make any such requests of Loretta Lynch or Comey? Would either or both of those requests amount to obstruction of justice?
Why did Comey publicly usurp the Attorney General’s power to determine whether to prosecute without any complaints from the Attorney General? Is it not reasonable to assume that there was some communication between the two?
Did Comey take notes on his conversations with Loretta Lynch and Barack Obama about the Hillary Clinton investigation? If so, I think we need to see whatever notes Comey has about his conversations with them, too . . . you know, just for the sake of consistency. We can’t have the American people thinking that the FBI is in any way partisan.
Why did Comey spill the beans on the Hilary investigation in the first place? Apparently the FBI has a longstanding practice of not going public with the existence of an investigation when charges aren’t imminent, especially during an election. If I recall correctly, basically every former Attorney General of the last 15-20 years or so came out to expresses their shock at what Comey had done.
That was when Comey found a bunch of missing emails–after he’s announced that there wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute.
The reports at the time suggested that if Comey hadn’t gone public with the existence of those missing emails, then the FBI under him would have leaked them. They wanted people to know about their existence before the election, and they wanted Comey to have them searched before the election, too.
I would like to see Comey have to testify to congress. I would like to hear his answers to all those questions. That could be a big can of worms being opened.
It’s pretty likely bullshit, but I’m not yet ready to dismiss this Comey memo out of hand. Congress is subpoenaing it anyways, so it’ll be figured out.
It ain’t always the crime that gets ’em, it’s the cover-up.
If I were the House of Representatives and I thought Trump obstructed the enforcement of the law, here’s what I’d do.
To set a precedent that it’s impeachable to obstruct the law, I’d impeach the federal judges who obstruct the enforcement of prolife laws.
If the Senate convicts, I’ll have a precedent to impeach Trump.
If the Senate convicts, I’d realize that obstructing the law isn’t necessarily impeachable after all so it would be unfair to single Trump out.
If the Senate *acquits,* I’d realize…
Fun fact.
If the President did commit obstruction in their one-on-one meeting, Comey committed a federal offense by failing to report it immediately.
Failing to report it to whom?
Whoever was AG or Acting AG at the time.
But knowing Comey – the general public in a confusing letter which fails to properly grasp the law involved.
If they subpoena his notes on Trump conversations, I want to see his notes on any conversations he had with his boss, Loretta Lynch, and/or Barack Obama about the Clinton investigation, too.
It speaks to his credibility. If he took notes on what they said to him about the Clinton investigation right before he announced that there wouldn’t be any charges, then I’ll find his notes more credible than I would otherwise.
Short of that, a CYA memo in isolation pointing the finger at the guy who’s about to fire him doesn’t impress me much.
I’d like to just see the memo. If it’s so damning, then produce the fucking thing already. Don’t give me third-hand descriptions of what it says.
I wouldn’t want people to think the memo is credible just because it exists.
I opposed the Iraq War on strategic and humanitarian grounds. My opposition was not predicated on whether Saddam Hussein had WMD. Finding WMD would not have changed my opposition because my opposition was not predicated on whether Saddam Hussein had WMD.
Just because Comey wrote something in a CYA memo a) doesn’t mean it actually happened as Comey described and b) doesn’t mean it’s obstruction of justice. Thus, whether the memo exists and says what it’ alleged to say only answers the question of whether it exists.
Watch, however, the press will make it out like the existence of the memo itself is the only question that matters.
We don’y have to buy what the press is selling. We’re smarter than that. We’re Glibertarians, damn it!
The only reason I want Trump to stay in office is that he’s destroying the public’s faith in the institution of the Presidency. That makes me happy.
This is why I’m torn. But I don’t think his shenanigans are destroying faith in the institution. You know, because of the Top Men fallacy. Trump is just the “wrong” Top Man.
Remember when Richard Nixon’s behavior destroyed public faith in the institution of the Presidency, leading to smaller government?
I never saw on the American left media a surge in articles calling for lower federal power. Just how awful trumpy is, how stupid/racist/evil those who elected him are. In the future their side will definitely win power for ever
And investing more power in the office will only raise the stakes and make things more polarized.
Everyone predicted this as one of the few most-likely benefits of his reign. I am happy to see it as well.
For me, failure to acknowledge this dimension is one of the reasons i lost faith in The Other Site. It was so obvious that Trump was the ‘anarchy’ candidate, who would shatter this hideous cult of the executive and hopefully make people realize that all politicians are incompetent buffoons who mostly just pretend to be austere and royal while they babble their way through platitudes, avoiding saying anything too-specific so that history won’t be quite sure what the hell their intentions were.
He will make people realize that any dumb monkey can do it, and consequently start worrying more about electing dumb monkeys who will DO LESS, and so do less damage.
I don’t see it that way at all. It’s all focused on Trump as a person, not on the office of the presidency.
Unfortunately, this is probably correct. The TrumpStorm is really just an extension of the personality cult of the Presidency – its not about the office, its about the occupant. Rather than a pro-personality cult (see, e.g., Obama), we have an anti-personality cult.
Hell, this has actually been made as a winning legal argument against Trump’s immigration orders – it would be legal if done by anybody but Trump, but since Trump did it, its unconstitutional.
It’s about the left making sure everybody knows what will happen to anyone that dares challenge the establishment and the march to a totalitarian state they have put us on. Their mission is to destroy Trump (and anyone that is not one of them that ends up in that office), and if they can’t do so, to prevent him from destroying the progress they have made so far towards their totalitarian leftist utopia. Focusing on Trump and not realizing what is going on here can be devastating for all of us that value small government, freedom, and individualism.
Which is it, motherfucker?
Well, he did plaster every street with “No parking” signs…
I’m pretty sure a car must have a current registration and inspection to be parked on a street in texas. And it must be road worthy ifnits sitting in the same spot for more than 3 days.
The solution is for homeowners to tell the code guy to fuck himself and for them to threaten to burn city hall to the ground if they start fining people for what they do with their own private property off city streets.
+1 Killdozer
Hard hitting journalism, or pro-government propaganda?
Between 1957 and 1962, the sedative would leave thousands of infants in Canada, Great Britain and West Germany permanently and tragically disabled. The U.S., however, never had a crisis of thalidomide-linked birth defects on that magnitude. Why not?
What stood between the drug and the health of the American public was none other than Kelsey and the FDA. As a medical reviewer, Kelsey had the power to prevent a drug from going to market if she found the application to be lacking sufficient evidence for safety. After a thorough review, Kelsey rejected the application for thalidomide on the grounds that it lacked sufficient evidence of safety through rigorous clinical trials.
Today we take it for granted that the FDA wisely spurned an unsafe drug. But in many ways, Kelsey’s education and experience up to that point made her especially well-suited for her position as a medical reviewer—and, in particular, for the thalidomide application.
Once again we see, without government to save us, we’d all be dead. Or worse.
“Amid thousands of obstrucive moves, the FDA accidentally did one thing that had unexpected benefits”
I can see the argument for a law requiring FDA review of drugs aimed at pregnant women – not to protect the women but to make sure the kids don’t get injured.
But if the possible danger is that the new drug might not help Bob the cancer patient or make him cancer-ier, then the answer is to have him sign a disclaimer that “THE FDA DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE SAFETY OR EFFICACY OF THIS DRUG, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.” If he signs the disclaimer nonetheless, let him use the drug.
Of course one problem with this approach is that courts routinely wipe their ass disclaimers. The primary benefit a disclaimer provides is that it essentially tricks the signatory party into thinking that they can’t sue when something goes wrong, when in reality they probably still can sue.
Yet on the other hand, lots of progs bitch about how Europe & Cananananada have access to drugs that the FDA drags their feet on. There’s no room for consistency in prog thought.
I’ve not heard progs make this complaint specifically. They tend to direct their ire towards the companies that produce medicine to make a profit.
You haven’t heard “In _____ (insert non-U.S. country name) you can get ____ (insert drug that requires a prescription in the U.S.) over the counter! They’re so much more enlightened than we are!!”
Well yeah, I guess you’re right. But mostly that line of reasoning focuses on birth control.
Thalidomide’s subsequent history
But it was the government who allowed it in those countries.
A small bible carried in a chest pocket once stopped a bullet from killing a Civil War soldier, but that’s no reason to mandate the carrying of bibles. Broken clocks, twice a day . . .
If they really want to do something good for drug development, kill the capital gains tax. Oh, and keeping interest rates artificially low to make relatively less risky investments artificially more attractive doesn’t help either.
How old and outdated am I that I still think of David Robinson when I think of the Spurs?
(also, I can’t believe my shitty alma mater had a team that played against Robinson in the Patriot League.)
I remember a Navy-Kentucky game where UK went with the 5 defend 4 strategy. If Navy could get the ball to Robinson, he was undefended (effectively). He scored something like 48 pts out of 54 total for Navy and Kentucky won by about 20.
Now I should go look up details to see how far off my numbers are.
Robinson scored 45 on 17/22 shooting, 11/12 from free throw line.
UK won 80-69. So not quite as extreme as I said.
Rex Chapman had 22 to lead Kentucky.
+1 I had a poster of The Admiral on my bedroom wall in elementary school.
I guess that is a cooler nickname than Lieutenant, Junior Grade.
I still associate them with The Iceman – George Gervin.
That might make you feel better, or at least more current.
I was a bit taken back by the commenter calling Ginobilli old, thinking “no, he’s pretty young isn’t he?” And then I realized… uh yeah.
The only reason I want Trump to stay in office is that he’s destroying the public’s faith in the institution of the Presidency.
If only that were true.
I wonder what these people are thinking. By successfully impeaching Trump, they don’t get to put their own person in there. They get President Pence.
Is that better? Worse?
Just got an email from my cousin living in Spain.
Chalk another one up for ‘he won’t finish his term’.
It’s okay. I’m on it! I ripped him one.
It’s like swatting flies with no hope of winning!
All I know is that sales are up significantly over the last six months, for us and others in our industry. If this shit disrupts that I will be…miffed.
I get the impression that they’re not very good at strategic planning.
But Rosie O’Donnell says so! And so does Sally Kohn!
Sally Kohn also thinks there’s a mechanism in the Constitution for a do-over election.
…and Rosie thinks fire can’t melt steel.
If I could remember the name of the foundry, I’d repost the rebuttal video from the blacksmith.
This one?
Found It
Yes, JB, but I don’t think I origianlly saw it by way of the Federalist.
Should be worse, right? He is the reason that the Trump administration was labeled “anti-gay” before they ever took office, right?
Pence, Ryan, Hatch, Tillerson. Unless they have a crazy assassination plan, they won’t be happy with any of their other options
Pence, Ryan, Hatch, Tillerson
Its a Romney backed plot to get to the first Mormon president!
They probably think they can get those guys impeached too
The UW-Madison twitter account has seemingly been hacked. This is why you turn on two-factor identification, people!
“But it was two-factor – we had to give username and password.”
“That’s the same combination I have on my luggage!”
They get President Pence.
It’s like nobody ever told them, “Be careful what you wish for.”
They are incapable of thinking beyond right this second. Right now, “Trump is literally Hitler!” We get Pence. “ZOMG, at least Trump wasn’t literally Hitler like this homophobe!”
Oh, no! Just heard an ad (*flips off usual suspects*) on Pandora about how Greg Gianforte (R candidate for Zinke’s abandoned Congress seat) is going to sell us out to his shadowy “Washington contributors”. Last I heard, the Dems were shoveling out of state money at Rob Quist (N Pelosi in a cowboy hat). Gianforte is spending a significant amount of his own money.
I guess it’s definitionally not “dark money” if it goes to Democrat’s campaigns.
Dark Money? Racisitsiititititttt!
I’d like to just see the memo. If it’s so damning, then produce the fucking thing already. Don’t give me third-hand descriptions of what it says.
“The guy who parked my sister’s friend’s dentist’s car at this restaurant in Georgetown says his friend sells coke to some Congressional pages, and they told him the whole story. It’s gotta be true.”
In something that I’m sure is just a coincidence, the Yahoo Finance app just gave me a push notification about a story regarding what the stock market did during the Watergate hearings.
Remember when liberals wanted conservatives to get out of their bedrooms?
Wis. lawmaker wants to outlaw ‘stealthing’ – nonconsensual condom removal – as sexual assault
Isn’t the civil court system a much better place to deal with this sort of thing?
Yeah, they want conservatives out of their bedrooms. But they want progressives in, and in to their kitchen, their living room, their lawn, their wallet, their kid’s rooms, their car, their job, their every.fucking.thing.
I don’t know. If you have a verbal agreement to have sex under certain conditions and someone surreptitiously violates that, it should be grounds for a sexual assault charge.
It’s kinda the same as a woman lying and telling you she is on the pill and cannot get pregnant because of certain other reasons and then having sec without a condom only to find out that she lied and it’s gonna cost you $1000 a month for the next 18 years.
Well, it’s not the same because the courts will treat them completely different and will threaten to throw the man in jail if they don’t pony up the $1k a month and tell him he should have not trusted someone to tell the truth about sex.
Yeah I don’t see a law like this ever being applied equally against women.
There’s gotta be a better way!
(NSFW, obviously)
Call me prudish, but I never had unprotected sex with someone I didn’t trust to not fuck me over like that. Now I’m married and I don’t have to worry about shit like that anymore. Maybe it’s not a good idea to take a girl you dont know’s word for whether or not she can get pregnant. Maybe it’s a good idea to take responsibility for where your cumshot winds up.
I think the point isn’t that the guy isn’t an idiot for having unprotected sex with someone. It’s the double standard. If she had sex with a guy who insisted that he can’t get her pregnant and she gets pregnant, he’ll get charged with sexual assault or maybe even rape, not to mention child support bills for a couple decades. The other way around? She’ll get charged with nothing and he’ll be left with the child support bill. Women are so fucking oppressed aren’t they?
I agree with Lachowsky.
Always bust in the face.
“Another day, another major news outlet publishing a third-hand anonymous account of something President Trump supposedly did as fact.”
Oh muh gawds, Trump’s shoes are untied! Call the NYT, send out the hysteria squad! Impeachment! /derp
They’re really not going to get over this, are they? 4 more years of this stupidity. And then the plan for the next election, move further left, double down on identity politics, and double down on the hysteria. They’re really going to get worse, aren’t they? It doesn’t even seem possible. Maybe peak derp really does not exist.
Even more derptastic, TSTSNBN has jumped full onboard the hysteria train, treating the NYT wild claim’s of obstruction of justice as the gospel. What a bunch of dumb asses. Now I remember why I left there.
They have to stand by the first amendment rights of their fellow journalists, even if the claims are laughable. Or something like that.
Well, of course the media has a right to spin baseless propaganda 24/7. They’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember. We also have a right to ignore everything they say. Seriously, right now the NYT could write an article saying that Trump is a lizard person and an anonymous source saw him land in a flying saucer and get out along with bigfoot and Putin, and their readers would never question it for even a moment.
This may be the last cry of “wolf!” before the press really loses credibility.
Our departure from that other universe was actually part of a larger trend. We lost faith in our information overlords as a lot of Americans were doing the same.
I can dig up a Gallup poll that show Americans’ faith in the press to report the news fairly and accurately was at an all time low of 32% as of the fall of 2016–right before the election.
That Gallup report said that Americans’ faith in the media had dropped some 8% over the course of the election–which should more than account for Trump’s margin of victory in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. To my mind, that represents the same kind of disgust we had with Reason’s coverage of Trump–projected nationally. We weren’t Trump supporters either! All that was required for Trump to prevail was for good men to do nothing.
Trump didn’t win in spite of the negative press coverage; Trump won because of it.
If the media loses again this time, we might America’s faith in the press sink to levels previously thought impossible. They better hope there’s a memo and that it says what they say it says.
The leftist media will never lose their true bleevers. Because they don’t care about facts, all they want is 24/7 bullshit that makes them feel good because they are right and always have been, and they are smarter and hold the high moral ground over those dumb hillbillys in flyover.
The one bright spot of good news in this is that with Fox seemingly on the quest to rid themselves of old-school conservatives, maybe some of that audience will be more receptive to more moderate conservatism.
The left is good at activism. In less than a day after Trump announced his travel ban from 7 shitholes, lefty PACs and Soros funded agitators were picketing the major airports in this country, then the press reports this paid activism as though it were widespread and universal disdain, despite the fact that polls show Americans were overwhelmingly in favor of the travel ban. The American electorate has lost it’s ostensible sovereignty, usurped by federal judges.
The American electorate has lost it’s ostensible sovereignty, usurped by federal judges.
And by the administrative/regulatory state. We are witnessing the likely failure of our last chance to make the government actually accountable to elected officials. The administrative state is immune to accountability without civil service reform, which nobody is talking about, and the partisan activists in the judiciary are seeing that they can issue absurdly bad legal rulings that cripple legitimate actions of the elected President with apparent success.
If the Deep State (which now includes swathes of the judiciary) defeats Trump, then we will be living under a “soft” tyranny.
This is what journalism looks like.
JP Morgan C.E.O. Jamie Dimon is an affable corporate executive who, in 2010, earned the title of “America’s Least Hated Banker.” But he’s nobody’s patsy, nor is he afraid to tell people exactly what he thinks, usually by calling them jerks. “I think the guy who wrote that is a jerk,” Dimon said of criticism he received from a small bank lobbyist. “Stop being such a jerk,” he told then-Citigroup C.E.O. Vikram Pandit when Pandit provoked him during a conference call amidst the 2008 financial crisis. Which is why JP Morgan shareholders can’t quite wrap their heads around the fact that in spite of everything that Donald Trump has done over the past 100-plus days—tried to implement a travel ban on (mostly) Muslims; established a hotline to report crimes committed by immigrants; backed a healthcare bill that might send millions to an early grave; proposed a tax “plan” that would add trillions to the deficit; fired the F.B.I. director investigating his campaign’s ties to Russia and then casually leaked top secret Israeli intelligence to Russia—Jamie Dimon has not wavered in support of a man who is, arguably, America’s foremost jerk.
“I am outraged at your lack of outrage!”
Oh, leftist journalists care about the deficit again now? Sad Beard assured me that deficits and debt doesn’t matter at all.
They even talk about the Constitution now. The hypocrisy is enormous.
Maybe one day they’ll remember the Bill of Rights.
You mean, the Bill of Right? Because I think there’s only one left, really – freedom of the establishment press.
But not too much freedom, hate speech isn’t allowed, remember.
Interesting. All of a sudden they care about deficits.
Yeah, JP Morgan shareholders should be outraged at the man whose election spurred a 20%+ increase in their stock value. Makes perfect sense.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is no match for the Swedish government:
“Israeli Ambassador, politicians and journalists are registered as disseminators of online hatred by the Swedish State”
“Miss USA: On second thought, I believe health care should be a right”
The power of the left is based on fear. Understandably people just trying to live their lives and further their own self interests are afraid to cross the leftist lynch mobs.
Miss USA: “No, I meant what I said the first time.”
This woman should be a politician.
It’s a product, not a fucking privilege. Like a car or a computer. Some people drive Maserati, some drive Hyundai – it depends on their means and their goals.
Why is that so hard for these people to understand?
I just read yesterday’s Erfworld update (the link is to Book 1, Page 1, I am not spoilering Book 3, Page 261), and now I am bummed.
“Recent ransomware attacks raise the question: Is bitcoin only for cybercriminals?”
Obviously! Just like bank robberies prove cash is also only for criminals. Criminals sit around and count their cash and bitcoins, and whoever has the most wins. What else are they going to do with it, since only criminals have any interest in using it?
“4 kinds of pornography women actually masturbate to”
I just like to see good-looking professionals fuck each other in interesting (yet attainable) ways. Why these people gotta make shit so complicated?
How can you tell they’re professionals when they’re nekked? Less tatooes? Better groomed body hair? Asking for a friend.
If you can’t tell the difference between amateur and pro porn, I don’t know that I can help you, man.
I think Hyp went where I did. You only like to see bankers and doctors and lawyers fucking each other.
You only like to see bankers and doctors and lawyers fucking each other.
Sounds like bankruptcy court to me.
Pro pr0n sucks. The amateur stuff is far better.
I concur. For one thing, there seems to be a lot less spitting in the amateur stuff.
I’m keeping my amateur status so I can go to the Olympics.
“That insight might help explain some user trends unfolding on other platforms. Pornhub’s lesbian category is reported to be a leading favorite among female viewers.”
This does not surprise me in the least. Women are more obsessed with women than men are. Just walk around town with one for a while and pay attention to all of their comments on other women, both negative and positive. And then remember that you’re a guy and didn’t even notice half of the women they are talking about.
But when reading down that list, I started to also realize that the categories are probably the same as for most men.
“the categories are probably the same as for most men.”
Needs moar German scheisse.
The Germans are special. They have their own category.
Do you know who else thought the Germans were special?
The 2 million refugees now living in their country?
Martin Luther?
David Hasselhoff?
They literally do, on Youporn.
Suddenly, she spots the glasstop coffee table in the corner.
When you report a Senator “collapsed during a race”, I’m gonna need some clarification. A political race? A 5k race?
It was actually a transsexual prostitute named “Eurace”
Pics or it didn’t happen.
go on…
…a race to the bottom?
Everybody expects anal on the first date nowadays.
“Shabir Ahmed: the Rochdale sex gang ringleader who blamed white community for not looking after girls
Ahmed blamed the white community for allowing teenage girls to go around unsupervised, so that at a young age they were “trained” in both sex and drinking.”
Well, by not wearing a shapeless burlap sack with tiny eye slits they were clearly asking for it.
Yeah, it’s totally making sense as to why hardcore Islamists are a favorite ally of SJWs. I think we can all agree that SJWs should wear that thing you just described.
Did you see the mugshots of those riotesters? Most of them could use the paper bag treatment.
There’s a reason they wore masks…
Reminded me of those “Faces of Meth” PSAs.
I’m glad he said it. Maybe there’s one or two fewer European multicultists now. If we just let them Islam harder, they’ll make the case for us that they don’t belong in civilization.
Can parliment retroactively reinstate the death penalty?
(I know it’s an unpopular idea in these circles to give that kind of power to a government.)
“And the locks on your doors…so easily picked! So it’s really your fault.”
“And your necks are so soft and tender, as if inviting me to hack at them with a scimitar.”
“Private Pyle, if there’s one thing I hate, it’s an unlocked footlocker! You know that, don’t you? Hell, if wasn’t for assholes like you, there wouldn’t be any thievery, now would there?”
“Because I’m a disgusting fat-body, Sir!”
“Because you were hungry……Private Pyle has dishonored himself, and dishonored this platoon. I have tried to help Private Pyle, and I have failed. I have failed because YOU have failed to give Private Pyle the proper motivation! So, from now on, whenever Private Pyle fucks up, I will not punish him. I will punish all of YOU! And the way I see it, ladies, you owe me for one jelly doughnut! NOW GET ON YOUR FACES!”
*shoves the doughnut in Pyle’s mouth* “They’re paying for it, you eat it!”
There’s only one thief in the army. Everyone else is just trying to get their shit back.
How are those pieces of shit still living?
Arrested Development is returning for a fifth season on Netflix, which makes me wonder: why? They nailed it with the first three seasons. Four was a scattershot mess, and it’s not clear they’re returning to the original, superior format.
Should be: returning to Netflix for a fifth season.
Returning to Netflix for another season, its second with Netflix and fifth altogether.
Returning to Netflix for another season, its second with the streaming service and fifth altogether.
I thoroughly enjoyed the first three seasons, but could not stomach the fourth. Something just didn’t feel right about the fourth season I’m not sure exactly what the problem was, I just couldn’t enjoy it.
Probably not the only reason, but a big one.
I don’t think “quitting while we’re ahead” is something the entertainment industry comprehends. It would be like walking away from the cow while its udder is still full.
That what was great about original UK version of The Office. Two seasons, about 20 episodes, and done.
Eh, I liked season 4, especially the second half when the earlier setups started paying off. I may even re-watch it before watching season five when it comes out.
Netflix has also announced that they’re doing a Witcher show. Here’s hoping it isn’t terrible.
uh oh. This could be amazing. It won’t be though.
Dude should have left it and the note on the kitchen table.
Wow, that really challenges stereotypes about apologetic, beer-swilling Canadians, eh?
I was almost going to say it’s like AA’s policy of apologizing for the harm you do when drunk, but I’m not sure that AA would recommend that the apology be accompanied with a free beer.
Emphasis added.
Alexander Keith’s new beer slogan? It’s catchy!
And he’s so cute!
Would. While the cat watched.
Its a cute dog, but seriously?
Three mile lunch run at 80 degrees? Skip? Decisions, decisions…
Drink some water and get your ass out there.
Dammit. Well I’m off. If I’m not in the PM lynx, hopefully someone had the decency to kick me out of the road after I collapsed.
Can I have your skates?
There old Daoust 550s doulble stitched and molded for me, but yeah. I survived.
Aww. I just searched my skates and they’re listed as vintage items on Ebay. That hurts the soul…
My old Tacks finally bit it, so I got some new ones last year.
Holy shit are they nice! No break-in, super light and great protection. Retire the Daoust. You will be happy.
I know. They’re heavy, and I’m on the third set of tuuks. The things crack every time I happen to step in front of a shot. Need to save some pennies and go lightweight.
Do you think it’s going to cool off moving into summer?
We don’t get much hotter than this during the summer. And that’s when I usually switch to early a.m. runs.
Well, that depends on how fast you’re gonna go… 5K racing pace? Maybe wait until it cools off. Recovery pace? Then like Tundra said, get your ass out there.
Yeah. Low and slow for sure when it’s 80.
I find that when I run fast, the pain distracts me from the heat… you should try it.
Wanna see a retard gettin’ his retard on?
I wish driving was allowed on the beach near me so I could see this more often and in person.
We have ice fishermen here, so we get to see people drop 50K worth of truck into the lake with some regularity.
It never gets old
Mr. Obvious, somebody stole my cabin!
Back when I lived in Madison, someone tried to move his house across the lake. He made it half way.
It’s King Canute!
its got multiple dimensions of tard. i need special glasses to witness its full tardery.
The shovel really completed it.
It is one of the few opportunities to use the term “Sisyphean” and be 100% accurate.
The IAD – DBX A380 flight is about to take off and fly right outside my office window, but I have a meeting. Dammit.
My old office faced IAD, but the new one faces away from the airport. No more watching planes take off for me.
Erdogan’s bodyguards kicked several protesters bloody after running through/around the DC police. They must’ve really been afraid of diplomatic immunity.
no lie. the protesters looked mostly old men and youngish women. tuffgais those bodyguards.
I was disappointed in the police. I can give them being a little slow to respond, but when they did it was either to (relatively) politely pull the Turkish goons off the protestors, or to nightstick them gently on the back. I would have liked to see some cracked skulls, as a legitimate exercise of police authority to stop an assault.
Erdogan’s goons might’ve fought back. American police officers only beat on people who can’t retaliate.
one of them can be heard yelling at the embassy security staffer: “You know better than that”
Christ, it’s not like they show any restraint any other time.
From the comments:
We could learn a thing or two on how to treat scumbag Soros protesters from the Turks
Because it’s always going to be used on your enemies…..
Similar thoughts re: things everybody knows but I had to google.
Or if Chrome kept tabs on the words I have to spotcheck before hitting submit.
I remember
OT: Question for those of you familiar with Madison, Wisconsin. My daughter is going to graduate school at UW next year and I’d like to get her a gift unique to the Madison area or UW. Something like a gift card to a local restaurant that college kids hang out at. Or some popular boutique store of some kind. Or something else that I haven’t thought of yet. Any ideas?
When I think of Madison, I think of commies with beer guts.
So there’s a starting point.
Yeah, I’m not real tickled about it. I’m proud as hell, but I was really hoping she’d get into a different school.
A card saying “this is the second-proudest I’ve been in my life – the proudest was when your brother graduated from Stanford.”
“Your sister who graduated from MIT joins me in wishing you the best of luck, which you’ll need.”
“I’m so glad you didn’t become a lush like most of the other students at Madison.”
Sorry, I think I may have taken your idea and run too far with it.
PS – I actually hear Madison is pretty good, or was at one point.
LOL! You should be in the greeting card business, Eddie.
Yeah, my disappointment is not because of the school itself, but that sometimes it seems to be a SJW training camp.
“You should be in the greeting card business, Eddie.”
I wanted to write copy for a candy company, but some other guy got the job.
I grew up in Madison, but it was a while ago and I didn’t go to college there. I really only know the places for grown ups and teens.
Everyone knows the best burgers are at Dottie Dumpling’s Dowry.
There is a brewery on the East Side called Ale Asylum that is very popular. Its most famous beer is the Hopalicious.
There is an interesting Frank Lloyd Write convention center and they would have interesting Frank Lloyd Wright themed stuff. For the Howard Roark in all of us.
It’s all I can think of, I live on a different continent these days.
Monona Terrace apparently. I don’t think that she would care much about that, but the FLW geek in me can’t wait to go visit
Monona Terracemy daughter.Many thanks for the Dotty’s and Asylum tips. They are both exactly the kind of thing I’m looking for.
I too am such a geek.
Get out to Taliesin if you can, it’s not far away. FLW heaven.
Oh man. Somehow I forgot about Taliesin. Yes, definitely will hit that. Thanks again!
One of my fave beer joints when I was there was the Essen Haus.
That looks like heaven to me. Thanks for the heads-up, RC
If you go, order a boot.
Ein Bier bitte. In einem Stiefel
I’ve been to Falling Water. It’s amazing. Also went to the other FLW home near there, something about Kentucky.
Kentuck Knob
Fallingwater is on my bucket list. I’ve been to his studio and the Unity Temple in Oak Park. Very cool.
My recommendation is a framed professional picture of the area. The campus, or the city, something like that.
Check out campus gift stores or call around local stores or ask around for professional photographers in the area. Some may have something like that ready to sell and ship.
This is a common gift my company buys employees (the ones we like) when they leave. We spent ~$175 for a beautiful framed photograph of the business campus.
There’s an interesting article over at TSTSNBN and it’s not about TDS. Here’s a quote from the article:
Amazing. Looks like NY is asking for a huge amount of federal tax dollars, since they’re obviously going to go down this road. Can’t let Cali out prog them.
The healthcare dilemma cannot be solved by government, only made much worse. The problem is that the current medical system is a massively bloated antiquated and over regulated dinosaur. The only way out is to deregulate the hell out of it, de-cronyize the behemoth, and turn loose technology to solve the problem.
Health care is a human right and shouldn’t be left up to the greedy rich corporations. You don’t want people dying in the streets, do you?
“You don’t want people
dying in the streetswaiting 6 months to see a specialist and dying at home while waiting because the government has rationed healthcare, do you?”FIFY
Looks like NY is asking for a huge amount of federal tax dollars,
They should get laughed out of Congress, but there is no politician more spineless than a Republican when it comes to betraying their voters and giving sacks of cash to their enemies.
A case study in “everything wrong with Liberal Paternalism” = Its not about actually helping anyone; its about using ‘victims’ as a platform for self-congratulation
the world’s first refugee camp to be powered by renewable energy.
The $4.5 million (4 million euros) plant was funded by a foundation established by Ikea, the global home furnishings retailer. In the first phase, will serve 20,000 of 35,000 people in Azraq camp. The plant’s capacity is to be more than doubled to provide power to all residents, for an eventual cost of $9.7 million (8.75 million euros), the U.N. refugee agency said.
The investment in sustainable energy was yet another expression of the protracted nature of the Syrian refugee crisis.
God forbid those refugees not be living sustainable lifestyles. Meanwhile, US and EU countries continue to give weapons to the people causing all the dislocation.
Refugees: Help us, the conditions are horrible, there’s only 2 hours of electricity and running water each day, we’re starving, people are sick!
Spokesperson from foundation established by Ikea: But it’s all being powered by renewable energy! Don’t you feel great about that!? *beams with pride*
Refugees: *blank stare*
Well, it’s ikea. Chances are they’ll airlift in some of those little Swedish meatballs they have at the stores. They might even donate some rag rugs, made by people even more impoverished than the refugees.
They spent all the money on a minimally functional green energy fiasco, there’s no money left for meatballs and rag rugs. Sorry refugees, we have priorities.
Results are meaningless. It’s the intentions that matters to the Left.
They don’t want Donald Trump bombing the peasants in Syria. But they’re totally ok with Obama or Hillary bombing the peasants in Syria. Because good intentions.
It takes a lot for me not to do a major eye roll when I hear a liberal talk about Trump’s warmongering.
Not even Tom Petty could have anticipated this.
I was actually expecting that other Tom Petty video which also involved non-essential Western technology plopped in the middle of a post-apocalyptic desert
Wow, I knew the song, but hadn’t seen the video that went with it. Thank you.
Anyway, Tom Petty also did a song about Donald Trump’s refugee policy.
oh FFS
Just for shits and grins, I’d be curious to see how far $9.7 mil gets you if you were to, say, spend it on improving camp facilities and maybe, I don’t know, expanding capacity. Or maybe socked away to help with rebuilding once the war is over. I mean, I realize that, per our last Nobel Laureate in Chief, climate change is the most serious security threat facing the US today, but it just seems to me that worrying about the carbon footprint of civil war refugees is a pretty classic example of putting the cart before the horse.
I’d be curious how many “refugees” you could fly back to where they came from before they started down the Trail of Welfare Benefits.
How long before the ‘refugees’ burn the plant down?
I was wondering that myself, but decided to try and avoid being too pessimistic about the whole project.
What would it cost to drop a couple thousand leaflets into the camp, saying the plant was built by Israelis?