A connected and wealthy guy sends naked pix to a teenage girl (an actual teenage girl). Pleads guilty. Looks like no jail time.
A schlub with no particular connections or money sends naked pix to a teenage girl (actually, not even a teenage girl, a cop PRETENDING to be a teenage girl). Gets 20 years, which disappoints prosecutors, who want him to get a life sentence.
Life sentence requested, 20 years given. For dick pics. To a pretend teen. Versus no jail. To a real teen. Must be nice to be rich and in the Clinton orbit, eh?
That shit gets you prison, registration, and lifetime probation in Arizona. And it’s all undercover cops who are obviously 35 in their photos claiming to be 16.
“I knew who you are. I just have a cop fetish.”
Ewwww, gross! /teenage girl
I blame all the retirees.
Always a good scapegoat.
It’s my goto for Arpio’s tenure.
Reading the original Daily Mail article, I was struck by how vulnerable the moron was. This strange teenage girl initiates an escalating set of flirtatious messages via twitter, and you fall for that?!?
Jesus Christ! That’s like shaking hands with Dark Helmet after he invites you to “Put ‘er there”
Thoroughly odious man, and I’m so glad that he took down Clinton, especially given the irony that he was set up as Huma’s paramour by the Clintons. But sending him to jail for being stupid enough to think a teenage girl was into him seems so pointless and disproportionate.
I always assume that teenage girls are in lust with me. I mean, seriously, what hot 16 year old wouldn’t be creaming at the thought of a fat, bald, old Jew with no money?
A Jew with no money? Who’s going to believe that??
Some of those ultra-Orthodox Jews with 90 children who spend all their time studying Torah live in poverty.
*insert obligatory (((Curb Your Enthusiasm))) link*
OMWC’s obituary.
Another goddamn link from this site going into my employee file.
I thought you would have learned by now that you don’t follow youtube links from this site.
I am, like Anthony Weiner, a weak man.
And his name is ‘Weiner’. He’s destined to be a pedophile.
I’ve met many Weiners in my life. And I’ve never met a Weiner I didn’t like. Half of my family are Weiners. Why, I can’t think of a better way to spend the day, then surrounded by Weiners. Old Weiners. Big Weiners. And the little Weiners too! Basically if you’re a Weiner, I’m like, “Let’s party!”
I wish I were an Oscar Meyer weiner!
Is that a screen grab from him actually sexting?
Screen grab from the Weiner-Huma-Hillary-Bill 4-way sex tape
That doesn’t exist. Bill never slept with Hillary. Chelsea was the result of parthenogenesis.
*in the stick insect kind of way.
Ummm…why would this tape involve Bill fucking Hillary?
It was Huma and Hillary on one side of the pillow wall and Bill on the other with Weiner in a black wig.
Depending on the year it was produced I might be able to fap to this.
First SugarFree and now you, too?
Jesus KK, I’m trying to eat a little breakfast here.
So, maybe this makes me gross or a perv or whatever, but I don’t think sending photos of your dong to someone who has undergone puberty should be a crime of any sort. For that matter, I don’t know that I have a problem with the age of consent hitting somewhere around 14 and basing any laws about this kind of shit on that. It’s not that I’m psyssed for young girls or whatever, it’s just that I’ve been 15 before, and I could count the number of virgins I knew on one hand. Twice.
“I could count the number of virgins I knew on one hand. Twice.”
If you count it on your hand twice it’s a sin
He’s counting his white knuckles?
Either where I went to school was more reserved, or a lot less prone to gossip…
Or you went to a school with only a handful of students.
Maybe it was the crowd I ran with, but this was upper-middle class DC suburbs in the 90s. I hung out with the bad kids, but there were plenty of AP students and jocks/jockettes who had experience in the carnal arts prior to learning to drive. And yeah, pretty much everyone knew everyone else’s business. This was before social media or even cheap cell phones.
I could count the number of virgins I knew on one hand. Twice.
Sometimes three or four times a day.
I tell you, at 14 there was no possible fucking way I could have given informed consent to sex. Many girls are different and can give informed consent. But not everyone has the tools to handle Tools.
No bigger tool than Anthony Weiner.
14 is probably too young in most cases, although I knew at least a few 14 year olds that could easily pass as college age. 16 seems very reasonable though. I mean if you can hurtle a 3 ton block of steel at 80 mph around children and families I am pretty sure you can put on a condom.
Vhyrus advocates raising the driving age.
14 year old Lachowsky scored woth other 14 years olds in his junior high. I’m not sure if that was a crime or not. There were girls who would fuck at that age an I defiantly sought them out.
Looking back, those same girls who were putting out at 14 did not turn out real well. I turned out reasonably fine, but most of those girls now have substance abuse and or poor relationship problems.
I doubt stopping them from having sex would have fixed the underlying mental problems though.
Probably not. I would say a lot of the time when 14 year old girl is willing to put out, it’s because there is something else the matter. Bad family life, past abuse, poor cognative ability, etc.
As a double standard, I think that most 14 year old boys who are willing to have sex are just horny.
Double standards based on actual differences aren’t double standards.
With the caveat that I don’t know anyone who had a totally healthy, normal family life and who has always been a stable, functioning, happy individual, I would say that in my experience those of us who were damaged goods at that age were that way well before bumpin’ uglies. That was more a symptom than a cause, if you get my drift. With that said, I know chicks who were giving it up in their freshman year who are now happily (apparently) married with kids, and the only legit Intervention-grade alcoholic I know was a regular church-goer, straight edge and a virgin until he was in his 20s. So, you know, you can never really tell.
It was just right in my case.
“It was just right in my court case.”
You missed a word
That was part of the conditions for parole.
You’re talking about underage teens fucking underage teens. What about a 40-year-old soliciting sex from a 14-year-old?
Simple question: What if the 14 year old solicits sex from the 40 year old? Should the 14 y/o be brought up on sex crime charges?
That didn’t work out too well for Milo.
That’s kind of my point. Right now the laws are written assuming the minor is 100% innocent, like he/she was just skipping home from school sucking a lolly and some perv comes out of an alley with a 6 pack of beer and a dirty movie. That’s true even if the minor obtained a fake ID, lied about their age, and sought out the sexual encounter.
So, as a for instance, in SC the law is 16 to consent unless one of the people involved is 18, in which case the age drops to 14. So, if you think about that for a sec, that means you’ve got one year where you’re not committing a crime if you’re a senior and your girlfriend is a freshman, say. Once you’re 19, she’s 15, and now you’ve got to pause for a year, apparently. So what changed in that year? It seems to me more like trying to make being creepy illegal, and that’s a tough one to quantify fairly.
Generally the onus in the law is put on the adult. Kind of like if your kid wanted a $200 pair of jeans, and you, as the responsible adult, said “no”.
And if you don’t know the person you’re dealing with is not an adult?
Intent doesn’t matter. Unless your name is Hillary Clinton.
It’s gross, but I’m not sure it’s a crime. And if it is a crime, I’m not sure it’s one where a person should have to wear the Scarlet Letter for the rest of their lives.
I guess one issue for me is that there are people who are reasonably mature at 14 (or at least not notably less mature than they’ll be at 16 or 18) and people who aren’t, and some of the latter won’t be much better off at 18 or 20, for that matter. Since laws are blunt instruments that tend not to allow for judgement or nuance, I feel better erring on the side of laxity.
Well, if a teen can be charged as an adult for a crime, which does include teens sexting each other, then why not treat them like adults?
Also, one has to look at the fact that man’s capricious and arbitrary laws does not change nature’s laws regarding puberty being the threshold of biological adulthood.
I don’t remember where I rrad it, maybe Reason. There was a story about a teen being charged as an adult for sex ting with another teen. Seemed pretty fucked up to me.
The legal definition of agency should not be arbitrary.
I knew more virgins but by senior year it wasn’t a majority of either boys or girls and for the overwhelming majority of the ones who were virgins it wasn’t by choice, they just hadn’t found anyone willing yet.
I also knew more than a few who lost their viginity before 6th grade and were having pretty regular sex by 7th.
Yeah, it probably isn’t a great idea for 14 – 16 year olds to be having sex and sure they probably don’t understand the possible long term consequences but the overwhelming majority of them are going to do it anyway.
Personally I like making the age of consent 16 but between 14 and 16 if you can prove that she was mature enough to consent at trial that serves as an affirmative defense
To a pretend teen.
Fraud in the Name of the State.
Fucking heeeeeeroes.
As if pretending and catching this guy ever deters others.
“We got that dirty, violent texter off the streets for good, he could have actually hurt someone”
How would you like to be the precog that had that vision?
Is the tank of goo required? Because that’s one of my big problems with that job.
Of course the precogs weren’t really precogs, because they were always wrong, because the murders they saw happening never actually happened.
So you’re saying we shouldn’t arrest and imprison people based upon the coma dreams of three crack babies?
I think we are already past that point. Sessions is the AG after all.
Ugh. Sessions. Going after Mary Jane in the states where it is legal is the textbook definition of stoopid. You have to be a special kind of tone-deaf to miss that the pendulum has swung the other way on the devil weed.
Congress really needs to get off of it’s ass on that.
The state also publishes more child pornography online than any other real source combined.
Where do they… no, nevermind. I’m having a good day.
Where do you think all that National Endowment for the Arts money goes?
Wasn’t that long ago when 15 was old maid territory.
In 1600s France the normal youngest marriageable age for women was 14, but you could marry someone even younger and consummate it as well provided you received permission from their parents.
One of my best friends growing up was Italian. His mom had married at 14.
My grandparents on my father’s side are an arranged marriage. My grandmother was 15 when she married my grandfather who was 30.
When my great-great-grandparents got married, she was 15 and he was 36 (his first wife had died a couple of years prior). A few of his kids were actually older than her. Oh, and they were first cousins. Hey, it was rural Georgia of the 1880s!
My grandfather explained it like this: “You have to remember, back then everyone lived on a farm and the only people you had available for marriage were the people inside a half-day’s horse ride. Thats just the way it was.”
Makes sense.
That arrangement is probably more natural regarding evolution and reproductive success, because an older male will have more status and resources and a younger female will have a greater window to bear more offspring, thereby increasing the chances of both parties to pass their genes successfully into the next generation.
Yup. When I did some research on the Georgia branch of the family, all of them were farmers (sharecroppers, actually, which is a fun thing to tell people who automatically assume all sharecroppers were black) except one line of hatters. Where they lived in Coffee County is still the middle of nowhere today. Back then, it was REALLY the middle of nowhere.
Hate to bust everyone’s bubble but this arranged marriage happened within the last century. My grandmother is still alive.
I think arranged marriages are still pretty common.
Your girlfriend pressures you to propose, then she makes all the arrangements.
And what’s interesting about this is, biologically speaking, they were less prepared for it due to overall worse nutrition delaying development.
Florida man
I don’t mess with no rattlesnake sunuvabitch
During my first round in college, I was at a party with with some people from the College Republican club I belonged to. Anyway, I was talking it up with this really cute girl when suddenly my friend comes and fucking grabs me and said that we had to get the fuck out of there. As we were leaving I was asking him what the hell is going on and he said that there were some high schoolers at the party including the girl I was talking to. To this day, I still thank him for doing that.
Yeah, I’ve seen 13 year olds that look 21. Body to match. Gotta be careful.
Oh yeah. I tell the youngins that if they are at a house party and do not recognize the girl, you better fucking grill about whether she’s of age or else you’re on the sex offender list.
Reminds me of a girl in my 8th grade who had D cups.
Cash me ousside how bout dat?
New Year’s Eve 2001, I was at a club in Daytona Beach. Went down with a group of other guys, we were all young Marine PFCs and lance corporals. I was the old man of the group, I had just turned 25. This being right after 9/11, things were good on the poon front for those of us in uniform, chicks were throwing themselves at us. That particular night, a girl was all over me, and she was gorgeous, by far the most attractive young lady who had ever shown any interest in me. Says she’s a college student. We all had a blast – ordering champagne, music thumping, etc. She wants to leave with me. Hell yeah! So we go back to our hotel room. The next day, with an excruciating hangover, I wake up and this girl’s on the phone, all agitated. I can hear the voice on the other end of the line screaming at her. She hangs up and starts getting dressed to go. Ask her what that was all about, and she says “Oh, my mom is pissed at me because I never came home last night.” Wait, I thought you said you were a college student from out of town?? “Ummmm…no, I live here. I’m 16 and a junior in high school.” GAAAAAAAAAAAAH…..it was a fucking 21 and over nightclub, I wasn’t checking IDs! I was convinced for maybe two years that one day, out of the clear blue sky, cops were going to show up and cuff me. Having that hanging over your head is brutal.
Exactly my point from above. Why should that shit be on you? You weren’t looking for underage pussy and you would have refused it had you known but you not only had no obligation to check but that you had every reason to think otherwise! If a minor says they are of age and you can prove it that should be an affirmative defense against prosecution, full stop.
The reality is that even if you ask, and she shows you fake ID, you are still in the shit because the fact that she had fake ID is somehow irrelevant to your guilt.
Mens rea is only for Clinton. It’s right there in the constitution.
My little brothers are 3 years younger than me. They used to come to my house to party when they were in highschool. I was fine with them and a select few of their buddies. I had an iron clad no bringing any high school girls over rule that I never allowed to be broken. I saved myself a lot of trouble that way.
That’s a very good rule to have. When I used to live in coach house in Lakeview with a couple of my buddies, if some underage kids came to our party we booted them the fuck out right away. After doing this a couple of times, word got around that we do not allow high schoolers at our keggers.
I would also hope that any highschool boys at the parties who scored with older girls (or their teacher) have the wherewithal to refrain from bragging and keep their mouths shut, even if according to the law they’ve nothing to loose as they’d be considered “rape victims”, just to spare the lives of the gals considering how the legal environment is nowadays.
Sure, you can always count on teenage boys to keep their mouths shut and not brag.
Especially when it comes to touching boobies
Teenage boys are what we call…’stupid’.
I know when I was a teenager I was a reckless fucking idiot. Sometimes I wonder how I survived, much less avoided jail.
You and me both.
There is a little bit local outrage where I live because the local school’s year book had a picture of a group of highschool boys who were surreptitiously giving the 2 in the pink, 1 in the stink hand sign.
There was a call for the yearbooks to be recalled and censored. I thought, jesus, why the freakout. It’s highschool boys doing something stupid and mildly humorous. What’s new about this.
Teenage boys acting like dicks. Shocker.
What you did there, I see it…
Though I don’t know how rich they were, it wasn’t so nice for everyone for everyone.
Someone posted Clarkhat’s “High Court/Low Court” piece yesterday in the PM links. Apropos
Christ, you have to have rocks in your head to be sending out nudie pics over a phone these days.
That’s why me and my wife still have a Polaroid camera.
Where in the name of god do you get film?
The internet. Where else?
No shit. I was joking. I didn’t think anyone manufactured that stuff anymore.
From Sugarfree
Those are already exposed, aren’t they?
In my day, we sent our nude selfies out over landlines! And all you could hear was the muffled sounds of the receiver getting dragged across cunts and asses and dicks and balls! And occasionally, one of us would let out a fart and no one complained! Cause that’s the way it was and we LIKED it!
Is it at least possible that Weiner is getting a slap on the wrist because he sold out the Clintons? Maybe, just maybe, he cashed in by selling all the dirty laundry for other investigations? Or am I deluding myself?