Like all ideologies out there, there are those within libertarianism who see the, how should I put this… the modest reach of our ideas to the general public as bad marketing, or insufficient awareness. That people would like liberty if the right message reached then. This view is also shared by other ideologies. Every time the majority rejects some policy or other, someone complains about the message being bad or propaganda from the other side or whatever.

But is it really marketing? Do people support liberty – actual liberty — but don’t know it? I sincerely doubt it. Granted, the libertarian message has more limited reach than the others, less exposure in schools, media and such. Also granted, there are people in the movement who couldn’t sell water in the desert, let alone an idea which is mostly counter-intuitive to many. But will a better message make a huge amount of difference? Some *cough* sites out there seem to think so and do their darndest to make the message more appealing. Colour me skeptical.

Does not really have the gravitas of Gary Johnson though

Liberty, baby


Most people claim to like liberty, even support it. It does not sound good to say you are against it. Then … well, then that pesky little but comes in. And one can usually stop listening. People don’t like liberty as it is, they like a better class of liberty, improved to their standards, of course. They want moderate amounts of liberty, a little here, little there, liberty that is just right. Preferably organic, GMO-free, without anything unpleasant attached. They often like liberty for themselves, but not for others. They certainly don’t approve of unrestricted liberty or the consequences of being free. Consequences can be bad, you see, and we can’t have any of that.

What is liberty, some haughtily ask, on an empty stomach… Well, in my humble opinion, it is pretty much the same as on a full stomach, no more nor less, as the fullness of one’s innards does not define liberty. In fact, there are choices in life that lead you to sleeping rough and hungry. If you are not free to make those choices, you are not free. If you are free and are saved from those choices by government, it is at the expense of resources that come from someone else and their liberty. You are not free unless you are free to make bad choices and suffer the consequences.

Better than base jumping

Dying doing something you love

There are extreme sports out there that lead to many or even most practitioners to smash their skull on a big damn rock. But if you are free, you should be free to smash your head against a rock. Now, many of these sports are not banned. At least they died doing something they loved, am I right? But then, why ban other so-called dangerous activities? If you can smash your head on a rock you can choose to overdose on heroin. Well, this is a step too far for so-called pro-freedom folk out there, they cannot take it.

Liberty within reasonable limits, what more can you want? I think that fella Kim Jong Un is also all for liberty within very reasonable limits.


In the attempt to avoid saying I don’t like liberty, some people do the classic split between stuff they like and stuff they don’t. Separate certain aspects of life from others, in order to still support their preferred flavour of government intervention. The most common manifestation of this is to separate economic activity from other aspects of life, or better said financial outcomes.

Some who support let’s say gay marriage but government involvement in every single aspect of those married gay dudes lives, call themselves social libertarians or civil libertarians. Glorious, glorious modifiers. Social liberty, social justice etcetera.

The economic side is no less part of your life as the person you choose to have sex with, hell you usually spend more time doing the former rather than the latter. Almost everything a person does is an economic decision. The bread you buy the beer you drink is an economic decision. Procreation, sex, food… whatever

You cannot be free economically just because the taxes are small if you cannot spend your earnings as you wish – let’s say doing drugs and doing whomever you choose. As such, it matters not that Saudi Arabia has small taxes, for example.

But you cannot be free in your private life if the money you have earnt and the way you earn it are controlled by the state. If you cannot decide what to do for a living, how to use your money, how to raise children or plan retirement how can legal weed – but not heroin, never heroin – and gay marriage make you free. Or is it free birth control that makes you free? I forget…

You are free to do a job the government allows you to do – with the proper licencing and bureaucracy off course, we cannot have people working willy-nilly; you are then equally free to keep whatever amount of the money you earn the government sees fit to allow you to keep, and then are quite free to buy from a list of government allowed products at government inflated prices. Clean, nice, government approved liberty. Ain’t liberty grand?

So how many people would think about this and say hmmm that does not sound like liberty to me? I’m not gonna sugar coat it, I think the answer to that is very few. In the minds of most, the only alternative is pandemonium, chaos, anarchy. Do you want people to have Guns? and Drugs? Guns and Drugs at the same time? Insanity!

And after all, government is the same as society, and society is us, so government is us. As such, no one is really restricting our liberty; we just choose to limit ourselves. It is obvious, to the reasonable common sense individual, that bureaucrats are just doing what is best for us, and they know better anyway. We really need more government micromanagement, if anything. Oh not in this area I care about and anyway I want to be left alone, but everywhere else.

So, as a libertarian why keep arguing then? Well, it is human nature to argue and debate, especially with all this internet everywhere, it can be entertaining albeit aggravating, and maybe you make a little bit of headway. Maybe. Also, you get to say fuck off slaver a lot, which is always nice. But just don’t expect libertopia to kick in anytime soon.