Its a big bucket of mixed bag. Kind of depressing really. I wanted to have some fun, but the world is not cooperating. But hey, the Bucs secured an absolutely useless backup QB. Ryan Fitzpatrick had better do nothing but hold a clipboard and wear a headset this year.
- I don’t know how relatively democratic/undemocratic Iran actually is, but when I see them voting, it always amazes me how the cargo cult of the election has taken over the world.
- I don’t know which sock Longtorso was, but I’m leaving this here as bait.
- I’m sure this is going to change nobody’s mind, but judge tosses Clock Boy suit.
- A reminder that there’s several months worth of extracted oil, just hanging out. Short on oil over $55.
- I’m not part of the Red Scare 2.0 crowd, but it is worth remembering that the Russian government IS aggressively pushing hegemony, and that cultural domination may be their Civ strategy this go-around.
And this one goes out to the Canadians. Racist maybe, but never transphobic.
His own worst enemy, he is.
I mean, obviously that proves nothing about the reasoning for firing Comey, but it… the visuals are poor.
That is ridiculous. There isn’t really any way to defend that. What is with this guy?
I’m waiting for the ‘4D chess’ spins that the Trump supporters come up with.
Maybe some CNN and MSNBC talking heads will actually explode?
Trump simply reveals what he actually feels. If there was an investigation and now it’s over then of course the pressure is relieved.
Nah. Obama was the 4D chess guy. Trump is playing 12D Chutes and Ladders.
Back to the original idea that he really never wanted to be President.
I am rapidly coming back around to that notion. The guy is just fundamentally unserious about the office, and not in a Ron Swanson way. If Trump were being sardonic and glib about his station, fine. But this is nothing more than geriatric meandering through each new day.
Or the Clinton’s put him up to run. Someone shine the Alex Jones light!
Is he trying to create enough pressure for an impeachment that he can then resign and claim he had to do so because everybody was out to get him?
Trump told the Russians that Comey’s firing had relieved “great pressure” on him
Trump: “I meant great pressure from the Democrats, who have wanted his scalp since before the election. I try to build bridges to them, give them something they want, and this is what I get.”
Does it matter what Trump tweets anymore?
It was a relief to me. Comey was off of the reservation. He needed to go.
The lens everyone views this guy through only allows them to see Trump killing kittens.
Agreed. Comey was a show horse and a distraction. The FBI director should not be known
I guess I’m gonna need more than that to believe the president is a Russian spy Manchurian candidate because from where I sit it falls in moan landing hoax territory.
Moan landing hoax?
So you’re saying your wife fakes it?
Was he not being pressured to fire Comey? Because it sure seems like he was getting pressure to fire Comey, pretty much from every side.
Going for a drink? I’m on my fourth
Just finishing numero three-o. Headin into four.
In light of this morning’s musical discussion; here is some new stuff that maybe will make you like music. Metal tinged garage punk: The Men
Well round here is 11 15 PM so 4th drink is quite acceptable
Round here its lunch time. And im drinking!!!
I’m sure you have something in your desk drawer.
Our office has a liquor cabinet and fridge full of beer.
As God intended.
You work in a bar?
Three minis of Bailey’s, but it’s too late in the day for more coffee.
After noon, Baily’s is best when consumed from a water cooler cup with one ice cube.
Your desk?
Yeah. The tequila’s actually for a work project. I’m not supposed to crack them open until it’s done. :/
Fuck I’m retarded. Luckily it was an old address.
I keep meaning to slip a bottle of something decent into my desk, but theoretically drinking at work isn’t allowed.
Luckily I’ve fixed the head of HR drinks occasionally when her lovelife has been on the rocks, so she won’t crack down tooooooo harshly if something happens.
Fuck I’m retarded.
Would you like that link modded away?
Here, now with less self doxxing.
Already deleted the image, but sure. Thanks.
That drawer has everything I need.
BTW: Since you’re Romanian, what do you think of the nonsense at the end of the Romanian football league season?
I think it’s stupid.
Well duh!
Here is some other new music which may make a burned out Glibertarian rediscover the magic of music. Royal Headache
I don’t follow sports outside your american NBA
Capitalist! Kulak! Wrecker!
This post isn’t worthy of being first.
As you ask, so shall you receive.
New York Times and Washington Post are about to make out (no joke, just read the link). The Wall Street Journal is standing in the background murmuring: “this is awkward”.
Huh. So making shit up is now a “scoop”?
Yes, it makes them Woodward and Bernstein, kind of like walking down the street wearing a vagina hat makes them Rosa Parks. The inflated self image these people have is really something.
Golden Girls? Hell. what about an apartment complex full of nothing but glibertarians?
Remember what the Philadelphia PD did to MOVE in 1985?
Yes, but in this case it would be a mercy killing.
Anyone here ever try & successfully quit smoking cigarettes? If so, what worked for you?
I did.
You quit.
So glib, how appropriate.
Seriously. You cut yourself down to maybe three to five a day, and then you just quit, cold turkey, feel like shit for maybe three or four days, chemicals get flushed out of your system by the end of the week, and afterwards it’s just purely psychological for a few more weeks. I quit on March 1st.
Congrats. Keep it up
Not one puff ever.
Seriously, will power is underrated for quitting a bad habit. Don’t make it hard on yourself by exposing yourself to triggers (favorite smoking hangouts stores where you buy your cigarettes) but you are going to gut out some of it.
Also, social drinking. Avoid during quitting phase.
That might be covered in your link, though.
I already quit drinking on pure willpower. I think my toughest thing is that I use cigs as a reward. I get off work? Finally, I can have my first cig of the day. I finished my cardio workout? Finally, I can have a cig.
I need to replace it with something but I already quit all the fun shit, no weed, no drinking, no junk food – all healthy food now. What else do I have? Celery?
Thanks for the link. And trust me, I know about the willpower thing. Not only does everyone say it, but I’ve used it to quit all my other bad habits.. this one is the last brick wall that is throwing me for a loop. I’ll definitely try the tips here.
this was my method. Smoked for 10 years. Cut back slowly til I was only smoking about 5 a day and then I went cold turkey. That was almost ten years ago now. The cravings are looooong gone but I still miss cigarettes.
I was never a heavy smoker, but I still miss having an excuse to stand outside a bar for a few minutes without people looking at you like you’re a weirdo.
Very true. That really goes for standing around anywhere for any length of time. Thank God I don’t have to ride the bus like a poor because no way could I handle standing at a bus stop every day without smoking.
I eventually just learned to not care, but it was such a convenient excuse back when I smoked.
Smartphones are today’s smoke breaks.
I have a smoking app.
Yes, but you have other avenues for your oral fixation.
Yes, but you have other avenues for your oral fixation.
Not at most bars or public places.
Okay, that’s a much better answer. I have a lot of willpower for things like working out and doing cardio 6 days a week but just haven’t quite gotten the smoking thing down yet. I quit drinking cold turkey and that sucked, but cigarettes has been much harder for me. I smoke 9 a day, which isn’t bad.. I already cut it out from my car & at work for the past 3 years. I just struggle between the hours of 5pm – 12pm.
You could also try things such as vaping, snus, and nicotine gum. None of them are risk free, but they all have far less risk of cancer. I vape when I can, and chew gum or use a pouch of snus when I have to be in a non-vape acceptable environment.
Snus and nic gum don’t give the same visceral response as a smoke (to me, vaping does), but they do tame the NEED A SMOKE NEED A SMOKE NEED A SMOKE signal to a far more reasonable level.
Or what Slammer said.
Do not make out with someone who is snusing.
/’s hard-won life lessons
True, I tried vaping but I never went with the high nic levels and tried to tapper it down. This might be worth a shot. Never tried snus or the gum. The gum is hella expensive, but then again, so are all of these products given enough time.
Aaaaand Jesse just convinced me to never try snus.
Do not make out with someone who is snusing.
Now i went out last Sunday with my little Mary Anne
She said please stay ’till Monday and she grabbed me by the can
She laid a big one on me- surprised me with her tongue
But her surprise was waitin’ there between my cheek and gum
Copenhagen, what a wad of flavor
Copenhagen, you can see it in my smile
Copenhagen, do yourself a favor chew
Copenhagen, drivin’ pretty girls wild
Oh, it’s less a grossness thing. It’s much cleaner than say dipping, but if you’re not a smoker and you go to make out with someone who happens to have a pouch in their mouth you get blasted with a lot more nicotine than you’re used to and it’s a bit woozifying.
re: Jesse’s comment. Both snus and nic gum give me hiccups/slight nausea. So while I know that they are objectively giving me higher levels of nicotine than cigs, they lack the visceral blast.
I suggest you get a horrific case of bronchitis this winter and that should let you coast through the shitty first couple of weeks and then you’re home free!
Haha so true. This sounds like the perfect strategy to justify putting this off for the next 7 months!
If the cravings are that bad, consider Wellbutrin.
I got fired and couldn’t afford them anymore. By the time I got another job two months later, the addiction had died down. I don’t suggest this method.
My father in law quit because they raised the prices at the vending machine where he worked. Never smoked again.
Also, quit drinking because he decided he had a toddler and didn’t need to anymore (my wife was the ‘happy accident’ of the family … her sibs are all 17-19 years older)
Do you vape with nicotine? I have a vape and I buy 0mg nic products, but it simply doesn’t do the trick. I use it when I’m indoors but it really only stops me for an hour or so.
I smoked Marlboros for 25 years, I started vaping a really high nicotine, and weaned down to 3. Haven’t smoked a cigarette in 5 years. Vaping was the on;y substitute I found.
I never tried anything above 3 nic. Maybe I should get a 12 nic and try it out. Thanks for your input!
Try 6 if 3 isnt enough.
Depends on the power of the system you get. Big clouds give you more nicotine.
And yet the “public health” shits want to make it more difficult for people to vape.
Every time i wanted to smoke, i just chose not to. Will power. I started jogging. Think of how expensive cigs are. How time consumed ng buying and smoking them are. It’s a pretty dumb habit.
Smoked for 28 years. Donezo.
Smoke free for 4 years.
That’s awesome. I’ve conquered my weight, drinking, certain drugs, eating healthy all through sheer willpower. Cigs are what seem like my last vice and I just haven’t been able to break it yet.
I have pkenty of vices. Smoking is no longer on of them.
Naybe you should hold onto one vice?
How many drinks, again?
Try masturbation.
That’s not a vice.
Depends on your grip, doesn’t it?
OK, well the howdy stranger isn’t a vice.
I’d rather it not be a vice that has a 50% chance of killing me slowly and painfully while my friends and family watch. Its funny you say that though, because all my friends said the same thing (except the ones that have been trying to get me to quit). I got all healthy and in-shape, etc. and they’re like “dude, you get to have at least one vice.”
Reading SugarFree stories?
Quit smoking, start drinking. You’re welcome.
Just don’t switch to oral sex as HPV has surpassed smoking as the leading cause of head and throat cancers!
God no, I’d rather wait 30 years before getting cancer..
Yeah, but then you have to jog.
Went a year and a half once. Just put them down, drank very little alcohol for the first month, and was a grumpy bastard. Going on 4 weeks the same way right now. The first time I was a pack a day guy, this time it was more like 2 packs a week I’m quitting from and wasn’t smoking every day. I am less grumpy this time. But again, drinking a lot less. That may end tonight, but still staying out of bars for six weeks helps.
I gotcha, good luck! I may quit cold turkey too if I don’t try another product/method. I have a vacation coming up, maybe that will need to be the start.
Stopped spending 3-4 days a week in bars around other people who smoked.
I used to play league pool. It kept me smoking. I stopped playing league pool. I stopped smoking.
I also chew a pack of gum every day.
Oil Company Caring For Preggers Polar Bear
or something like that. i tried developing some snark, but it was going nowhere.
fuck me. i think i’d had a good run where i hadn’t fucked up for like… a week
It’s better this way, really.
That polar bear makes me want to have a cigarette.
Do Polar Bears smoke after fucking?
Depends on what type of lube they used.
Damn you, pink sea vagina!
If they’re out of lube.
I think it would make a great Sci-Fi Rom-Com where the polar bear and the Oil Company CEO develop a romantic relationship and then (fast forward in time) half-human/half-Polar Bears have become the de-facto owners of most of the world’s oil companies; and they WANT to bring about global warming to increase the value of their shorefront property in greenland.
Hm, I was thinking I’d have to do as much. Not the league pool, but I might need to limit my time with friends since they all smoke like chimneys. I had to do that to stop certain drugs/drinking. Looks like it might be time to do that again for a bit.
Or just change the environment where you socialize.
A co-worker did hypnosis (or maybe they call in ‘guided meditation’ now) and it worked for him. It’ll be two years in July.
Anyone here ever try & successfully quit smoking cigarettes? If so, what worked for you?
I was a pack a day or so. In all seriousness, my strategy for quitting smoking, was to stop buying them. I bummed a few for awhile, but if you don’t have them, you can’t smoke them.
This is also my strategy for avoiding junk food. If its in my house, I have to exercise willpower all day every day. If its not, I just have to exercise willpower for an hour a week, when I’m at the grocery store.
It’s easy to be a saint in paradise.
That’s a good idea. Seems basic and obvious, but this might be a good way to modify my thinking. Thanks!
My mother-in-law just quit one day. 10 years later she was dead!
What’s the life expectancy for pink sea vaginas?
Oh fuck! Better get some grittes!
Does that work for all mother-in-laws?
Dude, let it go. You’ve banned her from the house. What more do you need?
You messed up the link, yo.
I’m only interested in full Lovatos.
Ask Playa about the time he saw Demi Lovato downtown.
Just a little more.
Not a smoker, but I have been a daily drinker for several years now. Been trying to cut back to a few nights a week this year. Then I lost my license (as in, disappeared into some transdimensional crevice in my wallet). That has helped quite a bit.
Not great advice, granted.
If Cthulhu comes out of that crevice, we’re blaming you.
What do you mean by daily drinker?
Are you just taking the edge off after work, or are you getting shitfaced?
I’m not a very neat person. Not a slob, but not very neat. I let things get dirty, and then I clean them to a spit shine. You know what really helped? Watching Hoarders (on A&E or one of those other cable channels). I watch one episode, and then go get the mop.
If think your drinking is a problem, watch this for motivation.
Spoiler alert: he dies.
Now, see, that’s a professional drunk. I’m just a hobbyist.
It’s just a stupid hobby to have when you’re next to unemployed and haven’t graduated college yet.
Christ, three pints a day. Even when I was routinely overdoing it, I’d top out at half a 750ml bottle and the hangovers after a couple days were enough to persuade me to take a break.
Drunk enough that I woke up with a hangover most mornings. Usually not blacking out, but often not able to recall washing up and putting myself to bed. I don’t consider myself a problem drinker, just lazy and unmotivated and the drinking doesn’t help.
I’ve gone through a couple phases of that, usually when nothing’s going on in my life. It was never so much that I blacked out (I don’t really black out, which really sucked in college whenever I puked), but it was enough that I didn’t feel my best the next day. Planning things in the evening, even stupid things like going to the grocery store and picking up a hot meal, was enough to break the habit.
That’s a definite plus. I’ve been using catching up on reading as an excuse.
Smoked for 20 years I must have quit and failed fifty times, It finally took I don’t exactly know why. Glib or not, John Titor is right, you have to want to quit more than you want another cigarette, I don’t think there are any tricks that work until your at that point, so the tricks are redundant.
Not looking for a trick so much as a mode of thinking. Having some tricks in your back pocket helps in the tough times. For instance, when I was losing weight and starting to eat healthy — whenever I thought about not getting up early, or not going for that run, or eating that donut, I’d visualize myself as fit, thin and muscular.
That was my trick, and it worked. I’m in the best shape of my life. Of course the willpower is the main ingredient. That goes without saying…
I’d visualize myself as fit, thin and muscular.
How’d that go? Asking for Rhywun…
I’m in the best shape of my life. I lost tons of weight, I’m way stronger than I’ve ever been. I actually have pecks now, my arms actually have muscle and I am starting to see my abs.
Only thing is that the work never ends – that’s why I don’t do diets (meal plans are better) and my exercise is a routine, its a part of the day, nothing more or less. No goals other than to be healthy.
*facepalm* oh wait I get the joke 😛
Son, quitting cigarettes is the hardest thing you’ll ever have to do.
Quitting women would be harder.
Vaping worked. U can bring nicotine down to zero. I’ve also used Chantix which I guess worked for a while. I chewed gum.
My problem was I kept coming back after a year or two when I drank.
John is correct. You stop putting cigarettes in your mouth and lighting them.
Chantix worked really well for me. Made it easy. Made the wife nuts so we had to give up the chantix. Fuck it, I have to have one vice.
I’ll say the same thing I said to The Hyperbole, it helps to have some tricks, whether it be chantix or a mode of thinking, or whatever. The whole “just stop” thing gets you through the easy-to-medium shit. You gotta have a trick or two for the tough times – I’m looking for ya’lls tricks.
I’d say the truth is, if you get through the first three days you’ve made it. But those three days will be filled with only thinking about smoking. After that you switch to only thinking about how you never want to relive that 3 days, and remember that whenever you’re tempted.
Hm, thanks. Maybe I need to enlist a friend to help me with those first 3 days. Its worth a shot. I appreciate it.
My parents both did it cold turkey. Mom first, then a decade later, Dad.
Best way to do it. No drinking for a while too or the attempt will end in failure.
1-2 packs a day for 25 years. I vaped instead of cigarettes for a year; stepped the nicotine down every 4-6 weeks. Eventually stepped down to zero nicotine. Did that for a month and quit vaping.
That was over two years ago and I have very little craving. Every once in a while I get a mild desire which is easy to ignore. Even while shitfaced drunk.
Good luck!
Ok, here’s my quitting story, and I know this is highly unusual, so it may or may not work for you…
I had decided to get in better shape, and part of that was laying off the two packs a day of Parliament full flavors. I had tried “cutting back” for a month or so, but I found myself slipping back into my old habit of smoking whenever I damn well feel like it. I decided to go cold turkey, and I scheduled this for an upcoming week-long vacation from work. This way, if I got irritable, I wouldn’t flip out on somebody and lose my job.
The day came. I went home that Friday night and had some drinks, smoking all the cigarettes I wanted, then I went to bed. The next morning, I didn’t have my morning cigarette. I went around the house and gathered up all the ashtrays and cigarette packs and got rid of them. I went about my day fairly normally. I messed around on the Internet, went fishing for a while, and just lounged around. I had a box of nicotine lozenges at the ready for when the cravings hit… But they never did. I never felt jittery, anxious, irritated, or anything other than unusually clean. Also, I kept reaching for a pack of cigarettes on my desk, but that was about it. I’ve never smoked since then (well, I attempted to enjoy a cigar many years later, but it just tasted disgusting to me).
I think I kicked the habit so easily because of two things:
1) Thinking of my quit date as something that WILL happen, not something I’m going to try to do. I planned it out and it was on my schedule, just like starting a new job.
2) Having exercise as a motivation. I had actually started jogging before I quit smoking. Many times, I’d get up, put on my jogging clothes, then smoke a cigarette as I did my warm-up walk, flick the butt on the ground and start running. Not very productive, but I did make some progress. When I quit smoking, I finally broke the one mile mark, then a mile and a half, then two, three, four (now I do 5.2 miles four days a week). I was very proud of myself for actually being able to run a respectable distance, and I didn’t want to throw it all away by smoking. I enjoyed feeling like an athletic badass more than I enjoyed cigarettes.
Quitting smoking is totally doable. I always thought I’d miss the little buzz of having a cigarette, but what I realized after I quit is that when you’re addicted to cigarettes, you feel crappy with little bursts of feeling slightly better. When you don’t smoke, you just feel good all the time.
The patch and chewing gum. It sucks to transition to the patch, but it only takes a few days. Also, you don’t want to follow the 2 week regimen. Just stick with the highest dose for as long as you want. Don’t be in a hurry. When you are ready to step down just step down then. Take your time and you will eventually get sick of the patches and you won’t want them anymore. The whole process should take a few months but it could-be longer for you or shorter I don’t know.
I’ve been doing the Kojack thing. I bought a giant bag of lollipops and they really help with the oral fixation.
Who loves ya, baby?
Met Savalas a couple of times. Nice guy. Despite not being a large man he had an intense physical presence. Like he was there in a way others were not or could not be.
Masturbate every time you want a cigarette. I tried that to quit smoking once. It didn’t work for me, but I wasn’t very stressed out during that attempt. Maybe you will have better luck. I finally quit smoking by taking back up Copenhagen, which I had quite by taking up smoking.
I tried that but the other people in the smoking area freaked out.
Romania is being order by their betters to throw open their borders.
Fuck Juncker.
We actually had a bunch of immigrants arrive and when they found out it was Romania they started crying cause it was not where they wanted to be
Aren’t you supposed to give them a free ride to Hungary?
The Magyar are getting pretty pissy about accepting migrants as well.
That’s the idea – opening a 2nd front.
Be honest Pie, the immigrants are just going to go to the Vampire Food Stamps program instead of peasant girls.
“not where they wanted to be”? It could have something to do with some historical incidents, which reminds me, I have had people ask me about this whole ME immigration situation to which I have replied “I think we should adopt the immigration policies of Vlad Tepes. The conversation usually ends there.
I’m not part of the Red Scare 2.0 crowd, but it is worth remembering that the Russian government IS aggressively pushing hegemony, and that cultural domination may be their Civ strategy this go-around.
Nostalgia for socialism dominates part of our culture, so I’d say they’re doing a good job so far.
That article just reads that social media should be part of the larger war effort. Even then it admits 71% of people in the region favored annexation. It could very well be the social media efforts didn’t cause the favorability, but only look good because it was already there.
i know this will sound anal, but you should probably have some canned disclosure buried somewhere on the website that “nothing here is intended as investment advice and it purely for entertainment/information purposes”…. if you don’t already.
just saying. crazy bitches like Mary exist.
I’m not part of the Red Scare 2.0 crowd, but it is worth remembering that the Russian government IS aggressively pushing hegemony, and that cultural domination may be their Civ strategy this go-around.
In the long run, Russia is doomed to third-rank status. Their demographics are crashing, their economy is small and sucky and has a significant dependence on oil, which is a commodity from which windfall profits have fled. They can make trouble, but they are mostly coasting on reputation from their time as one of the two superpowers. They aren’t one now, and won’t be one again in my lifetime.
But what’s it going to take for the people/media to stop allowing them to coast by on reputation? Because I don’t see that stopping anytime soon.
Them invading Poland and getting fucking rolled by the Polish Land Forces alone.
Well, we are coming up on the centennial of the last time it happened…
China faces poor demographics, too. And they are a far more serious concern than Russia
Maybe, but they do seem to be trying to reverse their downward trend. They’ve managed to get their birth-rate back up in recent years, which if that trend continues I think they will remain a player on the world stage. Economic prosperity is important, but how prosperous was Russia under the Soviets when they were an undisputed superpower? I think strength of will can cover over a lot of defects and cause a nation to punch above its weight. Russia after all only needs to be more powerful than its neighbors and bolder than its far competitors to remain a force to be reckoned with.
it is worth remembering that the Russian government IS aggressively pushing hegemony,
Less ‘pushing hegemony’ and more ‘third rate power throwing its weight and nukes around to force their neighbours into compliance and make deals to desperately keep them relevant on the world stage.’ Russia still runs on Congress of Vienna rules.
“And this one goes out to the Canadians. Racist maybe, but never transphobic.”
Youtube title: Remasterd High Quality .
They spelled turd incorrectly
Bob Beckel got fired yet again.
Not that I give a shit but FOX has fired Bob Beckel.
I don’t know who Bob Beckel is but I hear he got fired
Still better than Chipotle.
Why would you buy nachos in a gas station convenience store? You’re just asking for food poisoning that way.
*spits out gas-station sushi*
Wait, isn’t it just frozen where you live? That should be safe actually.
My wife loves gas station egg salad sandwiches, and has never been hospitalized for eating them. I get nauseous just seeing her buy one.
Good lord. Tough chick.
Jesus. Really? I feel physically unwell thinking about that. Are you sure your kid is a real human and not just some overgrown parasite changeling that gestated on a raft colony of egg salad bacteria.
I have never had a gas station egg salad sandwich that actually tastes like egg salad. They’re always the most bland and tasteless thing imaginable.
Sooooo you’re saying you’ve bought horrific gas station egg salad sandwiches in the past. Were surprisingly unsatisfied with the quality and flavor of the product, but continued to buy them anyway? Interesting.
Hey, it was at different gas stations, they were cheap, and I tended to always forget about the last time I bought a gas station egg salad sandwich and my regrets before I bought the next one.
Everyone needs at least one vice.
Maybe he’s just an optimist?
Allsup’s chimichangas are a regional delicacy around here…
How about them pickled eggs in the big jar they have in Old Timers’ bars. Those are safe, right?
At least anything that floats in a water-based solution for a decade and doesn’t grow anything gives you some confidence.
Only the black ones.
They have to be better than the pig’s feet. Have you seen what pigs walk around in?
Depends, are we talking some random Sunoco, or something like a Sheetz? Because Sheetz is fantastic.
I was going to point out QuickTrip, since that’s the gas station Mecca in my area. Gas stations don’t exactly make money selling gas, they stay in business selling you stuff from the convenience store.
It’s a great way to stay thin.
And wrinkle free.
Nachos bought at a gas station convenience store. I see. The gas station sushi would have been a wiser choice.
You always have to top your gas station nachos with a bunch of jalepenos, a Hot Moma sausage and lots of hot sauce. The vinegar kills the botulism in the cheese sauce. Rookie mistake.
I’m guessing fashionable is the key word here.
Apparently, we have to cater to everything Daughter wants. Also: Don’t…don’t those band shirts have logos?
We must, you guys. We MUST.
I’d bet good money she uses the term Islamophobe without a sliver of self-awareness.
Clearly this gym teacher is not male, or we would have heard about this woman and her daughter long before today.
My scorching hot take: it’s a good life lesson. In the adult world, you don’t get to wear whatever you want at work, which is ostensibly what school is for kids. Don’t want a dress code? Work for yourself. I also like the mom’s explanation: “My daughter has really long arms and fingers.” That’s an easy way for others to cook up excuses out of the dress code – nature made me different. I had a classmate on the drill team (insert joke here) who’s skirt was quite short. She claimed her body made the skirt fit just that way; I guess going up one size wouldn’t have solved that, but whatever. It was hot, so I didn’t exactly call her on it.
OP and daughter confirmed for grays.
My daughter is the same, tall and doesn’t like shorts that school allows. I don’t give a shit. Truth is girls of a certain age want to dress like hookers. Boys have the same rules or more it’s just that boys realize they don’t exercise any power by dressing skimpy so they don’t bother.
she couldn’t wear yoga pants because the boys aren’t able to control themselves
I don’t know, I distinctly remember being 13, and somehow managing not to grab some girl’s ass.
Poor bastards are gangly and uncoordinated. Any distraction in yoga pants is bound to send them cartwheeling down a staircase or into traffic.
In fairness, I often catch myself at the gym staring at women in yoga pants. Its distracting, really. Still haven’t been grabby, I wait until I get to a bar for that.
It say the chances of that quote being real are pretty close to zero. They probably told her she can’t wear them because you can see her ass. Mom fights to have daughter show camel toe is not the civil rights march.
I don’t know that we need to invoke the rape monster to tell school girls to cover their snatch. Maybe if we just tell them their taco smells and needs more cover it’s more acceptable to sensibilities today.
I think by “boys aren’t able to control themselves” the coach probably means “can’t keep from staring” not “can’t keep from touching”. The coach probably got annoyed that the boys were ignoring their commands because they were paying attention to something else…
Closest I came was following a girl in a tight black dress down the hall and walking completely by the door to my classroom, and out of the building. I guess she was on her way to driver’s ed or something. When it got unexpectedly bright I figured out what happened, turned around, and a buddy of mine was standing at the door to our class laughing his ass off.
This is what happens when corporations are allowed First Amendment rights.
Food porn? How do I invest?
For those that have a fetish for battered women?
I am not sure what I am looking at there. Also, the other books…wtf? Especially this one: ‘Sold to the Lion: A BBW Sexy Lion Shifter Paranormal Romance’
I dont think I live on the same planet as the people who read that stuff.
Perhaps that recommendation was based on your own purchase history? (just kidding)
Uh…I dont even know what any of that means.
I got into a discussion about Citizens United with someone and told them about the state arguing they could ban books. They didn’t believe me so I showed the passage from the transcript. They could not accept it. They said the lawyer arguing the case in from of SCOTUS didn’t know what he was saying. The cognitive dissonance was powerful.
I ended up just calling him book burner as a nickname. I’m sure that isn’t a strategy for winning hearts and minds but it really pissed him off which I enjoyed.
I got the same incredulous response – I think I’ve said this before, but you don’t need a bunch of Winston Smith bureaucrats burning old newspapers (or the digital equivalent) in order to suppress inconvenient history, you just need people to tune out the stuff that doesn’t align with their politics.
I’d be a lot more willing to listen to “progressive” leftists whine about “big money in politics” if they weren’t taking millions and millions of dollars from the AFSCME, SEIU, teachers’ unions, and other groups that stand to make a massive profit from “progressive” policies.
Eddie shilling his own book? You decide.
I wish.
I could have done it better. My style is crisper.
Some people (progs) are very upset with this.
Because having a sense of humor is so 20th century.
re: Russia asserting hegemony in Eastern Europe etc.
its funny, i was listening to the 5th column segment where Thad and Mike go at each other just as i read that.
I don’t know how seriously people should take Russias ambitions in its satellite territories. Its not quite military hegemony because none of these places have ever been independent military states of their own prior to russian decision to superimpose themselves. I basically think the idea of ‘expansionist russia’ is overblown. I find the people who puff Russia up to seem like some dangerous world power are mostly serving a convenient narrative
I see them like Saudi Arabia or Iran. Its not that they’re going to magically achieve strategic hegemony and win some sort of world-wide Risk game, but they can fuck up all sorts of stuff nearby on the way. Ask the nation of Georgia or the part of the Crimea that was formerly part of independent Ukraine.
The part that’s full of ethnic Russians?
Yes, I know those Russians were imported there by the Soviets and even the Tsars in order to Russify the Ukraine, but short of actual ethnic cleansing, I’m not sure how you square that circle.
I can tolerate some sort of “OK Poland, if the Russians ever come West, we will bring the heavy bombers and raise an army of volunteers, but you’re gonna need to pay us back after the wars over” foreign policy. The idea that we should be drawing a line in the sand in a country that’s half Russian, I’m not sure I see the strategic calculus in that.
Obviously I would prefer strict non-interventionism, but there is a difference between strategic alliances and deciding that Kiev=London=New York City and the US is going to defend every blade of grass at US taxpayer expense.
Well there’s also the whole ‘Russia fought and bled to conquer the Crimea, and held it for almost two hundred years, the Ukraine did not’ factor.
I think Putin is a Bad Dude, and if the USA were richer and less messed up, maybe we’d be in a position to tangle with him and rescue his neighbors.
The problem is that I don’t think it’s in the US interest to go off and save other countries from Putin’s adventurism.
The neo-Soviets had the temerity to start a DDOS attack against Estonia (which was independent in the interwar years) for having the temerity to move a statue of an occupying Soviet Soldier to a war cemetery.
right, and how many were killed?
From my understanding, the Iranians are free to elect whoever they want, from a list of candidates that the Ayatollah has approved. It’s a smart strategy on the part of the mullahs: give the people a little say as a pressure-release to prevent a revolution fomenting, but keep everything within the broadest confines that are acceptable to your faction.
So, the same as the US, pre-Trump
Ayatollah whose you can vote for, see?
Well you don’t want the wrong lizard getting in.
Your mother felt the same way…
Have a good weekend, Glibs.
Or – Shine on, you crazy diamond(s).
Shine on, you crazy rhombi.
I’ve think I’ve figured out what has been going on with the US. It has been 20 years and this has metastasized.
And what are those young ladies doing now? #Resist?
I laughed way to hard at that.
This reflects my reaction.