You want to talk about crazy. Try spending 9 hours in a car with three toddlers who all go to the bathroom on different schedules and who can only stay seated for so long without going nuts. I blame the airlines. If the government was in charge of them instead of the greedy corporations, the price of a flight from Houston to LAX wouldn’t be four times the price of a flight from DFW and I wouldn’t have had to drive all the way up there to drop my oldest off. I also blame the greedy rental car corporations for not being cool with letting 18 year olds drive cars without additional fees not to mention the drop fees for leaving them at another place. If those selfish capitalists were replaced by benevolent government overlords, I could have started drinking that 12 pack of St Arnold Summer Pils earlier in the day. But its ok. I managed to catch up by the end of the evening and watch the Nashville Predators almost pull off a miracle. Alas, they’re tied 2-2 with the Mighty Ducks (don’t give me shit about the name, I’m a traditionalist). Meanwhile in the NBA, the Spurs enjoyed their best night of the Western Conference Finals to date…because they had the night off.
Anyway, blah, blah, blah. You don’t want to read about me rambling. You want to get on with it so you can talk about Flappy McClutchyclaws or whatever its called. And other happenings in the world. So I’ll get on with…the links!
Sweden have dropped the rape charges against Julian Assange. But the British said they will still enforce the arrest warrant for the Swedes…who are not after him for anything. Because that makes sense, right?
Some crazy asshole decided to play Grand Theft Auto for real. Failed to hide behind a dumpster and hit Circle Square Circle Square Left down Right Up before cops got there, so he’s in custody.
Talk about a shitty first day on the job.
Was that wrong? Was I not supposed to do that? Also, bonus points for the two-face. Should have been smuggling Proactiv instead of smack, blondie.
Holy shit! A politician tells people with their hand out to kindly pound sand. Its a miracle. Hallelujah!
Foxy Knoxy to President Trump: I don’t owe you shit! Because America was just dying to know how she felt about things that the LA Times had to give her a platform. Either way, she’s still smokin’.
Say what you want about the lyrics, but the guitar is fantastic in this song.
Have a great day, friends!
Sweden have dropped the rape charges against Julian Assange.
Rape culture!
Sweden have dropped the rape charges against Julian Assange. But the British said they will still enforce the arrest warrant for the Swedes…who are not after him for anything. Because that makes sense, right?
Since we know it’s just a pretext to grab him on behalf of the US, it makes perfect sense.
Is *rape drop* the new equivalent of *mic drop* now that secret nazi president and the alt right are in charge?
“We’ll totally start asking for donations to our bike path, but until then the city should have to give up a few more million for it.”
Yeah, no.
The city bought the land from Norfolk-Southern for $11.8 million last September. It’s estimated it will take $14.1 million for design and construction of the 4.1 mile stretch of trail. So far the public through city, state and federal money, has chipped in roughly $2.7 million.
Nothing left to cut!!!
$14.1M for 4.1 miles of concrete and rebar? Holy shit. I’ll do it for 13.1.
And it’s already a developed rail bed. All they really need to do is get the tracks pulled up and put down the asphalt. 4.1 miles x 12′ wide. Compaction (minimal needed), grading (minimal needed) and paving shouldn’t cost much more than $500-600k. It might cost a million if they’ve got to develop special ingress and egress points for handicap access if it is highly elevated.
Somebody ought to be marking up thebprices on pitchforks when this gets out. But I bet it merely results in other neighborhoods saying they want theirs too.
If the media was filled with people from all walks of life, from all political spectrums, the guy in the newsroom who worked construction in the summer would be able to say “Uh, hey editor, there’s a story here. That’s an enormous amount of money for the work being performed.” But since every fucking journalist is a leftist who doesn’t actually know anything but how to transcribe press releases, it doesn’t even cross their mind to ask “Is 14 million a reasonable amount for a 4 mile rail to trail conversion?”
Every time I read a story about guns, the military, construction, business, science, etc… I think the same thing. Journalists are maybe the most ignorant people in the world.
Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.
I believe they’re just lazy. I also kind of blame the internet. There’s neither the time nor budget to ask the deep questions about “why?” things are the way they are, and actually follow up with people, make people uncomfortable, get in people’s faces, etc. Everybody is competing with online news sites that pay their people by the post. What you get is superficial “reporting”, with everybody scrambling to throw up “news” as quickly as they can scrounge it up from the pool of government press releases and “scientific studies”.
The thing is, there has to be a market for real journalism. I refuse to believe it just doesn’t exist anymore.
Why do you limit it to those subjects? Have you seen them write on medical issues or general topics on medicine? What about their writing on historical events – especially the deaths causes by communism or the fact that fascism was socialism at work – or history in general? Even the sports reporters can be total tools.
Like the people that do the weather on TV, getting things wrong practically always, and seeing no repercussions, these SJW type DNC operatives with bylines seem to think their real job is to say whatever it is to make the plebes comer around to the left’s way of seeing & doing things. The “wrongness” often is malicious in nature these days.
it doesn’t even cross their mind to ask “Is 14 million a reasonable amount for a 4 mile rail to trail conversion?”
It’s one banana Michael, what could it cost, 10 dollars?
The worse part of it is that they don’t even have the intellectual modesty to realize that they don’t know.
How dare you!
Oh sure. That shit has taken over FL. I don’t know how many times that scam has run, but usually its $8M to buy like, 30 miles of railroad, pull it up and put down good concrete and build 4 or 5 ingress/egress parking lots with bathrooms and staff the cleaning crews.
At my home away from home, the old rail line was dug up and replaced with a bike trail. It’s a poor county and I know those miles didn’t cost 14 million.
closest info I could find:
So they’re going redo the whole 22.6 miles for 4.45M. And it sounds like they’re going to clear a bunch of stuff, too.
You forgot prevailing wage laws, environmental impact statements, Getting Joey LaGodfather’s permission to begin the work, etc.
Not to mention the landscape architecture firm to come up with the aesthetically pleasing design in harmony with nature and the values of the community after numerous open houses, workshops, and sense sessions. None of this straight railroad shit!
Buying off polls and interests that wont allow work unless their palms are properly greased?
Why can’t the people who want to ride bikes there pool their money?
Because $14.1m 4.1 mile bike trails with taxpayer funds are the things we do together as a civilized society, shitlord.
Do you really expect those white, upper middle class dicknutses with their fixies to fund their own shit? Hell no! They have to extract money from middle- to working-class blacks as well through property and vehicle taxes for shit like this.
Around these parts trails are built by volunteers, who are riders, working alongside a Gov crew. Usually BLM. They don’t pave the trails though, and the government already owns the land because we rightly stole it from them filthy Indians.
I think they built 22 miles of single track near my house for about $1000 worth of free t-shirts for volunteers, and whatever it costs for two gravel parking areas with a sign and a long drop shitter. (I tried to find the cost on the BLM web site, but gave up)
Apples to oranges. Single track is recreational trails, not transportation. They often don’t go anywhere (ie, loops) and are often one-way for safety. They are often impassable to road bikes because of terrain, obstacles, etc. While there is some overlap between road and mountain bikers, most mountain bikers don’t care about bikes as transportation.
Rails to trails is far less bad than fucking with existing roads. SLDs, of course.
Here in Ohio, we’ve got the Towpath trail, which is built along the old canals. While there are some sections that are paved, most is crushed limestone that I wouldn’t want to take a road/racing bike on. A decent hybrid or mountain bike can handle it fine, and I’ve seen some people overcompensating with fat tire bikes.
If they did, they couldn’t afford their bikes. Have you seen what a decent mountain bike costs these days?
Nope. See above.
No fair, I always at least read what’s posted before going off on a tangent.
Sometimes I even comment on it.
“Sweden have dropped the rape charges against Julian Assange. ”
He better be careful not to say anything critical of you know who on Facebook, though
Rhymes with uslim or quislam?
‘Fat but fit is a big fat myth’ – according to some people at least.
I can think of plenty of fat but fit people: John Candy, John Belushi, the great Chris Farley-may they all live long and happy lives.
And virtually the entire NFL and NBA nearly all of whom qualify as morbidly obese
Only if you go by the idiotic BMI system, which doesn’t distinguish between muscle mass and fat.
At Officer Candidate School, there was one guy in another battalion that was, based on his BMI, forced to attend extra physical fitness training they gave the fatties. A week later, they gave the first physical fitness test, and he crushed it with a perfect score.
We all thought it pretty hilarious and that it summed up how useless the BMI is.
“See, the training works!”
I want to read this, but I won’t give traffic to BBC now that they’re actively trying to get people fired for their political opinions.
You didn’t stop when they actively started firing people for being white and/or male?
I didn’t even know this happened. I think you were the one that informed me of BCC’s new policy about commenters…
Someone else mentioned their policy of trying to get wrongthinkful commenters fired.
Snitches get stitches.
Of course it still won’t shut up the “fat acceptance” movement. I guess they are the reason we actually need studies like this to confirm the fucking obvious.
On the other hand, I can’t stand the anti fat acceptance people. “Obesity is baaaaaad! High blood pressure is baaaaad!” Yeah, no shit. You people sound like the anti-smoking Nazis from the 90s.
That the fat acceptance people are delusional does not justify obnoxious concern trolling in response.
I think there is a fine line between the concern trolls and the people that just want to push back on the whole idea that you can be “fat but fit”. I’m more partial to keeping my opinions to myself and my friends/family, so if one of my friends started buying into this idea, I’d definitely do what I could to let them know that its not healthy, and they need to start exercising/eating healthier. Honestly, its really fucking easy these days with fit bit and other tracking devices. All you do is scan a barcode in whenever you eat something, your wristband tells you how much you’ve burned.
Just make sure you’re at a deficit of calories every day + time = weight loss. Not hard.
You people? The fuck are you talking about? I couldn’t give a shit if people want to be fat fucks, just don’t blow smoke up my ass insisting that it’s healthy or attractive.
Here’s what I wrote:
If you consider yourself a part of the anti fat acceptance people, then “you people” applies.
Who is doing that? If they want to tell themselves that, it’s not aimed at you. If they want to have a little group and tell each other that, it’s still not aimed at you.
They’re not ‘telling themselves that’, they’re screeching, loudly and annoyingly, at everyone around them about how it’s normal and perfectly healthy. That’s the ‘acceptance’ part, it’s not about some little group just accepting they’re fat bastards, it’s them demanding that everyone accept that their ‘life choice’ of being fat is normal and healthy, not to mention sexually attractive.
Could you point me toward something that supports what you’re saying?
F. Stupidity Jr.:
Please see the very recent freak-out over Lush posting a few 100% true facts about obesity in America.
When you can’t share facts without the twitter brigade flipping out and tearing you down, then I think its crossed a line. Lust apologized! Apologized for sharing some facts about obesity!
See this article where a fat acceptance pusher argues that telling people obesity is wrong is fueling overeating. Note the immediate use of the terms ‘preach’ and ‘advocate’.
They are not an insular group, they demand that everyone around them conform to their idiotic views of health. Cults exist to preach, and fat acceptance is the same as any other leftist issue micro-cult.
In short, if your worldview is “I need everyone to accept my premises because if you judge me for being fat I’ll get stressed and overeat because I have zero self-control” you are deliberately projecting your issues on everyone else and blaming them for it. That’s less respectable than being fat.
John Titor:
Do you go into the comment section of, say, Blaire White videos and inform her audience with facts about the health risks associated with transgenderism? I doubt it. You’re a decent person, I wouldn’t expect that of you. So what’s different about
scoldinginforming people about the dangers of obesity?You might think it’s goofy for people to respond to fat-shaming by overeating, and I don’t disagree. But it’s rude to go around fat-shaming others. It’s almost like there’s a middle ground between “There’s nothing wrong with weighing 600 pounds” and “Fuck you, you disgusting fatty”.
Jr.: You’re missing the other side of the coin here. Do the particular community go around shaming magazines for using thin models? Does it go around shaming video games for modeling its characters based on in-shape people because it “promotes harmful stereotypes”?
Then fuck yes these people need to be pushed back against.
I agree that you shouldn’t just go around online or on the street pointing at random fat people and saying “you’re fat! STOP IT!”
But…. if that fat person is the one going around the street pointing at all the healthy people saying “you’re hurting my feelings by taking care of yourself! Stop telling your children they should eat healthy! Stop telling people they need to work for it in order to look good and be sexually attractive!”
Then, by god, you have the absolute right to shout right back at them. The best cure for shitty ideas is more speech.
I personally don’t care what is ‘rude’ and what isn’t, manners is not my concern in this issue, reality, and the denial of it, is. The central idea of the fat acceptance movement is that being overweight is an acceptable and healthy lifestyle choice. It isn’t. ‘Anti-fat acceptance’ is not being an asshole, it’s accepting basic fact. Being overweight is unhealthy, people spreading the idea that it’s not are lying and promoting self-destruction. I’m not going to be a cunt to some random fat person on the street, but if some loud-mouthed overweight troglodyte is screaming at me about how she’s beautiful and healthy I’m going to call her out as the delusional and likely lazy liar she is (and it is overwhelmingly she’s in these scenarios).
You’re confusing ‘anti-fat’ with ‘anti-fat acceptance’.
In fact, I’ll add that most of the ‘body positive’ movement is extremely destructive as a whole. Sure, there’s things you should just accept and move on over, big noses and all that, but the idea that you should just blissful stagnate rather than actually try to improve yourself is disgusting and anti-human.
Who was asking for those facts? Would you approach some fat person in the street and say, “Pardon me sir/ma’am, but you look dangerously unhealthy. If you don’t change your lifestyle, you are going to die prematurely?” Of course you wouldn’t, and of course you shouldn’t. But on the internet, people always feel obligated to point out that fatness carries additional health risks; good for you for remembering facts from 8th grade health class.
This sort of Healthier Than Thou attitude has been used as justifications for smoking bans and cigarette taxes and alcohol taxes and soda taxes and god knows what else is coming down the pipe. I mean, I think transgenderism is harmful and delusional but it’s their life. Drug use (and abuse) is their life. Alcohol use (and abuse) is their life. And being delusional about the harmful effects of obesity is their life.
If someone wants to be a dick to other people under the guise of “Hey, if it saves one life,” go for it.
You’re making the leap to laws here, not me. For me, it comes down to this – I don’t condone spreading misinformation — you asked for a story and I gave you one. If a private business wants to post something on their twitter account, I say let them. If the responders want to get upset by the facts posted on the private business’s twitter account, I say let them. If people want to correctly respond to the offended twitter-users that they are spreading misinformation and that “fat = healthy” is not true, I say let them.
I don’t think we’re in disagreement here. I’m just saying that in a situation where people who want to counter morons with legitimate facts, because the morons are using the loudspeaker that is the internet – I think its entirely legitimate for people to use that loudspeaker right back at the morons.
I never once advocated a law to mandate health – you made that jump. You can argue the whole “slippery slope” angle all you want, but then you have to apply it to all types of other speech as well.
For a long time I’ve thought we are sending very confusing messages to kids. You have some people like Michelle Obama telling them that obesity is a problem and a crisis, then you have other people telling them that you should accept people the way they are. So it’s like “You should take care of your body and not be overweight because it’s super bad for you! But if you don’t that’s ok because we accept and love you just the way you are!”
It’s the delicate snowflake thing again. If you can’t walk up a flight of stairs without taking a break half way, it doesn’t make you a bad person or less worthy of love or respect or whatever, but it does mean that you’re probably going to die of the beetus or a heart attack or something and probably ought to lose some weight. Or don’t, whatever. But don’t transpose your personal, subjective need for self-esteem onto the objective facts of your physical condition.
Last I checked you were gonna die of something either way and physically fit people dropping dead relatively young of heart attacks or the Beetus isn’t exactly rare either.
Yeah being fat isn’t healthy and anyone who says it is is either deluded or lying but the problem is there is a very large percentage of the population who DOES thing that being fat makes you a bad person and less worthy of love and respect and even among the majority of the population their attempts to “help” are generally exactly the opposite of what you should do to help someone lose weight.
there is a very large percentage of the population who DOES thing that being fat makes you a bad person and less worthy of love and respect
You got a source for that?
I doubt it. It’s just anecdotal.
But based on what I’ve read, there’s a not-insignificant percentage of the population that treat fat people as pariahs.
Yep, a lifetime of being fat and hearing the comments people direct at me
Ask people like Bloomberg for his list.
love you just the way you are!
Cue somber sax guy.
I read that as cucumber sex for some reason and thought you were h8ting on the chubby chicks…. Don’t you know they need some love too?
That actually sounds about right. Being overweight (or a drug addict, or whatever) is bad for your health. It doesn’t mean you should be treated as a lesser human being.
Is anybody actually seriously advocating that fat people be treated as less of a human being? Because I haven’t really seen it. Just because I think you are unhealthy or unattractive does not mean I think you are unworthy of respect. Jesus, doesn’t anybody even logic anymore?
Yes, some do, because their “logic” works like this: Fat = Bad, Person = Fat, therefore Person = Bad.
That logic only works if you ignore the difference between nouns and adjectives.
Fat, N. ~= Bad
Person == Fat, Adj.
Fat, Adj. != Fat, N.
But still, As one fat bastard to another, they should get off the couch and watch what they’re shovelling in their maw. They’ll feel better in more ways than one.
Progs don’t use logic.. it is feels…
I think you can be fat (for a given value of fat) and not be on death’s door, but you have to really try to be “fat but fit”. I mean, like you have to be a sumo wrestler or a lineman or something. Really specific, planned out, coordinated nutrition and training strategies. If you’ve got a big ol’ gut and can’t jog for ten minutes straight, you’re not anywhere near fit.
I’m overweight, and I’m losing weight very, very slowly, but that’s in part because I’ve been lifting weights, doing HIIT circuits for the past few months, and eating 200g of protein a day. I’m still at the weight I was when I started, but I’m gradually swapping that out for muscle, at least according to my pants.
And my swole-ass shoulders, brah. Plus, these lats, I look like a cobra!
That’s not at all true. But my wife is starting to tell me that I’m getting veiny forearms and she thinks it’s gross.
I’m gaining weight – but I attribute that to weightlifting. These “mighty” (ha!) shoulders of mine weren’t added on by pixie magic and fairy dust.
I’m overweight (and working on it), have high blood pressure, and can ride 50+ miles in a day with no issue. My doctor gets annoyed when I tell him my riding schedule.
The Holmes Park Elementary teacher, Megan Sloan, admitted she had pawned electronics belonging to the school and taken field trip money to buy drugs and gas.
How much does an overhead projector fetch at the pawn shop?
Not much at the pawn shop. wrong market to maximize returns.
But schools these days waste millions of “for the childrunz” dollars on crap they don’t actually use properly, if at all, to ‘educate’
Dunce caps are cheap.
Speaking of tangents – can any of our resident kentucky-knowledgable people weigh in on whether any of the places on Museum row are worth the time it would take to visit them, or if I should just stick with my planned two (Louisville Slugger and Evan Williams.)
As a former local, I can see I haven’t been to any. Including the bat factory since it moved back from southern Indiana (I went a few times over there).
No, wait, I have been to the science museum, both as a kid and a few years ago. Its good, but more kid oriented. I went to see a tornado documentary.
The Fraser history museum has good exhibits, although the dragon one they had a while back seemed a bit off mission.
There is a first friday trolley hop up and down the little art museums, I have done that but it is more for the free wine and cheese.
You mentioned the track, the Derby Museum is fun. As is a day at the races.
I’m going to be at the track that Sunday, they’re not open any other day I’m going to be in town. So I was looking at things to do that Tuesday.
The museum is open on days the track isnt, but not sure of their schedule.
I was planning to visit the Derby Museum sunday when I wandered away from the races. I mean, I’m already there…
Makes sense.
Do you need any restaurant recs? I am a few years out of date on the new stuff, but can still give some, depending on what you are looking for.
Also,, for restaurant stuff. There have been plenty of “I am coming to town” threads on there.
I do need food recs, thanks.
Any types in particular? Price points?
I can ignore my standard alcohol recs, IIRC.
I have to keep the price reasonable because I’m spending two weeks on the road and most of hotels only include breakfasts, so I’ll be buying give or take twenty meals “out” over the course of the vacation.
Hammerheads – recommend the duck tacos and grippo fries, located in the basement of a house. Stairs down from sidewalk to entrance.
Game – burgers made from weird meat of your choice (I like the Antelope), located in a former fast food restaurant (Wendy’s maybe, or maybe it was an LJS?).
Come Back Inn – italian, located on same block as Hammerhead. In a house, not a basement.
The first two are owned by same people. All reasonably priced.
didnt link the others because rulz.
O fuck yeah, Grippo fries. Grippo anything, but especially Grippo fries
The funny thing is, I can’t stand grippo chips.
That’s not funny, that’s SAD!
Their BBQ gets all the praise, but the plain Grippos are highly underappreciated. Big fan of their pretzels as well
You lost me. do you have more context?
The best chips in the world
They are made in Cincinnati and are only available in that general area. They make different flavors, but the BBQ is the most popular and restaurants have lately taken to use the BBQ “dust” on the chips to season other things like fries. The “dust” is like very spicy sugar. Idk, it’s hard to describe, but it’s very different from other BBQ chips
Havana Rumba if you want some awesome, reasonably priced Cuban food. Louisville, for all I hate about it, generally has really great restaurants
Yes to this. I lived around the corner from HR2, used to walk to it all the time.
OMG I so miss Havana Rumba.
One of the very few things I do miss about Louisville
Bardstown Rd and Frankfort Ave corridors are loaded with local restaurants. And bars. And weird hippie stuff (Bardstown Rd). Soem good, some bad, some indifferent. But if you have a hankering for Bosnian cuisine, it is available (unless they have closed).
I can’t recall ever actually having had Bosnian cuisine.
You have missed out on nothing.
Go to Zanzabar.
Eat, drink, play video games, watch punk rock. They got it all at Zanzabar.
Looks like 5/24 Diarrhea Planet is playing. Great band. And 5/31 is Diet Cig with Sports opening. Both great bands. Sports will break into some mainstream pop success eventually. But you can be all cool and say, “Yeah i saw them play in this weird arcade diner bar in Louisville when they were still playing punk.”
On the 31st I’ll to be in North Carolina. June 4, 5 & 6 are the days I’m in Louisville.
Also, go check out Third Street Dive.
Fun times there. Drunken debauchery. Punk rock.
The largest hail I have ever seen happened while I was at Zanzabar. Did thousands of dollars of damage to my car.
I cashed the check and never got the car fixed. SPEED DENTS.
Hail would be bad. I’ve already had a car totalled this year, and this one is brand new. I don’t think I want to know what my premiums would be with another claim.
Women Reveal Their Worst Experiences of Mainsplaining
Oh how terrible he was for being pragmatic and consiterate.
She’s going to end up miserable and alone, and still be blaming “the patriarchy” for it all.
When you need your worldview that men are oppressors validated, you will find – whether it really exists or not – plenty of instances of of male oppression.
Yet when women want to yadda yadda yadda men are just supposed to “be supportive” and “listen to me, not come up with solutions”
SIL lecturing brother about how he should talk to his bosses about upcoming workload at a place he’s been working for under a year. Then she gets miffed when he excuses himself to leave the room.
Sucks regardless of gender. Also: it’s a very, very minor thing.
Femsplaining = also known as “nagging”.
I was recently best man at my friend’s wedding. During the ceremony, when the pastor gave his life advice/comments before the vows, he discussed the biological differences between men and women – the different rates of thought that occur in a man’s brain versus a woman’s brain – and how men and women (generally) approach problems differently. He said to remember that in times of trouble, she will want support, and he will want to give solutions. He gave a lot of really good advice.
Fucking shitlord.
I have actually told my wife on several occasions, if you don’t want me to think up solutions, don’t tell me about problems.
Haha, well I hope your wife is a cool person, cause I can’t think of a lot of people that wouldn’t throw a fit.
Yeah, she is. Of course now she will often preface something with “I’m just telling you about this, I don’t want you to figure out how to fix it for me”. At which point she’s got me.
Mine was OK with that for about 16 years.. then she started complaining that I was not empathetic and went off the rails.. There were some other issues as well, but this was one of her big complaints about me. Needless to say, I am a skirt chasing bachelor now, and I don’t have to put up with that nonsense unless I feel it is worth it.
“Oh, hon, that’s awful. It’s awful that you’re bringing this up with me.”
It’s a bold move Cotton, let’s see if it pay off for him.
Toby Keith had it down years ago.
So much this.
That broad needs one thing explained to her by whatever beta cuck male is in her life: how to work the handle on that exit door so she can GTFO.
No woman ever told a man what to do that’s for sure. Not to mention the fact that is stupid to tell something to someone in case they forgot and didn’t occur to them, as that never happens.
Yeah but we already have a word for that, “nagging”.
If mansplaining is somehow the male equivalent of nagging, I am willing to call a truce.
My issue is that there are times when my wife treats me as one of the other children. I don’t think it’s on purpose, I just think she’s so used to talking to them a certain way that it spills over into some of our conversations.
My wife used to teach fourth grade, and we’d get in some vicious fights after she’d get annoyed with me and start talking to me like a teacher.
This X a million. She doesn’t do it often, but it’s really, really annoying.
NOT FUNNY you cishetwhite shitlord.
You know who else had easy access?
Whoever emailed Podesta?
Busy Signal
Annabel Chong?
Gina Rangi @mokai77
Breastfeeding. I was feeding my baby at the time.
I hope he did the “V” finger thing with his tongue.
I hope he explained it like Hank.
I got a new client as a result of mansplaining. The client had been to an old white boys law firm, and the dude told her not to worry her pretty head about it. So she came to me.
And told me she’d been mansplained to at the other place.
I’m torn between advising taking all of her money and not wanting to give the ethically questionable advice of fleecing the mentally handicapped.
I don’t think that counts as mansplaining as much as being an asshole to a customer which usually looses business.
Well, that too. Here’s the kicker though: this client has an advanced chemistry degree, and that’s part of her daily job. So it’s not like she is dumb.
Some of the people with the highest education achievements have also been some of the most clueless people I have interacted with. For some reason high IQ or advanced schooling never makes up for lack of common sense.
I have to agree here. The guy sounds like he was just being an asshole to a customer. Then he lost the customer to the competition — whowouldathunkit??
If you tell a female client not to “worry her pretty little head about it”, that’s actually sexism.
I think we need a photo to confirm the: pretty; little; and head.
White shoe lawyers can be condescending assholes? Wow.
mansplaining is when a man explains something to a woman in a patronising or condescending manner.
So, I she apparently addresses this by doing the same thing in reverse, which I suppose would be “femsplaining”.
Like only white people can be racist, only men can be patronizing when they explain things to their betters, erm womyn.
It’s called “condescension”, sweetheart, and you do it, too.
““I was once building some flat-pack furniture with a man and he kept trying to tell me how to work a screwdriver even though I was already doing it,” 24-year-old Clara told The Independent.”
Meanwhile, I needed to replace the igniter and burner tubes on my grill the other night. My wife couldn’t help but to offer unhelpful suggestions on things she knows nothing about.
It’s been something men have done since the beginning of time (probably), but it’s only in recent years been identified and given the name ‘mansplaining’
It’s only recently been given a name because throughout the rest of the breadth of human history, both men and women had wildly more important things to occupy their concerns, fears and outrages than whether an offer of information or explanation was sufficiently deferential.
As I said yesterday, some of the most fortunate people in human history have gotten it into their heads that their good fortune is their due. It leads them to an inflated sense of entitlement that manifests as perpetual grievance.
if you didn’t know, mansplaining is when a man explains something to a woman in a patronising or condescending manner.
But it doesn’t look like he was either patronising or condescending?
The fact that he was a man explaining something to a woman makes it condescending by default, because women are equal or superior to men in every way, therefore there is never anything a man can teach a woman.
So “Change Your Own Fucking Tire” is acceptable now? Sweet!
Well, now Robbie’s screwed.
Also this has been making the rounds
“Not to alarm you, but I probably want you to quit your job, or at least take a demotion. Statistically speaking, you are probably taking up room that should go to someone else. If you are a white cis man (meaning you identify as male and you were assigned male at birth) you almost certainly should resign from your position of power. That’s right, please quit. Too difficult? Well, as a first step, at least get off your hiring committee, your curriculum committee, and make sure you’re replaced by a woman of color or trans person. ”
White cis males should quit their high paying jobs to make room basically. If you think otherwise you are sexist, racist and transphobic. But then all cis white males are those things anyway.
Also if you are a white woman you are still not off the hook.
A selection from the comments:
“We need to decouple success in mathematics from IQ. IQ is a social construct that cishet white men devised that defines “intelligence” on the basis of culture. Sadly, there is a direct correlation between high IQ and “earning” a PhD in a STEM discipline, which is all too reflective of how white cishet men have designed disciplinary concepts to reinforce their own power structures.
It is fundamentally unfair and marginalizing for IQ tests and mathematics curriculum to be designed around the same white supremacist, cisheteronormative standards, thus marginalizing women of color. What we need isn’t just “fair hiring;” we need a radical reconceptualization of mathematics in a decolonizing framework.”
Said someone with a low IQ
If this kind of math catches on I’d make a serious effort to avoid bridges, airplanes, and banks.
She continues:
Is this the broad that is a fucking math professor?
there are many kinds of math, many kinds of logic, and many kinds of proof,
Actually, there are only two kinds of those things: the kind that works, and the kind that doesn’t.
+1 Airplane or rockets or satellites or computers or transistors or … :echoes off to infinity::
If this takes off, I’m going to get my PhD in Walpiri math.
The answer to everything is “many”.
Bistromaths. Keeps the old white dude in the mix.
The advances of critical theory have helped guide musicians into recognizing that the music of the Bantu people is just as worthy of learning and study as that of any baroque composer…so should we not follow the same lead?
The first statement belies the second…
Shhh. No one tell her math was not created by white men.
(throws calculator at wall)
youse tellin me its been misegginated?!
It ain’t even old timey!!
Actually, it depends on which math. Like calculus and Sir Isaac Newton, for example.
This makes me laugh because it sounds like me when I switched from being a journalism major to electrical engineering.
The first few EE classes were tough because I was used to being able to upgrade my test scores via long arguing matches with the professors. And the arguing was all about how if you looked at things from another perspective my answer was the only correct answer and it wasn’t FAIR to take points away.
In EE classes the fucking profs were total dicks about insisting that the answer was 3. Even when I brought up the fact that the answer was totally based on the white man ripping off arabic numerals, it made no difference.
I eventually learned that in engineering you had to actually do home work and read the texts if you wanted to do well. It was so unfair though.
The girlfriend is going to college to get a degree at long last, and she’s almost done with a history major (sigh). I got dragged to a department dinner last year where I got to hear the history department heads claim that they were the most analytical department at the college. I had to struggle to keep my mouth shut. Then there’s her professor’s offering extra credit for crap like going to a museum, or bringing food into the class.
Then there’s her professor’s offering extra credit for crap like going to a museum, or bringing food into the class.
That seems more like elementary school.
Yeah, that’s not a problem with the discipline – that’s a problem with the college and/or department. History can be extremely rigourous… and STEM can be complete bullshit at the wrong place (I’m thinking there are math classes at U-Hawaii that aren’t worth the price of admission, for example.)
From my understanding, it’s across departments. At this point, she’s just got a couple of history classes, and a foreign language class to go, and both of those have offered the BS extra credit in the past.
Ahhh!! The comments burn! The goggles do nothing!
Well, as a first step, at least get off your hiring committee, your curriculum committee,
These words are only spoken by people that do not work in the business world. Managers hire and curricula don’t exist when there’s a profit to be made. Committees are for academia and non-profits.
Then you should totally shut down your company because profits are evil, or something.
I gave up on trying to understand the deliberately dis-enlightened.
‘deliberately dis-enlightened.’
I like it. I think ol’ Bert Russell called it ‘learned ignorance’.
The unlightenment.
To be fair they talk mostly academia, I did not mention that when linking
But sloopy is not exempt from blame because it is obvious he is perpetuating the oppressive cis het family (one cis man, one cis woman, dependents).
And he controls the links! Burn him, burn him!
I don’t know whether to be sadder that the AMS posted this, or that the commenters cheered it on.
I am pretty sure I don’t know anyone in the dark mathematical arts, of any skin color or gender, who agrees with any of that article. And I associate with many mathematicians, to my constant peril.
I dont think these idiots would like the world that would be if all of the cis-white males left.
Let’s just give them their own state and see what happens.
Would they last a year?
Maybe their own space ark?
Perfect. I like the way you think, young man!
Look man, other than 90% of the dollars in the Treasury, and 90% of the bodies in Arlington National Cemetery, and 90% of the inventions you use today, what have white males ever done for this country?
The aqueduct?
Hell, just take away everything ever created and developed by white males. Then idiotic institutions like hers wouldn’t even exist to promote this nonsense.
If she’s a university professor, maybe we should shame her for appropriating European male culture.
They’ve already stated Europeans and Americans don’t have a culture, they just stole it from blacks in Africa. They’ve got it all figured out.
Yes, of course, Europeans stole things from the Africans that Africans never actually had. Now I understand the wokeness.
You can easily find such communities all over the country – North Philadelphia, Southeast DC, South Central LA, East New York, the South Bronx, East Saint Louis,…
So, Democrats?
Why do we pay any attention/give any traffic to these people? I really don’t think they are representative of any kind of larger movement or how the American populace thinks. Oh, wait, we’re hate-reading aren’t we?
Carry on.
For me is mostly amusement. And what if peak derp appears and I miss it? What then huh?
There is no such thing as Peak Derp.
Derpetologist is currently out on a fact-finding mission to locate it.
Oh doctor, it is plain to see, he needs a derp-en-dect ooo meeeee! /sings a line from Derp! The Musical.
I’d say it’s pretty much boilerplate affirmative action which is still the law. So, they certainly have enormous influence.
If these people are so wise in the ways of of science in other ways than they wouldn’t need to agitate for a space at the table.
They’ve yet to prove these other methods have any use.
who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?
You want what I have? Either earn it yourself, or try to come and take it, motherfucker.
Yeah! STEM is for white dudes!
My employer apparently doesn’t agree with your viewpoint, as she hasn’t decided to fire me.
fuck you, no.
Those in ‘resistance’ should refrain from mocking Trump’s supporters
Stop mocking and start condescending. Totally redeemed themselves.
The only thing worse than a combative, mocking Progressive is a condescending, concern trolling progressive. The idea of just shutting the fuck up, listening and empathizing is beyond foreign to them. It would require some form of humility out of them.
“Misconstrued?” So, Dear White People isn’t anti-white bullshit?
The movie actually wasn’t. I didn’t agree with everything it was saying, but it was actually more about de-radicalizing than radicalizing. I was surprised.
But this mentions the Netflix series, not the movie.
I know, but I don’t even think that’s out yet (I could be wrong). I’m just saying that the movie wasn’t anti-white, so if you haven’t seen the show, its possible that it isn’t anti-white either. That being said, I think the original person that made the movie isn’t involved with the show, so it could very well be anti-white. I don’t know. I could be wrong here.
I have not seen Get Out — can anyone glibsplain it to me in terse terms?
Psych thriller. I found it VERY referential to a certain 70’s movie based on an Ira Levin novel. That’s as far as I’ll go without giving too much away.
I enjoyed it. Fun movie. I didn’t read all that social justice BS into it.
Stepford Wives with black people instead of women. It’s actually a really good movie. I’m surprised stupid people like it as much as they do.
Jeeze louise, I was trying to avoid spoilers and there you come with your “Stepford Wives”
Robin Wright: I was denied a role because my breasts weren’t pretty enough
They do look rather sad. Sad!
How is this shocking? When casting for a visual medium, appearances matter.
I know, she makes millions of dollars based in large part on the way she looks. So very, very oppressed, she is.
It’s a woman’s right for men to like her breasts? Or should men have no preference for breasts?
She enacted the labor of showing up, so she deserved the part and to be showered with cash.
As long as they stay away from the ass, I’m fine with this.
I’d argue that the guy was an asshole for saying it the way he did to her. But as a filmmaker, a profession that obviously emphasizes what is going on visually, its a totally valid reason to not give someone the part.
I don’t doubt he was an asshole. He is french, after all. But I don’t get where rights come into it.
They don’t. Like I said, its a totally valid reason for the filmmaker to not hire her based on her breasts.
Nice tits or GTFO
Get The F*** Onallfours?
Was Roman Polanski directing?
Isn’t 17 too old for him?
That why she didn’t get the part – and wasn’t ass-raped.
I’d have to see the other t-ties to make an outrage determination.
Note this was France, we should be more like Europe,
Also, the French have much different standards regarding the Tatum O’Neills. I spent a brief, fucking awesome summer with this French exchange student who was staying with a girl I was friends with in high school. She was dirty blonde, green-eyed, maybe 5’8″, with a body like Kate Upton. She was coy without being shy. She was beautiful! She was young, she was innocent. She was the greatest piece of ass I’ve ever had, and I’ve had ’em all over the world. …but I digress.
I distinctly remember a conversation we had early on where she told me that she wasn’t used to guys talking to her because, in France, they thought her breasts were too big. This told me everything I ever needed to know about the benighted French.
Robin, when I hear about you dating Danny DeVito, we’ll talk.
Forget it, Robin, it’s France.
So casting a woman based on how pretty her face is…. Totes OK
Casting based on the rest of her body… Totes sexist
As crime dries up, Japan’s police hunt for things to do
The Japanese are too old to go out and commit as many crimes anymore?
Fifteen years ago police in Hokkaido, in Japan’s sparsely populated north, conspired with yakuza gangsters to smuggle guns into the country so they could meet quotas for finding them.
This is so stereotypical, I don’t believe it. It’s like the old story about the japanese parts supplier shipping the 5% of defective parts in a separate box in the early 80s.
What’s the background to that story?
Its the Six Sigma story. A US manufacturer in the late 70s/early 80s contracts with a Japanese parts supplier. The US manufacturer requires what they think is an astronomically low defect rate of 5% or less. The first shipment comes in and there are 19 boxes of parts that all work perfectly and another box of parts labelled “defects”.
I’m trying, man.
Nut Punch.
Baby fed ‘alternative’ diet weighed less than 10lbs when he died with a totally empty stomach
In a sad way maybe it’s natural selection at work
Fine. Then the parents should be recycled into bear shit or something.
I believe the term is upcycled
I’m not clicking on it. Child abuse is the one thing that sends me into either depression or rage.
I live on rage.
But yeah, these are sickening stories to read.
The mother and father, who ran a natural food store in the town of Beveren in Belgium, insisted on putting their son Lucas on an alternative diet that included quinoa milk, according to local media.
I wonder if business is down at all.
Do they not have regular doctor checkups for babies in Belgium?
I would think with the great European health plans…
I think we had a 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, so our doc would have caught the problem before 7 months.
Fuckhead parents never took the baby in.
The weird thing is, I want these people tried for murder, but I am fine (in a libertarian since, not a personal one) with Christian Science parents who do use modern medicine to help their sick kids. Or parents who don’t vaccinate.
I realize it might look like a contradiction to some, but I think there is some sort of fine line I could draw. I probably should think about it to clarify it.
Principled retardation vs negligent retardation, I guess. Seems like there’s a difference in intent that evokes the outrage, even if the result is the same.
I can’t get there. Do whatever the fuck you want to your own body, but give the kid a chance to reach maturity, too.
I understand his argument, but I can’t get there either. I’ve actually thought of Christian Scientists denying their children medical care as a NAP violation. Non-vaccination is a closer call, but there’s an argument to be made that it’s also a NAP violation as well (though I probably wouldn’t say it is)
They need to give the name back.
Real Christian Science was based upon the presupposition that God, being sigificantly smarter than us, created a set of principles that could be uncovered empyrically. thus Science, and the fruits thereof, were by no means incompatable with faith.
Anyone who goes around rejecting modern medicine on the grounds of faith cannot rightly claim the moniker of “Christian” “Scientist”.
There’s a case for trying parents for negligence or negligent homicide, but I’m leery of using Christian Science or refusal to vaccinate as prima facie evidence of abuse. Even if I disagree with those things, it’s better to have a firewall there than allow the statists to start making inroads.
They’re still on the waiting list for prenatal care.
I remain against the death penalty, but this is a situation where I would not be against slow, painful torture that stops just short of death. Do that, let them recover, and then repeat. For the next 50 years or so.
The boats for them. Stuck on top of each other.
With lots and lots of honey.
You know I hate to start a whole thing, but fuck it, that’s why we’re here right?
I honestly can’t comprehend why infanticide is looked upon with such visceral hatred in a society where late term abortion is considered a sacrament. The cognitive difference between a 9 month old fetus and a 7 month old baby is so minimal as to be almost meaningless.
Third trimester abortions don’t exist.
Actually, let me rephrase. They might exist. But they ain’t legal.
Third trimester abortion is completely legal in the US under federal law, completely legal in 8 states, and legal under various exceptions in all 50 states. Rare? Sure. But the actual incidence is less important than the ethics. The criminal penalty value of a 7 month old baby proportional to a late term abortion should be fairly marginal.
Particularly where the death is caused by negligence. These people are fuckups, but honestly, do they deserve the tortures of the damned?
And what are those exemptions…
Oh right, medical emergency or discovery of birth defects so severe that there is essentially a 0 chance of the childs surviving even a few days.
Drop the fucking lying, 3rd trimester abortions are NOT a sacrament in this country, they are extremely rare and 99% of the ones which do occur do so for entirely valid moral and medical reasons.
Finally you are on a god damned libertarian website you should know damn well why they are legal at the Federal level, because the Federal government was never given the power to regulate abortion in the first place. They have no legitimate power to outlaw abortion, they do have the power to step in between the states and the people and prevent a state from issuing a blanked ban on the practice because they have the authority to rule on what constitutes a right of the people that the States cannot infringe but they cannot outlaw abortion.
If the state (fedgov)’s sole purpose is to defend the right of people, wouldn’t a pro-life libertarian think it was within their scope of authority to outlaw it?
If one thinks abortion is taking a human life, then they would logically think it was the responsibility of the state to abolish it and punish those who commit it. That’s a perfectly libertarian position to take.
There are no restrictions and hence no exemptions necessary in 8 states.
The exemptions in the rest of the states vary (your expert proclamations on morality and medical necessity notwithstanding).
There are numerous national advocacy groups for preserving the right of a woman to obtain an abortion at any point up to delivery, NARAL Pro-Choice America being the most prominent. The Democratic Party platform calls for a repeal of laws restricting access to abortion without limitation to time or place. The federal ban on partial birth abortion was vigorously challenged to the Supreme Court.
If you want to quibble about the term “sacrament” knock yourself out. Not one single word I said was incorrect or not factual. So go fuck yourself.
The fact is that third trimester abortion, contra JB’s assertion, is absolutely not categorically illegal anywhere in the United States. Infanticide is universally illegal everywhere in the United States. Certain folks who are not morally opposed to third trimester abortion wish to subject this couple to brutal torture for committing infanticide, despite there being very little difference biological difference between a late term fetus and a 7 month old child. That was my point, which you neatly avoided addressing in favor of being a retarded prick. Thanks for your contribution to the discussion.
If the state (fedgov)’s sole purpose is to defend the right of people, wouldn’t a pro-life libertarian think it was within their scope of authority to outlaw it?
He’s saying that the feds have an obligation to prevent states from outlawing abortion on account of the court finding abortion to be an unenumerated right. Which is true, albeit an utter non-sequitur having nothing to do with anything I said. Under Roe the federal government, like the states, can theoretically enact restrictions on abortion short of banning the practice. Third trimester abortion has nevertheless not been categorically restricted at the federal level (although one particular abortion procedure was banned by the Partial Birth Abortion Act). Or, stated another way, Third trimester abortion is completely legal in the US under federal law.
Caveat: my comment is solely about the statement I’ve quoted and not the entire discussion
Well, it shouldn’t be. The Federal government does not have general police power. I realize that ship long ago sailed thanks to the commerce clause, but strictly speaking things like theft, assault, murder etc. are state, not Federal, matters.
Don’t worry, medical ethicists have you covered. After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
Fair warning, like anything else written by a bioethicist, this is completely idiotic.
I refuse to read that, but do they invoke the Algebra clause?
I’m not familiar with the “algebra clause”, so I couldn’t say. Their arguments rest on the suppositions that infants are not people in the same sense that fetuses aren’t, that their eventual personhood is irrelevant, and adoption is icky. Don’t know if that answers your question or not.
Oh they can’t do that, Math is a white construct.
Similar, but different.
individual who is capable of attributing to her own existence some (at least) basic value such that being deprived of this existence represents a loss to her.
That brings in so many problems. 1) fetuses/infants feel fear, as do most higher order animals. 2) suicidal people don’t fear death enough to consider it a “loss”
I’m pretty sure both of the authors are in their late 30s. Everyone knows life begins at 40. Abort them.
I’m against the death penalty, but I’m fully in favor of vigilantism.
How would they determine the gluten intolerance? It has been a bunch of years since the last time I was feeding a baby, but I don’t remember giving him doughnuts, bread or cereal at that age. There is all kinds of wrong in that story.
*takes pastry back from baby trshmnstr*
lol…….I honestly don’t remember. Sorry, it has been 22 years, and I barely remember last month. I may have been feeding my kid hostess-o’s at that age who knows. I was an actual stay at home dad for the second year of his life and we definitely ate some pastries. I remember that year well. That was the best job I have ever had. A lot easier and more fun than framing a house or painting boat bottoms.
Lol, baby trshmnstr is 2 weeks old, she’s not getting anything but booby right now.
There is all kinds of wrong in that story.
The reporting actually bothers me more than the facts reported.
They conclude that a gluten free diet is dangerous. But that’s a non-sequitur. The baby most likely died due to a lack of animal products, like, you know, real fucking milk. There is absolutely no biological need for gluten-containing plant products (wheat, soy, etc). But what this family excluded was much more than gluten.
Babies dying from “enlightened” parents feeding them a pure vegan diet is a lot more common than we hear about.
Doctor: You know the leech comes to us on the highest authority?
Edmund: Yes. I know that. Dr. Hoffmann of Stuttgart, isn’t it?
Doctor: That’s right, the great Hoffmann.
Edmund: Owner of the largest leech farm of Europe.
Without action on antibiotics, medicine will return to the dark ages
I wonder how much regulation adds to the costs. Also what does fair access guaranteed mean?
It means that the pharma companies won’t be allowed to charge enough money for the hypothetical antibiotic to actually cover their costs.
And yet, they are not eager to develop new antibiotics.
A real puzzler, that is.
I wonder why it takes so long to produce safe medicines?
The FDA is puzzled, too.
We don’t need to worry about that because CRISPR will lead to cures for all diseases and selective genetic targeting of bacteria within the next 5 years
/Ron Bailey
Just like the cure for cancer has been 20 years away for the last 40 years.
I find it interesting that this planet seems to self-regulate in so many ways. It’s constantly trying to kill us, and we’re constantly trying to fight it. Mother Gaia is a bitch.
Anyone out there dumb enough to give Jon Corzine their money?
Absolutely! Where do I send the check?
Pay to the order of cash and send it C/O UnCivilServant.
Well, since Bernie Madoff isn’t available…
Daryl Bem Proved ESP Is Real Which means science is broken.
There is also shit like this, which is irrelevant to the article but in the last copule of years keeps jumping up at me.
“A few students—all of them white guys, Wu remembers—would hang around to ask about the research and to probe for flaws in its design. Wu still didn’t believe in ESP, but she found herself defending the experiments to these mansplaining guinea pigs. The methodology was sound, she told them—as sound as that of any other psychology experiment. ”
Again with the fuckin mansplaining, and that for questioning a questionable methodology. And it is relevant they are white males, because apparently non white males have no scientific curiosity. I am sure the young lady who remembers this will not be in any way biased in her research
I dont give a damn what they found with their study-they fucked it up or faked it somehow.
All good science should pass by without criticism.
Well, that’s pretty much all I need to know to get an idea of the validity of the results.
Eh… Given that the effect appears to be entirely local (cannot be replicated in online experiments), I’m going to wait before jumping onboard. Its a much better critique of the entire experimental psychology field that his efforts follow all of the accepted protocols, take no shortcuts, and have better than random success on reproducibility. Would that other research with more potential applications got the same level of treatment. Its good to see science being done.
Virginia PostrelVerified account @vpostrel 16h16 hours ago
I can’t believe I’m RT’ing this guy or that he’s the voice of sanity among partisans, but this.
Michael MooreVerified account @MMFlint
The same well-meaning souls who were throwing an early victory party for Hillary are now celebrating Trump’s removal. Caution.
I will give him credit, he was right about Trump winning and a big reason why.
I think he’s insufferable, but he’s not always wrong.
The guy’s a fucking asshole on a lot of things, but he gets the people who flipped from Obama to Trump in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania. Which is the only reason Trump is President. It’s a huge story.
The lefty media has not delved into it, because it disrupts their narrative a little too much. Trump has to have been elected by the lurking menace of white supremacy. The idea that there were a bunch of card carrying union members in the Rust Belt who voted for Obama twice and Trump once and that’s what broke the blue wall is too painful to contemplate. It’s a weird blind spot of theirs. They seem to just take that white working class vote for granted, which is a huge mistake, because what the white working class wants is work. They don’t want “programs” or “assistance” or “investments”. Not to mention the continued effort of the Left to define everyone who is a straight white male as the Evil Other.
In a weird way, I respect Michael Moore a lot…more…now than I used to, juxtaposed against the lunatic SJ wing of the Dems. Like you say, he’s a fuckhead, and he’s a legit Marxist, with all the justification of violent theft that entails, but if nothing else he does actually know and relate to the working class, particularly in the Rust Belt, and he doesn’t have the institutionalized hatred of blue collar white people that’s steering the Dem’s popular strategies these days.
This here blog would be a lot better if Postrel was running things
::readies cat butt::
I agree. If…..were…
That’s a disgusting euphemism.
We are the people Postrel wanted to get rid of.
Well what she wants she gets apparently.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for
She sure showed us. I mean, there were only 600 comments the other morning!
How many articles at their place get over 100 comments anymore? And of those, how many of those comments are “I made $3000 last week working from home?” Well, hope they enjoy their site better now. It’s a real bastion of libertarianism, with Buttplug, Hihn, OldMexican, and the other assortment of trolls being the only people commenting.
The real proof will be their next fundraising drive.
More importantly, how many of the comments are from “Dan O?” I pop by there every-so-often and the comment section is a toxic hell hole. That dude comments on literally every single post – troll baiting people every time. People keep taking the bait so he keeps doing it. It’s really sad. I don’t look at the comments any more.
Pretty sure DanO. is the latest incarnation of shreek. It’s the one he started after AddictionMyth supposedly got banned, IIRC. He had debuted it shortly before I left, complete with the persecution story.
I thought it was Mary?
Its behavior is eerily similar to AddictionDerp. Calling people Trump fans, making non-threaded comments that scream for attention, and antagonizing for its own sake.
OldMex didn’t used to be a troll (then again, people insist Michael Hihn was once sane, too). He’s developed a serious case of TDS, though, and can’t seem to say anything anymore that doesn’t involve some invective about Trump.
Speaking of commenters flipping their shit over Trump, I’d rather read a book by OldMexican than a single sentence by HazelMeade.
Interesting. She’s usually coherent at Marginal Revolution.
HazelMeade is literally Blue John. I remember a post decrying yokel’s interest in Guns, Gay Cake Discrimination, and Confederate Flags. It was like a mirror image of John’s famous Pot, Mexicans, and Ass Sex.
Well-meaning souls, my ass.
Harvard student submits rap album as his senior thesis
They should have said “You have clearly not learned anything here.”
But the current faculty have brain rot.
That would be an admission of guilt.
Was this for his math degree?
English Department.
What about National Socialist Black Metal?
Did he have a couple of twerkers with him when he turned it in?
“I didn’t think they would respect rap as an art form enough for me to do it.”
These people really do believe in their persecution complex, don’t they? Persecuted in academia, epicenter of social justice faddism. OF COURSE THEY DIDN’T OBJECT TO YOUR THESIS, YOU TOOL.
Because of course, a white kid submitting a heavy metal album for his senior thesis would also have it accepted without question.
I am cool with this if it’s really good.
I posted in the PM links yesterday. Its not
No. No. No. No more Dark Crystal.
I almost didn’t marry my wife because she made me watch the movie.
I liked it, but then I’m going off memories from when I was about 6 years old.
Any actual puppetry in the reboot, or are they going to CGI it like they did with the Michael Bay Ninja Turtles reboot?
All Jim Henson puppets.
Dark Crystal was awesome… Private, I’m demoting you to Potato-Peeler 3rd Class in the Glibertarian Navy.
What changed your mind?
She’s still smoking hot and fun to be around.
Obligatory “Pix or GTFO!”
Some 90s music for the younger set.
Trivia: Tim Booth of James played Victor Zsasz in the movie Batman Begins.
That’s no way to treat musical instruments.
An underappreciated great album.
Too bad the only song you usually hear from them is Laid.
How about some Stone Roses?
Do yourself a favor and don’t listen to their new singles. If they release an album it’s going to be a big old Cleveland Steamer on their legacy, kinda like Pixies.
I’ve got most of the James discography – I strongly, strongly recommend their album “Hey Ma” which is on my desert island list.
British music in the 90s – Britpop – is an interesting side show compared to the grunge scene. I’m also a huge Suede fan.
The sweet spot for Britpop (imho) was starting in 1986 through 1991. Specifically the NME compilation “C86” is where it all begins.
Posting from my iPhone is a bitch for links. I’m gonna get on the laptop now and inundate this thread with links.
Technically that’s proto-Britpop at best. The sort of people who decide these types of things generally consider Britpop as a mid ’90s phenomenon – Oasis, Blur, Pulp, Suede. Post-shoegaze, post-Madchester.
Fair enough. So Britpop as a 1993-1998 phenomenon. I guess I like to get into port-Britpop and root around. I think that Kurt Cobain/Nirvana were heavily influenced by English/Scottish bands of this era. The Pastels, The Vaselines (obviously).
I never really got Oasis, Blur, Pulp etc. I like the songs, but I always felt they fell short to Teenage Fanclub, The Pastels, Mighty Lemon Drops, The Wonder Stuff, etc. “Brit pop” seemed like more of a media phenomenon like “Beatlemania”.
The Wonder Stuff
The big Britpop bands were more or less a commercial distillation of what was going in the more fragmented British music scene, I think. Combined with the zeitgeist of the UK at the time. Right time, right place.
I love Oasis. Including the post Britpop stuff that everybody shits on. Noel Gallagher isn’t a terribly imaginative songwriter – deliberately so – but he knows how to write a romper of a tune to this day.
The Mighty Lemon Drops are a good starting point.
Nebraska 90’s pop.
That there is some power pop. Back atcha’!
You just wish you were this cool.
I want to live in their world. Singer like Michael O’Donahue pretending to be a Japanese lounge singer. Japanese Slash “Slashanese” on lead gets. Bass player looks like Dr. Zaius. Drummer wearing the clothes of a 1960’s London fashion designer, yet with a samurai top knot. Very nice. Also from Japan:
Always wondered if that song is named after Soseki’s novel of the same name. Happy gals, aren’t they?
Oh, and just for that “Slashanese” zinger, you get one more.
WTF did I just watch?
That was a pretty good show too. I mostly watch Japanese stuff for the chicks, but Nagase Tomoya is one of the few actors I bother to follow as well.
Love that.
Really love this!
Yeah buddy! Thanks for that.
I got absolutely no responsibilities today. No schedule. No work. I decided to shoot the shit on Glibertarians instead of jogging/working out. Wife is out of town until this evening. It’s a lovely day here at the beach. I think it’s time to take an Alcoholiday myself. Bar crawl my way to the music store, buy some guitar picks, bar crawl home. Play guitar make dinner. I’m sure my neighbors will enjoy yet another of my drunken mangling of Teenage Fanclub songs. Here’s one of my favorites
Such a great band.
What a perfect day, man! I have some things that need to get done and a gotta hit the gym, but drunken TF crooning will definitely occur later this afternoon.
Suede was/is great. Their last album was decent, but nothing amazing. It’s obvious the absence of Bernard Butler hurts.
Ricky Gervais was once their manager.
I got 15 seconds into the video and turned it off because I thought it was gonna make me retarded.
You like your videos with a message?
Something more to your liking
I first heard of them when they filled in for the Cranberries as Duran Duran’s opening act. Went and bought the album right away. Too bad they didn’t really make much of an impression in the U.S.
Tufts students vote to unionize: putting out an electrical fire with isopropyl.
“We will be negotiating the conditions of what our contract will look like: graduate student pay, graduate student health benefits, things like subsidized transportation and parking, parental leave, parental support, class size, mental health services,” Rizzi said.
Joke’s on him, the pence were not used by the Greeks, nor had the germanic peoples invented them yet.
/deliberately missing thr point.
The appropriate response is “Pack your shit and get off the fucking campus.”
“Yeah, those graduate scholarships, we aren’t going to be giving those out anymore. But, I’m sure, with your union comp package, you’ll have no problem paying for tuition.”
You get paid to be a student?!
Just saying that those fucking bike trail weenies are pikers.
Here is how we do it in Minnesoda.
That was the best story I could find about the finances. It ended with the city and state with matching funds from the Stimulus Bill finally ending up getting the doors open on the Shubert. I couldn’t find the final break down, but after promising that if the city just paid the $5M to move the building, the private sector would do the rest to the private sector only contributing a tiny amount. And best yet, the biggest private contributor ended up getting their names on the building.
Ah, the incomparable, execrable Ms. Cherryhomes. Everything she touched turned to proggie gold, didn’t it?
Well she actually looks pretty decent compared to the knotheads after her. I’d take her over Rybek any day.
Morrissey is a douche.
I like Johnny, though.
Here’s one for those that love both Johnny and the oboe!
Man, I haven’t listened to that for 20 years. Thanks for the link!
There comes a point when every band loses their authenticity–I mean, you know, those that had any to begin with. Eventually, when a band loses its connection to the people they were when they originally started playing music, when they originally made their best music, they become something like a ghost of themselves. It isn’t like they’re making fun of themselves. They can be giving it an honest effort. It’s more like they become the world’s best cover band–like they become a cover band covering their own work.
The Stones stopped being the Stones ages ago. They may have the same members and they may play the same songs, but those guys (Mick, Keith, et. al.), ain’t the Rolling Stones no mo’. The Stones just go to show that it isn’t breaks in continuity that does the original awesome in. It’s the changes inside each person over time. The discontinuities in personnel, bands breaking up and reforming, that just makes the disconnection between the people they are and the people they were when they made the music more apparent. If the Misfits got back together, Danzig came back to sing, they wouldn’t be the Misfits anymore. They’d be a Misfits cover band–even if they were playing new material.
I reflect on this because it’s recently occurred to me that the last band that I felt connected to from its authentic origins has crossed over that invisible line.
In the beginning there was Sleep. Sleep broke in two and became OM and High on Fire. One might say that Sleep was highly derivative of Sabbath, but that wouldn’t be getting it right. Sleep was more Sabbath than Sabbath. High on Fire was fully authentic in its own right, and I wouldn’t have missed them if they were in town back in the day, but they weren’t as awesome as Sleep or OM. To put it simply, Om>Sleep>High on Fire. Om wasn’t just authentic, it was original–there wasn’t anything else like it in or out of the Stoner genre.
Om took the stoner aesthetic and made a new kind of music using only bass and percussion. They were the rhythm section of Sleep, and they use rhythm as a means to induce a trance like state. Yes, the music is meant to be enjoyed under the influence of cannabis, and under that influence, so they say, deep bass sounds are richer, fuller, four dimensional, and more. However, you can still get the same sense of it just by listening to it. The lyrics aren’t exactly nonsensical, but they’re far more important for the way the words sound than for what they mean in the dictionary. The lyrics are chanted, often taking a cue from Tibetan chant. Religious ecstasy and mysticism seem to run through a lot of their work–one of Sleep’s early members became an Orthodox monk and started the underground zine “Death to the World” to bring Orthodox mysticism to the underground. Point is, their music is meant to induce something like religious ecstasy.
Studio recordings are fine, but it’s meant to be felt live. There’s nothing like the live experience–induced religious ecstasy through sound doesn’t translate well through video. The only live performance by Om I can find on YouTube that comes close to the experience of being at a show is a video shot from a crappy camera–the sound quality is awful, but you get a good sense of being there (posted below).
Anyway, point is, their newer music is still interesting, but they aren’t what they used to be, and that wouldn’t really matter (yet another band edges more to being a cover band of itself) except for the fact that they were the last band I felt connected to from my youth–that was still authentic. I understand that we Gen Xers tend to define ourselves in terms of music. We invented indie music, and music is more central to who we were than it is to other generations–yeah, even the boomers. It’s certainly starting to bug the fuck out of me that I can’t find any new music that I find interesting, and I don’t think it’s about me getting older or not going to shows as often. I was introduced to punk rock as an 11/12 year old kid by older punk rock chicks who thought I was cute and wanted to dress me up and take me to shows. I’ve been into every kind of genre you can think of since (and some that you probably have never heard of) and found great authentic music everywhere.
It’s gotten to the point where I can’t find any new music that floats my boat anymore.
Jay Reatard was going to save us, but he’s dead.
Any suggestions?
Rays Of The Sun/To The Shrinebuilder
Terrible sound quality. Amazing groove–the impatient might jump to 3:10 or so.
I saw OM when it was Cisneros and Hakius. Great show. It was nearly empty except for the ~10 of us right against the stage. They were opening for some random band in a completely different genre and none of those fans showed up to watch. After OM finished, I watched one song from the other band and then left because they were terrible.
High on Fire was fun live (another small crowd), but I agree with your ranking.
I never got this concern over “Authenticity”. My taste in music can be summed up in a single test “Do I like the noise I am hearing?” This has resulted in an eclectic mix of individual tracks rather than albums and no devotion to a band beyond their reputation for having made noise I enjoy on a consistant basis.
This is why I draw a blank on genre. I don’t know what any of this pile I’ve accumulated should be classed as. I don’t rightly care.
Bands can and do produce content that is not consistantly passing the test. Indeed I find that a band-based method produces more losers than winners in terms of tracks because few even approach the halfway mark.
I used to worry about it more when I was involved in the hardcore scene in the mid-late 90s, but I’ve become more of a musical pragmatist. I’m still snobby about stuff–“real country”, for instance, vs the shitty Nashville bro-country pop shit–but being so far out of any music scene these days I no longer really have a gauge as to how “real” a band is. Plus, my friends and I are all 30 – 40 somethings with kids, so we mostly talk about stuff like guns, politics, the relative merits of instant water heaters and low-flow toilets, particularly good deals on brisket or pork butt, that sort of thing.
I know “authentic” can mean different things to different people, and someone will someday write a song that I like again–regardless of what anybody means by “authentic”. Hell, I can mean different things by “authentic” depending on what I’m talking about.
When the next Brittany clone puts out her next song about how she feels about her boyfriend, a song that was purchased from a songwriter and fashioned by a producer into something that doesn’t reflect any one person’s feelings or thoughts–but was designed to appeal to a certain demographic? I’m going to say, “That’s not authentic”.
When four stoners from San Jose put together a band to write the kind of ecstatically infused music they want to listen to–for their own purposes and from their own experience–we’re talking about something different.
When a punk rock kid in Southern California goes to a punk rock show and the band is made up of a bunch of other punk rock kids from Southern California, who are writing songs and singing about being punk rock kids in Southern California, there is an authenticity there that can turn something interesting into something great.
Music doesn’t need to be authentic to be interesting or good, but authenticity was a big thing for a punk rock kid–and it still means something. People want to hear cowboy music from real cowboys. They want to hear gangster rap from real gangsters, but it’s more than that, too. It should be some kind of representation of your authentic self. What does every freshman composition instructor say, “Write what you know”? There’s something to that, whether we’re talking about Pink Floyd, Tom Waites, or Willie Nelson.
I think partly what’s happening is that you’re looking for something reminiscent of a local scene, and it pretty much doesn’t exist anymore. The internet obliterated geographical lines. When 3 high school kids who’ve learned 3 chords decide to start a band now, they go record a shitty demo on their laptop, upload it to Soundcloud and blitz it on social media. They don’t go play shows in a burned out warehouse by the docks. If they find a fan base, it might very well be an eclectic mix of kids from Bumfuck Arkansas to NYC – it’s not necessarily their friends and neighbors or some insular local identity club.
Also, not to read too much into it, but those Poppy videos that we all get a good chuckle out of? This discussion here is the point of the meme. That the internet homogenizes everything and makes everyone into a fame whoring poser. I’m not sure if I buy it, but there you have it.
Do these real gangsters need to be able to trace all their relatives back to the old country?
Music, Like art, film, painting, etc, is an endeavor where you are trying to do something and you might/will have different ideas about what it is and what it should be at different points in your life. This is especially true over the long term. An “artist”, much like a real person (lol) is never the same person twice. I ran into the this sort of thing recently, when friends and I put our old (mid-80’s) Hardcore band back together for a few 30 year re-union shows. The shows and reception were fucking great and we thought we might spark it back up, but after a couple of tries found that it is impossible: The bassist can’t write those songs with any conviction and I can’t write those lyrics with any conviction anymore. We’re not the same people as we were all those years ago. Our solution? We’re jamming now what we can write and do under a new name and direction. While its similar in many respects, it not the same stuff – not even close.
Yeah, and inspiration doesn’t grow on trees. When you’re younger, more things can happen to you, I suppose, too. When you fall in love young, it’s different. When you break up and you’re young, it’s different, too. And when someone has dumped you, suddenly all those love songs from before suddenly seem profound.
I understand all that stuff. I’m saying that I’m coming on a dry spell, where I’m not seeing anything that touches me like I used to be able to find–in any genre. Nothing new, anyway.
QueenAdreena was a great band.
That’s from just a few years ago. They were a great band!
They’re gone.
Bjork was new and inspired and once.
Where’s the new stuff.
I should add, I didn’t find any of this stuff from magazines or the media. It always came from going to shows, talking to people, hanging out with people while we were listening to whatever, . . .
Those people are all coming up dry, too.
It happened to Jazz at some point, too. The well ran dry. There are great jazz artists, I’m sure. The ones that hit you in the heart like they did the Beats, etc.–they don’t make those anymore. The culture and the environment that created them is gone, and those people went off and did other things. At some point there isn’t going to be a next thing. There’s just old guys listening to Bebop records from the 1940s and 1950s. To them, Thelonious Monk will always be the next big thing.
He’s been dead for 30 years.
Keith Morris is still a vibrant artist doing a great show with OFF!, but they’ve been doing it for 30+ years.
Where’s the authentic new stuff? I can’t find it.
I like alt-country, rockabilly, and rave, too, but I’m not seeing anything new and inspired that speaks to me anymore–and that’s new. It’s never been like this before.
on the country/americana front:
John Moreland
Ryan Bingham
are two that come to mind off the top of my head
Sunn O))) > OM
Though I love OM
Sunn O))) is some heavy shit, bro. Get deep into some weird places listening to them. I like.
Is that band half jewish?
I want to live in their world. Singer like Michael O’Donahue pretending to be a Japanese lounge singer. Japanese Slash “Slashanese” on lead gets. Bass player looks like Dr. Zaius. Drummer wearing the clothes of a 1960’s London fashion designer, yet with a samurai top knot. Very nice. Also from Japan:
Oops. Threading fail. My bad.
I prefer Earth to Sunn O))). Bees Made Honey is stunning.
Honestly, how do you play the same music for 20, 30, 40 years and not turn into a cover band of yourself? Even the shittiest musicians are liable to develop new skills and new tastes throughout their careers. It is, after all, still a job at the end of the day. If you were still producing the same quality and type of work at your job at 50 as you were at 20 people would think there was something wrong with you. But we expect bands to stay locked in a genre indefinitely and still keep producing the same type of music at 40 with a half million dollar production budget as they did at 20 with a 1,000 dollar production budget.
Now that said, I actually find it preferable if a band splits up and flies a new banner when they want to switch up styles or genres, just because it’s easier to keep track of. But expecting continuity for decades at a time from a musical group is kind of stupid in the first place, and a bit ahistorical. Up until probably the ’60s or so commercial recordings were mostly made by studio musicians or groups put together by record companies for no other purpose than to sell a record. Local bands were just a revolving cast of musicians hired by a venue. They didn’t have the same type of brand identities we see now.
Mumford & Sons (sorta) did this. They had a folky sound with heavy banjo for a few albums and then just dropped the banjo. Their fans went nuts at the time. The band said they just wanted to do something different.
Full disclosure: I really, really like all of their music.
They also finally ditched the kickdrum that limited their range which helped.
Not a huge fan, though.
Om stuff isn’t just 30 years old.
Their last album was from just a few years ago.
They went on hiatus to reform Sleep and tour for a while, but they came back–added members.
I’m not saying the Sleep show wasn’t good. It wasn’t the same. They’re far removed from the artists they were when Sleep broke up all those years ago.
Jay Reatard died just a few years back.
They’re far removed from the artists they were when Sleep broke up all those years ago.
That was more or less my point – regardless of how much time has passed, each song and album a band puts out is a product of the time, creatively and artistically, in which they wrote it. Obviously, you can’t expect a half dozen people to all stay in the same creative and artistic place indefinitely. Om is something like 15 years old as a band, but they split off from Sleep, which dates back to the early ’90s. I expect you’re pretty far removed from the Ken Schultz you were in the early ’90s. The same thing happened to the band. It’s actually even worse when a band tries to turn back the clock and recapture the lightning in a bottle of a previous period – like when the Pixies put out Indie Cindy after a 20 year hiatus. Frank Black had actually put out a fairly interesting and eclectic body of work as a solo artist in the interceding 20 years. But they got back together and decided to try to be the Pixies again. You know what they sounded like? A band from the late aughts trying to sound like the Pixies. Because that’s what they were.
“It’s gotten to the point where I can’t find any new music that floats my boat anymore.”
You could try choking yourself as you listen to your favorite old band? Seems to work well for people who got tired of just jacking off the old way.
In my limited experience – people tend to gravitate towards the music of their youth, especially the teenage years. As one gets older, it’s harder to listen to music from a different generation, especially a younger one. I nonetheless try, often with mixed results, to listen to all sorts of newer music. Some of my favorites are really just rehashed 80s music!
Auto-acoustic asphyxiation?
^^^ Hey yo!!!
I’ve been hooked on the LA LA LAND soundtrack for the past week. It’s so old-fashioned it sounds completely new right now.
You ignored the sentence before the one you quoted:
“I’ve been into every kind of genre you can think of since (and some that you probably have never heard of) and found great authentic music everywhere.
It’s gotten to the point where I can’t find any new music that floats my boat anymore.”
You’re probably just yelling at voices in your own head.
It was a nice set up for a Chris Cornell-inspired joke, Ken. Come on, man!
Yeah, I have been listening to the same old crap for 50 years and I am tired of it. I just switched to listening to bluegrass.
Om isn’t 50 years old.
They’re significant for being the last band that has moved beyond its scope of their own authenticity.
If you go see The Cure, these days, that may be Robert Smith up there playing Cure songs, but that ain’t the Cure.
I’m not talking about the songs getting old and stale. I’m talking about authenticity–as I outlined above–leaving the last band that I was especially into for that reason.
I have mentioned it before, but I will again because I absolutely frigging love it and send it donations a couple times a year because of how great it is, but you all should check out
It is a commercial free internet radio that plays about twenty different stations of different genres. It has survived more than a decade off of only donations. I dig old soul music so I often have on the Soul45 station, but my favorite is Secret Agent Radio that plays music you would hear in a detective show or spy movie, interspersed with James Bond and other spy movie five second audio clips. You won’t be disappoint.
Thanks for this. Just tuned into Secret Agent Radio.
The Cure was pretty much just Robert Smith solo after say, 1981 or so. Those other dudes were just there for the eyeliner and heroin.
Also, Eyeliner and Heroin would be a great band name.
The Cure should’ve disbanded after Disintegration. It was the perfect last album.
Also, there’s been so many lineup changes in their history you’re just paying to see Robert Smith, basically.
I’ve been hooked on The Avett Brothers for a while. Americana band from Concord, North Carolina. They have a relatively small but extremely loyal following because of their live shows and the “authenticity” that was mentioned below.
This desk jockey is tired of sitting at a desk all day, hardly even moving. Anybody have a good sit /stand desk or an adjustable height tray for that sort of thing? I have 2 monitors plus a laptop, and I hate keyboard trays, so there needs to be a ton of room for my wrists to rest.
Word to the wise: I’m a web developer, and I have a bad habit of fixating on a problem until it’s solved. Three years ago I took an old Ikea desk that had five foot tall supports allowing you to bolt the desktop at whichever height you prefer, along with various shelves, and used it to make a standing desk. I dug it for awhile, but then I woke up one morning and started working on a project. When I stopped, it was about six hours later. I repeated that for a few days in a row and gave myself a case of plantar fasciitis that I still have to this day.
So, if you do get an adjustable standing desk, make sure you alternate between standing and sitting often, favoring sitting.
IKEA makes a nice electric sit stand for about $400. They also make adjustable table legs that will take a desk height to 48″ but I think that would be impractical to change on a regular basis.
Also, get an under desk stepper or put an exercise bike in with your setup rather than a treadmill.
I saw the ikea one. That’s probably the frontrunner right now. I just need to figure out how to convince my employer to blow $400 on it for me. Perhaps a trip to the doctor to get a note would help.
Do you use a peddler? I was looking at this for my home office, but the way I crouch over my keyboard I doubt I have the knee clearance under my desk.
I don’t have any of those things. I actually have two desks. One I keep my laptop on with a 40″ monitor and the other has a Mac mini with a pair of 32″ monitors. I have one in my office/garage and the other in the master bedroom’s nook. Since everything Apple is so well integrated, I just go from one to the other and get in a flight of stairs when I switch up. It breaks up the monotony of being in one room all the time.
I also do a lot with my iPad since I regularly get out on jobsites.
I need a desk that I can use while hanging upside down in my gravity boots.
Also, this is a better setup:
I LOL’d. That would be exceedingly bad for my productivity.
Ugh. Imagine the poor janitor who ends up having to chisel off the dried spooge stains on the bottom of that desk. He’ll look back fondly at the days when it was just chewed up gum that he had to deal with.
Does every discussion here at Libertarians always have to devolve to sponge talk? I thought we were better than this!
“I thought we were better than this!”
What on earth made you think that?
No kidding. I’m a little offended.
You spongers make me sick! (NSFW)
I just wanted to talk about jizz, cum, spooge, cock snot, meat sauce, baby gravy and normal shit. You had to make it weird!
Something something spongeworthy.
@sloop: I don’t know who Flippy McSwizzletits is, but I will say that I’m going on a road trip down to the in-laws in Texas (just outside Shreveport, actually) this summer. We’re packing the wife, our toddler, our crap, two 80-pound flatulent, spoiled pit bulls, and myself into a Highlander and heading down from Maryland. We’re breaking it up into two days. I’m not as worried about the ride down as I am that we’ll so dread the ride back that we’ll just give my aunt power of attorney to sell the house and move into a double wide on the FIL’s property. Still, I’d rather do that than take one more trip on a god damn airplane. I’m not going to an airport again until they dissolve the TSA.
Shit man. Let me know when and I’ll see if I can shoot up there “on business”. I have some people I could go see in Longview.
Yeah, Longview’s close to where we’ll be. The address is in Shelbyville, but it’s way out in the boonies, right close to the reservoir between Huxley and Logansport. But the wife and I are planning on leaving the kid with her grandparents for a few days while we go find some more urban trouble to get into. We were gonna shoot for San Antonio, but something tells me we’ll be lucky to get to Nacogdoches.
Shelbyville? Why not just take the monorail?
I’ve put monorails in Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook, and by gum it put them on the map!
It was a reference to the off topic discussion I started wednesday and continued yesterday regarding renaming something in a book I’m working on. Don’t worr if you missed it.
Nothing counts as off topic in the links.
Also, why don’t you do some short stories on here as a serial? 5-10 parts, doing one each weekday.
I could dust of the ideas I had bouncing around for the ‘Remnant Wars’ bit. What would be a good target length per post?
No clue. Whatever the equivalent of 5-6 pages of a book would be? So you could get a 30 page short story read in a week. I think that would be reasonable.
But I’m no writer. So I may be way off.
Words count is the current standard measure for length. Pages have too many variables to be consistant. (size of page, font, amount of dialogue versus description, etc)
The Nebula Award people have some Odd values but they are standardized.
For context, the UnCivil Reviews were both about 1900 words.
I was told 2-3k words is appropriate.
All right. I’ll see what I can come up with.
Just send in the whole story and the editor folks can break it out to the right size increments.
Gentlemen, rev up your lawsuits.
Police said the singer was found with a band around his neck.
That’s not a nice way to talk about Audioslave.
They were weighing him down?
“Try spending 9 hours in a car with three toddlers who all go to the bathroom on different schedules and who can only stay seated for so long without going nuts.”
You didn’t have to have sex 3 times, you know.
I assumed triplets.
Never be assuming.
It makes an ass out of you and some Chinese guy.
What do my activities from the last week have to do with anything?
Mighty Ducks (don’t give me shit about the name, I’m a traditionalist).
Tradition? FEH I SAY. The Ducks were only founded in 1993. It’s not like they’re the yankees or whatever. I’ve got boots older than the Anaheim Ducks.
I have a “friend” (my wife knows him, so friend-in-law?) who is an Anaheim fan. Love getting under his skin by calling them the Disney Ducks.
Still hope to see the Preds and Sens make the finals, but I’d hate to see the NHL’s reaction next year to ensure it never happens again. I’m already used to getting my hometown team getting screwed over by the refs whenever they play a Canadian or Original Six team. Can only imagine how bad it would be if the league decided it didn’t want a repeat of small market teams in the finals…