SP, when you speak French, it drives me wild!
Impeachment fever dreams seem to be rising to a crescendo.
When it comes to horrible presidents (and we’ve had quite a run of them), 95% of what the opposition says can be safely ignored. The upside with the current horrible president is that the Progressives do manage to get off a funny line now and then. 5% of the time might be generous, but hey, it’s not zero.
New York boasts the worst drivers in the US, most notoriously this one. I was talking with a Palestinian buddy yesterday and he remarked that he was afraid to look at the news stories because he dreaded finding out that the guy’s name had a “Muhammad” in it somewhere. I reassured him- this time. In any case, the headline of that story reminded me of this Star Trek. I will admit to not being a kind person.
The enstupidation of our youth continues. The school is stupid, the kid is stupid, and I blame the no-doubt-stupid parents for feeding the kid enough victimology nonsense that she can, seemingly without effort, utter a remarkably vapid and self-centered pastiche: “People say they love my hair because it’s so diverse, curly and Afrocentric.” Expect lawyers any moment.
Speaking of lawyers, in a story of the sort where I hate everyone involved, this lawyer manages to be the most hateable. “Mendacious” seems almost inadequate to describe his faux-outrage.
“Sadly the head of human resources permitted Mr. Beckel to try and convince my client into withdrawing his complaint in an effort to sweep this entire matter under the rug. In my years of practice I have never heard of a human resources executive permitting this to happen.”
Horrors, someone wants to try to prevent him from collecting a fat contingency a trivial matter from being the subject of a lawyer payday overblown litigation. Unprecedented! Insert jokes about devil’s three-ways with Wolk and livestock here.
It’s rainy and cold here in rural Illinois. It’s a perfect excuse to fire one up, and relax to these sounds of my youth, a song my band used to cover when we needed 20 minutes to fill in at a show.
That’s not the QMS song I expected. “The Fool” would’ve been the time filler I thought of.
My imagination or were they basically riffing on Dave Brubeck?
In the beginning, they are a bit, but it’s in 4:4 not 5:4. The head is, of course, totally different.
Fuck, I need coffee. 3:4.
This ain’t Europa. We speak English in these here parts. If you don’t like it go back where you came from forner
French Canada?
The reporter is stupid too:
“Montverde is diverse private school near Clermont.”
School administrators love to wield what little power they have like petty dictators. Messing with some kid over their hair is some petty bullshit. Also, would Danielle Lama.
You’d have to talk to her Dad, Dalai, first.
ALTERNATE JOKE: [deleted due to Llama-related perversion]
“Llama-related perversion”
I’m more of an alpaca man myself.
That was the first thing I noticed, too.
I don’t see anything wrong with her hair.
I don’t, either. My haircare regimen involves just washing it and brushing it and otherwise letting it do whatever it feels like. I don’t think it’s really fair to expect others to have to do more than that just because their hair’s a different texture.
Trump looks right at home in these huge Gold and Marble Palaces. Melania’s wearing pants.
“But Kesselring says after looking at the hair policy, he agreed the line involving dread lock needed to go so no one is singled out.”
So this is being reported because…it’s a slow news day? Or they haven’t met their outrage quota?
The historic Dread Lock Decision
How could you boo that
He was saying booo-urns.
That never gets old
A shame her last name wasn’t Roberts.
Kesselring conceded the Hair Line?
“White House Lawyers Research Impeachment”
This article contains no information. Not the names of the lawyers, not the name of the source, not the strategy, no mention of any proceedings. White House says “No, they aren’t.”
It is a fabrication. A bald-faced lie.
Yes. Poor reporting has become a CNN trademark.
They’re not alone.
No they are not.
At the moment, the NYT are giving them one hell of a run for the money.
Even with my high tolerance for NPR derp, yesterday I NPR-hopped and listened to 4 different variations on a rundown of Trump’s supposedly tumultuous week beginning on Monday. So tedious that I had to kill the radio in disgust.
I do non-fiction/biographical audiobooks these days in the car. Usually they don’t contain the virtue signalling derp, and since they’re books, they’re not caught in the media fabricated news cycle. I feel like I get out of the car smarter than when I got in, and I don’t feel that need to shower that happens after getting sludged with the crisis du jour by the MSM.
Check out iTunes. There are a lot of good libertarian podcasts out there that address currwnt affairs.
I am undecided whether, for once, it’s better that we get to watch the POS squirm or whether it would have been better if he got his wish.
They can’t just shoot everyone who asks for it unless they’re a current threat.
There are times when the ol’ Texas standard is applicable.
Shoot everyone who doesn’t have a cowboy hat?
He needed killin’.
I know what you mean.
I’m not a fan of that rule.
“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.”
On the bright side, millions now living will never die.
This is such a great line. And then you see Gandalf kill dozens of orcs in the following movies.
Nor am I. Don’t break things you cant fix. Good advice for people who enjoy a good nights sleep.
It would make a lousy rule – it is a much better exception.
I must have missed the part where Gandalf didn’t act in self defense. The lines that preceded that line were Frodo wishing Bilbo had killed Gollum when he had the chance. Bilbo had the ring on, sting at the ready, and elected to escape rather than kill. He showed mercy, which is quite unusual for a ring bearer.
“They can’t just shoot everyone who asks for it”
Maybe that’s a good strategy to not get shot by a cop. Tell them to shoot you. You don’t tell me what to do boy.
Didn’t work so well in Oregon a few years back.
Bob Beckel isn’t my favorite person (OK, he’s a blindly partisan hack). However, that story screams FAKE! I can’t see Roger Ailes keeping Beckel around if he had said what is alleged.
I would assume he said something innocuously insulting (like Beckel does), and Mr. Hyper-sensitive snowflake man decided that 2 + 2 = 17,683 and made it into a racial thing in his imagination.
All that’s missing is a KKK uniform.
“They dressed me like this!”
“Well, we did do the robe. And the hood. But he’s a racist!”
He probably said something innocuous like “can you operate the master/slave configuration?”
My monitor is too dark. Like your mom.
“Don’t be niggardly with the access rights to these files.”
“Boy it’s too hot in here”
“The IT guy is NEAR”
*Beckel trying to wake up sleeping snowflake intern*
“Are you woke!?! Are you woke!?!”
Beckel seems an unlikely target for this sort of thing. He is their token Dem hack. Why take him out? I figured Carlson or Guttefeld would be next.
I like Bob. He’s also totally not racist.
2+2=$1,000,000…a fine example of social justice math.
Civil War commemoration news
“The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War sponsored a memorial service on April 30 for the many who died in the Sultana riverboat tragedy on April 27, 1865, the greatest maritime death toll in United States history….
“The memorial service was led by Department of Tennessee Commander David McReynolds, McTeer Chaplain George Lane, and McTeer member and descendent of the camp’s namesake, A. B. McTeer. The service followed the ritual as handed down by the Grand Army of the Republic to its successor organization, the SUVCW. Other Camp members in attendance were Doug Fidler and Sam Wilson, who is descended from a Union soldier who was on the Sultana that fateful night. About 30 total participants and guests were present.”
That made me think of this book for some reason. Guy was a gorilla sniper during the civil war shooting officers off of boats. From a cave no less, about a half mile from where me and the family play on Kentucky lake.
They had gorillas in the civil war? That seems odd.
They had vampires, why not King Kong?
The Sultana didn’t sink because of Confederates but because of mismanagement.
I’m aware. You mentioned union boats and my thoughts naturally went to picking off officers on the boat.
Certainly, that guy sounds very interesting.
It’s a great book and would make a great movie. Highly recommend it. Of the three books I’ve read in my life it’s the best…
Gorilla sniper? RAAAAAAACIST!
I was bored earlier so I popped over to TSTSNBN and looked over the headlines. I see Gillespie lamenting that the TDS is getting out of hand. I think the term TDS was invented at TSTSNBN and in all likelihood to describe Nick. Either him or Suderman.
I read the same article. Gillespie seems unable to undersand the difference between a note someone writes to himself and actual correspondence. Of course, no one else in the media seems to understand either (or refuses to understand). That one annoyed me this morning.
Gillespie should worry about the log in his own eye before the splinter in someone else’s. Then again the others in the media have logs too but still.
They need to detach themselves from the day-to-day media cycle. It’s not a good look for them when they’re chasing the same nut as all the other retarded squirrels.
By one of the commentariat who is here now. TSTSNBN still has some great articles, but they are not the creative type.
We don’t even have Lou Reed anymore:
the mere concept of the song, taking a walk on the wild side, is “problematic” and “dangerous” because it describes transgender people (reportedly 0.5 percent of the Canadian population) as being “unusual,” which they claim is “dehumanizing” and makes people somehow less supportive of transgender rights:
I thought it would be the reference to “colored girls” which would be the problematic part.
Nobody says “colored” anymore. Except the NAACP.
For that matter, how did Mick Jagger get away with doing a song about raping slaves?
I think Michael Gira took some of the heat off him
“You burn out your heart
You burn out my heart
Then you eat my heart
You cut out your heart
Then you eat your heart”
Very specific fetish
Sigh, “just don’t have.”
What a bunch of …..
Cant we just tell these idiots to go blow it out of their ass already? They simply dont deserve attention.
I think Olson Johnson said it best
They should do this song next year
Dammit, now I’m off into one of those YouTube black holes.
Yeah, following Leadbelly will take you to all kinds of wonderful places.
It took me to this clip of a
21 year old Hank Williams Jr. on Hee Haw with my favorite (rather up-tempo) arrangement of Midnight Special.
That was pretty sweet. Love that vintage Gibson hollow body.
I was raised on Hee-Haw. Today I realize how much hot tail was on that show.
I remember the hot tail. Those ponytails and jean shorts and tied up shorts. Mercy.
Probably my fav cover:
“it is now being consumed in a different societal context”
Translation: We’re way more retarded now.
“Additionally, stating that conversing, spending time with, or having sex with a trans person is “taking a walk on the wild side” is also problematic. It labels trans folks as “wild” or “unusual” or “unnatural” which is a dangerous rhetoric.”
I’m sure that Mr. Reed can meet with these students and explain things.
Some day he will be spinning in his grave.
They should have a list of acceptable lyrics for future events.
“You say yes, I say no
You say stop and I say go go go, oh no”
“So never judge a book by its cover
Or who you gonna love by your lover
Love put me wise to her love in disguise
She had the body of a Venus
Lord, imagine my surprise
Dude looks like a lady
Dude looks like a lady
Dude looks like a lady
Dude looks like a lady”
“If you got that lose, you want to kick them blues, cocaine
When your day is done, and you want to ride on cocaine
She don’t lie, she don’t lie, she don’t lie,
Daily reminder that J.J. Cale’s original is the superior recording.
Had we but world enough and time,
This coyness, lady, were no crime.
We would sit down, and think which way
To walk, and pass our long love’s day….
And you should, if you please, refuse
Till the conversion of the Jews….
But at my back I always hear
Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near;
And yonder all before us lie
Deserts of vast eternity.
Thy beauty shall no more be found;
Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound
My echoing song; then worms shall try
That long-preserved virginity…
Now let us sport us while we may,
And now, like amorous birds of prey,
Rather at once our time devour
Than languish in his slow-chapped power.
A little still she strove, and much repented,
And whispering ‘I will ne’er consent’–consented.
I hear that some fraternity played this, and not only was their charter revoked, the frat house was burned down with the brothers still in it
For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright,
Who art as black as hell, as dark as night. [Shakespeare, Sonnet 147]
And even I couldn’t find a song filthy enough to accompany Yeats’ “Leda and the Swan.”
These euphemisms are getting high brow.
I rather enjoy this old Welch tune.
That little completely unusual yet equally special person with the earring and the makeup,
yeah, buddy, that’s his own hair.
That little completely unusual yet equally special person’s got his own jet airplane!
That little completely unusual yet equally special person is a mill-i-on-aire!
Or, in the radio version,
That little [brief pause] with the earring and the makeup…
If Lou Reed was dead, he’d be rolling over in hisg rave right now.
“Unusual” is a description, not a value judgement. Apparently the diversity crowd believe “normal” is a compliment.
A song that’s several decades old is suddenly dangerous. Maybe because people are trained to have outrageously emotional responses to the most trivial of things? How’s that for potentially dangerous?
Prince death: Singer’s sister and half-siblings declared heirs
Muslims Persist After Far-Right Death Threats Shut Down Mosques And Public Prayer In Germany
And yet persisting on being a Western woman in, say, Iran is frowned upon.
Bunch of sellout bitches if you ask me.
Also joke.
+ Saudi Arabia
Nobody could have seen this coming.
Yes, the media needs to talk more about the horrors of islamaphobia.
Islamaphobia worst thing ever.
In a historic (and totally non-political) moment the ABA decides to stand up for human rights
Would someone remind me of another time the ABA weighed in on foreign policy or arms deals?
What about because of the Americans’ role in Yemen?
The American Bar Association should be a trade group for tavern proprietors.
So, they are willing to destroy the country if their swamp gets drained. Nice.
Therefore we must oppose it even though,
and we said nothing.
Fuck the two faced fucking fuckheads.
Wrestler vs blow up doll. Just thought I’d drop this here. Back to drinking.
That’s not how you use a blow up doll
Christ, they are a strange people.
You love it that someone somwhere is doing this. Freedom!
We don’t get to say anything considering we made “Wrestler vs Leader of the Free World” a thing.
That is awesome. I mean, the legend has always been that Ric Flair “Whoooooo!” could carry a broom to a 5 Star Match, but to see someone actually do the equivalent in the…unique… Japanese way is impressive. And that Ibushi was able to put the doll over while improving his own heat is quite an accomplishment.
*scans google news headlines*
I would like to know who these “sources” are.
That’s easy. Just look and see who wrote the article.
Is it possible that Anderson Cooper reads The Hat and the Hair? Taking a dump on a desk sounds familiar.
Nearly 800 guns, including anti-tank rocket launcher, turned in at LAPD buyback
I buy all my rocket launchers at police auction.
I smell bullshit.
The picture showed the discarded tube from what looks to be a Vietnam era LAW. Bullshit it is.
I’m unwilling to allow all of the scripts that the link is trying to run so I can’t see the pictures but I’m gonna go ahead and posit that the “anti-tank rocket launcher” is either inert or spent – an AT4 or LAW trainer that could in no way be rendered operable. Also, I highly doubt there were any AK-47s in that bunch; I’m guessing sporterized AKM models.
See if this works
BWAA HA HA! Yes indeed. I had several of those LAW tubes when I left the Army in the mid-1990s; sold them all to surplus stores over the years.
You posited correctly. There are some nice looking guns heading for the shredder regardless.
You misspelled LAPD officers’ private collections.
Maybe it was other police departments coming into LA to sell their stuff
H/T to OMWC for the first bona fide chuckle of the day. Hehe, Sneetches.
People say they love my pubes because they’re so diverse, curly and Afrocentric.
Tesla factory workers reveal pain, injury and stress: ‘Everything feels like the future but us’
Yes, I did see that links were provided…
Musk is known to be a taskmaster–even with his top talent. They say he works his best engineers and top executives at non-stop 24/7 pressure cooker pace and then drops them like a sack of cannolis when they break.
I read a story that he worked his executive assistant to exhaustion. She asked for a raise because she was working so hard. He gave her a two week paid vacation to see how hard her job really was–he just did it all himself. When she came back from vacation, he fired her.
Sometimes it’s too much to ask somebody to be the guy that maybe changes the world and also be a nice guy. Napoleon and Alexander the Great were real assholes. They sent their men into battle to die–sometimes just for their own glorification. Would they have been Napoleon and Alexander without that asshole factor? Probably not.
Making people think you care about them is by far the best way to motivate them–but that strategy’s success depends on a critical component not every manager can muster. In order to make the people who work for you think you care about them over time, you have to actually care about them. Not every manager can do that, and the ones who can’t need to use other strategies.
The only problem with Musk is that his persona as king of the world is largely a delusion of grandeur. In the course of history, incremental improvements in early 21st century technologies that would have taken place regardless of who the asshole in charge was are probably not going to stand up to a Napoleon or an Alexander.
The question isn’t necessarily whether those breakthroughs will be made.
The question is whether his company will be the one that makes them.
Tesla is about to release an unreliable piece of shit car that actual normal humans can afford and will need to drive to work. Maybe the inevitable devastation of his car company will tame his hubris.
To me this is the issue. Because Tesla is a “hot” brand getting support from all the “correct” people, Musk is getting away with behavior other automakers would be pilloried for. Car unreliable — who cares it is a Tesla. Auto manufacture wants to beta test the latest version of his software — who cares it is a Tesla.
It would be front page news if Ford, GM or even BMW did what Tesla does.
Once the Tesla Model 3, the aforementioned piece of shit, hits the market he’ll be pilloried in the media and the courts. This thing will make FIATs look like a damn Toyota Camry as far as reliability goes. If you own stock sell, sell, sell.
I wonder if the not-so-rich will get the same tax breaks that the rich have been getting for buying the things.
It sounds like he has the being a complete cunt strategy down pat.
Just for the record:
“Mary Beth Brown started working for Elon soon after we moved to LA twelve or thirteen years ago (Elon and I were still married then). MB was an exceptional and devoted employee of Elon’s and lovely to deal with on a personal level. She gave her life to the job — and to our family — and the news of her departure was a shock to me.
Apparently (according, I believe, to Ashlee Vance, who wrote the book on Elon), MB asked for a raise. E told her that if she was truly critical to SpaceX, it should not be able to operate in her absence (or something to that effect). He suggested a 3-week experiment to test this hypothesis/her worth. This reminds me of something similar he once said to me, many years ago, after I came back from a week’s visit with my family in Canada — that his life had operated quite smoothly in my absence. He was letting me know that I was an incompetent house manager. (He was not wrong.) So of the different stories I have heard behind MB’s departure from SpaceX, this is the one that resonates with me. (Although you would *never* use the word ‘incompetent’ in association with MB!)
Wherever MB is and whatever she is doing, I hope her life is fabulous. She and I have not always been on the same side, but I have — and will always have — tremendous respect for that remarkable woman.”
—-Justine Musk (Elon Musk’s first wife)
Oh, you’re going to guarantee me a job – and I can be sure there will be no standard of performance. What could possibly go wrong?
Welp, I guess that’s one way to garner universal support for welfare. Let everyone receive government services from people so incompetent they couldn’t get hired by the DMV.
When I worked at the prison, sometimes I wondered if it wasn’t just a jobs program for useless people. Seriously, there were people working there – sometimes those responsible for key security functions – who I don’t believe would last two minutes at the fry cooker at McDonalds.
I’d be lying if I said there weren’t also some great people who worked hard and kept ethics in mind, but there was no mechanism by which they would get rid of the dead weight employees.
Public-sector unions FTW.
Oh yea. The AFSCME (officers) and SEIU (medical and admin/clerical staff) got them out of everything. The only thing that seemed to reliably get them fired was smuggling in drugs or having sex with an inmate, but there are a few officers there who still got away with it and kept their jobs.
The “progressive” left talks about private prisons like they’re the worst thing in the world, but I don’t think they understand that we have a for-profit prison system right now. The pubsec union is a high-dollar business.
“Everyone grab a shovel. Half of you, dig a hole. The other half, fill the hole back in.”
So you want us to fill half the hole?
The only appropriate response to the enstupidation of our youth is to embiggen ourselves through emprinciplment.
I give you people gold.
I enjoyed it
Internet wag Billy Beck has taken to referring to our era as the Endarkenment.
I dug it. But come on bro, fishing for compliments is unbecoming.
It isn’t up to you.
“In a recent American Mathematical Society blog post—unsubtly titled “Get Out The Way”—University of Hawaii at Manoa “temporary assistant professor” of mathematics Piper Harron argues that white, cisgender males should immediately resign from their positions because “actual solutions require women of color and trans people.””
Although it looks like she’s gone back and deleted stuff.
“temporary assistant professor”
Hopefully much more temporary than she imagined.
“We are shutting down comments, at least temporarily, because of the huge number that we’ve received. Thanks for your interest”
Lord have mercy, those comments were fucking terrible, worse than the original post which was just awful.
Implement that policy, and you’ll be surprised how many white men proclaim themselves to be transwomen, or transblack, etc.
I will say this, about that: in some ways I’m glad that she’s called out academics on their bullshit about diversity. There’s a whole bunch of white males running around college campuses demanding that departments hire people of color, women, etc., who never offer to resign in order to open up a place for those people to be hired. They just think unemployed white, male academics should not be hired.
Yeah, reminded me of the photo post right after some Buzzfeed ‘diversity’ thing that showed their entire editorial/writing staff is all white dudes (except maybe two white chicks and some ambiguously not white person).
progs are hypocrites, big shock, I know, but jfc, it’s so tiresome
“Piper Harron argues that white, cisgender males should immediately resign from their positions because “actual solutions require women of color and trans people.””
It’s not the first time I’ve heard this idea that non-whites and non-heterosexual males offer some kind of wisdom and talent that you just don’t get from straight white men. So if that’s true, it would mean that different races and genders have inherently different brains. If that’s true, doesn’t it justify race and sex discrimination? After all, if they’re inherently different, there’s a perfectly good reason to prefer one over the other. Maybe some particular company culture works best with straight white men making decisions as straight white men do.
It’s funny how if you follow leftist logic to its conclusion, you usually end up with something extremely racist and sexist.
No, it shows that logic is a tool of the white, cis-patriarchy and you ain’t woke. That’s why you don’t follow that logic because they would never intend for that to happen.
Like the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?
Having clerked for an EEOC judge one summer, I can tell you how absolutely awash they are in bullshit complaints. everybody in the office knows it. Because EEOC is the one of the attempts to not be fired for govt employees, it’s basically just another bite at the apple. I’ve seen post office and VA files that were two inches thick documenting the fuckups they were firing, and yet they STILL get to waste everybody’s time with their EEOC complaint that they were fired for some kind of discrimination. It’s ridiculous.
Athena is 100% correct. When I was in charge of a large DoD entity every time we tried to fire somebody for anything, no matter how awful the conduct, EEOC was involved. We even had black females accusing other black females of race and sex discrimination. It got so bad I told my employment lawyer to contact me if somebody did not file a discrimination complaint after we fired them. He as why and I told him so I could consider rehiring them because it looked like they were taking responsibility for being fired.
“About once a month since last fall, the Brooklyn Public Library has been presenting Drag Queen Story Hour, where performers with names such as Lil Miss Hot Mess and Ona Louise regale an audience of young children and their parents. There’s even a drag-queen version of “Wheels on the Bus” in which Lil Miss Hot Mess sings of hips that go “swish, swish, swish” and heels that go “higher, higher, higher.””
Kids and drag queens. Awesome.
There is this too:
Woke overload
“Video of the Day: @QueerKidStuff Sings About Consent”
Teaching kids about freedom of association? Fantastic!
Taxation is theft, kids!
Oh, so you’ll keep it to yourself and not force everyone else to conform to appease your desires / sensations / delusions? (If you did and someone disagreed, that might look like a debate, right?) Man, I’m loving the freedom-of-association propaganda on this account’s page.
Drag Queens are the new clowns. You can order one for your kids birthday.
Shut it down folks. The internets are won today.
And then when the kids come home with questions about gender, their parents can shuffle them off to the doctor to begin hormone therapy and become the most fashionable people on the block.
For the children! (TM)
“Journalists’ brains show a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, according to a new study, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking.”
I don’t know. They seem pretty creative in making shit up.
As luck would have it, journalism doesn’t require any of those cognitive abilities.
CUSTOMER: “Hey, why does a pound of journalist brains cost so much more than a pound of scientist brains?”
BUTCHER: “We need to recoup our expenses – do you know how many journalists we had to kill to get a pound of brains?”
The lack of complexity means they will go with anything.
They seem pretty creative in making shit up.
Nah, the political strategists make shit up. The journalists just log into Journolist 2.0 and download their talking points for the day.
A great story you cis shitlords should read.
The conceptual penis as a social construct
Who among us hasn’t had to break this one out after a long night of drinking?
Oops, I’m sorry, you said *conceptual* penis, my mistake.
“We argue that the conceptual penis is better understood not as an anatomi- cal organ but as a social construct isomorphic to performative toxic masculinity. Through detailed poststructuralist discursive criticism and the example of climate change . . . ”
That’s the money-shot.
Whether something can actually perform determining whether it actually exists is a male construct of the world? That seems rather . . . sexist. And it isn’t just that women have been conditioned in a patriarchal culture to see the world in those terms. Watch what happens to men who can’t provide for their children or their mates when a better option comes along. If you can’t perform, you can’t perform–regardless of whether it’s a man or a woman making that estimation.
Oh, and the “poststructuralist discursive criticism using the example of climate change” should be a given–I don’t see any other way to approach it! A penis is not a penis, and a non-penis is a penis–and if a poststructuralist discursive criticism using the example of climate change doesn’t convince you of that, then you’re just being willfully obtuse!
Ceci n’est pas une penis
“penis” is feminine? Wow, the article was right!
Grammar pedantry is a killer of jokes.
That’s where we all facepalm and laugh, but if climate change is manmade and society is heavily patriarchic, it’s not inconsistent to correlate the two. It’s simply idiotic.
Maybe Skeptic magazine should try reconciling their faith in CAGW with their mockery (and “skepticism”) of these ideas that they’re supposedly satirizing.
It’s still on their Web site
Tuccille retweeted an article that claims (how true it is, don’t know) that the journal’s actually more of a vanity press, so they may not really give a damn.
Collection of penis sculptures at the Museum of Modern Art
I was expecting that picture of Jesse in the dick forest.
Enormous phallic sculpture
“Through detailed poststructuralist discursive criticism and the example of climate change…”
No matter how many times I read that…I even tried reading it veeeery slowly.
Do you read your salads too?
Published in the journal Cogent Social Sciences. I wonder what tier that publication is.
“anatomi- cal”
Similar to the ‘too many exclamation points / CAPS’ correlation with mental illness.
Please don’t summon Hihn to this place…
God, what a dangerously insane human being he is.
and Peter Boyle
I liked him better when he was partnering with Gene Wilder in this collaboration.
You get a job, you become the job.
I’m watching television last night, and David Gergen shows up. The man served under Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Clinton.
He’s a serious guy.
He’s talking about how the road to impeachment is well on its way, and that the question isn’t really “if” anymore so much as “when”.
But I couldn’t even follow what he was saying or why.
I’m thinking he was talking about Trump being overwhelmed by the sheer mass of the horde of his enemies–both outside and inside the Republican party. And that’s because I still don’t see the basis for anything Trump did that was wrong.
What is Trump even being accused of?
Is it firing Comey?
Do they think he was collaborating with Putin to hack the DNC, and if so, what evidence do they have of that?
Has Washington ever been more out of touch with average voters than they are right now?
The Republicans better get it together, or two years from now, Nancy Pelosi is going to be Speaker of the House, and four years from now, they’ll be looking at Trump’s second term.
And it isn’t just that I don’t think most people think Trump is innocent. It’s that they don’t even understand what he’s being accused of.
How does impeachment seem so inevitable?
How do you get the swing voters who broke for Trump to support you after impeachment–when the people going after Trump can’t even tell them what Trump has done that’s wrong or illegal?
There are millions of people in various religious sects that genuinely and fervently believe in the inevitability of the world ending within their lifetimes. They’re aware that most other people do not believe the same thing they do. But they intentionally surround themselves only with people who do believe the same that they do so that they can reinforce each other’s faith against the onslaught of the rest of the world. Thinking of DC in those terms is helpful in understanding how otherwise serious people can actually think the things they think.
“Cemeteries are filled with indispensable men.”
Does that mean Seth Rich was indispensable?
How many different investigations are they? Still, I haven’t heard about any evidence that the Russians were responsible for the DNC leak. Much less that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. Meanwhile, all the emails that clearly show the DNC were colluding with the media are ignored.
“Meanwhile, all the emails that clearly show the DNC were colluding with the media are ignored.”
It’s truly amazing how little attention those have gotten. I think they’re just trying to bury it with this wacked out Russian shit… And they’ve been at least partially successful.
I don’t find it amazing at all. While the media loves to talk about themselves. They try to bury the story whenever they are caught doing anything wrong. While there was a massive amount of air time engaging in wild speculation that George Zimmerman was racist, there was no mention that NBC edited the 911 tape.
If I understand properly, the piss-gate dossier was given to the Obama administration by John McCain.
John McCain gave the dossier alleging contacts between the Trump administration and the Kremlin to Comey–while Comey was still under the Obama administration.
Like I keep saying, McCain and the neocons have been trying to undermine Trump’s attempts to forge a working relationship with Putin since before Trump became president.
My understanding is that the dossier has been thoroughly debunked.
That war mongering old fart should be sufocated with a pillow by whichever unfortunate señora has to change his diaper.
Afrocentric living is a big shrug.
Also Lou Reed.
That’s not even trying. That’s like Rebecca Black level rap.
HOLY SHIT? Did you just dis Q-Tip and A Tribe Called Quest?
Where’s my free beer?
I left my wallet in El Segundo.
The 90’s called. Fresh Prince wants his beats back.
Thicc Thursday Theme
What the over/under on how many years until we hear that in an elevator.
What is Trump even being accused of?
Stealing the Presidency from that nice Clinton lady, who also just happens to have been THE MOST BEST-QUALIFIED CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE IN THE HISTORY OF CANDIDATES.
Now do you understand?
590K+ subscribers.
That boy’s going places.
Don’t have headphones. All I see is a phat guy at computer. Is his voice beautiful?
Like an angel singing praise to his creator.
You’re right. An angel. I wanna curl up under his neck beard.
I’ll see your internet and raise you some chat room talk.
You’re like a half-black Rick Astley.
Speaking of which, Rickrolling is 10 years old now.
Go on…
Huh, Rosario Dawson has a side gig. Who kew?
This stuff all runs together into a noxious sludge of inane blather, so I can’t tell you where it was, but-
The other day, I read a truly impressive bit of smug lefty navel-gazing about how Trump is in violation of his Oath of Office because he is not adhering to his vow to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution”. I nearly choked on my Wheaties. If there’s anything the lefties are consistent on, it’s their concern for the preservation of the Constitution and its protections of our rights and freedom.
I find it hilarious that the “progressives” are now concerned about the constitution after trashing it for the eight years that golden boy Obama was in office.
When there’s a Democrat in the White House, the constitution is a “living document that should change with the times and be re-interpreted as necessary”, but when a Republican sits down in that same big chair, the “progressives” suddenly turn into strict constitutional originalists.
the penis vis-à-vis maleness is an incoherent construct.
Indeed. That sounds quite reasonable.
*sketches man digging ditch on note pad, gazes in despair at clock on wall*
Apropos of nothing, the other day I heard this Ian Dury song for probably the first time in two decades.
Thanks a Bunch, Great band. They were actually quite talented I notice
I’ve been thinking about what Russia would get out of messing with the last US election. Whoever won would probably not be a pushover for the Russians, i.e. just do what the Russians wanted. Even the Republican long shot was too much of a wild card to reliably do what the Russians wanted. Russia is still trying to recover from the post-Soviet era trauma so it needs room to maneuver without interference from the US (concentrating on the US here). The best way to do that would be to foment chaos. Russia tries to hack political players in the US. Plant a few stories. Low and behold the hacking works. They successfully hack the DNC and another Democratic political player. The emails show efforts by the DNC to rig their nominating process in favor of the DNC preferred career politician. They show collusion between the media and the DNC. Russia gets blamed for it but that doesn’t bother them. And to top it all, on the Democratic side, the career politician is having trouble putting away the new Democrat. It leaks out the career politician basically broke the law, but apparently not enough to prosecute. On the Republican side the wild card is winning, even though very few establishment Republicans can stand him.
So come the general election, the career politician and the wild card are duking it out. All the experienced political players expect (and are rooting for) the career politician to win. After all the wild card is a cad and all the right people hate him (and they let everybody know it). The election is closer than the experienced political players expect and the career politician still can’t shake her law-breaking past. Then it happens, more evidence the cad is a cad and all the experienced political players rejoice — the cad is done and the question is how much will the career politician win by. But the cad acts like a cad and says he may not accept the results if he doesn’t like them. He says people vote illegally. All the “right” people are aghast that a major party candidate would say the may not accept the results of the election. They say that would help the US enemies. The the “right” people sit down to enjoy the career politicians massive win against the cad. Only it doesn’t happen that way. The cad wins — comfortably. Sure the career politicians wins more votes, but that isn’t what matters. The “right” people sit stunned. And then what Russian hopes happen happens. The career politician doesn’t quite accept the loss gracefully. the “right” people go out and protest. And the media goes sits stunned.
When the cad becomes President the media and his opposition goes hog wild. Everything gets reported as horrible and uniquely awful and they don’t wait to see if the stories are true or not (most are not). People violently riot — and the “right” people blame the victims and the President. They claim the new President conspired with Russia to “hack” the election. The media and the Democrats make everything a constitutional crisis (two scoops of ice cream). The “right” people on the Republican side push their own agendas and look “concerned” at what the President is doing. Very little is getting done.
So in the end Russia is getting what it wants. Chaos in the US.
Even if the Russian got what they wanted. There is still no evidence they did it.
I was assuming that. I just wanted to point out that for all Trump’s opposition bellyaching about Russia’s possible interference, they are giving Russia what it wants.
This, of course, presumes that the “Russia connection” is even real. It could be that this is all a happy accident.
I’ve been thinking about what Russia would get out of messing with the last US election.
Pushing a smug obnoxious girl into a mud puddle can be its own reward.
Hillary as Nellie Olsen?
<bleaches mind in horror>
Arizona Democrat Gubernatorial candidate is bat-shit crazy with terrible judgement about how to run a campaign.
“Noah has had both deep and casual sexual experiences with all kinds of women. He is an advocate of open relationships. He’s had group sex and sex with married women.”
Check out the sub-paragraphs on “Sex” and “Personal Finances”. Not sure to which constituency this guy is trying to appeal, but I can’t see this working even in California, let alone Arizona.
I would absolutely donate. I may email the dude and ask for an interview.
Go for it! Gilbs’ first scoop on hard-hitting political reporting.
What a goldmine
Hot in high school and still hot now. Friends on FB and she sends me a message that we should’ve been better friends in high school. Fuck. I wish I had a dollar for how many times this has happened. Too late, bitches. *Goes back to getting bitched at by non American waifu*.
Hah, not longer after we announced our engagement, my wife got a ‘phone call from a married friend of hers who congratulated her but also told her that he always thought the two of them would end up together.
In a Glibertarians Forum pamphlet she would have asked for a three-way. I’m disappointed in you.
Scumbags everywhere, but that is top notch.
He actually came to the wedding and he seems like a nice guy for the most part. I think part of it is that he’s in a less than happy marriage.
So extremely sad. I’d have more respect if he were just a scumbag.
The future is hard to predict, and everyone involved is an adult, so agree with her at least.
It costs nothing and it’s not like she’s going to turn up at your doorstep dressed like Toni Basil carrying a riding crop.
NOOOOOooo. I was just coming into my own. I want to them to KNOOOOW how much they hurt me, crushed me, stomped on my pride. Oh, but now, NOW! I own them. Never forget. You didn’t recognize my budding genius, you get FUCKO from the straffinrun.
Just in case, what should I say to her?
“I have this recurring dream in which I slather you with Crisco then whip you all over your glistening body with a telephone cord while Santa Claus sits in the corner engaging in furious self-abuse. What do you think that means?”
That’s why the phrase “as good as advice on glibertarians” will never become a popular proverb.
See, this is why I could never be an Objectivist.
It costs nothing to tell someone that you agree with them when there’s zero cost and zero risk to yourself. What they interpret that agreement as is their problem, but some people – especially attractive women who realize they fucked up – appreciate a small bone thrown to them.
And anyway, to quote Claude Raines:
The brother-in-law of Hank Reardon comes to dinner bitching about how evil capitalism is as he’s hitting Hank up for cash for his activism. Hank agrees, but the BIL asks for the money in cash because he doesn’t want people to know where the money came from. Hank agrees and gives it to him. No. Just, no.
What should you say to her depends somewhat on what your intentions are, doesn’t it? :/
In alternate universe, straffinrun’s complaining on Cosmotarians about his his high school sweetheart now wife bitching at him and expressing regret because some hot Asian chick is making lovey eyes at him at work.
Also, he’s wearing a goatee but not on his face.
That doesn’t sound any better. Sounds about the same but the girls are different.
Yes, grasshopper.
Which Japanese kink is that? Submissive schoolgirl, dirty panties, or garden variety upskirt?
Just kidding, obviously all of the above.
“Take a number, ladies, don’t call me, I’ll call you.”
Just kidding, I say let her down gently, but let her down.
Set her up on a date with the former star quarterback on your high school football team. I’m sure he can spare time from his shoe-salesman job.
DISCLAIMER: Not liable for damages from you being dumb enough to follow my advice.
The quarterback sucked. I was the best pitcher on the baseball team. Just wasn’t as an asshole.
Other than Al Bundy was a running back, nice Married with Children reference.
I had this girl, friend when I was in boarding school. She was as loose as the slots are advertised in Las Vegas, but I’d fallen hard for her in summer camp back when I was 13. I had plenty of other action going on–I wasn’t naive and didn’t have a lack of confidence or anything. I’d been around the block a few times. I was just hung up–with her.
When she showed up for Freshman registration, I was talking to her friend for a long time–her friend was almost as hot as she was. Then the conversation went something like, “So how do you know [my crush’s name], and she replies, “I’m her mother”. I swear, I though she was a student. She was 40+ and looked dynamite. Everybody figured my crush would grow up to look like that, too.
She does. She’s at the end of the rainbow–looks better than a pot of gold. Sweet as could be. She once told me she loved me–but what does that mean at 16?
I’d like to say I learned something, but I still screw it up. It’s sort of like when you go into a meeting to pitch an acquisition and your whole future and viability as a company rests on the outcome, you have to put it out of your mind and approach your presentation like it doesn’t really matter either way.
But that’s just money. Women are important.
It’s harder to do when it’s important.
I should point out that there are a few in my life like that. After meeting them decades later it was obvious that I was the lucky one. Go tell non-american waifu that you love her and kiss her on the head.
Someone yesterday posted a Skeptic.com article that sold itself as a new ‘Sokal affair.’ The article mentioned frequently that its statements were pure nonsense, but I didn’t have that impression. The statements were bullshit, no doubt, but they had “sense” and cohered to the extent that I could understand what they were saying and how they related to the overall ‘worldview.’
To me, that’s not like the Sokal affair at all. The Sokal affair was pure nonsense. You couldn’t parse any statement under any worldview / set of axioms. But the author was so pleased with himself in likening his project to Sokal et al. when it wasn’t anything of the sort.
Maybe I’m a fool to be skeptical of Skeptic itself. Skepticism is secondary (at best) to smug self-satisfaction.
Aye. Feh. Fuck Michael Shermer.
The article did strike me as a good summary of gender ideology. It was perfectly logical in pointing out that making the penis into the male reproductive organ was a “transphobic” concept as that term is understood among the Best People.
Hence my question: Are progs able to factually refute the article, or are they just mad that a satirist portrayed their views accurately?
And whenever I hear the term “conceptual penis,” the song “detachable penis” runs through my head. Maybe it’s just me.
What if someone submitted an article to a libertarian website that was perfectly in keeping with our basic principles, but it turned out the writer was actually opposed to libertarianism—and then the writer and his fellow travelers laughed and laughed about how they tricked us stupid libertarians into publishing the article? We wouldn’t be mad that a satirist portrayed our views accurately, we’d be irritated that people think it matters (to the truth of the worldview) that the writer declares himself a satirist, and his article satire.
It’s not a good critique. The purpose of the Sokal affair was to show that pure nonsense (essentially, meaningless ‘big’ words and phrases thrown together in a euphonic way) could be indistinguishable from much postmodernist ‘thought.’ Thus it was actually significant that a peer-reviewed academic journal published it—how much ‘thought’ was actually a whole lotta nothing?
This was different. It was stupid and untrue, like most gender theory / feminist / etc. thought, but it wasn’t meaningless or senseless.
My point is that I’m not sure progs are ready yet to expose their ideas to the public in their full silliness.
Certainly, a logical inference from their ideas is that the penis is not the male reproductive organ. But the public may be unprepared to hear the matter stated so starkly. Thus the progs may be uncomfortable.
Generally speaking, libertarians really don’t give a [bleep] about whether the public is ready for the full logical implications of libertarian views. If the public doesn’t accept cocaine vending machines, it’s because the public is stupid and hates freedom.
Also, progs are a tad more feelz-oriented than the libertarians, who by comparison are near-autistic in spelling out their full logic.
Perhaps, but that’s a bit incidental. After all, the journal published the article and has so far kept it published online. They must not feel terribly ashamed. (And I’m thinking about those very mainstream TV shows like Bill Nye and “Problematic”—where’s the shame?)
I appreciate those progs who do think through the implications of their ideas and do expose those implications. That article that’s been posted a few times here about the professor telling ‘straight cis white men’ to quit their jobs—I appreciate it. It’s an unintentional reduction to the absurd (really just reduction to the implications). No more beating around the bush.
The thing is, I’m not sure they appreciate “right-wing web sites” making a big deal out of their remarks, which were supposed to circulate only in enlightened circles.
Strong meat for the initiated, but milk and water for the rubes, that’s how it’s supposed to work. I think it’s called “Motte and Bailey” tactics.
For outsiders: “Trans people are oppressed and bullied and need to be protected from evildoers who kill them and drive them to suicide!”
For insiders: “The penis isn’t the male reproductive organ, as we can see from the example of trans people.”
They have an assembly line of derp set up. The leftists in higher education and political think tanks come up with their yearly allotment of derp within the progressive zeitgeist, and small drops of it are inserted into mainstream culture on a daily basis. It starts with a sympathetic character on a tv show or a fawning article on a website or a single line in a bill in front of a leftist state legislature. Then, as people become more accepting of the derp, it, seemingly all of a sudden, pops up everywhere. “First trans-this”, “Feminist intersectionality and the conceptual penis class”, “Trans teen DEMOLISHES bigot teacher over bathroom discrimination”, “Pandakin toddler looks so cute and is living xe’s true identity”, “Study shows that secondhand penis exposure leads to brain cancer”, “Researchers find that thirdgender people are smarter and wealthier than idiot hillbilly cisgender shitlords”
Any long-term societal traction on the side of liberty and rebutting this SJW bullshit involves disrupting the educational-governmental-media complex.
Pure nonsense, a jumble of trendy jargon, and indistinguishable from current leftist thinking all seem perfectly consistent to me.
” It was stupid and untrue, like most gender theory / feminist / etc. thought, but it wasn’t meaningless or senseless.”
Distinction without a difference. One batch of nonsense is equal to any other.
Aaaand I just noticed the article was posted again above. I’m an idiot.
I gave up on Skeptic when they jumped on the global warming bandwagon. Skeptics, my ass.
I had a subscription to the “Bricks and Mortar” edition of Skeptic but I let it lapse after Shermer got his nutectomy.
Second flight on United today. So far, no beating but I’m more cramped than the occupants of Warty’s rape dungeon. Driving after this so can’t get shitfaced today.
You could at least get some sleep.
Ha ha, I’m guessing that’s not entirely feasible.
Maybe later. I hate taking short naps and waking up groggy afterwards.
I can’t sleep in public because I snore really, really loudly.
Mile high club passes the time.
Wow, the “conceptual penis” article is still up (so to speak) on that journal’s Web site.
Yale Dean Is Suspended in Connection With Offensive Yelp Reviews
Yale University on Thursday suspended one of its deans in connection with a series of classist and sometimes racially charged reviews on the website Yelp, the Associated Press reports.
Dean Chu, know that you are a shooting star
Dean Chu resigned one night
She was in over her head
“I’ll get a job in HR”
Is what she said
It seems I had to fight my whole life through
Some white ho ‘d giggle and I’d get red
And some redneck ‘d laugh and I’d Yelp his head
I tell ya, life ain’t easy for a Dean named “Chu”
I’m all for reviews like this. Thanks: I am white trash, and I would love to patronize this establishment! Thank you for getting to the point. Most Yelp reviews are grand verbose cliches.
Plus, employees love going on Yelp and reading the crazy reviews from crazy people. No one wants to read mundane ones.
Having said that… Bye, bitch.
Look, if I wanted a “white trash” experience, I wouldn’t go to a Japanese restaurant.
I’d go to a titty bar where they were holding a monster-truck rally in the parking lot.
I mean, hypothetically.
Or I’d just listen to these guys.
“By Jove, Lurleen, we haven’t had a night out in months!”
“I concur, Cletus, why don’t we go to that Japanese restaurant what just opened in New Haven?”
“I’m kidding, honey. Look, says here the Sons of Confederate Veterans are hosting a tractor pull.”
“Let’s go!”
Prog media in a bit of a quandary over who to support here.
They’ll have to run some equations in that new “social justice math” to figure out who was the shitlord oppressor in that situation.
Do we know whether this event was real or staged? I have no idea.
Wait there’s no tits in that link. It is the dailymaiI was expecting ample assets, tout tums and pert derriers
How about this?
Did she vote for Trump?
“To put it quite simply: if you are white trash, this is the perfect night out for you!” she wrote in one review of a Japanese restaurant.
She must have thought she was on Yale’s yik yak. An honest mistake.
Rolling Stone of all sources asks the most basic and fundamental question about all this Trumputin business: just what the hell, exactly, is being investigated in the first place?
Every once in a while, someone on the left realizes just how scummy their behavior actually is and what tools they are. Trump is being assassinated in the media on the vaguest of innuendo. His associates like Flynn are being smeared for things that Washington yawns at on a daily basis. There’s not a shred of evidence presented. The leaks and even public interviews/testimony all contradict one another. This, right here, is the deep state abusing its authority against a guy they see as a rogue threat to the established order.
Let’s also reiterate that as of today, the intelligence ‘community’ has yet to provide even a *single* piece of verifiable evidence that Russia hacked anything let alone released emails to Wikileaks. Assange has, as far as I’m aware of, never been caught lying where as his opponents are caught in contradictory statements on a daily basis. Clapper has less credibility than Assange. Comey has less credibility than Assange.
Hell, the DNC wouldn’t even let the FBI look at their servers. The hacking “evidence” was provided by a 3rd party hired by the DNC itself.
Earlier someone posited that chaos in the US is what the Ruskies are getting out of all of this. As good of a guess as any I suppose but I am not so sure. None of those screeching about TrumPutin have laid out exactly what Trump is doing for the Russians. I know they were glad Clinton lost because she was foaming at the mouth over some insane desire to go to war with Russia but who can blame them for that? I want to know exactly what Trump is doing that is advantageous to Putin.
This chaos has them at the crosshairs, which makes it worthless for them. Unless they were playing 20D chess and knew that Trump would be elected in a wave of popular sentiment from middle America, that the dem-leftist media would blow the DNC leaks so terribly out of proportion that it would result in serious impeachment talk, and they’re somehow betting on a successful impeachment followed by domestic uprisings or something, I don’t get the end game. What does Putin get by having Trump evicted from office in shame?
The problem with that narrative is that it makes Putin into an almost god-like figure when there’s really know way he could have predicted the course of events playing out. It’s highly doubtful to me that the Russians really thought Trump could win. Leaking and discrediting Hillary before an election they view her as likely to win, showing her as a corrupt hag, does in someway continue to undermine faith in electoral politics. Especially if she wins.
The media is too busy pushing some narrative that Putin is pushing ‘populist’ right wingers to undermine democracy. Which makes little sense. Populism itself has traditionally been viewed as a positive among the left (hence they’re preferred usage of the word ‘demagogue’ to describe Trump through most of the election). How does a popular candidate pushing popular ideas winning undermine democracy, unless part of your in-baked assumptions of what makes democracy good is a stable establishment ruling class to begin with? Hillary losing in no way undermines democracy unless you’re a complete progtard who thinks democracy means you’re entitled to win.
To cut to the point, it’s the left wing media right now that is discrediting democracy and faith in Western institutions. It’s a short term political strategy at the cost of long term credibility and viability of the institutions they claim to be defending. They’re the ones who created the narrative of Russian interference and insist on browbeating the public with it. Putin has no actual control over any of that and it’s really doubtful he predicted it playing out. I mean, did he foresee mundane shit like meetings with his ambassadors being portrayed as some sort of dastardly conspiracy?
Putin is probably entertained and flattered, but his interests aren’t being served here and he couldn’t have created this. He has very little control over it.
Example of what Putin couldn’t have predicted – stories like CNN’s on Flynn, implying he’s a Russian puppet who had been compromised simply because they viewed him as a potential ‘ally.’ CNN wants to imply one thing, without evidence, based on what is really pretty typical fucking analysis all states do when assessing the impact of some party gaining power in another state. It was never a secret that Flynn believed Russia and America could work more closely together even before he became affiliated with Trump.
Trump’s mistake was firing Flynn. He gave the media a scalp so early on, and on such flimsy pretext, that it simply emboldened them and fueled the bullshit narrative they were creating while Flynn did nothing wrong. For their part, the media had singled out Flynn early on. Initially, stories painted him as being a crazed loon who engaged in conspiratorial rhetoric. Then it was that he was a Russian stooge. Now he’s apparently an agent of Turkey.
And as the Rolling Stone article points out, Flynn’s conduct is pretty normal in DC. These same people wouldn’t even think to question Hillary or those in her orbit over their Russian policy in 2008 and the money they are known to have taken.
It is all smoke anyway. Trump is the duly elected president and there isnt anything they can do about it. The R congress is not going to impeach Trump. He needs to stop paying attention to them and get on with the job. And quit with the goddamned tweets.
Someone please make John McCain retire and go home.
“When you try to sow the seeds of doubt in people`s minds about the legitimacy of our election, that undermines democracy. Then you`re doing the work of our adversaries for them.”
– Barack Obama
My thesis is that because the US is distracted and focused on internal issues it gives Putin (and others) more free reign to do whatever is in their best interests with no push back (if needed) from the US.
And for the record Russia is not really in the crosshairs, Trump is. I haven’t seen or heard of one protest against Russia. Any mention of Russia’s (supposed) meddling in the election is that it allowed an awful man to be President and we should counter that by removing the awful man from the Presidency. Very little mention if any is mentioned about punishing Russia beyond what Obama has already been done.
It is all theater. 100% fabrication.
I think a very strong case for sedition could be made against John McCain. Maybe a special prosecutor should be appointed to look into that. If ol’ Johnny were clapped in irons I bet it would put a stop to a lot of this idiocy.
Of course it is theater. Politics is perception. Right now Trump’s critics are throwing as much shit against the wall to see what will stick. If they get get enough to stick, they hope to discredit Trump and his supporters (and I’m using supporters in the broadest sense — supporting deregulation would make one a Trump supporter in the eyes of his critics).
My thesis is that because the US is distracted and focused on internal issues it gives Putin (and others) more free reign to do whatever is in their best interests with no push back (if needed) from the US.
This assumes 2 things. 1) That Hillary would’ve pushed back at all, which seems highly unlikely given Obama’s position; and 2) that this was a remotely attainable way of reducing pushback, which seems just as convoluted as the MSM conspiracies being lobbed at Trump.
If Russia wanted no push back, they could’ve just slipped some cash to Iran under the table and asked them to give ISIS a little boost. Heck, they could’ve false flagged a muslim attack in Russia, blamed the Chechens, and gone on a nation building tour of any surrounding territory with a critical mass of muslims in it (which is most of them).
IOW, I’m crunching the numbers, and it’s just not adding up.
“…they could’ve just slipped some cash to Iran under the table”
Palettes loaded with cash wont fit under a table.
That Hillary would’ve pushed back at all, which seems highly unlikely given Obama’s position
Obama was a pass-the-buck administration, he viewed foreign policy entirely through the lens of what he thought would give him popular support, or at least what his sycophants told him would get him popular support. See the Syrian ‘red line’ for example, public is disgusted with the war in Syria, Obama thinks its an opportunity to show his foreign policy toughness, but then finds that the vast majority of the population isn’t interested in another war in the Middle East and has to embarrassingly back down in response. It’s one of the reasons his foreign policy was so awful, he had no coherent vision, it was all just public optics and what he thought would fuel his narcissistic ‘legacy’.
That’s not Clinton. Clinton is a Wilsonian interventionist who thinks it’s America’s job to intervene for democratic systems. She’s also, based on the emails and other reports, massively insecure about her status as a woman and thinks warfare is a way to appear tough. There’s a lot of evidence to suggest that the Libyan intervention is almost entirely Clinton’s baby. Clinton is not Obama, she’s a insecure sociopath who would play hardball with the Russians because of both her own self-righteousness and insecurity.
I think you are right. Clinton would have been a disaster on a scale we have never seen before, both domestically and on FP. It would only take one term for her to turn the country into a smoking crater.
Don’t forget about her inability to accept responsibility for anything.
Well that’s actually one of the things she has in common with Obama. The only advantage Obama has in that comparison is that he’s far more indecisive than she is.
Except hacking and social media attacks cost a lot less money than your proposed options. One of the complaints about the Obama administrations foreign policy caused the US to lose influence in the world (people take actions without thinking of what the US will do, don’t trust the US to follow, etc). If the US remains focused internally, other countries will be embolded to take actions which are detrimental to the interests of freedom in general and the US in specific without any push back at all.
That was Obama’s biggest problem, “all talk, no cock”. Hillary was going to swoop into office sporting that strap-on contraption from “Seven”.
“The uncertainty has led to widespread public terror”
Maybe RS is discussing the Campus Rape Epidemic?
Whoa. Matt Taibbi wrote something sane? Maybe I have him mixed up with someone else but I connect that name with undiluted prog insanity.
Nah, he’s not that bad. I think I remember him being the “voice of sanity” once or twice on Maher.
Diluted prog insanity, then
That’s the stuff.
He used to write a lot of good and interesting stuff in the New York Press.
Public terror is the tastiest flavor of terror, just ask Robespierre!
Source – CNN
It’s amazing how getting fired can change your perspective as well as your FBI notes.
“A person familiar with his thinking says.”
CNN is now crediting self-proclaimed psychics as legitimate, and we’re supposed to take them completely seriously.
Have you ever seen someone catch fire? Literally I mean. Their thinking brain turns off, they run about willy-nilly unable to vocalize beyond screaming. They do everything they shouldn’t do, even their screams dont come out right.
That is what we are seeing from the elite establishment right now. I love it.
They should ask his familiar directly. I dont know if he’s a cat person, maybe a bird?
Why don’t they just push all of their chips to the center of the table, fire everybody and hire that dude from Ancient Aliens with the ridiculous hair? It can’t be much of a leap between “experts say” and “sources say”. The upside being that we get to mock the funny hair even whilst they’re pissing down our backs and telling us it’s raining.
Tide goes in, tide goes out. TrumPutin!
My Wife heard from a co-worker that Trump is being impeached. That’s “Prole-Talk” around the water cooler. Idjits.
Well if you are a power/fame hungry person — and there is evidence he is — he can get in front of a bunch of congressmen and explain what he “actually meant” when he wrote those memo’s that despite what he did in the aftermath, Trump is a big meany who totally tried to obstruct justice when Trump spoke to him He meant to report it but was too scared to. Saying this will get him big bucks on the progressive speaking circuit.
Kim Dotcom is claiming he was part of the Seth Rich Wikileaks stuff
I’m unfamiliar with this guy or whether he should be taken even remotely seriously.
Hacker, used to run Megaupload until the U.S. shut him down, now mostly does stuff involving creating encryption to prevent government spying. He does at least have motive because he’s been bloody pissed at the Democrats since Megaupload was shut down and he was charged with copyright infringement because he saw them as the political arm of Hollywood.
Got all-in with AA and a guy called for half his stack with AJo and hit a JJ6 flop, busting me. The wife says that’s a perfectly fine hand to call an all-in with but I disagree for half his stack.
For one-third maybe, on fourth or less certainly, but one-half?
This one didn’t cause me to go apeshit but I still think it’s a bad play.
Tournament end-play is somewhat different from playing a live cash game and it’s worth taking risks you normally wouldn’t to knock someone out and move up the money scale but Goddamn he had a one-in-eight shot and only stood to win double his bet. That’s way outside the acceptable risk box, at least for me.
Of course he didn’t know exactly what I had, but since he acted before me and bet quite a bit then I went over-the-top all-in he had to know my range there was limited to AA, KK or maybe QQ given that I was not in a bad spot relative to the blinds. So a full-stack bluff with rags was not in the picture. And I was not desperate and thus didn’t need to push with a small pair or high-suited connectors.
This might bore some or all of you but every time I get knocked out I need to do a post-mortem.
Sometimes it’s fine. If I go all-in with say QQ and get called by AA and lose there’s nothing to think about in regards to the other player. The only question is: Did I need to push there? In any event it’s my bad.
And you people have the smarts, so I’m always willing to listen to glibsdom of this crowd.
Ugh. The smartest man that I know was a gamblin’ ramblin’ man. He lost everything to the devil’s buttwipes. Never assume when you are gambling, close to the chest and let the show-boaters blow their stacks. (Above mentioned rambler was my Father who started playing bridge for stakes and wound up getting wiped out in fixed games. He never recovered his dignity.)
Was he Willie?
Commiseration via an obscure musical gambling reference.
Nice. Could a singer like that even get a listen from a music exec today?
Thankee kindly! He lost house, Wife, inheritance and family in no particular order. I’ve been digging on old-timey music for awhile now.
It seems like every time I get pocket AA the flop always comes out as something like a 5 6 7 of spades. The universe likes to to screw me over that way that way.
It’s way worse in Pot Limit Omaha.
One good thing, for him, about all this shit being thrown at King Cheeto is that the left is at peak fulmination. They can’t possibly devote anymore assets to raking him over the coals.
That means anything else he wants to do is essentially a freebie. Close an agency? Fire 1000s of gov types? Whatever. Under this umbrella of umbrage he is free to maneuver how he likes.
It’s like murder, the first one costs everything all the rest are free.
It’s reverse triage. Treat the hang-nail, ignore the gaping chest wound.
Good point.
I don’t know if this is possible.
The Yellowstone Super-caldera will erupt and we’ll all be equally dead, just as Marx intended!
It’s an OK-caldera….
Showdown at the OK Corral. Bring face-paint, sparklers and glitter…
No paper mache heads? It’s not a real protest without giant paper mache heads.
Black body suit puppeteers of indeterminate gender are always appreciated.
The big problem with Yellowstone super volcano is that when it erupts it won’t consider the environmental or social justice aspects of its eruption. The super volcano will kill without regard to race, gender, sex, or disability. This will just reinforce the white, heterosexual patriarchy that presently oppresses the world. The ash, magma, and heat will disrupt the earth’s ecosystem and counteract mankind’s spewing of CO2 into the atmosphere. The capitalist patriarchal oppressors will use this to keep the specialists from adjusting the earth’s economy to an environmentally safe economic system.
I recall Tony on The Other Site being rather happy about how the supervolcano would kill off all those filthy Republican flyover state types for the next election.
You know who else was happy about incineration of human beings?
Those frakking toasters?
Curtis LeMay?
“Bomber” Harris?
Funeral Home Directors?
Volcano erupts ending Humanity – Trans-persons hit hardest!
Army to adopt new physical fitness test-
4 Tests
OPAT measures muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, explosive power and speed. It consists of four individual tests:
The “Standing Long Jump” is designed to assess lower-body power. Participants stand behind a take-off line with their feet parallel and shoulder-width apart. They jump as far as possible.
The “Seated Power Throw” is designed to assess upper-body power. Participants sit on the floor with their lower back against a yoga block and upper back against a wall. They hold a 4.4-pound medicine ball with both hands, bring the medicine ball to their chest and then push or throw the medicine ball upward and outward at an approximate 45-degree angle. The throw is scored from the wall to the nearest 10 centimeters from where the ball first contacts the ground.
The “Strength Deadlift” is designed to assess lower-body strength. Participants stand inside a hex-bar and perform practice lifts to assure good technique. Then they begin a sequence of lifts starting with 120 pounds, and working up to 220 pounds.
The “Interval Aerobic Run,” always performed last, is designed to assess aerobic capacity. The evaluation involves running “shuttles” or laps between two designated points that are spaced 20 meters apart. The running pace is synchronized with “beeps,” produced by a loudspeaker, at specific intervals. As the test progresses, the time between beeps gets shorter, requiring recruits to run faster in order to complete the shuttle. Participants are scored by the level they reach and the number of shuttles they complete.
I’ll say this much- sprinting makes more sense than distance running, which does not happen much in combat.
A good test should be quick to administer and not require a lot of special equipment.
The problem is whatever test they adopt is going to screen people out. I heard from a CSM that 40% of the Army is non-deployable, mainly for health reasons.
If it were up to me, I’d ditch the weight/body fat standards, change the 2 mile run to 100 m sprint, add a pull-up event (minimum of 3), and keep the push-ups and sit-ups as is.
I’ve seen that the guys who score really high on the current test tend to be very thin, which is great from distance running but not so much for lifting artillery shells or ruck marching.
OPAT? What about THAC0?
No worries, they’ll design the female pull-up requirement so that the ladies can keep their feet on the ground. Equality, Yo!
Trump’s complaint about him being treated more unfairly than any politician got historians scrambling to prove him wrong. One of the stories I heard was about this guy:
In November 1646, we find Aston in Ireland with the Marquis of Ormonde, with whom he probably returned to England on the delivery of Dublin to the Parliament. It seems likely that, after the execution of the King, he joined the marquis in Ireland, on his resuming the government there. Certain it is that, on 27th July 1649, he sat on a council of war convened by the Lord-Lieutenant. Being left with a garrison of 3,000 men in defence of Drogheda or Tredagh, Sir Arthur three times repulsed the army of General Cromwell, which approached the works on 8th September 1649. This determined perseverance, however, eventually proved unsuccessful. The town was entered on the 10th. No quarter was given and only about thirty persons escaped, who, with several hundreds of the Irish nation, were shipped off as slaves to the island of Barbados. Aston perished in the butchery. He was hacked to pieces and his brains were beaten out with his wooden leg.
It always ends the same way.
Venezuela general orders snipers to prepare for clash with protesters
Torrealba, who acknowledges that the use of snipers would be unconstitutional, orders those present to go ahead with preparations anyhow as he believes it is the only way to keep demonstrators off the streets.
“It will only be us [the military] that pulls through because … once people start to see dead bodies, and dead bodies begin to appear, then everyone will begin to stay at home,” Torrealba said. “You will remember my words, the armed forces are the ones that have to solve this problem.”
As an example “pour les autres”. I wonder if Sean Penn is willing to fly himself to Caracas and stand with the proletariat.
Super-lefty scumbag Michael Douglas, when given his choice of islands to live on, chose Bermuda rather than Cuba. I wonder why.
Isn’t he the one that claimed to have caught “The Cancer” from eating Catherine Zeta-Jones’ nibbly bits? Fuck him, let STEVE SMITH loose on the island! Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide Mikey-Boy…
Was listening to some Old Man Yells at Cloud radio today. The topic was those damn lazy kids these days. A woman who sounded almost exactly like Helen Lovejoy (“won’t somebody *please* think of the children?”) complained that a young worker of hers had the gall to respond to her “thank you” with “no problem” instead of “you’re welcome, glad I could help” or something more subservient and enthusiastic.
It reminded me a little of the time (the only time) I wrote a thank you note to the HR people after a job interview. I’d never done it before and I thought “this is retarded. it’s totally insincere. what kind of moron gets excited about thank you notes?”
Well, to my considerable shock, they *loved* my perfunctory thank you note, so much in fact that I got the job. I don’t what else to say except that it seems to me that a lot of people attach enormous importance to things I barely notice.
The great majority of people are loutish and easily distracted. You found an “in”. Must be one of them there videah game cheats that I hear tell about.
Is that Dr. Suess book in Hebrew? Why’s the front cover on that side?
Shut Up! You’re gonna queer the (((deal)))!
How many comments? A new glib record? All you gotta do for a record is not post anything else.
Poor old Denverj’s got a case of the “hungry eyes”.