Zardoz got high.
You don’t say?
I’m Poppy.
I failed.
I dunno… The link worked. Just a wee bit duplicative is all.
Duplicative is why I failed. I’m not even high. Though I had just finished one of these.
I can’t say I endorse the new Zardoz, I’ll simply note that he seems a bit less extermination-oriented than the old Zardoz.
Pot does that to people (and giant stone heads)
Giant Stoned Heads?
“Look man, here’s why you got to legalize that shit: How many times have you been at a party and said “Whoa, look out man, Steve got really baked and now he’s pickin’ fights with people.” Never right? Worst you’re ever going to get is “Whoa man, Steve got really baked, ate all your Cheerios and now he’s passed out on the couch.”
I dunno, *Reefer Madness* made some good points.
*madly gyrates on Ottoman*
“Play faster! Faster!”
Zardoz got back.
How are we supposed to ignore the links if there are no links to ignore?
There is one, right?
ZARDOZ learn from Ray about burning through the profits.
*narrows gaze*
*slow claps*
ZARDOZ , can you share some of yours with the Swiss Brutal so he can dilate his eyes to normal?
*strongly narrows gaze *
He’s not the Dutch Servator…
I used to work with a Swiss expat. He was from one of the French speaking regions. He used a lot of different drugs. He told me marijuana was pretty easy to get a hold of in Switzerland.
Started watching “Sense8” on Netflix. So far, I like it.
Also watch movie “Before I fall”. Predictable but the soundtrack elevated it from “meh” to “good”.
Now if y’all excuse me, I’m going to go see Metallica perform. I might report back with my thoughts on the show.
I’d recommend “Before the Rain”, but I think it’s out of print on DVD.
Metallica is there most overrated band of all space time
And the award for the “Band Most Likely To Be Shit-kicked At A Pit Party” goes once again to Metallica!
I want to hear about the show.
I watched “Gymkata” today. How delightfully awful.
“How lucky there is this bar, just at the height of what is needed to do a few rotations and kick everyone coming into this alley!”
“Put your hardware back in your pants!”
I love the old crazy lady cackling in the alley from the window.
They’re definitely on the “crazy” side of the “hot/crazy” line.
I saw it on late night tv 25 yrs ago and they changed the name of the village to The Village of the Danged.
‘I was gonna cleanse the planet of penises but then I got high’
‘I was gonna puke some weapons and fly around but then I got high’
‘Now I’m a grounded rock and I now whyyyyyyy!!! Cuz I got high, cuz I got highhhhhh!!!!’
Forget bacteria or orbital defense lasers, just ship a conex of MJ to Mr Lizard’s invading brethren.
Well there are worse ways to avert a planetary invasion
“Now I’m a grounded rock”
Zardoz is a rock.
I am an island.
/Paul and Art
Emergency spacewalk to fix a computer? Seems like a bad design decision. It would seem that electronics prone to failure should be accessible from the interior.
It was probably designed by someone at BMW
It was probably designed by someone in Hollywood.
The Russian in the Space Station was running about, yelling “Emergency! Everyone to get from capsule!”
Or a Hollywood scriptwriter.
It’s just an excuse to get out of the house for a couple of minutes. Like needing to go for a beer run.
I just hope it’s not the DC to DC converter from the solar panels. They better last.
Wut? A voltage regulator? I find it hard to convert DC to DC myself, YMMV,
I’ve heard it called a converter if it changes the voltage (e.g. 120v to 12v). The only time I hear something called a regulator is when it’s primarily used to take some of the signal fluctuations out, not to adjust voltage.
I use Caps for that, diodes for voltage regulation in DC, AC is a bit different
The article said it had to do with the solar panels. This is why they should have gone with coal fired power generation on the space station as god intended and I recommended. Fuckers ignored my input because, “you are not a rocket scientist” blah blah blah. Who has to space walk now? Not me!
My business partner has walked in space three times. I believe he had over 10 EV hours around the old space shuttle.
And yes, it’s great to open conversations with chicks when he’s around. “Hey, want to meet a real astronaut?” Of course, it also means that not only have I broken the ice, I’ve guaranteed they won’t want to speak to anyone but him after that.
“I suffer from a very sexy learning disability – what’s it called, C.?”
“Sigh… sexlexia.”
I keep hearing that Democrats have a great chance to take back the House in 2018, and I’m left wondering what people are smoking. There are 23 ‘toss-up’ seats that would have to go the Dems way, and then they’d have to pick up a solid red district. They’d need a perfect run. The only evidence anyone can provide:
-Supposedly out performing expectations in races since the election that they still lost (Kansas) or will lose (Georgia). And the second you look at the math or past results or the specifics of said race, you realize they aren’t out-performing anything in said districts.
-Everyone I know hates Trump!
Dems typically don’t do well in mid-terms. Just like all the smug pricks who thought the Obama coalition was going to buck all historical trends and come out out for a shrew like Hillary, they are pretending that their #Resistance crowd and minorities are going to be so energized that they’ll get off their asses in every single race to vote for candidates they’ve never heard of just to stick it to Trump. The DNC, meanwhile, is being torn apart by factional in-fighting as diehard progs continue to try and marginalize candidates guilty of even slight wrong think on issues critical to voters in these districts in question.
The media is basically trying to create momentum for Democrats, reality be damned. They have no chance until 2020, and even then not likely until after that. I’d love to go back and compare these stories to how they covered the 2010 and on elections. The narrative always seems to be about how Dems can and/or will get back into power or maintain it.
It’s gonna be a bloodbath for the Dems if they’re not careful. I don’t know what the reality is for the DNC leaks, but I get the feeling that people were supposed to accept the Russia narrative and not pull at threads. Hopefully they didn’t legit kill a guy over a leak, they’d never win an election again.
Realistically, I think the Dems’ best hope is for the Republicans to act very very dumb.
But, ha ha, really, how likely is *that*?
Them being dumb, 100%. Them being dumb enough, we’ll see.
You noticed? what gave it away?
Reality just has a progressive bias, man.
Do you have anything constructive to add, or are you just going to snarkily agree with me?
(checks website to be sure am still at “glibertarians”)
no, i agree entirely. i also agree that, if anything, they’re teasing people with the pretentions about any gains in 2018. they’re expecting to get clobbered and all this bullshit reporting about the ‘symbolic’ importance if they win X or Y seats in some podunk places is just to try and create a sense of urgency and crisis
my theory going back a while now is that both parties are confronting a crisis moment because of generational-transfer. basically, all the baby-boomer leadership is retiring (or about to) and the on-deck personnel is now having to assert themselves to try and grab power. With the GOP it has been made far far smoother by the Tea Party, being in opposition under Obama, and Trumpism, all of which has enabled what you might think of as ‘necessary evolution’.
Or you could say that the timing was simply better for the GOP. But the Dems suffered basically the opposite effect by the sequence of Obama the Hillary: the former gave the DNC an excuse to avoid any necessary change; they were riding high on a sense they had ‘won the future’. Hillary was something of a last-gasp by the crusty old legacy-party-leadership to have one more shot at running the world; having failed, they’re suddenly confronted with the fact that they truly had no Plan B. And the progs who had been kept silent from 8 years under Obama now turn to the crusty-old-leaders and think “where have you left us”? And they don’t even have anyone good in the bullpen themselves.
Seriously = who is the Great [insert victim-class] Hope of the Left? Who are they going to rally behind as a new standard-bearer? All the old people are going to just be older and less-relevant in 4 years… and who are the young-pols they’re grooming for leadership? they’ve literally got nothing. So all they can do is shriek and point fingers about Hitler 2.0 and hope some ringer can be cooked up in time for 2020.
The NeverTrumpers at The Daily Wire always freak out about the 2018 House race, but I think that the GOP still has the edge. The thing is that from a cultural and movement perspective (not policy, of course), I believe that Trump was the ideal nominee this past year. It used to be that the Democratic Party was the young, hip, and cool place to be, and the combination of an outsider president and the new right-wing YouTube and college campus movement helped to change this narrative and make the opposition’s ideas the new counter-culture.
Well that and the fact that hippies don’t generally get out the vote in mid-terms. Mostly older folks who pay more attention to things or have more on the line.
The media is basically trying to create momentum for Democrats, reality be damned.
I think that is the gist of it. The media is driving everything right now especially the Russian scare based on evidence that would get a minor mention in years gone by. It is very strange. I don’t remember anything like this in the past.
They must think Trump is uniquely vulnerable; it’s not like they don’t try this shit with every other Republican but this time they’ve got someone who knows how to push their buttons and it’s making them kind of lose their shit.
Standard anti-Republican operations in the media driven into complete overdrive by Trump (due to a combination of his outsider status, boorish persona and willingness to seriously fuck with them). They also need to desperately prove to themselves (and others) that they’re still relevant and powerful in an age of shifting media. Plenty of the people in the media are going to be driven to full hysterics for years as they realize that modern shifts in information technology (as well as their own lack of credibility) are obliterating their ability to influence things.
They just have to prove Trump is a metaphysical esoteric existential threat and WIN!
Trump is MEET!
MEET hats will do it! We just need a good hat to bring the #resistance together.
Is that anything like pussy hats or am I not getting another meme?
Yes, but with meet. I guess a pussy hat made in a certain way, such as with mutton flaps, could be used in the meet march. I am going with spelling not being an issue. It is all about phonetics for this march.
For the last three election cycles this has been what is was like on my FB feed. Up until I blocked all the lefty/dem/fuckwit sites from hitting my wall.
These people have been deluded about their chances for a long time.
Not only that, they’re deluded about how much of the country will follow them if they do win. They can’t seem to grasp what the Rs winning all those governorship and statehouses mean for the progressive agenda.
Bring up nullification and it’s all hands over ears and “na na na” can’t hear you!
Damned if I didn’t find that fully 25% of the girls from my High School graduating class went on to become teachers. We were a tiny school but what are the odds? Apparently some of them have discovered the horny so Facebook is kinda no-go zone.
Facebook Policies on antisocial crap are predictably messed up.
These policies in and of themselves aren’t a big deal either way to me. However, Facebook, as a company, is a cesspool.
You can call it a cesspool. I mean, it is. But only in the same sense that anything with hundreds of millions of active users is going to be a cesspool. Even more so on the internet.
The job they’re being asked to do by political hacks is impossible. The media eggs the politicians on because it feeds all their favorite narratives and, most importantly, it’s about survival and control over their own content. Guardian reporters hate Facebook. Facebook is undercutting the traditional media and they are going to throw whatever they can at them to see what sticks. More to the point, the critics of Facebook are just looking to get any and all ammunition they can to force onerous and stupid regulations. And, of course, taxes.
Looking at some of those rules, they can easily be made to sound awful. They are in many cases somewhat arbitrary. But there’s no way you’re going to keep everyone happy with what they see online.
I mean, this is a nice example. It’s graphic content. It’s also political content. And why are they fixating on it? The latter. This rule is about as delicate a balancing act as I could come up with myself.
Hunting videos – should they be banned? Videos of violent movie/TV scenes? List could go on endlessly. The media’s favorite stories to jump on of late are people livestreaming sick shit. Something that can’t really be stopped on any platform where people are free to upload content, and are doing it to often times restricted audiences.
How do people here feel about wishing people die and go to hell, or for them to be fed feet first into wood chippers?
You can call it a cesspool. I mean, it is. But only in the same sense that anything with hundreds of millions of active users is going to be a cesspool. Even more so on the internet.
No, I mean Facebook the company is a cesspool. Facebook as a product is also a cesspool, but for completely different reasons.
BTW, this one is fucked up:
Facebook will allow people to livestream attempts to self-harm because it “doesn’t want to censor or punish people in distress”.
They’re screwed no matter what they try to do here.
I guess it’s just one of those nights. eh?
A little mood music
Blues are excellent but I really need an ambience. Two day-old jeans and some swill beer, a peeler with a c-section scar and some biker’s old lady hitting on you just for shits and giggles. That’s how you do the Blues, Brother.
And always, ALWAYS have ZZ-Top playing in the background jist to maker extra gritty!
Re-posting from the dead page:
Did anybody make that hot sauce recipe that playa linked to a few days ago? (or whenever it was) I couldn’t find one of the chili’s in the recipe so substituted a can of chipotles in adobo. I am pretty sure I can strip paint with this stuff. I was sneezing while I made it.
I was wondering if anyone else tried that recipe.
And the video in the line up after the linked one was some primo marketing in my book.
Child’s play.
My eyes where watering too.
In my head. I keep my other eyes pickling in jars in the basement. They were not effected by the sauce.
Good asset protection strategy!
That’s more like it.
From one of Derp’s links in prior thread =
no comment from me, really. Tho i continue to think the term “community” is way overused. In this case i’m betting 99% of the gay/lesbian people in LA had no idea there was a Trans-sportswriter, and if they did still wouldn’t really feel the need to have a mock funeral. I think the journalistic compulsion to treat any random group of bitchy people as part of some theoretical “community” is getting old.
If this is accurate, I can only conclude that “the LGBT community” is full of horrible people.
Most communities are full of horrible people.
*looks around*
*begins to object… Then stops, sits back down*
Seriously, do I have to make this joke? Not even the women on his softball team cared?
I’m seeing an existential trend and threat here.
Heh. The first boobies that I ever groped (Boston’s “More Than A Feeling” was playing at the time) belonged to a girl that later transitioned. My buddy is still freaked out about her/him because he actually dipped his dick into that. Bring up xe’s name and it’s thunderbolt eyes. So I do.
I keep seeing rumors that Antifa is heading to Texas to protest at the Sam Houston monument. That’s almost as good as The Penis Paper Hoax
Everything’s bigger in Texas
Cut Alaska in two and make Texas the third-biggest state.
Antifa has had some range days so maybe they think they might stand a chance against folks that actually know how to use guns.
Speech of Sam Houston
The Proslavery Argument Against Secession
Austin, September 22, 1860
“…When we are rent in twain, British Abolition, which in fanaticism and sacrificial spirit, far exceeds that of the North (for it has been willing to pay for its fanaticism, a thing the North never will do), will have none of the impediments in its path, now to be found. England will no longer fear the power of the mighty nation which twice has humbled her, and whose giant arm would, so long as we are united, be stretched forth to protect the weakest State, or the most obscure citizen. The State that secedes, when pressed by insidious arts of abolition emissaries, supported by foreign powers, when cursed by internal disorders and insurrections, can lay no claim to that national flag, which when now unfurled, ensures the respect of all nations and strikes terror to the hearts of those who would invade our rights. No! Standing armies must be kept—armies to keep down a servile population at home, and to meet the foe which at any moment may cross the border, bringing in their train ruin and desolation. Do you wish to exchange your present peaceful condition for the day of standing armies, when all history has proved that a standing army in time of peace is dangerous to liberty? Behold [Spanish] Cuba, with her 20,000 lazy troops, eating the substance of the people and ready at the beck of their masters to inflict some new oppression upon a helpless people; and yet, without a standing army, no State could maintain itself and keep down its servile population….”
Reefer Man
Watching baseball and working on getting drunk! Ha! (That’s all I got.)
Same except soccer. NYCFC crushing Orlando woo yeah.
Confession time!
I really enjoy ’70s lite rock.
Such as? I love The Carpenters if that counts.
Pretty much all of it.
Just pokering and listening to Pandora. Slightly buzzed and gambling way outside my comfort zone.
Go all in if you get a pair of 3’s in hand before the flop. I did that once, won, and almost got my ass kicked. It was hilarious.
These euphemisms…
I’m on top of the world looking
Down on creation
And the only explanation I can find
Is the hate that I’ve found
Ever since you’ve been around
Your hate put me at the top of the world
(Seriously, our elementary school music teach had us perform that song at one of those horrid concerts that elementary school choruses and bands do.)
Do you own a yacht?
I own several versions of Yatchzee.
I spell it however the FUCK I want.
What about Catchy, romantic 80s pop songs?
Sea Vagina, I don’t know why but 70’s lite rock depresses the shit out of me. Every time I hear it I am transported to riding in my mom’s shitty Gran Torino on a rainy day on my way to a pediatrician appointment. Maybe it was all the Quaalude-use those songs were written under?
This one in particular always makes me want to put my head in a gas oven:
As long as you’re accidentally in this part of the thread, why not check my link?
OK, fine, ignore me then.
Because it’s not 80s music.
I read that as a pedestrian appointment and was confused….
Hate her politics but Babs is one of the best singers to ever exist.
Yeah, she rocks.
My older brother was a big Barbra fan. For many years I thought this was an original.
She has much better material than that awful song.
OK, so I have to ask, gay or just into musical theater, like Mark Steyn?
Hell, spend some time working backstage on any production with a lot of costume changes, you are going to see some grade A naked women. You’ll also see a lot of guys dropping trou also if that’s your thing. There are strippers with more inhibitions than most stage actors.
I’m listening to Al Bowlly and 1930s London Bands2
“We need to enshrine them in the constitution so that the opposition doesn’t even have the chance to rob us of them.”…”I personally have been able to have two operations thanks to the government’s medical programmes. The opposition begrudges us those benefits.”
BBC continues to pretend that there’s two sides to the story in Venezuela, and that the people can continue to have their cake despite the empty coffers.
Cool link, bro.
Well, if you’re talking about shit like Seals and Crofts, or America, I absolutely agree with you.
And I’ll see your Streisand and raise you.
That was beautiful and just the ticket to calm my troubled mind. Thanks, Mr. Fusionist.
Summer breeze makes me feel fine…
I had this album in the 70”s because I was cool
Ominous echoes of fascism in…wait, the Phillippines? And only one reference to Donald Trump!
I had what can only be described as “mistaken steak” at a Filipino restaurant (in Queens) once.
Cavs beating up on the Leper Khans!
Up 21.
Cut to 12.
Cut to 7!
Celts take the lead with 30 seconds to go!
It’s like watching it live!
It’s all over! Celts steal a game in Cleveland!
Last night, there was a fat noisy female in a WISCONSIN sweatshirt at the other end of the bar, blabbering about the upcoming special election for the Congressional seat in Montana. I got snippets of her wild bullshit accusations about Gianforte (R). I briefly considered asking her how Montana would be made better by electing Maxine Waters in a cowboy hat, but restrained myself. I have reached the point where “shut the fuck up and get away from me” is the extent of political debate/commentary I can muster. I’ll be glad when it’s over.
Cowxe hat!
You should have asked her. Maybe she was a new arrival.
My window is open: I’m listening to The Blue Danube Waltz, accompanied by fireworks.
A small bagpipe troupe passed by my window a few hours ago for no apparent reason.
How small were the bagpipes? Were they bagpipettes?
Probably related to the Bay Ridge Norwegian Day Parade today
Ah. I thought it might be that time again. After ten years in the nabe I still have no idea what bagpipes have to do with Norway.
The New York City Transit Pipes and Drums. They play events for charity and stuff
The parade was this afternoon. They must have been partying since.
I used to watch it from my stoop when I lived on Bay Ridge Avenue and I remember being impressed by the ancient remnants of the Norwegian community that used to live here decades ago who manage to drag themselves in from the burbs every year. I can’t imagine that lasting much longer.
Fucking hipsters!
They wanted to torture you.
The Blue Danube is a fine song.
Not quite a majority of people in this country prefer the Red Danube.
Fucking Communists!
That’s how you end up with Red Diaper Babies.
I thought there was a lotion that fixed that.
From Ivanovich & Ivanovitch?
A family company.
Not like those bastards at Beatrice.
Sure, why not?
Angela Lansbury wasn’t bad in it.
I expect the Democrats to do well in the midterms. Opposition to Trump will drive turnout. The Democrats will make it a referendum on Trump.
The best the Republicans can do is legislate.
They need to get a healthcare bill through the Senate. If they don’t get a healthcare bill through, no one is going to be enthusiastic about turning out for the Republicans.
Dems might show but they’ve so pissed off the right I think the turnout effect will be nullified.
i think predictions more than a year in advance will be just as accurate as they were for the presidential election.
Hasn’t the opposition party consistently and historically done well during a new President’s midterms?
The Republicans lost 26 House seats in 1982 in Reagan’s first term.
The Democrats lost 54 House seats in 1994 in Clinton’s first midterm.
The Republicans gained 8 House seats in 2002 for George W. Bush, but that was a war year in which everybody had flags flying from their cars.
The Democrats lost 63 House seats in 2010 in Obama’s first term.
I think that’s the norm. Expect the Republicans to lose in the House–even if things are going well for them. If they don’t show they can legislate, they’re gonna get slaughtered.
past performance is no guarantee of future results. And Trump is not the product of any ‘normal’ pattern either.
sure, the ruling party will probably lose seats. But my spider-sense (which is just about as equally valid as anything else) suggests to me that the current volume of anti-trump screeching is going to get so tiresome by late 2018, it will probably backfire somewhat.
That’s a prediction, no?
A Gilmore fortune cookie
I’m not gonna lie to you, Gilmore. I’m gonna lie to you.
Even if they do well, they’d need a shut-out of the Republicans to retake the House in 2018. That’s not happening. They’re in too deep of a hole.
And they keep digging!
All the way to China
Yeah, they may not lose the House entirely. But I bet they’ll lose seats.
Not to worry. Stupid Party will work on their own hole and throw the dirt in D’s hole.
But we’re still talking 18+ months away. That’s a LOONNG time to sustain the derp-tivation. I think a lot will fizzle/burn out unless something really crazy happens. Plus, if the tax plan passes, it’ll take a lot of the heat off.
The best the Republicans can do is legislate.
They need to get a healthcare bill through the Senate.
It won’t matter if it’s an improvement or not. The Dems will bray incessantly about how the Rethuglitards have destroyed health care and literally murdered hundreds of thousands of people, and the faithful bots will nod and mutter and believe. Also, RICH PEOPLE ARE BAAAAAD.
No doubt the Democrats will be Democrats. Haters gotta hate.
The question is whether the swing voters who broke for Trump in the general will show up for the Republicans.
If Hillary had won, she’d be looking at an avalanche against her.
Sex on the beach.
Manatee pr0n?
. . . on a website all in Japanese?
Actually, I was half expecting to see a live action version of “The Fisherman’s Wife 2: The Retentacling”.
At least it’s not the little girl who got grabbed by a sea lion video. I was … concerned…
A friend of mine was an illegal taxidermist. One day he got raided, thing is he could see the cops coming and so he tried to shove all of his materials into a crawl space.
But he ran out of time, he couldn’t get everything in there. The cops got him and told the detectives that he just couldn’t hide his lion eyes.
Somebody’s eyes are about to be quite nearly hidden.
*Salutes the horrible pun*
Sounds like he taxidermied Eagles, too
He was a Desperado.
Anybody have a link to a good overview of the goings-on in Venezuela?
Just go to some communist rag, read what they’re saying, and assume the opposite.
Cat video.
The Miami Herald’s reporting on the topic is pretty good and very much anti-Maduro.
Many thanks
Why do you personally support communism, from Communism101 subredit:
My own personal favorite. The majority of the 14 responses are people claiming that capitalism is destroying the environment.
Why is communism still so frowned upon today?
I know…it’s just low hanging fruit here.
“Why’s the zeppelin industry down after that whole Hindenburg thing?”
I feel the fallout from that incident was just a load of hot air.
I got a new insult I’ve been waiting to use. Here, you can have it, because I’m not going to that site to deliver it myself:
“Tell me about your childhood: is it true that it takes a village to raise an idiot?”
If you are wearing a Bender outfit I think you get away with that…..otherwise I believe a punch will be thrown.
They said as they typed on their computers
OT, Slammer, but are you a fan of Black Metal? Been looking at Varg’s history and it’s amazing. If you are, you should do a write up for glibs.
Yeah. Huge fan of Black and Death metal. Interesting you brought it up, I’ve been thinking of writing something about metal and submitting it ?
That’d be great. I’m coming at it from completely fresh eyes that are peeled wide open now. Considering they referred to Black Metal as “Brutal”, Zardoz would approve.
Left-wing libertarian, claims to lose everything, then claims that their ideology was selfish? There’s several contradictions to that story that make it likely agitprop.
I happened to read Kapital by Marx
Bullllllllllshit. You have not shown the mental capacity or patience to even read half of it. You read some crap on the internet.
I was being had and was raped by capitalism.
Throws temper tantrum and blames some external force. Now that I believe!
it surely isn’t selfish to want ‘other people’s money and stuff’ when you’re dead broke.
i want to believe that the person writing this is doing so as a parody.
I’ll take “Shit that never happened” for $400 Alex.
Are we sure he didn’t steal that from Salon? It reads like one of their “I used to be a libertarian but…” articles.
I wish I’d had the foresight to gather those pieces in one place as they kept coming out. I’m too lazy to track them down now.
Bah, glorious communism is much better at destroying environment than western capitalism.
The Seth Rich conspiracy (?) seems a helluva lot more probable than the zany pizzagate thing. set to blast it open or just another massive let down? I’d love to see this get broken within the next year, but I’m not holding my breath.
People can say what they want about Pizzagate. The whole kiddy diddling ring was a massive stretch. But those asshats were using code words in their private emails to one another. They weren’t talking about pizza and hot dogs.
Those conspiracies about pizzagate started out looked at something that was certainly creepy on its face, but went completely nuts. The Seth Rich case hasn’t captured as much attention, until now. I’m sure there will be over reach.
Haven’t they been *quietly* arresting people associated to that story?
I don’t follow the Pizzagate thing and never much did outside some initial looking into it to see what the fuss was about. But the only thing I’ve ever seen thrown out are links to random pedophile rings supposedly being rounded up and some other conspiratorial talk about media hiding and removing stories.
But it’s really hard to read most of those emails and think they’re talking about food.
Man, that guy better be careful. They already offed someone.
Why so serious?
My cat was out too long. He was just stuck on the roof. Stupid animal.
However, one time he said his alcoholic neighbor called him a “Nazi bastard” and threw a bin of dog shit at his door. In an ironic twist and further proof of the Orwellian nightmare that is Scotland, when police arrived they arrest his neighbor, not for throwing dog shit at his door (a crime she admitted to) but for a hate crime because she called him a Nazi bastard.
If the trial goes badly, Meechan has considered applying for asylum in the U.S. In March, the United States granted asylum to a Singaporean YouTuber who was thrown in jail for a video where he humped the Quran. Meechan figures he may have a shot at a similar deal.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your Koran humpers yearning to breathe free,
The wretched Nazis of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, Twitter-lost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Not quite the same verbiage, but it sure comes to mind.
Oh, Canada
Liberals Enraged About Canada’s Plan to Build ‘Victims of Communism’ Memorial
Reddit’s Canada community erupted in a heated argument in the comment thread under the news of the memorial.
“I meant a government going after another political ideology,” one user wrote. “That’s McCarthyist-era. It’s like whoever thought this up just fell asleep in 1960 and woke up today and doesn’t understand why people aren’t still rallying against communists anymore.”
“Should we be creating a memorial to capitalism as well?” wrote another. “The British East India company (one of the early multinationals) killed an estimated 10 million Indians over ten years.”
Whelp, just goes to show you that even a memorial honoring the death of millions will still have complainers.
“That’s McCarthyist-era. It’s like whoever thought this up just fell asleep in 1960 and woke up today and doesn’t understand why people aren’t still rallying against communists anymore.”
I guess all the communism-caused deaths promptly stopped in 1960.
Trans Men Are Now Breastfeeding—and Teaching Lactation Courses
The non-profit La Leche provides information about breastfeeding and support for mothers in more than 85 countries. In 2014, it changed its policy to allow transgender men to work as breastfeeding counselors. “As the cultural understanding of gender has expanded, it is now recognized that some men are able to breastfeed,” the group said in a statement.
Male breastfeeding used to be a Family Guy joke… Now it’s part of the must-accept-and-condone curriculum of political correctness. Progress!
That’s what baffles me about the comedians who jump on the ‘progress’ bandwagon. You’d think they’d be aware enough to see where it’s going to head for them and that alls it takes is someone going back through their work to latch onto some joke that just became politically incorrect 5 minutes ago for the character assassination to start. Hell, you could simply be unaware of the latest protected class or simply not know the specific language the social justice types use and be subjected to a random and entirely arbitrary witch hunt.
On that note, today I read a short blurb on the old Ali G show complaining that it’s overrated because it’s racist and just plays up stereotypes. But the writer’s parting shot was a sarcastic, “It’s funny to laugh at racial difference, said no-one ever.” How far up your own ass to you have to be to write that on a site devoted to culture, even as a Millennial?
In an alternate universe Sam Kinison is still alive and giving everybody the vapors.
If only.
‘You Are Trans-Tastic’: Hallmark Now Makes Cards for Sex Changes
Changing your gender is now a Hallmark moment.
In 2015, the card company has quietly introduced an encouragement card under the category “transgender/transitioning.” But Hallmark’s transgender-focused cards finally penetrated the public psyche this week, after a Tweet about them by a teen services librarian went viral.
One of the cards includes a green and yellow butterfly on the front, along with the words “You’re becoming who you’ve always been.” Inside, it reads, “How wonderful is that?”
No issues there. If it makes them money, why the hell not.
Those pop up cards could take an eye out.
Hold it lower and one won’t need to fly to Bangkok to transition.
You cis-gendered shitlords are out of line here. I’m sending you a card so you understand better.
Check up-thread for my “transtastic” boy’s own life adventure. She always had the hottest friends for some reason…
Obama Speaks on Global Warming, Then Spews CO2 With Private Jet, 13-Car Motorcade
In just his trip back and forth to Italy, for his presentation and his vacation, Barack Obama has emitted more than 16 metric tons of carbon – just shy of what an average American emits in a year. Add to that the motorcade, the internal travel in Italy, and, of course, the villa, and Obama and his wife have easily emitted more carbon in one single week than most Americans will in 2017.
Last week, Obama implored those same Americans – and their compatriots across Europe – to cut down on their carbon emissions in order to draw global warming to a standstill.
“When it comes to climate change, the hour is almost upon us,” Obama told the audience at his IIPS keynote. “I do not believe that this planet is condemned to ever-rising temperatures. I believe these are problems that were caused by man and can be solved by man.”
I thought he fixed that climate shit on his first inauguration day.
Nah, that was just Michelle throwing shade.
He did it all for the wookie, for the wookie.
Runs in circles and licks own butt! Awesome rejoinder!
He did it for the Wookiee nookie?
He did it because he fucking loves science. Can there be any other way?
I just was at a meeting of physicians who were debating whether to contribute to an annual “March for Science” fund. Because, you know, so many people out there don’t realize how much absolute fact has been established about climate change regarding science. This, people who have actual science degrees, who are wanting to establish a fund to tell people to stop questioning science.
When did social signaling actually eclipse real knowledge? I’m certain if I just ask a couple of the more reasonable people here, they won’t be able to justify the concept. But then what? No doubt they’ll say, yes, you are on to something there, but these people are so sincere.
It’s funny how only the wingnut loony press run with these stories.
“When it comes to climate change, the hour is almost upon us,”
I think it’s funny how “progressives” mock the whole “rapture is coming soon” crowd, yet they are dead serious that the next few years will bring ecological catastrophe because of man’s sinful industrious activities, and every time this catastrophe doesn’t occur, they just mumble something about calculations being off and then go back to proclaiming that in the next few years, the world will literally end, rinse and repeat.
As a science-fiction fan, I am pissed off that several generations of it have been ruined by that f’ing narrative.
It’s funny that the party of science just defrenestrates “adaptation” when it suits their purpose. I can curl up in the corner for the next ten years but that doesn’t mean that someone will come along and pay my mortgage off.
If lack of impulse control is one end of a bell curve then I think it’s possible too much impulse control is a condition. I see people join fad diets like gluten free for no reason. Maybe it’s just the circuit for impulse control going into everdrive to the point where simply denying oneself wants becomes an end in itself.
Pattern recognition in overdrive is probably conspiracy theorists.
I also think a need to feel pious may be similar. People feel a need to feel righteous and fight for others so much they start seeing the oppressed everywhere.
Maybe these things should be recognized as personality flaws that need to be controlled. Although I suspect social sciences are deeply infested with the overly pious type so it isn’t seen as a flaw.
Haw Haw! A Psych nurse that I was acquainted with when I was a young man came out of the closet about her own failings regarding drugs and alcohol. I was stunned and then I laughed and laughed and laughed.
It turns out that a social worker at my last job had quite a troublesome domestic situation herself…
She came in one day with a huge black eye and bruises on her neck from being choked. Our boss finally dragged it out of her what happened: she was dating some 19-year old jailbird who regularly abused her. She trotted out all the textbook excuses: “I deserved it”, “he didn’t mean it,” etc. It turns out that many times, she was so afraid to go home that she just slept in her car in the parking lot. Last I heard, our boss had finally talked her out of going back home with that guy, and she had taken her kids and moved in with her mother.
That is awful, full stop! I hope that she and her supporting team get their shit together. I only brought it up because the nurse that I mentioned used to regularly whip me about my own drinking habits. I hope your friend is doing well and that her accoster is lined up against a wall in the near future.
“People feel a need to feel righteous and fight for others so much they start seeing the oppressed everywhere.”
I think they just get addicted to the “high and mighty” feeling that they get from believing that they have struck a blow for an oppressed person or group. Also, it seems to me that most history curricula heap praise on figures like MLK, Ghandi, and Lincoln – e.g. people who are portrayed as rescuers of oppressed people.
The combination of these two factors leads people to grow up thinking that the most noble and wonderful thing they can do is fight for some oppressed group. However, since actual oppression (along racial and gender lines, anyway) is very rare in most Western countries, they just have to expand the definition of “oppressed” so that they have a reason to get up every morning.
this John Cleese video on the benefits of extremism explains this very well:
TS Eliot looms large:
“Most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions.”
“Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm. But the harm does not interest them.”
Emerson too
“Republics abound in young civilians, who believe that the laws make the city, that grave modifications of the policy and modes of living, and employments of the population, that commerce, education, and religion, may be voted in or out; and that any measure, though it were absurd, may be imposed on a people, if only you can get sufficient voices to make it a law. But the wise know that foolish legislation is a rope of sand, which perishes in the twisting; that the State must follow, and not lead the character and progress of the citizen; the strongest usurper is quickly got rid of; and they only who build on Ideas, build for eternity; and that the form of government which prevails, is the expression of what cultivation exists in the population which permits it. The law is only a memorandum.”
I worked in the “Social Services” when I was a young fellow. B.F. Skinner was the gospel and you didn’t dare range off the plantation. I asked my professor about clinical studies and scientific rigour and she had no answer for me. Needless to say I passed that course with a “P”.
I agree, I’m proposing that it may be able to classified as a disorder. If a sociopath lacks empathy then it likely the other end of the spectrum exists. I don’t think it’s currently acknowledged that one can have too much empathy.
We used to call those folks “gushers”. Get bit a few times and they usually just quietly walk away. The main problem being that the people in the higher positions have never physically dealt with two hundred pounds of retard-strong. I was quick and wiry (my brother was a Provincially ranked wrestler) so it was easy for me.
The co-worker tail was amazing, though. My pick-up line used to be along the lines of “Working with special people you learn something about yourself.” I used to get laid like a train track and don’t bother asking about the Mexican vacation. “Barkus was willin”!
Indy 500 Qualifying was pretty interesting, a wind off of turn 2 kept blowing the cars into the wall, if they weren’t careful, Alonso in the top five so yea for me,
You know who else had an unhealthy fixation on races?
Today I learned the reason why apes are so much stronger than people despite similar anatomy. In apes, each nerves contracts more muscle fibers than in people. So apes are stronger at a cost of reduced fine motor control. In people, it’s the opposite: more nerve fibers each contracting fewer muscle fibers, which increases fine motor control at the cost of reduced strength.
So even if apes had human-like intelligence, they would be unable to use most tools.
Somewhere, STEVE SMITH roars in anger after breaking another smart phone with his brutish hands.
So…how does Caesar get that fine trigger control? I could see apes going for shotguns, but rifles…that’s a stretch.
Harvard student submits senior thesis: a rap album
The AP notes Harvard created a hip-hop fellowship four years ago, and other universities have established minors in “hip-hop studies.”
Festus rolls his eyes so hard that they are bouncing around on the floor like errant ping-pong balls.
I’m DNC in the place to be
I go to St John’s University
And since kindergarten I acquired the knowledge
And after high school I went straight to college …….
And don’t get me started on Queens and collard greens
So I can pay 40 k a year for this now?
“I’m a college student in her 20’s. I’m in law school and my sempai, who has excellent grades, asked me what my dad does for a living. Upon hearing that he’s a doctor, my sempai said, “With such a great father, it’s a mystery how you were born.” It was clear he wasn’t joking.
At one time I had wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps, but my grades weren’t good enough so I went to law school. Grades are important, but they aren’t everything. I have been able to carry out successful research that has been evaluated highly.
My dad was a loving father and didn’t blame me when I told him I wasn’t going to become a doctor.
Whenever I think about my sempai’s words, I feel like I disappointed my dad and I often cry and am filled with regret.”
J子 in Kyoto
Dammit. Not sempai, but kohai.
Meh, pôtato, pātato.
You understand, most of us don’t speak Japanese? Or at least I don’t. Maybe I just missed that day at libertarian camp.
You know who else had camps?
Sempai is older, Kohai is younger. You’re supposed to show respect to your sempai. The sempai saying that shit is way out of line. Assholes everywhere and it’s amazing that she’s all tore up about it. Fuck people that take shots at others for no reason other than to mess with them.
And then I felt the shame…
Maybe something got lost in the translation. What does being “born” have to do with a doctor or law school?