One of the nice perks about being a staffer here at the Glibs is the travel perks. As the senior guy here and the most knowledgeable staffer regarding Judaism, I was selected to be our press representative accompanying the Trump clan and various hangers-on during their trip to Israel. It was pretty cool having the run of Air Force One and being able to lord it over those stupid goyim from places like the New York Times and CNN.
Because I’m someone who would end up being tackled, duct-taped, water-boarded, and tossed into a cell in Gitmo if I ever actually asked questions or spoke my mind, I decided that my coverage of this trip would be in the manner of a travelogue. And indeed, this has been an interesting tour, with barely a twinge to my ghost foreskin.
First, we’ve all been inundated with the Hand-slap Seen Round The Twitterverse. The usual suspects have been analyzing that one to death and as usual, every last one of them got it wrong and missed the real story. Yes, you’ll hear it here first- Trump and Netanyahu have discovered The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name. And the hand-slap was not because Melania hates Trump or any of the other pseudo-psych explanations. No, it’s because Melania had other plans for her hands while the boys were busy on הר ברוקבק.
Insert Burning Bush reference here.
But things weren’t all sexytimes. For one thing, the King of Real Estate decided to check out the Wailing Wall to see how it might look along the Rio Grande.
Trump had to be dissuaded about adding a parking lot behind. But this at least gave me a chance to meet and greet with the leaders.
Yes, that’s me on the left.
And because Yahweh loves us all and has upgraded us from Chelsea to Ivanka, I thought I’d share this tender moment with you.
Anyway, it was a fun trip and I’m back now, sitting in my office and preparing posts. Until next week, Khazak Khazak V’Nitkhazek. Or Mene Mene Tekel Upharshin, I can never remember which.
And bonus link- a delightful essay from 15 years ago, on this very topic, written by the great comedian Larry Miller.
And all this time, I thought it was Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Dogs and cats Incorporated.
I mean seriously, I assume it was Yiddish for something, WTF were Laverne and Shirley saying? This has been bothering me for 30 years.
Hassenpfeffer is German. Not kosher.
schlemiel : an inept clumsy person; a bungler; a dolt (Yiddish shlemil)
schlimazel : a chronically unlucky person (שלימזל shlimazl, from Middle High German slim ‘crooked’ and Hebrew מזל mazzāl ‘luck’) (OED)
Hasenpfeffer (also spelled hasenfeffer) is a traditional German stew made from marinated rabbit or hare. Pfeffer is not only the name of a spice, but also of a dish where the animal’s blood is used as a gelling agent for the sauce.
According to Wikipedia it’s “Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!”
Schlemiel: An inept clumsy person; a bungler; a dolt (Yiddish שלעמיל shlemil from Hebrew שלא מועיל “ineffective”) (OED, MW) The word is widely recognized from its inclusion in the Yiddish-American hopscotch chant from the opening sequence of the American sitcom Laverne & Shirley.
Schlimazel also Schlemazl: A chronically unlucky person (שלימזל shlimazl, from Middle Dutch slimp ‘crooked, bad’—akin to Middle High German slimp ‘awry’, or schlimm ‘poor or lacking’—and Hebrew מזל mazzāl ‘luck’, cf. German Schlamassel) (M-W;OED). The difference between a schlemiel and a schlimazel is described through the aphorism, “The schlemiel spills his soup on the schlimazel.”[9] In June 2004, Yiddish schlimazel was one of the ten non-English words that were voted hardest to translate by a British translation company.[10] The word is widely recognized from its inclusion in the Yiddish-American hopscotch chant from the opening sequence of the American sitcom Laverne & Shirley.
Hasenpfeffer* is a traditional German stew made from marinated rabbit or hare,[1] cut into stewing-meat sized pieces and braised with onions and a marinade made from wine and vinegar. Hase is German for “hare” and Pfeffer is German for “pepper”.
* Perhaps best known in America from this classic cartoon:
Laverne and Shirley? Double would.
Also Moped Girls.
Two fives count as a ten.
Interesting. According to George Carlin, five “Twos” fit the bill.
I haven’t really done the math, so I can’t say for sure…
Question is, could they be persuaded?
I bet trump gave away more intelligence on ISIS when he met with Netanyahu. It’s time to impeach him.
The sooner we impeach him and remove him from office, the sooner we can start impeaching and removing Pence from office. Then finally we’ll have Tiller in the office which was the plan all along. /Putin
As soon as he’s gone Hillary gets the office./prog
Just have to impeach Trump, Pence, Mnuchin, Sessions, Zinke, and about 50 other people but then we can finally get President Pelosi. That will be great. She will then announce Hillary as her VP then immediately resign. /proglogic
Also, I’m pretty sure you can’t impeach Mattis, you’ll have to kill him. And that won’t go well. I’m reminded of the old Duffel Blog joke.
It was time to impeach him when he expressed an interest in running against Obama in 2012.
What is the fictional beast the Jew Bra Cobra I keep hearing about?
That was my nickname in High School
Why would a Jewish girl need a bra?
You tell me.
You sure those aren’t two bespoke girls?
Only her hairdresser knows for sure.
[tips hat]…Ladies.
She doesn’t need a bra. She needs my hands to hold them up.
To hold the cobra, obviously.
These euphemisms…
Are they related to the Drop Bare?
Props to Mr Upharshin. Excellent article.
What? No video of Trump davening at the Kotel?
So is it necessary to don the skullcap to visit the wall, it did Trump snatch the thing off the head of some Israeli minister?
They have a big box of them as you walk in, but probably yes just because.
The (((Hair))) brought its own.
The magamulka?
Everytime I see Trump in profile I think about the ship from Flight of the Navigator. That or Pilot from Farscape
I think of this bird.
A little on the nose, no?
Oooh, so close. “On the beak” might have earned you a narrowed gaze.
Damn it!
You know what else is on the nose…
My eyeglasses. I should adult up and get some contacts.
Frickin laser beams, man.
Quincy’s life hacks:
What to do when the weather gets hot and your head gets all sweaty and your glasses fall off when you look down?
Wrap some scrunched up masking tape around the earpieces. The increased friction will keep your fashion eyewear securely attached to your head in the sweatiest of situations!
Masking tape? no no no Croakies dude. Croakies,
Croakies? Will I have to swear allegiance to Pepe the Frog?
Pepe was not a thing in the 80’s when I became a croakie wearer. But now that you mention it, it could become the eyeglass strap of Kekistan.
Yes, I wear the same shit I did in the 80’s when it is functional. And stylish.
I prefer masking tape. It’s artisanal.
Baptism existed before Jesus. Quincy the Croakist will be his name forever more.
I’ve decided, in my late/mid forties, to start going steampunk. I’ve bought some aviator’s goggles, and am saving up for a leather Red Baron hat.
Best steampunk hats around, whether you choose to embellish or leave as-is. They are cheaper on Amazon though. Overland Sheepskin Company
No masking tape. No croakies. What you really need is the Opti-Grab
People have pointed out Patton:
First article is a hit piece comparing Trump to Patton’s ‘authoritarianism’ (he was a fucking general you morons).
“Old Blood and Guts” was undeniably a winner. The real trouble came after he won.
You mean when he died?
Too soon, JT. Too soon.
That’s not fair to Pilot.
That last picture is the guy I end up seated next to everytime I fly back to NJ.
Gary Gygax in a fright beard?
RIP in peace, Gar
These maybe nostalgia talking or perhaps un-diagnosed dementia but I consider 1st Ed AD&D the finest table-top RPG ever created.
I’ve not read or played all of them of course and it has it’s….issues but still I find it to be the best.
It can also work well for any genre game. You can easily run a modern game using the core rules. You need stats for guns and such but it works.
2nd Ed: Player’s Option is the ideal ruleset. You may not like it, but that is what peak gaming looks like.
This is exactly how I feel about tabletop RPGs.
Nobody likes being stuck playing as a an 8 strength Fighter.
Also. It is totally pronounced as Thay-co.
We played a lot of 2E, but never used that book.
For me it gives too much character creation control to the player.
I got o tired of that.
I like the essential randomness of the 1E system.
For one-shot dungeon crawls, randomness can be very fun. But with a campaign that’s heavy on the RP, I prefer allowing the players to craft their PCs the way they like.
Nah, make them stretch. Otherwise you get the same characters out of them. People fall into ruts.
Hell at one point I zealously enforced all the class and racial minimums but I allowed them to roll 3d6 seven times and toss out the lowest so I wasn’t a total monster.
If they can’t make the minimum for the class they like they have to something else and learn how to do something else.
I liked it that they started weak and really had to work to move up.
Same. 2E was the ruleset in play when I was in my prime pen and paper RPG years, aka before I could legally drink. We never used the Player’s Option stuff. A lot of the time we’d play purposefully underpowered characters, or at least average characters, just because it gets boring when you’ve got three paladins in your party and everyone’s got at least one attribute at 18.
When I DM’d I’d usually do the 3d6 x 7, but now and again I’d do 3d6 straight down the line. If you wind up with low stats, so be it. Those were some of the most fun sessions if you lucked out and got a really good player who would work with you.
Player’s Option wasn’t about super-stats, it was about more interesting and varied combat and magic systems.
Now, when I had weak characters I scaled down the encounters to match. Instead of say 10 orcs, the had to face two. And they really had to think about it because one good hit from an orc would kill any of them.
They did a lot of sneaking and thinking. Which is what I want.
Geeks, this place is infested with geeks.
2E was also my chosen edition. I remember when 3rd came out. Once I heard that AC went up and not down I NOPED right the fuck out of 3E.
We did 4D6 and dropped the lowest, but I always kind of hated it (I was the DM). We had a pretty muchkinish player in the group and it was pretty much all to shut him up.
Not Paranoia?
Why would you say Paranoia? Whose side are you on? Who do you work for?!
I don’t know about the finest, but 1st Edition AD&D is good.
I prefer 2nd Edition AD&D or the original D&D.
“everytime I fly back to NJ”
Wait, you’re flying to NJ?
Did you also make the trip to Saudi for coverage?
Are (((((((((((Jews)))))))}]))) allowed in the Kingdom?
Jews yes, Israelis no.
What about shellfish? Asking for Warren.
He would have had to get a second passport for that.
Zai gezunt
I don’t know if y’all remember but I posted on how my ears are fucktarded with being plugged and shit.
Saw the Ent yesterday and it looks like the steroids are working and there’s no need to put in tubes. Which is good because I have one ear where the canal is like way curvy and would be hard for the machine to place the tube.
I also found out that my septum is deviated in two directions. Most everybodies septum is a little deviated but the doc says he hasn’t a lot of double-deviated septums.
It seems like who ever got the plumbing contract for my head as I was fetusing my way to babyness used off-brand or remaindered parts.
Good luck hope it works out.
I was gonna make a Tolkien joke with the Ent
It might be moot at this point.
Ooh. Leave him be.
You’re barking up the wrong tree.
Let the old man wallow.
Eye see what you did there.
Leaf him alone you flakes.
*narrows gaze*
It wouldn’t be a joke. The doc is a 26′ tall, mobile California Cypress.
Why he went into human medicine, I don’t know.
I’m sure his bark is worse than his bite.
So what you’re saying is that your profile is actually what you look like. Got it.
It would probably be a mean joke to suggest your mother got drunk one night while she was pregnant with you.
But this is Glibertarians, where almost everything seems to go.
I don’t think getting drunk would do that. Now getting drunk and participating in a gangbang? That might deform a developing childs’s head.
The steroid wash thing? I forget what it’s called but I got a crate of that stuff when I went for the septum and ears never quite unpopping. My guy had me use a neti pot with the stuff, and I’ve gotta say once you get past the feeling that you’re snorting fire it does help a lot. I was supposed to use it all the time and go back if there was still an issue–still is, but I don’t think I care enough to go. I’m surgery-averse. Plus, no one I know who’s had a septum surgery has found that it helped in the long run.
I hope things go well.
If the Romans’ experiences are anything to go by, Trump probably doesn’t want the Jews’ advance on walls. On the other hand, the Palestinian wall…
*advice damn you autocorrect.
The ancient Israelites weren’t bad. Masada was a tough nut to crack, even severely under-manned.
The Romans had a huge labor force, orders of magnitude greater than any of their opponents except the Persians. And the Romans were the best engineers in the ancient world.
I’m not sure if people understand the magnitude of the resources Rome would throw at their enemies. Ceasar’s war diaries give a taste of the scale Roman armies operated on.
Literally fuck ’em to death, huh.
Is he going to kill himself on air? That’d be swell.
This is going to be the Fox News version of Maddow’s “ZOMG I GOT TRUMPS TAX RETURNS GUIZ!”
If I was a betting man.
Rivera never recovered from Capone’s empty safe.
BTW I was right.
Good call.
Aww, no update on how his karate classes are going?
No one will spar with him. He keeps predictably attacking from the right and he doesn’t stop after the match is called.
Howard Beale already tried that stunt.
Paging Bud Dwyer…
Ah christ….thats what I get for not scrolling all the way down, I suppose.
R. Budd Dwyer style!
And bonus link- a delightful essay from 15 years ago, on this very topic, written by the great comedian Larry Miller
Superb. I was not a big follower of his. He seems very PJ O’Rourkey. Which is always good until you go the way PJ went, which is full on progressive in my opinion.
SP and I are big fans of his. The Five Levels of Drunk is a terrific bit of standup. And of course he was great in Seinfeld (the doorman) and Best In Show. We saw him live a few years ago and were in hysterics for the whole show.
I recognize him now. And I can relate to most of those levels. I am pretty sure I know level six that he did not get into.
That’s hilarious.
Ah – thanks for the reference. Yeah, that was a great episode. I hated him! But in a good way.
So, I installed the newest OS on my Galaxy 7. Ho Lee SHIT the battery life has increased exponentially. Right now I would normally be down to like 20% and I’m at 67%!
hm, so maybe I should actually accept that system update which has been sitting in my notifications for, like, a week?
This one just showed up yesterday – so if you’ve been waiting a week, it’s 2 patches (short order for Samsung/Android – but the second one is pretty small).
Is that Android 7.0 Nougat?
It says 7.0 now – but I can’t remember what it was when I was submitting bug errors to an app last week.
Two whales walk into a bar.
The bartender asks what he can get them.
The second whale says “damn it Frank you’re already drunk.”
I’m cetacean what you did there.
This Polack came home one day from work, hung up his coat, took off his hat and walked into his bedroom shouting “honey I am home!” What should he see but his best friend in bed with his wife.
Infuriated, he rushed to the cupboard, pulled out his gun and put it to his head. His wife started laughing.
“Don’t laugh!” he screams. “You’re next!”
+1 kids in the hall
I thought it was an Amy Schumer joke
What’s the difference between Amy Schumer and a dead whale?
Well, one is a depressing, stinking mountain of rotting fat and the other is a dead whale.
alternative punchlines
the dead whale is funnier (especially if is blown up with dynamite)
the dead whale didn’t steal any jokes
feminists won’t call you sexist for not laughing at the dead whale
Crabs will eat the carcass of the whale?
Holy shite, fellow glibs, this has been a fucked up day. I’ve been triggered, I need puppies and coloring books, and hard drugs. And booze.
I don’t even know how I found this den of luddites, but there they be.
I’m referring to the commenters. Holy mother of all that is sanity.
My advice is to take a relaxing stroll down Pennsylvania Avenue. Start at North.
I’ll get the clones of Sam Rockwell ready!
What you don’t believe Hollywood produced the moon landing? I actually know a dude who believes that. He is Serbian though, so I let it slide.
Nice work having the same commenter name across the internet lines. I never thought that far ahead.
Some Bosnians and their idiot American friends actually believe that there are ancient pyramids in Bosnia, which are in reality actually pyramid shaped fucking hills, lol. I don’t really have much patience with these morons. I don’t care about having the same posting name across the few sites I post on. The government are snooping on all of this and have that information anyway. They can suck my fucking cock.
To be fair there’s a history of people piling up dirt into pyramids for no blood reason whatsoever.
Chinese young lady graduates from US university and gives a few remarks in praise of free speech and unpolluted air; much pants-shitting ensues in China.
from an article
“I was shocked, I never thought such topics could be discussed openly … I have always had a burning desire to tell these kinds of stories, but I was convinced that only authorities owned the narrative, only authorities could define the truth,” she said.
Yang’s comments sparked a backlash in China after the remarks reached state-controlled media outlets. A video of her speech went viral after it was shared by a Communist party newspaper.
“She has demonized China with the nonsense she has talked,” one person wrote, joining many others who thought she denigrated China. “She has an incredible ability to lick feet. Don’t worry about coming back to China. Our motherland doesn’t need a bitch like this,” seconded another person.
Damn, I put 2 links in a comment and now it went to the cornfield. Here’s the article:
A Chinese student has become a target of Chinese communist regime after she celebrated “the fresh air of free speech” in America during her graduation address, forcing her to apologize later.
Yang’s comments sparked a backlash in China after the remarks reached state-controlled media outlets. A video of her speech went viral after it was shared by a Communist party newspaper.
“She has demonized China with the nonsense she has talked,” one person wrote, joining many others who thought she denigrated China. “She has an incredible ability to lick feet. Don’t worry about coming back to China. Our motherland doesn’t need a bitch like this,” seconded another person.
One Internet user even suggested finding dirt on her family. “Studying in the US costs a lot of money, so where is it coming from? She must come from a rich family. What on earth does her family do?” some asked.
The controversy was fueled after other party-controlled newspapers piled on, slamming the student. The Global Times, a state-controlled nationalist paper, quoted an anonymous student who said that publicly criticizing China’s free speech laws was “immature and mean”
You can’t make up propaganda more stupid than the Global Times.
So they’re offended by Perri-Air?
Well, I, for one, support keeping the kinky Asian girl with the foot fetish.
This is what the H1B was intended for.
That’ll hold you tight to her tit.
One of the best songs from the Sleeping Dogs OST
Yep, As Dennis Miller put it, some other cultures might want 72 virgins.
But Virgins aren’t that fun, I kind of want some of those chicks who jam their thumbs in my asshole. Not saying I enjoy having some thumb up my asshole, but the experienced chicks hell sounds like more fun.
First off, Go Terps! Second off, has she considered bringing the fam over and puttin’ down stakes here? I’m just saying, I joke about the People’s Republic of Maryland, but it’s still freer than the People’s Republic of China.
I think it’s probably freer than the people’s republic of Massholio or the people’s republic of New Jerseystan also, but how would I know? I’ll never move from there to another state even close to as blue as this one. A red state may be just as authoritarian, but at least I don’t have to pay as much for that privilege.
It is kind of sad how effective China’s propaganda machine has been since it went into overdrive after Tiananmen Square. The young people seem to be more nationalistic* than ever.
*in the worst possible sense
You know who else encouraged the young people to be more nationalistic?
Bugs Bunny?
RACIST! Bugs Bunny is a RACIST!!11!!!!11!
Donald Duck?
Dr. Seuss?
Robert Baden-Powell?
Portland Burrito Shop Forced to Close After Getting Hounded for ‘Stealing From Mexico’
The women became the subject of local editorials and, of course, fucking fanned the flames with an article, “These white cooks bragged about stealing recipes from Mexico to start a Portland business.”
The company’s Yelp reviews are flooded with one-star reviews from the PC police, using terms like “white mediocrity” and “Latinx” while comparing Kooks Burritos to colonialism.
Soon after the controversy, a list of white-owned “appropriative” businesses began circulating online, featuring some of Portland’s top restaurants. The list also suggested the nearest “PoC alternatives” to each white business.
So to recap, a couple of white ladies learned to make burritos good while on vacation and now they are literally comparable to Hernán Cortés.
Good job, cultural appropriation warriors! You made the world place by shutting down a local small business.
That having been said, breakfast burritos are fucking disgusting.
Go to Austin and tell them that. I’ll identify your body.
That’s where the Alamo is, right?
You forgot.
It’s about 40 minutes up the road, but Star Seeds and Kerbey Lane cafes both make some amazing Migas.
I would beat somebody for a Kerby Lane breakfast. Or even the old “Taco Wars” stand up at 29th and Guadalupe. My wife and I had the best “Mexican” in Pinellas County according to many. The fajitas could pass. The queso was… I mean it was cheese. And the margaritas passed. I need to see if my brother is tired of cooking for someone else and open a Tex-Mex joint around here.
Because I’m a culture-appropriating Jew shitlord, I make migas regularly. That was one of my great discoveries when we moved to Austin. I have fond memories of sitting outside at Trudy’s drinking margaritas and chowing down on them.
It seems like Migas should maybe be the next recipe article.
Oh, c’mon. Next you’ll be telling me you’ve never had a Pillsbury Toaster Scrambles.
Now, of course a breakfast burrito can’t compare to a fried egg and bacon sandwich on rye with swiss cheese and spicy brown mustard. And if you have a minute steak, hell, throw that on too.
I haven’t. But you’re right about that sandwich.
I make killer breakfast burritos. My Tex Mex is better than anything you’ll get in a restaurant anyways.
Sir, I challenge you to home-made breakfast burritos at dawn, after which we can turn our pistols on HM.
Chances are the food was cooked by Mexicans. Just like most French food, Italian food, Chinese food, Indian food…
It funny because it’s true. in little meditarranian place up the street the other night. Mexican cooks. Lol. Good food so.
All the Asian places around here have Mexican cooks. The Asians just occasionally appear and beat them with blunt instruments to make sure they are going really fast.
Unfortunately for the POCs they employ the Asians are Wok not Woke.
Ah, Capitalism!
Almost libertarians, right?
Almost? Let me show you my blunt instrument! The orphans call it the Hurtinator!
I was in Puerto Vallarta and there’s quite the enclave catering to semi permanent and permanent American residents with many touches of USA, other than the handyman signs on the lampposts are registered PE’s looking for work and promising American quality. Even the yard maintenance crews are Mexican. Just like back home.
PE’s? Physical Education?
Professional Engineer.
Party Enthusiasts!
Hope many taco trucks paying 15/ hr
How. This phone sucks
Not in Baltimore. The dem mayor vetoed the attempt at that and admitted the economic harm it would cause to the city. And more hilarious, she’s calling on Trump to send in the FBI to help with the out of control murder rate. You can’t make this shit up.
From the link in that link:
So almost half of all small business in Oregon are started by white people, so we have to put them out of business? Good thinking. Not being an idiotic douche bag, (debatable) I think one could celebrate the fact more than half of Oregon businesses are owned by minorities if one wanted to throw the racial card.
Wouldn’t that mean something like “75% white-owned, 25% POC*-owned”?
No; I think it means x% of non-whites own a business while 1.5x% of whites do.
At least that’s the reading that makes sense considering the relatively low non-white population in Oregon.
This story makes me inordinately angry. God damn I hate leftists more every day.
The Trumpenation has really cranked the stupid cranks past 11. They actually are more annoying than the MAGA apologists.
Alternative Reality: 55 Percent of Democrats Think Russia Manipulated Vote Totals to Help Trump Win
Well, so much for Democrats being the more enlightened American political sect.
It looks like the media’s overuse of the phrase “Russia hacked the 2016 election” has taken a real toll on our left-leaning friends. A recent YouGov survey asked whether it’s true of false that “Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to get Donald Trump election President.” Turns out, 32 percent of Dems say it’s “probably true” and 23 percent say it’s “definitely true.”
Republicans overwhelmingly reject this latest conspiracy theory. Only 12 percent say it’s “probably true” and a mere four percent say it’s “definitely true” that Russia changed the presidential election results by tinkering with vote totals. Independents concur, with 42 percent saying it’s “probably not true” and 26 percent saying it’s “definitely not true.”
In case you need a refresher: There’s absolutely no evidence or even suggestions of evidence that Russia messed with state and local voting machines. Any questions over Russian interference comes down to who was behind the hacking/leaking of Democratic National Committee e-mail accounts.
60% of Democrats think that Bill Nye is a real scientist and that the Democrats are going to retake the House in 2018 by doubling down on identity politics and moving further left.
Normally I would be stocking barrels in anticipation of the flood of proggy tears, but something tells me the vintage will be ruined by the accompanying pant-shitting.
That’s the “reality based community” for you.
Now that’s what I call music!
I respect that
I now miss cummies and Thicc Thursday. Well, at least Thicc Thursday.
Been playing Stellaris a lot last couple of days. The planets are beautiful but the ships and space battles seem a little lame in comparison. Any mod/DLC suggestions? Game is definitely addicting once past the learning curve.
Do you have the latest DLC?
I have the free Horizon Signal thing, but not any paid DLCs.
The Utopia DLC really helps out with the mid-game. I’d get that and then download SMG’s Fleet Logistics and Supply Lines mods from the Steam Workshop.
Thanks, I appreciate the info. A lot of commenters are saying that the Utopia DLC doesn’t help out until end game when you can build super structures like Dyson Spheres.
Yeah Stellaris suffers mid-game without Utopia, it also gives you the option to ‘build tall’ which was desperately needed. I think they also need to overhaul some of the late game crisis because they still don’t have enough punch.
Or any mods. Playing as human and about as libertarian as you can get in the game for gov. First thing that fucked with me is that my peeps formed pirate groups and went off on their own to fuck with me. Not surprising. I then spent the next many turns building up my meager forces and seeking their asses out for revenge. Which was admittedly satisfying. But the ship and combat animation is not up to par with the planets.
Playing as human
Lame. I prefer playing weirdo squads or birdpeople to boring old humans.
First thing that fucked with me is that my peeps formed pirate groups and went off on their own to fuck with me.
That always happens right after you colonize your first planet. Build up fleet just before or during colonization and you can beat back their attacks easily (there’s some math based on your fleet counter that determines pirate size, can’t remember what it is).
But the ship and combat animation is not up to par with the planets.
There’s a mod called ‘Better Battles’ or something that makes combat look better, I don’t use it because it slows down my computer too much late-game. Paradox games usually have hands-off combat, i.e. the only real influence you have on it is before the battle due to things like fleet size, weapons loadouts, admiral bonuses, etc. Laser, projectiles and missiles are somewhat paper-scissors-rock, the biggest part of strategy in game is building designs that effectively counter whatever you’re fighting.
NO. You people need to stop. I will not re-re-install Stellaris…
*blacks out for 48 hours*
“Paradox games usually have hands-off combat”
Yeah, it’s pretty hands off, and I don’t mind that, but the graphics quality is low compared to the planets, which seems weird. I play at 4K and planets are fuck amazing. The ships look like they’re not even 1080 textures. Yes, I AM a graphics whore because it increases immersion.
To be honest, I’ve been too busy eating people with my hive-mind fungoids to even bother to watch space battles any more.
“Lame. I prefer playing weirdo squads or birdpeople to boring old humans.”
Well, makes sense, you’re Canadian so you can’t really identify with modern humans.
Boring old human libertarians, or squid libertarians?
The answer is obvious.
First playthrough I chose one of the pre-rolled species when I saw there were libertarian sea otters.
There’s a bug with the current build where it always considers robots as slaves. It’s not really a problem if you’re playing as a devouring hive mind. But if you’re playing as materialistic xenophiles, it can cause some issues. There are some mods that fix that.
Also what is your favorite empire name?
Personally, I like to play as a the Interstellar House of Pancakes. They’re fungoid monarchists.
Empire name is Libertaria. Home sun, Citron 1, Home planet, Bastiast. First new planet to inhabit, Jefferson.
Tell me you’re at least play as lizards, for no other reason beyond screwing with the monkeys. Or roach People. Those Roach People are pretty awesome.
UK: Manchester jihad mass murderer was “chanting Islamic prayers loudly in the street” in weeks before massacre
UK: Manchester jihad mass murderer “devout” Muslim who learned Qur’an by heart
move along, nothing to see here
I guess they’ll have to up my dosage of Islamophobin
It’s clear you’ll need the extra strength.
“The ingredients just say ‘lysergic acid’ and that’s it.”
LSD and the Search for God
Then it’s clear that this guy was the actual victim and the dead little girls have be dug out and put on trial for hate crimes.
He also allegedly nearly attacked the local imam for preaching against ISIS, and was reported to the authorities for being a nutbag. Thing is, I believe it. Western governments, whether they’re ostensibly national socialist or international socialist in flavor, don’t exhibit any drive to act proactively against terrorists unless those terrorists take an anti-state angle.
“He also allegedly nearly attacked the local imam for preaching against ISIS”
So it seems there are Muslims who not only “don’t support terrorism” but are willing to go public with their nonsupport.
And sincerely, too, if their opposition to ISIS causes ISIS sympathizers to attack them.
So instead of taunting Muslims by saying “if you were truly devout you’d be terroristic and anti-Western!” why not support those Muslims who for whatever reason happen to support the West?
Doesn’t support ISIS doesn’t equate to supports the west. NAZIs hate communists, neither are Thomas Jefferson.
I don’t know this particular situation.
Like I said below, oppose the ones who oppose us, support the ones who support us, and don’t go out of our way to help those who are trying to be coy and neutral.
And what about the Brotherhood, who are sorta like the Fabians with that by their own hand thing?
Celts up by 11 late in the first!
Celts take 10 point lead into the half!
Cavs storm back to take a nickel lead late in the third!
Cavs up by eight early in the fourth. Have they shaken off their stupor?
Cavs up by nine late in the fourth in what should have been their clinch-game.
Cavs up by 11 with a minute left!
And it’s over! Cavs take a 3-1 lead in the series! It’s not really remarkable though as they should be done now!
What happened to the updates?
And never mind.
I just now noticed the photos. So is Melania getting a handful of tushy there? She’s even more awesome than I thought.
Hell, that she would slap the president-husband’s hand in public puts her in the front ranks of modern First Ladies. Finally someone who doesn’t really seem to crave being part of a political team and carefully strategizing every public move.
She seems like an independent woman. Someone feminists could really admire and celebrate.
Mountain Movers: Vision Television
RE: that essay
Fun fact: William Kunstler once stayed at the dive-hotel I worked at in Buffalo. The (((owner))) was there to greet him when I checked him in. I had no idea who he was.
I met Maurice Sendak several times as a child. I don’t think i’m why he hated children.
I’d be surprised if you weren’t.
Remember guys, you can:
-Be against public funding for refugee relocation to Western countries, only be interested in accepting women and children under the age of 14, and expect it to largely be done through private resources.
-Support a points-based immigration system that heavily favours language and ideology.
-Support restrictions on immigration from places like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
…And you’re still a left-wing open borders Islamist cocksucker if you don’t sufficiently freak out about how 1% of population is going to out-breed us all.
Is Islam a religion that produces terrorists far more than other ideologies?
– Are Muslims who profess to be adherents to Islam by and large professing an ideology openly at odds with the US Constitution specifically and most western governments generally.
– Do countries have any responsibility to allow Muslims to immigrate?
Does changing the word “Muslim” to “communist” cause you to do rhetorical backflips in the above questions?
Let Muslims define their own religion.
Those who interpret their religion as a call for war against the West should be resisted.
Those who interpret their religion in a pro-Western way should be supported.
And for those who try to stay neutral – we can reciprocate their neutrality and not take their side if they won’t take ours.
What I dislike is preaching that *true* Muslims must be anti-Western jihadists, which is cutting the ground from under those who actually do support the West. They deserve better than having Westerners echo ISIS propoganda and call them inauthentically Muslim.
Although I don’t follow Islamist propaganda in detail, I understand one theme is that they are surrounded by people they call fake Muslims or apostates,
Translation: Even the jihadists admit not all Muslims are jihadists.
The jihadists are an armed minority – a very substantial minority – trying to recruit from the majority Muslim population.
But if I understand John Titor correctly, the system he supports would put a premium on pro-American ideology – those who can genuinely be Muslim and pro-American would be OK.
I don’t think President Trump is against such an idea, he’s just saying maybe we need to pause and see if we’re admitting the right Muslims, or if we’re being selective enough.
Yes, if a Muslim has a version of Islam which is pro-American – and I believe many of them do – then they’re not inauthentic or ignorant, they just have a different interpretation of their faith than the anti-Americans.
But if I understand John Titor correctly, the system he supports would put a premium on pro-American ideology – those who can genuinely be Muslim and pro-American would be OK.
Indeed, but more ‘pro-West’ in general. If you’re some Turkish guy challenging Erdogan’s tyranny and the end of Turkish secularism, you get the front of the line. Woman in Egypt who decries female genital mutilation as barbaric and gets harassed by the Muslim Brotherhood as a result? Front of the line. Yemeni guy who risks his life to provide intelligence to American military operations (regardless of whether you approve of said operations)? Front of the line? Woman in some shithole in Pakistan that challenges the Taliban because you want to know how to read? Front of the line.
Wouldn’t that result in “brain drain” and those countries becoming even worse?
What is that supposed to mean? Muslims have defined their religion. That’s like saying let marxists define Marxism. They have, there’s a book to point to and a bunch of followers who coalesce around an ideological bell curve of ideas. I hardly think sitting around hoping that the thrust of Islamic thought is going to take a U-turn after 1500 years is worthwhile exercise.
Muslims identify themselves as Muslim just as libertarians identify themselves as libertarian. They understand that ideologies are not open undefined words just as well as we do.
“I hardly think sitting around hoping that the thrust of Islamic thought is going to take a U-turn after 1500 years is worthwhile exercise.”
Yeah, don’t you hate the people in your head who are doing that?
What is that supposed to mean? Muslims have defined their religion.
Not. How. Religion. Works. Religions are not stagnant and static things, and “Islam”, as a massive collective blob, has not been stagnant and unchanging. Just like every other faith. Stop pretending this is the case.
Do you view Protestant sects as illegitimate and non-Christian because only emerged five hundred years ago instead of at the time of the production of the Bible? Under your logic the Catholics have already ‘defined their religion’, ergo nothing else is Christianity.
(Yes Eddie I made that example to bug you)
The history of Protestantism is fascinating.
I believe that people who know more than I about Islam have compared Wahabbism (sp?) to Protestantism.
(They could always be wrong!)
If they compare it to Puritanism – then that would make sense. To compare it to Protestantism – which subdivided into a thousand variants is flat out wrong.
There’s certainly an argument to be made that the Anabaptists were Christianity’s ISIS. Same millennialist nonsense and everything.
I think the comparison was to the Calvinist variety of Protetantism.
Which I’m sure is *way* over-simplified, it’s just a metaphor I like when people say “Islam needs a Reformation.”
I believe going around asking Christians if they believe in Jesus Christ would be a waste of time because I know the answer when they identified as Christian. That’s true of protestants and Catholics so claiming the two are undefinable changing ideas is idiotic. I also believe sitting around waiting for the definition of Christian to change from someone that doesn’t believe in Christ or the Bible would be waste of time.
For the same reason I don’t find much use in waiting for Muslim to mean someone who doesn’t follow Mohammad or the Quran.
In 20 years of the Muslim apologia the argument that Islam is meaningless and ideas don’t exist has to be the dumbest argument I’ve encountered so far.
“In 20 years of the Muslim apologia the argument that Islam is meaningless and ideas don’t exist has to be the dumbest argument I’ve encountered so far.”
Where did you encounter this argument, I’m curious.
Is Islam a religion that produces terrorists far more than other ideologies?
Again, you create this monolithic blob called ‘Islam’ and pretend it’s some profound idea to criticize it as a whole. Nothing like slapping Sunnis, Shias, Ibadis, Sufis, Ahmadiyya, etc. all into one collective ball, it’s brilliant. Might as well blame all white people for American foreign policy, it’s about as coherent. At least show you have some idea what you’re talking about and specify Sunni for Christ’s sake.
Are Muslims who profess to be adherents to Islam by and large
Not how religion works. “Islam” is not some static, absolute entity, it’s a product of its environment and the shifting culture around it (one of the few things Dawkins gets somewhat correct in the God Delusion). Anjem Choudary? His views are extremely anti-Western to the point where he’s (rightfully) in prison for supporting terrorism. Tarek Fatah? Vital secularist who I have no interest in forcing back to Pakistan because you’re indulging in collectivist hysteria. Both are Muslims. No, you don’t get to say that one is Muslim and one is not Bob. Because that’s not how religion works.
Do countries have any responsibility to allow Muslims to immigrate?
If you actually read what I wrote you might know the answer to that.
Does changing the word “Muslim” to “communist”
I’m an ex-communist, so no, I know that they can be converted. I know you think that’s some clever gotcha but again, you clearly didn’t read what I actually wrote before you decided to write this crap.
Again, you create this monolithic blob called ‘Islam’
Islam is an ideology (and not one I created). Libertarianism is an ideology, while people may argue about the exact edges of libertarian ideas the word still has meaning. You’re acting as though communism and libertarianism have no meaning since individually people may define them differently. While that may be true to some extent they still remain in ideological framework that makes them distinguishable just as Islam does. It’s a claim that all ideas have no meaning, and you do it while claiming to be an adherent to an ideology. Is libertarianism an amorphous meaningless blob or do its adherents largely follow identifiable principles?
and pretend it’s some profound idea to criticize it as a whole. Nothing like slapping Sunnis, Shias, Ibadis, Sufis, Ahmadiyya, etc. all into one collective ball, it’s brilliant.
They’re all Muslim. That’s like saying “Americans” is pointless because you need to identify all 50 states. Groups can have sub groups.
Might as well blame all white people for American foreign policy, it’s about as coherent.
Since “white people” is a physical description I can’t think of any reason to identify them with an ideology or a policy. If I say libertarians generally follow the NAP is that the same as saying white people are responsible for foreign policy?
You also added “all” again because you argue in bad faith.
At least show you have some idea what you’re talking about and specify Sunni for Christ’s sake.
Since I’m not specifically talking about Sunni’s I didn’t say it. The same reason I don’t say Texans when I’m talking about Americans even though one is a subset of the other.
Not how religion works. “Islam” is not some static, absolute entity, it’s a product of its environment and the shifting culture around it (one of the few things Dawkins gets somewhat correct in the God Delusion). Anjem Choudary? His views are extremely anti-Western to the point where he’s (rightfully) in prison for supporting terrorism. Tarek Fatah? Vital secularist who I have no interest in forcing back to Pakistan because you’re indulging in collectivist hysteria. Both are Muslims. No, you don’t get to say that one is Muslim and one is not Bob. Because that’s not how religion works.
If ideologies are not dependent on their ideas- even ones with specific doctrines, than ideas don’t exist at all. If they are defined by their cultures than libertarianism and communism are the same depending on what culture you’re in. It’s taking ideological relativism to absurdity. Again you are saying this as an adherent to an ideology. It’s self-refuting to claim to adhere to an ideology while also claiming ideologies are meaningless undefinable things that change with culture.
I’m an ex-communist
Did your ideas change? Or just the culture changed so your communist beliefs became libertarian?
Libertarianism is an ideology?
Coulda fooled me.
Yeah, one that when followed will lead it’s followers to support certain policies and reject others. Obviously it’s not 100% lock step on every issue but if you ask a libertarian about gun control you can make an educated guess to their stance. Ideas matter.
Someone who admittedly believes Mohommad was the perfect man and the Quran is the word of good will be led to certain ideas and policies.
You might flip back to my interview with Dean Ahmad.
That would require admitting that Muslims are, like all humans, annoyingly clever apes who interpret things independently and often come up with disparate viewpoints, not murderbots who are programmed by the evil Quran.
Agency, how does that work?
Like this, I think.
I says to myself, “surely by ‘agency’ he doesn’t mean…yes, he does.”
Why- would it refute the claim that “all” Muslims believe x? Since I never made that claim I don’t need to bother. I also don’t need to flip on Bill Maher to understand that not “all” libertarians want smaller government. That doesn’t mean libertarianism as an idea doesn’t have meaning, or that it’s followers don’t generally hold an identifiable set of beliefs.
Still more accurate about Trump than the New York Times.
Is there any news outlet less accurate then NYT now? CNN? New Republic? Salon? Vox? Well, at least they have competition. And it’s not that those organizations have rised to NYT level, it’s that the NYT has sunk to their level.
Anyone else remember a couple of days after the election when they vowed to reflect upon the reason Hillary lost, why Democrats are losing, and they vowed to become an entity who just sought out the truth and left politically biased reporting behind? Yeah, that lasted about 5 fucking minutes until they turned Bruni and Friedman loose again. And the rest will be known as history.
Meanwhile, Trump remains an anti-Semite.
Why would they make an article about some idiot that long? Who’s going to read all of that?
It’s quite apparent to me now, that if Democrats prattle on about something for long enough, they believe it will make it reality.
Netflix’s “Anne With an E” is getting a lot of hate.
Here’s the IMDB summary – tell me if I’ve got the correct Anne:
“The adventures of a young orphaned girl living in the late 19th century. Follow Anne as she learns to navigate her new life on Prince Edward Island, in this new take on L.M. Montgomery’s classic novels.”
Oh god fuck those books, I hate them so much.
Well now that you’ve said she stabs somebody it’s already more interesting that the entirety of the Anne of Green Gables series.
However I don’t know if you can get much more material out of the mean streets of Prince Edward Island.
There was a potato fight?
Here ya go, enjoy an hour of Bill Wurtz videos.
I meant to put this elsewhere. But, whatever, Poppy fans.
This one is darker and grittier. She stabs somebody in the second episode.
Can’t say as I’ve seen it.
Neither can I.
My wife liked it. I watched a little bit with her. It was cute and had it’s moments. Little girl is incessant talker which annoys me to no end (like Gilmore Girls which I couldn’t even be in same room when wife was watching). Basically this little girl is a Trump supporting orphan who ended up in this village with a bunch of puritan sjws who talk about how progressive they are while they mercilessly ostracize and ridicule her.
In the 19th century? Or was that a joke?
It was a joke but an apt comparison.
Any connection to Ann of Green Gables? I don’t think she has an “e.”
Obviously, there are no green gables in Amsterdam,
Yeah, that’s what it is. Anne of Green Gables. Don’t really know about the e.
Yeah, I saw a TV version of that some years back. I don’t remember where it was set, but she was an orphan and had some conflicts with her adoptive family.
I don’t remember it very well because it didn’t have enough explosions.
This one doesn’t either. I don’t understand why they would leave out all all the good movie stuff.
* pitches idea to Michael Bay*
There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to murder and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate;
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
And indeed there will be time
To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”
Time to turn back and descend the stair,
With a bald spot in the middle of my hair —
(They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”)
My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,
My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin —
(They will say: “But how his arms and legs are thin!”)
Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.
So how should I presume?
We’ve known each other for so long
Your heart’s been aching but you’re too shy to say it
Inside we both know what’s been going on
We know the game and we’re gonna play it
Now here’s a little story I’ve got to tell
About three bad brothers you know so well
It started way back in history
With Adrock, M.C.A., and me – Mike D.
Been had a little horsy named Paul Revere
Just me and my horsy and a quart of beer
Riding across the land, kicking up sand
Sheriff’s posse on my tail cause I’m in demand
Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
How is it you wake up in the morning and neglect to wonder what the hell your life is all about?
Not that everyone needs to be moved by some vagaries of Eliot’s work, but how do you, in particular, wake up and simply forget to care?
I’m sorry, I generally come here to be silly.
From time to time, even people on glibertarians get serious, and I fail to pick up on it. 🙁
And thanks for making me feel like a jerk.
If it means anything you’ve always amazed me with how creative you are.
You’re kind of starting to worry me. Please promise me you won’t kill yourself.
That was unworthy of me. I’m sorry. I’m the last who should question such things.
I’m a drunkard who gets carried away by prose. I’m the last person to reprimand anyone else. You of all people. I’m sorry.
No worries, I kind of prefer Murder in the Cathedral for some reason, but yes, it’s a great poem.
You ok, bro?
Yeah, have an Ascension hymn.
I should know more things. I feel in my soul how little I know. My ignorance is a seminal thing. I wake up in the morning and feel inadequate, and I’m not entirely sure how to put right by it, except I know I’m not doing so now. I wake up disappointed with my life and I struggle to go to sleep with same. I am lonely and angry and trying to fill the time in between with something approximating happiness. I’m bored and impatient in equal measure. I want someone to tell me what I should be doing. I realize, just by asking it, that I don’t understand the question. I hate myself and relish suicide for that reason. Not because I want to die, but because I think I should want to die. Because I’m disappointing, living the way I am. Nobody should live like this.
I’ve been there.
I won’t provide any advice, because nothing I say in this context could have any meaning. The answer is gnostic, in its original meaning knowledge that is intrinsically personal and ineffable.
Well, as long as I’m in this conversation, let me just say…first, there are probably some people who actually want you to live and probably depend on you doing so, so at the very least soldier on for their sake.
And also you’re not alone…I don’t just mean the people on glibertarians but whole generations of people confronting these kinds of issues, and you can guess which answer I would urge you to consider.
But you can pretty much bet that while feeling along you’re surrounded by…let’s just stick with the human beings here…by people who have struggled with lots of problems and in many cases would be willing to help out.
And probably people whom you can help…really it’s true helping other people can be an uplifting activity which can make one less depressed.
I wish I could say something stronger or more geared toward your specific concerns…
Yeah specific advice is hard to impossible but DON’T GIVE UP!
Sorry. This isn’t a cry for help. Nothing like that. I’m just drunk and sullen and all that. I’m not going to kill myself. If anything, suicide is something I relish specifically because it’s out of reach, because it’s a thing I won’t indulge. It’s the fulcrum I oar against. Or something. Orthogonal to what I’m all about, I guess.
That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be, is all I’m saying.
I had an orthogonal fulcrum once.
I hear it’s treatable.
I don’t know if this will give the right impression or not, but I’ll suggest this book – no, it’s not a Christian tract, but I read it when I was fairly down, and…well, let’s just say it’s more optimistic than it sounds, so don’t freak out at the description, it actually discusses how people get through awful situations without despair. It’s akin to Stoicism, and a lot of readers have liked it.
HM confirmed for Enoch fucking Root, by the way.
It wasn’t one of the better angles of my nature.
I ordered that book, Eddie. What do you think of CS Lewis? He keeps coming up in the podcasts I listen to.
I’ll let it live, but
I think Mere Christianity was part of a process getting me into Christianity, and not just me, either. Results may vary, but for some people, it gets them thinking on the right lines.
I’ve probably said all that I can constructively say, but God bless you, and you have plenty of people in your corner, and I bet some of them can even be helpful.
Prayer certainly wouldn’t do any harm, but I *would* say that, wouldn’t I?
I’m going to get some sleep and assume you’re doing the same…stay safe!
@commodious, personally I find CS Lewis a bit drippy. A book I found inspiring was James Stockdale’s “Courage under Fire: Testing Epictetus’s Doctrines in a Laboratory of Human Behavior.” There’s nothing like good ol’ applied Stoicism to get you through bad times. And in his case, bad times like none of us can imagine.
Read it and then write us a review. Seriously.
Ringo Deathstarr: Please Don’t Kill Yourself
“How is it you wake up in the morning and neglect to wonder what the hell your life is all about?”
I do that on purpose. Otherwise I would skip work and go straight to the bottle.
Chick in tutus dance in front of stuff I do?
Wow. I got up this morning and the media managed to go through all its stages while I was asleep.
1. How could anyone do this?
2. Throw in mentions of white supremacist attacks for, uh, reasons?
3. Promote #Rejecthate campaigns
4. Attack Trump.
The 4 stages of queef.
The Media’s 4 stages of grief:
1) OMG Trump!
2) OMG Trump!
3) OMG Trump!
4) OMG Trump!
“He called them ‘losers’. He sounds like a 14 year old girl.”
Said without a hint of irony.
omg TRUMP.
I did find this in the sea of detritus.
Someone doesn’t like cocktails.
He of course is right about all of that but what is his solution? The brits long ago gave up the right to even defend themselves. The first lesson is that the government is not your protector nor your friend nor does it have your best interest in mind.
He’s just restating the old saw, “The first step to knowledge is to call things by their proper name.” I have no idea how to stop these attacks in a way that doesn’t involve some nasty consequences, but just accepting that terror is part of living in a big city, as the London mayor said, is the ostrich defense. The days of strange bedfellows have arrived when I’m snuggling up to Piers Morgan.
I’m not saying it happened here but my impression of what’s going on with the cops over there is that they would rather ignore a 20 something Libyan man wearing a backpack at night by himself in the foyer of a concert full of preteen girls than to check him out and appear racist against Muslims. Yeah, that’s a problem.
You’re supposed to be angry when an enemy kills children – and apparently the killer was a follower of a jihadist version of Islam, and if you’re not allowed to say that’s evil, and that instead you’re just against a generic “hate,” then that’s ridiculous.
But I’d draw the line at saying “hate” is some kind of virtue.
The problem is that in the name of “not being hateful” we can’t say “jihadist Islamic ideology”and have to say “er, ah, um, extremism, you know, like, ah, not being loving enough, like you know?”
I don’t always agree with Sam Harris, but there’s one thing he got right about the whole “terrorism is not about Islam” canard:
“There’s a reason we don’t sit up at night worrying about the Amish.”
He called ISIS ‘losers’.
You can’t do that because it’s hate speech and incites violence.
A mathmatician, a philosopher, and an engineer are sentenced to death by guillotine. The math guy is first. The executioner pulls the lever, and the blade comes whistling down, but the blade stops inches from his head. He exclaims “mathematically, it should have worked! I was spared by a miracle”, so they let him go.
The philosopher is next. The blade whistles down, and again stops inches above his head. He exclaims “The universe doesn’t want me dead! You must let me go!” So they do.
Last, they put the engineer under the guillotine. The blade whistles down, and stops inches above his head. He looks up and says “you know, I think I see the problem.”
And then the dwarf says, “I rang the doorbell, didn’t I?”
Oops, different joke.
Oh, I’m sorry. I like revisiting the classics once in a while (please to be imagined in stewy Griffin’s voice)
We Need Communism
Lil’ dude is too fat not to be a kulak. Bye!
Is this a parody of the typical intellectual ability of communists?
Yes, but not intentionally.
I can’t get past the first 10 seconds. He’s horrible.
Bernie Bro
“If I were ever to start a communist country, wink, wink, wait twelve years.”
Did that little, fat fucker just threaten me?
FUUUUUUUUCK! Bad call by me and I’m out.
Misread or sick flop?
I flopped top pair, he flopped bottom two pair. Didn’t give him credit. So I’ll call that a misread and a sick flop.
Those are tricky hands and can send even the best home early. Hold your head high and get it next time. 13 years (?) between Ungar’s titles.
I don’t mind getting knocked out early. If I’m not going to money, best get it over with quickly but I was 2 off the money here and that is sooo frustrating.
Somethings are still right in the world.
HAHHAHAH. Try again noob!
I know, right, look at this.
This one’s good, too.
Sorry. Bacon fingers. Try again.
Well,…I frequented my favorite authentic/grandma in the back cooking Mexican eatery today…the day before their scheduled fresh meat shipment arrives.
So here I sit, on my porcelain throne as consequence, and this song came to mind for the first time in a few years.
My day wasn’t THAT bad…
Too bad. Maybe you should have gone to Alfredo’s?
Or maybe La Penita?
From what little I’ve garnered of your musical preferences in the past, you could have done a 180° and really mind-fucked me with this instead.
Ha! When i was but a wee lad, my brother and i would wait all Thanksgiving day for Q95 radio to play that song. We would sit in our basement giggling like maniacs. Love that song.
Another restaurant song:
Ha! Nice. My generation’s favorite contemporary Thanksgiving song was written and performed by Adam Sandler. Sad, I know.
Since you are a enthusiast of macabre dinning, here’s a quick snack I’m sure you’ve enjoyed in the past.
Enjoying fond memories of my youth in central Indiana, I remembered this classic restaurant song from Indy band JOT. Vess Ruhtenberg’s first band.
Dusty’s Diner
Any video that can mash up old Popeye, Reefer Madness, and make me wish FoE posted here is aces in my book.
So would you say you sat down all broken hearted,
tried to shit, but merely farted?
Oh, I think ‘pissing fire from my brown eye’ would be a more apt description.
Fanny fountain.