Holy moly, its only Tuesday? Shit. I’m ready for the long weekend to be here.

It looks like bad news for the people who took the IRA in the pool for the Manchester bombing. “British citizen of Libyan descent” is pretty classic self-radicalizing ISIS-lover. It pains me that all the “sleeper agent” conspiracy theorists were entirely right on outcomes while totally wrong on mechanism.

CNN trying to decide which classic Republican stereotype fits Trump better stupid or heartless and evil. No really, the headline is “Calculating or Naive?

California recently priced univeral health care and it would cost more than the entire current state budget. There has, of course, been much blaming of kulaks, hoarders, wreckers, and… (I hate to offend you good citizens but we must write it) profit-seeking behavior.

Those stupid Polacks, exploiting their natural resources! How dare they log timber that they didn’t get around to logging at all during the 20th Century!

Scientists sure do have a lot of castings and molds of animal genitalia.

Oh noes, its the hipster/rancher mashupocalypse! I grew up where stock tanks were ponds that someone had dug out in a pasture that cows stand around and shit in, so I am not ever getting in a “stock tank” pool, even if it is a giant beer tub.

Every time I see the word “millenials” in a headline I like to go back and insert some old-timey out group name like “negroes” or “Irish” and read the story. Nine times out of 10, its exactly like painfully racist “progressive” apologia from a century ago. Try it here. Also, Tom Coburn, you’re crazy if you think a Constitutional Convention is going to improve anything.