Afternoon Links Special Report

Dumbest Manchester Bombing Hot Takes (so far)


You know who is exactly like Donald Trump?

Why a gay celibate vegan pop singer, of course.

Morrissey dares to attack the Queen? And the current government? And was right about the ideology behind the murders of citizens of his beloved hometown? Gasp. Gasp, I say.

No one gives shallow fuckwittery like Salon.


Hammer goes looking for a nail, finds one:

The Bombing at a Manchester Ariana Grande Show Was an Attack on Girls and Women

I’m not sure where Slate dug up someone more hotheaded and dumber than Mandy Marcotte, but they managed it. Posted just a few hours after the bombing, this is the hottest of hot takes. One wonders if Cauterucci has this already written in case of a bombing and just plugged in some details.

Key line: “…Grande has advanced a renegade, self-reflexive sexuality that’s threatening to the established heteropatriarchal order.”

Really? An attractive girl playing on a jailbait imagery and wearing black latex S&M bunny masks is a threat to “heteropatriarchal order?” Cauterucci is so vapid and desperate, one almost feels bad laughing at her. Almost.


What’s sadder than Cauterucci’s dim bulb take? Ripping off her dim bulb take:

Why Manchester Bomber Targeted Girl: As is so often the case, misogyny was woven into this act of violence

This is from that bubbling cauldron of journalistic integrity, Rolling Stone.

Cauterucci has a solid case for plagiarism, honestly. “They’s stole mah derp!”

These girls and women weren’t just listening to any music, either – this was feminist music. Through her songs and public statements, Ariana Grande has taken a strong stand against sexism and the objectification of women, and she does so kindly, joyfully and without apology.

Once again, this strange idea that schoolgirl-fetish doughnut-licker is some sort of towering feminist figure.

Of course, at least Emily Crockett at Rolling Stone manages to mention that the bomber was a Muslim, unlike Cauterucci.