Afternoon Links Special Report
Dumbest Manchester Bombing Hot Takes (so far)
You know who is exactly like Donald Trump?
Why a gay celibate vegan pop singer, of course.
Morrissey dares to attack the Queen? And the current government? And was right about the ideology behind the murders of citizens of his beloved hometown? Gasp. Gasp, I say.
No one gives shallow fuckwittery like Salon.
Hammer goes looking for a nail, finds one:
The Bombing at a Manchester Ariana Grande Show Was an Attack on Girls and Women
I’m not sure where Slate dug up someone more hotheaded and dumber than Mandy Marcotte, but they managed it. Posted just a few hours after the bombing, this is the hottest of hot takes. One wonders if Cauterucci has this already written in case of a bombing and just plugged in some details.
Key line: “…Grande has advanced a renegade, self-reflexive sexuality that’s threatening to the established heteropatriarchal order.”
Really? An attractive girl playing on a jailbait imagery and wearing black latex S&M bunny masks is a threat to “heteropatriarchal order?” Cauterucci is so vapid and desperate, one almost feels bad laughing at her. Almost.
What’s sadder than Cauterucci’s dim bulb take? Ripping off her dim bulb take:
This is from that bubbling cauldron of journalistic integrity, Rolling Stone.
Cauterucci has a solid case for plagiarism, honestly. “They’s stole mah derp!”
These girls and women weren’t just listening to any music, either – this was feminist music. Through her songs and public statements, Ariana Grande has taken a strong stand against sexism and the objectification of women, and she does so kindly, joyfully and without apology.
Once again, this strange idea that schoolgirl-fetish doughnut-licker is some sort of towering feminist figure.
Of course, at least Emily Crockett at Rolling Stone manages to mention that the bomber was a Muslim, unlike Cauterucci.
That’s a load of derp, SF. *adjusts mask*
Someone needs some bunny ears.
Ariana Grande= would
Good pic selections
She’s an icon of modern feminism. You’re not supposed to look at her like that. That just reinforces the heteropatriarchal order. Not overturn it.
Damn me and my heteronormative cis gender shit bag ways
Yeah well those pics are already reinforcing my heteropatriarchal order, one could even say stiffening it
::looks at rabbit ears photo::
::ejaculation of surprise::
Agreed. Wood would and wudd.
She looks like a giant pain in the ass. Pass.
I saw at least a half dozen girls at the gym today who are hotter than her.
Also pass.
Tight bod, but I find the generic pop star look otherwise unappealing.
Except for Poppy of course, right? I mean, EVERYONE loves Poppy.
She’s in trouble right now.
Fess up, which of you assholes got Poppy in trouble?!
Wait until she makes the mistake of saying something in violation of some PC rule invented 10 minutes ago that she’s never heard of and the outrage mob descends on her.
*looks up age*
I shove her face in a box of doughnuts and then make her like mine.
I’m off my game.
Typing with one free hand is a bitch, ain’t it?
Sorry I’m late, clicked on the Tania Raymonde link in the Morning Links thread and, well, the day just got away from me…
*Looks at Afternoon Links photos and returns to bunk*
Sorry, Charlie, in a world with Tania Raymonde and Christina Hendricks you’ve got to bring stronger game than a Latina midget Britney Spears cover act.
I dunno, the way you put it, it sounds like a fetish.
Looks too much like a prepubescent girl for my taste.
So apparently that shitty Wrath of Khan remake was all a giant metaphor for ‘9/11 was in an inside job’ because the writer is a massive Truther.
Explains a lot actually. But could he had at least made a well-written movie about his batshit conspiracy theories?
My wife loves that movie because Beneslap Cumberbizzle is the one and only name at the top of her laminated list.
I actually liked the first Trek remake movie, but the 2nd and 3rd ones were messes.
I don’t really get the Cumberbatch appeal, but I like saying his last name. It has an inexplicable euphony.
The name totally sounds like a Dickens character
Or Terry Pratchett, who I suspect was deeply influenced by Dickens.
Huh. I only like the third, and that’s only because it’s the closest one to an actual episode of Star Trek (with plenty of stupid modern movie conventions awkwardly stapled on).
The answer is that with the reboot, only the odd numbered movies are good.
This is the Spock with a goatee universe.
Where’s my damned mirror universe movie???
You liked Vger?
Did you know they made a Sherlock porn parody? I saw something about it yesterday.
The Passions of Carol
FWIW, the writer of that article is noted anti-Gamergater and admitted creep Devin Faraci.
That’s just the most complete article on the subject I found (and I don’t like his moralizing at the end either). But if you google it there’s theories and chat discussions about Orci’s truther idiocy in Star Trek everywhere.
… which side is that?
The shitty, evil one.
Alan Dershowitz is seriously ‘not woke’. He goes on attacking the ACLU and Democrats, again. A powerful article asking: “Who Will Stand Up for Civil Liberties?”
He has been on fire lately. I don’t recall liking him so much in the past.
It is great to see him call out the ACLU. What a pathetic shell of their former selves they are.
He’s an honest man of the Left. A dwindling rank
His work in the von Bulow case made him a legend.
I used to confuse him with Karl von Bülow.
Not for nothing, but ‘doughnut-licker’ is a good sexist euphemism.
Not right now thanks, maybe later.
Ariana Grande has taken a strong stand against sexism and the objectification of women, and she does so kindly, joyfully and without apology.
Because she dresses like some sort of fetish queen?
We’re gonna need a bigger dictionary.
We’re gonna need a bigger dictionary.
Maybe one with lots of pictures.
Oooh! Oooh! I know this one!
*gestures like crazy person*
When we’re talking about the objectification of women and feminism and so forth, are we talking about the same thing? Because it seems like she’s doing pretty much the same shit every young chick singer/dancer does and has been doing since I can remember.
She’s boldly going were Madonna went 33 years before.
We’re not allowed to talk about how misogynist Muslim society is, are we? Because it doesn’t seem to be mentioned in either article. The first article really did its best to get at the root of the problem: Some idiot posting a bad joke on twitter.
Check out the incredible video of Debbie Wasserman Schultz trying to get evidence in the hacking case back from the Capital Police.
All that money and her hair still looks like extruded Play-Doh.
You don’t get that look for free.
She’s working hard to steal that dumbest politician award from Maxine Waters.
At least Maxine can take her hair off when she gets home, though…
Hank Johnson is still the undisputed champion of dumb politicians.
I’ve posted this before…after seeing that, what constituent would ever cast their vote for that person again?
Don’t forget, he also compared Jewish settlers to termites, and sarcastically congratulated Congress for saving helium for balloons (because that’s all helium is used for).
Re: Guam, how the hell did that admiral not just look at him in astonishment and ask something like “you think islands float? Are you a moron?”
What about Hank “Guam tipping over” Johnson?
More of a one hit wonder. Maxine has a much larger body of work. And by work I mean idiocy.
She’s not the one who proposed banning certain drinks that mix caffeine and alcohol. (That wasn’t Hank Johnson either.)
Nobody NEEDS jack And coke
There’s separate male and female competitions in order to more broadly recognize and award stupidity.
Can we get a comparative of Maxine and Sheila Jackson-Lee? Because the latter is local, I’ve seen far more stupidity from her.
It’s always the cover-up that takes peopledown, not the act itself. And I will note that DWS has fallen from grace, recently.
The parts about her in “Shattered” are amazing. She was completely clueless going into the convention that the DNC leaks might have done her damage. Nothing penetrated her thick skull until she was shitcanned.
Even for a politician, she seems dim. Like John Kerry-level dim.
What in the hell is going to come flying out of that laptop when the cops unlock it?
She should have kept it in her home bathroom.
Matt Welch was bragging about hanging out with her at a cocktail party on the 5th Column podcast last week.
Jeez, and Matt is usually one of the most likeable of the Reason crew. I can’t imagine wanting to spend 30 seconds around DWS, let alone bragging about it.
“Bragging”? That’s not really how I took it.
Oh, he was bragging.
The Republican party hierarchy are shitbags in their own right, but the Democrat party is so fucking corrupt it is nearing comic book villain status.
Take a look at blondie, over here
To wash down the Ariana Grande pics
I can’t click that at work…..does she at least look over the age of consent, unlike Ariana Grande?
Yes. You will not feel dirty looking at her scantily pictures
You will not feel dirty looking at her scantily pictures
What’s the point then?
I can’t argue with that logic. I hang my head in shame
Right? It’s like… do you even know us?
You will not feel dirty
Imma have to say that you are not using your imagination properly, because I desperately want to lick things off her belly.
Just the belly?
That’s why I feel dirty.
I want nothing to do with a woman who wears a HITLER t-shirt (pic #4)
I mean, what up with that grill, though? I guess I’ll try to look past it, but whoa, toothy.
/negging works!
Yeah, it’s like Denise Richards level Alien mouth.
I’d totally forgotten about Denise Richards until I read this, and then immediately thought of her teeth.
Black Man Found Not Guilty of Crime, Still Sentenced to 7 Years In Prison
That’s messed up
Shitty story….however:
Christ, this shit again? It’s like leftist Tourette’s.
Also, only probation for B&E, even on a first offense, doesn’t seem unduly harsh to me but the author makes a big deal about it. Having the probation revoked for a charge on which he was acquitted is, of course, a different story.
Seriously, aren’t they “people” with minds, hearts and whatever else, not merely “bodies”?
I believe they use that term to imply that others see them only as bodies, not as humans. But I’m not woke.
As I’ve mentioned before, it’s all critical theory pomo bullshit. Google it if you want your head to hurt after reading a bunch of word salad.
“Google it if you want your head to hurt after reading a bunch of word salad.”
Excuse me, “word salad”? Are you implying that there’s NOT in fact a cis-hetero hegemony that transgenerationally undermines dialogue in spaces where ethnic intersectionalities are re-feminized with patriarchal exemplifications of toxic masculinity??
Yes. Er, no.
Whichever is harder.
Sounds like a case for a special action.
I’m sure they’ll process any reviews of this case quickly within the next 5-10 years.
If they don’t just throw them away because nobody knows what to do with them.
What the fuck? How can that be legal/constitutional/whatever? Surely that violates due process.
It’s legal under the FYTW Clause of the Constitution.
IANAL, but I believe that in certain circumstances a judge can override a jury’s verdict for reasons of superior law knowing and smart judging, or something. Bottom line is that judges have a terrifying amount of power over you once you get into a courtroom.
Best advice? Never go to court. Even if you’ve been ordered to. Even if your on bail. Just don’t go.
Oh for the love of christ.
Alright, I don’t want to be that guy, but isn’t there a wider point being made here that has some validity, beyond the social justice warrior language? On average black defendants do receive harsher sentences than Hispanic, white, or Asian defendants for equivalent crimes. Most of that can be attributed to income (which is what SJW’s purposely choose to ignore), but perhaps some of it is due to racial bias in our criminal justice system.
isn’t there a wider point being made here that has some validity
Sure. And? I can still complain about the ridiculous phrase “black bodies” which now makes me groan instead of immediately thinking of thermodynamics.
I agree about the phrasing. I should have been clearer in my post
I don’t think he’s disputing that, just noting the tediousness of Coates’ pet phrase.
I don’t know that anyone has really done a study on “equivalent crimes” with “equivalent defendants” (like it or not, judges and juries judge the defendants as well as the crimes) across racial lines. A lot of the inferences people make are based on surface-level studies and anecdotes.
By “surface-level study”, I mean a study that examines only one variable. For example, studies on minimum wage hikes that only look at unemployment rates.
Don’t men get harsher sentences than women?
Actually, I think most comparisons are made when comparing plea deals and convictions for the same crime. And from the data I’ve seen, minorities across the country (and not just in the south as proggies would have you believe) are given harsher sentences for first offenses.
Now, that’s not accounting for venue, quality of defense counsel or other factors. But in virtually every state I’ve seen studies in, blacks get shit on more than whites in criminal cases where people of both races are found guilty.
A failure to control for venue strikes me as a fatal problem. Root cause analysis is impossible when you can’t even control for something as simple as “the same judges” and “the same prosecutors”.
That having been said, I don’t discard racial bias as a cause. It’s a plausible explanation. What I am not seeing is anyone making real effort to eliminate all the other plausible explanations.
I don’t even know if it’s racial bias in the prosecution. My guess would be racial bias in the police investigation and zeal with which they give their testimony.
Look, I think most cops are probably racist as shit. And I think a lot of black kids and young adults are probably a little mouthier than whites when they’re being manhandled. Especially in cities where there’s more peer pressure to act “hard” when interacting with the man.
And if there’s anything I can be sure of, it’s that cops will go out of their way to show who is in charge once someone gets mouthy with them. So they embellish their testimony a little more. They pile a few more charges on. And they push the prosecutor, who relies on them for his job security and success rate, to go for a stiffer plea deal.
Just my theory.
I think it’s a really complex situation, but the short version of the important part is that negative police encounters reinforce existing attitudes, ensuring that future interactions will be as negative if not more so. And cops are people, and some people are vindictive as shit.
Oh It’s Georgia.
*repeat note to self* Never go to Georgia for any reason.
I got a speeding ticket in Georgia once. I paid the fine and shortly after sending them like $300 or whatever the fine was, I got another fine in the mail called something like “super speeder fine” for going 20+ mph over the limit. I did not pay the extra fine so Georgia revoked my driving privileges in their state. Fuck Georgia.
Still beats Virginia. Go 20 over the limit here and you get charged with reckless driving and probably end up spending at least a few days in jail.
I got one in Virginia too, don’t remember the speed I was travelling but I just paid the fine and that was that.
You must have been less than 15 over. Either that, or you caught a cop on the best possible day.
Right, because no white criminals have ever been fucked by the system.
Also, 5 years probation for B&E and burglary doesn’t seem overly harsh, unless the terms of the probation were crazy.
What is the actual explanation for how the judge can do this? I’m looking for something that involves actual legal facts, not the fucktarded “because he’s black” “explanation” that the author keeps trying to shove down the readers’ throats.
He revoked probation for another crime. Why? He just thinks he’s guilty, just because. No evidence whatsoever. He just thinks he’s guilty. Is there racism involved? Maybe. But I’ll give the judge as much benefit of the doubt that he gave this guy, which is none.
But how can revoking a 5-year probation turn into a 10-year jail sentence?
Absent a parole violation
Yeah I think something omitted.
When probation is revoked judge can sentence you based on the original crime. 5 years probation wasn’t the max jail for B&E. And they have a shit ton of leeway to revoke.
Ariane Granda (sp?). The modern Bob Dylan speaking for a generation.
Her name is a Starbucks order.
now you have to tell us what’s in an ariana grande.
Three shots of decaf espresso and a whole bunch of suspiciously salty whipped cream.
*stands in awe*
i laughed.
Whipped by hand?
It’s just like anything else at Starbucks. Bland and bitter, but people still stand in line to pay too much for it and pretend they love it.
more like overly sweet and gas inducing, but agree otherwise.
Her boyfriend?
I wonder if fifty years down the road Reason will have a direct neutral interface site where aging hipster Nick Gillespie the 3rd writes long winded theories about how Ariana Grande is the bedrock of modern music.
And the commentariat jokes about ‘At least we still have Ariana’ whenever someone dies.
not a gillespie, the jacket will simply move onto another wearer.
When Gillespie does stupid stuff, that’s all Gillespie. When he does cool stuff it’s the influence of The Jacket. His Bob Dylan articles are the former.
I was thinking more like “Ariana Grande shows how the millennials are finally going to bring about the liberaltarian moment”. But yours is probably more likely.
No one could understand what Bob Dylan was saying and no one listens to what she says. Makes sense
If you’re into the “Shush, here comes the principal! If he asks, tell him I made you stay after class to study your multiplication tables. And for god’s sake, get those panties off the flag pole!” line of fantasy, that girl is made for you.
This is why I never became a teacher.
This is why I want to teach in Japan.
One of my greatest regrets was not do so the moment the thought occurred to me.
Another member of Mises Cuba has gone missing, likely taken by state security forces.
Man, could you imagine how bad it would be there if they had a totalitarian communist society?
Woah, woah- before we go blaming the commies, did anyone ask the people at CATO where they were the night he disappeared?
Cocktail party?
Sounds like a plausible alibi
It’s not their MO, the only thing CATO’s good at is suicide attacks.
…Russian hackers?
I guess you can’t be a misanthrope without misogyny.
So at least we got that going for us.
My chain of reactions to the pics:
Wouldn’t, would, WOULD WOULD WOULD, cardiac arrest
(At least I died doing what I loved: aggravating my carpal-tunnel syndrome)
Father and brother of Manchester bomber arrested in Tripoli
“Never saw it coming!”
/British intelligence
Twitter Link
Can I celebrate with a cold beer after I come home? Fantastic news!
Nice. Did you read that link in the last thread about Comey?
No, just found out.
Which one is Morrisey? The bunny ears? Or the skirt?
Por que no los dos?
I leave SugarFree in charge of the links one time and he misses this gem? I mean, since 99% of the 54% of the commentariat who aren’t socks are me.
It found that men ages 20 to 29 who ejaculated 21 times or more each month were 19 percent less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than those who ejaculated less often, between 4 and 7 times per month
Per… month? When I was in my 20s, that was more like a weekly average. Especially if I was between girlfriends.
I am apparently a paragon of prostate health. I’ll make sure to mention that the next time I’m at the doctor’s.
I think they’ll be able to tell, what with the hemihyperplasia.
Shit, my prostate is so healthy it divided into two prostates.
Yeah, I’m a lot more productive when sandwiched between girlfriends as well.
Years ago, someone reported a study that claimed people who masturbate frequently were less likely to develop prostate cancer. My immediate thought was, there’s one cause of death I can strike off the list.
Stroke off the list?
Beat me to it!
Nobody else is gonna jump in on these? C’mon, we’re puling for ya!
::ejaculation of surprise::
I was going to toss one off, but I didn’t want to look like a jerk.
Why? Join the circle.
I’d hate to rub someone the wrong way.
Worst that could happen is they could try to choke you.
“But honey, you don’t want me to develop prostate cancer do you?”
^ What teenage boys say to their girlfriends in the backseat of cars all across America. Works every time, 60% of the time
And I always thought that the best protection against prostate cancer is prostate stimulation.
You misspelled “per day.”
When I was in my 20s, that was more like a weekly average. Especially if I was between girlfriends.
Weekly? PIKER. I could pull that stunt off between sunrise and sunset (but only in the summer months).
You know what? Fuck you, Shakespeare…
How about “Nicaragua” by Screeching Weasel?
I don’t give a fuck about Nicaragua
I don’t give a shit about the president
I don’t care about suburban white kids
Tryin to show they got compassion
Cause politics are boring
Yeah, politics are fucking boring
Philosophizing, propaganda spewing
Teenaged armchair revolutionaries
What’s the problem, what’s the matter?
You just sit there getting fatter
You say you hate capitalism
And you won’t compromise
Funny thing is, your butt’s full of jizz (don’t blame me, I didn’t write the song)
You pompous ass, your moral outrage
Giving me a fucking headache
Closed your mind, got all the answers
Don’t even realize you’re an asshole
If you had any brains I guess you’d see
You’re a narrow-minded judgmental left-wing Nazi
I don’t give a fuck about Nicaragua
Wait a second. Is “don’t blame me, I didn’t write the song” part of the actual lyrics? If so, ROFL.
If not, square brackets are your friend.
I don’t believe square brackets will keep jizz out of your butt.
hah…no, that was my own addition. Ben Foster (aka Ben Weasel), who did write the song, has never been much on PC. He was pretty much excommunicated from official punkdom after he punched a woman who was spitting and throwing ice and beer at him at SXSW a while back.
Anyway, it was always one of my favorite songs since it’s rare to find one that mocks leftists. Same reason I love Holiday in Cambodia – Jello may be a commie himself, but damn if that song isn’t hilarious.
Die on organic poison gas
Serpent’s egg’s already hatched
You will croak, you little clown
When you mess with President Brown
When you mess with President Brown
When you Godwin Jerry Brown, you know you are really out there.
California über alles!
Why? That’s pretty fucking punk.
Not in today’s SJW punk world.
For crissakes, a bunch of them wore swastika shirts back in the ’70s.
Because modern punks are fucking lame.
It’s pretty impressive how our culture manages to constantly eat up every counter-culture and then spew it back out as a pre-packaged safe product that fits neatly into the zeitgeist.
Also into you
These girls and women weren’t just listening to any music, either – this was feminist music. Through her songs and public statements, Ariana Grande has taken a strong stand against sexism and the objectification of women, and she does so kindly, joyfully and without apology.
her? the wrist icicle, ride dick bicycle girl? really?
we talkin’ bout the same broad here?
Well, feminism wishes certain people would die, too. So, yes?
I know less about this girl than I do Justin Bieber, and I can’t think of a single song of his. So I looked up some lyrics. Here’s some from Dangerous Woman, which sounds somewhat “empowered.”
Well, it’s probably not getting into any feminist theory textbooks, but that’s reasonably, um, self-affirming.
Hard hitting feminism, boys. I think the patriarchy has met its match.
Not Islamic terrorists, though.
Feminist rap, yo!
wood – that Chelsea cut
+1 I love a chelsea girl. Unfortunately most of them that I’ve known are pushing 250lbs
So Ariana Grande, or Alizée?
How’s that even a question?
Good times…
Alizée. I always thought she’d make a great Bond Girl, but she’d really need to improve her English.
Whenever I criticize the queen, I make sure it’s only needful.
(sob) “Won’t something think of the POOR QUEEN!!” (sob)
sigh. “someone”. @()#$* phone autospell
She ain’t no human being.
No future! No future!
Cause tourists are money!
I initially read that as Queen, and thought about how even the corpse of Freddy Mercury could sing circles around Morrissey.
For some reason this has been stuck in my head for the last couple days.
Was digging around some data looking a population density, and found some interesting stuff on the world’s most densely populated islands.
I expected it to be all islands in major urban centers (and in the top fifteen are Ap Lei Chau (Hong Kong), Manhattan, and Ile Saint-Louis) but the majority of them are actually tiny ass freak accidents.
This is Santa Cruz del Islote in Columbia, the most densely populated island in the world at 1,200 over 0.12 square km. It’s a fishing village in the middle of goddamn nowhere.
Third place is Migingo Island in Lake Victoria, 131 over 0.002 square km. It was the center of a territory dispute between Kenya and Uganda primarily over fishing rights.
Then you’ve got Joal-Fadiouth in Senegal, an island made out of clam shells with 45,903 in 0.15 square km.
Also Syria makes an interesting showing with Arwad, which looks like it came out of the Hellenic period.
Unless the numbers are wrong, the island in Senegal is orders of magnitude denser than the island in Colombia.
I was gonna point that out.
You could have dinged me for saying “orders of magnitude” when it’s really just 1 order of magnitude (in base 10, anyway).
I fucked up a couple things, it’s 0.012 square km, and I counted the entirety of Joal-Fadiouth’s census data instead of the island itself, which is only 9,000. Density comparison is 103,917 to Fadiouth’s 60,000 per square km.
I forget, where did Gunkan-jima fall on that list before it was depopulated?
0.063 square km, highest population of 5,259 in 1959, so around 83,000 at its height. Puts it in 2nd.
Either way, it’s probably going to capsize.
That first one looks like tropico 4 in hard mode.
Was digging around some data
looking at population density
I said, I was digging around some data
looking at population density
But I’ve met some populations
That are the densest you ever did see
Is Morrissey gay? I thought he considered himself “asexual” or something.
Also, his take seems to be about spot-on relative to the others.
Edit: his sexuality is … hell, I don’t know.
He still sucks, but his statement was dead perfect. Fuck these elite assholes telling the little people to suck it up.
[Ron Baily adjusts glasses] Ackshully, your feelings are invalid because statistics.
He used to call himself a celibate homosexual. I guess just that wasn’t outré enough nowadays.
You can tell he’s getting old. He’s practically Clint Eastwood now!
Stolen from PM links at the other site. Wood panelling is….you guessed it….racist and marginalizing.
On one hand, she’s an idiot.
On the other hand, I’m glad she’s whining about wood paneling in university buildings rather than physically tearing down Roman ruins ‘because slavery’.
Yea, but they were white slaves so it was OK.
A commentator posted that, I assume. No way Reason is going to post something from The Federalist. They now only post David Harsayni’s stuff in the wee hours of the morning and infrequently. And I haven’t seen a Napolitano link in forever there
Yes. A commentator.
Before reading let me guess. Something about white male colonialist raping the indigenous people’s land to make wood paneling?
Oh, even better. You see paneling was used by rich, white folks. All the minorities were poor, and never had wood paneling. That makes the paneling imposing, sexist, and racist.
Rich, white, privileged classes had wood paneling. Poor, minority, excluded classes had to make do with painted walls. Now, Wibbelman thinks, the sheer existence of wood makes students feel the weight of their old marginalization.
Shouldn’t they be happy with the fact that they can now walk the halls of an institution that would have not accepted their Great-Grandparents?
So my absurd hypothetical argument is actually BETTER than the argument she actually made? Folks like her cannot be parodied.
Don’t you mansplain her intersectionality to her, shitlord!
Man, I posted that here three days ago! See, that’s why I’m unapologetic for recycling a morning link in the last thread.
Dude, there were almost 900 comments in one post alone yesterday. Recycle away!
It actually get’s worse than paneling. She says that the quite of the building is imposing. She keeps digging:
gets not get’s
quiet not quite
English is hard
We had fake wood paneling in the house where I grew up. So does that make me less of a white/cis/het/shitlord?
No, it makes you an aspirational white cis hetero shitlord. And possibly cultural appropriator/genocider.
“Not that she has anything against wood, exactly.”
Right now I’m partial to wouldn’t.
“Faith Bottum” is a most excellent name.
They really can’t help themselves with shit arguments, can they?
If you bring radicals from another country who join local mosques telling stories about the evil Westerners off shitting up their countries and how the Quran says all this shit about attaining a guaranteed place in heaven if you “martyr” yourself (suicide bomb), what might happen? It’s like ideology can’t possibly be spread by contact with extremists to those of the same religion. Of course, this whole argument is predicated on the idea that Islam itself isn’t the problem. Mendacious pricks.
Justin Raimondo accuses Krayewski of ‘virtue signaling’.
My one question is how did Krayewski know that Trump wasn’t a non-interventionist candidate?
And Ed, very piously, says that’s “a distraction”
Right, Ed, because every single article at the other place since the election hasn’t had “but Trump is way worse!” shoved in it someplace.
It’s not even the ‘but Trump is way worse!’ part that’s so terrible, it’s the fact that Reason writers hold Trump up to a standard that they absolutely refuse to hold career politicians to. We have eight years of the Obama showing all the signs of narcissistic personality disorder and for all the years I read Reason I never once saw a regular writer point that out. Day two or three of the Trump Presidency and Reason writers are psychoanalyzing him and branding him a narcissist. And I’m not even saying there’s nothing to that argument, but the bias is very apparent.
This. Doherty wrote an article that basically stated ‘Trump may do some good things, but he doesn’t view freedom as a principle’. True enough, but which 2016 candidate did?
I wouldn’t even go that far. What evidence do we have that he doesn’t value freedom? He certainly isn’t droning people or throwing reporters in prison. Is it cause he said some nasty things to people that were openly smearing him? I’m not sure where the idea that he’s some kind of proto tyrant even comes from other than leftist propaganda.
Exactly. This is why I find myself in the uncomfortable position of defending Trump so often to people I talk to in person. People are suddenly up-in-arms over a new outrage every day who, for eight years, were apparently catatonic. I have a difficult time not seeing that as blatant partisanship.
It wasn’t hard to guess.
Is reverse TDS a thing? Because Raimondo’s gone off the deep end since the election.
TDS is a coin with two sides. Have you ever watched Sean Hannity? He’s just as deranged as Rachel Madcow.
Hannity and Maddow were never not deranged though, Trump is just the crack-cocaine fuel of madness.
Raimondo has lost his marbles, but no one writing for Reason has any room to criticize Trump supporters for believing him to be a non-interventionist. Considering their luke warm criticism of the Iraq War at first and their cheerleading of President Obama in 2008, who turned out to be the opposite of a non-interventionist
“BrooklynG 42 minutes ago
Seen elsewhere =
“I’m not sure where Slate dug up someone more hotheaded and dumber than Mandy Marcotte, but they managed it”
Sounds like someone is reading Glibertarians. And she’s a girl!
Where was this?
You Americans are high maintenance.
Says the guy always nagging us about our employment status
I’m guessing…hoping…it’s a girl.
I liked this one:
4 hours ago
There is a level of idiocy that can only be achieved by high IQ people willing to make a considerable effort.
No mere imbecile could have pulled this off.
I am in awe.
It’s weird cross-over commenter base, but I like it.
They used “=” as a punctuation mark. Hence, Gilmore.
I came across a rare gem of derp today… It’s written by a “magician” and “ethicist”, just to give you an idea of the caliber of derp that we’re dealing with here.
tl;dr: YouTube autoplay is a nefarious plot by corporations to brainwash the world population for a PROFIT!!!!11
It’s written by a “magician” and “ethicist”,
Almost as absurd as a Jew-witch Mexican.
I hope these intersectional identifiers catch on:
My pious pet is a CatHolic.
As an anorexia supporter who submits before Allah, I am a MuSlim.
I am Indian-American on the poiltical right; I am a KhanServative.
and so forth.
Khanservative is a good one. Have to employ it in the right time and place.
I see your Jew-witch Mexican, and raise a magic war between two British comic book nerd wizards.
Top shelf alt-text today SF. I chuckled. Chortled, even.
Speaking of top shelf; I am soon done working for the week. I’m staring down 5 days off. A fair share of those 5 days will include consuming top shelf bourbon and rye. If you don’t have the next 5 days off, feel free to say mean things to me. (I’m looking at you Ted)
I had so many choices for the first one. My runner up was “Writing frightening verse to a buck-toothed girl in Luxembourg.”
Morrissey is not impressed by McKayla Maroney.
I was going to wait until the reveal trailer on Friday to post this, but it’s so damn funny I couldn’t.
Also, it takes place in Western Montana.
Look up Ariana Marie (NSFW). You’re welcome, everyone.
You can type practically any female name into Bing or Google and get thousands of NSFW images.
*types in Hillary Clinton, recoils in horror*
Yep, you’re right.
I don’t know why you even did that. You could have just watched a horror movie and it would have been less traumatizing.
Joker Apprehended
“That’s when he’s not grabbing the issue of the day and offering a scolding, highly inappropriate, racially insensitive, needlessly anti-Monarchical hot take on it.”
I’m guessing he’s out of the cool kid’s club now?
“Needlessly anti-Monarchial”
I know what these words mean separately…
I guess that’s a new member of the PC family. Maybe because the Democrats here at home are preparing Hillary’s coronation as queen as soon as we get rid of that pesky Trump, who is also probably anti-Monarchial, and most definitely worse than Hitler.
How far have we regressed as a civilization when fucking ROYALTY needs to be defended from freedom of speech?
I remember a few years ago there was this thing going on, I think the results of some poll, where they found a significant percentage of people who actually wanted a queen just like England still has. People are fucked up.
Put in this way Hyperion:
Our Head of State for the past eight years was Liz, who minded her own business and left us all the fuck alone.
Your Head of State was Barack Obama.
My how the tables have turned, eh JT?
Hey I’m not complaining, Liz is still doing what she does best.
The problem is the democratically elected ones.
And I wouldn’t get to hype Vhyrus, Trump’s still a ‘law and order’ President, which comes with plenty of not minding your own business.
I am hoping (maybe naively) that Trump was blowing smoke to appease the copsuckers. So far he hasn’t done much to dissuade me from that notion, although the Sessions appointment set off some warning bells, but there’s still hope.
I propose we keep using her after she dies. Her corpse will be a far better monarch than Charles.
Yeah, but unfortunately for you, JT, you also have a parliament and PM who are NOT leaving you the fuck alone.
The Sessions thing… yeah, that is fucked up. But. Trump needed a few very loyal people to stand by him. And having one of them be the AG, probably a pretty politically savvy move by Trump. Especially considering the non-stop attacks by the leftist media and Democrat loons. Maybe when this all blows over, Trump will get rid of the schedule and fire the entire DEA. Oh, who am I kidding, me I guess. But I do sort of understand why Trump keeps Sessions around.
I think Charles is going to (maybe forced to) abdicate immediately when that time comes.
I’m still hoping that Harry pulls a CK2 and William has a manure accident.
If Trump got rid of the ATF and did literally nothing else I would probably consider him the greatest president of all time.
“If Trump got rid of the ATF…”
I’d settle for repealing the NFA. An unlicensed SBR would be nice.
Trump technically doesnt have that power. He could write some EOs that come close to gutting it but could not actually repeal it. He has 100% unilateral authority to completely defund the ATF and transfer its authority to the FBI or another organization.
You guys are too hard to satisfy. If Trump de-schedules cannabis and a few other ‘drugs’ on the schedule, declares an end to the WOD and continues to piss off progs every day, he is the best president of all time and I will run, not walk, to the polls to vote for him again. I don’t use any recreational drugs except for alcohol, but the WOD is the biggest affront to personal liberty in modern history.
Shit, this continues to be a fucked up day. I don’t know why I said ‘again’, I didn’t vote in last years presidential election. Sorry for all the fuck ups today, my daughter has been very ill and I’m too distracted.
There is no such thing that is needlessly anti-Monarchial.
Old white cis guy got trumped in the oppression Olympics.
It’s been going on for a while:
You know who else was a celibate vegan artist.
My ex-girlfriend after I dumped her?
I hear she’s been givin’ that stuff out to all them graffiti guys.
yo, shut the fuck up, chico, man
No Shit Sherlock
Unpossible. Obama said I’d see a 3000 year savings in my premiums. And he’s black jeebus.
3000 a year, lol.
He could have delivered a 3000 year savings if not for those meddlesome Republicans!
The 3000 year Rückzahlung?
3000 years is probably the number of average middle class annual wages spent in additional premiums since Ocare hit the market.
Or it will be 3000 years before any working stiffs can actually afford healthcare again.
Mine only went up by about 20% or so. But my deductible doubled and my out-of-pocket maximum increased by 50%, so…
You’re very lucky is all I have to day. My deductible increased nearly 4X. My premium has only went up about 20% also, but out of pocket is ridiculous. If it’s nothing where we’re going way over the deductible for the year, it’s almost practically worthless. We’ve started going out of the country. It’s cheaper to just buy a plane ticket and get everything done. We basically just pay for deadbeats healthcare here, we’ve stopped even using it.
say. damnit this is a fucked up day.
Long stretch of straight road + 18 year old boy + Ford Mustang + Florida + Gas station =
This man deserves a darwin award.
Whenever “progressives” get all giddy about how wonderful Obamacare is, I point out that when I made $11 per hour, I was forced to buy a plan that was “only” $135 per month (for a single nonsmoker male). The response I always got was “well, it’s more fair if we spread the costs of healthcare to everyone, anyway”.
Hmm… “Spreading the costs of healthcare to everyone”? That’s not what was promised by the architects of this whole clusterfuck system…
I bet not a single one of those people pay for healthcare insurance. Maybe they’re under 26 and are on their parent’s insurance? Or maybe they’re on medicaid now just like they were before, because they qualify? Or in some instances, I know a few people who will say ‘what? Mine didn’t go up at all!’. And the latter are pretty wealthy people who just don’t even look to see and don’t care, because it’s a smidgen for them. I don’t argue with them because they’re not going to look anyway, they’re too busy planning their next vacation to Europe for a month or buying their 5th car. Everyone I know who is around my level of income, which is most of the people I know, are fucking furious about this bullshit.
My premiums haven’t gone up the past three years, but my company’s share might have for all I know. I’d look it up, but I’m too busy planning my vacation in Spain next month and remodeling the bathrooms in our house. My company has discontinued the health incentive contributions, which is kind of a back-door increase, but they probably also figured out that those incentives don’t really work.
Well, good for you. But it’s seriously bad for us poor grunts only barely making 6 figures. I can guarantee you that your employer’s cost has went up.
But like I said, thanks for proving me right about that, (:
$135? I am a single nonsmoker and my cheapest plan is $450 right now. I would personally club a baby panda to death for a $135 monthly payment.
CBC notices something not quite right in Venezuela, turns to Analysis Man to find solutions. Where “analysis” consists of dialing a bunch of people to get a bunch of generalities.
You got your Communist, you got your Red Tory and your Socialist. And even the journalist admits that things are so bad, the actual market reforms might be accepted.
“For many years, the opposition has engaged in destructive economic sabotage, causing shortages through hoarding and speculation in a deliberate attempt to create economic instability,”
You mean in a deliberate attempt to survive.
It’s always the Hoarders and the speculators fault isn’t it.
It’s disgusting, every time Socialists start building a just society, fucking kulaks, hoarders, saboteurs and/or wreckers show up to ruin it.
They’re worse than fuckin’ Mongorians.
Well, they were fresh out of kulaks.
when you take PDVSA and do a political purity test to work there, and all the enterprising and therefor not chavista types that keep the whole machine oiled and running well are kicked out and replaced with placemen/sinecures, you can’t be super surprised it crashes and burns. Especially given Venezuela’s uniquely heavy crude which requires different processes and facilities to exploit.
look at their oil exports for the past 20 years and it’s obvious!
And here I thought Venezuela was a libertarian paradise.
Said history of democratic rule includes a dictator for 27 years, followed by more authoritarianism, followed by three years of democracy until a military coup installed a junta, then some democratic rule since 1968 that was rife with attempted coups (including one by Chavez) and guerrilla warfare.
Wreckers! Kulaks!
Goddamn those people are predictable.
Ya know, people hoard a lot in free countries and it doesn’t result in shortages. Maybe when your economic system is so fragile it falls apart in the face of predictable human behavior, it’s not a good economic system. But no, they just haven’t arrested enough hoarders.
By any reasonable metric I am a gun and ammo hoarder and yet miraculously we haven’t run out of guns and ammo yet. I must not be hoarding hard enough.
Relatedly, know anyone in the market for ~1500 rounds of Bulgarian surplus 5.45?
Is this 7n6?
It is actually yes.
I might be interested in this
Try the marketplace page on Forum rules require ten posts to trade, but somebody in that crowd will probably be game.
I’ve been hit or miss on there, had it on backpage for the last couple weeks.
Hmm. No takers on Backpage? Try putting it in the personal ads…
Look, we can’t just be having people stuffing their mattresses with $100 bills! The cupboards are bare! What, now you want us to have to spend even more by forming the Department of Mattress Police? Are you crazy?
But looking at Venezuela now, she can only think it was a failed experiment partly because Chavez was unable to diversify the economy away from natural resources and partly because he failed to engage the private sector to help him transform the economy.
So we’re still hanging on to low oil prices as the culprit.
Exxon, Chevron, Shell etc, an entire economic ecosystem built on oil prices to go bankrupt in 3…2…1…
The taxi driver who picked up Tom Friedman at the airport?
CBC journalists don’t get paid NYT money. Only Peter Mansbridge can afford a cab.
[blockquote]That’s when he’s not grabbing the issue of the day and offering a scolding, highly inappropriate, racially insensitive, [b]needlessly anti-Monarchical[/b] hot take on it.[/blockquote]
If you ever want to have some fun while in the company of progs, start shit-talking the royal family. You’ll be amazed by how quickly they’ll go from being the valiant protectors of the proletariat to groveling serfs defending their kingly superiors.
And then start shit-talking the idiot that can’t get tags right.
i’ve always wondered why any modern, ostensibly democratic country still supports monarchs in this extravagant lifestyle even if only as figureheads.
I say get the hoighty-toighty fuckers off the public dole. If the members of the general public love them so much, they can get together, start a foundation, hire servants, and do all the other shit that taxpayers are paying for right now.
They probably think of it like having a sports team. They seem to love gossiping about them.
Kim Kardashian doesn’t cost me a dime.
Technically, royalty owns a lot of land. Some of which is held directly, most of which is leased. Until you violently take it away from them, they’re not a burden on the public.
IIRC, the British royal family pays for itself (and then some) in tourism alone.
Also, besides the Crown Estate the Queen has income coming in from an investment portfolio.
Better than having a retread politician as a figurehead head of state.
I am listening to Gillespie on Wilkow right now. (I listen to it late) He actually said Trump Derangement Syndrome. No H/T for Suthen.
I finished my work for the day a few hours ago so I had a couple of these. I re-started my diet this week and am going on about 500 Cal for the day, so I am feeling those.
I was planning on going out for a few tonight but got out of shower and now feel dog ass tired and it’s only 7. I’m so lame. Off all next week so I’ll more than make up for it. I need the recharge.
about 500 Cal for the day
This doesn’t seem healthy to me, unless you can elaborate.
If you’re a fatass you technically don’t need any calories, just water and vitamins. It’s not unhealthy unless you’re underweight or your weight fluctuates rapidly over and over.
Exactly. And, at the moment, I am a fat ass. Plus, I am a cheap drunk on 500 cal. Win win. Although the beers probably threw me to 800 cal. (guessing)
Depends on the beer. A full flavored Pilsner for example is around 145 cals/12 oz serving. That double chocolate stout will probably run you close to 250.
To elaborate is leftover asian chicken and stir fry veges, mixed with a diced up hotdog for lunch and a few turkey sticks for a snack. I put way to many Jalepenos in the stir fry last night so it was a burner this morning. The day isn’t over, so I will probably go to bed with around 1000 to 1200 cals. I am far from starving to death. I haven’t been able to starve myself since high school wrestling. That was a hundred years ago.
I’ve met you. You’re not svelte, but you don’t weigh enough for 500 calories a day to be healthy.
My advise is to drink more, so you can just squirt the fat right outta ya.
The Daily Beast criticizes Trump for going to areas of Israel, along with Saudi Arabia, where women are treated as second-class beings. Because Obama certainly never did those things, nor did any other President. Nope.
I can see what you’re getting so misanthropic if you’re reading crap like that on a daily basis.
Teeming transportation activists: Build bike lanes. BUILD TROLLEYS! BUILD THEM TOGETHER!
Oh wait.
“Streetcar tracks are a known hazard — known to the city of Seattle,” said Phil Arnold, Cody McCloud’s lawyer. “Seattle had many opportunities to fix this mess.”
Arnold described the streetcar tracks as a “lethal bicycle trap.” He said the city knew the streetcar tracks were a hazard, and yet continually encouraged people to bike on its streets.
Cody McCloud said the claims are “not about the money. It’s about a message: ‘Don’t kill me on these streets.’ ”
Arnold said the city could have prevented Desiree McCloud’s death by excluding cyclists from East Yesler Way, separating the cyclists with a protected bike lane, marking the bicycle lane a “no-passing zone” or filling the gap with a rubber filler that compresses underneath the weight of a streetcar but would hold up for a bicycle.
So a city with an abundance of progressives gets sued quite a bit for not protecting them from themselves and their inability to not fall off their bicycles. Interesting that is.
While their bicycles wobble perilously about between trolley tracks they demanded be built.
I’m dumb again, so I’m re-posting this here.
Long stretch of straight road + 18 year old boy + Ford Mustang + Florida + Gas station =
What could go wrong?
And an immigrant, to boot.
Honest question: Why would anyone who doesn’t 100% subscribe to (for lack of a better term) woke progressive thinking want to work in academia nowadays?
As a bonus, here’s the woke white dude who was calling that professor out for “anti-blackness”. He’s since protected his twitter account due to hurt feels.
To fight it basically, you can’t be a filthy neutral. I originally wanted to teach but changed my mind due to the beginnings of this nonsense.
Because of the chicks.
That’s like joining the Navy for the sodomy, there’s easier ways to get it.
Also, excuse to wear bow ties.
I guess that’s the only way when ‘join the Nation of Islam’ is off the table.
If you’re a fat Southerner you can probably pull it off.
You’re thinking of a string tie, suh.
[mops forehead with hanky and takes another sip of mint julep]
More death metal
Well, the guy did die this week….
Finally. Zombie Goose.
FFS this is going to be worse than Indiana Jones 4 and Independence Day 2
Maybe in this one he’ll be the flight instructor that orders a Code Red gone wrong on a young pilot with a lone-wolf attitude.
Who’s also his autistic brother.
I said to him “Dammit Ray, you can’t take Qantas, you have to fly the jet, that’s what fighter pilots do!”
You can’t handle the sequel!
Yeah, I have no idea how someone thinks this is a good idea.
But what about Indiana Jones 5?
I give Cruise a ton of credit. He’s made a lot of people a lot of money, he shows up for work on time, doesn’t cause distractions or issues, does his own stunt work, and gets mostly successful films made. But this doesn’t seem like a good idea.
And he’s also a prominent cult leader.
If they limit his role to the Crusty Commander/Mentor Figure who does his thing but doesn’t overshadow the rest of the cast, he’ll be fine.
Rest of the movie, I have no idea what they do with. I mean, fighter planes are sexy as fuck, but we need some stakes for explosive finale.
F-35 vs F-18? Too political? Too boring?
Rip off Macross+ and have our crew be working for one of several companies competing for a new naval fighter contract? Maybe it’s an international competition, so it’s McDonnel vs Sukhoi vs Rafale? (Spoiler: Chinese win while not competing, so we can get that sweet sweet China box office)
You need a few more lobotomies before you’ll be writing for Hollywood Pan.
My money is on a John Henry scifi angle. An EVIL CORPORATION is developing advanced drone systems for the U.S. military, including the first ever drone-based jet fighter. The EVIL CEO of the company (who has fired most of his employees in good ol’ American small towns thanks to extreme automation) claims it can defeat any human in a combat simulation. As the drone jet beats every one of the new Top Gun recruits, they go looking for a retired Maverick so he can return and win one for humanity.
Also there’s some young Chinese technician on an exchange or something that finds the fatal flaw in the drone jet’s design, because Chinese box office.
Not that this is an argument in Hollywood, but…
Well yeah, but 2005 might as well be the 3rd century in Hollywood years, they don’t care. This is the place that almost made a fourth Jurassic Park movie where the dinosaurs were being trained to use guns.
Will Iceman still be Tom’s wingman?
They’ll need a crane to get Val Kilmer up into a cockpit. And a big freaking cockpit.
They had to replace the F-14 with a Hercules.
They’re going to need a whole lot of JATO bottles.
Top Gun II: The Retirement
In the volleyball scene, they all are out of breath and someone breaks a hip. But, they are wearing Ray-Bans so it is cool.
Maverick gets passed over for promotion due to killing his RIO, hot dogging, and generally pissing off his superiors, leaves the Navy, marries the heir to a O-care slush fund, and runs for Senate from California while Iceman is the junior senator from South Carolina?
I like ’em both…let’s get some funding and film our shitty movie.
“scolding, highly inappropriate, racially insensitive, needlessly anti-Monarchical”
Anti-Monarchical? Is Salon American, or not?
Local news just said that Women carry some large percentage of student debt because they graduate in larger numbers (good, and true) and thensya they are slower to pay back because — they get ” 20 less than men.”
NO, you morons, more women than men graduate with bullshit degrees and then are ~shocked they can’t find a job. JFC I knew my PoliSci degree was fucking useless and would lead me to retail (which, spoilers, it did!) and what urged me to go to law school because it was fucking useless. AND THAT WAS IN 1993.
Not to mention that 20% less (or whatever the diff is) is partially due to women leaving the workforce for varying amounts of time. Workforce being the source of getting money to pay those loans off. Also, throw in lower marriage rates (boyfriend isn’t going to pay your school bills unlike a hubby).
If I were a young man today and attending a university, I would choose carefully, and I would NOT under any circumstances associate with, go near, or even talk to any female on campus. There’s this magical new technology called the intertoobz. And you can hook up with a milf in your area who is NOT fucking crazy! Survival skills, young lads, learn them.
I have clients who are in academia, so I frequent U campuses. I seriously see a huge majority of women compared to men. I’m just sort of guessing that most of them are not going for a STEM degree. I mean I’m just guessing. Or maybe I’m a sexist bigot monster. Could be that. Or maybe both.
Men will likely end up paying it off for them so I don’t think they care.
I keep trying to hit the pause button on comments, but I can’t seem to find it. I go to work and come back, 100s of comments! I do stuff that us grunts have to do… 100s of comments! Isn’t there some sort of rewind thing here like on the TV?