Welcome once again fellow aficionados of the absurd to another round of your favorite thing on the Information Superhighway, REVIEWS YOU’LL NEVER USE! This week, we’ll do something a bit unusual, and review a sequel to a film instead of the original. Why? Because this movie came in one of those four-movie $10 DVD multipacks when I bought it several years ago, and I had no idea it was a freaking sequel until I was doing my preliminary research for this column, so fuck me I guess.
To be fair, it’s only a sequel in the loosest sense of the word. The film is Class of 1999, by veteran action director Mark L. Lester. Middle name starts with an L, huh, and last name is Lester. I never liked that. I don’t like alliteration in names, or even using the same beginning letter. I don’t know why, it just rubs me the wrong way. I dislike it just like I dislike it when people have two first names, like Clippers roundball player Chris Paul. Chris Paul? FUCK…YOU, get a last name! Be Chris Paulson, or something like that. Anything, just don’t have two first names! I hate it SO MUCH! I hate you for not changing your name, I hate your parents for having that name, just fucking die!

Stacy Keach, menacingly eating a banana. The crudely stereotyped gay jokes write themselves.
Anyway enough about my hang-ups. Mark Lester directed such endearing childhood memories as Firestarter and Commando. Lately, however, his IMDB reads like the resume of a director only someone like me could love. Dragons of Camelot? Poseidon Rex? Dragon Wasps (the cover art is of a giant wasp breathing fire)? Sand Sharks? Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon? Game of Swords? Holy shit man, I’ve hit the junk cinema jackpot. Oddly, he’s credited as a producer for all of these things on his IMDB page, but if you actually go to the links for the movies themselves, he’s the director. I wonder what that’s all about. Whatever’s wrong, I’m sure it’s the fault of a progressive.

Our three killbots. For some reason one of the military robots was designed to look like an old professor, complete with smoking a pipe. FFS.
Moving on, apparently in 1982 he directed a film called Class of 1984. I’ll not link it, in case I run across it and review it someday. By not linking directly from here, I have thereby prevented any of you from being able to access any information about this film on the World Wide Web on your own initiative. But the gist of it seems to be another one of those, “The kids aren’t alright” movies about an inner-city high school overrun by gangs, new teacher comes in and has to get shit done, yada yada yada.
In 1990, still not satisfied that society wasn’t spiraling downward into an inevitable collapse, he trotted the idea back out and directed Class of 1999. Only now instead of an inner-city decay theme, he decided to make it an action movie about street gangs vs. killbots. It was the right, nay, only move. No shit, this movie stars Pam Grier, Stacy Keach, and Malcolm McDowell as The Principal! Well, they all have supporting roles, but significant screen time, even if the titular stars are the teenage gang-bangers (not people in gangs, but rather, people who regularly engage in gang-bangs).
The film was produced by Vestron Pictures & released by Vestron Video, and had only a very limited theatrical release, but really, check out those links. I thought it sounded familiar, and I immediately saw why. Scroll down a bit and take a look at the gems this company produced back in the day. Great low-budget awesome crap like Street Trash (which I wouldn’t have seen without the recommendation of one of the original H&R schismatics, who unfortunately left prior to the website launch) and Chopping Mall, all the way up to Princess Bride and Dirty Dancing! I had completely forgotten about these guys, but reading through this company’s history brings back a lot of fond memories. Do check out both, as the films for the two branches of the company don’t entirely overlap.
So our film opens with some lazy exposition detailing how by 1999, gangs had taken over the city cores of most major American urban centers and turned them into “free-fire zones” where cops were scared to enter (HA, if only! -ed). In response to the crisis not of apparently ceding sovereignty to gangs but of the fact that the damned gangs aren’t going to school, the gubbmint creates the Department of Education Defense. They’re like hyper-militarized truancy…divisions. One would think that it would be a better use of resources to regain control of the cities first and then run the schools like normal, rather than simply run military ops in no-man’s land for the sole purpose of getting kids to and from schools over which no adults exercise any control, but what would I know, I’m not the visionary director of Dragon Wasps.

This is what upper-class white people thought gangs looked like. Shit, maybe in Seattle, it *is* what gangs look like.
The former gang-leader of the Blackhearts gang, “Cody” (because badass gang leaders are always named that), is let out of prison to resume school in his free-fire zone of Seattle as part of a pilot program. The Blackhearts, by the way, all have this dumbass little tattoo of a black heart on their cheeks to show their affiliation. It doesn’t make me afraid of them, it just makes me want to help them sign up for HIV screening. Cody acts like he wants to lay low to not violate his parole, but bizarrely insists on driving home through the turf of the Blackheart’s rivals, the Razorheads (this is what middle-aged white people actually thought gangs were named). A firefight ensues, and he makes it home only to find his friends, younger brother, and mother all living in decrepitude and addicted to drugs.
Going to school, he meets the new principal’s goody two shoes daughter, Christie. They bond over his bad-boy image and not wanting to be in a gang anymore. We’re introduced to evil corporate CEO Stacy Keach’s trio of new teachers, two of which are people you’ve never heard of, and one of which is Pam Grier. They’re androids programmed to teach, and to be able to physically handle the violent students.
Well of course since Stacy Keach is the head of a profit-making kkkorporation, it turns out he’s evil and only in it for the money, without caring about killing kids, because hey, what’s a few (dozen) dead kids when there’s a buck to be made? THAT’S HOW CAPITALISM WORKS. You see, the three android teachers are actually reprogrammed military robots, and this whole setup is a test run to see how they’ll work in urban combat environments. Unfortunately when Malcolm McDowell finally gets wise, he gets his throat punctured for his troubles.

Robo-view camera angle. Notice there is a selection for unspecified, “Karate Moves”. That’s Grade A schlock for you, right there.
So the androids first discreetly kill a few troublesome kids, then for some reason flip their shit and decide to spark a war between the Razorheads and Blackhearts. While this war of many people firing automatic and semi-automatic weapons at each other from like 10 meters apart with nobody hitting anything rages, the androids sneak behind the lines and go on a murder-spree. There is one rather delightful scene of a kid being pulled backwards through a small hole in the wall, snapping the kid’s torso in half. Afterward, they kidnap Christie and take her to the school, trying to lure the competing gangs into a trap to restart their earlier battle. The gangs figure out what’s up, heroically join forces to defeat the androids, and after a bloodbath battle in the school, literally only Cody & Christie remain alive at the end. At one point, Cody also hilariously accurately hurls a fire axe across a classroom. Seriously, like 50 kids are killed over the course of this movie – it’s like Total Recall only with teenagers.
The effects are workable for being a low-budget grindjob. At the end, when the androids are showing more of their robot parts, it isn’t too hysterical. Also you get to see a fake Pam Grier titty after her chest rips open. There is a gratuitous enough amount of violence to satisfy most people watching this who went into it with eyes open for what they were getting. Unfortunately the writing and directing are where this falls short (the director of Commando not being particularly adept? Gasp!). It suffers from something all of the movies of this particular subgenre suffer from, in a wildly unrealistic depiction of gangs, how gang members interact with each other, what gangs are named, what symbolism they use, etc. It’s more like what worried parents imagined in their heads when the first Hot Topic opened in their lily-white suburban mall and they saw their kids with a Dead Kennedys CD, which, as you probably know, bears precisely zero resemblance to actual gang members and activities. Movies pull shit like that all the time though. What bothers me more is that the robots really go off the reservation, and begin making stupid, witty remarks. At one point, one of them with a drill-hand (which seems much less useful on the battlefield than the other robots’ flamethrower hand and rocket-launcher hand) is drilling into a kid’s head, and he says, “I love to mold young minds!” while grinning manically. They’re robots, dude. They don’t get a boner for killing and make puns. The stupid killbots even slaughter their own support staff. During an earlier chase scene when the robots are driving after Christie & Cody after the teenagers broke into the robot’s shared apartment looking for clues, as they’re flying off a dock into the ocean, one of them says he hates getting wet. I dunno, maybe it’s just me, but I really think the whole Terminator approach to killbots is preferable to the hokey-jokey variety you see here.

Pam Grier finally shedding her limiting human outer shell to reveal the foxy killbot beneath. Notice the look of rapturous joy on her face? I don’t think Mark L. Lester knows what robots are.
Also the guy who plays Cody sounds oddly like Corey Feldman. It was bugging me the whole time.
So to sum up, if you’re not looking for much except a mildly amusing way to kill 90 minutes, it certainly isn’t that bad. Christ knows I’ve seen a lot worse. But don’t let the somewhat interesting premise trick you into thinking you’re getting anything particularly great here, some overlooked low-budget gem. Those movies exist, but this isn’t one of them. It’s one rung above a made-for-TV SyFy Channel Saturday Night Special, which is apparently what Mark L. Lester is churning out these days. The real waste is seeing three good-to-great actors slumming it here.
And oh yes, lest I forget: there is a third film in this series. But that’s a tale for another time.
I rate this film 4 psychotic killbots out of 10.
Something about these Reviews I’ll never use posts keeps getting me to click…
So our film opens with some lazy exposition detailing how by 1999, gangs had taken over the city cores of most major American urban centers and turned them into “free-fire zones” where cops were scared to enter
Wait…is Demolition Man part of a greater cinematic universe?
They are all knock offs of Escape From New York. One of the greatest movies ever made because……..Snake Plissken,
After watching Guardians of the Galaxy 2, I once again don’t understand why Kurt Russel isn’t in at least two movies every year. The man is an American Hero.
I haven’t seen that yet. Is it released to I tunes? I could look, but easier to ask, and I am lazy.
Been in theaters for less than a month. I’m waiting till it’s out, too. I loved the original and wouldn’t mind paying full freight, but… theaters. Eugh.
Find a nice one that lets you get a beer with the show. Totally worth it. Esp if they have the adults only screenings after 6 PM (ie. no kids, babies, min. dress code, etc).
Didn’t think my city has one, but I was wrong. Maybe I’ll check it out this weekend.
I know there is not one of those around here. I have to drink beer with minimal dress code in the lawn chair I watch movies from on my tv.
Outdoor TV, or indoor lawn chair?
Indoor lawn chair. I am a minimalist. I live in three hundred square feet of cooking appliances, utensils, spices, hard wood counter tops on top of custom cabinetry w/a 54″ television over a 1500 square foot shop filled with tools, junk and a boat under construction. I have issues.
Can’t beat an interesting backstory.
Tell me more about this minidress code.
Is he on the not-woke blacklist?
Oh shit, he left the closet some time ago, didn’t he?
Dammit, Kurt, stay hidden and don’t blab, man! I want you in more roles, and John Carpenter is beyond salvation. Exposing yourself as Bad Thinker just wasn’t worth it…
Him, Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn and John Rhys Davies can all get together and make something (make sure to not invite Kevin Sorbo).
He was awesome in The Hateful Eight.
That movie was out there. Disturbing on a few levels.
Typical Tarantino.
I prefer Richard Lester
Do you plan to review Class of ’96?
Gah I remember that twaddle.
I would prefer a review of the classic Class of Nuke ’em High. Although Troma films seem a bit of low hanging fruit. “It’s Troma so expect lots of naked women, and splattering watermelons used for special effects.”
Ah… Chopping Mall. That came on a couple years ago and I was like what the hell why not, and I couldn’t take my eyes off it.
first date with my girlfriend we watched that movie, what a glorious film.
it’s been awhile, should watch it again
Commando is the Perfect 80s Action Flick*. It is as close as we can get to Plato’s ideal form on this Earth. Sad that neither director nor the writer could keep up the high standard set there (although, when you write 48 Hours, Die Hard AND Commando, you should be allowed to retire in opulence).
*yes, even with Rae Dawn Chong in it.
Hmmm, it does have the greatest henchman death in cinematic history.
But unless you amend it with ‘cheesy’ I still think Terminator is better.
Oh, Terminator is a better movie, but, clothes aside, Terminator is not an 80s-specific piece. Likewise Aliens or, say, Big Trouble in Little China.
Terminator gives all the good one-liners to a villain. Aliens is an ensemble piece. And Kurt Russel in BTiLC plays the sidekick, even though he’s unaware that’s what’s going on.
Commando just plays the template of 80s Action Flick with no deviation, and does it in a way no other movie reached, even though many tried.
The running man. All Anrold one liners. It’s as if that was the point of the whole movie. Don’t forget Cobra. “Your a disease and I’m the cure”
Cobra. Possibly the only movie ever to put laser sights on a Jatimatic. Probably the only movie to even feature one.
Commando is a classic in that sense. Nearly every line is quotable.
Predator is, of course, the perfect action movie.
“Let off some steam, Bennett”
For some reason I was thinking Commando was a Globus/Cannon Group film, but apparently not.
I don’t believe I have ever seen Commando nor have I seen any of The Expendibles movies. I sadly see that Conan is coming back.
I vote Predator, but it’s a minor quibble.
I think I saw most of the movies mentioned in this review without seeing the actual movie. Pretty sure Class of 1984 was a staple of the old USA ‘Up All Night’ marathons. For some reason my memories of watching that were a bit smoky.
I rate this film 4 psychotic killbots out of 10.
How dare you disgrace Rosie by calling her a killbot.
Cats ride Roombas. Did cats ever ride Rosie? No. Therefore, killbot. QED.
No, because in the future the chinamans have killed all the cats and cooked them for General Tso’s chicken as god intended. You don’t want a cat sneaking under the hood of your flying car do you?
I laughed at this car decal.
Wait a minute, I think I’ve seen most of this movie.
Whoo! Quincy continues to thread good.
At least you make the cops faint.
I did what now?
Will answer your questions.
You bore me with that reference. I’m going back to my old handle.
New handle, or no, I continue to thread good.
Have you been turned onto RLM’s Best of the Worst? It blows my mind that wannabe actors and directors submitted to the indignities of 80s straight-to-VHS schlock.
There was never even one indignity that occurred in the 80’s you philistine. It was the golden decade of the century.
I was wrong: some of the worst were in fact from the 90s.
Christina Applegate… yum.
So much this. The fact that she’s funny as Hell only makes her sexier.
I’m sorry — Morgan Fairchild still makes my day, even though she’s already 67 years old. Yowza.
Sorry, but she’s taken. By Dunphy no less.
70s hair wins
As bizarre as the 1980s were, at least we had John Hughes to translate our zeitgeist back to ourselves.
I don’t think anyone has done that for the millenial generation. i don’t think anyone has found the pony in their pile of poo yet.
I don’t think it would be possible. Too fractured.
Too much poo.
SLC Punk, maybe.
+1 Molly Ringwald
Meh. Never did understand the attraction of the Ringwald.
She was not the hottest thing going, but I don’t know. Something. Maybe all of us wallowing in mediocrity could maybe see ourselves maybe getting someone like her to talk to us. Being a teen is a fucked up time in ones life for most people. Gilmore is right. John Hughes was able to make movies about it and captured a generation there.
I totally had the hots for Bender.
Exactly. We all wanted to be him or do him.
Claire was all kinds of wrong but totally doable – just like Bender.
That was a reply to w
Class of ’84 opened for Pink Floyd’s The Wall at the local theatre back in the day, 4 bottles of cheap wine, and a guy getting table sawed in Woodshop,
16 years old was fun!
I was but a wee pre-teen when that movie came out but i remember it vividly. It was riding on the coat-tails of popularized “Punk” culture (*and hiphop to a lesser degree)…
…by which i mean the ‘appearance’ of both – not the music of either
as you suggest, it was basically about how “the new youth generation is completely incomprehensible to the old generation”; and also, unlike previous generations, especially violent and mature for their age. Teenagers were all sniffing glue, getting into knife fights, being openly gay, and wearing cut-up neon clothes. The 80s, basically.
I think i might have snuck in to a theater and seen some of it with some older kids. it was rumored to be ‘extreme’, and those were the days when the bar for “extreme” was constantly being raised. e.g. Teen entertainment of the 1980s = The Toxic Avenger, Truly Tasteless Jokes, grainy Faces of Death VHS dubs, counting how many people Schwartzenegger killed in Commando, incompetent skateboarding, etc.
basically, when i was 8 years old, it seemed like a movie that was saying something important about contemporary culture. But that’s because i was 8 and i was an idiot. Its available here on Youtube. I am watching the credits now. I am a little disturbed to see that both Lalo Schifrin and Alice Cooper contributed to the soundtrack. Neither of whom are the slightest bit “80s”, really. Its sort of a bad indicator of its cultural-hipness.
*It features Michael J Fox playing the trumpet.
or claiming to
Perry King! *sigh*
/tween me
wasn’t he in some TV show? “Hardcastle and McCormick”? or something else? not Simon+Simon…. some buddy-cop show?
Mmmm hmmm
I would have guessed that the male-heart-throb in Class of 1984 was the blonde, angst-ridden Punk Teen ne’er-do-well, Timothy Van Patten, who later went on to play the blonde, angst-ridden Italian Teen “Salami” in The White Shadow
Never heard of him but would, sure.
Look, buddy, I grew up on the mean streets of Colorado Springs, CO, in the eighties, and that’s exactly what the street gangs looked like.
Also, the scary rumors were of a guy calling himself “kilo”, a supposed member of the Vermijo Boys, who apparently mugged a priest.
Damn dirty foreigners, corrupting kids with their “metric” system.
I love it. Quincy, you magnificent bastard!
Vermijo? I had to search, and that is a street. I am guessing even the hispanic gang members in the springs in the 80’s didn’t speak spanish,
So I have jury duty, I’m really not jazzed about it. Will bringing up jury nullification in a Texas courtroom get me out of jury duty, or will it get me arrested for contempt or will they just not care?
Turned over to ICE for deportation. Country of your choice. As long as your choice is Mexico.
Tell them you are a libertarian and have suspicions about police tactics and the prosecutor will dismiss you asap.
The Master Chief who gave the law lectures (he also had a law degree) when I was at LE school in the Coast Guard told us if we were called for jury duty to tell them that we had attended USCG LE school and the defendants attorney would dismiss us without question. I figure it works both ways.
My last jury summons was an easy out as well. It was a simple assault case, and I was asked (by the prosecutor) about testimony of family.
My response was that a family member will stab you in the back as quickly as anyone else.
How do they know that you received the summons?
When they ask your name, just respond, “It doesn’t matter, the nigger’s guilty.” You’ll be excused.
Ah, the ‘Uncle Ruckus’ strategy.
Question to lawyers = is it a crime to lie during jury selection? I can’t remember. I think i remember signing something. Not that *I* lied, but was just wondering if other people did, if it would be a potential problem.
Even if it is, if you’re lying about an opinion of yours, it’s impossible to prove. I hung a jury in a federal narcotics trial, and the case was not re-tried. During voir dire we’d been asked if any of us thought the sale of narcotics should be legal; I didn’t say I did. Had I been asked, I’d’ve said I didn’t.
In another voir dire (not federal) years later, I was asked the same question 1-on-1. I said, “Huh. I never thought about that. Should I?”
Lying or dodging like that is some of the most fun you can have. They’re at your mercy.
That’s not really what i meant. I was screened for jury duty twice and was booted both times for an answer to the question “are any family members of yours lawyers”. which was “yes”, and when they asked where i answered [generic big time law firm]
I don’t know why they didn’t like that, but they didn’t. fwiw, both cases were personal injury lawsuits. I suspect they know that people w/ lawyers in the family will talk to them about the case and it will spoil the jury pool when said juror starts playing petit-atticus-finch in jury deliberations or something.
I was wondering if someone else answered yes whether they’d actually be checked on it.
I did one year of Law School back in the 80s. Been called for jury duty several times. All I had to do was mention that year of LS, and it was “Thank you every much, you’re excused.”
Never thought that abortive year was gonna be so useful.
I’ve found working for an insurance company to be handy.
Remember a story some years ago about a woman being charged for just that after hanging a jury. Don’t remember how it ended up.
It’s not difficult to have yourself eliminated. Often, just carrying one of those pocket copies of the US Constitution will upset one or both legal teams. Their worst nightmare is a case that’s complicated by a jury member who might have an interest in law.
SWMBO typically attends court with a copy of something like “The Open Society and its Enemies” or “Free to Choose”. She has been called for duty at least 6 times in the last 20 years, and has never been asked back the second day.
Soooo, on a whim following discussions with a coworker, took a quick look at the current DRMO stock coming up for auction….
Anyone ever picked up gov’t surplus that way? vehicles, etc? I’d have to drive to Norfolk, but for the amount of money I might save…..?
Looks like a possibility of getting a 100lb tool chest (with pretty much a full set of everything – albeit probably used (how used depends which air squadron it came from I guess)) is a decent possibility for a bargain…unless I’m competing with more ninjas than ebay.
Only gov surplus I every bought was way back in the day when the post office changed their fleet, and you could buy old mail trucks for $49. You get what you pay for.
What… did you do with a $49 post office truck?
Hitler….? Sex….?
I’m imagining it involved running aluminum cans across state lines.
Apparently it was glass bottles… and now that I think about it, it may not have involved Newman’s USPS truck.
Yea, gov auctions is great actually. Registering to bid can be a pain in the dick but you do get some nice stuff from time to time. Pay close attention to the pickup requirements though, some will require you to send your own truck to whatever far flung base to collect.
Watching the old John Adams miniseries with Paul Giamatti, it’s pretty good.
This is quite possibly the most Dutch thing I’ve ever seen.
“Yes yes American, republics are great and all that, just tell us how much it’s going to cost us.”
Streaming it? Looks good.
Borrowed the DVDs, hadn’t heard of it until I saw it at a friend’s place. I’m enjoying it, most of the casting is really good (David Morse is an excellent Washington).
Also Giamatti as Adams is great, he’s got this great balance of being nervous and also barely hiding how pissed off he is when people mock him or his ideals.
TEN MILLION DOLLARS! *holds pinkie to mouth*
It’s one of my favorite things I’ve seen on television. I think Giamatti and Linney deserved every award they won that year and more.
Holy shit! I just saw this a couple of months ago. Reviews You’ll Never Use fails to live up to it’s name.
Jared Kushner may know some Russians! He may even know where Russia is! The FBI is investigating!
Even the headline I saw being passed around on Facebook was hedging on “being scrutinized” rather than using the word investigation.
Hard-hitting journalism, guys.
I have been in a one comment a day discussion on reddit with some dimwit prog for four days essentially trying to make that point. I can’t decide if the person is 12 or some educated young person. Usually I am just called a Russian shill and told to fuck off with numerous down votes. This one actually had a discussion. I found amusement in it until they called me a racist yesterday for disproving one of their Think Progress talking points. Actually, I didn’t even disprove it, I just said they may want to check the facts there. They disproved it on their own.
So fucking racist.
jfc this was the lead story on the local news tonite. The commentary even made some effort at disclaiming that it wasn’t an investigation — then why the HELL is this the lead story? It’s not even new, ffs
The Tories: Britain’s Stupid Party.
And when you’re running against Corbyn, being the Stupid Party is impressive.
Gojira, if I decide that money is no longer of value, I’m gonna hire you to take the Seth Rich story to the big screen.
Who will you put in the roles of:
Seth Rich
Kim Dotcom
Rod Wheeler
So I’ll admit it: I just rented and watched, UNDERWORLD: BLOOD WARS. Yeah, it was pretty lousy but Kate Beckinsale still looks AMAZING in that black vinyl get-up! Hell, I’ve pissed away two hours on less.
It’s either time to quit drinking, go to bed, or both. I read that as UNDERCOVER BOSS: WARS. Where did that come from?
Yeah, I’d forgive watching it, but renting? No. Watched Duck, You Sucker! last night. Awesome movie. Lee Marvin’s mouth and that sea of teeth should’ve won an Oscar.
straffin made the AM thread!
Day off, the wife’s at work and the kid’s at school. What to do, what to do?
Do they sell ripped off movies on a street cart in Japan like they do in Thailand? My Japanese experience is nothing but an airport layover.
straffinrun, Duck, You Sucker! is great– but there are those hazy, slow motion 10-minute long “flashback” scenes that Leone started to indulge in by the ’70’s. And of course there are no scenes of KATE BECKINSALE IN A FUCKING SKIN TIGHT VINYL OUTFIT! Just sayin…
CBS gets “edgy”.
Wait. Which one of us needs to quit drinking? I’m not being a smart ass. I really want to know. But for the booze I never would have finished watching this movie. UNDERCOVER BOSS: WARS actually sounds pretty good. As long as it has Kate Beckinsale in a skin-tight vinyl outfit I’ll watch it.
It’s H. R. McMaster in a skin-tight uniform showing midriff, attempting to pass as a grunt.
Me. I’m the one who couldn’t read the words on the screen. I really should go to sleep but I’m still on a west coast circadian rhythm.
How can you sleep with all those circadias chirping outside.
I read it as UNDERWEAR BLOOD WARS. I will quit drinking soon. I am almost out of beer, and I forgot to get limes.
I liked her blonde friend from the original better. Beckinsale was a lot like Carrie-Anne Moss, just didn’t do a lot for me.
Well jeepers, commodious. I’m sorry we dig on different women. The blonde was Sophia Myles. They weren’t “friends” however. The blonde (Erika) was macking on the dude (Kraven) who was macking on Kate Beckinsale (Selene). My god it’s depressing how much I know about a crummy series of movies. You’re right, though. Sophia Myles is a cutie.
Welp, now I feel like I haven’t even seen the movie. I was maybe 14 at the time. All I remember is blond girl jumping for the ceiling when she found the bite marks on dude’s neck.
Was that series PG13? ‘Cuz I don’t remember any tits. Which is a shame, given the cast.
Other than Bill Nighy, that is.
Stupid sexy Bill Nighy.
God damn you, commodius! Now I feel old. There were no tits in UNDERWORLD. At least none a sane person would want to see. It was 2003. I was 30 years old and still riding the zeitgeist from the 9/11 attacks. Because of the general state of uncertainty that had resulted from the worst attack on America since Pearl Harbor there is a chance that I was swimming in pussy. Swimming. In. Pussy. Absent another existential crisis I doubt I will ever experience another Golden Age again. We shall see.
Well, I’m 30 now and Kate is still rocking her outfit. And I’m not swimming in pussy, but neither is anyone else, as far as I can make out. Seems like pussy has gone the way of broadcast TV. Now it’s all Netflix and early access games and swiping left for hookups. Or right, I don’t know. Seems pretty depressing, either way.
There were no tits, young John Titor would have remembered them. I do remember the werewolf effects being worse than bloody Dog Soldiers’.
I’d let Kate Beckinsale whip me with an honest-to-God cat-o’-nine-tails.
So would I.
The lady and I tried to watch that. But during the intro we realized we had watched another total piece of cack. So we downloaded it and watched it.
Spoiler alert : it was bad!
But at least it didn’t think it was good. That counts for a lot.
Uh, had *not watched. The previous movie.
This OT is nuts.
Sloopy’s going to be extra insufferable in the Morning Links.
Man, I forgot to comment on the Cavs game tonight.
They won, so a rematch from last year where the Warriors had to play against the Cavs and the refs.
Wasn’t ever into vinyl, but Sarah Kerrigan in her ghost suit was a thing growing up.
You pig!
‘Member when Blizzard didn’t take themselves so goddamn seriously and recognized that their stories were goofy B-movie class? I ‘member.
Oh my God, right? Like, Tassadar’s sacrifice, or Leah turning into Diablo… it’s all so, um.
*pretends he’s not currently logged in on his rogue*
Her original voice actress had the sexier voice.
Queen… of Blades.
No shout out for Truck Stop Women?
Evidently these Turkeys have never heard of Thanksgiving.
So how is killing a fetus homicide?
Non-government solutions
Imagine the tax revenue it you legalized it.
It wouldn’t be worth a half billion if it were legal. Let’s see… the article said it was a half acre crop,
according to http://www.wvgazettemail.com/News/201205020218 a farmer in WV produced
500 pounds of tobacco on a half acre at $1.81/pound. So that’s $905 worth of crop on
a half acre of land.
Assuming that the increased production opportunities that would arise from an additional
potential use of the land wouldn’t more than double the cash productivity, we’re
looking at a value of the opium under legalization of perhaps $2000 for the half
I note that $500M for a half acre is (runs units…) um, $11000 per square foot.
At that price, I could pay for a new house with a single year of a 4×8 grow
setup in the basement.
I call BS.
Yeah, half a billion for half an acre is not even bullshit. It is willful lying like you get from young children who have no idea how the world works. At that price everyone in Afghanistan/Pakistan would be living in golden palaces and have their own fancy flying carpet.
No you can’t have my car
More antics at Toddler U. They’re all Toddler U.
SP and I broke down and coughed up the $15 for Veep Season 5. Watched the first two last night. God-DAMN, that’s the funniest show on television, and sooooo well gets the aesthetic right.
Class of 1999 was cheesy and hokey for sure, but the hero bike is actually a quite rare and cool Honda NX250.
I happen to have one, and when I saw one in the movie I got irrationally excited