I don’t even think they had any meaningful sportsball yesterday. Except for there fact that Manure won the Europa League (which has existed for more than 20 years). And the Firstros lost a game, which I feel compelled to mention so as not to be accused of giving only good news involving them. Anyway, the real big shit happens tonight at the Wales Conference reaches a crescendo and the Celtics have their season ended by the Cavs, which I feel comfortable reporting as a fact even 13 hours ahead of the game.
Anyway, blah, blah, blah. Other stuff and shit. You guys want to get right into it. So here come…the links!

Greg Gianforte
Montana special election takes a turn toward the insane when the Republican hopeful decided to literally bodyslam a reporter that got in his face. When asked for a comment on the incident, the candidate was heard to say “oh yeah!” He was cited for misdemeanor assault, which would not prevent him from taking office and by law could not even be adjudicated until after he leaves his post, should he win.
When DREAMing goes wrong. But hey, when you’re such a piece of shit that you’d illegally export arms to another country through drug cartels and you’d climb on top of a school full of dead children to call for gun control , I shouldn’t be surprised when you’d also let violent gang members in after they had been apprehended.
Dirty little bastard. He’s lucky it wasn’t my kid otherwise his sentence would have included spending more than the next five years eternity on probation in a pine box.

The offending clown
Aw shit. They’re baaaaaaaaack!
I guess this guy never heard the phrase “quit while you’re ahead.” Dumbass.
The title to this isn’t accurate. I know a lot more than just this one. Sometimes for better and sometimes for worse.
Have a great day, friends! A freaking great day.
Good, because this is for you.
Sub Pop founder says silly shit.
Full of shit or completely full of shit?
Just another old person with a “back in my day….” bullshit story.
I’m an old person and a music enthusiast. SP and I go to concerts pretty regularly, even host them at our house. I’ve collected LPs, CDs, whatever. The availability of music now is ridiculously better than it’s ever been, and the emergence of streaming, YouTube, and the like has removed the gatekeepers of the music industry and allowed niche performers to reach their audiences.
Clearly, this guy loves collecting, not music. There are lots of people like him, and every time one of them tells me it’s about the music, I punch him in the testicles.
You’re one of those good ones, OMWC.
ones(((ones))) ftfyWhat’s interesting is with the internet, you could almost argue that we’ve reached post-scarcity for entertainment (music more specifically). I can find more music in every genre now then I could even with all of the underground record stores back in the day, and quite a bit of it for free.
Back in my day you had to walk up hill both ways to get one damn song.
When someone sinks that much investment into one or two songs, they’re going to be more inclined to tell themselves they were worth the trouble.
When they can hit “ship and downvote”, they won’t bother to coddle artists who don’t meet expectations.
Completely full of shit. He inadvertently just applauded the efficiency of the internet in all things involving research as both a time-saver and means of convenience.
Back in Russia when we would get bread once a month we really appreciated it.
As a kid who had to drive an hour to Moorhead, Minnesoda just to have a chance at getting some decent music, I say fuck this guy in the neck.
On the other hand, the only problem I have with e-books is that they are too convenient. In the old days, finding all the books in a series was sort of difficult and you wouldn’t be able to read them in order in one big binge. With e-books, I find myself doing that too often. I need some disrupter to make me take a break. Won’t someone create a large federal bureaucracy to save me from myself?
Or we could just go have coffee and watch the yoga chicks for awhile…
Just like a stinking libertarian. Your solutions always involve capitalist exploitation of the workers and the Male Gaze.
Yeah, exactly.
You’re in, then?
Totes! Just let me get my creeper monocle ready…
I was walking into the grocery when the hot yoga class next to the store let out last night. Based on their advertising, I was under the impression it was where the Laker Girls hung out when they weren’t at basketball games. However the crowd leaving that class was quite a bit older, quite a bit saggier, a bit more masculine, and not quite what the brochure had shown. Now I know advertisements stretch the truth, but this was downright misrepresentation.
Temperature of the room,not quality of the participant.
What a dummy. Course he made good money with subpop. But the days of $15.99 cd’s are over. Good riddance.
It was cool and edgy when he disrupted the music industry. He no likey being disrupted.
I kind of understand where he is coming in from – I used to have to scour the stores for the type of music I was into. Living in a backwater of Michigan didn’t help, so I had to use a lot of mail order, trips to Chicago or Ann Arbor, and depend on a lot of luck. I also got burned – a lot – by reading the music reviews in Forced Exposure, etc – tracking the album down, and end up not liking the band. But when you did score something really good, it was a moment of elation. Also sharing that music with my friends.
Now it’s a heck of a lot easier (thank goodness!) – and I can listen to whole songs / albums if I decide I want to add something to my physical collection. But the thrill of the hunt isn’t there anymore. Though it does come in small doses – like tracking down a rare German copy of John Phillips “The Wolf King of LA”, or my collection of Japanese pressings, with their OBI strips, of the The Police.
Ann Arbor
…is a whore.
And yet still better than Columbus.
Note: I have never been to either city, I don’t think.
I do miss my old independent record store. It was a fun place to hang out when I was a kid, and you could listen to any CD before buying it. I found a lot of bands I’d have never heard of otherwise. They used to have a big whiteboard with all the upcoming releases. Still, it’s simply much easier these days.
Postscript – the place is now a Bonchon, so I still go there!
There’s the joy of the hunt tracking down items to complete a collection. OTOH, wtf am I supposed to do when shit is out of print and the CD is going for 150$?
I’m sure the Russians will sell you a hi bit rate copy for $1.50.
Well, recordings of the music do have less value because it costs almost nothing to replicate and distribute files over the internet.
On this site of all places, I wouldn’t expect to find such a fallacy. The cost of the inputs isn’t the value, bruh.
My problem with streaming music, is that it seems to have broken the concept of an album.
Which takes us back to the 1950s, so it isn’t like the album as a unit of music was a long term thing, but I liked it.
There are still some people who get the album format as one unit.
It is rare though
Even in the digital age, I still only listen to “albums”.
When I was a kid listening to “album rock” stations it used to piss me off when they’d play Heartbreaker and then NOT play Living Loving Maid. Bastards.
This pretty much. Most of the time I just set my ipod/itunes to play by artist one album at a time.
My new format for discovering bands is pretty much exclusively through youtube music videos though (and many of those are fan-made anime music videos using music I’ve never heard before).
Gah! Borderline NSFW image for the links, you trying to fuck up my day at work? >.>
That’s what you get for working at the Amish furniture factory.
Big corporation, so basically the same thing when it comes to anything even slightly sexual. 🙁
Why would someone consider a
JediSith Lord sexual?I don’t think Seth Lords are even slightly hot. (SFW)
Sloopy is alt texting the image. Pray he doesn’t alt text the image any further.
I’m as open minded as the next guy, but I draw the line at alt-textuals.
Okay when I switch between two threads on Glibertarians, I will sometimes have the read/not read status of new comments properly preserved. But other times, it will mark as read new comments on the thread I had not been looking at.
For example, when I opened the links today both of the comments were in the unhighlighted “old comments” hue instead of highlighted as new. Not so much a problem when there are so few, but when I’m going back to the more established thread, finding the new remarks becomes more difficult if the site mis-flags them.
Anyone know what causes this and how to avoid it?
Anyone know what causes this and how to avoid it?
So what causes this and how do I avoid it?
I’m not at liberty to say.
Seriously, I have no idea. It’s never happened to me. Maybe it was an illusion. Or maybe nothing shows up as “new” the first time you open a thread.
Try it again later today when a thread opens up.
I’ve been seeing it for weeks. And just now it happened again with regarding one of Lord H’s posts down below as read after I’d peeked back at the Teacher thread. It was one of those “Am I imagining it?” issues for the longest time.
The color isn’t read or unread. It’s denotes the homosexuality of the poster. They come in gay, and gayer.
Is everyone else seeing Bob’s post as flaming pink?
Luke, I can feel your
angerfinger rising up.Michigan’s transgender community faces poverty, bias, study shows
It would take balls to be a transgender woman in Detroit.
*thinks about it*
*golf clap*
We are human beings, and we should have all the rights that are afforded with that.”
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume by “rights” she means she’s entitled to shit at my expense. Because whoever the fuck you are, being assaulted is still against the law.
I like to think of this person’s utopia. She goes to Thanksgiving dinner with her family (who have been forced by law to invite her). Behind each family member is some storm trooper with riot gear on. If anyone dares to do anything but gush praises about this person they get 5 across the eyes for transphobia.
I agree with you that “rights” doesn’t mean that you will be left alone and not fucked with. It means that everyone will have to agree that your life choices are the absolute best and everyone wishes they could be you.
The goal used to be tolerance. Now, the goal is wildly enthusiastic endorsement. Every choice everyone makes is awesome and we should celebrate it! Well, unless you’re a shitlord or something.
Bring crazy can depress job opportunities. Unless you’re a used car salesman.
Even then, only if it’s your deals that are insane.
“Come down to crazy Caitlyn’s. I’m so crazy I’m giving cars away! I’m so crazy I cut my dick off!”
Me: Hmmm, maybe he really is giving cars away.
Being around that person and cars does not work out so well for people…
“Buckle up, buckaroos!”
Damn, missed sloopy’s post just a little further down. Guess I’m supposed to read all the comments before writing my own. *hangs head in shame*
Buzzfeed this week: “Caitlyn Jenner is as much of a woman as Michelle Obama.” Actual quote.
That specific comparison may be true.
The Wookie is a man? So the rumors that Barry is gay were right!
*thinks about it*
They may not be wrong there.
Useful idiots so brainwashed that they dont know what they are saying. FFS I started laughing before I finished reading that but they went ahead and published it.
Ok, but that’s like saying that the guy who got a whole bunch of surgery to make himself look like a “dragon” is actually a dragon. Which is fine, but if you really, really believe that you’ll have no problem with him grabbing you and jumping off a tall building, since, being a dragon, he can probably fly, right?
Like, I can *feel* that I’m a horse, but if I were to, say, mate with a horse, a baby horse wouldn’t ensue.
George Noory had a guy on Coast to Coast years ago; he claimed that he was a reincarnated horse. He said he is sexually attracted to female horses and that they are in turn attracted to him. He told a story about how he was at a horse farm when a mare was in season. It was a touching story of unrequited love.
This is how we get centaurs.
Nobody wants centaurs.
“Crazy Caitlyn’s, home of the great deals. We promise we won’t dick you around on a used car.”
Then buckle up, buckaroo!
Or a writer for Salon, HuffPo, Slate, …
Show me the money.
The shit people won’t do to get other people’s money…
Well Detroit’s government and citizenry are overrun with Trump loyalists, so she shouldn’t be surprised.
I wonder in which direction the arrow of causation points.
Seriously, is there ANY news article where “Y causes X” is more plausible than the implication in the article that X causes Y? It’s almost a fucking Iron Law at this point.
Nice choice, Sloopy. I haven’t dug them in awhile. Here’s another good one
thanks. They need to turn the synths down a tad and the vocals up. But I always liked them.
Here’s another band from the same town.
Sometimes, a little BritPop is just what’s needed.
God dammit. I swear I was either gonna play that or Jamiroquoi tomorrow. Now I can’t play either.
I wish this special election would hurry up and be over. *Every* friggin YouTube I click begins with the same damn Gianforte hit piece. Montana are sure spending a bunch of their own money on this thing.
I humbly present this gentleman for consideration
I freaking love that guy.
And I spent a good bit of yesterday reading Bush War shit, so the video you chose is eerie.
Good job, Tundra.
A 10% hike to mortgage payments would sink almost 3 quarters of homeowners, Manulife says
Rate hikes coming. Should be fun.
Fixed-rate mortgage, and bought a house I could afford to make oversized payments on to burn principle faster.
Oddly, the banker was surprised I had my stuff together when I applied, and the realtor was surprised I’d gotten my loan pre-approvals before starting house shopping.
Why wouldn’t you start with knowing what you could afford and how much you could borrow on it?
Depends on if you believe the Fed will have your back and never let interest rates rise above, say, 3%. They’ve incentivized borrowing based on perpetually low interest rates and so it’s hard to blame the borrowers for following suit.
People are dumb, really dumb. I work on the commercial side of finance, where people are a bit more savvy, but I still run into people that can’t read their financial statements or explain the real-world events influencing their financial statements to me. The retail side of finance is way, way worse. I know a lot of people that couldn’t even figure out how much they could afford to spend on an apartment lease and ruined their credit.
Was in the same boat UnCivil. The agent I dealt with kept asking me why I would only want 30% of the amount I could borrow. I pointed that was all I needed to cover my property, and while I could afford far more, I didn’t need to. Her response was that she would have borrowed whatever the bank said they would allow, and then done fun stuff with it. Buy a big boat, new car, go on vacation. I pointed out that of course she would because her commission likely was tied to making people borrow as much as she could get away with, and when I couldn’t pay back the money they would take away all those neat things with glee, and she stopped bugging me.
When I bought my condo back in 1998 (see interest rate comment below), I decided I wanted to spend about $100k (I ended up at $115k). When I got preapproved at the bank they said I could get a loan up to $200k. I laughed at them. The guy asked what was so funny, and I said that a $200k loan would bankrupt me.
Are there that many people out there with variable rate mortgages?
That was my thought. When UP is pretty much the only direction rates can go, why would you not get a fixed rate mortgage?
Because you’re a tard?
So much this.
That’s the only possible answer
I know a few people with 5/1 and 7/1 ARMs – they’ll give you a lower fixed rate for the first several years if you agree to take the variable rate for the rest of the term. It’s basically people gambling that they will be making more money before the variable rate hits, or they’ll sell the house at the end of the fixed rate period, or they just don’t know any better.
Teaser rates were the nails in the suicide vest that exploded in 2007-08.
Well, that and virtually no due diligence on applicants.
Denied a mortgage they can’t afford – racist
Given a mortgage they can’t afford – racist
When I bought my first place back in 2000, I had an argument with the broker over taking a 15 year fixed versus taking a 30 year with extra cash out to spend on an RV or whatever else. It was insane.
When I sold that place, the buyers took out a two income justified 40 year mortgage.
if the rates are the same and there’s no pre-payment penalty, why not take the longer term? you can always overpay, can’t underpay
As disciplined as I think I am, taking the 15 year payoff plan forces the issue much better than my will can.
The few times I’ve looked into rates and what not the 15 year is always a slightly lower rate.
15 years typically have lower rates, even though the monthly payment may be higher
That’s a great question. I’m looking, but it’s not easy to find.
Probably lots of 5 year ARMs or 5 year fixed with balloons that need to be refi’d. People do some crazy shit to afford more house. Me, I like to keep the risk of losing my home minimized. Other people will take crazy risks to own a home.
My rule for buying a house: only fixed mortgage. Don’t buy more than you can afford, keeping to roughly one paycheck for the payment. Related to the latter, make sure you can still afford the house if only one person is working. Because someone is bound to be laid off during an economic down turn.
Sadly, yes. I had this argument with the Mortgage Manager here at the credit union a week ago. His position is that a person should take advantage of the lower rate, which is fixed for the first three to five years, but base their budget on the highest payment amount, which is disclosed upfront. It makes sense but it doesn’t reflect human nature. Most people if you tell them their payment will be X but could go as high as Y completely disregard the possibility of Y and only budget for X. They also don’t seem to realize that during the life of their mortgage their insurance and property taxes will inevitably rise so that when combined with the rate increase the overall payment can easily become unmanageable.
Add it all up, and that means 72 per cent of homeowners polled couldn’t withstand a hike of just 10 per cent
No it means 72 percent wouldn’t admit to it on a survey. I certainly wouldn’t. If you asked me if I could afford a ten percent hike in the price of a cheeseburger I would say no because I would assume if enough people said yes my burger price would go up.
True, plus I doubt people are thinking about areas that they can cut back if this were to happen. They’re probably thinking about whether they could afford it given that all of their other expenses stay the same.
Its a realistic question for me. I live close enough to the coast in central FL that my insurance is a bitch (but at least living on the only hill in the area, I’m 40 feet above the high tide line, and a mile inland). If we have 2 hurricanes this summer and my insurance rates doubled, I would be looking at a 10% monthly rate hike.
One of the other reasons why this is so is the ‘free money’ people get for the Mortgage Interest Rate deduction. Who wouldn’t want the effect of Uncle Sam subsidizing your McMansion obsession?
The misleading point about the statistic though is that the 10% raise in interest rates isn’t at all likely to happen all at once (or even at all). The sobering thought though is that there would still be a significant percentage of householders who couldn’t maintain their mortgage with a far more likely 6-7% hike in rates.
While I don’t doubt that the majority of home owners are not well suited to any increase in their mortgage payments this survey is basically meaningless because it is just asking peoples opinions of their financial situation and not really based on any actual facts.
It is not that 72 percent could not afford a 10% increase in their mortgage payment, it is that 72% don’t think they could afford that. The reality is that half or more of that 72% would find a way to adjust if their mortgage payment went up by 10%
I don’t see the problem.
When rates change, current fixed rate mortgage holders keep the same rate, so not a problem.
If rates go up, future home purchasers just need to buy a 10% smaller home or something.
Also, my first mortgage in 1998 was at 7.125%, IIRC, and I thought that was a damn good rate. I later re-fied to 6.25%.
The point being, huge compared to today.
Abortion in Latin America: feminism’s final frontier
something Catholic something girls
She adds that poor, Afro-descendant and indigenous women are also more likely to go to prison for having an illegal abortion.
So basically everyone except the Nazis that escaped to there.
I think they have more ‘back alley’ abortions in latin america in a day than we do here in the us in a year.
You’d think abortionists would be into the home visit rather than maintaining all these back alley storefronts.
Women to Women Choir is ‘re-energized’ by the president
Marches against Donald Trump gets feminist choir back to work
They should ask the priest how the church they’re performing in feels about abortion and other feminist issues.
Why the hell would anyone care what a bunch of Canuckistani bitches think about the US President?
‘Speed racer’ on mobility scooter caught on camera
Hilarious! Pretty dangerous, though, with everyone driving on the wrong side of the road…
The Mark 11 is terrible.
Sheesh, ruined the joke.
For what it’s worth, Queensland is the Florida of Australia.
Come to think of it, consider this equation:
(People of Wal*Mart + Florida Man) x Geezers = Why Haven’t We Seen This on US1 or Highway 19 Yet?
Illegal NSA searches.
How is this not front page news?
Stupid phone
Hey, it was in my links yesterday. Don’t blame me.
let me give you the kneejerk reaction from Dem-fellators:
circa is owned by Sinclair Media which is in a current brouhaha for deals arranged with Trump admin officials during the HRC-pocalypse, i.e. 2016 election. therefore this is fake news.
there. saved you from having to post this on derpbook.
Oh you KNOW how its not front page news.
(I know you’re being rhetorical)
Because the guy that did it was team blue, and the media shills for them saw that as a great thing? If it was a team red guy saying they wanted to explore something like this, then it would be front page and they would be calling for legal action and impeachment.
If Trump was smart he would hold national press conferences where he lays out the crimes of the Obamas and Clintons.
Or, he could let the machinery just set loose grind out those details for him and not wade into the fray.
The machinery doesn’t report the story. People don’t know about spying or the IRS attacks. The just know the news “reported a republican claimed something but it has been thoroughly debunked by Brian Williams and an expert.”
If Trump
was smarthad a death wish he would hold national press conferences where he lays out the crimes of the Obamas and Clintons.FIFY
The dnc operatives with bylines would blame him for whatever those two did because he is not a think-good person, and team blue douches would be screaming about how he compromised national security because he fluffs Putin, or something.
I hate all of the maybes and couldas and soft pedaling. Just come out and say it: Obama was banana republic dictator thug material who used government surveillance on his political opponents and the american people. What he did makes Nixon look like a sunday school teacher. He belongs in jail.
Bumper sticker I saw yesterday:
Aids, Ebola, Obama
Thanks Africa!
“How is the not front page news?”
Did the surname of the president at the time begin with an “O”?
Because it’s not coming from the WaPo or NYT, hence it’s Trumpistani Fake News. Seriously, I thought about sharing it on my Facebook page and violating the “no politics” truce I’ve got going on because it’s that big a deal, but I knew that the people I’d be trying to reach with it will take one look and claim that it’s Russian propaganda. It would seriously have to be published on HuffPo and authored by Chuck Schumer for some of these people to believe it.
Workhorse is Now Taking Reservations on a Consumer Version of Its Electric Pickup
Tesla, Bolt and Leaf drivers are not the sort of people for whom your average pickup was made.
*hooks up boat trailer and drives to end of driveway*
*plugs in again*
So stupid. My neighbor just got a nasty little surprise on his hybrid Highlander. A battery control unit puked out of warranty – $5,000!
Complexity is not your friend.
This is why I was thrilled when my wife’s Prius was totaled in a wreck last month with 125K miles. That battery failure was just a matter of time, and it was long out of warranty. Replaced it with a very nice CPO Mazda CX-9. Score!
Pay attention people. This here is how you shitlord properly. Rejoice when your wife gets in a car accident because it is going to save you money in the long run. Well done!!
Hey, she came out of it unscathed. Not a scratch….unlike her little hippiemobile.
I was kidding of course. I am sure you would not be celebrating if she was hurt. I often wondered what the resale value was on a used Prius. I can’t imagine many people wanting to deal with one. I have never cared enough to look though.
Probably about the same as the resale on a used wife, for the same reasons.
Speaking of cars, I got the okay to not buy a family car for my next vehicle purchase. As long as someone can squeeze into the backseat (no Porsche Boxster or BMW Z) then I can buy it. I’ll be waiting until the end of summer but at least I can start window shopping.
Too bad finding the type of car I like is so damn difficult.
I found one for you
The frame’s bent and the wheels are misaligned.
They don’t pre-customize them with spikes and minion-rails?
I’m a fool (multi BMW owner), but not that much of one.
Wouldn’t an M3 work?
Yeah it would… I’m just a bit BMW gun shy after my last trip to the local dealer (note – don’t go to the dealer) where they quoted me $8k to fix a car that’s worth about $8k. I had an independent mechanic do the work – he charged $1500.
And BMW’s battery registration (on their more recent cars) thing is annoying.
My father purchased a BMW and swears up and down he will never buy another one again. That thing is broken as often as it is running.
My neighbor has owned more than 10. His hates his new one with a passion. It uses oil, can’t be worked on by anyone outside of the dealer, etc.
Still fun to drive.
A few years ago I had a very basic 325i with a 5-speed manual – an ’04 model that I bought for my wife’s city commute. The inline-6 was such a joy to drive. It was a very dependable car, but the E46 was fairly simple mechanically compared to the cars of today.
What size girl is she okay with you putting in the back?
this is different 1969 Ford Torino
Wow, that’s a nice one. I didn’t realize we were talking about a fun car – I was thinking daily driver.
I’m shocked at how clean it is. The Realistic in the glove box brings back memories! Don’t love the Sunpros, but its nice to know wtf is going on before the shit hits the fan.
There are a ton of interesting cars on that site. Are they close to you?
yep – just a few blocks. I was there once with a co-worker to look at a Ferrari – whatever Magnum PI used
308 GTS
That’s the one – my co-worker ended up getting a low mileage ’96 Cobra instead, one of those cars he wanted when he was in high school but could only afford when he had a real job.
STi, or if you’re really loaded, GTR
I appreciated the STi for what it is, pretty much a street-legal rally car. But the douchebags who seem to drive them… ouch!
The 911 has a backseat. Of course, it also has the effect of making you look like an asshole.
Oh how I would love a 911.
I’m heading out the door in a few, heading to Baltimore for 4 days of death/black metal and grind. My yearly trek for insane metal.
I’m right down the road but I don’t think I’ll be able to make it this year.
Rock on bro!!!
Black farmer points out that rich liberals are the most racist people he encounters, DU misses the point.
These people are really this stupid and deluded, and yet they think they are the ones that are enlightened and should be in charge? You can’t parody this level of stupid.
The comments are parody level stupid.
“Yep. Can’t picture a Hillary supporter
or any liberal calling the cops seeing a black man at work. I wouldn’t.”
“That says repug to me…the wording and the hatred of Hillary.”
“Broad brushing a group of people is ridiculous
Any good points this guy may have wanted to make are lost in his stereotypin everyone”
Yes, because only Republicans hate Hillary. She was so universally beloved in her party that a septuagenarian Marxist from Vermont who isn’t even officially a Dem gave her the scare of her life.
They had to rig the primaries and allegedly murdered some guy because he released those details to the public, then blamed it all on Russians once they realized with someone other than Hillary taking over, some of the real nasty shit done in the last 8 years and expected to remain business as usual under Clinton, would get them into legal trouble..
Go fucking figure..
And I broke my own rule for using the term ‘racist’.
‘Bigoted’ is more appropriate. There aren’t many real racists anymore.
A farmer using phrases such as “institutional racism” and “cultural appropriation”??
He went to a good liberal arts college?
Or he reads stuff on the internet, just like everyone else…
I certainly avoid reading that drivel.
In fairness, the left has managed to worm those phrases into various media pretty deeply in recent years.
From the comments:
“For the record, Chris Newman’s wife Annie is white and they have two mixed daughters and a dog. Not sure about her pants or what stickers she has on her vehicle but she does wear very liberal looking eyeglasses. They have a very organic farm. Conservatives wouldn’t have an organic farm would they?”
Conservatives wouldn’t have an organic farm would they
If it has higher profit margins than a non-organic farm, they would.
A bunch of dummies.
“Liberal looking eyeglasses?” Are those the round kind with the thin silver or black wire frames made popular by German intellectuals in the 1930s?
Problem glasses.
Stupid white liberals projecting their own bigoted attitudes towards black people onto everyone else with a total lack of self-awareness?
Sounds like Charlottesville to me.
Cville wasn’t nearly this bad when I was there in the late ’90s. It’s like the Blue Ridge Berkeley now.
I live there now. At least a few miles N on 29. I’d say it’s better by far than Chapel Hill (where I went to school), but I avoid the campus most of the time and even the downtown mall is an improvement.
I’m actually surprised by how boring the Cville alt weekly is (minimal rage inducement compared to something like Seattle Weekly or Portland)….almost too low key.
I think a big part of it is being a town all by itself (with university) vs the stupid RTP. So it’s larger, with more interesting stuff nearby (gotta visit Monticello this summer) – and lots of local breweries, etc.
I think I’ve seen Gianforte before…where have I possibly seen him? Oh, I remember:
Wait, you can’t embed YouTube vids on this forum? Oh well, I’ll do it the old-fashioned way.
There’s a reason. Imagine what horrors your scrolling would look like.
Nothing for the Glorious 25th of May? Don’t forget your lilac towel today.
Of course it’s glorious – it’s my daughter’s birthday!
Complexity is not your friend.
No kidding. I look at all the crap they put on cars these days (*shakes fist at clouds*) and say to myself, “That’s just one more thing that will fuck up some day and cost a fortune to fix.”
I ask again, who would be crazy enough to buy a used Prius?
Half that crap is due to government regulations.
My friend, but he bought it right after the batteries were replaced.
Off topic: im on my morning run as i type this. Just round d the corner by a marina boat house and was face to beak with a blue heron. I thought it was a pterodactyl. We scared the living shit out of each other. Back to rhe jog
You da man. Typo on rthe, but got pterodactyl right.
That’s sweet. The are very cool birds. And very big…as you are aware.
Now that’s dedication to the community!
I once walked out into my parents’ boat dock, not knowing one was standing at the shoreline underneath. They make a remarkable pterodactyl-like squawk when they’re caught off guard.
When I used to live on the Alabama coast, herons were everywhere. They would be aggressive as hell when you were fishing, trying to steal your bait if you didn’t keep it secured in your cooler.
Yeah, they’re not small. We’ve got a lot of them where I am, so it’s not uncommon to see them on a pier or on the shore of a creek in the mornings.
“It isn’t Richard Spencer calling the cops on me for farming while Black,” Newman wrote. “It’s nervous White women in yoga pants with ‘I’m with her’ and ‘Coexist’ stickers on their German SUVs.”
but then he goes off on some cultural appropriation tangent and fucks it all up.
face to beak with a blue heron. I thought it was a pterodactyl.
Pelicans remind me of pterodactyls.
Form follows function. They fill the same niche.
Pelicans have always looked very prehistoric to me, too.
Isn’t a pelican what the Flintstones shit in?
Maybe that’s why.
“According to the latest Economist/YouGov poll, conducted from May 20-23, now 59 percent of Democrats believe Russia changed the tallies to swing the election for President Trump.”
Of course they do.
The Prog dilemma:
1. Accept ridiculous Russia BS.
2. Be forced to reconsider worldview.
When your entire life, your very soul is built upon a foundation of your politics, reconsidering those political views is akin to having a schizoid break. Your identity and existence shift and become meaningless. You stare into the void. It’s no wonder they choose to believe demonstrably false allegations of the ROOSKIES STOLED MUH LEKSHUN!!
Changed the tallies? How so? What tallies? The electoral college? The popular vote? None of that makes any sense.
There were even a bunch of recounts fronted by Jill Stein. I think the only irregularity they found was Democrats stuffing ballots in Detroit. Which isn’t that irregular.
They had something like four states slated for recount and quietly stopped after the first yielded results that were totally opposite of what they had claimed. Jill Stein undoubtedly returned all of the funds generated for the recount effort as well instead of using them for personal enrichment.
(awkwardly stifles laughter)
I read some upvoted hilarity about Jill Stein also being a Putin stooge in various reality-based communities on Reddit due to that.
“Excuse me, Mr Gianforte, but I’m going to ask you the same pointless misleading question you’ve answered ten thousand times already, and then allude to your status as a heartless .00001%-er in order to portray you as a monster.”
I can’t see how this hurts him. Everyone wants to do that to the Media.
Ben Jacobs is a particularly moonbatty one, too, if I remember his Twitter account correctly. Of course, he works for The Guardian, so would be par for the course. Doesn’t make it right, but yeah.
Exactly. I almost want to move to Montana just to vote for him.
I was all set to vote for him. Now I won’t.
Voting for the L. Fuck Gianforte!
What he did was wrong. Also, awesome.
Don’t worry, Hillbilly Maxine will only be there for a year, then they’ll hopefully find someone legitimate to take him out.
A lefty of my acquaintance was going absolutely berserk over this yesterday. I think it drove him even crazier that all I did was shrug.
Progs are intolerant, violent fascists. In other news, the sky is blue.
Spiked that guy’s drink with MDMA and Ritalin. That is just pure evil.
Weird choice of “poison”, though.
To you and me, that’s a fun night with a couple of 19 year old dancers.
The ‘Penis Causes Climate Change’ Hoax Paper Was Edited and Approved By Two People
The fact that this proved that the so called leftist led peer-review system was broken will cost job. Just not of the people that actually should be losing their jobs for totally politicizing science. Because the narrative is more important than reality.
They’re claiming the “wrong people” got the job of peer reviewing it, but somehow the hoaxers hunch that the process was lefty BS being right is to be hand waved away. The lesson learned will turn out just like you said.
*That^ is a word salad. Goes back to bottle for second wind*
It made perfect sense to me, heh.
For those interested in very cheesy very fun hardcore with a touch of wokeness
Wouldn’t an M3 work?
six series
* ugly color, but first image I found
My only issue is the fact that it looks small – I might not fit.
Do large breasts make women less intelligent?
(No, large breasts make men less intelligent)
Future Lower Back Problems.
Probably SFW, but tread lightly depending on your office.
NOW we’re talkin’. Can we make this a Thursday feature?
Tits Thursday?
Large breasts are a substitutional good for intelligence.
Is that girl in the new Star Wars movie? I think I can get on board with that.
Luke baby, I am definitely *not* your father.
“Portland burrito shop forced to close amid accusations of cultural appropriation”
Shutting down and protesting a business because of the color of someone’s skin, now what exactly is that called? Oh right, racism!
“Portland has an appropriation problem.
This week in white nonsense, two white women—Kali Wilgus and Liz “LC” Connely—decided it would be cute to open a food truck after a fateful excursion to Mexico. There’s really nothing special about opening a Mexican restaurant—it’s probably something that happens everyday. But the owners of Kooks Burritos all but admitted in an interview with Willamette Week that they colonized this style of food when they decided to “pick the brains of every tortilla lady there in the worst broken Spanish ever.” ”
The comments are not kind to the SJWs on this topic. They had to close the comments. I truly do think the tide is starting to turn — I’ve been saying for a few years now, this movement is doomed because it necessitates eating its own supporters in the search for purity.
“When did people with no manners, civility, or social etiquette hijack the trajectory of discourse? I am progressive as fuck, i believe we should invest in reparations, legalize all drugs, take business out of healthcare and raise taxes until every person in this country has full, state sponsored access to healthcare, access to continuing education, and equality of opportunity and those issues are what are important to me. Not tortillas. Not being on the morally superior side of tortillas. Not even if they were stolen. Because tortilla theft is dead last on my list of shit that is wrong with our state and country. ”
Oh, the poor Girondins, now that they realize how their revolution was hijacked surely they’ll impose some common sense on the whole situation!
Nobody expects the Jacobins
Except us, but no one listens to us.
As my favorite quote from Darkness at Noon goes, “Bravo! The wolves devour each other!”
Invest in reparations. How is that an investment?
Speaking of the trend of closing off comments section, it hasn’t escaped my notice that this is almost exclusively practiced by those of a certain political bent.
I remember when authenticity was something to be cherished.
Black people tend to hate white people. People in liberal enclaves don’t understand that because they’ve never been around them.
No, some black people hate white people, and they try to set the tone, as if they were the spokespersons for true blackness.
Perhaps the silent majority simply doesn’t want to walk into the buzzsaw and get called Uncle Toms and so forth.
As a general rule, applicable across racial groups, fanatics like to spend time being fanatical more than non-fanatics want to spend time opposing the fanatics.
Sometimes you reach a tipping point, and then you get the equivalent of Trump. But usually the fanatically committed have an advantage over the people who say “oh, no, not that crap again!”
Take the burrito thing.
Even if there’s a market and a majority doesn’t mind and might even be persuaded to patronize the establishment, they’re not going out with placards yelling “they’re an honest business, give them a chance and stop race-baiting!”
Whereas the fanatics will be happy to take the time to harass the business.
So for lots of people, the course of least resistance is “fine, cultural appropriation is wrong, or at least getting yelled at is wrong, so let these protesters have their way.”
We need counter-protestors to protest the protestors.
Yeah, “tend” doesn’t mean all.
Maybe anyone who wants to open a burrito shop or whatever needs to get a genealogist to verify that they have Spanish-speaking heritage.
But wait, that would mean appropriating the concept of limpieza de sangre from Spanish culture!
So wouldn’t patronizing any ethnically owned/run foodtruck/restaurant also be potentially problematic?
Wouldn’t want to appropriate any culture by ingesting another culture’s foodstuffs.
Further and further down the rabbit hole.
Besides the whole cultural appropriation being perhaps one of the most idiotic things proggies have devised, burritos are not even really that Mexican. Besides the state of Chihuahua, they are not commonly even seen on menus in Mexico. They are really more of a Tex Mex thing.
More cultural appropriation:
“Sexy señorita! Britney Spears stuns in flamenco style mini dress in series of Instagram snaps”
Oh, it’s on now. Let me find a motherfucker making osso bucco or risotto whose name doesn’t end in a vowel! I WON’T STAND FOR YOUR RAPING OF MY CUISINE HERITAGE!!!!!
Got, it, DeLaurentis is out, but mister Nakamura is fine.
Florida Man, you’ve found your soulmate.
“Come to Florida for the cleanest snakes in the USA!”
Ya, she is a keeper.
Do all true FL Men wrestle the snakes they find in their garage?
How are you gonna eat it if you don’t wrassle it first?
The right tool for the job:
“Because of Portland’s underlying racism, the people who rightly own these traditions and cultures that exist are already treated poorly,” The Portland Mercury said, calling the closure of Kooks a “victory.”
The article continues,”These appropriating businesses are erasing and exploiting their already marginalized identities for the purpose of profit and praise.”
It’s a food holocaust.
“Portland’s underlying racism?” Guffaw! Listen, you idiots. If Portland was the kind of environment you’re implying, what do you think would happen to two self-righteous, obnoxious SJWs hectoring a local business into closing because the owners are white?
Did Barfman ever make it over here? I really need him for this: Al Franken: Giant of the Senate
Of course it was written by Al. It also contains great insights into the human condition. Such as when he calls Ted Cruz “smarmy”.
Does it have a chapter about how he “found” more votes in his trunk?
Thanks MN for that guy getting into the senate.
I’d mock Minnesota for that, but my state elected Terry McAuliffe, so……
Every state has they shame really.
*throws a tarp over Tammy Baldwin*
Hey, I’ve been doing my part to get somebody other than John McCain in Goldwater’s seat, Unfortunately it seems he’s going to try and stay in it until long past senility into death. If he read that Pissgate stuff and honestly believed it he’s got mental issues–I know most of the rest of the usual suspects who were spreading that around knew damned well it was utterly ridiculously over-the-top, and are merely happy to get anything to expand the Two Minutes Hate into the 24-hour news cycle.
“could not even be adjudicated until after he leaves his post, should he win.”
There are limits to the cops’ power to *arrest* a Congressperson: “The Senators and Representatives…shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same….”
According to the Heritage Foundation –
“The Privilege from Arrest Clause provides a Member of Congress a privilege from civil arrest only, but not from other civil processes. Even the privilege from civil arrest would be valid only while Congress is in session….
“The Court concluded that … Congress’s privilege was to have the same limitation regarding criminal actions as did the parliamentary privilege from which the language was borrowed. The clause, therefore, does not provide Congress with any immunity from criminal prosecution.”
Maybe anyone who wants to open a burrito shop or whatever needs to get a genealogist to verify that they have Spanish-speaking heritage.
But wait, that would mean appropriating the concept of limpieze de sangre from Spanish culture!
Threading fail
El Gilmore
Made sense to me. Whatevs.
When I first read that story I reserved judgement based on how very poorly journalists have been behaving lately. Some of them do need to be body slammed.
I dunno, but if Heritage is right he won’t have any Congressional privilege.
Heritage is correct. The purpose of it is to prevent congress critters from being arrested in order to block their votes. If congress is not in session they can be arrested, charged and tried.
William J Jefferson says hello.
Rand Paul used it correctly when TSA tried to apprehend him in the Nashville airport on his way to DC.
But I always keep bundles of cash in my freezer, what’s the problem?
You ran out of ice.
I was right!
Back in the day, in my early 20’s, I would write letters to the editor from time to time. There was a name that came up in the letters pages maybe as frequently as my own, Lavallier Amadeo Hapsburg (not his real name*). Wouldn’t you know it, some 20 years on, the final delivery I had last night was to L. Hapsburg.
I was a libertarian before I knew I was, but I know I’ve always been something of a yokel. This Hapsburg was and, I presume still is, a leftard. I knew, I just KNEW I wasn’t getting a tip. He wasn’t going to remember who I was due to my first name on my name tag, but he’s a leftard – and leftards, for all of their noise about Fight For Fifteen and Main Street, Not Wall Street and Working Families, leftards don’t actually tip. Because doing so would mean doing more than just making a few general noises on behalf of The Benighted Poor, but that’s unnecessary.
Sure enough, I came and went – no tip. Leftist compassion on parade.
Anyway, here’s last night’s Track Of The Night.**
* – It could be his real name, how would y’all know?
**- Track Of The Night is the standout tune on a night when I delivered pizza. Most of my music is on a jump drive, and I’ve got it playing on random. I skip a lot, depending on my mood.
What’re you on about?
TLDR – my last delivery was to the house of a stinking leftist; I predicted, accurately, that I’d get no tip from the guy
Lefties lag on charitable giving, too. Funny, isn’t it?
Taxes are their charitable giving. The government shall provide all.
Haha, I’m not surprised. My more conservative friends do more volunteer work and donate more. My liberal friends love to talk about “how great it would be to do some volunteer work…”
Remember the story yesterday about the crazy mom in East Grand Forks, Minnesoda who objected to her kid getting DQ on the last day of school?
Maybe she wasn’t so crazy.
No, she was crazy and the story above was probably due to her as well.
The report earlier this month was of a man wearing a bunny costume, approaching children and asking them if they wanted to pet the bunny he had in his van.
Fucking amateurs.
pet the bunny he had in his van
Now that’s a euphemism.
Yeah, they finally gave one important fact: The only person to see this bunny was an 8 year old kid.
Played by Jake Gyllenhaal.
“Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatened the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police with “consequences” for holding equipment that she says belongs to her in order to build a criminal case against a Pakistani staffer suspected of massive cybersecurity breaches involving funneling sensitive congressional data offsite.
The Florida lawmaker used her position on the committee that sets the police force’s budget to press its chief to relinquish the piece of evidence Thursday, in what could be considered using her authority to attempt to interfere with a criminal investigation.”
Of course there will be committee hearings, and talks of impending impeachment pouring out of the media, right?
That’s just pillow talk, baby. But “I hope you can see your way clear to letting Flynn go” is ROCK HARD EVIDENCE OF OBSTRUCTION.
So St. Paul had a city council freakout recently about the skyrocketing crime in their downtown skyways. They are suggesting that more cops and new laws are needed.
Of course, when you dig into the numbers you see that the percentage increases aren’t nearly as bad as they seem because there are so few to begin with.
The cops like the idea, but they want to be sure that they are covered once they start enforcing the new rules.
Why are the cops nervous about covering their asses? Maybe it is because they narrowly got away with tasering a guy who was simply waiting for his daughter to get out of day care in 2014.
The city eventually had to pay the guy off, but the officers were vindicated by a police review.
Unfortunate indeed.
They were put through it. The poor cops.
I actually like the line “it almost always ends well”. Refreshing honesty from our betters.
Just loitering there in the middle of the article, minding its own business.
It’s true, though – the aggressiveness of the bums is getting to be a pain. Walking by the mission is an adventure.
Is anyone surprised Katy Perry is an emotion-driven, illogical dingbat? I do like her music, though. But not surprised someone with no education who hangs around with music biz idiots and lives in a secured compound has no understanding of the world.
I just chocked it up to ovaries…
*hides underneath rock*
Another reason for reptiles to rule?
isn’t she from a pretty strictly religious family too?
“Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson was born in Santa Barbara, California, to Pentecostal pastors Mary Christine (née Perry) and Maurice Keith Hudson.[1][2] Her parents are born again Christians, each having turned to religion after a “wild youth”.[3] Perry has English, German, Irish, and Portuguese ancestry.[4] Through her mother, she is a niece of film director Frank Perry.[5] She has a younger brother named David, who is a singer,[6] and an older sister, Angela.[7] From ages 3 to 11, Perry often moved across the country as her parents set up churches before settling again in Santa Barbara. Growing up, she attended religious schools and camps, including Paradise Valley Christian School in Arizona and Santa Barbara Christian School in California during her elementary years.[2][8] Her family struggled financially,[9] sometimes using food stamps and eating from the food bank intended to feed the congregation at her parents’ church.[10]
Growing up, Perry and her siblings were not allowed to eat Lucky Charms as the term “luck” reminded their mother of Lucifer, and had to call deviled eggs “angeled eggs”.[11] Perry primarily listened to gospel music,[12] as secular music was generally discouraged in the family’s home”
“…born again Christians, each having turned to religion after a “wild youth”.
That’s surprising. I have never seen that happen before.
The same works in reverse. Back in college, the kids who came from very strict households were always the ones completely melting down, whoring around and developing alcohols problems. You want a sure thing this weekend? Get a date with the girl who came from the born again household.
….hence Katy Perry?
Perry’s one of a few high-profile women singers who never seems to be caught up in a sex scandal or to have nudes leaked. Much to the world’s chagrine. I think even Swift may have more lurid stories floating about than Perry.
(I don’t read tabloids, so I’m going by cultural osmosis.)
She doesn’t seem to be in the news much at all.
Though maybe I’m just following the wrong news.
I mean in the whoring around sense – or at least singing about it
I forget if it was an actual study or a surmise, but one theory I heard was that most “born-again” people actually have addictive personalities. They start out with one type of addiction, then simply trade it for an addiction to faith.
Huh, that’s an interesting viewpoint. It makes sense at least from a surface level.
Plus, the majority of really strong Christians I knew growing up were the ones who didn’t do nothing but talk about faith all the time and also got out and interacted with secular people.
It’s the same argument as “the citizens didn’t help them assimilate.” It’s not uniquely stupid or naive except in that she fails to dress it up and give it a pseudo-intellectual veneer.
I’m the same way about Lily Allen. Fan of her music, but her politics make Cher’s seem sensible and informed.
it’s funny how you go to entertainers for entertainment, not philosophy, right?
(Not quite true, but whereas Cher is merely illiterate and histrionic, when you boil down Allen’s contentions she’s arguing for civilizational suicide.)
I’m not really familiar with Lily Allen, but you piqued my curiousity. Taking a quick Google it seems like she’s arguing for suicide from multicultural nihilism instead of my initial supposition of suicide from religious environmentalism… although it’s not like those don’t go hand-in-hand all the time. Also I see quite the case of TDS.
Not that we have to worry about this since there are no Libertarian women.
Stoya is hardly an amateur.
“Some Hollywood stars had their sex tapes released to the public. Whether they wanted this to happen or not, we can’t know.”
Uh huh. *eyeroll*
Or just stop reading Yik-Yak?
Its what they do. They dont really care about the things they whine about. Its a reason to Bitch and scream and dissemble institutions. If it weren’t this they would complain about the sky being blue.
Oh, I’m totally giving my sister (an MWC alum) shit for this. Between this story and the rugby bullshit, Mary Washington is a place I wouldn’t send my worst enemy’s kid to attend.
” ‘I could punch her in the face’: Libertarian student draws ire for exposing biased UWisc classes”
Lol. I’d hire her.
Well done, Jessica.
Good work on her part, though it’s pretty easy to see bias in 4 of those classes from the titles alone.
I never thought I would see these kinds of useful idiots in such numbers here in this country.
“The personal attacks are unfounded in my opinion,” she said. “I am a 20-year-old college intern, why attack me? Have an honest discussion about the article’s content.”
Jessica, you troll, you.
Wait, a libertarian woman? What? How?
*Plot twist*
She’s really a man.
But then we could accuse her detractors as being transphobic!
But don’t you DARE stereotype this person!!!!
Whenever I hear some academic talking about their ghetto childhood, my skeptic alarm goes off full blast.
Straight up gangster:
Or this classic by TSTSNBN’s own Remy (before he was at TSTSNBN)
I remain amazed at the “outrage” about people losing health coverage under the Republican plan. Oh, so you mean if you stop forcing people to buy something, some people won’t buy it anymore? UNPOSSIBLE!!
Right, I was going to wait until the reveal trailer on Friday, but this is too damn funny.
Also, it’s set in Western Montana.
The lawsuit classifies many of these messages as “overtly sexist and/or threatening,” and Feminists United claims that by not shutting down Yik Yak on school Wi-Fi, the university fostered a sexually hostile environment, failing to “protect the Plaintiffs from [the] effects” of the offensive yaks.
The lawsuit alleges that Mary Washington exhibited “deliberate indifference” to the “sexually hostile environment” created by the yaks. “Deliberate indifference” is potentially actionable under Title IX.
Block a single specific app on your wifi network? Is that even doable?
Also, should the college invade Saudi Arabia to eliminate the possibility that their domestic policies are creating a sexually hostile environment on campus?
They should at least be more cautious about taking Saudi money
I think so. Pandora doesn’t work on our companies wifi. So I hog more bandwith and listen to music on You Tube.
I was going to wait until the reveal trailer on Friday, but this is too damn funny.
Also, it’s set in small-town Western Montana.
You know, after years of squaring off against Brown People Brigades in vaguely Mediterranean and Latin American shitholes, a romp around a good ol’ American shithole might be just the thing.
Cue heavy-handed Trump references.
Oh, I know, people are out getting pissed and saying it’s racist, and all I can think is how funny it is that they’re using every small-town rural American stereotype imaginable.
It looks hilarious.
I’ve never gotten into the franchise, but from what I’ve heard, the villains are always charming, compelling messianic sorts. Will be interesting if they break with convention and just make the cult leader and lieutenants knock-off Nazis because OMFG TRUMP.
I’m not much of a fan either, but it seems like they’re following convention with the villains so far. Example.
My biggest question is are they going to actually make an interesting open-world.
yeah, I was a considerate guest and waited for Pagan Min to come back and won the game in about 20 minutes.
The Libertarian Teenage Student Daughter accidentally lucked into that easter-egg game win because we called her up to dinner one evening.
What would have been particularly entertaining would have been if we had been serving Crab Rangoon that evening and not a rather tangy Chicken Vindaloo, but endless chuckles ensued.
I dunno about Ubisoft as a global company, but the Far Cry and Assassins Creed franchises need to decide whether they really want to go for morally conflicted plots, becuse if so, they need to contract the job out to someone more like James Ellroy than someone whose sensibilities run more along with R. A. Salvatore or Chuck Jones. If you wanna go *dark*, go real *noir*.
They continue to not want my money.
Far Cry apparently went social justice after they took a bunch of heat from SJW game journalists over the third one being about ‘white slavery’. The fourth apparently has a rather obvious glorified Anita Sarkeesian character, so this is really just the product of a long standing trend. Cue plenty of sales to progressives who want to do more than punch ‘Nazis’.
Eh, I mean, I’ve never taken the games very seriously (which is why it amuses me to see the freakout on this one and the proggies freakout over 3.) With the possible exception of 2, the series has always been silly and larger then life.
Plus, it’s just easier to laugh and make fun of shit like this.
who would that be?
Solly John, proggie SJWs who complain about video games don’t buy video games.
See – the abject failure of every prog-pleasing title put on the market.
The real lesson they should learn is to ignore the squealing and pay attention to the people actually buying their products.
Well, if this one and the new Assassin’s Creed goes belly up, maybe Vivendi will buy them out and we’ll see something interesting for once.
A lot of these cry-bullies don’t actually buy games though, they just complain about them because they saw a youtube video or read about something “problematic” on a blog. Oh, except the games journalists, they suck off any publisher that pushes a left-slant narrative. The latest issue of game informer had an article titled “Get your politics into my games.”
The subscription came with my Gamestop membership. I’m not renewing (for many reasons.. mainly because of Gamestop business practices).
I don’t really mind politics in games, it’s more the way that studios do it that irritates me. Arkane did it really well with the new Prey, where they wrote the different characters to have different political viewpoints, but no one ideology was shoved into the player’s face, it was just “Here’s a person, and here’s what they think.”
Queue some angry proggies whining about it being right-leaning.
Politics in games largely don’t work because video game writers are largely retarded. For every Deus Ex bar talk there’s a dozen unsubtle and stupid soapboxes.
It’s getting better, slowly. Just not with Western developers.
God, I’d forgotten how ass the original looks.
I hear this – I really like how The Witcher 3 handled dark themes well. But guess what: https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2015/06/04/yes-im-colorblind-about-the-witcher-3-and-yes-thats-a-problem/#23935cae36e8
Witcher 3 is bad because it’s full of white people. *facepalm*
Oh, Polygon went apeshit over that. Not only that, but it was misogynistic towards women.
Got some great rebuttal articles from Polish gamedevs for you over that one, if you’d like.
Sure, bring ’em on.
Since I don’t want to trigger the multiple links filter, I’ll just link you to the first part, but the rest can be found on this guy’s Medium page: https://medium.com/@adrianchm/the-boy-who-cried-white-wolf-on-polygon-s-the-witcher-3-review-f7ac8d7f0a5
Also this somewhat related article.
This is good stuff, thanks Hammercorps.
My favourite part about that Witcher 3 controversy was that it’s basically a bunch of spoiled Americans going “no you horrible Poles, you can’t have a game that reflects your culture, you need to make a game that reflects my culture, look at how tolerant I am.”
That’s…. basically the American games journalism media about every game. The worst one was when either Polygon or Kotaku was trying to bait/force the creators of Sniper Elite to say that the act of sniping Nazis in that game is an analogue for resisting Trump.
Very good point. The hypocrisy is really insane. Even Giant Bomb has a few staff members that are constantly trying to prove how woke they are *cough* Alex Navarro *cough*
Somehow, without reading it, I think the more accurate title of that article would be ‘Get my politics into my games’. I’m sure they’d be fine playing a preachy game by a libertarian or conservative.
Exactly. If its right-or-libertarian-leaning (I’m not sure if this has ever happened), I’d bet you get an article next month titled “How _____________ has Problamatic Themes” or “Why ___________ is Insensitive to Gamers of Color” or whatever.
Modern first person shooters used to get a lot of heat for ‘glorifying American imperialism’ and stuff like that, but I think that might have started to die out once journalists realized the people who play those games don’t give a fuck. Game journalists have a much easier time pushing social justice idiocy on RPG markets.
Actually, now that I think about it, I wonder if some of those games would be viewed more favourably now, like Modern Warfare 2, which is literally about Russia hacking the United States.
Most of those games didn’t even glorify American imperialism, they just didn’t give a shit about who you were fighting in general.
Yeah that’s true. The weird thing is that the bulk of game sales come from people that aren’t hardcore – they don’t read these articles and probably couldn’t give two shits about some journalist’s white guilt/compulsion to force American multicultural narratives on others. They play to build a unique character, blow some shit up with magic or lazers and see a cool story. That’s it.
I forgot about the recent Battlefield that is apparently rife with black Germans and stars a female Muslim guerrilla leader, so the FPS market isn’t immune.
It also probably says a lot about your idiotic cultural bias and virtue signalling that you push as many black Germans as you can but don’t have a single example of Indians fighting for the Brits.
BF 1 had black Germans? Was this in multiplayer or the campaign? I don’t remember any in the campaign.
The female Arab wasn’t too bad, at least they still kept Lawrence of Arabia in as a character.
I’m more irritated with BF1’s lazy uninspired storytelling.
I don’t know the specifics and haven’t played it, I just saw a bunch of people complaining about 25% black German teams and screams of ‘racists!’ on reddit.
Ah, okay, so just multiplayer then. They’re getting female soldiers in the next DLC, I’ve heard.
Cue plenty of sales to progressives
Alabama trying to pass bill that makes attacking a cop a hate crime.
Whatever happened to the right thinking hate crime legislation was stupid and ridiculous? Or have they always supported it and I’m just misremembering?
And the penalty is you have to blow them?
On the topic of the burrito business shutdown:
I was watching “Master of None” on Netflix last night and there was a scene where Aziz takes the head of his network, an Italian-American, to a nice authentic food spot. Anyway, the Italian guy points out that he’s the only white customer there – and Aziz says “yeah, that’s the whole point – and I want it to stay authentic so don’t tell your friends about it or they’ll ruin it!”
When I look for authentic food spots, I look at who’s eating there. If the people that eat there have the same ethnicity as the food being sold, then I know I’ve found something special. My money is just as good as anyone’s… I wonder how the business owners of these establishments feel about people specifically not spreading the word about how good their food is.
Anyway, I understand that when a white person comes into one of these establishments, the chef will often alter the meal for the white customer – if I want real thai spicy food, I have to specifically tell the waiter that I don’t want the “white version” of the dish. It doesn’t bother me, the business is just doing what it needs to do to keep its customers happy – including profiling based on appearance and altering their product accordingly. Society is interesting.
The Indian restaurant I go to does the same thing, although they give you the option of getting the “non-Indian” level of heat or the real thing.
I always order the Madras chicken from my local Indian joint. It is noted on the menu as being spicy. I have never so much as gotten even the slightest tinge of heat when eating it. I need to remember to have them spice it up a bit next time I’m in there.
When I go to Korean/Japanese restaurants with my wife, I get American minute rice instead of the good clumpy rice she gets. You would think that me sitting there with my wife of 25 years would make them bring me the good rice, but noooooooo
You’re still a gaijin, roundeye.
Well if you dont tell them what you want, they’re going to assume you’re a satisfied customer.
It really is amazing how much better the rice is, though. The best fried rice I’ve ever had by FAR was in Okinawa. Even in excellent Chinese and Japanese places here, I’ve never tasted anything that comes close.
Maybe because you are/were young, drunk and having a blast? I know that I loved getting a plate of fried rice at the little street stand at the bottom of the hill from the front gates at MCAS Futenma back in the day.
The absolute best fast Mexican food in NYC is from the Yummy Taco chain and they are owned and staffed entirely by Chinese.
You think the “authenticity” of the food comes from who eats it and not how it’s made?
Obviously not, but it certainly speaks to how good the food might be. Its not a perfect method, but it works a lot of the time.
And sometimes, I forget to close tags, so there’s that.
Wait a fucking second. He fondled a 14 year old girl, he’s in a position of authority over her, and he gets five years probation, and he doesn’t have to register as a sex offender?
If she had a 16 year old boyfriend whom she had consensual sex with, the boyfriend would’ve received a tougher punishment than that.
But he was putting his life on the line every day! That girl could have been a drug addict and a criminal!
The cop was having her blow him as well. That charge was completely thrown out. He gets no jail, and the record of his crimes gets tossed after five years, and no registration as a sex offender. Fucking ridiculous.
Didn’t notice that part. Christ. If any average person did that to a 14 year old girl they’d be looking at a couple of decades in prison and then lifetime sex offender registration.
But then again, maybe not. Dunphy tells me there’s no double standard. In fact, cops are held to a higher standard!
I dunno. This guy is not a cop.
Some fresh rage for you this morning:
OCC Students Storm Administration, Demand Ouster of College Republicans
Yep, you read that right. They actually just want to get rid of Republicans on their campus altogether.
If that’s what they think of Republicans, I can only imagine what they’ve got in store for libertarians.
I somehow know offhand that Diane Keaton went there. Don’t ask me how.
You know, I can kind of understand students doing that. We’re all dumb at that age. But professors? And it being led by a professor? That I don’t get.
(plus that’s a public college, so they can try it if they want to pay money to FIRE or another organization)
That’s a failure of parenting and the public school system to teach children about freedom of speech. They seem to think somehow that the First Amendment doesn’t cover speech they hate. It also is a failure of parenting to teach kids not to band together to bully people they don’t like.
I can only imagine what they’ve got in store for libertarians.
Yep. Every day they inch closer and closer to the USSR. That is what they are and what they want.
Speaking of psychopathic proggy professors, the skulking AntiFA scum who slipped out from the protection of a masked crowd and hit an unarmed free speech activist with a u-lock AntiFA scum got arrested.
Berkeley: College professor arrested as assault suspect
My favourite part about that whole story (besides beholding the power of weaponized autism) is the fact that he teaches ethics.
If he winds up in prison (it’s California and that’s a firearms charge), he’ll be learning a similar kind of ethics, but he’ll probably be on the receiving end.
See, this is where my principles totally interfere with my sense of humor. I SO want to crack wise about him getting assraped, but then I absolutely hate that prison rape is an accepted, almost encouraged, facet of the criminal justice system.
Still, fuck that guy. Enjoy prison.
He’ll have to join a skinhead gang for protection. Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.
Is it still cuckoldry when you’re someone’s bitch in prison and shares you with another inmate?
Dunno – I’ll need to consult Vern Schillinger on that one.
That’s just pimpin’.
Only if the guy sharing you feels humiliated by it and gets off on that humiliation.
It could however also be a form of hot wifing
Have you ever read some of the incomprehensible word salad written by people who teach English?
He is a straight up communist radical.
They got him, eh. Good news.
So much for the line about the rioters being from outside the community, eh?
Having visited Berkeley my eyes rolled hard when people were trying to make that claim. Obviously it couldn’t be easily rebutted, because of the black bloc shit favored by these left-wing terrorists, but I know what people are like there.
U of Chicago students demand race specific housing and requiring “diversity and inclusion” to graduate.
This being the U of Chicago, the administration will likely tell them to go fuck themselves, which would be nice for once.
I thought things had quieted down since the administration sent out the letter telling them no safe spaces. Guess they’re testing the waters again.
What, no White House? Seems unfair to me.
George Wallace agrees.
It’s ironic that the last elite university that hasn’t lost its fucking mind is in one of the most radical, SJW-ridden, proggie shitholes in the country.
I don’t know why lawsuits aren’t brought against the schools for racial discrimination. Probably because the courts accept that some animals are more equal than others.
I wonder if is this a new thing, or are we just hearing about due to advancements in technology?
(the woman, not the kid, because this is the kind of place I feel I have to make that clear)
That’s what I don’t get about a lot of these stories – I can understand why a hag would have to resort to middle schoolers for sex, but why are attractive women doing that?
You know that even dog-ugly women can get laid on the regular, right? It has nothing to do with the ability to get laid in general.
So you’re advising me to identify as a dog-ugly woman?
I’m not a dude, so can’t really speak to what motor-vates y’all, but even this chick can get some at last call.
Here’s some macro econ 101 for ya: dick is abundant and low-value
Stop putting the pussy on a pedestal.
Jesus, she’s got the Innsmouth look.
The woman I know who gets laid the most is moderately fat and ugly, and entirely self-aware about it. Being easy, partying, and being fun to be around is enough for her to get laid regularly.
WTF?? An 11 year old? OK- those stories in which a smokin’ 25 year old teacher is banging her 17 year old student are just an example of the stupidity of most AOC laws, but what in the bloody hell is a 21 year old going after an 11 year old for? For some reason, the whole honest-to-G-d female as pedophile makes less sense to me than the opposite. I guess that just makes me a shitlord.
Where were these teachers when I was 11?
Pretty sure it is new but I don’t know what is driving it.
Maybe women tired of being burned by men their own age are driven to experimenting with their own sexuality with a partner who isn’t a threat to them (ignoring the obvious point that if caught they’re going to jail)? Maybe they are actually attracted to someone who is still innocent and not guys who are already jaded?
I don’t know really but as Chipwooder said I just don’t get it. As a general rule women are much harder to please sexually and teenaged boys are not known for their skills or stamina forget preteen boys but these women they ain’t doing it because they are desperate because all of them could get laid tonight just by signing into Tinder so I can’t understand what is making them choose this
Is Hannity about to get the boot from Fox? I think getting rid of their last old school conservative would kill the network.
Hannity’s down to third in his time slot at this point. He’s gone even without the protests (and probably being sued by Seth Rich’s family)
What basis do they have for a lawsuit?
They probably don’t (though it’s not like I’ve been watching Hannity to know what he’s saying), but it sounds like they’re gonna try.
He made some sort of announcement that he would stop discussing Seth Rich out of respect for the family or some such.
Can’t say I’ll miss him. I liked him even less than O’Reilly.
I don’t like him or O’Reilly, but I find it implausible that this advertiser boycott thing is suddenly an issue. What’s changed is the people running Fox. And I think they are just looking for excuses.
That’s what I’m thinking as well. It’s almost like they want Breitbart to start their own MSNBC and take their entire business away. It’s insane to me!
I haven’t looked into it but I hear rumors of someone doing just that. There seems to be talk of putting together another network that will suck up all the FNC viewers in five minutes if FNC goes proggy.
FNC probably won’t go Proggy but rather Trumpian Populism since CNN has been moving away from the populist and more into pure Democrat apologia lately.
I looked at CNN’s site the other day and it was 100% TDS. Every single story.
Me too. I don’t watch him, but I get the feeling that if Hannity goes, Fox will have lost all of their ties to being the conservative network and will just sort of drift around – while their ratings plummet.
I don’t doubt that at all. There have been no shortage of articles about the Murdoch spawn being terribly embarrassed at Manhattan social events because of FNC. It does amuse me, however, that they’re such shitty businessmen that they’ll piss away their network’s dominance because of feelz.
Those must be some social events.
The canapés are to die for!
But poor people don’t get invited. (even if they were rich before pissing away all of daddy’s money)
The Murdochs are currently in mid-deal to purchase Sky News, a massive European media company. They have to go through Ofcom, the British media regulator in order to pick it up, and Ofcom can reject them if they aren’t seen as quote ‘a fit and proper’ owner. Fox News is probably getting cleaned out to appease them.
That’s the definition of cutting off a leg to add an arm. Is it worth killing a cash cow as big as FNC and jeopardize their entire American market to expand a little bit in Europe? (Admittedly, I don’t know how large Sky News is outside of the UK)
Razorfist thinks it’s more than worth the “cost”.
Yeah, that’s no doubt what’s going on
If they dump him, that just leaves, what, Carlson as the last hardcore conservative? Is Cavuto still doing shows?
They still have a bunch of them on Fox Business – Cavuto, Varney, etc. For now, anyway
If somebody’s ratings are high, why would companies be so easily convinced by the loony left to pull their ads? It’s not that I’m a Hannity fan, it’s just that I think it’s an absurd business practice. There are as many people supporting him as there are against them. Why can’t the right respond in the same way towards a left wing host and get the same response back from businesses?
His ratings aren’t high though. As far as I’ve seen, except for occasional spikes (like when he teased an announcement about his future), he’s been in 3rd in the cable news ratings over the past couple of months.
British security services missed five opportunities to stop the Manchester bomber. He was also kicked out of his mosque for arguing with the imam after the imam gave an anti-extremism sermon.
They just wanted to prove that they weren’t racist against Muslims. Now if it were a member of Britain First they would have had his ass on lockdown 24/7 from the start.
Tommy Robinson has literally gone to jail just for saying what everyone is thinking.
Political correctness kills.
lots of thought crime there. no forcible commitment procedures in the UK? an emergency psych eval at the very least? dude had family, friends, mosque-goers calling him into the Met.
Ugh. They were told strait-up that many of those people were coming there to take their land, fuck their children, steal all of their shit and cut their throats. Now they are doing that and the useful idiots are shuffling around, looking at their shoes and completely unable to figure out what is going on or what to do about it.
Those people disgust me.
Talking to church ladies makes me hot.
Why is it Suderman’s wife can write reasonable pieces and yet he’s such a hysterical bitch?
They have a Dorian Gray thing going on, but in prose.
Since when is masterbation illegal in California?
Pretty sure plowing a field is a euphamism of heterosexual PIV sex and therefore covered under the rape statutes, he was literally raping mother gaia.
Didn’t the Republicans fund those fucksticks?
Here’s a question – since this guy isn’t one of Erdogan’s hired goons, just a schmoe from New Jersey, and thus doesn’t have diplomatic immunity, why the hell isn’t he sitting in jail awaiting his arraignment?
That’s enough to convict right there.
Can anyone enlighten me as to why reason keep interviewing cory doctorow? Having seen some of his boing boing stuff the man is a socialist and a scumbag without a libertarian bone in his body
OT Pie but I found this great guide to Romanian history.
I think you may have answered your own question.
He’s pretty good on surveillance topics. Other than that… yeesh.
Why do they have Chapman “analyzing” Trump’s budget?
Gamergate broke his brain and he doesn’t realize that he’s sold his soul and become the villain for peer group cocktail party acceptance. Then, after the Gamergateitis, he caught full-blown TDS and there seems to be no chance of recovery.
Even though he’s espoused anti-surveillance views in stuff like Little Brother, he openly pals around with and supports Stalinist SJWs. I mean, you’re right, just look at Boingboing, its writers, and what it puts out: it’s not like this isn’t all out in the open.
But, you know, it’s Reason, they’re probably thinking millennial outreach and aforementioned cocktail parties.
The anti surveilance crap does not convince me. I want big government with huge amounts of power but i dont want any abuse of that power. Give me a break
Taking a break from employer mandated training I came across this on the .gov job site.
Interestingly enough, this announcement was cancelled on Tuesday and reposted today. The difference being the new one is a permanent rather than a 4 year term and available only for current fedgov employees. I’m going to guess there’s a pretty shallow pool of people that will want to schedule Trump’s next colonoscopy.
– You will participate in drug testing commensurate with DoD provisions and requirements for maintaining the security clearance and special access, and may be subject to national security or lifestyle polygraph examination, or other security surveillance methods.
I’ll let you know if participating on this website comes up.
I can’t believe that this hasn’t been brought up yet, as it’s so horrific. While the rest of you have been talking about rapey cops, Aly Raisman is getting shamed over here.
Rand Paul tweet: “Our criminal justice system needs to be reformed now! I look forward to bipartisan solutions. Cc: @SenKamalaHarris”
I feel like he’s calling her out, but maybe I’m reading too much into it just because I can’t stand her.
you mean the next Maxine Waters? somebody needs to warn Rand about sticking it in crazy.
Is that a deodorant ad?