I can’t believe that I woke up early on a holiday weekend, just to give you people links. Show some gratitude, you entitled fuckers.

Anyway, in today’s Outrage, we find that, horror of horrors, the White House might want to have direct contact with the other superpower. I mean, can you imagine? Actually TALKING with adversaries? It must be a CONSPIRACY. In other news, Team Blue is resurrecting Joe McCarthy as their party symbol, since they have now completed their transition to the Party of Fear of Commies Hiding Under the Bed.

While we’re on the subject of the White House, is there any campaign promise that hasn’t been broken and ground into tiny shards? Yes, their commitment to not get sucked into the Anthropogenic Global Warming Catastrophe hysteria, one of the very few things Trump promised that seems like a good idea. And they’re sticking to that because… wait… what? Never mind.

There are stories which make me hate everyone involved, from stupid education bureaucrats to attention-whore parents to their entitled progeny. This is such a story. But I forgive the progeny because Jesus Christ LOOK AT THOSE! Old Man With Candy heartily approves.

The great mathematician Georg Cantor revolutionized mathematics with his rigorous treatments of infinity. Now, Cantor viewed this from the standpoint of pure numbers. But every once in a while, not often, you run into something which reminds the reader of Cantor’s work on handling infinities in mathematics. An aleph null of derp. Derp that goes beyond one’s normal conception of derp, qualitatively and quantitatively. It should be treasured when found, treasured for the rarity and perfection that it is. Admire it. Admire the perfection of the ultimate derp.