It’s a veritable litany of horrors today. Horrors, I tell you, interspersed with outrages. How’s that for a lead in?
The Chinese air force flew dangerously close to US aircraft, zooming in front of them, doing a series of random turns, and slowing down. In other words, it was just like driving through the parking lot at a 99 Ranch.
OK, we know that the press is thriving off ginned up outrage regarding The Guy Who Isn’t Hillary, but this time, it really IS an outrage! I can’t imagine anything more horrific!
With all the birther idiocy during the Obama years, it’s become evident that they missed the most obvious one: he wasn’t Kenyan or Indonesian or whatever, OBAMA WAS RUSSIAN!
What does a particularly loathsome sycophant do when he’s out of a job? Apparently artless and ineffective trolling. Don’t worry, Petey, you don’t have to do anything actually useful, those pension checks will keep comin’.
And on a personal note, SP and I have been binge-watching Season 5 of Veep. And laughing hysterically, and not just because we’re drunk. Has there ever been a better and more accurate political TV show? What struck us is that, although this season was written and filmed long before the, uhhh, nonlinear events of the 2016 presidential election, the prescience is often spooky.
The WaPo trots out its resident neocon on the Seth Rich murder.
OK, let me see if I get this straight, that the Russians hacked the election is fact, even though there is no evidence.
That Seth Rich may have leaked the emails and was then murdered is an “icky” conspiracy theory, even though Assange all but said he was the source, and Rich was shot in the back.
Sounds logical to me. If I were a prog, anyway.
Yes, on CNN yesterday the bottom of the screen banner was “How Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories Became Fake News”. This from the network that will immediately run anything anti-Trump as absolute fact. The cognitive dissonance is amazing.
Damn, CNN has become awful, and is making no effort to hide that it is basically as aligned with the Progs as MSNBC is. I travel a lot and it’s on in every airport waiting area, playing loud, so it’s unavoidable some times. Otherwise I would never, ever watch it.
I don’t necessarily buy the Seth Rich theories, but I have seen more evidence that he leaked the emails than the russians. Fever dream on the right, maybe. Fever dream on the left, most defiantly.
And even if it was Putin himself who hacked into the DNC emails, So what? I haven’t seen anybody refute the authenticity of the leaked material. Whoever leaked the material did everyone a favor.
It’s an open question to me. However, the left’s response to anything concerning Rich has been overwhelming. Combined with the Pakistani IT support fiasco and Hillary’s email server, the Democrat’s general approach to IT security has been abysmal and it appears they’ve been trying to deflect attention by pointing at third parties. They’ve got to be concerned that something else will come out.
If Assange or someone else ever confirms the Rich theory, the Democrat Party will explode.
“If Assange or someone else ever confirms the Rich theory, the Democrat Party will explode.”
I would the Democratic party be indicted, if that were the case.
So what’s he waiting for?
Once again, the old dead Republican (who was blamed for AIDS and crack) was mainstream, but the new alive Republicans are EVIL11!
Not only that Ayn, but to invoke Reagan, who was roasted by the left for picking on the Russians and wanting to have nuclear war with them, in an article based on the left’s fevored accusations of the Russians fixing our election, is problematic.
The Hill’s website is terrible. ABP blocked 115 ads during the 30 seconds I spent there. Add in the autoplay video/audio that follows you down as you scroll and the random scroll “resets” that jump you around unexpectedly and you’ve got a website that is unviewable.
I found it unreadable. I killed the window.
All I got was the G-6 assholes walked while Donny Two-Scoops gave ’em the finger and took a golf cart. I laughed my ass off at that, cussed the site’s design and clicked it off. I dont know if there is anything of substance there or not.
You missed the part on climate change then. Squeezed in at the end for some reason.
Was he riding in a Canyanero style golf cart?
He borrowed one from Floyd
try this one
Thanks, that worked. And that thing is ridiculous. Like this girl in high school who drove a VW Beetle with a fake Rolls-Royce front fascia.
Not SF’d. What do called that? Nerfed?
For about a day it was “Hyp’ed” but that didn’t stick
No one pay any attention to this Schmidt guy, it never happened (:
I actually coined the phrase ‘pantsed’ over at TSTSNBN to describe a link that wasn’t quite SF’d.
Sorry. I hope that leads to a golf cart fitted with tank wheels and a machine gun
Is it conveniently possible to download the text & read offline?
With HyR I sometimes had to download, then edit out the head & all occurrences in the body of “script”. Funny when “prescription” became “preion”, but otherwise pretty good, except it collapsed the comment layers into one.
I did it to stop the browser from bombing out. I usually use old, castoff, underpowered hardware, & frequently old software.
Yeah, there are some sites I refuse to visit because of shit like that. HuffPo is another one.
Worked fine for me. I seem to have regular AdBlock. 36 ads blocked. I also have “Disable HTML5 Autoplay” FWIW.
Holy crap I didn’t know this was a thing. I’ve tried many different fixes and extensions, but most are too intrusive or don’t quite work right. You’ve just changed my lifer for the better.
I still get autoplay bullshit on some sites. It’s maddening.
If you thought Christine Fair was going to let it go, you would be mistaken….
Actually, I do feel like a German, staring at a bunch of fascists and communists vying for the same followers.
It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Is Spencer calling for violence the way she is? What I am hearing is the same ‘ol rhetoric out of the left that they have always used to agitate for violence. I dont really know anything about Spencer. He just trolls for fund raising is my impression.
The personal as political.
If it were constrained to civilized discussion, it would be OK, but the left increasingly wants the personal to be the political to be the crusade.
I think Spencer is actually the real deal. He is the personification of the Alt-right. I believe he has been writing white nationalists and race realism pieces for a long time. He was however, almost completely obscure until the left decided they needed a boogey-man. He is portrayed in the media as the mighty leader of a huge racist organization when in all reality he has very little following outside of the stormfront crowd.
I got him confused with Robert Spenser for a while, thinking”huh?”
How Obama tried to hack the election? The left would make it a lot more difficult for the rest of us to figure what they’re doing if they would stop accusing others of doing exactly what they’re doing.
Dude, that is SOP for the lefties for the last…uh…forever. They should keep it up. It keeps us apprised of their plans.
I wish the board o’ directors would give me the power of the gif.
I wouldn’t trust you either. First thing you know, it will be tentacle porn and your favorite panty dispensers all over everything.
All I ask if for 3 weeks of unmoderated freedom.
I love that. I have seen him do this a few times now. He deliberately intimidates his frenemies and enemies alike, verbally and physically. We have needed a guy like Donny Two-Scoops for a while. I will up-front and honest over scheming, slimy, lying, backstabbing with a crocodile smile any day. I like a guy that looks you in the eye and calls things what they are.
He’s Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack or Back to School, pissing off the Hoi polloi. I’m loving it.
Good morning Glibs. 4 years ago I bought a brand new chevy sonic to use as a commuter car. It has been very good to me. I discovered something on my way to work last night. Although it is extremely fuel efficient, it absolutely sucks at gEttinger t-boned by an SUV. I was almost to work when a guy ran a red light and fucked my poor little car all up. He wasn’t going real fast, but damn did it tear my car up. A total loss I’m sure. That and I was late for work over it. Damn the luck.
But are you hurt?
No I’m fine. whacked my head on my drivers side glass, but nothing more. I made it to work about 30 minutes late and worked my 11 1/2 hour shift. No biggie. It just sucks. I know the insurance company is gonna total the car, but there is no way I’m gonna get what it worth to me. I have owned it since it was brand new and have done all the maintenance on time oj my own. It was paid for and in great shape. I’ll probably get 6 grand for it. I was planning on keeping that car until the wheels fell off. No I’m gonna have to either buy something used that in have no idea the maintenance history of, or buy something new and have a car payment again. In the mean time I’l be driving my truck to work, which gets about 14 mpg.
Sorry about your car, that sucks. Still, glad you are ok. Squishy cars are a lot easier to replace than your brain or spine. They have saved a lot of lives and grief.
True True Suthern. Aggravating none the less.
Speaking of my spine.
When I was 18 years old, i was building myself a place to live on my parents farm. There was a large pole barn with a loft in the top of it. My dad gave me the okay to turn it into an apartment and live there. I fired up the sawmill and cut all the lumber to enclose the top story. I ran electric and plumbing. I built a kitchen, bathroom and living area. I furnishes it and built a set of stairs and a deck out side the entrance. While I was building the railing on the deck (about 14 feet high) I made a mistake. I had built the uprights and was laying the top plates to tie it all together. I got distracted by something and went inside for a few minutes to talk to my brother. When I came back out, leaned against the railing in a place I hadn’t nailed down the top plate yet. I went over the side and fell 12 feet. I landed square on my head. I thought I was paralyzed. it was a few minutes before I felt anything at all. Turned out I just gave myself a stinger and I was fine in week. It sure scared the hell out of me though.
FFS that sounds worse then the car ride. Glad you’re ok after both incidents, but I’m pretty sure you’re a superhero now.
Indeed. Glad you walked away from it.
First time I was in an accident as a young driver, the EMTs/firefighters that showed up said pretty much that. Don’t worry about the car, that’s what insurance is for, the important thing is everyone’s ok.
Can’t you get your insurer to line up the acquisition of an equivalent used vehicle?
Probably. My problem with an equivalent used is that I have no idea how that equivalent used has been treated. I know mine has been maintained properly. A used one, Fuck if I know if the previous owner ever changed the oil or not.
Do you have property damage arbitration in your state?
That sucks. Are you ok?
You should call this guy immediately.
Thats funny. Nothing like a predatory lawyer. I bet he takes no money unless he wins, then he takes 80%.
Works on contingency?
No, money down!
+1 Frank Costanza
His website is hilarious. “I am THE HAMMER…they are THE NAILS!” I’ll have to show this to my boss on Tuesday, for some ideas for our firm’s website.
His website is hilarious. “I am THE HAMMER…they are THE NAILS!” I’ll have to show it to my boss on Tuesday, so we can update our website…
I think that’s the first squirrel infestation I have seen on Glibs. Someone needs to check the server for nuts.
The squirrels are learning. They’re changing the comments every so slightly so it slips through the net.
Saul Goodman?
This article explores the formation of a tranimal, hippopotamus alter-ego. Confronting transgender with transpecies, the author claims that his hippopotamus “identity” allowed him to (verbally) escape, all at once, several sets of categorization that govern human bodies (“gender,” “sexuality,” age). He starts with an account of how his metaphorical hippo-self is collectively produced and performed, distinguishing the subjective, the intersubjective and the social. The article then investigates the politics of equating transgender and transpecies, critically examining the question of the inclusion of “xenogenders” in the trans political movement.
We may be there someday when you can splice animal DNA into your own, but until then, I think nucking futs applies.
So, mental illness gone untreated and spiraling out of control. Or, is this another spoof trolling the trans-political movement trying to get them to swallow it whole?
I cant tell anymore.
I just enjoyed the language, don’t care if serious
I don’t think it is possible to spoof-troll the Trans movement anymore. See- Everyday Feminism
I’m pretty sure South Park covered this a few years ago.
That’s a rather verbose furry.
“A Florida woman paid a 15-year-old boy to have sex with her over a dozen times, forking over as much as $300 for each sick session, police said
she invited him to her home, and he would drink alcohol and smoke marijuana.”
Florida man would have done it for free.
15 year old Lachowsky used to smoke a little grass and drink a little booze with an un named 24 year old woman who lived up the road from him. I even got her to fuck me a few times. I didn’t turn out worse for the wear. If she would have given me 300 buck for my time, I would have been extatic.
I dont have to tell my story again, do I? Lets just say it involved a 14 or 15 year old me, a hot milf and a pool table. I was not injured or emotionally harmed. In fact, I was walking on air for a year.
But how did the poll table feel about it?
Hey, that felt is more abrasive than you think.
Not to go into details, but I got laid on a roof at a house party years ago. Shingles will fuck up your knees and her back.
Not to go into details
What a tease.
It’s all red tile roofs out here, so we can’t get up to that particular brand of hijinx.
You just were not “woke” enough to realize the tremendous damaging psychological trauma you under went. It is probably the main reason you post on a site like this.
So what is the libertarian minimum age for selling sex? I mean I want the official pure libertarian position, not random opinions.
There is no arbitrarily age. Just an arbitrary maturity. If you can handle being a dad at 13 then you can poke it.
I would have listed the libertarian position for women but there aren’t any
“libertarian position for women”
reverse cowgirl.
Broke-dick mounting.
I’m not sure there really could be an “official” libertarian position as such. But presumably it would
be the same age at which you could enter any other contract.
“The victim told police he met McGraw in spring 2016, when she invited him to her home, and he would drink alcohol and smoke marijuana.”
Victim, my arse.
This is all I ever wished for in my mid teens. Why do these “victims” tell the police anything, I always wonder.
admitted to engaging in sex with a 15-year-old boy who lived in the same complex “three or four” times but denied every paying him for the encounters…She allegedly paid him $100 to $300 for as many as 16 sexual encounters, and often let him use her debit card to withdraw the cash from a nearby grocery store ATM
I obviously don’t know the details, but it sounds like he got caught taking her money and came up with an excuse.
“She offered to dispose of the used condom, but when she was in the bathroom for a while, John got suspicious. He found the woman seated on the toilet and inserting his semen inside of her.”
I’m pretty sure most condoms have a spermicide in them. I don’t think her plan would have worked.
Is artificial insemination that easy though?
Some condoms have spermicide, but as far as I know, it’s only on the outside.
If that’s the case, they should fortify it with flouride.
“Only on the outside”
Um, don’t yours come rolled up?
They’re cheaper if you buy them used. A plus side is that if they break you have a chance of someone else’s swimmers making it before yours.
::scratches head::
Seems legit.
Don’t even get me started ln what an enterprising gal can accomplish after a blowjob.
That happened. Years ago some doctor impregnated herself after giving another doctor a blowjob. He was still on the hook for child support.
What??? And the courts acknowledged it was just a bj and still made him fork over child support? Seems like something she should be incarcerated do, either at a prison or nut house
The family law court is the advocate for the child, not the father or mother. So they’re gonna just look and say “you’re the biological father. Your share of child support is $X based on state code. How would you like to pay that?”
So the female doctor didn’t even lobby for the child support?
I’m pretty sure it’s not up to her, although she can actively lobby.
IIRC, the state will go after support from a man named in the birth certificate. And he has a limited time to challenge the claim of him being the father, at his expense. If the DNA test says he is, he’s fucked regardless of the circumstances.
That’s so fucked up. I can’t even.. I’m glad I never had to deal with that, I’m way to vindictive to swallow that (go ahead, it’s set up for whoever wants it)
*steps up to the plate*
Fortunately your mother was never vindictive.
I never said I’d abort the kid at age 3 or anything like that. Just kinda shocked, never really given much thought to a scenario like that. Thinking that should be pretty criminal.
“Dr. Phillips argued that his ex-fiancé took his property, his sperm, without his permission to conceive a child. Dr. Irons countered by asserting the sperm was a gift: Dr. Phillips delivered it to her with the intention that she keep it because if he really wanted to retain his semen, he would have put on a condom and “kept its contents”.
The court agreed with Dr. Irons: Dr. Phillips cannot claim he was deprived of his property because he did not intend that the semen be returned.”
That’s… insane.
“Dr. Irons countered by asserting the sperm was a gift”
I wish all women thought this way. It would save me a ton of money on valentine’s day. “Hey honey! Look what I got you for your birthday. Come here and you can have it.”
Combine Valentine’s and Steak & BJ Day! Everyone’s a winner.
Technically it was an ex-fiancée. Nothing wrong with his having a fiancé; I just don’t think they’d be having kids together.
His lawyer must have sucked. Shouldn’t he have countered with “where did he give you this gift? Had he ever given you a similar gift in a place where you could become pregnant by receiving it?
Followed up by “so you made yourself pregnant not by consensual sex with my linnet, but rather my using a gift he had given you for a purpose other than a potential pregnancy? Therefore how could he be considered party to the conception of your child when you, yourself, said his semen was a gift and you are the one that inseminated yourself with that gift?
I don’t think that would have worked. There was a case of statutory rape, where the woman was convicted, but the family of the male was still on the hook for child support.
Which proves my point that the state acts as the child’s advocate, not the mother or “father”‘s.
I agree. So I don’t think having a good lawyer would make any difference. In a number of states, child support has to be paid through the state. And they take a cut. No one is talking their way out of that racket.
Wow. I want to see this case make the supreme Court.
So earlier this week I saw an article (I think one of you glibs posted it) about making removing a condom without consent Rape. Shouldn’t things like this and lying b about being in birth control be called rape too?
That’s what Assange’s rape charge was brought on by. It’s douchebag behavior but it ain’t rape.
I agree. Make it a crime, sure, but Rape is orders of magnitude more heinous. By calling everything take, you make it worse for victims of real rape.
Fraud comes to mind.
I’d say civil liability to fund any offspring unless you knowingly have a STD or something.
“No one called the cops, and there was no physical evidence; a committee assigned to investigate the case didn’t interview either student, the suit charges.”
It seems this type of lawsuit has become a weekly occurrence.
Annnnnnnnd…. the comments blew up.
What did you do?
Professor at a Washington state college told he’s not safe on campus after refusing to leave for a no whites day, which is actually a thing. I know it’s WaPo but it’s Volokh so it’s derp free.
Alternative title: “This is Why Trump Won.”
He actually has a link to Heatstreet in there. Hmmm.
If the admin allows this to go on or tacitly endorsed it I can only imagine the lawsuits being plotted out right now.
A principled man makes a stand, the administration looks the other way while he’s threatened by known persons. Whatever happened to expelling people?
Students who attended his class on that day were filmed and named as white supremacists on a web messageboard somewhere. This kind of bullshit has to stop.
Moonbeam aint no Ronnie Raygun.
Reagan knew how to handle this shit and he did. Moonbeam probably has his feet up on hit desk, fingers in a steeple and a smile on his face.
Yes, but…
Fuck this guy. He’s been part of the faculty at Evergreen College, which is farther left than Stalin U. or the Lenin Institute of Technology, for 15 years. He contributed to this bullshit and now that he’s starting to see where it’s leading, he’s getting queasy.
Don’t interrupt your enemy when they are eating their own.
Can it? It’s almost to the point where the academy needs to be razed to the ground, the fields salted, and the faculty sold into slavery.
Universitas delenda est.
He should sue the school for the racist, hostile work environment.
If all these schools care about is virtue signaling and cash, go after their cash.
Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate says terrorists will not come to the city during Commonwealth Games
Is this the guy that jumped over into the polar bear exhibit at the zoo to hug the bears?
Evidently, Ariana Grande fans have been waging crusades for centuries.
The Mayor of Fantasyland.
“Knock on wood.”
I’ve seen people out to lunch, but man oh man.
Didn’t ISIS reveal their ‘hit list’ a while back. I coulda sworn Aussielarians were on it. I could be wrong.
Jemaah Islamiyah says “Fuck you, bitch.”
2:30 pm today. My team is playing for the SEC baseball tournament championship. It’s against LSU. That’s always a good match up. We lost 2-1 in the series in Fayetteville earlier this year. I was there for the Saturday game of that series. We blew a 7 run lead and lost on an error on what should have been the final put. I’m looking forward to this.
Yeah, but it’s baseball.
It’s all I got Ted. My football team is perennially disappointing.
“By Saudi Arabian law, I’m allowed to have 11 pleasure wives and three legal wives.”
Wow, she was gorgeous.
I have a hard enough time with one wife. Those guys are nuts.
I imagine it’s easier if you don’t treat your wife like a human being…
I guess that it being legal for one to kill their spouse over an accusation adultery probably serves to keep the wimminz minding their P’s and Q’s.
This long-standing horrible practice is all Trump’s fault. By being a horrible sexist, he emboldened the Saudi government to not change anything.
You beat me to it.
Sweetie, you were a hooker. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but don’t kid yourself.
Take the test: Feminist shenanigans or satire?
I was actually right. It wasn’t too hard, guess the one that was most reasonable.
Hey, baby. Got two tickets two the symphony tonight. Box seats.
*opera applause*
And here I thought women having rape fantasies was just a myth.
I failed.
I present to you two posts by progressive friends of mine on the stabbings yesterday (by a Bernie Sanders supporter) in Portland:
I didn’t hear about that one. A Berniebot knifed a couple folks huh? Fuck it, Trump’s fault.
Surprised you didn’t. It’s national news:
tl;dr: Man was berating two Muslim women on a train in Portland. Two dudes stepped in to protect the women. Bernie-bot dude stabbed and killed them both.
Ah, I misread your comment. The guy sounds like he’s a longstanding headcase and violent asshole. Not Trump’s fault but fuck that guy.
“We don’t yet know what angle the investigation is going to take,” Portland police Chief Mike Marshman said.
Oh, I know this one. *Waves hand furiously*
Not a Bernie-bot. All-right bot. Hence the reason it’s getting so much coverage.
Alt-right……f’ing auto-correct
There is contrary evidence the guy was a bernie-bot or a jill-bot. He may actually be just a nut job.
Unless he’s a Trumpaloo. Then he’s clear insane and evil.
I read that he was secret alt-right Bernie-bot. Which makes me think that maybe this dude is just fucked in the head.
Yeah, my guess is a head case who would latch onto whatever movement that was most likely to give him an opportunity to do violence
I was just about to post about this. The left has their boogey man de’jour. The Guardian takes 2/3 of their article about him to detail all his nefarious alt-right views and activities and mentions toward the end of the article ‘oh BTW he’s a bi-polar criminal with a history of mental illness and violence that predated his political activism by at least a decade. That really is a non factor though BECUZ TROOMP!!!!
When did Trump make it ok to openly berate people over their race. He’s the perfect scapegoat. Did you do something wrong? Well it’s ok because Trump did it to (possibly) so it’s ok.
Also, what kind of childish works do I live in where if one asshole does it suddenly everyone is powerless to withstand urges to do the same. The obvious answer is that assholes will always point at other assholes and use them as an excuse for their behavior.
Seriously this is childish language: “Trump made it ok”. I’m sorry but I didn’t make Trump or anyone else in government my moral guys so even if he does day that it’s ok does not “make it ok”.
These same people said that oral sex wasn’t sex during the Clinton administration. The President is their adopted Father and what he says, goes.
Masters of deflection and blame.
It’s sickening.
Derpbook? Seriously, for your own sake, stay away. Unless you’re making a list of whom not to speak to at parties.
Yep, I dumped it right after the gay marriage SCOTUS ruling/confederate flag outrage…..ain’t nobody go time for that
My friends are pretty good about leaving their politics at the door but I still avoid that fucking swamp like the plague. It pains me to see some of them losing their minds.
Anonymous online comments can be waived away, you can dismiss some faceless poster as a crank, a troll or a basement dweller. With Derpbook however you are forced to face the fact that your friends, acquaintances and family are capable regurgitating the most I’ll informed , sanctimonious bullshit talking points and if you challenge their idiocy the pack will instantly turn on you for challenging goodthink…..saying ‘fuck it’ and walking away has not been regretted in the least
Just click on the “block links from (Huffpo, NPR, etc.) – it’s done wonder for cleaning up the political filth from my web page.
Works well for blocking shitty shared articles, etc but doesn’t do much for the political screeds and virtue signaling posts. I know you can block those people from your feed but… Mostly it’s the worse side human nature and the whole creepy collectivist vibe I got from it that made me decide to quit for good
Go to and get the browser extension. One can filter any word and loads of other things. It’s magic. Since I am a professional artist you can imagine the crap my friends, collectors, and colleagues post.
In the first 24 hours of using fbpurity, my life was so much better I donated to the developer.
After Obergfell, I started telling the “Love Wins” people how pleased I was to see all the support for plural marriage.
People got really offended.
That gave me a good chuckle. I wanted to do stuff like that but a lot of those posts in my feed were by family who were simultaneously cheering my cousin whom had recently come out… gatherings may have been ….tense… had I elected to do that
I responded to their offense by saying that gay marriage is accepted now because, thankfully, gays are no longer seen as icky.
Plural marriage, however, seems to be practiced (at least in the US) by those Christian fundies, and it still is acceptable to see them as icky and then some.
Lemme guess, response was ‘Something, something, principals not principles.”
We need to ban assault knives.
That doesn’t go far enough for progs these days…..they also want to ban the wrong ideas and people if it comes down to it……see the Christine Fair article above
This is just trolling, right?
Why? Just… why?
She’s no Linda Carter that’s for sure.
Ascot head: “It’s art!”
Rufus: “No, it’s a grown woman spinning around aimlessly in a Wonder Woman costume staggering about to drown in a pool of her own vomit.”
Check again
Let’s go with ‘It’.
goddammit I’m trying to eat. I just made biscuits, sausage and brown gravy with pepper. I was enjoying it. Was.
Sorry. But how did you get “brown gravy” from sausage? Adding kitchen bouquet to sawmill?
Cook the sausage until it is very well done. Remove sausage from pan. Pour in a cup of chicken stock and deglaze the pan (all that stuff stuck to the pan) with the spatula. Put in 1/3 cup flour, black pepper, garlic and whisk until smooth. Cook down until thick. It takes less than five minutes.
Brown pepper gravy. Delicious.
Actually I did consider tossing in a quarter capful of kitchen bouquet but it was already pretty brown so I didn’t.
OK. In my mind, brown means beef. Sawmill is milk rather than stock, heavily seasoned with salt and pepper, but not garlic.
I had a dream – it can easily pass for a nightmare – last light I met the entire Glibertarian community.
Boring as fuck.
Except OMWC and his wife. They were yukking it up with me.
I had a nightmare a few weeks ago. It was horrible. I dreamed I was a Canadian with beady little eyes and a flapping head. I haven’t slept well since.
Try actually being one, pal.
It ain’t all bad – you guys have some drinkable macro brews and 2/3 of Rush.
*narrows gaze*
Narrows gaze from the the church, I presume.
Of course… Associate pastor is in full blown self pity mode. Look, ma’am… Tomorrow is Memorial Day, sorry you are having yet another “hard week”, but I am just waiting for communion at this point.
Uh oh, fire and brimstone.
Hey, I had the same dream. Were you the guy who showed up in the windowless van with nothing on but a raincoat?
Isn’t that a coincidence? I find you to be boring as fuck when I’m awake!
You all have the crappiest dreams. The only Glibs in my dreams are the ladies.
I really had to cake the make up on to hide the five o’clock shadow.
I had a dream about Riven once. That time, we didn’t. But usually, my nightmares are reflections of something I read by SugarFree.
I had a Glibs dream once. I was having lunch with Ted S. He told me Gilmore’s first name was Ernie. Cut to an airport terminal where I struggled with my self-unpacking luggage.
In real life, you just would have been bored by my vintage movie recommendations.
True. “Ernie” was the only memorable thing about the encounter.
NY Post, keep on being you: Emmanuel Macron loves his cougar — his dad just loves cats
Oh come on, threading faeries!
/removes Rufus from the about-to-be-banned list
“Here’s an interesting new tidbit on the Jared Kushner front. The New York Times account of Kushnergate says that the reason Kushner wanted to set up backchannel comms to Russia was so that Michael Flynn could hold private conversations about Syria. The Times didn’t characterize their sources for this information, but it turns out it was people providing Kushner’s side of the story. So why didn’t this detail make it into the Washington Post story?”
Kushnergate? Really?
Das Jews!!!!
I have no idea what any of that 4-dimensional chess is supposed to mean. Are they claiming the Trumpalos got to the WaPo or something? Because that would be… ridiculous.
“Kushner wanted to set up backchannel comms to Russia was so that Michael Flynn could hold private conversations about Syria.”
I really don’t see a problem with that.
I would be upset if they weren’t doing that. It’s their job.
The whole thing is that with frankly, they could have done something wrong, but I don’t know, because the media has acted like everything this admin does is the worst thing to happen every. Even if the previous about admin did it. In other words, if I did a libertarian analysis of this, I might not like what they did, But that’s par for the course with government. They have yet to show that this is beyond normal government abuse.
so that Michael Flynn could hold private conversations about Syria
Since when is it not totally normal, since the invention of diplomacy, for one ruler (and his minions) not to have confidential channels for talking to other rulers and their minions?
I’ve been enjoying Veep as well. The way it portrays how shameless, ignorant and power hungry politicians and staffers are makes it the 2nd most libertarian show on tv.
I have family that have tried to sell me on that show, but I was reticent because I assumed a politically-themed show liked by people who believe every word coming from Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews and Bryan Williams as gospel, and that Putin is controlling literally everything, etc., etc., etc., would involve much eye-rolling and headache. Perhaps I’ve been too hasty to judge sight unseen.
It is a must. Please. Trust me.
No, the progressive masturbatory political show will always be The West Wing.
Don’t worry, it’s no Madame Secretary or West Wing.
It mocks the whole idea of us having government bettors.
“Swedish women are protesting the “patriarchy” by running around playing horses. Looking like idiots.”
In Sweden, isn’t protesting the patriarchy something alt-right anti-imigrationists do?
Maybe they are just gamboling?
(said in an upward tone) Well that’s one way to protest?
I thought Sweden was the wokest country on earth and the toxic masculinity has been completely wiped out of their men.
Yet they have one of the highest rape rates of any country.
Well, it doesn’t take with certain men.
It’s been that way for a long time. Although it looks like it doubled between 2003 and 2006.
Climate change
I’m not opposed to role playing
Anyone have a link to a good libertarianish article about single payer and the demise of our current healthcare system? I’m arguing with a program on it and I’m not gonna waste my time typing out all that would need to be covered.
Just tell them to ask a vet about how great single payer is
You should check I think they have a whole section dedicated to Health Care reform.
The person you are arguing with would never listen to it, but the mises bootcamp series podcast on Austrian economics is the best argument for free markets I have ever heard. I recommend it to anybody.
I’ll have to check it out. I read an excellent article from a year or so ago but I can’t find it. And there’s a limit to how much time I’m putting into it. Can’t have this cutting into my waverunner time
We need to talk about your “relationship” with Siri; it’s getting concerning.
Framed auto correct. You’d think it’d know the difference between prog and program.
Freaking. Not framed. Damn you autocorrect. Go duck yourself
You’d think it’d know the difference between prog and program.
I think its an AI giving us a hint that it sees what’s going on. Prog = “programmed” as well as “progressive”, amirite?
There’s a PDF here that has a section about single payer and wait times for medical procedures.
That’s great, except I woke up today in 2017, not 1992. Don’t know how that happened….. This though
Thanks though
Socialism stlll sucks
I agree but that’s harder to convince a socialist that their views are shit. If I’m gonna go back in time I would probably need to start with medical coding in the 70s.
– As usual, has a good write-up of what’s wrong with our healthcare system, which is not free market by any means. This is the point to stress: America DOES NOT HAVE free market healthcare. We have a hodge-podge of cronyism and socialism.
– Look up “certificate of need” laws for healthcare. Most “progressives” have been shocked when I tell them about these laws; it seems that not many people even know that they exist. They’re blatantly anti-competitive and significantly contribute to the lack of supply-demand balance in healthcare.
Morning y’all. One of my ‘prog’ friends, who shares a dearth of derp has vanished from derpbook. It’s made me a little, sad, sort of like watching a nemesis vanish before you have a chance to confront them.
The vampire never dies.
So, it’s starting to sink in that her campaign was the biggest political clusterfuck in American history? Damn. I was really looking forward to more pledges to put americans out of work and cursing the voters.
Oh, I think that the resistance may not want her, but she wants it. I can see her trying to drive herself into the movement, fracturing it further and ultimately pulling the whole thing down with her ego a la sampson.
The lunatic fringe is imploding. It was inevitable. Crazy just isnt functional. Slowly they are crawling back under their rocks. Even the MSM is destroying itself.
It sure is entertaining to watch.
No its not.
Ugh. Still with the Mao suits.
He is her inspiration, at least when it comes to purges and centralized incompetence.
That article is so…so…man. Pravada is proud.
I like the photo of “Hillary in her mid-town office”
she’s staring out the window and the implicit caption is, “Will this photo convince anyone that Hillary actually does any real work? Doubtful.”
You can see that the rolling chair rests directly on carpet; and that it is utterly unmarked. anyone who had actually sat in that chair for hours and hours day after day would have left a threadworn patch (or had one of those mats that people like me use to protect their floors). Its like people who have books on shelves that have never been opened; its all for show.
If that were a pic of Trump, the media would display outage that he had an office chair but anyone visiting his office would have to sit in those crappy cafeteria chairs.
Yeah, i noticed those as well. It honestly looks more like a sort of mock-up room that real-estate agents put together to sell not-yet-built properties. All the picture frames have random photos of dogs and sunsets.
The impression you get is that this simply isn’t how she does anything, ever. she’s not a “person behind a desk”. She’s a couch person. She doesn’t do that kind of work.
Yeah, I would agree with that assessment. She’s not sitting at a desk all day
She doesn’t even have a computer on that desk, not even a laptop.
She gave her laptop to the maid so she could wipe the hard drive whatever that is.
Also, I think that’s a $75 Office Depot chair. I guess the graft money is going elsewhere.
Does she even have job?
Couple thoughts:
(1) That’s also not the desk of somebody who works, or at least does any paperwork at all. You know what’s missing? A computer.
(2) Office for what? The Clinton Foundation? What the fuck does she need an office for these days? Who is paying the rent on it, in mid-town Manhattan?
She couldn’t even beat a reality TV star. If Trump didn’t run, The Situation could be President.
She still can’t face that fact, and no one in her inner circle seems to be able to convey it to her in a way that she will accept.
In a way, it’s really sad. In a more important way, it’s really, really funny.
That’s my takeaway. On the one hand a human being is being drained of their life by denial and lunacy, on the other hand the temple is coming down around their ears and they still pretend that it’s all okay and even that their victory is imminent.
So Hitler in the bunker in “Downfall”?
pretty much…
Spray-tan coverage mandatory.
I think she would have beat just about any other Republican.
I’m thinking he is the only one she could have beat. We’ll never know
Its rare i see a cute line in these internet-political-rags =
Something something markets, something something incentives…
Yeah, they really thought the sjws we’re going to “tip” them huh.
From what I took away they were getting tipped, just not enough, turns out that fencing yourself off and wielding the banhammer like a fix-all discourages other from wanting to join your community.
“The scene features two white actors – named as Aspen and Jack.
One wakes his partner up by loudly playing the wind instrument while his opposite number is sleeping.
He then flies into a rage, snaps the instrument in two, and takes “revenge” by using it as a sex toy. It features the line “I’m gonna didgeridoo you in the ass”.
I had no idea Sugarfree was an aborigine.
SF is transcendent of race, he only exist as that thing in our souls which causes gods to recoil made flesh.
Call of Duty: WWII Campaign Won’t Let Players Be Nazis
Play as the French and surrender to the Nazis.
Wait, so you can’t lose in this game? Or they do allow teh evil Nazis to triumph after all, just as a NPC?
that any WW2 buff is bound to appreciate. Aside from keeping things realistic and allowing players to potentially rewrite history
I tend to think that strict adherence to history would make for a boring game…
One of the best campaigns of any World War 2 game ever was German, specifically because it didn’t dehumanize the Germans into childish cartoon villains that you can murder without feeling bad and actually handled the conflict like it was written for adults.
I don’t think any CoD or MoH game had a Wermacht campaign, so it’s nothing new.
Yeah, I don’t have a problem with that, I have a problem with the jackass writer saying it’s ‘disrespectful’ to do horrible things like humanize German soldiers and not treat them like fleshy soulless target practice.
Oh, that’s just Nazis being stand-in for Trump supporters, idiot who wrote that doesn’t give a fig about the representation of Germans in the game one way or another.
My impression is that “those who risked everything to defeat the Nazis” on the Western front don’t mind the Wehrmacht all that much (SS is a different story), and opinions of those who experienced their way of war elsewhere are as far from the writer’s mental map as NFL rush strategies are from mine.
Most console-based FPS don’t let you play as all the different sides, do they? So this isn’t news really.
My guess is this article was intended as a victory-dance over the supposedly “hundreds of thousands of vicious Neo-Nazis who helped Trump’s campaign”.
Sigh. The proggies are reaching a lot lately.
This made me laugh–vAaYKhlHV9InLuaJ0rgc_7CE%3D&biw=1600&bih=791&ved=0ahUKEwjSwL3K7JLUAhVC6iYKHSCRDYIQyjcIMQ&ei=TOUqWdLqEcLUmwGgoraQCA#imgrc=ritEZc1VpOWC_M:
For those of you looking for work. Or just want to troll.
I’m tempted. But having buzzfeed on my CV would be to much of a black mark
And you have to reveal you preferred pronouns, too.
Is attack copter still on the table
“Senior Creative”. Ability to arrange mind-numbingly trivial minutia into a list a must.
James Clapper just said on Meet the Press that the Russians put out fake shit on social media, just like the Soviet Union did. So Igor was sitting at his PC posting fake messages to Facebook in 1993?
It was the least untrue thing he could’ve said.
“So, Mr. Clapper, you were about to tell us how the Russians hacked the election. Please continue”
“They said stuff.”
When is Clapper going to prison for lying to Congress?
If the poles aren’t careful they’ll get partitioned again
It also might not be entirely coincidence that Switzerland has the lowest murder rate in Europe. Well, also Iceland, but their population is so tiny.
It seems Andorra, San Marino, and Monaco have the lowest murder rate. After Iceland, Switzerland is tied with Austria with both at 0.5 per 100,000.
Counting zeros doesn’t make sense. And aren’t those the blue people on Star Trek? Although, yes, according to that, Austria is tied with Switzerland.
I said that to my computational linguistics prof., but he never bought it.
Andorians have 4 genders.

I’ll take that one. Unless the other three are better.
This one comes with handle bars.
Those do look like they might come in handy.
Which one did the Orion spy identify as?
It’s because they fear the Narrowed Gaze.
Sometimes i hate the english language.
I am skeptical that the Poles would voluntarily leave any European club. They, more than anyone else i can think of other than Turkey, need both access to European markets as well as formal alliance with European militaries. With Ukraine on their doorstep, Russian aggression isn’t ‘theoretical’ to them.
A few EU nations have bucked on the issue of welcoming immigration = both Denmark and Hungary, if i recall, basically said, “we’re not taking the numbers that brussels demands”, and chose to suffer some administrative penalties for it. but they basically held the line on ‘no more crazy moozies’. And they seem the smarter for it in retrospect.
This guy reminds me of what jon Stewart used to be. It’s not a bad take from a flaming limey liberal
A rare moment of clarity for the left?
Who’d a thunk it
Looks like someone needs excommunicated from the church of prog. The problem for his argument is that it fails to take onto account that social signaling is the overwhelming benefit the derp patrol get from their call outs. Can’t get that with call ins so doesn’t matter that that would be a much more moral (although still insufferable) way to go.
Yeah, the High Priest of the Proggish Inquisition will be along shortly for that guy, but it doesn’t matter, he got the idea out in the air at least.
You ever notice that these rare moments of clarity tend to happen in tiny journals no one reads?
*the only exceptions that come to mind were that CBS news editorial after the election where some guy said, “The media is the problem”, and maybe Jon Chait’s piece in NY Magazine about how PC bullshit had gone too far.
Long, but worth reading, eventually.
Reposting from last night’s thread. The best of Malcolm Tucker (Capaldi) from “Thick of It” spin-off “In the Loop”.
Actually, I think this one is a compilation of all his appearances.
Frickin brilliant.
A box is coming! A box is coming in the mail, full of Capaldian profanity! Whee!
How can all of you assholes be so full of levity today, of all days?
*comes inside from the beach*
What day is it?
I dunno but tomorrow is hot dogs and burgers day. And a day off work.
Nathan’s just had a recall. Of all weekends to have a hot dog recall.
Real Nathan’s or licensed crap sold in the grocery store?
John Morrell Co.
Is it your birthday?
It’s my birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Still pissed about the Giants and Dodgers thing?
Sooo, I was wondering, I didn’t look for reviews of “Seveneves” before picking it up last year (aside from skimming amazon) – but did it trigger a derpfest when it was first released? I don’t recall hearing anything.
I was thinking about it – the general storyline basically involves the SJWs inserting themselves (demands for “equality”, “diversity”, etc in spite of not being technically qualified) into an efficient scientifically/engineering planned system – and wrecking the entire thing, nearly obliterating the human race. Even more so when they resort to devouring each other (literally).
And on top of that two of the characters even seem like pretty clear analogues for Clinton and Huma….how did it not set off the derpstorm?
PZ Meyers had a hissy fit.
“Oh noes – science!”
But to be fair, I wasn’t terribly pleased with the book either.
Yeah, but compared to the stuff we’ve seen the last few months re: characters being written by white writers (not to mention most female characters written by a male author), etc. that article is surprisingly lite. Then again…it’s an adult novel more than 300 pages long – probably too much trouble to read far enough to critique. 🙂
Caveat: I haven’t read the book. But a lot of Meyers’ complaints seem weak.
At worst, this is just a topic of ongoing research.
The book may slightly exaggerate this effect as we currently understand it… But the premise isn’t “magical” at all. Epigenetic inheritance is actually a fascinating topic and isn’t generally considered to be kooky or pseudoscience.
Geez, I hate that guy.
For a better book by the same author that also goes on a little longer than many people would like about orbital mechanics, there’s always Anathem.
I’ll have to refresh my memory but I do recall that “Doc” Dubois was a pretty obvious analogue of deGrasse Tyson.
I didn’t make the connection, but yeah. Probably.
I have not read this yet, but at a glance it appears like it might be a rebuttal to the argument someone posted yesterday, where Deirdre McCloskey praised basic liberal ideas (equality before the law + free markets) as the source of all that is good in the modern world, and still the solution to most of our current woes.
this one argues = “The Liberal Order Is Rigged” and that it needs “fixing”.
again, still have not read it, but it seems their evidence that there’s a problem is “Trump”, and Trumpist/populist-people
their various proposed solutions are distinctly proggy ‘tinkering’ which don’t come even remotely close to pretending to ‘fix’ the liberal order =
Probably worth reading at least to remind yourself how Top Men think.
Sounds like more ‘Trump should be doing things the way we think he should even though he kicked our asses in the election’ nonsense to me. I know, they cant help themselves.
Does it seem like they keep changing the terms of this “social contract”?
Shorter link:
(Anything after a “?” is usually just tracking crap)
Anyway, looks like requires registration to read.
really? It was sent to me as “Paywall-free reading for the weekend”. I’m not signed in and it allows me to read the whole thing. Unless it knows I’m registered without even signing in (via cookie)
Please let this be true: Trump Tells Pruitt that the US will pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement
I thought that was a given. If anyone knows a scam when the see one it’s Trump.
He said he’ll “let us know”, i.e. delaying, i.e. being “presidential” – which is being interpreted as waffling.
This seems to be the Trumpism equivalent of yokel vs. cosmo: do you side with Cohn and the cocktail suppers in Manhattan or Pruitt and his band of kulaks?
I’ve actually had plenty of cocktail suppers. And now I know what call them. Thanks!
My idea of a cocktail supper is family gathered around a ten gallon crawfish pot outside with a beer in hand and a mountain of steaming crawfish on an open table with everyone gathered around laughing, peeling and eating. Dogs barking, grandchildren chasing each other around laughing. Maybe some fishing afterwards.
Which category does that put me in?
Or some family skeet shooting after. Thats what we did last time.
I think you know the answer to that.
The left are screaming about Treason and Trump does the right thing by getting us out of something that actually constitutes treason. How could anything be more treasonous than a president signing onto something to give away trillions of US tax dollars and cripple our economy, without any Congressional action?
By secretly giving billions in cash to our sworn enemies just as they are beginning to crumble so that they can recover and use the money to kill us?
I was talking to my friend yesterday and he was complaining that no matter what he does at work, his bosses get mad at him. Ie. If he questions the wording in a report he’s a trouble maker; if he agrees with everything in a report, he’s too passive.
So I tell him the bottom line is that they just don’t like you and will rip you no matter what, so do whatever you want/think is right and don’t worry about it. That’s basically Trump. Though it helps if you have fuck you money.
Apparently, white supremacist nazi islamaphobe Trump is pissing off white Europeans right after he had a grand old time with the Muslims and Jews last week.
He’s giving mixed signals:
FWIW, here’s a nice unsourced account (“former officials, policy experts, and congressional aides familiar with the White House deliberations”) of the inner circle on the Paris deal:
The entire GOP (except Sen. Collins) and his base are on the side against the Paris Agreement. I think it’s more likely than not that he pulls out.
Clearly Jared Kushner is the biggest stakeholder in this decision.
Maybe he has interests in “green” technology. I can’t think of any other reason someone would support this crap.
Or, as I said before, his Manhattan buddies are screaming “TRADER!!” and “MURDERER!” in his face.
How you know you’re old: you’re rooting for the sons of the guys who were racing when you started watching Indy.
But Buddy Lazier – isn’t he, like, 90 years old?
No, you know you’re getting old when the sons of players you remember watching are retiring. Ie. Griffey Jr and Bonds in baseball or anyone named Matthews in football.
Pretty much. He won his 500 21 years ago.
WTF – Scott Dixon just ran right over that guy!
That was an insane accident, he is lucky he wasn’t killed from that.
Castroneves drove right under him!
I like that we get twenty different angles on that from all the cameras. That view was a great one.
Yeah I can’t quite figure that one out. It *looked* like it could’ve been avoided.
Miracle that dude walked away.
Well you can always put your laptop In your checked luggage. If you never want to see it again.
Companies and organizations whose employees travel with secured laptops with proprietary/secret info should be screaming right now.
Their laptops will be in good hands with the NSA, I mean TSA agents working in baggage. May take a little longer for flights to leave though.
I missed the justification for this, beyond FYTW, is there actually one or are we adding another layer to the security kabuki?
Laptop bombs I’m guessing.
Yeah, that makes sense academically, but it’s just one more delay, one more step in an already long process that has been shown to do nothing but bunch potential targets in a nice little kill zone.
Yeah, look at the cattle lines at O’Hare. Set off a carry on bag full off sploidy stufg in the middle of that and how many airplanes full of people would that be
I read that as ‘security bukakki’.
Is there really a difference at this point?
Has everyone stopped mentally developing at 5 now?
So the French aren’t going to beg us as hard the next time we need to save their sorry asses?
French don’t beg. They reluctantly allow you to get involved, but with the understanding that you owe them for it.
Plus they get to treat you like shit afterwards. They’re the original PUA’s.
“Not overdo things.” Yeah, ok. Like that handshake?
“I don’t believe in diplomacy through public criticism but in my bilateral dialogues I don’t let anything pass. That is how you get respect.”
“I’m going to try to be the biggest cunt in the room, that’s how you get respect!”
Well French diplomacy hasn’t changed much.
I doubt that will happen again.
Children with nukes, Jeebuz. And somehow Macron is some sainted figure for doing it.
“He persisted.”
Seems like he’s got his hair up for sure. Guess we’ll see how that attitude flies the next time the French need a relief column.
They are all pissed because their climate scam was supposed to be funded by us.
Another quick question. I’ve been thinking about some video stuff for youtube for a while now, but taking a while to dig into the software requirements.
Are there any video editing programs that I could use to pull dvd clips for review purposes that don’t require ripping the entire movie (or clips) in .vob format first? Is there a program where I could do editing straight off the DVD?
Just in the matter of saving HD space/time/etc.
Haven’t really gone into software stuff for a long time, but I’m interested in reviewing some movies.
I had downloaded VLC years ago because I needed to play a special format from a Sony camera. I’m not sure about editing capibilities but I do know I was about to record ‘clips’ from video in the software so I would think that would be a good start
Thanks for the link. I’ve been using VLC as a catch-all for watching every single format for years (and was able to use it to rip audio from videos to make mp3s from music videos – for stuff not available on itunes) – I’ll investigate further.
This is probably a little friendlier
Thanks. I think it’s about time I upgraded from v2.01 as well 🙂
Sooooo….since that should address some issues, any one have preferences on actual video editing programs? Free ones (Gimp, etc) vs subscriptions like After Effects?
Video not really my bag but found this 2017 list at PC mag,2817,2397215,00.asp
FYI = if you want to use VLC as a format converter, you may want to download an updated codec pack
when it comes to just watching stuff, its less important, but if you want to rip one format into a hard-version of another one, they may be necessary.
AFAIK, no. At least how you’re stating it.
If i understand you correctly, what you want to do is actually do real-time capture of ‘clips’ (bits you want to re-use).
That would require effectively “filming” the DVD to some new, editable-format as you’re playing it back. i think editors like Vegas pro (the only one i’ve worked with) will let you use a DVD as an input source (without ‘ripping’ the entire DVD file to some editable temp-video format); you’d basically write clips on the fly for the portions you want to work with.
The few times i have chopped up DVD files, i have gone directly into the VOB and ripped them to disk. It just seemed easier.
Get Snagit. It will record your computer screen as you watch something. You can pause and take screenshots, or just use small video clips.
I love that one of the Indy cars is sponsored by Fuzzy’s Vodka. Cars and being blackout drunk are an awesome combination!
Could see that crash coming from 3 turns back.
I have a whole pile of USDA Choice boneless short ribs from Costco.
Not sure what I’m going to do with them yet. Something awesome, hopefully.
Something with some smoke?
I just got a brand new cold smoker, but I probably won’t have it seasoned and broken in until next week.
Isn’t a cold smoker for jerky or smoked fish? What kind did you get?
It’s an add on for the Masterbuilt Electric Smoker. I only use the Masterbuilt for temperature control; the smoke quality isn’t good. Previously, I used this for smoke.
That’s cool. I really need to break down and get a decent smoker. Unfortunately, my toy wish list is ridiculously long.
You don’t burn your broken-down orphan labor for smoke?
Its drug-dealer slang for a very-pure package of heroin
I don’t speak jive so that’s very useful.
You seem like a Tofurkey kind of guy. Want some tips?
I already know how to double bag before I throw it in the trash.
Tofurkey, the worst word in the English language.
No, the English language also contains mayo.
I’m working on a video showing the proper way to cook tofurducken. Peasants like Playa need all the help they can get.
You’re a vegetarian, who cares what you think?
Guajillo braise in progress.
Just googled guajillo braise and got many results for Tacolicious tacos. I’ll have to give this a try. Have never been to Tacolicious, but apparently it’s bomb.
Couple weeks ago I made sauerbraten using short ribs of beef. Better than the average pot roast; whether worth the trouble, I’m not sure.
Congrats to Taku Sato! A lot of people thought a F1 driver would win the 500 this year, but didn’t expect it to be Sato. They expected an F1 driver to lead the most laps, but didn’t expect it to be Chilton.
It’s kinda sad that the era of spec cars is back next year. Half the fun of this year was the superior aerodynamics and HP of Honda v. the better reliability and stability of Chevy.