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Great – extended cut.
Top notch, sir! It is good to see that vigilance of the media undoes all the Secret Nazi Plans of the Secret Nazi President.
Although, I think that Pope should have a MEGA hat (Make Eucharist Great Again).
Crap. I missed an opportunity to put Trump in a MAGA popehat.
In-universe, having him wear it one or two strips later makes more sense (he saw the hat, he commissioned one for himself, but biglier and awesomer, with diamond MAGA on it, so it took some time to finish).
Indeed – this was a really good installment!
Agreed. Plus a veritable smorgasbord of ethnic girls. I strongly approve.
Here’s some self awareness from the progtards on DU.
or rather, he didn’t realize the implication of his rhetorical question at the end.
Carina needs bigger breasts.
This is what happens when you name your kid after an antihistamine.
Touche HM
Since [right wing women] are part of the recipe for crossbreeding their own pale race, let’s use it against her side. Let us sexually overcome these stupid, brainless women without hesitation, for the survival of a smiling humanity”
TW: Breitbart
So classy.
Why do people who have no security apparatus support, hate firearms and despise masculinity desperately want a civil war? They are gonna get fucked once violence starts.
After hearing swedish ministers laugh about muslim rape of swedish women and now this fuck stick (tip of the iceberg) and numerous of the ruling class in europe cheer on and facilitate the rape and destruction of their own people I am thinking it couldn’t come fast enough.
These people don’t care about the plebes. They look down on these unwashed masses and feel they should just shut up and do what their betters tell them. Thew top men are basically pisses someone is helping the no good plebes overthrow the rigged system that has benefited the top men at the expense of everyone. How dare the masses feel that these intellectuals that constantly harp on equality and saving the down trodden are full of shit and have done nothing but wrong them? Ungrateful unwashed clowns should shut up and keep taking the shafting if they know what is good for them.
Swedish Democrats might win the election next year (they’re poll really, really well compared to what they used to). They’re Euroskeptics and anti-immigrant. That’s when the fun starts.
But they’d need to have 50% of the vote to win, no? Otherwise every single party will form Grand Coalition to stop them.
And even if they win the votes, the bureaucracy and judicial system will start a resistance that will make Trump administration look like a well-oiled executive machine…
Sure, but even a massive increase in seats indicates the wind blowing away from the Eurocrat dream, and they’d be fools to ignore it. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the Swedish Parliamentary organization was just as authoritarian as everything else in that Nazi-sympathizing backward degenerate regime, but what people don’t get is that you don’t try to crush or suppress populism. You give it a chance to let off some steam with a Trump or a Berlusconi, who, despite the rhetoric of the maniac left, are not absolute challengers to the pre-existing system. Because if you don’t eventually the Caesar figure comes into play and it’s a hell of a lot worse.
After hearing swedish ministers laugh about muslim rape of swedish women
Jesus fuck, what?!
I wish I found it unbelievable but after Louise Arbour comedy act, it sounds depressingly plausible.
I am sorry. She isnt just a minister, she is the minister for women’s issues. I had forgotten that part.
Ah, but she’s just ONE minister!
You said “ministers“. I am glad to see it was just fake news and big bag of nothing!
Because they have no context for what an actual civil war would entail. Afatk they have won the cultural revolution and that’s totes the same thing as winning a shooting war.
Compliancy and arrogance mostly. They’re used to the good and comfortable life surrounded by people who agree with them. They think a ‘civil war’ equates to the police and military, solidly in their corner, rounding up their troublesome opponents and removing them from society no problem.
And they’ll continue believe that up until they get the free helicopter ride.
Somehow got here from there. Has anyone seen these “ex-army” anti-libertarian posters? Has to be one of our old trolls.
One more try
OK, this one is great.
Wow, the derp is strong there. I think that’s an example of actual alt-right (not boogey-man alt-right).
Considering some of those are using the British Union of Fascists symbol, I’m going to say yes.
Scroll down and check out the Alladin NAP video
Fifth, it assumes that the whole human race is just like libertarians and their friends, (i. e., Whites of Christian or secular Christian background, of Northwest European origin)
Well at least Pan isn’t allowed into Libertopia.
Well at least Pan isn’t allowed into Libertopia.
Yes, it’s covered by the fact that my very presence is an NAP violation.
BTW John, I saw on the evening links a day or so ago where you gave your come to rothbard moment. My oldest and best friend had a similar walk. He and I were rivals and frenimies (the sort who respect each other, while despising their politics). He was an honest-to-marx commie. Had a hammer and sickle T-shirt and castro hat he would wear. After HS we drifted apart for a couple of years then grew closer again. I find out he went full libertarian. It took a couple of years and some deep study but now we can laugh at all the marxist ‘tards who surrounded us in HS. Just thought you would appreciate knowing that your story is repeatable in the right circumstances.
“I did not think for a moment that there was any real incitement to rape. I regret the affair, of course, but I do not regret having defended family planning.”
Well, okay, let’s turn that around: Front National voters should rape ethnic minorities to help purify them.
Nope, that doesn’t sound parodic, it sounds just as vile and debased.
I cannot imagine the twisted logic necessary to get from “family planning” to advocating rape.
Oh… Wow.
It’s fairly straightforward “u r hypocrite, you’d totally get abortion if it’s convenient for you!”
I can sorta see where the “satire” comes in, but it’s really just a revenge fantasy of a man who considers his enemies worthless subhumans.
Maybe I’m giving him too much credit, but when writing anything like that for public consumption, I’d be 110% paranoid of running afoul of Poe’s Law (or, in simpler terms just that I’d be taken seriously). So, unless he explicitly said it was satire at the time (I’m not researching it further), my strong suspicion is that he’s just trying to wiggle his way out, because he HAD to have known it would be taken seriously and if he didn’t mean it that way, he would have hit ‘cancel post’.
I think that’s explained by what JT and Rick above said. He never even considered that anyone who matters would do more than chuckle when they read it. The idea that rules apply to subhumans same as to his people is just not something he considered.
What is the problem Password? Raping someone for the express purpose of impregnating them is the definition of family planning.
Planned Parenthood would like a word….
Or maybe not. Who knows?
the disciplinary chamber of the Upper Normandy Order of Physicians
Do they meet in a 1000 year old monastery, wearing hoods and carrying candles. Speaking in Latin only?
Not now, but once FN comes to power and Makes France French Again…
TFW: Prog tries to get smarmy, makes sense on accident (sorta)
This little tidbit has been cycling around derpbook for a couple of days, figured y’all would get a kick out of it
wow, what do you say after that one? They showed us!
(damn, it’s how you get polarization – I just referred to libertarians as “us” even though I’m horribly unpure…)
The ambulance quote is particularly funny because I was rather surprised the last time I was in Montreal to find out that sometimes ambulances just don’t show up. Apparently they’re massively understaffed and have nowhere near enough to cover all the immediate injuries in the city.
So you pay Quebec taxes for the ambulance, and it still doesn’t show up, on poorly maintained roads and infrastructure built by the mob, to take you to a hospital with long wait times and horribly outdated equipment and service rationing.
Truly, who doesn’t want that deal?
Yeah, my favorite quote from the OP is the whole ‘we vote more taxes on ourselves’ that’s just an awful line of reasoning, and iirc Germany has a parliament that votes on taxes not the citizens themselves, not that that would make it a more moral position.
He forgot “try to take over Europe for the 3rd time because we’re always led by control freak sociopaths.”
That’s what I’ve been wanting to post, but stirring the hornets nest is not nearly as fun as it used to be.
Update on the black hole of derp known as California:
At this point, don’t you think that the progs should get what they want good and hard? You would think that it would be the ideal endorsement of ending the idea of single-payer for good and getting momentum towards Obamacare repeal. I hope it passes, honestly.
When did any failure of a government program (military excepted) cause progs to rethink said program, beyond “needz more funding, and topper men”?
Not the progs, but everybody else. You know, all of the ones that voted out the left after Obamacare.
Voting out progs…in California?
And note, Obamacare is still a fact. Despite the opposition and the electoral slaughter. Not even a modest reform that keeps the system in place looks like a possibility. A single-payer system will be entrenched and unassailable until you get to Mad Max future.
I didn’t say California, I meant energizing the base in the still-wrongthinking states.
Oh, to be sure!
I’m just thinking, once Cali has it, their High Speed Rail has better chance of being cancelled than the monstrosity they create. And their best hope is to use demographics to gain more influence on the federal level for inevitable bailout.
Won’t work quite as well if there’s a mass exodus without countervailing immigration, of course.
It’ll pass, Cali will come one step closer to be a future not really socialist failed state.
The rest of us will be bailing them out.
Lol. Yeah, it’s never going to happen.
Then we have to deal with a stream of Cali refugees. I say let them split but do it on a county basis.
Maybe China could use some cheap labor. Free boat ride to a communist country. That should be like a dream come true to them.
Promise Jefferson as the 50th state and let Cali become the new China. All of the kulaks and wreckers can settle in Jefferson, and they can work their way to full paradise!
Bigger problem is that foreign powers would probably end up footing California’s bills. China promises to loan them money in exchange for, say, building military bases and stationing troops in North America. I don’t think Calexit would last long enough for it to even happen due to the overwhelming security and defense issues.
who were the 2? do they say?
Me too. You hear that Phoenix? Thats the sound of the housing market coming back. Time to flip some houses!
Woot woot!
Someone pointed out long ago = the undoing of progressive politicians is always “getting what they ask for”.
Every burst of progressivism in US government history has been a boom-bust cycle. they rise to power on the back of their self-righteous rhetoric, then implement their unicorn-fart-based policies, and then the whole thing collapses when people realize that SHIT COSTS MONEY, and they’re booted out of power.
It then takes 2 decades to undo the damage from all their shitty ideas, at which point a new generation of young-voters appears who have no idea how anything works, and they become ripe pickings for a new crop of progressive politicians.
It doesn’t help that they keep switching back and forth between liberals and progressives. After they gave progressive a bad name they switched to liberal, then after they ruined that brand, now they’re progressive again
The generation right after me, the 2000s kids, are allegedly the most conservative generation in 50+ years. If any group cuts the prog streak, it might be those folks. Also a reason for optimism: the wings of conservatism that actually care about fiscal responsibility are all young, including millennial conservatives, and will replace the neoconservatives and entrenched moderates in the party in the next ten years.
I’ve heard that too. It will be hilarious when the progs of today become the boomers of tomorrow. The boomers for all their anti-authority speak became some of the biggest authoritarians. This gen of progs don’t even deny their repressive aims. The gen after us (assuming you too are a millennial) will indeed be a nice pendulum swing back.
Hopefully you are right. I kind of feel that will happen as well.
If it’s actually true, I will officially defect from the Millennial team and identify as a transageist with the 2000 team.
There might be some truth to that. My little brother, born 1998, happens to be a Trumpeñero. Of course, he goes to Arizona State’s business school, so it might be a function of the crowd he’s hanging around.
I’m a ’91 baby (just turned 26), but politically and culturally I fit better with the younger generation. The graduating classes when I was in HS were the times where the social justice movement were really at their peak, mainly because their god-king Obama was in power. Almost all of the people that I talk politics with are usually 3-7 years younger than me, probably because it had jumped the shark by then.
So tried posting above but ran out of space. Scroll down and check out this clowns Alladen video on the NAP.
Watched it. Hilarious. I enjoy a good ribbing every now and then.
Yeah, usually you don’t see that much effort being put into those sorts of things. I did get a chuckle out of it.
I always find the ‘MUH WHITE RACE CAN ONLY LIBERTARIAN’ argument to be weird considering, you know, how whites are overwhelmingly non-libertarian statists. And are the birthplace of communism and fascism, the two most controlling, absolutist and destructive ideologies in human history.
Truth. That’s how I feel about White Supremacists. I always think you people evidently haven’t met very many white people.
Yes, but you forget (((whose))) fault Communism was. And Fascism, too, if indirectly!
Ah yes, that (((Karl Marx))), lover of the Jews:
What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
…the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.
Rand/Rosenbaum, Nozick, Rothbard, Friedman, von Mises, Block, Kiezner, etc., etc.
What did they ever do for liberty?!
Yeah…tying political philosophy to race is moronic.
Confusing the corporeal with the ethereal is pretty easy for people.
Is no one going to talk about the fact that if this asshole served in ‘Nam in 1968, theyoungest he could be is 67? And that 67 is way too old to be festooning your entire blog with anime waifu gifs? And that doing so is prima facie evidence that this guy is a pedophile?
You dove way too deep into the blog. I clicked on Randian waifu, chuckled and closed it.
Man…’68? Jesus, did Starblazers help him cope with PTSD or something? And if so, why are his waifus not Matsumoto-styled? Would be less creepy, and more refreshing, and why am I even thinking about this now?!
You are still destroying remnants of my sanity despite me learning Not To Click Links!!!! Curse your advanced ways!
Space Battleship Bismarck?
I kind of assumed everything he says is bullshit including his veteran status.
To be fair HM, you have a browser history of someone half your age.
I get the feeling that he may be lying about his service record.
Dammit. I’ve been exposed. (Livestream)
This is hilarious.
We love you Maxine!
Dingbat Maxine is in the wrong career; I seriously want to advocate getting her to take over Samantha Bee’s show. The most unintentionally hilarious person in Congress.
I’m guessing 90% are DU writers or DNC social media operatives.
Yeah, I really want to believe that those posts aren’t being made by real representatives of my species.
“we already know enough right NOW, to impeach him”!!!
Even if the evidence completely stacked up against Trump, I don’t believe Maxine would ever ‘know enough’.
Carina’s implants are ugly. Shame, she has a pretty face.
Mari, Alia, Becky: foursome.
Another good episode.