Short holiday weeks always get in my head.  I better go get my covfefe and wake up before I post the links…

…that’s better. Man, these are the barren wasteland days of sports. Not hockey last night. The NBA Finals hasn’t started yet. Its become a foregone conclusion that the Astros are gonna win. There’s just nothing really to discuss from last night. LaVarr Ball is nuts. Can that be my sports topic?  I mean, we’ve known this for months. Anyway, hockey tonight. That’ll get the juices flowing again. Let’s hope its a good game.

Alright, I’ve dithered enough. I know what you people want. So I’m jumping right into…the links!

Since Democracy Dies In Darkness, WaPo dedicates an incredible amount of time and space to a misspelled tweet. So much time and space that it is literally one of the three leads on their website. Hey, President Trump should feel honored. 28 murdered Coptic Christians in Egypt didn’t even warrant that kind of coverage from them!

Trump attorney Michael Cohen

Can you say “witch hunt”?

Has-been (or is “never-was” more accurate?) exercises First Amendment right in despicable manner. Left falls over itself to applaud and defend her. Right falls over itself in rush to condemn. The rest of us worry about more important shit and try not to give the publicity hound a moment of our time.

Sometimes a Frenchman’s gotta do…what a Frenchman does.

Is it ever really news when a Frenchman gets “handsy”? Apparently it is!

I didn’t even know “Texas Anti-fa” was a thing until I read this piece. Somehow, I don’t think their first order of business is gonna gain them many supporters in the Lone Star State.

Questions abound as University of Cincinnati cop prepares for retrial in killing of unarmed black motorist. Yeah, namely “is there is any justice in the world?”

Sorry, Canada. And everybody else.  This one belongs to us alone!

Have a good one, friends.