In the big news of the day, apparently, a unidigital wave is no longer considered a friendly greeting in Queens. I’m sure you can still use it in the Bronx.

Just saying hi
It looks like that sonofabitch Trump is going to single-handedly destroy the entire world climate, while running the economy into the ground, and crashing the stock market. SLD: It is my belief that the regulatory gridlock caused by the Chaos Lord-in-Chief is the only thing remotely attributable to an economic driver. (**Takes look at Facebook, cancels account, sets fire to computer**)
PlayaManhattan, I hope you got those batteries installed. California hints at power problems during August eclipse.
Pratt & Whitney are giving away an F-35 engine upgrade. **Reads further** Oh, receiving $1B for a different engine development program. Lots of zero unit cost upgrades if you spend a gigabuck with anyone. You drop a billion bucks in hotel stays, Hilton will give you a free suite with a sex worker in the gender of your choice.
If white smoke means a new Pope, does black smoke mean a new anti-Pope?
This is exactly what I expect from my alma mater.
Have a little throwback Monster Magnet. (Is this song really almost 25 years old? Fuck me. No way is this album as far away from its release as the White Album was when this came out.)
This is a question that has been bothering me for some time, ever since Gary Johnson declared that the ‘free market was killing coal’. If the ‘free market’ is killing coal then why do we need supranational regulations to limit coal production through the Paris Agreement? Can someone square that, because both those statements cannot coexist
Have a seat, cause I’m going to lay some truth on you. GJ is not a smart man.
I thought he was razor sharp after quitting the dope for a couple weeks.
You must be thinking of some other Johnson
As a former resident of NM during his tenure as governor, he seems to have very high native intelligence. I don’t really know what happened to him since then, but something knocked a couple of screws loose.
He smoked himself stupid.
I still think he’s fairly intelligent, but he is unable to effectively translate his convictions to a national audience and basically said whatever he felt reaffirmed what the progressives he was courting believe. His entire campaign was tailored for the drooling half-wits that believe such nonsense that “net neutrality” is beneficial to open networks and that electric car subsidies spur competition and innovation. The brain fart about the free market killing coal was all in the same vein. Essentially he chose to pander to progressives instead of libertarians and completely shot his credibility to shit in the process.
Either that or he smoked himself stupid.
What do “beneficial” and “open” mean in this sentence?
There are some meanings of these words for which the sentence parses, is why I ask.
No, no. He said was staying KNIFE sharp…of the butter spreading variety.
In America, UMWA leadership made a decision in the 1970s that no more coalworkers were going to die underground, even if it cost jobs. That made coal more expensive. Then the 1991 Clean Air Act as interpreted made it more expensive to run a coal plant. Finally, fracking made natural gas so cheap that it made sense to replace (and sometimes retrofit) base power generation with natgas, as the environmental compliance and the fuel were cheaper.
In China, the externalities don’t exist. Also, they can put a shitton more people to work mining coal than buying our natural gas. Guess which one they choose.
Free market doesn’t do it fast enough by their logic. Give them partial credit, it’s at least an (poor) attempt to convince someone of their position, rather than demand they comply.
I’m just surprised that Bailey and Johnson think that both concepts can coexist. It’s as if they find logic to be inconvenient
The free-ish market in America is killing domestic production and consumption of coal. International markets may differ, such as China’s. Also, the Paris accord was a bunch of non enforceable feel goodisms. Adding language to reduce coal consumption when coal consumption was already falling makes the politicians look good for following the accord, without having to expend any actual effort to do so.
Also, what Florida Man said.
Wait a second – I thought the planet was going to burst into flames and crash into the sun because Trump was thinking about trashing the Paris Agreement?
Actually, according to Van Jones, he only “signed Earth’s death warrant”. So don’t be so hyperbolic about such things as bursting into flames.
Also known as jumping to the head of the parade.
Coal should remain a tempting source of energy because it is so plentiful and inexpensive. Just because the market conditions right now make natural gas economically competitive to coal, doesn’t mean that there isn’t room for more innovation that makes coal cleaner and less of a burden from a regulatory standpoint. All that these coal regulations do is make leftists and environmentalists feel good and stifle the progress of any potential innovation in the industry to benefit consumers.
Even if we aren’t going to use it ourselves, we could always export it to the developing world. But it’s better that they live without access to electricity or with intermittent solar than to breathe the noxious air wrought by American robber barons.
At least a dozen times a day a coal train over a mile long rumbles past our little Montana town. The stuff is on its way to China and Korea.
The “energy” trains going to Vancouver pass where I live (Pitt Meadows) all day and all night. Some of them are as long as 12,000 feet (2.3mi or 3.7km). Four engines in the front, one in the middle and a “pusher” taking up the rear. 40,000 horsepower.
In the winter, when the ground is saturated from all the rain, the rumbling from the train causes the house to gently sway.
Whoops. I correct myself. 48,000 horsepower.
The coal trains have all but stopped from the mine up the road here in western CO. I have heard 100+ guys laid off.
Gary. Johnson.
Libertarian, my ass. Need I say more?
My understanding of the Paris Accord is, that it was never ratified by the senate and even if it was, it contained no enforcement mechanism, so basically this is all extraordinarily pointless.
b-b-but Obama’s legacy!!!!
If they can lionize JFK for doing next to nothing and getting shot, I’m pretty sure the first black president’s place in history is secure.
Hey now, nearly starting a nuclear holocaust as well as escalating the war in Vietnam isn’t exactly “nothing”.
I feel sooo horrible for Obama and his sycophant cultists.
No, no, no, no, no: This is literally the end of the world.
this is all extraordinarily pointless
But what isn’t, really?
Big men in skirts throwing heavy things.
I will accept that answer as gospel.
Awwww….and you even called me out in the alt text, and you knew which one I would find the hottest!!
It’s so much easier to know with you than it is with Rhywun.
I’m an enigma.
Whenever I see “Rhywun” I hear the name sung to the Bobby Rydell song “Wild One”.
As in:
Oh, Rhy-wun,
I’m-a gonna tame you down
OMFG – I missed the Manly Monday cause of the holiday!
*Still waiting for KK to return*
This is why I live a hedonistic lifestyle. Nothing really matters but the little pleasures you can choke out of that whore, life.
+1 serial killer?
Signals must be sent!
So long as its cool for me to kill the senders with a sword, I’m for it.
It’s the excuse Elon Musk was looking for to distance himself from Trump.
He might be extra sad if Uncle Sam stops subsidizing all his businesses.
No more subsidies to purchase $180K cars? That’d be a crying shame.
Would there be Elon Musk without the welfare gravy? I’m still skeptical that he’ll pull out that much, I’m sure he isn’t that shortsighted…or is he?
Ron Bailey “at that other site” is making his usual temp raising predictions.
Be nice, he’s just as qualified to opine as Bill Nye.
One day he’ll have his own TV show. He’ll always close with the line:
“Good nite and may you and Mother Gaia stay cool, and by they way, I don’t know anything about these cocktail parties they keep talking about”
My vision of his show’s closing credits scene is him having hot loads of of semen from the IPCC “scientists” (which includes train operators and actors) blasted on his face as he sits legs akimbo and repeats “thank you sir, may I have another” over and over until the scene dissolves to black.
I don’t know if the FEC will allow it, but I’ve heard he’s asking for an exemption since it’ll be on HLN and nobody will be tuning in anyway.
That show already exists
God dammit. I’ll notify his legal team so they can avoid any IP entanglements.
My personal favorite graph is the one that shows a clear decline in CO2 output for the last 10 years (sans Paris Agreement) followed by an essentially flat line for the next 15 years since we pulled out. As if, because of all of this, all of a sudden people will start warming their homes via tire fire or something.
It is my belief that the regulatory gridlock caused by the Chaos Lord-in-Chief is the only thing remotely attributable to an economic driver.
Keeping people like Larry Summers and Krugabe from getting their hands on the wheel is reason enough to be glad Public Enemy Number One won the election.
I wonder if Yellen will get the boot. So far, Trump hasn’t said anything conclusive (not that it would matter if he did, really).
As soon as he mentions Yellen, she’ll be toast.
Someone just needs to remind him that she works for him.
Independent agency!!
Libertarians been spending a lot of time recently on the ‘big questions’, trade, war, immigration, climate change…
Let’s go back to the good ol’ days and deal with some idiotic nanny statism instead.
The federal government is moving forward with its plan to make tobacco companies adopt generic packaging on cigarette packs.
Plain packaging featuring standard sizes, neutral fonts and the same dull colour for all brands has already been adopted in Australia, and is about to begin in France, Ireland and the United Kingdom.
The Liberal Party platform included a promise to introduce generic packaging in this country, if elected.
The article’s a couple months old (and from the state propagandist to ensure objectivity of course) but I heard about it on the radio today as well. Ignoring the fact that the Libs apparently view smokers are stupid children attracted by pretty colours (when in reality you smoke because smoking is bloody awesome) there’s a fatal flaw in their logic and plan…
Namely, Australia, Ireland, the U.K.? They don’t have Indian reservations where you can buy bags unmarked cigarettes dirt cheap. Which has already become the primary way to avoid cigarette taxation. And somehow Indian cigarettes, lacking all the flair of major tobacco companies, still don’t result in a net loss of smokers. You keep regulating your monopoly idiots, the free market Indians will provide the goods.
I don’t know how the reservations are run in Canada, but “free market” and “Indians” don’t usually go together in the context of U.S. reservations. The reservations have quasi-independence from Federal law but are dependent on the BIA cash-trough and revenue from casinos. Respect for private property and the civil institutions that build healthy communities and economies tends to be hit or miss.
Oh no, a lot of reservations are run under garbage communitarian standards that unsurprisingly enriches the tribal leaders with federal money. I’m talking about the Indian cigarette trade, which is a ‘tolerated’ black market, in the sense that the cops don’t chase after it aggressively.
US Tribal law is both fascinating and terrible. For example, you begin to see the roots of poverty in that many tribes prevent members from having alienable property.
But how does this make Naomi Klein feel?
I see a bright future in decorative cigarette pack sleeves and cases.
The federal government is moving forward with its plan to make tobacco companies adopt generic packaging on cigarette packs.
Back when I smoked (I quit in ’09) there were a ton of “cheap cigarette” websites where you could order as many cartons as you wanted from out of the country. They were still made under the authority of Camel or Marlboro or whoever, but they would have foreign writing on them (usually Moldovan or Russian).
I’m pretty sure that wasn’t legal, but I knew someone who used to save a shitload of money by purchasing their cigarettes from those sites, and this individual never got caught.
It was perfectly legal when I did it for awhile. Then NYS cracked down on it by stealing my mail. AFAIK it’s still legal in other states.
All the foreign grad students ordered cigarettes online. From native American sites or elsewhere I don’t know
It’s ALREADY completely illegal to sell cigarettes to anyone without checking their ID, so what the fuck would it matter if the packaging has flashy colors and cartoon characters on it??
Blank cartons will become desirable and trendy.
After-market pack holders will be sold at every place that sells cigs and many that don’t. Also cig cases will become a lot more popular.
Dammit. The pack holders will of course come in a multitude of color and logo options.
Yes, but where will anyone smoke these cigs? They’ve just about made it illegal to smoke anywhere, including, in some places, inside your own home and own car.
I think all smokes should be sold in packs that are shaped like a pistol. They would be either chrome or black color.
That way cops could blow away any fucking filthy smoker they felt like.
That’s a fucking awesome anecdote.
It’s so glorious. I’m just bathing in tears. It’s election night all over again. This orangutan in the White House has given me so much happiness today
The first reply is gold. “Butt status: hurt”
Oliver Darcy looks like he ran his profile pic through an Instagram Punchable filter dialed all the way up.
The douchy beard, stupid glasses, and know-it-all smirk. That face has all the options for a satisfying punch.
It goes to 11
A lot of the comments are mocking. Pretty funny – I think people follow him to have somebody to hate.
Ah, it’s like it’s 2012 and people are flipping out about the Harper government all over again.
It’s terrific indeed. However, this time I’m not going to drink two bottles of champagne.
If white smoke means a new Pope, does black smoke mean a new anti-Pope?
Do I finally get my Avignon Papacy?
Applauding schism is no laughing matter. Two “Hail Mary”s and an “Our Father”
Can I shop around a little bit? I hear the Protestants just have you pray real quick and you’re good…
Anything goes with those Presbyterians
^Yes. I am Presbyterian. *hangs head in shame, thinks about it, raises head back up
The few, the proud, and rightly so.
“Can I shop around a little bit?”
*runs from room sobbing that I wasn’t a slam dunk*
I barely get comfortable and it’s time to leave. Perfection.
That’s two Богородице дѣво, радѹйсѧ, and an Оч͠е нашь, schismatic!
(and let’s see what spam filter does here)
Everyone’s favorite hack – Jennifer Rubin
WaPo’s fake conservative blogger used to hate the Paris deal. Then Trump opposed it. Now she loves it.
The internet..ah…remembers. What a Rube.
If you hear the whistle…
“Being a climate change denier — which entails dogmatic opposition to Paris agreement — is dog whistle to far right”
Good heavens, what a sentence. Unpack that one, ladies and gents. Dogwhistle indeed.
I emailed Rubin asking if she is just trolling for hits. Will see what she says
Rubin is a hack, and I give people the benefit of the doubt most of the time.
Sloopy, Monster Magnet rocks sir…here’s my favorite.
Yeah, I love Monster Magnet. Got a kick out of this video.
Spine of God is an awesome album. Got warped on it when it was new and I was a new “adult”, is how old I am. Jeezus…
I think Ozium is my favorite
Powertrip is my personal favorite, especially this (NSFW) video
Meh. I think Spine of God is their Pinnacle.
This is exactly what I expect from my alma mater.
I liked the story. Why does the article mention that “the internet’s reaction has been mixed?” Who gives a shit what random people on the internet think of a marriage proposal?
But you must have the approval of the general consensus of the population (meaning goof offs on twitter) for things done in public… or private.
Heck, “reaction has been mixed” should be the expected reaction for almost everything. There are very few things that (nearly) everyone agrees on. Reporting that “reaction has been mixed” is about as informational as a dog-bites-man story. Dogs bite, people disagree, and the world keeps turning.
The federal government is moving forward with its plan to make tobacco companies adopt generic packaging on cigarette packs.
White box with a black death’s head “POISON” symbol on it, with “Coffin Nails” below.
They’ll fly off the shelves.
Way ahead of you: Death Cigarettes
Hive-mind confirmed.
You know who else made use of a skull and crossbones logo?
John and Andy Hillstrand?
Edward Teach?
Cypress Hill?
‘Death Sticks’ etc.
+1 Denis Leary
Robot priest unveiled in Germany to mark 500 years since Reformation
Next up? Getting robo-molested.
“To be sure, the Paris climate accords were well-intentioned…” /tstsnbn
[Golf clap.]
I’m still not entirely in on Glibspeak, but what is TSTSNBN?
The place we budded off from. “The Site That Shall Not Be Named”
Oh, I see
Need a stackoverflow-like feature. “This comment has been closed to prevent repetitive pileon by non-refreshers.”
Timestamps indicative of hivemind.
Just name it. Making taboo gives them a power they don’t have or deserve.
Look at Harry Potter over here.
I just call it Voldemort now
The Site That Shall Not Be Named, AKA The Other Site or The Orange Place.
The Site That Shall Not Be Named. Otherwise, I think you’ve got to take a shot., where most of the commenters here came from.
Tit Sex Tit Sex Not Butt Nipples.
Don’t believe the others. At least I am pretty sure that is what that means.
/pumps chest with fist.
Fucken-A Donald.
A may vote for him now
Draining the swamp of nasty creatures is very hard. Give it time.
He’s done some good things. At this rate, he might maybe could possibly earn my 2020 vote. Maybe.
He’s getting very close to earn my 2020 vote, as well (1st time was reluctant after Weld licked Hillary’s cankles). The only thing that would stop me is if Rand runs a primary challenge or a very good Libertarian candidate emerges.
No one would get my vote over Rand Paul. Except maybe his father
Darth Paul?
No, it was Obi-Wan (sorry, spoilers).
Justin Amash.
Just in a monster mash.
The ugly story behind a breakfast meat
My salami used to be popular – then I got married.
Did it have a first name?
Mr. Happy – he smiles if you look at him from the side
Somewhere there is an article about the most ‘racist foods’ I’m sure. Might make for a fun read.
“Zaftig” is Yiddish for “thicc.”
Lighter skinned women who also enjoy giving something or so the stereotype goes
Post the rest of her.
I forgot what i was going to say…
I will be in my bunk guys..
This is as close to a Thicc Thursday as we’ve had in a while. I’ll take it. This girl is damn fine! Busty, dark skinned, cute face. All women should have these qualities.
who the fuck eats salami for breakfast?!
Surprising numbers of Europeans. Along with other yummy processed meats. And cheeses. And pâtés. And . . . aw, dammit, now I’m hungry again.
Just about every hotel breakfast I’ve ever been to in Europe (where breakfast typically comes with your hotel charge whether you want it or not, so might as well eat hearty and then go inexpensive on lunch, great way to stretch your dining budget) has several kinds of sliced salami as an option. Also, sliced tongue.
And schinkenspeck. DON’T FORGET THE **SCHINKENSPECK**!!
Damn my eyes, but that stuff’s good.
one that involves two dictatorships, deep racism, human ingenuity and World War II.
Spielberg has the movie rights, too!
Bend over. I’ll show you salami.
I’ll bet you will, you saucy little minx.
There has to be some “hide the salami” joke here, but I’m still too hung over from last night to figure it out.
Getting ready for a VP-level cage match here. We have the “we’re going to set up an online shopping cart, period. End of story” on one side, and “the legal restrictions mean we can’t do an online shopping cart, period. End of story” on the other.
Let’s see who wins…
Better to beg forgiveness than permission. Hashtag YOLO.
Set a knife on the conference room table. Lock them in as you leave the room.
What they do with the knife is none of your concern.
the legal restrictions mean we can’t do an online shopping cart, period. End of story
If an actual lawyer said that, it should be the end of the story.
It’s all to do with shipping, and where we’re allowed to ship. And also our partner company (because we can’t sell our own products – thanks government regulation!!) doesn’t have the capability to process online payments at the moment. The legal dept has told us we can’t exclude certain countries from the shipping info, but they don’t care if our partner does. Which kind of leaves a grey area. So some people want to do the sales via a contact form (like a “request a quote” type of deal) in order to vet the shipping country, and others want to wait until our partner company that is selling the product is capable of taking payments & shipping info and vetting the shipping countries online.
I had a colleague come into my office and say “shopping cart or nothing, final decision”, but the VP in charge of the product wants to do the contact form, then transition to a shopping cart when the partner company is capable of processing. So, I have a feeling “final decision” is not at all final.
Initially, the product manager wanted us to sell it directly, and the legal dept put the kibosh on that.
Thank god your customers have some legal protection from being able to use technology to buy things.
Troops attack AFP, other reporters in Venezuela
The meltdown from the left on the Paris Agreement withdrawal is absofreakinglutely Goddamn hilarious.
Elections have consequences bitches!
Slightly OT: Does this help or hurt the right in the GA 6th race? I say it helps; the left can’t be anymore energized and unhinged than they already are, but the right needed an energy boost to get more turnout. Therefore I think the race is closing up again.
On Topic: I haven’t checked Twitter yet, but I’m sure that the left is planning another one of those “Women’s March” things for their tree-worshippers.
Every time Hillary speaks, I’m relieved she isn’t President. It’s hard to overstate how pathetic she is. Mark Steyn has some fun with her.
She’s angling for another run. Good luck grandma.
“It was a mistake”
Mistake for Clinton, crime and jail time for the plebs. Two different systems for the powerful and ordinary. Wonder why it got so much attention.
Resorts World Manila: Shooting at Philippines leisure complex
Don’t even need to check
The Amish strike again.
You people keep making that joke but the Amish will kick your shit in.
That story seems more illustrative of the fact that the Lutherans will kick you, as the Wikipedia summary makes it seem like the Anabaptists achieved power through immigration plus elections while the Lutherans who fled the now communist theocracy of Muenster returned in force and successfully sieged the city. My favorite part of the story is that the Lutherans put the executed Anabaptists on display in cages hanging from the church tower…and then left the cages up to this day.
They had to starve the city out to take it back, people were reported to be eating bricks by the time they entered the city. It’s more about how the Anabaptists operated a violent, murderous theocracy.
Fair point; you can’t have a communist theocracy without all that nasty stuff (talk about combining two of the worst forms of government). I guess I was distracted by those other details…I still can’t get over the cages for the rebel leaders decorating their church steeple for ~500 years.
Tens of people could be dead, but the headline at, in 72-point font: “US QUITS CLIMATE PACT”
Well jeez, HM, what do you caused this slaughter in the first place??
*what do you think caused
Shit, you’re right!
My bad.
Along with 5 covfefe stories.
TO: Jerry Brown, Governor of California
FROM: Me, internet rando.
MESSAGE: Shut up.
Not sure what this is referring to, but I was reminded today of this from a year and a half ago, which is the most honest I’ve ever seen a politician be, like, ever.
An honest prog, I thought I’d never live to see the day. It also exposes the chief problem with progressive philosophy; even granting the state coercive powers in the first place (an active area of debate between mins and an-caps), the real problem comes with “in the service of good”. What is good? Who defines it? If it can even be known, how is that determined? By committee? Majority? How far do you go to achieve “goodness”? If “goodness” requires the deaths of millions, is it still “good”? And down the rabbit hole we go. Progs are stupid enough to think that they’re smart enough to know the answers to these questions. False assurance of your own, or even someone else’s, expertise is extremely dangerous, especially when it’s backed by “the coercive power of the central state”.
I think the root of most “progressive” thinking – and a lot of “conservative” thinking, to be fair – is the belief that your feelings are an accurate indicator of what is right and wrong.
One thing I picked up from reading Herbert Spencer’s Principles of Ethics (a very long but worthwhile book) is that you have to reason your way to right and wrong; your emotions are not a moral barometer. Doing what feels good isn’t always the right thing, and sometimes, doing the right thing can make you feel pretty bad (having to “cut off” an alcoholic family member, for instance).
Dad who fatally shot his ‘bully’ son over biscuits and gravy gets two years probation
“I killed a family member over breakfast food” could be the motto for half of Kentucky
Leggo my mu’fuckin eggo, Bee-atch!!
Detroit man free after 25 years in prison.
The cops and anyone associated with this farce should rot, but nothing will ever happen to them.
Wow. They should be executed.
I’ll settle for every officer and prosecutor involved doing at least the same 25 years in prison this man did.
I have a feeling all we’ll get is a few slaps on wrists and “don’t ever do this again, promise!”
And you damn well know this isn’t the only person they did this to.
I am going to go ahead and guess that the overwhelming number of frame jobs on the cop or prosecutors side is abusing their authority to put a known scumbag behind bars. It’s how they justify it to themselves. They’re not framing choir boys for the evil thrill, they’re framing one drug dealer for the murder of another drug dealer, and justifying it with “Well maybe Ice Dog didn’t kill Ray Ray, but he’s a known POS and he has no alibi. We can put him away on this and that’s an ends justify the means situation.”
The ACLU had quite the take on Trump pulling out of the Paris climate accord!
“World Ends. Women and Minorities Worst Effected”
Anything to keep that razor-thin string that ties their coalition together from snapping.
We were just one unratified treaty away from finally solving the climate’s racism.
I am afraid to look at Facebook. But maybe the FB Purity app will keep it prog-free for a while.
That’s a bigger stretch than Sanders saying a thunderstorm founded ISIS
‘Tis true it’s always raining on Hispanics.
i’ve run that through a few language translators but can’t find the one where it makes sense.
Blackwater Founder Recommends Mercenary Control Fiefdom for Afghanistan
American Middle Eastern Trading Company anyone?
The new frontier for libertarians.
Can we grow pineapples in Afghanistan?
Seems like we’ve got a pretty big domestic opium market and they’ve got opium. I’m no PhD economist, but…
Wouldn’t be any worse than what we’ve been doing there for the last 16 years.
Mr. Kurtz has the best methods for dealing with the savages
Aye. That he does.
JHC, why are we still fucking around in Afghanistan anyway? Outside of the capital, tribes already have more influence than the government and that hasn’t changed in decades regardless of how many foreign powers have tried to bring it to heel. It has no natural resources to speak of, no global political influence, and it’s been proven that it had little to nothing to do with 9/11. The only possible strategic value it has is as a geographic black hole for terrorists to hide in. If we focus on protecting our borders so the terrorists stay there and don’t come here, what possible interest do we have in continuing to sink billions of dollars trying to turn it into a functional country?
Afghanistan actually has lots of natural resources, but in the infinite wisdom of American foreign policy it is Chinese companies that extract and profit from them while the US expends blood and treasure to try to secure the country. Why doesn’t the US benefit from the resources or transfer the security issue to the Chinese, instead of choosing the worst of both worlds? Well, that would just make too much sense.
I stand corrected. That just makes US foreign policy seem even more stupid.
‘Bloody legends’: Man finds Tassie police selfie on his phone after night out
Alan Dershowitz joins defense team for female genital mutilation case.
Going for a 1A defense on mutilation. Should be interesting.
How about a wave of mutilation?
I’ve got a treat for you (and everyone else)
DAMNIT. This is the link.
That’s awesome.
That’s awesome. Wasn’t aware of any of those covers, but gonna listen to ’em all.
Waves riding high
It’s actually really smart, since when that defense fails you still have 9 more amendments in reserve, and that’s just the BOR.
“You cannot give quarter to soldiers in this vagina!”
The milder forms, primarily ritualistic nicking, will probably pass muster. The more extreme forms likely won’t but I’m not sure they’re covered by this case.
The milder forms, primarily ritualistic nicking, will probably pass muster.
Not sure. The fact that a practice has religious roots does not typically exempt it from a law of general application. You can claim to be a member of a Rastafarian church, but that won’t save you from a pot bust.
If they let this horseshit slide I officially give up.
I miss circumcision trolls from TSTSNBN. Can we get some posturing over here please?
If you find yourself missing trolls, just use the handy troll mad-lib:
__________ (Noun) is ____________ (adjective). We should ____________ (verb) it. If you disagree, you are a __________ (noun).
There, now you never have to miss a troll again.
Here’s a link to automate it: Mad Lib Generator
Lol. Of course there’s a mad lib generator…the internet is grand. 🙂
Bird is Fat. We should Eat it. If you disagree, you are a Snake
Circumcision is concupiscent. We should defenstrate it. If you disagree, you are a merkin.
No. Psychic is flatulent. We should engulf it. If you disagree, you are a karate.
You take that back! Psychic is NOT flatulent!!!
Deep dish is circumcision. We should Hitler it. If you disagree, you are a late-term abortion.
Hitler is glorious. We should venerate it. If you disagree, you are a cuck.
+1 (((Mad Libs)))
He knows damned well that if they’re convicted, infant male mutilation will come under scrutiny.
Liam Gallagher unveils ‘Wall Of Glass’ video and speaks about new solo single
He’s still got the swagger, but he needs his brother writing the tunes.
Still madferit.
I loved his stunt at their MTV Unplugged gig.
For those who don’t know what I’m talking about.
The antics between those two in the ’90s was pure gold
Checking The Daily Maxine…
Fuck, parody account…
Parody works best when it’s somewhat believable. That is definitely something I could see Professor Maxine saying.
The best part? The parody has more followers than her real account.
I literally lol’d. Excellent work by whoever runs that account
I’m subbing RN, great stuff. I’ll update when the real Maxine responds.
It took me a couple minutes to realize it’s a parody account, and then I checked the real Maxine Waters twitter and had a “I DON’T KNOW WHICH ONE TO SHOOT” moment.
Over at TSTSNBN, Ron Bailey has the most fucking infuriating take on Trump’s move.
He fucking has the gall to link to a site that uses the utterly unrealistic, no longer physically possible to follow pathway to thermageddon, the RCP 8.5 scenario (named for it being the only way to increase the heat energy hitting the Earth’s surface by an additional 8.5 watts per square meter) and to try to pretend that it has any credibility.
I shouldn’t be angry. Snakes bite. Assholes shit over everything. Ron Bailey tries to stay inside an Overton window of respectability regarding an obviously fraudulent modern variant of Lysenkoism. These things are in their nature, and getting angry implies that somehow I expected them to behave differently than their nature.
But God Damn the cowardice of people like Ron Bailey pisses me off.
On the bright side, life extension technologies are going to allow him to live forever, so he can tell us 1,000 years from now if the models ended up being correct or not.
I think it’s particularly hilarious that Ron Bailey continues to have any credit as a science writer when he spends so much of his time and articles promoting his extremely unscientific transhumanist immortality religion/fetish. I mean, way to take all your credibility and shove it down the drain.
I only wish I could read the articles from humans in the distant future laughing at Gaia worship being the religion of the modern age.
Do you laugh at the Spanish Inquisition? The medieval burnings of heretics at the stake?
Mel Brooks can pull of turning those things into a joke. But, most of the time, they just aren’t funny.
And neither is the human misery the CAGW is promoting to salve their superstitious fears.
Fair point.
On rereading, I was a bit of a dick as far as my tone goes.
It’s a subject that I find so infuriating that I have difficulty controlling my rage.
Why don’t the climateers ever say how the paris agreement would abate whatever problem is they claim?
It doesn’t. That’s the thing! The accord didn’t do a damn thing! It was aspirational!
The Western Hemisphere could cease to exist tomorrow and within a decade or so all of that missing carbon emission would have been made up for by China and India.
Not only that, one good volcanic eruption can wipe out years of what results from human emissions control.
That alone should point out that we are talking about such marginal effects – if we forget for a moment how these people bastardize and corrupt the science to peddle their bullshit – that what we are left with isn’t the predicted calamity, but the proposed solution: more intrusive and abusive global government by inept and incompetent credentialed elites.
It is not accidental that while these douchebags tell us we should go live in caves, they travel to exotic places in carbon spewing behemoths to eat lobster and steak and laugh at the rest of us idiots.
Simple: if the elites ever told casual liberals what the Paris Agreement was actually about, they would run the hell away and give them the middle finger as well. Instead, coat it in some feel-good jargon about some environmental agenda and you keep your coalition in line.
It’s a new religion, with the promise of a divine entity averting Armageddon and all that. These leftist replaced old time religion with a new one where government is god.
That 8.5 scenario sounds a bit sketchy. It’s a good thing for them the science is settled.
Ron was a prime reason (drink!) I stopped going over there. Our interactions always followed the same pattern: he would say something scientifically incorrect, I would correct it, he would start to argue with me, I would point out that his argument demonstrated that he actually didn’t understand what he was writing about, he would remember that he was arguing with an actual scientist, then he would go silent. He’s not the worst science writer out there, but he’s not good with understanding the limits of his knowledge.
The main rift between Ron and I is that he continues to deny the cocktail parties.
He is so goddamn aggravating about voter fraud.
Think of Star Wars – the movie, not the franchise. (I refuse to call it A New Hope) The stormtroopers are looking for the droids, going door to door trying to find them. They actually turn up at the door of the building the droids are hiding in. Then this happens:
On voter fraud, Ron Bailey is that troop leader. A cursory search is enough to convince him that there’s nothing to see here. And the tone of his pieces on the subject suggests a kind of disgust that someone would even entertain the possibility.
If he saw it I bet he defends it.
Thank you for calling him out.
Extra, extra, read all about it! Fresh hot takes, get your hot takes here!
Are there more tears flowing today than on election night? Just when you think they’re all cried-out, they find a new well’s worth.
Why am I not surprised commie Pope also joined in on the idiocy?
He should stick to something useful like casting out demons or burning witches.
It’s hilarious when the MSM says that Trump would be “even turning against the Pope!” I thought that the left was about science, not religion…oh wait.
Just commie pope being commie pope.
Whew, I thought you said Pepe had turned against Trump. That would have been huge.
I just can’t get enough of the prog tears. Trump may be a disaster in many ways, but the continuous progressive head explosions just never get old.
Trump has been a welcome change in many ways from the usual establishment GOP. The stuff that he hasn’t been good about (overreaction to Syria gas attack and ensuing missile strike, Saudi Arms Deal, etc.) is stuff that IMO any establishment choice would’ve done, as well. A lot of his trade and tariff rhetoric, the stuff that I was really afraid of, seems pretty empty to me since he is opposed by pretty much every actual conservative in congress.
So far, I’m judging him as the best president in the last 25 years, and I don’t even have to think hard about that. Going back further, I guess we’ll see.
This is how you make sure no one takes you seriously outside of your similarly deluded friends.
It’s Bill Nye Jr. Maybe It’s real hard to play a scientist on TV?
This has to be the most derptastic response of all:
Ok, can someone please explain this? Are they saying that people of ‘color’ who may hail from a warmer climate than most people of European descent and who have all this extra melanin in their skin are somehow more susceptible to a warmer climate? Or are they saying the non-people of color, who by most definition are white, somehow have a special trait that makes them immune to this climate apocalypse? What is that special trait? Is it white privilege? I bet it is.
Since white people are literally kings of the hill, they will be safer from the rising seas /s
Because non-whites and women won’t know how to adapt because they’re stupid. Standard prog response.
This is that “environmental racism” nonsense.
Generally, the idea goes that poor people live in places where wealthy people can oppress them. So if an area is cheap to put a chemical plant in, there are probably black people nearby. If that plant causes an ecological disaster, it was caused by the institutional racism inherent in the system that permitted corporations to build those plants where they built them.
The “climate change” version of this is that wealthy people can just move their beach house if the oceans rise, but poor blacks like in New Orleans can’t. If the world heats up, wealthy people can just crank the AC. Poor people will die of heatstroke. If somehow food production is adversely affected, poor people will starve and rich people will eat.
Of course, supposing that the trend in Earth’s climate is mostly caused by people and it will have catastrophic outcomes like those listed, then all those people contributed to it via demand for products, services, and the energy it took to produce them and everybody is complicit.
And if the company can’t put the chemical plant in a cheap place, it may not get built at all. If supply goes down and demand stays the same, you get a shortage in production. A shortage causes the prices to rise, and the poor people who rely on products that chemical plant produces may no longer be able to afford them. Then the left will decry that as unfair and discriminatory.
But when were they ever any good at economics?
Yeah, but aren’t most of the poor people in the USA, actually white? I mean being a majority of the population, that makes sense. Or do they not count as ‘real’ white people if they’re poor?
Poor whites are poor because they’re stupid and racist and useless and unworthy of consideration. Poor people of color are poor because of oppressive structural racism that is directly tied to climate change and would have been saved from certain death by the Paris agreement. Now that “President” Nazi has removed this final stopgap, Womyn, POCs, Genderqueers, Disabled stump people and Nebraskans will be dropping like flies. Their blood will flow in the streets as a river. Do you even education bro?
This is CNN
“Pssst… Q, it’s SECRET President Nazi.”– shuffles away.
My Wife is a Real Disabled Stump People, She calls her missing leg “Stumpy”
When they’re aware that you know this fact, they switch tacks to saying they really mean impoverished people in Africa, China, India, etc.
If you ask how people are being structurally racist simply by having higher living standards than people living on another continent, they’ll switch tacks to attacking capitalism as structurally racist.
You really can’t win with a committed Marxist. It’s derp all the way down.
You can probably tell by the fact that I know all their arguments back-to-front that I’ve tried, to no avail.
Id ask if capitalism is structurally racist how do we account for BRICS or do brown people stop being brown when they’re rich?
Too easy.
Brazil = All the rich people are white or mostly white
Russia = Everybody’s white anyway
India = All the rich people are lighter-skinned
China = Close enough to white
South Africa = JFC I can’t even
Hope that helps.
Ok, that’s the dumbest fucking thing i’ve read all week.
Coal plants aren’t going to ‘come back’ where they’re already gone. The trend of conversion to nat gas isn’t going to change simply because we’re not party to a nonbinding agreements
California hints at power problems during August eclipse.
…What do they do at night when the sun goes down?
Buy power from out of state at inflated prices?
+1 Deathstar
No, you see they mostly operate on Moonbeams. Even their governor is a Moonbeam!
Electricity demand goes down at night, including air conditioning. In August, everyone will be awake and running AC full blast. If only they still had old fashioned generated AC to power their ACs, they’d be all set!
“everyone will be awake”
So you mean they’ll be ‘WOKE’.
Maybe we could get Obama the Light Bringer to come on by to help keep the light shining on our solar panels.
Or we could sacrifice a virgin. If we could find one.
“It looks like that sonofabitch Trump is going to single-handedly destroy the entire world climate”
It’s definitely caused an increase in greenhouse gases already due to Tony furiously shitting his pants all over the intertoobz.
This is a good read:
Goodbye to
RomanceParisI see Huffpo is losing its shit over the fact that the US will no longer be bringing civilization to the Hottentots living in the JunglyBungly tree.
Does anyone have links to any videos of progs actually crying over this. Need yummy tears.
Patience, grasshopper. I’m sure they’ll be all over Youtube soon enough.
Oh goody. /Lights up like child before Christmas.
Can I get a show of hands?
How many of you are Robo-Hitlers?
*beep* *beep*
::raises metallic appendage::
I’m more of a Boy From Brazil myself.
I’m a robo-Il Duce because someone had to be. Plus antiantifa.
Not to be confused with El Duce
Guten Abend, y’all! Yet another long-time lurker coming out of his shell.
…And, um, that’s all I got. Sorry for not being terribly (read: at all) interesting. I just had a burning desire to kvetch about how thoroughly obnoxious the Weather Channel webpage has been. They’ve utterly abandoned weather for the sake of Trump’s big action today. Every. Single. Damn. Story!
“Still don’t care? Proof you should…”
“…And more proof…”
“…AND EVEN MORE PROOF?!?!?!?!?!” [sic]
“…And Antarctica turning green!” (Which, now that I think about it, …is bad how?)
I seriously wonder why I even go for the weather…
Me: What’s in the agreement?
Them: It’s an agreement! Made in Paris! How can that be bad?
We have to pass it to find out what’s in it!
Where’d they sign Skyes-Picot again?
See, I thought Tulpa couldn’t be any worse…but then he became German.
But aren’t you Canadian?
What don’t people want with their weather forecast?
Top answer: Politics.
Just tell me whether or not it’s gonna rain fellas.
Weather Underground app. Some ads, but no opinion.
Nice try, Bill Ayers.
I second this. And now that it’s HURRICANE SEASON, the tropical weather/hurricane blog is excellent.
Like my good ol grandpa used to say ‘If I need to know if it’s gonna rain, I’ll just stick my head out the window!’.
“Yet another long-time lurker coming out of his shell.”
You know who else came out of their shell, only to try to rule the world and causing mass misery, death, and starvation…
(I’ve been drinking all day)
Trump, obviously. Who else could kill the planet in a single day!
Turtle God?
It’s Turtle Gods all the way down.
Rita Repulsa?
Helen Keller?
The Weather Channel has sucked for ages. My neck of the woods (I’m in the Catskills, but it’s the whole Albany NY market) never gets mentioned even when there are severe storms going on. What’s the point of all that continuing coverage if there are places they don’t cover?
I rely on them heavily for my daily planning. If they’ve been saying for days that the storm of the century is upon us, I plan a cook out.
Just tune into the WX band on your CB.
My car radio actually has a WX band.
Normally, though, I just use the local station’s weather app on my smart phone, since it works better than Accuweather’s website.
welcome aboard!
Dude, you’re ruining our rep as mean nasty assholes.
Take that back, motherfucker!
*drops gloves*
Fuck that guy!
I’m much meaner in person.
My god, that reads like a SugarFree story. *swallows bile*
If the truth is stranger than SugarFree, I’m moving to a parallel universe.
It’s wasn’t just bile that those guys swallowed.
Holy shit. Who eats shellfish from a buffet?
Fuck yea, dude… There’s a Chinese buffet around here that always has cocktail shrimp and steamed mussels. I always get at least one plate loaded up with those (along with a healthy puddle of cocktail sauce). I’ve never gotten sick from eating it.
It’s a really good deal because the dinner buffet costs about $11, and one plate of seafood would easily cost $11 if I bought it at the store and cooked it at home.
Exactly. Which is why you never eat shellfish at a Chinese buffet.
You could be right. I’m not saying it’s as good as the seafood in a 5-star restaurant in Sicily.
My guess is that it averages out when you factor in the people who come in and eat one chicken skewer and a few crab rangoons.
Well if you haven’t been sick then more power to you. I just don’t take chances with shellfish. It’s just not worth it to me to chance it.
I’ll eat fried shrimp from the local Asian buffet, but they’ve had raw oysters a few times and there is no fucking way in hell I’m touching those. I’ll only eat oysters on the half shell at a reputable restaurant or buy and shuck my own.
Meh I’ve eaten sushi at those buffets and I’m not deaseargaeruig origj call911
But have you eaten fruit sushi?
My favorite Chinese buffet serves dollar beers at lunch, sadly I now work too far away to make it reasonable to eat there.
Holy shit.
Does this merit a narrowed gaze? Can I get a ruling here?
It seems the customers were not pleased with the new Flushdanch performance.
This has to be a satire site:
This just doesn’t seem true. And there’s no links to local news sites.
It’s a FAKE!
Oh, and the site won’t let me copy and past text. I had to go into the page source.
Snopes says its fake which probably means its 100% true.
Wasn’t there a Snopes article about whether Snopes was fake?
“We’ve thoroughly investigated ourselves and have found ourselves to be 100% consistent with… ourselves.”
And the linked article is delightful as well:
Ok, that one sounds completely made up.
Too bad it wasn’t during a lap dance.
If you can hear the watch ticking from inside some fat lady’s punanny, it aint worth $25k. unless you added diamonds to a platinum SWATCH
+, revival of term “punanny”
Forever immortalized in Dancehall
I’m guessing more tears are flowing at the Niskanen Center than at your average Italian funeral.
hm? over what. this paris nonsense?
Something i find annoyingly retarded are articles from Nick or any other Reason flak saying, “WHY ARE POLITICS SO HYPERBOLIC?! HYSTERIA IS THE NEW NORM”
I’m sure the WaPo et al have already done the same, but its just…. grating. The media sells people candy and then writes chinstroking-thinkpieces about how tooth decay is a growing problem.
Rand Paul has a message for all of you.
Holy shit, youtube debates between Afrocentrists are hilariously stupid.
You have to put them to a beat.
they’re still stupid, but they’re more fun that way.
I was reading something @ Reason the other day and they were discussing this place.
some dude said, “I tried going there, but they immediately went off the deep end”
I wanted to ask wtf he meant (Sugarfree? Manly Mondays? SecretNaziPresident?). But then i remembered i didn’t care. I’m pretty sure whomever it was had no idea what goes on here.
Have they drawn in any other commenters there or is it just Fist and a bunch of socks still? I emigrated once the place was dead of relevant content and interesting discussion.
I occasionally drop by as do other folks here. Yeah, it’s mostly Fist and socks though. There’s a decent article now and then but there’s rarely anyone there to discuss it with. I’m not talking to Mary. I’ll occasionally drop a comment or two.
There’s a dozen new handles but its not clear whether they’re old people who rebooted or just flies who now feel confident posting silly shit knowing no one will swat them.
the core group seems to be what i’d call (maybe unfairly, maybe not) the Liberaltarian-crowd = MJG, Sparky, Chipper, zed (the most reasonable of the bunch)….
…. and then Crusty, Fist, and the always cranky Sevo and Sid Finch. maybe a few others i can’t remember.
I kinda miss Crusty. Those others, not so much.
Yea, I was kinda disappointed Crusty hasn’t shown up here. Which suggests perhaps he’s a staffer.
And then there’s random flash-floods of insanity from OldMexican and Hazel.
I haven’t read all of his works, and maybe it’s just me, but I kinda get the impression that OM is arguing from a social justice / critical race theory platform.
No, OM’s problem is that he has terminal TDS, he’s completely delusional and basically makes up things Trump/his supporters/people connected to him says so he can flip out about them. Like how he took Trump’s immigrant rapist and murderers comment as literally as possible and started flipping out about how Trump is saying that 50% of illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers. Or that story awhile back where that guy was talking about how immigrants weren’t assimilating into American society and explicitly said race had nothing to do with it but OM flipped out about how he was a racist trying to establish a white ethnostate.
TDS aside, his advancing that line of argument evidences my point.
He completely lacks the rhetoric that goes hand-and-hand with social justice or critical race theory, and the fact that he accuses people of being ‘Marxians’ if they disagree with him doesn’t support your point.
Also, second hand but apparently he hates the gays.
Not that hating gays is incompatible with critical race theory, but fair enough. I now wonder whether “Marxians” are Chavistas
OldMex used to argue from a staunchly anarcho-capitalist perspective. While he wasn’t always the nicest of interlocutors, his positions were fairly consistent and often well argued. But John Titor is quite right that he (quite suddenly) developed a terminal case of TDS and hasn’t really said anything interesting since then. Sometimes the things he criticizes about Trump aren’t wrong, but he’ll go off the deep end without a moment’s notice.
Is John still there telling everybody else how stupid they are?
I think John got bored once it just ended up being him and chemjeff screaming at each other constantly about random bullshit.
Yes, he showed up just recently.
He went off on Chapman today.
I’ve seen a couple of John posts [there] in the last few days.
There are several regulars left including some present company. I’m there at work because they block this site. Tony and the like are running riot. Any name you don’t know is almost certainly a new troll.
Today’s highlight was one of Chapman’s more insulting pieces, this time on Trumputingate.
. I’m there at work because they block this site.
Make friends with the network admin.
No idea who that might be since we got acquired by a big fish recently.
is it just Fist and a bunch of socks still?
HEY! I resemble that remark!
It’s that Robert guy that seems to have implied something about the military occupation of Afghanistan and “at least they didn’t shoot civilians”, and there was some kind of wide span of moderator “corrective actions”. Robert brought the butthurt back to H&R.
It’s impossible to tell what really happened with the spate of moderator erasure.
That happened on Memorial Day in a very thoughtful Swiss post.
I remember he got cat-butted.
Yeah, I thought he got a first warning not banned.
If that’s the case, it makes the butthurting even stupider and more pathetic.
post #12 & subsequent thread in which Swiss actually posted:
“Next time, he gets the banhammer. I contemplated zorching him immediately, but we are fairly consistent on the two strikes and you are gone. So, one strike left.”
He got 2 warnings, actually.
Naked Ape may be a little off the deep end from time to time but I love this:
Couple of months old, but just as ridiculous as ever.
The Moldylocks one is good too.
Fun times ahead.
What the actual fuck is this? Please tell me this is satire.
What, Proud Boys? No that’s a legitimate thing McInnes is pushing to bring back his particular brand of masculinity.
I mean is McInnes actually considered a right wing provocateur?
Yeah, because he is kinda is one? I mean, he’s definitely more libertarian on things like drugs and gays than the right-wing of old, but he’s got plenty of right-wing positions. And this shit is hilarious as hell but it’s clearly provocateuring.
If you admit you are flat out lying and trolling then I think that disqualifies you. Coulter is a provocateur. McInnes is a professional troll. He doesn’t believe the heinous shit he says and he admits he doesn’t believe it.
Provocateurs just exist to provoke people, whether they admit it or not it’s the effect of their action that matters.
Proud Boys
Proud Boys are a thing. To oversimplify, they serve as muscle against antifa agitators.
Gayest frat ever.
They’re all a bunch of Röhmites?
I’ll just leave this here
Yeah, sounds like he’s in some sort of leadership role but didn’t go into any details about the group. As usual he’s like watching a cat jump around at a moving laser light.
Oh here you go. A recruitment video. He even gives a shout out to no wanking.
Proud Boys is not a gay group? Come on. They’re gay. They have to be.
OK… yup… sure… come again?!
*polite applause*
Makes sense. Keeps ’em angry.
bans masturbation.
The lion don’t hunt if he’s not hungry. Amirite?
It’s a lot easier to control a group when they’re not rational. Also slightly angry.
Eclipse costs CA 16.8 GWhr? No way to account for this. None.
California doesn’t even experience totality.
Just when I think this state can’t be more pathetic, it proves me wrong.
Nuke the moon!
Nuke the Whales
How do know this is not Kim Jung Un’s strategy to feed his starving populace?
That’s what I was expecting, not that I minded the song.
BTW, too bad about Carlton. Maybe they’ll start turning it around against a weak sister like GWS.
…sorry, that was cruel.
Yeah, I had NM down as a “should win.” Looks like another bleak year.
The Roos (and the Demons) both beat Adelaide. They’re dangerous teams on their good days, and often utter crap on their bad days. Goddamn Demons often seem to like losing by less than a goal this year.
The Blues gave NM a game at least.
That would definitely add to the lumens/kWHr.
Guessing they didn’t build the necessary backup. And rolling blackouts for ten times your current electric bill is what they want to impose on the rest of us.
I thought you were in NY
I am – by “us” I mean, well, the world.
and ha, we had a widespread power failure about an hour ago. yep, greenies, get used to that if Jerry follows through on his dumbass plan to force CA to follow Paris.
OK, speaking of actual scientists who know their shit, Dr. Roy Spencer has apparently channeled BakedPenguin. This is a hilarious post. Now get the May temperature data up!
To quote SNP….
It’s happening!!! *eyes roll back in head while convulsing on the ground like a fish out of water*
One of my friends posted on derpbook that it was moments like this that made him glad he hasn’t had children.
Without even knowing him, I’m happy he didn’t have children, and I’m sorry his parents did.
Wait, nobody has any idea what this actually means. It’s just a number that nobody actually understands the importance of.
Carry on…
Recently republished essay by Jeane Kirkpatrick on international relations: Dictatorships and Double Standards.
It’s long but worth reading, I think. Change some of the names and it’s basically today, even though she wrote it in 1979.
They did it! CBC managed to publish a perfect sentence
Trudeau tells Trump Canada is disappointed by withdrawal from Paris climate deal
So beautiful. Eat your heart out, Hemingway.
That picture is fit for a romance novel cover.
A Sugar Free romance novel, perhaps…?
Me right now.
Not sure if serious
Or neurologically impaired.
Come on, man, it’s natural progression of the plot! Did you not read his latest installment?!
This is where the Hat & Hair saga will lead!!!!!
You don’t have to pay for it, man! It’s free! He says so right here in his handle.
We all share the same responsibility: Make our planet great again
I want to know the exact year Macron thinks the planet’s climate was ‘great’.
“We are deeply disappointed that the United States federal government has decided to withdraw from the Paris agreement,” Trudeau said in the statement. “Canada is unwavering in our commitment to fight climate change and support clean economic growth. Canadians know we need to take decisive and collective action to tackle the many harsh realities of our changing climate.”
And here’s that motherfucker using the Royal We and pretending he speaks for all Canadians again.
I want to know the exact year Macron thinks the planet’s climate was ‘great’.
The standard answer seems to peg “pre-industrial” as the gold standard.
Why are they so happy that Genghis Khan murdered a bunch of people then?
Fuck, just when I didn’t think this crowd could get more tiresome, you need to show me that. Plus it’s 6 years old. A fine vintage, like keeping a 40 of Colt 45 sitting in the back of the fridge for half a decade.
However he raped so many women that the number of people he killed pale in comparison to the number of his offspring.
Trump Canada? are we invading or is this a new airline?
The Spectator attempts to bring some sanity to the UK election coverage
Ignore all the bluster, the Tories will still win
It’s at least important to note that the Tories are still bloody incompetent and nearly killed their impressive lead in the polls by talking about control of the internet and fox hunting two weeks before an election.
They are, in fact, the UK’s “Stupid Party.”
Fox hunting?
Tally ho!
Cougars are not indigenous to the UK, if you know what I mean.
It’s one of those issues that seems bizarre to North Americans but is apparently SERIOUS BUSINESS over there.
I hope it was someone in a tweed jacket, smoking a pipe, who inserted “bloody wogs” in the middle of a sentence for no obvious reason.
“We’re not allowed to call them ‘wogs’ anymore! And they dare call Britan ‘Great’! BALLACKS!”
*huffs pipe, goes back to plans for naval assault on southern shore of Lake Victoria*
I drew a picture of a castle today. And some trees.
What kind of castle.
The kind that sells small hamburgers
I haven’t had white castles in probably 15 years. There’s one a mile from my house too.
Any restaurant that allows me to pre-tip the driver when ordering online hass my bidness. I think of it as a bribe for fast service, and the driver undoubtedly makes more money. Every time I’m allowed to pre-tip, I get great service.
And the driver tonight recognized my welcome mat as binary. No one has ever expressed the slightest curiosity at what it says (it says “Welcome” – “Come Back With a Warrant” would have been too many characters)
Yeah, Amazon Prime delivers restaurant food in our area now. Drivers love us.