DOOM’s Drinking Game Guide
By 1337n00bers – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
Sometimes, friends get together and make an evening consuming alcohol together. People they don’t know get invited as well, and people start looking to activities to help them drink. Some games we play are social and involve some planning. Games like beer pong or flip cup. Those games, while fun, are a bit too boring sometimes. So I thought today I would share a few of the games my friends and I play.
First, the games we always play. 24/7, 365.
Game Of Life
This one is rather easy, but requires cans of beer. Although they do can wine at this point, so who knows. The rules are simple. The goal is to keep the tab at the top bent to a side. When you open your beer and take a sip, the beer becomes ‘in play’. You turn the tab off to one side, and keep drinking and socializing like normal. An opponent attempts to move the tab back to the 12 o’clock position without you noticing. If you take a sip with the tab at 12, and get called, you finish you beer. That’s it!
Our house plays this every day. It also helps with ID’ing your beer (my tab always goes to the right, 2-3 o’clock)
By Ikiwaner – Own work, GFDL 1.2, Link
Another game we play everyday all day. This game requires some knowledge of your peers, but is pretty easy.
You can no longer drink with your dominant hand. All drinks must be held by your off hand, in my case left. If someone catches you holding your drink in your dominant hand, they say “Buffalo!” and you have to take a good swig. It was originally the whole drink, like Game Of Life, but we changed that after a half liter of vodka was being passed around. I suppose it’s mostly on an honor system in the house at this point. There’s a great twist! If someone calls buffalo on you and you were not using your dominant hand, they drink. If you have a drink in both hands, they must drink the beverage in your dominant hand. This leads to great trickery; you can hide your beer under the table and let people call you out.
I have to note, I was introduced to this game back in Montana- I have no idea where it came from.
Now some games that require some planning.
Warning! This game will get you drunk very fast.
Players:3-as many as can fit.
Needed items: pong balls, solo cups, beer.
Table, preferably round.
This game needs at least 3 people, I’ve found that 4-6 is pretty ideal. A version of this can be found online, but is far slower than I like. For the ease of explaining, I’ll pretend there are 5 people playing.
To set up, we need 6 solo cups. Everyone gets one, and one is filled with water*.
Place the water cup in the middle of the table, and spread the people around the table as evenly as possible.
Everyone’s cups go in front of them, somewhere near the center cup. I prefer a few inches between center cup and the player cup, but you do you.
For a game of 5 players, 3 pong balls are needed. This step is the most important when it comes to what pace you want.
Everyone puts some beer in their cup, and we are ready to start.
To begin, 3 players grab a pong ball each. They try to bounce the ball off the table into an opponents cup. If the ball goes in an opponents cup, they take the ball, drink, and then shoot at another opponent. They then refill their cup as quickly as possible.
If a ball is thrown and it misses, it is free game. There are no turns. Whoever picks a pong ball up gets to throw. If the ball goes in the center cup, the whole game changes.
At that point, everyone playing must play a modified flip cup. Everyone chugs, and places their cup at the edge of the table. They must flip the cup over, so it lands upside down on the table. The last person to accomplish this must drink an extra time.
The game then resets. Everyone refills their cup, people grab pong balls, and its back to it.
You should probably do this game in short periods. Maybe with a mandatory water break half-time or something.
*this cup could be beer to drink after flip cup. I think it depends on what’s being consumed and desire to not share germs.
This game also needs some things.
A stump or log- ideally 2-3 ft long, and from the base of the tree. A short barstool.
A hammer- I like a lighter ball-peen
Box of nails- no finishing nails, people.
2-6ish people
If you haven’t played Stump, you haven’t been to a summer party with me. Which is too bad, because I’m pretty good at it.
The idea is to strike your opponents nail into the stump before yours goes.
To start, someone puts all the players nails into the stump. The less the better, just enough to not fall out of the stump if there’s a poor hit.
Players stand in front of their nail, and open a beer, and pick the direction of play (clockwise?)
The player throws the hammer in the air, flipping it at least 360 degrees. The player can not touch the hammer until it has done this flip. They then catch the hammer, and in one motion, brings it down on an opponents nail.
If there is contact, and the nail goes in at all or is bent, the opponent who owns the nail must drink (proportional to the damage done).
The hammer is then passed to the next player, around and around.
If there is a glancing blow and sparks appear, someone yells “Sparks!” and everyone drinks.
If you drop the hammer, you must drink and you lose your next turn.
If the hammer is dropped but lands on the stump, the person the handle is pointing to must also drink with the person who dropped it.
When the head of the nail is fully below the surface of the stump, that player is out.
If it is your turn, you can use it to conduct “Home Improvement” and straighten your bent nail. You can take as long as you want but you will be mocked. You can not pull the nail further out. You do not get to throw the hammer if you use your turn for home improvement.
Well, those are the games I enjoy the most. Next time, I may do one on different drinking games for movies.
By Neptuul – Own work, CC BY 3.0, Link
Derpetologist’s Spot the Not: Louis Farrakhan
1. America is in trouble, and I say God is about to wipe this nation from the face of the Earth. I’m not crazy, I’m not drunk, how long do you think a nation can do evil and not face the wrath of god?
2. You see everybody always talk about Hitler exterminating six million Jews. That’s right. But don’t nobody ever ask what did they do to Hitler.
3. The Mother Wheel is a heavily armed spaceship the size of a city, which will rain destruction upon white America but save those who embrace the Nation of Islam.
4. If somebody told me I only had one hour to live, I’d spend it choking a White man. I’d do it nice and slow.
5. White people are potential humans – they haven’t evolved yet.
6. Qaddafi is hated because he is the leader of a small country that is rich, but he uses his money to finance liberation struggles.
!["OK. Maybe I said one... or two..."](
“I never said any of those things!”
Kathy Griffen is on one of the TVs at the bar I am currently at. Why is shooting bar tvs illegal?
Ok she’s gone. Good. Also, thank God I took over juke box. Music was sad
I KNEW you weren’t dead Elvis. When’s the next tour?
I almost posted on FB today, breaking my months long sabbatical, that Kathy needs to get off the front pages and go back to her life so I can continue to ignore her career as I have been doing my entire life. She is not funny, has never been funny, and never will be funny. I could not care less who’s chopped off head she holds. Please just shut up and go back to whatever corner of the entertainment world you have been residing in so I don’t have to listen to you. I have self censored her for years because she is not a good comedian. She is a predictable oh look at me I am a oppressed woman comedian who has made millions. That gets a bit old.
Exceptions are made for dictators that killed your waifu.
So, Bloomberg’s throwing away $15 million just to virtue signal? Asshole.
Given that it’s his money and he’s not shaking down New Yorkers for it, it’s about as good a thing from Bloomberg as you can expect, no?
(I have no clue what you’re referring to)
I’ll guess some climate hooey. Note that Cuomo is planning to soak New Yorkers – supposedly he and Moonbeam are going to join forces to save the planet. Yeah, I laughed too.
Bloomberg pledged to give $15 million to the UN to uphold the goals of the Paris Accord. Even though it’s his money, it’s going to a crooked organization for statist purposes.
4 is the not. Too obvious.
1 is the not.
Farrakhan and his ilk – proof that crazy and evil are not mutually exclusive. Actually for a Islamic preacher he isnt out of the norm.
Good thing I’m ambidrinkstrous.
Totes stealing that.
Calling the not 4.
And why would one do “home Improvement” in the stump game? It is harder to hit a bent nail is it not? Or does it not matter how it goes in?
Doesn’t matter how it goes in. I wouldn’t do home improvement though, if the nail bends it gets a little harder in my experience.
That sounds like a fun game. Not with some of my friends though as many have been framers at some point in their life. I have a 16 oz Stilleto hammer that would do the trick.
Should probably wear shoes for it. The hammer will be dropped.
It sounds like you should wear knee and shin guards as well as a cup. I imagine it gets tossed loosely with a poor grip as well.
Yeah, light grip as you throw it in the air, and then try to catch it at the apex. Not easy when drunk.
I’d upvote his comment for “4” but… no upvotes!
I have heard of Buffalo, but I’ve never played it, myself. Sounds like my kind of drinking game, though: casual
It’s nice. Keeps you on your toes and makes the bar or home a little more fun.
Filthy casual.
… Whoa
I’ve played stump, and the thing about stump is, one way or another, somebody’s getting hammered.
Pro tip: don’t play Stump with DoomCo.
I’m working on a glass of High West’s Rendezvous Rye – any glibs have good rye recommendations? I like this, but my fiancée found it a little bland for her tastes (for reference, she loves Talisker) and I’d like to spend less cash on whisky than a good single malt usually commands.
My roommate has this in the house.
Bullit makes a good one.
Angel’s Envy is very good, but I think it’s $$
Angel’s Envy is like $45 a bottle last I bought it, I think. Not too expensive. And always my favorite.
Ok, out of my range. I see it a little higher than that, but that sounds right.
Ri is around there as well.
Oooh. Didn’t know Suntory made a rye.
I’ll have to check out Angel’s Envy – that’s still cheaper than a decent scotch.
Sazerac is very good abd very pricy.
I love Sazerac. I picked up Canadian Club green label 100% rye for $15 this week on clearance, also not bad value at that price.
I got the Bulleit Rye recommendation here. I am a big fan. I am out, so it is Espolon, lime and soda for me tonight.
I always associated Bulleit with bourbon, but more than one glib has said they like their rye, so I’ll have to give it a shot. I’ve discovered that I quite like rye, which is a nice way to avoid spending all my money on scotch.
Bulleit rules
This thread inspired me to sprint to the liquor store before closing and get a bottle of Bulleit Rye. Very good. Not as good as High West Double Rye, but damn near. Good stuff
I just tried a New York rye called Widow Jane, and it was terrific. Might be somewhat hard to find though.
You should also try High West’s Double Rye. I prefer Rendezvous for it’s smoothness, but if your fiancee finds it bland, the Double might be preferable. It has a little more spiciness.
Thanks! We’ll give that a shot next time.
Bulleit is good, but I might have a slight preference for Rittenhouse, at least for mixing
So the faculty of Evergreen College have released this statement in response to the insanity on their campus right now. I can’t even.
(refresher: Every year, this college has a “day of absence” where the PoC stay off campus (kind of a show whitey where they are without us thing) and they have “educational” stuff for the people on campus. This year somebody got the bright idea to keep the white people off campus. Progressive, Hillary-donating professor says “maybe this isn’t a good idea”. You can guess what happened after that)
They told the brats to grow up, right?
guidelines in the Social Contract and Faculty Handbook
I hate Rousseau.
And I notice that almost all the signatories to that streaming pile of tripe were women.
That’s so cissexist of you!
*beams proudly *
Are you sure that isn’t fake? That looks fake.
It’s 100% real.
Though with what happened with the first guy I’m sure some of them signed under duress.
We are angry and frustrated and concerned
Oh yeah? I am amused and entertained and not concerned.
So they are protesting every year because they are excluded from some buildings and activities and water fountains and stuff right? That would totally justify stopping others from those buildings activities and water fountains. Sounds like a just plan to me.
So I just watched one of the worst movies ever made, “Vice” with Bruce Willis.
It’s absolutely horrible. Makes your average Black Belt Theater flick look plausible by comparison.
You know who else said crazy, racist things?
Trent Lott?
Hymietown Jackson?
Drunk people?
Michael Richards?
Everyone everywhere after three beers?
Samuel L Jackson?
Spike Lee?
Mel Gibson?
Hillary Clinton?
Ahh drinking games. You can get to know the true person at the table quickly.
Asshole is one of my favorites, you can win with the cards you are dealt if you have cunning, luck, and brutal occasional disregard for the others at the table. Depending on the rules, a hierarchy is quickly set up to keep the poor players poor, by requiring them to give the leaders their best cards at the beginning of each game. The middle can always attack the nobility and the poor can crawl to the middle if they Play the cards that present themselves properly. Lots of strategy is needed and alliances are important to keep from receiving too many drink penalties that shatter strategic abilities.
I spent a lot of time on band trips playing a card game called Presidents and Assholes with three other nerds. I *think* it’s the same game you’re talking about, but I can’t imagine it as a drinking game.
too complex. Fun as a drinking game, but so much to think about.
The game as it is played is simple. You put down your lowest card or cards (1-2-3or 4 of a kind) and the next player has to match or beat that card with the same number of kind.
You win the hand if no one can beat your card in one hand, then you set the denomination and of kind for the next hand. There are also a multitude of house rules that can affect each hand.
It was also printed as a game called the Great Dalmuti a while back, with a different card distribution. Cards were numbered 1 – 13, and the number matched the number of cards in the deck (as in there were 3 threes, 6 sixes, and 13 thirteens). One strategy that grew strong in our meta was to collect large sets of lower numbered cards so that we could go out in one play.
Alcohol is way too valuable to be playing games with.
You can take a swig every time they say ‘beach’
Tell it to the EPA.
Straffinrun out on the town with friends.
Do all Japanese women clap with their fingers splayed out like that?
So what happened to the dc area meet up? I Need friends that aren’t leftists.
That’s why you have orphans, you don’t need friends.
When I’m curled up naked in the backseat of my car, I sometimes look out the window at the kids running around the park and think, “I wish I had friends.”
I have a bad feeling there’s been multiple hentai with that plot.
Uh…move out of DC?
Back in the day, we would play “hi Bob”. It’s simple: watch the Bob Newhart show (the one where he lives in New York), and every time someone says “hi, Bob” you drink. 30 minutes to passed out drunk.
god you are old. Did you hit the tv on the side to get the squiggles out?
Which Bob Newhart show had him living in New York?
It was Chicago. New York but without real pizza and bagels.
We played that when I was an undergrad as well with one modification. You took a sip for every “Bob” and drained the glass for every “Hi Bob.” End result was still as Denver describes.
And yes back then “cable” was a brake cable, the original TI-30 was a hot shit science calculator, and a phone hung on a wall. Now get away from my saguaro!
I like the UFC drinking game, where for example you have to pound your whole beer if someone is described as the “pound for pound” toughest guy or whatever.
We used to play that in college
We played a game called “Buzz”
We would go around in a circle counting up. If a number had “7” in it (in one variation if it was divisible by 7, too) then you didn’t say the number you said “Buzz”. If you screw up you have to chug.
… Hobbit
Anyone a Cardinal?
This weekend now has a plan.
The John Wayne drinking game. It was a favorite of my SF buddies. Put on the movie “Green Berets” and be the first to point out a mistake. Everybody else must take a sip. For every time “charlie” was said everybody must take a sip. For every time “America” or “United States” is said everybody must come to attention, salute, say “America” and drain your drink. If you screw up and identify something that the others concur is NOT a mistake you must drain your drink. If you shout out a line of dialogue- at the right time- the others take a sip. (If you screw up the line or the timing, you drink.) If anybody is still conscious at the end of the movie you stand and sing along with the “Ballad of the Green Beret” and drain your drink at the end.
You basically can play this one with any JW movie with minor modification.
You should have played with us in the “Sugar Shack”! We had a trans-person that for some reason or other was friends with the prettiest girls in school… Of course we didn’t know that she/he was trans until twenty years later. Sure had the finest friends, though… I always wondered why that fine ass was hanging around a bunch of losers like us.