*hums Katy Perry song gaily while preparing links* Oh hello there fellow Glibertarians! I didn’t hear you come in. It’s Friday afternoon so we’ll keep things relatively light. Enjoy!
- Los Angeles tunnel diggers discover bone of ancient giant sloth. Kristen Bell hardest hit.
- If you recognize this guy, track him down and fuck up his day with a cudgel. Explanation. Update: Guy was caught after I finished prepping links, you’ll have to wait until he’s out to cudgel him, sorry folks.
- Philippine politics are almost as interesting as American politics. I wonder how you say “the minute you drive it off the lot” in Tagalog. Also this week, Duterte does his best STEVE SMITH impression.
- Today is National Doughnut Day. You forgot? Monster! The Denver Post wants to remind you that people who bring their coworkers (and Friday Afternoon Links editors) doughnuts are more popular in
a thinly veiledan ad for Postmates: promo code DONUTFAIRY (no relation to our kindly Edit Faerie). - Lebanon bans ‘Wonder Woman’ in protest against Israeli actress Gal Gadot. Lebanese Rivens hardest hit.
- Pornhub released an infographic showing the most common misspellings of porn searches by state. Florida Man sure likes his wbony porm, eh? SFW link from Thrillist if you don’t want “Pornhub” in your work history (their blog is SFW, but pornhub.com…)
And while skimming #MuscleBear on Instagram looking for some skin to post up, I came across this:
10 internet points to whoever can figure out why that hashtag was used there. And here’s something more in line with what I was looking for.
*hums Katy Perry song gaily while preparing links*
Only the Ukrainians can fix her.
10 internet points to whoever can figure out why that hashtag was used there.
Good picture
Say, that looks like a nice tortilla.
It’s a potato pancake, Mad.
“sheesh”??!!? Potato pancake?
Uffda! Please report to a re-education camp where you will eat lefse and lutefisk until you can properly represent our wonderful Scandinavian heritage properly
Lefse is a crime against humanity.
You are down with lutefisk, but against lefse? My world has been shaken
No, I hate that as well.
What’s wrong with fresh fish?
*hums Katy Perry song gaily while preparing links*
May be the gayest thing you’ve ever posted. Definitely gayer than advice on anal sex.
That sounds like a challenge, Jesse!
You haven’t seen anything,yet. I’ll get Jesse a big ol’ bottle of rum, and then you’ll know what a gay post is.
Is this thing even on?
Do you even work?
Damn your nimble fingers!
Do you even work?
Do YOU even work?
OH dear, I put in another hour of overtime before work today, and even though I told my boss yesterday I couldn’t stay after today, idiot still asks me toward the end of the shift if I can stay late. No, you fucking idiot, I told you yesterday!
I’m working right now!
(on this beer)
I work Canadians over.
Let’s just all admit that we’re slacking off
No. Since Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord I figure that South Florida will be under the Atlantic Ocean by mid-2018, so why bother?
And Minneapolis will be sub-tropical, so I’m working on my tan!
So mosquitos 365 days a year?
Tundra, don’t know if you’ve been outside lately, but it’s 90 fucking degrees in Minneapolis right now! Thanks, Trump!
I’ve got my Plan B already.
I’m just going to sit here biting my nails worrying about it all.
I’m a state employee – of course I don’t.
Yes, I do hate myself.
I’m creating scads of documents to make the quality management auditors happy this afternoon.
I have no idea what my transgressions were in a past life, but based on today’s suffering, they must have been horrible, horrible, horrible.
Large mammals flourished in the LA area thousands of years ago. Excavations for train projects have turned up bison and camel bones as well as mastodon teeth and tusk fragments.
Global Warming Proven!
I love you edit-fairies.
Now that the Paris Climate Agreement is done, it’s too hot for this model to wear clothes. How I learned to stop worrying and love global warming
Everytime Just Say’n posts this stuff this immediately comes to mind.
That would be an accurate thought
Can I make my connect the dots joke again?
Or is that tacky?
Please do. There were four people that looked at the original posting, so I don’t think anyone will call you out for repeating it
only if you use a blue or black ink pen this time. The white gel pen that you used last time was extremely tacky.
That was WAY harder than it looked, Holiness!!
Does it go, “Connect the dots, lalalalala. Connect the dots, LaLaLaLaLa!”
OT: Ignaz Semmelweis was one of the first doctor to advocate hand washing as a means of reducing infections.
Gee, it’s almost relying on a “consensus” will sometimes lead people to retain incorrect theories for much longer than they should.
It’s kind of amazing that it took three thousand years to figure that out.
I don’t have time to go into my spare bedroom and dig this book out of whatever box it’s in, but I remember reading that an ancient Roman scientist mentioned the need to be careful around swamps because “there are disease-causing organisms that cannot be seen by the naked eye”.
If that’s how you want to translate “Stevius Smithius.”
Non-consensus doctor to Ignaz: Pish-posh! I stick my finger up my ass and eat corn on the cob without washing my hands all the time and I turned out just fine!
If you have a corn cob, why would you use your finger?
That’s for after the kernels have been eaten off it. You should keep several such cobs in your outhouse.
/real-world situation in rural USA not all that long ago
My mother has that story in her arsenal when she tells us how lucky we were as spoiled little brats.
I had a friend who when encountering someone resistant to change would say in an old codger voice, “Corn cobs was good enough for my grand-pappy. And corn cobs was good enough for my pappy. And corn cobs is good enough for me!
wbony porm
In another time, on another site, that would be my screen name for a couple of weeks.
Why do I suspect that Lilly von Shtup was searching for that?
+1 wed wose
Oh, it’s twue. It’s twue. It’s twue, it’s twue!
That’s my elbow.
Desired for their labor, rejected as neighbors. Farmworkers in California face hostile communities
The refugee camps should all go in greeny areas.
I’ll be everywhere — wherever you look. Wherever they’s a fight so hungry people can eat, I’ll be there. Wherever they’s a cop beatin’ up a guy, I’ll be there. Why, I’ll be in the way guys yell when they’re mad an’ — I’ll be in the way kids laugh when they’re hungry an’ they know supper’s ready. An’ when our folks eat the stuff they raise an’ live in the houses they build — why, I’ll be there.
I dunno man, Young Festus went to Mexico for a holiday and Mariachi music became pretty dull after the first day. Imagine that shit blasting out of those houses 24/7! Imagine! All those screams of “Ay Caramba!” and “Andelez, Andelez!” echoing through our nice HOA are enough to tighten even the saggiest asshole on the block.
Wayne Allen Root wrote an article. Remember him? He use to be a Libertarian than went back to the Republican Party because he thought defeating President Obama in 2012 was the most important priority. Well now he is pushing the Seth Rich conspiracy theory and, I must admit, he does highlight some troubling questions. Not enough to make me a believer, though.
Is this the same Wayne Allen Root who is going to eviscerate the Obama juggernaut by publishing damning evidence of Obama’s sleazy behavior as a student attending Columbia?
That would be the one
Oh man that would be awesome. When does he plan to do that?
Barr/Root is easily the worst ticket the LP has put up. Johnson/Weld can’t compare.
I don’t know. That’s a tough call. A really tough call
It isn’t close. At least Johnson had some libertarian tendencies. Barr never did, and Root at times makes Alex Jones look sane.
But, did Root endorse President Obama during the campaign? Weld made that whole ticket look like a perverse joke
Weld has the distinction for being bad enough that I turned my vote to Trump with happiness and glee. That’s some sort of an achievement, especially since I’m skeptical of Trump.
Weld was the worst, but I’d still go Barr/Root as the worst combined ticket. GJ was, at least at one point, solid before starting to go off the rails in this last campaign.
I’d generally agree with Chip. Weld was a fucking Quisling piece of shit, but Barr/Root almost got me to not vote. Had I thought it would’ve mattered, I wouldn’t have.
I’d give a lot for zombie Harry Browne to run again – someone who could articulate the libertarian positions intelligently, without compromise, and with gravitas. Hopefully, Austin Petersen will try again in 2020.
Barr got me to not vote. He was a disgusting statist worm, the kid in school who would rat you out for talking when the teacher was out of the room. Carried a bookbag. Got beaten and wedgied on the reg.
This is the same Party that puked up Stan Jones. They are all the worst.
At least with Bob Barr, you knew they weren’t really libertarian to start off with.
I’m not sure I’d say he’s actually pushing a conspiracy theory, as much as pointing out that there are an assload of questions with either no answer or highly implausible answers that our DemOp Media seems utterly uninterested in.
I have no idea if the Dems ganked Rich or not (its hard for me to believe that they have the balls or the skill to commit and get away with murder), but the current official narrative that this was a botched robbery is damned weak. One is puzzled by the lack of any video evidence, given that I understand that there’s a fair number of security cameras in the area (OTOH, we have an assload of security cameras around here, and it seems like none of the interesting shit ever happens in view of one).
Know who commit and get away with murder?
Al Capone?
Like you murdered the tenses in that sentence?
Why so tense?
And the correct answer…
Hillary Clinton.
Jessica Fletcher?
Joyce Barnaby?
[Insert name of highly litigious and humor-impaired individual]
Master blaster?
I don’t think they would do it themselves – guns are yucky after all. But the Clintons or somebody in their camp could certainly have hired a competent professional to do the deed. Professional enough to not get caught or even leave a shred of evidence.
Was not bothering to take his money and making it look like an actual robbery was an oversight or was sending a message is another question.
the Clintons or somebody in their camp could certainly have hired a competent professional to do the deed
I suspect that’s a hell of a lot harder than it sounds. Maybe the Clintons do have those kind of deep connections to the criminal world, but that still sounds like giving them too much credit.
I was thinking of a former CIA spook type than a TV hitman.
Perhaps played by Matt Damon?
I was thinking of a former CIA spook type
I suspect a freelance killer is even harder to find than one working for a crime organization of some kind. But what do I know? Just because I tell people in meetings that they should keep in mind that they are talking to someone who has his own morgue (which is true), doesn’t mean I actually have people killed.
Plus, I would think a truly professional killer wouldn’t do it on a public street festooned with video cameras. But what do I know?
“Plus, I would think a truly professional killer wouldn’t do it on a public street festooned with video cameras.”
Well, if you know that all that video evidence will disappear down a rabbit hole, it changes the dynamic a bit.
‘I suspect a freelance killer is even harder to find than one working for a crime organization of some kind. But what do I know?’
Freelance hits are actually a fairly common source of income for many of the more ruthless people in organized street gangs. The theory isn’t as outlandish as it seems at first glance.
It’s probably not that hard when you have union connections. You don’t need to hire Carlos the Jackal, after all, just a thug who’s willing to do it for ten grand. Someone’s got a cousin who’s in trouble with the law or drugs or whatever and you make go away if he does this thing and not ask questions. I mean, I wouldn’t do it, but I’m not someone deathly afraid that my DNC gravy train is about to be exposed either.
That’s the part that makes me wonder. I certainly don’t doubt that the Clintons would have someone “taken out of the picture” to protect the Narrative™ and their dynasty, but I think if they were going to actually kill someone, they’d have the killer dispose of the corpse as well and possibly construct some phony clues that make it look like the guy just had a mid-life crisis and ran off with some stripper. “DNC Staff Found Murdered” is national news; “Man Runs Away” would probably never make it out of the local news circuit.
But yes, you could also be right about them “sending a message”.
* DNC StaffER… Not the entire staff of the DNC.
But we can always hope, right? 😉
But Vince Foster was wrapped in a carpet!
It is just as plausible that the Clinton campaign had some unhinged true believer like G. Gordon Liddy who took it into their own hands to “fix” things.
My guess is that no one at the DNC knew about it before the fact, but possibly found out about it after the fact. They didn’t blow the whistle then because they thought it would go away. Now they are terrified that if it does get solved and it comes out that they knew the whack job that did it but covered it up to prevent bad optics, they are really screwed.
With Hilary being such a paranoid freak, I can see them closing ranks and thinking that this will never get investigated.
I can see them closing ranks and thinking that this will never get investigated.
As far as I can tell, its not being investigated in any serious way. Its obvious that Debbie Wossname (and I’m sure other top brass) wants any investigation of any kind into the crimes committed against the DNC to be ashcanned, and so far they seem to be getting their way. I mean, the FBI asked to look at their servers to investigate a suspected crime, the DNC said no thanks, and the FBI just . . . goes away? WTF?
Yup. The LEO’s are all trying to look away, but the beauty of the internet is how amateurs can pool their info and solve cases on their own.
Like I said, I don’t think Hilary and the DNC are really up to speed on how this series of tubes works.
Stamper got sloppy. It’s the simplest explanation.
+1 rat poison in the coke
There’s no mystery with the DemOp Media is ignoring the story of the murder of DNC staffer: Because this story leads straight to the DNC emails on wikileaks, which is one of the core elements of the “Russian hacker” fable. If Rich really did source those to wiki, then the Narrative gets blowed up real gud. Thus, must memoryhole the murder of a political staffer in a nice DC neighborhood right in the middle of a Presidential campaign.
Something is up for sure.
I’ve been saying for a long time that this “OMG YOU’RE PEDDLING A CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!” attitude was unhealthy. But these days there should be no shame in subscribing to any conspiracy theory you like. The “elites” have embraced the craziest conspiracy theory themselves without any hard evidence. There’s no need to be embarrassed if you find your own theory more believable.
Exactly. People who use “conspiracy theory” as a smear are usually completely stumped when you ask them for some objective criteria that allows them to completely dismiss a certain story.
I don’t get it… Conspiracies happen. They exist. We’ve seen countless conspiracies throughout history; why is it such a loony idea that there are more right now?
Many things, if they were conspiracies, would have had to be carried out by very efficient and intelligent operatives without weak links. Which is possible, but in dealing with political types, needs proof.
So it’s not that “OMG how can you say such things about our leaders” it’s “I’d hate to think they were *that* efficient.”
Daily Mail: ‘Gym selfie – because fat people don’t work out, right?’ Size 22 model Tess Holliday hits back at body-shamers by sharing a photo of herself in a sports bra while getting ready to workout.
Whenever I see the obese models picked and touted as beautiful, it looks like some gay designer went into Walmart and found the first fat chick he saw for a photoshoot.
I clicked it thinking she can’t be that big.
Nope. That’s a big girl.
Big, Bold, Beautiful! says every fat-ass chick, ever.
Ugh, I was almost about to have a snack of cottage cheese. Then after seeing those thighs on the balcony, I lost my appetite for such things.
“getting ready to work out.”
Why are these turkeys circling a cat?
I should clarify, it’s a dead cat.
They’re filming the next Babe movie.
They want to grab some pussy.
Peckers love pussy. Common knowledge
I don’t hate doughnuts. I just hate Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Way too much sugar. Fortunately we have good doughnut shops where I live too.
I knew there was something wrong with you.
At my favorite doughnut shop I can get a blueberry fritter as big as a dinner plate. I also love cake doughnuts, lightly drizzled. Bavarian filled doughnuts. Lemon and raspberry filled. Lots of types.
But a plain fried doughnut covered in a thick glaze of pure sugar – hard pass. Hurts me just looking at them.
Sounds like you have the four basic food groups covered.
Caffeine, Cigarettes, Chocolate, and Cum.
So, you’re the one who left out the free doughnuts for the sorority?
/Hand Glazed
Hand kneaded, hand risen, AND hand glazed.
Settle down there, Hitler.
No, he’s absolutely right. Good doughnuts should be enjoyed by the box full. Krispy Kreme doughnuts are too rich to eat more than 3 or 4.
When I was in High School and had that magical teen boy metabolism where I could eat everything in sight and not gain an ounce, I’d buy a dozen Krispy Kremes when there would be fundraisers (25 cents each, a dozen for $3!), eat them all, and then eat lunch 75 minutes later.
I miss those days.
There’s a new fad out here — super high-end, ‘gourmet’ doughnut shops, where each doughnut is a work of art by a pastry chef, and a single donut costs about $4.
No doubt coming soon to a trendy area near you.
We’ve already got places like that here. There’s a place near my house that makes an amazing maple bacon log.
I’ll take that once in a while, but KK and DD are perfectly alright.
Dunkin’ Donuts hash browns are incredible. I don’t eat donuts, but I’ll still go there for delicious, delicious potatoes.
Calgary (where I hail from) and Vancouver (where I’ve, uh, sorta hailed . . . to . . .) has a number of such shops. I’ve gotta admit, for an all-in brekkie doughnut, it’s hard to beat the maple-glazed bacon doughnut. And a bitchin’ cup of coffee.
I can still do that.
I’ll eat a full pint of ice cream and nothing happens.
If I skip a meal though? my belt won’t fit tomorrow.
too rich to eat more than 3 or 4.
*hides half eaten box*
Your German trivia of the day: a “Berliner” is a jelly donut.
Hey! So was JFK!
Weird coincidence…
Nah. JFK’s head only looked like a jelly doughnut after the sniper got ‘im.
. . .
What? Too soon?
I thought he was a frankfurter.
Or was it a Hamburger? I don’t remember.
It’s funny, I prefer savory to sweet by far, but the only doughnuts that I actually think taste good are Krispy Kremes. Warm, for preference.
I’m not much of a sweets person either.
My addiction is Gardetto’s Rye Chips. I actually hate rye bread, but those things are like crack to me and I have no idea why.
the ingredients list is just rye chips, msg, salt, more msg, sugar, more salt, fat, garlic powder. I can’t imagine why anyone would like them (that’s sarcasm, I can’t buy them lest I eat a whole bag and am instantly turned into some kind of salt-pork mummy)
I just find it amazing that there’s a way to make rye so delicious that I also cannot help but destroy a bag of them utterly upon contact. Before they came out with just the rye chips, I used to separate those from an ordinary bag and save them for last.
There’s also way too much garlic flavor in them, but somehow my brain doesn’t register that at all. That much garlic powder in anything else would make it inedible. The combination is magical. They could be made with concentrated rooster shit for all I know and I’d still eat them unflinchingly.
Properly made Rye is delicious. Go find a bakery run by some German immigrants, get some fresh pretzels and some rye.
Wait, do you just dislike caraway? A lot of people find the strong taste of rye unpleasant but they’re responding to the caraway seed flavor which is almost synonymous with rye bread in the US. The other big thing would be if you don’t like dense/hearty breads, since rye has less gluten it tends to form heavier loaves although there are ways around that.
Shout hallelujah come on get happy
We’re going to chase all your caraway
Carlson’s. Nuff said?
Sugar Shack. The other Richmond guys (Scruffy I think?) can back me up on that one.
I’m a former RVA resident who still visits 3-4 times a year and yes I will back you up on this one.
I’m not familiar with Richmond donut holes in the wall. Emily’s Donuts in Williamsburg is my preference.
That said, I have donuts very rarely anymore.
Spritzkuchen. Boxes and boxes and boxes.
Better than Lebkuchen.
Not that Lebkuchen is bad, I still order it for Christmas.
Dresdner Stollen.
“And here’s something more in line with what I was looking for”
Wait, you like ‘bears’? Would you be considered a ‘bear’ with the beard and everything?
I can’t actually tell if you’re joking.
I have broad tastes, a lot of bears fall within tolerance. Ben Cohen is pretty ideal as far as I’m considered. I personally don’t see myself as a bear, but everyone else does so I roll with it.
MOD: Sorry about the temporarily very large picture.
I think a beard automatically makes you a bear. Sorry.
That’s not a beard dude…
Hold on, there’s a chart about this somewhere… Not the one I was looking for, bit it should help with your questions about the correct categorization of gay men.
Next week, we’ll go over otters.
Ahaha. I’m familiar with that chart and love it.
Good, most of my reference material is wolf related, glad it passed muster.
What, like this guy’s build trending toward salt-and-pepper or gray hair?
Swap the mustache for a full beard… Something something bunk.
make the planet great again
LOL, good luck to you, Frenchie.
“We’ll take your annoying, whiny grant whores and continue to act like a pack of morons.”
Ok, I know Macron at least had a real job before becoming President, but he could possibly be as stupid as Zoolander.
“We’ll take your annoying, whiny grant whores and continue to act like a pack of morons.”
Grandmaster of 5D chess Donald J Trump already planned this last October.
Is he smarter than 2017 Justing or 2015 Justin?
France will put forward a concrete action plan to increase its attractiveness for researchers and companies in the ecological-transition sector
Let’s hope this turns into a thriving new export market for green crony capitalism!
Make our planet great again
Google translate gives me “Rendre notre planète géniale à nouveau”. Not really a catchy acronym, Pierre. Try again.
By the way, they’re just lashing out because their sugar daddy is pulling out. Someone should tell Macron to pipe down and explain to him Obama didn’t even use the proper channels to enter such an agreement.
John Kerry publicly said “we don’t use proper channels any more.”
Then YOU pay for it Euro-slacks.
That’s exactly what’s going to happen.
They will pay for it. And it’s going to work great, until it doesn’t.
But what if it did?
What if the EU dumped trillions of dollars of subsidies into creating a method of cheap renewable energy and it worked?
My guess is that we would quickly buy up as much of that new miracle fuel as we could and we’d get it at rock bottom prices without every being taxed for any of those subsidies. That would be awesome!
Kind of like when Big Pharma spends billions coming up with a new cure and the Euros pay cost for the pill production?
Yup. That was exactly the thing I was thinking about.
Maybe we could then come up with Single Payer system for energy bills and then smugly lecture the Euroweenies about how much better it is than their system.
Exactly like that. Only I don’t think the thermodynamics gods will allow that to happen.
Semi-related: I’ve said this before, but considering that the EU tests drugs, Canada tests drugs, Japan tests drugs, why the fuck do we have a “D” in the FDA? They approved it? Great, it’s approved here, too. If they start allowing drugs companies to make money in their countries, we could even kick in a few million a year to not be free riders – and still save millions and millions.
Because job security for bureaucrats and corruption opportunities.
Canada and several European countries approved it, FDA didn’t. Oops, turns out FDA was right.
the US probably develops 3X the number of new drugs compared to the rest of the world combined.
also – why would any foreign regulatory agency approve US drugs that were going to make their own domestically produced ones obsolete?
just spitballing
I don’t think the FDA should exist at all, fwiw.
Because they can point to the bureaucratic asshattery that held up the approval of thalidomide as an “success” of their approval process. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/08/08/430709628/frances-kelsey-fda-officer-who-blocked-thalidomide-dies-at-101
Yup, and the reason they didn’t approve it was bureaucratic inertia, not prescience or good research.
It actually turns out that thalidomide is a very good anti-leprosy drug
Thalidomide: Anti-Leprosy. Anti-cancer
I also want to point out two things:
1. The broad that held it up got a medal for essentially refusing to do her job.
2. Its not really something the FDA can really be proud about, because it’s not like they have ever had to recall a drug they approved before, during or after the thalidomide story.
Pan – to be fair, had I – or someone I know – had a missing or deformed limb due to the drug, I’d certainly have a far more negative view of this. However, (once my comment gets moderated) it’s become clear that thalidomide has some impressive therapeutic properties for leprosy and certain cancers. Had the drug been entirely banned, these would never have come to light.
Thalidomide: Anti-Leprosy. Anti-cancer.
Yep. The first chemo I was on for my Multiple Myeloma cancer was a thalidomide derivative. Because of the history of birth defects, to receive the medicine, for each prescription I had to swear to a pharmacist over the telephone I would not have unprotected sex. Unfortunately one time my secretary overheard me saying this on the phone, and she almost reported me to HR for saying inappropriate things in the work environment.
I want to point two other things out:
1. This isn’t really something the FDA should be proud of, given that they have recalled drugs they previously approved since the thalidomide story.
2. The broad that held it up got a medal for essentially refusing to do her job, which I guess is par for the course for government workers.
Most of the research that Euro companies do are not done in Europe… too expensive..
Quite a dilemma. Under Macron’s leadership, they’ll go ahead an save the world without us.
Leaving us to reap all the benefits and none of the costs.
Shrewd negotiator.
Macron is going to pull this same assholism with the Brexit negotiations.
And the Brits are going to tell them to “fuck-off” and leave without paying them a dime.
Over/under on the whole thing going kaput? Five years?
Maybe less if they try to strong-arm the Eastern Europeans into accepting millions of “refugees”.
The EU? It’s not going kaput unless Germany leaves. They seem content to prop the whole thing up for whatever reason.
for whatever reason.
Fourth Reich.
This time they’ll get it right!
They have a Top. Man. picked out and everything!
VDH – The Old German Problem
German domination of the continent.
You can crush their military culture and spend decades punishing them for past actions, but they’ll always pathologically want control. Should have broken them back up into a decentralized Nova Holy Roman Empire.
I say they’ve got at least another decade of life support. Then places like Greece start dropping the Euro to try to pull themselves out of the hole and more referendums driven by things like refugees cause a few more dropout. Once there’s enough countries outside the EU they start hemorrhaging members like Poland who are only in it for the common market. It’s going to collapse like the Soviet Union did, rapidly, with its remnants being the Germans and some vassal states.
Investing in new nuclear technologies?
Part of the Chicago Tribune fact checking this morning about what a massive mistake Trump was making was highlighting that it was stupid to say he would renegotiate because each country just picked whatever BS targets they felt like hitting and if they didn’t quite make it, well whatever. Trump could have stayed in the agreement and just picked a different, less stringent target or kept the targets and did nothing to hit them but no, the monster had to blow the whole damn thing up. Optics over actually doing anything useful, that’s what this is about.
The whole Paris Accord was simply virtue signaling. No requirements and you make your own targets, and judge your own success. Trump getting out was excellent because Paris was also simply Phase 1 of World Govt.
Alternatively Trump could have said the targets are zero change.
Awww, how adorable was that? I don’t care that she’s a PETA fan, she needs to be in more shows. Or they can keep cloning her, like they did for iZombie.
I’m looking forward to the return of The Good Place.
Taxachusetts begins massive ecommerce tax collection overreach on the basis of the ludicrous legal theory that a cookie constitutes a physical presence in the state; lives up to its namesake.
Clearly, Massachusetts is the spirit of America.
It’s the “Drive to New Hampshire to Shop Act” of 2017.
What I predict happens is, if nobody figures out how to challenge this turd legislation right off the bat, MA lets big ecommerce merchants without a nexus in MA chill for a year before they send out form letter subpoenas. I hate this torturing of legal theory.
TW: astounding audacity
So, due to a quirk of geography, Point Robers is a city on the US side of the border that is practically a suburb of Vancouver. Its main economic activity are gas stations that have cheap (by Canadian standards) gasoline, and package receiving places that will sign for your parcel from Amazon or wherever and hold it for less money than it costs to ship to Canada, so you can just take a half hour drive and pick it up (also, refill the tank and get some cheap Krispy Kreme).
Free Staters need to get on this in NH.
It’s like the Hong Kong of the People’s Republic of Columbia.
Or the Western Hemisphere’s Andorra.
There’s a large population center on either side of the WA/BC border. The closest thing to a population center in QC near NH is Sherbrooke, and there aren’t any towns on the NH side (not that that would stop putting up a large store). Montreal is much closer to VT or NY.
I mean, they need to set up package receiving for poor, desperate Massholes.
Fuck the Massholes. (Although you’re right, their money is as good as anyone’s). They’re moving into NH – and like Californicators, fucking up the state with the same lefty politics that caused them to move in the first place. If it’ weren’t for the Red Sox, I’d say bomb it and start over.
Speaking of the Red Sox – the disturbing Venezuelan connection.
That’s why this is perfect – they come, pay the holding fee, maybe refill the tank, and then go the fuck home!
Just don’t forget to ditch your weed before crossing the border.
Nice Johnism, btw.
Another Festus True Story – When we were kids my best friend’s parents went to Bellingham for lower priced groceries and forgot to unload the beer from the trunk of their Plymouth. Buddy and I went across the border to Pt. Roberts and diddled about, smoked a joint and tried to reenter Canada proper. Guess what happened? Yep, a phone call to my friend’s Mom assuring the Border Agents that we were not in fact smuggling Canadian booze across the U.S. border three times. Try that now 16 year-olds.
When I have argued about this with progs, I always start by questioning the basic assumption of why states are going to get a cut of those sales in the first place. It isn’t like South Dakota is going to send fire trucks to Overstock.com’s warehouse if it starts on fire in MA (or wherever). So what is the purpose of those taxes? What services do the online retailer and the customer get in return for paying those taxes?
I’ve actually had some success with this. Most of the time though, they just respond with “because”.
Access to courts within the forum.
The non-because answer I’ve gotten to that line is that it’s to pay for the roads the deliveries use (yes I know) and to offset the lack of tax revenue that would have been collected had the customer bought local like they were supposed to. A variant of that is that those sales taxes are owed anyways but too many people don’t self-report so the only common sense option is to force private companies to do the work. The companies being double hitler for the sin of profit and out-of-town doesn’t help either. Not a lot of respect for people making choices in that logic.
Roads and deliveries are payed for by the gas tax. So that is covered.
It just irks me that the whole first principles thing is skipped when this comes up. They immediately begin arguing from the point that that of course those taxes are proper and deserved.
In most states, gas taxes pay for the roads.
No one seems to know that. I don’t know why.
In most states, gas taxes meant for roads are used for bike paths, parks and anything else that the local and/or state government can pretend are relevant to transportation usually by claiming it will reduce congestion. But the tax isn’t really obvious on any the pricing I’ve seen. It’s just X/gal and no one even thinks about how much of that is tax.
In response to Just Sayin’s barstool sports.
Damn, I should’ve listened to my mother and become a plastic surgeon…
People who fix plastic are surgeons?
She was maybe the worst of the bunch, but I’m with Curly Bill on this one:
You know what I’d do? I’d take that deal ‘n’ crawfish, then drill that ol’ Devil in the ass.
Phase 3 of the Kathy Griffin Meltdown: “IT’S SEXIZMZ!”
“personally trying to ruin my life forever,”
Someone should comment, ‘Now THAT’S funny!’
You could be the first
I’m guessing many of us here saw the documentary The Aristocrats. IIRC, she came across as a bit of a pathetic figure in that one.
Anyway. I skimmed through the conference. One word: Insufferable.
I see other glibs posting music links, so here’s a few of my own.
Sleeper Agent – Waves (This one reminds me of summer)
Always Never – Tragedy
HÆLOS – Dust (Live on KEXP)
Where the fuck is everyone?
Hi there!
They’re WORKING.
Now was that so hard?
But first JT has to finish his chicken meal at Swiss Chalet.
St. Hubert’s actually.
Pfft. You went to Tim’s, didn’t you?
Hey, shut up, I haven’t gone to Tim’s in like…*counts on fingers* ten hours! So there!
Doesn’t seem like we need a rule for this, really.
You already did so I win.
Now behave or I bring Tony here.
Oh now, that’s uncalled-for.
First there’s too many people here cause we don’t work, now we’re working too much and are gone. MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND!
I have ADHD.
Wait, Katy Perry is a singer (NSFW)
Probably. She does have a nice top shelf IRL, though.
the caption does say ‘as imagined by’ so it’s certainly some sort of photoshopping or art
I may not be able to photoshop as well as that cat, but my imagination is way, way, waaaaaaay better than his.
Does it involve a bottle of 5W20 and an gerbil?
Wait, Jimbo is Richard Gere?
Regardless, this is what the world’s top graphic artists should be doing with their time.
sb a question mark after that sentence. I got distracted.
I find Ketty Perry so bland-faced that its hard to see her as a sexual being. she looks like a mannequin, and not the sexy 1980s romantic comedy kind either
fwiw i find her music the same way. everything she does sounds hollow, all-icing/no-cake. which is sort of true for most super-high-end production anyway, but she’s the epitome of it.
I enjoy her tits.
My brain may be broken but pictures like that do nothing for me.
This afternoon in dumb comments, we have the grand prize in the “Coming so close to the point while managing to completely miss it” division. On California’s attempt to pass universal health care (which Governor Moonbeam is apparently going to veto):
Its the text version of this:
Wouldn’t you love to find out what people who say this do for a living? Then go cram their wages down via price controls.
You get minimum wage for driving that bus (and fuck your union scale) because it is unconscionable that you are driving up the fares for the working poor.
Yes. Price control is the answer. That will drive down costs. It works EVERY. TIME.
/continues huffing spray paint
Single-payer legal care. Because there’s not one lawyer in the country who does anything worth more than minimum wage.
We already have that, they’re called public defenders. And they’re just as overworked and crappy as doctors in single payer health care would be.
“Government is as responsible as anything else for driving …. expenses out of whack”
“The government should drastically reduce reimbursements…”
Damn, that is some weapons-grade stupid right there. I hope that poor sap has ‘BREATHE’ tattooed on the inside of his eyelids. Otherwise, he may forget.
Any high income Illinois taxpayer who doesn’t have plans to leave is either stupid or in on the scam.
– Iowahawk
I just posted this on the AM links post, then realized that it was pointless since those are dead and decided to come over here. In response to JATNAS’ thought about the pointlessness of modern feminism, Zunalter said:
I think people involved in movements that once had a place in society don’t ever want to lose the “high” of fighting against an evil status quo in order to bring about substantive change.
This can also explain why the new Star Wars franchise has them back battling the same enemy they already defeated in the first trilogy with no explanation whatsoever, and why so many people lapped it up despite the fact that it makes no sense.
No one wants to win any fight and then move on. They want to relive that “high” forever.
I knew that movie was going to be terrible when I heard JJ Abrams was directing. And then it was worse than I thought it would be. I usually can’t stand talking during movies but during that one I didn’t mind at all.
Someone reminded me today of this blog post, written 11 years ago, about what Star Wars would end up being if it was made in today’s (as of 2006) Hollywood.
Holy crap, that was prophetic.
Given that the current writers openly brag about making white men the bad guys, I find it difficult to provide them with any fiscal encouragement.
I would have let it pass if the writing weren’t so shitty as well.
You just need to drop the pretext and gay-marry Shamus Young already.
Not after he made Good Robot.
Damn, I really wanted to like that game, and it’s like, everything he rails against in games rolled into one. Well, it doesn’t have railroaded sections, I guess…
It’s easier to criticize than create? No way…
I know, right?
And it’s not even a bad game – it’s just that it’s a “do it again, stupid” random-fest with cheap gotcha deaths and horribly “ironic” story (which could have been much even worse). If you’re into bullet-hells and don’t mind frequent restarts, it’s probably worth looking into. Music is good, it plays smooth as fuck, procedural generation of levels works well, and the robot is adorable.
it’s a “do it again, stupid”
This is indeed hilarious coming from the guy who doesn’t like Dark Souls’ bonfire system forcing you to go through areas again.
Jeebus, that is eerie. Practically predicted the homeless, presumably illiterate orphan who somehow manages to fly spaceships extremely well the very first time she sits in the pilot seat.
Who also rescues herself instead of waiting for Han Solo, Chewie, and the new guy to do it for her!
I took two of my kids to episode 7. I thought it was horrible, and I’ll watch almost anything.
When my immediate response is “Man, Waterworld was better than that” it’s a bad sign.
The Postman was more entertaining for God’s sake.
I’d even rewatch Battlefield Earth before seeing that again.
It also really doesn’t help that you made a ‘soft reboot’ of A New Hope, so you’re consistently noticing how superior the older product was.
I think it’s more cynical corporate board room than anything else. Need to maximize audience appeal so you produce the most stagnant, safe, pale imitation of the original product.
read The True Believer
Daily Mail: ‘Gym selfie – because fat people don’t work out, right?’ Size 22 model Tess Holliday hits back at body-shamers by sharing a photo of herself in a sports bra while getting ready to workout.
Whenever I see the obese models picked and touted as beautiful, it looks like some gay designer went into Walmart and found the first fat chick he saw for a photoshoot.
If thicc Thursdays have taught me anything, it’s that amorphous blobs of goo are attractive to some people.
*stabs self in eyes with dinner fork*
I guess going to the gym once a month and dicking around on an elliptical for an hour is technically “working out.”
Oh dear. I just… No… No no no…
Subjective beauty standards are just another weapon in the arsenal of the Patriarchisy, you shitlord!
“getting ready to work out”
Whatevs, hon.
Dunkin’ bag hidden in her cleavage, no doubt.
Not sensational at all!
Jake Tapper needs to start standing out on the corner of Broadway and W 45th with a sign that says “THE END IS NEAR”. I’d even put 50 cents in his coffee can.
Is that Tapper? As liberal members of the media go, he’s generally the most sane. I know that isn’t saying much.
Rational. Very rational.
These assholes need a little Vulcan. Good Heavens, the Earth won’t stop rotating, dung fires will be burned and everyone will go about their own damn business, regardless.
My last 2 comments havent posted. Am I out of the club? Do I need to turn in my monocle? RIP.