Man, its hot this morning. Thanks, Trump.
Well the NBA Finals finally kicked off last night after they took what felt like a month off after the conference championships. The Cavs looked like they knew what they were doing. Except on defense. And on offense. And on special teams. Let’s see if they make the corrections before they get around to playing game 2. Meanwhile, in 2017-2018 preseason action, the Spurs will play the Rockets tomorrow night. Oh wait, that’s not for a couple more weeks (probably). In baseball news, the Astros took a day off but get back to business tonight against the Rangers. And in college baseball, nothing happened…yet. But we’re all gonna be pulling for the Hogs and the Hoos to do some damage as the playoffs kick off this weekend. I say those two teams because we have a couple of passionate fans on here that talk about them regularly. And we’ll also be pulling for Rice! Let’s go Owls! (I have my reasons.) Full bracket here. If there’s a team you want thoughts and prayers for in addition to those listed, please let us know in the comments.
No hockey tonight, but you canucks will still be in our thoughts and prayers as we enter the weekend. Oh wait, there are no canadian teams left. That’s ok, you can keep watching the American teams win year after year and still enjoy it. Right?
OK, I’ve dithered enough. Let’s jump into…the links!

A man and his dream.
With the stroke of a pen, Donald Trump Literally Kills The Planet. LOL, you can’t parody these people. Because it wouldn’t go far enough in describing their insane reaction to the President unilaterally stopping us from entering into a useless agreement that his predecessor unilaterally entered us into in the first place.
You’re goddamn right I want universal health care! Wait, you mean I have to pay for it?!?! Sorry, California. If you’d have been more judicious in harvesting and spending those unicorn turds and leprechaun tears on HSR choo-choo’s and cops making $200k and up a year, there might be some left over. Unfortunately you didn’t.

Illinois Bond Penalty Status
Illinois bonds downgraded to near-junk status. Lowest ever for a state. Moody’s and S&P both finger unfunded liabilities and a backlog in bills that are already equal to 40% of the annual receipts for the reason. Both say the state will likely lose rating altogether unless they get their shit together by July 1.
Houstonians establish fitness goals for the year on instagram. (You’re welcome.)
People, some of them “important”, attempt to exchange money for a service with supposedly willing participants. We can’t have that!
Kentucky Governor hits women, children, minorities hardest. (Just kidding. That headline won’t come out until the local story hits the wire services and filters down to Salon and HuffPo.)
Is this about MILF chasers? You decide.
33) Our ugly racism’s newest artifact: The noose left at the African American Museum
A couple months ago, we had some friends visiting from out of town, and they wanted to visit the African American History museum and the Natural History Museum. Great! But it turns out when we got to the AA History Museum, it’s so popular, you have to get tickets as soon as it opens, and then come back later in the day at your assigned time. We arrived there too late and they didn’t have any tickets left for the day.
“Sometime in the afternoon, in the gallery on segregation, someone placed the vile instrument of our country’s history of lynching — a noose — inside the museum… Assuming the noose was left by a racist white person, it shouldn’t be too hard to find the culprit. Far too few white people go there.”
So how is it possible, at a museum so crowded and popular that it requires tickets for crowd control, that somebody could place this noose in one of the major galleries in the middle of the day without being noticed? And while, I’ve never been to the AA History museum, I note that guards at every other museum on the Mall search your backpacks and bags when you enter. Is it really likely somebody would be able to walk right in with a noose?
Does this essentially middle school-level stunt sound like the well-planned and perfectly-executed scheme of a white racist striking a blow for racial superiority?
Or, and just spit-balling here (but no more so than columnist Petula Dvorak!), but perhaps this was somebody else entirely? Let’s consider who would have access to the museum without having their bags searched. Hmm. A disgruntled and not-too-bright security guard, with access to the exhibits, standing around all day so he knows exactly when people will be in the gallery and when they won’t be? A docent or museum worker who’s decided we should have a “national conversation” about our country’s racism? Or maybe, just maybe, a second-rate Washington Post columnist looking for a story idea?
Is there a display anywhere in the museum that mentions lynching?
My first thought
if there *isn’t* some mention of it elsewhere in the museum, then its not doing a very good job w/ its history.
and if there is, it raises the question why its supposed to be so bloody offensive if a noose appears in a different room.
As JATNAS says above, the entire idea of placing a noose somewhere as some sort of ‘statement’ of racist intimidation strikes me as so hackneyed and corny that the only people would could possibly have done such a think are lefty-‘activists’. they’re the only people who even think about shit like that.
You can minimize it if you want, but I say…no noose is good noose.
That was quite funny. This comment brought to you by the lack of an upvote system.
How are they going to cover this when it turns out to be someone black, progressive, or (likely) both, like the last 300 or so of these “hate” incidents? Oh, right, they won’t.
“It is unfortunate that this was a hoax, but at least it started a conversation that needed to happen to make white people understand how vile they are.”
“White people are so vile, we must constantly fake them doing vile things, so we can have a conversation about the vile things we know they must actually want to do.”
I happen to own a large collection of nooses of various sizes and colours.
Nooses of Colour?
It is his private brand. He is competing with Benetton’s United Colours campaign.
He is in a trademark dispute with these students.
Rufus, I think the one lesson we can learn from this story is that no noose is good noose.
I hope you can learn from this and throw your collection away.
It’s like two minds with one thought.
(PS – on the off chance it was an actual white supremacist who put that there, you’re a super-asshole.)
(addressed to noose-planting racist)
When the JCC bomb threats were happening my fb feed was all over that. When it was revealed to have been an inside job nobody mentioned that. I posted, without comment, a link to the article revealing that it wasn’t the work of right-wingers there was no reaction. None.
Narrative uber alles!
When I posted the same thing as you, the response I got was “Well, he is innocent until proven guilty. I bet he didn’t really do it and is being scapegoated.”
“So then you agree that blaming right-wingers without proof is also wrong?”
No, because RIGHT WINGERS!
“Hello? Are you there?…Anyone?”
So, what’s so weird to me about this is that there are actual documented/videoed incidents of racist abuse. If you go looking, you can find them. But it seems like almost all of the heat generated IN THE MEDIA by “hate crimes” is generated by fake ones perpetrated by active hoaxers.
It’s almost as if the media’s primary bias is towards portraying things in a sensationalistic manner, and all other biases (ideological, etc.) are secondary towards their fundamentally corrupting motivation.
Considering how practically every one of these stories that hit the national spotlight because of the narrative have played out, I am going to bet on it turning out to be hoax and an inside job from someone with a need for attention. I will be surprised if that turns out to not be the care.
A lot of things piss me off. The idea that this is probably a false flag pisses me off more than anything, although that might be the kidney stone talking. Remember when a Muslim woman was assaulted by vicious Trumpistas on a subway? And then, psych, no she wasn’t, she actually made the whole goddamn thing up? Remember the “national conversation” we had about that? All the concern about members of the progressive left poisoning political discourse in this country? No? Yeah, there wasn’t shit.
This is why I don’t trust the media. The bias is so goddamn obvious I assume people who don’t see it or deny seeing it are mentally ill.
They are front and center when they can promote the narrative with these stories – America is a racist country, America is evil, only good think should be allowed, and anyone that opposes good-think is part of evil America – but as soon as it turns out that the thing is false, and worse, staged, the story just vanishes. You have no idea how many proggy idiots will keep bringing these debunked stories out as proof of how evil everyone but they are, and then get bent when you point out they are full of shit. The usual answer is, well it may be false and staged, but America is still racist and evil…
Cause nothing derails the narrative.
Also want to mention that calling the media dnc operatives with bylines is catchy because it is so true.
And it doesn’t make any difference that they are all proven false — the commenters on CNN all still say (I heard it just a couple of days ago) “after election day we saw an incredible rise in hate crimes against minorities and Muslims across America”.
How does the saying go again? Tell a lie enough times and it becomes the truth?
The Big Lie technique, developed by Hitler and Goebbels.
“Man, its hot this morning. Thanks, Trump.”
I didn’t vote for the man, but damn if my view of this administration isn’t improving.
“This is the moment when the oceans began to rise, and the planet began to overheat…”
” we’re all gonna be pulling for the Hogs and the Hoos to do some damage”
This isn’t even a euphemism. Actually, it’s a cacophemism.
Isn’t that the gas station/mini mart chain that people says have good sammiches?
they started as a deli/mini-mart, the gas station part only happened in the past 10 years.
but yes, and they sure as hell do
I knew this site was full of alt-right neo-nazis, but I didn’t think I’d see open calls for RaHoWa.
Wooooooo. Pig Sooie.
Feminism used to be all about me. Now it’s about my daughter
Reminds me of a JATNAS I wrote once. Time for a re-run!
20) (first series) When I was growing up in the 1980s, it was a different world for girls than it had been a generation or two earlier. There wasn’t really anything boys could do that girls couldn’t also do. Girls could play sports, they could wear pants and t-shirts, they could take Shop class, they could look forward to college and careers just like boys if they had the drive and desire. And this wasn’t presented as some great achievement—it’s just the way things were. Boys and girls could have the same ambitions, and it was no big deal. So I must have grown up in a progressive city, perhaps in the Northeast or the West coast, right? Nope. I grew up in a pretty conservative Southern town. I’m not sure I ever heard the word feminist, except maybe on TV, until I got to college.
That’s why today, now that I’m an adult and do live in one of those Northeastern cities (well, in the DC suburbs), I’m highly suspicious when I encounter a woman who describes herself as a feminist. I mean, if girls and boys have been more or less equal since I was a kid, even in one of the least progressive areas of the country, what more could feminism actually be fighting for?
Reminds me of a JATNAS I wrote once. Time for a re-run!20) (first series)
what more could feminism actually be fighting for?
I think people involved in movements that once had a place in society don’t ever want to lose the “high” of fighting against an evil status quo in order to bring about substantive change. Or maybe it is more cynical, and it’s just addiction to the power and prestige a movement like that can generate. Once most of the actual work has been accomplished, they must delve ever deeper for problems to fight, eventually fabricating evils in order to keep going.
Largely, this is where I see the civil rights movement, public unions, LGBT, etc…
This can also explain why the new Star Wars franchise has them back battling the same enemy they already defeated in the first trilogy with no explanation whatsoever, and why so many people loved it despite the fact that it makes no sense.
She’ll also start to learn that there will be limitations placed on her simply because she is a girl.
Like not getting prosecuted for mishandling classified material?
If your stick by your philandering husband while he’s in office, you too can stake out an incompetent political career.
Well said there sir. As others pointed out on yesterday’s thread, this is not about equality, but about special privileged.
I had a dream I had a conversation with Hillary and she was very nice. It was a moment of existential discomfort as I listened wondering how could she be so cordial and forthcoming?
Then I woke up.
Any dream with Hillary in it, unless you are watching her in orange coveralls making license plates, is a nightmare..
Now, it’s all about my daughter, and every young woman and girl who is made to feel less-than by those who should know better.
Young boys who are shoved aside and marginalized and treated as defective because they don’t behave like girls, and who can be destroyed at any college campus without evidence on the mere word of a woman, can go fuck themselves, however. Thank God this loon doesn’t have a son. She would probably have him ‘identifying’ as a girl.
I went to the public library to pick up some books for my grandkids and had a shock. It was damn near impossible to find a book published since 2000 that showed a young boy being “fearless” or doing anything they wanted to be. Girls yes, gorls “of color” hellllll yessss? A boy? Nope.
I picked up the usual ten books but they were split between books from now- and from when my 35 y.o. kids were getting their first books. You may ask why? It is because I love both my granddaughter (3+) and grandson (almost 2).
The current US society is f’ing mad and no where more so than in a blue state.
Yeah, do what you want to, leave me out of it.
I tell her she can be whatever she wants to be
What if she wants to be an heiress? That’s on YOU, Mom.
I’m still trying to be a “wealthy man about town” but it hasn’t quite worked out like I planned. I still have to get my secret powers… and a lot more money.
It’s not a glamorous job by any means but it’s pretty crummy of you to shit on people who style heir for a living.
I wonder how many of these kids turn out to be conservative?
I wonder how many need serious psychotherapy.
I’m gonna guess “a lot”.
But when little Caterina needs psychotherapy her mom will blame the pressure of growing up in a hostile, patriarchal society.
By the time she is my age, I want her to be living in a world that supports her in being whomever she chooses to be.
You already live in a world where the rest of us collectively tolerate you being a colossal asshole.
“A world in which accuracy and truth are goals, instead of “anything for the sake of profit”.
It always pops out sooner or later. This doesnt have anything to do with women or truth. Poke her a little and she will admit that capitalism must be destroyed.
Except for a Republican. If she does that, she’ll be disowned sooner than you can say ‘Alinsky’
Sooo fucking much this…
Already she hates to be told what she can and can’t do
Like an 8-year-old?
Ok, I’ll bite. What limitations? Specifically, please detail the particular limitations that are placed on your daughter.
First off, she cannot be drafted into the military.
That’s it. That’s all I got.
Wait, I have another! She cannot use a tree as a urinal–at least not awkwardly.
“GoGirl is the feminine urination device that lets you go anywhere”
I see your point, but requiring a specialized tool fits my definition of “awkwardly”
Ok, that’s a limitation I’ll concede. It’s damn useful to have directional aim. But, depending on how you feel about these things, the shower is the great equalizer in that regard.
LOL “whomever” hypercorrection. Perfect. We’re sure this isn’t parody?
Thanks, but no thanks. I’m sick of the muscle/no fat/CUT/gainz robots.
Someone ban these pictures becuz body shaming!! /britain
Sounds made up.
Or aliens.
hey hey ho ho Fossil Fuels have got to go
Yeah, they go right in my gas tank.
I love the smell of burning dinosaurs in the morning!
Sinclair still around?
I like their sign. “Invest in Solutions” Go ahead, nobody is stopping you.
Let me translate from progspeak:
“Invest” = “government spending”
“solutions” = “crony taxpayer-subsidized ‘green’ energy scams”
Ah! Invest my money in lucrative make-work bullshit jobs for them. I get it. It’s like a tapeworm protesting my diet.
Just saw some douchebag telling people that Trump was wrong in canceling this deal because all the super smart and successful crony caitalist like Immelt, Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos, and so forth – all people that have made a killing because of the green energy scams this nonsense allows BTW – were all for it. Hey, if you were fucking over the gravy train paid for by stupid tax payers that have been allowing me to make a shit ton of money, I too would be pissed that it went away.
65 percent support drops to 42 percent if a “single-payer” system requires new taxes, which, of course, it would.
Well, at least California is still goddamn near half economically illiterate.
Oh well. They’ll just sell bonds and borrow to finance the spending for the first couple years so they can tell people “it doesn’t raise taxes!”……..(for the next two years)
Who would buy those bonds?
CALPERs, of course.
I would argue that any support for single payer, taxes or not, is a sure sign of economic illiteracy.
Stunning woman who has sex with men for free holidays insists ‘I’m no gold digger’
“She opened her mouth like a firebucket and laughed. That terminated my interest in her. I couldn’t hear the laugh but the hole in her face when she unzippered her teeth was all I needed.”
How much for an “around the world”?
All around the world, you gotta spread the word
British newspapers are so classy.
That’s just the Queen’s English accent that plays in your mind as you read it.
So she’s only a gold digger on a trip -by-trip basis then.
“silver digger”?
More of a gold pan-handler, then.
Panning for gold?
“Stunning”? She’d turn heads about 30% of the time at best.
Somewhat THICC and a bit saggy. Needs to reconsider that particular hair color because it’s clearly from a bottle, and probably needs a slightly more supportive design when it comes to swimwear.
Clock’s-a-ticking too, and it shows.
Remember, that’s a British publication. They grade their women on a curve over there.
A 6 here is like a 9 in the UK.
The UK has a much stricter grading system than I do. 4s are my 8s. 5s and 6s are my 9s. 7s thru 9s are my 10s. 10s are like alien goddesses beyond numerical evaluation.
Anything below a 4 is pretty gnarly, but I still wouldn’t rule out.
Hence the need for the pub, eh?
Truth. Its a cultural thing with their women, like they don’t even try if they’re average. Narrows the tails on the curve.
Massive resistance: 140 cities in 40 states will “March for Truth” on Trump’s Russia ties
I’m glad they’re “demanding answers.” That always works.
“Demanding answers.”
Well, here’s an answer: after at least 7 months of investigation there is absolutely no evidence of any collusion between the Trump administration and Russia.
That’s not an answer. An answer is something like, “After 7 months of investigation, Trump will be exiled to Siberia and Hillary will be appointed president.”
Oh, yeah, I forgot that’s how the constitution works in prog fantasy land.
Wish they had been this diligent about demanding answers when Obama and Clinton were breaking the law. But hey, that was their team doing it then, so they supported it. People are fucked up I tell you.
But they are really, totally, non-partisan!
I think this is sort of the equivalent to the birther group, but just a lot noisier.
Hmm. It seems like we previously had a a movement in America also called “massive resistance.”
A good laxative can cure that.
*narrows gaze*
*widens arsehole*
The solution to such ‘massive resistance’ is, indeed, a good ‘movement’.
Well now that you’ve said it, I totally believe it.
Stand Up America, MoveOn, Women’s March, Indivisible, Public Citizen, Free Speech for People, Town Hall Project, the Oppstn, Swing Left, Common Cause, OurStates, Action Group Network, Flippable, Rock The Vote, Lawyers for Good Government, Working Families Party, Rise to Run, and Progressive Democrats of America.Marxists::good edit faerie does his thing even though nobody is reading the provided links::
*tips fedora*
Pictured: the Average Glib
Huh. I pictured most Glibs as along the lines of Christopher Reeve during his “Superman” days.
Especially after hearing all the dead lift claims.
Your average glib
How much of it is paid by that evil monkey Soros?
I always pictured him as a Hippo. Hungary Hungary’s Hippo.
demand answers about the possibility of collusion…
7 months of non-stop accusations, with every media outlet and at least half the political elite desperate to get this guy out, and still nothing concrete. It sounds like if there was something to see here, we would have seen it already.
Wouldn’t their “answers” invariably involve the leakage of embarrassing truths about their preferred candidate, no matter who leaked them? How is getting more focus on this going to help them look less corrupt and stupid?
Also, they sure like to march a lot. Let’s try and think about who else enjoyed marching this much..
With the stroke of a pen, Donald Trump Literally Kills The Planet.
I heard Jerry Brown on the radio this morning wringing his hands about the imminent “eight foot rise in sea levels.” Basic math isn’t his strong point.
Do any of these douchebags decrying the end of the world being nigh now because of us pulling out of a meaningless accord realize their idiotic reaction just serves to illustrate, yet again, why they can’t be taken seriously? Crying that the sky is falling on this subject all but assures someone not infected by the marxist virus to recoil in disgust.
Don’t the proposed reductions in the Paris Accord amount to about 1/15,000th of a degree? Are you telling me that eight foot sea level rises don’t hinge on temperature increases of 1/15,000th of a degree?
My question is: are the instruments we are using to measure climate able to accurately capture a 1/15,000th of a degree change?
The science is settled! Stop questioning!
They where 200 years ago!
Imminent, catastrophic sea level rise, and yet coastal California is some of the most expensive property in the country, if not the world. Weird. It’s almost like people say one thing, but then do something else, which implies that the things they say they believe aren’t really things they actually believe.
He was on NPR. Guy sure does prattle on, it was to the point if I heard him say “galvanize” one more time I’d force feed him molten zinc.
At least you could have posted The Cutting Crew instead of The Outfield.
Ah screw it, just go straight to their inspiration.
That video is sweet.
Has anyone ever seen Russell Hitchcock and Udo Dirkschneider in the same room at the same time?
Now that you mention it….
That chick just chucked those grocery bags down. And some of the autos are not period-appropriate.
Or these guys.
Against “Sgt. Pepper”: The Beatles classic made pop seem male, nerdy and “important” — and that wasn’t a good thing
I couldn’t make it very far into that article because my give-a-fuck meter pegged hard left and alarms started going off.
Abbey Road was the best Beatles record, anyway.
Although, I have to admit, this parody makes “Sgt. Pepper’s…” much more enjoyable. Princess Leia’s Stolen Death Star Plans
I’d love to see Disney and Michael Jackson’s estate (I’m pretty sure his estate still owns the Beatles’ rights) put together an actual album for sale of it, with all the instrumentation exactly like the original. That sucker would sell, because nerds like myself would spend $10-$15 on it. And after all, wouldn’t it be nice if it chart topped?
I’m afraid I’m with Sour Kraut with that. Revolver.
I agree with the Flappy headed one and the Sour Kraut, although it’s tough to choose, since Abbey Road was one of the first 3 albums I ever owned (admittedly my parents had it on LP, but that, the Gladiator Soundtrack, and Beach Boys Greatest hits were the 1st 3).
I have an old friend who is a rabid Beatles collector – with multiple copies of every album from different parts of the world, bootlegs, videos, and other collectibles. Of all the Beatles albums, he hate’s Sgt. Pepper the most. Why? Too much Paul McCartney and his schmaltzy “grandma” songs.
Feminism fuelled obesity crisis by killing off home cooking, says Rosie Boycott
*rubs hands together*
This should be good.
Maybe not the only factor, but definitely a major contributor.
Also, “Rosie Boycott”?
Pen name?
Also, “Rosie Boycott”?
Like Rosie the Riveter, only she doesn’t work.
Or Rosie Palm, except she won’t … nevermind
The mayor of London has a fucking ‘food adviser’? If that doesn’t tell you something about the perceived scope of government over there I’m not sure what does. Oh well, at least it’s halal.
Only government could be responsible for the horrors of English cuisine.
*golf clap*
This Transgender Dad and His Husband Are Expecting a Baby
God dammit. If you have a uterus you’re not a man.
These science deniers are getting tiresome.
Science is whatever leftist dogma says is science you cis shitlord!
But xe FEELS like a man. Who are you to deny someone’s FEELINGS?
I mean, you do you, boss, but if you’re carrying a child in your uterus and you shipped with a vag, you’re female. And I’m not saying you should hang your head in shame or that people should point at you and make fun of you, or that you should be a second-class citizen or whatever, but can we please just be honest and acknowledge that the fact that you required surgery and regular hormone treatments to be whatever you are now means that it isn’t natural?
Which is fine, people do unnatural things all the time. Cooking isn’t natural. Dyed hair isn’t natural. All I’m saying is can you not get shitty if someone fails to pretend that you’re a natural blonde, so to speak?
It’s not chicks with dicks, it is dudes with tits? Or the reverse?
As for the baby’s assigned sex, “Our baby has been diagnosed male,” Trystan said. “That’s my own little joke in our family. Diagnosis: male.”
Double goddammit!
But they’re so funny, just like the couple on Modern Family!
Yeah this kid is gonna grow up all fucked in the head thanks to these people, and they will blame it on everyone and everything else…
My first thought as well. I pity that boy. If he grows up without any crippling mental illnesses, it will be a miracle.
In 2016, Biff Chaplow and Trystan Reese…
Triple goddammit!!!!!!!
Damn, Pat, that’s a Balko grade nutpunch. Owiee!
Yesterday my 9yo daughter asked me, “If a boy becomes a girl, can he have a baby?” I had no idea she knew or had heard anything about transgendered people. All her friends’ parents are progressives, so I guess I should have known it was coming.
Ask her “where’s the fetus gonna gestate?”
“A boy can’t really become a girl, sweetie. They just think they can because they are sick in the head.”
Exactly. I avoid telling my children comfortable lies.
“Gotta rip that band-aid off now – you’ll thank me later.”
Might as well just call CPS and turn yourself in now.
I’m prepping for this. I’m hoping my kid won’t be old enough to ask shit like that until all this has died down a bit. Failing that, I think it’s gonna be something like, “Well, I mean, kind of, but not really. See, I a boy can’t become a girl, he can just look like a girl and people can call him her. And that’s totally fine. But they’re not really a girl. And they can have a baby, like have one, but they can’t like give birth to one. It’s complicated.”
I think my answer was something like, “Bitch, no. Who told you that shit?” But I could be paraphrasing.
The world reacts to Trump’s premature withdrawal from Paris
You know who else prematurely withdrew from Paris?
Paris prematurely withdrew from Helen.
*Greek thumbs up*
That dude in the video?
The French army?
The McCallister family?
Withdrew from Paris…, Greeks, Trojans…there is a good joke in there but I woke up late and groggy and haven’t had enough coffee yet.
I was trying to come up with one with The Paris Peace Accords and Vietnam, but failed
No X-men stuff?
Rick Salomon?
Louis XVI?
Perhaps one of Ms. Jackson’s boyfriends?
68 mayors adopt Paris climate accord after U.S. pulls out
“The world cannot wait—and neither will we”
There really is no such thing as peak derp.
“Enshrined”. Get a fucking grip you fucking retards.
The “historic” Paris agreement – which does nothing to curb greenhouse gasses from the world’s largest emitters, has no firm limits on emissions, and transfers trillions of dollars of western wealth, mostly American, to the third world? And was a unilateral agreement signed by the previous president without consent of congress?
What a bunch of fucking idiots.
You know, if these virtue signaling dipshits want to divert a couple billion dollars from their collective municipal tax base, who are we to complain?
Sure, as long as they don’t come looking for bailouts when insolvency hits.
That’s a joke right? Because that’s precisely how they operate.
Wait, I thought pulling out of the Paris agreements meant it was now illegal to reduce green house gasses in the USA. How can these mayors (and Gov. Mumbles here in Minnesoda) blatantly talk about breaking the law?
Uffda, this shitshow is almost too pathetic to be funny. I’m starting to feel like I’m at the special olympics and it is in bad taste to laugh at the participants.
“The world cannot wait—and neither will we””
As they handed out Superman capes.
You will really believe a prog can fly!
We could charter helicopters to test that theory.
I hope the next federal budget sets aside funds for progressives to receive free helicopter rides.
Arthur Carlson or Milton Friedman?
As god is my witness…
They will create more demand for electric cars, eh? And how, pray tell, will they do that – at gunpoint? How exactly does a fucking mayor create demand?
Fleet purchase orders.
//Checks list
Damn. Realistically they can’t do much. Maybe the Phoenix PD will ditch the Tahoe and adopt the Toyota Prius as the new squad car.
Which means I can pick up a Tahoe in pretty good condition that I can clean out with a hose. #roadwarrior
We will buy and create more demand for electric cars and trucks.
That’s good, because electricity production has no greenhouse gas emissions. Adding an additional house to the grid for every driver can’t have any negative repercussions.
He’s trying to get an ex back in the sack while the (younger) chick he threw her over for is gone. Simple.
Much, much better than Midnight Oil.
The Whistleblower Behind Caterpillar’s Massive Tax Headache Could Make $600 Million
Meanwhile government whistleblowers get sent to the pokey.
Caterpillar: an American company that still makes things
IRS: Let’s kill it
For the crime of keeping the government’s money they deserve that!
/prog off
They will then proceed to whining about how there are no jobs and it’s all the capitalists’ fault.
Must be awesome to never find fault with anything you do and always having a convenient scapegoat to blame for the shit you do.
Meh. Caterpillar was keeping two sets of books. I’m not going to feel sorry for them for getting caught doing something so patently stupid, particularly when they’re more than willing to suck at the government teat the rest of the time.
Yeah, looks like they screwed up. But it does show how badly corporate tax reform is needed. If they had done this scheme legally, it would have worked, but would have meant the loss of thousands of US jobs.
I don’t disagree.
Have a laugh.
Not bad. Now check these dubs.
God, I’d forgotten about dubs.
Of course since /b/ doesn’t exist, forgetting one of their memes doesn’t matter.
re: California coverage
Holy magnet draw.
Please! Please! Please do this, California! The rest of the country is begging you. Especially the hospitals in Arizona, Nevada and Oregon.
Oh man, if only. My worry is that then we’ll have to soak up more cali refugees once they crank the taxes up to 11.
To be sure, I will be moving out of California immediately if this passes.
Glibs are welcome far as I’m concerned. Problem is I’ll be a lot of ’em will be socialists who have been priced out of the cali market. They’ll leave their houses sure, but not heir votes.
You know, if California is so determined to commit suicide, it should just nuke itself from orbit, to be quicker.
… and they’d be less likely to drag the rest of us down with them.
Well, I mean, it’s not like they can afford to do it for citizens, so what’s it matter if they add in 3 million undocumented immigrants? They’re going bankrupt either way.
“eliminate out-of-pocket costs for everyone.”
I hardly know what to say. They really do believe in magic.
Well the “undocumented” immigrants of California are vital to the state. Owing to the way Congressional seats are apportioned, the illegal’s presence adds five seats to California’s representation in the House of Representatives. I believe it does the same for their Electoral College representation too.
Which would not be a problem if the motherfucking courts hadn’t decided that people who can’t fucking vote should be counted for representation. $!@#
What about the fact many of them do vote and we get told it doesn’t happen?
“Illegal voting, which nobody is actually counting, doesn’t happen”
“It is racist to expect voters to show ID when voting”
In any sane country, these would not be widely accepted “truths”.
In the all of progressive countries these progs tell us we should emulate voting requires ID. In the US, where democrats profit massively from fraud, it is not only a sign of racism or oppression, but it proves America is backward….
It’s perverse incentives all the way down. Now states, particularly the western ones, have extra incentive to undermine the immigration policy that affects the entire country.
IIRC, each state is free to set the qualifications to vote for itself
(where not otherwise prohibited). I don’t think there would
be any constitutional bar to letting illegal immigrants, foreigners,
or anyone else vote.
There is no express prohibition on non-citizens voting, but there is also no express requirement for habeas corpus to exist. The Constitution is not written in perfect formal language. A lot of things are implied. The fact that every voting provision talks about citizens makes it pretty clear that citizenship is expected.
That having been said, no states allow non-citizens to vote and I’m pretty sure Federal law requires U.S. citizenship to vote in Federal elections. While states can change their own rules, the court decision saying that non-citzens must be counted for Federal representation was unconstitutional on its face.
Article 1, section 9, of the constitution:
Also, citizenship is required for federal elections.
Individual states may allow non citizens to vote in state elections, and most have done so in the past, but currently no state allows it. Some states do allow non citizens to vote in local elections, such as school board races.
Was your first citation meant as a rebuttal?
Not a rebuttal, more a clarification. The Constitution does require habeas corpus in about as strong a language as any other right. That doesn’t mean anyone actually cares to guarantee it is enforced.
I agree with Spooner on how much that guarantee is worth, but I like to separate the faults of the document from the faults of expecting a document to constrain government. I had something written to that effect above it, but I must have erased it before posting.
Formatting HTML in posts sucks on a phone.
18 USC 611 seems to violate the constitution.
Article 2 and the 17th amendment both state
that the “electors in each State shall have the qualifications
requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislature”
I haven’t looked up any case law to see what arguments
may have been made, and haven’t really given it much
thought myself, so I may be overlooking something.
My above comment aside, I do wonder if a state could actually make non-citizens able to vote even if just in state elections. That would seem to undermine Congress’s express power to set a uniform rule of naturalization. Even if you take a narrow reading of what “naturalization” means, to say that Congress cannot exclude non-citizens from entry into the country*, then you would still render “citizenship” meaningless by saying non-citizens have the right to vote. I suppose you could square the circle by saying that state citizens don’t have to be U.S. citizens but that seems to just be getting to the same point of undermine Congress’s power except this time by TKO.
* = However, if Congress doesn’t have the power to exclude non-citizens, then the states do thanks to the 10A
Yes, states can allow that, though none currently do. The last state to allow it was Arkansas, which outlawed it in 1926.
Hmm, that’s interesting. I do wonder if it applies in the modern age of Federal legal supremacy*, though.
* = The existence of such a thing may depend on whether or not the courts think the “right people” are in charge of the Federal government, however
I’m going to stop using the phrase “I do wonder”.
Considering the post progressive era courts, everything now relies on the right people being in charge. Technically, following the letter of the laws, states have the power to allow anyone they want to vote in their elections. However, I’m not sure how the courts would square that circle with the imposition that the feds handed down during the civil rights era to control what the state’s could and couldn’t do with voting rights. I’m sure SCOTUS could come up with a suitably convoluted reasoning to preserve the outcomes they want while further shitting up the precedents.
Nice collection of links
^^This guy gets it.^^
Pat yourself on the back any harder, you gon’ bruise, pardner.
I need help.
I linked recently to a kerfuffle at the Walker Art museum. To recap, a white guy (I know, but keep reading) created a “piece” that was a scaffold similar to the ones used for mass executions in the US. This was to show how horrible our past was. However after being displayed all over the world to so-so reviews, he ran into problems here in Minnesoda.
The problem was that one of those mass executions was the hanging of 38 Sioux (for their part in the Dakota war where 600 whiteys were killed). The local Dakota tribes smelled a chance for lots of attention and went into full protest mode. After a few meetings with the artist and the museum, it was decided that the scaffold would be disassembled (by a native owned construction firm) and then burned in a ceremony held by the Dakotas.
Today the local rag ran an article with reaction from art critics on this solution.
As you guessed, not one single one of them defended free speech. I need help in deciding which of these critics is the stupidest.
You know who else burned things that reflected statements they didn’t like?
Eric Masters?
Doug Masters?
One thing I never got – who the hell uses the name “Ric” from the given name “Eric”?
Badass chase scene!
Captain Beatty?
Oh, good one.
Charlie Rich?
The answer is Great White.
This one
Followed by a comment, of course.
How much hesitance to you have to have to respond to a request for comment before you actually don’t respond to a request for comment?
I’m thinking that maybe she’s actually identifying as a mongoloid while commenting.
This one.
You hear that? Honesty and rigor depend on skin color now.
Fuck these stupid assholes.
What makes me curious is why black, latina (and why not latino) or asian critics would be any more qualified to judge this than the Dakota art critic.
And I hope to FSM, that the Dakota art critic hasn’t sold out and written out their critique. Using a written language would be evul cultural appropriation.
“Latinx” is even worse.
What’s this “diversity” thing again? From what I’ve gathered, it means fewer white people in every respect and the ones that remain should be humbled and hobbled in every way possible.
Wow, that’s some serious derp.
I don’t understand the self hatred white progressives have.
If you were that irredeemably fucked in the head you might justifiably hate yourself too.
/face palm.
We are so fucked as a species.
According to the NPR report last night on this, the museum will also be seeking out work from native artists by way of making amends. Nice little shakedown they have.
The tribes are all wise to it now. Dominion Power just paid a few mil to the Pamunkey tribe to get their blessing on a new power line crossing over the James River. The Pamunkeys aren’t even located on the James, they just hopped onto the NIMBY protests in order to get some of that sweet, sweet payoff money.
A bribery-based spoils system worked out just great for India, I’m sure it will go swimmingly here.
I like to imagine that this was a total grift and that the tribe doesn’t exist.
Kieth “Redcorn” Jiankowsi: Y’know, my tribe should really bless those magic wires of yours.
Magistrate: Oh, my! I hadn’t considered that! And, what tribe do you represent, noble sir?
K”R”J: Um… [looks around, spots WW Jacobs collection on office shelf] …the, um… Paw… Monkey tribe? Yeah. The Pawmonkey tribe.
Magistrate: Indeed! Let me open the safe!
What happens when robots start replacing people in San Francisco because of the high minimum wage? If you guessed ban the robots, you are correct.
Yeah, socialism never gets a fair chance because of all of the wreckers and Kulaks. Thats what it is. Just look at Venezuela.
There are some “libertarians” out there that think that AI will make libertarianism “obsolete” because it may permanently displace labor. I call it luddite bullshit, once again.
No less than Bill Gates is on that case. Proof that smart and rich aren’t necessarily correlated.
I bet Norman Yee considers himself a progressive.
Out of boredom and to trigger some copsuckers, I posted in the ABQ police department’s Facebook about their Chief allowing someone to “accidentally” shoot someone in the back and not even face a single punishment. Here are the results
We. Are. Doomed.
Something something Morgan Fairchild, and go back to your anime, fag!
Would someone take that guy out back and shoot him.
In the back. Accidentally, of course.
I’m sure the police chief can arrange it.
Those women are probably all cops’ wives, girlfriends, etc. You know, badge bunnies.
Citizen? As in this idiot believes that cops aren’t citizens too? As though they are a military branch? God, copsuckers are one of the most annoying groups out there.
Civilians not citizens
Good point, not sure why I missed that. Still waking up I guess.
“hide your identity behind an anime”? WTF. Did they miss the “Andrew Schwartz”? Hiding behind a pseudonym
perhaps, but there’s a name right there ffs.
NY Times fires their ombudsman for not pretending their reporters are unbiased.
I guess it’s good they’re not bothering to pretend anymore?
I think so.
Europe doesn’t go in for this pretense, as far as I’ve heard: publications are avowedly partisan. There is no bias per se because there’s no presumption of objectivity. And that seems like a healthy position to take, especially in a country like ours where our journalists skew heavily to the left, even while, on paper, pretending to represent both sides.
But Krugman assured me that Hillary lost because the media was trying too hard to be fair handed.
If Krugnuts said it, you can pretty much bank on the opposite being true.
Krugnuts, along with Arafat and Obama, is why I know Nobel prizes usually indicate you are dealing with morons that are rewarded for right think instead of doing anything of value.
Agreed. As if 90% of the population doesn’t already realize the NYT is a leftist rag, why bother trying to have a facade of impartiality? I don’t really understand what I gains them by continuing to wear a fig leaf of objectivity.
what it gains*
And that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are bad journalists or they get everything wrong. It means that they wear tinted glasses that shows everything in certain light, but they insist are perfectly clear.
If they’re openly lefties, their reporting on what the right is doing is suspect. If they’re objective and non-partisan, then the right only comes off as stupid and evil because they’re so obviously stupid and evil.
Has anything the Left has done since the election changed the mind of even one normal?
Yes. They’ve turned even more sane people against them.
I bet Trump would pick up at least 3 or 4 more states if we had a do-over election.
I betcha he could take New Hampshire, Nevada, Minnesota, and Colorado right now.
This would only infuriate these morons even more if it were to be pointed out.
I am getting a little concerned. In the past when someone lost elections they might have cursed and spit a little but it usually boiled down to “Oh well, we will get them next time.” Then the two sides went back to being normal.
This is different. I have never seen anything like this in my life. A national party is losing their shit. It’s so bad that every time I turn on the news the non-lefties are just laughing at them, mocking them, and rightfully so.
I am beginning to expect some kind of violence from the left. I know, I know, that would be unprecedented, but…it’s just nagging in the back of my mind. I dont mean punks in the street burning garbage and turning over cars, something more serious. I dont know what, but I dont have a good feeling about it.
Just started reading this. Might not be too far off (although I think much more of the upper midwest would be red).
Schlichter writes pretty well, and that book was a fun page-turner. The language he uses for the prog functionaries is spot on, believable, and terrifying when read in the context of a totalitarian government rather than a gender studies department.
I think the punks in the street are already unacceptable on their own, but they are also a harbinger. It’s like the story yesterday about the Proud Boy getting jumped by “antifa” commies. This stuff is going to keep escalating unless something stops it. Makes me glad to have a 1911 by my side at all times.
got a link?
Posted in yesterday’s links:
of course they jump a lone guy, pussies
Is Wisconsin a shall-issue state? If it is, I think jumping people will eventually bite them in the ass, and by “bite them in the ass” I mean someone’s gonna get his head ventilated.
The story is all about the Proud Boys (ugh) and what they’ve done and yet just one line about Anitfa shit even though the photo is of a bloody PB.
Journalism is totes dead.
At the same time, anti-fascist, or “antifa,” groups are becoming proportionally more militant. One Twitter feed purports to be the “Official Antifa.”
The growing network of Proud Boys, energized by Donald Trump’s election as president, has been involved in several melees around the country, including the bloody clashes at the University of California Berkeley in April over the planned, but later cancelled, talk by right-wing personality Ann Coulter.
They have also been implicated in violent clashes in Seattle, New York and, more recently, at DePaul University in Chicago, where on Tuesday Proud Boys members and other right-wing groups lined up against anti-fascists after the university cancelled a speech by McInnes. During the opposing protests one man was stabbed, although the circumstances were unclear.
Characterized by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an alt-right “fight club,” the group has also recently formed a military wing, the “Alt-Knights.”
One line about how anti-fa is being more militant, and then right into how the Proud Boys are implicated in this and that. I agree that the Proud Boys shit is very gang-like… but wow. No mention of how anti-fa has openly threatened violence on college campuses and made good on those promises multiple times. Fuck this reporter and his smug face.
Another wonderful thing about the article is the implication that supporting Western Civilization is somehow “alt-right”. I guess if that’s what it takes, call me an alt-right shitlord.
Western civilization is what stands in the way of proggies wiping out half the world population (always some other people) and making Utopia on earth happen…
During the opposing protests one man was stabbed, although the circumstances were unclear.
Investigative journalism … how do it work?
Not if there isn’t any chance of it actually furthering the narrative, and definitely not if it might undermine it..
“This is different. I have never seen anything like this in my life. A national party is losing their shit. It’s so bad that every time I turn on the news the non-lefties are just laughing at them, mocking them, and rightfully so.”
What you are seeing is the left telling everyone that unless they are in charge and their agenda is what is the order de riguer, they will not allow the country to work or be run. They are willing to burn it all down to make sure that only they have power, and only they get to rule. That should be an absolutely repugnant and frighting thing to anyone that was not a totalitarian scum loving asshole, and that there are so many of those, should be firefighting to anyone that loves liberty and the rights of the individual.
They are basically doing the “If I can’t get my way, I will take the ball home, and fuck you” routine, and they are not just being protected doing that, they think they are in the right for doing it…
” unless they are in charge and their agenda is what is the order de riguer, they will not allow the country to work or be run.”
Yes, this is what worries me. They would rather burn it down (kinda what they had in mind anyway) than see liberty succeed.
Liberty implies that the plebes should have a say in what the progs feel is best for everyone, and we all know the plebes are just deplorables, now don’t we?
It started in 2000 though. That’s when they first had some circuitry melt down. It’s gotten worse but, other than the reign of Chocolate Nixon, the left has been insane since the end of the ’90s.
I tend to agree. I’m just a smidge younger than you I believe, but my politically-interested memory goes back to the Clinton era. I remember HW and Reagan, but I was too young to really notice stuff. Anyway, I don’t recall violence in the streets on the part of conservatives (or Republicans). Bush caught a ton of heat, as you’d expect, but again, not like this. Obama, nothing. I mean, you started to hear a lot more about 3%ers, and Oathkeepers, and more people wanting to fall off the grid, but no violence.
Now, though, the left is absolutely unhinged. Like unstable, dangerous unhinged. It’s not even that we can’t agree on common facts around which to argue policy. It’s like the left is saying, “We subscribe to entirely different facts, we believe that disagreement with us is immoral, and we believe that appropriate responses to that disagreement include violent suppression and intimidation.” Like there’s not even the shallowest lip service given to respecting the opposition’s role in politics. They had it all their own way for eight years, and now they can’t accept that they’re no longer holding the reins.
You know who else thought disagreement with them was immoral and that violence was an acceptable response to disagreement?
Well played sir..
Once when I was about 3 years old I was in a department store with my parents and wanted a toy. My parents told me I couldn’t have it, so I began throwing a tantrum and screaming and rolling on the floor right there in the middle of the store. It was patently obvious to everyone in the store, including me and my parents, that my intention was not to persuade. I was just lashing out because I was a child with no impulse control denied something that I wanted.
FWIW, my dad gave me a couple of minutes of unrestrained tantrum throwing before picking me up, putting me over his shoulder, taking me out to the car, driving me home, waiting until I had calmed down enough to understand why I was being punished, and punishing me. I don’t recall ever throwing another tantrum in a department store after that.
“Kids nowadays are so entitled.”—Said the passerby in 1979 with no inkling of the coming millennial generation.
Let’s see, you are a brick and mortar store that is constantly getting your lunch eaten by Amazon. The only real advantage you have is that you can offer service to old people who have alienated their kids/grandkids and now have to pay for computer help.
What do you do?
Exactly. You let your techs take payoffs from the FBI to search for kiddy pr0n. Shit now those meddling fucks at the EFF are letting the cat out of the bag. Why come the FBI can’t pay off a private citizen and skip that pesky warrant deal?
Best Buy has no obligation to conform to the 4th Amendment and can search whatever they want… until they start taking payoffs from the FBI, at which point they become agents of the state and the searches become 4th Amendment violations.
In other words, both the Geek Squad guys and the FBI agents involved are horrendously dumb. Which, quite frankly, isn’t surprising.
Ben Garrison with a great cartoon
It’s the Russian’s fault that she’s a fat lazy drunk.
I about shit my pants when John King at CNN, of all people, mused that the Russians hid Wisconsin from Hilary so she couldn’t find it in order to campaign there.
Isn’t Kathy Griffin giving a press conference right now to address the bullying she’s been receiving from the Trump family the last few days?
Why yes, she is.
I’d like to hold a press conference to explain to the public how fucking tired I am of grown-ass adults referring to themselves as bullying victims.
For a self-purported “comedian”, you’d think she’d understand irony a little better.
Well that’s the issue with taking her at her word. She’s not a comedian.
She’s the real victim in all this.
Actually, I am sort of on her side. Not that I agree with her stupid anti-Trump shit, but for fuck sakes, the fucking President isn’t a god. You should be able to make any joke, or say any mean thing you want about him.
Free speech is even for stupid Hollywood progs.
Although people lost their jobs for making fun of Obama. Like that rodeo clown who got banned for life.
Well it’s not as if she got hauled to the gulag. The right to say something is best combined with the discretion to know better. I don’t think she should face any legal repercussions for the stunt, but I don’t feel too sorry for her that the Trump family didn’t enjoy it and she lost her gig as the D-list co-host of CNN’s New Year’s Eve special.
Let me clarify, I’m OK with people mocking her and pointing out that she is a huge hypocrite.
I’m worried though that too many people think that the Secret Service should investigate and prosecute her for threatening the president. Fuck that noise.
They said the same thing about the Madonna “blow up the white house” comment.
There’s a lot of people even without any partisan agenda that think the insulting the president should result in summary execution.
Now maybe the Secret Service should be monitoring the demented fans of celebrities who say shit like that, because sometimes they go off their rocker. But it’s a time honored tradition to wish death on the ruling class.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Kathy Griffin’s Army is really going to suck.
She was all over Palin and that stupid cross hairs thing a few years ago.
She’s just another progressive hypocrite with little shame. To play the victim is lame and weak.
You would think she’d have the decency to simply lay low and let it pass. But nope.
To play the victim is lame and weak.
But it’s so easy to do and it gets her on TV for ten more minutes.
I am for free speech also. She absolutely should not have legal action taken against her. Being fired and/or shunned is the consequence for really awful speech and rank hypocrisy. I dont think what people say should be free from consequence, just free from legal action (provided it isnt slander).
Be as stupid as you want but dont whine when people call you stupid.
“I suggested decapitating the president and his family wasn’t cool with it. PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE LOOOOOOOOOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”
Should be grounds for getting cunt punted.
Oh, yeah, she’s the victim in all this. That ought to play well.
I blame Jerry Seinfeld.
Well, he is the devil.
I skip her episodes. I can’t think of a more obnoxious character who adds less than she does.
When you have lost Al Franken, you know you are in trouble.
Tiger Woods: “Nobody could screw up their career like I did this weekend”
Kathy Griffin: “Hold my beer….”
I’m getting a page not found from that link.
Pretending to blow a gay man on NYE is a career?
Self-Awareness Level= -10,000,000
Blasphemer executed on the streets of Oldenburg by the religious police for violating Ramadan.
I Scream for Ice Cream
I’m interested to see if there was a history between the three refugees. Did the other two just v want to kill him and so used why excuse.
Boy, those bass-ackwards Muslim countries are just the worst! I wouldn’t fly over Saudi Arabia if they…
*re-reads link*
Germany? JFC, when are people going to get fed up? Is the colonization of Europe going to happen without a fight?
Notice that this guy was careful to say that letting the normies have weapons wouldn’t have helped.
Wonder why they can’t have that violent revolution?
This is one thing I think Steyn was dead-on about – eventually there is going to be a major reaction to this sort of thing in Europe. We see the first stirrings of it, but eventually it’s going to get very ugly.
This is why we need to bring more refugees to America. Think of the grievous loss to our culture without the enrichment of these people!
These people, through mass immigration and high birth rates, will be the dominant political force in Germany setting policies and voting in candidates. I’m sure Germany will be just as nice of a place after that, if not better! Opposing keeping Germany German, or even European, well that’s something that only Nazis would support.
Die Welt (2012): 46% of Muslims in Germany hope there will eventually be more Muslims than Christians in Germany.
University of Munster Study (2016): 32% of Turks living in Germany say that “Muslims should strive to a societal order like than in the time of Muhammad.”
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
University of Munster Study (2016): 20% of Turks living in Germany say that “the threat which the West poses to Islam justifies violence.
There was a little blurb on the news stating that Elon Musk was leaving some advisory committee over the latest manifestation of the Trumpocalypse (AKA leaving the unratified Paris Accord). Of course, he couldn’t just resign, he had to do it with a smarmy, virtue signaling Tweet.
*sigh* Mr. Musk, I hope you left that hundred-million dollar government subsidy check with the Treasurer on the way out, you smug hypocritical shitstain.
As if the Left constantly circle-jerking about how much of a “genius” he is didn’t give me enough reason to despise him. The only thing he’s a genius at is running scams for subsidies.
Being familiar with the industry, I’d say he’s also a genius at forcing Aerospace to take risks again. His politics aside, reducing launch costs of a Kg to LEO by an order of magnitude is no small contribution to the market.
They told me that if Trump were elected, segregation would come back and they were right!
You know who else wanted special spaces for blacks (among many others)…
Checkerboard manufacturers?
*golf clap*
All the Kardashians?
Very nice.
“…And in college baseball, nothing happened…yet. But we’re all gonna be pulling for the Hogs and the Hoos to do some damage as the playoffs kick off this weekend. I say those two teams because we have a couple of passionate fans on here that talk about them regularly. And we’ll also be pulling for Rice! Let’s go Owls! (I have my reasons.) Full bracket here. If there’s a team you want thoughts and prayers for in addition to those listed, please let us know in the comments….”
I noticed that the Glibs’ favorite teams all were shoved into the same SuperRegional. It’s a conspiracy, I tell ya!
Go Frogs!
My undergrad alma mater (UNC-Greensboro) is the 4 seed in the Clemson regional. Cool to see them in the post-season, even if I’m pretty sure they’ll be out in two games. But you never know…
Its baseball. Throw your #1 and hope Clemson goes with their #3 and you might be out in 3 instead of 2.
Just don’t starting that “wooooo!” shit. It’s not quite as bad as the Vanderbilt whistler, but it’s close.
It annoys the hell out of me too.
The racism of saying that climate change is bad
I’m not authorized to view those tweets
I know that peak derp is something that can never be achieved, but this climate change = racism angle the proggies are pushing right now is so stupid words can’t describe it.
Saying this angle is stupid is destroying the planet.
Oh come on, not preventing African countries from developing is totally racist because it’s for their own good.
Why do you want to corrupt those noble savages? They are living in harmony with nature now in an idyllic existence and you want to corrupt them with clean water, electricity, medicine and leisure time?
You sir are a monster.
Yes, literally living in shit is so noble. Like Cuba being stuck with old cars is timeless and elegant.
Noble savage and all that..
You tell him!
I mean, just check out their delightful prospects.
I pointed out to a friend that the Paris Accord means nothing without it severely decreasing China and India’s emissions, and the fact that, in order to achieve such an end, we would have to cause Regime Change to occur in those countries, and place in charge enlightened Europeans to make sure they are doing the right thing by the environment. We could even let different Western countries have different zones of influence within China and India, and all of it can be run from Brussels, or London, or, New York.
We wouldn’t need to replace their governments. If the people peddling this globalist marxist agenda really believed that CO2 was going to turn Gaia into hell, we would offer to build India and China nuclear reactors, for free even, so their power generation demands of the future would all be met in a carbon neutral way.
The fact that the solution for this “problem” is not a technical one, but a contrived marxist political wealth redistribution scheme, should tell you all you need to know about what really is going on.
Bang. Alex nails it.
God, sometimes I really wish I had voted for him instead of Nazi Cakes Johnson. The constant foaming at the mouth by leftists has just been nonstop fun.
I too have been enjoying it immensely. He’s been playing the left masterfully.
Read it and weep
“Cult of individualism?” God, these people are worse than the copsuckers up above. These morons don’t know how the real world works, do they? “I don’t understand why so many Americans are against affordable healthcare for their fellow citizens.” That’s because you are a moron who thinks government passing a law that says “Healthcare is now free” suddenly makes it so.
I’m sure the stabbing victim would be thrilled to spend the next few weeks recuperating in a NHS facility rather than a greedy capitalist (probably religious non-profit) hospital.
Yeah I saw that. Only proggies would think oxymorons are clever.
I couldn’t figure out why this guy needed the extra cash. Did he not obey the Lightbringer and buy insurance? Even though he was mandated to do so?
I was waiting for someone to notice that.
I see from the comments to the tweet that a certain glib noticed that as well.
I hate everybody.
Thanks a lot.
I say this on a daily basis now.
Join me in my constant misandry.
Isn’t GoFundMe just another form of charity? What difference does it make where funding comes from?
So question for the Glibs. I’m currently trying to get a job as a (software) developer, and I was wondering if yall had any tips. I got my BS in Economics, and have spent the last two years at a small start-up working as one of their Data Analysts and then leading the team of Data Analysts. During that time we (my team) were also asked to do a lot of programming and software dev for the company. I’m really good at programming in languages like Python, and R. My sql abilities are ok (i can do more than just SELECT statements, but I don’t use it all too often). My big question is for advice on what key jargon I should be using in my resume/interviews that might convey this information better.
That doesn’t make sense. I’ve got that down at least three times on my resume already.
Don’t forget to cup the balls.
They might ask you first.
Multidisciplinary knowledgeset synergist with outside-of-the-box team-building core competencies.
Just make sure you start your interview the right way.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
referring to the blowjobs? No…
The Web… using mouse–mices–using mice. Clicking. Double clicking. The computer screen, of course. The keyboard. The bit that goes on the floor down there.
I’m in the same boat as you. I’ve been in business for 20+ years, and the small company I work at looks like it’s heading toward closing. One thing I’d suggest is to go on job sites like Indeed, and see what kinds of skills are in demand. Then go to Udemy and find a course (they are currently having a sale, lots of courses are $10 each). That being said, searching for jobs on the web sucks. It’s like throwing your resume into the wind and hoping for the best. I did see that Google is rolling out a jobs search in the next few weeks. Hopefully that will make things easier.
Work the network. Then, work the network some more. Cold calling is a terrible use of time and energy.
Yeah. The business I’m at is looking the same way.
If you are not already on LinkedIn, do so. Just another source of leads. Also, many places let you apply through LinkedIn and save the hassle of their portal and resume and such.
What Swizzie said. I’m out of the job market – been at the same place for 15 years – but still get a steady dribble of job offers via LinkedIn.
Extensive knowledge of _fill_in_the_blank_, used for _big_project_that_saved_the_company
Also headhunters *shudder* are useful for finding that next job. Though the last one I used though my extensive EDI background would be useful for… a company that doesn’t use EDI. Some recruiters just aren’t that tech savvy.
Some? I’m looking for work and I regularly get emails from recruiters that indicate that
they either haven’t read my resume or didn’t understand any of it.
As horrible as they can be, go to as many meetups/user groups as you can find in your area. If nothing else, it will expose you to the weirdos who make up a lot of the IT world. It will also let you make contacts with a lot of actual workers. Having one of them recommend you to their manager is one of the best ways to find a job. Depending on the meetup, you might also learn a lot more. Super bonus points for you if you actually come up with a presentation on something.
If you are willing to do contract work, it may be helpful to find a local recruiter/firm that places people on gigs. I have two recruiters I have had a long relationship with (decades long). I have probably been permanently employed for 80% of that time, but it is nice to know someone who is always looking at opportunities.
A lot of firms nowdays like to do the contract to hire route because it helps them get rid of bad candidates with little fuss. I don’t think I have ever been on a contract that didn’t end with them trying to hire me permanently.
A lot of firms nowdays like to do the contract to hire route because it helps them get rid of bad candidates with little fuss. I don’t think I have ever been on a contract that didn’t end with them trying to hire me permanently.
This is also excellent advice. We do almost all of our developer hiring as CTH for exactly these reasons.
This isn’t exactly what you asked, but your experience with data analytics might actually be more valuable to build on than your experience with software development. I work for a large company that employs a significant number of both software developers and data analytics gurus and between the two, the software guys are definitely viewed as the commodity. We outsource about half of the software development to India, but NONE of the data analytics. The analytics guys are the ones who get treated like royalty. We’ve got people coming in fresh out of school for six-figure salaries. If a young gun was to ask me advice about which career path was going to be more lucrative for the next 10 years, I’d say data analytics over software development, hands down.
Just something to consider as you look at your options. You might make up two different resumes and apply for two different sets of jobs and see which one pans out first…
^^^ similar situation at my company. Data analytics (Big Data) is the latest push.
I’ll agree with other commenters on this. Software developers who have no competencies/specialization in other areas are gonna become employees who are always going to be at risk of being replaced by outsourced talent. Data analysis is going to be what should be appealing to recruiters, and a demonstrated aptitude for programming is the icing on the cake.
If you can credibly do so, link your data analysis background *and team leadership* to your experience in whatever industry you were in. That’s your headliner on the resume.
Give that shit up and start trading crypto. How’s your quant?
What’s Japanese for “still would”?
I’ve always thought she was hot but yeah, that’s a toxic waste dump.
“Your students are an embarrassment!”
So is the administration and faculty.
Future leaders of our country.
What do you mean “you students”?
Not surprised that a government official would take interest in the goings-on at a state school. Surprised they didn’t hear from the Governor about the bad PR.
Is Al Franken trying to run? That might be why he’s starting to mime gestures of sanity right now.
“Renewable energy is cheaper than coal,” he said. “Coal jobs ain’t coming back.”
Then why do we have to subsidize renewable energy?
Which is why I said “mime”. Tell Hillary to move on, then proceed to spew more derp.
Well, how do you think we make it cheaper?!
Homework is so obviously sexist is needs to be rewritten, because that’s more important than sentence structure.
So, someone in the perfect position to write and publish her own textbook – didn’t.
How dare someone suggest that small children may be unhappy that their mothers are going back to work instead of staying with them!
I think a lot of moms feel guilty about having to go back to work (they shouldn’t) but maybe she’s projecting some of her own guilt on to this piece of paper via her outrage.
I think I’m gonna have to delete and re-do my Twitter account because too many of my real-life friends have found me on there and followed me. It’s the one place where I can engage in politics without progderp clogging up my shit. Are there no safe spaces anymore???
Not unless you’re Amish.
Like Robinson Crusoe, as primitive as can be
I have an account just because people link to it so but luckily never bothered figuring out how to tweet.
You know how to tweet don’t you JB ? You just pucker your asshole and blow….
Lol. Sounds about right.
+1 brain toilet
I thought about deleting it and never going back, but then I remembered Burge & Willett. So I’ll just wipe it out and come back with more security to prevent my being found by friends.
OMWC puts the predator in predatory.
Don’t try this at home kids. He’s a professional.
I think I’m gonna have to delete
and re-domy Twitter accountWhat’s the definition of insanity, again?
Burge & Willett. THat is literally enough for anyone to have a Twitter.
New handle is @Living4Winter if any of y’all reprobates want to follow. Sloopy is the only Glib whose handle I know.
Sorry, KK, even knowing that you’re there isn’t sufficient reason to make me want to sign up for twatter.
there, followed. We should form the Goddesses of Liberty or something. 🙂
I’m in!
Is that what Twitter is for? My impression was that it was mostly a place for celebrities to say incredibly stupid shit so that other people could have a competition to see who could mock them with the wickedest animated GIF
For the millionth time. Burge. Willett. (I mean, there’s more than that, but fuckin-a, people. Conservatives & libertarians have a very strong presence on the Tweeters)
I have a twitter account solely for the purpose of getting Iowahawk and Trump tweets. Seriously.
But my point still stands. I honestly think Twitter is a advanced medical device designed to extract concentrated stupid out of powerful people.
You don’t need an account for that.
and Godfrey Elfwick.
its easier than going and looking for their stuff.
Love that Popsicle long time?
I kept my RL account (which I don’t use but since it still exists, no one tries to find me elsewhere) and I have an Athena sock/persona that I can tweet at Ted Lieu under and mostly so I can avoid all the proggy retweets from people I know.
“if overall medical costs could be cut by 18 percent due to centralized, nonprofit operation”
Yeah, nothing works like the government to cut costs.
That’s an “if” approximately the size of Olympus Mons.
Yeah, if medical costs could be cut that much, a private company would be doing it already.
(and these exact same progs would be bitching about evil profiteering monopolists)
Take a look sometime at the profit margins for the for-profit integrated delivery systems. They ain’t 18%, that’s for sure. So those “savings” aren’t going to more out of profits.
They are blissfully unaware of the number of non-profit health systems in the country.
Time to repeal Title IX and be done with it.
SCOTUS needs to step in. This application of Title IX that has created these kangaroo courts where your guilty until proven innocent is clearly unconstitutional.
Unfortunately, it’s more than just Title IX.
“For starters, Title IX is an ice cube beside the iceberg of campus-related regulations. Colleges are bound by numerous Federal laws even more aggressive, intrusive, and elastic than Title IX. These include the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the 2015 Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SaVE) amendment to the Clery Act, and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which has added its own conditions to the distribution of Federal student aid. The procedures, programming, and public reporting required by these laws is in addition to, and in frequent contention with, the separate legal requirements of such Federal regulations as the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) Privacy Rule, Title IX, Title VII, and Title IV.”
The never ending beauracracy industrial complex. Like cockroaches.
Get rid of federal student aid and most of it goes away.
Both that and all these regulations have increased the price of tuition.
The threat of ending federal aid is what gives the regs force. Without that threat, the universities are mostly free to conduct business as they see fit.
Speaking from the inside, the main driver of increased tuition is facilities. This generation expects dorm life to be equivalent to a long-term stay at a 5-star hotel.
No kidding. The local U has spent tens of millions of dollars on “student life” crap, and very little on actual classroom/lab/library facilities.
I think it’s more of a case of universities offering more luxuries to attract students who wouldn’t be able to pay for them if it weren’t for the government.
That goes without saying.
Do people really stay on campus after their freshman year?? Except for one semester where I couldn’t find a good sublease, i viewed the dorms as an absolute last resort.
“Do people really stay on campus after their freshman year??”
More than you would expect – in part because of the facilities. I teach at a metropolitan university and a decent number of the kids who live in the dorms come from homes in the suburbs.
Plus, of course, living off campus doesn’t keep you from using the facilities.
“Colleges and universities must keep track of this plethora of policies and procedures in addition to separate administrative hearings or judicial proceedings and any investigations by the police, the Department of Education, or the Department of Justice. Schools hire education, labor, and civil-rights lawyers, coordinators, and compliance officers — often staffing whole departments headed by a vice president of compliance. Title IX requires campuses to appoint Title IX coordinators and Clery Act compliance officers, who must attend costly annual training sessions with certified organizations.”
Cut student loan guarantees. Cut them altogether. We probably can’t do it retroactively, but make clear: all loans issued after such-and-such a date are entirely the issuer’s problem. It will make for a chaotic couple years of readjustment as many indoctrination camps downsize or shutter, but the damage must be stemmed.
We probably can’t do it retroactively,
Interesting question. Not sure why not, especially if its packaged with a revocation of the bar on clearing or reducing the loans during bankruptcy.
I assume there’s a case to be made for a public takings or something similar. I’m just thinking in terms of what this president and this Congress could get away with doing (but won’t, obvs).
I think step 1 is to stop federally guaranteeing the room and board loans. Tuition is bad, but the extra $15k+ in federally guaranteed personal loans are what cause students to go into unsalvagable amounts of debt. Heck, 5.5% on an 10-year unsecured personal loan is pretty damn good.
$15k+ *per semester*
I’m shocked. SHOCKED.
I was curious as to the margin of error with such methods of age identification. I didn’t find that, but I found this interesting report from Norway, where the authors explain how they are using computers to assist with the age identification of refugees.
Do they use the Tanner scale?
They look at dental and wrist x-rays and compare them to an atlas of images composed back in the 1960s.
Ha! Good one! That doesn’t sound like bullshit at all!
*Reads abstract*
Also, you failed to report that the filename contains the string “slutrapport”.
Holy shit!
Tanner Scales?
Fake Syrians, fake refugees, fake children.
Pretty much the way we called it back when everybody was spooging over the kid who drowned because her parents needed to switch countries to keep the welfare coming.
No shit. Who looked at all of the images of the ‘refugees’ arriving and couldn’t see that immediately?
“Feminist group strips naked and forms a pile of bodies outside Argentine president’s palace to protest violence against women”
Does it seem to anyone else that those feminists are in better shape than the ones at rallies in the USA? Or maybe only the ones in good shape have the guts to strip in public.
LOOK AT MEEEEEE!!111!!!!!!
So, its gibberish in every language?
You better do what we ask or we’re going to take our clothes off!
A credible threat from American feminists. More of a perverse incentive with the Argentinians.
My journal paper got accepted and I finally deadlifted over 600 for the first time since my hernia repair, so life is pretty good. Now I just need to get hired by the place I interviewed at, and everything will be perfect.
Finland always delivers:
All of that sounds good except the 600 pounds part. That’s why we invented cranes and forklifts and just leaving the heavy shit right where it is.
Give me a lever long enough and I’ll break it over your head. –Warty
Congrats Warty!
I just need to get hired by the place I interviewed at
Well, I hope you have the home address of whoever is making the decision. I find a few pics of their family goes a long way toward greasing the skids for a job offer.
I wish you luck on the job Warty. Life is too short to spend it in misery.
Norway, too.
“if overall medical costs could be cut by 18 percent due to centralized, nonprofit operation”
If pigs had wings, they’d be eagles.
This may lead to the death of the blue raspberry in Europe.
I went to the eye doctor yesterday. If anybody needs an example of how insurance drives up the cost of health care, this practice would be Exhibit A.
I assume the same “entrepreneurial” bullshit is going on in thousands of doctors’ offices every goddam day.
Yes, go on . . . .
Insurance is not the problem.
Government-induced market distortions related to insurance are the problem.
You are supposed to go to the eye doctor (along with everyone else in the universe) in December because you have a ton of use it or lose it money in your health savings account and goddamn it you are going to get something so why not new glasses?
HSAs arent use it or lose it, they carry over.
FSAs are use it or lose it. And who puts more in their FSA than they know they are going to spend?
Sorry, my wife does all the insurance paperwork, so I am ignorant.
But it does drive me nuts that the eye docs are swamped in Dec because of the FSA bubble.
I don’t have much time for FSAs. I have no idea how much money I’m going to spend on medical expenses in a year, and the most conservative estimate I come up with doesn’t make it worth my time to have calculated the amount in the first place. Plus, since Pres. Rick Cranium made it so that you could no longer use FSA funds on OTC drugs or stuff like bandages, etc.–perhaps because it never quite understood the meaning of “affordable”–it became even more important to be able to nail that number down.
Yeah, I have an HSA now (and still and FSA available) and I put $0 in the FSA for 2017.
Last year, I didnt have an HSA and I had a newborn on the way, so I knew I was going to spend a certain amount. I had my entire year FSA spent in January of 2016.
I’d kick a puppy for an HSA. Well, not really, but I’d really like one. I’d probably need to do $300 into the FSA to cover copays for expected doc visits (mostly pediatrician), and honestly it’s not worth the tax on $300 to me to deal with it. On the other hand, an HSA where I could just dump X dollars a paycheck and not have to worry about losing any of it takes the work out of the equation and makes it more worthwhile.
The nice thing is being able to add in extra if a need arises. As long as you don’t go over the annual limit, the HSA doesn’t care if you add it directly from your paycheck or make an addition directly. The paycheck deduction helps with tax calculation.
I have an HSA from a prior job but my current job doesn’t offer an HDHP. So now my ~2k is just chipping away from the $3/MO fee. Not sure what to do to prevent that. Just spend it all on viagra?
Newly released e-mail: Hillary asked to fly on a different plane than Michelle Obama in 2011
Racism, obviously.
I wonder if the Leftist media got a memo that it’s time to turn on Hillary?
CNN host mocks Hillary: ‘The Russians cloaked WI so she couldn’t find on map’
I think Hillary is about to be memory holed by the Democrats. I also think Al Franken is going to run against Trump for President.
Are they that desperate to lose? Or do they really think they can foist another worthless shithead on the electorate because Trump?
Yes and Yes.
I’d say there’s no way they’d be that dumb, but they did nominate Hillary.
My guess is that they nominate Cory Booker, who probably wins for the reasons that you know why he probably wins.
Funny thing about that is Cory Booker is one of the more tolerable Dems in recent memory.
Booker is something else. He’ll say something logical and then turn around and say but we need to do the exact opposite because narritive.
I saw an article about Biden 2020 the other day. Which of course reminds me of one of the worst songs ever.
If course there was only one possible way to make that song worse.
I’m sticking with my prediction its going to be a mix of “Billionaires” and “CEOs” and “Celebrities” (aka ‘people outside of politics’), and “Obama Clones” (aka Young Brown skinned people)
I think the ‘old guard’ of the progressives (Sanders, Warren, etc) are done. They will function as ‘advisors’ or maybe VPs. But they don’t have the energy to run and couldn’t win if they did.
Kanye West?
If he and T-swift can reconcile, its a possibility they could run as a team
Losing a presidential election is normally* the end of any political career. She’s lost 2.
(*Al Gore didn’t really continue in “politics” so much as head out to pasture in the nascent crony green-energy fields)
Basically, i suspect she sucks the air out of the room as far as Democrat politics goes. They want to eventually start teeing up new personalities, and she’s like photobombing the entire image of the party. You can’t think “democrat” without seeing her leering, drunken old-lady face.
Whoever they pick will need to be batshit crazy to get through the primaries. Maybe fauxcahontas.
I think they’ll probably end up going with someone no one has heard of that they can project all their Socialist hopes and dreams on. Worked pretty well for them last time.
That’s exactly right. That’s why i think the 2 above categories are the most likely.
they need a (mostly) empty vessel. Anyone with baggage will have to first explain and re-sell themselves.
they need someone that people in the middle are willing to ‘take a chance on’. someone that just feels right that doesn’t make them think too hard about anything.
i think there are a handful of formulas that work.
Trump showed that the ‘rogue billionaire’ thing works if you want to gain credibility as being against ‘entrenched Washington as-usual’. Tom Steyer, Howard Shultz, or some other CEO/Billionaire figure with liberal street cred would work.
Alternatively, they could run some Obama clone and hope that minorities produce a similar tidal wave of support.
I don’t think the old-farts who everyone already knows (sanders, warren) are going to produce the ‘new car smell’ that excites voters.
I’d take the money line on Fauxcahontas. I’m not sure Ralph Ellison is ready for prime time, or ever will be, but he could be a possibility given that the strategy now seems to be to sprint left and crazy as hard as they can. I’d say maybe McAuliffe, but I have a feeling he’s happy as Larry in VA. Besides, he’s too close to a moderate for the party these days. Shit, there might even be some Clinton taint on him that wouldn’t sell well by the time the primaries arrive.
It will be either Booker or Franken. Yes, the Democrats are just that crazy.
How many pussy grabs are in Franken’s closet?
Metaphor for our times. “Where the rubber of government meets the road of actual human beings” -Leslie Knope
Are they still bragging about last track fires in 2017 than 2016?
Insurance is not the problem.
Third party payer is the problem.
Go ahead, it don’t cost (YOU) nothin’!
It’s one problem, it’s not THE problem. Or we would see the same thing play out with cars and construction materials, where no one could afford to pay for those things out of pocket because of the prevalence of home and auto insurance.
THE problem, is the AMA and it’s literal price fixing scheme that basically amounts to centrally planned medical pricing. That and hundreds and thousands of other regulations, but mainly the central planning.
This needs to be said over, and over again. Even if you can provide the service below the CMS allowable amount for the CPT/HCPCS you have absolutely no incentive to do so. Any margins they make on it immediately go towards balancing out more expensive services that can’t be covered with their allowable amount, let alone paid for to being with.
I think removing this might also lower the price on experimental services too, since the facilities that offer them no longer need to charge the price of a BMW in an attempt to balance their books with patients willing to pay cash for experimental procedures, thus allowing them to compete and drop the price even further.
Even third-party payer is not necessarily the problem. The third party doesn’t want to pay inflated costs any more than you do. The problem is, what are you gonna do if your insurance or doctor is gouging you? Your choices are limited because the government doesn’t want you to have choices.
On a related note, I want to punch anyone who uses the phrase “race to the bottom” in regard to competition. These same people also tend to latch on to “healthcare in the U.S. is so expensive”. Cognitive dissonace, how does it fucking work?
Shamelessly stealing content from AoS:
Left unstated, naturally: working for MY idea of common good, and giving up YOUR tribes.
This headline is mind boggling in its mendacity:
Gaia AAANNNGRRRYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
White Star Line hardest hit.
Despite “there is no evidence to link the growing crack to climate change, though it is ‘widely accepted’ that warming has been a factor in previous break downs of ice shelves,” and we’re gonna throw in a swipe at Trump just because.
/Kirk screaming
I’m gonna lump this in with kindergarten graduation in the “how to create special snowflakes” category
This kind of attention focus bullshit was why I never told my mom when I got my first period. I saw this episode of the Cosby Show where Vanessa (or Rudy) got her period and the mother had this whole “Woman’s Day” shit planned. I thought to myself “oh, HELL NO” and never told anyone when it happened to me.
(this was in the mid-80’s, so mothers have been pulling this shit on their daughters for at least 30 years)
And this actually seems normal to them. Just let that sink in.
When my son started shitting in a toilet, we had parties, preferably with dark fudge brownies. I was honestly so shock by the pure joy I felt with my eldest, it was like I could all at once appreciate the long line of men throughout time who all share in common the life shit of humanity.
/people who take basic bodily functions too seriously
Wake me up when we’re celebrating the right of passage that is vomiting after binge drinking.
That’s probably an Irish thing.
+1 wetting the bed next to a rando you picked up at the bar
Well that’s oddly specific. No judgments though…
And yet again, this motherfucking “Wear Orange” soccer mom anti-2A shit is pissing me off.
Orange is for bladder cancer.
Fuckin appropriators.
I thought orange was anti-Catholic!
I bet it was a Catholic who made it about bladder cancer.
(removes orange tie from ‘best w/ navy suit’ list)
thanks for the heads up. too bad all my blaze orange are cold weather gear or i could join their social signaling.
Orange is Trump.
Following some live tweeting of the Kathy Griffin presser. Total shitshow. Kathy’s crying about how mean Trump is. “He broke me,” she sobs. Lisa Bloom is all over the board: the budget, Obama’s climate agreement, Trump’s a misogynist. Question time: first up is a Gateway Pundit writer holding a photo of Griffin holding the head of Bloom.
“What is happening to me has never happened, ever, in the history of this great country.” I’m going to chalk that one up to more tone-deaf humor.
wait, what? people are having press-conferences about the ‘stupid stunt some celebrity did’?
I swear to god i had no idea who this person was until yesterday and still don’t know why anyone gives a fuck.
I knew who Kathy Griffin was, but when I saw her pic the other day, for about 3 seconds I was wondering if I was actually looking at Carrot Top mid-transition.
I always assumed Carrot Top was in a state of perpetual transition.
I actually think they’re treating Griffin too harshly. I guess what I’m saying is, I’d be willing to call a truce in the outrage wars and leave Griffin alone.
Not when Griffin is holding press conferences playing the victim and claiming she has somehow been wronged by Trump because she was criticized for being an ass.
She’s outraged that people are outraged.
Let’s not forget that she was one of the ones blaming Palin for the shooting in Arizona, either.
Talentless, stupid, and mean. I see no reason not to kick her as much as you want.
Everyone is deliciously confused.
Would your caramel or mocha latte be affected by Seattle’s proposed sweet-beverage tax? A final City Council vote is expected Monday, but doubts remain about how the tax would work.
So, what about the venti white-chocolate mocha your favorite barista makes just the way you like it, with soy milk and no whip? The idea behind the tax is to reduce consumption of sugary beverages. At Starbucks, that drink contains 66 grams of sugar — similar to a bottle of Coca-Cola.
Though the City Council is expected to take a final vote Monday, there are still doubts about how exactly the tax might affect made-to-order coffee drinks.
Bottled coffees, such as those made by Starbucks to be sold in stores, have from the start been included in the list of taxable drinks.
So have soda pop, sports and energy drinks such as Red Bull and Gatorade, some fruit drinks such as Sunny D and sweetened teas such as those sold by Arizona.
But when Mayor Ed Murray initially proposed the tax, in February, his plan explicitly exempted “in-store prepared coffee beverages,” such as sugary lattes.
That changed in April, when Murray sent his legislation to the council. He was no longer exempting in-store prepared coffee beverages, along with baby formula, medicine and 100 percent fruit juices.
Go fuck yourselves. Pass it with unanimity, like you do everything else.
Sounds pretty regressive.
baby formula and medicine? WTF?
lactose is basically a sugar concentrate, same w/ cough syrup
Isn’t that why (the latest studies say) skim milk is so unhealthy? Without the fat protein, your digestive system treats it like a sugar.
Well, you always get the sugar (even if you get lactose-free milk, since they just replace the lactose with sucrose), it’s just that when you drink skim milk, it goes straight to spiking your blood sugar. Whereas, with fat-laden milk, there are multiple sources of energy, so your body doesn’t have to rely on the sugar as much. The conclusion is the same, though: fat is not bad.
Baby formula is expensive enough as it is, hard to believe they would add to that.
Their purpose on the tax is to get people to “drink” healthier beverages. Baby formula is a healthy beverage for a baby, they need to pack the weight on fast.
I see you have not met the “breastfeed at all costs” crowd.
I bet there is sugar in that breast milk – tax it!
Or tax all breasts just to be sure.
No, we shouldn’t tax anything we want less of.
Wife had a hard time breastfeeding and that would have been the preferred method of feeding given the choice.
However, when your infant is not putting on weight, get the bottle!
Baby bottle, not whiskey you deplorables.
I have yet to know someone who hasn’t</em had a "hard time breastfeeding". I'm sure they exist, but it seems like a rarity to me. Yet, the doctors and nurses seem to insist on doing it even when the child is clearly starving.
My buddy and his girlfriend had their first earlier this year. She was having trouble producing, so they went on craigslist and found another young woman whose newborn was hospitalized due to complications, but she’s still producing like mad. So for a month or so they were taking literally dozens of breast-pumped bottles a week off her, and they were one of three or four couples doing so. The woman was overflowing.
Seems a little gross to me, but the girlfriend is nutso against formula.
There is “having trouble getting the nack of it” hard time, and there is “my body is producing enough milk for my child to survive” hard time.
Her’s was the later, she attributes it having c-section instead of natural. In talking with other moms there seems to be some basis for that thought.
Wife had a hard time breastfeeding and that would have been the preferred method of feeding given the choice.
However, when your infant is not putting on weight, get the bottle!
We had the exact same experience. She ended up being a formula baby after about 3 mos.
“NO! That’s only for Croup or the Jimmy Legs”
Juice is high as shit in sugar. Also, the Philly tax hits zero-calorie drinks, because it was always only about finding another way to steal money from people. Or stimulate businesses just outside the city limits.
I am experiencing some kind of feeling, I believe there’s a German word for it …
The new Alien movie isn’t disappointing exactly.
I thought about it for a long time afterwards, and the thing about it is . . .
Answering questions can’t ever be as interesting as asking them.
The first Alien was an excellent film.
It was stupid. Because it clearly took the story in a completely different direction than what was originally intended due to the blowback from Prometheus. Which was also stupid but at least was an original direction.
I’m sticking with my prediction its going to be a mix of “Billionaires” and “CEOs” and “Celebrities”
So… Bloomberg.
too old, too new york
even though he’s really a bostonian, the prick
Mark Cuban, then
Is he even left wing? I thought he was like some liberaltarian.
I think Tom Steyer is the go-to pick, or else Tim Cook or some other woke-CEO
He supported Hillary, so pretty right wing.
Re: The bus/railcar crash.
Better govt. photo
Kevin Williamson has a
funnyanecdote about driving in (iirc) Houston, in a rainstorm, during rush hour, and getting piled up behind a ton of cars on a two-lane city street. He finally gets to the head of the traffic jam, and discovers… a city water truck, one union worker driving slowly up the boulevard with the other walking behind, diligently watering trees.Wife just got a Facebook notice about Griffin’s whining that Trump is ruining her life.
“What? You slap someone in the face you dont get to blame them because your hand hurts.”
I replied that they are going to get their asses handed to them in the mid-terms and they wont understand why. I then predicted that they will blame the ignorant voters. Bunch of goddamned hicks dont know what is good for them and vote against their interests! You better vote for us next time or else!
Watch and see if they dont.
Not a bet I would take, because it is a sure thing at this point Suthen. Must be awesome to always blame someone else for you being an idiot douche.
Speaking of governmental junk bonds, Goldman Sachs invests in Venezuelan bonds. Gee, I wonder who’s going to bail them out when the inevitable default comes?
I think that’s an implicit guarantee of a save by the IMF.
I see someone has learned the lessons of Soros. GS will end up owning the Venezuelan oil fields. That is what they are shooting for. When the inevitable collapse of the commie regime happens they will step in and save the day…for a price. I cant believe Soros wasn’t all over this already but I guess he is busy with the US in his sights.
Soros is like a real-life Bond villain. In times past I used to roll my eyes when someone was bitching about TEH EVUL BILLONAIRE because tales of their schemes were usually pretty far-fetched. I never thought that one person could do so much to harm to civilization and yet there he is, literally bankrolling armies of leftist agitators to advance the cause of Islamists and communists.
CNN just realized Hillary Clinton is a self-centered, narcissistic bitch.
What is Hillary Clinton thinking?
Anxiety about social media and the spread of “fake news” was in the air. When Mossberg lamented that Democrats had fallen “way behind” Republicans on the technology front, Clinton let loose.
“I get the nomination. So I’m now the nominee of the Democratic Party. I inherit nothing from the Democratic Party,” Clinton said Wednesday. “I mean, it was bankrupt, it was on the verge of insolvency, its data was mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong. I had to inject money into it.”
But her stunning rebuke this week of the DNC surprised and unsettled even her allies and former aides, who are fretting in private — and some in public — that Clinton is at risk of alienating Democrats who supported her loyally.
This country doesn’t deserve Hillary Clinton.
It was only a matter of time before her notorious arrogance came around to bite them in the ass. Now that her political future is effectively over, she feels free to lay into everyone.
I presume this is the real root of CNN et. al. turning on her.
She criticized the DNC – big mistake. The propaganda branch of the DNC isn’t going to take that from anybody, not even Hillary.
Hmm, add bad data to to the growing list of things responsible for Hillary’s loss.
And, perhaps, a pathological inability to accept responsibility for anything?
Today in “stupid quotes shared by idiots on Facebook”
They really do believe that rich people sit on Scrooge McDuck-style piles of cash that they do nothing with.
I’m very tempted to reply to the person that posted this and accuse them of being ableist.
Why do they get to hoard all the stupidity?
Of course the other side of the argument is, I leave the crazy guy and the nutty woman alone because I neither want his newspapers nor her cats. But clearly, this person wants the pile of cash the rich person is sitting on.
I’ve never quite figured out how some proggy types can flip so quickly from a perspective that
1) the economy is some Zero Sum system, where there is a fixed amount of money in the universe, and if rich people or corporations maintain assets in reserve that its somehow depriving everyone else access to that needed wealth
2) a Neo-Chartalist view that the government can simply create new wealth by typing numbers into a computer and pumping limitless cash into the system with endless spending, and similarly suck it all back up with taxes when inflation risks emerge, effectively preventing any possible currency risk
just one of many completely contradictory positions that lefties routinely jump between. the ability to never feel even a hint of cognitive dissonance is their great talent
There is no risk of cognitive dissonance when cognition consists of emoting.
I’m very tempted to reply to the person that posted this and accuse them of being ableist.
Yes, please and thank you. With pics.
In case you wanted to see them (because I know you do), here are a few replies to it.
(this is on a FB page called “U.S. Democratic Socialists”. To be fair, there are about an equal number of posts calling them out on stupidity as there are agreeing with them)
Here are some sane replies, to cleanse the palate
Paranoid ravings about what the uber-rich do with their Scrooge McDuck money vaults is basically the modern day version of suspecting the Jew of performing rituals with Gentile baby blood and ruining the harvest. I’ve always pointed out that if you take Naomi Klein’s ‘The Shock Doctrine’ and replace every conservative, neocon, or libertarian with ‘Jew’ and its point-for-point the same as any horrific 19th century anti-Semitic freakout.
It’s an irrational Two Minutes of Hate founded on delusions, nothing more.
Also Naomi Oreskes’ Merchants of Doubt – which posits that the fossil fuel industry is determined to enslave humanity and makes shit up to prove it.
The funny thing is that this whole “nobility of the poor” thing seems completely immune to reality, which is that people in poor communities tend to be violent, ridden with broken families, and – shocker –far more materialistically oriented than already-rich ones.
In fact the people preaching this anti-capitalist gibberish are most likely the children of rich people.
the only way they come to these absurd positions is through the bizarre dynamic that gives Virtue Points to people who reject the basis of their own ‘enlightenment’ as undue privilege
Send em down to the country I say.
Goldman Sachs invests in Venezuelan bonds.
It’s like buying a landscape at a garage sale for two dollars. It’s probably not a Turner, but you might get lucky and sell it for fifteen bucks some day.
Sorry to disagree, but there is hockey tonight. AHL championships begin tonight between Syracuse and Grand Rapids. Have to pull for Syracuse as they are made up by about half the players that actually played for the Bolts this year.
Is it October yet?
Go Crunch!
Went to games all the time when I lived there. Think they were a Blue Jackets affiliate back then.
I believe you are correct. They’ve been the Tampa Bay Lightning affiliate for the last couple years. After all the injuries the Lightning had this past year, the Crunch have a fair number of players with NHL experience now. 4 or 5 of them played the majority of the season in Tampa.
I’m just hoping that at least one of the hockey championships is worth watching…
Danko Jones is the answer to a question nobody fucking asked.
Rich people do not “hoard” cash. They put money in banks, stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and other investments where that cash is then used create businesses, jobs, building projects, research and development, etc.
Unfortunately, many of them also donate large sums to nonprofit foundations run by crypto-socialist “do-gooders” who pay themselves handsome stipends while actively undermining the economic system which enabled the original accumulation of wealth.