Let us have a cup of coffee and read a few links, shall we? OK, how about a cuppa and you just snark on whatever you want? That should work!
- Oops. NOT brought to you by the Thai Ministry of Tourism.
- OK!!! I can do the whisky part, but do I have to do the cigars?!
- Master genius super criminal caught!
- Turkish purge continues.
So there you have ’em. Commence to commentin’!!!
Solidarity Statement by Evergreen Faculty:
My. Goodness.
That is some creepy shit right there. Commie profs spend years brainwashing students with marxist bullshit and end up on the receiving end of struggle sessions. Good for them.
They’re being abused and they want more. It’s one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen and I feel sorry for the few sane people who exist on that campus.
I’m pretty sure that Evergreen is one of the most left-wing campuses in the country.
Were a taxpayer in the State of Washington, I would be writing every State Senator and Rep to pull public funding from this institution. If they want to engage in Maoist purges, do it with your own money. Not gonna happen I know, but at some point the normals have to start reconsidering publicly funded education as a whole. Why would anyone send your kid to this place?
“We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence that was stolen by white supremacists and edited to expose and ridicule the students and staff be taken down by the administration by this Friday.”
Another video was posted here the other day. I didn’t watch it because it was an hour long. But it reminded me of Occupy Wall Street.
Hmmm, I googled and couldn’t find it. Maybe YouTube yielded to their demands.
I watched 2+ hours of Brett Weinstein on the Rubin Report last night (while crocked)
i feel like i know more or less every detail of the story now. I think if there’s any real “bad guys” in this thing, its the administration, but mainly the school president/chancellor and Naima Lowe and her fellow travelers. The way the prof tells the story, if the faculty had simply told the kids to calm down and exerted a bit more necessary authority, the kids would have expressed their grievances in some more productive way. Instead they had their insanity catered to and validated. He has 100 little details that make clear how the psycho-SJW 10% of the student body basically hijacked the rest of the school and did it with the assistance of certain faculty.
The President wasn’t going to reign this shit in. That place is worse than Jonestown.
I think the end result of a lot of this stuff is going to go like this
basically, they black kids are going to get tired of the pandering bullshit from the white-SJWs and the LGBTQ brigades, and demand control. and when they get it, the first thing they’re going to do is point the finger at the rich white liberals and go, Why the Fuck Aint You Done Anything? because for all the Salon-esque public weeping and moaning, the progressive-left doesn’t really prioritize things like decriminalizing the ghetto, or fixing public education, or helping businesses grow in minority communities, etc. they just talk a big game. Which is how you get shit like that Bernie rally in Seattle.
they might play it cool during these intra-election years, but i think in 2020 when the white left comes begging to black america for support, they’re going to be surprised to find that many aren’t all that into them anymore.
They don’t have a choice. “Come one, come all ye oppressed classes!” motto has left them zero room to maneuver. They’ll try and paper over the differences they have in prioritizing the grievances, but, as you said, they can’t cover the rot. The problem with intersectionality is that it is designed to collapse on itself. I’d bet on violence before this is all said and done.
“Isn’t that OBVIOUS? You got half your kids are out of work and the other half are in jail. Do you see ANY Democrat doing anything about it? Certainly not me! So what’re you gonna do, vote Republican? Come on! Come on, you’re not gonna vote Republican! Let’s call a spade a spade! ”
— Senator Jay Billington Bulworth
No, i don’t think they’ll vote republican en masse.
But i think they’re going to learn that they have disproportionate impact on the margins. If 20% of them stay home, and another 10% DOES vote republican, the DNC will no longer have a guaranteed lock on that population.
And i think the possibility of that terrifying reality is becoming clearer to the leaders of the party. Their whole “just wring your hands about racism”-schtick, as tho “pretending to care” is all politicians need to do… is getting very thin.
I think a lot of these black college kids who scream about LGBTQ and SJW issues – which are mostly defined by white proggy types – are going to get older and they’re going to sober up. And they’re going to remain political, but in a different way. And that different way might be far more interested in advancing black interests to the exclusion of the bullshit SJW narratives. And that’s when the shit will hit the fan. as it should
When I was in high school, Doug Wilder was the mayor, and he had been the first black governor elected outside of the Southern Occupation years. This girl asked him a question, after his speech, about a new factory that he had pushed through near the river. She was whining about the winged leopard snail and the yellow bellied bog toad, and he cut her off with “young lady, people in Richmond need jobs. They need jobs, and this factory is in complete compliance with all environmental laws.”
I do think that maybe Trump’s “What have you got to lose?” question might be a mustard seed that pays dividends down the road for the GOP. The issue is that, for the black people in this country, the problem is that they live in big cities, which are actively hostile to small business and to industry. They don’t want new factories, new fabrication, new machine shops. They want finance, they want biomed, they want tech, and they want coffee shops and bars with craft beer, and fusion restaurants. There’s quite frankly, not any jobs for the black products of the black school system. Just the dole, and selling coke to stockbrokers and weed to tech workers.
Voting Republican for President doesn’t fix the issue for the black population: they live in cities, and cities are controlled by Democrats, and the modern Democratic Party hates blue collar business. They like white collar business, they don’t want to have anything to do with icky, carbon producing industry. They want cities to be composed of trendy lofts, gleaming knowledge economy LEED certified office buildings, sleek restaurants, and nonprofits. The modern prog vision of city doesn’t have factories, foundries, meatpacking plants, or anything else like it. That shit they want outside the local beltway.
You make a good point. But not all blacks in America live in cities. And not all blacks that live in cities are trapped in the perma-cycle of dependency. My point was that these selfsame radical-lefty SJW/BLM blacks are going to mature at some point, and they’re likely going to challenge a lot of the black-political status quo in urban places as well.
“I mean – come on! You can have a Billion Man March! If you don’t put down that malt liquor and chicken wings, and get behind someone other than a running back who stabs his wife, you’re NEVER gonna get rid of somebody like me! “
jesus, that movie was prescient. I can’t believe it got made.
I’ve never actually seen it.
You should. It’s fucking hilarious. And there are worse-looking women than Halle Berry.
“in 2020 when the white left comes begging to black america for support, they’re going to be surprised to find that many aren’t all that into them anymore.”
Yeah, they’ll all vote for Adolph Trump. Right.
That’s a list of names one should keep….and not hire.
Not very bright those people.
No need to keep a list of names. I’m comfortable not hiring anyone from that school.
This. If you’re stupid enough to give money to these people year after year you’ve proven a complete lack of common sense.
You know who else kept a list of names?
Oskar Schindler?
Santa Claus?
Also, Prof Weinstein was on Joe Rogan yesterday. (have not seen)
The Rubin Report was really just about 45mins of them talking about the backstory, and then 1hr+ of Q+A with a ‘call-in’ audience. W/ Rogan, he’s going to ramble for 3 hours and get lots of Roganizing. Maybe more interesting, maybe less, i don’t know.
oh, link
Watched it today. Weinstein is a piece of work. How could I have known that the identity politics I’ve engaged in over the years would have resulted in this? And Rogan absolutely sucks in this interview. He just seems have to have the hot interview. Terrible follow up questions.
1 – in fairness, he’s a biology teacher. he’s not up to his neck in critical theory.
2 – i went to an experimental HS in NY that was very similar to Evergreen in many respects. many of the teachers were former SDS people from Harvard. and they would have had the same reaction if they were being given the Cultural Revolution shit by their students the way he was. There’s just a huge generation-gap between the leftism of his youth,and the current crop of kids, who have this M.O. of “mobbing” people. They don’t understand how it got from “sober and boring debates about race theory” in classrooms, to ‘shrieking accusations of being ‘unsafe’ and pointing fingers at their liberal peers’.
The thing that fucks them is that all their traditional tactics of “everyone just have a group hug” don’t work anymore. Once you’ve been labeled an impure-person, you have to self-flagellate and then sign one of these “Solidarity Documents”. If you actually try and debate the mob, you will be burned at the stake.
Something interesting i picked up from the rogan interview which i think helps clarify things =
lefties like him (and my former SDS teachers) have a sincere belief that studying stuff like ‘logic, rhetoric, science’ – and all the aspects of a ‘traditional’ classical education actually HELP you advance lefty ideas.
– Basically, that you need to be armed with logic *in addition to* the critical race theory and Po-Mo arguments. That the former is actually a necessary backdrop for the latter.
Whereas the current crop of lefty college kids are either too-lazy or too-dumb to want to do all that shit, and just say, “Fuck that oppression-science! YOUR LOGIC IS WHITE LOGIC” and dismiss arguments they don’t have the tools to respond to.
That’s the thing that confuses guys like Weinstein. even if he agrees with them about many of their beliefs, he still thinks you need to be logical, and he doesn’t understand why that makes him their enemy.
“Lush Cosmetics asked its employees to show up naked to make a point about the environment—even though its past campaigns may have exposed its staffers up to sexual harassment.
Around 100 employees nationwide participated, wearing only their sneakers and black work aprons, emblazoned with “Get Naked.” On an Instagram post showing several nearly nude workers, Lush said its “brave lushies across North America (voluntarily) stripped down to shed light on the detrimental impact of over-packaging.””
‘…shed light on the detrimental impact of over-packaging.’
Gaped ass induced hershey swirls?
I think you might have clicked on the wrong link.
TSTSNBN: “The Indestructible Idea of the Basic Income”
“It has supporters across the political spectrum, from Silicon Valley capitalists to academic communists.” [All emphasis mine.]
“In Stern’s case, the central issue driving his interest in the idea is the turmoil he expects automation to bring to the economy. In the future, he and Lee Kravitz predict in their 2016 book Raising the Floor, tens of millions of jobs will disappear, leaving much of the country stuck with work that is “contingent, part-time, and driven largely by people’s own motivation, creativity, and the ability to make a job out of ‘nothing.’”
“… provided that people still have to contribute money to some sort of retirement system…”
“Under Murray’s plan, citizens would be required to use part of their grant to buy health insurance, and insurance companies would be required to treat the population as a single pool.”
“This isn’t the first time the basic income or an idea like it has edged its way onto the agenda. It isn’t even the first time we’ve seemed to see an ideological convergence.”
“Libertarians see it as a way to simplify the welfare maze into a cheaper and less intrusive single program.” [Real libertarians see it as a new scheme to make the redistribution of stolen wealth simpler but no less evil.]
The derp goes on and on. How they can keep using words like “required” and “guaranteed” and claim any ideological consistency is ridiculous.
Surely this basic income issue and article proves once and for all that TSTSNBN is no longer a voice of libertarianism. I have maintained my digital subscription of the magazine but I won’t be renewing it. I’ll send that money to Glibs when that’s possible.
What, government requirements and guarantees are totally libertarian!
Isnt forceable wealth redistribution a core libertarian tenet?
I always thought libertarian principles were so simple and straightforward.
Clearly, I’m not a deep enough thinker for the modern libertarian movement.
I can see how someone could think “The welfare state isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, so we could at least make it more efficient and less expensive.” What I can’t see is how you’d accomplish that without a constitutional amendment. As much as I’d like to see the welfare state whittled away, making it permanent is too high a price.
Libertarianism: I’d prefer a bucket of warm water over my head than a bucket of warm piss.
The trouble is every time some issue is discussed they always seem to land on the left. They really just have one foot in the closet. I think it was Gillespie that let it slip once that he isnt solidly opposed to gun control. I think it was him.
Finding one’s position on gun control is a pretty good litmus test.
The True libertarian litmus test is pot, Mexicans and ass sex. It is known.
“REASON IS NOT SOME SORT OF MONOLITH” – The inevitable argument every time a piece like this appears. Because everyone knows Reason has no editorial control or discretion whatsoever.
That argument flies with one-off posts by some-time contributors. Not so much with pages-long think pieces by their senior editors.
My goodness how they have fallen.
Well, that’s just all the right-wing, Nazi, deplorables leaving. Reason is way too enlightened for their business.
I guess cocktail parties really are more important than traffic.
Those stats are catastrophic, and the trend is still pretty strongly down. If our website had stats like that, we’d have cleaned out our communications department and started over.
I’m having a hard time believing nobody at Reason or the foundation gives a shit. But, as long as they hold the course they are on, that’s the only conclusion I can draw.
1.4% from Japan? Lol.
Where do reason.com’s visitors go next?
*Sets ball on tee*
Back to pornhub of course
Not only Reason, but CATO is going this way as well it seems.
Maybe Glibertarians need to start a new think tank?
“The Yokel Institute”
The issue with Reason and CATO is that they’re in DC, where it is too easy to capitulate to the regressive and bureaucratic left for favors and clicks. If you want pure libertarian ideas to rule the day, go full-blown Mises and set up shop in Alabama or another less-populated red state.
I vote Arizona. Better weather.
The Institute for Tractor Tugs for Yokels (TITTY)
This is the best idea, Pope.
“The self-proclaimed Islamic State has issued a statement condemning self-proclaimed comedian Kathy Griffin, accusing her of “cultural appropriation” after she posed for a photograph with a mock severed head of President Donald Trump.
“ISIS condemns Kathy Griffin for cultural appropriation
The group, which has been protective of its brand ever since taking over vast swaths of Iraq and Syria and establishing itself as the premier beheading agency in the Middle East, said it was deeply disturbed by Griffin’s “ignorant and offensive” use of a “sacred Islamic State tradition.”
“This is just another example of a privileged white woman culturally appropriating the proud custom of a marginalized people. Beheadings are our thing, not your thing,” said the statement, which was released on Telegram.”
Beheadings are a sacred tradition in the religion of peace.
Got it.
We should get school children to send them letters of support.
Um…it’s Duffleblog.
I hope that means “satire”.
Very much so. Very funny stuff.
Oooh look, something else to go with The Onion!
The Onion has been hit or miss since a big time Hillary fan bought it. Duffleblog has stayed consistently funny. Of course, it is probably a bit skewed toward the military crowd, by nature.
I’m guessing satire – there’s only about a 3% chance I’m wrong.
I was going to post this this pic which is the same joke.
*raises hand* I’m present!
And off to buy a mountain of mulch, plants, a frame for the oil painting that arrived yesterday, and god knows what else.
Moved a couple tons of rocks and dug out the remains of an amur maple last weekend. Planting today. Ain’t landscaping grand?
how much mulch can fit in a Mini Cooper? Let’s find out! ::game show music::
Just have it delivered if you need more than a couple yards.
I sure do miss my Toyota truck – slow but such a workhorse
You know what other group is known for their toyota trucks?
The Chadian Army?
The redneck Asian family down the street from me?
Redneck asians? If that’s a thing, I approve.
Asian rednecks are absolutely a thing. One of my customers is a Vietnamese redneck. Imagine the Vietnamese accent and a Southern drawl at the same time.
I can imagine that.
The best thing is that they’re FOB types with pretty thick accents; but they have adopted ‘MURICA! attitudes in no time. Totally into guns, drinking Milwaukee’s Best (not Heineken!) on the porch, wearing wife beaters and giant Stars and Stripes out front. Still have a Trump sign in the yard.
In a class with someone from Vietnam. He found the climate in NC to be too dry in the summer.
My dad is kind of an Asian redneck. He spends a lot of time sitting on the couch in his underwear watching NASCAR.
I have some redneck Asian tendencies myself; I love to barbecue and drink beer, and I occasionally listen to Merle Travis.
How has this not come up yet?
The cast of Top Gear?
I really enjoyed the episode where they tried to kill a Hilux. I learned to drive on an 83 yota 4wd. I have a soft spot in my heart for those trucks. One of these days I’m going to buy a mid eighties yota and restore it.
I think there were at least two episodes, because they failed at killing it in the first one. They finally put it on the roof of a building, which is then demolished.
After digging the truck out of the rubble, they manage to start the engine.
I planned on putting a link to it, but failed.
So I understand you’ll be spreading mulch and plants around your oil painting? Just to be clear.
It’s modern art!
Sounds like you’ll have a busy day. About the most I plan to do today is play some video games and watch some more of the new House of Cards season.
House of Cards is something I’ve been meaning to start, but never got around too. Need to catch up on Fargo first.
It’s pretty good. Probably hits way too close to the mark on how politics actually operates.
No. The real pols are neither that cunning or smart. VEEP is a documentary on DC.
Although I really enjoyed the first 2 seasons of HOC.
I was thinking mainly the reporters and politicians getting in bed together (literally and figuratively) along with having them murdered when they stop being an asset. No, most politicians are not anything close to as intelligent as Frank Underwood. But, I’m sure some of them might have some of that cunning and planning though.
Also, gotta give Netflix some props. That they’d create a show that has Democrats as all the main characters and show them all to be very scummy people was very surprising. So I can forgive them for some Dear White People and Bill Nye crap. But the trend has been too good there lately. Compare the success of HOC to those two garbage shows, Netflix. Cut the SJW crap off.
“Hasn’t been.” WHERE’S MUH EDIT BUTTON!?
Maybe, but they’re doing The Witcher as a TV show, so all is forgiven.
I forgot about that. Really hope that’s good. Still need to finish the recently finished English translation of Lady of the Lake.
As long as they don’t try to make it PG-13, I don’t think we have much to worry about. They’re working directly with Platige and Andrzej Sapkowski is going to be a creative consultant on the show, so I have hopes.
Lady of the Lake was pretty damn good. Still waiting for Narrenturm and Viper to get translated to English.
I actually had a woman use HOC as a justification for voting for Hillary. Sure HRC lies and does bad stuff, but since watching HOC she realized that’s just how politics works and they all do it, so it’s ok.
This – DC people love HOC because it portrays them the way they think of themselves. (Which is what Veep is basically portraying…which is why it is funny)
They see themselves as scumbags that do anything to hold on to power and have no principles? Didn’t Barney Frank crap on HOC saying it gave people a very bad and inaccurate view of Washington politics?
It makes them appear hyper-competent and they can handwave Underwood as being a ‘bad egg, you know, the type we protect you from’. It’s not The West Wing in terms of masturbatory politician fantasy but it’s still ridiculous.
It portrays Underwood as hyper-competent. I don’t really get that from any of the other politicians in the show. They all seem like self centered fools unwittingly being moved into their positions by Underwood for his power.
Nah. It’s off the charts absurd. Like the First Lady could have an affair with her speechwriter and NOT have it leaked to the press?
I still watch it, though.
Oh, a lot of the plot is absurd. But the portrayal of all these (mostly Democratic) politicians as total scumbags that worry only about their own power is totally spot on. Much better than the fantasy of selfless public servants.
I’ve tried to watch it, but Robin Wright has such a punchable face that it distracts from the rest of the show.
I’ll just do without.
Isn’t that on purpose though? As someone said in one of the afternoon links threads earlier this week, the Underwoods are essentially supposed to be the Clintons. You’re supposed to want to punch them.
Eh. I know it’s late, so this probably won’t go through.
I’m not talking about the character; I mean Robin Wright. I couldn’t stand the Princess Bride, or Forrest Gump either.
Ah, I get you now.
SP and I are off to glamorous Buffalo. Two day seminar on acoustic measurement. I know how to live.
They’re in Florida. No way. No fucking way.
As far as I remember they started in Long Island. Anyway, they’re a great company.
Interestingly, one of the sessions is measurement of extremely loud signals, for which we are going to a gun range.
Once you get out of the NYC area, NY state is a pretty cool place.
I have a friend that lives in Saugerties NY. I went there to visit several years ago. It was pretty nice. Not much different from where I live. I didn’t even go to NYC. I wasn’t interested. Still not interested actually.
Unfortunately, the taxes and guns laws are bad statewide.
It’s too bad the migration of NYC people northward is turning Ulster County into TEAM BLUE derp.
*OMWC strides into club, makes it rain*
Can you bring me back a Thurman Thomas home jersey? It doesn’t have to be authentic, it can have the screened-on letters. I’ll totally pay you back.
No love for Tyrod Taylor? RACIST.
It wasn’t supposed to rain here today, but dammit, it’s raining out right now.
Lord Humungus’ new painting
The painting
I’m updating a mid-century house so lots of uh, stuff like this. Plus swiveling evil mastermind chairs. And lots of color – unlike the Art & Craft house I did before.
I’m to the point where I like just about any style of house if its well done. I have a weakness for Arts and Crafts, though – our Santa Fe style house is slowly getting furnished and dressed up in Mission furniture (I came very close to dropping a bunch of cash on this dining room collection when it was on sale last month, but fortunately sanity, in the form of a cluebat judiciously applied by Mrs. Dean, prevailed.
My folks have a bunch of Stickley furniture – the price on the stuff is pretty steep, so for my previous, previous house I used a lot of knock-offs.
There is a light / lamp company that specializes in Arts and Crafts – lots of good stuff at The Bright Spot
That’s where I bought my one-piece, all wood floor lamps with leaded glass shades.
Bookmarked. Thanks, H.
This is our Last House. Everything I buy for it will need to last the rest of my life, so I need the real deal on quality. Also, telling myself its the last time I will buy it really helps me rationalize spending way too much.
I’m trying to find some sconces I like as much as these for less money, but it ain’t easy. They stink of quality.
“City bans family from farmers market because they won’t host same-sex weddings at their orchard”
Seems like a bit of an overreach.
but they sell the the gaiz at the market, i assume.
Apparently, there wasn’t any substantiated complaint filed with the City’s Human Relations Commission – their position seems to be that the city government can proactively go after wrongthinkers who haven’t even been sanctioned by the local “civil rights” bureaucrats.
And maybe they’ve interpreted the ordinance correctly, all the more reason to give the ordinance an acid bath in the First Amendment.
If this isn’t a slam dunk first amendment violation I don’t what is.
The cigar is for sticking up your intern’s hoo-haw.
You had me at ‘coffee’.
I thought he meant “covfefe”.
I don’t have any of that on hand, sad!
There are plenty of links to british tabloids…
Gosh, Tater, if only we had some links to discuss….
*narrows gaze*
I showed up early and got bored.
We exist to serve – knock yourself out.
*un-narrows gaze*
England needs to keep these Muslims out of their county.
She looks bloated with crepe-y skin. That’s an old, old 30.
Yeah, that’s pretty sad. She used to be pretty damn cute.
And she was so beautiful before all the drugs. It’s a shame, really.
30 going on 47.
She looks good for 47. Not great, but good.
Turkish purge continues
Sharing a cell with this guy.
So when do they join the EU…?
December 8th….2814.
Morning Would:
“Braless Olivia stuns in Daisy Dukes as she puts on leggy display in lace up gladiator heels”
Do the British have a different definition of TINY?
Maybe they are ‘Granny Dukes’?
Wait, you read the article? You didn’t just look at the pics?
Her knees are hideous
This from a poster with turtle skin….
Careful, Ted. Two or three years ago he was part of just another snake cult, now… they’re everywhere.
He and his friends are going to drop bombs on us from space.
What is steel compared to the hand that wields it? Look at the strength in your body, the desire in your heart, I gave you this! Such a waste. Contemplate this on the tree of woe.
The legs actually look pretty short, they’re just high-waisted, or actually on her waist.
“gladiator high heels” NTTAWWT
*throws trident at paparazzi*
She wrapped Office Christmas Party, The Lego Ninjago Movie, and the all-female reboot Ocean’s Eight.
So this is going to be a thing now? This is something we need to do? No new ideas?
The Thailand story is hilarious. The level of detail and the photographs of the hooker casually chatting with the cops is priceless.
Why can’t we have a paper like the Sun?
Because we wouldn’t be able to handle the punny boob quizzes.
When they start doing this with vulvae, gimme a call.
In the sidebar:
Gotta love that NHS. The wonder of the modern world.
That’s what they mean by single payer. Simon Cowell pays for everyone’s health care.
I liked this:
I am pretty sure you will find those items in 99% of guest rooms in Pattaya.
On the lynx: brief introduction; concise, bulleted links; and permission to do whatever we want. Well done, Swissy!
Now, they just need a song for the day.
Ah, yes – I am quite lax when it comes to teh musics.
Did I link to an ad? If so, here.
I busted my ass all week. Roof repair, hot tub repair, lawn mowing/weedeating/weeding garden and flower beds, new gravel in driveway, vehicle maintenance, marked northeast line on one tract, etc etc.
Today is lay around do nothing day. There might be some gin involved also. So mellow music today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opkq3eqVF8o
I have some Bombay Sapphire I might have to avail myself of tonight.
It looks like the rain has cleared out of my area. It should be nice and hit thus afternoon. I foresee a couple hours of brush hogging/beer drinking and then a baseball game tonight. Should be a good day.
I think this works perfectly for Saturday.
OK!!! I can do the whisky part, but do I have to do the cigars?!
Richard Overton is an American classic. I love that guy.
His window is set to infinity.
Well, race is the only criteria in workplace decisions.
Bacon pool floats sound interesting.
What kind of masochists are you people? Buzzfeed, Salon, Slate. How can you guys go through that garbage?
It’s like iocane powder. You develop an immunity over time.
Anything is easy to read after checking Derpbook. A sizeable amount of my high school friends went to the progg factory MCAD.
“How’d you like to have no job at all, ma’am?”
/if only
Proggie stupidity truly knows no bounds.
It’s all they know.
He also worries that many delivery jobs would disappear.
Milton Friedman, spoons.
Ten thousand Milton Friedmans, when all you need is a Hayek?
Isn’t this supposed to be a Morisette free zone?
No, it’s an irony free zone. So Alanis is ok.
Alanis wouldn’t understand irony if it hit her over the head.
The only reason people go into business is to employ other people. Do you even economics, bro?
First thing that popped in my head: unions.
Second thing: Striking taxi driver that screamed in the face of Uber passenger “Take a real cab you fucking piece of shit!” Yeah, that’ll win ’em over.
They’re borrowing the Dems’ strategy to win back Middle America.
They never talk about “sustainable government”.
They should have banned the telephone when they had the chance. Think of all the messenger boys they wronged.
Speaking of predictions, here is one from Krugabe
I have a book somewhere about computers written in the 50s or 60s that says a digital clock will never be more than a novelty and will never be a mainstream device.
Goddamn right ban all the delivery robots. That is how Skynet is going to start.
*watched Terminator Genisys last night*
Well? How was it? On a scale from Shitty to Bearable?
Shittily bearable.
Unless that was your first viewing, why would you do that to yourself?
Yes, first viewing. I knew it would suck so never got around to watching it.. It lived up to my expectations.
Posted this at the tail end of last nights posts – so for visibility posting again:
Goldberg’s G File yesterday was pretty much perfect.
Recommended reading/posting.
It’s a very good read. And it parallels my view that there should be a difference between what is illegal and what is immoral.
Yes, you run into this a lot. It’s never enough that something is allowed, it must be accepted as well. Or as often is the case when dealing with liberals in particular, embraced.
“Anything permitted is mandatory”
Even guns?
Guns will be banned.
That’s the frustrating short-circuit in human wiring – people can’t grasp the middle ground of “do what you want/mind your own business”. Life is binary to most people – if you allow it, you must approve of it, and if you disapprove of it, it must be prohibited. The progs have taken this short-circuit and made it the core of their being – nothing should be allowed unless it is right and good and true, and everything they disapprove of should be prohibited.
Wow, that was really good. Jonah Goldberg is pretty good. He also had a nice response to Dennis Prager’s call for Never Trump conservatives to just blindly follow “General” Trump now that he’s in office.
Does the G File hit the G Spot?
*narrows male gaze*
Swiss culture appropriator
We applaud the spread of Helveticaness.
Anything to stop the scourge of comic sans.
It was very interesting (Jonah often is).
The only thing with which I disagreed is his comments about Gen. Flynn and the Fifth Amendment. I think that in this climate, any Republican who doesn’t take the fifth on any legal statement is a fool
(of course, there are no shortage of fools in politics, so I’m sure the Dems will get a few scalps with trumped-up (drink) charges).
Turkish purge continues.
A fun game is to replace “Turkey” with “the US” and “Fethullah Gulen” with “Ron Paul” when reading these articles.
Double-Header Tonight! Woot!
Kathy Griffin: Donald Trump broke me
*throws up in mouth*
Is there a Rule # for when anything gets blamed on Trump? Is Rule 36 taken?
I guess you could blame your choice to make a scat porn featuring Harry Potter and Sonic the Hedgehog on Trump; kill two birds y’know.
She breaks pretty easy, doesn’t she?
Typical bully, she can dish it out but not take it.
“She was recently let go from CNN’s New Years Eve special and added Friday that at least five concert venues have already canceled some of her shows.”
Actions have consequences, you know.
Yes. Trump’s effect on your psyche was so devastating that it forced you to book a photo crew, rent a venue, pay an artist to create a facsimile of Trump’s head then cover it with red corn syrup and videotape you doing an ISIS impersonation. You didn’t choose to do any of that. Trump must have learned some of those Rooskie mind control powers from Putin to pull that off.
So it’s worse than we thought, he can control minds
Well, they did generate that force field that kept Hillary out of Wisconsin.
She didn’t build that.
She never said exactly what Trump did to break her. Her employer fired her, potential employers cancelled on her, but did Trump have anything to do with that? I could spend an hour picking apart everything she said.
It’s Trump, man. His mere existence is so traumatic to our leftys that they just break at random.
He tweeted some stuff. Which apparently ruined the career she didn’t have in the first place.
It’s funny that for all the talk about Trump normalizing violence, most of the violence I see is carried out by progressives.
And it gets excused and covered up by progressives. You would think violent gangs of people dressed in black would be front page news, but the antfags have been ignored by the MSM.
His malicious tweets, man. He destroyed her with his l33t weaponized tweets.
Trump broke me!
That’s incredibly accurate.
“The Canadian Center for Child Protection, which is trying to end the scourge of “sextortion” in Canada, says kids who are asked for pictures of their genitalia over text should instead just send pictures of naked mole rats.”
What if
I’msome guy I know is into that?I dunno. I’m sure there’s plenty of fanfic out there involving this guy.
Sending this would be better.
You WILL succumb to goodthink whether you like it or not proles!
“If the idea is approved, UCR will become the third school in the country to impose a gender studies requirement, and the first in California, according to its sponsor.”
I wonder who the first two were?
“The NYT Just Doxxed A Top Undercover CIA Agent, Reportedly Putting His Life In Danger”
The newspaper of record.
Yeah, well, it’s okay when they do it.
I was a kid but wasn’t there a thing with a guy named Libby?
Holy. Shit.
Was the columnist nicknamed Scooter by any chance?
A couple months after buying my daughter the Ruth Bader Ginsberg book, my mom just bought my daughter this book, and was having her read it this morning.
I really need to supervise these things.
You could get your daughter a copy of If You Give A Moose a Muffin. It a pretty good indictment of the welfare state.
Wow. Ya, I would have to tell mom to stop buying books for the kids. How old is your daughter?
She’s 8. [Dad Brag] Reads on a 7th Grade Level [/Dad Brag]. I’ve started to instill some libertarian thought in her head. It’s starting to stick a little.
It might be above her at the moment, but Mark Levin’s last book, Plunder and Deceit, is a pretty good break down of how past and current generations in power are hosing the millennial, as well as your daughters generation. Levin is far from a libertarian, but he is big on liberty (within his world view).
There’s a series of books that teaches basic economics to kids. My wife got them for our 8 year old and she really enjoyed them.
Thanks for the recommendation. Ordering.
I think the Fifth Commandment has some wiggle room on that one.
It’s ok. My mom once got my daughter a book ostensibly on weather. Swear to god, the first sentence was “The science is settled.” I told my mom that that stupidity isn’t helping my daughter become a scientist. She was offended, of course, but that put an end to the silly proggy reading material. I also used it to show my daughter why anyone who makes that statement cannot be trusted about anything that they say. For a 1r5 year old, she is developing a pretty good bullshit detector.
Teaching moments abound!
Did you have her read, A Disgrace To The Profession yet?
Oooh. Great idea! I haven’t read that, either, so it will be a good talker.
It’s OK. Early exposure may act as an inoculation for later indoctrination.
Chelsea Clinton writes books?
She writes her name on the back of the royalty checks just like her mom. I doubt she even read the book much less wrote it.
Buy your mom a copy of The Fountainhead and highlight the part where Dominique Francon like a being raped by Howard Roark.
Or just send her a DVD of the movie version.
Get a copy of the Little Red Hen, stat. Read it nightly. Discuss it weekly.
Not sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong but I consider that kind of f’ed up. Your mom must know your political leanings, this is a blatant middle finger to you.
Yeah. That’s where I went, too. Time to have a talk with mom.
Eh, this is not the first time an authority figure will use that authority to push their personal views on the kid. It’s good to build up that skepticism and ability to separate politics, ideology, and philosophy from familial love early. My grandmother believes that God gave us the Social Gospel and Hillary Clinton is the One who will lead us to a glorious future. My mother is the same way. Still love them.
One of the things that made me as smart as I am is that I would argue with teachers and professors, first as a young conservative, and then as a libertarian. It’s one of the reasons I find that discussing politics with conservatives is much better than discussing them with leftists: if they were conservative from a young age, and outspoken about it, they’ve had to defend their opinions from unionized teachers and wacko professors their entire academic career.
Missed the HSA discussion yesterday too:
I’m pissed off. My company won’t let me get an HSA if I’m tricare eligible. I’m on Tricare Reserve Select (excellent for $50/month), but I’d love to have an HSA that I could voluntarily contribute to and let it roll over from year to year in anticipation of future issues. I guess I can research one on my own just to build something – of course missing out on matching funds is the big kicker too.
TRS his
Dang mobile!!!!!
TRS hits me up for 200 a month. Are you doing the single member plan?
Just me. No family.
That’s it then. Having the family plan is still great tho
Well, I suppose it comes with having a family….
But yes…very affordable. Very happy that UVA Health is in-network.
I liked my HSA and HDHP that my old employer offered. New employer only offers pricey PPO plans, so my old HSA is slowly being eaten away by the $3/mo monthly service fee. Does anyone have any suggestions what to do with this money?
Do you feel the need to change genders?
Yes but I can’t decide which one, there’s so many to choose from.
I got LASIK the other day using the HSA. I wanted adamantium claws, instead, but they were out of my price range.
Mr. Riven did that, as well. Hope you’re healing up well. Lasik is probably one of the best things I’ve ever gotten myself
Yep, all seems fine. I went to a guy with a really good rep and really good equipment!
Just being able to see first thing in the morning is cool.
How was the operation? I’ve been thinking of getting that, but the idea of eye surgery just makes me cringe.
Same here. Also the risk involved.
What scared me the most is that some of the sailors on my last ship had it done and within a couple of years they were wearing glasses again. It really seems to be hit or miss depending on genetics, etc. PRK may be more effective in the long term, but that’s so much more invasive I can’t even…
I got lasiked awhile back. Its conscious sedation, so you’re awake while they burn off the surface of your eyeball. It was actually no problem; depending on which variation you get, you can be basically fully recovered the next day, or it may take nearly a week. The doc was doing several that morning, so after I was doped up when he came over to do me and was looking at the prescription, etc. I asked him “Who am I?”. He and the nurse both looked at me funny, but I wanted to be sure they had the right paperwork and prescription for me.
Its quite typical to need glasses again, either readers from day one, or back to regular glasses after a few to several years. I’m wearing glasses again, but I was extremely near-sighted and pretty nonfunctional without glasses. Now I’m functional without glasses, and the ones I wear are a much lighter prescription. All told, I’m glad I did it, but I don’t know that I would for a relatively light prescription; I’m not planning to have it done again.
My prescription wasn’t terribly strong, but it has become a convenience thing. I’m old and probably should’ve done it sooner, but frankly I was tired of fucking around with contacts at hockey, or having them wash out at the beach, etc. We’ll see. The doc I went to was pretty pricy, but offers downstream tweaking if needed.
You should have then said, “AND WHAT YEAR IS THIS??? I NEED TO GET TO MARS“
So, it’s something that maybe I should wait until I’m a little older to go for? Wait for my eyes to get a bit worse (I don’t know what my most recent prescription is, but I know when I first found out I needed glass my vision was 20/200 and it’s gotten way worse since then) before pulling the trigger?
The operation was easy. They give you a hit of Valium to chill you out, ibuprofen and numbing drops for the pain. The operation itself takes about 30 seconds per eye. The only shitty part was the first four hours or so after the drops wore off. It feels like when you cut onions. I was able to nap for a couple hours, which helped. If you do it, take something to help you sleep when you get home.
I was a little freaked, too, but it was nothing.
Something I’m planning on doing eventually too, but I keep getting told to wait until I’m 21, as apparently, that’s for best results.
Is it still 1500$ an eye?
Yep. You can get it cheaper, but it was one place I wasn’t interested in saving money 😉
My old boss got Lasik – and was back to wearing glasses two years later.
Just a FYI.
My eyesight slowly gets worse – but much slower than my wife. It’s something I should look into but I’m the kind of guy who needs safety glasses on all the time 😉
Any dental work you have been putting off? HSA funds are great for that.
Nothing I have been putting off. The bi-annual cleanings are covered in full and when I have had additional work, I use the HSA. But still have funds leftover.
Does anyone have any suggestions what to do with this money?
Most HSAs let you invest the fund if you have a minimum amount. I think it varies by HSA.
$3/month? Let’s see, that’s (takes off shoes, carries the one), $36/year. In 30 years, that’ll be @ $1K. “Slowly” is the correct adverb, I would say.
Good point. Is it possible to contribute to an HSA without the HDHP? I suppose I could google this… gdi why am I even thinking about this, I should be out drinking on the patio!
Nope. Gotta be in an HDHP to have an HSA. The HSA is supposed to help you cover your HD.
Without the matching funds, is there any benefit that is worth the extra hassle? How much will you really save by reducing your taxable income by your HSA contribution? (also, isn’t this some evil tax loophole that progs will attack sooner or later. Pay your fair share!!!)
The monthly account fee will reduce the benefit. If you find a free HSA account, please let me know.
I don’t know. Seems like a good planning tool for long term stuff – including possible adult orthodontics – with a lot of flexibility in how I want to use it – but also being fairly tax-safe. I haven’t done a lot of research really.
Its a great savings account – tax deduction on deposits, tax-free earnings, and tax-free withdrawals for medical expenses. I’ve only gotten into mine a couple of times, and its building up a nice balance. If you are 33% marginal rate and make the max deposits ($6750 for a family), the deduction is worth just over $2200/year.
My body doesn’t let me. I wake up around the same time every day and can’t go back to sleep.
That’s awful. I do briefly wake up on the weekends around 6:30-7ish sometimes… but it’s usually because Brizby shark bumps the bed and wants outside. So I let her out, and then crawl back in for another 45 minutes or so.
No way. Think of all the shit you might miss!
Nothing happens between midnight and 8 am that’s so important it can’t wait until a more reasonable hour!
6-8 AM is a wonderful time for watching shows/playing video games on the weekend! Especially if no one else is up.
No one else is up… I’m assuming you mean short, little young people?
Because Mr. Riven and I will play different games in the same room on Saturday mornings. He’ll be on his PC, and I’ll be on a console. It’s sort of like playing together…
That, or roommate.
I have teenagers – I was up 4 1/2 hours before the first one managed to emerge from the bedroom.
Too many years of rugby, army and the like have left me unable to go more than 7 hours without being really exhausted or ill.
I can barely sleep at night.
I work today though.
then golf at night.
I have a small child I’m responsible for. So, no.
Old people get up with the sun.
Whut? I am up hours before the sun. Who is lazy enough to sleep until the sun comes up?
The Suthen Rooster crows at 4am.
And Suthen rises from his bed then.
The Suthen computer has a faint glow,
As Suthen expresses his distaste for Pinkos
*wipes gin off of computer screen*
How ‘ya doing today Lachowsky?
Pretty good. Gonna do a little brush hogging this afternoon and then headed up to Fayetteville for Baseball tonight. Should be a good day.
Excellent. Be careful on that tractor.
*grumble grumble*
No bushogging here. Goddamned gearbox spit all of the grease out. I should be replacing the gasket instead of sitting here drinking gin at 11 am but hell, it’s saturday.
In Tucson, its full daylight before 5 am this time of year. I’m an early riser, but fuck that. Fortunately, I have a c-pap machine, so I can pull all the covers over my head and still breath, so that helps.
Just curious. Why do you need a c-pap machine? My wife’s sisters – all three of them! – use cpap machines. My wife doesn’t.
I was snoring, and Mrs. Dean noticed that I yawned constantly through the day. I had sleep apnea, which is a Bad Thing – it actually causes brain damage over time. When I started using the c-pap machine (and finally landed on a mask that works for me), it really improved the quality of my sleep. Occasionally I’ll fall asleep without it, and I can really tell the difference the next day.
gotcha – I snore, but only if I sleep on my back. And my lack of sleep comes more from a high pressure job / stress. Hey 4 hours of sleep is great!!! /not
Yeah, every weekend. I didn’t get up until 6 today.
It doesn’t just happen here. English Defence League versus Anti-fa on the streets of Liverpool
Do wear masks and dress in black like American antfags?
The antifa idiots have been all over northern Europe for decades. I think they have been affiliated with, or sprung out of various “autonomous” collectives and squatter groups. I remember these groups setting Copenhagen on fire several times a week for a few years when they didn’t get their way.
While they claim to be pro-anarchy and anti-fascism, they often call for full on communism and the genocide of whites or jews. They often clash with neo-nazis, and actually seem to be the instigator in most of these conflicts. Which is odd because on the surface they seem to have a lot in common.
Meh. The commie/fascist rivalry didn’t come to an end. We should arm them both to the teeth and put them on an island.
BR III: Idealogical Warfare
Bring in some Millwall hooligans and they’ll fuck up all of ’em.
Someone paler than me
I was originally considering linking to the white police horse, but that guy was even Closer Encounters-ish
Nintendo Unveils New Controller Designed To Be Chucked Across A Room
I’m going to need one of these when Super Mario Odyssey comes out.
Silly console peasants.
More like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDMsGl_XxTk
Why did you link a video of Donald Trump with boobs?
Trump may have hijacked Pepe, but there’s no WAY he gets to hijack PCMasterRace’s icon too.
Are you telling me that’s NOT Donald Trump with boobs?
I mean, I’d do an image mashup, but it’s not necessary. That’s already him.
Trump’s hair isn’t that glorious.
*High Five*
Cleaning out my email this morning…found this review I wrote of the first episode Mr. Robot; I did it for a friend who likes the show.
There’s a lot of context missing as I was simply reacting as I watched, but I think you’ll get the gist of most of it.
Can I get the Cliff’s note version. Way too drunk to read all of that. Or…. Can I go off half cocked?
TL;DR – Mr. Robot sucks. At least the first episode did. And since it’s run through with lefty bullshit, I’m not likely to watch more of it.
That was cruel.
Now now, the Australian government has apologized for Air Supply on several occasions.
Actual TL;DR
Overbearing and verbose?
I’m just begging for a cat butt. Forgive me.
Yes, the politics are irritating as fuck but the characterization was pretty good. Season 2 lost a lot of steam though.
Nice. I enjoyed season 1 despite the brain-dead politics but I gave up on season 2.
Oh and the blatant thievery from Fight Club. Hopefully you’ll get to catch the creator commentary during the commercial breaks sometime; he is exactly as punch-face as you would imagine.
Dammit! Now I have to watch the show just so I can fully enjoy your takedown of it!
I can say that season 1 is really well-made, with some very thrilling moments. Not sure if that’s enough to make it past some really stupid writing.
“Human existence has been enriched by everything within it – the weighty musings of philosophers AND fart jokes.”
Why not a fart joke by a philosopher?
FWIW – esp. for the DC Folks. Charlottesville would be a great place for a meet up this summer. With school out, weekend traffic isn’t too bad (no sporting events) – lots of great places for food and booze on the walkable downtown mall, etc.
Cultural appropriation from religious people.
“how is he ever going to explain to his grandchildren what he did to the air they breathe?”
I don’t know, Nancy, how will you explain it to *me* – or do you want me to take a Democratic politician at their word that it hurts the air.
how is he ever going to explain to his grandchildren what he did to the air they breathe?
“Well, kids, I killed a deal which might have reduced emissions of a benign gas which constitutes less than 1/2 of 1% of the atmosphere and is essential for plant life. You exhale a somewhat elevated concentration of this gas every time you breathe, so we know its not bad for you. Now, its hard to know how much more of this gas we have in the atmosphere because I killed the deal, but its no more than a few thousandths of a percent.”
That wasn’t so hard now, was it?
Probably easier than explaining why I decided to make them a lot poorer in order to reduce temperature by an estimated 0.2 degrees Celsius in 2100.
A pretty cool story about Rod Carew.
One of my favorite all time Twins.
I remember the 77 season when he was so close to hitting .400 the entire season.
Too young to remember the 69 season when he stole home 7 times.
I was a Brewer fan at that time, but still love Carew. Became a twins fan when Gladden stole Rob Deere’s haircut.
Last year Danny and Bert were on the Twins Caravan stop that came through my area. My brother and I got to sit and have a drink with Danny. He’s a very cool guy. Real down-to-earth.
Bert was cool too, but more outgoing and kind of a showman. He was constantly moving, working the room like a politician. (This was in the hotel bar before they went in for the main Q&A presentation)
Bert never struck me as the kind of dude you want to have a beer with. Gladden sure. Or even Viola seemed a guy that just wanted to pitch and didn’t even want the fame. Now, Niekro? He would’ve faked like he had forgotten his wallet.
Ha-ha! He’d reach back for it, fling into into the corner as his arm came up and say “See? I forgot it at home!”
I watched that live as a kid.
It would have been awesome if that one ump hadn’t noticed, but every TV viewer in the world had.
When Gladden left, the Twinks never had the same chip on their shoulder. Who else would have punched out a selfish player like Lombordozi at his house?
I either completely forgot or never heard of that. Interesting
Oh, the shitstorm today if a manager phrased that turn of events in that way. Every sportswriter under the age of 70 would be douchesplaining how it’s wrong to resolve issues with violence and real men refrain from using violence and that Tom Kelly revealed his inner patriarchal shitlord and that’s NOT OKAY.
Thanks for posting that, Jimbo. He is one of my favorites, too. I hope I get a chance to meet him one day.
I got a chance to play with Bil “Spaceman” Lee and a shitload of former Expos on some kind of rolling charity tour. He is as depicted, totally on game, all of the time every time. I was just a scrub player that won the lottery so they put me at first base (what harm can he do there?). There was a crowd of at least a thousand people that I was sure were waiting for me to fuck up. Nope, hit a double and recorded the last out of the game when some burly fucker drilled one down the line. I one-skipped it and walked calmly over and toed the bag. Bill came off the mound and gave me a hug and a high-five. Oh yeah, i was shit-faced drunk at the time.
In regards to the link featuring the 111 year old whisky drinking, cigar smoking vet; I heartily approve.
Not that I really give a shit, but I’m suffering from morbid curiosity on a fundamental semantic/rhetorical level.
When and how did Trump “break” what’s-her-twat? Did he break her by his mere existence? by stealing the Presidency from you-know-who? by signing the planet’s death warrant? by cozying up to the the Red Menace?
Or did he break her after her Madame Defarge performance art by pointing out how utterly deranged and stupid she is?
His mere existence breaks her brain?
If it turns out she had this whole thing planned, I’d be willing to give her the H.L. Mencken award for trolling.
I’m thinking she did.
Good oh her if true. I don’t care who puts the final straw on that camel. The U.S. needs to embrace skepticism.
Better save it for when Andy Kauffman reappears.
I don’t know about you guys, but now that it’s been a while since certain events occurred:
Does it look to you guys like something happened in February at TSTSNBN?
Precipitous drops are precipitous.
That “Daily Time on Site” rating. Ouch.
The bounce rate seems pretty high, too.
Given this particular Presidency and the catering to REEEEEEE they’ve decided to go with, you’d think these stats would look much better. Leftist TDS sites had a drop around the same time, but recovered.
A big part of it’s obviously just people unplugging after a vicious election cycle, but it’s pretty clear their strategy isn’t retaining their site’s readership or attracting new readers.
People can get TDS shrieking anywhere. Reason decided to join a very crowded market and give up much of its differentiation. No wonder their stats haven’t recovered.
And look at that bounce rate and daily page views, not good. And % of visitors from search engine increasing, due to lower regular reader traffic.
I love how it accurately ranks my blog at #4,616,783. As if it could tell the difference between the site immediately above it and immediately below it. And as if there are that few sites.
I have to say, when I started glibbing I really, really thought I would at least still check in at the old site to read Sullum, Walker, Skenazy, etc. But one only has so much time on the net, and I just forget to even go over there.
DWS competing with Maxine Waters for the championship.
I’ll be in my dugout.
Can one of the mods please change F’s link to this?
Then we can all point and laugh at his deviancy
People can get TDS shrieking anywhere. Reason decided to join a very crowded market and give up much of its differentiation
Why bother with reason when Salon, Slate, Mother Jones, and all the other TRUE BLUE! sites can give you what you crave?
Those guys at the Before Place are fucked. They have, intentionally, staked out a spot in No Man’s Land. What do they have to offer to anybody? They have made themselves an answer to a question nobody is asking.
They have made themselves an answer to a question nobody is asking.
You mean, nobody was asking “Where can I learn about an unprincipled and internally incoherent case for smaller government that is consistent with massive expansions of government power to advance a woke agenda?”
Ah, the ESPN strategy. “Let’s completely remold our product in order to chase a much smaller market segment than the one we already control!”
Good comparison.
ESPN at least has a fine percentage of every cable bill in the country (or as near to every for it to not matter), so they don’t care about “audience”. What’s Reason’s strategy?
pander to their donor’s conceits?
Reason: Open Borders, Open Wallets. Never suggest that open borders should come after a reduction in the welfare state. I think the drop in traffic may have been around the time of the travel ban, if memory serves me.
No. it fell all through the election of 2016.
I think over-focusing on the “open-borders” issue is also misleading. Its not simply that they keep advancing some completely idealized vision where we’ve completely erased national boundaries – they don’t even do that really.
What they do is cherry-pick the same data over and over again, and pretend it amounts to total refutation of any criticism of current policy. Or they’ll take something like ‘deportations’ and pretend that its terrible we have so many of them – as tho fewer would be better even if nothing else changed.
I actually agree with *some* of the data they cherry pick. (e.g. immigrants as a whole are less criminal than natives, etc); but they often mis-use or mis-state many of the data, or conflate “immigrants” with “illegal immigrants”.
Basically, they deal with the subject in an intellectually dishonest manner, imo. (see: Shikha) Which is out of character for the way they have historically dealt with many other topics. when it comes to this one subject, they tend to make bad arguments, attack the “weak man” positions of critics, and yet never really advance any positive vision for what actual policy *should be*, instead resting on some sort of theoretical libertarian ideal that more immigration is always good and any policy which tries to control it is bad.
Ah, but cable unbundling is killing ESPN slowly but surely – they’ve been losing ~300,000 subscribers per month @ ~$8 a pop for years. *And* they’re on the hook for several billion a year in rights fees (with some of those contracts running well into the next decade.) Which is why ESPN does now care about audience… they’re just betting on the *wrong* audience.
I think i used this exact same expression when i was making my similar complaints about Reason’s posture back in Nov/Dec of last year
my observation was about a different angle tho = that many of the young people that Reason SHOULD be pulling into the libertarian fold? Are being wooed by people like Milo Y. because he’s *actually fighting against the bullshit that is directly affecting their lives*
Milo is no libertarian, but he makes arguments for many things which libertarians should applaud.
Instead they hired someone who spits on the guy without ever addressing the reasons for Milo’s popularity in any honest way.
Basically they seemed to purposely pick postures which push away “Cultural Libertarians” in order to attract “Cultural Lefties”, then try to feed those cultural-lefties watered down libertarian arguments. The problem with this approach seems to be that their target audience, as you note, *doesn’t exist*
another, maybe overlapping point i made was that they seem to have adopted very-squishy positions on various core libertarian topics (e.g. free association + Nazi cakes)… but adopt rigid, inflexible positions on others (e.g. immigration?)
e.g. Matt Welch said outright in one of the 5th column podcasts that he doesn’t even think “open borders” is even possible (or desirable) from a practical point of view.
But you wouldn’t get that impression from the dogma of a Shikha or Doherty, who insist there’s only one possible POV on the subject and if you don’t share it, well, you shouldn’t call yourself libertarian.
My point was that they tended to ‘compromise’ on subjects that were very important to many current libertarian-leaning people in america, but then simultaneously take firm stands on subjects where that same group of people feel there probably needs to be political flexibility. As i said back then =
If that’s supposed to be a recipe for “bringing new libertarians into a big-tent vision of libertarianism”, its a terrible mix. It instead both kicks already-libertarian people to the curb, while adopting postures which are guaranteed to immediately turn newcomers off.
Well stated. They seem to have decided on a mix of issues which is just about guaranteed to alienate everybody. Someone who might agree with them on one set of issues will be put off by their position on another set of issues. The minimum income/global warming crowd isn’t going to like their position on, say, takings or regulatory relief. The crowd who wants to see immigration controls and is put off by SJW intersectional posturing is going to reject their position on minimum income and global warming. They have constructed a spectrum of policy positions which cannot be reconciled with any principled approach to the role of government. In their attempt to appeal to everybody, they have put together a package which appeals to nobody.
And its a damn shame.
We’ve had this discussion many times before, but my personal view is that the latter person – the “conservative” – is far more likely to be dragged into a libertarian view on things like Welfare Reform via UBI, or Carbon Taxes, or Drug-Decriminalization…. than a left-leaning person is likely to be convinced that ‘getting rid of the EPA + FDA and DoE is a great idea’
Basically, that it IS possible to turn the Brietbart ‘cultural libertarians’ into actual practical libertarians… but NOT turn Salon lefties into Reason Libertarians.
I also think this is more likely because the fact is that there are *very few current-options on the ‘right’*.
Basically, young people rejecting the contemporary SJW-leftism have very few choices about where to go with their worldview; the YouTube people like Sargon hoovered up 100s of 1000s of viewers because there are hordes of these young people, and they don’t have ANY outlet for their POV.
Some drift into Alt-Rightness, but i’d guess that most of them aren’t actually Breitbart conservatives as much as they are just squishy, not-really-political people who just feel like the options all suck.
And I think Reason still to this day ignores that huge target market. I honestly think they should have fucking HIRED someone like Milo.
They could at least talk to the guy instead of Goldsteining him.
on one hand, they seem to want to pretend to appeal to issues that affect young people.
but at the time time, all they do is tut-tut the people who actually do connect with young people as Deplorables. its not a good look.
Another factor affecting all of this is the confusion everyone has on what the “alt-right” even is.
As the fissures in everyone’s platforms become obvious, minds start exploring, but they’re mostly people who were inclined towards our mindset to begin with. The traditional left is being made homeless by shrieking proggies, but they still are inclined to think with emotions instead of their brains. We won’t attract those. TradCons and SoCons aren’t interested in us at all because there are too many atheists among us for their tastes and that makes them uncomfortable. Besides, they’re still very authoritarian on law and order, drug war, etc.
So we may lose more to NRx if the current trends continue. People like Moldbug and Nick Land are extremely smart and persuasive, and that becomes more obvious as smart leftist academics take notice of them and tremble openly. The more the left and TSTSNBN push “open borders”, the more reactionary those who would be ideologically compatible with us are going to get. The more it looks like those groups are just a threat to the American way of life, the more you’ll see people wanting social isolationism, and that’s going to end up attracting people to market isolationism too, which is worse in many ways.
TradCons and SoCons aren’t interested in us at all because there are too many atheists among us for their tastes and that makes them uncomfortable. Besides, they’re still very authoritarian on law and order, drug war, etc.
I think you’d be surprised how many TradCons and SoCons are amenable to compromise on such things. You probably won’t get the day-to-day political junkies, but I’ve found that most of the conservatives I talk to about such things are getting a bit leery of the consequences of the drug war. They’re Andy Griffith law and order types, not GI Joe law and order types. There’s also a current of “what the fuck have we been doing in the ME for 70 years?” running in some conservative circles.
That may depend on which ones you talk to. The Internet connected variety or the rural variety?
Many among the rural variety still believe things like legal weed is corrupting young people and turning states blue. They’re still talking about various “degeneracies”, and lots of them see us as hedonists and libertines or enablers of such.
Perhaps the only thing pushing any of them even into an uneasy alliance with us is the fear that the progressives will gain more ground and turn generations of youths into Marxists, which they hate even more than the dislike they have for us.
The left ramp up to eat another one of their own:
Talk show host Bill Maher draws criticism for using the N-word
I saw this over at Townhall too. From the transcript there, the “offending” bit has him saying nigga. I thought nigga was cool, but nigger is the bad one?
Only black people can use either one, is my understanding.
Also, I’m sick and tired of people always saying/writing “the N word.” Just fucking say/type nigger. Does anyone say “the C word” for cracker? Is this done for any other slur/curse?
F you? That woman’s a real B? That guy’s an A-hole? It’s not that uncommon.
Not on the same level as how everyone uses “the N word.” Yes, you have some people who are a little more prudish/old fashioned/classy that try to avoid saying any kind of curse/slur. But I’ve seen people who say all sorts of curses or slurs just say “the N word” instead.
If you get recorded in public saying fuck or ass or bitch, and your HR department gets it, they’ll laugh. If you get recorded saying nigger in public and your HR department gets wind of it, you’re in hot shit. The black nationalists wanted to claim nigger as their word, and they’ve succeeded.
Yep, at this point they’ll do anything to doxx and destroy your career and reputation that they can.
Most of us simply aren’t wealthy or popular enough to hire an attorney and defend our rights. It sucks that people’s livelihoods can be destroyed by the utterance of a word, but we’re going to have to take back corporate culture (fire most HR people) to reverse this trend.
It’s amazing how big the HR apparatus has gotten in some major companies. Looking at my extended family, HR is extremely overrepresented, especially with folks who majored in bullshit studies in college.
You have to wonder when some big company is gonna experiment with shedding some of that deadweight and running a lean HR department. They’ll have a competitive advantage that is hard to overcome.
Relatedly, I’ve asked multiple Diversity and Inclusion folks what their value to the company is, and have never gotten a specific answer. Usually it involves “different points of view,” but when I ask them how that makes the company money, they start stuttering.
My guess is that these companies are covering their asses in case of a “discrimination” or “hostile environment” lawsuit. If they got taken to court because some special snowflake felt that she was being sexually harassed or ostracized in the workplace, it would look pretty bad (from the EEOC’s point of view) that no HR department even exists.
The funny thing is that their asses are in the wind on that anyway. Companies of any size are handling employment related lawsuits on a regular basis, and more often than not cutting 6-figure checks to settle them, despite no evidence of wrongdoing.
I can’t imagine it getting much worse than that, unless the EEOC is gonna do a witchhunt.
Because they know saying it can land them in seriously deep shit, unlike those other words. Like trshmnstr says below, the potential repercussions are on an entirely different level.
I’m thinking less average Joe Blow and more these columnists like the Townhall article I mentioned. If the guy that wrote that, Matt Vespa, simply titled it “Bill Maher says Nigga/Nigger While Interviewing Republican Senator”, is Townhall suddenly going to drop him over it?
Let them. Maher is obnoxious, but he’s not far-left enough. I hope they get rid of him and replace him with a true crazy so that the left’s march to destruction is accelerated. Maybe they can hire Olbermann and stuff him in that slot. His lunacy is evident even to many on the left.
Doctors warn women against putting wasp nests in their vaginas
After reading an article like this, I realize that libertarianism will never have an ascendancy because most people can’t even pronounce it.
Re: Richard Overton and supercentenarians in general: It’s amazing how many of them drink and smoke and eat what they want, and don’t fuss about it.
Scientists Seek To Unlock Key to Longer Lives
I think a happy, low-stress lifestyle is perhaps the biggest factor in human lifespan. Stress just FEELS unhealthy. When I’m dealing with bullshit at work, I can feel my heart pounding and acids churning in my stomach. Sometimes I wish I could just sell my house, move into the trailer park, get a job as a night watchman at a cranberry silo, and spend all my free time reading poetry and philosophy.
Finally got the house back to ourselves after a month-long parade of inlaws to come see the new baby. I feel like half the stress of a new child is dealing with a bunch of family living in your basement.
Scientists Seek To Unlock Key to Longer Lives
Simple. Don’t listen to “scientists”.
Conversely use the homemaker model and tell the kids to go outside and play. Bumps and bruises will make a xer of you!
Van mows down people in London, knifeweilding men jump out and start stabbing. Damn Buddhists!
I’m getting sick and tired of these Missouri Synod Lutherans!
Has anyone tried reasoning with them or setting a good example? My progressive friends say that’s the fix.
I guess they could also try to write letters and not judge.