Greetings from rural New York state, where SP and I are encamped for the next week while I attend a technical seminar on “Measurement of the Booms Emanated By Boomsticks” in Buffalo. I lead an eclectic life. Well, enough about us, there’s much news to be commented upon.
The big news is, of course, bad driving in England. What still amazes me is the questions people don’t ask, prime being, “Why does this seem to be a mostly European phenomenon, and what can they learn from the US?” But of course, Europe has nothing to learn from the US, their embarrassing, uncivilized, bumpkin cousins.
Somehow, this is Trump’s fault.
Stunningly, Slate realizes that government policy can lead to horrible results. Well, they realize it today, it will be memory-holed quickly. Of course, this is Trump’s fault.
None of this matters, the world will end shortly. Because of Trump, of course.
The Root has become a favorite hate-read. Today’s outrage is particularly delicious. This is, sous entendu, Trump’s fault.
In sports news, there are people who make you wonder, “How many times is it gonna take before you choose another line of work?” If only Trump hadn’t been at the bottom of this.
And finally, in News of Weirdness, the best golf course fight you’ll see all year. This wouldn’t have happened if not for Trump.
And now I’m going to take a tour of Beautiful Downtown Wellsville.
NB: Though I’m not supposed to mention this, several of the West Coast founders are attending a wedding today. Grand Moff Serious Man is getting handcuffed to beloved commenter emeritus Kibby. The officiant is This is clearly Trump’s fault.
About a decade back, I played golf at the course on Beale AFB with my cousin and a bunch of other people before his (first) wedding. There were signs all over the place warning to watch for rattlesnakes. I… didn’t play my best game. Not like I’m any good anyways, but this was particularly bad.
Snakes? Why did it have to be snakes?
You can’t be sure. I mean, it looks like we’ll never know their motivation.
Finally, you don’t fuck with the Brits when they’re trying to drink.
I’m just so worried about the Islamophobia that will surely ensue. Better set new regulations on social media. Just to be safe.
Imagine a headline from WW2: “Leaders concerned about Naziphobic backlash after liberation of Concentration Camps”
Nationalist Socialists =Bad. International Socialists=Good.
So much this nonsense..
To be fair, May seems to think that social media aids their terror efforts so we can’t have too much of that. Her heart is in the right place!
That avatar is pure win.
From Derpbook last night:
“I actually find racism more scary than terrorism, because terrorism kills the body, whereas racism kills the soul and the mind.”
I hope that is not someone you ever have to deal with face-to-face.
Fear is the mind killer!
bureaucratic solution:
1. All chairs henceforth will be fastened securely to the floor.
2. All pint containers will be constructed with paper or plastic.
NB: Though I’m not supposed to mention this, several of the West Coast founders are attending a wedding today
Wow. Congrats! We’ll be expecting pics…
Candid photography, he said knowingly.
Wink’s as a good as a nudge, right.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio commits NYC to Paris agreement
Bill de Blasio, Free Market Federalist
Yes, they were clearly voting to put themselves in poverty for Mother Gaia.
There are people who would vote for the proverbial yellow dog if it was a Dem.
I mean, Hillary could have all but openly solicited bribes from foreign governments and they still…oh, yeah, she did, and they still voted for her.
Ha, all she had to do to lose Pissburg was say “go Ravens”.
Well, everyone has a tipping point, I guess.
They sure do love losers in Pittsburgh eh?
Supreme strength: Justice Ginsburg’s workout becomes a book
Ha! You can’t fool me….that is a SugarFree book!
Isn’t strength training Warty’s domain?
The key is stimulus, recovery, repeat. You have to work yourself up to a horror like that. Start with Chelsea Clinton’s grrl power picture book and work your way up from there.
I have the strangest boner right now.
Dear God
Kindly refrain from taking my name in vain.
Maybe I could change my name to Elvis, and then I could write a book on any topic…say, lint…and shoot right to the top of the bestseller list.
From the Paris Withdrawal link: ” In short, I would say that superpowers rise and fall on the basis of their ability to adapt to a changing world, and that there are many who are poised to take America’s place if it fails to adapt to a demonstrably changing climate.”
RIP America.
They do realize that the money from the agreement was mostly directed to other countries, right? So even if right it wouldn’t help us.
The whole agreement will collapse. Who do they think was funding it?
Oh but NYC and Pittsburgh are stepping up to the plate to make it happen, denier!
With whose money?
United States played Venezuela last night, here in the states. I wonder how many players will be seeking asylum.
^I lawled.
But all joking aside, I suspect that any desire to do so was negated by the knowledge that their families are still back in that socialist shit shole and would be exterminated if any of their soccer-playing men made a run for it.
Fucking commies.
Relevant: Enes Kanter’s father arrested in Turkey.
A smile for your morning
That’s from a kid’s show called Pitakora switch. It’s on every morning. Mesmerizing.
Wow. It reminds of how Sesame Street and other PBS shows used to be when I watched them as a kid.
So the courage acorns meant nothing? The courage was inside Biita and Bigoro the entire time?!?
Yes, Dorothy.
That…that….did make me smile.
Buffalo isn’t rural. Now, if you’re someplace to the south like Chautauqua County, yeah, that’s rather more rural. And if you’re there, visit the Lucille Ball museum in Jamestown.
Jamestown is 90 minutes from your location, while the Corning Glass Works are about an hour in the other direction.
We’re en route to Buffalo. Note where we stopped for the night.
And now I’m going to take a tour of Beautiful Downtown Wellsville.
I wanted to do a Rednecks In The Mist post from there. But in any case, we’re touring the southern tier and Finger Lakes before going to somewhere I have to work. We passed through Jamestown last night, and will go again on the way back to photograph ourselves with Lucy.
People actually read the posts?
I was going to say Wellsville seems a little far to be looking for hotel rooms.
We used camp in Allegany County a lot – nice area.
We always camped up in the Adirondacks, at Moffitt Beach. Nice area, too.
You been to falls? If not, worth checking out especially the Canadian side but you’ll need your passport for that.
Yes, and annoyed everyone with my Three Stooges imitations.
Letchworth is awesome.
Nice:) been wanting to take wife. I haven’t been since I was 12 maybe.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Quality entertainment: “Making toast – Buttered Side Down”
It is more than bad driving.
Just caught the link from the thread last night –
It occurs to me after seeing the story recently where the ringleader in the Rotherham ring blamed the English for not protecting children what he meant. In Dumbfuckistan women wear sacks to conceal themselves and are accompanied by men all of the time. I wonder how much these rapes are motivated by ‘see what happens when you dont have women wear sacks! You must have sharia law!’. I think that is what he was saying.
If it were up to me every one of those guys would be lined up and shot, including the cops that allowed it to happen. Eliminate the threat rather than the temptation. Can we dig up James Napier and reanimate him?
People keep saying that at some point, the euroweasels will snap and actually fight back. I grow more skeptical about that with every attack. These kind of stories are even worse. I can’t imagine a scenario where I’d let my daughter’s theoretical rapists keep drawing breath. Especially while the cops sat on their hands. But the Brits seem to be ok with that.
But the Brits seem to be ok with that.
Stiff upper lips… thinking of England… I don’t know, I’m just a dumb mick (and raping my child would mean you choking to death on your own severed genitals if the state refused to administer justice).
Fuck the state administering justice. There is one set of rules for the credentialed elite running it and another for the plebes. The people in charge, in a nutshell, are telling us that horrible shit like this happens, and they make excuse fore it, telling you to just suck it up because it isn’t a big deal (it doesn’t have any chance of happen to them because they have protection while you don’t, BTW)l. Then they turn around and throw a massive tantrum and predict an apocalypse, because someone dared to pull the US out of a scam that the elite totalitarian global marxist cabal of a government sees as the imminent threat of our time (because that keeps them in power and further their cause). Plebes are starting to realize that their leadership is more concerned with their own personal well being and pocketbook than the plebes, despite the lip service to the contrary…
Unless I missed something, the article doesn’t say anything about the suspects being muslim.
Does it say “Asian”?
Forget the Muslims: we need to be on the lookout for folks with ‘Don’t tread on me’ flags and those who walk around distrubuting Constitutions. It’s their meanie-mean words that drive the Mohammodeans to commit these acts of righteous self-defense!
In the UK, “Asian” means someone form Pakistan/India (and apparently now the ME).
They (at least used to) use the politically correct “Oriental” for people you would consider Asian.
I misread your post. You seem aware of this 😛
Unfortunately, it has gotten to the point where you can guess who is involved by what is not stated in the article. If there is a story about a crooked politician that doesn’t mention party affiliation you can be sure they are a Democrat. If there were a bunch of Welsh men arrested for running child sex rings it would be the top news story for every newspaper in England.
They would have a Jones for banging young trim?
One thing to think about in all this uproar about Trump pulling out of Paris Accords, when will progressives start to put some blame on Obama for this. Obviously they won’t say he did anything illegal, but of you were one wouldn’t you start to get annoyed that he constantly unilaterally implemented his policies so that it was easy for Trump to unilaterally change them too? Or an I hoping for too much?
They will do that when they gain some self awareness, in other words when hell freezes over.
What does social justice mean? Gender fluidity? Climate change? A bunch of mush that cant be defined. All progressive thinking is that way. People who run on emotion dont have clarity. For people who think their feelings are some kind of litmus test for right and wrong lack of self awareness is a defining characteristic.
“Social justice” means making white cis-hetero men pay for the sins of their fathers.
No more. No less.
Not even the sins of their fathers. White cis-het men must pay for all the disappointments that constitute the life of a SJW.
Exactly… These sins seem the be very contrived things, and the reason they are sins are that the unpopular people did them. When the poplar people do these things suddenly they are no longer sins..
You’re hoping for too much
Never, the pendulum isn’t supposed to swing back, progress has only one direction. It’s the serfs fault for failing the anointed one.
I posted this yesterday but it’s actually on topic today. Anything but unilateral push forward is against progress. I have friends from high school saying online centerists non progs are cowards and basically heretics.
While many Democrats and anti-Trump voters welcome the idea of a toothless tyrant, they overlook the fact that these court-ordered inhibitions will also apply to future presidents, some of whom would ideally be from their party. So yes, even though using the courts as a last line of defense against what they feel like executive oversight is working, they are only hamstringing their own efficacy in the long run
I fail to see how any of this is bad. This is perhaps the most boot-licking-est defense of Trump ever.
Tyranny in the name of my cause is valid and good, while tyranny in the name of your is not…
That’s basically what is being articulated and defended here..
It’s also stripping the electorate of sovereignty especially where it pertains to immigration. Legislation as written goes unenforced, a couple of executive orders that are clearly authorized by legislation were struck down for having unwritten secret meanings woven into it. The courts have effectively lobotomized immigration policy, there’s nothing that elected official can do short of an amendment. So apparently it turns out that the half-ass status quo is some kind of natural law, perhaps discovered carved into a stone tablet in the caves of Mt Vernon by none other than Moses Washington himself. The federal courts know best.
They never saw it coming. Obama was to usher in the New Progressive Era — a time when the progressive coalition gained a permanent majority that would only grow. Therefore, all future presidents would be progressives and all executive actions would be de facto permanent. (There’s also a large component of simple political ignorance here, but that’s boring.)
One reason that they’re all *still* shitting their pants about Trump is that they are in a stage of denial about all of that. They still haven’t reconciled this reality with all of their hope and change of the last 8 years.
Yep, it was supposed to be Hillary who was going to cement Obama’s unilateral proclamations into very hard to change policy.
They weaponized government for Hillary the last 8 years, and then got Trump in charge of it, and it is freaking them the hell out…
I was thinking about this the other day. A lot of the backlash isn’t due to Trump himself, but because of what your’re saying. Would it really have been much different if another Republican had won instead of Trump? Would Bush, Cruz, et al be treated any differently? I don’t think they would, we’d have the same fake conspiracies, pants shitting over every little thing, and so on.
The Obama machine would have dug something juicy up on any of them to make the base lose their shit over. Maybe not as juicy as “grab her by the pussy” but who knows.
“not as juicy as grab her pussy”
Intentional? Well played, sir.
Would any of the other R’s that you mention actually have had the balls to pull out of the Paris deal? I don’t think so. Even Cruz would have worried about the optics and stayed in.
I still think that the reason Trump won the primaries is because he was the only one people trusted to call Hillary a crook to her face. All the rest of them would have been too chickenshit. They would have treated her with kid gloves because that is what the “smart” guys in politics told them to do.
Probably not. But I don’t think that would have changed the treatment of them one bit. Were Romney and McCain arch conservatives hell bent on taking the country back the early 19th century? Far, far, from it, but you wouldn’t know that from how they were treated by the left and the MSM (but I repeat myself). It’s the same thing happening now. I think the assumption that it’s Trump causing all the craziness on the left is not quite correct.
Obama would have made it permanent if it wasn’t for those obstructing Republicans and their dog.
OMG! I wish this had been out when I did links today. The jokes write themselves.
I bet you we find out he raised money for democrats and democrat causes…
But not from the media.
Conn was absolutely a Democrats, even ran for office.
Why am I not surprised?
Ha ha. His last name is Conn. Caveat emptor or some shit.
Didi Conn has a sad.
Surely this one sign of the coming apocalypse.
Seriously, congrats to Grand Moff Serious Man and Kibby.
Congratulations to all!
Will Jesse be exercising his right of primae noctis?
Yeah. Kibby is going to get very jealous.
It is a Grand Muff after all
That 55 gallon barrel of lube won’t empty itself!
I don’t remember Kibby. I remember when Kristin was Kibbled Kristin, before she was Kaptious Kristin.
I remember when Kibby used to post, and when GMSM first went to visit Kibby. After that we didn’t hear much more about them together, so one might have assumed they went different ways. So it’s really nice to hear about the blessed event! At least two marriages now from our libertarian posting sites. Welcome to the chained world, you two.
I noticed yesterday both cato and reason came out with articles in support of the universal basic income. While I get the arguments of it being better then the current system, that argument seems incredibly naive. It will only serve to help implement it but not repeal the current welfare system.
Also if this is libertarianisim, what should I call myself now?
Hitler might have supported UBI.
Don’t subscribe to collectivist labels. Call yourself leonadasiv.
But how can I know if I’m in a group that makes me better then everyone else.
You’re a Glib. This makes you superio… wait… never mind.
I thought We were Sup.. oh wrong group
Thats easy.
Follow the immortal wisdom of Marx – never belong to a club that would have you as a member.
Libertyranist, freedom is slavery after all.
UBI really does have its roots in libertarianism. It’s an old Milton Friedman thought experiment from the 60’s, so yes.. you can thank libertarians.
If we must have welfare, instead of expensive and corrupt bureaucrats making the decisions on what people need, doling out resources, and wasting money… why not simply allow the recipient to handle it?
He argues that there are terrible negative incentives, of course, but they are NO WORSE THAN ORDINARY WELFARE.
Of course you can see the flaws today. You see what’s going to happen. It’s not going to *replace* any part of our welfare system. It’s going to supplement it. Because Democrats have commandeered the idea.
Call me when we’re actually replacing food stamps with it.
If we replaced food stamps with UBI there would be Children starving in the streets, For Real,
Fucking Hillbillies
We’ll have to spread the word that money works like food stamps, but with a wider range of targets.
It’s more “libertarian” in that individuals decide what to do with the money they get, rather than a bunch of separate programs run by Top Men. A large part of progressive thought is that they know better than the poor, black, etc.
Since the commentariat seems to be hooking up, which one of us do you have your eye on?
Now I know why people become asexual.
I’ll go first. Dibs on Ken. I like pillow talk.
Good luck. He’ll textwall-block you when you’re in the mood.
He can throw out some words can’t he?
Sorry, Ken is worthless when it comes to dirty talk.
“I’m so going to pound your little cu-, uhh, cun–, shit, I can’t say it!”
*runs sobbing from the room*
*thinks thru list of glibs, mind passes over Sugarfree, passes out from shock*
I only have eyes for you, Straffin
Poppy – Animal (Miike Snow) Cover
When I pulled that up one of the suggested videos is “Is Climate Change Real?”
I am not going to watch it but the first thing that occurs to me is “Well, if you have to ask…”
I’m Poppy.
Rare Poppy? Only 23 views.
I uploaded this for you people. Poppy had several covers that I really enjoyed. I ripped them off YT to listen on my personal MP3 player back in 2012. The video for this cover was especially adorable.
Not sure why Poppy removed these covers from YT. She may not appreciate these being re-uploaded, so rip it now if ya want it.
I have more if y’all want to hear em.
I’m guessing leaving them up conflicts with her new image. But if they were on TY, someone out there somewhere has the videos. I hadn’t heard of Poppy until a year or so ago.
I’m not convinced that “segregation” is any less of a nothingburger than “income inequality”. And of course all of his “radical” solutions amount to just doing the same as now only harder.
You want radical?
So the minute their first property tax bill comes due (at current market values), the city forecloses on the house and can then sell it to a developer at a decent price.
They’d be better off turning all of the public housing residents into the street with $10k and a map to Newark.
Not to mention since there were never any sales, any valuation is suspect. Dumping that many units onto the market also affects the price. Conditions of the apartments probably vary from unit to unit. Why do I get the one with the broken toliet?, etc. Then maintaining the units.
Gifting does not = earning ownership.
I rent a nice house and I am responsible for ALL upkeep, may as well have bought the the thing,
Plumbing, A/C, landscaping,very pricey stuff
Sounds like you should have bought it if you rent and have to keep it up man…
Same. It’s probably driven almost entirely by economic disparities between racial groups. I’ve also toyed with the idea that people like to self-segregate, but that theory has some problems. Either way, any attempts by government to “fix it” will a) not work and b) have “unforeseen” consequences.
On second thought, maybe the “unforeseen” consequences are exactly the point and those policies would actually work, for certain values of the term “work”…
“What I can’t understand is why nobody else out there is pushing this idea.”
Then I cant explain it to you.
It’s certainly out there, but the fact that proggies would shout it down is proof that they would rather keep the poors in ghettos to look down upon than give them any agency.
No it undercuts their wealth transfer schemes. They don’t really want a resolution, they want a continuing system of grievances.
continuing system of grievances. = permanent plantation of reliable voters.
How are you going to virtue signal your creds if the problem actually gets resolved?
I’m not convinced that “segregation” is any less of a nothingburger than “income inequality”.
I was going to write the same thing. FTA:
The fundamental problem with segregated busing wasn’t that blacks and whites sat separately. It was that blacks were forced to sit or not sit in certain seats.
Also FTA:
What ills? Black public housing residents aren’t suffering because they have no white neighbors. They’re suffering because they’re poor. Living with poor white people wouldn’t magically change that.
No, it wouldn’t.
Fun fact: when mass transit first came to the South, it was through private companies. Streetcars, and later buses, owned and operated by for profit private companies, practiced no segregation. It was 5 cents to ride the bus, and you sat where there was a seat. This was unacceptable to the Democratic machine in place at the time, so they passed laws either mandating segregation or outright banned private mass transit.
Shocking! The NYT writes a piece that doesn’t completely shit the bed.
I’m gonna wade into the comments though. I may change my mind in a minute.
This one?
::edit faerie scratches head, shrugs, flutters away::
Gah. Edit fairy ruins my joke. Was “Shocking! (link coming)”
Did they manage to get the guy who wrote a nonbedshitting article about climate change a little while ago fired? Same guy maybe?
This is Frank Bruni. He’s been there forever.
Not the brightest bulb, but also not the guy they ran off.
Bruni wrote a pretty non-crazy editorial in September of last year
no one paid any attention to his advice
Bruni also interviewed Camille Paglia on some NYT video series and wasn’t a shrill harpy.
That guy got fired?
“Racism pervades our country.”
To be sure.
I reject his premise but it’s good that he put that up front so I could decide to not read it without too much trouble.
But we’re never going to make the progress that we need to if they hurl the word “racist” as reflexively and indiscriminately as some of them do, in a frenzy of righteousness aimed at gagging speakers and strangling debate.
Plus, they are making us look bad.
I just noticed the Avatar, Fucking Awesome!
Avatar changes have become the new handle hopping.
Ok, I need to learn formatting. Can someone repost the formatting guide from a week or so ago? I was on mobile and didn’t get a chance to grab it.
So far, comments seem 50/50 or so, surpising to me thus far.
This one made me lol:
“Just a note, the proper name for the college is The Evergreen State College.”
THE Ohio State…. I mean Evergreen State College
This one you mean?
This one you mean?
That works, thanks. Wish we had a preview button though.
Preview buttons are for closers!
Don’t other me, man. Please.
The Girondins are complaining about Jacobin excesses. Sanity should be restored any moment now!
Can they hurry up and start guillotining each other already?!
Doesn’t work like that, first they have to overthrown by the crooked Directory, and then the military strongman takes over.
first line =
If not bed-shitting, it seems sort of dutch-ovenish
There’s never any concrete examples of this pervasive racism, either, other than the government itself discriminating via police action.
“We do not have total equality of outcome for all races and genders. Ergo = pervasive institutional bigotry kept in force by evil white male people”
/no really, that’s what they mean
I could solve that problem right now. It’s just a simple matter of redefining races and genders. Which would be stupid.
You fucking cis shitlord!
Definitely a lot of Soave hedging, at the least.
To be sure.
“Racism pervades our country. Students who have roiled college campuses from coast to coast have that exactly right.”
Um, I don’t think they do.
Anyone here know anyone from Frederick, MD? Good place to move to?
I grew up outside of Laurel. Had lots of friends in Frederick.
If you’re asking about whether it’s crime ridden, it’s not. Frederick is a good place.
It is MD and you are close enough to VA, WV or PA if you don’t mind a little commute.
Yeah. My sister and BIL lived just outside Gettysburg, while he worked in Frederick. They seemed to like it. It was quite a commute, but to about Maryland’s taxes I think it was worth it.
Frederick puts you within spitting distance of Baugher’s, so yes, move there.
I’m only about 20 mins from Baugher’s, in Westminster (or maybe just outside of it). And I concur with the recommendation.
That’s a pretty obscure reference, OMWC.
I’m probably about 20 minutes from there as well, maybe 30. Have to check it out.
It looks like Frederick is very close to both VA and PA.
Why not lose your taxes in those states, rather than feed the beast that is MD?
I grew up in Baltimore, spent plenty of time in rural Maryland. I concur with the folks saying it feels like PA/VA.
I grew up in Frederick, but it’s changed a lot in that time. While the county is still mostly rural, the city itself has developed like crazy. If I may make a recommendation, live outside the city borders. You’ll pay a lot less in property taxes and you won’t have to deal with the shitty city government and their asshole cops.
None of this matters, the world will end shortly. Because of Trump, of course.
Is this how actual intellectuals during the Spanish Inquisition felt, minus the heretic executions? For fuck’s sake.
The left really doesn’t realize how close they are to Inquisitions and witch hunts.
“Though I’m not supposed to mention this”
Well, maybe I’m not supposed to offer congratulations and best wishes, but I’ll do so anyway…congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple!
In a spat like Maher’s, if you apologize, you lose.
How they don’t get that by now is beyond me.
Couldn’t agree more.
Stop. Apologizing.
Did anyone watch Politically Incorrect with Maher? It kinda turned me on to libertarianism (though I woulda found it anyway) . Was it really a libertarianism program that’s way different than his show now or have I fried too many brain cells and my memory is fuzzy?
Maher was never really a libertarian, he’s one of those people who confuses the word with “libertine.” They did have a wider variety of guests and more celebrities, so the show was less wonkish and purely political than his current one.
Nah, that was because it was hip to call yourself a libertarian around then (2004~ or whatever) because it was perceived as part of the anti-Bush coalition, however, some of these folks like Maher were just looking for a trendier label–and Maher has recanted it since he actually bothered to learn what it means anyways. See also: Sargon, calling himself a “classical liberal”, and his dismal economics.
Huh. I must have been asleep for the five minutes it was hip to be a libertarian.
The Ariana Grande bomber did it better. 3 terrorists for 6 casualties? Pathetic. Read a book, jagoffs.
I rate this terror attack a C-.
You’re just upset that your ‘terrorist news’ doesn’t include lots of pictures of a teen girl in skimpy slutty outfits this time
Intersectionality between terrorism and sexuality?
Ariana Grande – Dangerous Woman
Obama wet farts, i know I’m missing several. what am I missing?
IRS targeting right wing groups
The road to Obamacare
NSA spying
Clinton .gov server
Killing some americans without a trial.
Pen and a phone – some people applaud this.
“I have more leeway after the election” hot mic
Espionage charges record holder
Doubled the use of drone warfare
Doubled the countries being bombed by drone
Iran “ransom”
Vault 7, and a bunch of other stuff very close to the NSA spying stuff
Raided Medical pot more than Bush, laughed when people asked him to take it easy
Fast and Furious
Peace prize wars?
Obama is the only recipient of a Nobel Peace prize in history to kill another Nobel Peace prize recipient.
Think he added that to his resume? What about that library of his?
Thks. Thus shit gets harder and harder to keep track of as time goes by and new outrages fill the brain
But wait, there’s more! I can’t think of it, but I’m sure we can get this list going.
I totally read that like the oxy clean guy. Funny.
Cash for
Useful Used CarsClunkersI was really hoping that the Fast and Furious would be opened up and exposed under a new administration. As I understand, Obama blocked a bunch of FOIA requests related to it. I hoped that a Trump administration would allow the realease of that info, but I have been disappointed so far. I followed fast and furious closely when it happened and it seems that the whole affair has been memory holed.
Oh yeah!
Most Redacted and blocked FOIA req’s ever. by the most transparent admin!
More deportations of illegals than every president of the 20th century combined.
I think by proportion of the immigrant population, Dwight Eisenhower has him beat with Operation Wetback.
I’ve run into lots of people who will outright deny the Obama medical marijuana crackdown. Pretty hilarious to watch when the outrage machine gets turned on and when it doesn’t.
I’d say national debt, but I also want to say spending originates in the house.
except it doesn’t really anymore.
So, National Debt!
Choke point
Here’s a bit of music for you all,
for a song i’ve never heard, it got lodged in my head very quickly.
*whistles as I go head to work*
Mazel Tov, wherever you are
Behold the Power of Glib! Love! Marriage!
Congrats to all !
Yeah, I should’ve said that earlier. Congrats!
Dude, the Avatar, I spit covfefe on my Keyboard, Again,
It’s a work in progress. I suck at editing pics.
It’s great, I lol’d when I realized that was Zardoz.
Count me in on that.
Where do we send the glib gifts? I have an underperforming orphan or two I need to unload.
Love in the Moment of Libertaria!
Congrats to SM & Kibby!
Well, my twenties are over. In hobor of proud millenial tradition, I guess it’s time for me to move out of my parents basement and get a job.
Also, I realized yesterday day that my drivers license expires today. I can’t get to the DMV until friday, so I’ll be riding dirty to work for the first 4 days of the week in a car I just bought due to my old car being totaled that has dealer tags on it. Wish me luck.
As long as you don’t look like a Dirty Hippy, Cops don’t hassle old people like You,
It’s not your age, it’s your Kia that keeps you from being pulled over. Cop figures anyone in a Kia doesn’t have resources to extract, so they leave you alone.
And I still look out for Pigs when I drive, that’s Self preservation
I kind of hate how your license expires on your birthday.
They won’t let you in the bar or pot shop if your ID is expired, even if it’s that day.
Reminds me of this
My License is up on 8/25 and my Pot card on 8/1, so it kinda works out for me,
I never went for the pot card. afraid to lose 2A stuff.
It’s not terrible, but the last place I want to be is the DMV on my birthday.
No one knows what type or how many weapons I possess, and the Card is a nice Convenience here in PsyCofornia
No guns for me yet.
Knives and Swords are nice, and very pretty, and you learn how to put an edge on a blade, a very useful skill
You need to get some. They are great.
saving up, this summer will be the time.
Rebate will also help greatly.
I don’t really understand that. If I were a bar owner and a guy had an ID that was a few days expired I wouldnt care. It’s not like he magically got younger because of an experation date. I guessing there is a law somewhere involved.
You would care if your livelihood depended on it, which it would.
I get your point, but as far as I know, it’s illegal to sell alcohol to someone under 21. It not illegal to sell alcohol to someone who is over 21 and doesn’t possess a valid ID. Maybe I’m wrong on the law. An expired ID would be enough proof for me (hypothetical bar owner) to determine if someone was of legal age.
in Friendly PsyCofornia, if you “look” under 40, be ready with an ID when buying booze of any kind
Yeah It’s the law. if something isn’t correct on the ID, it’s ‘fake’
If the date is up, the date is up.
which is dumb, because I’m at a bar on my birthday. fuck’s sakes.
Also, my local knows me and I no longer get ID’d by most of the bartenders.
so, who knows if they’ll serve me?
Make your own plate that says “farm use” or “sovereign” or “glibs don’t do licensing”. Any of those should work
Locate their continent further away from the Middle East? Hope and pray that their illegally immigrating demographic replacers are Roman Catholics instead of Muslims? Less welfare for everyone, especially immigrants?
You can have Welfare, or open Borders, but not both,
And for God’s sake think of your own Civilization first
This self-destructive and pathologically altruistic mentality is the root of a whole lot of piss poor assumptions that inform policy.
+1 global village run by unicorn farts
Less welfare is certainly an element. Not the only one, nor the biggest one, but definitely one.
What I find odd is that up until very recently most of the Europeans seemed to understand the idea that a generous welfare state required pretty tight controls on immigration*. It’s like they all of a sudden had a collective brainfart** and decided to find out what it’s like to pay people to hate you.
* = Not so much on travel or general “movement” between countries; the idea being, you can come, maybe even work for a bit, but you don’t get to stay and be “one of them”
** = With certain notable exceptions, e.g. Poland
from the “only-thing i still look forward to from Reason”-column, there was a 5th column podcast (which i have not listened to) yesterday, and then Matt appeared on this (i confess, strangely formatted) podcast where he tried to explain the whole Trump/Russia nexus to a short-attention-span audience
i tried keeping score, but i was drunk when i listened to it from what i could tell, the things in the “What We Know” column =
– Paul Manafort had ties to russia (before the Trump campaign)
– Mike Flynn made a phone call which he lied about
– Putin is a dick
*bonus = there was some cyrillic writing found connected to the Podesta phishing scam
None of which would actually seem very spooky or indicative of nefarious conspiracy but for fertile imaginations and force of will. But Matt does a good job making that sound like a slam-dunk case that our country is being run by a Manchurian Candidate
I’ll say it again, if the Russkies put their bets on Trump early on then they deserve to run us. They’re obviously smarter than the rest of us.
The MSM, various political comedians, and the Hillary campaign were all crossing their fingers and pushing for Trump to win the primaries, because they thought he would be easy to beat.
Maybe the Russians mind controlled all of them into it.
Obama I can see as a MC, but Trump? Are they really playing 4d Chess? really?
/Stan Marsh
He’s not the Shah of Iran, and he’s not the Pope
but his name is on the Walk of Fame like Bob Hope
oh, sorry = the real link
That’s some weak sauce even on the face of it, and then if you give it a few seconds thought:
– Paul Manafort had ties to russia (before the Trump campaign)
So did Podesta, and he ran Hillary’s campaign.
– Mike Flynn made a phone call which he lied about
Why would he have to lie about it if he was doing it on Trump’s behalf? And even the MSM has widely reported that there was nothing illegal in the call itself.
– Putin is a dick
Apropos of nothing, of course.
*bonus = there was some cyrillic writing found connected to the Podesta phishing scam
Which is not surprising, because there are Russian hackers, and hacking tools are widely shared among hackers internationally. I’ll bet there were plenty of indicators of other languages, too.
More interesting is the question of why the DNC would not allow the FBI access to their servers, and instead hired a 3rd party to create a report that was then given to the FBI. A reporter with even a shred of natural curiosity might want to find out more about that, yes?
Yeah, I am still a fan of the 5th column podcast too. In fairness to them, they have pretty much mocked the Trump-Russian connection from the beginning.
But Matt did go on a side rant a few episodes ago against commenters who dared to suggest that cocktail invitations had anything to do with the stories they ran on Reason. Sorry, I’m too lazy to go back and look. Maybe someone else has it?
yes, which is why i thought matt’s summary on the Brilliant Idiot’s podcast was sort of out of character. He came off far more credulous, i think mainly for the benefit of his audience.
Probably better in the original Chinese.
Fuck you Dolphin, an Fuck you Whale!
/Wrong Asian
“your door is very strong”
Hmm… seems legit.
Also, #3 will SHOCK you.
I like “your garden is a sea of flowers”. Personally, I prefer my women with as little garden as possible, preferably none.
I totally believe that this happened.
Was that because of the munchies?
Gubmint skools r the bestest!
at 16K a year no less, Trump leaves Paris and the World comes to an end, Women and Children hardest hit,again
To the “progressives” who run the public schools and the teacher’s unions, the answer is always more funding. Nevermind that school districts in these inner city hellholes are beating the rest of the nation in per-pupil spending but coming dead last in actual performance; we just need to give them some more money, then surely these children will become A+ students and go on to become doctors and engineers.
Everyone else fixes their education problem by just throwing money at, it so why shouldn’t we?
I wonder what the next step in Maryland’s glorious progressive education system will be.
Ignore the problem? Might be the only choice while Hogan is still governor and can veto whatever insanity they think up.
Defund every school whose students are doing well? If we can’t elevate the bad schools, then we’ll drag the good schools down. Equality! But that might drive out all those reliable-D voters on the government payroll living in the suburbs who don’t want their kids to go to bad schools.
Try to expand charters and alternative schooling? Possible. Makes too much sense, so doubtful.
Bring back busing? Oh man, that would be fun to watch.
Do the inverse, and move the good teachers out to the bad schools? Hmm, I wonder how much those union benefits are really worth it.
Address the underlying problems? Ha! As if.
The part where the parent blames the teachers is funny. My experience with inner city parents is that they would fight tooth and nail if one of those teachers dared to fail their kid or reprimand them in any way.
It’s a failed culture and the longer we financially sustain it, the worse it will be.
This is the problem with government schools. No one parent should have the power to affect how a teacher or administrator enforces standards. Down that road lies the devaluation of the diploma and indeed the entire public schooling endeavor (as we’ve already seen). Yet, governments are supposed to be answerable to “the people”. If enough parents want their children coddled, never reprimanded, and handed worthless diplomas, what can be done?
In light of recent events, I meant to post this sooner.
When I was in Falls Church, VA about 8-9 years ago, I attended an Anglican church during the period right after they split from the Episcopals (ongoing court fight, etc). One of my Adult Sunday School leaders was Tom Tarrants.
During lessons while I was there, he once or twice referred to times earlier in his life, but it wasn’t till a while later that I actually looked him up. (I believe at the time he was Pres. of the CS Lewis Institute, but he’s the VP for ministry there now – one of my other friends is the current president).
From one article (apparently only part 1 is online).
You can google a few other stories about this gentleman. I think he’s a pretty good example of what we talk about with Christians in name vs. action.
well that’s a relief
Need to get better at cutting to the relevant bits. I excerpted a bit.
i kid
i confess, i forgot what the point of the reference was by the middle of it. Is the idea that these ISIS stabby-types will eventually grow up to be valued contributors to society?
No – this guy was a convicted domestic terrorist – Christian in word, but not deed. Converted in prison, figured out that he was doing it wrong. (short version).
He showed actual remorse, more than I can say for Ayers.
He’s a good guy. Very misguided in his youth. Paid for his crimes. Whether or not you think he should have been in prison longer. Definitely reformed.
Knives and Swords,
My Son and I own quite a few, but here’s the fun part.
About 10 years ago i purchased 2 Oak Samurai sparring Swords for us to play with Ala Last Samurai Tom Cruise thingy.
We salute, make the formal 4 opening moves and then Zander (my Son) pops me in the forehead, not that hard but oh the Blood!
and all we thought was, oh Shit Mom’s Gonna kill Us!
Moral, Tom cruise would have been killed by that Practice sword in the Movie, Oak Sticks Hurt!
My grandfather (from Japan) had two swords that my dad described as “real samurai swords”, but they got stolen in a break-in. Some fucking crackhead probably pawned them for $50…
We thought Dave Chappelle’s consent contract skit was a joke…
I’m sure all of you could’ve guessed exactly what she’d say, but this is Sally Kohn’s reaction to the terror attacks in London last night.
Y’know, that guy aiming an AK at me just needs to know how much I respect him, then he won’t shoot me. Let’s book Sally a ticket to Syria so she can test her ground-breaking theory!
I don’t know who that is but SMDH anyway
Sally Kohn is the woman who wrote an article about how upset she would be if her adoptive daughter didn’t turn out to be a lesbian.
A vile, vile woman.
“Political correctness is simple idea everyone should be treated with equal dignity & respect. It’s not cause of terrorism. It’s antidote.”
Political correctness is just another tool in the bag of statists who wish to censor speech that they find to be contrary to the goals of statism. It’s not the sole cause of statism, but it’s a contributing factor.
I wish her the best of luck explaining this to ISIS leadership
Corrupt politicians gonna be corrupt.
Is there any other kind? Maybe Amash, Massie, and Paul, but otherwise…
They are the best of a bad lot. They probably are somewhat corrupt to. I’m convinced that no one could ever be elected to high office without first selling their soul to the party hierarchy.
While many American Jews (present company excluded of course) support the subtle antisemitic and anti-Israel views of the Democratic party, it seems that British Jews are rejecting the (not so subtle) antisemitic and anti-Israel views of the Labour Party.
As a fellow member of the (((tribe))) I have often puzzled at the lockstep loyalty to Dems American Jews seem to have. I think it stems from two things:
1. Committment to Tikkun Olam has been sublimated to an obsession with Leftist vision of “social justice”. That combined with less actual religious teaching by Reform Rabbis has allowed many to essentially replace Judaism with Progressivism as their religion. They become JINOs and no longer actually follow any Jewish tenets.
2. There remains a reflexive revulsion and distrust among many Jews to Protestant culture at large. Since the Republicans have become so inextricably linked to this culture, they recoil from being associated with it. It’s a strictly tribalist response.
Still, why so many are willing, even eager, to throw Israel under the bus is bizarre. I guess it shows just how deeply the prog brainwashing goes.
It goes back even further to deep Tammany Hall connections when first arriving to NYC almost a century and a half ago.
“It really begins with the imminent election of the city’s first Irish-Catholic mayor, W.R. Grace, in 1880. When he was attacked because of his religion….Jews on the Lower East Side held a rally for Grace, during which a lawyer named Albert Cardozo, father of a future US Supreme Court justice, said that if Catholics were attacked like this, Jews would be next, so they should stand together. In the early 20th Century, Tammany’s Irish leaders developed close relations with the city’s Jewish population.”
“prog brainwashing”
Does the same tenant that if you’re white you should feel guilty about it also apply to Jews? I get that impression but quite the hat trick when you consider what the Jrws have been through. You would think they would be ranked pretty high on the totem of victimology.
By progressive logic, we should be, but instead we’re the source of all evil in the world. I think we’re considered worse than “normal” white people.
(of course, we’re still non-white victims for their claims of “white people have never been victims of oppression” stance)
It’s like Caddyshack. As recently as the 80’s, the Jews, Catholics, etc. weren’t white enough for the country club. Also, Democrats being anti-Israel is relatively recent.
Ten years ago I watched a documentary on the 40th anniversary of the Six-Day War. I was surprised that the western world was pretty much all on Israel’s side. I also learned that Egypt was blocking Israel’s access from the Gulf of Aqaba to the Red Sea, an act of war.
I read The Lions Gate by one of my favorite authors, Stephen Pressfield a year or so ago. The six day war was really an existential fight for Israel. It was a good book.
It was – absolutely – a fight to the death, and it’s pretty amazing to me how quickly and thoroughly the narrative has been washed over (and continues to be washed) over the intervening years. In another 10-20 years the ‘received wisdom’ will have been completely inverted and it’ll be yet another chapter in that “Elders of Zion” compendium.
It’s easy – and often legitimate – to criticize Israeli policy, but as I get older, it’s also easier to acknowledge that there’s no ‘good’ answer to the political reality of the region and that as time goes by, the Arab participants in the fiasco deserve less and less sympathy.
i don’t know, i’ve known plenty of conservative jews in NY.
Pew says “70%“. I guess that is a lot.
In my experience its for the same reasons most non-jews are. A lot of people don’t think the US should backstop Israel, and in doing so become party to their conflicts.
I think a lot of the negative opinion of Israel connects to growing up in the 1980s, when the Israeli/Pally nonsense was on the news constantly. Even the most idealistic person eventually started to see them both as complete assholes.
I think the European upheaval of 1968 is what changed things. Remember how West Germany capitulated to the Munich Olympic hostage takers a few weeks after the fact.
(shrug) i never recall hearing it mentioned.
When i was a kid, i constantly heard people debating the pro/con view on Israel in the 80s. it was a topic that split families. and it always seemed based on relatively recent events.
I think when Israel was being threatened by Egypt/Syria etc in their various wars, support was more unanimous. When the conflict turned to intifada, perpetual terror and reprisal, i think opinions soured. Of course all i have going for me is my own narrow personal experience.
this (below) article actually provides opinion polling over time which seems to offer some substance to my observation; it doesn’t go back as far as the 60s, but charts a decline in American jewish support for Israel between the mid 1970s and the end of the 1980s
not super-dramatic – but a change from ‘nearly unanimous support’ to 70/30 pro/con
i haven’t read the article itself; it might offer analysis that undermines my impression, not sure.
To be fair, I think 1968 saw more of a change in Europe’s opinion of Israel. From what I saw of the documentary on the Six-Day War, Europeans were demonstrating in support of Israel in 1967, but by the early 70s, governments were giving in to Palestinian terrorism.
a different animal entirely, obviously
4 years.
The US Jewish vote has long trended D. (((D)))? In 1992 and 1996, Bush and Dole barely got above single digits.
Also, I wonder what Ellison having such a high ranking position in the DNC will do, if anything to the vote. (Not to mention the out-and-out Islamophilia of the D’s) Distaste with the (admittedly true) Protestant culture of the R’s is one thing; having an avowed anti-Semite near the top of the DNC power structure can’t be good optics for anyone paying attention.
It seems to be something that (((liberals))) are studiously ignoring. Count on Team Blue drawing Jews in the same percentage that they draw Puerto Ricans and blacks in the next election.
It really seems like an opportunity for the R’s (and the L’s, for that matter). Ellison (among others) has said some truly vile things.
The incentive that pushed whites into the suburbs was the lefts’ horrific attempt at desegregation via the public school system. While they sent their kids to private schools they forced working class whites to put their kids on buses every day to the worst schools and highest crime neighborhoods where in many cases they had to form gangs to keep from getting beat up. Whites moved away and took their money (and tax dollars) with them leaving the metro school systems worse off than they were before desegregation. Of course those whites were evil racist, not concerned parents. Whites moving back into the city are also evil because gentrification.
Notably, those whites aren’t partaking of the public schools either.
I disagree. Levittown and sundry were around well before desegregation. Suburban life was a sign of success for the first GI BIll generation.
It also didn’t help that the Federal Government would only give these loans to White people as specific policy.
Did desegregation contribute to white flight? Somewhat, but there was already a generation’s worth of movement to the suburbs before it was even a thing.
I agree that they were already around, but there was a huge exodus when busing started.
Were rich people moving to the suburbs in the 50s? Around here, all the suburbs of that period are 1200 square foot ranch houses that bohunk steelworkers bought when they could afford to move out of the tenements. It doesn’t seem like anybody started building nice suburban houses until the early 60s.
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House is almost 70 years old, for what it’s worth.
The Suburbanite (1904)
I think that the suburbs started as soon as cars were reliable and cheap enough for commoners. When there were no options to move your ass from your house to your place of employment, high density housing was the only game in town.
Once personal transportation was viable, why would you want to live on top of other families with no yards or other places for your kids to play? Why not move out to one of those ranch houses where you had privacy and room?
Not coincidentally, a lot of the early interstates opened in the late 1950s/early 1960s. Once people could realistically commute into and out of the city on a daily basis, the need to live in the city diminished.
The real problem has been that so many city governments continued to act as though nothing changed. The social problems of the inner cities would not be nearly so acute today as they are if the cities had just adapted to changing conditions.
Whites are evil because white.
I think that it’s shameful that Trump won’t allow Captain America to go help the Brits so they are forced to turn to Cobra.
Re: Mamba fight.
Why do people instead on using video platforms that don’t play nice with mobile? Just post your stuff to Youtube. I never have issues with that.
Also, if I see 2 Black Mambas fighting, I’m not sticking around to take video.
I would watch Kobe fight clone Kobe.
Imagine a team of 5 cloned Kobe’s. No one would pass and the bitter finger pointing would be off the chart.
Twitter video doesn’t work with Firefox on my Linux box.
On the plus side, it looks like Theresa May has pretty much had it with the Islamonazis.
Not surprising, given that London hasn’t been under siege lot this extent since the original Nazis were bombing the shit out of them.
How so? All I’ve heard is that she’s talking about cracking down on the interwebs. Not the Muslims.
First whooping cough, measles, and now this:
Why are these outbreaks in California?
I’m sure it has nothing to do with the large group of anti-vaxxers
Our outbreak in Minnesoda is so much more progressive than anyone else’s.
This is one of the most interesting links I’ve read all year.
Our outbreak in Minnesoda is so much more progressive than your outbreak.
This is one of the dumbest links I’ve read all year.
World’s largest bath toy?
That’s what she said….
She wants to know if it vibrates.
Whatever she needs to hear
Jesus, she’s been trying to pretend to be functional, normal human being and failing miserably for twenty five years.
I don’t know what to think about this:
In general according to my interpretation, self-ownership demands the ability to terminate your own existence at will. However, I do see compelling points in this article. Thoughts fellow Glibs?
I should be free to off myself if I choose however I should also be free to not be in unnecessary pain due to a bunch of nanny assholes all of who should be locked in Warty’s basement with Steve Smith with no pain medication.
There is no legitimate reason I should not be able to buy pain meds OTC. None.
(have not read linked article)
I agree entirely. I think the problem is when you jump from that to the “Assisted” part.
Self-ownership also requires some degree of self-responsibility. Asking others to do your dirty work raises questions about whether you’re abdicating that, and asking to be ‘pushed’ rather than taking your own steps.
I think assisted suicide should be legal provided certain conditions are met. I think if its elderly people in an ‘end of life’ situation, where the alternative is constant medical care and poor quality of life, then by all means, choose your exit. If its young-adults confronting recent damage/injury or potential lifetime of medical problems, I think doctors should be obligated to try and talk them out of it, or at least not push them into making hasty decisions.
I was FILLED. WITH. RAGE. but I’m calmer now.
Haven’t seen any reports where the Britpigs have arrested those that fought back against the needy refugees.
You’re supposed to wait for the police.
Or die nobly like a good guilty, white prog.
That reminds me of “progressives” gloating about how “British police don’t need to carry guns because their crime rate is so low compared to ours”.
Come to think of it, I haven’t heard that line quite so much in the past few months…
Would waving a confederate flag in Greenland also trigger people?
It was triggering because it reminded Canadians how Jacob Thompson and other Confederate agents lived in Canada while plotting attacks against the U. S. – including the St. Alban’s raid launched from Canadian territory. Also how Canadians sheltered John Surratt when he was fleeing arrest as a suspect in the Lincoln assassination.
It brought up bad memories from these historically-literate students.