Happy Monday. Busy, busy, busy

This first link might not be safe for work (pixellated nipple), but I hope Sec. Mattis is planning on buying a couple of pallets of the magazine featured and dropping them into places where there are lots of frustrated young men who blame the West for not getting laid. (I also linked it, because its fun to see Yahoo! try to report on American flag wearing women in near undress on Hustler covers as straight news.)

“Intensive Boot Camp to Revive Men’s Primal Nature” (Spoiler: Not a Marines recruiting post) I’ll support the Universal Income when people are too poor to support bullshit like this.

On the other hand, I missed yesterday’s anniversary of actual courage. Go stand in front of a line of tanks in an authoritarian country, and you’ll never worry about wearing rompers again.

Americans appear to prefer the (unsporting) version of resistance to jihadist attackers to the British version. Lock and load.


::good edit faerie flutters by and turns sidebar off::