Since OMWC clearly feels that professional obligations are more important than his Jewsday Tuesday gig here at Glibertarians HQ, I am taking it upon myself to provide you with a post.
People often ask me, “What’s it like being married to OMWC? How much impact does his Jewiness have on the relationship and daily life?”
In no particular order, here are the pros and cons.
- There is no Jew Gold. WTF? Perhaps it’s just being rather well hidden?
- OMWC bursts randomly into songs/chants in an ancient language that no shiksa could possibly be expected to understand. And he’s not that good a singer.
- His mother lives in Del Boca Vista.
- He thinks he’s really very funny because “all the best comedians are Jews.” He’s not funny. I try to get people to not politely laugh at his jokes because it only serves to encourage him.
- He invites the Elders of Zion over for strategy sessions.
- He dresses our poor little dog in a Jew Hat and Jew Scarf.
- Latkes
“He dresses our poor little dog in a Jew Hat and Jew Scarf.”
Would that be a yarmuttkle?
My grandparents had a red/black flannel jacket for their dachshund. Looked ridiculous.
*boos and narrows gaze*
You mean a (((hat))) and (((scarf))), of course. /Glibs style guide
Does he ever climb up to the top of the house to play his violin?
You can’t watch that movie. It’s cultural appropriation for you to do so.
Warren is of German descent so I’m not sure.
Isn’t the village somewhere in what would now be Western Ukraine?
Does that mean I can’t watch Torah! Torah! Torah! either?
[shakes head slowly]
*hopes a flight of Zeros strafe Warren*
I’d love it if Mitsubishi released a car named the A6M.
And give it gull wing doors to appropriate a Corsair.
Zero Mostel?
If he does that, he’s totally fucking awesome no matter what SP says and I want to go over and hang out with him. Maybe Lazar Wolf will drop by.
He thinks he’s really very funny because “all the best comedians are Jews.” He’s not funny. I try to get people to not politely laugh at his jokes because it only serves to encourage him.
This one just sounds too close for comfort.
Also, my shiksa wife would concur with you on the latkes and has ended up making them better than anyone else in the family.
Latkes look great. Mixing in some crab or lobster or putting a nice slice of sausage on the top would be killer.
Since I’m half jewish does that make me half as funny or twice as funny?
I hear you’re hilarious from the waist down.
His gold won’t buy him sleep
His poverty runs so deep
In winter he cracks, in summer he warps
Dakota Skye arrested on domestic violence charges. I hope this doesn’t delay the release of her next film.
*Looks at first pic in article*
*Looks at mug shot*
*Spits coffee*
Thank God for eye makeup.
If you don’t click on any other link today, click this one.
In real life, always look for girls who look good even with little/minimal make-up. It’s pretty easy to tell just by how much they cake on their face to begin with. It’s a must.
That’s why I stick to the amateur stuff. Also, Puma Swede, JFC…
I didn’t see one not “would” there. You peeple are picky.
Physical manifestation of an STD.. But probably Would.
*Takes 3d6 sanity damage*
Are you happy now?
Some observations:
1. Do not get plastic surgery unless it’s reconstructive. Holy shit. You start off looking weird and then it just gets worse quickly.
2. Anyone can do porn. Correction: Anyone with access to foundation and eyeshadow can do porn.
3. Some of those chicks look better without the makeup. Those are usually the ones who aren’t sleeping three hours a week and hopped up on goofballs.
Hey man, the meth just helps ’em get through their “performances”.
Dani Daniels actually looks better without makeup.
Most of us wouldn’t even notice if any of those girls had faces, if we met them.
A little makeup and paint will make a girl what she jolly well ain’t.
Ahh, Hollywood special effects.
In re: Sofia Vergara
Also, this fucking gem buried at the bottom of the article:
Wait…his product officer is a literal cuck
‘Scott, who started as a cam girl, stars in such videos as “Slut Puppies 9,” “Anal Buffet 10,” and “Milk Maids.” She can also be seen opposite porn superstar James Deen in the 2016 production “I Came on James Deen’s Face 6.” “I can’t imagine doing anything else for a living,” Scott told AVN.’
Yes, I imagine can’t.
And I’ve totally never seen any of the above mentioned films. Honest Injun.
I can’t imagine doing anything else for a living
In a few years, she will.
Traci Lords went legit.
I would bet Lords acting chops are slightly better than this gals, but who knows.
She porked up a bit.
Scott, who started as a cam girl, stars in such videos as “Slut Puppies 9,” “Anal Buffet 10,”…
That series really went down hill after “Anal Buffet 7”.
I wonder if he got EP on that series…
Confused that lady for Dakota Fanning. Disappointed.
Tee-hee. Thanks, SP, for the article and the website.
Either by unconscious choice or mear happenstance I have only a few Jewish acquaintances in my life. I know more Somalians than Jews. Not quite sure what to make of that.
Depending on where you live, Jews are almost as rare as leprechauns. South Dakota only has roughly 250. But Alaska somehow supposedly has over 6,000.
AK has more gold.
This guy gets it.
Counterpoint: We’ve got tons of gold and no Jews for hundreds of kilometers.
Yeah cause even jews can’t take all your whining.
Whining? It’s fucking gorgeous up here, hundreds of kilometers of untamed wilderness almost unchanged over the past five hundred years! The only whining we got are southerners who can’t stand the winters.
They probably prefer to weigh their gold in ounces troy.
How about the mosquitoes, horse flies, deer flies gnats…?
Jews…in the wilderness? I can kinda see why they might not be inclined to hang around there.
Ya’ll need to move to my neighborhood, they’re everywhere. Of course they are the orthodox ones and you probably won’t know them even if you’re here. They don’t seem to be too friendly with we brutals.
Yeah, move to South Florida. I live in Central Florida, and they’re not rare here, either. Thing is, a lot of them are fun to hang with, and the women often have large racks, so I don’t get the hate. Except for my c*nt Jewish ex-gf, who should go die because she’s a c*nt.
It’s not that my area is bereft of Jews or anything, just kinda worked out that way. My closest Jewish friend runs a ‘local organic’ farm about 40 miles away and works her ass off. I see her maybe 3-4 times a year.
Maybe I have a few more non practicing so it never came up Jewish friends. I don’t know. I’ve lived on the East Coast and generally speaking, most Jewish people I’ve meet westward aren’t your stereotypical NY Jewie/Jewy?, which itself(outside of the handful of Hasidic neighborhoods I’ve been in) isn’t as common as percieved.
I live near a synagogue, so I see a bunch of observant Jews come out of the woodwork walking there Saturday mornings. In high school I knew a fair number of Jews (including one chick who broke my heart by leaving to go to rabbinical school) but in my middle age my social circle has contracted quite a bit. I know a couple of people who are Jew-ish, if you see what I mean. Like they’re Jewish the way my wife’s Catholic.
Our school had so many Jewish teachers that we got Yom Kippur off since they couldn’t round up enough substitute teachers.
Did anyone here read The Yiddish Policeman’s Union?
Yes. Next question.
I have known more Indians in my life than Jews.
Casino or call center?
Casino, but mostly without the casinos.
Dot or feather? I’ve only ever known people who pretend to be feather, but I’ve known lots of the dot types most of my life.
No 1/8 Mohawk bullshit, people who live on reservations where their 4 wheeler and hunting rifle are their prized possessions.
Having never lived near a reservation I missed out on that. In fact, I’m 100% certain I’ve never know any native Americans. So do they hunt the buffalo from their 4 wheeler while drinking some firewater and making whooping noises? I’d probably want to get in on some of that.
Ask them that in person and you’ll get a very up close tour of modern reservation culture.
So they have no sense of humor? WTF, are they leftists?
Many would be leftists. Others are what they are. Try asking them that in Kayenta AZ. It is a weird place. In the middle of nowhere. It has nothing around but the tribe tries to make a go of it. I say, why stay there? There is like a road and stuff leading out of the town. But I am stupid white man. I am conflicted there because well, it was shitty as shit to send a whole people to where they ended up. That was a pretty big asshole move on whiteys part.
I grew up with kids who had native blood. Mixed. Like the rest of us mutts. They were just more brown. I didn’t know it mattered until I was told it mattered.
Deer mostly, and some of the richer ones can be the biggest cunts imaginable, driving around in Jeeps shit-faced at 3 am with lighting rigs all over their vehicles, firing off shots in the air like it’s an Arabic wedding.
Well, you’ve made them sound a lot cooler than the comment from Vhyrus. I’m starting to almost like them now.
I know a Cherokee gas station owner who absolutely refuses to accept a $20 bill. Has a sign on the front door saying ‘$20 bills not welcome’.
You would think that may be an honorable stance or a long-term economic negative, it’s neither.
He didn’t post that sign until about 5 years ago when his neck of town began to undergo ‘gentrification’. Once explained to them, the more affluent of the newly relocated hipsters ate that shit up, flocked to it, and the rest of those who desperately need to social-signal followed suit.
While I snicker at his disingenuous behaviour, I can’t help but admire his ability to recognize the evolving market, make a change to his business structure, and then exploit those shitheads for every last penny he can.
Capitalism at its’ finest.
*wipes away tear*
Maybe it’s because I’m not a hipster but I don’t get it.
Oh my, TH. That is inspiring.
‘Maybe it’s because I’m not a hipster but I don’t get it.’
You see, Rhy, it’s important to spend your money at an establishment that is owned by an oppressed minority. Especially one owned by an ancestor of the true owners of this raped and exploited land.
By spending your money there and also refusing to use $20 bills as a valid form of currency as a sign of solidarity for his grievance, and letting everybody within earshot know about it whenever possible, appropriate situation or not, you are by default a better person than anyone who doesn’t automatically express enthusiastic agreement,…or something.
*googles furiously*
You could have just said “Andrew Jackson”.
Ha! Sorry. I thought the Cherokee’s beef with the $20 bill was nationally common knowledge. Sorry to go all provincial on ya.
No worries. I can be dim sometimes.
Oh, I thought it was because he didn’t like QE2
I’d never seen an Indian (American Indian? Native American?) until I drove out west. Stopped at a truck stop in Oklahoma and I must’ve looked like I’d just fallen off the turnip truck. My first thought was, “Holy shit, I know people who will die of old age before they ever see one of you cats.” My second thought was, “Wait a minute, where are all the black people?” This is what growing up in the DC area gets you.
Oklahoma is thick with natives; it’s kinda OK’s thing. There are also plenty of black folk.
Oklahoma’s quite pretty. It melds the southern Ozarks with the more recognizable Southwest. I used to make semi-annual trips there to go rock climbing at Robber’s Cave State Park before I got too old and lazy to retain the flexibility and hand/forearm strength needed for that.
Thank you for appreciating the beauty of my native state. I do miss her. Maybe when I retire I will move back from Minnesota.
There’s also some good fossil hunting to be done in OK!
Oh cmon. Oklahoma is thick with blonde haired girls in short shorts with tribe license plates. I got stuck in that state for years in a prior life, and never met one native American. But I saw numerous tribe license plates. Most are Elizabeth Warren type natives. They got a facial in high school and then apply for benefits. White trash in native towns who will blow the brown boys don’t make native.
‘They got a facial in high school..’
The euphemisms aren’t even euphemisms anymore.
I don’t know what part of the state you visited, but there are lots and lots of true natives there. More than any other state in the union, except possibly Alaska. (Hawaiian natives are a different group of people)
I was stuck in OKC for close to ten years. Not out in the “wilds”. But I saw many a nation plate on a car with blonde hair blue eyed girls climbing out of it at the mall. You learn to look for it to see if they are really a native, or just a welfare queen. I lived in the old town ghetto. After work, I came home to dudes smoking crack on their porch next to my house and talking trash as I opened my gate. Ya, I had a gate. It pays to be the crazy white guy in the neighborhood sometimes because other than talking trash, those guys never messed with me. The day I left Oklahoma was the happiest day of my life. And I have had some really good days.
When my husband was a bartender, he was telling an anecdote about a guy who was “drunker than 700 Indians.” An indignant patron said, “You can’t say that!” To which my husband replied, “I’m sorry. He was drunker than 700 Native Americans.”
I love that guy.
(Libertarian woman. Yeah, we’re real.)
That’s a… handsome avatar you have there.
Yeah, I guess I could pick something more feminine. But I love FA Hayek, and I work with high explosives, so…
Go on…
You must have a been a big hit at all the heterosexual libertarian parties.
All two of the libertarian heterosexual parties!
Plenty of redmen round these parts. Of course there’s like four rezs and two casinos. Their kids can even attend a special school at the fairgrounds.
The casinos have built houses for tribe members but they sure as hell didn’t go all out. I spent some time on a rez recently and got a good look at the buildings and they are…shit. I wonder if because it’s on a rez certain codes don’t have to be followed.
Maybe they’re better on the inside…
The rez I worked on, the tribe opened the houses, not the tenants. And it’s not real formal. If you move out, the first person who wants can move in to the empty house. So yeah, rez housing is pretty shitty. But most tribal members didn’t live on the rez.
Now that’s just the wife’s tribe, I have no idea what other tribes’ rez housing is like.
I was once a roommate with a Jew. We still talk.
I had a Jewish roommate in college. He wanted to expose me to his culture so he taught me how to read the racing form. He was an econ/finance major.
I know more Somalians than Jews.
You live where there are no roads?
It’s paradise.
Literally paradise.
Where roads are unnecessary, the mosquitos will carry you anywhere you need to go in the summer and you hide in a cave all winter.
I’ve yet to disclose that, I prefer to remain terra incognita. But I’ll give you a hint: somewhere between the Appalachian Mountains and the Rockies, North America.
Does that include Florida? *proud graduate of the public school system*
my HS graduating class was 75% jewish (mostly secular, reform). I lived 13 years in a neighborhood w/ the largest collection of Satmar Hasidim outside Hungary (around 75,000 of them). Of my closest friends, half are jews. One good friend growing up joined the lubovitch hasidim (on keys here). Of the serious girlfriends i’ve had, 3 out of 5 were jews. My brother married a jew, and my neices are both being raised jewish. As a teenager, the ratio of bar-mitzvahs to confirmations i had attended was approximately 10-to-1.
when i showed up at college in Tennessee, someone once said “you talk like a jew lawyer”. It was not a compliment.
In the video, I like how guitar man turns the page on the music……you don’t see that much.
Did you tell them in Tennessee you would be happy to do their taxes and balance their checkbooks?
He’s Brian Stoltz, guitar player for The Funky Meters *
My buddy hired him to fly up to NYC and record on his record. That night they played a gig. He was still using the charts he hand-wrote for the session.
(*The Funky Meters is the live-touring act version of what used to be “The Meters”, who are a legendary New Orleans funk band based around Art Neville)
I just watched the whole video you linked above. I only halfed it before. That’s some good stuff. It is not the jazz that made me hate jazz for sure. That’s the blues/funk there now. Man turning the page was trying to figure out what they where going to do wasn’t it? Or was he playing the crowd?
*I could say I have seen him live with the finger cup thing, but I have seen a lot of things I have vague memories of in smoky dark bars in a few states many years ago. Mostly Florida.
given its just a simple blues and there aren’t any unexpected changes, he was probably just looking ahead to see where the “solo here” bit was.
slide. sometimes called ‘bottleneck slide’ as they used the necks of beer bottles in the old days. it can be played on an open-tuned guitar similar to a laps-steel (which i think is how its used in a lot of country) or a regular guitar tuned by 4ths (which is more bluesy)
re: “jazz”
my buddy’s band is the new orleans tradition, where the term ‘jazz’ encompasses pretty much anything that came out of the region, and where anything from dixieland to second-line to country-blues to R+B and funk to mambo or afro-cuban is all in the mix. the common thread is that there’s always a good bit of improvisation and rhythmic syncopation going on.
“what used to be “The Meters”’
Fuck, they were a good band. (I guess they still are).
leo and zig (the exiled members) do their own thing and are probably more fun than the reconstitued ‘funky meters’. But they’re all pretty damn old now. I saw them all 4 play a reunion show in 2005 in NY and it was nice, but i told myself i was going to not go see them anymore, because i just didn’t want to see them get lame.
“He dresses our poor little dog in a Jew Hat and Jew Scarf.”
That’s terrible. Animal cruelty? Does the dog have to eat kosher dog food? Or does he get kosher scraps? Makes all the difference.
OT: This is interesting:
13 Alabama counties saw 85 percent drop in food stamp participation after work requirements restarted
I totally do not believe it. Are you telling me if you’re going to make people work to get free stuff and then if they work, they can’t get the free stuff, they aren’t interested? Isn’t that the damndest thing I’ve ever heard.
Hello Atlanta!
Lauren gets high and talks about bitcoin. Hawt.
To be sure… SMDH
I know that all you brutals probably think she’s too vanilla, or not T H I C C enough, but she’s like a unicorn. Libertarianish, and IMO, ultra hot. Would would would.
Yeah, I think she’s hot. Guys can leave me all the girls without the giant butts. I’m cool with that.
Second that Lauren Southern is hot.
I’ll be the fifth vote for that.
Just leave me alone and stick to the Constitution as written.
Preach it!!!
That list is a little short on the PROS
Surely there are others. Perhaps when he helps moving friends because he has the van? Maybe how the kids he brings home help clean if motivated properly? There has to be something.
damn blockquote disappeared it did. I blame Coors.
Adolph Coors?
fuckin Natzis
*Nazis I blame them for the typo as well
You know who else was named Adolph?
Adolf Hurwitz
Dolph Schayes
Ironically, a black chef who’s kind of big in the restaurant scene around me.
Gustavus Adolphus?
OMWC off on another Jewish holiday huh. How many days off do you need to celebrate killing God?
He thinks he’s really very funny because “all the best comedians are Jews.” He’s not funny. I try to get people to not politely laugh at his jokes because it only serves to encourage him.
He dresses our poor little dog in a Jew Hat and Jew Scarf.
I’d laugh.
Of course you would. You also are sacrilegious.
Well fuck-a-duck my first misthreading…..this is in response to JB Weld above.
And he’s not that good a singer.
Is it possible for one to sing well in Yiddish?
Judge for yourself
She makes a go of it. I mean, it’s better than this:
Of course, the best Yiddish song is in English
He’s a cantor, and cantors cant.
(Ok, so it’s technically Hebrew, but whatever.)
He thinks he’s really very funny because “all the best comedians are Jews.” He’s not funny. I try to get people to not politely laugh at his jokes because it only serves to encourage him.
This is called ‘marriage’.
It’s a phenomenon that occurs about 20 minutes after saying “I do”.
A husband can have an entire dinner party in stitches while the wife rolls her eyes and says, literally, “Don’t encourage him!”
Marriage starts when the honeymoon ends. The honeymoon officially ends when your wife takes a shit in front of you.
I figured marriage started once you got your last blow job.
Problem with that is, you don’t really know which one is the last one until well after the fact.
You are correct sir.
I refuse to belive anyone who isn’t a corpophiliac goes in for pooping in front of anyone else. For God’s sake, is there nothing sacred?
I learned last weekend that my best friend and his wife shit in front of each other. It’s a mockery of the human species.
Love is dead. Romance is a myth. Humanity is gasping and it’s SHIT LIKE THAT that’s the problem.
” Love is dead. Romance is a myth”.
And that was the day commodius spittoon decided to take the red pill.
There are some things I’d rather not know about my friends.
I’ve pooped in front of you all multiple times!
I subscribe to the Victorian ideal that boundaries are important, especially in a romantic relationship. I also put a latch on the inside of the bathroom door, because I’m alone in this.
Are you saying your wife is aggressively trying to see you take a dump, and thus had to put a lock on the door?
I’ll put it like this. When it’s gotten to the point that you’re trying to piss out the previous three beers and your wife stops in for a chat that begins with, “Why are you such a prude? I mean, we’re married,” you invest in hardware because obviously the verbal persuasion has failed. I mean, Pygmalion works as a play, but in real life you sometimes need mechanical reinforcement.
Some people find that kinky.
God help us all.
It’s just a corollary of Rule 34.
(I’m not one of those people who finds it kinky.)
Who the fuck shits in front of their wife? That’s super weird.
There are 33 rules that fall less important than shitting in front of someone? Wife or not? What the hell rule book do you have?
Oh, my. You really need to level up your young, dope, fly, funky fresh vocab. The Urban Dictionary is your friend here.
Example in evidence: SugarFree’s blog.
I am not sure if that helped. But thanks.
‘I am not sure if that helped. But thanks.’
When SF enforces rule 35, rule 34 instantly takes affect.
Only the Germans.
Well, there goes my Health Insurer.
Proof that Obamacare should be left alone.
No no no. It would have worked, but the Republicans took out that one thing, Ya know, the one thing thing. With that thing it was pure genius and you wouldn’t die. Sorry, but now you are going to die. As a matter of fact, your neighbors are going to die too. Everyfuckingbody is going to die.
If everyone dies, who’s going to pay for my healthcare!?
What do you mean? It’s an inherent human right. Without the oppressive capitalist patriarchy, healthcare would be limitless even if you were the last man on Earth.
When I die, It will be holding a gun to the head of the doctor that fucked up the operation that I forced him to do at gun point. We can’t stand for this. #DontLetMeDieOrImKillingYou
So maybe a hour after saying Sessions isn’t going anywhere, ABC is reporting (anonymous sources, per usual) that he offered to resign. I still doubt it goes anywhere. On another note, I love the beaten down Spicer’s new non-answer style of just repeating he hasn’t had a particular conversation with the President.
The poor bastard is out of options. I have to believe Spicer stays because he is a domestic violence victim or is counting the days until he can leave for a lobbying/PR job.
Is everyone feeling cheerful? Well, great, just don’t click this link.
You know who else wanted to make sure only certain kinds of children were brought to term?
Eugenia Cyst?
Margaret Sanger
Pretty much the entire list of people I hate from the progressive era?
Arnold Schwarzenegger in Junior?
Countess Elizabeth Báthory?
I got your book a couple days ago. I’m not sure that I’ll feel any better having read it than I do having not.
The Civil War book?
Wait, you mean Man’s Search for Meaning.
Well, it doesn’t come with a guarantee.
But I hope you cheer up somehow, or at least “offer up” your unhappiness for some good cause.
I can only say that some *other* people have been moved by Man’s Search for Meaning, which doesn’t mean that any given individual will be.
What about that book the other poster recommended, about whats his name, Stockdale, in the camp?
Wait, you mean Man’s Search for Meaning.
Noah Webster biography?
The Holocaust survivor book.
Emphasis on the survivor.
It sounds weird, but there are people who read it and become more – I don’t want to say cheerful – more purposeful after finishing it.
It doesn’t sound good if I just say “this guy was depressed, so I recommended a book by a Holocaust survivor about his experience in the camps.”
Promise me you’ll still be around when the movie comes out. Yes, there’s a movie in the pipeline.
*fiercely narrows gaze*
Anyway, yeah, that book.
An article from last August about the project’s progress.
You can wait for it to come out and then bitch about how much worse it is than the book.
Ah. Frankl. Didn’t know that’s who you were talking about. About my favorite quote is his.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
Shoulda gotten this one instead. Would have cheered you right up.
Ah, Dian Hanson. Why Virginia Postrel was only my second favorite lady editor back in the 90s.
Could be worse. Could be this.
This book includes the Golden Sayings of Epictetus the Stoic.
And at the risk of going specifically Christian on you, here is Thomas a Kempis if you feel drawn that way.
This book includes the Golden Sayings of Epictetus the Stoic.
And if by chance you’re in a Christian mood, there’s always Thomas a Kempis.
Do you do anything like Ronald McDonald House or Meals on Wheels or any area of charitable activity? You wouldn’t have to compromise yourself and pretend everything around you is fine, because if it were fine why the need for charitable activity? But it would turn your focus into concrete situations like bringing some non-hospital food to patient families, etc., etc.
OK, if this doesn’t cheer you up, nothing will.
(Not really, more like “if anything will cheer you up, this won’t”)
Where’s Henry Travers when you need him?
So this happens at our grocery store at 9am this morning. Right by our house. If that was my wife, he would be on a list. Dirtbag.
So is the lack of a foreskin a pro or a con?
Well, since it was lopped off 8 days from birth I have no point of comparison. But, from conversations with others, there’s only really two things I’ve found that would make a difference: Pro – no smegma, Con: tends to dry out during sex (silicone lube helps this a lot). Other than that, only people who were circumcised as adults would really know.
Well I was really wondering if SP considered it a pro or a con.
Like it matters if the woman enjoys it! *pshaw*
Well if you please her maybe she’ll try to please you in return by giving you a blow job.
My gf is a former slut and has told me that she will not have sex with uncircumcised penises due to several bad sexual experiences she has had with them in the past.
Are you sure about the former part?
I wish she was still a slut. I like fast women.
I apologize. Tell her I’ve changed.
Yeah I’ve got a friend whose husband isn’t nipped, and she tells me that it can cause problems. I ask her why the fuck she’s telling me this.
There are some things I’d rather not know about my friends.
It *can* experience problems (just like any other part of the human anatomy). But if you take two seconds to wash it in the shower every day, it’s extremely unlikely that there will be any problem at all.
I think it was more a utilization issue. Purposely did not hear/remember the details
Well look there! George and Anal Clooney have birthed twins!
You can’t get pregnant that way…
I beg to differ.
I linked that months ago at the other place, because i thought it was funny. Still think it’s funny.
Newest spokesperson for the alt-right.
I was never clear if the Costanzas were supposed to Jewish or not.
That was left unclear on purpose.
The oldest spokesperson for the alt-right.
LOL g’suffa!
Nobody told her?
The guy on her right was trying to, with hilarious results at the end.
Probably should’ve told her about it 70 years ago.
There’s a restaurant scheduled to open in Tokyo called, The Restaurant That Screws Up Your Order. The wait staff is made up of elderly people with dementia. You order your food and wait to see what eventually comes to your table. Not much info on it yet, but they are trying to get people to be aware of the dementia and its symptoms. Sorry, can’t find anything about it in English.
A better link with pics.
Aren’t those guys already an international chain?
Wow. At last, a solution to the aging-population problem.
Better than the dementia patients’ previous jobs at the Fukushima nuclear plant.
Hey, that was GE’s plant.
That job was pretty rad, you could tell they loved it because you see the glow in their faces.
I sievert you did there.
You people have a curieous sense of humor.
Oh, go to BED!
You two deserve the geiger sanction.
I think it’s an incredible thing, what they’re doing for those old grays.
Bye, everyone, I’m off to get some REM sleep.
I’m cool with that if they are giving the old folks some jobs and it works. No problemo. I have been to Japan once and it was an airport. My gripe was there where no actual bars. Any society that has not bars with stools and proper drinking going on is a destitute infedel society that should wither away with its elderly wait staff.
When the Fukushima plant was spiraling out of control, they had to send workers in to do work that couldn’t be done by robots. That meant extreme radiation exposure for the workers from TEPCO that had to go in. Basically they took volunteers. Most of those who volunteered were men over 50 who explained that they had lived a relatively long life and that it wouldn’t be fair to make the guys in their 30’s to go in an do the work even though they would be marginally more likely to survive. Respect that, but I remember thinking at the time, “How do you not apply that thinking to your pension funding shortfall?”.
I have no knowledge of their pension funding shortfall, but I would totally go in to dangerous non physical work than the young fellas. I respect that too. Half the time I wonder how much longer I want to put up with this. And I am young by most standards. One sends money away to the government on and on and on, and at some point, fuck it. I don’t want to send anymore.
What do you mean? The older guys should have given their pensions to the younger guys? I am not following there.
(and you do know I was kidding about society withering away right?)
My point was that the older generation insists on getting their full pension benefits despite it putting a huge burden on the younger generation. Used to be 10 workers supporting one retiree and now it’s down to 3 to 1 and, if nothing is done, will be down to a 1 to 1 ratio within a decade. Private pensions are a little different, but I’m talking about the public pension scheme. To put it simply, there are elderly guys out there that would rather give up their lives for younger men, but goddamn if you’re gonna touch their pensions whether or not their generation actually put enough funds in.
Part of the reason people are flocking to Bitcoin.
This is a good read. Kind of how I’m feeling.
ifas society continues to balkanize—now with more street fighting—ifas the Federal government keeps expanding its power while failing at its most basic duties, as Amazon, Google and the like keep moving towards quasi omniscient information monopolies that add wealth at the top while shrinking jobs, wages and the middle class….Fuck You, I’m Millwall!
Of course it’s a Millwall supporter. He probably got himself motivated by pretending the attacker was a West Ham supporter.
I would love to see Millwall in the EPL – there’s plenty of dead wood there (Burnley? sheesh). I see they just won promotion.
I kind of like the crop heading up to the PL this year. Newcastle deserved to be back, Brighton in the PL is awesome (and not just because I’m managing them in FM17 right now), and Huddersfield going up is spectacular.
Agree on all points.
Although I was rooting for Wednesday. And Fulham to a lesser extent.
I can’t root for Wednesday, just because of how long it took them to put up a memorial for the HIllsborough Disaster. Wouldn’t mind seeing a post-Al Fayed Fulham back in the top division.
Want to see Southampton (annoying the way they’re trying to keep players there who obviously don’t want to be there), West Brom (fuck Tony Pulis), and Burnley/Watford (dead wood) relegated.
Interesting… I’m not that up on the details.
West Brom is a complete zero to me. I couldn’t care less what happens to them, ever.
“…there’s plenty of dead wood there (Burnley? sheesh).”
Watford rules, mate! WATFORD!
I think I related this previously, but I used to work with a couple of Brit women (both black) I joked about being a Millwall backer. They were not amused.
It’d be interesting if our sports had promotion / relegation. It’d be funny to see the SF Giants sent down to AAA ball, and Albany (or some other team) brought up.
How dare we celebrate Islamophobia at a time like this.
the learn to run mag was kinda funny.
You now the problem with Arsenal…
American ownership?
And Churchill’s ghost smiled on Britain, briefly.
What a badass.
But also, if three people with knives can’t take this dude out, they don’t know what the hell they’re doing. Which goes to show you that, despite the fact that fighting someone who has a knife is usually a terrible idea, sometimes bluster trumps all.
Probably helps if you’re a big dude, and not a scrawny twerp like me.
“Scrawny twerp?” What, did you come out of an Archie comic?
Aggressiveness is a big deal. Big dudes are easy targets, especially if they’re stationary. These guys were slashing randomly it sounds like, which is a pretty crap way to fight with a knife, assuming they weren’t using Bowie knives, which I think they weren’t. Once you accept that you’re going to get cut, charging an idiot with a knife means you’ll probably take a slash or two on the arms and then you can get the knife arm. These guys were probably riled up but not expecting resistance, and when dude rushes them they probably panicked.
Which is not to lessen what he did, because that takes balls of solid steel. I wouldn’t bet that I’d be able to pull that off, for sure. Dude got cut and stuck with it, which is a pretty damn brave thing that a lot of people can’t do, myself probably included. It’s just that typically, with a knife you’re looking to stab into arteries or cut the face to get blood in the eyes. Hacking away will cut skin and scare people but won’t do much for you if you’re trying to take someone out of the fight.
NYT’s doing damage control for Comey over him either lying to Congress in the past about Trump, or lying now about what Trump said. The guy hasn’t even testified yet and they’re trying to spin it. This shit show won’t be productive, but by god will it be entertaining.
Comey has lied publicly and to Congress in the past. Try as they might, they can only pretend that’s not the reality and paint him as a paradigm of virtue for so long.
I suspect Comey was either one of the leakers, or “colluded” with one or more leakers. I’ll enjoy watching that prosecution.
I’m not clear what the damage control part is. I do agree they’re trying to construct a narrative around the testimony, knowing that the substance might not be as rich and self-explanatory as they hope.
what is the potential lie you’re concerned about? whether or not he told trump that he ‘wasn’t a target’? that could simply have been a misinterpreted answer that Trump decided to pretend was ‘affirmative’ rather than non-committal.
Comey (along with his temp-successor) has explicitly told Congress that the Trump administration had not tried to influence his investigation. Then he gets fired, and he needs to explain in a plausible fashion why he lied about that fact. That article is about helping to establish that narrative even before he testifies. I don’t think they’re doing the constructing – this is coming from Comey himself either directly and/or through cronies who are still at the FBI. This is the gist of what Comey is going to say. This article is all about constructing a believable narrative for why Comey kept quiet about this ‘bombshell’ while trying to preserve whatever integrity he has left.
There’s also no chance in hell that Comey is going to say Trump was obstructing justice because of what he has previously said to Congress. He knows full well that this entire accusation that he leaked to the media that he was asked to drop the Flynn investigation would never actually lead to a criminal charge against the President or an impeachment. One way or the other, he’ll have lied. Either on Thursday, or in his previous testimony to Congress. This isn’t really a gray area he can weasel his way out of. He can only try to claim some more lofty goal than the simple truth made him lie that other time. That being his desperate desire to preserve the integrity of the FBI’s investigation from Congress and the White House.
Lindsey Graham of all fucking people has already been raising this question publicly. It’s not going to go away quietly and Comey and the NYT’s know full well what the line of questioning will be. The GOP’s defense is obvious and they’re trying to preempt it.
That is nothing more than an irrelevant pissing match that has no real relevance outside fueling the media narrative. I think Comey gave some weasel word answer that Trump didn’t parse correctly.
The ending bit in my comment on him being a liar was referring to more than his obstruction claim against Trump. He’s been caught in lies even before all this.
Comey specifically said the *justice department* had not tried to influence his investigation. The headlines people have put on that statement he made have been misleading.
yes, i see that. but the fact is that (as i’ve said before) if he believed that Trump had actually attempted obstruction, he would have been legally obligated to report it to the DoJ. He didn’t. The fact he may not have trusted them is irrelevant, and i sincerely doubt he’ll say that.
Again, i still don’t see where the lie is. he never answered any specific questions about what Trump did or didn’t do. I expect he will testify that he did not believe that Trump attempted obstruction, and that his notes he left behind were merely documenting his ‘concern’. i expect that will pretty much end the issue.
why they were leaked is a different matter, because as you note, the press made a lot of hay pretending that it meant far more than it did. That fault isn’t on comey, but on the media’s habit of relying on anonymous sources and wildly exaggerating the significance of mundane details.
I’ve been thinking about Comey’s answer to congress in response to the DOJ pressuring him. He states clearly that any pressure to drop an investigation would be something he wouldn’t stand. It’s ridiculous to suggest that he would be thinking, “Whew. Glad they didn’t ask me about the White House” as he gave that unequivocal denunciation of outside pressure. He had the opportunity in the perfect setting to expose Trump’s alleged interference and he passed. So either Comey is a completely unreliable witness or he’s lying either now or then.
*”Now” meaning if he comes out and claims Trump pressured him
sorry – i think i mixed up you (straff) and Brochett in the course of this exchange
But the only think you’re making as the basis as the claim that a “lie” happened is the speculation that HE believes his notes were evidence of obstruction.
He has never said that – the NYT did.
Again – as long as he testifies that his notes signified nothing more than a record of a conversation, then there’s nothing to point to as a ‘lie’.
It seems the only way you get to any ‘lie’ is if he says something new contradicting his earlier testimony. But i don’t see any reason why he would do that. The only thing suggesting that he would is the NYT’s own reporting which has wildly over-stated the significance of his notes.
I had not seen the context of Comey’s quote and the specificity of the questions being asked so I was wrong enough there, though I suspect he may get plenty of push back if he tries to lawyer his way out of things given the circus they are turning this into. Though you still end up with McCabe’s statement which was to a far broader question and his failure to disclose potential obstruction. The significance of Comey’s testimony depends on his credibility in the eyes not of DC hacks or other lawyers, but the public (because the underlying issue is impeachment – which is political more than anything). It’s one big elephant I’m getting at with Comey’s past statement on interference being only part of it (though his past lies entirely relevant).
However, if Comey’s testimony is along your lines, he’d essentially be clearing Trump. Even if he goes the route he took with Hillary and questions his conduct in strong terms, he’d be pumping the breaks on any and all impeachment talk for the time being. It’d be a win for Trump who could still deny that he ever said what Comey claims. I struggle to see that taking place. I firmly believe that Comey will intentionally leave the obstruction question open-ended and let his pal Mueller decide how far he wants to push it while Comey weasels his way out of giving any firm opinion on what Trump’s intent was or whether it legally constituted obstruction. I do think he’ll say he was uncertain and taking it in the context of his larger investigation.
I don’t think Comey is going to get up and say he didn’t trust the DOJ with the information. Which is why I described the story as the gist of what his explanation will be. It’s creating the narrative before Comey gets up there, and one he can play off of. He will say that he wanted to keep the FBI’s investigation focused and its integrity intact rather than creating public scandal before it was completed (something along those lines). From past testimony of his I have watched, he’s just fine repeating the same inane answers when pushed on a subject. He’ll be vague enough to where the obstruction nonsense will live on and have legs in the media for months, and there’s the sliver of hope that Mueller will find something big enough to make going after Trump for obstruction to stick. Especially now with the media playing up the angle that Trump asked Coats to intervene with Comey, as well.
So summary – I expect Comey to go the route he took with Hillary, publicly casting aspersions on Trump’s conduct. Only, unlike Hillary, he’s not going to be doing it in the context of recommending anything. I don’t think the NYT’s is merely speculating here. This shit is coming from Comey and people in the FBI right now who are getting out ahead of inevitable attacks on his credibility during and after his testimony. Comey will “stop short” and let this get messier. Comey’s testimony isn’t the Super Bowl but just another step in a long process of discrediting Trump with potential legal ramifications down the road for his associates or even him personally.
How does Comey saying that the Justice department never ordered him to kill an FBI investigation “in his experience” square with Comey announcing that no charges would be pursued against Hillary Clinton over her email server?
The FBI does not have the authority to decide whether charges are pursued. That authority belongs to the Attorney General’s office–the Justice department. How could Comey publicly announce on television that no charges would be pursued without any instruction from the Justice department?
I don’t believe it. I think the Attorney General told him to kill that investigation–because Obama was known to have sent classified emails to Clinton’s server under a pseudonym.
The South Florida Water Management district has real-time rain gauges all over South Florida. This is just since 7 AM this morning, and it’s still pouring
That’s all swampland in the middle right?
Where you see that 5.61″ marker (which is up to 6.27″ in the 25 minutes since I took that snapshot) is about as far west as civilization goes on the east side of things. And then everything is swampland until you get about 15 miles from the coast on the west coast side.
Dayum, I see 7+ on the east coast too. I have to say, that’s a lot of rain.
This is the real-time gauge. All the rain has been centered around Broward, Palm Beach and Collier counties. Pretty sharp degradations down when you get outside that range.
I have a lot of coworkers in Ft Lauderdale, that’s in the same area right? I’ll have to ask them tomorrow.
Fort Lauderdale is the same area (it’s also where I work).
Heh, you don’t happen to work for a large multinational insurance conglomerate, do you?
I do not. Private law firm.
Was even worse on the west coast yesterday (this is 24 hours ending 7 AM this morning). Those 10+” areas are places where people live.
holy shit
Businesses would shut down if we had that much rain. And downtown floods on the regular. I got into a thing with Ron at the Auld Site about it once.
However, when a school promises free expression, as Drexel has done, it must follow through on that promise and be guided by the principles behind our nation’s First Amendment jurisprudence. Instead, Drexel is directly contradicting those promises by continuing to investigate him.
No FIRE, Drexel’s (or any private institution’s ) promise must be guided by whatever contract there is securing that promise and the 1A doesn’t have shit to do with it. They’re also free to break that contract so long as they pay the consequences for doing so.
I’m not happy being disgusted by civil libertarians but they seem to be slowly succumbing to entryists and it is becoming more clear that they believe some people’s expression is freer, and more deserving of protection, than others.
The Popehat guy is one of the worst where even criticizing some speech is to be decried because it encourages those with the power deny tenure (w/o citing said speech as the reason why) to an associate at a public college.
FIRE looks at free speech in two areas when it comes to private entities: Moral and legal obligations. Where a college promises free speech but doesn’t deliver, they’ll call them out on their moral obligation. But there are times when there’s a legal, contractual basis based on what exactly the school has promised.
I really don’t have the problem most of you seem to with the “I think this is disgusting but you’ve got the absolute right to do it” statement. I give you more freedom than I’d take for myself. That’s a good thing.
There’s a line there that I would think Ken@Popehat would be more interested in, namely that Drexel is a private institution, with no particular onus to retain someone whose conduct they find objectionable regardless of whether or not it has to do with free speech or not. If Mozilla was laudable for freezing out Brendan Eich for donating to Prop 8, then Drexel should be equally applauded for investigating the speech of this guy.
My kid loves Zootopia, and I love anything that buys me an hour and a half of time to clean and get ready to go to work. Plus, it’s a fun movie and I’m fine with it, but for one part, where the fox is told by an elephant that the elephant (who owns an ice cream parlor) has a right to deny service to anyone. This is clearly put forward as a dick move by the elephant–and it is, in context–but it’s also his right. If property rights mean anything, they have to apply all the time, not just when 51% of the people think it’s ok. A right that only applies sometimes and at the acquiescence of other people isn’t a right, it’s a privilege.
Yeah, that’s sort of my view. Drexel can be entirely true to their moral obligation towards free speech, AND fire the guy. They would only be violating it if they retained him as a prof, but *told him to shut the fuck up*.
If they say, “hey, you’re free to say whatever you want”… but then fire him for saying dumb shit, that’s not any violation of free speech imo.
I don’t get it. These people want to fly with an airline who hires lazy tweeters?
I have some friends whose significant others are… not geniuses. When I make silly little offhand jokes that are worth a smirk at best, they laugh themselves to tears, and I’m afraid I’ll embarrass them if I don’t laugh along. That’s what this Tomi/Tami thing feels like. One of John’s typos would fly right over their heads.
I don’t get it either.
They’re good airlines, Brent.
What that says to me is that there are some people who spend too much time on twitter. Surprise, they’re also the people for whom the political is personal. One of them had a covfefe handle, ffs.
“Tomi Lahren got inadvertently shaded by an airline on Twitter, and people were really into it.”
This is not fucking journalism. Ugh.
Oh I’m sorry, it’s under the mantle of “Comedy” on HuffPo. My bad. HUR DUR DUR HUR DUR
From chip leader to the felt in three hands….two bad decisions on my part and a river killer for the other. So it goes.
“So it goes”
Were you playing against Vonnegut?
I thought because we touched feet he wouldn’t call me down. The bastard.
You play off the cards only or do you try to get reads? I’d think footsie would be some kind of tell.
I play situations. Cards don’t matter so much. It’s more about what they don’t have more than what you have.
Though in Pot Limit Omaha cards do matter more than in Hold ’em. Because with four cards that’s six possible starting hands. But the way people bet after the flop tells you a lot about where they’re at.
They know that you know that they know what you are trying to fetch them to believe their story. It’s the poison drinking scene from Princess Bride. Kudos to you if enjoy unraveling that type of mystery. I spent years sharpening my blackjack skills and could regularly keep my mistakes down enough to have about a 50.5 winning %. Counting cards was less headache inducing than figuring out what a person is doing and why.
Just like blackjack It’s all odds.
Just need to have an idea of what the other players’ ranges are (what cards they are willing to call or raise with), what position they’re in, are they a bully (means they will raise with weaker hands), are they desperate (again weaker hands are in play), are they pissed at me specifically or on tilt generally, do they seem tired or distracted, and what kind of image I think they see of me, from there you figure where you’re at in the hand and then you roughly calculate what kind of return to expect on the chips your putting in.
The difference is in blackjack you have a much more precise idea of your odds where as in poker, unless you’re a genius at both math and psychology you can only have an approximate idea of your exact odds in many situations. Though you can be really close and some things are dead easy like knowing if calling to chase a straight or flush is worth it.
But in PLO you might be getting the right odds to chase your flush but what if there’s a pair on the board? That means a full house or quads are in play (much likelier in PLO than HE) and so you’d better know your other players and what their bets are telling you.
The psychological component is what makes it so fun to watch. Love watching WSOP, especially since I get to see all the hole cards. My game for the 20 years is backgammon. Similar to poker in that people will go on tilt and take chances from a weak position. The dice are the flop. Think I’ll stick with BG given I’m way to old to start betting real money on a game I’m just a casual observer of.
I love Backgammon as well, though I’ve never played for money. It’s been years though.
I have several of the books like Playing Backgammon for Blood and Backgammon Bootcamp that are all about being a throat-slitting blot-master and doubler.
And I don’t play for huge amounts just enough to help out the household budget while I relax a bit.
BG is fun because if you’re not using a doubling cube, you can really stretch the game out and increase your odds of winning against weak players. Of course they get pissed by the time they figure out what you’re doing. Mechanical advantage increases with time and/or distance.
So, they officially fired old guy today. I objected, vigorously. They told me that they didn’t fire him for drinking on the job, they eliminated his position, and kept hammering the point that he signed a separation agreement.
Of course he fucking signed it! He’s damn near 70 and can’t very well get a new job if he has to put on a application that he lost his job of ten years because he was drinking on the job, which he wasn’t.
I’m so mad that I’m not sure what I’m going to do.
One thing I’m not going to do is keep quite. “This is an internal employee matter, you must keep quiet”. Fuck that. Dude got screwed, and I’m telling everyone the real story. Wanna die me too? They have no idea how much money firing that man is going to cost them, just to get the same work done. I’ve been drinking and thinking, and still don’t know what I’m going to do. Guess drink and think some more.
Not an easy way.
That sucks, man. Do you need this job? Can you move on? I’ve lost many a position because I think that I’m a lot less expressive than I am. Ironically, part of my appeal in my current job is that I’m the angry web developer, like if Ron Swanson and Begby had a test-tube baby. I’m not sure if people at my job take me seriously, which is probably for the best.
I’ve been thinking about it. I’ve got a pretty good skill set, without bragging but bragging. I can build a building from the foundation to the roof, excepting major electric.
The money in Denver right now is fix and flips, and the guys flipping it ain’t the guy fixing it. I know more about remodeling… Well, I’m knowledgeable about my field. Course, most of the work i hate. God, drywall, painting, etc, is so fucking monotonous. Of course, i should be running the company and have guys to do that shit. Ok, I’ma get off my ass and make a million.
Maybe “tedious” instead of “monotonous”.
Either way, not work for the sober, sane, or well shod.
Pop in a podcast while doing it? As for the old guy, have you asked him what he wants you to do?
You misunderstand: if i don’t want to do it, then i don’t (usually, within reason, etc).
I just know that, if I choose to do that, i could make serious bank.
But, I’m old. I’m like, 47. I’m not doing that work. If i just bought a truck with a back seat and hired 5 guys… They don’t even have to know shit: I’ll show them how to do it.
I guess I’m just too lazy. Naw, this is what i need to do.
Well, I don’t know the biz, but I’ve got family in the trades who are general contractors now. They make money hand over fist and they’re their own boss, but it all depends on the market. The one who’s doing the best, which is to say the income is most stable, is a master plumber, and the other is a master electrician. If there’s a parallel, I know code, but I also know that I can’t do that for too much longer, so I’m working on bolstering my resume in terms of doing the architecture and management bits more these days. I’d love to go out on my own, but there’s so much competition it’s tough to just kind of say, “Hey, I can do your web stuff, pay me,” and actually make a living around here.
You know, Bill, i think you and i are kinda being pussies. Why are we doing the work that makes somebody else money, when we can do that work for our own profit?
I’m wasting a golden opportunity to make a fortune in Denver, CO, one of the fastest growing cities.
You, likewise, know your trade, sick is also full of money making potential.
Let’s take over the world (and leave everybody alone)
Honestly? Because I have a wife, a kid, and debt. If I could pull in what I make right now by working on my own, I’d do it tomorrow. Really, I’d love to, and I’m trying to figure out a way I can transition into that. I mean, I started off as a college dropout Poli Sci major and got started in this career based on remembering programming stuff from fifteen years ago and making a portfolio while I did courses on Code School. I’d love to make a living as a consultant, but I’m not sure I can pull that off yet.
Yeah bra. I’m there. Except my wife died three years ago and i lost everything. So what the hell am i risking? Nothing! I need to do this. Denver is the perfect place too; I’ma make millions
do it.
Sounds like a serious situation.
Due to my ignorance of the details, I can’t say anything constructive except to offer prayers and best wishes.
My wife loves the show Suits but goddamn it’s a fucking grind to watch.
It’s all blackmail all the time. Everyone does it to everyone else. Even friends and lovers do it to each other.
Man, that is hard to watch.
Why do you watch it, then?
I’m in the room.
I think I’ve seen every episode of GIlmore Girls (except the new stuff) because of this conundrum.
Never seen an ep but the wife is thinking of putting it on her binge list.
Tv on. Yup, we are hard wired to watch any movement. Try to read a book in a room where the TV is on, even if the sound is muted.
Go ahead, we’ll wait.
Ok. How’d that work?