Pretty much nothing happened in the sports world yesterday except the Astros inexplicably lost a game they were easily winning. And some dude named Scooter from the Reds went completely insane with the bat. I don’t mean he went off in a bad way. Dude went yard four times!
And in case any of you care about tennis, Djoker is in trouble this morning in Paris. Meanwhile the women are also playing but its pretty much down to a bunch of randoms since Serena is knocked up and its the French Open.
No basketball. No hockey. No college baseball (go Noles and Frogs! according to my unscientific fan poll yesterday) for another couple days. Let’s all try to get through together.
OK, that was weak. Let’s all hope it gets better when I bring you…the links!
Fuck you, I’m Millwall! Nothing else needs to be said. Oh wait, one question: did they give his balls their own wheelchair when they released him from hospital, or did they have two nurses there to carry them individually?
I might believe some of this if there were one single cited source used. Also I might believe it if it didn’t involve a grown man, and one of the most powerful grown men in the world from a political standpoint, begging another grown man to not leave him alone with someone else. Because unless that other man is Hannibal Lector, all it means if that the requester is a big, giant pussy. Or the story is total bullshit. There can be no third explanation that I can think of.
Meanwhile, in another story where there are only third-hand accounts and no record of the subjects bringing it to the attention of anyone important…well, read for yourself. Lots of conjecture and “familiar with his way of thinking” going on again. But its WaPo, so what do you expect?
(Alright, we’re three links in and only one of the stories involves somebody with balls. And its not even an American with a lot of power. Its a commoner from Millwall!)
Here’s a little Reality for you. Family shocked!
Church puts message on sign. Shitstorm ensues. Church explains message. Shit-stormers not impressed.
Taxpayers fucked over. Apparent shitbags get to keep shitbagging while sucking on government teat. Pretty much life as usual for the Seattle area.
I’ll wait till tomorrow to get the tequila and limes out for boat drinks. Instead I’ll explain how Banjos and I met. Although we named our kids better.
Have a great day, friends! And try to be more like the guy in the first link instead of the people in the rest of them. Except the music one. That guy os alright.
34) You ever wonder why health care costs are so high? Or why you often have to travel far to get the medical services you need for your condition? Look at this shit.
How does a judge have any right to stop a hospital starting a new program, based on the fact that there’s already one in the same state? For that matter, why is that even subject to review by something called the “Maryland Health Care Commission?” I mean, maybe there’s a case for the existence of such a commission to make sure hospitals are meeting certain standards of care, but how the hell is it in its remit to review business decisions? If a hospital in one county thinks it can make money offering a service already offered one county over, competition can only benefit all consumers in the area.
It’s tempting for me to write this off as just a Socialist Republic of Maryland thing, but I know similar anti-competitive behavior takes place among Virginia hospitals too. My guess is this is pretty widespread across the US. Do states want to lower medical costs for their residents? How about start cutting this shit out and allowing real competition in your health markets.
Do states want to lower medical costs for their residents?
If it means a petty beurocrat loses his share of control, then no.
Do states want to lower medical costs for their residents?
About as much as the AMA does.
AMA: “Hey, look over there!”
You can’t fix healthcare, there to much money in it, to paraphrase the philosophers
Read the article and I have to say I respect these people who can argue with a straight face competition might take away customers. BAD. I say they should ban other software firms in my city otherwise they might cannibalize, CANNIBALIZE I SAY, customers from existing software firms.
It’s the free market in action!
I remember Reason used to cover these Certificate of Need stories really well, but I noticed that the state in question was always Virginia, so I assumed that was the only place that did this. Godamit.
I forget the exact count but something like 33 states have certificate of need laws. The feds used too as well but repealed it.
If we can’t count on the feds to cronyize this shit, we’re going to have to do it ourselves! /states
So my daughter was born at AAMC and I live about three miles away. Something similar happened recently in Virginia, and there was a write up about it at The Other Site, as I recall. There’s also some local beef going on here, I think. AAMC is in Annapolis, which is a nice part of AA county. PG county has a lot of places that are horrid shitholes and a few places that are kind of up-and-coming DC bedroom communities, such as Largo. There’s a lot of “white flight”–the joke for a long time has been that people move to AA from PG to get away from all the black people–and there’s a fairly significant difference in the tax base between the two, in AA’s favor.
Here’s a fun demographic fact: Largo claims 92% African-American residents, about 4% white; Annapolis: 26% and 60% respectively. Median household income for Annapolis was $70k in 2007; Largo: $58k. PG county has long had a weird inferiority complex and a lot of it is based in the rampant racial animosity of this area. It definitely pervades county government, and I would not be in the least surprised to find that there’s a little bit of a pissing contest going on here.
Oh, and it turns out Judge Woodard is an African-American woman. Shocking.
Turns out her name rings a bell for a reason. Here’s another interesting case she’s been involved with. It may come as a surprise, but the officers in question are African-Americans, and the victim is white.
People think I’m exaggerating when I refer to the Great Race Wars of the DMV, but it’s a real thing.
What the heck? Where’d muh link go? Anyway, Google “UMD police beating”. Basically, a kid got the shit beaten out of him after a Maryland game by a couple of cops in riot gear. The jury convicted one of them. She overturned the verdict, and was basically just psyssed that black cops beat a middle-class white kid up. Turns out she had a relationship with a cop who himself had a few brutality charges under his belt, something she failed to reveal before hearing the case. She’s a shameful, disgusting person who shouldn’t have the authority to buy her own postage stamps much less determine the law.
OK, I’m an idiot, I shouldn’t Google something like that beating and cover up without nut protection.
I will never understand how a judge can overturn a verdict. What the fuck was the point of having a jury?
Wasn’t there an article recently at TSTSNBN about state-enforced health treatment monopolies?
Tangential: these guys are awesome. Would love if they opened a franchise in NoVA.
Yeah, I would like to see primary care providers like this multiply across the land. Having a consumer culture that demands pricing information and genuine pricing not subject to central planning would do more to reform the system for the better than another hundred rounds of legislative “reform”.
The Econtalk this week talked tangentially about them and how what they are doing is just flat out not possible in many US states.
Yeah, the People’s Republic of NoVA would probably shut them down.
Yeah, look up “Certificate of Need” and be horrified. You are literally not allowed to set up a medical business that the government thinks will fail, because I guess you need to be protected from wasting your money. Or something.
Certificates of need aren’t unique to Maryland.
Oh, look it’s everyone’s favorite
far right extremistliberal Republican, Richard Milhous Nixon.Oh, I should have read further down the page, I guess, before commenting about the big CON.
“How does a judge have any right to stop a hospital starting a new program, based on the fact that there’s already one in the same state?”
It’s called cronyism. And no, this does not happen only in Maryland.
The reason healthcare is so expensive here in the US has nothing to do with the actual costs of healthcare. It’s a combination of things like you’re talking about here along with the stranglehold the FDA has on new treatments and technologies getting to market.
10-20 years and billions of dollars just to bring a single new drug to market? At the rate of technology today, that drug or device is already obsolete years before it makes it and then the cost is astronomical for years just to recover the cost.
Open up the market, deregulate and scale the FDA back to it’s original scope and watch prices plummet. There’s no way our current mafioso in DC are
going to let that happen. A pox on all of them.
An emergency room near me in MoCo was shut down for the same reason. Pure stupidity.
from the Millwall article:
Mr Larner added: “I stood in front of them trying to fight them off. Everyone else ran to the back.
Any men who ran out the back should be ashamed of themselves.
Something something hold their manhood cheap…
I like the way Billy Zane tells it.
Yesterday we were discussing this and what our reactions would have been under the circumstances. Generally my first reaction to a knife-wielding psycho charging into my immediate area would be “run”. But I don’t think there’s any way I’d watch this guy start a charge and not join in.
Generally avoiding violence is a good idea. Watching an older man go toe to toe 3:1 is not one of those times.
That’s one of those situations where there’s almost a logarithmic relationship between the number of people you bring to bear in a charge and the chances each person has of escaping serious injury. Knife or no, you’ll get one good stab or slash in and then you’re going to be crushed by the mob.
Exactly, if the crowd rushes them they can get in about 1 stab each, which means at most three people injured.
Like the guy in Lilyhammer, huh.
That’s a pretty cool thing for a mom to say.
I don’t even follow soccer at all and even I know that Millwall fans are supposed to be lunatics.
“I’d had four or five pints. – nothing major”.
This is my hero.
Second that emotion..
“I thought, ‘I need to take the p*** out of these b******s’.””
Similar to this.
I have no idea what he said, but I think it was “come get some”.
Daffodil the fugitive donkey evades capture in Plymouth
Fight the power!
What an ass.
Et tu?
*narrows gaze*
Can porn be feminist? These female directors say ‘yes’
The best thing about Pornhub is the comments
I read Playboy for the articles.
It’s been quite a few years since I was much of a porn consumer. Sounds like things are a lot different today than I remember from college/early adulthood.
Yeah, we no longer have to navigate the caves to find where the dirty drawings are scrawled.
*har har har*
Well porn actresses can whine about the patriarchy while performing, So guess porn can be feminist. But they need to do something about the wage gap.
Reason did an article about how black men don’t get paid enough for cuckold porn…so covered?
Thigh gap fights the wage gap.
“Key characteristics of feminist porn include clear verbal consent, sex positivity and inclusive casting of women that encompasses different ages, body types, races and ethnicities.”
That sounds just like regular porn.
“clear verbal consent”
“Oh yeah baby. I want that cock in me so bad, oh yeah”
and inclusive casting of women that encompasses different ages, body types,
Who the hell wants to watch ugly fat people fuck? Although I guess there’s a market, no matter how small, for everything.
It’s a category on Youporn, along with “German”, which I find hilarious.
Sounds like those intersect.
Sometimes. And there’s lots of wearing of gym socks.
Rule 34?
So “mainstream” porn offers women nothing but women like the raunchy stuff just as much as men do. Apparently feminists can’t even be consistent on minor issues that have nothing to do with principles. Shit, they can’t even be consistent within the span of one paragraph.
Definition of feminist pr0n: I’m just gonna sit here and whine for an hour or two because no one wants to fuck me. Hey, why is no one watching my video!
When I was growing up, people would say someone was incompetent by saying they could “fuck up a wet dream”.
Feminist porn seems to come very close to precisely this.
Recently I saw something about “sex positive” porn. I was thinking “isn’t pretty much all porn sex positive?” So I went to look it up. It means ugly people.
Oh shit. These are the morning links.
I saw the Dead Milkmen when they came to my town in high school. Between a couple of the songs, Joe Jack started telling this really funny rambling story about something that happened to him when he was driving around earlier that day. He used the names of local roads and diners and everything, so it seemed like a pretty real story, until he was about 10 minutes in and mentioned how he was driving a BITCHIN CAMARO! By that time everybody had caught on and shouted it along with him. Great show.
I missed the Dead Milkmen – I was a wee lad of 15.
But did get to see The Descendants and Dag Nasty. Good show, even though I ended up in the slam pit with a bunch of skinheads who didn’t like my 80s mullet. I also lost my shoe so I was hopping up and down on one foot, trying to find it in the melee.
Dag Nasty was a highly underrated and undeservedly forgotten band. I would have loved to have been at that show.
Dag Nasty – Can I Say
Love that. This should be in the discussion somewhere, too.
Oh yeah – burned out the tape of that.
Forgot to add – that was the first punk show I ever went to – before that I only owned one or two Dead Kennedy records. Needless to say that show changed the direction of my teenage musical journey; no longer was I listening to my brother’s music.
The Dead Kennedys played at my high school under the name The Pink Twinkies.
The Descendents are back together and touring again. I saw them back when I was in high school once, and have a ticket to catch their show when it comes to town.
I just introduced by son to The Descendents and 7 Seconds. He’s had them on high rotation for the past week.
Fargo human relations panel to study Woodrow Wilson school name issue
Haha! The progs finally noticed! Oh wait, this is in North Dakota. Hmm.
Oh, there are plenty of progs in Fargo. This Shaw guy who wrote the column is one.
Here’s the OpEd piece that started it.
Shaw: It’s time to rename Woodrow Wilson High School
Only because he said racist things that were perfectly in line with goodthink of the era, not because his policies as president resulted in unprecedented levels of theft through central banking that funded massive wars from which the West has never and possibly will never fully recover from. Because progs are stupid and their biggest concerns are about the proper arrangement of the deck chairs on a sinking ship.
Most important for this particular prog; now he can point to this article every time he shouts “racist!” at a conservative and piously claim, “I call out racism wherever I see it.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if Wilson becomes a sacrificial lamb of the left for this exact reason.
Margaret Sanger High School, then!
Instead I’ll explain how Banjos and I met.
As soon as I saw Dead Milkmen I thought Spit Sink
It would be mean to suggest Takin Retards to the Zoo, right?
Um, maybe a little.
She loves him for his Bitchin’ Camaro
::good edit faerie is in a good mood today::
effin’ autocorrect
More like Real Loser, amirite?
/looks for high fives.
*high five!*
*Get’s a good run for a chest bump*
In Bizarro World it’s Delusion Loser. Why is my world crashing in around me????
She was definitely a Block Insane Yomamma voter
The NFL is bigoted? Maybe toward white cornerbacks?
The NFL won’t employ persons of color!!!!
Well, they don’t employ many transsexual persons of color. I mean as far as we know. Maybe they’re just too afraid to come out yet. This sounds like a serious problem that BSPN needs to talk about all next season.
If there’s one place where institutional racism still holds the black man down and shuts him out from participation it’s professional sports.
I am sure the NFL is devastated.
They instituted the Rooney Rule just to give more minority coaches and front office personally opportunities. They have a very high % of minority players. Plenty of minority officials. They’re a pretty diverse league except for their (((front office))).
I’m sure they’re quaking in their boots over the complaints of one SJW agitator.
Actually white guys are under-represented in the league based on population. I wonder if Shaun King wants to address that.
Sports would be great if they set up some sort of system that would allow the coaches and scouts to evaluate the players, then determine who the best players are from that system. Then we’d get contests involving the best players in the world competing.
They must be doing something differently. Why else would a keen social observer like Shaun King complain?
“Disparate impact.”
Don’t try and tell me there aren’t any good white RBs.
And don’t get me going about what I think about basketball.
Does Peyton Hillis’ one crazy 1500 yard season count?
How a man that slow ever gained that many yards in the NFL is one of the great mysteries of our time.
Maybe because power is just as effective if not better than speed at the position for a particular style of RB?
Larry Csonka agrees.
a friend of mine tutored Peyton Hill is when he was at the U of A. She was not complimentary on his cognitive abilities. He was a beast of a player though.
So he turned her down, huh?
Zack Zenner!
You call it “African handball” in private, don’t you?
There are no good white RBs. Was that ok? There are however some good white WRs, but it’s only because privilege.
“BLACKlisting?!?! That’s racist!!!”
Well, I’m boycotting Shaun King because he’s an idiot.
Is it really a boycott when you never followed him anyway?
Would it be petty to follow him specifically to unfollow him?
You should ask the progs this question, they’re experts.
Seriously, over at DU a few days ago, they were going to boycott all small businesses because too many small business owners voted for Trump. So now they’re only going to support large corporations. You can’t make this shit up.
That’s awesome. I’m glad that Best Buy and Kmart are leading lights of progressivism now.
wait, what? They did? When? Because the world seemed to put up with an entire season of his bullshit before they decided to get ‘bigoted’. Or did he just get benched? what is he bitching about exactly? Does no one want to pick up his contract because he’s a whiny bitch? I don’t call that bigotry = i call that just deserts. You can have all the free speech in the world, bro, but it doesn’t mean people need to put up with your shit.
You forget, in progworld, “refusing to pay for” = “denying access”. So of course refusing to hire him because his play isn’t good enough to balance out his bullshit posturing is “bigoted”.
If Colin knew how to make good decisions in his throws, stay in the pocket longer and not get happy feet, he’d be starting somewhere right now – and nobody on his team would give 2 shits about whether he stood up for the national anthem.
The guy is broken and not committed. Pete Carroll passed up on him for a backup and that guy put up with the antics of Sherman and Lynch.
King strikes as more of synchronized swimming kind of guy. Is it really a boycott if you wouldn’t have watched to begin with?
Such a romantic, Sloopy.
The Hunting Ground- Yoga Edition
Unfortunately, the case of Mr. Choudhury is not unique. In 2016, a beloved teacher in the New York City-based Jivamukti Yoga center, known for its celebrity clientele, was sued, along with the center and its leaders, for sexual abuse by her mentee. John Friend’s Anusara community was rocked and dissolved in 2012 after he was discovered having affairs with married students and performing Wiccan-like sex rituals. Kripalu’s Amrit Desai was accused of sexual misconduct and abuse of authority in 1994 and a $2.5 million settlement was paid (the Kripalu Center in Massachusetts divorced itself from Desai and reorganized). And there are, of course, countless under-the-radar stories of yoga teachers coming on to students or touching them inappropriately in class.
This must stop. As a practitioner of yoga for 20 years who has been teaching for a decade, I know that people often approach spiritual practices like yoga and meditation when they are vulnerable. They come recovering from broken bones and hearts, and usually at some greater personal crossroads. They come with trauma, addictions or eating disorders. They come after divorce. They come with hope.
I’m a bad person. This made me laugh.
“They come after divorce. They come with hope.”
I don’t know where they come from but they sure do come. I hope they’re comin’ for me!
+1 Uncle Ted
Yoga teachers just need a 1000 hour mandatory training course and a two year licensing process.
This guy gets it ^^^^
“I believe all organized yoga teacher training should include training in ethics”
It already does.
(And teacher training is 500-hour.)
Well it’s obviously not enough, now isn’t it?
spiritual practices like yoga and meditation
say what now?
Watching bendy yoga girls definitely brings one closer to god.
Highly recommended.
I thought it was to help you be able to reach your own junk?
Do you have little Tyrannosaurus Rex arms?
Are you sure he’s trying to use his arms?
abuse of authority
Say what now?
Great now I have to look at pictures of hot women doing yoga on google images for the next hour. Damn…
The sacrifices some people must make… for the good of all, you know…
“The Hunting Ground”
RAPINGHUNTING GROUND!Trump says he will nominate Christopher Wray as FBI director
Here’s some info about Mr. Wray: apparently has a lot of experience with fraud investigations, specifically Enron.
I hear he has ties to Russia. Though this was only discovered today.
Discovered or created?
I thought for sure he was going to nominate some guy named Sergei.
Thin, heavyset fellow?
SJWednesday: I Have No Idea What You’re Talking About Edition
I always check for straight ID cards at the door whenever I have a get-together. It never occurred to me that bisexuals might be using fake licenses.
There was a pop-up ad that read “Healing From Toxic Whiteness”
Do I need to see a doctor?
“Toxic Whiteness” is what happens when us pale people stay out in the sun too long, right?
Like on the freeway?
Does that have something to do with skiing etiquette? Or lane changes while driving? I don’t know what any of that means.
Male Rape May Be More Common Than Previously Thought
So you’re saying there’s still hope?
One time I was standing in line at the grocery store checkout. This woman behind me is cramming in close to me so she can get her merchandise up on the conveyor belt. Suddenly, she sneezes all over my shoulder. I was so traumatized and ashamed that I didn’t call the cops. But I’m pretty sure I might be a male sexual assault survivor.
Call them now. It’s OK to change your mind later about sexual assault.
It’s the “brave” thing to do.
Gross. You should get an AIDS test
Is “merchandise” a euphemism? Because if so, I think you may be right.
Monroe Ficus hardest hit?
They’re missing an “alleged” in there.
No, they are most definitely not. you misogynist rape denying shitlord!
Someone needs to start collecting statistics on Sasquatch rape.
I read somewhere that slightly more men are raped than women in the US when you factor in the prison rape rate. I’m skeptical of that claim, but it would be startling if true. If true, I suppose the progressive solution would be to increase the rape of women to offset the prison rape problem.
No, the progressive solution would be to ignore and dismiss anything other than their hobbyhorse as illegitimate and not worthy of attention.
Who deserves to be raped more than some cis shiitlord, anyway?
From the WA Trump/Russia story.
“Director Coats does not discuss his private conversations with the President. However, he has never felt pressured by the President or anyone else in the Administration to influence any intelligence matters or ongoing investigations.”
That is about the only sourced quote in the whole piece.
Implicit bias: Is everyone racist?
I’m not racist except for the coons, wops, spics, and the daigos. Everyone else is just fine.
Canadian lover !
it makes me chuckle when old people say racist things. It’s like when little kids are brutally honest.
You’re supposed to be outraged. Do your research.
I was hoping to enact your labor for me.
I used to chuckle, then I started to get old.
Now I get away with sometimes saying racist things.
And then I chuckle.
I can’t see that working out for me too well.
Me: “Back in my day, them coons knew their place!”
Little Billy: “Grandpa, you were born in the 1980’s. You’re a terrible person.”
So, you’re good with gooks and the yids?
It depends. But no Irish!
Oh, well, that goes without saying!
Sometimes. Avenue Q covered this. With puppets.
We had “implicit bias” “training” at work. (Sorry for all the qualifications.) It wasn’t mandatory, so I skipped it. The person who did “worse” on the final “exam?” The Bernie voter girl who is so sensitive about everything.
Its because she cares too much.
The pained look on her face when I call her a racist and warn people about her implicit bias is as sweet to me as the finest honey.
The idea of subconscious racism is bullshit. Imagine if someone doesn’t like brussel sprouts. Then a social scientist gives them a test and says “no you actually like brussel sprouts you just don’t know it.”
Which slur is brussel sprouts?
Obviously that’s a slur against the NATO leadership. I’m not sure it qualifies as racism though.
I thought we settled on miserable fat Belgian bastards?
I’m not sure it qualifies as racism though.
I guess it doesn’t unless you’re a Belgian midget.
I’ve taken a number of those implicit bias tests and I think they’re totally full of shit. Yes, yes, I’m biased against minorities. That must be why I was working overtime around the holidays to buy the minority I was in a relationship with something special.
Republicans worried about leaks consider cutting back surveillance authority
“Party in power realizes that all the power they’ve accumulated to themselves is biting them in the ass”
Maybe something worthwhile will come out of all that nonsense after all.
…Poe’s Law?
He keeps his genie in a box?
What a fucking weirdo.
Leave your stupid comments in your pocket!
/The Room
Farmers Face Uphill Battle in Right to Repair Tractors
Shitty, but it’s happening everywhere. Open the hood of a new BMW and despair.
I actually have some sympathy for the manufacturers in this regard. The feds pull emissions and safety standards out of their asses and expect companies to build to it.
Still, though, let us fix our stuff if we so choose.
Yes. I deal in construction equipment and it’s absolutely horrible. The EPA has optimized emissions at the expense of every single other performance metric.
There are many shops around my area who will delete the DEF program in your truck for a small fee.
I avoid Tier 4f equipment like the plague. I’d rather buy used equipment and put a re-man engine in it.
That sounds like a great way to get your fleet shut down by DOT.
Scruffy, do you guys get credit for HP that’s repowered and set up with a Huss system or something like it? Or are they enforcing any of the power stuff yet?
Also, you want a D6K XL I’m looking to move right now? I need it gone.
IDK if they would do it on fleet vehicles. They do it all the time on ton trucks and I have never heard of there being an issue.
Out of my weight class. I stay 6 tons and under and primarily specialty equipment.
I agree it’s shitty for the farmers, but a mandate that they provide proprietary information to third parties for the expedience of their customers isn’t proper, IMO. The farmers should leverage their bargaining power. This is like making software vendors release their source code. Maybe they should. it’d be nice if they did. A lot of them do, thanks to pressure from open source software. But when you get the government involved you’re committing a greater infringement of rights than the “right” to fix your unsupported product.
Part of the problem is the DMCA anti-circumvention clause. Here’s a brief write up on it.
I’m familiar with those rules but hadn’t really considered their impact on this particular issue. Makes sense. One ridiculous mandate begets another.
I believe it’s also been used to try to prevent people from tuning their own cars. So, so stupid.
Blame California. They’re the ones that imposed all those retarded ass CARB regs that caused manufacturers of yellow iron to develop the new engines. Of course the people that make farm tractors were gonna put them in their machines as well, seeing as there is a lot of crossover in how the two product groups are powered.
What are we up to now, Tier IV? The intracicies of those power units are way beyond the skills of a shade tree mechanic.
Tier 4f
They’re dogshit machines. They require computers on the engines in order to maintain emissions. You can’t modify anything without violating laws. They’re notoriously unreliable. Maintenance must be performed at exact intervals in order to keep them running. And fuel consumption actually goes up.
It’s worse for the on-road guys. Try taking one of those new trucks over the grapevine with a trailer full of quickrete pallets. Not only will you be lucky to make it, your I’ll be lucky to not get run over by the trucks that don’t have to comply with the law* that come in from Mexico every day.
*Trucks from other states can drive through CA a couple times a year if they’re out of compliance. Trucks from Mexico can come and go as they please but can’t stay overnight unless they’re on a trip through the state. So now you’ve got people running tier 0 fleets from TJ into LA every day (3 hour drive) and fleet operators from CA being priced out of the market because they’re turning trucks over every 2-3 years and after 100,000 miles that should last 10 years and 1,500,000 miles at least.
Fucking Golden State assclowns.
That should be sports team.
Buying that 1960-something car is looking more and more probable.
1972 is the last year of emission free cars. Although I believe CA makes you put on some shit that fucks with your tuning.
Boy, things changed quickly. I used to sell construction equipment for a living, and one of our selling points was that it was relatively easy to work on our equipment (except for the engines, obviously; but even those were do-able). I guess I should never underestimate the ability (and willingness) of government to fuck up anything and everything it touches.
I don’t know what bothers me more, the obsessive genuflection or the fact that major corporations waste so much money on worthless virtue-signaling bullshit.
Can Michelle Obama Please Be My Life Coach?
More like FLOATUS a clue, amirite?
I really hate that phrase ” The ________ America didn’t/doesn’t deserve”
What we really deserve is a sex bomb first lady… oh wait!
Since you got me in the right state of mind earlier….Flipper!
I don’t see a problem with it – I truly don’t know what I could have done to deserve the Obamas.
You know what you did. This is all your fault.
Well, we really didn’t deserve the Obamas, just not in the way that the jezzies mean.
“Rufus here for (((Glibertarian Semi-News Services))), but can you crack a walnut on your forehead?’
Hmmmm, that name sounds familiar. I wonder where I know her from?
Another reason I hate Apple.
So Apple runs themselves like a university administration? That will end well.
I’d love it if they treated her like Milton from Office Space.
Thanks for pointing that out. I was familiar with the EPA Lisa Jackson but I wouldn’t have connected the dots there.
Did she discuss with Lisa Jackson the merits of evading oversight by setting up dummy email accounts to conduct official business?
Goddamned right we didn’t deserve her.
Tiny Jumping Spiders Can See the Moon. Apparently the also chase laser pointer, a useless factoid I was not aware of.
Alan Dershowitz: Tolerance for anti-Semitism is growing on both sides of the aisle
The Islam/Feminism connection has to be one of the most retarded cultural movements in history. You have to be a mental midget to accept that level of cognitive dissonance,
Wasn’t there a group called Queers for Palestine? I’d say they would be the undisputed champs in that category.
I’m still struggling with WTF leftist feminists think they’re getting when they support institutionalizing Islam. Are they being stereotypical women, thinking they can “change” Islam to make it be nice to women?
More likely just a simple case of herd mentality. The left loves Islam, and feminism is a leftist movement, so Islam is good.
I think that for thought leaders on the left (not necessarily the progs that follow them), wealth disparity is more important than religion. Because Muslims are on average poorer than Jews as a demographic, they are automatically higher on their intersectional pyramid no matter what the religion itself dictates. They therefore have to defend everything that they do in the name of all things “fair” and “just”.
They both want to topple Western culture.
They think they’re overthrowing the patriarchy, by displacing white men and bringing the totally non-patriarchal Muslim migrants. No one ever said feminist’s heads weren’t lodged firmly up their own asses, except feminists, but they don’t know any better.
But, you see it all the time, don’t you? The black leaders who mindlessly champion the teachers’ unions, the anti-war left who supported Hillary Clinton, the pro-cronyism socialists. It’s all about TEAM. If you don’t support the TEAM, you’re on your own. And when you’re on your own, you have to worry about all those other people on the other TEAM AND all the people on your own TEAM who buried nascent rivalries in the names of inter-TEAM loyalty.
They actually have much in common. An obsession with control over people. A crazy set of rules that involves suspension of logic and reason you have to follow to be a member. And an overwhelming hatred of Western civilization.
For people obsessed with “the patriarchy”, they definitely don’t seem overly concerned with an actual patriarchy.
Only white men can be patriarchal. All other men being patriarchal is simply a product of the post-colonial oppression that white males imposed on others. Once the white males are extinct, problem solved!
This is nothing new among the left. Baader Mainhof trained with the PLA in the sixties and were absolutely perplexed as to why their woke ass Palestinian “allies” were so militantly uptight about the BM women walking around the camp topless and sharing quarters with the men.
Derp. Meant PLO, not PLA.
Yes yes yes, keep going down this road. Please please please!!!
See, we are a tolerant nation.
This is the same kind of pox on both houses dumbassery that Reason always pulls. The best example he can come up with of mainstream right wing anti-Semitism is Pat Buchanan, who in addition to being at least 150 years old has been out of mainstream politics since the early 1990s. Richard Spencer has as much pull in the mainstream conservative movement in the US as Buchanan these days.
Many of the most die-hard SJWs for Israel also think that Ron Paul’s an anti-semite because he dares to say that they shouldn’t get foreign military welfare, but that’s another issue entirely.
Buchanan actually has said some shit you could legitimately construe as anti-Semitic (and definitely bordering on Nazi apologetics). But he hasn’t had any pull in the mainstream right for a very long time.
You know who else hated Jews and gays and supported a brutal authoritarian society, and was allied with the far left?
Woodrow Wilson?
Millions upon millions of Muslims?
Public Enemy?
Muslims ‘outraged’ by billboard that insults prophet Mohammed
In Mohamed defense, he was just a guy you know wanting to have a little fun.
Are you referring to the 9 year old he banged?
It was a sexual emergency!
And he married her first, right?
It’s actually a pretty good test for how assimilated one is.
The all black billboard has a headline of “The Perfect Man.” Underneath are six bullet points to describe that man. These points include “married a 6-year-old,” “slave owner & dealer” and “13 wives, 11 at one time.”
Nowhere on the billboard is the name muhammad mentioned. I guess that the outraged muslims just assume the subject of the billboard is their prohpet. I wonder why?
It sounds like a description of OMWC!
The sons of bitches read his book!
OMWC is Erwin Rommel?
So he’s a self-loathing Jew?
Rommel wasn’t much of an anti-Semite beyond what virtue signalling he did as a public person in Nazi Germany. He was more of an old school Prussian militarist without the aristocratic undertones.
And at least tacitly supported one of the plots to kill Hitler
Also consider that part of his punishment for having knowledge of the plot was that his coffin was covered in Swastikas.
How I want to go.
Well, you’re in Japan, so just become a Buddhist?
If we’re pulling down statues of Confederate generals, this seems like fair play. It’s shallow presentism, but that’s where too many people live.
I don’t see Mohammed’s name on the sign…
Well, that’s because you don’t see like victims do. After all, you’re white, privileged and white so you’re not aware of the BTU-pain you cause in people.
I mean, really FM. Are you woke or not?
‘Sir, I’m outraged! Pistols at dawn!”
/puts brick in glove.
“It is a horrible billboard. I’m outraged by it, but saddened at the same time … and I would like to know who is behind it,” said Rima Shahid, executive director of the Muslim Alliance of Indiana. “It seems very cowardly to me. If you have some kind of stance, you should want to stand up next to your statement.”
Yeah, so the Muslim group’s first response is “we want to know where this guy lives”. Fuck em.
Which parts aren’t true? Seriously. while we’re talking about the courage of one’s convictions, maybe the Muslim Alliance of Indiana should either accept that the prophet of their religion wasn’t Mr. Rogers and own that shit, or reconsider their beliefs.
Nothing in that article other than blind assertions that it’s false. Also, lumping Trump in with this because he’s behind putting up billboards in Indiana and an autoplay video “Muslim American women discuss common misconceptions about the hijab. This is from a series of short films called The Secret Life of Muslims, created by filmmaker Joshua Seftel. USA Today”.
Piss on the back on your leg and tell you it’s raining.
No shit. Also, if a believer recognizes their prophet solely by factual description of his actions yet said believer discounts or is offended by those descriptions, wouldn’t that render their prophet a false one?
Now you are demanding people actually be logical or something?
Would be fun to do a similar thing by putting up a billboard with vague description of leftist icon misdeeds. See if they can be trolled into admitting knowing about those things.
I drive past that billboard regularly. I LOL every time.
I tried to read the article, but when it said one woman was concerned it would incite hate crimes, at that point the stupid started burning and I had to quit.
Professors at a recent conference hosted by Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis reportedly called whiteness “inherently violent,” saying “diversity of opinion” is just “white supremacist bullshit.”
The conference, held between May 31 and June 2, was organized by the Critical Race Studies in Education Association (CRSEA), an organization that frequently hosts similar events to bring together an “interdisciplinary consortium of experts who recognize global implications of race and education for minoritized people.”
Well, that all certainly sounds like an enormous waste of time and money!
If white leftists are so wracked with guilt over being the hated whitey, why don’t they show some integrity and do us all a favor by offing themselves?
Same with watermelons.
Save the helicopter fuel, if you will
But remember, leftist academics claim there is NO evidence of left-wing propaganda on campuses.
reportedly called whiteness “inherently violent,”
Based on crime statistics? Because those would indicate something else entirely.
You shitlord! Those statistics are patriarchy!
Based in success of course. Because success comes from oppressing others. This is what they believe.
It’s a conference on Critical Race Theory.
I mean, come on, Marxism is practically in the name. I’m sure “hating whitey” is just a proxy for “destroying capitalism”.
More theft!
Woke up to a 1.2 billion dollar tax increase in Kansas. The media propaganda worked in convincing people Kansas is a dumpster fire. Liberals are using it to back their claim that lowering taxes doesn’t work. I’m not a fan of our Governor and I think the tax cuts should have been carried out differently. However, I do think the cuts have kept unemployment down during a time with ag and oil economy are in the dumps.
Have fun in the next primary season.
You should be thanking them, slave!
What’s The Matter With Kansas?
New Jersey just sucks. Democrat Phil Murphy and Republican Kim Guadagno won their parties nominations for Governor yesterday.
Murphy couldn’t be a more stereotypical limousine liberal Dem shitbag. He promised to sign all those unconstitutional gun bills Christie vetoed while raising our taxes.
Guadagno was Christie’s Lt. Governor and wouldn’t be a more bland vanilla establishment Republican if she was John Boehner and Mitch McConnell’s love-child.
My son hopefully graduates high school in 2 years. Hopefully that’s not enough time for Murphy to further fuck things up and I can sell the house and activate my escape plan.
Where you escaping to?
I nominate Romania
Good question. New Hampshire and Pennsylvania are both possibilities.
I vote NH. Because Free State Project annat.
I grew up in rural Massachusetts and went to school in Maine. I can see myself living on a small farm in the middle of nowhere NH with lots of “get off my property” signs. Those reticent unfriendly true Yankees are my people.
Me too. When I had wanted to move back to VT, one of the main draws was the “leave me alone” attitude of northern NE.
Too bad VT went so far down the socialist rabbit hole that I refuse to move there, despite knowing the state and having lots of friends there.
NH is a good choice, from what I’ve heard. The only problem is that I’m guessing that in a battle b/t the Free State Project and the “Massholes”, the “Massholes” will always win.
Sure about that?
If you do Pennsylvania, stay out of the Poconos, Delaware bakery and Lehigh valley, unless you want to be surrounded with other Jersey expats.
Damn phone… valley, not bakery. Not even sure how that one happened. The Delaware bakery is quite nice though.
Come to PA, but we need to debrief you first – You might be damaged into thinking it’s a free state that can’t be improved.
To be fair, you can’t be relevant in the NJ political machine w/o being Team Blue or Team RINO. I wouldn’t be surprised if “liberty” is considered a slur there.
The shitbag Murphy has been running commercials promising to raise taxes, raise spending, and increase regulation. And he is a former Goldman-Sachs guy in the Corzine mold. But he will win because “Christie Rethuglikkkans r BAD!!!111!!!!”
IDK about that: I don’t think that RethugliKKKans are enough to get the BernieBros and the progs to turn out for Mr. Goldman, the “Corporate Democrat”. Judging from Clinton’s turnout, the RINO might actually have a shot here.
Nope. We just had a Republican who was “The worst EVAR” so now it will go to the Democrat. Too many urban votes combined with public sector unions to allow the RINO to pull it out.
I think it’s dependent on what happens to Sen. Menendez. That has the potential to strongly depress turnout on the left and keep the activist wing away from the polls.
(Especially if Sen. Menendez is charged with corruption/accepting bribes this year, the race can be localized as a referendum against the NJ Democrat machine, which would favor Guadagno)
Menendez is almost charged with corruption/accepting bribes every year. A NJ paper did a poll and his name was most frequently associated with “corruption”.
It’s one thing to believe that someone’s corrupt and another to actually get indicted. If an indictment actually happens, Murphy will not be a shoe-in. He may still win, but the margin will be extremely tight.
Michelle Obama, the FLOTUS America didn’t deserve
You can say that again.
The thing that I’ve come to conclude is these people truly hate their country. No one who talks this way loves or respects their country.
They’re miserable, anti-intellectual, ignorant cunts, cocks and cucks.
They may or may not hate the country, but they definitely hate most of their countrymen with an intensity that is worthy of an Austrian corporal.
Nothing betrays their stated progressive belief in helping their fellow countrymen like the open contempt they display for them.
I wouldn’t wish her upon the North Koreans. Imagine her lecturing the Norks about nutrition as she displays her perfectly manly arms.
Michelle Obama, the co-pilot Han Solo didn’t deserve?
Yeah but Han saved her life so in her culture, she has a duty to serve him for the rest of her life. I think that’s how it goes.
A farmer sues after he was ousted from city’s farmer’s market over his views on same-sex marriage
It’s so cute when government thinks they can act like private businesses and discriminate.
My first thought was “why is the farmer’s market run by the municipality?” I guess that’s probably a stupid question.
Ask Cleveland
Private businesses will be hammered by the government for discriminating in ways that are not government-approved.
Just a couple birds saying “What the fuck?”
I laughed.
Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and now the Czech Republic are refusing to accept the EU mandated “refugee” quota.
Countries that know a lot about invasions 😉
We had some refugees come to Romania and start crying when they found out where they were. Apparently they wanted to get to Germany.
Were the Romanians like “oh, you people again? Didn’t we chase you out just a couple centuries ago?”
something Vlad something the Impaler
The Romanians are just celebrating their cultural heritage by running the
Turksrefugees off.At least they didn’t mount them all on spikes.
There’s still time.
Vlad was the original Based Stick Man.
Beggars can’t be choosers is just Nazi dogwhistleing. Beggars are just means tested consumers.
After Brexit, a lot of people I know were speculating that the EU would be done for if France or Germany were to follow suit. I think the sentiment is wrong and that the real death knell for the EU will be if Poland ever finally decides they’ve had enough. Their economic influence in that sphere is spectacular, especially considering that they’ve successfully resisted the common currency this entire time.
Good for them. I hope they deposit the EU fines right up Juncker’s ass.
“Here’s a little Reality for you. Family shocked!”
So maybe her family are retards? But how did the NSA — who are a bunch of professional spies — allow her to have a security clearance?
This whole things smells a little…off to me. Snowden’s come out in support of her, and I do have some respect for the guy, but this chick seems like she’s coming more from a rabidly partisan angle than a feeling of genuine patriotism towards her fellow Americans. Plus, there’s so little of substance in the leak that it almost…almost…seems as if someone might have thrown it out there as bait to perhaps smoke out some poorly-vetted contractors who might have gotten a little lippy or hysterical over a recent election.
Agreed. This was a classic canary trap.
To paraphrase John from The Auld Syte, if you were setting up a honeypot to catch leakers you would behave exactly the same way.
Or maybe they knowingly hired some left wing nutbags and gave them security clearances knowing that they would be the perfect willing conduits to leak bullshit that might be used to promote an anti-Trump narrative. It would be nice to have a handy scapegoat when the SHTF.
Also not outside the bounds of reason. At this point I’d believe damn near anything but the official story.
“In another shocking revelation, the NSA leaker expressed support for Iran, saying she would support the Islamic country if the President, who she described as “Tangerine in Chief”, declares war.”
Yeah she thinks “whiteness” is terrorism. I’m not going to spend one calorie defending her.
Since she’s white I guess she admits that she’s a terrorist.
I predict an approximately five year stint in the pen coinciding with a very public transition from female to male.
My money’s on porn. Eye shadow and foundation can do some amazing things.
Neither one can make those beanbags into a decent set of tits though.
+2 silicone implants paid for by the US Govt
Just posted in A.M. Links:
“Theresa May ✔@theresa_may
I’m clear: if human rights laws get in the way of tackling extremism and terrorism, we will change those laws to keep British people safe.”
Maybe they should just allow the Brits to defend themselves more.
A stiff upper lip and a .45 would probably work.
Bah. .455 Webley is the British way to deal with pests. They should be able to see that freight-train coming.
Zed enthusiastically agrees.
As a great American once said, “You get a lot further with a kind word and a gun than just a kind word.”
“Draw, Aim, Fire” is better than “Run, Hide, Tell”.
Well “human rights” laws are typically a bunch of bullshit anyways. That’s why the term “natural rights” has fallen out of vogue, too hard to shoe horn in bullshit like free internet and welfare payments.
Glibs —
I mainly lurked at the old site — save for occasionally bantering with Rufus about calcio — but finally decided to register. It’s largely for selfish reasons (//polishes monocle), as I have two questions on which I’d like some input:
– Historical podcasts – I’ve got two seven hour drives coming up, and am looking for any suggestions on history podcasts. A few months ago someone mentioned the Emperors of Rome series, which I quite like. Admittedly I think part of it is me being a sucker for an accent, but it helps that the two are playful and have some humility (mainly with regards to the fact that the sources at various points might not be so reliable). I’ve also listened to Dan Carlin’s series’ on the both WW1 and WW2 as well as War College on Gilmore’s suggestion (not necessarily historical, but still very interesting).
– Places to eat in Cleveland. I’m not necessarily opposed to fine dining, but I prefer bang-for-my-buck at diners, burger-places, that sort of thing. Or Polish restaurants (a quick google search yields a place called Sokolowski’s University Inn — anyone ever been?).
You’re Tulpa.
We are Tulpae.
I’m thinking Kathy Griffith holding the head of Tulpa.
Giving him a handjob? You’re sick, Dood.
I’m sensing a SugarFree story opportunity. The forbidden kinky love between Nasty Griffin and Tulpa.
I’m Poppy.
I subscribe to “New books in Military History”, and USAHEC (US Army Heritage and Education Center). Great stuff on USAHEC
Try Stefan Molyneux’s recap on Rome. Pretty good.
Donald Kagan’s Greek history lectures:
Was originally recommended at the other site by someone whose name I forgot.
Thanks all. Will check these out.
For the Cleveland food, what part of town are you going to be in? And what types of food are you looking for other then Polish? For Sokolowki’s, I haven’t been there myself, but it’s been an institution for years.
I will actually be just south of Cleveland in Independence, mostly confined to a hotel to learn the finer points of balboa (a type of swing dance, as opposed to the conquistador). As far as types of food, again I’m pretty open, albeit I lean towards cheaper places. Mexican, greasy egg-and-hash-brown diners… Sloopy mentioned a chili chain in Cincy yesterday — any worthwhile chili spots in Cleveland?
Alright, that’s close to where I’m at nowadays. For chili, Cincinnati chili is special. In that it’s sweet and has cinnamon in it. There’s a couple places that do it, but none that I know of that are known for it.
For places to eat at:
Slyman’s Tavern – Best Corned Beef in the city. This is their second location, with the first being a mainstay of Cleveland that operated for 50 years before opening a second location. If you’re not a big eater, go with the smaller sandwich. The full corned beef sandwich is well over a pound of meat.
Melt bar and Grilled – A regional restaurant that specializes in giant, overstuffed, grilled cheese sandwiches. There’s a location in Independence as well
Yours Truly – A regional restaurant chain that offers all day breakfast
Winking Lizard – Classic bar food.
Swenson’s – An old school fast food place, with car hops.
Gourmand’s – This one is just strange. It’s a coffee shop, deli, beer store, and wine store.
Cozumel – This will probably fit your cheap Mexican cravings.
The best cheap breakfast option is a 20 minute drive with no traffic called Latitude 41 N. You can get coffee/tea, 2 eggs, potatoes/grits, 2 strips bacon, 2 links of sausage, and toast for $4.95. If you’re there on a weekend, it wouldn’t be a bad drive, but if you’re there during the week, you’ll be going through the worst parts of rush hour traffic.
On the dancing front, I always just stuck with the Jitterbug. Although depending on who’s teaching your class, I may know them from back in the day.
Winking Lizard
No euphemism there, no sirreeee.
Thanks Nephilium, I appreciate the recommendations. As far as teachers, I’m not sure about the local group who’s running the event, but they’re bringing in some high-profile instructors. I did a similar event in Denver last year, and it was well worth it. Jitterbug’s more lindy-hop (not sure if there’s a difference or if it’s just same-thing-different-name), and although I enjoy it, I’m utterly enthralled with balboa right now.
Not a problem, I would have put links for them, but didn’t want to trigger our benevolent overlords. All of them have menus online, that you should be able to find through Google.
From what I remember, the Lindy is a six count, while the Jitterbug was a four count. It’s been years since I’ve been out for a swing dance. The girlfriend is… rhythm challenged, and is not a fan of me dancing with other women around.
Yup, lindy is six. Didn’t know jitterbug was four — I just watched a video, saw a swing-out looking similar to lindy and assumed they were the same. I’ve only been doing this for a little over a year, but from what I can tell, different cities teach different ‘basic’ steps — up here in Milwaukee, the general lesson template is to start with a regular six-count (quickquick slow, slow) and go from there (mostly lindy, but a few adventurous souls doing balboa and shag).
West Coast swing or GTFO
Melt is amazing, highly recommended.
As Rufus said, try the Stefan Molyneux presentation on the Fall of Rome. Highly recommended.
Yes Sokolowskis yes yes yes yes yes yes. Nearby is a nice dive called Hoopples. Spent a few fine afternoons getting toasted there.
History of Rome by Mike Duncan starts good, and, once he gets his rhythm going, becomes spectacular. As a bonus, it’s done.
Then dive into its sequel, History of Byzantium by Robert Pearson. It’s only about halfway through its run (started in 450s, currently in 960s and is aiming for 1453). Great stuff on a less known subject.
Since we’re being serious, this reading of Hamlet is one of the most informative podcasts I’ve ever heard. I’m not sure if he stopped making podcasts, but the ones he has up are excellent.
Staffin – this is perfect, thank you. I’ve been looking to delve into Shakespeare before I begin the depressing task of studying for actuary exam #3. I was looking at one of the courses offered through The Great Courses, but this looks like it might fit a bit better.
Pan — I listened to the first several Rome podcasts by Duncan. Something just didn’t quite catch with it — as I mentioned above, I found the Emperors of Rome series more compelling. Perhaps something to do with the conversation style versus Duncan’s (seeming) scripted approach that I prefer. In any case, if you say it takes some time to get going, I think I’ll give it another shot.
Alabama Sees 85% Drop In Food Stamp Participation After Work Requirements Reinstated
That’s terrible. Clearly people are not getting the help they deserve.
I’m surprised this hasn’t received more coverage:
I think most of the coverage it’s getting is that this is a common practice and there’s nothing to see here.
So move along, shitlord.
As instapundit says “think of them as Democrat operatives with bylines and it all makes sense”.
Nothing wrong with creating the story you want to report if it doesn’t exist.
The fact that the most common defense of this video is that “it happens all the time”, just makes it all the more appalling.
From Pat’s farm equipment link, above:
Right-to-repair legislation has attracted more than just tractor manufacturers’ attention, though. If a right-to-repair bill were to pass, it could also affect people ranging from heavy equipment operators to mobile-phone users. Caterpillar, the world’s largest manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, has spent $38,700 while lobbying on right-to-repair legislation in New York. The Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association spent $38,000 while lobbying against a 2015 right-to-repair bill. And corporate heavyweights including Apple, Verizon, and the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) oppose the legislation.
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a conservative dark-money organization that proposes model legislation for the states, has also declared its opposition to right-to-repair bills. The council, whose funders include billionaire libertarian brothers Charles and David Koch, describes right-to-repair legislation as “government mandates on innovators” that would force them to hand over proprietary information. Both e-commerce trade association NetChoice and telecom giant AT&T, which are opposed to right-to-repair legislation, are also on ALEC’s private enterprise board.
If the dreaded KochBros are involved, you know it’s bad.
I believe the recent Supreme Court decision in the Lexmark case is expected to have an impact on this.
The solution I see is an option to go to open source software, but as pointed out above, the EPA wouldn’t like that.
Any Raspberry Pi enthusiasts out there? I went to update retropie last night and instead of doing “update all installed packages” i only did “update retropie setup script.” Now when I boot in it says emulation station not found and stays on the command screen. Any thoughts on how I get everything back up and running? The internet is otherwise not helping me.
You might just need to re-run the setup script after updating it. Their wiki says you can invoke it with sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/ Otherwise, maybe manually re-install emulationstation. Or just backup your gamesaves and re-flash your SD card.
Or just backup your gamesaves and re-flash your SD card.
That’s where I am likely headed. Manually re-installing emulationstation is not working for some reason.
Love me some Pi but it’s a fickle mistress. I love that it can do anything and there is support for almost any application due to the fantastic open source community. Then again, all those options that aren’t coordinated can easily lead to random and very time-consuming failures. Like Windows, only better.
Any airplane nerds in the crowd?
Paul Allen’s Enormous Stratolaunch Carrier Aircraft Rolls Out of Hangar for First Time
Pretty interesting. It will be fun to see it take off.
My initial thought: The Spruce Goose
You need to ask?
Sorry, that was a stupid question. A bonus airplane story just for you.
OMG…I would pay many $$ for those seats! I’d have to give them a thorough steam cleaning, though.
Right? I checked – the thing sold for $430K. Not quite the 2-3 million they were projecting!
I would love to wander one of those airplane graveyards sometime.
Me too! The ones that make it to the Udvar-Hazy Center are all cleaned up n shit.
(I think the Smithsonian should have bough the Elvis plane and put it in Air & Space!)
Or this.
And yes, an Elvis plane belongs in the collection.
Paul Allen’s
Didn’t he get bludgeoned while listening to Huey Lewis?
Had one helluva business card, though.
+1 Should’ve gone to Dorsia
Oh my God, it even has a watermark…
Dude, the term is AvGeek.
holy shit! that wingspan is massive. i’d love to hear the backstory behind developing the software just to keep the engines and wing alignment synced during takeoff? or is that not a real problem?
I’d say the real problem during takeoff is…how the fuck is that thing gonna takeoff with the sets of landing gear so far apart?
and why the duel cockpits? is that a built-in redundancy? i have so many questions about that monstrosity. damn i hope it succeeds.
It’s a lot cooler looking with the front saucer section attached.
I wanna Roc!
Yeah, that dude’s a badass. Many men like to think they would react this way, but when push came to shove they’d probably be among the fleeing and cowering public. I probably wouldn’t unless my wife and/or kids were on the line.
I know I can’t fight for shit, that’s why I have a carry permit. Were I in England, you’re right – I probably get out of there if I had the opportunity.
i’m a bit fighty but after five pints (“a slow night” for that guy), i’d be shitfaced.
Muzzie on Muzzie action: Holy SHIITE
We can say “Muzzie” now? Truuuuump.
The proper spelling should be “Moozie” or “moos”. an uumlat over a single U is apropos for very-metal müs., like this one
Well, here’s a story that, if it’s true, will disappoint some of you. Sessions allegedly offered to resign. He could’ve been gone and replaced by another Drug War dinosaur shitbag.
Weren’t we hearing a few weeks ago that the WH “leakers” had been identified and they would be fired posthence? Nothing came of that, it seems. Maybe Trump’s management style is to make people think they’re constantly under the sword of Damocles.
it could be that, or just the MSM in its weekly quest to focus on someone or other in the administration. Kushner is SOOO last week…
Oh, well if Krauthammer is concerned, we should all panic.
That shitweasel motherfucker is concerned every time we marginally stop trying to police the world. And Trump making overtures to stop sendin so many troops overseas almost gave him a stroke.
Fuck that guy.
Krauthammer is, always was, a neocon. It’s just that he used to sound smart and now he’s coming off like an idiot.
I’m skeptical about this report: the media really wants to portray the admin as an unstable poop show, and will listen to any anonymous source that will feed this narrative. Regarding Mr. Sessions, I really do believe that Trump gave Sessions the AG job despite his drug warrior background, not because of it. I think that it was more a reward for being the only Senator to support him from the very beginning of his initial primary bid.
Sessions, furiously signalling to the people who he wants a job from AFTER the administration job is over, is trying to unyoke his ox but ride in the Trump cart still. Because he’s a spineless asshat like every other career politician.
I think we have a winner!
Trump’s inner circle must all be dumber than shit or they’re all pro-drug war. If I were in that circle, the first thing I would advise him to do is shit can the garden gnome. Or at least just give him a gnome hat and sit him out on the white house garden where he can’t stir up any trouble. But of course there are no libertarians in that circle. I had hope when it looked as if Thiel would stick around, but that seems to have went south rather quickly.
Or, as I said before, loyalty and protection trumps all things in the inner circle.
Well, Sessions was one of the first and most vocal supporters of Trump, so I can see why he got the job. But the facts are the facts, the guy is a fucking dinosaur who’s still living in the 80s. The war on weed is no longer popular in the USA, so there’s no upside for Trump letting this dick run loose with that bullshit. It’s a no win situation.
Like bannon and spicer and priebus were supposed to leave
Also, re “right to repair”
At some point, automobile resale values are going to be near zero, because of the risk of an astronomically expensive technology failure. We’re back to my ongoing rhetorical question, “Who the fuck would be dumb enough to buy a ten year old Prius?” Who, for that matter, would buy a ten year old BMW with that fucking i-drive abomination? “Not I,” says the rat.
*Which has the effect of skewing those “life cycle estimates” of theoretical cost savings and Gaia-rescue effects.
I have an 02 silverado with 200k+ miles on it. I recently rebuilt the engine after a head gasket started leaking. I have rebuilt all the suspension, replaced all 4 brake calipers, and both front wheel bearings. I have been tempted for years to buy a new truck, but the initial cost plus my inability to do much work on a new one has kept me driving my old one. Maybe if Trump is actually serious about cutting regulations, I can buy a truck without all the complicated emissions shit at some point in the future. Until then, I’m just going to keep my old truck going. I can probably squeeze another 100k out of it.
I feel exactly the same. 03 Tahoe with about 220k. Water pump every 80k or so, wheel bearing (not fun after a bunch of MN winters), rear wiper motor, odds and ends, nothing much. The new ones are 60K+ and are chock full of expensive electronics. Pass.
It’s crazy how you can no longer buy a new truck for less than $25K, and there are only a handful of them under $30K.
’96 Suburban – 238K miles
New rear end, new suspension, new transmission, new AC, new alternator, new brakes……
Still vastly less expensive than anything new.
2001 Dodge Ram 2500 330,000 miles
Brand new one with a similar set up $50,000
Your vehicle sounds like the automotive version of Bicentennial Man.
So thanks for reminding me of that retarded-as-fuck movie.
I’m not sure what that means, so you’re welcome?
’65 Chevy C-20. Three wrenches – 1/2, 9/16, and 5/8.
Fuck that, my dad bought an 03 cadillac with 160k miles on it and it didn’t last 3 weeks.
Britain suffers from hoplophobia so severe that only one in ten of its police officers carry guns. I might be able to get on board with that as long as the populace is 100% armed. Far fewer dead dogs.
Maybe they just club the dogs to death?
The British cops I’ve seen look like they spend a lot more time in the pub than the weight room. Not sure they have the requisite strength and endurance. More likely, they just pepper spray the pooches and enjoy watching them run in circles.
Supposedly interactions between police in Britain and the general public are much different than in the US precisely because beat cops don’t have guns. Since they can’t just draw down on someone for being lippy they have to actually do stuff like persuade, discuss, and negotiate as if they’re speaking to peers, rather than peons.
The lack of guns goes way back to when Britain wasn’t the least hoplophobic. Originally, it was an excellent civil liberties type of deal.
Now, though, it probably hoplophobia.
Brits I’ve met and interacted with are definitely hoplophobes. They’re also markedly more friendly to the concept of statism, which I think is interesting. I used to think that it’s because the people I’ve met were either academics or had come here to pursue an advanced degree and decided to stay, so there was a selection bias, but it seems like if you take a cross-section of British society you’ll just find more people comfortable with a strong, paternalistic government and not particularly interested in self-sufficiency or independence.
The flower of British manhood was mostly killed off in the wars. What’s left is somewhat lacking.
So you’re saying Britain got its glans shot off, and is now a bit gun shy?
These euphemisms..
I went over this in an earlier thread.
Until recently, I’m not sure that it was a bad idea to restrict firearms issuance to the cops, purely because the AFOs (Authorized Firearms Officers) they DO have are actually very well trained and subject to stringent recertification. They’re usually very easy to differentiate from the normal coppers.
The problem is that with the establishment of CTSFOs (Counterterrorist SWAT teams) they’re gonna experience the same pressure to up-armor that the US SWAT teams do. The CTSFO teams (seven at present, distributed around the UK) are deployable by regional commanders, but answerable to the Home Secretary, but there’s pressure to move them into existing regional constabularies and increase their number considerably.
I no longer really have a dog in this fight, because I’m done with the UK, but I’m not sure that bodes well for the Septic Isle.
As a former Limey, what do you think the chances are that Parliament will loosen up the absurdly stringent gun laws in view of these repeated attacks?
Don’t you meant the chances that they’ll tighten their knive laws?
*knife laws
Never. Ain’t gonna happen.
Caveat. There may be a Special Permit Program introduced, but the proles won’t have a hope in hell of getting one. It’d be like getting a carry permit for Manhattan, and you’d be subject to regular inspections of gear, every ammunition purchase subject to official signoff etc. So, any holders will be crap shots and more of a liability than anything else. The idea of personal protection in the UK went extinct decades ago, and will stay dead.
Criminals, of course, will continue to bring in AKMs and 7.62×39 just like they do at the moment.
Yesterday my wife found out her best friend, who’s only 49, has breast cancer. *sigh*
Hit one of my wife’s friends this year, too. Wakes you up.
It does at that… was a topic of much discussion yesterday. Of course I snarkily suggested that her friend get some cigarettes to kill that cancer with cancer.
Also the changing frame of age: when you are young, 49 is like ancient! Death’s door! When you’re middle-aged, 49 is “still quite young”.
I wish her the best. The docs are getting pretty good at treating it. I’ve got a couple friends that are long-term survivors.
Information I got was second hand but it sounds like the cancer was detected early. So hopefully things will work out for the best.
Totally out of your control. Hope and support.
Sorry to hear about that. Way too young to be dealing with cancer.
Damn. Sorry to hear that.
Damn, man. Sorry to hear this. I hope they caught it early at least.
My wife had a breast cancer scare earlier this year. The mass fortunately turned out to be benign but the waiting on the biopsy practically sucked the life out of me. Condolences to your wife.
Mine as well!
Turns out that the false positive rate for mammograms is extremely high — on the close order of 94%. After the initial positive, she went and got the follow-up tests that are much more sensitive and discriminating, and it turned out to be a big nothingburger, Thank God (or Whoever/whatever you believe in).
On the other hand, she’s getting me an MRI of my left knee for my birthday. Dammit.
The prognosis is pretty good for cancer these days. I wish her the best.
Big Pharma FTW!
“A Canadian province has passed a law that gives rights to the government to take away children from families that don’t accept their kid’s chosen “gender identity” or “gender expression”.”
Such a brave new world this is.
If I had kids and government goons came in to take them away, I would take up arms and open fire on them.
Rescuing the children from the state would be the first goal, can’t do that if your dead or in prison. First off, I would almost certainly emigrate if the state were proposing to steal my children because I’m not a leftist lunatic. After the fact, if it were clear I would not be getting them back, yes there would be blood.
Ontario, right?
Yep. BC will emulate it within the next 6 months.
Sounds like Canadians need their guns back.
Woodchippers for every one of those fucking lawmakers.
The Republicans in the Senate are holding up the AHCA over the issue of killing the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion.
Killing the individual mandate is a moral cause, and I’d support doing that for moral reasons, but people need to understand, the individual mandate was there to compensate for all the damage the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion was sure to do. In its essence, ObamaCare is the Medicaid expansion–plus a laundry list of things to compensate for the damage associated with expanding Medicaid. They cannot reform ObamaCare without killing the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion because Obamacare is the Medicaid expansion.
Meanwhile, the stop loss provisions will need to be reauthorized to prevent more companies from fleeing more exchanges.
Meanwhile, companies are still fleeing the exchanges anyway–and the status quo of Obamacare continues to become increasingly untenable.
Meanwhile various states are priming single payer plans to offer the only alternative once the status quo deteriorates beyond all repair. Nothing is prohibitively expensive in a crisis when there is no alternative.
The Senate Republicans are worried about being blamed for kicking people off of Medicaid. The Republican grass roots need to make it clear what will happen to them if they don’t pass the AHCA. The good people of Kentucky needs to twist McConnel’s arm. Rand Paul needs to twist McConnel’s arm. It was Rand Paul who saved McConnel from Tea Party candidates in the primaries in exchange for McConnel’s support to make it so Paul didn’t have to resign from the Senate in order to run for president–but what has McConnel done for you lately, Rand?
Certainly, if the AHCA is so good, it may be too good to make it through the Senate, then it deserves our support.
The main issue with getting AHCA and tax reform in right now is that the GOP only holds a 52-48 lead. Too many RINOs, especially Collins, Cassidy, and Murkowski, will influence the bills passed if both are done right now. The smartest thing to do is wait, shutdown the government in the September budget battle, let Obamacare collapse a little bit more to boost support for reform, and build on the Senate and House lead by letting the Left get even more insane.
I see it the opposite way – Medicaid expansion is mostly a “meh” – it costs a shitload, but its just expanded welfare that doesn’t really do any unusual damage. Its the insurance market reform stuff that really has been a disaster. I think that, if you have to do a partial repeal for political purposes, repeal the insurance market stuff.
It does do considerable damage–especially if we’re talking about community hospitals being forced to close in areas with high Medicaid populations.
16 hospitals have had to close in New York City alone for that very reason.
I’ll concede that if you’re talking about keeping premiums and deductibles down for the middle class, then that problem isn’t necessarily as bad as keeping healthcare available and affordable for the working poor.
That having been said, I maintain that Medicare and Medicaid are the primary cause of premiums and deductible skyrocketing, too, and that the opportunities to cut programs like Medicaid are few and far between. We may not see another opportunity like this in our lifetimes, and if we don’t fix the problems caused by the Obamacare Medicaid expansion, we’re likely teetering towards single payer.
Maybe your hospital is in an area with relatively few Medicaid patients. In areas with high concentrations of Medicaid patients, there is no greater problem.
I don’t read that article as saying that hospitals were closed because of Medicaid expansion. It was privatization and consolidation, combined with NY’s decision to cut Medicaid reimbursement. The coverage expansion didn’t have anything to do with it, as far as I can tell.
I think you’ve got it backwards, Ken. The ACA isn’t Medicaid expansion plus some other stuff. The main point of the ACA was insurance market reform and the individual mandate; they had to expand Medicaid to get the mandate to work, because there was a gap between who Medicaid used to cover, and who had any chance of buying their own insurance.
Medicaid underpays, no question, and forces cross-subsidization from commercial policies, making them more expensive. But, the population covered by Medicaid expansion didn’t cancel commercial policies because they could now get on Medicaid for the most part. This population was either outside the system altogether or getting their healthcare in EDs and not paying a nickel for it. There may be an argument that bringing people into the system raises costs which are only partly covered by Medicaid and lead to higher losses, but I have seen any support for that theory anywhere. What I hear mostly anecdotally is that Medicaid expansion has been a net plus for hospitals, so if anything it should be reducing the cross-subsidization by commercial insurance.
I have an 02 silverado with 200k+ miles on it.
I have a mid-80s 4wd GM pickup (mileage unknown- it runs okay but it leaks oil all over the place). I’m thinking about finding a 5.3 vortec to stick in it, and guess what- you can shitcan all the electronics and injection, and just stick a two plane aluminum manifold with a carburetor and an hei distributor on it. All I need to do is find a motor.
I know modern cars are more efficient and reliable, but when it comes to tracking a problem down. I do like the simple carburetor.
On my ol’ modified 86 Monte Carlo (355 with ZZ4 cam, upgraded Vortec heads), I had a small backfire that caused the cheap-o Edelbrock foam air filter to start on fire. Which dripped molten goo down into the Edelbrock carburetor. I could have done a rebuild, but just bought another one (rebuilt) on Ebay for $250. Installed and I was up and running in minutes.
Heck of a lot easier than tracking down the computer code (lean condition) on my modern BMW – which turned into a part swap hunt that took weeks.
Traded in my wife’s BMW last year. I hated that damn thing. The brake warning light was on for the last 2 years and nobody could figure out why. BMW dealership finally suggested we replace the sensor for $600. That’s when I gave up on the car and the brand.
Also, that truck has a manual transmission, geared for the bad old 55mph days. It would be really swell to get an overdrive 5-speed. I sure as Hell am not going to go buy a “modern” truck, though.
Professional shithead David Brock says “the Resistance is working”. Undermining a legitimately elected President and destabilizing the country is certainly something to be proud of if you’re a Communist revolutionary.
I get the impression that Trump isnt paying any attention to those fucknuts.
David Brock is the founder and chairman of American Bridge 21st Century and Media Matters for America and the author of several books, most recently Killing the Messenger: The Right-Wing Plot to Derail Hillary and Hijack Your Government.
This sounds like a homeless psychotic who preaches on street corners to stray dogs.
“Right-Wing Plot to Derail Hillary” indeed.
I dont think she needed any help with that, right wing or otherwise. She had it well in hand.
The funny thing is, the government has definitely been highjacked. Just not by the “right-wing”.
Otherwise known as a Presidential campaign by the opposing party.
Hmm sounds like he thinks hillary was entitled to the position
Heck of a lot easier than tracking down the computer code (lean condition) on my modern BMW – which turned into a part swap hunt that took weeks.
The modern auto “tech” in a nutshell. Just keep replacing parts until either the problem or the customer goes away.
R. Bailey hardest hit. TW: Breitbart.
Where my consensus gone?
It disappeared when Trump threatened to turn off the grant spigot.
No shit. Also, they misspelled ‘scam’.
Flesh and Blood is free on Roku on the Vudu channel right now. Not sure how long it will be offered free. I have it on my watchlist. Love that movie. So gritty.
Jennifer Jason Leigh? I almost feel guilty seeing her in the buff because she looks so damn young.
We got bush in that crazy roommate movie with one of the Fonda’s. Not impressive.
Need more Fast Times at Ridgemont High
What do you mean? She looked fine in Single White Female.
She also had “the best tits in the western world!” in “Last Exit to Brooklyn”
I can’t even imagine how you feel while watching a 16 year old Melanie Griffith in Night Moves, then.
there should be a penalty for talking about shit you could have linked, but didn’t.
it’s also free on youtube. imagine that. poor quality though.
Turned on the tv. Politicians are complaining about the NSA. Stupid motherfuckers just figured out that they are the targets of the NSA spying.
Who did they think the NSA was spying on? Me? No one gives a shit what I have to say. Of course they are spying on politicians. Thats where the power is.
The NSA is going to spy on the people that control their budget. Because reasons……
That’s old news. Remember when that filthy old cunt, Feinstein, one of the biggest proponents of domestic spying got all pissy that she was being spied on? Good times.
Big Brother didn’t really give two shits about the proles.
Just noticed the linked photo on the main page. What is that?
I assumed it was Alfred E. Newman.
Wait, are you talking about the Reality Winner photo?
Took me a minute, on account of I thought Reality Winner was a chick.
Maybe she’ll shave her head in prison and then identify as non-binary to try and get a lesser sentence. Worked like a charm for Chelsea, and she’s got enough muscles to pull it off, so why not?
UAE turns screw on Qatar, threatens sympathizers with jail
Day of absence. Check your privilege, Qatar.
none of my derpbook friends have changed their profile picture to “Fuck you! I’m Millwall.” guess i’ll have to start it.
went with this one
“I’d had 4 or 6 pints, nothing major. I can handle myself”
Probably lager, so we’re talking 4.0-4.5 ABV. Even I can manage that if I have a packet of chips.
Not sure I could prevail in a bar-room brawl afterwards though.
oh, but your shit-talking game would be at peak-performance level
Another couple of pints and I’d be doing my famous impression of The Black Knight
If there is any justice in this world, Roy Larner will get a medal, never have to pay for a beer again and be drowning in pussy for the rest of his life. As stated though, he’ll probably get charged with a hate crime against Muslims.
after Piers Morgan’s tribute? not a chance.
There’s talk of him getting a George Medal, which is the highest civilian decoration currently awarded.
I could totally see him turn up to Buck House with a shaved head and a ‘wall scarf.
A tenner says he’d use the medal to beat a West Ham fan at the next derby.
(in case anyone’s not understanding, by way of example, here’s highlights of a West Ham-Millwall match from 2009:
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I remember that.
Having said that, Millwall fans really are monsters. That *kind* of thing is hardly rare though.
I love this from the Seattle shitbag story:
The other officer is identified in court documents as Camilo DePina. He acknowledged he climbed into the rear seat of the patrol car, but he said he had no recollection of what happened next.
And yet he wasn’t charged with perjury for telling such an obvious lie.
Bad news, people. Missed this last week, but it looks like Everyday Feminism found enough suckers to keep itself going
Better the enemy you know. If I had a couple million to blow, I’d donate a new, gorgeous safe space to Evergreen College and insist only really, really dark people of color can use it.
But they might have privilege too! EF just had an article about “White Latinx Privilege!”
Because race is a social construct, it is viewed in a vast amount of ways across the Americas.
And in prisons. Racist prisoners.
If it’s a social construct, then why is it so gd important?
Effin’ retards….
Race is a social construct. But it’s a silly outdated social construct with very little utility.
What, you want such a rich source of derp to disappear?
Apparently a lot of people agree, the replies on the twitter page had me rolling
James clapper says watergate pales to trump russia. What is he basing this on! Especially given testimony he gave
Clapper belongs in prison. Period.
I seem to recall that MF saying there is zero evidence of TrumPutin.
The truth has never passed that man’s lips.
James “I gave the least dishonest answer I could” Clapper. Known to have lied to congress under oath. Yet he is still given credence on anything?
Clapper said Trump firing FBI Director Jim Comey, whom Clapper described as a “personal friend and a personal hero of mine,” reflected “complete disregard for the independence and independency and autonomy” of the bureau.
They’re not independent or autonomous, you stupid fucking asshole. And any appointee is subject to removal same as any other appointee in any other department.
But if the FBI is not autonomous how can they conduct an impartial investigation? Maybe the government needs a fourth branch: some sort of executive branch to manage all of the bureaucratic functions of the government.
Weird. Sitting in Town Fair Tire, getting a new set on the Audi, and in walks Milton Friedman’s clone!
I almost shouted “Save Us, Uncle Milty!”
Club him with a tire iron and scream “AND THAT’S FOR WITHHOLDING!!!!”
I always score exactly where Milton is on the Nolan chart. Odd, given he wasn’t an AnCap.
I map a BIT south of Milt. My kids a bit North
*clubs straff with tire iron*
I feel better now.
I see all this shit online. Evergreen, AntiFa, Trigglypuff, Vagina hats, Decapitated heads, etc. I’m tucked away safely from all that madness, so my question is how bad is it REALLY. Do you actually come into contact with these lunatics?
Well, as a certified misanthrope, I avoid contact with everyone. Just to be safe.
I saw a trigglypuff once, it was horrible. I barely made it out alive.
I’m not kidding. Seriously, no idea how insane it’s gotten in people’s daily lives. Hung out today with some dudes that graduated from the North Korean high school here a few years back. Wasn’t a problem. We just didn’t talk politics. I’m sensing that isn’t an option in the USSA.
Outside of college towns and DC, it’s not as bad as it seems.
I have a few friends who are just big ol’ balls o’ emotion when it comes to ideology. I just talk to them about interesting stuff like the weather or how their kids are doing.
I haven’t really met any of the way out there loons yet. All I see is a shitload of social signalers. “I didn’t vote for Trump! I agree with the scientists! I’m the most liberal liberalist liberal that ever liberaled!” Blah, blah, blah, STFU.
The true looneys are tucked safely away in their safe space bubble. They’re a tiny minority and no one would even know about them if not for the internet. They want attention and without their loony toon escapades, no one would ever pay any attention to them. That’s all it is. That being said, their bizarre far left idealism has completely overtaken academia. But again, you probably will not see any Trigglypuffs or anything close to that, even on campuses, just a bunch of otherwise normal people who can’t stop their constant social signaling. Most of them probably do not believe in any of the bullshit or even really care, they just believe that their social livelihood depends on them being one of the ‘right thinking’ people.
About what I would’ve guessed. You mean the internet hypes things? Shocking.
White guy criticizes the NFL for not being black enough.
And curling is too black.
And if they’d hired Shaun King, the NFL would technically have gotten less black.
Kaep sucked last year. It’s a shame. He really did look like he’d be a good QB a few years back, but he fell off a cliff.
If he could play, and if he could benefit a team, he’d be on a team. Teams would sign a serial killer if he was 6’2″, ran a 4.3 second 40 yard dash and could catch the ball.
I get the feeling he’s not that hard a worker as far as his training and practice go. Like an SJW Manziel.
Is it me or did that class of quarterbacks just kind of fizzle out? I mean, our own RG3 wound up being a dud. Kaepernick started off hot and just kinda went nowhere. Luck looked and still looks like he’s going to have the best overall career, but he’s really hit a wall it seems.
Kaep and Griffin are both “athletes playing QB”, and that doesn’t work long term in the pros. Even Vick, who was a much better athlete than either, could only make it work for a few years – once he declined to merely an exceptional athlete, he was just another schnook as a QB.
Steve Young and Aaron Rodgers are probably the upper limit of how athletic a QB can be. If a guy is really fast, he’s going to rely on his legs to get himself out of trouble until he plays against guys as fast as he is. Brady, Peyton Manning, Dan Marino, Montana – none of those guys could run themselves out of trouble very often, so they had to rely on their arm.
Live police chase!
(Fox 10 Phoenix, who is covering this, has some of the most inarticulate web commentators who sound like they go to high school in the Valley. The San Fernando Valley. They add that little special something)
Chopper pilot reporting suspect has an “AK 47” (generic term for semi auto rifle, I suspect). I wonder if it is black and has a shoulder thing that goes up?
An AK-47?!?!? This is clearly the work of Russia.
It’s the wooden decorations that are the giveaway.
I think that journalists covering anything that involves or might involve a rifle of some type have 2 choices. AK-47 or AR-15. Those are the two scariest blackest autonomous bullet spraying pants shitting inducing words.
I prefer “fully automatic murder child death slaughter machine”.
This is the greatest day of my life.
Awesome. Had this playing in the other window when I click on your link. Perfect.
Yeah, they don’t PIT armed suspects.
Lookit that FaFu!
What a quitter. I was really hoping for at least a car crash if not a standoff.
I got scared that he was disgruntled worker from that office building intent on doing some damage with that “AK”, and since it’s CA, there wouldn’t be any resistance. I guess he just wanted a kabob.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU COPPERS!” *BLAM BLAM BLAM*
Feel better?
A little, thanks.
Do you actually come into contact with these lunatics?
I am acquainted with people who actually voted for Maxine Waters in a cowboy hat. No one is “immune”.
No one is safe.
Wow. That’s….. that’s just….. wow
Who’s wearing the cowboy hat?
The DC crowd are already popping the champagne corks.
DC bars open early for Comey’s all but assured Trump take down.
I think they’re going to be disappointed, but that never stops them from celebrating early. Today is finally the day that Hillary will be president!
I think that day is tomorrow?
Do these fucking idiots think Comey’s words carry the full force of the law? He could say he saw Trump strangle a puppy and it would only mean that someone currently with investigative authority would look into the claim. It wouldn’t mean Trump would get sentenced the next day for animal cruelty.
And lest we forget Comey might not be the best witness under cross-examination should it come to an impeachment. That stupid fucker has already had to correct statements made under oath before he had an axe to grind (and when it would have been appropriate for him to report any untoward requests in a private meeting).
But, but… it was her turn!
Look, the progressive fanboys can stand around Hillary and play soggy biscuit all day long. It ain’t gonna make her the president.
But they don’t believe that, sloop, they truly believe that Hillary will be president. It’s surreal, but they believe it.
(where is my Haldol??)
“Do these fucking idiots think Comey’s words carry the full force of the law?”
Yes. They believe whatever they want to be true, no matter what. And the crazy thing is that now they seem to have given up on the hope that Comey will say that Trump tried to force him to drop the Flynn thing and are relying solely on the chance that Comey will say he never told Trump he wasn’t under investigation. So? They really think this is something that is going to get rid of Trump? Their delusions are deep.
They believe whatever they want to be true, no matter what.
Or, more generally, they believe reality stems from their consciousnesses (Perhaps this is what they meant by “reality based”). They believe that if they can formulate to narrative that Trump gets impeached hard enough, the physical realization of that narrative will follow suit. Its how they can continue to believe that socialism can work. Or that radical Islam isn’t something worth naming.
Did the FBI finally agree to cough up his post-meeting CYA memos?
You mean the memos that won’t mean a fucking thing unless they cough them up for every other meeting he held with Trump, Obama to ensure this didn’t happen for political or self-preservation purposes?
I don’t believe so.
I could behind a law automatically defunding any agency that doesn’t fully comply with any investigative request from Congress.
Ain’t nothin wrong trying to make some scratch off the foibles of politicians.
Today’s special:
Celebratory MimosasTequila ShotsApologies if this was posted earlier and I missed it (wasn’t around this past weekend, for example) – holy shit, Canada, are you kidding me?
Strangely enough it didn’t get posted…until this thread just a couple of hours ago.
Look, man, you can’t possibly expect me to read things posted here. DON’T YOU PEOPLE WORK??
I’m pretty sure this has been mentioned a few times in some morning/afternoon links threads this past week or so.
*Ontario, for the last time guys.
It’s like if I blamed all of America for the dumb shit California does hourly.
I blame all of America for putting up with California’s shit.
All this talk of AKs got me all tumescent so for the pleasure of my fellow Glibs:,-12ga,-922r-compliant,-sporter-stock,-new.-p-60315.html
Basically a Chinese knockoff of a Saiga, but cheaper with more features (adjustable gas system, final round bolt lock open) and just as reliable. I bought this thinking it might just be the perfect home defense/SHTF gun. I recommend.
If you’re going to buy an AK shotgun either buy a VEPR 12 or buy one of the new kalashnikov usa shotguns that started shipping this month. You can get a VEPR 12 for about $700 now and it’s much better than the fury.
You can get a VEPR for 700? Wow. Trump really has affected pricing, last time I looked I couldn’t find one for under 1000. I’ll take it under advisement.
Assuming you have a reasonably priced FFL it should be about $750 out the door. They were running a deal where you got 5 free mags and a $50 rebate but I am not sure if that’s still going.
Thanks for the tip. Looks like I’ve got some shopping to do…
Another +1 for the VEPR 12
Do notice that some come with a folding stock that’s welded open, and some come with a fixed stock.
If you get the welded folder, I think (please verify, I’m not a lawyer) you should be able to legally grind off the spot weld and get a folding stock by putting enough 922r compliant parts in the gun. Put enough parts in, and you should also be able to run original magazines larger than 5 rounds.
* Except in the People’s Democratic Republic of Connecticut
My comments obviously only count for American soil.
But yeah, check both Federal and local laws before doing that. I don’t give good advice.
If I were to ever get a long gun, I’d really want one of those handmade knockoffs made in the bazaars of Darra, Pakistan.
Who’s wearing the cowboy hat?
Rob Quist, blowout loser of the Montana special election for Zinke’s seat in congress.
“Instead I’ll explain how Banjos and I met.”
Yeah, Sloop, there’s no way you could be as lame as the lead singer for the Dead Milkmen (not that they suck as a band, but if I have no fear of picking a fight with any member of the band, they are not tough). To quote Butthead “a real punk rock girl would kick this guy’s ass.”
Obviously the comparison is not meant to be taken literally. Especially the individuals involved.
BTW, if you were looking for peak derp in the wake of the glorious demise of the Paris accord? Lemme lay some primo shit on you:
Punchline: this person is a professor of history. At Harvard. A Harvard history professor is claiming a)that anything called “the international community” existed in 1783 b)that a treaty concluded between the United States and Great Britain was a product of this supposed international community and c)that the United States was created by the Treaty of Paris in 1783 rather than the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
The joke really is on you if you pay $65000+/year to be told a bunch of lies.
Revisionist history is the real history. Those bunch of racist slave owners who drafted up some old document that no one can even read now, couldn’t have created the USA. It was the totally not racist multicultural French who created the USA.
Well now it makes sense.
Is there no one in this person’s class… I mean even one person who graduated high school and got accepted into Harvard, who has even the most basic knowledge of United States history? Is there not one with the fortitude to raise their hand and say ‘Excuse me teacher, but are you fucking retarded?’.
I’m sure there are those thinking it, but speaking up about it is inviting the mob to burn you at the stake.
I think it’s the fortitude part. My impression is that Harvard really isn’t all that interested in intellectual back-talkers. They want good little boys and girls who will toe the lion and get their credential. Chaplin is the safe sort of mediocrity who isn’t going to show up any of the rest of the team’s research and will mouth all the right platitudes that everyone else will nod sagely to, even if they think in the back of their mind that she’s absolutely and utterly full of shit. And the kids know, if they go along with the program for four years, they get that pretty piece of paper that will open the doors they want.
Joyce is an ignorant slut.
If we’re going to get all technical, the United States as it exists today was created when the Constitution was ratified. Unless you count the states that ratified it as the international community, this prof is utterly full of shit.
Even if you count the Articles of Confederation as creating the US, its the same result.
For the record, the Treaty of Paris didn’t “create” the US. It just ended the war between the US and Britain (related treaties were also entered into with the other countries supporting the US).
Precisely – the Treaty of Paris was a peace treaty ending a war between two sovereign nations. It created nothing.
Consular officials issued passports as early as 1776 that were recognized by other nations. Even by her definition of “international community” needing to recognize a nation, her math is retarded as fuck.
King George created the US when he tried to confiscate the colonist’s guns.
Its pretending that a country isn’t sovereign simply when it declares itself so, and then wins a war making it a de facto reality = a country only becomes sovereign when other countries sign a piece of paper saying, “Ok You Real”.
By her standards, Israel is still not a country, because so many other countries in the ‘international community’ refuse to recognize it. That’s not how it works sugar.
Fuckin hell. London pigs brag about how many “hate crime” arrests they’ve made.
You know, when one guy is punching you in the stomach, and another guy is holding your hands behind your back so you can’t defend yourself, they’re both equally guilty. Might as well just call the Met ISIS collaborators at this point.
Can we just draft a U.N. resolution admitting ISIS won and give them England? Then we can blow up the tunnel and trap them all on one big island. Win fucking win. I can’t remember the last time I read “made in UK” on any functional piece of equipment I own.
I get my watches from a UK company. They’re nice. Other than that . . . .
Speaking of Maxine Waters. Could she be any stupider? Like, how can you be that stupid and still walk around under your own power?
Never mind – no blue check next to the account. Pretty clever!!
the tweet on ‘climate change’ is hilarious if you go back through. And there’s a list the account puts people on , something like, “stop telling it’s a parody, you’re ruining the fun”
The phony Maxine gets a lot more people taking it seriously (incl me!) than the Godfrey account. Godfrey only gets 1 or 2 “serious” replies at this point.
That account deserves a nobel prize, or at least a congressional medal of honor.
That parody account has more followers than Waters’ actual account, which is hilarious.
In the case of Waters’ real account, I’d think “followers” is the most accurate term.
Maxine P. Waters @MaxineVVaters
“Baby It’s Cold Outside” is a song about the glorification of white male date rape culture. #NoMeansNo
That has to be parody.
Goopy Paltrow admits she doesn’t do any of the stupid shit her site recommends.
The left needed a Glenn Beck so good for them.
I was looking at footage of the Scott Dixon crash from Indy this year, and someone in the YT comments mentioned the Tom Pryce crash, which I had never heard of.
That’s a regretful Google search, right there. GodDAMN.
I watched that crash live.
Was it even apparent what had happened at the time? It’s gonna take many, many, many fart videos to get that out of my mind.
Not the Pryce crash, the Dixon crash earlier this year. I wasn’t even alive in 77.