As far as I can tell, there is no other plausible explanation for his actions in retrospect.
Many of you watched the hearing as I did. Hell, I think it was watched by half of America (not including John McCain apparently). And its hard for me to comprehend how there are any true winners or losers here from either a legal standpoint other than maybe Loretta Lynch losing some footing as being above partisanship when it comes to her department’s handling of the Clinton private email server investigation.

John McCain in his natural state.
But what should be attacked vigorously by any responsible authority tasked with oversight or any media talking head is Comey’s ability to be a man and do his job with any form of integrity whatsoever. Because he completely contradicted prior sworn testimony today by suggesting that Trump was attempting to influence him. And that he should have carried himself differently many times with interactions with the President in regards to how he reacted and how he reported (or failed to report) what he perceives months later as attempts to coerce or manipulate the FBI head into dropping investigations.
I’m sure there is some sense of being awe-struck by someone being summoned to the White House. I would like to think I’d be immune to that, but you never know. But the head of the nation’s federal law enforcement apparatus should never be of that mindset unless he is feeling guilty about something. He has spent his life climbing into situations and relationships that are complicated and him being somehow cowed by a President he believes is acting in an unprofessional and borderline-illegal way defies common sense.

I swear to tell the truth. Even if its different than the “truth” I told the last time I was under oath here.
Which leads me to my personal opinion: Comey is changing his tune because he feels like he was wronged. He deliberately leaked government property to a friend so they could be sent to the media. He allowed erroneous leaks to remain in the news in order to damage a President he didn’t care for. He contradicted prior sworn testimony in an attempt to change the public narrative on meetings that he considered “notingburgers” until he was fired to “possible attempts at coercion” in the aftermath of that termination.
Whatever your thoughts about Donald Trump are, whatever you think his relationship with the Russians was, and whatever you think the Democrats are attempting to accomplish here, one thing should be taken away by anybody with an ounce of brains: Comey is gutless or Comey is grinding his axe. I’ve made my decision. Please discuss yours in the comments.
I just want to know when Donald is going to release the tapes.
I thought the Hair made those decisions. Or is it the Hat?
What good is a threat if you don’t follow through on it?
About as good as a bluff that got called.
As far as I can tell, it is threats and bluffs all the way down.
Wasn’t the Trump tweet
in response to leaks that said he had never been told he was not a target of any investigation? And weren’t those leaks in response so Trump saying Comey told him he was not a target of the investigation? And wasn’t that in response to rumors and leaks that said Trump was being investigated? And weren’t those leaks in response to Trump claiming that the allegations about Russia were all made-up fake news? And wasn’t the original Russia thing in rooted in a fake dossier that was leaked to several reporters and members of congress in an attempt to affect the election?
I’m sure I missed about a dozen threat/counterthreat steps in there. And I definitely skipped the biggest one – where the Obama administration placed classified information to be released after the inauguration in order to undermine the subsequent administration with hopes of leading to impeachment. At any rate, the point stands – there’s layer upon layer of threats and bluffs.
“…other than maybe Loretta Lynch losing some footing as being above partisanship when it comes to her department’s handling of the Clinton private email server investigation.”
She had footing in that regard?
Not among anyone with any brains. This feigned outrage on the part of the Democrats really is a bit much given Obama’s AG appointees acting as his scandal goalies.
That hearing blew-up in the faces of Democrats. The only thing to come out that was new was that (a) Trump is not under investigation (at least not at the time Comey was there); (b) Lynch tried to get Comey to not refer to the Clinton e-mail investigation as an ‘investigation’, (c) the New York Times’ anonymous sources have been peddling some falsehoods, according to Comey and (d) Trump is as incompetent as we all already assumed.
Christ, if this is how they are going to bring Trump down, I guess we can expect an easy re-election
If the Democrats were competent, they wouldn’t be in this position in the first place.
They would have been in a better position if they didn’t even hold the hearing. This hearing actually dispelled some of the innuendo that some corners of the press have been peddling.
I thought they were the Evil Party? They got played by the Stupid Party today
Doesn’t matter, the MSM will still run with the “Trump corruption must impeach!” narrative. We saw CNN demonstrate that they already had their stories pre-written.
So much this…
+1 Newsish
The best thing that Trump has done as president so far is make the Democrats both the Evil and Stupid Party.
The narrative gets to revert to “Comey screwed us again; he and Donald were in it together all along; Comey wanted Hillary to run, that’s why he excused the emails.”
So, Comey needed to be fired after all, because he colluded to throw the election to Trump!
Also, we’ve always been at war with Eastasia!
It’s almost as if they don’t realize the internet makes it impossible to erase the past.
It’s almost as if they don’t realize the internet makes it impossible to erase the past.
Working on it!
Net Neuter-ality?
Actual Tweet from actual TV station. They should just stick to traffic & weather.
~~~magic edit fairy~~~
It would be funny if they scrolled changing analyses under his mug saying “lying….cowardly…..shitweasel……retarded…”
Not enough car chases I guess.
IOW, “we have nothing, guys, sorry”
At least I didn’t get a cat asshole.
Try asking for a hat-tip.
Full disclosure: I had nothing to do with “the assening”.
I too have been abused by the edit fairies…we ought to start a support group.
What was the Tweet, KibbledKristen? Some of us are blocked from Twitter at work.
FOX 5 DC @fox5dc
Tune in for analysis about Comey’s facial expressions using advanced technology during the hearing so far #ComeyDay
What, was the staff phrenologist on vacation?
My friends used to say that Fox 5’s mission was to get some local employee fired every day.
Which one of you assholes drive a jacked up black jeep?
Is yelling and honking some kind of way to greet fellow glibertarians?
We usually go straight to handguns where I come from.
Pistols at dawn!
*Throws glove at Vhyrus’ face – misses*
Yes. Did you salute the glib back?
He already passed me, so I was left to impotently try and blind him with my headlights from behind.
We’re much more cordial when you’re not blocking the passing lane.
I can tell from your avatar that it wasn’t you. How are those apex seals holding up?
I still count half a dozen of them, so that’s something.
The Benefits Of Drinking Semen With Tracy Kiss
ENB used to extol on the health benefits of swallowing.
It was in the comments, she’d link to some article about the nutritional value of semen.
She has…a….interesting…topics of interest.
This is her squirrelly looking fiancee, I believe.
He jumped into the H&R comments one time to progsplain and Heroic Mulatto tore him a new asshole, it was beautiful.
If ENB is really that much into Thais, I could have hooked her up with a million better options.
Someone find me those comments, I’ll pay up to five dollars American.
Good damn, I would love to see that exchange.
Hah hah. Just read the handful of tweets at the top. What a little shit.
God damn, Heroic, you shut that guy up. Thanks for the link
Holy shit, HM disemboweled him badly enough that he fled after just three posts?
I like ENB’s comment toward the end “Well this was fun”.
Justin Raimondo called out her fiancee once on Twitter about some comment he made.
Well that was sweet indeed.
I picture him huddled up in the corner, cradling his phone, weeping and rocking himself, while ENB tells him, “I told you our commenters were brutal! I told you!”
And that’s why I read anything HM posts.
I’ve learned to study the links carefully, though. I’m down to maybe 20%
failuremind-expanding rate.This is what I heard in my head while reading that.
Man, if you needed a squirrelly Millennial lefty journalist, tell me they wouldn’t send you this guy.
He’s in the Daily Beast bullpen as a relief douchebag. I don’t even think he’s in their starting rotation.
There is no way that guy’s semen is loaded with nutrients.
He probably shoots mung bean sprouts.
LOL! It’s gluten free, and 100% pathetic.
Holy shit that was funny!
This is her squirrelly looking fiancee, I believe.
I didn’t know she swung that way. NTTAWWT.
The framing makes it look like her belt says cumshark.
Truth in advertising.
Whoopsie daisy!
Reporters are a)incompetent and stupid b)disingenuous liars or c)all of the above?
D) motherfucking scum
The mask is never going back on no matter how bad they want it.
Interesting the one dude deleted his Tweet, and never replaced it with a corrected version.
Don’t worry, its perfectly ok to tweet out factually incorrect things and then pretend they never happened as long as you’re a huge national news-source
And fuck anyone that then points out we do fake news?
whoa. Lynch did what now?
This is 100% intentional.
Reaction of a progressive friend of mine to the testimony today. It’s taking all of my willpower not to lose my mind over the last sentence. The first two are true though.
Another accidental Trump 2020 endorsement, I see.
He’s absolutely right! McCain is senile!
Cotton is a major-league asshole; Cornyn is just a garden-variety douchebag pol. Calling him “crooked” is just partisan sniping.
No one denies this.
I don’t disagree with this because I love a good trainwreck. And the aftermath of the nation rejecting another woman, this one a woman of color, would make the 2016 Trail of Tears a non-event.
Is it cool to refer to Hillary’s campaign as the Trail of Tears or is that appropriation?
Shouldn’t we save that for Lizzy Warren’s run?
If I ever run for Prez, we’ll call it the Trail of Beers.
Shouldn’t that be empty beer bottles? Or are you going to bless us plebes with fresh beer?
/gets my vote
The backtrail will have the empties. In front of us? Nothing but full and frosty kegs, bottles, and cans.
It’s being done in the UK by BrewDog.
I’d vote for that platform. “A Keg in every Kitchen”
To claim a free can of BrewDog’s Punk IPA
Since the Trail of Tears was organized by white people, I’d say the indians are appropriating it from whites. amirite?
Ah, borrowing from the Republicans’ recent strategy of “use the biggest loud-mouthed idiot” instead of the garden variety idiot. It’s a bold move Cotton, let’s see how it plays out.
Can you imagine the debates between those two? I say the country just call it quits if it comes down those two.
Rand Paul, save us now, you’re our only hope
Mattis will cross the Potomac with three quarters of the army, declare himself the Presidential Executor, and most of Congress and the Senate flee north. Everyone will consider this an improvement.
Military dictatorship is looking better by the day, so long as his first order of business is to liquidate Congress.
If you liquidated Congress and elected new members, they would be about as bad as the ones that come before, unfortunately. People pick Congress, you see.
Once they know that El Presidente Mattis is hovering over their shoulders with the 22nd MEU at his disposal, they’ll learn.
If the military dictatorship amounted to paying a taxbribe to the Marines to hang out, be useful, and not enact legislation of any kind, I’d be fine with that.
If Mattis ceased control as a dictator, I’d be upset, of course, but a small part of me would want to call him ‘God Emperor’. A part of me is a soft Bonapartist
Hey, and just yesterday
President-for-Life Chaos
We can do, and have done, much worse. I’m excited about our coming strongman!
My favourite Duffelblog Mattis story is his reading list.
Among the top books chosen, Mattis recommended “No True Glory” by Bing West, “Battle Ready” by Tom Clancy, Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War,” ten of the most difficult books to read of all time, and The Bible. Marines, however, were only assigned four coloring books.
“Four? Good Lord, that’s unfair,” said Lance Cpl. Anderson Malcolm, a Marine infantryman who proudly displays his “good enough degree” on his barracks room wall.
6000 book reading list on 200 pages. Hah!
Interestingly enough, Mattis responded to a query from reporters by explaining that he would personally murder the enemies of the United States until the rest of the DoD is fully-read up on military history.
And, of course, A Message to Garcia
Kamala Harris campaign slogan:
“Better looking than Hillary, Twice as crazy”
Half the ugly, twice the crazy.
Update: Multiple progressive friends agree! She’s so smart! She’d be a great President!
Even if I ignored her politics, her record as California AG by itself should’ve been enough to exclude her from higher office.
She worked with special interests in order to prosecute a pro-life group from releasing videos, because it was inconvenient for those groups. She is the epitome of a disgrace
That’s the least of her malfeasance.
her 1A/Backpage abuse *should* disqualify her but her base sees the 1A as evil.
Sports board I frequent has a Comey thread, because of course they do. A couple of gems:
Giants fan. Of course.
I was amused by Comey’s look as he was trying to understand WTF McCain was saying.
So there’s no difference between saying you hope someone will give you money to putting a gun to their head and saying it?
OT — Well today I decided to give Five Guys a second chance. Never again. The buns do not hold up (same as last time) they squeeze all of the meat juices out of the meat patty, they keep the precooked bacon at room temperature (and crumble it instead of leaving it whole and after the put the burger and fries in the bag, they toss more fries on top of everything, which means I have to dig my hand through a bunch of super-greasy fries in order to pull out my cheese burger*. To be fair, the place is really clean and the service was great, but their product and methods suck ass. To reiterate, never again.
Carry on.
* I got a craving due to the Cheese Burger in Paradise reference in this morning’s links.
These euphemisms are becoming incredibly detailed.
I would eat Whataburger over Five Guys, but that’s it for chains. Where are you that you have superior choices?
I’m in Downtown Minneapolis, so the options for great burgers are legion. But it’s just down the block.
I’d take Whataburger and Cook-Out over Five Guys
I pine for those unwashed masses that don’t have In-n-Out.
I don’t think that word means what you think it does.
Neapolitan Milkshake…. [drool]
I am almost afraid to search that on Urban Dictionary.
No definition…
I’m going to go with a pair of lesbians–one white, one black–going down on each other during their synced periods.
Ah, fuck now people are wondering why I am sitting here in my office chuckling like an idiot.
Why are you chuckling when you should be dry heaving?
It’s sort of a chuckle-heave.
It is a testament to your skills that I find that to be arguably the most appealing image you’ve ever put in my head.
Who doesn’t love ice cream?
I scream!
It’s a milkshake, shouldn’t they be lactating lesbians?
They are women; they always bring a milkshake with them.
“Look to the cookie! Look to the cookie”
Not this one, I imagine…
It’s no Kum & Go.
Pay at pump. Heh heh.
When I was visiting Arizona last week, we had In-n-Out every day. Protein style 4x4s for days.
I hear they’re building one in WA soon, but it’s too far down south. I’m content with 5 guys for lettuce wrapped burgers, but it’s too damn expensive. The Cajun fries are excellent though.
I’m not a huge fan, but I will go there in a pinch, or if the squeeze wants to. I actually prefer Wendy’s burgers, if we’re gonna go the fresh-cooked route. 5 Guys has malted milkshakes, though. Almost nobody does malt anymore.
Dairy Queen does.
That’s got to be a regional thing. Almost all of our ice cream places here in northern Ohio have malts.
On the burger side, for fast service, we’ve got a local place called Brown Bag Burgers that’s 5 Guys, but better. If you’re willing to wait, we’ve also got Michael Symon’s B-Spot, and an Ohio chain called the Rail that has most of their menu (including their beer) produced in Ohio.
You think you’re better than me, don’t you?
Probably. I have filthy assistants.
And they SF links?
Of course they do. Otherwise the editors feel worthless. Here is a correct link.
Man, I’m so disappointed in what a scumbag Ellis has been lately.
Running that blog of his broke him. He got a taste of power and power tasted good.
I’m gonna throw you a little knowledge since you noted my links:
The best way to eat a five guys burger is to ask for two pieces of lettuce. You put each piece adjacent to the bun on either side of the patty. It maintains the integrity of the bun and also enables you to keep all those delicious juices on the burger.
It’s a superior method to any other way I’ve tried to eat one of their burgers.
You’re welcome.
Why would you want to ruin *anything* with lettuce?
Maybe my experience is different because I’m in the sort of original core provinces of Five Guys, but I’ve never had a bad burger from them. Haven’t been in a while, though, so maybe they’re slipping.
On the other hand, my first and only Whataburger was in Center, TX, and I was sorely underwhelmed.
I enjoy ’em myself, and have never had issues with the buns falling apart. Then again, I’m kind of minimalist, so there’s less on there.
Five Guys is ridiculously expensive. I can go to a steakhouse and get a burger there for virtually the same price or pay half and go to In and Out.
Culver’s is where it’s at, yo.
Based on the testimony today, I expect that Loretta Lynch will be called next, right?
silly, silly man
Love the keywords for this post: Beefcake? Right to Repair?
If you don’t think Comey is a beefcake, you’re a cishetero shitlord.
And it is his right to repair his previous, and uncorrected through the proper process, sworn testimony with shit that completely contradicts it.
Do you even Washington, bro?
Would it be racist or ageist of me (it has to be one) to say that John McCain was a carbon copy of Hank Johnson in a televised hearing today?
More like Chance the gardener.
All will be well in the garden.
Yes. You’re a straight, white, libertarian male. You will always be racist. And agist. And all the other -ists.
DID YOU JUST GENDER ME?!!?!1!1!!eleven!!
I think Comey is a chump and a career Clinton stooge.
– Involved in the Sandy Burlger investigation that ended up in mesdmeanor charges and never revealed what was stolen from the National Archieve
– Ignored the fact that Clinton shared classified information with Berger through her email despite the fact that Berger had been stripped of all clearances.
– Deputy special counsel on the Senate Whitewater Committee – got several people convicted but never touched the Clintons
– Involved in the conviction of Marc Rich, and the investigation into his pardon – which he found no wrong doing.
– As General Counsel for Lockheed, dumped a ton of money into the Clinton Foundation and was immediately awarded export contracts to Egypt
I assume the plan was for the FBI to make some kind of swishy-swashy finding on the Hillary investigation last year and for Lynch to squash it. But the buttinski who filmed Bill meeting with Lynch ruined that plan so Comey was put in the impossible position of having to squash it himself. He had to come out with his bizarre speech last year where he pretended he was the Attorney General and decided not to prosecute Hillary – then get criticized from all sides.
Comey is grinding his axe.
That’s quite an euphemism.
I decided to give Five Guys a second chance. Never again.
I’ve been to the one in Bozeman a couple of times. Excellent milkshake, mediocre to subpar burger. I have no idea what the hoopla is about.
Why would you go anywhere but Bob’s Burger’s for a hamburger?
I still don’t get why The Hudsucker Proxy isn’t a better received movie.
Too deep.
the acting.
JJL was hot (even hotter because of the weird/bad acting), but the “Campy drama”-style became grating after only a few scenes. It had the performative quality of a 50s broadway musical a la “Guys and Dolls” or “Damn Yankees” , sans the entertaining musical numbers.
I liked it.
“You know, for kids.”
By whom? I love it.
In case it weren’t already obvious, the professional gay movement is nothing more than a Democrat propaganda outfit
Seriously, this shit couldn’t be made up to look any worse for these idiots, and they don’t care.
Comey said he can’t comment in open session about any of the criminal allegations in the Steele dossier.
I still don’t get why The Hudsucker Proxy isn’t a better received movie.
Jennifer Jason Leigh and her retarded flouncy Katherine Hepburn imitation.
Goddammit I still hate her for that.
Katharine Hepburn is overrated.
Ted gets it
Well that was a big nothing. I didn’t go over to the lefty fever swamp, but the Never Trumpers at NR are pretty mute. Same with Red State.
Military dictatorship is looking better by the day, so long as his first order of business is to liquidate Congress.
I hope you mean “liquidate” in the same sense Dorothy “liquidated” the witch.
I mean it in the traditional Marine Corps sense. With fire and maneuver, heavy artillery, and a rain of hellfire from a squadron of Super Hornets.
Maybe one of you lawyers can chime in here.
Theory: if there were an obstruction of justice investigation going on in any capacity, Mueller would have not allowed Comey to testify for fear of it poisoning the well and opening the prosecution’ strategy to the defense by making parts of it public (like Comey mishandling the aftermath of the conversations where the “obstruction” would have had to have taken place).
Does that make sense?
“Theory: if there were an obstruction of justice investigation going on in any capacity, Mueller would have not allowed Comey to testify”
So much that right there. he couldn’t do this freak show and then be a material witness of any kind.
Which is why this is just much ado about nothing and is going to leave the progs woefully disappointed.
Imagine their fever dreams are real. Trump is impeached, and somehow everyone down to a Democrat is also impeached.
We pretty much get armed conflict in the streets, even worse than we have now, right?
Because they’re under the illusion that they’ll win and eradicate the deplorables. You know, the people that hoard firearms.
The people that love firearms, love to shoot, and are often ex-military.
Yeah, proggies, pick a fight with those people. It will go about as well as the antifa idiots getting their asses kicked at Berkeley.
Frum gonna Frum. I think the wailing of the Never Trump GOP establishment is funnier than that of the progs.
Almost a year of investigating yet “we cannot yet clearly see”? Gee, almost sounds like there’s nothing there but the feverish wet dreams of David Frum.
oops, major threading failure
If testifying in open Congress in front of everyone in America who cares isn’t the time or place to state definitively what was happening, maybe nothing was happening.
These people were raised on Buffy, Marvel and Harry Potter. They believe that tiny people with the right morals can triumph over much physically larger individuals and also larger groups. Having never encountered an actual reality that disillusioned them of this, they believe it to be true. Like that chick getting her head snapped back at Berkeley. She thought she was gonna put on weighted gloves and go all Tifa on the boys until one not particularly strong or well trained man put her down with a single punch.
Rarely do I actually laugh out loud at something online, but if ever there was a LOL moment, it was Moldilocks taking a straight right to the face. The expression she had afterward, a combination of pain and bewilderment, was absolutely priceless.
And you can tell that even the alt-righters who showed up to brawl with antifa are better people than antifa morons, because nobody put the boot to her while she was down.
The “badass chick who can take down three navy SEALs without a scratch” trope has vastly inflated the average feminist sense of their combat ability.
It’s kind of weird. I mean, I don’t watch a super hero movie and suddenly think I can safely jump off a building. But some people do seem to buy in to this idea just because they do it in movies. Remember all that Ronda Rousey nonsense, about how she could supposedly beat male fighters?
I did see something similar in high school when guys I knew were going to join the military after graduation, and some of them had this dude-bro attitude of ‘man, I’d fight through any injury and you’re going to have shoot me in the head to stop me’ which all just comes of as standard teenage males who think they’re fucking invincible.
But this female attitude is way more broad and common, and I think it’s because of the one-two punch of media and ideology. The media is enforcing the hundred-pound-girl easily beats trained military personnel imagery (Black Widow in the recent Marvel movies is basically the epitome of this right now, Buffy used to be but they at least qualified her with the fact that she had magical strength) while the feminist ideology is also cranking out the narrative of women being equal or superior to men in all aspects.
Plus most of these people who actually believe this crap have never been in a fight their entire lives and think they’re some choreographed garbage instead of brutal.
I re-watched the earlier Alien movies in preparation for Covenant–then crapped out in disgust around Resurrection and I just couldn’t do Prometheus again, or even Covenant itself after I heard it compared to Prometheus… in theaters anyways.
But I digress. I forgot Joss Whedon was the writer for Alien Resurrection, but that immediately came back to mind with the standard “woman easily physically overpowers men over twice her size” scene.
There was some apoplectic freakout on some gaming community a while back that I remember because of the sheer intensity, because some roguelike gave men +1 strength and women +1 charisma or something and MEN AND WOMEN ARE EXACTLY PHYSICALLY EQUAL AND DISAGREEMENT IS HATE SPEECH, FUCK YOUR “BIOTRUTHS”, etc., etc., etc. Truly one of the hard-hitting issues issues of our age. It just feels odd to see such a blatant denial of reality become more commonplace even when the means to easily rebut it–beyond, you know, the simple observation of reality–are also more commonplace than ever.
Because Obama weeded out all non-PC Generals, they think the military would side with them. As if most NCOs would play along.
That one always amuses me, too. All those rednecks and farm boys in the infantry are going to fight against their people? Not bloody likely.
If Hillary had won we might have seen some political officers being added to the military.. Good militaries have kommisars to keep the troops erm, properly motivated…
They make for nice target practice when the revolution starts.
When the Nazis were making headway in the early part of WWII, they had no problem finding out who the commissars were. The Russian & Ukrainian troops were only to happy to point them out.
Esequiel Hernandez says “Hi!” and laughs at your naiveté.
Nawar & Abdulrahman al-Awlaki say “Hi!” also.
I think “their people” is being used in an intuitive/emotional, not a legalistic, sense here. Their willingness to kill a foreign-descended jihadi living with Al Qaeda out-of-country despite his nominal American citizenship doesn’t necessarily provide any evidence as to how they will react when commanded to kill people whose background, culture, and attitudes they share, especially when those orders are given by people they (to the extent they share the attitudes of the target folk) despise and, on the basis of those same orders, have good cause to see as mortal enemies.
It’s like expecting a predominantly Shi’ite army to slaughter Shi’ite civilians on orders from Sunni commanders under a regime that is ramping up the oppression of Shi’ites. Stranger things have happened, of course, but fragging would seem to be the order of the day.
The Dems think that Trump-love is not like a square’s love, that if they take down Trump then the–to them–semi-mystical hold he has over the people that voted for him will be broken. And that they’d rather deal with Pence,–bloodless, charmless Pence from a flat nowhere state–than Trump. Pence is predictable. Pence is a game they already know how to play.
What they don’t understand is that the GOP establishment is not backing Trump, but backing itself. Most them probably don’t like Trump any more than the average person with a room temp IQ, but the idea of letting the Dems take his scalp is right off the fucking table.
They would rather play the long game that 4 years of Trump will be less damaging to the party than going through an impeachment.
I’m surprised the Dems haven’t just asked the Reps to “compromise” yet, for the children. That usually makes them pull their pants down and bend right over.
Both party establishments also STILL somehow fail to realize that most Trump voters couldn’t give a shit less about what a slimeball Trump is. They voted for him as a signal of the depth and intensity of their hatred of both parties.
I actually think that Trump being a slimeball increases the appeal for his base. The bigger and more orange the middle finger is, the more obvious the message spreads.
I think the word is often misused and overused, but this really is the first Nihilistic Presidency.
I think it’s hilarious.
Nihilist? Fuck me, Dude!
Dammit Donny, it’s not funny.
I thought he was a Nazi. But if he’s a nihilist, then nothing to be afraid of.
Trump is not a nihilist, but voting for him as a fuck you to the establishment was a nihilistic act for many of his voters.
Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it’s an ethos.
I am the Walrus.
The Democrats don’t understand that the GOPe is as scared of the “plebes” that they’re supposed to represent as the Left is. It’s just that the GOPe is going to fight Trump in a more backdoor way and will let him serve at least these next 4 years.
Because they have zero sense of consequence. It’s all just TODAY I WANT. Same thing with all the pushing of Russia as Enemy Numero Uno — they don’t see the end result of that being war with Russia or nukes, they just think “today it’s convenient that Russia is the enemy because I want it”.
Today I want a presidetn with a pen and a phone. Tomorrow? Oh shit Trump has a pen and a phone!! WHO COULD’VE SEEN THAT COMING?
End result of shallow feelz that the left loves.
Beautiful summary.
Wow, yeah, that’s about it. Well put.
They think they’ll have all the institutions of the state backing them, so it will be a simple matter of using the police and military to round up the Trumpkins and bring them to heel. When in reality the Republicans can field a hell of a lot more divisions than the Democrats can.
And it relies on their police obeying orders. A college friend of mine married her high school sweetheart, who is a cop in Suburban Philly. If he got orders to literally round up normal Americans, he wouldn’t. They moved back to Philly because he was uncomfortable with the way the investigations went in the Charleston police incidents, and the way that union backed the officer who was clearly in the wrong. If he were ordered to do such a crazy thing, I’d offer to let her and her daughter stay with me, or ask my parents to take them all in for a while (backwoods of NC, out of the way for Fed Gov enforcers) in case he needed to move them out of there quickly. I don’t know that more than 10% of cops would be that honorable, but if SHTF, I think the disruption caused by 10% of the law enforcement workforce saying, “Hell No!” to unconstitutional orders would combine with the mutiny of the military and cause a literal civil war.
They think they’ll win. And, when it’s all over, they’ll abolish the Constitution and set loose the Cultural Revolution.
IOW, they’re completely and utterly insane.
The UK has a general election today but the first three BBC News stories as I write are about the Comey hearing.
To be fair there’s not a whole lot to report on until the polls close and they start counting.
I have to admit I like the way they announce the winners. But it wouldn’t work here in the US where we have a whole bunch of elections going on at the same time.
Even the Brits (ahem, Londoners) are suffering from TDS, hilarious. Is this part of some secret dream of world government?
They just wanna be ‘in’ with the globalist, tranzi cool-kids.
Remember where most of the anti-Brexit fervor was concentrated.
I think it’s a foregone conclusion. Corbyn is such a complete moron even the Tories won’t lose to him.
CorbynTrump is such a complete moron even theToriesDems won’t lose to him.Sorry, just had a flashback to last October.
All those rednecks and farm boys in the infantry are going to fight against their people? Not bloody likely.
I worry a lot more about whose side the local police departments will take than the likelihood of a military coup. I think any base commander who tells his men to saddle up and put down a (real or imagines) revolt of the deplorables will get laughed at, and then clapped in irons.
Framed as the upholding of legitimate government and the chain of command over the lawbreaking rioters? They’ll follow orders and get to see some action!
We already know some police departments will side with the left. Because they already have – letting lefty/antifa types repeatedly vandalize and assault Trump supporters and disrupt his events while the cops stood aside and did nothing.
I suspect the po-po will generally line up where you expect them to – big cities and proggy enclave/university towns will side with the left, just about everybody else will either side with the not-left or stay neutral.
Any police department that has an underfunded pension program is going to be biased towards the ‘free shit mafia’.
THIS is why you have the 2nd amendment. Tyranny is not an F-16 at your front door, but rather a no-knock raid at the wrong address or a cop with too much of an authority complex during a “routine” traffic stop.
Whatever happened with that case of the guy who shot the cop during a no-knock raid? Or was he killed in that? Can’t remember.
Does anyone else see the ghost of Mark Felt lurking in DC?
this really is the first Nihilistic Presidency.
Why hasn’t he made his horse Attorney General, yet? It would be better than Sessions.
I honestly think that anyone other than Rand Paul will generally nominate statists to AG. While he is a dinosaur about drugs, Sessions has done some good, as well. For example, this.
Someone that was not an utter hack shitbag could have done that as well. Just because Sessions did it doesn’t mean that only Sessions could have done it.
True, but I call the game as I see it.
I would argue that the entire arrangements should have been nullified and the government parties prosecuted for corruption. Anything short of that just guarantees that they will do it again.
Sessions was the appointee to fight, but the stupid left wasted all their powder on DeVos because dollars.
I had so many Derpbook friends all up in knots about DeVos. My reponse would’ve been (if I cared to engage) “Name 2 of the last 5 Education Secretaries.”
I will catbutt and ban anyone that says a bad word about Incitatus.
I hear Bucephalus had a bigger dick.
line treaded
*adrenaline rush*
That was better than crossing the imaginary sibling line in the back seat of the car.
Seriously, although Caligula merely threatened to appoint him, what damage could he possibly do?
You may want to have a word with Paradox Interactive, though.
Yeah, he would’ve just sat there and voted “neigh” on everything.
*narrows gaze*
“Why hasn’t he made his horse Attorney General, yet?”
The Senate would say neigh.
Oops, too late.
In other news, police in action in London on Saturday Night Link..
A bit gung-ho for my tastes, and not exactly tactically sound, but they got a result.
Remember the Newsweek/WaPo reporter who was absolutely convinced every story he had was going to bring Trump down?
He got caught tweeting today with an open hentai porn web site in the background.
Just an amusing anecdote.
Now that is funny.
Sorry. I should say that it’s Kurt Eichenwald.
He says he was trying to prove to his wife that tentacle porn was real. And by “wife”, I assume he means “waifu pillow.”
Uh-huh. Sure, buddy.
This guy is apparently not very good at making up excuses.
If anyone has intimate knowledge of mental institutions, it’s likely to be Eichenwald.
People are leaving reviews under his name now.
Seriously, i mean that’s totally normal and there’s nothing ridiculous about that line of defense.
I’m sure his wife will love to learn that she’s being used as a shield when he gets caught looking at porn.
Well, she was willing to pretend he had a seizure from a Twitter picture so some guy could get charged with some bullshit. Why draw the line at being a beard for his tentacle porn fetish?
Katharine Hepburn is overrated.
*Katherine Hepburn* playing Katherine Hepburn was bad enough.
The Hudsucker Proxy had Paul Newman in it for crying out loud, and I still couldn’t bear to watch it.
Speaking of Newman, I watched Nobody’s Fool again not long ago. I like that movie. Also, there is a good documentary about Newman’s off screen avocation in racing cars that’s pretty good. I think maybe Adam Carola did it.
*Katherine Hepburn* playing Katherine Hepburn was bad enough.
TCM ran The Madwoman of Chaillot yesterday. It’s one of those movies I turned off when I tried to watch it it was so goddamn irritating.
And I don’t get what the Cary Grant character sees in her in Bringing Up Baby.
She’s great in The Philadelphia Story. Especially when she gets shoved in the face in the opening.
Was talking with the pastor of a largish church in my smallish city yesterday about the local public school system (my daughter is 17 months, so I don’t know much about it.) He said that back in the 90s/00s the principal of a local christian school asked him why he was sending his kids to the public schools. He said, “Both the superintendents are members here. Every member of the school board is a christian. They aren’t going to violate the law, but we aren’t going to put up with the stuff that goes on elsewhere.” That isn’t quite the same today, but there is still the pressure on the schools to not screw things up.
This was actually on topic to a comment RC Dean made, but different enough to pull out of indenting. In my county of 120k, the police/schools/etc aren’t going to side with the left.
I don’t get what the Cary Grant character sees in her in Bringing Up Baby.
No kidding. As I recall, that movie opens at some sort of golf course. He should have clubbed her to death with a nine iron and buried her in a sand trap in the first five minutes. The “justifiable homicide” plea in the courtroom scene would have been box office dynamite.