Happy Thursday. Someone on my Facebook wondered how Republican Senators can so hate America that they would try to keep the truth from coming out by having Jim Comey testify before a Senate Committee. Smart people type the dumbest things. I, also, hate America because well, look at the feckless pack of asshats that are selected as our leaders. What the fucking fuck? And for our 87% Canadian contingent, I don’t want to hear it. You guys are living out the Idiot Son stage, which puts you about 15 years behind us. Enjoy it.
![You know Comey never married Liz in her prime.](https://glibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/comeyntrump-150x150.jpg)
Not quite Trump and Coemy
- The House looks to weaken Dodd-Frank. The Senate, being feckless morons, will screw it up.
- The EU Central Bank will continue its stimulus plan — I guess because Mario Draghi is secretly a British Tory?
- Which one of you perverts… oh wait, Mallorca. None of you can afford Mallorca. Subhed: Why American tabloids are inferior to British. The Brits would have social media pictures of the women looking cute. (Spanish girls, not Brits for those of you wondering about my use of “cute”)
- Unintended consequences. US Soil Bank subsidy less profitable than farming. Private enterprise to blame.
- This guy makes entirely too much sense, and as such will never be listened to. As a professional engineer, I’m sure he’s used to that.
This is how you troll.
Look at that avatar! Sloop, are you an instagram brand ambassador for hipster mustache waxes yet?
A monocle and a top hat and it’s the mascot for the website
I think it’s more steampunk aeronaut
Rigid airships need pilots, too.
Are you trying to blow us all up?
“It’s filled with non-flammable helium. What part of that don’t you get?”
The whole concept, obviously.
+ 1 euphemism
Are we not doing ‘phrasing’ anymore?
We can totally photoshop that shit in.
I was wondering why Future Gavin McInnes was commenting here.
I could don a top hat in about 30 seconds. If you think it’ll help in the branding. But the b&w is a keeper.
I dunno. A top hat might clutter an avatar sized photo. Let the ‘stache speak for itself.
Listen to jesse. You’ve seen he hard times he’s gone through with the tortilla/crepe in his avatar. Less is more.
I thought that was a small pizza crust.
You’re all disinvited from future crepe brunches. More nutella for jesse!
I thought it was a “do it yourself” condom.
I thought it was a custom diaphragm for Amy Schumer, but I didn’t want to be impolite.
I’m gonna need some filthy grant lucre to test the efficacy of sweet crepes in preventing pregnancy and the transmission of VD.
Depending on the results I’ll expand the trials to include savory crepes and regional variants and boxty.
That was my initial thought too.
It stays the same. I’m just regretting shaving the beard off two months back. If I’d have left it, the whole ensemble would be even better by now.
I’m pretty sure that sloop was a traveling snake oil salesman in a past life. I can just picture him on his wagon: “Step right up here folks, I got this Sloop’s Special Soothing Syrup here. Cures everything, yer constitutional humors, your swamp fever. And I got this Sloops Special Buffalo Polish, for the shiniest buffalo in town!”.
He does need a paying job when he’s in between gigs tying women to train tracks.
He is just a DNA test away from being the 2020 Democrat frontrunner.
He’s gonna be on the bottom of the ticket. With Chelsea.
“Clinton”/Clinton’s Bastard 2020.
For graphic design purposes Clinton/”Clinton” or Clinton/Clinton*
I’m thinking “Clinton”/Clinton* FTW!
Came here to say this.
I’m not sure how Slick Willy and Hilldawg ain’t seeing that. They’re really slipping. All they have to do is come out and admit that the kid is Bill’s, There’s a tearful reunion nationally televised, then Danney comes out as a bisexual Muslim and he’s the next POTUS. These crooks got the wrong people running their racket. Lame.
Retro pr0nstache.
None of you can afford Mallorca.
I will not book a flight to Mallorca to prove you wrong.
*books flight to Mallorca to prove Brett wrong*
*Gets diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, punches doctor*
“Oppositional Defiant Disorder is sometimes better referred to as Asshole Parent Syndrome” – My own therapist, talking about my nephew.
Yeah I always read that one as “parent wants a clinicized excuse for why their relationship with their child is shitty, but doesn’t actually want to deal with the issue”
It pisses me off that people consider “oppositional defiant disorder” a disorder. Maybe I just don’t agree with you. Maybe I’m not wild about being told what to do. Maybe I don’t recognize your authority. Who are you to call me “defiant”? Must think awfully highly of yourself, your majesty.
I was an ODD kid and that’s pretty much my view of it. Come to think of it, I bet an awful lot of ODD types wind up becoming libertarians.
Yeah, I’ve always kind of been like:
1. I haven’t decided whether to recognize your authority, and
2. You told me something and I disagreed. If you continue to disagree with me, maybe you’re the one with ODD.
Too many steps. I usually just jump right to ‘fuck off’.
We Minnesotan’s take pride in our efficiency.
Uffda. That sure isn’t what a guy would call Minnesoda Nice.
A guy needs to be more passive. “That is quite the deal you just suggested. A guy could do a lot worse than take you up on that offer.”
Raises hand. Of course, libertarianism is a disorder. That’s the excuse they’ll use to round us all up
Who are you to call me “defiant”?
Stanley Kramer?
Classic “ODD” pal.
Hey, man, maybe you’re the defiant one and you just said your part first because you talk faster!
Yeah, well I’m rubber, you’re glue! PAL!
Turns out Mallorca isn’t that pricey. Huh.
When you’ve lost Chris Matthews, you’ve lost the narrative
Progressives and the MSM got their asses kicked, and it was entirely predictable.
At this point, I’ve lost count of the left’s own goals.
Keeping count and having clear goals is patriarchal, shitlord.
As if that will make them do anything but double down on the level of insane and stupid?
This has been a bad month for them. First Trump kills the world by ending the Paris Climate Accord and now Comey unravels their Russia collusion narrative
My local paper (Star Tribune) is running a headline “EX FBI CHIEF COMEY SAYS TRUMP FIRED HIM OVER RUSSIA INVESTIGATION” (in all caps like that) and are linking to an “Analysis: James Comey lays out case that Trump obstructed justice”.
They’re not going to let this go without a fight.
Not even the other site is moving off that narrative. Shack is saying that Trump was trying to stop the ‘Russia investigation’, though Flynn is not being investigated for connections to Russia, but instead lying to the FBI.
From Huff Po, no less
They have to keep the narrative going, because otherwise it means that they’ve all done terribly sloppy work over the past five months and that the American people are right to distrust them
How is flynn still being investigated for ambassador calls?
The small handful of people who still read the Red Star weren’t going to be convinced, anyway.
@ thom I saw that too. Unbelievable.
At least they got a few good hits in, right?
I’m curious whether the Trumputin story will just continue on for four years or they’ll get creative and come up with something new.
Yeah, man, Chris Matthews is about the most reliably sympathetic voice they’ve got. When even he is fleeing the ship…
Do not worry, Dan Rather will carry the torch.
I imagine he was there in his living room this morning, C-Span tuned in, pants around his ankles, lube at the ready, and then sad trumpet sound about halfway through the testimony.
This whole thing is blowing up Left’s / media’s (same thing) faces.
Comey said Lynch instructed Comey not to call the criminal investigation into the Clinton server a criminal investigation. Instead, Lynch told Comey to call it a “matter,” Comey said, “which confused me.”
You are making the classic mistake of thinking that facts or the truth have anything to do with it. I was disabused of that notion by the media and George Stephanopolis during Bill Clinton’s run in ’92. They flat contradicted themselves every two weeks and never once got anything less than a full pass by the entirety of the national media.
It has been the same ever since. This go-around we even have the Obama administration bragging to the NY Times that they placed classified information around the government so that it could be leaked after Trump’s inauguration, thereby destabilizing his presidency. If that is a big, fat nothing-burger, they are not going to hear a single thing Comey said.
Today was a slam-dunk win for Trump, in spite of his best efforts to sabotage himself.
Remember when Trump saying that Comey told him he was not under investigation was the biggest whopper of a lie of all time? How many people parroted the line that the FBI never, ever, never-never-ever, absolutely never tells someone that they are not under investigation? Remember how Trump had to tweet about “he better hope that I don’t have it on tape” in response to the denials by everyone around him that Comey could have told Trump such a thing? And what did we learn today?
Oh yeah. Comey told him that he wasn’t under investigation at least 3 different times.
And Trump never said anything that remotely approaches telling him to kill the investigation. In fact, the most obvious reading was that he was saying “look, we both know there is nothing to this, so can we wrap it up and get on with things?”
The only damning thing I heard about Trump was that he wanted Comey to be loyal to him personally. Which is kinda the entire thing with team Clinton, isn’t it? Remember FOB? Notice how they made 50 million bucks right out of the gate without having an actual job? Ya think those payouts were for anything else?
Comey’s response that he would be honest rang true to me. In fact, I’ve had similar conversations with the Chairman of the Board of the company I used to work for. When people at the top were bullshitting him I couldn’t just come out and say “the guy you brought in is full of shit” right to his face. So instead I gave him the data that condemned his man and then told him, “you can always come to me for the truth. I don’t care if it makes me look good or bad, you’ll always get the straight answer from me.” (turns out, he didn’t really like the straight answer. Being from a sales background, he kinda appreciated the BS answer more.)
Kurt Eichenwald assures everyone that he most certainly does not watch tentacle porn.
Tucker Carlson drove him to this!
Lies make baby Jesus cry.
Someone should post that as a Twitter reply.
Don’t be lame, Kurt, just own up to the fact that you want an octopus giving you a prostate massage and people will respect you for it.
It’s always the cover up that gets them Jesse…
… Go on…
Don’t get “octopus buttstuff” on your work computer, Riven.
Thank Cthulhu for smartphones… Debating bringing in a little octopus desk lamp for my new office… Too much?
I mean, as long as it isn’t an octopus double tentacling a busty woman to airtight status, I’m sure it’ll be fine. Just keep it classy.
Oh, would you listen to that? The phone is, um, ringing, and I should really take it. Could be a while…
… Don’t wait up.
Thanks a lot jesse, now we’re back down to -1 libertarian women.
Go splorch yourself.
Calamari is back on the menu fellas.
Man, the dressing tastes familiar!
I get it if he worked in some straight lace job, but he is a journalist so everyone already assumes he’s a scum bag.
He really should consider a name change and not allowing his picture to be taken, either, because that combined image screams Nazi paedophile.
It’s the Day of the Tentacle.
Green or Purple?
From the comments:
Sick F* * k !
p.s. i’ll bet he ‘s a jew…
BTW: what’s with the incest in anime? I’m watching “Sword Art Online” and there’s this weird brother/sister sexual tension and “Kill La Kill” had a weird Mom/Daughter thing. It doesn’t really add anything to the story.
When you’ve lost Florida Man, West Virginia Man can’t be far behind.
I read a theory awhile back that it has to do with insular family models in Japan, where often times outside of school the most common interactions you have with the opposite sex during your puberty and teen years are with family members around your age. Therefore cousin fetish.
Kind of like how there’s a ton of gay sex in Saudi Arabia because they segregate the sexes so much.
That sounds similar to how it is in the US. I know there’s a stigma against incest around here. Maybe Japanese anime creators simply have no shame in choosing their methods of pandering to teenage boys? Anyone who watches anime knows there’s a fuck-ton of pandering in almost every show targeting that demographic, and it’s rarely limited to one form (e.g. those insufferable harem shows where they pander to every common fetish they can). In a wider sense, Japanese (from my limited understanding of their culture) seem far less sexually repressed/repressive than Americans.
Except that then you would kind of expect the Westermarck effect to kick in. Humans really have a lot of inborn biases against incest.
Do not watch The Irregular at Magic High School. While less graphic than Kill La Kill, it’s much more insistent about the incest (brother-sister specifically).
In the olden days of the anime boom, basically any niche could be targeted. These days, I guess any money is good?
Also, all competent people go into video games because those actually pay money. So, you don’t get the best/socially adjusted doing your animes…
I didn’t do more than skim the first tweet but the sheer quantity of them is evidence enough to me that the lady doth protest too much.
I want to know how he *didn’t* find tentacle porn, if thats what he was looking up.
Florida Girl
I assume she’s too old for OMWC, so I figured it was safe to post. Just remember before one of you pervs says something about her torso: she’s 14.
she’s 14.
Poor girl, how’d she get so far past marriageable age in FL?
Her personality?
that girl is from Boynton? HAHAHAHA….oh I’m totally giving my cousins shit about that.
I get the impression she’s a transplant, though I have no idea where from. Her mother sounds Long Island.
No matter – my relatives down there are all originally from Long Island too. Isn’t half of Florida?
“It feels like you died and went to Jew heaven.”
-Jimmy Conway’s wife in Goodfellas
Don’t wait too long, Mom’s 29.
Would (in 4 years).
In 4 years, she’s probably gonna be well past her sell-by date. And a Momma, twice.
I still figure her presumably natural tits will still be perky enough. You cake some eye shadow and blush on her, and she’s no worse than a large collection of women I’ve masturbated to over the years.
dat nose tho
Danielle Bregoli, 14, her mother Barbara Ann Bregoli and their company, Dani B Holdings LLC…
Say what now?
Oh yeah. The backstory about how they battled with Dr. Phil is interesting stuff.
All this is part of a cunning plan.
Not cunning enough that you could put a tail on it and call it a fox, though.
Their battling with Mr. Phil gives me more sympathy for them.
He is a first-rate conman and charlatan.
Apropos of nothing, he was also on the losing team of the last college football game an FBS won with a triple-digit final score.
No mention of Kurt Eichenwald’s apparent taste for hentai tentacle porn?
See, this is why you refresh before you post, idiot.
pssst. look up
Of course the people with anime avatars are obsessed with the hentai story.
I’ll have you know I make sure to avoid all hentai with “tentacle” or “loli” tags.
So just futanari and netorare tags, then?
I didn’t think people here’d know what futa is. And even I have no clue what that other one is.
HM and Nutrasweet are mods here, of course there are people that know what futanari is.
And netorare is cuckoldry.
I know. I’d rather I didn’t, but I do.
I don’t even know what that other one is either, and will try to keep it in mind for things not to become aware of.
*Lights HM and Riven signals*
I learned about futa from people here, so… no idea what netorare is.
Netorare is cucks. Literally. There are, unsurprisingly, quite a few crossovers between the two genres.
There are, unsurprisingly, quite a few crossovers between the two genres.
Unsurprising indeed.
Excuse. Me.
Who do you think you’re talking to?
Hitler. Come on Riven the answer is always Hitler.
I thought I was done with these kinds of rookie mistakes! Damn!
To be fair, it could have turned into an interesting chain of imaginative submissions about just HOW bad you are, but Negroni dialed it straight to 11,
I prefer final solutions. You know who else… etc etc.
Formula 409?
Anime was a mistake.
/Pan Zagloba
There’s only so much goodwill you can still carry from FotNS, Macross, Cowboy Bebop, Utena, Girls und Panzer and other classics.
Trigun deserves a mention. I don’t recall it being all that clever or original or profound, but I had good memories of it as a young teenager.
Also, as dumb as some of the naval-gazing last up its own asshole episodes were, GitS:SAC had a compelling arc.
GITS: SAC is probably my favorite iteration of the anime – the extended length allowed good character development on all fronts and some very interesting long-form storytelling. Definitely a more intelligent sort of series compared to some.
A personal favorite – not necessarily the best in most respects – is Gasaraki. I loved the “realistic” walking tanks style mechs and the Japanese corporate politics (like GITS) seemed pretty accurately/intelligently handled on the SDF side of things. The Japanese mythology/shinto bits got pretty stupid IMO, but on the whole better than a lot of stuff.
I also keep meaning to pick up the Patlabor series. I love the first couple of movies.
I enjoyed Trigun, but the antagonist was right. If you save all of the butterflies, you’re just going to kill all of the spiders.
Fish, I think you’re the only other person I know who has actually stuck it out to watch the whole of Gasaraki. Congrats. Personally I think its worth it for the payoff of the last two episodes.
And I don’t think Girls und Panzer really qualifies as a classic. Escaflowne however…
Avoids Loli tags – says the guy with a Gunslinger Girl avatar.
Henrietta is never naked, is a cyborg, and is awesome.
Everyone knows that Gunslinger Girl and Youjo Senki don’t count.
Hey, I ain’t here to judge. You can justify the whole frattelo thing however you want so long as its consensual. Of course, whether any of them consented is part of the whole thrust of the series and, indeed, what makes it an interesting series. For what its worth, the Anime turned me on to The Delgados so they’ve also got that going for them. But, I think you’ve really got to stretch the definition of loli to make GSG not loli.
GSG is moe, not loli. Loli is sexual. Moe is cute.
Umaru is moe, I’m not sure GSG fits the bill. It pulls elements, but there is explicit tension among the fratello and they’ve used it operationally as well against targets, way more loli than moe.
You people are weird.
I think Kurt’s bullshit excuse was even worse than getting caught
Mrs Eichenwald is currently unavailable for comment
Someone should reach out to her…..with a tentacle.
Where can I buy a monocle?
Gentlemen’s unlubricated single-use monocle
unlubricated: quincy hardest hit
I’m reminded of Rudy Vallee’s billionaire character in The Palm Beach Story having one pair of pince-nez glasses after another after Claudette Colbert steps on one and breaks it.
pince-nez synchronicity!
Eugh. Pretty sure that was SMBC guy’s brainchild.
some part of me wants a nice Russian anarchist pince nez just to be difficult.
I actually got a functional prescription monocle from Warby Parker, but the turtleshell finish is less cool/more hipster than a solid metal frame.
So do you just have to squint your eye around it to hold it in place, or what?
What you do is make a surprised wide-eyed expression like “Hey, I’m a mime!”
Then you just drop that badboy in place, and just let the brow and eye socket meat do all the work.
I don’t have terrible vision without correction, but it is strange how correcting one eye gives you the illusion of correcting both simultaneously.
The biggest loser from that Comey hearing was the media. Their whole narrative has unraveled.
Trump ought to file a defamation suit against the NYT over that story. Now that would be hilarious.
In the suit he would have to identify the defendant as the ‘Failing New York Times’
Jesus, man, are you trying to give Suderman a stroke?
Comey leaking himself about potential criminal accusations that he sat on instead of giving to the DOJ. Several fake news stories revealed.
True believers are going to be disillusioned here. They were promised a Super Bowl style political event. If it was anything like that, it’s the Pats upsetting the Rams in 2001 or Jets in Super Bowl III.
Is there somebody keeping track of all the times these “anonymous officials” have turned out to be telling utter hogwash? Because it’s become a recurring instance, that’s for sure.
I have. Let me do the math.
Let’s see, add the WaPo ones. Take the NYT. Add in the LAT. the Guardian. Carry the one.
The number I’m coming up with is: all of them.
I heard it live but would like to have a video clip when Comey said major news outlets were publishing fake news but the FBI wouldn’t correct them. Anyone have a link?
No hat tip?
On this site and the old one, I tried to point yall to strong towns.
Also, notice I have comments on that article from 2 days ago.
but that would require clicking a link. I think you know that’s just a bridge too far here.
It came up on my Hacker News feed. I will probably read more regularly with your suggestion.
There are lots of big government, central planner types on that site, including writing for it. But Marohn is a libertarian-leaning.
I look forward to your cat-butting.
It’s called the Conservation Reserve Program, or CRP. Ten years ago, there was more land in the CRP than in the entire state of New York. In North Dakota, CRP land covered 5,000 square miles.
This is presented as a good thing.
He says that instead of renting land for 10 years, the government should buy more easements — legal restrictions ensuring, for instance, that a farmer cannot plow a piece of land for the next 30 years … or forever.
Fuck off slaver.
There’s such a fucked up mix of hating the industrial progress that leads to not starving, having nice things and the idea that people do what they want with their property.
I’d make a snide remark, but there’s a better than 50/50 chance this person considers Mao’s Great Leap Forward to be a positive thing.
Well it was forward, wasn’t it, you regressive goober?
-Manhattan legislator
And a leap no less!
You gotta leap when you’re trying to get over 20 million corpses. Evel Knievel and all that.
*Trump impersonation* it was a great leap forward. Great, great leap.
That story is interesting. Kind of fucked up but interesting. It reminded me of a story I heard on the radio here a few weeks ago that I meant to look into. Seems they are paying farmers in western CO to not farm so more water makes its way west. I would think the water users further west should be paying that tab, (if it is in fact a good thing to do) and not the taxpayers in the rest of the nation. I am not a water use expert though. That gets into some oldentimey law and agreements around these parts.
I remember some farmers at the statehouse trying to make an issue about how they had junior water rights to a right downstream of them, but then the senior right was sold to a city upstream which meant less water overall would be flowing through their stretch of stream, decreasing the efficiency of that ditch. So if the city made a call for the same amount of water that the previous holder would have made, the junior rights now downstream of that call would have even less water available to them afterwards. Don’t think it went anywhere but I guess water court has never really decided issues like that (at least not in the junior, newly downstreamed favor) or they wouldn’t have been lobbying about it. Water rights are definitely complicated. I’ll bet this fed has no issues with buy and dry since it’d probably make it easier to get those easements he loves.
Yes, the whole buying easements is suspect. Being a new thinker in that area, I am still undecided if the Feds should own land in the first place.
The decision to pay off farmers to not farm here is not a ditch rights thing. I think those are settled locally, but more of a paying off farmers to increase volume flowing into the CO river that becomes water for NV, and CA. I am not sure what agreements are in place there, but if it runs up the price of locally grown produce this summer so more water can be sent to states that refuse to upgrade their water management plans, well, I call bullshit. The Colorado aint the only river running west, and the Sierra Nevada doubled our snow fall last winter. Maybe they could use that water? Or is it better to impose more restrictions up stream 1200 miles away? Or, maybe use that big giant pool of water called the Pacific Ocean. The UAE does that quite well. There are no rivers there and a bunch of people have swimming pools. Desalination might help with the oncoming floods from the oceans rising.
Simona Halep will be the new #1 if she beats Jelena Ostapenko in the French Open final on Saturday.
More interesting than the star-fucking going on over on the men’s side.
Fuck you Fed is awesome.
Simona Halep is indeed smoking hot though.
I like Fed too, although he skipped the clay season.
I can’t stand Nadal or Murray.
And Halep had breast-reduction surgery.
That kind of make her like an Amazon.
HuffPo academic does her best Maxine Waters interpretation
Thomas Jefferson School of Law? Isn’t that where Vincent LaGuardia Gambini attended?
She’s claiming that a “crime against humanity” is an impeachable offense.
and that pulling out of the climate treaty is that crime.
I think she might have a hard time proving damage and finding victims. Congress can’t exactly cite said crime until some other body (a la the Hague) actually charges Trump with it.
I thought I was losing my fucking mind for a minute when I kept hearing Jim Gaffigan in a Wallykazam! episode.
The credits saved me.
Christ I’m glad my kid has aged out of those kinds of shows. But especially that show. That show’s Caillou-level annoying.
I don’t mind Wallykazam. Fucking Umi Zoomi though…
Oh c’mon Umizoomi is awesome.
Mine’s now all over the older kid/tween shows on Nickelodeon (Thundermans, Henry Danger, Loud House, Game Shakers). I wouldn’t watch them if I had a choice, but most of them aren’t half bad.
My son used to watch Octonauts all the time which us actually pretty good. Now its Scooby Doo, old Xmen, old Ghostbusters and Power Rangers.
Man, I love The Thundermans.
Octonauts was the best. Like Costanza, I always liked to pretend to have an interest in marine biology.
Lately my daughter has become obsessed with Odd Squad. Eh. Could be worse. The boy has been hanging around with his grandmother too much and has started adopting her viewing habits – nothing but HGTV house flipping shows and Food Network.
You do want to raise your boy to be a man, right?
Hey, I do what I can, but I can’t turn down Grandma’s free babysitting service. He’s still obsessed with playing Minecraft and his Star Wars Legos, so it’s not all bad news.
Free babysitting service is worth more than all the stars in the sky.
Mine also likes Food Network due to grandma. She … really likes Guy Fieri. I’ve failed as a parent, haven’t I.
Fuck no. There’s nothing wrong with that show.
*Fist-bumps (knuckle-sandwiches?) Tundra*
I saw, (don’t remember where now) a bunch of comments slamming food network for Guy’s show. Such low brow ignorant uncultured trash they said. They wanted more PBS type cooking shows. I love DDD. When I am in a hotel, (which is the only time I watch cable) I have the Food Network on.
You people are basically speaking a different language (Parentese?) at this point.
So Liv or Maddie?
I was partial to iCarly a few years back. Camile Paglia said the two young woman on the show were on par with Lucy and Ethel comedy-wise.
I thought the side-kick was more … interesting.
A lot more interesting!
I am hooked on Henry Danger. And Phoebe Thunderman is cute.
Calliou was one of the very worst. My kids too have grown out of the annoying ones for the most part. Never heard of Wallykazam though.
The Chemotherapy Kid?
Yeah. Pretty bad. Tough call between invading Canada in retaliation for Caillou, or Iceland, for Lazytown.
I once read an AMA from someone who worked on Lazytown about all the … disturbing … stories and artwork there are centered around the girl, who was like 12 when she made that show.
Everything about Lazy Town was bizarre, so it doesn’t surprise me that there was an unsettling undercurrent of Lolitaish fanfic around the girl.
As I understand it, the guy who played Sportacus was the writer, director, producer, financier and probably procurer of the whole operation, and made a ton of money.
So, yay, free enterprise*
*except he probably got a generous arts grant from the Icelandic Govt.
I fucking hate Caillou with a passion. Let the cancer kill you already, you stupid fuck.
I hate Caillou with a passion (and the pink pig).
But my grand-daughter used to love those shows.
I always would sit and watch this with her, though.
Tell me you didn’t want to bang Caillou’s mom. She liked it up the ass.
Caillou and Dora were fucking brutal. That ‘Backpack’ song almost put me over the edge.
My kid watches Archer now.
Backpack backpack…
Laugh it up, funnyman. You’ll be humming that goddamn song for the next two days.
You know what would have stopped Swiper from swiping?
A fucking Mossberg pump. Just sayin’.
I’m the map I’m the map I’m the map I’m the map I’M THE MAP I’M THE MAP I’M THE MAP I’M THE MAP I’M THE MAP
You’re killing it today, 6!
*wipes aways tears*
TSTSNBN would say a UBI would keep Swiper from swiping.
A fucking Mossberg pump.
LOL. The show made me want to take a shotgun to the TV, that’s for sure. Caillou too, I think Tundra nailed it, those two shows were the most annoying.
I also hated Cyberchase with a passion except for one episode, where the kids got a lesson in supply and demand, over a stale chocolate donut.
Swiper no swiping!
Aw, man! *snaps fingers*
Another show I’m glad the kid’s aged out of.
If you hate this show, Robot Chicken’s take will give you a laugh.
Timmy the Tooth was awesome, though.
I Hate Caillou. And Rosey too. Winey ass lil brats.
The kids also watched Max and Ruby for awhile but I couldn’t stand it because Ruby was such a buzzkill.
“I love you, you love me”
That is just so wrong. My daughter was a huge fan. I wanted to icepick my eardrums.
True or false – sloopy’s new avatar makes him look like a circa 1870 Prussian junker.
I rolled my eyes earlier when I read that MSNBC was reporting that yet another unnamed source claimed Trump didn’t know the US has troops in Qatar. The punch line was the guy who was supposedly talking to this “source familiar with Trump’s thinking” was……Brian Williams.
“him look like a circa 1870 Prussian junker”
Otto Von Bismark hardest hit
16-inchers will do that.
16-inchers certainly shoot a big load
Somebody get Sloop a pointy helmet! Stat!
“Glibertarians.com is a strange place, lorded over by some deplorable redneck in a pickelhauber”
– New York Times
Oh please. They’d print that whether he did it or not.
That’s the thing about crazy people ranting. They never quit. It will be something new everyday until they find another TrumPutin-like straw man to try and animate.
With the right haberdashery I’d go landsknecht.
Texas infrastructure (highways at least) already implements some of his suggestions: there’s design/build/maintenance projects (with penalties for delays) and there used to be public/private partnerships (where the developer shoulders most of the costs in return for a contract to collect tolls). Someone is kinda/sorta listening.
I remember hearing a debate somewhere – forgot if it was Massachusetts or New Jersey – about using rubberized asphalt concrete (RAC) in a repaving project. The mask slipped off the union guy’s face and he started complaining that they wouldn’t get paid to repave nearly as often.
It is interesting that his very first suggestion is to make localities pay for infrastructure. This is a direct repudiation of 50+ years of enlightened liberal and conservative thinking on the matter. But it is, at heart, a restatement of the thesis against central planning. The Federal government is not better suited to allocating resources than a state government, and a state government is not better suited than a local government. Put simpler, if the ten thousand, 100 thousand, or 1 million people in your locality didn’t think it was worth improving that road or building that bridge, then it’s definitely not worth spending the taxed-away wealth of 350 million people who almost all live elsewhere on.
Another thing perhaps worth noting is that the welfare state has so warped people’s perceptions that they don’t even see the graft and misallocation in the “infrastructure spending” boondoogle. When 2/3 of your multi-trillion-dollar budget is spent on transfer payments and other handout programs with no productive result, what’s a few hundred billion to build some infrastructure? At least you get some roads and bridges out of that deal.
Not really
the vast majority of the money becomes pork. feds hand out block grants to localities which use it to pay off their local-debt credit-cards.
The vast, vast majority of infrastructure is already paid for by state+local govt and/or private fees
the term “infrastructure” is just a head-fake by politicians to excuse a massive bout of one-shot federal spending which no one will end up paying attention to.
Its the same reason Obama did it in his first term. every pol wants to slather money around as fast as possible. and “infrastructure” is the bullshit term which enables that Federal handout system to kick in.
Well, roads are infrastructure, and what uses roads? Cars! Cars have wheels, and in a way so does bureaucracy. And wheels need grease.
So you see, it’s totally “infrastructure spending”!
We had a small section of road (less than 2/10 of a mile) that curved around a small mountain. Originally it was 2 lanes with a 15 mph warning which you could do 20 mph but not much more. At some point the state decided to make it one lane and put traffic lights at both ends. For 3 1/2 years I drove around this curve to and from work which was affectionately called ‘dead mans curve’ by the locals in spite of the fact that nobody had been killed or even seriously injured for the 40 plus years I have lived here. Now nobody locally was clamoring to fix this curve even with the 2 1/2 minute wait if you hit the light when it was just turning red but the state had other plans. A couple of years ago the state spent $6.5 million to move part of the mountain and straighten out the curve. I really miss that curve.
I just knew some stupid GOPer would go down the road of religious tests before people are allowed to serve in government. But I never knew it would happen in a Senate confirmation hearing.
Oh, wait…
You talking about that crazy video of Sanders ranting at the Christian guy. Not worshiping the State drives commies nuts.
An atheist going on about how religious beliefs are sufficiently inclusive enough is pretty rich.
Better make Sanders declare that there’s an afterlife or he’s being hateful towards everyone else.
Trump was rightly criticized when he called for a ‘Muslim ban’ during the primary and France was mocked as a reactionary state when they banned burkas. I highly doubt that Sanders will get any push back for this. Religious bigotry is alive and well on both sides of the aisle and frankly within libertarian ranks, too (hat tip Gary Johnson)
‘Religious bigotry’ huh? It’s bigotry to condemn ideas, beliefs and moral proscriptions? I trust you’ve never said an ill word about communists.
You may criticize all you want, but it is unconstitutional to apply a religious test to people seeking employment in the government or the government disallowing religious accommodation. That is reactionary
I didn’t say anything about what is or is not constitutional. I flanked the point of contention in apostrophes so it’ll be easy to find.
The works of Marx were divinely inspired. Nothing else changes, but now nobody’s allowed to criticize them because it’s a religion.
It definitely hinders our thinking.
This is what happens when you let the Papists onto your internet forums.
Oh, you’re just jealous of us Papists
No, I’m jealous of the Orthodox. Lookit those beards, that’s a proper holy man.
That, and if you like your wife, you can keep your wife when you enter priesthood.
Downside – while they try really hard, music is still way better over on the Papist side.
We can all agree that biggest tragedy of Martin Luther was that he couldn’t turn to Constantinople for guidance, they’d have sorted his major points easily. Probably made him Patriarch of Germany to boot, resolving Pope/Emperor conflict in one swift move.
Oh yeah? Well we got Bach out of the deal, so there!
Uhhhh I’m pretty sure the Bible says that if you reject Jesus you’re a total dick and Yahweh doesn’t like total dicks. So Bernie is obviously being Christianphobic.
the Bible says that if you reject Jesus you’re a total dick
In Bernie’s case, the bible seems to have gotten it right.
/+1 for Christianity?
What kills me about that is Bernie’s pretty much saying he’s upset that Christians don’t believe that people who aren’t Christian and, in fact, are something else, don’t go to Christian heaven.
Well, yeah, dumbass, that’s how it works. You know how you don’t go to the Republican National Convention because you’re not a Republican? It’s like that, stupid.
Yeah but that’s not very inclusive, which is apparently the highest of all purported virtues. Titty Fucking Christ you can’t keep the Muslims out of anywhere without people shitting their pants on the Muslims’ behalf, even if we’re talking about a supernatural fantasyland in the sky, they have a right of entry there too. God’s Muslim ban will probably get struck down by one of the lower order angels, have no doubt.
‘Later on, Senator Sanders railed at Sam’s Club for not recognizing his Costco membership, shouting, “Who needs this many cards?”‘
Well, yeah, dumbass, that’s how it works. You know how you don’t go to the Republican National Convention because you’re not a Republican? It’s like that, stupid.
In fairness, he did go to the Democrat National Convention despite not being a proper Democrat, so his view on these things is probably skewed. Heck, he’s a socialist, his views are skewed.
I mean, can you be a metaphysical socialist?
Since the Pope sure seems to be, I think the answer is yes.
And at the end of it all, he seems to be a fairly solid atheist. At least as much of an atheist as you are going to be able to publicly read in a politician who runs in state-wide elections.
So the entire thing is nonsense as far as his belief in any of the theology goes.
Today in Trivial Incompetence:
Yes, there is a lot of incompetence out there and some of it really matters. I want to talk about a little thing that does not matter in the slightest yet bugs the shit out of me.
I live in a small media market which means the people who run the news stations are the sorts who will never make it to the bigger stations. I’ve met quite a few of them and they are nice people but despite being on the air for years, in some cases decades they can’t seem to put a broadcast together without fucking something up.
When we first moved here those many years ago, one station ran a commercial for themselves where the the tagline was “The only station to bring it to you first.” They ran this for months!
They routinely cut off their field reporters in mid sentence, fail to scrub out old footage from their tapes or files so that right in the middle of a new piece you’ll get five seconds of some other story. There was one piece where it shifted back and forth from the story to an old furniture commercial for like two minutes and nobody did anything.
They constantly misidentify people and have to correct themselves, last night when reading a story from another state the anchor got confused between the name of the person and the name of the town.
This shit always happens.
Now onto the most trivial thing:
They’ll run tape of some event, like today it was a rescue in Simi Valley, and then they’ll put this digital banner in the screen telling us what station we are watching, where the event is happening. and what station gets credit for the footage. The problem is this thing is so big and opaque you can’t see the event! All the action was at the bottom of the screen, right where this banner was sitting. Again this happens a lot.
I have complained about things in the past but they never reply. Fuckers.
Hahaha. Sounds like our local sportstalk radio station. The local ads constantly play over the national ads and the first minute or so of the programming. Every day.
I’m severely disappointed that Trump didn’t live tweet today. Like, what the hell does he think people voted for him for?
His own people probably disabled his phone.
But smart. Never interrupt the enemy while he’s screwing the pooch. Or something.
Don’t pet a burning enemy?
When your enemy is screwing a hole, don’t interrupt the pooch?
Maybe they just gave him some hot cocoa and xanax and got him to take a nap.
They made Melania wear the Hat?
If that’s all she was wearing I wouldn’t have been on the Twitter machine either.
/Not a euphemism… Ok, it is.
Or hid it from him.
Oooh – good idea – Hey, SF! The Hat and Hair hid Donny Two Scoops phone!
The closest we had to a truly local TV station switched to mostly infomercials 20 years ago. I have no idea what they do now since the change to digital broadcasting.
Crap, I screwed up the threading. This was supposed to be in response to _Warren_ above.
It looks like the main thing they’re doing is cutting the legs off the CFPB
the article also points out that the senate will need democratic support to pass anything, so its not so much about “screwing it up” as much as seeing what they can squeeze past the minority.
I’d think they might get half their wish list. cutting 1 leg off, for instance. Trade the budget constraints exchange for narrowing their mandate.
We know what exit polls are worth, but via Decision Desk HQ:
I’m making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.
Don’t break out the cake just yet.
Gratifying that someone got the reference at last. I guess Riven’s kinda busy at the moment, ‘cos I expected her to get it.
2007 called, it wants its reference back.
2007 can take an arrow in the knee for all I care.
Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll?
At least you’re gradually moving forward in time.
Also, Jesus Christ, Half Life’s last installment was TEN YEARS AGO. I’M OLD.
Also, Jesus Christ, Half Life’s last installment was TEN YEARS AGO. I’M OLD.
It is odd that they seemed to have abandoned the series. It was critically acclaimed and sold well, and they still have a games studio despite shifting most of their focus to Steam, so I wonder what gives.
Stupid tags. Italics is -em-, not -i-. I should be able to remember that. Is there a preview button in this site’s future?
And they abandoned it before finishing the HL2 episodes even.
Maybe they hope the upcoming movie will help revive the franchise?
Shamus Young had an interesting argument where he pointed out that Valve tends to embrace the current FPS conventions of the period (for example, Quake with the first game) and hyper-refine them into really quality gameplay, but FPSs started going in a weird direction around the late 2000s with the Call of Duty influence. In short, he thinks they just don’t have enough good material to work with.
Hey, John Titor, my movie references are stuck in the 1940s.
Steam made them more money than all their games combined. As a result, they can afford to be ‘artists’ about games. So long as their games studio delivers good product I don’t care when they deliver it, primarily because Steam delivers me other good products in the interregnum between Valve titles.
Yeah, I think it’s weird, too. I’ve long since given up even thinking about HL3, but 2 is only now really starting to show its age. I’ve read a few interesting ideas, but the thing that makes the most sense to me is that they just make so much damn money from Steam they just don’t care. Like they’re basically putting their games people on supporting DOTA2 and CS:GO, and everybody else is running the storefront. With some hardware guys in a closet somewhere making controllers and stuff.
I am 100% fine with them never releasing HL3 if they think it’ll be shit. Some things just aren’t meant to be and can’t be forced, and I’d rather the resources go into Dota than something that will struggle to live up to the hype even if it’s done well.
I ‘member when Half-Life came out my freshman year in college. Half the sites were so excited about TF2 and the clips/shots showing TF using HL textures.
Then they put out TFC – which wasn’t too bad….
Then TF2 came out with the Orange Box….8 years later…..wow.
Jesus, I can’t believe that didn’t click earlier. Sorry, yo.
If that’s the case do you think the Tories will try for a coalition or go minority-gov? If the results hold, that will be one heck of a squandered lead on the part of the Conservatives.
It was going to be a squandered lead regardless, the Tories fucked up major in the past couple weeks. They had every advantage and the benefit of Corbyn being a complete moron and they still managed to almost snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
They’ll outright bribe the SNP, and offer the Lib-dems a crappy coalition, and the lib dems will be stupid enough to accept it.
But also, I think the Tories will win more than the polls prediction.
And then, probably, the govt will betray the British and do a ‘soft’ Brexit.
What is it now?
That’s a dead heat for Conservative vs everyone else?
So it’s one MP keeling over from a heart attack or getting chopped up by a misguided youth for a majority or minority? Wow.
There are actually 650 MPs. That just leaves out the tinier parties who get a couple of seats (Greens, Plaid Cymru, and a few others I’m forgetting). Majority is 326.
But as stated above, I’m guessing it’s going to be a Conservative/SNP coalition for the majority.
But man, did the Conservatives blow this election. They’re losing 17 seats. The fucking Corbyn-led Labour party is gaining 34 seats.
We’ll see some very weird horse-trading going on if they do have a shot at that coalition, but then, May’s administration really isn’t very Conservative, and the SNP aren’t very principled.
She should go into coalition with them and promise them another referendum. And then campaign for them to leave.
14 for Liberals? Holy crap. Beatings.
The Liberals in Canada need that kind of slap too.
Still, 266 for Labour is blech. It’s like the NDP garnering big numbers.
Lib-Dem isn’t as far left as Labour is at this point.
They did get that kind of slap, for almost a decade, and they came back twice as stupid with better hair.
I know they did but need an even bigger slap. A good old fashioned Bugs Bunny using a glove with a brick in it slap.
You had a sure thing, you dimwits. But oh no, you had to pretend to be a low-cut Thatcher, you smarmy, slimy piece of garbage! And hey, look – you give Communists free hand brainwashing the populace, add in some Community Cohesion and stir! That’s the recipe for long-term win if I ever saw one!
God dammit, Michael Gove! God dammit, Boris Johnson! You two having a tiff is gonna ruin England.
But the worst of all is that LibDems, that collection of worthless shitbags who make Corbyn look principled, are gaining seats back. FUUUUUUUUUU
In conclusion, Zombie Margaret Thatcher may not be enough to save England. We need Zombie Admiral De Reuyter to sort out goddamn London again.
Also acceptable: Zombie Claudius, Zombie Boadicea and Zombie Alfred the Great.
Huh, BBC Europe page has an article on anniversary of Battle of Medway – I didn’t know it’s 350 years exactly!
Is that when the Japs bombed Fort Sumter?
Ah it was a glorified cutting-out expedition. Nothing spectacular.
I’ve never understood the obsession with Boudicca. Didn’t she basically get her ass curb stomped in the only real battle she ever fought in?
Wrecking a Roman Legion, even if not at full strength, is no mean feat. But mostly, because she gave London a good rodgering.
But mostly, obsession with her is probably because it’s one of few things to happen in Roman Britain in about 200 years, and English historians need to pad their books with something. All the juicy details about human sacrifice, mass murder, people being burnt in the temple and hundreds of thousands of savages being defeated by few thousand civilized soldiers would make it appealing to 19th Century audience, to boot.
So i don’t understand the obstruction angle…
– Comey’s statement says he thought the “i hope thing” was in regards to what flynn got fired for–> ambassador phone call lies, not the whole russia investigation
– Comey testified Trump or WH did not try to stop russia investigation. Also comey firing did not stop it.
– Remember for the ambassador phone calls it was reported no charges for that incident –> why would they still be investigating flynn for this? as it is black and white. they have the tapes and know what he said.
How does this get translated to shutting down russia investigation when comey’s own statement says he didnt think it pertained to this?
There’s nothing there. Flynn’s call was legal and not related to collusion, and Trump encouraged him to nail anybody who was. So what’s left? Nothing.
Comey just peed himself a little because Trump deigned to talk to him personally, instead of having a faithful minion do it, like Obama would have.
Didn’t he testify that it was he (Comey) who initially sought out one-on-one contact with the president? I wasn’t perfectly clear on that, but I think that’s what I heard.
Exactly the opposite. Trump had apparently said that Comey had initiated it, but Comey testified that it was the President who called him.
Zero Star Hotel
I think that’s unfair; the view is great, and it seems comfortable, provided the weather is OK
Or, you know, just go camping. Too hipster for me.
If that’s too hipster for you, this will blow your mind
If that was really hipster, there’d be some mention of global warming.
plus =
we acknowledge that’s pretty weak on the Wokeness Scale; but you have to remember that Hipsters are hipocrites, and will always choose the artisanal, locally sourced, hand-crafted, sustainable, organic, ego-boosting product… even if it happens to be less than environmentally-neutral.
I was going to add sustainability along with global warming. But I’m buzzed so…
No, true hipster would be a water hotel. Ice hotel before it was cool.
“Loved this place and wanted to give it a higher rating. The sheets had 8-kajillion threadcount sheets and everything, but it lacked basic amenities like, walls, windows, ceiling lights, and AC/heating.” Zero stars.
Au contraire, mon ami. Beaucoup stars!
Unfit for office. He practically pissed himself in fear over the obviously ludicrous Pissgate dossier, but even though apparently Russia is couping the US and Trump is Putin’s puppet and he needs to get his concern-trolling ass and face all over the media… baseball is more important. And he’s so exhausted from just watching baseball he’s blubbering “President Comey.” Time to retire, old man. I mean, no matter how you unpack this excuse it’s terrible.
Pretty damned sure this’ll be his last term, at least.
It amazes me that his various handlers (even the one who has to help him go to the bathroom so he doesn’t piss on himself) thought that watching a regular season MLB game was a good excuse for how awful he looked today. This after a week of the media playing Comey’s testimony up as a political “Super Bowl.”
I’m just going to file it away in my file on how incompetent all government is folder.
Said folder is larger than the federal regulatory code at this point.
Factor in the “how about that local sports team” pandering to his constituents and I can see how it got approval.
And Greinke was on the mound! Really, that’s can’t-miss viewing if I’ve ever seen it.
I still think him talking about Russian hacking like an authority is the funniest shit. I mean, sure, senile eighty year old man, I’ll take your expert opinion on how modern technology works seriously.
If he was good at tech he wouldn’t have ended up a prisoner of the NWA.
Jesus, NBA.
Goddammit! V NVA!
What does the National Veterinary Association have to do with this?
Niggaz Vith Attitude. They’re German niggaz.
Lol! Was McCain shot down over South Central and captured by Dr. Dre?
That would be a great SNL skit if they still did comedy.
Michael Jordan can do some horrific things with bamboo.
His torture screams were a nice touch on the album.
MC Ren and Yella? Founding members of NWFA.
Rejected Northwest Airlines slogan:
N•ggas with Altitude.
And for fuck’s sake, his Twitter avatar is a plug for his Snapchat. Can you imagine Snapchatting with John McCain?
Isn’t 99% of Snapchat sending nude selfies? I don’t know how much lead McCain’s still got in his pencil for those shenanigans. He’s no Carlos Danger, that’s for sure.
” Pretty damned sure this’ll be his last term, at least.”
Only if rigor mortis sets in before election day. Which is a definite possibility.
More derp crashed through my FB shields.
Uber cunt Kamela Harris creeped in via a friend and claimed that this Comey jizz-load was proof of everything that they had been saying about Trump and Russia. Really? REALLY?
I only read the top few comments but Jesus Christ it’s hard to imagine a more stupid, vacuous pile a shit than those that I read. So much cock-sucking going on, so much gratitude to a person who is one of the shittiest, vilest hos to ever run for office.
Damn. I haven’t logged in to FB in about 4 years.
I don’t like it much but it’s so much easier to communicate with people through than calls or text.
Yep, that’s why I avoid it.
Just switch over to MySpace, way less chance of that happening there.
The only reason I ever made an account was because people kept hounding me to. “You’re not on Facebook?!! I need you to get on Facebook, otherwise I can’t communicate with you!!!” Um, how about doing what you’re doing now?
I don’t Facebook, Twitter, watch teevee news (other than the local news, and that’s mostly to ogle the cuties), or read any much of anything from the MSM/DemOp hivemind unless its referred to/linked from another source. I’m a happier guy for it. Give it a try.
+1000. Me since circa 2003.
How else to look so good? I wear stripes very well.
And we’ve hit the posting doldrums, exactly 100 posts away from 420.
Hmm…maybe I need to get back into contracting for some phat grapht
City of Vancouver officially becomes living wage employer
Jesus, man, NDP+Greens will run the show for at least five years! You think there’ll be economic growth?! And you just finished off chasing Rich Chinaman Menace out of town!
RC Menace, yo!
Of course, this will never ever move the wages up for people working in collective bargaining agreements. They certainly won’t base their salaries off the new baseline. No, no, it’s all about janitors!
Something, something, Yes (Prime) Minister did it.
No way that the left will ever make enough enemies that it will matter. They can just keep going on like this forever and everyone will love them anyway.
Group kicked out of gay pride parade for supporting Trump
And that would be perfectly fine, if they weren’t fucking hypocrites about it. They demand that right for themselves but will sue to prevent others from exercising that right.
Bake that float bigot?
Here’s the parade rules and regulations:
Guess what three words don’t show up? “Mission”. “Vision”. “Values”.
So the spokesperson is a lying sack of crap when he says “reserves the right to decline participation at our events to groups or organizations which do not reflect the mission, vision and values of our organization, as is acknowledged in our parade rules and regulations.” This is what that document has to say:
Charlotte Pride, Inc. reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to remove any and all
individuals, groups, vehicles, floats, motorcycles, or participants of any kind from entering or
continuing along the Parade route for any reason, including but not limited to, safety, perceived
condition, failure to comply with Parade Staff instructions, any action(s) that may cause a delay
in the Parade, and/or any violation of the rules and regulations set out in this document.
ITs got the weasel language “any reason, including but not limited to”, but what the spokesdouche said is simply wrong.
If they were really honest, wouldn’t they be calling it a ‘Marxist Pride March’ anyway?
So supporting a certain Presidential candidate is against the mission, vision, and values of the organization? Gosh, that sounds awfully political for a supposedly non-political 501(c)(3) organization.
That pretty much captures it perfectly.
BBC was reporting on the Comey hearing earlier. I almost started laughing when they described Comey as starting to document his meetings with Trump because he feared Trump would lie about them. How long was Comey at the FBI again? He seems to have gone native and picked up the FBI belief that an agent’s written notes are a complete and impartial recording of events.
I’ve been listening to a few news stations and it is interesting that the narrative has now shifted from Trump”s collusion with the Ruskies to obstruction of justice. Just heard some clown on NPR comparing what Trump said to Comey to a mob boss telling an underling that it would be a terrible thing for an accident to happen to a rival.
Christ, they are desperate. Even the NYT admitted there was no obstruction of justice case to be made.
“Nice job you’ve got there…” Wait, he sounds just like the fucking government.
I’m sick of Comey.
It’s time for Cummies.
Or IceJJ Fish.
Ladies and germs, the left have truly (and finally?) completely lost their shit. They seem to be in some sort of dialectical autopilot mode where they’re reflexively pulling the wheel increasingly harder toward the cliff as their robot hive mind tries to rationalize each futile, ill-conceived attempt at course correction.
Apparently Trump is no longer plain old stupid. He is now stupider like a fox! They’ve really got his number this time!
Well, to be fair, they all expected some bombshell that would vindicate their reporting today and had their impeach Trump articles already to go. They’ve had to do a course adjustment quickly here and they obviously aren’t capable of thinking on the fly before the DNC or anonymous sources provide them their talking points.
My mom had the news on when I went over to pick up my son. Some woman was on there talking about the Comey testimony. Every other word was “possibly”, “maybe”, “might have” etc. It was pretty sad.
lol. While I was reading that the final panel of “Secret Nazi President” popped into my head. Perfect!
I like how it’s a comic, that’s also a documentary, and the events happen in real time.
The Democrats problem is that they cannot stop themselves from doing the same old stupid shit over and over again. They’re like a chronic drunk driver. For a few minutes each day, they seem to sober up and say ‘I’m never going to drink again. I’m not going to get into that car… I mean even if I have a few… which I won’t!’, And then they down 2 quarts of 40 proof, get into the car and slam into the nearest tree.
Identity politics and moving leftward are their kryptonites. In their few moments of clarity, they know this. But can they stop? No.
If the Stupid Party were not quite so stupid, the Democrats would be done as a major party in short order. They should never stop thanking the GOP for their continued survival.
I predict that even the Stupid Party will not be able to stop the Democrats’ collapse in relevance at this point, because the presence of Trump has started to make them both Evil and Stupid. Under Obama or Clinton they were previously just Evil, but right now the Radical Left has fully taken over and they are now scurrying like chickens with their heads cut off.
There’s no doubt, not in my lifetime, and I’m now in my 5th decade, that no American political party has ever lost their composure to this extent, not even close. They’ve jumped the proverbial shark.
And yet, they’ll still be one of the only two parties to have any impact on national politics for the foreseeable future. The American political scene is, in some ways, very stagnant.
I predict that politics can be pushed rightward in this country, and it may happen in the medium-term future. The generations that grew up with Obama and the peak of the social justice and identity politics hysteria are primed to rebel against this establishment, and it may very well be the makings of the next political revolution.
The way that a Libertarian can become relevant electorally is with a Bernie-style approach: get elected as a Republican, switch to the Libertarian Party, and use the power of incumbency and familiarity to get reelected and to encourage the Freedom Caucus to join your team.
I think libertarians should run as whatever the major party in their district is, not just Republicans. Determine what the overlap is between their own convictions, their adopted party, and what voters in their district care about, and make that the platform to run on.
To me, it’s just easier to build a coalition of potential Libertarians with the right than with the center-moderates or with the left. It’s much easier to convince a person on the right that libertarianism is the ideal philosophy because those people unequivocally support constitutionalism, especially the Bill of Rights. Whenever someone starts to question if something is “hate speech” like my father once did when seeing a Confederate flag flying on the highway, that’s not a good candidate for convincing to join the libertarian team.
Oh, I wasn’t suggesting actually telling anyone you’re a libertarian.
“get elected as a Republican”
The Paul’s were way ahead of that game. And I agree with them. It just needs some fine tuning.
“The American political scene is, in some ways, very stagnant.”
I’m not saying that there’s a libertarian moment. Far from it. In fact, that term infuriates me, lol. But there is a larger segment of the population who are turning away from the two sizes fits all, take your pick, political climate. Trust in politicians and the media have never been lower. I do expect that libertarians are going to play a larger role in politics, unfortunately in addition with far left loonies, in the near future. It’s interesting how the Democrats have agreed to be the party of the far left loonies, which will drastically lower their base. While the GOP are fighting tooth and nail against any libertarian insurgence, which will to a much less extent lower their base. In the short term, it’s a WIN/WIN for the GOP. Longer term, we’ll see.
There isn’t a libertarian moment, exactly, but the time is ripe for anti-leftism among the youth. The young conservative minority is also far more libertarian than their predecessors thanks to the influence of the Pauls (among others), and that will reflect their influence in Washington as the old NeoCons and RINOs like McCain retire and die off.
Even a growing minority of the youth is starting to realize just how insane the left actually is. It used to be that the average college student would walk to the Union, hear activists screeching about the issue du jour, and just nod their head and sign up for whatever petition that they had on hand. Now the other side has actually started to openly dissent, and it’s become a sort of counter-cultural thing to be anti-leftist. This is how libertarianism (or its close cousin, real conservatism) begins to take shape.
The millennials, as retarded as they seem and as indoctrinated as they are, are our target audience. Anyone really think we’re going to persuade a bunch of geriatric boomers in AZ and FL on SS and medicare to change their mind? Good fucking luck with that.
Actually, my personal target is the generation after the Millennials – the kids born after 1999, the ones that actually had their teenage years under the thumb of the Obama presidency and the insane identity politics.
(For the most part, the small group of Millennials that identify as right-leaning, like myself, are already libertarian to begin with.)
Apparently Trump is no longer plain old stupid. He is now stupider like a fox!
Isn’t this pretty much following the path that Douglas Adams predicted? First he’s Hitler, then he’s an idiot, then he’s just incompetent . . . something like that?
I thought Zaphod Beeblebrox was more well-liked than that.
*slow clap*
I caught that from a retarded girl I banged in highschool.
Scott Adams, you mean?
The takeaways for me on Comey’s testimony:
(1) Nothing new on Trump, other than vindication of Trump on some of his statements.
(2) Blatant political water-carrying by Lynch for Hillary.
(3) Comey was the actual leaker on the post-meeting memo. What dirtbag.
What the DemOp dolts had hoped for was a box of smoking guns with Trump’s fingerprints on them. What they got as a good illustration why Trump was right to fire Comey, and a reminder that the real problems around obstruction and politicizing of the DOJ and FBI are back in the last administration. No wonder they are losing their shit.
It was typical Comey. Nothing new, nothing to see, deflected, obfuscated, job done. Let’s move on now. Comey’s main theme there was cover Comey’s ass. As always.
Some dumb cunt referred to Comey as “Presidential.”
deflected, obfuscated, job done. Let’s move on now
Sounds presidential to me.
Worked for Obama. For 8 years. Of course no one else can ever again be the first black president. Not even Hillary.
Sweet. Thanks RC. *Does the butter churn*
3) Comey was the actual leaker on the post-meeting memo. What dirtbag.
That is the thing that has me scratching my head. He said he did it because he hoped it would get the ball rolling on special prosecutor. I am trying to think how he did not commit a crime there. If he thought something had been done that warranted a special prosecutor, why did he not take it to his boss? My thoughts: He didn’t think anything was wrong at the time, but is now butt hurt he got fired for being the douche he has shown himself to be.
or what was said below
Ok, I just got up. How am I supposed to figure out what derp cycles we’ve gone through since Comey testified? It’s hard enough when following it in real time. Breakdown in hour by hour hyperventilation, please. If you’d be so kind.
It was just so much fluff. That’s about it.
Just checked FB. Crickets. How disappointing.
Yeah, mine too. Except everyone I know shared some post by Dan Rather.
It satisfied no one. Many senators made asses of themselves. He pointed out that the NYT’s sources were full of shit. He said Loretta Lynch was as equally guilty as Trump in trying to manipulate the FBI. He refused to say whether or not Trump really obstructed justice, and explained that he leaked his own memos to try and get a special prosecutor appointed.
Comey is a fucking self-righteous moron who could probably have nipped all his own fucking problems in the bud if he’d only had any balls and simply called them as he saw them on the spot, rather than offering inconclusive testimony where he waffled about his queasy feelings and his moral cowardice.
Having balls in DC is not an asset when it comes to calling as you see them. You have to be that type guy all the time, like Ron Paul, or you can never do it. Too much garbage in your history to come out an grow a conscience suddenly.
He should either have immediately told the DoJ he believed Trump had attempted obstruction of justice… or he should have shut the fuck up and said it was just a conversation that meant nothing. Instead he’s chosen the worst of all possible options and decided to destroy his own reputation as well as others in the process of accomplishing nothing, and simply engendering lots of political gridlock.
Same with the way he handled clinton. He should have either taken her to the cleaners, or dropped the investigation without any conclusions. Instead he keeps trying to please everyone and in the process pretend he’s morally absolved. He’s a moron, and worse, a self-righteous moron.
If he were a straight shooter he would’ve forced Trump to clarify what he meant by “I hope” and “loyalty” and so on. Trump is a newbie to the DC way and Comey covered his own ass, as you pointed out, by leaving the conversations unclear. So far, and I’m only a third into his testimony, it seems the brutalization of language is the only real crime that has occurred.
Yes, but its the same basic point = either confront the subject head on and let chips fall where they may, or else let it go, and avoid creating an unnecessary scandal out of fucking nothing.
He keeps trying to split the difference, have-his-cake-and-eat-it-too, and ends up endlessly creating pointless political conflicts.
He should have fucking resigned after the Clinton nonsense. At least in that case everyone knew he was screwed because the DoJ would never have backed him up. It wasn’t really his fault. this bullshit over Trump is basically a creation of his own ego.
What happens when the Mueller investigation produces nothing any more substantial than the cluster of random bullshit we’ve heard about so far?
i.e. ‘some people talked to russians’ (because everyone in politics talks to everyone else) and ‘some russians hack stuff sometimes, but it actually has no real effect on any elections’
the real story as far as i’m concerned isn’t the stuff they’re investigating – its the media and the ‘deep state’ partnering to create fake-scandals out of trivial bullshit.
He should have learned from the Clinton nonsense
Being a weasel is a pretty common strategy in large bureaucracies. For every time that a weasel gets toasted for being a weasel there are a hundred times where it pays off. Public Choice Theory and incentives.
good point
The obstruction of justice thing is going nowhere. If Comey believed that were true and he didn’t report it, he’ll be indicted, he knows that.
Comey’s been living off his political connections for a very long time. Right now the guy is looking for his next big paycheck in the private sector. That might not be so if the larger players in the private sector were not so incestuous with our government, but that’s not the case. He’s as insider of a guy as it can get. Glad Trump fired his lame ass.
Bingo. Comey is a Clinton stooge who has made a career out of doing favors for the right people. Trump has made a career out of playing the system and wheeling and dealing with bluster and the promise of rewarding people who help him. His sin is that he isn’t subtle enough for DC, and Comey, not realizing that the other side of that coin is that Trump DNGAF, tried to job him. Now, Comey looks like a preening insider who overplayed his hand while Trump still looks like Trump.
This is the most succinct summary of this whole affair I’ve seen. The media thinks calling Trump a liar is going to work after the millionth time. Comey, meanwhile, has basically destroyed his own reputation for everyone outside the DC bubble, if it was even still alive to begin with.
Comey thought he had complete job security and it blew up in his face. He then tried to save face by leaking a bunch of inane bullshit which, while it gave the media fuel for their bonfire, won’t ever lead to shit.
What these people still fail to understand is that people voted for Trump because he’s Trump. For some people, that was a big ol’ finger to DC; for others, they genuinely believe in the guy and think he’s the right person for the job. That Trump is telling DC and the media to take a long walk off a short pier is exactly the point. Trump can’t win over the Obama voters, and they’re mad because he isn’t trying. What he’s doing is playing tarbaby to the DC crowd, and his people love him for it. In a sense, short of live footage of him handing the Declaration of Independence to Vladimir Putin, he can’t lose.
First outsider and businessman ever to be POTUS and the guy recognizes the need to cut regulations and clean up DC. Imagine that?
McCain’s testimony is give me a brain aneurysm.
I think McCain was having one. Can someone tie him, Pelosi, and Hillary to a donkey out in the middle of nowhere and give it a good lash to get it along?
Just put Kamala at the front and tell her “Go that way, it’s your path to Harris 2020” and watch her drag that donkey straight to Death Valley
How did that woman make it to a state AG position? I know I am not the smartest kid in class, but jesus, that woman should be managing a convenience store.
There’s a lot of info about that online. Apparently, most of it involves sleeping with the right geezers.
So, here’s the deal with Comey. It is perfectly legal for the president to order the FBI to stop an investigation. Any investigation. The POTUS is the head of the executive branch, which the FBI is a part of. Donald Trump could have ordered Comey, in front of thousands of witnesses, to stop investigating Flynn. He could have added “and stop wasting time and money on the Russian collision thing too. Also, reopen the investigation of Hillary.”
All of it would be completely legal, not obstruction of Justice, and well within presidential precedent.
So why doesn’t anybody point this out?
Because we, as a nation, are about feelz, not facts.
Because Donald Trump isn’t the legitimate president because he didn’t get the most votes in the popular election and he’s a dumb, sexist, racist creep who stole the election because Vladimir Putin hacked the polling booths…to…um…give Hillary Clinton more votes…
…wait…no…because he’s a bad person who is uniquely unqualified to be president and should’ve had the good grace to do the right thing and withdraw once Clinton was nominated because it was her turn.
One of those.
I actually saw a Dershowitz column today that made that very point.
Dershowitz may be the last honest (((liberal))) in America. I respect that man, actually. Have a very slim book he wrote about Jefferson that I enjoyed.
If people hadn’t been rushin’ there wouldn’t have been a collision.
+1 typo
Dershowitz is saying it.
I’ma answer my own question with “because the Republicans are a bunch of pussies who still haven’t learned that, no matter how nice they play, the media will still call them evil.” Look at that doddering old fool McCain: for the longest time he was a media darling, a maverick, etc. Then he got the Republican presidential nomination, and his good buddies in the press wasted no time turning on him, calling him a racist, etc. And he’s still trying to win the media’s approval!
Until the Republicans realize that the media will never like them, they will continue to not govern according to the principles that they run on, because they want the media to like them more than they care about their “principles”. *Spits*
Here’s a distilled version of a conversation just now with a “progressive” relative:
Him: “It’s bad that people are using crowdfunding for medical expenses”
Me: “Why? It’s just a voluntary exchange.”
Him: “But people are depending on these websites instead of a real medical care system”
Me: “I don’t think there’s a risk of crowdfunding completely supplanting all of the public and private healthcare organizations that exist right now”
Him: “But people will just plan to use crowdfunding if they get sick, kind of like how people just go to the emergency room for primary care”
Me: “The reason people go to the ER is because hospitals are mandated by EMTALA to treat anyone who shows up to the ER. There’s a guarantee that you’ll get treatment, so people treat the ER like a primary care physician. There’s no guarantee that anyone will actually get paid from crowdfunding.”
Him: “But that makes it even worse, because then they’re depending on an unreliable system that doesn’t even pay out”
Me: “I don’t think any significant number of people are actually going to treat crowdfunding as health insurance if it rarely covers their expenses.”
Him: “I think they would” (followed by a subject change)
Guys, I love my family to death, but fuck. Sometimes I just need to vent. This guy is not stupid, but he’s heavily invested in some extremely incorrect ideas. I wish to hell I could make him see the truth of the situation. Lo and behold, a quick DuckDuckGo search turns up a lot of pants-shitting articles about using crowdfunding websites for medical care.
So he’s worried that crowdfunding will work so well that we won’t need a government takeover of the medical system?
It sounds like he’s worried that these crowdfunding websites will become extremely popular – despite being totally unreliable – and then the website will shut down or something, leaving everyone high and dry.
What if I told you that taxation is involuntary crowdfunding?
Show him this video:
Why we don’t need socialized medicine
You might also try explaining to him that the reason the health insurance system is messed up is because it is not regulated the same way as other insurance, like car insurance.
TL;DR version: the purpose of insurance is to protect against high cost, low probability events. If you demand that insurance cover routine treatment, insurance costs go up.
Yours truly wrote a nice article on it for this very website: https://glibertarians.com/2017/03/understanding-insurance/
Bah, that website is like, 100% fake news.
He has a point. GoFundMe has no board-certified physicians on its staff. I would go there for major surgery either.
* wouldn’t
Any of these people ever lived in a small town? Once a year or so where I grew up somebody would have an expensive medical problem and one of the churches, the VFW or some other volunteer outfit would sponsor a fund raiser to help them out. WTF is wrong with charity?
It’s strange: the ones who are supposedly more compassionate and charitable not only love government welfare programs (which are not charity at all but involuntary wealth transfers) but some of the more extreme ideologues seem to have an actual hostility to real, voluntary charity organizations.
I think it’s their fear of anything decentralized or diffuse. It’s not controlled by some TOP MAN overseeing every charity organization in the whole country, so it must therefore be disorganized and ineffective.
But yea, real charity is great. At a factory where I used to work, people would collect money for anyone who had a bad life event (cancer, house burning down, death of spouse, etc.). It’s great to see people chipping in for someone all the way across the plant who they’ve never even met.
Has he ever been exposed to any real economic thought? I would suggest giving him the gift of Basic Economic’s by Thomas Sowell.
Android autocorreCT sucks
I think he’d be immediately turned off by any overtly right-wing or libertarian economic ideas. That’s why I’ve been talking about libertarian ideas without using “the L word”, and he’s reacted positively at times. Sometimes I think I’m making some headway, but then I have the above discussion and I just feel despondent.
Somewhat related: I went to a PatientFirst last weekend for a problem that sucked, not to go into too much detail. It was awesome. Real actual doctors on staff, they handle labwork and pharmacy in the same office while you wait, no appointments needed. They take most insurance and they also offer a very modest capped payment for the uninsured. They seem to fill the gap between a MinuteClinic type of place and a regular GP. Retail healthcare, man.
I’ve had pretty good experiences at my local “urgent care” clinic. No fucking around with appointments that get rescheduled three times. If I had some kind of chronic condition that required long-term monitoring like diabetes or heart failure, I’d probably want to see the same doctor every time. But if I just need some antibiotics for a chest cold, I don’t really care who I see as long as they know what they’re doing.
PS: In Libertopia, I’d be able to treat my chest cold with a tincture of heroin and amoxicillin, and it would be delivered to my door by a Mexican prostitute. Damn regulations!!
Well, I’m treating a swollen nut with vodka and red bull, so, you know, viva libertopia!
But yeah, I’ve got a GP I call “The Vampire” because every time I go in there he takes blood. I went in because I screwed up my lower back sitting like an idiot at my desk for too long. Drew blood. Seriously, six blood tests in a year. Had to fudge the coding to get my insurance to cover it. Nice guy, but shit.
In all seriousness, I deal with this a lot in my personal relationships. It’s the perennial problem that libertarians have when trying to sway left statists. We tend to either argue from a deontological perspective, such as the NAP, or from a consequentalist perspective, typically Austrian economics and that sort of thing, e.g the inefficiency of government. They hear that as selfishness.
There are poor people; they believe that there are poor people because not enough people with plenty have given to the poor, and so the government should raise taxes to get more money to poor people; the “haves” can find it somewhere. Libertarians are the ultimate human rights advocates, because we believe absolutely in the sanctity of individual liberty, but the left doesn’t get that we really mean each and every individual, not just ourselves. They confuse humanism with selfishness.
The first step is to convince them that we’re in it for the same goals. We want people to be free, happy, healthy, fed, clothed, the works. We just believe that individuals are best able to achieve those things on their own with minimal interference from others. We study economics because we realize that voluntary exchange is the most efficient and effective means of resource allocation. We hold individual liberty in highest regard because we recognize that each life is sacred and unique. Who can tell you what you want out of life better than yourself? Who has more right to make decisions about your life than you?
Citation needed?
Well, sure, there are some of those folks who are just bastards. Some of the folks on our side are bastards, but the neat thing about advocating for less authority over people means that you’re less likely to give a lot of authority to people who should be punched in the face.
I had a conversation with a coworker recently. He is not a stupid guy, in fact he is a great problem solver. He questions everything.. except progressivism, which he has complete and almost naive belief in. Every time we speak, I try to get him to react to politics the same way he handles just about everything else, and every time we get close he just gets this “deer in headlights” look on his face and completely locks up.
In our most recent conversation I challenged his belief that we need experts to tell us what to do, by asking him who the expert is on his life. He got all sheepish and you could tell he agreed with me that he was the only expert on his own existence. Then he said that some people needed more guidance than others. I told him that while that may be true, no-one has the right to force that guidance on them. The conversation had to stop there.
Reaching these people is incredibly hard in my experience, it’s like a mental block, and it’s incredibly hard to figure out a way around it. I know this guy can be reached on some level, because I see it, but it only lasts seconds for some reason.
It’s a religion. It really is. It says that, while there are some people who are capable of guiding their own lives and making their own choices, there are others who aren’t, and there’s a moral duty to make those decisions for them. And that’s usually the dead-end. Because who chooses the person to make those decisions? How do you know they’re not just as flawed? They say, well, you might lose some but it’s still better to try. I say if you’re going to roll the dice, let people roll them themselves. They believe most people will watch others fall down and leave them in the gutter. I believe most people will try to help them up, without needing a gun at their head to do it.
I agree. A religion that is cult-like in some respects. In very progressive areas, like where I live, it’s enforced by being social suicide to diverge from the script even a little. You’ll get shunned no less than if you broke with Jehova’s Witnesses.
A Danish friend was visiting not long ago, and he observed that apologizing for America or the right is a reflexive thing that people just do. Like making the sign of the cross.
And it’s a given that even the people who make good decisions have to have their freedoms truncated because if they didn’t, stupid people would make stupid decisions and get themselves all fucked up, and the good decision-making people just have to accept this oppression as a sacrifice for “the greater good”.
There are certain “pillars” of thought that are at the root of their wrongheaded ideas. I think a libertarian has to identify those and knock them down before you can even begin to address the finer points of public healthcare policy or whatever. In the case I dealt with tonight, he seemed to think that if some people make a dumbass decision and it affects them (and only them) very negatively, there should be some kind of universal restriction on whatever that decision pertains to (in this case, since some idiot might depend on crowdfunding for health expenses, nobody else should be allowed to ask for health expense money).
Sometimes, you can make them see the error of these principles by carrying them forward and seeing how goofy it would be. Let’s see what else we can come up with by using the logic of the crowdfunding discussion: There should be restrictions on rap music because poor inner city kids think they can make a career as a rapper and subsequently eschew any other type of paid employment.
I should have brought that up, but he changed the subject, and I don’t really want to bring it up again.
Yeah, sometimes it’s best just to let sleeping dogs lie. But that’s a big issue with their side of the argument, that paternalism. Setting aside the fact that it’s insulting and demeaning to presume that you know how best someone else should live their life, the thing about insulating people from the consequences of bad decisions is that you cause two negative effects: you keep them from learning that it was a bad decision; and you usually are limiting the benefits of people making good decisions. And that’s the thing. I think of it as the “fail fast” principle in software development. If something’s not going to work, I want to know immediately, before I invest too much into it. That way I can change before the cost of change is more than I can bear.
Case in point. I like writing. I’d like to think I’m pretty good at it. I gave it a whirl for about a year. Now I’m a web developer.
Vanity Fair Editor Kurt Eichenwald Humiliated After Accidentally Revealing Anime Porn on His Browser.
The local anime fans thoroughly covered it above. It is out of my league so I had no comment. Freaks,
Figured someone might have. Something that awesome can’t be linked to enough.
I almost replied on Twitter, but I just opened my account yesterday. I am now a Twit, but didn’t want my second tweet to be a reply to a pervert. My first one was to some idiot who thinks a person born to a parent who is an American citizen is not a “Natural Born Citizen” regardless of the place of birth. Fucking birthers. Take it up with Congress. They write Naturalization law.
I don’t believe his story for a second because it’s far too easy to find tentacle porn.
Say I’m a normie who wants to find out about the existence of tentacle porn. What do I do? Obviously I type it into google images with the filters off. I of course get a ton of horrifying tentacle porn, because internet.
Are any of those immediate hits a link to 8-Chiku, which was what Eichenwald was looking at? Nope. Which implies he has more knowledge of the subject than he’s revealing.
He may have clicked on one of HM’s links. My cache is filled with detritus.
I mean, or because he’s a journalist who isn’t 70 and has talked to people about things. I don’t watch anime and I know what tentacle porn is. Thanks, the Internet! And Anthony Bourdain on one of his travel shows in Japan!
About a half year ago I was volunteering at a school for the mentally and physically handicapped. 10 kids with severe mental retardation, all in wheelchairs, in class in addition to the other 6 or 7 other volunteers. The main teacher pulled out the TV, turned out the lights and loaded up YouTube. He wanted to put up We’ve Only Just Begun by the Carpenters. Idiot didn’t check out before class which video would be best. He clicked on some parody video of big titty chicks in wet tee shirts washing cars. He was looking at his class notes while it played, so he didn’t see the raunchiness that being broadcast on the Hi Def large screen TV. Of course, being Japanese, nobody said a fucken word. I almost shit my pants as I stifled my laughter.
In my class on Asian nationalism in university the professor decided to burn a couple hours by putting on the movie Lust, Caution (about the Japanese occupation of China).
There’s like ten minutes of very explicit sex in the middle of it. So he’s in the back reading something while what is basically pornography is playing, and by minute four he keeps checking his watch trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. By minute nine you can hear him furiously typing to try and figure out how much porn is left.
It’s not called the Rape of Nanking for nothing.
Fucking Crosby: slash, crosscheck, pounds Subban’s head into the ice and fucking offsetting penalties.
God damn, they do love Crosby.
“I didn’t see any water bottle.”
your daily head-desk
Ramadan in Germany: Muslim migrant murders psychologist during therapy session
A Syrian man has stabbed and killed a Red Cross mental health counselor in the southwest German city of Saarbrücken, police said. The attacker and the psychologist allegedly got into an argument during a therapy session.
German authorities tracked down the suspect soon after the Wednesday attack, finding him only few hundred meters away from the scene of the crime in Saarbrücken. The man was immediately hospitalized for serious injuries, which appeared to be self-inflicted.
The police believe that the 27-year-old Syrian killed a 30-year-old man working as a therapist in a counseling center for traumatized refugees. The migrant allegedly got into an altercation with the Red Cross psychologist during a therapy session, and stabbed him. The victim died at the scene. While the reason for the attack was not immediately clear, officials do not believe that the incident was linked with terrorism.
He was hangry.
I’ve read that there are a lot more car accidents during Ramadan as hungry, pissed off commuters fight their way through rush hour traffic, although these guys say otherwise:
The religious and spiritual atmosphere that
embraces fasting people during the holy month of Ramadan
causes neutralization of the adverse affects of increased
nervousness and high temper of the fasting people. Thus
resulting in a decrease rather than an increase in the rate
of RTA
I’m not convinced.
Dude, about two months after my kid was born my wife sent me to a nearby bar/restaurant to pick up some take out. It was like 2:00PM on a Sunday. Local old drunks were crowding the doorway, but not a big deal, right? I’m working on a week of like two hours of sleep a night. Haven’t eaten. I say “Excuse me.” Drunk Parrothead doesn’t move. I say it again, and hip check him into the bar. Walk up to the bar, wait to pick up my order. Old boy comes up behind me and is like passive aggressively talking shit to his lady friend, who is sort of reasoning him out of starting shit with me. I eventually realize what’s going on. I slowly, very slowly, wrap my hand around a fork laying on the bar. She pulls him away from the bar shuts him up. I pay and leave, and nothing else happened.
In retrospect, I could’ve handled that much, much better.
Hangry a bitch.
Hungry? Grab a Snickers!
Given that it’s a center for traumatized people (and the guy apparently needed therapy), it’s hard to say whether it’s jihad, or more like a Chris Kyle situation.
Similar situation, different outcome.
I’m disappoint. Was expecting 2C Hannibal Lecter fanfic.
Hack it!
Taping that to watch hockey. Busy night.
With the exception of the Kinzua reservior, all of the bodies of water I’ve been near of late have been overrun by the inland manatee. A corpulent creature all too common to North America, the inland manatee has the frustrating habit of finding the most picturesque scene possible, and beaching themselves in the middle of it so as to spoil the view of anyone who happens along. Fortunately, the waters around Niagara Falls have too much of a current to support much in the way of an inland manatee population. However, the landward side of the region is covered in establishments so tacky that the only apt description of them is “Tourist glue traps”.
I have given thought to crossing the bridge to Soviet Canukistan, but I don’t know if I can conscience a visit during the reign of Trudy II.
PS, avoid Cleveland. I’d go to Canada before I go back there.
Rust-belt tour? My old stomping grounds.
I had to turn back towards home to get back to the day job. I was in louisville, so I turned north by northeast.
Also, while passing through Ohio, I got off the highway to look for lunch. Unfortunately, I’d picked the middle of Amish country. Plenty of horse drawn plows, not so many places I could guarantee accepted plastic. I eventually stumbled upon a Wendy’s by the highway and decided to settle for that. In line there was a short Amish guy (basically 100% the stereotypical image complete with suspenders, wide straw hat and gray beard down to his chest) and a family of non-Amish folk who made me feel short. The mother and daughter were shorter than I was by a handful of inchest but the four guys all towered above this mere’y 6’3″ commenter. I was reminded of the debate about the accessability of the Battleship North Carolina to the not-short crowd. The only person in that line who’d fit comfortably was the Amish guy, and they get conscientious objector status.
Don’t you usually go to bed around 8:30?
No, I just don’t tend to frequent Glibertarians late at night.
You people get strange.
You’re not at work, so you can click on our links. Oh……
Get? Get? When are we not strange?
There are times when the comments can be shared in ‘polite’ company – as long as the source is obfuscated.
mere’y 6’3″
I want a video of UnCivilServant explaining how he feels short everywhere he goes. I’d pay money for a video of Peter Dinklage reacting to it.
No to the inexplicable shortness bit or to the Peter Dinklage commentary?
In other news, the claim that women speak 3x more words per day than men has been challenged. Turns out it’s like IQ- same average, different distribution. Men make up a larger portion of people who talk a lot and people who talk little.
It just sounds like they speak more. High pitched nagging tends to echo in the ear canal.
It’s like that “statistic” that says “men think about sex every seven seconds”.
How the fuck would you possibly get that data?!
You don’t hear many men denying that one, though.
I always hated this “women are better communicators” meme. Let’s just suppose for a second that women DO in fact speak more words per day than men: that doesn’t mean they’re better at communication. In fact, using too many words can be a sign of very bad communication. Have you ever asked someone a simple yes-or-no question and gotten some blathering, rambling response that doesn’t even come close to addressing what you asked?
Have you ever been asked a simple yes/no question that completely missed the point?
“The House looks to weaken Dodd-Frank. The Senate, being feckless morons, will screw it up.”
Seriously, the Republicans in the Senate totally suck.
What’s happening with the suppressor bill?
Why haven’t they passed those tax cuts?
They don’t want to pass the AHCA because they don’t want to cut Medicaid?
Both houses will lose Republican members come 2018. Unless Trump starts a popular war, that’s probably inevitable. Doing nothing certainly won’t make a difference.
If they want populist Republicans to turn out, they’re not about to do that because they feel so enthusiastic about all the things the Senate hasn’t done.
The Senate needs a couple more Tea Party-style primaries and elections – the whole problem that they have is that they only have a 52-48 majority in the Senate, which means that the spineless RINOs like Cassidy, Murkowski, and Collins have an unequally high amount of power to topple bills in Congress.
They won’t get it. Opposition to Obama fired up the Republican base; opposition to Trump will fire up the Democratic base. Historically, at least recently, the opposition (resistance!!!!) always gains seats in the mid terms. The Republicans have this Congress to get shit done, or they will lose at least one chamber, or at least lose an overwhelming advantage in that chamber. Probably will be the Senate. If they actually deliver on their promises, especially visa vi healthcare, then the Republican base may be motivated enough to limit the damage.
But if the Republicans, who control the executive and both houses of Congress, don’t get rid of Obamacare, at a minimum, then their base will be completely disgusted and will not show up to vote.
The pussies have one chance, and this is it.
They have more to fear about the House than the Senate next year – The left has a very bad map for 2018, with many red-state Dems up for re-election, like Heitkamp, Donnelly, Tester, McCaskill, and Manchin.
Fair enough. But the point remains: either they deliver, or the voters give them a giant cat’s ass.
The suppressor bill should be a no-brainer. That one really, really pisses me off. When I explain how the NFA works to people who are anti-gun, even they’re like, “Wait, so you basically just send the government a check and it’s fine? What?”
Yah. After a 12 month BATFE colonoscopy with an agent assigned to your criminal history, and then account for every movement of your item with the FedGov.
So easy.
I’m concerned and confused all the time. Can I become FBI director?
Are you also politically connected?
Do you say “Lordy” a lot?
You’re hired. Just tell Trump I said so (i have a copy of the Russian video, so he’ll go along)
As long as you have no fuzz, there can be no fuzz whatsoever.
I made like 5 bucks in Euro-fail today! That almost beer money.
Almost? Dude, that’s a 40 of Steel and a shooter of cheap vodka! Score!
I gauge my investments in 12’s of Yuengling Black and Tan.
Ah, hell. I’ve been lurking at this site too long when I read “Mastering public relations” as “Masturbating in public.”
Is there a difference?
Hand position, mainly.
But the satisfaction’s the same.
Twitter verifies Bill Clinton’s alleged son.
Corbyn is the odds on favorite for PM? For someone in the know, is this likely or is it bullshit wishful thinking? A full on communist would be a disaster for Britain and Brexit but the conservatives almost, bit not quite, deserve just that.
Regardless of the final outcome it looks like May really fucked it up.
The Alzheimer’s tax. You don’t release that plan before an election.
Theresa May makes Hillary look like a good candidate. She makes Angela Merkel look intelligent.
Jesus fucking Christ if that anti-Semite communist Corbyn becomes Prime Minister all is lost.
My one black friend has decided to boycott the NFL because of the Colin Kaepernick situation.
I’m not going to get into it with him but could it be that Colin is not been picked up by a team is that he’s way overrated?
A guy with below average accuracy who runs at the slightest hint of trouble isn’t high on anyone’s list to start with then add in his grandstanding and you’ve got a guy no team want’s to waste resources on. It’s not racism. It’s mehcism.
If he wanted to change to being an option-back and lose a lot of the salary he might find a home.
Was he upset when the same thing happened to Tebow? It’s the same situation. They both suck, and nobody wants to deal with the extracurricular bullshit for a player that sucks.
I didn’t know him back in the Tebow era, but he’s never mentioned him.
Tebow is doing the Lord’s work by losing! Are you God? No? Then you don’t understand the Grand plan!
Apparently God’s plan involved the Jets running easy-to-counter Wildcat plays.