Kevin Durant with a dagger.  I mean a fucking dagger through the heart of Cavs fans.  That series is as good as over and a perfect postseason looks likely. I don’t care how soft the west playoffs were due to injuries, that feat is all but unheard of. Penguins – Predators tonight! Somebody text me updates, please. I’ll be among people living and dying in 3/4 time.

I was right about Djoker yesterday. And Murray looks unstoppable. Maybe he should have had his racquet on London Bridge the other day.  And finally, ESPN poses an interesting question. Interesting in that I sure hope we don’t have a “next one” on our team. After all, we had three D-backs drafted ahead of him and every one of them had a lot more than one career interception and an 0-3 record against their biggest rival. But they gotta hype that program for some reason. And as an aside, Bob Stoops inexplicably pulled the plug yesterday. His last loss was to The Ohio State Buckeyes. Let’s hope his replacement’s first loss is to the same team.

Anyway, enough about TTUN sucking. We all know that fact already. So I’ll bring you some new information with…the links!

James Comey

Comey prepared testimony completely vindicates President Trump.  No, wait. I meant to say Comey prepared testimony set to destroy President Trump. (TW: HuffPo) No wait, that can’t be it either.  Oh fuck it, you decide.

Teresa May makes her final plea to voters on Limetree Island. Day set to either be a catastrophe for the Tories or the greatest defeat to Labour since forever. There is no middle ground, goddammit! Its got to be one or the other.

In late breaking “actions have consequences, dumbass” news, reporter devastated after she gets the axe.

Senate committee chairman tells poor, little woman to shut her bitch mouth enforces committee rules on questioning witnesses. Twitter goes into a meltdown. Women, minorities hardest hit.

Rosie O’Donnell

Some people will do anything to stay relevant. I’m just spitballing here, but I personally believe she’d do a better job if she set herself on fire in protest in front of the White House. And she’d be doing a public service!

In celebration of the show tonight, you will get a few little ditties today.

Dance with me! Dance with me!

Good times and riches and sonofabitches!

There’s no place like home when you’re this far away.

Parrothead time.

Have a great day, friends!