Kevin Durant with a dagger. I mean a fucking dagger through the heart of Cavs fans. That series is as good as over and a perfect postseason looks likely. I don’t care how soft the west playoffs were due to injuries, that feat is all but unheard of. Penguins – Predators tonight! Somebody text me updates, please. I’ll be among people living and dying in 3/4 time.
I was right about Djoker yesterday. And Murray looks unstoppable. Maybe he should have had his racquet on London Bridge the other day. And finally, ESPN poses an interesting question. Interesting in that I sure hope we don’t have a “next one” on our team. After all, we had three D-backs drafted ahead of him and every one of them had a lot more than one career interception and an 0-3 record against their biggest rival. But they gotta hype that program for some reason. And as an aside, Bob Stoops inexplicably pulled the plug yesterday. His last loss was to The Ohio State Buckeyes. Let’s hope his replacement’s first loss is to the same team.
Anyway, enough about TTUN sucking. We all know that fact already. So I’ll bring you some new information with…the links!

James Comey
Comey prepared testimony completely vindicates President Trump. No, wait. I meant to say Comey prepared testimony set to destroy President Trump. (TW: HuffPo) No wait, that can’t be it either. Oh fuck it, you decide.
Teresa May makes her final plea to voters on Limetree Island. Day set to either be a catastrophe for the Tories or the greatest defeat to Labour since forever. There is no middle ground, goddammit! Its got to be one or the other.
In late breaking “actions have consequences, dumbass” news, reporter devastated after she gets the axe.
Senate committee chairman tells poor, little woman to shut her bitch mouth enforces committee rules on questioning witnesses. Twitter goes into a meltdown. Women, minorities hardest hit.

Rosie O’Donnell
Some people will do anything to stay relevant. I’m just spitballing here, but I personally believe she’d do a better job if she set herself on fire in protest in front of the White House. And she’d be doing a public service!
In celebration of the show tonight, you will get a few little ditties today.
Good times and riches and sonofabitches!
There’s no place like home when you’re this far away.

Parrothead time.
Have a great day, friends!
Suck it Lebron!
Not a Lebron fan, but he left it all out there. Warriors just have too many weapons.
He did kinda run out of gas in the fourth, but the history will hopefully remember a sweep.
Kevin Durant is a coward.
Cavs outscored GSW 113-106 for the 45:36 Lebron was on the Court. Cavs got outscored 12-0 for the 2:24 second he was on the bench. This loss ain’t on him at all.
Except that his salary probably makes it impossible for the Cavs to pay enough talent to hold the fort while he takes a breather.
Lebron is worth every penny he gets paid, which is about the same as Durant.
Its the other guys’ salaries where the Cavs aren’t getting value:
Tristan $15.3M
JR Smith: $12.8M
Iman Shumpert: $9.6M
Channing Frye (!!): $7.8M
That’s about $45M/yr to four guys, only one of whom has had 1 decent game (JR in G3 wasn’t criminally awful, the other 3 have been a combo of awful and irrelevant).
Guy has been to 7 straight finals.
He’s obviously worth what he is getting paid.
Okay, I was wrong – they just suck like everything else in Cleveland. And damn, if I was a foot taller it would have been better than winning the lottery.
Hey now, I enjoyed the Circus when I was in Cleveland, but that was 15 years ago and I don’t even know if its still there.
Don’t really care
Comey to testify today? omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg.
It’s gonna work this time!
Are you trying to summon an elder god? Dude that room will be filled with scary enough creatures as it is
Omgom will destroy us all.
*rummages around for Elder Sign*
“Cthulhu/ Joycelyn Elders 2020”
Hillary/Hillary 2020
She’s woman enough for both jobs
Breaking TWO glass ceilings!
Damn, what did I summon?
Hillary is busy assuring everyone that they did the right thing by not voting for her.
Don’t you know she’s “unwoke” now for totally owning slaves when she was in Arkansas?
President Hillary Clinton, Dec. 8, 1941: “Today is a day that will live in infamy, because all of our military commanders were dreadfully unprepared. It’s a total mess. I absolutely take responsibility for what happened at Pearl Harbor, but this is all their fault.”
“…But I want to assure everyone we are not going to fall victim to Japophobia. So, we are going to surrender the Hawaiian Islands to the Japanese people as reparations for the way we have mistreated them, and make Japanese-Americans a specially protected minority. We’ll be monitoring newspapers and radio broadcasts to make sure there are no hateful racist messages regarding our Japanese friends.”
“Did you ever stop to ask the Japanese why they did it? This is the natural consequence of our meddling in the asian-pacific.”
If the US gave Hawaii to Japan, I bet just about everyone would be happier.
Hawaii would get the kind of government they want/deserve. The rest of the US would have fewer people in Congress who were trying to turn it into the kind of government Hawaii wants/deserves. And the Japanese would be able to finally get an apartment larger than 25 sq feet.
Just call Sandy Petersen for a replacement.
I personally believe she’d do a better job if she set herself on fire in protest in front of the White House.
It would take months to put out an oil slick fire like that.
It’s like she’s not from Filthadelphia at all.
She should make amends. Maybe lick the cop’s a**hole.
I’m gonna bookmark this. When I try to explain what people from Philly are like to those not from PA, I can just show them this woman. IT IS PERFECT.
I was there over the weekend. I can’t stand that city, it’s like driving in the third world, except with more potholes and assholes.
Dude, I have lived here my whole life. Pray for me. Too fucking poor to get out.
If Cacciato can walk back from Vietnam…
At least you’re not from New Jersey. So you got that goin for ya.
Hah, New Jersey looks down on Philly as classless assholes.
Are you from New Jersey? It looks good on you though!
I’ve lived here four years, this woman is so typical of the Philly attitude. Arrogant and belligerent. But Philly has some great restaurants and the ‘burbs have good schools.
I feel ruined
girl, i’d ruin that ass
we could make another video
• Agreed
How can people see turd sandwich election after another and still think more government is a good idea? Tessie and Jeremy should not be in charge of a supermarket aisle, let alone a country
The solution to bad government is always more government. Duh.
Next time we’ll get it right.
I don’t think the size of government is an issue of contention in this election. It’s nationalism versus globalism to some extent, but even the people who were against Brexit before are now hoping for a clean break and the best deal possible, and only a small proportion of the electorate think those Labour twats can deliver that.
It’s not their senator who’s to blame. It’s everyone else’s senator.
“reporter devastated after she gets the axe.”
Well she still has her looks… which are not bad really
Yes she seems well suited to be employed making revolutions around a semi-fixed 2 inch vertical chromed pipe
On the one hand, I have no sympathy whatsoever.
On the other, she’s led what – a 25 year life having everyone tell her to live her dream, of an entitled, solipsistic existence where the worst thing that happens to you is that you imagine someone might have said something snarky about you? All the cool kids around you have been ragging on about how authority figures are shitbags (yeah, I know they are, but still) and how important it is to “be brave”, “be better”, “be fierce”. And then she finds out that not everyone is gonna support that, come what may. It must smart like a mutha to have all that exploded in a single memo from HR.
To that all I can say is “Ha, Ha” -Nelson Muntz.
‘Why I turned to porn.’
I have to work early so I miss all the fun, so Good Morning and Fuck You to all you Glibs out there
No, fuck you Tulpa
I believe it was Tundra who started it, not me, and WE ARE ALL TULPA, EXCEPT STEVE SMITH
*gags, turns green*
Started what?
Was it You or SF you told me to Fuck off when I first came from TSTWNBN?
if not you sorry, if it was SF then FUCK YOU
I don’t remember telling you to Fuck Off, but I will admit that sounds like me.
I’ve gotten the ol’ Fuck Off from Sevo, but if you comment long enough at Reason, that outcome is inevitable. I still like the guy.
Haha! Yeah, it’s possible it was me as well.
But most likely SF.
Or straffin , come to think of it…
Tundra would just drop gloves…
*drops gloves in anticipation*
Nobody likes Jimmy Buffett except frat boys and alcoholic chicks from the south
I remember going to see Jimmy Buffett 20 years ago, as a senior in HS where my buddy and I drank all the beer we still had left from prom the week or so before (For some reason, our dates had bought enough alcohol to throw a blowout for 50 at prom and there were just the 4 of us.) and caught a ride with a teacher to/from the show.
So are you saying there’s a woman to blame, or was this your own damn fault?
The wimmen bought the beer, I drank a lot of it. Hell, it could be my fault.
Did she touch you inappropriately once she got you drunk?
I don’t know. They’re building this near me:,amp.html
Jimmy Buffett knew what he was doing, he just had to wait for his fanbase to age 30 years and have stupid money to throw after their missing youth.
I respect a man with the patience to run a long con.
My Step-Mom drags my Dad to Parrot-Head conventions.
They tend to drink a lot of beer there, so he’s fine with it.
Blasphemy. That dude has a legion of fans and sells out what seems like 250 shows a year.
The tailgate lot sold out before the show did. It opens at noon today and will close about two hours later when it has 3000 cars in it.
That’s a lot of frat boys.
That shouldn’t be hard with 4.2 million frat alumni.
My Dad used to listen to the Buffett channel on XM. One day my mother pointed out that Jimmy was just talking most of the words, not singing. She ruined it for me.
My then-preteen sister ruined Dylan for mom by saying he has a muppet voice.
He’s got a net worth upwards of half a billion. Somebody’s still buying his shit.
I sailed past his boat once. If I remember, he gave a friendly wave. So I think he’s OK.
I’ll give the guy credit for basically milking 2 songs* into a very prosperous career.
* – I know he’s made a ton more, but ask any moron on the street and he’ll know Margaritaville and maybe Cheeseburger in Paradise.
Song about the brown eye
5 O’Clock Somewhere
Ain’t that Jackson singing a tune with Buffet doing a cameo?
Which are both terrible.
Social justice warriors have turned the matter of prominent feminist YouTuber Laci Green’s romantic relationship with anti-social justice YouTuber Chris Ray Gun into a political issue.
He who lives by the twitter mob…
Remember the days when people thought it was cute for political opponents to hook up?
SkeletonJames Carville and Mary Matalin do.Not really …
Was this in what they call “Bible times”?
No, it was the ‘End-Times’.
Why did Mary have to skin him?
If you lived with him, wouldn’t you?
Its not really helping her side that immediately upon dating a guy who she actually likes, they turn on her like a pack of hyenas on one of their own. Good for him for converting her, she’s cute.
Apparently one’s personal life is irrelevant in the face of the immense suffering that comes from wrong opinions. As such it must be sacrificed on the altar of Social Justice. Or something. But it’s not a religion. No siree
She did commit the one heretical sin of finding a somewhat attractive man who made her happy. There are thousands of her less attractive sisters out there shrieking in jealous rage.
Even more pathetic are the cucked feminist manginas who thought they were putting in their time.
The feminists claim to want spineless men, they almost never prefer that option when others are available though. I hope those growing legions of manginas figure this out someday.
It’s not their characteristically masculine boyfriend who’s to blame. It’s everyone else’s boyfriends.
Ja – In college there was an attempt to separate my girlfriend-now-wife from me. It was led by a feminist who thought I was too masculine for complimenting other women on their looks.
Example: “You look nice today.”
Misogynist pig.
Misery loves company.
+1 Frustrated Incorporated
And apostates always get it worse than infidels.
No conversion has happened. All that’s happened is she’s said she’ll have a dialogue with the people on the other side.
So she’s a bigot and a traitor?
I don’t know, but she’s clearly a monster. I mean, dialogue with those people??
Yup. As always, these idiots eat their own for even the slightest “wrong.” Laci deserves every bit of it.
She sure does, and the experience ought to make her finally grow the fook up.
Meh. I’m always one to believe in the possibility of redemption.
She’s still an SJW as far as I’m concerned. But there appears to be hope. If she is genuinely challenging her own beliefs she might very well be converted out of that nonsenese. Then again, SJWs always lie so this could all be bullshit.
Even if this is some sort of collosal scam on her part, I don’t think it will do her much good. She’s crossed the collective. They can’t admit misjudgement. So, they’ll have no choice but to destroy her.
TL;DR had a good video about why everyone on the anti-SJW side should approach her “I want to have a dialogue” view with caution. There’s nothing to indicate she has changed her views on anything.
To be fair, views and technique are two different things. If you’re interested in convincing me of your views rather than hounding me into submission, I’ll hear you out and consider your points. You probably still won’t convince me. But, I can accept your right to be wrong.
I’ll also add, as I suggest above, she might find her ideological compatriots don’t offer her much in the way of a safe space going forward.
She’s repeatedly stated that she’s been lurking in the anti-SJW videos of youtube, agrees with a lot of their points and even changed her views on certain issues. What she doesn’t tell you, is which views exactly she was wrong about or which issues the anti-SJWs are right about. Her failure to offer any particulars has me doubting the sincerity of her change of heart.
I like how one of the 95 Theses posted against her is that “she erased low-income vegans and vegans of color.”
Goddamn, she really is a fucking monster.
What, like used a dis-integrator beam on them?
No, like with a cloth
[shrieks, disappears]
Look, VOC issues are no laughing matter!
Volatile organic compounds are serious, yes.
Deadly serious.
Veganism is a secular religion, says Jordan Peterson.
He who lives by the twitter mob…
Dies by being scolded to death by nattering nitwit ninnies?
I didn’t realize they were dating. Let’s hope behind the scenes she doesn’t believe a lot of the stuff she advocates. Otherwise, Chris is going to learn a valuable lesson about sticking it in crazy and retroactive rape.
“I’d never have slept with him if I knew he was anti-abortion! He’s a RAPIST!”
“I tricked him into getting me pregnant so I could kill his baby as revenge! RAPIST SCUM!”
The thing is that the guy is a lefty as well, just one that thinks that freaking out over every minor detail is hurting the leftist cause.
The United Methodist Church has appointed a transgender deacon
Ehm good for him I guess?
It’s “good for they” you shitlord
There was a meme circulatin’ the kekosphere along the lines there is only one gender: male. Females are property.
Sounds sensible to me.
“Are my Methodists unsound?”
“I don’t see…any Method…at all, ‘they'”
+1 Colonel Kurtz
I want to see him give an Adam and Eve sermon with a straight face.
How will the Unitarians retaliate for the Methodists beating them to this LANDMARK of wokeness?
Drive By on a Methodist Churches with Fluffy Bunnies?
The UMC is going to split in the not too distant future – one branch will be the woke SWJ club, one will be the traditional folks. Sigh.
Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.
Happening in the Episcopal Church right now. One more shitty Prayer Book revision and the ACNA will likely be the new Anglican Communion member province of choice, if not letter, in America
Methodists are lazy when it comes to religion, though. There will be a minor kerfuffle, then some pound cake or something, and all will be forgotten.
I’ve read the article twice and I still don’t get the transgendered part. What little I’ve read abut being transgendered people claim that they always “felt” that they should be the opposite gender. I’m not getting that from this article at all. “M” doesn’t say anything about being “trapped in the wrong body” or anything like that and she gives no indication that she wants to be anything other than what she already is. If anything she seems to be non-gendered.
I wonder how the Catholic church would feel about ordaining a transgendered (F->M). It’s ok Pope, I’m now a dude!
The current commie pope would probably be on board with it.
Everything above in response to Pat makes me so very happy to be an atheist.
“I hope” is not obstruction. Did not interfere in fact gathering. Also comey thought it was about what flynn was fired for (lies about calls)…not entire russia probe. Remember reported for those calls nothing found illicit and no charges. Also how did comey know 2 weeks before sessions would recuse himself?
If there was obstruction i doubt mueller would let him testify
You could see a sort of implied quid pro quo with the whole “do you like your job.. I need loyalty segment there” . Truth is.. it was definitely off-base, and if Obama had done it all conservatives would be screaming to the mountains for him to be impeached.
But I do not believe it will be nearly enough.
Give me a break. In the first place, Comey’s memo is not evidence, I could write any memo after the fact claiming anything I wanted to as my version of things, that doesn’t necessarily make it so. And it seems awfully convenient that Comey never felt the need to write memos of his meetings prior to Trump, I’m sure this claim has nothing to do with the fact that right wing commenters pounced on the initial narrative that Comey wrote these memos because he was allegedly “an obsessive documenter” which if true made them eager to inquire about his Obama memos.
Even Comey doesn’t allege Trump said “Do you like your job, because I need loyalty”, he simply implies that this may have been the agenda, since the two (alleged) statements were not (allegedly) put together in that way.
It’s all hearsay and innuendo, and I can’t actually believe people are taking this shit seriously.
Did you read his statement?
As to whether Comey is lying, that’s certainly possible. Can’t say. Do we believe that?
“The President began by asking me whether I wanted to stay on as FBI Director, which I found strange because he had already told me twice in earlier conversations that he hoped I would stay, and I had assured him that I intended to. He said that lots of people wanted my job and, given the abuse I had taken during the previous year, he would understand if I wanted to walk away. My instincts told me that the one-on-one setting, and the pretense that this was our first discussion about my position, meant the dinner was, at least in part, an effort to have me ask for my job and create some sort of patronage relationship. That concerned me greatly, given the FBI’s traditionally independent status in the executive branch. I replied that I loved my work and intended to stay and serve out my ten-year term as Director. And then, because the set-up made me uneasy, I added that I was not “reliable” in the way politicians use that word, but he could always count on me to tell him the truth. I added that I was not on anybody’s side politically and could not be counted on in the traditional political sense, a stance I said was in his best interest as the President. A few moments later, the President said, “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty.” I didn’t move, speak, or change my facial expression in any way during the awkward silence that followed. We simply looked at each other in silence. The conversation then moved on, but he returned to the subject near the end of our dinner.”
We are neither Republicans nor Democrats. We may dislike the latter most of all because they are bigger statists, but let’s be honest with ourselves. If we think this is truthful and it were about Obama, every Republican in the USA would be demanding his resignation.
“My instincts” “concerned me” etc. etc. All innuendo, like I said. If Comey though this was an attempt at influencing and obstructing (obstructing what, exactly?) he was obligated under the law to report it. If he felt he was being pressured, he perjured himself when he state several weeks ago under oath that he had not been pressured or asked to spike any investigation. This is nothing but axe-grinding bullshit and innuendo.
If we think this is truthful and it were about Obama, every Republican in the USA would be demanding his resignation.
Demonstrably false. Obama did worse than imply the need for some sort of loyalty (IRS used against his political enemies, fast and furious gun running scheme, lying about Benghazi, etc. etc.) and Republicans were not in fact demanding his resignation.
I don’t think this was “obstruction” as I said from the beginning. I think this would outrage Republicans if the shoe were on the other foot.
I think that Trump was threatening Comey’s job in the dinner conversation.
And the reason I think that is he very obviously was, if Comey’s story is accurate.
“Demonstrably false. Obama did worse than imply the need for some sort of loyalty (IRS used against his political enemies, fast and furious gun running scheme, lying about Benghazi, etc. etc.) and Republicans were not in fact demanding his resignation.”
Eh. They weren’t? You sure about that? What do we mean by Republicans? Career politicians?
I can walk that back, though. They would be completely outraged and think it was inappropriate if Obama did it. How about that? Good enough? It doesn’t seem like all that important of a distinction.
I think that Trump was threatening Comey’s job in the dinner conversation.
Why would he “threaten” someone’s job if he could remove that person any time he saw fit either with or without cause? It defies common sense.
How does it defy common sense? Even if he can fire him at will, he can still give him a chance to come to his side or correct his behavior or whatever. I’m sure he knew it would be easier politically to keep the man than to fire him.
I’m not saying he definitely threatened his job, and frankly I don’t care, I’m just saying it remains a logical possibility. Most employers/ managers will give people a chance unless the fuck up was too big.
Listen, Comey has zero credibility. He keeps reanalyzing everything now that he did then and is concluding that there could have been coercion and an attempted power play. But he had so many opportunities to have made that reassessment plenty of times after those encounters but prior to his termination.
If he was before an arbitrator attempting to get his job back for wrongful termination and claimed coercion, he’d be laughed at. If he were on a witness stand making these claims he’d be torn to shreds by any competent attorney.
Sorry, but he’s coming across as either a jilted lover or an incompetent, spineless turd that has no business being in a position of authority in any government more influential than a HOA.
“Why would he “threaten” someone’s job if he could remove that person any time he saw fit either with or without cause? It defies common sense.”
Is this a serious question?
Because he wanted him to drop the investigation. He would rather have kept him on board and in line.
Drop what investigation? Trump wasn’t being investigated, as Comey confirmed. There’s an awful lot of leaping to conclusions based on nothing but innuendo there.
“Drop what investigation? Trump wasn’t being investigated, as Comey confirmed. There’s an awful lot of leaping to conclusions based on nothing but innuendo there.”
blolz. I feel like I’m trying to have a normal conversation, and you’re trying to nail me on irrelevant technicalities. You sound suspiciously partisan for a libertarian.
If Comey’s statement is accurate (and disputing that is a possibility we’ve already discussed), Trump was pressuring him to drop the Russia/Flynn investigation by threatening his job.
Do you really think the FBI director controls investigations?
And if the answer is “yes”, then why wouldn’t Trump have just fired him and replaced him with someone that pledged to not investigate Flynn or anybody in his inner circle?
Nobody with a functioning brain would keep someone on board and hope they stay in line that had been somewhat hostile to them through actions in the past (how he handled Clinton’s email scandal) and that he had been hostile toward in the media (how he referred to Comer in reference to the Clinton email scandal).
“Do you really think the FBI director controls investigations?
And if the answer is “yes”, then why wouldn’t Trump have just fired him and replaced him with someone that pledged to not investigate Flynn or anybody in his inner circle?”
Do I ?
I think Trump was frustrated that the FBI is investigating all this bullshit, and trying to get the FBI director to steer them away. I think Trump is not all that hip to the actual functioning of government.
Even more, I think Democrats are going to claim to Trump did — in fact — fire him to relieve that pressure because Trump walked right into the trap of stating something that every much implies that.
Careful Sloopy, you are in danger of failing Urthona’s libertarian purity test by pointing out the flaws in this whole OMG COMEY MEMO! thing.
Sorry if I sounded judgmental. Probably rude of me.
“Listen, Comey has zero credibility. He keeps reanalyzing everything now that he did then and is concluding that there could have been coercion and an attempted power play. But he had so many opportunities to have made that reassessment plenty of times after those encounters but prior to his termination.
If he was before an arbitrator attempting to get his job back for wrongful termination and claimed coercion, he’d be laughed at. If he were on a witness stand making these claims he’d be torn to shreds by any competent attorney.
Sorry, but he’s coming across as either a jilted lover or an incompetent, spineless turd that has no business being in a position of authority in any government more influential than a HOA.”
This is all fine. I agree with most of it.
By the way, Obama did a lot worse than say he wanted loyalty from his toadies in the agencies, and conservatives were not in fact calling for his impeachment.
Maybe. I feel like you’re not really stating an argument, though.
That was refuting your claim about conservatives regarding Obama.
I think if both parties were switched, this incident would appear alongisde your list of Obama misdeeds and outrank many of them.
And what are you basing that on other than your active imagination?
“And what are you basing that on other than your active imagination?”
Because I believe die-hard Republicans and Democrats are basically just fools who root for a team.
It seems obvious to me that if Obama took the FBI director aside, asked him he liked his job, and tried to to demand loyalty Republicans would have a cow and behave as if it were the biggest deal ever… just as Democrats are today.
1. I already pointed out the flaw in that attempt at logic.
2. Pointing out that flawed logic does not make me a Republican.
Sorry for implying you are partisan. I have gone too far in my internet commenting again.
As a recently former partisan Republican, I have to say I mostly agree with this. I don’t think it would be “the biggest deal ever,” but it sure as hell wouldn’t have been ignored, either.
Hey! I never use hyperbole because it’s literally the worst thing in the world!
*narrows gaze*
I don’t know about the double-standard. You’re probably right for some folks but I think not everyone. But yeah, for me I think the only thing in the testimony that gave me pause was the loyalty bit. It read a little Don Corelone for my tastes. Honestly, it’s so pat and movie villainesque that I wouldn’t be in the least surprised to find it was at least partially fabricated. Even if it wasn’t, I think it rises to the level of pompous and a little creepy but no further than that.
I think this little blurb in the National Review has pegged it best: “”
“The document has considerable entertainment value in its dead-pan account of a profound mismatch, a Washington buddy movie gone bad. It’s a tale of a bureaucratically agile and self-serving careerist matched against an institutionally ignorant and self-serving outsider. One is careful, memorializing every conversation and calculating his every more; the other is blundering around in the dark — and eventually blows the whole thing up. The narrative that Democrats want to believe is that Trump is in so deep with the Russians that he took the incredible risk of firing his FBI director to cover his tracks. The picture in the Comey memo is instead of a president driven mad by the investigation, in particular by his inability to get the FBI director to say publicly that he isn’t under investigation — when, in fact, he isn’t under investigation.”
Yeah, and it seems like that’s the conclusion lawyers without an ideological ax to grind are drawing. I get the vibe from the written testimony that Comey’s interpreting everything from a suspicious, maybe even hostile, perspective from day one. Like he went into it looking for fuel for this kind of thing. He wouldn’t be the first FBI director to actively seek out or create dirt on his boss in order to acquire some juice.
I’m not sure it was from day one. None of this came to light until after Comey was fired, and we have no way of knowing when that memo was actually written. He could have written it after the firing to try to cast shade on the guy who fired him.
Also, he has revealed that he intentionally had his friend leak it.
That’s… kinda weird.
You don’t have your friends help you when you want to make a leak?
Maybe you’re the weird one.
I used to be an Ancap, but my job made me turn to socialism.
What’s amazing is there are people who identify as AnCom. Wtf?
That is awesome.
Wait for it….
You have to read to the end, worth it.
Sensible chuckle.
There are a few faulty premises there. Like, if stocking shelves for one day makes you do a 180 on your ideology maybe you’re views weren’t thought out, like at all. But I call bs. It read like a socialist acting like they were an ancap
Read it again. Slowly.
You sure are asking a lot of me this early in morning. I haven’t even had my Monster and nicotine yet.
Oh, crap. I guess the last sentence is important to read.
As the kids say, top fucking kek
The can praise Kek all they want, once the get off my lawn. Damn kids.
That was fairly funny.
Finely crafted. Bravo.
Stuck around for the finish, definitely worth it.
How Do Gay Bears Deal with Having Sleep Apnea?
Zima by the sixpack?
I don’t have sleep apnea, but my ex complained about my snoring. It didn’t bother me. As far as I was concerned it was her problem.
Gilmore, the Jordan Petersen Senate testimony you posted yesterday is a fine listen. He’s even better on the public forum.
His series on the Biblical stories is excellent, as well
Something else occurred to me during the testimony, half of the senators appeared to phoning it in with regard to sort of grappling with the implications that Petersen and counsel raise concern about. One woman toward the end even used appeal to authority with a dozen professional associations without making any effort to take exception with any of Petersen’s specific points or positions. Maddening.
I watched about an hour’s worth of senate testimony by a climate change skeptic. Some Dem would not let go the “97%” fiction, even after the guy repeatedly shot it down. I think that was the only stat he was able to grapple with.
Do you have a link or name or anything I can use to find it?
I watched a couple, but I believe this is it.
You’re assuming that people are actually there to hear the answers to the questions, rather than simply perform for the camera and their constituents.
Public hearings are not about learning some truth through Q+A. They’re about putting on a show for various interest groups that pay for these people’s campaigns.
That’s true. We saw that kind of besaviour all through the Tillerson and Pruitt hearings earlier this year.
Nevertheless she persisted…..
Corrupt, amoral, junior senator from California pulls a Hannity on witness, gets called out for it, and is treated like a martyr.
Poor Sloop.
Mustachioed editors hardest hit.
Don’t you even read the links, brah? /completely guilty of doing this
I skipped over the strikeout. Figured it was just another sloopy fuckup and not worth reading.
*listens for meows*
/ \
Nice… Self -ASCII catbutting!
You can’t understand the context of the story unless you know that she was the only woman of color participating in the questioning. THE ONLY WOMAN OF COLOR GOT TO TOLD TO SHUT UP, NOT OKAY.
Treating a WOMAN OF COLOR like anyone else or at least like non-royalty is hate speech.
Soooo….the diversity was a hindrance to her campaign….? Of course, there are so many political flavors in California. You can have just about any version of socialism you like! And, it all comes from the same party (give or take).
A Democrat woman of color. If she were a Republican there wouldn’t be a story.
If she were a Repiblican, she wouldn’t be a woman of color.
DOJ ends Holder-era ‘slush fund’ payouts to outside groups
About GD time. Everyone involved in those previous agreements ought to go to FPMITA prison for straight up corruption and extortion.
Right? Nobody is penalized, they just can’t do it anymore going forward. So they got away with it.
Infuriating. It’s blatantly corrupt and nobody batted an eye.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if the GOP was passing rafts of legislation ending these practices and cutting off government funds for lefty agitprop groups?
People should be put in prison for that. And by “people”, I mean any politically-appointed prosecutor that steered a dime and any person that took said money and contributed a penny to a political campaign.
There really are no winners here…
Married porn star arrested for allegedly slapping boyfriend after sex
just a (((sad))) wiener
The camera adds a kilo
The star of adult film hits like “Milk Maids” and “Slut Puppies 9” was released Sunday on her own recognizance
No comment.
What’s it called again?
linked on that page:
This hairy hottie is protesting beauty standards by not shaving
I hope she stops brushing her teeth and bathing. Good full natural or STFU!
Sweet. Ladies, I’m gonna stop shaving too. Also, no deodorant, no plucking or trimming of nose hairs, ear hairs, or the middle part of my eyebrow(s). And don’t get me started about my back, shoulders, neck, etc.
Any of you who don’t tell me that I’m beautiful will be charged with a hate crime.
and the legend of STEVE SMITH was born.
Everyone in the porn business is a star. They are never actors or actresses. I have never heard of any of them but they are always ‘porn stars’.
Not true. There are plenty of key grips.
and don’t forget the fluffers! ::hides face in shame::
Dakota Skye is “legitimately” a Porn Star. They put her “face” on the cover of the DVD.
In some places that could be an anti-Trump art exhibit.
It Is Time for Donald Trump to Leave the White House
These fucks still think what they do won’t be used against them. If they think they can run a Republican president out of office with rumor and innuendo and it won’t come back on their next guy, they are insane.
If they think they can run a Republican president out of office with rumor and innuendo and it won’t come back on their next guy, they are insane.
They do, and they are.
Yeah, but if that happens, it’ll just be an example of Republicans’ authoritarianism again.
It’s kind of hard to be an dictator without a strong central government, so I don’t see how you can be opposed to the national government and be an authoritarian.
Authoritarianism means not having the government control every aspect of the economy and give everyone free shit. Read a dictionary.
I would, but I’m waiting for the latest edition of Newspeak.
Have you asked Syme for a copy of the 11th Edition?
“Syme’s not here, man!”
Report to Room 101 for that!
Esquire, THE magazine for Pajama Boy
Ambitious authoritarians want to down size govt?
Huh, I was expecting Salon.
It has been enabled by a consistent trend toward civic disengagement
Yeah, no. Resisting the tyrannical creep of “civic engagement” into every corner of everyday life is not “disengagement,” it’s self-preservation.
Doesn’t pass a Turing test. The entity that wrote this is obviously not a sentient being.
To Be Clear: Harry Styles Wearing A ‘Women Are Smarter’ T-Shirt Is Our Exact Aesthetic
Do the people who write these things get paid? because if they do it is too much
When you say “Glam Rock” I think Gary Glitter and then pedophile jumps to mind.
Everybody’s got to start somewhere Neil Gaiman wrote a book about Duran Duran early in his career. I can only assume Hemingway wrote a fan zine about the last castrato or something.
You must search the internet everyday looking for articles with the keyword “bigfoot.”
If women are so smart, why is Harry Styles still a thing?
Who the fuck is Hairy Styles?
He was in the shitty and utterly inconsequential boy band One Direction. Think NSYNC without the edge.
Now he’s cut his hair and gotten into acting.
Dude, you’re a musician. You don’t have to pretend to be feminist to get laid.
If women were honest, that shirt should offend a feminist. Claiming superiority to half the world because of their sex organs? Really?
Their sex organs are the least of it. There are differences between male and female intelligence. Men have a “sand dune” shaped bell curve, the ranks of men produce more geniuses and also more absolute retards while the female curve is more like a “column”, where female intelligence clusters around the median, so they produce fewer geniuses but also fewer idiots.
Putting it on a scale of inferiority/superiority is a subjective value that’s up to you. The feminist musician did so, though he has an uphill battle to rationally make his particular claim.
Since females are the reproductive bottleneck, the species can afford less variability in them.
Yeah none of this is an accident, yet the feminists and radical egalitarians get their hands on information like this, or that fathers treat their sons and daughters differently, and the first place their minds go is to ask the question, “How can we change this? It’s obviously not human nature because I disagree with it! SOCIAL CONSTRUCT!!!”
Makes sense. Men are disposable, reproductively speaking. Once Ug knocks you up it doesn’t matter if he gets eaten by a tiger as long as his cousin Trog wants to step in and help out around the cave.
“Hmmph. Trog may be cuck, but Trog no get eaten by tiger.”
/Trog FTW
In ye olden times if half the tribe’s men were killed in war or whatever, the tribe would still have enough genetic material to carry on. If half the women died, it would be a reproductive bottle neck.
This same dynamic is probably why men don’t live as long as women. In evolutionary terms, we’re more useless in our old age than they are. The trade off is that we remain fertile for most of our natural life span.
You do if you’re a white male, who isn’t in country or hard rock. Otherwise you start getting bad reviews and no press. The website is called pitchfork for a reason.
Who reads this drivel?
According to my thirteen year old granddaughter Styles is a modern day Keith Partridge. I weep for our youth.
Her daughter.
I looked for one with Phil Lesh singing lead, but couldn’t find it.
Do your parents no you’re on here? Shouldn’t you be in school?
Keyboards- The most dangerous job in show business. Worse than drumming for Spinal Tap.
You have to admit, the kid knows his audience.
This. Good for him.
a casual leather duffle
aka Purse.
Nice new avatar, Sloopy.
Ever read this? Quite entertaining. Dude has had one helluva run!
I read tales from margaritaville and a salty piece of land. They’re doing the Tully Mars story as a musical apparently. It’s hitting Broadway in the fall and is in LaJolla, CA right now. I’ll get to see it when it comes to Houston on the way there.
At that other site – this is was a headline:
that’s not how I read it…
“I hope” isnt trying to shut it down
So, TDS still running strong over there.
Baily did an entire article on not fearing the robot without mentioning Trump once. Hope he doesn’t get fired.
i’m no longer missing Shack and ENB. have had zero inclination to return the last week. it took a while but i’ve kicked the habit.
I still like ENB.
Hopefully we see four years of the government doing nothing but investigating the president. Total win.
It’s going to be rather amusing to watch feminists tie themselves into knots justifying this shit as it becomes more and more common. We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg.
Yeah, no. If these idiots are trying to wreck girls sports, they are doing a helluva good job.
You know you’ve done something wrong when you’ve made 2002’s abominable “Juwanna Mann” prescient.
Yeah, if this becomes widespread, an actual woman will never win any sport ever again.
It won’t matter though, because nobody watches women’s sports.
Good point.
No matter how hard ESPN tries.
It’s also off-putting the way they ham-fist it down people’s throats. They seem to think ‘drown the viewer with exposure’ is a good strategy. It also probably presumes this is how men’s sports became popular.
The latter wouldn’t surprise me if they do in fact think this.
I mean, it’s not like anyone watched it because men are, you know, really good and play it in a way people are willing to pay for. Heck, I bet even most women agree with this. My wife has zero interest in women’s sports. But she also doesn’t like female reporters in men’s sports either.
I mean, golf and tennis. Volleyball’s pretty good, too.
I like to listen to Women’s tennis while I watch porn.
Does that make me a fan?
College softball can be fun. It’s about 43′ from the pitcher to home plate and they have a rising fastball. plus it’s only 7 innings and they have a run rule.
Yeah, if this becomes widespread, an actual woman will never win any sport ever again.
Which is tasty irony as it will prove beyond doubt that athletically, women are inferior to men.
That picture is beyootiful.
Nevertheless, she persisted…
and still got smoked by a dude-girl.
Nice. You’re saying that’s Hillary in 08?
::Exaggeratedly long spit take::
I think she’s losing because she’s white, not because the other chick is obviously a dude.
Yeah, the white girl is doubly disadvantaged in this contest.
The end of women’s sports.
Noooo! I like watching fit girls run around and get sweaty.
Are you the rapist from Lawin’ Order?
“Alleged” rapist.
An analyst and a therapist. An analrapist, actually.
The answer, of course, is to stop recognizing winners and give everyone participation trophies.
Last year’s winner who came in second place: ““I can’t really say what I want to say”. Welcome to modern American people.
Smart girl. Speak up and get torn apart. They make the price of not playing along very, very high.
Wait, that “girl” hasn’t even started hormone treatments. So that is a 100% male competing against girls.
And “her” dad is a fucking idiot. He conflates weight differences in football players with the difference in testosterone or estrogen coursing through ones veins. Maybe he should go tranny too and change his name to Diana Moon Glampers.
Even hormone treatments don’t even things out. Being born and developing into puberty while flooded with testosterone produces changes that can’t be undone.
Yep. I have no idea why this is being discussed, or tolerated, or encouraged. It would make more sense, to the extent it even needs rationalizing, for transgender athletes to compete against their sexual equivalents, gender be damned. Born a dude but feel like a woman? Well, you can wear dresses off the field but you’re still competing against other men.
I do see a silver lining, though: it brutalizes the feminist denial of sex differences.
I do see a silver lining, though: it brutalizes the feminist denial of sex differences.
That would matter if any of it was based on logic and reality. Unfortunately, it isn’t.
Some feminists are balking, and anything that gets members of the progressive stack irate with one another is good for humanity.
Yeah, it’s kind of interesting that men are getting into feminist “privilege” through the back door, so to speak, and creating these kinds of awkward situations. If the issue is gender equality then clearly sex-based differences are significant. If it’s equality of the sexes, then gender becomes subservient to sex and your feelings on what you are matter less than your chromosomes.
Usually when somebody is transgender, they make an effort to look like the other gender. Dude looks … exactly like a dude.
Check your traditional cishet shitlord notions of traditional female beauty!
Yeah, but at least he shaves his legs.
Cromwell’s Andraya Yearwood is a state champion in the 100 dash. Ran 12.66 to win in 1st appearance at Class M Championships.
Hey, I could have been a women’s 100m dash state champion too.
I saw an article a while back during the summer olympics when people were gushing over the women’s 100 meter champion being one of the fastest human beings on the planet, and pointing out that in reality she would have come in fourth place at the New Jersey High School men’s state championship. Kind of like how the US womens national soccer team regularly gets beat by 15-year-old boys teams.
Do you remember the Colorado Silver Bullets? Back in the ’90s, Coors sponsored this women’s baseball team made up of former top softball players, and they’d go around the country and play exhibitions. At the time, my dad played in a 35 and older league called the Virginia Baseball Congress. The league put together an all-star team (including Dad! Yay Dad!) and played the girls’ team. I think the VBC all-stars had two guys who once played professionally, low minors at that, and the rest had topped out in high school or college. Oh, and they were all mid 30s-mid 50s.
They beat the Silver Bullets something like 8-1.
Not really surprising. Most people, especially women, grossly underestimate just how big the difference is between men and women when it comes to strength and speed.
I remember this:
At the time, almost no one pointed out that Bobby Riggs was 55 years old.
And Riggs actually threw the King match anyway to pay off a gambling debt. Karsten Braasch vs. the Williams sisters is especially hilarious, given how unseriously he took the whole thing and still crushed them.
That’s what some people say, but there is no way to know. Regardless, 25 years is a huge age difference.
I never heard of that one, so I looked it up. Funny. In the process, I came across this, which was also funny:
At the time, Noah was 43 and Henin was 21.
The Philly news woman had some excellent cleavage in that arrest video. Didn’t hear a word she said, so I vote innocent and all the cops who arrested her should be fired. Folks that’s jmo
Did somebody say cleavage?
A wise man once said “I’d crawl through a mile of broken glass and eat a pound of her shit just to see where it comes from.”
I remember the line from a punk song I heard that was similar: I’d crawl through a mile of shit just to suck off the last guy who fucked her.
I actually head it.
Ha. That is…different.
I’d crawl through a mile of shit just to suck off the last guy who fucked her.
The way I’d heard it:
I’d crawl thru a mile of broken glass;
just to suck the dick that fucked it last.
“A note left urging female students at a Canadian high school to respect “male education”, and to stop wearing skin-baring clothes at school just because “it’s too hot outside” has sparked a sexism row.”
Wait, it’s too hot in Canada?
It’s all relative
Don’t know why go for sexist when really stupid is enough
For aboot two weeks we get to wear a t-shirt, eh?
It’s too darn hot, eh
It’s too darn hot, eh
I’d like to Boston Pizza with my baby tonight
Refill the Stanley Cup with my baby tonight
I’d like to poutine with my baby tonight
Refill the Molson cup with my baby tonight
But I ain’t up to my baby tonight
‘Cause it’s too darn hot, eh
Everybody listen up cause I’m about to get my speak on
Fools be trippin’ when it’s time to get their freak on
Runnin’ round town, puttin’ it down with-out
No protection, for they erection
When it’s time for selection what’s your direction?
Before you make a choice, you betta do some inspection
If you don’t know my aim and don’t know my game, then
Let me explain now
Iesha slept wit Mark and Mark slept wit Tina
And Tina slept wit Javier the first time he seen her
Javier slept wit Lupe and Lupe slept with Rob
’cause he was rollin on beads and had a good ass job
Rob slept wit Lisa who slept wit Steve and
Steve was positive, H.I.V.
What started off as a plan ended up in the plot
Ya betta cool ya ass off cause it’s too damn hot
What the hell is Boston Pizza?
I think it comes with beans and extra racism.
It’s Bostons, which is a chain of shitty pizza places.
But why Boston? Some places have a signature pizza style – New York, Chicago, New Haven – but I’ve never heard of a Boston style.
Bill Maher invites Milo Yiannopoulos back on show
Lol. Ratings in shambles, Mr. Maher?
Milo isn’t doing so well either. He lost his book deal and position at Brietbart. And his new website isn’t doing much based on the number of articles and comments.
Although I think the CPAC thing was a set-up.
Last I heard MIlo’s book is number one seller on Amazon, so I think he is doing okay.
You know who else has a top selling book on Amazon?
He self published his book and it is number 1 on Amazon. I think he’s doing okay.
Maher used to have an echo chamber progressive-type audience, but then he diversified and has publicly said it’s so much better for the show.
Milo’s an adult, and he’s been on the show before.
If he goes on, he’ll be ready for the attempted sandbagging. And I expect him to go on, because it’d be the ideal platform to relaunch his image.
Better for the show? Depends on who you ask.
Better for the ratings? Hell yeah.
Maher and Milo discussing 1A and trolling the perpetually aggrieved is my kind of tv.
Actual recording from their future discussion
Remember, theses are the same people that are against guns.
Well, why are they against guns?
So that they can mete out mob justice without fear of getting shot, of course.
Guns offer too much genuine equality for their tastes.
They’re afraid the wrong people will get hurt, natch.
Why aren’t the Title IX tribunals taking care of… Oh wait nevermind.
Na na na na na na na na…bat-wielding mob!
If this were the baseball team going to and from practice, there’d be no problem with them having bats…it’s the people wielding the bats who are the problem.
From the administration:
This here, is why the term “cuck” has entered modern parlance.
are they threatening to assault the other students? i have no problem with people walking around with bats. it has a gruesome Gangs of New York potential.
Warty’s dungeon?
Nah, they lived.
No way. If the cops found Warty’s dungeon it would be like Silence of the Lambs.
No one would ever know because the cops would never make it out.
Precisely. They would be stunned by the horror, then Warty pounces, and they are “New Meat” in the cages.
“Oh, wait… was she a great big fat person?”
“Yeah, she was a big girl, sir.”
Warty Hugeman removes his Timesuit and places it in a corner, but rather than deactivate it he instructs it to play Goodbye Horses as he disconnects the Doomcock.
Dear Lord – Sunderland – ugh.
The US analogy would be a BDSM club in Flint, Michigan. The bad part of Flint, Michigan. The part that even Michael Moore doesn’t try and exploit for profit.
So i wish the transgender thing was a trend when i was young. Could have made girls high school bball team
Just wait. It’ll swing back.
Maybe i can identify as a high schooler
I get older, they stay the same age
Why the fuck not? It seems we all must accept people’s bizarre delusions as reality these days.
Except the one that goes something like “the government should have less influence over your life.”
They should create a government agency to look into your proposal.
So what you are saying is you suck at bball?
Seems like the Soccer team would have the best locker room.
Field hockey or volley ball.
They all look slightly annoyed.
The male gaze will do that to a woman.
speaking of: I get *checked out yesterday when I was at the pool. The female gaze strikes again. Worst part, I think one of ’em took a photo of me with her phone.
pastybronzedweakmuscled body drives women wild.*got – sheesh
The only women’s sport that deserves a place in the limelight, volleyball. Except Muslim women’s volleyball teams, they’re ruining the sport with all that extra clothing.
We didn’t have a girls soccer team. So one girl played on the boys team.
We were about the same level of ability. Mediocre.
She would have been a star on a girls team.
I like to remind people that the 2015 Australian Women’s [Soccer] team were world champions in their sport, and they still lost handily to a group of boys that were younger than 15 years old, who were just some local team not exactly the best of the the best.
And yet, they were paid more than the boys’ team, thereby proving that the wage gap simply does not exist.
And don’t they get paid by stealing a portion of the profits brought in by the men’s team?
How the humble garden shed inspires genius
British people are weird.
What did Arthur ‘Two Sheds’ Jackson say of this?
A shed in the UK often fulfills the same social niche as a basement/mancave does it the US.
That’s what makes it weird.
Strange. I’m in the US and I’ve been thinking of turning my shed into a mancave.
Just need the cash and the organization to fit a power rack in there.
You going to make fish and chips while you’re at it, ehh Nigel?
Bubbles approves.
Retarded is intellectual property.
I’m quite confident she probably signed away the rights to her likeness and voice to get on the TV show in the first place. Dr. Phil’s production company would be the aggrieved party.
Nobody yet? re: the report chick: DEFINITELY would
I mentioned her nice cleavage earlier. Get with it, Colonel.
Colonel Slanders sounds more like Captain Obvious
Don’t stick it in crazy.
you know, there are some mistakes you can recover from if you do them at a young enough age.. so that DSIIC warning needs an age qualifier. crazy really is that good.
In prepared statements, Comey is accusing Donald Trump of saying that he expects loyalty, which is obviously unconscionable.
Apparently Trump doesn’t know anything about how the government works. Loyalty?
Once he gets loyalty, what’s Trump going to ask his management team for next–competence?!
Once he gets loyalty, what’s Trump going to ask his management team for next–competence?!
Whoa now, let’s stick to achievable goals.
C’mon Ken, it’s worse than that. He wanted honest loyalty.
Competence and fairness is obviously the reason Obama fired most of the Bush era staff and replaced them with a bunch of progressives.
Yeah, Obama definitely wasn’t expecting any loyalty.
David French has been hyperventilating about this loyalty business, which I find utterly hilarious.
Ordinarily, it would be a little creepy. But ordinarily, an administration is not sabotaged by the previous administration from day one in a manner that is criminal and a betrayal of the public trust, so…
That, plus I really doubt that it’s unheard of for a president to expect loyalty. And I doubt Trump is the first to explicitly ask for it.
Black troops far more likely to face military punishment in every service branch
It’s also true outside the military. I’d also guess that men are more likely to face court martial or disciplinary action, than women.
Yeah, but women… Uh… Wage Gap! 1 in 5! Patriarchy!
Yes, and for some unknown reason black men are something like seven times more likely to face charges for violent crimes than white men out in the civilian world.
Must be racist cops.
The article seems to think once you join the military all problems from your past disappear:
“When you look at the military, all those factors go away. Everyone’s employed, everyone’s educated, everybody has a steady income, illicit drug use in the military is almost non-existent because of random drug testing,” Christensen said. “When those factors go away, why is there this disparity?”
I know it’s only anecdotal but I had one kid from the projects, he was trying to make a life for himself, but his family came to visit.
They convinced him to break into our supply trailer and steal two 60″ flat screens.
I felt bad for him even though it was a stupid decision, I’m pretty sure that never would have happened if he was left alone by those dirt bags.
Anywhoo, he got busted down and kicked out, was this racism?
Most punishments I’ve seen were pretty fair, not all.
I have never seen someone get punished unfairly because of their race, only people getting punished unfairly because the system sucks.
I saw the racial disparity during my time:
1) Sailors who came from high crime areas tended to be more likely to do criminal things.
2) Sailors who were poorly educated tended to do stupider things (like standing cold iron watch at a friend’s house).
And compared to the general population of sailors as a whole, both of these categories had a higher proportion of black sailors.
But, it wasn’t a racial thing: one of the worst situations I dealt with in Category 1 involved an all white cast of characters. I really think it’s all culture.
standing cold iron watch at a friend’s house
What does that mean?
I was in the Marines, we used a lot of Navy terms, but I don’t know that one.
Pretty much what you’d think, when the vessel is in port, receiving services from other vessels, refitting etc. – basically not in line-of battle or ready for action.
Basically, you have one guy who patrols every 15 minutes to an hour (depending on what’s being checked) to make sure something isn’t going wrong – like a burst seal causing flooding when everything is shut down.
It’s boring and lonely.
The case I’m thinking of, we’d come back into port and the crew was given a week’s holiday. The ship was like a ghost town.
If you’re part of duty section and not standing your watch – and actually off the ship goofing off on your duty day. You’re f*cked – and it’s all your fault.
” On June 1, Karen Mathews Davis pleaded guilty to composing fake death threats, mailing them to herself, then lying to federal agents. That fakery could land the 68-year-old in prison for five years, possibly longer if prosecutors take a second look at her career as the heroic victim of right-wing terrorists…..
The authorities are on record that they will look at the 1997 case but no surprise that nothing emerged in the recent proceedings. Court officials are not eager to admit mistakes that might have sent an innocent man to prison. His accuser turns out to be an addled prevaricator but those who profess concern for those wrongly convicted have kept their distance. Steiner, 79, is old, male and white, hardly the profile of an accredited victim.”
What a cunt.
Today in “there’s no double standard”, and your Thursday morning nut punch: A Milwaukee jury awarded a woman $6.7 million after she was repeatedly raped by a guard and then forced to give birth while shackled (She was already pregnant when she entered the jail).
The “correctional officer” (I hate that term) had raped this woman repeatedly. It was all caught on camera. Anyone wanna guess his punishment?
A misdemeanor plea to “misconduct”, 3 days in jail and a $200 fine. But he *was* fired. No word on which other jail hired him a week later.
Who pays out those suits? Milwaukee Correctional Service?
If only.
Totality of circs. *smooches*
Sheriff David Clarke, ladies and gentlemen!
A random picture of Robby Soave at last night’s cocktail party, submitted with absolutely no comment.
Currently on sabbatical, writing a book about activism in the age of Trump.
It’s about time somebody did.
I’m generally not super petty or jealous, but I have to admit it really irks me seeing that retarded little fuckstain receiving accolades when there literally wasn’t one single kid in my high school graduating class that wasn’t a substantially more proficient writer.
He really is bad at writing. Kind of amazing, really
I think we should set up a betting pool on the frequency with which the word “problematic” appears in his book.
That would make a great title for his book.
To be sure
“Problematic, To Be Sure”
That’s funny right there
It’s the title of a show I’m working on creating for a potential online network.
the contrast between Robby’s “Problematic” and Milo’s “Dangerous” LOL
Drinking game for listening to the audiobook.
one drink if you hear ‘to be sure”
one drink for ‘problematic’
chug if it’s noted that Trump did anything good, without qualification
You wouldn’t make it past the first chapter
Not without a stand-by liver transplant, no.
Quickly went down a rabbit hole of following mentions on Robby’s twitter: Is he hoarding all of the good looking libertarian women (present site, excluded, of course)? Christina Sandefur and Hadley Heath specifically.
Well, there’s still that Liberty Laura chick that’s the head of one of the Libertarian news sites.
She’s married though.
@BabesforLiberty tho :bug eye emoji:
*Thumbs up*
I think he was on Kennedy last night.
Did she let him finish?
something tire something iron
Robby SoaveVerified account @robbysoave · Jun 6
Does Trump violate the First Amendment when he blocks his critics on Twitter? It’s complicated
No, it isn’t, you simpering fucktard.
Cute girl-what’s her name?
“Annoying Customer”
“Fuck you, buddy!”
Note the list of “You may also like” on the left. Notice anything they have in common?
They all work for Reason and NR? Never-Trump Republican peanuts?
What’s the problem?
The chromosomes, maybe?
Oh, OK
The banner picture on his profile is such a steaming pile of virtue signalling I have to laugh every time I see it.
“gay-acting str8 man, femme4femme”
I’m thinking this story might be bullshit.
The stupid thing, if it is a false flag, is that if she’d just waited a few more weeks, it probably would have happened to her anyway. This is England now.
“Asian” girls. Is that a deliberate prevarication or do Brits really lump them together? Like Victorians calling north Africa “the Orient.”
It’s a uniform UK thing. It’s the politically correct euphemism for Paki.
To a Brit, anyone from the continent of Asia is Asian, which makes sense. Americans typically use Asian to refer to East Asian people only, which didn’t really make sense.
Typically a Brit would specify a bit more though, if they actually wanted you to know what part of Asia they were from. South Asian, central Asian, East Asian, etc.
It’s really simple. Pakistan and India, both being in Asia, are populated by Asians. It always used to be considered impolite to call (particularly) Pakistanis “Pakistanis” because of the delightful pastime of white yoof of “Paki Bashing”, so ‘Asian’ is the polite term used unless there was no chance you’d be misunderstood.
Of course, if you knew a person from India, it was perfectly natural to call them “Indian”. And considering that you were in Europe, the “Dot/Feather” issue wouldn’t arise.
On occasion, I found it useful to refer to some “South Asians” as “Lascars” since I was an H.P. Lovecraft fanboi, but I recognize that it’s not a particularly accurate term.
The original story I saw yesterday in the Daily Mail (now vastly changed, so I won’t bother linking to it) simply said the attackers kept yelling ‘Allah will get you’, which made it sound like BS to me. Jihadis don’t scream ‘Allah will get you’ (a threat), they scream ‘Allahu Akbar’ (a blessing). Huge difference.
But I’m not surprised it’s changed to “chanting the Koran” and chanting “Allah” over and over, these stories always end up with massively different details 24+ hours later.
“In late breaking “actions have consequences, dumbass” news, reporter devastated after she gets the axe.”
Women don’t like it when you tell them that their talking is a problem.
They say 20,000 words a day.
Men only say 7,000.
That’s a big difference.
Telling a woman that her talking is a problem is like telling a bird that their flying and singing is a problem–except that birds flying and singing isn’t ever really a problem, but women talking really can be.
One time, I come home, and I go, “So how was your day?”
She starts talking, and I’m listening and engaging for as long as I can, but after a while, I start dozing off.
She says, “Are you listening to me?”
I said, “No, I’m trying to go to sleep. I have to leave tomorrow morning by six.”
She says, “Well, you’re the one that asked me how my day went”.
I said, “That was five hour ago”.
It had been five hours since she started talking. She was Jennifer Tilly in a five hour “interview”.
She looked at the clock and started laughing.
Then she got sad and angry–because she had to stop talking. It was too late to call up someone on the phone to talk. She got so mad that she had to stop talking, she started cursing like that reporter that got fired. Then she turned off the light and I thought she was going to sleep. Ten minutes later, she turned the light back on and started talking to me like I’d just gotten home.
I was watching one of those “Lock Up” shows on TV one time, and they were talking to one of the female prison guards. They asked the guard if she prefered working in the men’s prison or the women’s prison, and she preferred working in the men’s prison because, although it was more dangerous, in the women’s prison the convicts are always telling you how they feel.
When someone asks “how was your day” they want to hear “it was good” not a 500 page essay on every little thing that happened.
Unless my female relatives ask me on occasion. Then they want to know EXACTLY what went on while I just want to say “Fine” and get on with it.
You’d think I was writing her biography or something.
That being said, when they stop telling you how their day went, it means that in their heads, they’re already out the door.
I think it explains why a lot of guys are always secretly into the friend or sister. They’re the only women you have to listen to talk like that when they’re around–but there’s no payoff. If you have to listen to that kind of banter for so long, I think a guy’s mind just naturally invents a subconscious attraction as a defense mechanism.
Something like this?
I lol’d.
Are you married Ken?
I’m still looking for a job, but I did get an automated email apologizing that a company I applied to is taking so long to get back to me.
Definitely a first.
I found a job for you:
HELP WANTED: Warty Dungeon cleanup crew. Must like to work long hours, working in a hostile environment, and not mind loud grunts. Hazmat suit will be provided.
Eh, what’s the 401k plan look like?
I don’t want to know about the health plan.
In this economy you can’t afford not to shovel pig shit.
Here’s a job possibility
I can get $10/hour herding Walmart customers and I get to live in my house, pass.
How’s your cleavage? I hear there’s an anchoring position open in Philly.
Um, hairy?
“Campbell, according to Philadelphia Magazine, claimed in a Facebook post that she only had one drink and suggested she might have been drugged before deleting her social media accounts.”
“Campbell claimed to have had only one drink, but she admitted having a total of five, including two shots an hour before the show and some while bartending earlier Sunday.”
Ah, right. The old, “I didn’t get shitfaced, someone must have drugged me” bit. Classic.
Anything to avoid responsibility for their actions.
Next she’ll be having a public confession of her awful “addiction” and checking into rehab, which will wash away all her sins and make her employable once again.
An Illinois Town Denied This Muslim Congregation A Mosque. Now It Owes Them $580,000
(yes, I know I’ve posted a shit load of links already; I’m bored and reading stupid news, sue me)
Scouring Google again?
Worse. I logged into Yahoo to check one of my burner email accounts and started scrolling the news feed.
Oh goddammit. I need to move my email, Yahoo pisses me off. Especially because they’ve got the hots for the HuffPost.
It *seems* like the city was in the wrong, but who really knows? Having seen first hand how the DOJ “does business”, any of their settlements can be doubted. I saw how they tried to strong arm the bank I worked for into a settlement for supposedly discriminatory lending practices (something they did successfully with many other banks, because settling was cheaper than complying with the investigation). My bank decided their reputation was too valuable to squander, and spent millions to facilitate the DOJ’s investigation. When it wasn’t looking good for the DOJ, they tried a last ditch effort at getting a settlement by drastically lowering the proposed fine amount. The bank refused, and the DOJ had to let it go. Did they formally acknowledge that the bank had not discriminated? Put out a press release that the investigation had concluded with no wrongdoing on the part of the bank? Of course not, they just let it drop and pretended the whole thing never happened.
36 year old man identifying as 6 year old absolutely crushes homerun in T-ball championship game.
I saw this in my private Facebook group of deplorables and had a chuckle.
This….is CNN
It’s beyond parody.
“Donald Trump Wrote a Cookbook”
Also, Simpsons did it.
Al Franken has just the tonic for Kathy Griffin. Best line:
Any good comedian? OK, fair enough – what’s that got to do with Kathy Griffin then?
And what the hell would Stuart Smalley know about being a good comedian?
He was great as the simpleton baggage handler in Trading Places!
Because he was actually just playing himself.
I need to watch that again. It’s been a long time.
While searching for Franken Trading Places clips, I ran across this gem from the great film asshole, Paul Gleason.
Better screen asshole – Paul Gleason or William Atherton? They’re both tremendous in that kind of role.
Any Comey predictions from this gang of high-functioning sociopaths?
“In Feb, president called me into the oval office. He placed a hand on my shoulder. I was slightly nauseated at the disproportionate size of his hand, but I believe I maintained my disposition. He said to me, “look, I need your loyalty, can I count on it?” I then reiterated that I could only offer honest loyalty. The president then said, ‘I like loyalty, believe me. Without loyalty I can’t offer things. Like Russian hookers–And I know, I’m balls deep in them. I’ll get you the best kind, bigly, the Trump kind, the kind that are actually KGB officers.’
I cut the president off there, saying I wasn’t in to that, but he continued.
‘Nah, we’re all into it now. Anastasia will covfefe your face with her muff and strangle you with her supple thighs. You’re gonna love it, believe me.’
The president then placed his other hand in my face, revealing a large gold pinky ring with a gilded ‘T’ circumscribed by two phalli with diamond studs in pace of testicles.
He said, ‘kiss the ring, Jim….'”
Hey now, leave the demented fiction to SugarFree.
No. I think fan-fiction is a better idea.
I like the cut of your jib
Looks like Comey is gonna personally go after Trump.
I would so much love to see that ring in the next installment of Secret Nazi President.
This is why I won’t buy Apple products
Investigators Think EgyptAir Crash May Have Been Caused by Pilot Charging iPad, iPhone in Cockpit
If true I dont think the iPad is the problem.
OK. That’s not actually why I don’t buy Apple products.
I only buy airplanes that dont explode in mid-air if I thump a booger out of the window.
Sage advice
Obviously the plane wasn’t built to work with iOS.
Mark Warner is beginning his 2020 presidential campaign apparently. No other explanation could account for his unhinged rant.
I think it will be kind of amusing watching a guy who has carefully crafted the most milquetoast career possible suddenly try to shift gears and morph into Howard Dean Jr. to try to curry favor with the unhinged Donk left.
Comey says he has no doubt Russians directly infiltrated DNC computers.
Says 5 minutes later that the FBI was never given access to DNC computers.
Media strangely incurious about why DNC never gave FBI access to investigate, yet still claim Russians to blame.
We’re going to Tulsa and New Brunswick and Las Cruces and Martha’s Vineyard and El Paso, and we’re going to Lichtensetein and Tegucigalpa and Kyoto. And we’re going to Florence and Saskatoon and Acapulco and Oslo! YAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
Listening to some 90s Britpop. For fans of Suede, Gene, etc.
“She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge.”
God, I love Pulp
“enforces committee rules on questioning witnesses”
Look, the poor lady was simply trying to grandstand like any other Senator and interrupt witnesses…you’re saying she can’t grandstand just because she’s a woman of color? /derp
Why can’t the Republicans answer in kind? “Jewish witness interrupted, badgered, by headline-hunting Gentile politician!”
“Catering to the same anti-Semitic element in her party which supported Ellis, Sen. Harris [etc.]”
But, you reply, that is total horseshit and race has nothing to do with it!
Sure, I was just fantasizing for a moment that Republicans had mastered the race-baiting art like Democrats.
Speaking time should be based on privilege. As a colored woman, Harris obviously deserves more speaking time than White male Senators.
I think it should be based on the the size of their tits. So the one with the most speaking time would be Chuck Schumer.
Paging barfman.
Because the Republicans don’t control the media, and therefore can’t control the headlines and the narrative.
So, let’s say, hypothetically, that the FBI investigation finds that Trump obstructed justice, and he is either impeached or resigns, Nixon-syle.
How long would it be until progressives began talking about how terrible President Pence is and saying Trump was better?
2 weeks?
In no time. It’s an old game. Reagan was a doddering old fool prime to set off a nuclear war, now he’s the epitome of respectable, even handed conservatism. GHWB was too out of touch/dumb to use a grocery store scanner…now he’s a cute old man. GWB was (sound familiar?) literally Hitler and the subject of many assassination fantasies. Now, he’s hanging out with Bono and a pretty good painter. If any were still in office they’d still be catching shit. Same if it had been President Cruz, President Rubio, and on. As I said, it’s an old game.
Just for fun, the Republicans should nominate Keyboard Cat in 2024. I can’t wait to hear a cat get accused of wrongthink.
I think Pence would actually get things done. The Democrats are better off with Trump.
Also, Democrats are surging in the polls right now, but you have to wonder whether they truly want this. Could removing Trump not backfire enormously on the Democrats? Everyone knew that Trump was a fool beforehand and this is tale of a wiley establishment guy who knows the rules pulling one over on a blundering idiot who knows little about the law and politics. Will America really find Comey the hero here?
Surging…yet they’ve lost every election since November.
So they’re like a flaccid penis that becomes semi-erect but not long enough to please a woman or even manage to blow a load.
Also, what I haven’t check out is how the overall support for Democrats is concentrated. If it’s just in Democratic strongholds it will make no difference.
Yeah, I would be very surprised if the Democrats were “surging” anywhere they don’t already hold or wasn’t already trending blue. Where Trump was already popular, his popularity is not falling. But where he’s unpopular…
I live in a really blue state (Maryland), and I wouldn’t be surprised if it went bluer. Inasmuch as many people feel enfranchised by the Trump election, many people (esp. hardcore, non-union Democrats) feel the opposite. My biggest concern about a Trump presidency is Hogan (current, Republican governor) losing re-election in 2018 because so many people (mostly irrationally) hate Trump. I’m pretty sure Bush hatred did Ehrlich (last Republican governor) in back in 2006, which gave us the wonder years of O’Malley who quite literally hiked every tax he could and then created new taxes just so could hike them too–with absolutely nothing to show for it (the shitty schools got shittier, the Chesapeake Bay got worse, the only road improvements were paid for by the Feds, etc.).
Side note: Maryland’s schools on average are not shitty (relative to the rest of the country, anyway), thanks to government workers, contractors, and other hangers-on with fat paychecks living in Montgomery and Howard Counties. But, Baltimore City schools and many rural schools have seen no improvement or have actually have declined in the past few decades. Our average is buoyed by some exceptional districts, which conveniently hides the embarrassing details.
This was in FiveThirtyEight article, but I didn’t read through it.
Rumor is that Hogan’s failure to immediately condemn Trump for withdrawing from the Paris deal is upsetting the usual suspects.
Democrats are surging in the polls right now,
And here I was just reading that their approval ratings are in the toilet with the Repubs.
Well, they may be surging in the polls that wildly over-sample Democrats and wildly under-sample Republicans.
Yeah, but surging to a closer second place is still losing. I think what we’re seeing there is a combo of the traditional oversampling of Dem-friendly areas, anti-Trump Democrats getting motivated, and reticence on the part of the unaffiliated to express support for Trump.
So Comey, the highest ranking LEO in the nation, is basically saying he views himself as a coward and all the things he said when the president confronted him, he would have handled it differently in retrospect because it could have been coercive?
He’s basically saying he’s either grinding his axe or he was a terrible coward. There’s no other explanation.
Yup. A rather pathetic spectacle, really.
You’re part of this group and you’re somehow surprised that a law enforcement officer is a coward?
I think Pence would actually get things done. The Democrats are better off with Trump.
I watched Pence on Meet the Press a couple of times. He is one slippery motherfucker. Lock him in a room with a bunch of Congressional Democrats, and there’s no telling what he’ll talk them into voting for.
Dude, he’s an establishment Republican. Dems don’t compromise with him; he compromises with Dems.
Dude, he’s an establishment Republican.
A born-again establishment Republican, if you will
So, let’s say, hypothetically, that the FBI investigation finds that Trump obstructed justice, and he is either impeached or resigns, Nixon-syle.
How long would it be until progressives began talking about how terrible President Pence is and saying Trump was better?
They already have the talking point out there that Pence is so tainted by the “hacked” election he cannot be permitted to assume the Presidency when Trump is evicted from the Oval Office. That election was stolen from Herself, and justice must be served.
So… then they’ll be saying it about President Ryan.
They are all for fair a rematch election with reasonable legitimate options. Hillary (R) vs Bernie(D). Anything else is just forcing wrong think fringe candidates in the country.
“You’re f–king c–k suckers,” Campbell, 28, said to a responding officer
That’s not how I’d have phrased a critique of law enforcement, but she’s not wrong.
I can’t keep up with this new youth lingo.
Farging corksockers, obviously. Just ask Roman Moroni.
Youse fargin iceholes! Youse cork sockers!
Trump Fired A Corrupt VA Official. Then The VA Stepped In And Said Not So Fast
This is why we can’t have nice things.
On the list of things the Repubs should do before they barf up control of Congress, civil service reform should be right at the top.
The Republicans don’t have ideas anymore. Their core function now is to maintain and expand the welfare-security state, just not as aggressively as the Democrats. The voting mentality of “elect people who will get shit done” has come home to roost.
“People getting shit done in Washington”, I can’t think of anything worse for civilization.
Indeed, but that does seem to be a criterion for many voters.
“What are the dangers of a transition team setting up backchannel communications with Russia and using their devices and facilities?”
“The danger of them getting all of the conversations without having to hack our systems.”
Um, if the transition team is speaking to the Russians directly, why would it matter what devices are used? Aren’t they going to, you know, have direct knowledge of the conversations they’re involved in?
I could see it being an issue if a transition team asked Russia if they could use their communications to speak with Israel. But that’s not what happened here.
Stop thinking and just emote, Sloop. Then it will all be clear.
You do realize that you’re basically watching the special olympics without the athletics.
I wonder if he has the same feelings about someone setting up a secret server to handle all her communications, with every foreign state.
Advice column
Harvard has rescinded acceptance offers to at least 10 incoming freshmen who posted offensive jokes about school shootings, the Holocaust, bestiality and the death of children and minorities — among other obscene topics — to a private Facebook group.
This situation is a stark reminder of our collective failing to teach the first generation of digital natives — those who were born and raised on high-speed internet — that there are real-life consequences for virtual actions.
We certainly wouldn’t want to teach them about freedom of speech, or that they are not actually the chattel property of the “education system”.
That would be crazy.
I fucking hate leftists.
Whoa. Blunt just hammered Comey for leaking documents to “a friend” and not turning them over to the government right away.
has been returned to work by VA officials after he filed a civil-service protections appeal.
Comey needs to stop referring to Bob Mueller as “director”. We don’t keep titles in a free fucking country.
Agreed. I always hated that affectation especially during the debates. Mr. Ms. and Mrs. are just fine as titles. Some exceptions for coach.
I just wish someone would be referred to as “Sensei”, or “Sifu”, during a congressional hearing.
If I were in government I would make it a point to find out what everybody’s first menial kiss-ass job was and call them by that title for the rest of their lives.
“West Oklahoma Republican Party Assistant to the Deputy Director of Custodial Facilities, you have the floor”
That’s What Sandwich Artist Sanders would have you believe….
Digital literacy couldn’t have helped kids who thought referring to a Mexican child as piñata was funny — that’s a much deeper issue that falls on the shoulders of their families and communities. Jokes like the ones that were shared in the private group of would-be Harvard students went well beyond provocative and well into the territory of hate speech. But for your average teen, a quick class in the rules of online conduct could mean the difference between a youthful indiscretion kept private and a life derailed by immaturity that became public.
Fuck off, slaver.
These edgelord dipshit teenagers made off-color jokes at the expense of protected political classes. Quick, give their nonviolent words actual political power by acting super serial about it!
And now the cunt says Trump vocally hoping he could end the Flynn investigation is like someone saying “won’t someone rid me of this meddlesome priest.”
Contradicts what he’s already said under oath. And it’s already been pointed out to him and he poo-pood it away by saying “yeah, but I’m a coward, so I let it go.”
Hah, so now Trump is Henry II and Comey is Becket? What a self-aggrandizing worm.
So a totally deniable act by an extremely competent executive that a less intelligent underling like Comey might overzealously misinterpret?
Contradicts what he’s already said under oath. And it’s already been pointed out to him and he poo-pood it away by saying “yeah, but I’m a coward, so I let it go.”
He needs to be hit on this hard. Either way, he is a liar. His testimony is worth nothing. He should be disbarred and brought under perjury charges.
On the list of things the Repubs should do before they barf up control of Congress, civil service reform should be right at the top.
Now who’s being delusional?
How soft the WEST was? Lullllllllcavsfans.
I’m no Cavs fan.
And I said how soft the west playoffs were due to injuries. Which is hardly debatable.
Just because the Spurs had Robert Horry ready to suit up* if anyone else got injured doesn’t mean they were scratching the bottom of the barrel.
*I totally made that up, but I have no doubt he’d have taken the game shot if he was given the chance.
How Fakery Loser got a clearance.
The most credible narrative I’ve seen is this: The NSA knew they’d be hiring a bunch of contractors and giving them clearances, they set exactly the type of trap that Ms. Winner fell for. This is what intelligence does all the time. I think Tom Clancy made it a public thing back in the early 90s to anyone who read popular fiction. The fact that she was naive enough to try to unload scans of the first juicy thing that crossed her desk proves that it works.
I agree it seems plausible. The X-factor in this (as mentioned in the article) is how sloppy she was and how eager to confess. I don’t know if she’s just that stupid (also plausible) and thinking that confessing right away might earn her goodwill in sentencing, or if she’s trying to use this as a soapbox because she knows she’s got some hotshot Soros funded lawyer. I guess we’ll see as this unfolds, but I can’t possibly see how any of this falls under whistleblower protection laws. She’ll be lucky if she only gets 5 years.
Yep, I learned everything I know about counterintelligence from Jack Ryan’s molehunting at the Mitre Corporation.
Charlie never disappoints when it comes to elucidating the obvious to the PJ Media consumers.
What we should hope for is that such personnel are under no greater, and no lesser supervision when it comes to ensuring that they are complying with the law. For my money, the resaon Ms. Winner should be out of a job, and possibly unemployable in the future is that she’s a dumbass.
If intelligence analysts should be capable of ONE THING it’s not being a dumbass.
“The answer to that is that basically, your clearance doesn’t depend on your politics. You have the same Constitutional rights as anyone else, even if you have a super clearance.
Which is the way we want it. If that weren’t true, if your clearance depended on agreeing politically with whoever the current President is, then some large number of cleared personnel would lose their clearances — and their jobs, and a vital Constitutional right to vote their consciences — every four or eight years. Imagine if, when Obama took over from George W, Bush, not only all the political appointees, but everyone in government had to give up their jobs and be vetted for their political opinions.”
I’d still argue that she would take Iran’s side in a war against the U.S. goes over the line.
Eh. Was a lot more fun when Mulder infiltrated the NSA.
So wait, she changed her name from Sarah Winner to Reality Winner? And here I was blaming her stupid fuck parents.
Andrew C. McCarthy Verified account @AndrewCMcCarthy 21h21 hours ago
I’ve been trying to explain til I’m blue in the face: it’s a COUNTERINTELLIGENCE investigation. There are no criminal suspects – incl Trump.
45 replies 399 retweets 643 likes
Yeah, but is Trump a suspect?
Answer the question!
Let the record show that this person just said “Trump” and “suspect” in the same sentence!
Kamala Harris just compared “I hope” to a robber putting a gun to someone’s head.
Lol. What a cunt.
But did she persist?
Like jock itch.
I’m not watching this testimony-circus thing because i am sorta working/busy stuff… but this is reuter’s characterization of the testimony so far =
No up or down, yea or nay on that question? Isn’t that the whole fucking point of this?
When you’re the FBI director, you are actually responsible to make that sort of call. And the fact that he did not elevate his ‘concerns’ in the immediate aftermath of his conversation is evidence that, if he had ‘concerns’, that he mishandled them.
actual quote =
You don’t get it. If he says something, he (ostensibly) would have to tell the truth and say that it wasn’t an effort to obstruct. But if he dosn’t say anything, its up to the “investigators” to decide.
Also he does not want to potentially implicate himself for not reporting that obstruction,
He has to let others draw those conclusions while at the same time acting like he wasn’t sure.
What a worm.
Fits into politics really well.
You know who comes off surprisingly bad today? Loretta Lynch.
Subpoena to come?
It would be kind of delicious if Democrats were hoisted upon their own petard in this circus.
The funny thing too? I don’t think there’s much to the Russian interference thing at all. This is all just …. ridiculous.
He’s doing what he did all of last year, playing it cute to try to appease/disappoint absolutely everyone. He unethically and unjustifiably pardoned Hillary to protect Lynch, but tried making it up to Republicans in October. He undertook the investigation but passed out immunity like party favors. Fuck him and fuck his testimony.
Like the ref at a varsity high school game who makes horribly bad call, and then tells a coach, “don’t worry, i’ll get you back”*.
That’s not how it works, dumbass. In kiddy-sports that’s ok; when you’re dealing w/ kids who’ll be playing in college in 6 months, its not.
(*i actually saw this happen; the coach had to be physically restrained from kicking the ref’s ass)
No sane ump or ref would ever admit that
I did some (cocktail) napkin math and found that diluting 1.75L of Everclear to 80 proof and steeping my own botanical blends would result in ~$8 bottles of gin. Considering a bottle of even the cheapest rotgut that grocers sell pushes twelve bucks, that’s not a bad deal. Any of you degenerates tried this?
Not yet, but I’m willing to experiment and compare notes.
No. But i think i have a weekend project. Thanks for planting the idea in my brain?
Also Royal Headache is pretty groovy this morning
It’s my understanding (I may be wrong) that many gin’s are made this way, so I say go for it. We have a bunch of juniper trees in our yard, so I was thining of trying it myself at some point.
If you guys try it, I’d love to hear the outcome. Maybe it would make for an interesting Glib’s write-up?
Found a recipe.
Assuming I don’t kill myself through alcohol poisoning, I’d be happy to try this out and write up the results for all the rest of you drunkards.
I hope when it gets posted that I don’t miss it due to being passed-out drunk.
You know who comes off surprisingly bad today? Loretta Lynch.
How could Loretta Lynch be *surprisingly* bad?
Well. I guess I didn’t expect her to be brought up at all.
One thing that was unquestionably confirmed is that John McCain is senile. He couldn’t even form coherent sentences.
He has a license to be as feeble as he likes into perpetuity because he heroically crashed expensive U.S. aircraft over and over again and got tortured.
You mean he played a part in starting a fire that killed over 100 sailors?
WTF is it with the allegations that McCain started the forrestal fire?!?
He was in a plane that was hit by a missile that was fired as a result of a short-circuit on another plane. It ripped open his fuel tanks, lit the fuel on fire and knocked the bombs off his plane into the fire.
What was he supposed to do, use the force to prevent oxygen from reaching the fuel?!?
Hmm… Well, i better check my beliefs first. I thought he was on the plane that fired the missile.
I just hate McCain.
Also, I heard that they were not sailors but communists. And instead of killing them with a fire, he used Kung Fu.
Feel better?
I’m sure you do.
I hate him too. And we was a shitty aviator. But if Jesus Christ himself was sitting in that A-4, the outcome would have been the same.
Yeah but I heard Jesus has magic powers.
He and Pelosi can get a private room together in the nursing home then
It’s especially hilarious when he’s commenting on things like ‘Russian hacking’. Even if he wasn’t senile the man’s bloody eighty years old, why the fuck would I take anything he says about technology seriously? He probably thinks the internet is a series of tubes.
So let me see if I have this right.
1. Saying “I hope you can do XYZ” = obstruction of justice.
2. Saying “do not refer to this criminal investigation as a criminal investigation” is not obstruction of justice.
I assume that will be Salon’s take.
Most certainly!
Comey and the Dems did give it the ol’ college try. They did everything they could to continue to give the impression that there was something mighty nefarious going on here…..and yet, curiously, still have no actual facts to cite. Comey’s not dumb enough to perjure himself, so he ends up pontificating about moods and feelings and impressions like a fucking teenager writing in her diary. Hack your way through that forest of bullshit, and you’re left with the following:
-Trump himself was not under any kind investigation
-In fact, there was NO criminal investigation of anyone in the administration
-Trump did not threaten anyone on behalf of Flynn
-In his typically clumsy manner, he attempted to cajole Comey into dropping the Flynn investigation
-Despite all of his kvetching about how troubled he supposedly was, Comey did not talk to anyone at DOJ, nor did he threaten to resign.
-Oh, yeah, BTW, Lorretta Lynch explicitly told Comey to call the Hillary affair a “matter” rather than an investigation. Gee, why was that?
Given all this, don’t Dems have to be fretting a little that the appointment of a special counsel might end up backfiring on them?
If Comey is saying he was pressured by Lynch over Clinton (and why didn’t he share this info then?), then isn’t what he’s saying is, “If you’re gonna go after Trump, you’d better also go after Lynch and Clinton?
If so then he really is committed to trying to make everyone hate him.
Comey is attempting to come off as the proverbial “last honest man in Washington”. The reason is that this approach will help him land his next 7 figure gig, but it will be in the private sector.
That fits with the rumors about him, namely that he’s a grandstanding prima donna completely obsessed with being the hero in his own movie.
Idaho governor vetoes bill relaxing licensing for makeup artists. Idaho’s First Lady calls unlicensed makeup artist to do work on her for an event. Makeup artist tells First Lady to get bent. (TW: TSTSNBN)
What kind of makeup do they wear in Idaho.. camo?
On my visits to Idaho, it would appear that they don’t wear any makeup at all.
Where else could a man named Butch Otter be governor but Idaho?
The sad thing is he used to be pretty libertarian and small governmentish until he went full blown statist.
Here’s another interesting one.
Comey revealed in testimony that he deliberately leaked the memo to his friend so that he could spur the setup of a special counsel.
Rather shrewd and slimey at the same time, no?
illegal? if he believed it to be evidence of potential criminal behavior, then he mishandled it.
Also = the only thing that would MAKE it criminal evidence is *his own interpretation of it*, which he has refused to provide any clear call on. If his own POV after a private conversation was so fuzzy-wuzzy and “meh”, why the fuck would he expect some *THIRD FUCKING PARTIES* to have some clearer perspective? they weren’t there!
You raise an excellent point, sir.
All of that takes too long to explain. Understanding your valid points requires context and a level of engagement on the topic that almost no one has. Well thought out valid points simply will not stir up emotion quite like the legions of lefty journalists will do in their poorly thought out analyses about Trump stealing the election and trying to cover it up by undermining our noble FBI protectors.
I guess what I’m saying, is that people with a clear picture of what’s happening here are going to have their voices drowned out by the people who have every reason to dump more garbage into the dumpster fire.
I think the question is, for what purpose? Is this about paying back Trump for firing him, or about exposing some of the crap that went on during the Obama administration? Or possibly a bit of both?
It’s about payback. I mean, Comey’s own shock and anger at his firing came through still today.
He waited to leak until he got fired. Didn’t bother to go to the DOJ or anyone else with his info until then. He’s got nothing. He knew it wasn’t obstruction. He’s simply not giving his opinion because he wants to let it linger (again, for payback).
Comey revealed in testimony that he deliberately leaked the memo to his friend so that he could spur the setup of a special counsel.
But the Deep State and its active campaign to usurp Trump is nothing but a right wing fever dream. A big bacon cheese nothingburger with extra onions.
It’s a fever dream when right wingers are talking about it. When lefties are talking about it, it’s a cause to celebrate and never-mind all the media, celebrity and academic hacks that have been calling on the intelligence agencies of the US government (and abroad in at least one notable case) to go after Trump any way they can.
Ooookay. Comey didn’t come through for us….but it’s still all true! Whatever it is.
I just don’t care. Trump’s an idiot and he needs to go whatever the facts and lies. Justs gots to goes!
/Facebokbokbok prog.
Do they still think this ends with HIllary being President somehow?
That one always gets a chuckle out of me. We’ll do this, we’ll do that, we’ll have Obama babble, we’ll push narratives to sink Trump and then magically we’ll appoint Hillary because we have to save the republic.
Fucken retards.
Do they still think this ends with HIllary being President somehow?
Of course. That’s the only fair outcome.
Most I know want Biden. Because if he had only chosen to run, we would’ve been saved from Trump.
Comey is attempting to come off as the proverbial “last honest man in Washington”. The reason is that this approach will help him land his next 7 figure gig, but it will be in the private sector.
Which raises an interesting question: where will he wash ashore when this is over?
Big-name criminal defense law firm?
Lobbyist for Taser, or that scumbag Chertoff?
Provost of Evergreen U?
Chertoff, that fucker Chertoff.
I still cringe every time they drag him onto a news program even though he’s a perfect example of DC corruption.
I’ve got it. Policy analyst for the Center for American Progress.
I did enjoy the comedy of Comey saying some kind of weasel words about the memors that maybe he could get them back from the unnamed person he gave them to, and the dude pops up on twitter, “HEY I HAVE THEM!” i see, it must be terribly difficult to get them back and give a copy to Congress??
what a tool
Comey’s testimony was an even bigger debacle for the Dems and a win for Trump than I expected.
Even the media is going to have a tough time pushing Comey as a credible after all of this. And for added shits and giggles, McCain came off like the senile old prick RINO that he is.