Mens tennis semifinals just getting started so no news there yet. U-S-A! U-S-A! beat the Trinadadians (and the Toboggans) 2-0 in World Cup qualifying. And now…Mexico awaits. The NBA Finals might very well wrap up tonight. And Ohio State gets turned down by Creighton’s coach for the basketball job, which is fine by me. I think they need to offer the job to Bobby Knight for an interim year and do a more deliberate search than the one Gene Smith has inexplicably thrown on them. Either way, its not a good situation at the moment at the Schottenstein Center, but it’ll get better soon I hope.
And then onto Nashville-Pittsburgh. The Penguins took a serious chance sitting on the two field goal lead knowing that a Predators touchdown and extra point would have been dev…oh wait, wrong sport. They absolutely and without exception demolished Nashville. Which I expect the favor to be returned tomorrow night since home teams have dominated so far, one period in Pittsburgh notwithstanding.
Well the Buffett concert last night was quite a lot of fun. Will do again next year when he comes, I would imagine. And I highly recommend if he’s coming near any of you. I also recommend getting there around noon, cause those fuckers tailgate like its college gameday.
Anyhoo…let’s get down to business with…the links!
Did I watch the same Comey hearing yesterday as Dick Wolffe? Because his insane takeaway is very different than mine. Or almost any other journalist’s not affiliated with the far left.
May forced to form coalition government after Tories shit the proverbial bed in British elections. I’m sure Salon will call it a referendum on Donald Trump. But I ain’t going there to find out. The pound dropped like a rock as a result.
Winner Loser In Bail Hearing. Does that sentence make any sense at all? Can a winner be a loser? I’m not sure. But a Winner sure can sit in jail until her trial starts, according to a US magistrate judge.
Massacre at Pulse nightclub remembered by Kissimmee Pride group. I wish they’d honor the people killed by allowing individuals to defend themselves when psychopathic members of a death cult target groups for murder because they don’t adhere to the same belief system.
Dearbornistan man to face charges for aiding terrorist group. No word which sect of Amish he’s been linked to yet. Or is it the Mennonites? Maybe its a different group altogether.
This is the last thing mankind needs right now. Because somebody is gonna recreate dinosaurs, I just know it.
Silver? Gold? They can’t hold a candle to the power of a hot chick.
Have a great day, friends!
5 hole from the blue line is no way to start an evening.
*Good Edit Fairy Flutters By*
Thank you!
And really? No one is going to make a euphemism joke? For shame, Glibs…
Too obvious… or early.
One of those is my excuse.
inorite!? I was trying to get Naptown Bill to engage in a little pal-guy!-SLAP! yesterday, and he just refused to take the bait.
People are really slacking off around here these days.
Slacking? We’re averaging like 400 comments per post!
It’s called ‘pacing’.
Can’t afford more orphans for your typewriter farms?
Maybe Winner can make a jailhouse conversion to Islam – she already is a big fan of Iran.
I’d be ok with that as long as she promises to wear a burqua over that bulldog face.
She’s counting on that face.
Well she’s only batting .500 on those two things. And she don’t look too tan to me. So that narrows it down, dontcha think?
“pretty, white and cute”
Oxford comma?
She’s either batting .000 on two things or .333 on 3 things.
If I was her, I’d try the “White Butterface” defense. She’d knock it out of the park.
It will make a difference in her jailhouse experience, but it aint gonna keep her out.
I’d keep up the crossfit. Or maybe get those Prison Strong videos.
Not just Iran.
And she mishandled classified material in the Air Force as well? How the hell did she get a security clearance at her last job? It has been a long times since I had a Fed background check, but don’t they check into stuff like military records and social media accounts these days?
How dare you question the competence of your betters?
Loyalty to the left and its cause became more important to keep a clearance than actually, you know, being worthy of a security clearance as the Obama admin years went on. And that is from personal experience.
That’s an astounding statement. Can you give any elucidation?
Not if I want to keep my clearance. Lets just say there is a political purity test involved these days and I am borderline as is already.
I imagine that the alphabet boys are already onto us here at Glibs.
Fuck those freedom-loving bastards, ammirite?
They deliberately hired left wing nutbags and gave them security clearances knowing they would not resist the temptation to leak information that they thought might be harmful to Trump. They then get the info leaked and have a handy disposable scapegoat when the SHTF. Win win!
That’s why I just can’t hate the simpleton. She’s a total dupe. But, she’s not a kid…
Useful idiot been used, yo.
Man I love having links this early in the morning.
I saw this earlier today:
No, Luke, you’re not overqualified to work at the stationary shop, you entitled little shit. Nobody is overqualified. There is, however, a reason that you are working at the stationary shop. Anyway, since the glorious NHS has your back, what’s the problem you little asshole?
The cuckening of Britain continues.
If I was the shop owner and I overheard that shit, I would be looking for replacements that actually doesn’t look down his nose at the work. Gets my hackles up bigtime.
Then you’d be in trouble for firing someone entitled to a job.
From what I gather, it’s harder to fire someone in England than it was to fire a UAW worker in Detroit in the 70s.
Napalm required.
That little jerk isn’t likely to stick around much longer I think.
Well, its not like he can work at a coffee shop. Apparently, that’s an “ethnic” job in Britain.
If you’ve ever had coffee made by a Brit, you wouldn’t want them making you coffee either. “Brown water” is about the kindest description I can think of.
Maybe things have changed in the past 15 years since I was there, since American coffee chains were all the rage over there at that time and Brits were taking notes. But there’s a reason I drank tea with my breakfast in the college dining hall rather than coffee– the tea was strong enough to get up and walk around on its own, the coffee seemed like they threw just enough grounds in to darken the water, then threw it in the carafe.
College, maybe, but out in working districts, you can often stand your spoon up in the cup.
Until quite recently, coffee shops in London were somewhat cartelized by Italian immigrants. The surge of the Gaggia machines was a kind of morning chorus in Central London and the City.
Then again, many of the (now quite ancient) natives remember having to make ‘coffee’ with toasted chicory essence during WW2, and swamping the resulting liquid with milk to make it palateable.
So, in response to increasing terrorist attacks on Britain, the Brits vote for the party of appeasement. We are seeing the death rattles of a once-great nation.
PBUH in our time.
May ran a terrible campaign…it’s no surprise the cons got their asses handed to them. She botched the terrorism and internet privacy issues so badly that they should think their lucky stars they even managed to hold onto a coalition government. Selling pensioners down the river didn’t help either.
No question, May is an idiot. Taking a page from the Republican playbook on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Plus, the Patriarchy turned out in unexpectedly high numbers.
Misogyny is the only reason for the results.
Quite the insufferable toxic mix of arrogance, ignorance right there.
It’s a loser mindset. Back during the 1995 referendum on independence here, my father was told after picking up a rent check from a tenant, ‘enjoy it because it will be your last. When we win, this will belong to me…us.’
My father responded, ‘I’ll burn it to the ground before you steal it.’
Ayn Rand is gonna sue your dad for IP infringement!
What the everloving fuck? What a shitstain of a tenant.
The interesting thing is we were hearing stories like that from other property owners.
The idiots running the Liberal party of Canada at the time were so cluelessly confident, the country came within whiskers of seeing a Quebexit.
I hope he raised the rents as a big fuck you to the socialist shit stains.
Would that be a bad thing for the rest of Canada?
I would think Manitoba/Alberta/North Montana (I can’t remember all the flyover provinces) would favor Quebec leaving.
There’s certainly a segment of the population that have come to think maybe it’s better they just leave if they’re unhappy. Here’s the rub: Quebec still thinks it’s entitled to equalization payments if they leave. And nationalists believe they’re not a ‘have not’ province arguing they give more than they take despite the evidence.
A long time ago, I used to think Quebec should just join the US. We’d let them keep their language, and we’d get 2 hockey teams.
Then we got one of the hockey teams anyways and I learned more about Quebec. Canada can keep them.
A picture says a thousand words…
at least three of those words are “Jesus Fucking Christ”
“Jumpin’ Jesus on a Pogo Stick…would ya look at those losers!”
It’s gold, Jerry!
As furiously as the MSM are trying to save the narrative, I think the left understands on some emotional level that the game is lost.
Won’t make a difference at this point IMO. See, the goal seems to me to simply be breaking the country and making it impossible to govern. These people are behaving just like the pissed off kid that owns the ball and when they don’t get their way during the game, takes it home.
That looks like the worst place on Earth. Maybe the SJW are right to hate white people.
If those were the only white people I saw every day, I’d hate them, too. And I’m white.
There are like five people of color in that sea of white — all men, and only one a “disadvantaged minority”. So much for diversity.
A few of these words are “What the fuck do you do for a living where you can sit in a bar during the middle of the day?”
“What the fuck do
youyour parents do for a living where you can sit in a bar during the middle of the day?”FIFY!
Some of them are producers for the Samantha Bee show, according to the text.
That explains a few things.
Some of them are
producers for the Samantha Bee show, according to the textsoon to be unemployed.That show has got to be getting canceled any minute now, right?
Not as long as Trump is in office.
Either they’re a (a) barista, in which case they’re done working for the day or they are a (b) restaurant server, in which case their shift hasn’t started yet.
How do they afford their sad hipster lifestyle?
Mommy and Daddy’s guilt.
They all want cake.
But the cake is a lie.
It is?!?!
*dumps box of cake mix over head*
+1 this was a triumph
Amazing how that song still sticks in my head even though I haven’t played the original Portal since like 2009.
Turns out that when you do something novel, it’s memorable.
I’m looking at you, “Call of Duty”..
Though I actually like the Portal 2 ending song better.
For that, I’ma gonna try an’ kill you twice.
Under the circumstances, I’ve been shockingly nice.
Yes, I larfed. And so did you.
How does anyone stand to live there? By “anyone” I’m mean real Brooklynites.
Because Williamsburg and Greenpoint are Fantasy-Land extensions of Manhattan. Those neighborhoods are a train ride away from South and East Brooklyn, sometimes the train ride can be 45ms to an hour depending on time and train
Train ride? Pshaw. How long does it take them to ride there on a double-decker fixie whilst carrying a portable record player with a George Jones record ironically playing at full volume? That’s the real question.
I see someone else is familiar with The Hipster Olympics.
Other events include: Haribo Bodega Dash, Downhill Artisanal Mayo Slalom, Staying Awake at an Improv Show, Thinking of Something Nice to Say at an All-Lesbian Burlesque Revue, and the Biathlon
Thinking of Something Nice to Say at an All-Lesbian Burlesque Revue
“I don’t think she’d look as good if she went for a more traditional look”
“It was all so, so brave.”
“The audience isn’t as gross as the one at Deja Vu”
Biathlon? I hope that’s speed dating for bisexuals, because those fuckers are scared to death of even the fake guns from Olympic biathlon.
No, it’s pretending to date or to have dated someone of the opposite sex for social justice street cred. The skill of the sport lies in the convincing details and Facebook pseudo-evidence.
Winning strategy — the Canadian Girlfriend Gambit?
The Breakfast Club blew up that maneuver decades ago.
If the classics didn’t work, they wouldn’t be the classics.
As someone who lives here, I like to refer to it as Neverland, where no one ever has to grow up.
Also, there is still a very sizable contingent of Polish and Puerto Ricans (I know they are from PR because there is some sort of pride day every year) in Greenpoint.
I know they are from PR because there is some sort of pride day every year
Just say “Cubans” and see how many turn their heads and spit.
Growing up in SF I was friends with Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and Mexicans. But they all disliked, almost hated each other. We would joke about it, but they were serious, too. My PR friends especially would get pissed off if somebody called them Cuban.
SF = South Florida
Glad you mentioned SF is South Florida, thought for a minute you lived in Sugarfree. Talk about scary.
You can tell they’re Puerto Rican by the flag they have hanging from their rear view mirror.
They aren’t even Manhattan, at this point. For the price I pay for a luxury building on the UES, these people are paying for walk-ups.
I’m guessing a lot of the real Brooklynites did what my relatives did – moved the fuck away (Staten Island, Suffolk County, Florida).
So I did a GIS for “real Brooklynite” to clarify what I meant by “real Brooklynite” (because some of you think that I think that a real Brooklynite is a spaghetti-legged, fixy-riding douche from Dubuque), and all that came up were vomit-inducing hipsters and “artsy” theater productions.
What happened to the fat guy in a wife beater, with salt n pepper chest hair spilling out like latte foam?
He moved to a really weird town in Jersey?
They sat around watching it as if it was a sports game.
Priceless stuff and indeed..the picture of a generation.
I love how the Hillary emails are seen as a non-event. It blows my mind as to how stupid these people are.
I don’t understand how HRC actually took bribe money from Russia and it’s crickets, but Trump or more likely someone on his team may have possibly done something but we’re not sure what according to an anonymous source that may have an ax to grind and Trump is Putin’s lapdog.
It’s called a double standard?
It’s not stupidity, but done on purpose Rufus. Their team is above reproach, and they are cool with anything their team does, including criminal and down right evil shit, because it is all for the cause.
Yeah can’t see my generation storming Normandy.
A “Nelson Muntz” type sticking his head through the door at the right moment would have been priceless.
I’m still trying to understand what the hell it is these imbeciles think is going to happen. Let’s imagine their fever dream comes true. What do they think happens next?
Here’s a hint, guys, it’s called President Pence. And if, in some alternate reality, you were able to get rid of him, as well, it’s President Ryan.
In no scenario do we have President Clinton.
I know we’ve gotten shitty about teaching civics. But, most of these kids look like college graduates.
“Here’s a hint, guys, it’s called President Pence. And if, in some alternate reality, you were able to get rid of him, as well, it’s President Ryan.”
You forget that these assholes really believe that if they can get rid of Trump, on trumped up charges especially, they can do the same with every other republican until they magically get Hillary. Because this is about reversing the late election and getting what they want. All the rest is window dressing and done to make sure they mitigate the Trump agenda until they can finally turn public opinion against him.
What you’re saying has occurred to me. Here’s the thing. There’s no line of succession that ever touches the person who lost the election. You can’t get there from here.
Seriously, it’s the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. Can’t keep them from fapping to it every night though.
Please tell me that’s your Chihuahua
If I had to own one of those rat-dogs I’m sure it would look like that. Alas, I only have a redtick coonhound pup.
You know this ends with you crying after it saves you from a rabid animal — possibly an armadillo– and you have to put the poor thing down, right?
Are you saying he shouldn’t have named his dog “Cujo”?
Chihuahuas should always be called “Esse”…
Waxing guilt: Why getting rid of your pubes doesn’t undermine your feminism
Forgot the Trigger Warning: GIFS! Horrible GIFS!
What’s the black guy eating?
He’s giving her raspberries on her belly button apparently.
Maybe it’s a really big vagina… you know, the ‘axe wound’?
Well a small strip can solve the prepubescent thing
Moderation, people. What’s with the all or nothing view on trimming the verge?
How about this one…
Just do what you want for whatever reasons make sense to you and stop worrying what the political implications are.
You know who else did what they wanted, without worrying about the political implications?
Secret Nazi President?
Nothing like a new job to help you to remember to try
Is this proof Big Foot exists? Experts warn people to stay away from mysterious ‘killer’ ape-like beast
I just want to take the opportunity to thank all bigfoot news article watchers on this board. I had no idea this was still a thing and assumed people stopped caring about cryptozoological topics like “greys” bigfoot in the late 1990s.
limbs moving around and swinging around.
*stands to begin prolonged ovation*
“You can definitely see a torso and four limbs moving around and swinging around.
How stupid the British conservatives are? should be the baseline for 100 jokes… Jesus that was stupid. Me, I blame misogyny
Strangely, I like the idea of a hung government.
+. Man you are on fire today, Slammer
If I’m about to be screwed I’d prefer it on the smaller side
At least your fate is in the hands of the DUP. What could go wrong?
I didn’t know you were a size queen
You’re gonna need a 55 gallon drum of lube.
Hung Parliament
Roxane Gay Tells Us About Daring to Be Fat
It’s easy to be prolific when you’re producing tripe.
Gay describes her rape at the age of 12 and her subsequent attempt to become as large as a “fortress” in order to make sure no man wanted to hurt her again.
Mission accomplished.
Meh it’s sad really
I just don’t get the idea of it being brave to be fat. If it is, our local WalMarts are filled with people that make war heroes look like pussies.
Their is a burgeoning “movement” of fatties on the Internet that are trying to lift obesity into the protected class status. Which is hilarious, because America is fat and getting fatter. I’m about 15 pounds over ideal weight, and not in a muscled way (need to get back in the gym), and I am almost guaranteed to be the slimmest guy in a given room.
This country is fat as fuck, and getting fatter.
Wait…I thought people were starving to death in America!!!
America – a country so horrible the poor people are fat.
Really, though. I recently saw a story on that dude that climbed the WTC back in 1977. There were a bunch of crowd shots and I was struck that there were no obese people. So, in 40 years we managed to go from normal looking to fat as fuck.
Trump’s fault?
I blame the food dodecahedron.
It’s self-esteem gone awry.
The hatred for people who don’t strongly approve of their lifestyle choices is just a mask for their own self-loathing.
I agree, but if childhood trauma cause this it is sad. Still stupid, but sad.
Childhood trauma didn’t cause this. Her inability to deal with childhood trauma in a way that doesn’t destroy her body caused this.
I’m sorry, but every victim of rape doesn’t turn themselves into the Goodyear blimp.
You do get to see this in WalMart
Having no self-control and no desire to work on physical fitness is not brave, it’s lazy and self-indulgent (in most cases). That being saId, you have the right to be a fat ass if you want to, but you don’t have a right to demand that others accommodate you or find you attractive.
You sound like a shitlord.
My nephew used to love going to a Wal-Mart late at night to watch the freak show whenever we’re in the USA. There sure are characters roaming them aisles.
In the 90’s, we would go to Walmart at 2 am to watch the meth tweakers roam the aisles. Not sure why we found it entertaining.
“Rolling them aisles.”
I’m so cognizant of the pervasive radical feminist bullshit that I can’t help but wonder if she was really raped, or if she somehow recovered a “memory” that she was “raped” long afterwords? Because the retroactive, “even a wrong gaze is rape” bullshit has made me doubt pretty much everything.
Another sad thing is that you can’t really trust these things any more. Basically all this radical feminist crap is doing a lot of harm. Not that you should ever trust accusations without evidence, but saying that is sexist and racist I suppose.
Well, we used to be able to give 90% of them credence before “making shit up” became an acceptable prosecutorory standard
She’s deluded. She’s trying to take her weakness of being a fat slob and turn it into something brave because of reasons.
She took a weakness and turned it into a strength/cashed in on it? That sounds like the opposite of delusion to me.
Gay sounds like she’s daring to be something alright.
Who the hell is that fat ass?
I better go online and find out. The next thing I might read about her is the obit when she dies of heart disease/diabetes/a stroke.
Cishet shitlord here^^^
Well the Buffett concert last night was quite a lot of fun. Will do again next year when he comes, I would imagine. And I highly recommend if he’s coming near any of you. I also recommend getting there around noon, cause those fuckers tailgate like its college gameday.
I concur. I have only been to two Buffett concerts but both were fun. Well, I think. First one was in Palm Beach back in the day, and I remember partaking of some mystery substances in the parking lot party and don’t really remember the show. Second concert at the Gorge in George WA. The Gorge is a great place for a show. Much tequila was consumed.
It took me a while to realize you meant Jimmy, not Warren. The mental model I had going was… strange.
You know they are first cousins, right?
/false fact
Our president is meeting your president. For romanian press this seems a big deal. Irrelevant country syndrome, I assume
“The Romanian president is in DC to talk defense”
Should we stick with a 4-4-2 or introduce a sweeper?
Well, 3 at the back *is* the new black…
Our army is mighty you… you… what is a good slur for a canadian in this case?
Maple-sucking puck-slapper.
Much obliged
Beaver fuckers?
He said ‘slur’.
Awesome, I’m going to steal that.
Zamboni driving snow gooks.
Isn’t “Canadian” a slur in and of itself?
Snow coon?
Founder of Weather Channel tries to explain how science works to CNN in an awesome rant.
Stelter: “I’m not a scientist, I’m not gonna try to refute you on the facts–”
*Spits out coffee*
That was entertaining, and I’m certainly not a big fan of credentialism, BUT I still find myself uncomfortable when a dude with a Journalism degree claims to be scientist.
Awesome. Loved this:
That is awesome.
Get that man a beer.
Interesting, as TWC is full retard on climate change.
Ugh. As is Weather Underground. I used to go there for Hurricane info, but the place is a cesspool now. The guys running it came up with the ‘climate confusion’ trope.
When that show first came on the air, I thought it was going to be a real nitty-gritty, down-in-the-weeds, weather nerdfest with special features that weren’t on any of the other TWC shows. They’ve had major casting and content problems, and it’s basically just “Weather Center Live” on a different set.
They also have a program called “Weather Underground”. I keep thinking it’s a political documentary every time I channel surf.
Holy shit, I need to read the replies before replying.
*Dons dunce hat*
He actually pulled out the 97% consensus trope. Christ.
People who still do this prove to me they’re not engaged. They think what they’re told.
Interesting choice today, Sloop. I soured on LZ from too many years of the same rotation on the radio, so it’s a good reminder to look for those deeper tracks that are really quite good.
Leadbelly’s version of the tale.
I just don’t like LZ. I think it’s the screaming in parts of some of their songs. I appreciate them, just don’t like them.
Don’t go to comments section of The Guardian linked by Captain Anti-Canada.
Old man lashes out and blames baseball for weird Comey questions.
Lame. Guarantee you he fell asleep drooling in the top of the 2nd.
Thank god it was drool cup night.
Actually, he’s pretty alert during the games. They constantly show when he is in attendance, and his reaction to plays. He’s probably on a red bull IV and a catheter.
I’ve got an idea. He could retire from the Senate and watch all the baseball he wants.
Sounds risky. Ballparks are dangerous for old dudes. Just sit him down in front of a Norman Rockwell painting of boys playing stickball and have Red Barber radio broadcasts play in the background.
Do you have a newsletter which I can subscribe?
Isn’t there some provision to remove a senator from office if he is mentally incompetent? I guess not, but maybe there should be.
The Capitol would need a motorized revolving door.
Ah, Clinton, Le Pen, and now May (also hat tip to Merkel).: The trifecta that proves fem politicians can be just as incompetent, out of touch, and flat out stupid as their male counterparts.
May blew a goddamn sure thing so badly it looks like a conspiracy and I’m not the type to buy into the conspiracy bullshit.
It’s the economy. Always and evermore. These fuckhead pols that forget get whipped.
May is the Romney of Britain?
Romney never really had a tailwind; Clinton had the benefit of running against a dumpster fire opponent, and only through sheer force of will was she able to overcome that tremendous advantage.
Gowdy to replace Chaffetz on House Oversight?
Deranged Underground weighs in….
Enough of them believed the Internet was more truthful than their own eyes and ears
He writes this on the internet
DU isn’t known for much introspection.
Exposing the DNC and Hillary as corrupt liars by revealing their emails was NOT FAIR!
I’ve never heard of fake news swaying public opinion. *Throws hands up, hoping not to get shot*
On the subject of critical thinking skills…
Not surprising, since their goal these days seems to be leftist indoctrination.
Yep this president is a walking, talking breathing argument for Public Education
Oh, he certainly is.
A caped crusader by the name of Lord Buckethead has failed to unseat Theresa May from her Maidenhead seat – but caused plenty of amusement as he tried.
Ok I am amused
Not fooling me. That’s Richard Quest in a custom welder’s mask.
Tis’ but a flesh wound!
Sometimes people make me proud to be human.
Was he representing the Very Silly Party?
Or perhaps the Monster Raving Loony Party?
Or the Very Very Silly Party”
I don’t think he can sit in the Commons. If he won, would he renounce his lordship?
Things I learned from liberals
edited – more details in da link
1. Not really. Temporary hit against the biz, long term they tend to recover nicely.
2. Absolutely. They hate it which is why they do it so much.
3. Inevitable as the money runs out.
Often the point isn’t to punish the business, but to get key players fired–Firefox and Eich, for example–or ideological policies implemented. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to parasitize a business only to drive it into bankruptcy. No, you milk it, keep it a healthy host for spreading the social justice disease.
A Love Letter to Sugarfree
Last I checked, women paid taxes on food as well. Totes sexist…. no… wait…..
The blood money quote:
make menstrual care gender neutral
I have no words.
I read that as make menstrual cake
//pulls out knife.
Alright, who wants to go first?
Look, I’m pretty okay with people identifying as their preferred gender, but for the love of all things good and pure, menstrual care isn’t gender neutral. Or is the medical fact that only people with ovaries and a uterus can menstruate somehow discriminatory?
Reality is discriminatory
If we said that 97% of scientists agree to the consensus that only people with ovaries and a uterus can menstruate, maybe that would work?
Are these woke scientists?
Something something never trust anything that can bleed for 5 days and not die?
Important rule in life..
For the record, I have never menstruated.
Not even a gender neutral period?
Not even a hockey period.
Last I checked, women paid taxes on food as well.
Not in my state. Well, prepared food, sure, but not standard groceries.
Kentucky patriarchy in action!
Last time I checked, I pay a tax on the toilet paper I wipe my ass with, too. So?
Burn the toilet paper transport vehicle in the harbor as a protest to the taxation without representation?
Michael Beschloss Verified account @BeschlossDC 18h18 hours ago
35 years ago today, President Reagan told British that democracy would “leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash heap of history”:
Dinosaurs exist all over the place.
/cladistics pedant
So the difference from the exit polls to the actual polls made a big difference. Exit polls had the Tories at 314 seats. Results had them at 319. Majority is 326, so they wouldn’t have been there (counting the 10 DUP seats) without those 5 extra seats.
Hoping the Tories have a leadership election now to get rid of May. As long as it isn’t Boris Johnson replacing her.
They need to kick May and her team to the curb, that’s for sure.
Ordinarily I wouldn’t judge someone for their taste in porn, but Kurt Eichenwald is such a little shitstain that I feel perfectly justified in mocking him on this.
He did it again? Horny bastard.
Jarrett ‘Not Sure’ Why Obamacare ‘Ever Became a Political Issue’
Jarrett is either a retard or a liar. Maybe both.
She is a lying conniving beotch, but anyone that believes that proggy pap is definitely a retard as well. Of course one could point out that the political class peddling the proggy nonsense might not believe in it at all but does so only because they profit from the derps, but that makes them evil too.
How can any government action not be political?
Can’t wait.
And bullshit she is kept awake worrying about anybody but herself and her gravy train.
Hyper-regulating 1/6th, and growing, of the economy is not political? Penaltaxes aren’t political? Was this law not passed by politicians?
Amazing how the left always keeps you wondering whether evil or stupidity is the dominant guiding force of their thinking.
Passing it by a strictly partisan vote wasn’t political? Making no effort to reach across the aisle and come to some sort of concensus that might have brought on board market-savvy voices to better a miserably flawed law wasn’t political? Putting off key components of implementation until after major elections wasn’t political?
Seems like there’s nothing unpolitical about. Every little aspect, every bit of it was designed to acheive political goals and nothing else. All that remains up for debate is what those goals were, which you don’t have work hard to figure out given the results everyone can see.
NY Daily News cover today. Any guesses?
There’s your unbiased reporting.
I’m guessing page 24 has something on Lynch.
CNN already dismissed and admitted that they will bury that story.
Wait a second, isn’t everything in the rear window?
Sue them.
Suit wouldn’t have a chance, for several reasons (many of them non-political!)
Of course, Comey’s alleged “lies” by Trump are really just differences of opinion between him and the Trump administration. I mean seriously:
1. “Trump lied about Flynn obstruction try” – there is no evidence of obstruction, even Comey didn’t actually allege obstruction, which would have opened him up to perjury and felony charges.
2. “Trump lied by calling Russia case a hoax” – Comey admitted there is no evidence of collusion with Russia, that Russia didn’t “hack” the election, and that Trump is not under investigation.
3. “Trump lied about why I was fired” – Comey disputes that he is an incompetent political hack who undermined the integrity and standing of the FBI. Others strongly disagree, including his former boss.
Who the hell is stupid enough to continue buying into this bullshit?
Trump, predictably, bumbled his way into point #3. There was no reason whatsoever to have Comey onboard after January. There was no reason to fire him as precipitously as Trump did and when he did. There was no reason to contradict his proxies after the fact.
It’s the least consequential accusation–are we really surprised that Trump is careless and confused?–but it’s going to be the only solid gripe Comey and the left have about him.
And of course Trump is back on Twitter, whining about something better buried now that it’s over.
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”
Seriously dude?
/Brooklyn hipster.
Whatever. Just more red meat for their dwindling readership. Dead tree publications will be gone in another decade or two anyway.
Another decade or two is really optimistic, I think.
FDA Asks Drug Company to Pull its Opioid Opana Because of Abuse.
Is this like when my wife “asks” me to take out the trash.
Statist assholes want people to suffer in pain because somebody might be getting high.
People who actually benefit from the drug hardest hit.
Oscar Peterson Piano Lesson on the Dick Cavett show. Very nice.
Soooo good.
He gave my wife’s school a piano.
Monocle request:
When I click on unread comments to go to next one, I wish it would possession above the comment being replied to instead of the comment in question, so I could see the context without having to scroll up.
I wish it would possession above the comment being
Second monocle request:
I want to be able to respond to a comment and either have the page not reload so the comments I haven’t read stay blue, or when the page reloads the comments I haven’t read are still blue anyway.
That might be pretty difficult.
Logic for idiots
My God, those comments make me want to kill myself. How can people be this stupid?
I forgot the USSR’s development into handheld computer technology.
Don’t defend capitalism. You will be banned.
There needs to be a third pair of characters.
Emaciated Peasant: “I don’t think I like living under socialism very much.”
Soldier: “TRAITOR!” (shoots peasant) “Checkski Mateski!”
Schadenfreude toward BBC douchebags.
Former Official: Obama Admin ‘Systematically Disbanded’ Units Investigating Iran’s Terrorism Financing Networks
He sure did like Iran.
How come all of these claims against the Obama admin seek to be made by people with names…on the record…with secondary confirmation?
Yet all of the claims against the current admin are by “people close to so and so” or “someone familiar with so and so’s thinking”.
And it’s odd that only the latter seem to get traction with publications like WaPo and the NYT.
I noticed the same thing. I was actually skeptical when I saw the headline, then I got to the point of named people making testimony to Congressional committees.
What’s this? A President disbanded investigative units looking into terrorism ties to a country his Secretary of State was having secret meetings with to arrange the transfer of a plane load of cash, and hiding news of cyber attacks by said country because it might have an impact on the cash transfer? The hell you say.
There is so much stink on that Iran deal it might never all get out.
From A/M links Reason:
“Girls walk away from tech and science. … There’s something about how this subject is being taught,” said Obama. “You guys are smarter than that. You’re better than that, let’s figure it out.”
She’s another one who doesn’t know how to have the grace to shut up. But hey, Tim Cook just loves her.
This irritates the hell out of me. Since the 90’s most tech companies have been bending over backwards to hire women and minorities if they could find ones that are qualified.
Don’t we already have color TVs?
I don’t see a shortage of Asians in tech.
Asians, including Injuns, are no longer considered persons of color. You need to get the updated SJW PC Manual.
If anyone were to suggest that the reason that there aren’t enough blacks in tech is because black culture derides education and delayed gratification, they would be shunned by leftist America.
POCC – Persons of a Certain Color.
I thought it was POCAC – Person of certain accepted color.
And really, that too is racist.
They are for certain situations that benefit Democrats, but for affirmative action and preference hiring, they are Lily White.
Yeah, it isn’t being dumbed down and made emotional enough for most women. It’s too logical, damnit! Talk about the feels of science!
If they’re successful at lowering standards and shoehorning people into scientific fields that shouldn’t be there, I don’t think that will qualify as a win for civilization and the future.
“Nerd harder, nerds! Or nerd less hard, I don’t know. As long as I don’t have to take any responsibility by actually proposing any concrete steps.”
Let’s be grateful she isn’t. Or else we’d get an idiotic central plan.
Obama will never, ever figure it out because of his ideological blinders. He wouldn’t recognize the natural variance in IQ, aptitudes and life choices between men and women even if he were being beaten over the head with a paper copy of the one of the numerous studies that empirically verify what we already know with our senses.
The socialized trainwreck that is Australia’s energy sector lurches further toward the inevitable destination of socialist systems.
Basically the green mutaween made it too expensive to keep operating coal plants. And when the coal plants shutdown, the windmills, for all their trash-talk, can’t actually produce. So the secret is to prevent people from shutting down these vital power plants that are operating at a loss.
Socialism in a nutshell
This is a quote from an Ayn Rand novel, right?
It’s very much in the spirit of Directive 10-289
Not only can they not produce,windmills are dirty as fuck.
Just keep pimping that ‘green tech’ watermelons!
The next step is probably a government takeover of the plants.
Did Comey Violate Laws In Leaking The Trump Memo?
Doesn’t matter, the Democrats will run interference for him as long as he remains useful to their cause.
I think his usefulness ran out yesterday
Trump should pardon Comey and Flynn in the same document.
It would be hilarious for Trump to lay out a list of Comey crimes in a pre-emptive pardon.
That… would be hilarious
Or just Comey. His anti-Trump credibility would be forever shot.
Those 302 forms are ridiculous. FBI agent write their own notes and it’s treated by the agency (and the courts) as some type of impartial record.
“Yes, he said he did it. It is right here in my notes.”
So I was at the US-T&T game last night. Here is my analysis for the other closeted soccer fans here:
Pros: The US dominated possession, though this shouldn’t be surprising since T&T is the weakest team left in the group and it was being played at home. Timmy H. is still the man. He didn’t have a whole lot to do, but came through when he needed to. Darlington Nagbe played well, he’s a great addition. Villafana played competently and Altidore had an ok game, but needs to stop diving so much. And, of course, Pulisic is phenomenal; he is not just the best player on the team, but one of the best young attackers in the world. We got the three points we needed.
Cons: Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. Terrible first touches, hospital passes, trapping the ball out of bounds; against a better team we would have been punished by bad giveaways and stupid decisions, especially out of the back. Fabian Johnson was useless, Dempsey was invisible and Brooks’ poor marking almost gave T&T the lead 30 minutes in. Way too clever by half in the attacking third. Aside from Pulisic, who has an instinctive nose for goal, no one would just pull the damn trigger. We were constantly trying to get some cutesy little back heel or perfect setup in the box when there were clear opportunities to just put one on frame.
Takeaway: A much needed win against an inferior team, but we will get pounded by Mexico if we don’t up our game significantly.
So just like last time Bruce Arenas coached.
Where the fuck would Team USA be right now if Pulisic had decided to declare for Croatia instead of us.
Arena sucks, but at least he’s better than Klinsmann was. Then again, my 8 year old daughter who hates soccer would likely be a better coach for Team USA than Klinsmann was.
Fucking Klinsmanns with their white hoods, can’t see what’s going on.
We would be in a heap of trouble considering he’s the only guy on the field who can finish. Going into Mexico my recommendations would be:
1) Bench Johnson, Dempsey and Brooks; replace with Acosta, Wood and Ream respectively.
2) Brainwash Altidore to TAKE. A. DAMN. SHOT. instead of diving.
3) Spread the field better. I couldn’t tell if it was by design or stupidity, but T&T’s wings were constantly being left open and given free crosses. If I felt we could competently defend in the box in the air every time, I would be ok with this, but all of T&T’s chances came from those plays, mostly due to sloppy mistakes.
Mexico is on notice that Pulisic is dangerous so they’ll be on him like fly paper. That means we need to take advantage of Wood/Altidore being freed up.
My take: we’re fucked and we’re gonna get our clocks cleaned.
I try to be a bit more optimistic, but yeah, that’s the TL;DR.
My take – add Michael Jordan to the roster. The refs would always blow the whistle if anybody went near the guy.
Bring back Bradley. He’s the only person who has but together a decent US team that attacked.
Called it. It’s a a big convoluted mess of an issue by design, the testimony is long and convoluted by DemOps and media misinformation. They’d be god damned if they let Comey’s testimony slay their hobby horse which has been so productive at hamstringing Trump.
What he said was irrelevant; they would spin it as the proof they needed to impeach Trump. That has been the whole point of this Russia farce from the beginning. The Repubs, ever the Stupid Party, have indulged the DNC/MSM/OFA/Soros’ fever dreams instead of just saying “No evidence, no special prosecutor, no hearings, STFU” and moving on with their agenda.
Give an inch, you lose a mile. This is how leftists operate, it’s the key to their plan for eradicating western civilization.
And the Stupid Party never fucking learns.
they are so desperate to be liked that they keep bending over and grabbing their ankles..
I still assert that the Democrats are the epitome of both Stupid and Evil. Republicans are the Naive Party.
A Second Evergreen Professor Speaks Out
One of us! One of us!
It’s a club that sends out invites by not inviting you.
I’ll take little steps in the right direction, but it would be nice if they just recognised that the only violence is coming from the left in the campus. No one’s on evergreen is a white supremacist.
Yep, it’s the alt-right neo-Nazis that are the violent thugs. Yes indeed.
Letter-writing campaigns to Accreditation boards resulting in official review and/or action by state legislature to pull funding are the only things that will stem this shit. Unfortunately, neither is likely to happen. As it stands, places like this will just have dwindling enrollment and become more and more ideologically homogeneous and extreme.
RE: Tory Loss
I’m given to take the Kingsley Amis route. When Labour was routed by the Tories in the Thatcher takeover, Kingsley (not a Tory) was reputedly dancing on a bar singing “Sod the Fuckers!” That’s also pretty much me every time we have a change of ruling party.
Seems sensible to me. Besides, I’m seeing Trump-like entertainment possibilities from the idea of PM Jeremy Corbyn.
As SF noted yesterday, the temptation of nihilism is strong.
“Samer el Debek, 37, was arrested June 1 in Livonia for alleged terrorist activities on behalf of Hezbollah’s Islamic Jihad organization.”
2017 minus 37 years old = 1980.
This guy may have been born in the United States after his parents fled the Iranian revolution of 1979.
The terrorist threat doesn’t seem to come from the immigrants themselves but from their children born in the United States. We can’t screen children who haven’t been born yet. I don’t know how you prevent unborn children from coming to the United States–apart from preventing their innocent parents from coming here.
That isn’t the conclusion I want to make; it’s a fact we need to grapple with to discuss this issue honestly.
It’s the same in Europe. More than 90% of the terrorist attacks that have been launched in Europe over the last two years have been perpetrated by terrorists who were born in Europe. It makes sense that one of the reasons they have more terrorist attacks over there is because they have more immigrants who’ve been there longer, and so they have more children of immigrants from these countries that have been compromised by terrorism–the demographic that seems most likely to perpetrate terrorist attacks.
I suspect a lot of this has to do with first generation children of immigrant issues that have plagued all sorts of immigrant groups for ages–especially in regards to women, getting married, etc. I grew up with parents and grandparents who basically had a Victorian mindset about dating, too. I just played along. When other immigrant groups come here, the parents bring their ideas about dating with them. Dating simply isn’t done in some of these countries. You meet women because your parents introduce you to them.
Assimilation is about marrying, starting a family in America, and having the success of that family (and your children) tied to their integration into American society. Guys who are tied into that kind of future probably don’t become terrorists. So as a matter of public policy, how do we encourage that? By embracing capitalism and, hence, the opportunity generation that comes with economic growth? Sound kinda hokey even if it is true?
Yeah, I think so, too.
So I guess we’re back to restricting immigration from countries that are significantly compromised by terrorism–so that those people can’t come here and have kids?
Makes me nauseated to even think that, but Congress has the authority to do that in the Constitution–so long as the policies they write don’t conflict with the First Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment.
I don’t get nauseated by restricting their access to the West. I get nauseated by their extremely rapid expanding presence. There is pretty much no ideal, much less a phony one like a ‘right to immigrate’, that I am so committed to that I would sooner see my nation and my civilization wiped from the face of the Earth than to deviate from it.
Me, too. Nobody’s rights are violated if we deny them entry, so why get nauseated?
Jus soli is an outdated and downright damaging policy, made worse by the courts refusing to allow existing law from being enforced because “discrimination”. A step in the right direction would be to cut the balls off the lower federal courts.
Good luck impeaching 3/4ths of the federal judiciary. We can’t even get the 9th split up.
You don’t need impeachment. The circuit territories exist by virtue of Congressional statute, without any say so from the courts, Congress could reduce the size of the 9th Circuit’s territorial jurisdiction to the building it’s housed in.
While I applaud the proposed solution, I’m curious as to whether restricting old circuits and creating new ones as an end round disfavored judges would be determined ‘constitutional’ – notwithstanding the plenary authority granted to Congress in Article III.
Nobody’s rights are violated if I cheat on my girlfriend either.
I feel bad for people who are refused entry to the United States for no fault of their own.
As somebody pointed out yesterday, it’s a ridiculous excuse anyway. Enter “tentacle porn” into google, turn off the filter, and voila! You have tentacle porn. The idea that he ended up on this particular site because he couldn’t find any is ridiculous.
Oops, wrong thread.
Any thread’s a good thread for tentacle porn.
Feels are a bad basis for policy. You should feel bad for people who are refused entry to Japan because there’s clearly not enough Japanese people feeling enough feels to direct their immigration policy towards self-destruction. They can have some of our feels, we’ve got feels aplenty.
I just don’t see why it’s the obligation of western civilization alone to right every perceived wrong and to dry every tear filled eye.
My whole post was about what policy should be–despite my feelings.
Other people shouldn’t base their policy ideas just on their feelings, but just because our policy prescriptions use reason doesn’t mean we don’t have any feelings either.
Yeah, I feel bad for kids who catch preventable diseases because other people’s parents elected not to vaccinate their children; just because I think people should be free to do that doesn’t mean I don’t feel bad for children who suffer.
If I thought everyone’s kids should be forcibly vaccinated, I’d feel bad for the few kids who have a bad reaction to being vaccinated, too. Doesn’t mean I’d change my opinion.
There may be innocent refugees who harbor us no ill will, would make great contributions to American society, etc, and if they’re excluded from coming to the U.S. through no fault of their own, I feel bad for them.
Anybody who opposes effective and constitutional reform because they think people like me don’t feel bad for the people who will miss out on that opportunity are wrong. I do, in fact, feel bad for those people. I am not a robot.
I’m sorry if I misunderstood your point. I’m not a black-hearted monster either. I feel bad for them too, I just happen to appreciate the civilization I was born into and the people who bequeathed it to me, likewise I feel an obligation to help ensure that my children inherit a society and civilization every bit as good if not better than I was given.
I wish it were possible to truly ascertain the impact, be it positive or negative, on every individual immigrant and their eventual descendants but it’s not. So ideally we ought to deal with empirical data as it relates to classes of immigrants, with some special considerations for individuals who can be reasonably believed to deviate from the outcomes of the rest of their class, be it positive or negative. Insofar as that is possible.
Can someone please post the original Eichenwald Tweet or image or whatever? Like most of these things, the original gets completely buried by the commentary about it.
The NSFW one? Or just the tweet?
NSFW: This NSFW one?
*Really, it’s NSFW*
Here’s the tweet:
Check the right-hand tab on his browser.
The actual content he was looking at (NSFW!!)
Don’t catbutt me, Kristen asked for it!
Check out the comments. Absolutely hilarious.
This is has the image he posted. I think he deleted his original tweet.
One of his tabs says Chiku, which apparently is tentacle porn. I can’t validate that translation though. We’ll need to have Straffinrun, our resident tenatcle porn expert, I mean Japanese expert, to validate that for us.
A distinction without a difference.
That’s the first I’ve heard of “Chiku”. My first thought was it was a shortened form of “Chikubi” or “nipple”. You’ll have to go to someone else for hentai anime expertise. I watch Crayon Shinchan.
*Mr. Elephant dance*
I’m the glib King Weeb and I have no clue what it is. And I know of some weird stuff.
You didn’t even know what netorare is, your crown is in contention.
B-Chiku is a specific doujin, not a genre. There is a translated version from SaHa up on e-hentai if anyone cares to get a deeper look into what gets Kurt off.
So confused right now
Now would probably be a good time to back away slowly, lest you get dragged into the weirder parts of Japanese hedonism. You know, the parts that make sugar free seem tame.
I… didn’t know what e-hentai is.
(now Dynasty Scans… um… I don’t even know what that is either. What am I talking about? Who are you people?)
I would have had no idea what that browser tab even meant. Was hoping it would literally say “tentacle porn”.
Great, it’s in my browser history now, but…The “Bi” actually means “By” and “Chiku” is “brute”. You can put the rest together.
Ignore that. I give up. There are a range of explanations out there.
I think I’m turning Japanese. I really think so.
I actually just sent a message to my senior editor. Bet he knows.
“Sigh. Ok, I’m a dumbass. Believe it or not, my kids & I were trying to convince my wife that “tentacle porn” existed.”
—-Kurt Eichenwald via Twitter
That kinda comes off even worse.
Discussing tentacle porn with your kids? I guess they’re watching Archer on Netflix? Ever heard of parental controls? Then, not only will your kid not be able to prove that tentacle porn exists, they may not even find out it exists.
Meanwhile, what’s the big deal about Hentai? If the dude’s into it, so what? He isn’t hurting anybody, right?
As somebody pointed out yesterday, it’s a ridiculous excuse anyway. Enter “tentacle porn” into google, turn off the filter, and voila! You have tentacle porn. The idea that he ended up on this particular site because he couldn’t find any is ridiculous.
I don’t see any moral condemnation coming down on the guy. It’s just that it’s generally embarrassing and Kurt Eichenwald is an asshole that represents so much of what’s wrong with journalism. It’s a “let’s make some lemonade out of these lemons” kind of situation.
So this is apparently Lord Buckethead’s actual manifesto. Fuck, I’d vote for him.
The perfect candidate
Evergreen College has such outstanding courses to help shape the minds of our future leaders.
For starters, students at ESC don’t receive grades—they receive “narrative evaluations” that give them feedback on their performance while preserving their self-esteem.
Can I apply for job of Narrator. I could do it.
‘Let’s see here…’
/looks over papers.
‘Hm. Impressive. Ah. Excellent. I’m ready for your narrative evaluation.
/removes glasses. Places hands on desk.
‘You’re retarded.’
I demand a second opinion.
Whoops, you’re right, there’s been a mistake.
You’re really retarded.
And you’re fat!
It’s cool though, I got a sister who’s ‘tarded. She’s a pilot.
You are in a position to demand nothing.
Troy: What’s wrong with me?
Zaius: I think you’re crazy.
Troy: Want a second opinion.
Zaius: You’re also lazy.
You’re ugly and smell terrible.
You’re a whale biologist?
I call em like I sees em!
I don’t know if have trouble maintainingthe kids self-esteem
Donnie Richter: We dont have grades here. A student either learns and gets an “L”, or they fluctuate.
George Michael: What do we get for that?
Donnie Richter: An “F”.
I just like that their initials, ESC, stand for Escape.
‘Narrative evaluations’.
Hopefully not posted yet. A wonderfully scathing takedown/summary of Evergreen college.
they targeted the police trying to protect the professor and his students? okay, wtf is happening here.
(Corbyn’s tweet was from 2013, Burge’s this morning)
and relevant as ever
Ho. Lee. Shizz.
The recent story of the boy pretending to be a girl in order to win at sprinting makes me ponder…..what would happen if a mediocre male athlete simply changed his name and said “I’m a woman”? No chopping the dick off, no hormone therapy. Hell, no change in clothes or hairstyles or anything – cmon, man, why constrict yourself to such binary thinking? Under the prevailing mindset today, he says he’s a woman so he’s a woman, no qualifications of any kind. How could anyone who advocates this trans nonsense say otherwise?
There is SO much potential for gleeful fucking with the system.
They made a horrible movie about that in 2002 called “Juwana Mann”. Apparently it’s reality now.
I dimly remember it, not that I ever watched it. That guy had to actually pretend to be a woman though, Tom Hanks in Bosom Buddies style, right? I’m saying do none of that. Don’t do anything but assume a female name and demand to be referred to as “she”.
I say go a step further: don’t even assume a female name. Change literally nothing about yourself. Don’t even say “woman trapped in a man’s body”. Just say, “I’m a woman”.
“My name is Bob, and I’m a lesbian”
“Hello Bob”
/LA Meeting
My son is shaping up as a pretty decent high school volleyball player. I told him he should say he identifies as female. On their team he’d be the tallest in the county league by about 8″, with about a 2ft higher jump.
Plus, he’d have to share changing rooms with the girl’s team.
That’s some grade ‘A’ parenting right there.
He may feel odd dressing like Carrie Walsh.
That’s the beauty of my approach, though – no need to dress like that. Wear the same clothes you’re already wearing because, hey, what do you mean he’s wearing boys clothing? Who are you to determine what clothes are appropriate for a woman? That’s so gender binary!
It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
“Son, it’s time I talk to you about God’s principle gift to mankind; girls volleyball.”
Time for some Kids in the Hall.
No wait….this is more for the times…
I thinky your linky went wrong.
Fucken Russians.
I can think of many dozens of NBA role players – to say nothing of starters, All-Stars, MVP candidates – who would rewrite the WNBA record book. Can you imagine Aron Baynes playing against women? Corey Brewer? Terrence Ross? JJ Barea? And if the WNBA took steps to prevent this sort of thing? TRANSPHOBES!
Exactly! Terrence Ross becomes Terri Ross and magically is now an MVP favorite.
The WNBA would have borrow the NFL’s tuck rule.
what would happen if a mediocre male athlete simply changed his name and said “I’m a woman”? No chopping the dick off, no hormone therapy.
Isn’t that pretty much what the boy who won those races did?
Not pretty much. Exactly.
Exactly, so imagine it on a wide scale, where women’s sports become dominated by men who are in no way female other than labeling themselves as such.
And Title IX means they can get college scholarships, without colleges having to try so hard to field “women’s” teams.
I was a pretty creditable soccer player back in my day, but nowhere near world class. To think that I could have been a starter on the US Women’s National Team just by saying “I’m a woman”. The fact that I still have a penis, dress like a man and have sex with women would probably be viewed favorably by SJW-types to boot.
If you identify as a woman and have sex with women, you’re a lesbian, right? I think that moves you up the intersectionality stack.
I did not investigate very deeply, but here is my favorite (after a quick glance) course-title from the Evergreen Course Catalogue =
Wait, What? How Things Really Work in Science and Business
obviously the part that makes me giggle is the implicit acknowledgement that the most basic ideas in either Science or Business provoke spit-take reactions of incomprehension (e.g. “Wait – what!?”). They know that these things run counter to the sorts of mushy-feels-based systems of thinking that tend to dominate all their other ‘disciplines’ (if you can call them that)
fuck, i don’t even know how i mis-threaded that one.
I’m starting to get the impression that Louise Mensch is less than stabile mentally.
Or stable, I’ve heard it both ways
Exposing Vladimir Putin’s War on America”
My theory is that she’s a troll to Pied-Piper lunatics into ever more ridiculous territory.
My 25 year old niece just posted a picture of her kissing her new boyfriend. Fucking greasy pig with a hammer and sickle tattoo on his neck. *Sigh*
I can think of a Russian expat I know who would be happy to straighten that guy out. His grandfather was one of five boys. Three of them died in the gulag. He tends to take the sight of Americans aping Soviet imagery a bit personally.
That wasn’t *real* Communism.
That’s exactly what I imagined the guy saying. Think I’ll let her uncle, my brother the marine vet of 10 years, deal with him.
Straffin, if you could manage to get that on tape and post it, I’d be much obliged.
/feigns ducking.
Here you go.
People with hammer and sickle tattoos are like people with Swastika tattoos, except socially acceptable.
That anodyne critique of communism (“It looks good on paper, just not in reality”) always irks me. It’s not even compelling on paper if you devote any thought to it. It’s gruesome and authoritarian in practice, but just as gross and collectivist in theory. The fact that early Soviet commies had to invent a brainwashed cult of pack animals who would do the heavy lifting for the Party is a testament to what a fucked up formulation it is even before it comes to mass displacement, starvation, political murders, mass executions, hobbling economic growth, etc., etc.
No, see, that wasn’t real communism. It was state capitalism.
Communism looks great on paper if you live an alternate reality where resources are unlimited and perpetual motion is possible. Otherwise, it’s just a vehicle to create poverty, misery and suffering.
It looks great on paper if your paper was made in a capitalist country. It mostly the paper.
As I keep saying, let’s set up a video game where the loot algorithm is: “from those with the most ability to those with the most need” and see what kind of characters gamers create.
That would be an interesting experiment. If you’ll forgive me for using this oft misused phrase but… “a race to the bottom”? Players would stand to gain the most from being more needy and less providey. That is assuming that you could get anyone to play the damn game after being punished for success and rewarded for failure at every turn.
It could be the bust of Adam Smith and i’d still think he was an asshole.
Also – just a thought that popped into my head….
wondering how people like that square their ostentatious display of soviet-support w/ the idea that the confederate flag is ‘hateful and must be censored’
i know, i know … they don’t *do* the whole cognitive dissonance thing, and they as incapable of perceiving their own hypocrisy as a goldfish/water … but still. i’d like to see the logic-pretzels they make.
It would be easier just to punch them in the throat.
my neighb’s a communist with the hammer and sickle tat. i’ll get that conversation started tonight by making a joke about the illiberal left on campuses.
i will report back on Monday in the morning links.
I wait with bated breath. I’m on standby, bating.
The Young Ones were way ahead of the Trans game…
Hey Sloop, looks like you guys are getting Chris Holtman, from Butler.
I saw that. Good get. I’m shocked to be honest.
Who wants cake?
Evergreen faculty want Weinstein banished for wrongthink.
Weinstein has endangered faculty, staff, and students, making them targets of white supremacist backlash by promulgating misinformation in public emails, on national television, in news outlets, and on social media.
“He let everybody know what a bunch of retards we all are, here. Not okay!”
They all want cake.
Twitter is destrying America
But the news feed, cocktail party, PR outfit, and reader meet-and-greet aren’t independent elements of the Twitter experience. They all take place in a context that can best be compared to a high school cafeteria — the largest, most raucous high school cafeteria in human history.
At the center of the room sit the popular crowd — the reporters, editors, and pundits who work for the most prestigious mainstream media outlets in the country. Everyone else in the room wants their approval and attention, including the right-wing trolls seated at the burnout table in the corner, and the geeks who toil away on public policy at universities and think tanks, and more ordinary scribblers like me, who write for slightly lesser-known magazines and websites.
Vapid, self-absorbed idiot wants America to know how vapid and self-absorbed he is.
this is where the analogy reveals its inherent bias.
it was broadly correct! its just that the people who think they’re the ‘popular kids’ are actually the losers in the corner who perpetually irritate everyone else by injecting politics into everyone else’s lunch hour.
As with Congress, people like their preferred journalists and media outlets and hate all the rest in a general sort of way. I’ll read the headlines from the MSM, but for trustworthy and insightful analysis of the covered events I go to a growing short-list of youtubers and bloggers whose head is not firmly up their own ass.
Twitter isn’t destroying anything anymore saying nigger hurts anyone. Nigger! See?
Like guns, it’s people who wield and use the thing who are retards.
He’s Canadian… It’s a different culture.
/Quickly cover my drawing of Zoolander; don’t want my head cut off, eh.
At the center of the room sit the popular crowd — the reporters, editors, and pundits who work for the most prestigious mainstream media outlets in the country.
::clears throat::
I did not investigate very deeply, but here is my favorite (after a quick glance) course-title from the Evergreen Course Catalogue =
Wait, What? = How Things Really Work in Science and Business
obviously the part that makes me giggle is the implicit acknowledgement that the most basic ideas in either Science or Business provoke spit-take reactions of incomprehension (e.g. “Wait – what!?”). They know that these things run counter to the sorts of mushy-feels-based systems of thinking that tend to dominate all their other ‘disciplines’ (if you can call them that)
I hope they have Thornton Melon teaching the class instead of Dr Phillip Bombay.
Mr Melon, your wife was just showing us her Klimt.
-Oh, you too? She’s showing it to everybody.
She’s very proud of it.
-Hey, I’m proud of mine too, but I don’t go waving it around at parties!
Of course, there is plenty of wilderness in Washington State where they can sleep in caves and forage for nuts and berries instead of working for evil kkkorporations.
Wait, What? How Things Really Work in Science and Business
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Salaries come out of profits? So, like, if you don’t make any profits, you won’t be able to pay me to stand around with a dumb look on my face? That’s fucked up, dude.
Or compensate you for your insipid SJW ideas no one will pay for.
“Whoa, dude! Harsh! I was hoping to get another CCCP tat!”
Salaries come out of profits?
Actually, no. Profits are what’s left after you pay salaries (and other expenses). Salaries come out of revenues, for which you need a competitive product or service.
What No One Ever Tells You About Tiny Homes
So we daydream big. Dreams of unfashionable, politically incorrect, old American aspirations that our generation isn’t supposed to believe in anymore. Dreams of design features so vast that they sound like foreign countries. I dream of kitchen islands. I dream outside this box.
Living in a small space requires some adjustments to your lifestyle? Maybe, just maybe, nobody bothered to tell you that because it’s plainly obvious to anyone not mentally defective.
It’s those hidden costs of virtue signaling that trip you up every time.
Jesus tapdancing christ.
Thanks, Brooks. Now my heart is filled with hate again.
People like this should be airdropped into a village in Eritrea for a few months so they can get a look at real problems, up close and personal.
First world problems…
Embarrassing, ordinary objects like the hamper are empowered in small spaces;
If you think objects are empowered, you have bigger problems than not enough square footage.
I do not like this hamper, Charlie. Its smug aura mocks me.
It insists on itself.
My Wife watches those ‘Tiny House’ shows and then says ‘Why don’t we do that?’
The answer is that I don’t want my next house to be even smaller, with bars, after I murdered her.
We need our alone time; which our 3 bedroom house with basement affords us.
My Wife watches those ‘Tiny House’ shows and then says ‘Why don’t we do that?’
Take her to her closet and ask her which four outfits she wants to wear, and whether the rest should go to Goodwill or the Salvation Army.
It’s the gentrification of trailer park life. Why pay less?
That’s funny, because no one seems to have told the New York Times, especially where it concerns Cuba.
Have you hurried up and booked your trip there yet before those vulgar American businesses start popping up and detracting from the charm of the crushing poverty?
Makes assumptions about the author with no evidence.
Thanks, Brooks. Now my heart is filled with hate again.
I’m just trying to do my part.
At least she didn’t blame Trump.