Welcome to my latest musings! This is where I write about random crap and let y’all sort it out.

  • Pat PlayjacksI love Wheel of Fortune. It may make me seem like an old geezer or something, but I love that show. I’m also unnaturally good at solving the puzzles. It irritates people when they watch it with me.
  • I’ve been thinking about writing a short story about a transport spaceship in the near future that transports pure water from Europa to bases located in the asteroid belt. The spaceship is a converted multi-generational colony ship originally destined for an exoplanet, but didn’t make it out of the solar system and is now run by the second generation as a transport. The big plot arc would be uncovering a conspiracy having to do with the original mission of the ship and some of the Earth governments. We’ll see if I ever get the free time to start on it.
  • Is anything going to actually come of the Seth Rich stuff, or was Kim Dotcom just bullshitting us?
  • Occasionally I’m struck by how most environmentalists are motivated by guilt. Many have the most environmentally destructive lifestyles. In comparison, many non-acolytes (including so-called conservationists) live in harmony with nature. For example, I have more trees in my yard than your average city park. Wildlife is constantly milling about in my backyard. The hipster urbanite can’t even fathom such a lifestyle, but instead stays insulated in their urban jungle, so they have to assuage their guilt by nagging everybody else.
  • Being a desk jockey sucks. I’ve worked for 10 years in one desk job or another, and I’ve never liked it. I come from farming stock, and my body just isn’t happy unless I’m doing something active. It’s too bad that I’m really good at this desk jockey stuff.
  • How many of the crises du jour in today’s media climate are curated attention seeking? When you strip the political manipulation out of it, most of the national news cycle is centered on boring questions like “man calls opponent a loser, is he Hitler?” and “little girl scrapes knee, should busybodies mandate kneepads?”

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