Good morning, Glibs. Fire up the coffee pot and set yourself down. I have some fresh links here for ya.
- Cuba no, Yanqui si? (spoiler alert “…and lack of running water there.”)
- There is something very libertarian about this. Best part = “Prison authorities say they can’t do anything about what’s going on at the parking garage.”
- So… this seems fun (in behavior, it seems very Glibertarian).
- If this was one of you lot, we can install a tipjar, dontchaknow.
Enjoy, scorn, ignore – whatever you’d like to do on this Sunday morn.
I’d be interested in auditioning to be the giraffe.
Oh god, not April the giraffe again!
Fuck off, slaver! You don’t tell me what to do!
+1 scorn
Scorn and defiance; slight regard, contempt,
And any thing that may not misbecome
The mighty sender, doth he prize you at.
A report from the front lines of the jihad for social justice.
People need a life
There’s a tweetstorm coming, get in your cellar.
Meh. I’ve got a lawn to mow. Don’t worry I’ve got an eye on it.
Is there any tornado activity in the background?
Someone’s having the last laugh and it ain’t this guy.
So… this seems fun (in behavior, it seems very Glibertarian).
So much radiant pasty skin, so many sharp sunburn lines. I guess it must be very cheap if even caravan trash can afford to to vacation there.
Hence my thinking it very Glibertarian!
Bullshit! I clearly saw roadz in those photos.
Right. But the naked, pasty and drunken louts staggering down them!
I saw a camel toe.
There has never been a time or place in my life where any of what I see going on in those pictures seemed “fun”.
Mallorca and Minorca have been suffering from British Tourism since the 70’s. While it’s brought in a lot of money, it’s created some serious problems for local services, and if anything, illustrates the result of unmanaged ‘immigration’ from cultures whose values are vastly different from the natives.
While having airplane-loads of chavs disembarking already-drunk and libidinous turning up in your town is vastly preferable to most of the other options in Europe, policing these tourists is a thankless, dangerous task. Remember, the kind of guy who will face down 3 knife-wielding jihadis in a bar is not gonna stand for any shit from a couple of local cops. Altercations in the streets with the police were (are?) frequent, and some of the locals view the money that has flooded the islands is very much a mixed blessing.
And it’s funny how it’s just fine to rail against the Brits, but rails against the third world immigrants, and you’re beyond evil.
Have you ever been in a vacation spot with hordes of drunk Brits abroad?
I’d prefer busloads of Germans over that. The only worse tourists are the Chinese.
Why would you be sober on vacation?
To be fair, there’s “drunk” and there’s “drunk like a Brit”. Not at all the same.
Vacation, for me, means getting the hell away from other people.
The Island of Doctor Moreau?
Or the next day, Island of Doctor Morose.
Cuba no, Yanqui si?
And yet, people get pissed off at me when I ask them how many Americans set out from Miami on a raft made of innertubes and bedsprings in the hope of a new and better life in Havana.
*People who say things like, “I want to get down there and see the real Koobah, before capitalism wrecks it.”
Tell them to take plenty of water bottles.
Got to make sure you see the starving populace before capitalism wrecks it
Enjoy those unique strains of bacteria before Western sanitation filters them out.
And… that’s where I stopped reading.
Tourism is the root cause of the food shortage problem in Cuba.
And the fact they have actually gone backwards instead of forwards since that chap Castro replaced the previous shitlord in charge too, is what the progs tell me..
To quote another Glibertarian commenter (whose name I don’t remember) who made this comment some time ago:
“Tourists show up, empty their wallets, and leave? The horror! THE HORROR!!”
“Progressives” get this euphoric, glazed-over look in their eyes when talking about Cuba. It’s like their brains dump a gallon of endorphins when that country is mentioned.
“Oh, it’s so quaint and charming down there! And those old buildings are just so beautiful. Did you know that in Cuba (heavenly sigh) people’s homes are right next to the street?”
we can install a tipjar, dontchaknow.
If it were me, I’d just mail a check.
Spoiler Alert- “You can’t win, if you don’t play.”
How much does the winner get to keep after federal and state taxes in CA? Half, maybe?
Not even close.
If you take the lump sum, you are already reducing the payout to 62% of “list”. Then subtract Uncle Fed and Uncle Cal’s taxes…39.6% and What is CA, 13.3%? If you live where there is a municipal income tax, then lop that off too.
Do they at least wave the tax on sugar drinks? Buy the factory and no taxes.
“Indeed …. many other factors to be considered: stamp duty, window tax, swamp insurance …”
Sounds like the winner is going to have to get by on 150 million or so-barely worth the trouble.
Feel free to buy a ticket!
That’ll cover the Coke and stripper budget for a bit so good safety net.
Still a great pile of money, but I’m pretty sure Uncle Sam and Governor Moonbeam didn’t pay for 66% of the ticket price. Unless the winner paid for it using food stamps.
The Canucks have one right. No taxes on lottery winnings as far as I know.
*that………..that one right.
*pours more coffee
Well, they certainly don’t have a free speech right.
Most other people wouldn’t do this kind of thing for their boyfriend.
They wouldn’t strip for their boyfriends? Right through the pretty little panties, eh?
Hmm this may explain the drop in sexual activity along the young.
B-Chika wow wow,
I traveled to Cuba shortly after I graduated from high school in 2001. I did it the old fashioned way though, via a semi-functioning Cubana Ilyushin II-62 from Nassau to Havana. I was there for about 2 weeks with my step-dad, may god-father and my god-father’s local “business partner.” It was an eye opening trip. The fuckedupness of Cuban life was apparent immediately when we went to one of the hotels that cater to Canadians and Europeans and our Cuban friend was not allowed inside. I could write a good sized post about the rest if anyone is interested.
A progtard friend of mine is down there now posting bullshit faux art, super deep instagram pics. No, the elderly Cuban woman is not weeping at the majesty of the fucking sunset over Havana harbor, she is probably worrying about how to feed her family on limited rations or why some dumb cunt is taking her picture and if anyone from the government is watching (they are).
Yes, very interested!
I will dig up my photos to refresh my memory.
Just hope you can find them. False consciousness and all. Be interesting anyways. How about as a satire piece?
I second that, I would love to read such an account.
I hear ‘white girl’ is an insult in China now. Used to talk about someone who is completely aloof to reality and fixated on minor problems that only affect themselves. Might apply to this chick.
This is the pejorative. It translates literally as “white left.” Concise if nothing else.
*this is another pejoritive
FFS. Seems I’m in need of coffee.
Obama is part of the White Left?
That motherfucker white as Wonder Bread.
Hehehe. Trolling. Sorry.
That’s great:)
“baizuo is used generally to describe those who “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment” and “have no sense of real problems in the real world”; they are hypocritical humanitarians who advocate for peace and equality only to “satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority”; they are “obsessed with political correctness” to the extent that they “tolerate backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism”; they believe in the welfare state that “benefits only the idle and the free riders”; they are the “ignorant and arrogant westerners” who “pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours”. …”
I think they mean faux empathy here
“shengmu – literally the ‘holy mother’ – which according to its users refers to those who are ‘overemotional’, ‘hypocritical’ and ‘have too much empathy’.”
Just look at all the baizuo on here 😉
Fook YOU!
Even the communists want nothing to do with SJWs
Thirded, plz write.
I agree. I’d love to see it.
Yes, please do write something up. I have always wanted to go to Cuba. I was told the island has areas like the FL Keys were back in the day. It is my understanding as a tourist in Cuba though, one is not allowed outside of the tourist areas. Also, if you have to pay resort prices, it better be a damn nice resort and I have heard they are not that great. There is also the tourist dollars supporting the communist shitbags. I am not a big fun of that either.
Until we get RBS’s account, read Totten’s.
Totten is quite good.
You should read the piece he wrote on Alitalia.
We would, if someone put in the time to add a link.
I was on my smartphone when I posted the previous comment. You could have used your search engine skills to find it:
The Worst Airline Company in the World
I saw something similar in East Germany. There was stuff on the shelves, but nothing you would want to buy.
What the holy hell. That is some kinda wrong right there.
“But everything’s free – what do they need money for?”
Ya, what a great argument huh?
That stealing workers money is a third world tribal society trick I have seen several times in Africa. A company working in their area has to pay the chief, or board of elders and they distribute the money to the guys who actually did the work. An amount they see fit, and pocket the rest.
I liked in the article he pointed out how Cuba is not some third world developing nation. I was very prosperous until this was intentionally done to them. Fuck anyone who wears a Castro or Che t-shirt.
See also: Argentina.
Which is precisely why I get so angry with the fucking proggies. They don’t EVER give a shit about actual individuals, be it the Cuban hotel worker, the Congolese cobalt miner (so they can have their fucking electric cars), or the millions of people who suffer in third world shitholes because of OMG – GMOzzzz!!! or COAL BAD!
Fuck them.
“There is also the tourist dollars supporting the communist shitbags. I am not a big fun of that either.”
It’s weird that some American “progressives” will boycott a private company over something as slight as the CEO making a small personal donation to an anti-gay marriage group, but some of these same people would happily fly to Cuba and spend cash that ends up in the pockets of this shitbag government that actually murders people.
They really think communism is virtuous.
Why I won’t visit Cuba or buy Cuban cigars.
Cuban cigars are shit anyways. All of their best growers and rollers fled to the Dominican Republic decades ago.
Wait – are you saying that a communist dictatorship does not make for a business-friendly climate?!
I do hate to trivialize all the torture and murder, but what the Fidelistas have done to the Cuban tobacco industry really makes me spit blood.
I join the gang: yes, please write up a post!
Cuba no, Yanqui si?
Everyone should read PJ O’Rourke’s essay “Ship of Fools.” So far, every one I know who has flocked to Cuba after the US restrictions were lifted would have been right at home on that boat. They all come back glowing about how maaaarvelous it is there, how wonderful the education and medical system are, how no-one goes hungry or homeless, and how the People love the Castros.
Heh, I always find this shit particularly obnoxious.
::good edit faerie feels generous this morning::
I don’t know why I’m up this early. Clearly too early to properly close tags.
Huh. I’ve read trip reports from non-political types and they’re universally dour on the state of Cuba and put the blame squarely on the government and Communism.
Good stuff, thanks for posting. I believe there’s a slightly different version of this in Holidays in Hell.
Cuba no, Yanqui si? (spoiler alert “…and lack of running water there.”
I think most people living under communism would want to live under capitalism, if only to have leftists recognize their plight. Because apparently starving kids in Venezuela are not a problem.
Not since Chavez fixed things. Shit, his daughter went from living in a household where there barely was anything to being worth over $4.4 billion!
Socialism at work, baby!
Venezuela was paradise on Earth until these damn Western imperialists flooded the market with cheap oil! Nevermind that there are several other countries that are completely dependent on oil and seem to be doing just as well as they ever have (if not better). Venezuela’s problems are all because of oil prices!
Maybe covered, but Maher’s apology and subsequent scolding was a disgusting site to see. Yeah, yeah, eating their own, but that degree of cowardice was nauseating. Ice Cube’s big argument? It ain’t cool, man. Maher sits there with his shoulders hunched like a bitch. Too much cuck, even for me.
+1 struggle session
Price/rebate PSA…
Marlin’s $100 rebate on 1895 big bore has prompted an odd reaction from two massive online retailers Bud’s and GAG: additional $120 price *drop*
Any glibs in Alaska?
I wish I were… But I do own an 1895 in .45-70. Great gun. Go buy one today.
If that sub-500 price is still around at the end of July, then I will. Was going to go 30-30 but the retailers tipped it.
Everyone should read PJ O’Rourke’s essay “Ship of Fools.”
Back before he turned into a doddering old Republican, Holidays in Hell and Parliament of Whores were excellent books, and had a beneficial influence on me.
Republican Party Reptile was the first book I read of his.
I agree about him getting old and doddering. Too bad.
Right through the pretty little panties, eh?
This reminds me of the punchline to an old, old joke:
“If I had known you were a virgin, I’d have taken more time.”
“If I had known we had more time, I’d have taken off my panty hose.”
It’s not our uncovered women that makes ISIS hate us. It’s not our promiscuity. Not our boozing. Not our unwillingness to pray toward a rock 7 times a day.
It’s this!
In before the link!
Not going to lie. That doesn’t look like it helps at all. I imagine you have to bend over and hunch over just checking to see the thing up.
How about the Hawaii Chair?
Interesting but my orphans put my handle my socks before the breakfast cooking and yardwork.
“Sock Remover”
Tulpa hardest hit
‘Fearless Girl’ Statue Gets the Burqa Treatment During the #MarchAgainstSharia
I’m sure the left got there titties in a twist about this racist AND sexist act.
“That’s so racist! You’re mocking the Islamic race- er, religion, I mean, uh, it’s a religion that’s sort of concentrated in one race, so it’s kind of like a race, so it’s racist that you’re appropriating their sexist garment that they use to cover up their women, and that makes you.. Um… A sexist, but it’s racist that you’re calling their sexist garment sexist! THERE!”
Your forgot QED.
Man, the right is so much better at this stuff than the left it isn’t even a contest.
Love it.
Guy tries to grab her cloth and steal it.
Hit him with a stick. Hippity, hoppity, don’t touch my property.
Was that a guy? Looked like some ugly cowardly woman to me. I am certain that dude sits down to pee…
why the left hates Trump
My favorite part is where he quite a leftist calling the Trump presidency a ‘rolling trauma’. These people thrive on victimhood, so this presidency is the best thing to happen to them ever.
Self-indulgent misery has become a lot of people’s favorite pasttime.
Self-indulgent misery
Oxymoron or fancy term for masochism?
I’ve always seen the left more as sadists, taking pleasure in causing suffering of other people.
It’s a two-way street. Since they lionize victimhood, feeling like you’re being victimized in some way is a source of sick pleasure.
If this was one of you lot, we can install a tipjar, dontchaknow
I don’t know if I like that. Then you might get dependent on people’s charity. Everyone might think they could use a top hat to pay for there website. What we need is a government program that will always provide funding for your website.
Culture clash
To some extent, cultural norms may explain the tensions.
Mary Gallagher, who directs the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan, said entrepreneurs like Mr. Cao often populate their factories with migrants from rural areas, whom they expect to be relatively submissive, unlike American workers, who expect a more collegial management style. “He hasn’t ever had probably this type of pressure from a work force,” she said.
Workers at the Fuyao plant say Chinese managers seem to elevate production goals above all else. When employees have trouble with equipment and ask to shut it down, said Nicholas Tannenbaum, a Fuyao worker who was fired in late May, “the Chinese look at us and say, ‘No need.’”
“They’re jumping on moving conveyors to fix it as the line is running,” he added.
Those damn Chinamen. They want results.
I seem to recall a time when Americans were go-getters.
Oh my GOD!!
The new thing is unlimited vacation time. I still can’t wrap my head around how that works in reality.
Well if a business offer that then they will work it out. Or cancel the policy. Most people will not take to much though.
Lemme tell you about that.
I have a niece, aged 26, she’s had about 8 jobs. She finally found that job that she loves, as a product specialist at Etsy, after ditching a number of those 8 jobs – often because she ‘wasn’t getting promotion or recognition’.
Insufferable for 3 months leading up to taking the job. Starts work, works 2 months and then decides to take advantage of the ‘unlimited vacation time’ policy and waltzes off to Japan with her new husbando to Japan (he’s a tech worker with the same ethos).
While she’s away, management at Etsy changes due (I think) to VC activism and the changing nature of the business. She comes home, finds she’s got a pink slip. Distraught (and in debt now too), she can’t understand why she’s being “picked on”.
“Buttercup, when management have to shed 10% of their staff, they’ll shed the least productive, won’t they? Yep. Figure it out. That’s why you’re being “picked on””.
But she is owed a living wage for being!
Let’s just say it’s interesting at family gatherings when Teenage Libertarian Student Daughter hangs out with this cousin, and another one that is possibly worse, in different ways.
Pretty much my experience with millenials. As long as she doesn’t have to fend for herself she won’t get it.
Well, the artificially-low rent she’s paying for her staying at grandmother’s house will expire sometime later in the year, so we can live in hope, but she’s totally in the “do what you love” bubble along with her cuck husband.
Result=less vacation time. My company is phasing that in. Sounds great in theory but you still have to get your assigned work done. Without defined and distinct vacation time, it’s a battle to get time off approved depending on your manager.
Oh, and since time off isn’t an accrued item anymore, no payout for unused time when quitting or retiring. That was the big reason for the change.
Ah, now I see why this exists. One less liability to worry about.
The policy sounds designed to freak everyone out with the concern of using “too much”. I don’t need that kind of additional drama at work.
Yeah, like the flair thing in Office Space. I’d rather know the exact rules
Well to be fair prosperity makes one less of a go getter
So much this… when you have too much and have time to start worrying about stupid shit like what gender you feel like today when you got out of bed past noon, somehow your ability to deal with real shit is all but gone…
“Mary Gallagher, who directs the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan, said entrepreneurs like Mr. Cao often populate their factories with migrants from rural areas, whom they expect to be relatively submissive, unlike American workers, who expect a more collegial management style.”
I’ve dealt with this from a number of different cultures, and it’s true that Americans think part of their job is to criticize management decisions and offer solutions.
It isn’t just Asians who can be taken aback by that, I’ve seen people from the UK scratch their heads at that, too. “Who do these Americans think they are?”
There’s something cultural too about . . . our whole outlook, that’s different from our cousins in the commonwealth. Canadians and Australians, for instance, will often criticize other people for their arrogance, but I can’t remember the last time I heard an American criticize someone for being “arrogant”. The behaviors those Australians and Canadians are criticizing when they use that word simply aren’t seen as negative by Americans.
Meanwhile, I’ve never heard Americans accuse each other of “Tall Poppy Syndrome” either, which an American might perceive as the act of calling someone else “arrogant”.
Americans hardly ever use the word “greedy” to describe other people either. Some people say there’s a kernel of truth lurking behind some stereotypes, and it does seem to be the case that other people perceive us as greedy and arrogant–but we hardly even see those characteristics as negative things. In our culture, what they’re criticizing as arrogance is what we perceive as confidence, and what they’re criticizing as greed is what we think of as ambition. Ambition is arrogant, too, by the way, because who are you to think you’re better than anyone else? Oh, and greed is pretty arrogant, what makes you think you deserve more than other people?
In Asian cultures, it’s really different. I’ve run into it professionally twice, where my job was to point out other people’s mistakes, and in doing my job well, I deeply offended some Asians. Being wrong was just the second to worst thing that could happen in their minds, with being shown to be wrong in public being the worst thing that could happen. It was like a face saving thing. I’ve had to actively encourage people to show me I’m wrong in public in the past to show them what I expect and how it needs to be for me to be effective. Your job is always to get me the right answer, not to make my answer right.
“?Being wrong was just the second to worst thing that could happen in their minds, with being shown to be wrong in public being the worst thing that could happen. ”
Absolutely so much this. The first thing i have to beat into all those Asian contractors working for me is that I will never look down on someone for saying they don’t know or understand something or that they made a mistake, but I will have them removed from my team in a flash if they lie to me and tell me they know what I asked for or what to do – when they obviously don’t – or they try to cover up when they make a mistake. Took the group seeing me go from a cordial easy going guy to a brutal ass that immediately had the first three people to not realize i meant what I said for this to sink in, and it created a completely different work dynamic after that. Now if I only could get people that really are as proficient as these vendor resumes say they are, things would be peachy-keen.
As an aside:
This is what the “progressives” fail to realize or accept: CULTURES ARE DIFFERENT. Cultures have different values and ethics. I think there’s a resistance to accepting this fact because they don’t see the difference between culture and race, or they think criticizing a culture is a little too close to criticizing a race.
You can’t replicate a culture’s results by just copying all of their laws (e.g. doing a ctrl+V with Sweden’s social welfare system will not turn the US into Sweden).
I think progressives are also loathe to recognize that America has a culture.
It’s almost like they think we’re a blank slate, and everyone else has a culture because they’re not like us.
We’re not even vanilla ice cream to them. We’re flavorless. It isn’t until you add something foreign (in their minds) that we have any culture at all.
Close. White Americans don’t have culture. The dumber ones also think that western European peoples have no culture either.
All cultures are equal too, except Western white European culture. That’s worse than any other culture.
I think this is true of almost everyone.
No one is conscious of their own ideology or their own ‘culture’ (*used in a v limited sense, and not the proggy one) until they confront other ones.
One big problem i see with some parts of the generation growing up on the internet is that they seem to think that the culture which they surround themselves with there should somehow translate to the real world.
e.g. “call out culture” – the idea that everyone should be constantly ‘correcting’ other people for perceived faults. the idea of minding one’s own business, letting well enough alone, live and let live, etc. seems foreign to some.
“No one is conscious of their own ideology or their own ‘culture’”
I don’t think the Irish, the Scottish, the British, the Spanish, the Italians, or the French are unaware of their own culture.
The British and French imagine their own cultures to be grand examples to which everyone else should aspire.
We Brits don’t have ‘Culture’ as such. It’s more ‘Civilization’.
The Japanese, too.
One of the things I’ve most enjoyed when visiting Japan, was the complete lack of cultural self-consciousness.
In the military, we bitch all the time. But the one thing the COs always want from the officers is a valid suggestion.
You see a problem? – give me two or three alternative options and we’ll see what we can do, otherwise, shut the hell up – especially in front of the junior enlisted.
I don’t think repairing conveyor belts while running is a good idea. I’m with the workers on that one.
Ok, so I understand May shit the bed and that she cost her “team” an outright that majority. But what I don’t get are the calls for Corbyn to become PM. It was in his party’s hands until 2010 (and it was a 14 year run for Labour!).
The Tories still have the most seats and the “right” definitely have a majority over the left. So people clamoring that some kind of Labour asskicking occured are still vastly overestimating their performance in the grand scheme of things.
This reminds me of the bullshit studies that show some dramatic spike in a particular crime. But when looked at closely, it usually ends up meaning that there was a doubling of a particular crime that was so exceedingly rare that any increase would show as significant.
Anyway, that’s my question/take. I just don’t get sensationalizing the performance of a “team” that is still way behind the other major “team” in terms of representation and a desire to place their leader in charge of a government that has routinely put them in a minority position when their ideas are presented.
I just hope Boris Johnson gets installed as the next Prime Minister. Then I want to see him go on Top Gear as PM and tell them they’re a bunch of cunts for dropping Clarkson.
But would anyone still be watching top gear by then?
I thought they changed the name to the Grand Tour?
Corbyn as PM is the same retarded mindset as “Impeach Trump and Hillary will become President” – simply the fever dreams of people who – arguably – are so ignorant of how their government works that there’s a case to be made for depriving them of the right to vote.
Now is a great time to explain my “Making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS”. One of the last things the UK needs at the moment is a Tory Party with a mandate to rule. The tories, now forced into an alliance with another party ought to make them think twice about all the policies they put into that suicide-note manifesto. And a good thing too. They remain in power for two reasons alone. The first is to deliver the most advantageous BREXIT that can be achieved. The second is to hold the line until a credible alternative party can be formed.
The second reason sounds weird, but my brother, a lifelong and committed trades-unionist in the UK, voted Tory. Because he didn’t want the British Labour Party as it stands at the moment, to gain power. Even he sees that a Corbynite government would scupper the party’s hope for ever gaining power. And this is a guy who reads Robert Tressel’s The Ragged-Trousered Philanthopist with the same reverence with which I read The Fatal Deceit.
“Corbyn as PM is the same retarded mindset as “Impeach Trump and Hillary will become President” – simply the fever dreams of people who – arguably – are so ignorant of how their government works that there’s a case to be made for depriving them of the right to vote.”
So are the Brits also uneducated on how their government works, and then on purpose, so the ruling class can be inept and inefficient without fear of consequences?
When I grew up, the school system in the UK had no provision in the mandatory curriculum for civics or British Constitution, so there was no formal mechanism for explaining the political system, so it was entirely my responsibility to gain a practical working knowledge of how governance occurred.
Whether this is a feature or a bug, I’ll leave it to the readers to decide.
The pundits just need something to crow about. Though, given the timing of the Manchester and London attacks, the Tories should have waltzed to another absolute majority. I guess the story is May’s monumental incompetence in blowing that. But the hullaballoo about Corbyn and Labour’s great comeback, fake news.
Still how stupid is it to not win outright against that guy…
Well, it’s also a parliamentary system – so you’re really only voting for your local rep. Technically the party will benefit on the whole, but locally, it’s less focused as I understand things.
It seems to me that they want to undo Brexit. They want to turn this into an impeachment proceeding for a Brexit supporting PM like the Democrats in the U.S. want to impeach Donald Trump.
They don’t want to believe the people of the UK actually voted for Brexit like Democrats don’t want to believe American voters voted for Trump.
Brexit will happen in some form or the other.
It’s whether they’re out on favorable or unfavorable terms. The EU want to punish the UK, and the issue is how bad the UK will be mauled as it retreats. May herself was a Remainer, and many were surprised she took the aggressive tack that she did with the EU, but of course, it’s quite possible that she told Brussels that she would be able to be more flexible after the election, which we’ve never, no, not never heard before from any politician.
The interesting question to me is why the Tories didn’t do better.
You’d think the terrorist attacks would have helped their cause. Wasn’t a lot of the support for Brexit driven by anxiety about immigration?
Was there any reason to think she shouldn’t have called the election?
She absolutely should have called the election. The problem was the suicidal manifesto. They would have won handily if they hadn’t published it.
From the horse’s own mouth. Which is fair enough. All good boilerplate-ish Tory cant, but with added derp, including:
The Internet as a Panopticon Exercise
Let’s kill foxes again!
Tamper with eligibility for State Pensions
Means-testing energy subsidies for the aged.
Scrap school lunches
To be fair, the manifesto was a mixed bag, but the optics of some of the proposals were awful, and the benefits of same were tiny. Literally, the Tories could have done better with a Manifesto that simply said “Trust us”.
Wait? School lunches? I thought Margaret Thatcher has taken all of the milk away?
That’s what I think would happen if enough state legislatures went Republican, and they called a constitutional convention to propose a balanced budget amendment.
The Republicans would almost certainly screw the pooch by introducing Amendments to ban gay marriage, ban abortion, etc. They just can’t help themselves.
Everybody wants to think that their successes are because everyone finally wants what they want. Yes, it’s all about fox hunting, of course! We always knew it was about fox hunting!
Why they would put that out BEFORE the election and not wait till afterwards – just kept the focus on terrorism and BREXIT – beggars belief.
There’s a reason why when people call the GOP the ‘Stupid Party’ I laugh my ass off and fall into “4 Yourkshirmen” mode.
Statehood for Puerto Rico may become a real issue. They’re holding a vote on statehood today.
They’ve voted for statehood in the past. Nothing came of it.
Right Puerto Rico is in the midst of a Greece style financial meltdown driven by overspending, which is why they’re so hot on statehood right now as a way to solve their budget problems. $78 billion in debt with no relief in sight.
Meanwhile, if Puerto Rico did become a state, it would add more Democrats to the House, Senate, and electoral college. The Republicans in congress won’t go for that–which is exactly why the Democrats might push for it.
They’d claim that the Trump led Republicans are discriminating against Puerto Rico because Puerto Rico is Spanish speaking and the Republicans are a bunch of racists.
I don’t see any reason why the Democrats wouldn’t make statehood for Puerto Rico a wedge issue, except, you know, they’re often not smart enough to understand their own best interests–much less the country’s. Maybe the Democrats will just double down on hating the white, blue collar, middle class voters they need to win instead.
Similar to DC statehood re: the politics of it. I’m surprised it wasn’t much of a thing under Obama.
As one who lived there, I can assure you PR will never become a state. They are their own nation, their own culture and their own people. They are no more American than the Dominicans that inhabit the neighboring island.
Even my PR friends don’t know about this vote. It’s not a priority at all among regular people.
The Republicans could fire back that this was just a scheme to take money from the rest of the country and give it to one poorly managed state.
Of course the stupid party will instead focus on how they are not racists, this falling for Lucy’s football once again.
They could also fire back that there are no immigration barriers stopping Puerto Ricans from coming to America. They’re already U.S. citizens.
They are way ahead of you I think the stupid party has vague support for Puerto Rico statehood in their platform. The thinking seems to be if it will happen eventually we should be the ones to do it and not look like racists.
Let’s make it like those European soccer leagues. We promote PR to statehood and demote CA to a colony.
If they figure out a way to pay more in taxes than they take in in benefits, they stay. Otherwise we someone else a shot
Some what related. Stumbled upon this gem a while back:
Good thing Venezuela is part of it. There’s an expert on how a country should be ran.
I don’t know what’s best for PR but it’s hard to claim with a straight face that most of the countries the UN has hustled into independence over the years are any better off for it.
They have repeatedly failed because the danegeld to join the union has not been enough of a trade-off.
Bitches be crazy: Part 2.
“This was an aggressive, almost violent sex act perpetrated on a potato directly at me.”
Ha ha, ewwwww!
Cause nothing says hot sex like some skank sucking on fries…
Pretty tame stuff. I had a girl blow me in college when I was passed out. I heard about it the next day from people who walked in on it.
Are you sure it was a “girl”?
So what you’re saying is that you raped her?
Former Gov. Jesse Ventura has a new gig — on Russian television
He’ll host a show on the Kremlin-sponsored U.S. cable network.
The article refers to RT as Russian state television. Is that the case or is there just a funding stream that leads to various Putin stooges?
I believe it is funded by the state. Though if it’s in a PBS like fashion I don’t know.
It’s probably like the BBC, govt funded and “independent” but with a bias which coincidentally goes toward the establishment.
Plus the BBC can’t inject you with polonium if you criticize the government on air.
At least I don’t think they can.
I haven’t read the BBC’s charter for some time, but I don’t remember polonium being included in the list of authorized materials. They’re kinda old-school when it comes to wet work.
Here’s a fascinating tale about corporate governance.
These tawdry events have disturbed at least one of United’s institutional shareholders: the City of Tamarac, Fla., Firefighters Pension Trust Fund. In a litigation demand, it requested that the company’s board claw back the severance pay given to the executives who took part in the bribery scandal. By doing so, United’s board would correct its breach of fiduciary duty and prevent “the unjust enrichment” of company executives.
Seems fair enough. But United’s board has refused. Its justification for not recouping the pay is, well, pretty rich.
In a letter to the pension fund, a lawyer for United explained that it would harm the company to give the board “unfettered discretion to recoup compensation” in cases involving wrongdoing. “Where such discretion is out of step with industry norms,” the letter said, it would “make it difficult for United to recruit and retain top talent, particularly at the senior management level.”
It’s pretty bad when a union sues you for self-dealing and mismanagement.
“If we refused to pay executive bonuses merely because of a little gross mismanagement and outright bribery, what sort of people could we hope to attract?”
If only it was the police pension fund that sued them, then it would be a fine case of the pot calling the kettle black.
On a more serious note, what is it exactly that drove the creation of this culture? Is it really just so simple as, like the cops, they’ve gotten so spoiled and protected that they don’t know how out of touch they are?
Holy shit
To settle claims from the Gulf oil spill, BP was required to spend billions on coastal restoration projects that were not directly related to spill damage. Volkswagen is financing electric vehicle charging stations under its settlement of the diesel emissions cheating scandal. Duke Energy paid for soil restoration on federal land as part of its compensation for air pollution violations at some of its power plants in North Carolina.
That longstanding practice is now under attack on two fronts, potentially jeopardizing a source of financing for initiatives across the country that supporters say have paid great environmental and social dividends. Critics say the practice effectively creates “slush funds” for favored organizations or causes.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in a memo issued this week, directed the Justice Department to no longer include funding for projects managed by outside groups in settlements with corporate wrongdoers. The settlement money will instead go exclusively to the federal Treasury or to victims of the company’s actions, Mr. Sessions said.
Continue reading the main story
“It has come to my attention that certain previous settlement agreements involving the department included payments to various nongovernmental, third-party organizations as a condition of settlement with the United States,” Mr. Sessions said. “These third-party organizations were neither victims nor parties to the lawsuits. The department will no longer engage in this practice.”
And Trump sneaks another one right over the plate. What a monster.
It’s almost as if the government under Lightbringer became one big protection racket! For the children.
^^^this. This is what drove me crazy about the Obama administration. I’m young so maybe it’s always been this blatant (and I realize there has always be corruption). But the blatant corruption and the attitude of “fuck you, I have the power, what are you going to do to stop me” drive me nuts.
On a side note, this just illustrates the hypocrisy of the left. If this money went to “Kkkorporashuns” they would be rightly in arms over this. But since it goes to their pet issues, they justify it.
I don’t know how young you are, but I came of age politically under the Bush 43 administration, watching the Daily Show and Colbert Report and generally agreeing with the perspective of those shows. One of the most striking things for me, from 2008 onward, was how much the tone shifted and how actively all of the Obama administration’s was not just ignored but even denied. We went from a well meaning but inept administration to a blatantly self-serving and corrupt administration and this was treated as a good thing. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t get starstruck by a Chicago nobody just because of the color of his skin.
…all of the Obama administration’s similar and worse behavior…
I’m fairly young. I graduated HS in the first year of the reign of Obama. So I remember Bush and not thinking it was so corrupt. But I was very conservative then (during Bush) too.
I suspect they don’t really see it as corruption, since the money is going to the right people…
Heh, tell that to the folks screaming about impeachment from Mar a Lago/emoluments clause/two scoops of ice cream.
Ha! Goodbye NGO slush fund. Sessions sucks but he got this one right.
Honestly, I am liking Trump more as time goes on. I know some people who voted for him to give the finger to the political establishment and they definitely think they are getting their money’s worth in entertainment.
Dude, quit making me have nice thoughts about Sessions. It’s just not right.
Legally I wonder what the precedent is for giving settlement money to a non-party. That strikes me as unethical at the least, possibly criminal were it to be a civil case. I guess it is different because it is an agency action?
Yes I clicked on the obvious click-bait.
So 37 seconds is also the optimum time for your species?
I have a niece, aged 26, she’s had about 8 jobs. She finally found that job that she loves, as a product specialist at Etsy, after ditching a number of those 8 jobs – often because she ‘wasn’t getting promotion or recognition’.
Insufferable for 3 months leading up to taking the job. Starts work, works 2 months and then decides to take advantage of the ‘unlimited vacation time’ policy and waltzes off to Japan with her new husbando to Japan (he’s a tech worker with the same ethos).
A 1 month vacation after working 2 months? Nice work if you can get it (and keep it).
It won’t take them too long to find out unlimited really means limited.
that’s insane and i don’t know how anyone could possibly conceive of that being tolerable in a new hire.
the corporate jobs I’ve had maintained a 6 month probationary period where they basically reserved the right to shitcan you on a moment’s notice. the first place i worked in my 20s (where i stayed for many years) was a british company where “Vacation”, even if you had it, was something you weren’t really supposed to use until the boss said it was OK. I don’t think i took any proper ‘vacation’ for the first 3 years or so, instead just accumulated a handful of monday/friday long-weekends and called it good. (one of those already being an official holiday)
Ah, PS. Husbando lost/left his job at a ‘startup gig’ in between booking the vacation and the vacation. Either way, you’d think it would make them think about maybe not doing it.
In fairness, they *saw* it as a kind of deferred honeymoon, but really. A month in Japan?
When he came back, *HE* got a job at a quite well-know ‘feminist’ website (similar to Everyday Feminism).
How do these people keep getting jobs? Screw them. (I’m just bitter, because I’m trying to get back into the job market).
They find other like-minded people and network with them. The fact that all of them are only holding down a job for 3 months doesn’t matter. They join a firm, who love, love, loves them. The new employee introduces a friend to the HR person on Friday while they’re playing air hockey in the ‘play room’ over a fine (and ‘free’) non-GMO hopped session IPA, who also gets recruited.
Meanwhile, another guy who’s a ‘bud’ leaves to join a fantastic new startup that has identified a niche market in nasally-installed, bluetooth-enabled fire, and the the whole process continues.
It’s like a vast, retarded game of musical chairs.
Party like it’s 1999.
this might be a libertarian trick-question = Yes or no?
Answer (in my opinion): hell no.
The very existence of “protected classes” is anti-libertarian. Doesn’t matter if it’s one of our hobby horses getting the favorable treatment, gotta stick to my principles.
Yeah. It sounds like the menenist movement. The problem isn’t necessarily the unequal special treatment. It’s the special treatment itself.
The best way to get the left to realize these laws are bullshit is to make them distasteful to them too so I have to say yes.
An interesting take. It’s kinda the, “let it burn to the ground” mentality.
It’s the same as all of the of libertarians that look at states and municipalities “legalizing” or turning a blind eye to certain drug crimes and laws. And especially when the Feds unequally apply drug laws based on what a particular state is doing.
Why they think it’s a good idea to establish a policy of selective prosecution is beyond me. And it’s why I am a strong proponent of enforcing every law on the books vigorously and equally regardless of location. It is the only way bad laws will get overturned and equal protection will exist.
As recently as a few months back, a Texan was subject to federal prosecution for pot possession in ways that someone from a Colorado wasn’t. Tell me how that squares with the equal protection clause.
I can’t even articulate how ‘interesting’ the discussion here with younger people wanting to get a Carry Permit in Connecticut. I usually attempt to make sure there are no witnesses and I explain the absurdity of registering for medical MJ when you’re hoping to pass a 4473.
I see your point, but I think the equal protection clause was/is shredded by many things. Income tax being another one. Why do I have to pay, but a single mother gets a nice check from Uncle Sam? I didn’t knock her up. Also selective enforcement of laws depending on ones status in the political realm. Hillary didn’t intend to break the law ya know.
I look at it as the Federal government has no constitutional right to be enforcing any drug laws. I would hope if enough states legalize whatever, it might force legal action by the states if the Feds ramp up prosecution and challenge their legal authority in that area in the first place. I have no idea how that would go, and or if it would happen but I am all for a states rights showdown.
Maybe they figured if the law is plainly unconstitutional, it doesn’t have to square with any other parts of the Constitution either?
Does that realization ever happen? The dumb ones will just call you names and share braindead memes, the smart ones will use it as justification to shoehorn more of their own hobbyhorses in there. I’ve never seen a leftist say, “you know what, you’re right, we should scale back the whole endeavor”.
they will say, “one for you, two for me” – not recognize that there’s anything wrong with the ‘special classes’ system.
It might be a natural right, but it’s treated as a privilege. Even in the US. It just happens to be easier to exercise that privilege than in most other countries because it was mentioned in the Constitution as a right.
Also, the whole “constitutionally protected” thing is iffy. It implies the Constitution grants a right, when all it does is affirm that the Constitution does not grant the power to infringe on a natural right. Remove any Amendment in the Bill of Rights, and you still have a natural right to the thing it mentions. You would need to ratify an Amendment that gives Congress the power to infringe on a natural right to make it constitutional (see 18th Amendment.)
Presumably employees are allowed to quit if their boss doesn’t like them carrying guns, right?
Jews have been dealing with employers who couldn’t accept them not working on Saturdays for thousands of years. Avoid working for employers who won’t, don’t, or can’t respect your rights.
There’s really nothing about being on the employer side of the equation that makes things different from being an employee.
You can fire your boss and hire a whole new company to replace him or her for whatever reason you want. I’ve done it several times.
Why shouldn’t your employer have the same freedom?
“Progressives” have a hard time seeing employers as anything other than cutthroat, cash-hoarding profiteers who are living high on the broken backs of the working classes. They think employers are supposed to “take care of” their employees rather than just give them a contractually agreed-upon amount of money with which they go buy whatever they need.
They don’t understand that employment is just an economic transaction: the worker is selling his labor for cash, the same as the grocery store is selling the worker food for cash. Are customers obliged to “take care of” the grocery store? No. They have no obligations to the grocery store other than to pay them the required amount for the products that they’re carrying out of the store. The customer can “fire” the grocery store any time he wants if the products or service are bad.
It’s the same way with employment, but “progressives” think that employers are lording over workers with an iron fist. I guess they’ve never heard of the extensive efforts that employers will go through in order to attract workers, especially skilled ones.
If you’re going to have protected classes, then gun owners absolutely should be one. Specifically enumerated right, etc, etc…
But there shouldn’t be protected classes. So there.
Besides, I think that if gun owners are facing discrimination in PA, it’s probably more for being socially maladroit dirtbags than for owning guns…
Doesn’t sound like the average visitor is confused at all.
Also, that’s pretty much what all visitors who go to sunny oceanside destinations like to do, not just Americans. Hell, I don’t like sitting out in the sun and I have a visceral dislike of sand. Even I ended up spending quite a lot of time there in Puerto Vallarta. Quite a lot of other nationalities there too.
The visitors are confused that you are allowed to vacation in Cuba, you just can’t say that’s what you are doing
Moar click-bait but with a fun Venn Diagram!
When looking at the top 5 most viewed types, two categories showed up on both straight men and women’s must-watch list: oral sex and threesomes.
I can’t make heads or tails of that.
The whole thing is a blow to me.
I’m sure many people, especially women, find that list hard to swallow.
That was a stretch.
their “female-preferred porn” list is hilarious.
“soft-core…. and gang bangs”
I can hear a voice now = “….but they’re *ROMANTIC* gang bangs, you pig!!”
I thought i heard somewhere that women were also v/ big on BDSM. but perhaps of the /whippedass variety (lesbian femdom). big on psych play.
My personal experience has been that way too many females actually do have both rape and gang bang fantasies. Some people might feel it is hot to have a chick start calling you pussy and asking you to actually punch her with a closed fist, but I hopped of that redhead and immediately exited that room when that happened. Slapping some ass can be interesting, but there is a line there that when crossed just reeks of problems.
but there is a line there that when crossed just reeks of problems.
Like assault charges?
Yeah, rape fantasies (and they are super popular) are only something that you can do with someone you know and trust.
The logistics are non-trivial, too.
Redhead, makes sense.
Nah. BDSM’s of no interest to women at all. Especially when the guy involved is a billionaire dot-com hunk genius with a problematic childhood.
Nauseous, queasy, concerned, uneasy, stunned, shocked, troubled, confused.
What are adjectives my sex partners have used to describe my technique? I’ll take Poetry for $100.
Are you the guy that when asked “Who are you going to satisfy with that thing?” replied loudly “ME!”
Interesting- Karl “Turdblossom” Rove just said (on FOX) the British vote was an attempt by young urbanite EU-loving voters to punish the old geezers who voted for Brexit.
Anyone with a lick of sense knows it was a reaction to the conservatives running a terrible, shitty campaign. Rove’s a goddamned idiot.
Rove is the one who predicted that Mitt Romney would beat Obama in a landslide.
Meanwhile, another guy who’s a ‘bud’ leaves to join a fantastic new startup that has identified a niche market in nasally-installed, bluetooth-enabled fire, and the the whole process continues.
It’s like a vast, retarded game of musical chairs
I cannot wait until the music stops.
The patriarchy strikes again!
“When it comes to dioecious plants, cities tend to prefer planting males to females because females drop fruit or seeds that the city then needs to clean up. The most notorious female offenders are gingko trees, whose undesirable smelly fruit plague residents with “strong notes of unwashed feet and Diaper Genie, with noticeable hints of spoiled butter.”
Paging Sugarfree, somebody is trying to steal your schtick.
An Idaho cosmetologist is banned from practicing her profession in Idaho. A bill approved by the legislature would have allowed her to do business, but the governor vetoed the bill.
Then the governor’s wife called the cosmetologist to ask for her services.
But see if we do away with licensing requirements it will be legal for Cosmetologist to murder their customers.
Hey- Preet’s on ABC. “To this day, I have no idea why I was fired.”
You don’t have to have an idea. You serve at the pleasure of the president.
Funny, I don’t recall all of the people Obama fired right away going on the Sunday shows and grandstanding like this fuckhole.
He should be chucked headfirst in a woodchipper. (Metaphorically)
You’re feeling magnanimous today I see.
If they had, the press would have thrown *them* into the metaphorical woodchipper for displeasuring the Lightbringer.
Nobody asked them. Since Obama knew what he was doing (unlike Trump), they were fired being incompetent and incompetent people don’t get asked to go on the Sunday shows (unless they embarrass the right people).
Sweet Odin, the writing skills on display in the second article are abysmal. That copy should get a failing grade in a high school news paper, not published for money.
Beats Teen Vogue. imo.
Although this stood out for me =
smdh. and you can’t even make proper pizza.
If wonder if they get to take it back when he goes to jail for the shooting caught on video.
Why do people say something is free if it doesn’t have a price sticker?
Because people are shit.
Whenever “progressives” talk about Europe and their fabled wellspring of healthcare, I always dispute the word “free”. They insist that it IS free, although I can usually get them to admit that they pay for it in taxes. I ask them if Internet is free because you just make regularly scheduled payments instead of having a little box next to your computer where you have to insert coins as you use it.
When 60%+ of your paycheck is missing, and you’re overpaying for groceries, it doesn’t feel free..
Why do people say something is free if it doesn’t have a price sticker?
That’s a joke, son.
Dammit, Brooks is right. Doom must be at the hardware store.
…and lack of running water there.
Pshaw. Cuba has free health care! Who needs water when you have free health care?
You don’t drink running water in Mexico either.
They have guys in Mexico who go through the streets on a cart with a donkey selling bottled water like he’s the ice cream man.
Point is that bottled water isn’t a luxury item south of the border or in Latin America. Bottled water is probably how most of the poor people in the world get their potable water. That they were able to successfully sell the stuff as a luxury item in the United States is because we can drink water out of the faucet here.
Running water goes through an expensive filtration system you put on the top of your house. Even then, you don’t drink it. It’s safe to shower in, but I wouldn’t use it to brush my teeth.
I hate the healthcare-is-healthcare trope. These people are so dumb they can’t tell the difference between an MRI and trepanning?
I always ask these idiots if they would prefer to go to a hospital in Havana or Miami.