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Sorry got to get to work so haven’t read the latest adventures of our nazi president. But I wanted to hear your thoughts on this guy:
He is a hardcore libertarian at the University of Las Vegas. I can’t believe he gets away with what he says/writes. I’m thinking of writing to him for tips on my own career in academia.
Thank you for that link.
This one had me laughing, clapping, and saying out loud; “Yes, exactly”
A member of the human race who is completely incapable of understanding the higher productivity of labor performed under a division of labor based on private property is not properly speaking a person… but falls instead into the same moral category as an animal – of either the harmless sort (to be domesticated and employed as a producer or consumer good, or to be enjoyed as a “free good”) or the wild and dangerous one (to be fought as a pest). On the other hand, there are members of the human species who are capable of understanding the [value of the division of labor] but…who knowingly act wrongly… [B]esides having to be tamed or even physically defeated [they] must also be punished… to make them understand the nature of their wrongdoings and hopefully teach them a lesson for the future.
In one of his lectures Hoppe cited the work of a Nazi anthropologist to justify some of his prescriptions for libertarian society.
I’ve learned a great deal from him, and think he is mandatory reading for anyone grappling with libertarian ethics or political philosophy. Never the less, the guy has a massive totalitarian side towards people he views as aliens, and I consider him a fellow traveler rather than a true libertarian.
Sounds interesting. I’m not sure libertarians necessarily need another misanthropic anarchocapitalist intellectual-crank, tho.
I’d probably gladly trade people like him for 100 more Rand Pauls, who are maybe only 1/3rd libertarian, but can actually, you know, “do stuff”, sort of.
Thank god H–n isn’t here to shit all over this subthread.
That was supposed to be H-dash-dash-n.
You mean The One True Libertarian?
The One Who Shall Not Be Named
The one weird thing about H3 is the support he gets from the alt-right. I’ve not read much of his stuff, so I don’t get it, and I’m not going to dismiss him because people I don’t like read him, I’d just want to know what it’s about.
Basically, Hoppe believes that liberty only works in cultures that promote certain ends, namely respect for private property, respect for contracts or commitments, and people having a low time preference (i.e. being willing to forego consumption today for consumption in the future). So far so good.
Then he points out that gays have higher time preferences because they are childless and ergo, weaken libertarian society. Aliens from cultures where these ideas are not respected are a threat to liberty. White europeans, having built modern civilization are superior to the cultures they colonize because they broadly promote all these good things etc. He has written approvingly of communities voluntarily agreeing to never sell to a black person – and enforcing these contracts in perpetuity.
Naturally, the alt-righters approve – because he is signing their tune. Hoppe is, however, pretty quiet as to the totalitarian society needed to force people to do the right things that he says society must force them to do.
Well, that and the fact he once used the term “Negroid intelligence” unironically.
Hoppe and Change 2020
Work on Sunday?
Get real.
You don’t even work on Sunday?
I pray on Sunday…for a good week.
I unfortunately work 6-7 days a week at two jobs and I take care of my grandmother. Not a lot of free time nowadays. But its better than working zero jobs.
One of H3’s better publicized views is that monarchies can be better for freedom, because if as a leader, you fuck up the neighborhood, your successor ends up inheriting the mess. A sufficiently brutal monarch is bequeathing (bequeefing?) his children and grandchildren to a dangerous future.
Uh oh….this is the second time Becky has wandered off!
Yeah. Could you check the submission form, because that panel was changed to have it make a bit more sense.
My bad, BP. Should be proper now.
TY, Riven. You’re wonderful, but you already know that.
You flatterer 😉
Wait, so she’s not supposed to be hypnotized by the image of Ariana Grande, and then turned into some lesbian zombie? Because it felt like there was a whole new dimension of Becky being opened up here. And no, i’m not just making a pun on the fact that she turned 30 degrees to her right and we were finally able to see her in profile.
I thought CAASNP was getting more avante-garde.
we were finally able to see her in profile.
We’ve seen it before, the last time she left under strange circumstances and then BP brought here right back as if she never left, sure he came up with some BS excuse about her being upset with technical problems but we all know its just a ruse. Their is no continuity, “continuing” my ass! If it weren’t for Fleshy Knees Fridays I’d have canceled my subscription years ago.
She got pissed off before, after technical difficulties, as you fucking acknowledge.
Fuck, didn’t mean to hit submit.
Gilmore – She might have been, but considering she’s in a media environment, I think it’s much more likely she would be triggered by a pointless hour long “discussion” with a sexy young girl about nothing in particular even if she was/is “flexible” in her tastes. Also, thanks for making me explain my jokes, as that makes them so much funnier for everyone.
Also, since you want to be a dick, fuck the CC Riders.
I wasn’t suggesting anything even the slightest bit critical. i was actually saying i enjoyed it exactly the way it was (albeit cryptic).
apologies if you took that the wrong way. I enjoy these tremendously.
since you want to be a dick
I Believe that was a reference to me. And for the record it’s not that I want to be a dick, I simple have no choice.
Of course if Gilmore was the dick then yeah, hey Gilly – quit being a dick, man.
Hyperbole, no, I was being a dick to Gilly. I also understand the need to be a dick to people, if that helps/
I half-expected Becky to mutter something about being in her bunk, frankly.
Gilmore, my comment was also was meant humorously – sometimes it’s hard to do “asshole humor” online. Otherwise I would have said something actually insulting rather than a joke on your avatar.
Too late!! Jaco left the band
It’s okay homes, even w/o the chicken, it’s Birdland.
Becky is a slave to secret nazi president’s pheromones.
He’s grabbed us all by the pussy.
Or rather, the one right before it
Sorry about that. I’m on it
She’s coming to visit me.
Becky is a slave to secret nazi president’s pheromones.
I got the impression she was fantasizing about having her pussy grabbed by Ariana.
Go on…
…incapable of articulating the reality of existence as we understand it.
Agreed. *applause*
Right up there with Adam Savage (Mythbusters), innit?
Thx, I hadn’t heard that, but yeah, that’s it exactly.
Yep, spot on that is.
Gimme Party candidate runs for office.
Congressman Jared Polis plans to join the crowded race for governor this week, and in doing so, the Boulder Democrat will advocate a vision for Colorado that tests how far to the left the state has shifted politically in the last decade.
In an interview with The Denver Post, the fifth-term lawmaker said his platform will focus on three initiatives: getting Colorado to use 100 percent renewable energy by 2040, ensuring parents can access free, full-day preschool or kindergarten for children age 3 and older, and encouraging companies in the state to provide stock options to employees.
“This is a campaign of big, bold ideas, and I’m trying to make them happen,” Polis said. “We want a Colorado that works for everybody.”
Isn’t this guy one of the liberaltarian darlings of the Before Place?
2040? Unless he is talking about building nukes, they will freeze to death in the dark.
You say that as if it’s a bad thing.
They let him write an article there about how we should vote Democrat if we are true libertarians. You were rather critical:
I don’t know, just based on the first paragraph I feel like that’s a kind, measured response.
Yep, sounds like the right response to me too.
Fifth term?
These politicians generally have bad ideas when they start, but by 5th terms they are way out of touch with reality. It’s a damn shame we’ll never see term limits imposed on these jokers.
California has term limits – convince me that has made things better there.
Term limits mean new politicians every few years being shown the ropes by long-time, entrenched lobbyists.
When the drug warriors were doing their thing and it wasn’t considered passe, Polis had his place with me. Now that pot is basically a resolved question in his state, he can go take a hike now. That’s the thing about radical leftists: on a couple of niche things you can nod your head and think, oh, he actually has some intellect (like Sen. Wyden), and then they go back to herp derping shortly after.
he appeared on Kennedy w/ Welch not so long ago. (*Polis phoned it in via remote camera)
but yes, they’ve occasionally said nice things about him, because he ticks off the correct ‘weed+ass-sex’ boxes.
he has previously won many awards from me for, “Most absurdly dressed person in politics”. He comes from that school of politics where ‘being seen’ is the most important criteria, because none of your constituents are smart enough to think about the actual policies you recommend. I doubt he will be able to take that statewide, tho i don’t really know how goofy Colorado can be.
Dudes from Boulder. What do you expect?
I only know it by reputation. (mall crawl, ski bums, safety school)
I heard him interviewed on CPR this morning. He was saying renewable energy state wide is easy to do because Aspen is 100% renewable, which is utter bullshit. I am pretty sure there are transmission lines running into Aspen that are hooked to non renewable power sources. There are not two separate power grids as far as I know. Accounting sheet number switching isn’t renewable energy.
Musing on how well social signalling works on an empty grid.
Good luck getting any of that bullshit past TABOR. Marijuana taxes can’t fund everything.
Fruits of “Always believe a rape victim”
I don’t know any of the parties described, but being involved in some of those same activities and aware of how infested the online kink community has become with SocJus vermin the story is both amusing and frightening. Looks like the Ms. Chaney is learning the hard way that you can’t withdraw consent retroactively without consequence quite yet. Couple it with the story about College Men Suing Colleges For Sex Assault Star Chambers and perhaps this is a good sign that we can stop some of this bullshit in its tracks.
Well. I SF’d the links in that one.
Fruits of Always believe a rape victim
Men Sue college for sex assault star chambers
Jared Polis can eat shit.
That’s the guy.
Okay- this is a comment from the Bozeman paper. I won’t bother with context. Why bother?
The sooner humans get grip on its over population crisis including here in the US where we have approx. 325 million citizens on a land mass that can sustain around 175 million to 200 million, the sooner we solve a while myriad of problems! The Republican model that we can always grow our way out of deficits and so the rich should get tax cut after tax cut is reckless and a proven failure. Even ground central growing our way out and for supply side economics is realizing Friedman and others have been proven totally wrong….U. Chicago itself is now admitting supply side is wrong and it is causing a lot of problems in the US to the point of destroying our Democracy. That’s right….U Chicago is no longer pedaling the lies of supply side.
Bozeman – wake up.
It works as a standalone “indictment” of growth, change, capitalism, progress, private ownership, and every other form of KochBros deviltry which currently afflicts this once great nation.
The thing they should just admit is that in order to achieve their objective the sterilization of the third world is required.
That’s the one mask that the far left will politely decline to remove, thank you very much.
America is 179th in the world in population density, and yet its 3rd largest producer of food and most efficient. We export almost $60 billion more in food every year than the nearest exporter.
Perhaps I’m focusing on the wrong metric with food that this moron would use, but it seems to me that America can more than reliably support its population on its current landmass.
Friedman and others have been proven totally wrong….U. Chicago itself is now admitting supply side is wrong
[citation needed]
When people have to say this you know they are full of chit
I don’t know if there’s been a confession but it seems few of the UC economics faculty are Freidmanites. It’s where the two Freakonomics guys make their home.
My thoughts exactly. If we’re presently 50% over our sustainable population, of expect to be seeing more roving bands of post-apocolyptic savages…
That was painful reading.
I know you said, ‘no context’… but seriously, what are you quoting from?
I’m okay with him leading the way to reducing the surplus population. We can even promise to erect a monument to him (or her).
Poor Bozeman. It used to be such a nice town.
actual MSLSD report:”Kekistan: A Rising Internet Threat”
The dipshit newslady says snowflake is code for a black person and SJW is code for “stingy Jew”.
Damn! It’s a parody. Oh well, still funny.
New USMC recruiting ad by Agile Cyborg and MC Escher
Not bad. Might be the same art team as the Halo 3 vid.
I don’t see the brave women of the USMC in those dioramas.
Fun fact: In Atlantic City, it was illegal for a man to appear topless on the beach until 1944. The law was repealed after Bob Hope turned up to protest it.
Future Dad Seeks Help Because Wife Wants to Raise Gay, Genderless Children
We are planning to have our first child in about a year. My wife is very much into raising them genderless (or “post-gender” style) while my take on it is that we should raise them in a non-stereotypical manner, keeping an open mind for all there is. I even have problems defining how raising a child “genderless” should look.
However, my wife has many homosexual friends (men and women alike) and really wants at least one of our kids to also be homosexual, which is the real issue.
We live in a modern city and I really don’t have any problems with our kids becoming homosexual, but not on purpose! I mean, if we somehow force it, it could go horribly wrong (effects on psyche etc.).
The first word that came to mind was divorce. If my wife ever say some shit like that to me, I would go down to city hall with the quickness and file for divorce. I would be incredibly depressed but I would rather be down and sad for a while than to be married to someone like that lady.
Parenting Beta somehow seems appropriate.
We are planning to have our first child in about a year
Get out while you can. She’s nuts.
Local rag had letter expressing skepticism that building more housing in Santa Cruz would lower prices. According to him, the real cause are rich IT workers using their dirty San Jose money to drive up rents. The solution? More bike lanes and buses, of course.
*head desk*
These are the same types who rag on those rural and blue-collar wrongthinkers for blaming all of their problems on illegals. Of course, even those folks are more reasonable than these progs, the illegals are at least not supposed to be here to begin with.
What earth would look like if all the ice melted
If we keep burning fossil fuels indefinitely, global warming will eventually melt all the ice at the poles and on mountaintops, raising sea level by 216 feet. Explore what the world’s new coastlines would look like.
Objection, assuming facts not in evidence. For shame, NatGeo.
There are more than five million cubic miles of ice on Earth, and some scientists say it would take more than 5,000 years to melt it all.
This should be the end of any discussion regarding the threat of rising sea levels. Wiki sez the sea level rose by 6 cm during the 19th century and 19 cm in the 20th century.
The sea level is expected to rise between 18 and 59 cm during the next 100 years.
Bring it on. I might inherit some beachfront property in New Hampshire.
Princeton frowned upon minority applicants who weren’t stereotypical enough, docs show
Not only did admissions officers refer to Asian-American applicants as all looking the same on paper and having no distinguishing activities, but they seemingly penalized students of other ethnic backgrounds for not acting ethnic enough:
Of a Hispanic applicant, an admissions officer wrote, “Tough to see putting her ahead of others. No cultural flavor in app.” Of a black student, another said, “Very few African Americans with verbal scores like this.” …
“Were there a touch more cultural flavor I’d be more enthusiastic,” one officer wrote of a native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander. …
“Nice essays, sweet personality,” one admissions officer said of a multiracial applicant. “Bi-racial but not [National Hispanic Recognition Program] and no recognition of her [background] in app by anyone.”
That’s hilarious & should be national news but somehow I think it won’t be.
I like the idea of some administrators @ princeton sitting around going, “I dunno, does she seem ‘street’ enough to you? does she mention ever being pregnant? …. oooh! look at this one! His admissions essay is just a graffiti tag!”
So the rnc chair said investigation of russia should end
Some lefty radio person took this to mean it is clear that getting close to trump and collusion
Despite you know him not being under investigation up until at least may 9, the gang of 8 knowing, senators since saying no evidence of collusion
If there was evidence it just now came in the last month?
file under: Nelson laugh
House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi has seen the light and decided that former president George W. Bush, Sen. John McCain and Mitt Romney are actually extremely awesome and deserve our unrepentant worship.
In an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” the California Democrat recounted her first interaction with Donald Trump as president. After Trump allegedly opened the meeting by proclaiming that he had “won the popular vote,” Pelosi lamented about how she wished a more traditional Republican like the former president, McCain, or Romney were in the White House.
Pelosi proceeded to mock Trump supporters by saying they’d support “any mammal” that wasn’t Hillary Clinton. Of course, given the fact that Trump was the only candidate who exhibited human qualities in the last election, it’s hard to blame anyone for choosing him over an unverified lizard person or robot.
She means some rube who might fall for her team’s BS, who would “reach across the aisle” and “be open to conversation”.
Pelosi proceeded to mock Trump supporters by saying they’d support “any mammal” that wasn’t Hillary Clinton.
Well, she is not entirely wrong there. Many people felt/feel that way.
However, my wife has many homosexual friends (men and women alike) and really wants at least one of our kids to also be homosexual, which is the real issue.
[insert Holy Grail “RUN AWAY!” clip]
I had the AbFab theme running through my head.
Man lures ants to traps with promise of ‘sexy ant dancers’
June 9 (UPI) — A New York man who found his kitchen ant traps ineffective is instead catching laughs online thanks to some signs he made to entice the insects.
I for one, welcome our new insect sex objects.
Tobin said in a follow-up tweet that one apparently literate ant was drawn in by the promise of “sexy ant dancers.”
“OK, we have a customer,” he wrote.
This one for example.
but seriously, what are you quoting from?
That was a comment on a Bozeman Daily Chronicle article about, if I recall correctly, the city’s proposed budget. The context would be, “Oh, no! Infrastructure associated with growth costs money.”
*The author of the article used “The price we pay for civilization” in the article. Uncritically. Non-ironically.
it is indeed a little weird that someone who lives in one of the least-populated states in the country would be complaining about planetary overpopulation.
“Very few African Americans with verbal scores like this.” …
Any way you look at it, that nigger cheated.
Alternate: That house negro is a little too uppity for our liking.
Philippines fears extremist church destruction videos will fan hatred
Philippine military officials said today that they asked social media companies including Facebook to remove a video of militants smashing icons in a Catholic church in a besieged southern city, saying it may be an attempt to fan hatred and turn the conflict into a religious war.
Brig. Gen. Restituto Padilla, the military spokesman, also urged netizens not to share the video, which shows militants ripping a picture of Pope Francis, toppling a crucifix, and stomping on and torching religious statues.
Militants aligned with the Islamic State group continue to control pockets of territory in Marawi, where they laid siege more than two weeks ago. They are believed to be still holding a Catholic priest and many other hostages.
“We requested that this be pulled out because it may fan hatred,” Padilla told reporters. “It is intended by these militants to … sow hatred among Christians and Muslims.”
He urged social media users not to spread the video and not to “buy into the plan of these groups to inflame the feelings” of followers of various religions in the predominantly Catholic country.
Meanwhile, in a parallel universe, Hamas urges its followers not to share images of Israeli air strikes, as it may inflame hatred against Jews.
Restituto Padilla?
Translated, his name means ‘the restitution given for passing cars with only one headlight working’.
Perdiddle. You’re a Midwest guy, eh?
ISIS should BFF with China and hate Christians together.
There was another piece in the Bozeman paper, a good one. It was a “guest editorial” about, “If you think living in a bustling high growth town like Bozeman sucks, you should see what living in a stagnant failing place like Lewistown feels like.”
For no particular reason, hier
pah. thetic.
‘That’s Our Word Now’: Ice Cube Explains to ‘Redneck Trucker’ Maher Why He Can’t Casually Use Racial Slur
“Sometimes you sound like a redneck trucker,” Ice Cube continued, as Maher tried to “push back” on that point. Ice Cube, however, was not letting the comedian steer the conversation.
“I want to know two questions: What made you think that it was cool to say that?” Maher asked.
Maher referenced his apology at the beginning of the show, arguing he was not thinking.
“I accept your apology, but I still think we need to get to the root of the psyche,” Ice Cube said. “Because I think there are a lot of guys out there who are too familiar, or think they’re too familiar, or they had a black girlfriend or two that made them some Kool-Aid and they think they can cross the line. And they can’t.”
“It’s a word that has been used against us, it’s like a knife man, and you can use it as a weapon or you can use it as a tool,” Ice Cube explained. “It’s been used as a weapon against us, by white people, and we’re not going to let that happen again by nobody. Because it’s just not cool.”
“That’s our word now, that’s our word now,” he continued. “And you can’t have it back. I know they’re trying to get it back.”
Ice Cube said when he hears his “homies” use the n-word, “it doesn’t feel like venom,” noting “when I hear a white person say it, it fells like that knife stabbing me.”
If a word makes feel that bad, you are not a tough guy.
And who better to tell us than Ice Cube, today’s black Jerry Lewis, star of such family comedies as “Are We There Yet?” and “Are We Done Yet”?
I wonder how Ice Cube thinks Jews feel when they listen to “No Vaseline”.
Maher was too busy physically debasing himself with that ridiculous grovelling posture to think of any snappy comebacks.
What does Mr. Cube make of wiggers?
I would just run The Dambusters for Mr. Cube.
Who the hell is Ice Cube? Is he the one with the house flipper show on HGTV?
Nah, that’s a far more famous one called Vanilla Ice.
The Philistines are upon us!
Late P left this mortal realm in ’82, cut him some slack.
Is there anyone who doesn’t have a house-flipper show on HGTV?
I don’t.
We should thank millennials for ruining these terrible products
Millennials are, according to Business Insider earlier this month, “Killing Chains Like Buffalo Wild Wings and Applebee’s.” This isn’t the first thing that we’ve killed and/or destroyed by stubbornly refusing to spend money on it. Last year millennials got accused of wiping out everything from mass-market beers like Budweiser and Coors to the diamond industry to bar soap.
And, on behalf of all millennials, I can only say: You’re welcome.
Because these institutions we’re obliterating are awful.
Applebee’s is not a richly beloved neighborhood joint. It is a chain restaurant that serves 990-calorie fried cheeseburger egg rolls. If we are not flocking to it, it’s probably because as Forbes notes, “Healthy food makes millennials happy. They push to eat healthier, more eco-friendly foods.”
Meanwhile, it’s become a cliché for baby boomers to malign millennials for consuming too much avocado toast. Which means . . . baby boomers are mad because we’re enthusiastically eating fresh vegetables on whole grain breads? That’s what you spent the first 12 years of our lives trying to convince us to eat.
But OK. People have the right to enjoy whatever foods and drinks they like! And if you like washing down those cheeseburger egg rolls with a few Budweisers, go for it. Go for it, even if Budweiser tastes like a seltzer someone peed in.
We’re probably just going to have a coffee, anyway. Millennials are drinking less alcohol than any previous young generation, according to the ongoing Monitoring the Future report, but we’re driving the consumption of coffee to historic highs because “soda is unhealthy, and coffee offers the same jolt without the socially unacceptable soda addiction,” The Washington Post writes.
The best thing that has happened to the food industry is that they have found a way to make people feel good and cool when eating better food than what their parents ate.
Avocado toast is stupid for a different reason: is it really that hard to mash your own avocado, toast your own bread, drizzle some olive oil, and spread the avocado on the bread? Quarter of the price and none of the pretension.
I thought it was stupid because avocado is revolting.
Avocado is high in fat. Calorie count on that?
And lol 990 calories. So, not very much. Exercise a tiny bit.
Something tells me Miss Wright has never had to live paycheck-to-paycheck.
the thing is, millenials aren’t actually “killing” any of these institutions (or product categories)
The main thing that’s driving the decline in some of these areas is mainly *old people getting old*.
Because old people don’t drink soda or go to mickey D’s all that much. And yes, younger people are going *less* than previous young generations, but the impact they have compared to the massive over-65 population is relatively minimal. All they’re actually doing is changing the way the same sorts of shit is being marketed to them.
e.g. VitaminWater is basically fucking gatorade. Its not HFCS -its crystalline fructose, but just as bad for you. and those “vitamins” are just going to get peed out. but don’t tell that to the preening millenials.
the same is true of many of the other replacement categories they are growing. its not healthier, its just a different package and brand.
Lawl at the sneering tone regarding the ‘socially unacceptable soda addiction’ while bragging about driving the demand for coffee to historic highs. But that second thing is totally not an addiction, I’ll bet.
Snake people are… the best?
“Fuck do you care? It’s all overtime.”
BP, thanks, I needed that laugh.
we’re driving the consumption of coffee to historic highs because “soda is unhealthy, and coffee offers the same jolt without the socially unacceptable soda addiction,”
I’m no millennial, but that’s where I am. I drink a pot of coffee every morning (Costco ground Colombian, not some tooty-frooty crap), and I probably don’t drink a six pack of soda in six months.
My mother was a culinary hipster before there was a term for it – she never kept sweet drinks around in our house, she drank strong, black coffee from freshly ground beans, and she mashed her own baby food. No wonder I became a foodie.
As long as you’re not one of those people who thinks coffee is best with three tablespoons of sugar and a half cup of half and half you should be fine.
The bigger problem is what I like to call the “smug diet”: people who think their food choices are more virtuous, and won’t they let you know if they think you’re eating the wrong foods.
Hopefully the smug diet is one that doesn’t require teeth.
As long as you’re not one of those people who thinks coffee is best with three tablespoons of sugar and a half cup of half and half you should be fine.
Strong and black. Like my cotton pickers. No, wait. Forget I said that. I meant linebackers. That’s it. And cornerbacks.
Speaking of half-and-half, I saw “fat free” half-and-half at the grocery store the other day.
WTF SRSLY? How does that even work?
Skim milk marked up 300%?
basically, thickener, sweetener, coloring – creates impression of milkiness and softens the acidity of coffee
Heh. I have a reflexive “Like my women, black, strong and bitter”, which gets me in no end of trouble, along with a bunch of other reflexive verbal macroaggressions I’m accused of.
“Like my women — hot, strong, and dark.”
FTFY. You’re welcome.
I lived in Oz for a few months at a time for 3 years back in the late 80’s. It’s amazing how fast and easy it is to become crass and undiplomatic.
Did you start using the word “cunt” as punctuation? I found that rubbed off on me pretty quick. It gets you some weird looks when it slips into normal conversation back here though.
Not quite so common back then, but there was plenty of “fuck you, you old bastard”. It’s horribly contagious.
The Ozzies have more colloquialisms for sex and bodily functions than any other western culture I know of.
“I like my coffee hot and strong. Like I like my women: hot and strong…with a spoon in them.”
— E. Izzard
“I like my coffee like my men… with big black cocks.”
Warship USS Gabrielle Giffords commissioned in Texas.
She also said, “I like my ships like my coffee….. full of semen”
First warship ever that is entirely a no-gun zone.
I blame Sarah Palin.
They shouldn’t name ships after people who are still alive.
So not a problem in this instance?