The dark night of fascism, still descending on America and landing on Europe.
Aldi is expanding in America. I’d be more excited, except the one near me is particularly haphazardly organized. Sometimes I feel like the $10 I saved is lost by having to toss the entire store.
Chances of SMOD coming to solve our problems: getting better!
So, this guy is obviously one of Florida Man’s worthless minions.
17 years in prison because some asshole with the same name looks just like you? Leave the treasure in the crypt next reincarnation.
I am definitely faster than the guy next to me! -h/t Sloopy!
Sounds like the second-place runner needs to…
(dons sunglasses)
…bear down.
LOL, I don’t know why, but I love those.
Before we begin this convocation of the Links, we should acknowledge that we stand on stolen land that previously belonged to the ___________ .
Kelo family.
I’m sitting down right now, so that doesn’t apply. But I think this chair I’m in used to belong to our accounting office.
That’s cultural appropriation.
Accountants are not cultured.
Do you even petri, Bro?
You’ve obviously never nurtured a T-account.
squirrels. That’s why they are so resentful and angry
The land my office is on used to belong to some farmer. But I know we paid him well for it. So fuck him if he’s saying we stole it.
Before we begin this convocation of the Links, we should acknowledge that we stand on stolen land that previously belonged to the Confederate States of America.
*Runs away*
OT, but what’s the code for underlined text? I thought it was -u-, and Google search says it’s still -u- (unlike the redefined -em- for -i- and -strong- for -b-), but that didn’t work. I was trying to “fill in the blank” with underlined text, but oh well.
The powers that be want you to use CSS for underline now, “text-decoration: underline;”.
As a shortcut, you couldve just made it a link to something funny. Slacker.
Ok, using a URL as testtext to see if we’re allowed to use CSS here was dumb.
Depending on where you actually are, you could go with the King of England, the King of France, and/or the King of Spain.
Texas, so I have six flags to choose from, including said kings of France and Spain as well as a Mexican dictator. Went with the most incendiary option for obvious reasons.
I’m in Minneapolis, so I’m going to acknowledge that we stand on stolen land that previously belonged to the French.
So beating people in armed conflict is stealing?
Xenu. The correct answer is Xenu.
-Tom Cruise and John Travolta
Xenu comin’. Can’t do nothing about that.
“Where’s my fish?”
My favorite SNP character.
Religious tests in the 21st Century. How 1500’s progressive
” Trump “is trying to divide this country up,” Sanders said.”
Unlike busy body socialists who scream”eat the rich” and demand 37 unique bathrooms in every building.
Nobody needs 37 kinds of bathroom.
How dare someone have enough money to fight city hall
Best quote “in the end he’ll probably win” yet they’re still miffed at the audacity.
Oh my GOD that clip just sent me into WHITE HOT FROTHING RAAAAAGGGEEEE!!!
Must be a small kingdom. Head down to home depot brah.
This guy has a well-cut jib
WOW! No self awareness whatsoever.
Yes, you would think that at some time that she’d tumble onto the idea that the problem is that the poor people can’t fight back. Not that the rich are able to fight.
You would think that the GOP would run her words over and over in every ad. Then ask people why they think that the Dems are for the little guy.
There’s a scene in Reversal of Fortune about this. Some blonde law student complains when Dershowitz says he’s going to take Claus von Bülow’s defense, saying that he normally defends the poor and oppressed. Dershowitz responds by pointing out how Sunny’s family abused the rule of law to go after Claus, and that if they can do it to a rich guy like him, imagine what they can do to the little people.
I’ve seen the 30 for 30 about the Duke rape hoax, and am reading “Not About the Truth,” written by their former coach. One of the things that struck me in the documentary was when one of the exonerated players said (paraphrasing), “If the system can railroad three people who are completely innocent, imagine what they can do to people who don’t have the resources to defend themselves.”
YouTube comments have improved substantially in recent years.
Is there some kind of law that if a YouTube video gets more than 50 comments, one of them will mention how this video sucks, Metallica rulz, and something about Lars?
Mask? What mask? We don’t need no mother fucking mask!
Sad part is she probably procreated.thats how this stuff keeps getting worse. We need a libertarian eugenics movement that weeds out control freak cunts
So I am voting in tomorrow’s primaries for Virginia Governor. I’m thinking of voting Northam just to stop that (even bigger) fuckhead Perriello from getting into the general election. Then voting for Gillespie in the general.
Since this means I’ll be limited to the Democrat ballot, which one is the least shitty out of the Lieutenant Governors – Fairfax, Platt or Rossi?
Did you just say you’re voting for a Democrat?
And Nick Gillespie in the general election? (kidding)
Git a rope!
Duh, why would I bother voting in the Republican primary? Gillespie is leading by double digits. I’d rather have Gillespie run against a “moderate” democrat rather than a full on progressive-socialist.
Because the progressive might actually win the general election.
I do not underestimate my fellow northern-Virginian fuckhead.
Virginia is an open primary state which means that any registered voter can vote in any primary, but only one primary per election (ie, if you vote in the D primary you don’t get to vote in the R primary).
Interestingly, in 2016 the GOP had a primary, but the Democrats chose to caucus instead. That’s right, the party that bitches about poor people not having time or transportation to go had lengthy meetings instead of simple show up and vote.
+1 super delegates
Perriello is the worst, like a VA version of Howard Dean. Insufferable.
Howard Dean is a jar of diarrhea.
Chances of SMOD coming to solve our problems: getting better!
Nice to see commenters blaming it on global warming.
Looks to me like they;re doing that pretty sarcastically.
Yes; that’s why I said it was nice to see.
See this is why the media playing bullshit partisan games is bad. On it’s face I want to say ‘shame on russia’ but what if these ‘peaceful protesters’ are the same type of ‘peaceful protesters’ we get here in Ferguson, Berkeley, Oregon, Baltimore, etc? I don’t fucking know who to shoot now! DAMMIT!
“Aldi is expanding in America. I’d be more excited, except the one near me is particularly haphazardly organized. Sometimes I feel like the $10 I saved is lost by having to toss the entire store.”
Sounds like Walmart right after the first of the month.
Aldi is very interesting.
You rent a cart for .25 but you get it back when you’re done — you have to return it to next to the store so they don’t have people to fetch carts from the parking lot.
You pay 7 cents for a paper bag and 10 cents for plastic (the plastic ones are re-usable and fairly nice) Y
You bag your own groceries.
They have really weird brands (Clancey’s Potato Chips?) but they taste just fine and are only 1.49 a bag all the time.
You can’t get everything there which is a bit of problem. (I don’t have time to run around.)
The shopping cart rental sounds German. I remember reading someone’s first experience shopping and needing to use a coin to unlock the cart.
Voter feels betrayed
I have to say that just by looking at this guy, I would have never guessed just how WOKE he is.
Just follow my nose!
No music link?!
Jesus Christ, people. Just let people change lanes. You don’t need to share your existential misery with everyone else on the road.
Ya, I didn’t like the music in that link either.
I must live next to a good Aldi’s. It’s never that disorganized. They even have produce. It’s awesome for Angus steaks. Their regular price is like $8.49/lb, super cheap for this area. Same thing for pork chops, ribs, etc. Milk is dirt cheap. I love the cheap Italian cured meats and the cheap “fancy” cheeses. Don’t forget the smoked salmon for $3.49. Goddamn, Aldi’s rules for certain things.
The German Aldis carry a bunch of Trader Joe’s stuff. I suspect Aldi owns Trader Joe’s, but am too lazy to look it up.
Aldi is known for their random deals strewn in among the groceries. We got kettlebells once. They have hubcaps in there right now.
Aldi’s and TJ’s are owned by different branches of a large German family. No overlap in ownership.
Then obviously it’s time for an Anschluss
I seem to remember it being something slightly weirder like the same family owner both, but they weren’t part of the same corporate structure, but that was back in the early ’00s. I could be misremembering.
They are apparently the two different branches of a family company that was split into two companies:
Oh, yeah. I got some cat scratchers that are normally $12 for $4, some Pyrex baking dishes that are usually $30-40 for $9.
And what do you do with the cat scratchers?
Cure his fever!
Cowbell works better.
Back in the 50s, a couple of brothers in Germany started a store called Albrecht Discount (or its german equivalent), which was shortened to Aldi. Around 1960 or so they had a dispute (over selling cigarettes!), and split into two companies, Aldi Nord and Aldi Sud. Aldi Nord operated Aldi and Aldi Sud operates Trader Joe’s. They’re both separate companies but nominally contract under Aldi Einkauf GmbH & Compagnie, oHG, which where the two companies may mix.
(all from my head except for having to go to Wiki for the name of the combined company. Why is my head filled with such useless stuff?)
They’re recluses. There are no known photographs of them
+1 Dragon Tattoo
I assume you (((people))) just naturally keep tabs on anything involving a) lots of money and b) powerful Germans.
Good god man, you didn’t have to hop to Wiki for that? And I thought *my* head was crammed with trite nonsense.
Now my head is crammed with it too.
So you are saying they’re Krauts. Fuck that!! GLOBILAZATION1!!!1
Same in the US actually. My Sister in law used to work at TJ’s and I bought a cake form aldi that she thought came from TJ’s.
It was like $3 (TJ price like $10) and fucking delicious.
I like Aldi but they pissed me off when they completely rearranged the store for no apparent reason. It took me long enough to learn the original weird layout, now I still haven’t gotten used to the new one.
Their cheap salamis are indeed pretty good, ditto the hummus. Great price on almond milk too, less than half Kroger’s price.
Anyone have a Lidl near them? We have one opening up soon, I understand they’re another German grocer like Aldi’s?
Their imported Bavarian bratwurst isnt bad in a pinch either.
Just one other thing for women to feel insecure about.
“Angela Gallo, a birth photographer and doula, chose to masturbate while giving birth to her second child at home.” No. No, no, no.
You weren’t masturbating while watching your wife give birth?
Since both of my kids were C-sections and I’m not SugarFree, absolutely not.
My wife actually had me take a picture of her open abdominal cavity for her. Ugh.
+1 where the sausage gets… digested
Your wife is pretty metal.
Christ, you got quite a woman there.
My aunt and uncle put on the c-section birth of their triplets on a big screen at a family event. Nothing like eating dinner and watching a rando doctor shoulder deep in your aunt’s abdomen, right?
Either the doc had short arms or your aunt is a rather well built specimen.
I think he was doing a sweep of the cavity for any extra loose babies floating around. It was an in-across-down movement.
Doc: “Well, hell, I know the baby’s somewhere down in there….”
recovering his Rolex?
Artist’s depiction here.
Oh great. Now there’s going to be a whole new category on Porn Hub.
Rule 34.
Yeah… probably not new.
Just an uptick in traffic.
Yes, because “My mom came when I slid out of her” is something every child should be able to say.
And it’s on the Internet. Forever.
I like stories like this. They make me think that my various perversions aren’t really all that weird…
Yeah, no. You’re still a freak.
The space agency has been working tirelessly to identify dangers that Earth face from space, and has said that it has found 10 new asteroids of meteors which it believes could harm life on Earth.
That’s as far as I got. How much is the
budget increaseransom demand?*puts pinkie to corner of mouth*
One . . . meelyun . . . dollars?
How much does Bruce Willis charge for saving the world these days?
More than one million dollars I suspect. Probably better to go with Mr Evil.
DOCTOR Evil. I didn’t spend six years at Evil Medical School to become Mr Evil, thank you very much.
+1 shorn scrotum
Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons….quite standard, really.
+2 squirrels
god damn it
Progressive cannibalism continues unabated: BLM stops gay pride parade in its tracks.
“We are unstoppable. Another world is possible.”
Oh my God, the platitudinous drivel of loads of assholes reaching for something, anything, to make chaining themselves up in a public protest of fellow lefties stealing the spotlight for an afternoon look noble. It’s delicious.
Pride events are celebrations, not protests.
Considering the lead banner is #NoJusticeNoPride, I’ll stick with “protest” for this one at least.
Or was that the BLM banner?
Don’t know. Don’t much care.
That’s pretty obviously the protest banner.
Those were the people doing the interrupting.
But you’ve never let facts get in your way before…
Hot take goes wrong.
Stop the presses.
Oh, and I’ve been to a couple of gay pride events with too much standard-issue lefty political content. I think there’s some celebration and some protest, in varying proportions, at these events.
BLM is staging the protest, joined by some former Pride participants who are upset with the Pride organizer’s corporate backing. Capitalism is teh evul, or whatever.
Yep, yuh gays, (note: not the ones here who already know this, or any other sane ones) socialism will work out greats for yuh, just likes it did in National Socialist Germany, Communist Cuba, Khmer Rouge Cambodia, etc. etc.
Another world; realm. An existence so splendidly magnificent and less white and more dark but with less sinister force and amazing love spreading all over like healthy virus to which we can all bleed into one persons – except white – why doesn’t we all just becomes Obama? Trump’s AmeriKKKa is not MY America which I hate anyway. I love me and the such. Don’t let the evil version of The Shmoo guide your senses. The Great Gazoo may have been incompetent but there were lessons and methods to his ways. Peace.
/random noveau-age progressive.
I didn’t think anything was your America.
Of course, your KKKanada is even worse.
Technically, it’s spelled Kanata.
But whatev.
/talk to the vag.
AC, is that you?
I can’t fucking stand how so many “progressives” have jumped on the “government is dangerous” bandwagon and acted like they just invented this viewpoint. I hate to sound like a hipster, but we libertarians have been saying that since WAY before it was cool. The “progressives” are embarrassingly late to the party on this one.
It’s particularly maddening since they just spent the last eight years ridiculing the idea of any limitation on government authority. Now, all of a sudden, their golden boy is no longer sitting in the big chair, so it’s acceptable to say that the government is a threat to your liberty and prosperity.
They’ve got numbers now? How the fuck am I supposed to keep up with this? I guess they’ve dropped the I, too, which I never found out the meaning of.
Intersex, I think. No idea what the 2 is for.
I’m guessing 2S is for two-spirit. I would’ve been intersex. You can really just ignore everything after the T, everyone else does. The rest is just signaling whatever the particular speaker finds compelling at the time.
I would honestly love to read an article written by a sane gay man (*ahem!*) with regards to his cause being hijacked by a bunch of assbags now shilling for things he never agreed with and never wanted. If only we could find such an individual….
That ‘sane’ thing kinda rules out the locals, don’t ya think?
Every last one of us could end up committed.
Shackford does a great job of that and is rewarded with personal attacks from the yokels and a constant misrepresentation of what he’s saying from both sides.
The left hijacked the gay rights movement shortly after Stonewall and 14 years before I was born. They’ve done things I’m pleased with, things I would’ve done differently were I in charge, and things I find really fucking obnoxious, but as a libertarian that’s going to be true of any social or political entity. I could dig out some of my college papers and write a eulogy for the pre-Stonewall gay rights movement, but I doubt many people would find the Daughters of Bilitis and the Mattachine Society that interesting.
Who’s more routinely embarrassing to you, gay rights activists or the Libertarian Party?
So I just did a google search for stonewall and big fucking rainbow appears all over my screen.
What the fuck? Has virtue signaling become automatic now?
Fun! There are a bunch of Easter eggs tucked into Google products. Didn’t know about that one. /ponystream in hangouts is a lot of fun if you want to annoy someone.
Stonewall was a 1969 event where cops raided a gay bar, which was owned by the mob (that said only the mob was willing to own businesses catering to gays at the time). The patrons were over it and the police got absolutely routed. Ripped up parking meters, drag queens beating the shit out of cops with shoes. Almost over night the gay liberation front types had sucked all of the air out of the room from the more assimilationist homophile movement (it was also a major shift from Los Angeles as the heart of gay rights to NY and eventually to SF).
I could dig out some of my college papers and write a eulogy for the pre-Stonewall gay rights movement, but I doubt many people would find the Daughters of Bilitis and the Mattachine Society that interesting.
Do it. Half the people don’t read the articles anyway, and the other half appreciate esoteric content (see the articles on maritime regulation, The Fusionist’s footnote-laden delves into the obscure corners of history, and the backstory on some country called “Canada”).
Agreed, do it. I enjoy the esoteric articles, and would read it. I never knew any ‘gay rights’ movement existed in any form pre-Stonewall, much less one that got pushed aside for the current, militant form of the movement. I know I could do my own research now that I know there’s some history there I don’t know, but I’d rather be lazy and let someone else who’s already done the research write up an article. 🙂
There was a lot of crap at H&R, but I really got irritated at people who pretended straight news articles or interviews with some controversial people were specific advocacy of points of view, rather than just being news or presenting a dissenting opinion. And yeah, Shackford was one of their better writers. Not Jesse Walker, but then, who is?
Oh good. I was afraid this site had made me into one of those intolerant deplorables. I mean, I always say live and let live, I just think all the extra stuff is a cry for attention at best.
Intersex, that’s what it means or meant, also, could it be a typo? And is it bad that it would be impossible to tell?
*raises hand*
And can us cis/shitlords in flyover country just use the term ‘sly’ instead of an increasingly complex password? Brevity is sort of our thing.
What if you’re not into the whole brevity thing?
El Slyerino?
The right Pride Parade to bash is the one in LA that turned into the Resist March.
Eh, LA Pride is almost always lame. This year it was both overtly partisan AND lame.
I got drunk at The Eagle instead.
Albuquerque hosted a parade. Went off without a problem, which I guess can be a success or a failure depending on your point of view.
I have it on good authority from growing up there that there are no gays in Albuquerque. Or Iran.
Chubby Mexican chic would be doable after she showered.
Bernie Sanders can go fuck himself.
Socialists are evil.
Hello Rufus!
And Zoolander. And Obama. And Corbyn. And Maduro. And Castro. And that smug fuck who stocks shelves at Whole Foods.
And any and every celebrity asshole who makes shitloads of money and lives a life of unimaginable luxury, yet has the gall to opine about the wonderful lives lived by dirt poor peasants around the world and how horrible capitalism would be for them.
Nature is amazing.
I wouldn’t toss Whole Foods guy in there. At least he has a real job.
“Do you know how many non-binary people die in jail? For nothing?” Police vs. snowflake crybully thugs: can’t they both lose?
Do you know how many non-binary people die in jail?
“You mean, people who aren’t twins? No idea. How many?”
Since pretty everyone has a combination of X,Y (binary) I’m guessing pretty much every prisoner ever. I refuse to even pretend that these people are saying anything that resembles coherent thought.
Pretty sure trisomy of sex chromosomes is unusually high in prison populations, specifically XYY, but whatevs, yo.
Serious genetic defects and criminality are correlated? Whoda thunk?
In that XYY males tend to have 10 to 15 points less IQ than the mean, just as XXX females tend to have 15 to 20 points less, and lower IQ is the factor here.
Be careful. If you accept the validity of IQ as a measurement, you might have to discard a whole bunch of other assumptions about the natural equality that many libertarians have trouble doing for some reason.
Best to just call it a culturally biased something-or-other, call your opponent a bigot and walk away now before people start getting shitty with you for being almost Hitler.
Interesting, wiki doesn’t mention any criminal propensity.
I guess I should have read the wiki article beyond the first few paragraphs.
What are binary people? Lt. Cmdr. Data?
“I programmed him. 9 million lines of BASIC.”
10 print “hello, Commander Troy, do you want sex?”
20 get text x
30 if x = “yes” goto 50
40 if x = “no” print “you must be a lesbian”
50 print “you wish”
That code was written by memory after 32 years of booze, weed, and etc.
I’ll bet it’s pretty close.
No, no, no. People die in jail because of religion, race, oranges, wanting a new roomate, extra cigarettes, refusal to toss the salad, etc.
Its never for nothing.
This guy is my new hero. Why do antifa goons hate black men so much?
Ze learned a harsh lesson
I just love that there’s at least a half dozen antifa tough guys there, and none of them want anything to do with the guy who punched the tranny.
I find the antifa allergy to being recorded while they stand on a public street to be amusing. Flag person draping xir flag over the whoever was filming got a chuckle from me.
I would have pulled out a lighter and lit that thing on fire about 5 seconds after he tried that shit.
I concur, it’s all big tough talk but when an unfriendly camera appears the game grinds to a halt until said camera can be obscured. That chick/dude, waited until the camera was covered to take a swing and then blew it. How do you blow a sucker punch? Also all the guys standing about like louts, these people are truly cosplaying revolution.
You blow it by being weak and pathetic – and by it probably being the first time you’ve ever punched anything including a punching bag.
It seems like if you’re advocating a violent overthrow of a government, learning how to throw a punch should be near the top of the list on things to do.
LOL at the morons trying to cover it up with their flag and jacket.
They can’t even do that right!! How hard is it to hold a huge flag up in the way of a camera?
Ha, the idiots trying to cover up the filming with flags and coats just so the shemale can deck him, only to find out he’s got a go-pro. Talk about colossally incompetent.
Xe was trying to provoke the dude into hitting xer. Once that didn’t work, they tried covering up with the flag (and then the fatass with the jacket) so xe could try to hit first but claim they were unjustly attacked. And they were still too stupid for all of that.
How do people live like that? How do people live like that and go home satisfied that they’re RIGHT? I don’t get it.
Satisfied? Probably not.
It’s all just so….sad.
Yeah, like there aren’t even that many of them, but somehow we are days or even hours away from antifa claiming success for defeating the Drumputin monster.
The atifa types have the worst glass jaws I’ve ever seen.
That’s what happens when you’ve never been in a fight before.
Also, I liked this comment.
Gezere914 hours ago
Dear white liberals,
We have had enough of your shit. You only “ally” with us if you think it gets you brownie points but will quickly turn on us if you think we are out of line. You don’t think of us as equals and we are done with it. I fully condone the ass whooping of any white liberal that thinks they can raise a hand to up and try to keep us in our place.
A black man who is no longer buys your BS.
Where do we sell our BS?
Evergreen State College Student Book Store?
They have books?
Their students know how to read?
They can’t burn gasoline or coal, they need something to keep them warm.
Fuelbooks are environmentally friendly, it’s all the rage in Europe.
Also, dude with the Nazi Punks Fuck Off on his hat: You ever actually listen to the song? Read the lyrics?
That’s gold.
Who does he think he is, Sidney Crosby?
The Sierra Club’s butt hurts
“Jeff Sessions and the Trump administration are once again undermining critical policies that benefit the public through cleaner air and water. In this case, Sessions is seeking to prevent federal settlement agreements from benefitting local communities directly affected by environmental wrongdoing. This radical reversal of a decades-old policy could deprive communities of direct assistance for improvements in air and water quality, and is nothing more than an effort by the Trump administration to let companies like Fiat-Chrysler and Mercedes off the hook. Attorney General Sessions’ maneuver is as dirty and dangerous as the smog illegally spewed by Volkswagen’s vehicles.”
Not extorting funds from corporations settling DoJ lawsuits for the benefit of non-government third parties is literally killing the planet.
We have a couple Aldi’s near us, and the quality of their stuff is always good. We’ll also head over to their upscale brother, Trader Joe’s – if for no other reason, Two Buck Chuck really ain’t bad stuff.
The kids are not alright. Half of millennials think children should be taken away from parents that do not support sex change
So this is what life was like during Lysenkoism in the USSR.
How the hell did this mass delusion take place, where even otherwise rational people spout this nonsense? I have no problems with adults living their lives however they wish. If a man wants to pretend he’s a woman, more power to him, go crazy with it. He still isn’t a woman, and will never actually be a woman, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to be cowed into meekly parroting a lie because it’s become fashionable to do so.
I know it shouldn’t, but it still amazes me that people who promote government solutions to problems (or in this case, “problems”) never, ever seem to wonder about whether things won’t be worse afterwards. It’s all, “This bothers me, so we should put the government in charge. Problem solved.”
Article says 18% said yes, 27% were unsure. This is not the same thing the title suggests.
Other articles: “Wonder Woman is a Powerful Rebuke of the Left’s Views on Foreign Policy”
And this is why navel-gazing Dailywire cultural warriors are just as garbage as their left wing equivalents.
I don’t usually read the Daily Wire. I saw this posted somewhere else. They didn’t post their figures, I noticed, so I’m going to agree with you here.
Pride events are celebrations, not protests.
Celebrating the wrong things is just like protesting.
Also, speaking of blm-
The other day, I saw a ranch truck going down the road with a sticker on the back (too big to call a bumper sticker) saying,
He’s into Michelle Obama?
Certified Angus cows matter.
I lived in southern New Mexico for a couple years; loved hunting out in the desert. Everytime I see “BLM” I instinctively read Bureau of Land Management.
I’m assuming that means law cruces
Fuck auto correct
Sorry Tonio. Two completely separate and unrelated things going on there.
I was curious about the “celebrating the wrong things” part. Care to unpack that?
And I was thinking you were saying WTF about the bumper sticker.
I found that Black Cows Matter thing amusing. Nothing to do with he pride rally.
Since it’s impossible to determine who you’re responding to?
Random fishing news: Uffda! That is a big flathead catfish dude.
Guy ties his own state record by catching another 49″ flathead.
You can’t fool me. It’s the same fish!
Doesn’t count unless he was noodling.
Damn. He better make sure it’s dead. At least in FL, you DO NOT put your fingers near a catfish mouth, certainly not one that size.
Naw, bra. The truck is to dinner your arm all the way down his throat as soon as you feel his mouth. The real danger is cotton mouths. (Said with the absolute certainty of a guy who lives in deserts, mountains, and mountainous deserts.)
*Trick and *shove.
Jesus fucking Christ can someone teach a fucking machine to correctly predict my typing?
Dinner your arm, indeed.
Unexpectedly, Obamacare sucks.
I can’t read the article at work for some reason, but I specifically bought ‘temporary’ insurance at 1/4 the price of the lowest obamacare coverage. It doesn’t count as real insurance but Trump already invalidated the individual mandate so haha fuck you all.
But why? I mean, we were told you could keep your doctor.
What? No link or post about Loving Day?
The Glibertarians staff are a bunch of bigots, I say!
Sigh, I’ll put on the nastiest, barebackingest, hard-dickingest, ball-slappiest interracial porno when I get home to celebrate.
Thank you.
You do you, Jesse!
“Step 4: Celebrate”
By making some mongrel babies?
Yes. Hop to it.
Make more mes.
I gotta admit, y’all really do make the prettiest babies.
Hybrid vigor is a thing, no doubt.
I think it is premature to start celebrating Loving Day.
a) Kevin isn’t even arguably the best player on the Cavs
b) They only won one game so far
c) He’s a hack who gets away with more cheap clutching, grabbing fouls than anyone*
* I said that even when he was a T-woof. It is amazing how many times he grabs an opponent to prevent them from getting a rebound and he always gets away with it.
The Loving.
For whatev reason, I thought that would be song. Beside the Beavis & Buttthead jokes, I actually like the song, despite it not being in my usual wheelhouse.
Surprised Mcdonalds hasn’t capitalized on this with a new McLoving sandwich.
Wouldn’t it be a chocolate/vanilla swirl ice cream shake?
Only if it had oreos in it. Mmmmm… oreos.
I think I’ll stick with Patrice O’Neal on this one: there’s no such thing as a racist penis. Or something to that effect.
I was going to post in yesterdays tasteless and rude coffee thread that when I am asked about coffee, my favorite response is, “Black and hot. Like a Nigerian hooker.”
I like Loving Day when the price is right, and the woman is batshit crazy. It makes for better stories if you make it out alive.
Care to unpack that?
That was my reason-commenter-John-style mindreading act.
As in, “Celebrating things group X disagrees with is bad, and should be stopped.”
I’ll stop digging, now.
I don’t know if it has been covered yet but the Tory choice to go into a minority gov’t with the NI conservatives (can’t recall their name), seems to be a huge blow to the whole Brexit thing.
DUP: Democratic Unionist Party (i.e. Protestant pro-British party). Shouldn’t be a big deal on Brexit because they’ve usually been Euro-Skeptic.
Yes, that’s the Ian Paisley crew. I don’t follow closely but I can’t imagine that they’re pro-EU.
They are def Brexiters, but the bigger issue is that the Conservatives had to form a minority gov’t in the first place, it leaves them vulnerable.
Why’s it a huge blow when May was a Remainer?
Also Farage is set to be making a comeback in one way or another.
My understanding is that minority gov’t are terribly fragile things, and with Labour on the upswing it wouldn’t take much to trigger an election. Labour seems pretty sweet on the EU, or at least New Labour does, and they could drag Brexit out for a while, or simply stop the Article 50 invocation altogether. The DUP is not so much the issue here as the fact that the Tories shit the bed this election and in doing so managed to threaten Brexit.
Labour’s not ‘on the upswing’ the Tories are on the downswing because their manifesto was a sack of garbage. Once Corbyn (who was actually somewhat pro-Brexit, but he can’t admit that now or his party freaks out) or his followers make asses of themselves again wait for the twenty point drop in the polls again. Labour can’t ‘threaten Brexit’ without massively alienating themselves in the general populace. They want the Tories to own this shitshow.
Ah, well thanks for the correction, I haven’t been keeping up with Brit politics like I should since college. That makes sense though.
Laura Ingalls gets local cop in trouble for showing too much ankle
Charge: Sting catches Walnut Grove’s top cop trying to buy sex from 17 year old
The blind sister was way hotter.
Mary. Yes she was.
You only say that because she didn’t laugh at your John Deere when you dropped your overalls….
How do you think she went blind?
Excessive squinting?
You win.
*hands over cold High Life*
I keed, I keed.
Probably too many orgasmic baby birthings? For sure, rolling the bean makes you go blind.
Too much time with Pa in the toolshed?
So today I was about to attempt sausage making for the first time (no euphemisms).
I bought the pork shoulder at lunch, and somehow it turned into lechon asado. Oh well, maybe next time.
lechon asado
Well, now I know what’s on the menu for Wednesday.
Here’s your shortcut..
It’s a lot easier than tracking down exotic Spanish oranges for the recipe.
There’s a good write up in the Food Lab as well. I want to try it as well. It would be nice to know for sure what’s in it!
Fuck. Too many as wells, as well.
I assumed that there would be some sort of cure, but this dude just grinds it up, stuffs it, and then cooks it. I generally think of sausage as a preserved meat, but this guy’s recipe is fresh.
I think the fun part will be playing around with the add-ins when I’m grinding. Pineapple, bacon, habanero, sun dried tomatoes, feta, shallots, etc etc. (not all at the same time, obviously).
I’ve been making a simple tacos al pastor lately. A sausage that replicated the flavors would be amazing.
Do you use the Chef Merito paste? I used it on chicken last week. Great on dark meat; not so much on chicken breast.
Nope, I made the marinade per this recipe.
Interesting. The original recipe from the famous taco stand in Mexico City used 3 kinds of chiles.
It was ancho, guajillo, and pasillas in a 5:5:2 ratio iirc.
Maybe one day when I want to make my wife mad, I’ll try it from scratch and absolutely destroy the kitchen. Until then, I’m sticking with the shortcut.
Do it!
I told my wife I need a vertical charcoal rotisserie to do it justice. I like that the dish comes from Mexico via Lebanon. Cultural appropriation is the coolest!
Trompo and a blowtorch. Problem solved.
well, now I need to find a vertical charcoal rotisserie, before the question of how it holds the charcoal eats my brain.
i think with sausage, the drying/curing always comes after the stuffing. that’s what those salami are hung up for.
If you are smoke curing them, try wrapping in wet corn husks. I did some jalapeno sausage that way after watching too much cooking on TV. (DDD maybe?) Husks let smoke in and are good for shaping said sausage without a casing. I wish I had a good grinder. I am an all mixer attachment operation and it is a pain in the ass.
I’m expecting some road rage incidents in New Jersey. NJ Transit took a bunch of trains out of service for maintenance – so all the people who would have been on those trains are now parked on Rt. 80 at 7am.
The traffic on 80 is the worst I’ve ever seen it even though it should be winding down right now as schools get out for the summer. Apparently it’s going to get much worse in a few weeks.
Well, that de-escalated quickly.
“Yeah, this guy had a real funny pose and looked like he was straining to keep his body immobile, and then the escalator stopped. I think there might be a connection.”
I want to see a spoof where stopping the escalator causes everyone to tumble forward theatrically.
The jury now has the case for the cop who shot Philando Castile.
This has been a very short trial. I think they started last week.
Hung jury?
I wonder how packed the gallery was with uniformed cops.
Super. He also panicked and fired five times into a car with two passengers, one of them a four-year-old child.
When they let the chick off in Oklahoma I officially gave up. It’s open season on anyone not wearing a badge.
You’d think it would be pretty much and open and shut case, but people see that badge and reason goes out the window.
A Reuters In-depth Report about overly-lax regulation in Financial Services
they put “Self-Regulator” in scare quotes.
Basically claims FINRA is asleep at the wheel, or protects bad-actors from consequences. None of which rings the slightest bit true to me.
See the opening few paragraphs =
(1) if this is a broker, and not an advisor with discretionary authority, then all of these trades would have originated with the client. Brokers can’t buy and sell w/o approval from the client. If the client lost money, the broker didn’t “lose him” the money: they helped HIM lose his own money, and charged him hefty fees while doing so.
(2) he should have been getting trade-confirmation receipts with every single trade, which would have clearly disclosed the actual fees he was paying for trading. If he planned to trade a lot in his account (and trading the same name 9 times in a year is a lot) then he should have set up an account which provided for the appropriate fee structure. People who try using “investment accounts” like a 401K or an IRA like a “trading account” end up racking up fees because those accounts are structured to allow for cheap fund-access, not high-volume stock-trading.
(3) that’s 1.5 times a year over the past 17 years. across how many brokers? over 700.
And given that ‘fines’ can be anything from brokers having to cover client losses due to genuine error, to the equivalent of ‘financial parking tickets’ for things like sending out direct-mail marketing to restricted persons (e.g. you accidentally had someone with dementia on a mailing list)… or failing to file notification of Continuing Education requirements, etc. …. It basically means nothing. I know reps who’ve never even met a client who’ve ended up getting fined for having someone else mis-file their paperwork. Simply put = the very hyper-regulated nature of Financial Services means that people are often ‘out of compliance’ 6 times a day – and consequently, the industry collectively treats ‘fines’ and various other minor FINRA penalties like they mean nothing
Unless you’ve had your licenses revoked, or had some major lawsuit against you, anyone who has worked in the industry for more than 10 years will have U4 forms with a half-dozen minor procedural blemishes. That’s just the way shit works.
The article goes on to cite data indicating that there are a high number of brokerages with brokers/advisors with more-serious blemishes* on their records… which may in fact be true. AND it may in fact be a problem. But the thing that makes me skeptical is the very nature of the way they present the story, which seems to display misconception about the role of brokers in the first place.
(*in the list of penalties they say they’re analysing… they do list ‘serious’ allegations e.g. “regulatory sanctions for misconduct, employment terminations after allegations of misconduct and payments by firms to settle customer complaints.” But then they add… “They also include brokers’ personal financial troubles“; this reminds me of the way anti-gun groups lump suicides in with “Gun Violence” statistics. They basically blend *genuine misconduct* with incidental financial problems, and pretend its all “1 category” of problem in order to make the problem seem larger)
sorry about the wall of text here.
You don’t want to get on the bad side of FINRA. They will FUCK you. To death.
It is staggering what they will fine brokers for. A minor record keeping error with no consequences is a 10 grand fine. Minimum.
I know. I’ve never gotten stung, but my peers have. All you need is one hysterical client. My brother’s clients are mostly older people and i’ve always warned him that old people (and their younger kids who covet their money) eventually get fuzzy headed and start blaming people for their own mistakes. I’ve twisted his arm into de-risking the vast bulk of them, putting them in managed accounts which his name isn’t attached to. But he still has a few people that are always potential head-cases, who want to “manage their own money” and call him up twice a week to talk about trades… but then who freak out whenever the market moves and blames him for not calling *them* and warning them of their risk-positions.
I use 3 different brokers, and it’s interesting to see the difference in their internal controls. Etrade approved me for Level IV options before I had even funded the account.
Vanguard doesn’t fuck around. The first time I tried to trade an ETN with them, they forced several recorded phone calls. Same with the first time I traded pink sheets. 3 recorded phone calls. Converted foreign ordinary shares? That’s 3 phone calls. They make sure that you understand exactly what you’re doing, and they get it on the record. It’s worth the effort because they gave me a couple hundred free trades, but I really get the impression that they are serious about staying on FINRA’s good side.
Which makes sense. I assume 90% of their business is just buying and holding funds.
Etrade etc… my experience w/ those guys is that they don’t care at all wtf you do, its on you. Once they file the paperwork, its the wild west.
re: foreign assets: if you live/work in the US and don’t have overseas accounts registered… oh god those can be such a pain in the ass. Most institutions i’ve worked with shun them because of the added complexity they create. If a client holds a lot of overseas assets, the normal procedure is to create a separate 3rd account and isolate them from anything that there’s going to be transactions with. Otherwise they say, “Sell them and then bring us the cash”. They don’t want the hassle. Even things as simple as foreign common-stock. Tho i’ve seen a range of bizarre things. freaking Pakistani bearer-bonds. Wealthy South Asians (indians+pakistanis) are a bizarre lot, and there are a bunch of them in NY/NJ. They tend to be suspicious of equity-funds, and like holding lots of asset-based securities, or obscure sovereign debt instruments.
This particular security is traded on OTC Markets. It’s a level II ADR if you want the “American” version. You can covert to ordinary foreign shares, but the trades still settle in dollars. Almost the same ticker, but it ends in “F” for foreign instead of “Y” for sponsored ADR.
As far as I can tell, the only difference is that you can vote the foreign shares, while the shareholder votes for the ADR go to the sponsoring bank.
Vanguard charges $50 per “F” transaction, so that’s a big fat no.
FINRA is the bane of my life. Every time a public company client of mine announces news I get a letter where I have to compile every single person (lawyers, company executives, secretaries, financial printers, people at PR Newswire (or whatever press release company they use), etc.), which takes forever. Then a few weeks later I start getting more letters listing names of people that I have to go back to every person in the first group and find out if they know, or ever knew, anybody on that list. And it’s all under the penalty of perjury (for me, since I’m signing the letter).
er, that was supposed to be “compile every single person that knew about the news before it was publicly announced”
FINRA compliance is a gigantic paper-filing process.
There is so much of it, that no one can ever be bothered to check on the stuff after the fact. Everyone’s too busy trying to comply. And people seem to think that this vast wastage of man-hours being imposed on completely normal business being conducted by 100% legit and honest people is a reasonable price to pay in order to dissuade….
…actually, they never show that it actually dissuades *anything*, since fraud still occurs all the time.
I think the comparison to Gun Laws, if not an accurate analogy, is sort of clarifying for some people. because the only people who comply with the laws are the people who were going to be law-abiding in the first place. And the dishonest people? they don’t bother with any of it. Are they caught? No because the entire infrastructure of FINRA is designed around policing and auditing the ALREADY COMPLIANT. They don’t have any capacity to ‘catch’ real criminals or to really dissuade bad-actors. Instead all their efforts are focused on ticking off checkboxes for normal day-to-day business.
in short = the piece reads to me like a giant hack job
One intended to gin up outrage over the proposed changes to Dodd-Frank, particularly the ones which strip the CFPB of independence.
Whomever had this written probably has a huge stake in that verysame CFPB (read: Gang of lawyers), and sees a goldmine in potential lawsuits being lost.
Brokers can’t buy and sell w/o approval from the client.
Not for long, anyway. I used to know a guy who lost his license for making unauthorized trades. I suspect he paid a big fine and compensated the account holders, but I never was privy to any details.
In New Jersey we had a former Governor who played all kinds of games with Investors’ accounts. But, being a right-thinker, that’s okay.
As well he should.
There are a few conditions where you can grant limited-discretion to a broker; e.g. you submit a written letter, signed+dated stating “i grant X person the ability to trade X asset(s) for the period of time A-to-B, in order to secure the best price”. But its usually intended as a one-off deal – when someone is disposing of a large number of assets, and basically tells the broker to put sell-stop orders on them so that they will automatically be sold when they cross X-threshold price.
The situation i’ve seen where people have gotten stung for that has also included cases where they were actually given an order by a client… (or their assistant was given a sell-order)…. and it wasn’t fulfilled (because the broker was traveling, or an email got deleted, or whatever)
The broker then stupidly tries executing the order at a later date to try and avoid admitting that they missed it. This scenario is actually very specifically outlined in FINRA training and they tell you exactly what you’re *supposed* to do. Its just that brokers panic and fear they’ll lose a client over a single missed-trade, and try and cover their asses. its not worth it, but it happens all the time.
The traffic on 80 is the worst I’ve ever seen it
*Cue flashback to creeping along in the general direction of the GW Bridge, watching the temp gauge creeping inexorably into the red zone*
It’s too hot today
Gotta run for shelter
Gotta run for shade
Or for a different generation…
71 and clear here. Almost perfect.
Just keep beating us over the head with your “California has the perfect climate, nanny nanny poo poo!” I FIND IT OFFENSIVE.
Still 97. This spring it was mostly too cold and now it’s too hot, rarely in between.
Ha ha ha. Just remember that a 9.0 earthquake could hit and kill you at any second. At least we get a few days warning before a hurricane and can get the fuck out of Dodge.
As long as I don’t have to worry about tornadoes. Capricious wind sprites murderating whatever they feel like hither and yon.
The only tornadoes we get here are usually F0, which don’t do much especially with the way houses are built here. F2s sometimes happen inside of hurricanes, but at that point we’ve got bigger problems.
Oh I just meant in general. I kind of prefer earthquakes out of the various natural disasters just because they’re rare and handled pretty deftly now that retrofitting has been done on everything.
Hurricanes seem manageable but too frequent and tornadoes seem like the worst.
Of course CA is also known for fires and mudslides, but those rarely have a direct effect on me.
You’re confusing us with Seattle. The max on this leg of the San Andreas is about 7.8.
I lied. Apparently, a cloud drifted over my house at about 10AM.
I hope your Seasonal Affective Disorder was not triggered
I like having four seasons.
+ 1 Vivaldi
kid had Beach Day at today with his grade (they end weds), and it was indeed just about perfect. I thought they might get fog, since that’s been a thing lately, but nope.
GE up a buck on news of Immelt’s impending departure.
So long, Jeff. You can go kiss Obama’s ass on your own time, now.
Is that the same asshole that pressured all of the CNBC staff to mark-out in favor of O-care?
Aldi and the incoming other German grocer Lidl have Walmart actually serious about their grocery pricing for the first time in a while. Over the last several months Walmart has been trying very hard to not get beat on price in some of the areas Aldi has a strong presence. If you are in the right region, Walmart has cut prices on a lot of product, mainly store brands, to keep up. Check the milk or egg prices. If they are close to Aldi’s price, Walmart will have cut prices across the grocery section of the store. Walmart has also been making a push to improve its store brand offerings. They’ve gotten better.
Are you telling me that market forces can drive down prices? But I was assured that the profit motive was the entire reason for the high cost of healthcare in this country!
I used to work at Walmart’s corporate office. My last afternoon there was a three hour meeting of buyers bragging about how much money they made by cutting prices and improving product quality.
It was awesome.
Bullshit! It was a meeting about how to dwindle old ladies out of their social security check and how to poison clients without getting caught.
Of course it was about parting old ladies from their checks. The secret is giving them more stuff for less.
I never got into the food safety too much. It’s impressive though. All the meat cooked in the store is tested and logged in a database. All of it. Every last chicken. There were tests running about having a blockchain track the produce and meat from farm to store when I left.
The one summer I worked in a store one of the freezers died. I got a call to empty it from the home office and there was a guy there to fix it before I had the last carton of ice cream out.
Fucking incredible. Love stories like this. Walmart is a modern wonder that is highly underappreciated.
Aldi broke into our region several years ago with cash & debit card only payment methods, presumably to save on the discount rate margin.
I noticed within the last 6 months they now take credit cards as well. This indicates too me that they are doing well indeed.
Great we can finally get this economy rolling again if the Republicans don’t screw it up. /Pauly Krugnuts
Ended up using JB Waterweld epoxy on the dishwasher. I wish I’d had a putty knife handy because it’s not firming up too pretty, but by the time I’d finished filling in the gash it had set up enough that fucking with the edges seemed like a bad idea. We’ll see how it holds up after curing overnight, but from what I can tell it should be fine. *fingers crossed*
Uh… what did you do to your dishwasher?
The heating element ended up bent by an errant piece of cutlery and melted a groove into the bottom of the thing.
It may be too late, but a little vinegar on a paper towel will help you clean up the edges.
No no no. Epoxy is not what you want there. Half a 60 lb bag of Sakrete spread out over the bottom of the machine. You don’t even have to mix it with water. Just put it on “short wash” and it will fix it up for you. Before it sets, clear the drain and form it up so it flows well.
You’re welcome.
“wax carvers”. fix the gash, then add sweet details like some skulls and space marine helmets.
AP Fact-Checks Generic Rhetorical Claims and Calls It News. Again
Basically, the point was, “Trump Claims He’s Undermining Latin Gangs, But NUH UH”. There were no specific claims and no specific disputations, just “Trump said some shit and we disagree. And we put the term FACT CHECK on top to make it look official.
I liked the idea of reading the piece in the voice of some East LA gang member; like, “Ey homes, this puta trump be talking shit about mi vatos locos and that shit like, nahhhhh homes. I don’t think so.”
“ya homes, that muthafucka got shit dunn. Dont be axin if it was a good idea and all that shit. muthafucka got shit dunn rite. Wat yu lookin at? Fuck yu, wit yer kwestchanin? I fuck u up muthafuka!”
Obama’s real name is Herbert Kornfeld?
via the Beeb:
Only issue if they get rid of her is, who the fuck do they replace her with? Boris Johnson would be worse than she is.
Zombie Winston Churchill?
Sadly, might be an improvement. Also zombie thatcher is a strong contestant.
My perpetually angry cat would be an improvement over her.
My serious thought? This guy. Also, I didn’t know that “Secretary of State for Leaving the European Union” was a thing.
Margaret Thatcher’s corpse?
I still want to see Nigel Farage. Hell I would vote for Nigel to be our president.
Saw him interviewed the other day and it sounds like he’s getting ready to get back into the fray.
French fries be murderin folks, yo!
Doncha just HATE when that happens?
Where do you find people who don’t eat fried potatoes thrice a week?
Apparently not in the morgue.
*raises hand*
I never eat french fries or fried potatoes ever.
Why would you deprive yourself of one of life’s pleasures? A properly fried and seasoned spud is a thing of beauty, and I’m not saying you gotta eat them everyday,every meal like my ninety-four years livin’ two-world war fightin’ grandfather did, but only twice a week? that’s crazy talk.
Why would you deprive yourself of one of life’s pleasures?
They’re heavy and I feel kind of blech after eating them usually. Also, they make you fat.
French fries. Killers. Of people.
__Warren__. Killler. Of HTML.
Now I look like an ijiit.
Thanks edit faire!
edit faire
Is that like The Original Renaissance Pleasure Faire, but for editors?
If it’s an edit faire then it’s whatever you want it to be. Just edit until you get what you want.
Make a wish foundation?
NSFW. Except where I work. We like this stuff.
You really don’t get the full breadth of that figure until you see she’s sitting on a toilet.
I’m worried about her rights to use the bathroom of her choice.
….I’ve seen worse figures though. You ever accidentally view the adult figure section at amiami?
Probably. Not an anime fan, so I can’t tell which is which. But, that stuff is everywhere and the people who like it are not really the people you’d like to hang out with.
I…. I’m just going to leave this description of one of the figures here. I cannot imagine why somebody would be turned on by this, but I ain’t gonna question other peoples’ fetishes, y’know?
Does your company currently have any openings for round eye failures?
Sure. I work for the government.
A government job on an alien planet were I can look at Hentai? SIGN ME UP!
I swear to god if they do an audit on my web history I am going to haunt your fucking nightmares.
Takes “fluid bonded” to a whole ‘nuther level.
They’re not doing the sex part right.
These people remind me that there are much worse fates than being a weeaboo.
In Russia, when people protest their president, they’re mad at him because they say he abuses their civil rights.
When the American left protests our president, it’s because they say Trump engaged in a secret conspiracy to hack Hillary Clinton’s email server and trick everyone into thinking that she might be dishonest.
Good point. It was John Podesta’s/DNC email server that was supposedly hacked, but still a good point.
Plus, no pissed off Bernie voters would ever leak the info on that server. Never. Totally has to be Russia and Trump.
(NSFW, as in showing bush, on a “mainstream” Brit website, kind of surprising really)
When I was in Germany way way back in 2009, I was flipping channels on regular old TV and there was a thing about shaving body hair, as in “there’s this new trend of chicks shaving their armpits.” And they showed bewbs and then pewbs as a woman and man were both getting their pubes trimmed professionally. And they showed like half the shaft of the dude’s wienerschnitzel. But I was more taken aback by the fact that they were treating trimming and shaving pits and pubes as a sort of novelty.
So she’s getting told repeatedly that her pubic hair is disgusting and she thinks it’s the men that have the problem. “You need a mint.” “F*** off. That’s my natural breath.”
I prefer the 1970s Dr. J. afrobush look, makes me less selfconscious about my own lack of trimming.
Something, something don’t poke your eye out while down there.
And just like that you’ve proven you’re a terrible person.
Yeah, that line stuck out like a sore thumb. Bitch probably wanted to get off while listening to his story.
Or so she can judge him for doing his job and doing something he probably hates himself for and may or may not have nightmares about. This cunt needs her pubes ripped out a few more times.
Asking a vet about the people they’ve killed in battle is like calling a random black guy a nigger. No matter what response you get, no one is going to be happy.
Point taken. Never even asked my dad that. Marine vet that served during Vietnam.
My brother-in-law killed one dude in Vietnam, and has never forgiven himself. Even though it was a him-or-me situation.
No shit. War vets should only volunteer that info unprompted; and from my experience, the vast majority would rather bury it deep down. I think you guys are right in that it was some kind of sick fetish with her.
Besides the whole ridiculous “all men are just like the few I can attract” and “all women are just like me” nature of the piece, it’s just horribly written. It keeps sliding from narrative to instructional to haranguing lecture without any kind of transition. She uses “you” to indicate she’s talking directly to different people at different times without any indication of changing whom she is addressing.
Um, no. A shaved pussy became popular, then porn copied it. There may be fluctuations in popularity, but there is documentation of pube removal going all the way back to ancient times. It’s popular because it’s exaggerating the physical sex differences (e.g. females have less body hair than men, so they’re becoming even more feminine by removing all of it).
Father of the year!
That’s a pretty strong candidate for manly monday right there.
Is that why they call them rompers?
Holy slutpile, Batman!
Adam West lived the life I genuinely want for myself.
8 women in one night before Viagra… I’m guessing cocaine?
So, what you are saying is, you have never done cocaine?
Cocaine is the anti-viagra.
For men, that is. Women, it just makes sluts sluttier.
Is dumping a 1:20 latex to water paint mixtures on assholishly parked cars a violation of the NAP? Assholishly parked cars are becoming a problem a round here.
You don’t have to go so big. A little flour on the windshield wipers goes a long way.
I would suggest printing out a few of these:
I’m losing my patience. I’m looking for nuclear options.
I knew college students who used to glue “Don’t Park Here” leaflets in the windshield right in the driver’s line of sight.
One friend had one of her tires deflated.
Eggs are always cheap and easy to obtain.
I don’t like wasting food. Even foods I don’t like to eat.
You got a beater truck/car around? billy goat ’em outta the way,
Well, if a car is parked in 2 spots, it’s stealing. Sort of.
What if he’s blocking the driveway to your place of business?
Have it towed.
Yeah, tow that shit, but call the cops first. I don’t know where you are, but around me you have to call a cop to come and ticket the car before you can call a tow, and then you have to give the police all the information about the tow company and so forth. Otherwise, the owner of the car can sue you.
I caught him parking there and told him to fuck the fucking off. He fucked the fuck off. I’m trying to establish a ruthless policy of paint splattering any and all trespassing vehicles.
Put up a sign that says “If you park here, I will fuck your car up!”
“You have ten minutes before the paint dries. Make your way to the car wash immediately.”
Signs up? Don’t park here you be towed and all?
That’s no fun.
ok……signs up,
No Parking
your tires will be slashed
your cat will be drowned
your wife will be raped
look for another parking place
have a nice day
This may shock you but you can actually buy car boots online. Boot the fuckers and extort them for cash. They won’t come back.
Listen to Vhyrus, go to jail.
I’m pretty sure we’ve been over this: if you listen to me you deserve whatever happens to you.
I only know because it happened here (sort of).
We had a fine, upstanding Korean family here who owned a tiny liquor store near the beach. This tiny store had 14 parking spaces. In the summer, people got in the habit of parking there for 20-30 minutes to drop stuff off at the beach.
The owners got the brilliant idea to block people in, and then charge them money to leave. Guess who went to jail, and guess who got to park for free?
Listen to Mark Jackson and learn nothing at all.
I know CA law, and that’s it.
If a car on a public street here blocks a private driveway, you call the local police department, and on complaint, they have to tow it. 22651 (d) CVC. They incur the liabilities and costs associated with the tow. Of course, it’s set up so that they make a profit from each tow, obviously.
If you’re towing off of private property, the tow company (and by extension, you) incur the liability from the tow. If you’re wrong in fact of law, you owe the owner of the vehicle 4x what it cost them to get their car back.
The family Highlander has suffered over the years. There are more than a few dents on the bumpers, and the passenger side quarter panel is a primer black replacement bolted loosely in place. So, when I see people parking like dicks, I like to squeeze in right next to them, passenger side with the Mad Max look right up on their driver side. Go ahead, hit my car. I obviously don’t give a shit.
In my younger days if I saw someone’s convertible parked diagonally across spaces I’d throw whatever garbage I had inside, the wetter and stickier the better. Never quite got mad enough to toss lit cigarettes, but the thought crossed my mind more than once. Never keyed a car, though. One day, though, I’ll probably slash tires, the rationale being that if they want their car there so badly let it stay there until the tow truck shows up.
I learned something new today. I logged into my Discover card account and hit the chat option. I explained to the rep that I wanted to use my cc on vacation and would like a 0% Apr for my current card. They gave me a 12 month 0% rate to accommodate my request. Apparently you can negotiate with them.
I knew you could ask for a higher limit but this 0% apr is news to me. Then again, it’s a discover card. I doubt a real credit card would fold so easily.
It took less than 5 minutes. I was surprised how easy it was.
The hell you say. When I lost my job, I called them and asked if I could get a lower rate and pay down my balance. (ya. I had a balance. save your scorn it happens and I am an idiot and didn’t see the lay off coming) They told me I could not negotiate a lower interest rate until I was in default. Pissed me off. The card is cut up, and I won’t ever be a discover customer again.
I have approximately $3500 in card debit from the end of school til I found a real job, plus $50k in student loans. Do not feel bad.
I always paid mine off every few months when I was home. And then…oops. Life changes on bad timing. Live and learn. Hopefully SMOD ends us so they can take their 11% and die in a fiery ball with the rest of us.
Speaking of which. What the hell does SMOD mean? I have seen it used after stuff I have no idea what the acronym is even standing for.
sweet meteor of death.
And I wish mine was 11%. My cheapest one is about 13% and I recently found a 14% one to replace my 21% card (FUCK YOU NRA! FUCK YOU AND YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT CREDIT CARD!)
SMOD was the libertarian candidate this year.
I just found this. It may be the most awesome thing dailycaller has ever done.
Aah, I thought it was Sweet Method of Dress.
Many people use it on many articles.
Sorry dude. That sucks.
I wish I could claim credit for the idea, but I read about other people trying it on slickdeals.
You guys are going to get me fired.
I was at a senior leadership meeting today and we were doing a quick update of any big issues blah blah. I didn’t really have anything, so I said “Nothing in particular, everything is pretty routine. Just cranking the handle.”
And then, and I blame you lot, out of my mouth pops “No euphemism.”
Fortunately, my crew has a pretty good sense of humor, but there was a . . . pause before they started laughing.
And then you knocked over the water pitcher and yelled “FUCK YOU THAT’S WHY!”?
He’s not gonna sugarcoat it: it got weird when he started ranting about Tulpas.
I’ve used that one.
Me: Hey, I just got that reconcilliation report back from (other bureaucrat).
Admin Toad: Yeah, what did they say?
Me: They said, they weren’t going to forward it up.
Admin Toad: They tell you why?
Me: I’m paraphrasing, but fuck you, thats why.
You came that close.
You’re not truly one of us until you tell your boss to fuck off, slaver.
Guess that was better than joking about rape.
Who is this Nan King bitch?
The protesters are just pissed that Putin got Trump elected.
Also, Garden of the Gods is pretty cool, part of the same rock formation as Red Rocks.
I have never heard of bears getting down that low. I blame the witches in Manitou Springs. Hell, it might have been a shape shifting witch.
I think I just ordered a paintball gun.
Can I shoot malparked cars?
Freedom means asking permission. Or something.
Fuck lawyers.
Good job Golden State. I thought they got jobbed by the refs last year and the previous game this year. And was expecting more ref fuckery, but things were clean.
So it should be three rings for them now. But this is okay.
Now if the Lakers could get their shit together…
Thankfully, given what’s available, that’s going to take at least one more year, so the Sixers can get a high lottery pick next year (from the Lakers, since the Sixers will be in the playoffs)
Followup on the fan ejection from last game: the fan got into it with Matt Barnes. Of course that’s who it was.
The Warriors need to get rid of him stat.
Agreed, they really don’t need him at all. He seems like an odd piece.
Yay Warriors. Fuck LeBron. I hope he has to continue to carry shitty teams and fall just short the rest of his career. Like Michael Jordan on Moron Mountain.
There ain’t no cure for the summer time poo.
Right on Golden State! One of the great basketball teams of all time. They play a great brand of ball, lots of team effort, passing, and great defense in addition to a hall of fame offense. Kerr is a tremendous coach and glad to see him make it back for the Finals.
It’s fucking June already. JUNE. What the fuck are they doing playing basketball in summer? We gonna start having a December World Series? A March Superbowl?