One charming Jew custom is the reading of the equivalent of a chapter of the Torah each Sabbath. Because those damn Jews have a different word for EVERYTHING, the Torah is divided into “sedrot” rather than chapters. And to confuse the goyim further, we also call them “parshiyot.” We are simultaneously crafty and redundant.
This week’s sedrah (that’s the singular form, you uncircumcised heathen) is a rather scattered and eventful portion from the book of Bamidbar (“in the desert”), which if your penis is intact, you might call “Numbers.” This is beside the point, but then again, I said the story was scattered.
The first part of the story starts when Moses sends a band of spies on an advance scouting mission to Canaan (later called Judah, then Israel, then Palestine, then Israel again, whatever). After 40 days, the spies came back and said, “Holy shit, this ain’t gonna be easy. The people already there are fucking ENORMOUS and totes badass. But check out the fruit!” They showed Moses some big grape clusters (overcropping already being a custom, the AOC laws being many millennia in the future) and a pomegranate. “The grapes look nice,” Moses observed, “but what kind of cheap shit is this, only bringing me one pomegranate?” Moses was a charmer. But hey, they had some figs, too, which helps keep a Jew nice and regular.
Jews being who they are, they started whining, “Those guys living there are badass, we’re fucked! Shit, we coulda stayed in Egypt! Let’s vote to go back!” Two of the spies demurred, arguing, “Look at the fruit! LOOK AT THE FRUIT!” which seemed as good an argument as any. To be fair, they did point out, “Remember the secret weapon: Yahweh,” which to them was an unassailable argument. The rest of the people thought the argument was eminently assailable as were the two optimistic spies, so prepared to stone them. This pissed off Yahweh, of course, because after doing all the plague stuff, he kinda expected to be a bit more respected.
Yahweh and Moses had a sidebar. “Look, Moses, enough is enough. These Jews dissed me, and that’s royally pissing me off. I think it’s time for some smiting.” Now here’s the diff between Jews and goyim- we’ll argue. “Submission” is not the translation of “Jew.” Moses countered, “Look, Yahweh baby, you do that and all those goyim around us will laugh in your face. ‘Stupid Yahweh couldn’t even get those Jews from Egypt to Canaan without them all dying. HAH-hah!’ Is that really what you want?” Yahweh thought that was a pretty good argument, so he said, “OK, we’ll compromise. These people wussed, then doubted me and my power, so fuck ’em. We’ll wander around for the next 40 years or so until all the adults are dead, THEN we can go into Canaan and kick asses. No-one’s gonna laugh at Yahweh then, huh?” Moses was a bit more polite than I would have been, so didn’t ask the obvious question: “Umm, why not just smite the Canaanites, then we can just waltz in?” Apparently, this was too obvious.
For some reason, all of this impressed the Jews. They said, “My bad” to Yahweh, and unlike politicians when they say, “I take full responsibility,” they actually DID take full responsibility. I can’t figure out this sudden change in attitude, but I guess that’s why I’m not religious.
After detailing the booty that the priests would get to extirpate the sin of Doubt (funny coincidence, that), the story lurches to something which should sound familiar to anyone reading the news out of the Middle East today. Some people walking around the desert for a Saturday stroll saw a guy picking up sticks. As any reasonable Middle Easterner would do, they grabbed the guy and hauled him in front of Moses. “Dude was out there picking up sticks. You’re Yahweh’s BFF, tell us what to do- and you know what we want!” Moses, ever deferential, said, “Let me check with The Big Guy, back to you shortly.” Very shortly, as it turns out. Yahweh, who always comes across as somewhat insecure in these stories, said, “Hey, I told you not to pick shit up on Saturday. So… kill him. That’s the only reasonable response.”
This made the people very happy, so they took the guy outside, set him up, got the rocks handy, then cast the first stone. And the second. And the third… well, you get the idea. I think the usual phrase is, “closed casket funeral.” ISIS does have a long tradition.
I love happy endings.
That’s all great and stuff but answer me this: What happens if STEVE SMITH and ZARDOZ get married to each other?
Gay married or regular married?
Do either of those apply?
What gender do STEVE SMITH and ZARDOZ identify as?
I’m not asking or checking.
What species are they? We have a floating head made of rock or lava and then a giant rapey wood ape.
Homo Igneous and Homo Rapesticus, Both homos, so they should be good.
Floating rock? How do I invest?
How high are you currently?
Then no baker in the land can refuse them a cake.
STEVE SMITH gets a lota head.
Sounds like the premise a new Sam & Max Game. They already have Bigfoot and giant floating stone heads as canon.
Stuff like this (well there’s the bacon and the shrimp cocktail too) is why I could never be a Jew.
See, you miss opportunity. Do what I did- married a shiksa. So all day Saturday, I can make a mess and she has to pick up.
But you still don’t get to have bacon or shrimp cocktail. And the less said about Kosher wine the better.
There’s some first rate Kosher wines out there. Seriously.
Just out of curiosity what exactly?
For easily available, the stuff from Royal is reliably well-made and tasty- Weinstock, Herzog, Bazalet haGolan are three of my go-tos when the need is there. Some years back, Weinstock made what might have been the best Chenin Blanc from California that I ever had.
Appreciate it, I’ll try to check some of that out.
OMWC, did Weinstock only make that Chenin one year or so? I remember reading you recommend it before, along with stuff like Ogier’s Belle Helene and I’ve been able to find that at retail, but I’ve never seen the Weinstock Chenin anywhere. Oh, and is this their regular Chenin, and not some Reserve?
Not a variety you see many examples of from the U.S. I’ve thought Chappellet’s was OK, but jeez, not for 150% of the price of Baumard’s Savennières.
Manischewitz. It’s really hard to catch a buzz, but never stop trying.
I don’t remember the name of it but I found this Kosher cherry wine in Bev Mo. Had a cute round bottle if that helps to identify it.
Coin-round not cylinder-round.
Do you mean closer to a sphere than a cylinder?
Why does this have to be so difficult?
It wasn’t a sphere, it was flat front and back with rounded sides like a coin.
So it’s basically like a cylinder, except with the axis being parallel to the ground rather than perpendicular.
A coin is a cylinder, after all; it’s just that the ratio of the axis to the diameter is much different.
So… not from a jug?
Wait, this is the same Warren, right?
The one who’s not really an Indian?
I have no idea what he pretends to do in the bedroom.
There are (were?) 2 Warrens commenting at reason. I like one of them. The other one… well, everyone has their opinion.
I like the jug wine California Warren. Northern part of the Central Valley. Possibly doing life in Folsom.
My life story.
You don’t want to be confused with that other Warren.
It sounds like Maraska Kosher Cherry Wine.
I’ve seen it at our local international grocery supermarket. (Phoenica Specialty Foods—one of the great things about living in Houston) Never tried it, but I’ll give it a shot. They’ve a lot of “interesting” wines, from places like Uruguay, Morocco, Lebanon (including Musar, which is the good kind of interesting)
That’s it! Good stuff!
Bumwine blessed by a rabbi-what’s not to like?
Wait… you get to be non-religious and still get all the (((good parts)))? Where do I sign up?
Dude: NO BACON. NONE. EVER. BACON. I’ve dated a few super hot Jewish girls, but even if they were willing to put up with me, deal breaker.
But I got the impression from the above that you could sign up and pick & choose which (((parts))) to obey. Clearly I would never give up bacon.
Just out of curiosity, what’s the consensus on turkey bacons and the like?
I used to prefer turkey bacon until I figured out how to properly cook the real thing.
Turkey bacon is Kosher and disgusting.
But observant Jews are all about building “fences”, so imitation bacon is largely avoided.
in *my* religion …
(i haven’t come up with a name yet but for the time being Gilmorism will do)
….taking one animal and then mutilating and despoiling it after death in order to make it *taste* like another animal…
…is a sin punishable by having to spend eternity in an endless 1980s Westchester bat-mitzvah, where the music is “Electric Youth” on perpetual re-run, there’s no booze, all the kids are fat and ugly and annoying, and you’re caught in an inescapable conversation with someone’s mother in law
there’s a whole other set of punishments for trying to meatify-Tofu, which involve being lectured to by hippies.
My 24-year old brother in 1991 is pissed at you for dissing Debbie Gibson. (He freely admits today that he had a problem then)
Not at all. why, i’m *immortalizing her*.
sure… for the purpose of torturing sinners, but still: Immortal! Do you even know how jealous Donny Walhberg is?
“But I got the impression from the above that you could sign up and pick & choose which (((parts))) to obey. ”
Which everybody in every religion has always done. Everybody. Always.
This is true.
Hey, come on. Not all of us with mutilated dongs have your filthy dirt-religion’s mandatory blood sacrifices to your nonexistent god to blame for it.
We can sew it back on, if you like.
At least staple a Kleenex on there.
I’m not doing that again after what happened last time. And you still owe me a new stapler.
Is it a red Swingline by any chance?
I enjoy reading these (((stories))). I hope you keep them coming.
I enjoy these stories as well. OMWC should be collecting all of these for a full translated version of the Bible.
I’d pay real money (gold and silver coins) for that version of Scripture. But someone’s gotta do for the New Testament what OMWC’s doing for the Old. And it’s been nigh-on forty years since I went to Bible College, so I don’t have any faith in my ability any more . . .
That Mitchell and Webb look had a pretty good overview of the parable of the good Samaritan.
OT: Preet!
He obviously threw his knowledge of Constitutional Law into a woodchipper.
This is funny because longstanding tradition is that partisans get kicked out when the new party takes over, and Preet was the one who was trying to get Trump to keep him on board. Now he’s trying to jump on Comey’s testimony to make it seem like it was the exact same thing.
“The final contact occurred March 9, a day before Mr. Bharara was among 46 asked to resign. Mr. Trump was then president, so Mr. Bharara said he declined to return the call and reported it to the chief of staff of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. ”
Maybe that’s why you got fired, asshole.
Bureaucracy worship. Another example:
No, you idiot. Practically, he shouldn’t, but technically, the president could fire a janitor in Yellowstone.
That would be awesome. Imagine the phone call.
Doesn’t the Civil Service act restrict how non-appointed workers can be fired?
If so, it’s not Constitutional and the president is free to ignore it.
Well, until he’s impeached, anyway.
The Federal government basically operates on the uncle principle. It’s not the written word that matters, it’s whichever branch holds out the longest.
The reason God gets so smity in Old Testament is that any time he says “do this”, some asshole goes “Really? You sure?I mean, I’ll do it, but have you considered…” So if you want shit done NOW, kill a few thousand to make sure they understand you want it done. Now.
Everyone remembers the giant fish in the story of Jonah, but the ending is my favorite.
ou uncircumcised heathen
Some of us are Jews in spirit.
As someone not versed in the various religious dogma and text, I do admit I’m struck by how sensitive and fragile God’s ego is.
(G*D adds Paul to list for random smiting at later date)
Not a random SMITHING?
Even Yahweh’s not that much of an asshole.
I have an atheistic friend who has half-jokingly embraced Crom as his God. Apparently, Crom spends a lot of time laughing at idiots and ignoring mortals. Now that’s power.
Please, next to the wind god, Crom is just a poser.
Crom don’t do shit for you or against you, so to hell with him.
Crom gave you life, and Crom gave you steel. You can figure the rest out yourself.
Crom already did his job, now you do yours and be a badass. Crom doesn’t want to listen to you whine like a bitch every time you stub your toe and pray for healing. Crom is pretty much the god of ‘walk it off’.
He’s a jealous God. He sorta mellows out a lot in the New Testament, but that’s ’cause his Son had a “come to Jesus” talk with Him.
Er, the other Him. You know what I mean.
I always found the wording “I am a jealous God…” to kind of imply there are other, less jealous gods.
“Jesus Christ, man…calm your Dad down.”
-Enlightened Buddha
And before some pedant points out he’s not a god I know, it’s a dumb world religion joke.
Go ahead and build an entire world and see how sensitive you are about it.
Earth is like the world-version of the paste-eating kids finger-painting, isn’t it?
I have had Steve smite a few creepers for me.
If I’m building a world I’m sure as hell not putting little monkey assholes like us on it, hell, I’ll uplift the octopi or the dolphins or the crows or some shit.
Yeah, I was never religious, but I read a fair amount of the Bible in my younger days out of pure interest, and was surprised to find out that God was actually kind of a dick. Lots of good stories in the old testament, though, with all the salacious details that somehow got left out of what I learned during my short Sunday school career (one summer in elementary school).
The new testament is much more boring, though I did like the parts where they try to play “gotcha” with Jesus, and he’s like, “I’m not falling for that, dumbass. Now hold my grail and watch me make some miracles.“
Violent sex acts?
That’s clucking disgusting.
I’m kinda curious as to what “violent sex acts” chickens could be forced to perform.
So did the Jews have some long standing issue with Canaan or was it a straight up invasion?
God promised it to them.
So a precursor to manifest destiny.
Pretty much. Certainly not the only one.
The people who eventually became the Israelites were part of the Sea Peoples, and yes, they were invaders. Bad sea people, bad!
Wasn’t that the Phillistines?
The Philistines may also have been sea people. The Mediterranean suffered a few dark ages, and we don’t really know all that much about the Sea Peoples. But, there was an incredible amount of disruption during the time, as attested to by Egyptian and Persian (maybe Assyrian?) sources from the time. There is also some theories that the Egyptians had a refugee problem, which they solved by sending the (((refugees))) into the Levant, coincidentally causing problems for the Egyptian’s only real rival.
Not sure about the Semitic peoples being sea peoples. Abram/Abraham came from Mesopotamia first and after tooling around Canaan, his descendants settled in Egypt for 400 years.
The Hittites, Philistines, etc were generally recognized as sea peoples. Moabites, Edomites, Ammonites and a few other groups were Semitic descendants that stayed in Canaan while others went to Egypt.
But that’s my translation since I read the Bible fairly regularly.
file under: Oh, Canada…
‘Crocodile’ spotted in Canada marsh was actually a truck tire
I wonder how long it will take them to figure out that the “sea monster” Trudeau bought for their national aquarium is just a log with a Halloween mask stapled on it.
I thought it was common knowledge crocodilians can’t swim in ice.
Its a slide show, so you have to click through to see the whole story, but i have always found the brick testament to be the best way to read the bible.
You know who else thought about the Jews on Tuesday?
J. Wellington Wimpy?
Buddy Hackett?
I’m not sure how the progs are feeling right now about this. Their boy Perriello got absolutely obliterated by the establishment fuddy-duddies who turned out for Northam. On the other side, the #MAGA base actually showed up to vote and now Gillespie is only leading by a few thousand votes.
I’m kinda regretting not voting for Stewart. He’s the one causing prog tears, therefore he must be the best candidate in the primaries.
Anecdotal = but people in know in VA said they were voting in the democrat primary to oppose Perriello rather than vote for Gillespie.
in states with open primaries, people jump parties all the time just to fuck over the people they dislike more than help the ones they like. when you fear the liberals more than you love the conservatives, this makes sense.
Sure, but I think it’s a wash. Anecdotal, but bunch of progs were bragging about how they voted in the GOP primary for the “crazy nutjob” who clearly has no chance to win the general.
MSM hyped Northam-Perriello as the closer contest, so the crossover voting was likely far more fierce on the D side than on the R side.
I has a 4skin. I likes it.
I want the story of Balaam and his talking ass. Yahweh always comes off as a little bipolar in that story.
Pop quiz, old man:
I’m cooking with a frozen Israeli red chili pepper. Which Kibbutz did it come from?
You have 5 minutes or until the bus goes less that 50 MPH.
Disclaimer: I just slathered it all over my leftover carnitas. I’m no scientician, but I don’t think it’s Kosher anymore.
Keanu Scoville is a great stage name.
By stage… yeah, I know what you mean.
My take on when God told Moses that he had half a mind to wipe them all out, I think he may have been giving Moses a pep talk. God seems to do this periodically in the Old Testament (Pentateuch, Torah, tomato, to-mah-to). Like when he comes up to Cain and says, “So, where’s your brother”?
In other words, Moses was probably having doubts of his own, and why wouldn’t he? Every time he turns around, the children of Israel are doing everything they’re not supposed to do. Comes down from Sinai with the law against idolatry–written by God’s own hand–and they’re dancing around an idol. It’s non-stop.
For want of a better term, I think God was playing “devil’s advocate”. In the act of getting Moses to stand up for his people, Moses came to see it for himself.
Oh, there’s the other wild story–from Exodus 4.
God shows up looking for Moses, and God is furious. In fact, it says he’s there to kill Moses–apparently because Moses didn’t circumcise his kid. So Moses’ wife takes a sharp stone, goes in and circumcises the kid, throws the foreskin at Moses’ feet, and calls him names. If his wife had been like my ex-girlfriend, she’d have gone after his dick with the knife, and said she was going to feed it to a duck. I think that’s a Latin thing. Anyway, once she did that, God’s anger blew over, and he split.
Again, I don’t think God was being 100% literal. I think he was trying to get through to Moses where he lived. You’re my voice; you’re not in charge–and you have to do things my way.
P.S. “Talk to the rock” doesn’t mean hit it with your stick.
Ummm… so you had a pet duck?
What, you didn’t?
With orange sauce.
Cherry and apple sauce, you heathen.
I hate to go celebrity chef, but Jose Garces was in town a few years ago, and he did a pop up with smoked “duck carnitas” in orange sauce, and it was the 2nd best meal I’ve ever had.
I tried to get him to sign the cookbook with a “libertarian” message, but his publicist intervened.
I hope he explained that the key is to have an acidic companion to mitigate the oiliness of the duck. Same, but more so with goose.
My main problem with orange sauce is the same reason I have a problem with mint on lamb. It’s lazy ‘cos it’s what everyone always does.
When a Latina threatens to cut your dick off and feed it to a duck, whether she actually has a duck available should be the least of your concerns.
I found it much better to try and persuade her that she’s much better off leaving it attached where it is. Put it to good use!
If she gets to the point where she’s looking for a duck, things have already gone too far.
When a Latina threatens to cut your dick off and feed it to a duck, it’s foreplay.
It’s why you were interested in the first place. Other than the feminine figure, the nice skin and hair, and the family values.
Sorry Ken, but I have it on good authority that a being who literally has all the knowledge of the entire universe from begging to end couldn’t possibly understand metaphor or basic human psychology.
“Again, I don’t think God was being 100% literal. I think he was trying to get through to Moses where he lived. ”
God said we’re going to build a wall, China’s a currency manipulator, and make Judea great again.
Some tactics work.
From the article: Becca Longo is an 18 year old that just signed as a kicker for DIVISION II Adams State in Alamosa, Colorado.
I’m going to predict no.
No. At best she would be a FG/XP specialist as having to make a tackle on those plays is very rare. No coach is his right mind would let her KO, she’d get killed out there.
The answer to any question posed in a headline is always “no”. There will never be a female NFL player (maybe a field goal kicker, but they don’t count and I still don’t think it will happen).
I don’t know football – does the “kicker” only do kicking?
Usually. But it’s not uncommon that they are the last player between the other team and a touchdown, meaning a female trying to tackle a very buff, 260 pound running back.
Well, then “no”.
Its also not uncommon that they get smothered by a flying defensive tackle trying to stop the extra point
they’d have to scrape her off the field with a spatula
Not on the teams I coached. But I’m kinda old school about such things.
I had in mind Aussie Rules where everyone is a kicker and a bruiser too. Although they do specialize by position and especially for “rucking” (the “tip off”) but not as much as football from what I can tell.
However, Alamosa is a very pretty town.
Inventors of the orange-juice+champagne+(with a side of ice-cream)-cocktail
Would Hank Hill drink it?
fuck, i’d drink it.
Sarcasm, right?
RN, did you have any interest in the footy article thing? No problem if you don’t, just want to know.
Yeah. I’ll shoot you an e-mail soon. Today got away from me and tomorrow doesn’t look much better.
And there’s a ringing endorsement. “You’ve got to go out there and outkick this 42-year old fat couch potato who hasn’t tried a placekick since he was fifteen. THINK YOU CAN HANDLE THAT, ROOK?”
50 WHOLE YARDS?? Wow, that is so rare only any NFL kicker worth half a damn can hit from 50 pretty routinely. In, you know, NFL games, where you only have a second or two to hit a lower trajectory kick through, you know, NFL players trying to block it. Hell, I watched a Monday Night game where piece of crap Mike Vanderjagt kicked two 50+ yarders in winter weather to force overtime. Could this chick even hit one if the defense gave her a free kick in the same conditions?
I’m sure there’s a euphemism hiding in there somewhere, somewhere near the end of the second blockquote, but the details evade me.
There was a gymnast video earlier today that showed exactly that. I think one of our beloved commenters actually went to the trouble of time stamping it.
Good night so far for the TWINS. Can’t believe Kyle “No Chin” Gibson is gonna earn another “W”– given how shitty he was in the first few innings.
Not as shit as the Seattle pitchers – Bergman and Lawrence. You don’t have to be good, You only have to be good enough.
Also, FWIW, I can’t believe Heath Hembree actually got 3 Phillies out. Also, why the fuck Boston has .242 hitting Hanley Ramirez as a goddamn DH is a mystery to me. YOU HAVE ONE JOB. ONE JOB.
Dicks out for Hembree.
Hembree already has his dick out. He could tuck it in for games, at least.
Also, Minnesota is MURDERING Seattle. I only wish it was the Nationals.
Well, Boston actually fucken won. Took ’em 12 innings, but whatevs. So did Minnesota, but when you score 20 runs, that’ll happen.
What, no mention of the Haftorah as well? (Torah reading is from one of the 5 books of Moses, Haftorah reading is from one of the other books of the Old Testament).
Aww yeah, more super-depressing weirdo Ukrainian games.
“Escape from Holodomor”
Pierogi Ninja
You can’t lie to me and say “Russian Fallout” isn’t a brilliant bloody concept.
Read the books by any chance? The one that this one is following off of is bloody depressing as fuck. Also points for being Russian and anti-communist.
I read the first but the translation is pretty bad, at least for the first edition. The second still didn’t have English translations when I read it. Glukhovsky is what you’d describe as a ‘Russian liberal’, i.e. he doesn’t care for communism or Putin’s regime and he’s rather open about it.
The translations were decent to me, a lot of bizarre punctuation errors and irritating capitalization mistakes, but readable.
First two are great, but 2035 is where shit gets real. Mutants are removed and the whole focus for Glukhovsky in this one was to try to analyze why Russians seem to want to go back to the Soviet Union so badly. Also has actual Nazis and communists.
Of course I can lie to you about that. Although I’d be wrong, because you’re right, it sounds like tits. But don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. Goddamn Anglais Canadians.
I’m also partially nerding out because a lot of the Metro team used to work for the STALKER developer, which was one of the weirdest and brilliant random FPS of the last generation.
Wow. If this is true, they based it off of a Tarkovsky film. If that’s true, very badass. I’m not a big FPS gamer (since DOOM, anyway), but that is very cool. (Actually, it’s pretty cool in any way if they’re trying to do something unique)
STALKER literally has a mechanic where you use bolts to try to detect anomalies, it’s pretty blatantly based off of both of the film and Roadside Picnic. STALKER blew my tiny teenage mind as to the possibilities of the open-world FPS concept, and it’s great to see them back in action.
This probably sounds douchey – and feel free to make fun of me for it – but the future is awesome, and it’s cool to live in it. The first video game I played as a kid was Pong. (Yes, I’m old). For the time, it was cool. Newer games like Space Invaders were mind blowing. The immersive worlds game creators make now are incredible.
I’m playing the new Zelda and I’m not sure how I feel about it. It’s almost too “real” – lots of slogging around, having to cook food all the time, weapons always falling apart. I’ve been doing that for about 20 hours and I’m still not sure if I’m having “fun”.
<fx: mutters in faux Yorkshire accent>
Pong! When I were a kid, we used to dream of … etc etc etc
Rhywun – yeah, if they make it like a job, why not just do the one you’re paid for?
#6 – “We used to dream of having a Pong, we had to make do with the broken cricket balls the older children would pelt us with.”
Hallelujah it’s finally dropped under 90 degrees.
We have had a very mild and wet summer so far. It’s starting to get back to normal this week though. 91, yesterday and 94 today. humidity in the 80s. Welcome to arkansas summer.
It was very mild here (NYC) for weeks then BLAM heat wave #2. 100 today by some accounts. Did I mention I hate summer?
Early afternoon in Manhattan was actually quite pleasant at about 95. Skyscraper shadows, humidity not that high. I took an (unusual) 20 minute walk thru’ Midtown after lunch, but I wouldn’t have wanted to be pounding the streets for more than an hour or so.
Yeah, I’m picturing July and August with same temps but 100% humidity and won’t that be fun.
That’s how a boring shitty office job becomes awesome. The people I have respek’ for are the people who have to use the subway to get around once they get to the city.
Those fuckers deserve a medal and a refrigerated hazmat suit.
The waiting for a train sucks but once you get on the AC has improved greatly in recent years. Used to be a crapshoot if you got AC at all.
I lived in the city in the mid 90’s and yeah, the rolling stock was pretty hit or miss. In summer, I used to go to some lengths to avoid having to go anywhere on the subway.
Oh well, it helped the bottom line of a lot of bars on the UES.
Lunch up in the Catskills wasn’t so bad when I went out to the parking lot to put my cooler back in the car. We had a brief downpour before the 1:30 PM break, and when I went out at 1:30, it was ridiculously soupy. The rain didn’t help at all.
It’s not meant to be like this in Connecticut. At least not until I get my AC fixed.
OMG I couldn’t live without it. If there was no such thing as AC I would never live in this part of the country.
I’m at an altitude of 700ft and the house, despite diverting airflow via opening crawlspace doors and running gable fans was at about 85 until 2AM this morning. Luckily, we have ceiling fans thru’out the house too so getting some sleep was feasible if a bit of a challenge, but they replaces the condenser and the guts of the air handler this morning, so we’re livin’ the life of Riley tonight.
I’m sure the HVAC guys charged us all they thought they could get away with, but damn, it feels like we got great value for our money. Viva el mercado libre.
Try Florida.
“No thanks, I’m trying to give it up”
Not on your life. I’m part ginger.
Yeah, I’m blond on top, ginger beard. I stay inside most of the day, usually.
OTOH, my chances of a heart attack from shoveling snow have dwindled significantly. My chances of a heart attack from alcohol abuse..uh… well, never mind.
I have a cure for ginger. I’ll get back to you in a year or 2.
I’m pretty sure that Jungle Fever beats Gingerism. Kind of like how Sickle-cell Anemia beats Malaria, Jungle Fever means no more kids writhing in agonizing pain trying to get dressed because they spent too much time out in the sun. And also since Sickle-Cell Anemia is a regressive trait, it means that Mulatto kids don’t have to worry about that. So killing birds with that one.
‘…the book of Bamidbar (“in the desert”), which if your penis is intact, you might call “Numbers.”
John Harvey Kellogg helped cause a great deal of us goyim to have a less than intact penis, yet we also refer to Bamidbar as Numbers.
Just sayin’…
If more people watch The Red Pill that habit might decline quite rapidly. As it should.
Are dumb women in California dumber than normally-really-dumb women? A scientist conducts conclusive experiments
Stupidity and massive narcissism make a toxic combination here, that’s for sure.
I blame Trump
Something tells me that if you’re not-very-bright and you live in bumfuck Arkansas, you probably know it and accept your condition as a fact of life. When people ask you current-affairs questions, you spit and go, “fuck if i know. are you gonna pay me to say something?”.
whereas if you live in a west-coast paradise, you think “I must deserve this for some reason”
Breaking news
I can’t imagine what’s behind this.
Surely, this is some sort of freak accident.
London has been beset with all sorts of bad luck lately.
Another incident in a short span of time?
My goodness.
Seems like there is some drama about that tower.
It’s drama about tower blocks in general. Over the last few decades, the habit has been to move ownership and management from the local government proper, to separate management entities, TMOs (Tenant Management Organizations) which are really just a bureaucratic dodge to make a bunch of local government panjandarams look like concerned trustees.
The problem is that these 1960’s monstrosities are awful – were awful – when built, and the only good thing about them is that they’re largely made out of concrete, so when they do catch fire, the victims don’t have to be worried about being crushed under a structure weakened by fire. They’re not well maintained (for lots of reasons) and are often inhabited by tenants with less than stellar capabilities when it comes to interacting with a broader, more successful society.
On and off over the last 30 years, there have been initiatives to get rid of these carbuncles, but the socialist governments of the early 60’s were very committed to putting large numbers of their voters into clean, hygenic highrises that maintained the spirit of the communities that they’d been forcibly relocated from, except (of course) this utopian ideal of everyone living in their very own facsimile of Victory Mansions didn’t work out that way. They’re expensive to replace, expensive to maintain, and they’re embarassing to have located in your district, and by fobbing them off onto Tenants Organizations, it’s just going to prolong the pain.
I’m not big on predicting these kinds of things, because I’m boring and usually invoke Occam’s Razor, but I wouldn’t be too anxious to ascribe this to much more than one of the tenants falling asleep in front of the TV and dropping a plastic bag full of Liquid Nails on the floor in front of a space heater. Or someone forgot to unplug the toaster grill while cooking a tray of kippers.
I would live in a ditch before sharing a building like that with people like this:
It’s a pretty safe bet that if there isnt a fire there will be some other disaster.
You kinda missed the bit where – after taking responsibility – the Israelites try to go up and beat the bad guys and get whooped. Moses and Yahweh are like – “I told you so.” Of course Joshua and Caleb, the two spies who actually think they can manage the whole thing initially – are the only survivors for the generation – and basically build up enough XP and lvls during the grind so that they can get the massive leadership combos and bonus rewards when they do cross the Jordan 40 years later.
The other 10 spies were killed by a plague right up front.