There are two worlds we inhabit: one a sunlit land of opportunity, cheap guzzoline, and giggling children; the other filled with Florida Man, junkies (I repeat myself), ghosts, cheap diners, and silly roadside attractions. You see ever since I was a kid, I had a real love for the roads less traveled, whether it be punk rock shows, partying with misfits, or trying to find meaning in things where very little meaning exists.
Why do I have this love for the obscure? Perhaps it comes from growing up in a boring backwater of suburban wasteland where dreary people lived dreary little lives. Or maybe it was the TV series In Search of…, my reading of Chariot of the Gods, Star Blazers, comic books, or anything else that was outside of the normal day-to-day routine found in Nowheresville.
It’s too bad that age has taught me that the supernatural and such mysteries are more product of the human imagination that reality. A world with haunted houses, STEVE SMITH Sasquatch, Warty and his time suit, and vampires would certainly be a lot more interesting, but it sure would be hell on insurance rates. But for just a moment let’s cast away our sensible and rational brains so we can explore – with childlike wonder – what is going on in the “other” world.
So enough Joseph Campbell-like musings, let’s get on with some links:
Hunting Bigfoot in the Upper Peninsula – STEVE SMITH doesn’t strike me as a Yooper, but perhaps there is something about the denizens of the UP that draws the attention of the world’s most famous Rapesquatch, eh?
Red-faced ghost hunter exploring a ‘haunted’ witches’ prison is scared out of his wits by a TEDDY BEAR (the use of all caps is a dead giveaway that this is a Daily Mail link) – I once knew a haunted teddy bear. It had been molested for years by tomcat who had sexual feelings for the poor thing. You could see the dead stare on the teddy bear’s face. Sad!
Real-Life Vampire Couple Says Sucking Blood Is Better Than Sex – there’s something very, very wrong with a hipster beard “vampire.”
For $125K, you can own a ‘haunted house’ in Texas – “A client got literally nauseously ill and thought she was going to pass out and ran out,” Foley said. “She kept saying, ‘I can’t go back in there. Something hit me the moment you opened the door. I cannot go back in there.'” That Tex-Mex cooking will get ya every time.
UFO sightings on the rise in Philly and PA – “Volunteers even logged a sighting during an Obama rally at the Art Museum.” At least this makes some sense. I, for one, welcome our new lizard overlords.
Mysterious shoes on Napoleon Avenue: Anybody got an explanation? – “I’ve been told for years that the explanation for tennis shoes thrown over utility wires indicates a place to buy drugs. Maybe this dealer is a diva.”
And there ends our cruise through the backwaters of this country, or some other country, or maybe even another planet.
I knew you two guys would say that, COMING FROM THE FUTURE MYSELF, I remember you saying it.
Live footage of the Trump Cabinet’s Praise Session.
It really is pathetic that the first two comments come by way of Canadians.
I would have firsted you both, but chose to let you Canucks have your little bit of dignity.
Hey, at least I’m WORKING.
Just not doing anything particularly productive for the next hour or so.
The Canadians start posting at 4:00 Newfoundland time.
Yeah, that’s like 2:00 American time
Actually the first three, Rufe. LH accidentally posted this article this morning, and I and one other person commented that we were both FROM THE FUTURE before LH withdrew the article.
I note that my labour has been wasted. Again.
I was the first of three comments, and I started that whole FROM THE FUTURE bit. Way to other me, BEAM.
Re those mysterious blue shoes.
I really hope it isn’t a serial killer’s sense of humour on display.
From another fantasy land, a weird voyage of a kid who did a stupid thing and had likely paid for it with his live
He’s not dead, yet.
But I suspect the Norks sent him home to die. Will be interesting to see if US docs can do anything for him.
He’ll wake up when the correct trigger phrase is said…
Norkchurain Candidate? It did say he was going into finance.
If his brain fails to recover, he can run for President.
The possibilities are indeed intriguing.
I doubt it, the article said he may have been in a coma for a year. But really, I can’t say that I have too much sympathy, the Norks are shit-crazy and lose no sleep over another dead yankee. There is no amount of money in the world that would get me into North Korea, at least not with the 101st airborne at my back.
A coma. In North Korean. I doubt he was hooked up to life support.
“urgently needs proper medical care in the United States.
As a result of our current political debate, this statement makes almost no sense to me.
I like how terrible it is now that trump’s been president for half a year.
Nothing makes sense.
They criticized Secretary of State John Kerry and the Obama administration for failing to secure his release, telling the Washington Post in April that their son “seemed to be an unwanted distraction” for the Obama administration.
Not sure if the Obama administration really ran on a ‘leave-no-man-behind’ ethos.
Some dude named Bergdahl disagrees.
I’m not the biggest Obama fan by any means, but I don’t even see what that incompetent sack of botox John Kerry could have even done had he actually been uniquely qualified to be SoS.
He was a tourist. In North Korea.
Should have left his stupid ass there.
For a moment, I thought the East German Secret Police were back in business. You could see why they would be fans of Megyn Kelly.
I’d hide in her attic and spy on her.
Saw your post the other day. What were you doing in East Germany in the 80s? Were you in Berlin?
He was there to hookup with the sexy ladies of the East German swim team.
Some guys like a good sized penoris.
Why go for a girl who reminds you of mom when you can have one that reminds you of mom AND dad?
It’s all true.
People to People exchange program. More like a tour actually.
We entered thru Checkpoint Charlie. Got the full East German Helga experience from a border guard who apparently had access to makeup and bootlegs of Tammy Baker’s Guide to Cosmetics. She was built like a GDR female track athlete and yelled at us in German for about a half hour until we just kept nodding OK.
Stayed in some hotel run by Swedes that had obvious spy rooms (a closet positioned between every pair of rooms).
Visited innumerable monuments to the Soviet war dead, Potsdam, etc… Got to experience the wonderful shopping. Visited an East German disco (that was wild). Got called schweinehund a few times.
It was memorable.
We were banned from visiting a high school and talking to students. I guess we were too American.
Does anyone remember the Michael Jackson concert at the Brandenburg Gate? At the time we were in East Berlin, they still had the area on their side of the wall near there shut down for at least a hundred yards so nobody could get close. Polizei were positioned all around the area. They were terrified of that chimp loving pedo for some reason.
Cool. I hear Potsdam was creepy back then. That was where the KGB was stationed and the Russians ran military drills. Now the villas are back in the hands of the petit bourgeois, the way God intended.
We only saw the villa where the conference occurred. The landscaping was perfect, with a huge flower bed in front. The flowers were arranged so that a red hammer and sickle bloomed in the middle of a white background.
The Two Minutes of Hate directed at Alex Jones in that article is hilarious, just constantly regurgitating insults through the whole piece to signal what a Right-Thinker you are.
At this point, virtue signaling should be an Olympic event
That’s what we’re training for!
~Evergreen College
To be fair, if that guy is ever right about anything, it is on complete accident.
Yes but screaming about how Alex Jones, the guy who thinks racism and anti-Semitism was invented by the Illuminati to more easily divide the human race so they could control them is a ‘hate monger’ is retarded and ridiculous hyperbole. They can’t just say he’s a whacked out conspiracy theorist, he has to be some combination of a Klan member, Nazi and Satan himself.
But there are only two kinds of people in the world: good people, and racists. Alex Jones is not good people, so therefor he’s a racist. QED. *end-zone dance*
I heard she was dis-invited from the Sandy Hook gala.
Sandy Hook gala? Seriously what-the-fuck?
I don’t think they’re literally dancing on the backs of murdered children. But you could be forgiven for wondering if they aren’t figuratively doing so.
No wondering needed.
They may have literally spread some ashes on the dance floor.
It helps with doing the Electric Slide (Boogie-Woogie).
“Sometimes my own people make me sick. By that, I mean liberals and journalists.”
Oh, lady. The “and” is a bit redundant, don’t you think?
Good one Playa..
I always thought that people making me sick was….a clue.
After she says that she launches right into one admission after another that she is one of the kind that makes people sick.
‘Should Diane Sawyer have never done a televised interview with mass murderer Charles Manson, should Katie Couric have been banned from interviewing Edward Snowden? OK, not every interview was as hardball as it could have been, but each one exposed cracks in the armor of the beasts.’
Nice equivocation there.
I thought she was the one on her knees – isn’t that why she left Fox?
I have the strangest sense of deja vu about this post. 😛
Perhaps you simply traveled into the future, and remembered what you saw when you came back.
There’s a glitch in the Matrix…
Vhyrus tried to warn the world. Did he fail?
The angels want to wear my
redblue shoes?You’re reminding me of how much I don’t understand about the attraction to Ghost Hunters, Paranormal Witness, and all the other shows for retards on the SyFy Channel.
Retards deserve entertainment, too.
That’s why fidget spinners exist.
I would’ve assumed this is why fidget spinners exist. NSFW, natch.
Incidentally also a FL-related link.
I don’t know what I expected….
I appreciate that you clicked through though.
Now, every time I see my kids playing with their stupid spinners, this will be the image in my head.
“Every time I see my kids, I think of erect penis”
And it’s all Jesse’s fault. Thanks a lot, Jesse!
That’s why I didn’t click on it!
Well that is something I wouldn’t have thought of. I always thought spinners were silly and annoying. Now I kind of want one.
on the SyFy Channel.
You forgot the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, hell, even the Weather Channel now.
You forgot one, buddy.
Not your buddy, pal.
Not your retard, Zunalter.
Oops! Sorry, wrong thread.
I’m just curious…. but is it your position that advanced sentient life forms traveled possibly thousands of light years to Earth in order to move rocks around and pose for hieroglyphic portraits, then leave Earth without leaving a trace of their technology or knowledge behind for the benefit of humanity?
I love how those dudes always paint them selves into a corner where they are forced to argue against evolution. I can watch a lot of whacko hypothetical crap. But stick to a few hypotheticals and go with it. Don’t argue against stuff we already know is true. Especially don’t do it with a brief 5 second throw away argument.
Occam’s Razor applied to ancient aliens theory; the razor seems to win every time from where I’m sitting.
But I’m too dumb or ignorant to explain or understand something. Therefore Aliens. It doesn’t get any simpler than that.
That’s my friend in a nutshell. He freely admits that he’s not a smart dude. Yet he think’s I’m “closed minded” because I don’t believe in ghosts and ancient alien theory. Citing ghosts (or ancient aliens) as the cause of X, Y or Z is one thing, but saying that it’s the most likely cause of X, Y or Z out of all possible causes, is the epitome of closed-mindedness.
But how could ancient people possibly figure out how to put rocks on top of each other without aliens teaching them how?
Him: “Do you really think ancient people could quarry and manipulate rocks that are thousands of pounds? They didn’t even have the advantage of the wheel to help them build those pyramids!”
Me: “They didn’t have wheels, but they had extraterrestrial spacefairers who brought their rock moving equipment with them from the other side of the galaxy. But they didn’t show the natives how to make wheels because it was top secret?”
Him: “Yeah but the pyramids lines up PERFECTLY with such and such constellation. How could they have had the knowledge to have done that?”
Me: “Knowledge that even astrology could confer?”
Him: “But they didn’t have telescopes and Newton wasn’t born yet!”
Me: *hard facepalm*
Someone built a research station and set it to active study for the sweet research bonus, and the scientists got bored. That’s how we all became a bunch of xenophobes.
D.C.’s talking impeachment but the real drama is in Jersey with Sen. Menendez
Sounds like the real question is “when” not “if” Menendez goes away. And who gets to chose his successor – Christie, the voters, or the next Governor.
Wait, who did Menendez ride the Lolita Express with?
I don’t know. He’s like a Latino Clinton – nobody in Jersey even tries to keep track of his scams, affairs, and kick-backs. Everyone knows he’s corrupt and everyone assumed he’d never actually get busted.
Is he one of the Menendez Brothers?
Or by Torricelli precedent, the ultraleft Supreme Court.
I think there were some changes to the law after that scam. There is a window where if Menendez quits, the Senate set will be on the ballot in November (a Governor election this year). Otherwise it would be Christie or his successor (probably Phil Murphy – spit).
What’s 67 counts of Medicare fraud between friends?
A Conspiracy?
A business plan.
in Jersey? a Tuesday.
Williams told Reuters that the majority of self-proclaimed vampires “believe they were born that way; they don’t choose this.”
You just knew the slippery slope was coming. Before you know it, they’ll be insisting Christian blood banks can’t refuse them.
Gary Johnson is getting his position paper ready as we speak.
Bakers will be forced to make Blood-Cakes.
Or Blood Sausage.
Does it grow?
It’s called carrot cake, and yes, it’s as disgusting as it sounds.
Well jewish bakers already make their bread with blood so that should be fine.
Where’s Wesley Snipes when you need him, oh yeah…
(Old link I know, but I can’t recall a recent movie of his I enjoyed, prison and Uncle Sam really fucked him up)
Could his prison release have anything to do with “Real-Life Vampire Couple Says Sucking Blood Is Better Than Sex”? Coming to a theater near you “Blade, Hipster Vampire Hunter.
I would pay to see that movie.
That vampire conversion therapy is a real bitch. When will they learn? You can’t pray away the bloodsucking urge.
What if I pray to Baal?
You can pray to the Nine Devines if you catch it early enough.
I’m waiting for the RFRA test case of a Vatican sanctioned vampire hunter.
“Born that way” is always such a terrible argument to try to justify behavior. It removes the person of agency and reduces them to a slave to their base impulses. All manner of anti-social and immoral behavior is inspired by innate desires, so unless someone had some sort of rational limiting principle to the “born that way” justification it would justify almost every behavior there is.
Sorry that I hate vampires, but I was born that way. Excuse me while I go sharpen some stakes.
Yet there is some amount of truth to it. Genetics dooms us all to some extent. I’ve been thinking about making the case that I was born an anti-authoritarian libertarian ( was like that as long as I can remember) in mostly the same way a person is born black, white, stupid, etc. And any attack on my libertarian ideology is much the same as putting black people in the back of the bus.
I self-identify as a werewolf.
Who is the Chupa Cabra here at Glibs?
i like this
blue note piano trio, reminiscent of Ramsey Lewis/Young-Holt, a little more melodic, cool production.
Nice find. Thank you.
I do too. Thx
AP Top Stories
Rosenstein says he’s seen no good cause to fire Mueller
Which i guess would be a story if it were his decision whether or not to fire people.
According to him, hiring and firing Mueller would indeed be his decision. Don’t know whether that’s true or not.
I would thought that there would have been a few ground rules before he was hired – such as “don’t hire Clinton cronies and start a witch-hunt”.
I don’t know why, but that link was specifically to the story about Rosenstein’s testimony, but AP now links it to a story about Jeff Sessions.
I think they memory-holed the original story; which makes sense because it was basically trying to spin a random opinion as newsworthy – the fact is that his opinion on the subject is completely irrelevant. The president can fire people for any reason he likes.
Oh, shit – my bad, i was having a brain fart. I thought they were talking about the firing of Comey still. Idk why they’d be talking about firing Mueller, he just got started.
Because he immediately hired a bunch of big money Clinton donors for his fair and balanced investigative team.
I’d fire him too.
Sure seems fishy. Better to nip it in the bud and hire somebody who isn’t best-buddies with the opposition.
It’s not just that. Mueller fucked up one of the most important Federal investigations in the history of the FBI (the anthrax case). And he never acknowledged that he was wrong.
Not only fucked up, but allowed an innocent man to be harangued by the media based on his department’s innuendo and grandstanding.
Good practice for our upcoming summer camping trip in Carinthia.
Goddammit, wrong thread.
I can’t keep up with the outrages
I’d go farther! I’d fire the person who hired him.
there is something about the denizens of the UP that draws the attention of the world’s most famous Rapesquatch
It is called a butt-hole.
Here you go.
Aly Raisman Stuns in New Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Outtakes Video
No. Who the hell would remember something like that.
Edit faerie, ich bitte dich, only the first of those should be blockquoted. Ich bedanke mich bei Ihnen.
Na sióga litrithe Gaeilge, ní Gearmáinis.
I like how you mixed up the formal and informal. And the »neue Falschschreibung« be damned; the epistolary »Du« should be capitalized. 😉
It’s been a while, my limited specialty is in Brithonic Celtic, not potato Celtic.
Yeah I noticed that mixup too late. No one says the second sentence informally so I switched it subconsciously.
Having said that, there seem to be an awful lot of German speakers on the board. Maybe Swiss Servator will hold a German open thread sometime.
You guys will just end up talking about poop. That’s how it always ends.
He speaks Schwyzerdutsch, not German.
Spoken Schwyzerdeutsch might as well be Dutch…
The “brick house” kinda woman is more my thing, but I definitely would. Plus, I know she can help me move heavy furniture.
She can also help with home defense and auto repair.
This comment isn’t specific to her photoshoot in particular:
I’m just glad that ass is in. Women’s fashion is headed in the right direction.
C. Anacreon hardest hit.
Okay I just blew it at 0:47
I don’t know, ask the god damn feminists who’ve made it taboo to compliment on woman on her looks.
She seems to be saying men should be complimenting a woman with muscular arms, not express repulsion like that one “bully” did. She also doesn’t seem to think that a third option – say nothing at all – exists.
Aly dear, please understand. We are human beings. We deal in the 80%, not the 20%. We don’t expect people to be over seven feet tall, or under five feet tall. We don’t expect them to weigh over 500 pounds, or under 100. And we really don’t expect a cute young girl to have large muscular arms.
Now, I think it looks good on you, to be honest. But I get that a lot of men, probably a majority, wouldn’t. I don’t get why they’d share that information with you and I think it’s rude of them to say so, but you can’t be surprised that other people are surprised by your appearance. And you really shouldn’t get hooked by a moron acting like a moron toward you.
This…about pretty much everything.
The fact that this relatively innocuous comment rose to become national news in the struggle against male oppression, is just a blight on western civilization.
“Well, Mr Descartes, what have we got?”
“An Enlightenment, if you can keep it.”
Nah we’ll just have a hefty helping of democracy with a side of feels instead.
I used to coach Olympic women gymnasts from around the world back in ’77-’81. G-d I miss that.
she’s a fidget spinner
Indigenous activists tell UN that Cultural Appropriation should be made illegal worldwide
I give up. There’s absolutely nothing that can be parodied any longer. First people call for microaggressions to be illegal now this.
I expect an FBI raid on Glib HQ at any second.
I think they stole that idea from communist douchebags.
I think they appropriated it from the various European imperialists. They should turn themselves in immediately.
Anaya said the document should also look at products that are falsely advertised as Indigenous made or endorsed by Indigenous groups.
That would mean products like those in U.S. based retailer Urban Outfitters “Navajo” line, Anaya said, including “Navajo hipster panties,” a “peace treaty feather necklace” and a “Navajo print flask.”
The Navajo Nation launched a legal battle against the company for trademark infringement in 2012. The case was settled out of court late last year.
Boy, it’s a good thing Navajo isn’t a Spanish word or anything, you fucking Diné.
Fortunately, it’s the UN, so it goes nowhere except up these activists’ butts.
They could just change the brand to Navahomo and avoid all future issues.
Arizona Iced Tea hardest hit.
Fun fact: Arizona Iced Tea is not made in AZ.
I know, that’s why I put it here. Totes cultural appropriation, bruh.
Not sure why, I never see anyone around here drinking it.
I am actually slightly more offended when poiticiabs from say, Texas pass open carry then parade around as if somehow Texas is is Freedom’s Last Stand. It’s not, it’s a theocracy.
What are the most egregious examples of Texas theocratizing?
The way they trim a brisket. Do it wrong, you will be killed.
What are the most egregious examples of Texas theocratizIng?
I will admit I was hasty in my choice of words there and that most of my distaste for Texas is on the state itself and not people from Texas. So-cons will so-con, after all. I will say that I can stuff my unlicensed 1911 into a pair of mesh shorts and buy whiskey at my local Kroger on a Sunday morning at a self check out. I don’t even need to be wearing the shorts….Incidentally, I can’t do this in California either.
But to answer you question, the most egregious example of Texan theocracy is their worship of the Dallas Cowboys.
*I can’t do this in Texas, and indicentally…..
What language did they give the speech in?
Please tell me they didn’t culturally appropriate microphones, television cameras, radio transmissions, or indoor lighting during their announcement? And I assume they walked or paddled a canoe to New York? It would certainly be appropriation if they flew in an aircraft, rode in a car, or train.
Or a horse.
Fuck them.
Also this:
Mead said part of the problem is that Indigenous groups around the world have no idea about the committee’s work and often aren’t being consulted by member states.
“People at a national level don’t know what’s going on, and there aren’t many processes where you can get information about this or contribute to the positions that are being taken here.”
Mead also noted that WIPO has what she called “one of the lowest” rates of Indigenous participation.
“The issues being discussed at the IGC are also being discussed in Indigenous organizations and communities all around the world on a regular basis. So why are there not more Indigenous representatives here?”
Is a full summary of why they aren’t taken seriously. 90% of natives do not give a fuck about cultural appropriation, they give a fuck about functional plumbing and long term, stable industries to sustain their communities. The other 10% are Shylocks looking for a quick activism buck and tribal councils who will just funnel the money into their corrupt oligarchies like everything else.
Functional plumbing is appropriation shitlord!
That’s why we’re called shitlords by the way.
Well I thought Indian giver was a little too on the nose.
Oh, so you thought it ok to insult the Jews, did you?
John Titor must be stopped. He’s a priority at the next global cabal meeting.
I read that. Shit…I’m one of (((those people)))? Time to buy shit on the cheap, experience constant hypochondria, and control Hollywood, stat!
See, this is why I’m glad it’s a short few four decades until the Reptilians take over. This planet’s a shit hole filled with thin-skinned assholes until the 22nd century renovations.
HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT OUR TAKEOVER PLANS AND OUR TRUE REPTILIAN NAT… er, I mean, that sounds weird. You’ve been reading too many conspiracy sites.
It’s memes all the way down.
If “cultural appropriation”, as understood by the leftists pushing for it’s recognition as an actual thing, were outlawed and this ban was mercilessly enforced, I’d expect about 80% to 90% of the third world’s population to die within a year.
I agree with them. Now someone tell them to get their asses out of those Western suits they appropriated and back into some beaded buckskin.
“Indigenous activists tell UN that Cultural Appropriation should be made illegal worldwide”
Really? In other news Suthenboy thinks indigenous activists should go fuck themselves or go learn to do something productive so they wont have to extort a living without doing anything useful. Fuckin’ savages.
Canada is the worst
Damn it. This is posted above
Don’t apologize, being polite is appropriation of Canadian culture.
Yep, well-known Canadian institutions like the University of Colorado and the Navajo.
Damn it. It was in Yahoo Canada so I skimmed the story and made an assumption. I really botched this whole thing up. I’m done for the day. My apologies to the good people up north
It’s cool, you’re just jealous that we read the articles before posting them.
What can I say, I’m functionally illiterate.
Huh. Small world.
Rolling Stone magazine settled with the fraternity in the UVA rape hoax case. RS is now 0/2 on that.
Old man in leather jacket who still thinks liking the Velvet Underground is ‘rebellious’ hardest hit
IMO, it’s a lowball offer.
The negotiations were confidential, so who knows what came out. Maybe RS is broke, and this was the best they were going to get.
Lifetime memberships to Sugar Daddies for all fraternity bros?
Probably all they got was the only remaining items of value that Rolling Stone possesses, autographed photos of Paul Rodgers, Donovan, and the drummer from Quicksilver Messenger Service.
Matt Taibbi’s cocaine stash?
By cocaine, you mean Zoloft?
I hate that man with the white hot passion of a thousand suns. Just google “Mark Ames pervometer” and see what him and his running mate Mark Ames did while in Russia.
(dude’s also had a hardon for Balko since Balko worked for the CATO Institute, because evul Koches)
Greg Elmore or Harold Aceves?
Bah. Aceves wasn’t part of the band until well into the 70s, unlike Elmore, an original member. But given the dive RS has been on, perhaps all they would have at this point is a signed Aceves photo.
By the time Aceves joined up, they also had a keyboard player with one of the all-time-great rock star names: Chuck Steaks.
What about me?
sorry, whatcha gonna do about me? very libertarian song by QMS!
Going Boldly Where No Chicken Sandwich Has Gone Before
You’ve never had space chicken? It’s so flavorful and tender.
All of the cool restaurants are serving it these days.
Is that like Space Ice Cream?
The opposite. You eat it here, not in space.
It’s more like the cat that Scruffy doesn’t realize he ate in China.
Explains the fur in the batter.
That must have been what I had in Shanghai. I bit into it and noticed that the meat color alternated from light to dark in multiple striations.
There was a time when Col. Sanders wasn’t instantly recognized.
Some Fact-Checks Just Take Much Longer Than Others
Whew. All the speculation can finally be put to rest.
Everyone knows the AP works for BOOOOOOOOOOSH. This is just what we should expect them to say!
Rosie O’Donnell hardest hit
Pete Carroll disagrees.
Katie Couric Beat VCDL Gun Rights Group Over Misleading Edit
That’s kinda a shame.
*i don’t think what happened was ‘defamation’ in the first place. It was dishonest journalism, but there’s no law against that.
Instead, they should have used the short-term attention that example generated, and rallied to have Couric and her news org (whomever it was, the producers too) censured by someone like the Columbia School of journalism or some other ‘ethics in journalism’ body.
They should have tried taking Courics reputation down – not win millions of $ in a court of law. It was a weak claim to begin with – yes it was a lie, but how do you prove damages?
To take the opposite tact, editing out someone’s response to make it seem like they had no answer at all isn’t substantively different than editing in completely different words than they actually said. Even just editing in a pause, as they did, where there was none before to make them seem like it was a challenging question, isn’t much different than editing in a response they never said.
I can see how damages weren’t awarded and I certainly agree that hitting her reputation would have been more productive. But still…. fuck Katie Couric.
It is most definitely substantively different when the question is one of defamation.
It is for this reason that Nominal Damages exist.
Also, this thing was tossed on a 12(b)(6) and it looks like the plaintiffs weren’t given leave to amend their complaint. It may be a weak cause of action, but I’m sure there is a creative enough way to plead things to pass on a 12(b). Just because damages are hard to figure doesn’t mean you don’t have a cause of action. Annoyingly the court opines on what is and is not defamatory which, in my opinion, is for the trier of fact to determine.
Last I heard an appeal had been filed.
Yeah, the VCDL said in a Facebook post they were move forward with one.
Obama judge, naturally.
Get ‘woke’
“I’ve been told for years that the explanation for tennis shoes thrown over utility wires indicates a place to buy drugs. Maybe this dealer is a diva.”
This is impressive driving.
This is me on the way home tonight.
Colin was the best driver.
Damn impressive.
I want to know what engine that man has in that 7.
And tranny. Holy shit, those reverses!
The euphemisms people are using around her are becoming more and more obvious.
Check this out.
Is it a reverse tranny?
I’m not checking out a reverse tranny, and that shit is NSFW.
So not woke, Ken.
6 speed sequential. wow. I didn’t even know the 7 was still being made.
here’s a new hypercar prototypeon the Nürburgring. i don’t think it broke any records, but made an impression on me. you can feel the thing pulling g’s in the corners.
looks great, too.
in other, “Absurdly fast drivers” … Sebastian Loeb’s Pikes Peak run in 2016
I should go to Pikes Peak for a race this summer.
*that should be 2013. i think he set the record in 2016 and i mixed them up
Could have used more Eurobeat
Speaking of driving prowess, did you see Hammondwreck a Rimac Concept One?
Those ‘lectric cars sure are burny.
Ever stabbed a lithium battery? Try stabbing a lithium battery the size of a haybale.
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine stabbing a lithium battery the size of a haybale – forever.”
Here is a visual demonstration.
Now imagine one 10 times that size.
Needs more “allah hu akbar!!!”
I used to make the big ones, each cell > 180mAh. We had to pass a nail puncture test without exploding or catching fire. It was “interesting” when testing the more volitile chemistries.
Class D fire. (not fun – like magnesium – self-oxidizes).
There’s a bunch of horseshit about the AHCA and the Senate’s response to it being spouted over a website many of you have heard about. I shouldn’t have read that article but I did.
And some of the things that are being said appear to be willfully dishonest.
For my own sanity:
1) Moving people from Medicaid to subsidies is exactly like giving kids vouchers to leave public schools and go to private schools.
Anybody who thinks we might as well give them Medicaid if we’re going to give them vouchers to buy insurance on the private market anyway needs to explain to Milton Friedman that if you’re going to give vouchers to private schools, then they might as well be in public schools anyway. And when you’re done explaining that to someone like Friedman, you might want to explain to the teachers’ unions why having fewer kids in public schools is the same as having more-’cause they don’t understand that logic either.
2) Requiring people who stopped paying their premiums to pay a penalty for jumping on and off coverage–depending on whether they’re sick–is not the same as the individual mandate.
For one thing, under the AHCA, you will not be fined if you don’t buy health insurance.
What they will charge you for is being on a subsidized plan, failing to pay premiums, and then suddenly deciding you want back on the plan again. The penalty for not paying premiums should be a loss of coverage, but you shouldn’t be able to get it back without penalty just because you get sick. For goodness’ sake, you can’t suddenly decide to buy fire insurance once the kitchen catches on fire. Gaming the system that way used to be a favorite topic of . . . the guy at that other site. Now all of a sudden, letting the insurance companies charge you a premium to restart your health coverage is the same as siccing the IRS on you for not buying health insurance?
Intellectually, that’s . . . less than admirable.
3) Rolling back the eligibility for Medicaid would be an historic achievement.
I can’t remember the last time someone cut Medicaid eligibility–it may never have happened before.
The last time something like that happened was probably when the Gingrich congress cut welfare benefits and started requiring work etc.–more than 20 years ago.
4) Your girlfriend digs my abs and wants to ride on the back of my motorcycle.
But that isn’t really about the AHCA.
Let me guess, Mr. McArdle? Here’s his entire schtick in a few lines:
1. Republicans won’t do anything to repeal or alter Obamacare. They’re awful.
2. Any attempt of Republicans to actually repeal or alter Obamacare is just grandstanding, interfering in the important work of government.
3. Republicans don’t really have a plan to replace Obamacare.
4. Any Republican plan that doesn’t simultaneously guarantee healthcare to everyone and usher in a era of free markets in medical care is terrible.
So, it seems like Rand Paul’s bid to show disapproval of the Saudi Arms Deal was (as expected) rejected by the Senate. Since his bills tend to be more about litmus tests than anything else (since he lacks mainstream support), what’s interesting to me are the vote splits. You have the #RESISTors on one side and the traditionalists and neocons on the other, of course, but it seems that unlike last time, he’s convinced three more Rs (Lee, Young, and Heller) to join him. The similarities: all of them are part of the younger wing of the party that I’ve talked about before.
That was closer than I thought it’d be. Thank God we’re still going to be selling massive numbers of weapons to the shittiest regime, bar none, on the face of the planet.
I wish that I could say that the foreign policy norms are changing, but I think it’s still only with a small number of them. Most of the nays seem to be because “We MUST #resist all Trump bills because Trump bad!” rather than through any sort of principle.
Kim Jong Un says hello.
I see both good reasons and bad reasons to use the Saudi government as an ally.
Not sure I understand why the neocons see arming the Saudis as good thing–since not playing nice with nasty dictatorships is one of the things being a neocon was always about. I mean, the neocon orthodoxy should be that dictatorships like the House of Saud are the ultimate cause of our international problems, and helping them fall is the solution.
Real neocons make me sick. it isn’t that dictatorships aren’t the cause of any of our problems–it’s just that this consideration shouldn’t necessarily always be the primary consideration. It should be weighed against our foreign policy responsibilities, security threats, and goals. I still say that Iran is a bigger long term threat to American security than ISIS, and to whatever extent the Saudis are fighting against Iran and their proxies, they’re doing so to our advantage.
P.S. Saudi support for terrorism is overblown. There’s an important distinction to be made between the Saudi government and the House of Saud. The House of Saud now has 15,000 (fifteen thousand) members, and if many of them are sponsor of terrorists outside their borders, that doesn’t necessarily reflect on the clique in power. The armed forces are responsible to the clique in power, and if arming the clique in power helps them remain in power against others in the family who are supportive of terrorists, then arming the clique in power might be a good thing in a number of different ways.
I’ve heard that for an absurd number of people in central Asia, generically, their ancestry can be traced back to Genghis Khan.
I used to think about how many women he’d have had to . . .
Within a matter of decades the House of Saud got to 15,000–and they’re still fucking!
I don’t think that was ever the case. Irving Kristol himself was a proponent of support for Saudi Arabia. I think you assume Neocon Orthodoxy is some sort one-dimensional set of rules which excludes all the ideas from the others. Very few international relations theories are in any way “pure” – they’re more like mexican food. different mixtures of the same components. In the case of the historical Neocon view = some dictatorships are tolerable because they’re *our* dictators.
I think his/their view might have changed if they saw how Saudi funding for radical mosques in the 1980s led directly to the rapid expansion of intl jihadism all over the world, but i suspect that they’d still argue that having a measure of control over ‘the kingdom’ was preferable to them being an estranged ex-partner we wielded no influence with.
Dictators being the cause of our problems and refusing to work with them were and are central to what we’re talking about when we’re talking about neocons. Whatever their predilection for war, it’s based on those principles. Jean Kirkpatrick drawing distinctions between authoritarians and totalitarians and the implications of that was the difference that made her a pragmatist rather than a neocon.
No doubt, the neocons are constrained by certain pragmatic realities, and Saudi Arabia being a natural ally against other vicious dictatorships in the region is a part of that. The point should also probably be appreciated that support for Israel is and always was of supreme interest for the neocons, and Saudi Arabia being an enemy of Israel’s enemies probably plays into their thinking. Apart from that, there’s no reason why a neocon would want to arm a vicious dictatorship like Saudi Arabia. That support appears to go against everything else they stand for.
My only point was that you’re (still) talking about what “Neocon Orthodoxy ‘should be'”, when i’m talking about “what it is/was”
Not sure I understand why the neocons see arming the Saudis as good thing
Scott Horton and his guest discuss that issue here. It’s basically because the US has to pick a bogeyan in the region and Iran is the lucky winner of that distinction. But that means you have to placate Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Which one has traditionally been a soviet (now Russian) ally – and which one is more likely to lob ballistic missiles at our forces or allies?
(since he lacks mainstream support
Thus making him very libertarian.
On the Nurburgring
Nice, Brooks.
What a great car. Looks almost effortless.
Huh. This just showed up in my Facebook feed. I get the distinct impression that every single word is a lie.
Oh, it’s not that it’s a lie. It’s true: If these standards came into place, the appliances would use less energy. And the people or businesses using these appliances would pay less on their electric bills.
What goes unsaid, however, is how much more expensive the regulations would make these appliances. It could mean the person they’re lamenting that’s unable to save money on their electric bill for their portable a/c might not be able to afford the portable a/c in the first place. It means that stores buying this new “energy efficient” equipment would have to shell out a lot more money and would likely have to raise prices.
Absolutely. The city of Phoenix requires that should I replace my pool motor with a brand new motor, I have to purchase an energy efficient, variable speed motor. This will materialize a certain percentage of savings due to a reduced power demand. However, those newfangled motors cost around $1200 each.
So when my pool motor took a dump last year I bought a refurbished motor from a workshop for $400 that got grandfathered in. They took my old motor as a partial payment so they can refurbish that and sell it to another sane homeowner.
yeah my mom is dealing with this very same issue right now.
If you’re reasonably handy you can probably replace it yourself and save a few hundred bucks. Doesn’t take much know-how to wire a two phase motor, even less for a single phase.
No such thing as 2 phase anything, you maybe mean Single phase, 230 volts?
I’m not sure how I’d get 230v out of my panel, honestly. I do know I had to wire two phases, a neutral and ground to a 120/240v motor.
No, I’m not an engineer and I could be wrong on the specs but I’ve but I’ve been told things I’ve built shouldn’t be working by engineers but somehow work fine. //shrug
Alright, you piqued my interest. My pool motor is a 120/240v delta–120/208v wye capable unit. From what I can tell from the service entrance in the alley behind my house its on wye setup. Its running on 208, not the most efficient setup but It’s late, I’m pretty tired and a bit to drunk to do anything about it. Good night.
Yeah, that’s what I mean by lie.
The entire point of this legal action is that they want to make all of the existing appliances illegal, and then force people to buy more expensive versions of the appliances they already have.
Poor people love this idea and are totally on board with it, according to the article. Not enough to do it voluntarily, obviously. They like being forced to do it. Love it, in fact.
Also, the evil corporations are too stupid/greedy to make things cheaper. Only the soft, guiding hand of government can show them how.
On a totally unrelated note, I am going to rant about how the market results in a “race to the bottom” with no appreciation for the cognitive dissonance.
“Also, the evil corporations are too stupid/greedy to make things cheaper. Only the soft, guiding hand of government can show them how.”
Must be why whenever government mandates something that object will forever remain within that price range while nobody bothers to innovate and make it better either..
You know what’s funny, I switched to LED lights in my house 2 years ago, bought an energy star refrigerator and keep my house at 80 during the day. My overall amp-hour usage has fallen my bills have pretty much stayed the same, will people that write this sort of thing ever question how that happens?
By law, CA is a tiered rate structure. They allocate a certain amount of cheap, market rate power per household (which is only a fraction of what you need), and then they jack the rates up if you use more than that. By switching to all LED bulbs, I was able to cut my bill in half (or more).
If you’re a poor family living in South LA, the tiered rates absolutely screw you. I can afford a one time cost of 400 bucks to switch everything in my house to LED. They can’t. It’s yet another example of the government “helping”.
I went and got energy efficient windows & doors, replace my AC for a more efficient unit, and went on a crusade to cut my energy consumption. I am now using less than half than I used to some 5 years ago but am paying twice as much as I used to. Must be what Obama meant when he said he was going to make everyone pay through the nose. No idea how people that make the median income can pay their electric bill in the People’s Republic of CT.
I went on a huge crusade, but I’ve mellowed out a bit.
My electric bill used to be around $350 a month, so it was worth it to go LED. The incandescents in my dinning room alone were over 500 watts before I switched to LED. I also replaced all of the switches with Insteon and put them on timers and macros. If I fall asleep on the couch, the lights are going to go off automatically.
As far as weatherization, I’m lucky. No AC, and my central heat is gas. In spite of Obama’s best efforts, he didn’t mess up natural gas. It’s cheap enough that I hardly even look at the bill. Last year, I had some people over for a BBQ, and I accidentally left the grill on. All 5 burners on high, for over a week. My gas bill was like 5 bucks more expensive than usual that month.
Nice thing about gas – we had ice storms back in ’00 when I was in college. Lost power, but I could still cook and take a hot shower. Not bad.
They should move, my highest monthly bill since 8/15 was $35.39 (avg. $27.86). I gotta think a median income maker could swing that.
For electricity? Where? And how big is your household?
Yes, and North central Ohio, AKA ‘ The fun center of the heart of it all’, and small 700 sqft. ,and I live a spartan existence – right now I have on one desk lamp, my laptop, monitor and speakers, a box fan and my fridge, oh and three security cameras I just remembered are still plugged in even though the monitor went tits up months ago as did the reason I installed them, guess I may as well turn ’em off.
However I should add that I also have a small shop, Table saw and what not that gets used fairly regularly.
I’m a family of 5, and my wife blowdries her hair every morning (the single biggest use of electricity in our household)
Oh and the clock on my range is on, and my wireless modem, but that’s it. that’s all I need, well this I need this.
Power company has to raise rates to spread their fixed costs… and uh… look over there!
I find it fascinating that the power companies works so hard to reduce demand for their product. It’s an upside down world in that industry
They can’t set their own rates, they can’t expand their generating capacity, and they don’t have exclusive use of their own infrastructure. Some states even make them pay retail rates for every kWh of excess electricity every Joe Schmo with solar panels produces.
Honestly, it’s a wonder we don’t have more brownouts. It’s little surprise they are trying to drive down demand; and, of course, that’s the intended goal of the governments that have them by the balls, anyway.
SCE is in the middle of a decades long transition from generator to distributor. They’re investing billions to stabilize the grid for “smart” power and storage.
NEM 1.0 just ended, and they’re gonna start charging customers a connection fee wether or not they actually use power.
I got my solar panels installed just in time to be grandfathered in.
I think they’d make excellent mulch
Air compressors are on that list? Being someone who uses a compressor almost every day, I can say they are not a huge energy user. (I am not a big operation though) Ya, let’s make everything more expensive. Good thinking.
They’ll only succeed in making them shittier and less effective
That’s the plan.
I remember that every time I take a dump.
Lauren Southern’s latest video, in which she gets creative to get around YouTube demonetizing her. (It’s worth the entire 7’40”, trust me.)
Moved to Chaturbate?
I’ve never watched her before, but she gets an A+ for trolling.
She’s very good at trolling, and I love the fact that she’s bright and extraordinarily easy on the eyes.
(She’s also damn good-looking without makeup; I’d give my left nut to get her in my studio for a two-hour portrait session.)
Today I learned BEAM’s type is “old enough to be his granddaughter”.
In my mind, I’m always eighteen years old, d00d.
(And if she was my grand-daughter, I’d be freakin’ proud of her.)
I see…
*Writes “Generational Incest Fetish” on BEAM’s psychological profile*
I don’t have a profile. I’m just an instantiated checklist of undesirable traits.
(According to my “wife,” anyways . . .)
“portrait session”
bow chicka arty farty bow wow
You’d be amazed how many young ‘uns you can meet doing that. Nice kids, too. Kinda gives me hope that not all the Millenials are complete fucking dumbasses.
(Well, okay, there are a few whose Model Mayhem/Facebook/Instagram profiles contain waaaaaayyyy too many “duck-face” selfies, but at least they self-ID as idiots . . .)
Progressive idiocy–Chicago style (TW: TSTSNBN)
Cook County, Illinois is having problems rolling out their brand new shiny soda tax.
1. They ‘had’ to add sugar-free sodas to the taxable list (apparently, whites are more likely to drink diet sodas, blacks are more likely to drink regular sodas….and that would be RAYY-CIST)
2. They originally intended to tax the distributors, but it would be against IL law to charge tax on tax (the price increase due to the soda tax would be subject to sales tax).
3. They had to exempt 873,000 (!) SNAP recipients because it’s against federal law to charge tax on anything paid for with SNAP benefits.
So, they aren’t even going to get the money they expected, because they can’t tax the captive audience; and the people they CAN tax are mobile enough to evade the tax.
I have a solution….CUT FUCKING SPENDING!!
(I know, it’s Chicago, who am I kidding)
its funny how progressive rationales immediately snowball and become inherently contradictory. I think in ‘ye olden days’ they’d at least wait for the first tax to pass before expanding it.
but if the rationale was ‘we need to tax soda because “too much sugar” was the reason, then ‘diet’ should have been spared. Oh, but once a tax exists (never mind the reason!) it must be “made fair”, so hell, just tax all beverages! At which point you return to square 1 and say, “but how is that dissuading anyone from anything?” It basically gives the lie to the whole social-engineering excuses before they’re even made-law.
Is there not a single proggy journo who opposes this shit on the grounds that, “it just shows blacks that we (proggies) don’t give a shit about their real lives”? That all proggies care about is satisfying their elitist “we know better” instincts? I’d think there’d have to be at least one person @ Vox who suspects its a bad move.
Progressive idiocy–Cali style
Uber is planning on renovating an old building and putting their shiny new HQ there.
So of course, there are protests. There’s a group called NoUberOakland making demands.
Yes, they are protesting the importation of hundreds of high-paying jobs (because the high-tech management jobs might not go to the unskilled current residents of that part of Oakland?)
Damn, the polling narrative about the VA Governor’s race was way off. It was Perriello that got creamed, not Stewart. Stewart’s only losing by 3% to Gillespie right now, while Northam is winning by double digits.
Ah, polls. Went from “reasonably accurate” to “not worth the powder to blow them to Hell” in less than a human generation. Gotta love that.
New narrative: Virginia is full of “RACISTS!”