See, I didn’t think this quick sports update through. Because this is Day 1 of the post-playoff and post-NHL and NBA updates. There’s no soccer either, unless you want to talk about the world’s best player (arguably) getting charged with tax fraud by Spain. Oh wait, the EPL Fixture list (or what we’d call a schedule here in God’s country) is out for next season. That’s actually quite newsworthy to a lot of you. Looks like Liverpool get hit hard early. And Chelsea-Spurs in Week 2 ought to be fun.
What else…oh yeah, the Astros continue to play like ass after I talked them up for two weeks. I’ll shut it until they start winning again. Which should be in 3…2…1.

Becca Long
Actually, here’s a pretty interesting story. Albeit, a very looooong one. Let’s see how she does on the first muffed hold. But seriously, I’m rooting for her. Because she’s got a good rack and some muscly legs.

The best female college football player, period.
OK, I can only dither so long. You know it and I know it. So let’s get on into…the links!
A faulty refrigerator and lack of proper safety equipment leads to massive fire in London high rise apartment building. 6 dead, and that number will rise dramatically as there are still several dozen people missing. Hey, everybody. (Seriously) go check your damn smoke alarms today.
Sessions goes off during Senate Intellegence Committee hearing. Calls collusion suggestion “a detestable lie”. Spars with every Dem on the committee…none of which bothered asking questions about collusion or knowledge of any real interference. In other words, it was pretty much a shitshow where everybody on both sides will conclude their team won and nobody will admit this is a goddamn witch hunt and a circus with nothing but clowns. And I fucking hate clowns.
You guys like weird shit, yeah? Here’s some weird shit. Glad to know she’s still getting paid. Wouldn’t want to see her suffer.

Jemma Beale: fat, disgusting pig.
Texas governor sets agenda for special session. Some good. Some bad. Some ugly.
When believing an accuser with zero corroboration goes wrong. I think the first indication that she was full of shit should have occurred to any logical person the first time they looked at her. I mean, come on.
Just what the world needs. Avocados are becoming even more dangerous.
Go out there and have a great day, friends…right after you check those smoke alarms.
36) Okay, so establishment Republican Ed Gillespie won the Republican primary by a whisker in Virginia. Well, I didn’t vote for him. Corey Stewart wasn’t a great candidate, but a hell of a lot better on reducing taxes, drug penalties, etc. Still, that the race is so close is good—keeps Ed Gillespie on his toes. Lets him know if he tries to slide to the left, we’ll DaveBratify him. And he does want an across the board decrease in the VA state tax of 10%–which is not bad. And most of his platform seems to be about reducing business regulataion. Kind of milquetoast, not great, but not a terrible choice for governor in November.
I don’t see how these establishment guys keep getting elected, or, well I do know how but it’s mind boggling. I live in Mitch McConnell’s area and have never met a soul that likes the guy. Yet he will be elected until he retires.
I have met him a few times. It is physically impossible to like him, even outside of politics.
What’s incredibly funny to me is that this primary once again proved that Trump’s base and Tea Party types are far more effective resistors than the prog left is, even with a GOP president in the office. That’s pretty sad.
Yesterday was the ideal result if conservatives and libertarians want to both win in VA and get their party to move further right. Corey Stewart has some good policy ideas, but is way too scary for the general electorate. It would’ve been like a Le Pen, a double-digit beat down.
Yup. My mom is a Trump voter all the way, and even she voted Gillespie yesterday because “That Stewart is a nutball.”
And whatever his policy ideas may be, making the rebel flag a major campaign issue doomed him. I personally don’t give a shit about it either way, but he would have been absolutely killed for it.
Wow, this is surprising. I thought Gillespie would win by a large margin. Maybe I should have voted for Stewart after all… then again, I think Gillespie has a way better chance in the general.
OT: Some dude just lit up House Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s softball practice with a rifle. Shooter’s dead, Scalise and two or three aides/security guys hit, Scalise’s injuries not life-threatening.
Kickoff? Or just a random shooting?
The VA Fox affiliate, that I’m listening to the stream of, just had a witness claim that the shooter was asking about 10-15 minutes before the shooting, whether the ball practice was primarily Democrats or Republicans.
Not a good thing if true. All we need is for the political violence in this country to escalate from throwing shit to throwing bullets.
So, very possibly kickoff. Super.
Luckily the guy was an absolutely terrible shot. Might support the Prog theory.
I have heard comments made that he said he was there to shoot republicans..
The VA Fox affiliate, that I’m listening to the stream of,
Correction, I guess it’s just the main FOX News stream.
Still going on about the shooting when I just checked in on it now.
Shit, I was hoping the shooter would be on the run for a while. Especially if the shooter was black. I really wanted to see the GOP pols who were there stammer and stutter when asked to describe the shooter.
Would be interested to see if any of them had the stones to say “A black guy walked up to the field and started shooting.” All of them know that if they said that it would flip from being a story about some whacko shooting a bunch of pols to a story on how the GOP is even more racist than previously thought.
Police: Can you describe the perpetrator?
GOP Critter: He was very…. urban. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Great guy, I hope he’s captured though. But again I’m sure he’s a great guy.
Fox News reporter: congressman, can you describe the shooter?
Congressman: (mumbles something)
Fox News reporter: I believe the congressman said the shooter was near.
HuffPo comments don’t disappoint. Not even this early.
Lemme guess: “False Flag! Nazis! They probably deserved it anyways!”
I’m guessing more of the “bet they want gun control now!” variety.
More like: “They deserve it because of lax gun laws”
Which pisses me off, because it’s already illegal to assault or murder someone. In other words, we already regulate violence, and people still attack and murder each other. Why would further gun regulation do anything?
If you break down the crime rate by demographics, white gun owning Republicans are one of the least violent categories on the list.
Especially the ones who legally own guns.
I mean, if you remove police shootings and suicides the number of people being injured or killed by firearms is very low even by the CDC numbers. Not quite struck by lightning low, but damned close.
Then remove blacks and Hispanics from the tally and see how low it gets. Less violent crime than western Europe, which the left loves to boast is so much more peaceful than here. Well here in America, the ones committing most of the crime, violent or otherwise, are the traditional members of the Democratic coalition.
They can laugh all they want, if the shooter is a proggy it is going to push more people away from the left.
Deranged leftist will cheer this even as they pretend otherwise. The goal these days is to break things down and make it impossible to run the country as a lesson to people that otherwise believe that the people that won an election should be in charge. The proggies are telling us that unless they are in charge nobody else will be allowed to be in charge…
Agree. If only more people would come to the conclusion that “hey, things actually work better when nobody is in charge of running the country”. But nope, they’ll all be whipped into a frenzied panic that half of them are being deprived of their rightful chance to finally force the other half live the way they want them to live.
No way am I giving that site any traffic.
From the corpse of Gawker comments.
They’re all pretty much the above or “lol how about your 2nd amendment now derp derp derp”
The problem is generally that other people end up dying because of these guys shitty politics.
Shooting someone with a rifle is exactly the same thing as not paying for someone’s abortion. Obviously.
I used to think the overuse of “literally” was just a terrible trend caused by people trying to really drive their point home.
Now I’m realizing people honestly have no idea what the difference between figurative and literal are.
And this is just scratching the surface. As you all are aware, the left is almost as loathsome as they are genuinely stupid.
Sweet people, really. Salt of the earth, these progressives. It’s about caring for their fellow man.
Ideology uber alles..
Probably somebody who is about to lose their healthcare.
Just wondering, how many people got shot because Obamacare took away their health insurance?
Well that was shitty catastrophic health insurance. That didn’t cover drug addiction counseling and therapy sessions.
If I wanted to worry about deranged fucking leftist Facebook stalking me, I’d tell that asshole that I lost myself insurance because of Obamacare and miraculously my mind didn’t automatically go to murdering politicians because of it. MUst be a progressive thing.
People at my work are loudly talking about how they wish more GOP representatives had been shot. What lovely people.
DNC staffer?
+1 Seth Rich
I’m sure they’re thinking “but why stop there?”
They got their wish when Gabby Giffords was shot.
Serious? I despise a whole bunch of politicians, well, most all of them, but I don’t wish them to be shot.
Me too. But this is the land of the enlightened tolerant liberal.
Rand Paul was there and is talking about it on Fox right now.
He’s short, he must play short stop or second base.
Or all the way out in right where nothing ever happens
Team of lefties destoys that theory.
They said the shooter was wounded and in custody.
He was wearing a blue shirt – so obviously…
Cool Hand Luke?
A cop? After all, we know they can’t shoot accurately.
Best Buy employee!
So for a long time it has been looking like the leftys are want to up their game into actual political violence. I suspected that it would happen at some point. Is this isolated, or the beginning of much more? Probably isolated, but the reaction from the right will not be good. Calls for violence from both sides will inevitably increase.
Too bad the rest of us can’t get paid security details like Rep. Scalise.
Looks like Scalise needed a security detail. I don’t.
It was really only a matter of time.
If the shooter survives, I’ll be interested to see how much political cover he gets in the media. Traditionally, leftist political terrorists have received a great deal of back-channel support from mainstream political groups – mostly in the vein of legal representation and fawning media coverage. I suppose we’ll see if history repeats itself…
Since he was intentionally targeting GOP, he will be made into a victim and martyr by the leftist media. Then they will at the same time call for more gun control and warn that there will be more of this if the GOP don’t start doing everything that leftists dream of right now, for the children.
Trump-Putin selling out the country made this patriot do it!
The douchenozzels on Huffpost and Reddit have already started.
I know a guy who at every opportunity brings up Lin-Manuel’s public support for Oscar López Rivera and how noone seems to give a damn.
This is one is like a grand slam for the Democrats, no? First off, almost killed some evil GOP senators and as the grand slam part now they’ll get that common sense gun control they always wanted. And all it took was getting their hysterical base all up in hysteria until one of them finally snapped and started shooting people. The left are super geniuses. What took them so long to think this up?
When radical leftists engage in violence, it tends to backfire on them tremendously. While the Dems used to be the Evil Party and the GOP the Stupid Party, the presence of Trump has now turned the Dems into the Evil, Stupid, and Unhinged Party, while the GOP now only appears to be the Moderately Dumb Party.
I’m all for free speech, so I don’t mean this to in any way indicate I want to restrict speech in any way. But the leftist media has intentionally been trying to incite violence since the beginning of the last election campaign. It’s going to get a lot worse. If they can’t start winning again on a coherent platform, they’re going to get increasingly violent. And I don’t see any signs they’re going to be able to do that or that they even care about trying. They’re like a cornered wild animal.
“But the leftist media has intentionally been trying to incite violence since the beginning of the last election campaign.”
And now they got it in prime time, and will find a way to blame the other side for it…
Free Speech has always been part of their mantra, and that’s fine. The issue is that for decades, they’ve had free speech without having to consider the consequences. That’s changing. And that’s good.
Free Speech was their mantra, and you can still see remnants of that with old lefties like Maher, but especially in the last decade it has morphed into “free speech for me, HATE speech for thee!”
Leftists want more government. When they can’t get it by persuasion, they get it by violence. Leftists creating violence creates a government reaction to violence that spawns more government. This is how it works. If the left loses elections, they can’t create more government by decree. So the left resorts to violence, which creates more governmemt by reaction.
At least once though, that government they created by reaction put the Leftists in camps. My hope is that will become a deterrent.
You think they think this will ever happen to them,
God’sthe universe’s chosen people?Although I certainly can see the GOP caving on gun control, if they do it, it’ll be for more loot. Not because some geriatric Bernie-bro took a few potshots at them.
If they back down on gun control now, the GOP will look like the biggest bunch of craven chickens hits ever to appear on camera.
Prog at work: “Well, at least it was only Republicans getting shot. It’s okay to kill Republicans. Just kidding. But, y’know.”
This is a guy who on Monday wore a rainbow shirt commemorating the Pulse massacre.
Is it too early to start with #YESALLPROGRESSIVES?
Silly Uber board member. Don’t you know that white males are the only ones you’re allowed to make fun of?
“Can you believe it? Some rich, old white man made a joke reinforcing the stereotype that women talk too much!”
“That’s horrible! We need to discuss this at great length! To the Chatmobile!”
Q: What are the three fastest forms of mass communication?
A: Telephone, television, tell a woman.
Every woman I’ve ever met likes shoes, purses, and letting the cat out of the bag. Every single one.
Many of them will tell you the despise rumor mongering and gossip, and then proceed to tell you all the juice gossip they know…
Oh, and on the fire in London, my understanding is that witnesses claimed that they heard a boom before the fire. Further, due to green regulations, many fridges in the U.K. don’t use Freon or the equivalent. They use isobutane instead, and exploding refrigerators are consequently more common there than here.
Of course, it could have gone boom because the occupant was trying to cook something like TATP and he had a thermal runaway…
There was also mention of a cladding that was installed last year. It looks like it burned pretty damn well.
But I’ll bet it was energy efficient.
I didn’t catch that. I have not seen pics of a high rise go up like that in a long time.
Bush did it!
“more likely ‘facher, innit”
Freon and R12 are the most efficient refrigerate gasses know to man. The manufacture of both is banned due to pressure from environmental groups.
Let that sink in.
Banned due to pressure from environmental groups based on false pretenses.
environmentalists preach energy efficiency all the time.
environmentalists get the most energy efficient refrigerants banned.
environmentalists are full of shit.
What’s your point? It has never been about solving a real problem with technology, but about growing the nanny state’s power and implementiing more of Marx’s evil shit…
you get my point. no point in asking what my point is. my point is just an illustration
I think it’s legitimate to say that flourocarbons deplete ozone, but not legitimate to say that it’s a driver of TEH GLOBAL WARMENING, due to it’s relatively low concentration and how it’s generally used.
The ban was based on “OMG a hole in the ozone layer!” before it was found that the ozone in the atmosphere naturally fluctuates and the hole is a periodic and somewhat mobile natural occurrence.
That is interesting. My point is, yes many fluorocarbon refrigerants do deplete ozone. But we aren’t pumping the shit out of the back of our cars or spraying it into the air constantly, which is what would need to happen for it to be a credible problem that could do real damage.
Your demand for empirical evidence undertaken using scientific methodology in an attempt to build a falsifiable model is problematical.
Leave it to the experts with their feelings.
And Dupont seeing how much money there is to be made making poor replacement products for U.S. but still making and selling R-12 and 22 throughout the rest of the world, yeeeees
R134A isn’t bad and doesn’t attack the ozone layer, and they want to phase that out now too!
R134A makes me use more energy to cool my home and vehicles. My home and vehicles are powered by hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons are the DEVIL!
Environmentalists are full of shit.
Your home is R-22 or R410-a or R437a, NOT 134, you cant maintain enough airflow over the coil to be useful for home cooling.
Walk-in coolers, reach-ins, maybe, cars for sure.
/AC Contractor
Our need to upgrade coil, compressor and part of the air handler to R437a yesterday was painful.
Ok. you win. My home on not r 22 though (I’m not sure what it is) I do know that it is not the most efficient gas (r-22 or even better ammonio) because the government says I can’t have it.
someone somewhat familiar with refrigeration but not as knowledgeable as you
Probably 410, which is horribly hard on equipment, find a good contractor and have him convert it to MO -99, much closer to good old r-22
Oh, is that patent expiring now?
a bunch of companies make R134A analogs, so that’s not it
Hilarious in a way that we here all have refrigerators and cars with Freon and as far as I know, there’s not been any widespread Freon poisoning issues spanning how many decades?
It’s totally innocuous (unlike isobutane). I mean you could suffocate if you breathe too much of it, but it’s quite inert and totally non-toxic.
“When believing an accuser with zero corroboration goes wrong. ”
Good Lord, that wasn’t testimony, that was wishful thinking. Great alt text, btw.
See, I would have made the alt-text “Rule 34”.
“Rule 34”
Voter fraud arrests
What kind of retard engages in voter fraud in Indiana? Like they could ever commit enough fraud to swing that state blue…
It wouldn’t really wouldn’t be enough to swing any state.
That’s probably the only thing keeping fraud down. Our government does a piss poor job of monitoring it.
Ahem…2008 Indiana would like to have a word with you. Not that it was voter fraud, they just were pissed at Bush and so reacted by going Obama before regretting their mistake and swinging hard back the other way in 2012. The point is, Indiana is solidly R but will elect a D given the right circumstances (see their D senator and the mess of an R he beat), so that provides tantalizing hope to the Ds there.
Her first muffed hold. Shame and bravo.
That would be horrible. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!
Looking forward to a blocked kick, recovery by the defense, then the attempted pursuit and tackle.
Now, now. Pat McAfee excluded, that doesn’t usually go well for kickers
Chester Marcol would like a word with you.
Matt Bahr: “I’m not a kicker, I’m a football player”
David Akers didn’t fuck around either, he alone saved it a few times over the years
“She’s kicked a 50-yarder in practice and regularly splits the uprights from 45.”
Those are not NFL-caliber numbers.
What makes them NFL kickers is making from those distances 95% of the time
It depends if she can get her accuracy high enough, then even if she can only hit shorter yardage kicks, then someone will pay her the league minimum to take advantage of advertising and marketing opportunities.
Bingo. Jersey sales. Danica is still racing.
Danica is still
racingslowly driving around in circles with some of the best equipment out there.FIFY!
And whining about being booed
At for the Indy series, every female driver’s job is garner a fanbase by virtue of her vagina. She is then required to crash her car and knock real contenders out of the race or finish near last and be celebrated for her effort (recognizing aptitude is sexist). If she does well enough at driving up the rates of virtue signalling within the fanbase, she gets to jump ship to NASCAR so we never have to see her again. Danica is clearly the best female driver.
See saw Danny get splattered and said Enough, NASCAR? Hello?
You don’t really watch the same Indycar series that I do, it seems?
Since Danica is gone, they hardly ever talk about Pippa Mann or whoever?
No doubt, I’m sure the NFL would be up for some SJW signaling if they can manage to somehow justify it.
The shrieking if an NFL player had a bench warrant for a DWI conviction would be deafening, while that judge is barely a blip on the radar.
She also just got a scholarship to college. She’s got at least 3 years before she can declare for the draft.
A scholarship to a podunk D-II program, too. She’s not exactly kicking for Ohio State here.
As long as she’s not kicking for Florida State. We’ve had our share of fizzled kickers.
So you’re saying she might be better than Scott Bentley?
Hell, I can kick it wide from 30 yards.
Ask Tundra about Blair Walsh.
Ouch. But yeah, we’d take her.
How ’bout the Fuad Reveiz days? He got some 15 yarders for unnecessary roughness. That’s right at the core of a great kicker, no?
Fuad was incredible. He was money for us, but his career sadly ended early.
He was a pretty big dude, too.
Check out my link below.
A podunk D-II program that was referred to as a D-I or D-II program. Way to stretch the credential, boys.
My older cousin regularly made 45 yarders in high school. He played defensive end too. He also went to college on an academic scholarship, because just being able to kick over class aaa high school line means fuck all about your potential to do so at a D1 college level, much less an NFL level.
You’d better nail 65 yarders in practice.
All I know is you’re all a bunch of misogynists for noticing she’s a girl. Or not noticing. Either way, you hate women.
You’re all talking about this chick and I’m just happy to find out Timm Rosenbach is still alive. I remember him as the (then) Phoenix Cardinals starting quarterback getting his ass kicked every week by those monster defenses in the early 90’s NFC East.
More and more progressives I know are going on and on about Kamala Harris running for President. I’m torn between reminding them of just how horrible she was as California AG or being quiet and letting them be surprised when she runs and loses worse than Hillary.
If she loses, it will only be because evil Republicans keep interrupting her.
Tard: OMG did you see that? A WHITE MALE told her to keep it brief, a WHITE MALE!
Me: Yeah he’s the committee chairman. Let me consult my rule book of parliamentary procedures to find the part where black women are exempt from the rules.
What’s with the fascination with her other than Black woman?
No clue, but they keep doing things like this:
This person later admitted to me that he doesn’t give a shit about her civil rights violations as California AG so long as she’s mean to Trump.
So, one of the many Will Ropers.
She’s not Elizabeth Warren. Warren is another scandal-tree that a bunch of shit is going to fall out of when the national press starts shaking. She’s Hillary 3.0.
Harris is black, not an East Coast or Chicago machine pol, and doesn’t indulge in Maxine Waters style poverty pimp nonsense, and can put a sentence together.
It isn’t so much that Harris is great, but rather that she rises to the top of a very, very shallow pool.
I can do all that, except the black woman part. you reckon I could get a house seat or something?
except the black woman part
Have you ever really tried?
Just decide to identify as a black woman. According to SJW “logic” you are now a black woman.
Nuh uh. It’s good and progressive to identify as different genders, but if you want to identify as another race you are literally Hitler. /prog
A lot of progs, at least the ones that I do my research on in Secular Talk, don’t seem to like Harris and Booker very much. They think that both are Corporate Democrats (especially Booker) and they don’t like Harris’ record as AG. I think it’s safe to say that they won’t get much of the primary base with a large field of candidates.
Yeah, the Bern-side Dems don’t like them, but I think it depends on who runs against them in the primary. (And I don’t think the Dems will allow a large primary field.)
For example, Warren v. Harris would be an interesting challenge. Warren likes to play as a Bernie-type, but is just as entrenched the Dem establishment as any of them. And I think Harris might turn off male voters less. Warren is basically the old biddy elementary school teacher everyone hated when they were eight.
Booker v. Harris might come down to East v. West / Man v. Woman, and maybe even a little blacker than thou Pantone battle of the REAL African American. And if Booker won, there might be another PUMA freak out like in 2008.
Party Unity, My Ass. The female Dem semi-revolt when Obama beat out Hillary for the 2008 ticket.
Here’s the thing: I think the primary field will be massive in 2020 unless Trump has higher traditional approval ratings (I think that his non-traditional approval ratings, i.e. “I don’t like him personally but I like what he’s doing”, is quite strong). That usually gives an advantage to the establishment’s choice, since the prog vote will fracture and the establishment and superdelegates line up with one candidate. That’s why I think Biden has the upper edge in 2020.
I doubt Biden would run. He’s 74 now.
If Trump’s going to be 74 in 2020, Biden will be alright to run if the left’s bench stays barren.
The left creates Cults of Personality all the time. The right does too, but without media fawning, they never come to fruition (outside of Reagan.)
I don’t see Harris winning in 2020, mainly because I think Trump will have some incumbent credibility and the economy will be doing well. Or at least better than now, if he’s able to get his deregulation legislation through.
Don’t you think though that she’d have won if she were running in 2016 instead of Hillary? I’m kinda scared that she would’ve.
Not a chance. Ever hear her when she’s challenged? Her voice breaks and she can’t keep a coherent thought. Only a cyborg like the Hillbot 2000 could stand up to a debate with Trump and not get all out off sorts.
Women who have advanced because of their sex (in more ways than one) are too emotional for politics. There’s no substance to them, just shrieking.
Ya I will give credit to the female with the cankles. In addition to her superiors skills maintaining a 40 year long racket, she also has the ability to withstand quite the verbal lashing.
large doses of Chardonnay can help with that as this case proves…
Guess I’ve just overestimated how much of Trump’s support was, “I can’t stand that bitch. Who can I vote for to make sure she loses?”
Harris isn’t hated anywhere near as much as Hillary was, but judging from public reaction to her harpy act during these last rounds of Congressional hearings, that’s probably due to a lack of exposure.
I’m fine with anyone hounding Jeff Sessions… Dem, Repub, actual hounds. Anything, really.
I want Sessions hounded on legitimate, principled grounds, not on some nutty conspiracy theory that the left is peddling. Only a push to make the GOP “the freedom and liberty party” will do that.
Harris mostly hounded Session on the fact that Sessions was trying to invoke Executive Privilege without invoking Executive Privilege. Sessions should be hounded to the gates of hell for that sort of shit.
Yeah, just like how I’m now a part-time Trump defender because of the caliber of imbecile who keeps attacking him for stupid shit, I’ve also started blocking for Sessions, who I think should be forcibly retired from ever holding a position of authority again.
I hate it that I am always put on the defensive for people that I otherwise wouldn’t give two shakes of a cat’s ass for, simply because the alternative is so horrible and downright destructive, but them is times…
Followup: Would it be sexist to remind people that she only got a job in politics in the first place because she was fucking Willie Brown?
If she runs in 2020, we’ll find out. Because I can assure you it will come up early and often. And that’s in the Dem primary, by the way.
Wasn’t she also screwing Newsom when he was in the SF County D.A.’s Office? Or am I misremembering the various vicissitudes of Bay Area politics, cerca late 1990s?
Everyone in CA got fucked by Willie Brown.
I heard a portion of the Sessions witch trial testimony yesterday on the radio. Harris is an insufferable cunt.
And I HATE Sessions.
I heard a clip this morning. It amazes me people think she is “brave”. I think insufferable cunt is more accurate as well. She asks questions that have no relevance just so she can get shut down by the chair and then can #Persist Progressives eat that up though.
Exhibit #1
*hovers over link*
Nope, I can’t handle that level of derp without having a fucking stroke.
Nope, but if you don’t mind, how about you shut the hell up and go make me a sandwich.
No, but I am afraid you’re getting on my last nerve. Does that count?
Couldn’t they find a picture of her that doesn’t look like she is taking a constipated dump? She’s a physically attractive woman.
Harris is terrible. That she managed to get elected Senator is just more proof of how fucked up this one party state has gotten. She is the epitome of machine politics here. She was chosen by the party insiders, she checks all the boxes, and will do as she is told. I can’t imagine a solidly anti gun California proggie doing very well in a national election.
they’ll still try.
but i completely agree. she won’t get far at all.
I think she may just have Resting Dump Face.
Didn’t Trump already defeat Kamala during his WWE days?
Hold on, judges can keep being judges even after getting arrested? And they keep getting paid even when they aren’t working, even on account of being in jail?! Considering all of the jobs that having a felony bars you from (far too many imho) I’m surprised that judges aren’t one of them, though admittedly I really shouldn’t be; different standards for Top Men (and Womyn) than the little people.
Depends on what they’re arrested for. If it’s a crime involving fraud or dishonesty they’re done for.
She’s currently defrauding taxpayers.
That doesn’t count man. The whole political and bureaucratic class survives on doing that…
Maybe it’s because they’re short judges at the moment.
Short judges got no reason to live
It’s amazing how broken our legal system is and I cannot fathom how she is collecting a paycheck on top of it.
Lesbian Beale sounds like she has a case of Rugmunchehausen’s.
Is that how she got so fat? She ate all the rugs?
False rape allegarions really get the appetite up.
Judge misses court date, gets arrested, and is held without bail. This might help restore my faith in the system.
I have. I even changed the battery on one. The only test I haven’t done is lighting a fire and seeing if they go off.
Florida Man steps in to assist.
Interestingly enough, our smoke detector just died yesterday.
My daughter thinks settling it off is a fun way to wake me up in the morning so I know my works.
I have the nest thermostat and smoke/carbon monoxide system. I love it even if the NSA is using it to watch me sleep.
More likely being used to sell male enhancement pills and hack the election.
Did you mean male enhancement and hacked erections?
+1 John Bobbitt
About 5 years ago, the administration at the plant I worked at wanted all the smoke alarms tested in the administration building. My boss asked me if I would do it. I told him sure. He asked me how I would do it.
I told him to give me keys to all the offices in the admin building and I would go smoke next to all the smoke detectors next time I worked the night shift. Later in the day he came back to me and told me that sounded like a good plan. A week later I spent an entire night shift smoking in offices and resetting the alarms after they went off. It was a good night at work.
12.88 each. My cigarettes were free to management.
So, that little incidence of lung cancer was covered by worker’s comp?
As a libertarian, I take full responsibility for my lung cancer.
The OSHA fine will cover a case of those.
Still laughing at a coworker that was cleaning off a roof (flat building) and an OSHA inspector happened to be driving by and stopped when he didn’t see any fall protection gear or flagged off roof edge.
OSHA makes up all kinds of retarded rules. Did you know that you are subject to a $10,000 fine if the gap between the steady rest and a grinding wheel is spaced out of the acceptable limits that OSHA approves of. Also, if you have pedal grinder that has 4 holes on the base of it and there are only 3 lag bolts holding it down, you are subject to an OSHA fine. If one is elevated off the floor more than 4 feet, they are by law required to be wearing an OSHA approved harness tied off to an OSHA approved structure that is above their head.
I could do this all day
I’ve always wondered whether this was staged, but this video out of Oregon was a nice counterpoint to the (often true) meme of OSHA as make-work organization.
I forget how many people get killed by excavation collapses/cave-ins, but I remember reading of at least two or three a year in Texas.
Light a fire? All I have to do is cook a steak and even the ones upstairs go off.
And this is why I think Yes Minister is the better and more accurate showtical show.
Very true. The show sucks anyway.
Fuck. He read my mind. I was just making this argument yesterday at work.
I have a friend who graduated from Oxford with an advanced degree in political science. She told me that at least once a week they’d show an episode of Yes, Minister, because there isn’t a single concept that it doesn’t explain. Shit, last week I showed my wife an episode and was like, “Ok, listen to this part. Got it? Alright, that’s what the Export-Import Bank does, and that’s why it sucks.”
I tried to watch Yes Minister but I kept getting depressed as each episode started with hope for positive change and it always ended with more graft and corruption. Every once in a while by accident real politics passes something that’s actually good for everyone.
Women are too emotional for politics.
Re: Smoke Alarms – About a month ago I smelled something burning and panicked a bit. I rushed around the house trying to trace the smell, thought it was coming from something electrical, perhaps my computer, or within the wall near where it was sitting.
Turns out a large bug had flown into my floor lamp. After that, I tested all my smoke alarm.
Still need to buy some fire extinguishers from amazon or the big box stores. Should probably get on that…
Still need to buy some fire extinguishers from amazon or the big box stores.
Do it. They are cheap. Put one under your kitchen sink. Replace it every 2 years. Have fun with the old one when you buy the new one.
Different type for the kitchen than say, the garage?
Thanks. I just took a look and all mine are ABC.
I bought a cheap ABC that should be good everywhere (C being effective against electrical, A&B for most traditional organic compound fires). If you’re welding or otherwise working with metals that might combust, you might want a class D extinguisher. That will be more expensive. But gasoline fires and grease fires are pretty much the same thing.
Boo hoo
Like the previous two federal lawsuits, this one, to be filed in federal court in Washington, accuses Mr. Trump of illegally profiteering from his businesses in a variety of ways, including collecting payments from foreign diplomats who stay in his hotels and accepting trademark approvals from foreign governments for his company’s goods and services.
But it creates a new group of plaintiffs who claim the president’s actions have damaged them: Democratic members of the House and Senate who say they have been wrongly deprived of their constitutional right to rule on whether Mr. Trump can accept such economic benefits from foreign governments, according to Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, who led the effort with Representative John Conyers Jr. of Michigan.
Wrongly deprived of their right to hold exhaustive yet utterly unproductive hearings in which they may grandstand to their hearts’ content in order to promote their own interests and re-election campaigns?
Sounds legit.
“illegally profiteering from his businesses in a variety of ways, including collecting payments from foreign diplomats who stay in his hotels and accepting trademark approvals from foreign governments for his company’s goods and services.”
See, what’s really pernicious about this argument, is that it prevents any business person from ever being a legitimate office holder. “You accepted payment for goods or services provided? OMG Corruption!”
Career politicians profiteer, too, albeit in different ways.
Those payments to the Clinton Fund were purely charitable. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia truly believes in the feminist global initiative and treating AIDS in Africa and all that stuff.
But they do it for the right reasons!
The only legit business for a politician is to set up a slush fund so their spouse can give $500k speeches to people
In industries he knows fuck all about.
Oh, and books. Because there’s nothi more legit than a publisher with certain politics going around donation limits by fronting someone a cool mil for a book that won’t sell 100k copies.
Nosiree. You can’t be in business and run for office. Not real businesses that employ tens of thousands of people worldwide and exchange goods or services to willing participants for a fair rate.
Also, no word from these fucking assholes on the Clintons charging the secret service a shitload of money to stay in a cabin in their Chappaqua estate.
I’m gobsmacked. If I understand you correctly, the Secret Service security detail, paid for by taxpayers at no small expense, and probably insisted upon by the Clintons…is charged rent to use one of the Clinton’s guest houses?!
Reminder – Dick Blumenthal is a piece of shit who lied about being a Vietnam veteran.
He was a nauseating shitstain waaaaaay before he claimed that.
So much this…
Quality links today, Sloopy.
It has been the greatest honor of my life to read your Links. I feel blessed to able to bask in the glory of your links.
Having gotten the editor’s feedback and mostly finalized the cover art, I’ve begun the tedius task of shilling Shadowrealm.
Of course, I can’t link to it yet becuase that damn sales blurb is still crap.
“There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in science, and sometimes they walk. ”
This would be awesome on a poster or the cover, but it doesn’t really tell you much about the contents of the book.
“In order to save his brother and keep the prisoners from getting loose, Travis finds himself seeking help in places he never expected.”
This sounds like what the book is really about. Start with this and build from there. What’s Travis’s deal? What’s he after, and what’s preventing him from getting it? What’s his personal connection to the Red Death? Once you’ve interested the reader with that, you can put in some of the cool stuff that’s in your world.
Nothing whatsoever that is revealed in the book.
He’s after the capture of the Red Death and the recapture of the spirits she released. What’s preventing him from getting it is the lack of information and the fact that each of the spirits is the equal to most of the Heros, or even packs of Heroes depending on who’s in the pack.
Beyond the fact that he’s the narrator, I’m afraid the question is a bit vague.
If your book has significant world-building, then I disagree with JATNAS and say that you should keep the opening line, as it’s a good hook.
Here’s my stab at refining your blurb:
There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in science, and sometimes they walk. For millennia these malevolent spirits roamed the earth, leaving destruction in their wake, until five centuries ago a hero managed to imprison them. Now, a mysterious force, the Red Death, is unleashing them. Freed from their chains, the vengeful spirits rampage across the countryside, afflicting the world once more. As they draw ever closer to [insert prison name], a prison for [“the worst of mankind”/”criminal wizards” if magic users], Travis [insert last name] finds himself desperate to stop their advance. To do so, he must solve the mystery of the Red Death, seeking help in places he never expected. The fate of his family, and the world, hangs in the balance.
Thanks, I’ll have to tweak a bit because Gottfriend Witchbane was more of a self-serving git who became a witchfinder to increase his own access to occult lore… But the setup is much better than what I’d thrown together.
My only comment would be that by using that quote, verbatim, in the opening sentence, you’re anchoring the story in a world where Shakespeare has lived, which might fuck around with the suspension of disbelief.
It’s actually a misquote. I removed references to Horatio and replaced ‘your philosophy’ with ‘science’.
Put one under your kitchen sink.
Depending on the circumstances (obviously), in the early stages of trouble a towel quickly soaked in water and thrown over the fire is a highly effective tactic.
*the voice of personal experience
That makes grease fires much worse. Introducing water into a grease fire makes steam. Steam rapidly expands and blows hot flaming grease into places you don’t want it.
<a href="" title="SJWednesday:
RetreatRun Away Edition” target=”_blank” >SJWednesday: Run Away EditionBonus: a new word: transantagonism
RetreatRun Away Edition~~EDIT FAIRY ~~
I don’t see a close quote on the href=”” I see an html shorthand for a quote.
Monocle has betrayed me.
It’s all cool. The mess kinda reflects the article.
*makes offering of fruit, grovels*
I believe the Edit Fairy prefers fermented fruit product…
Not fermented grain product?
Just not fermented meat products.
SF’d the link.
Anyway, I probably shouldn’t hold my breath in anticipation to the author’s follow up treatise on dealing with second dates.
She shouldn’t assume that; I’d guess roughly half the people who visit EF are there to hate read it.
Actually, I think we should encourage this type of behavior. Better to know who the crazy ones are ASAP than to get ropes into the relationship and only realize later that you have broken the first rule of relationships.
No shit, an enterprising guy could even skip out and stick her with the bill.
Excuse yourself to take a fake cell call (“Sorry, I have to take this!”) walk out and don’t look back.
I had a friend who always asked someone to call him about 30 minutes into first dates. If the date was going poorly, he’d claim it was about an emergency and say he had to leave immediately. If the date went well, he’d just ignore the call and score brownie points because he was putting his date ahead of his phone calls.
I was thinking more along the lines of excusing yourself to take a piss and climbing out the bathroom window but your friend’s technique sounds much better.
Must be why so many establishments have started putting bars on the bathroom windows…
Beat me to it. Order the most expensive thing on the menu first, then make a run to the can and ditch her.
I should read before posting.
Is that really a thing you can do?
If there are red flags?
Oh hell yes there are red flags.
Check Please!
The proper exchange should be:
“So, as a feminist, you believe that women can do anything men can do, correct?”
“Of course!”
“Then you can pay for dinner.”
Get up, leave.
Talk about these issues explicitly over dinner
But you just served me a huge word salad.
This is a word that 10 years ago or 10 years from now would/will make no sense to any reader. “Hatred towards across?”
Seems like a way of chemically activating only trans molecules.
If someone had pulled a stunt like that on a date, I would have excused myself to the restroom and left the restaurant.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen that video.
A visit to wikipedia tells me that Schilling managed to turn that song into a career that’s still going.
The sidebar is interesting….
Mr. Blumenthal, a former Connecticut attorney general, said the president’s companies did business in about 20 countries but were shrouded in secrecy, making it impossible for Congress to carry out its constitutional duty of determining whether he was receiving illegal benefits or emoluments. “The truth is we have no clue about the president’s investors,” he said in an interview with reporters Tuesday. “How much is Russian money?”
“What we are seeking first and foremost is disclosure,” he said. “We cannot consent to what we don’t know.”
So, a fishing expedition.
Tell us everything about your business, which you’re under no obligation to do otherwise since it’s privately held, so we can selectively leak details and innuendo to make you look bad.
I’m hoping Trump continues to tell them to go piss up a rope.
I’m just waiting for moron Republicans like McCain and Graham to join the Dem chorus.
In my duties as a webmaster, I find it’s useful to have A WORKING INTERNET CONNECTION!!!
Useful, but not necessary.
In my duties as the forward agent for Your Future Reptilian Overlords I should have A WORKING ASSAULT DROPSHIP AND A PLATOON OF POWER AMORED ENFORCERS.
But I do not, cuz budgets and permits or whatever nonsense my bosses come up with
Being a superior being you should be able to fashion all you need in a garage with the assistance of a dimwit progeny.
I told my boss I could go home and actually, you know, work. She told me to hang out and wait for the network to be fixed. So instead of paying me to work at home, they’d rather pay me to sit around and watch the news. Smart.
At least this way they know you won’t be sleeping on the job! SMDH
They finally sent me home. Of course, 90% of my “customers” are internal to the company, so none of them has the means to assign me any work.
Well played…
Since you’re reading this, I’m going to assume that you’re a feminist who takes intersectionality seriously.
Or, perhaps, you’re a asshole who cannot resist a little gibberish now and then.
I find it’s useful to have A WORKING INTERNET CONNECTION!!!
You’re at Starbucks now?
Christ, this was a Who’s Who of Congress: Flake, Rand Paul, Scalise, Mike Lee, a bunch of other dudes I’m not familiar with. And it is sounding like their security details, other than Scalise’s, were worth fuck-all.
I think that might change.
Then again, can you imagine the reaction today, if something like those Puerto Rican separatist terrorists spraying the House Chamber from the galleries were to happen again?
Well, if the US Capitol had the same rules as the Texas Capitol, presumably the other citizens in the gallery who legally carried their CCW in would return fire and it would be over pretty quick.
While you can carry in VA, I bet it isn’t worth the hassle if you are going back and forth into DC.
Pretty much…
You can carry in the KY capital, but not in any of the meeting rooms, so not the House or Senate chambers or committee rooms.
And, along with Drake’s observation above, this guy wasn’t really very good with a rifle, if Scalise’s pistol-armed detail was able to get fire superiority and make him take cover.
Only three good guys hit, none fatally, when he had surprise, a rifle + pistol, and used movement? These Congresscritters are phenomenally lucky.
Imagine if the shooter was even a bad 3-gun competitor, with a plate carrier and a basic load for his rifle; we could have been looking at a half dozen or more dead Reps and Senators.
Five people transported medically from the scene, per the press conference. I guess one’s the bad guy?
Exactly. I was a mere pizza-box marksmen as a Marine and I could have killed a bunch of people in that same situation. My poorly informed early guess is that this guy doesn’t have much experience, if any, with firearms.
Another cos-play revolutionary. He’s resisting.
There’s a lot of crossover with that group and progressives.
Yep – it was 75 yards. We zeroed our rifles at 200 yards as a starter back in the Green Machine.
I loved the 500 because it was in the prone. I have naturally shaky hands. You’d think I were a cokehead.
I look at it as more of a confirmation, if you want an honest opinion.
I’m too cheap to buy coke. I can do whippits for two bucks.
I loved the 500 line too. Probably the easiest string in the KD course if you are having a good day. On pre-qual day on Parris Island I got yelled at for doing headshots at 500 – I was in the groove.
I’m starting to wonder if we should encourage prog ignorance and fear of firearms. Sure they want to ban/restrict them now, but they want to ban/restrict everything anyway. At least this way when their hypocrisy shows and they try to kill a bunch of people with guns we have more assurance they’ll suck at it.
Thankfully that didn’t happen. Not only because no one died, but also because I’m sure that Team Blue would have demanded that the rules be changed to “hold elections to fill those seats!” The MSM would crank out tons of stories about how horrible it is to democracy to let governors simply appoint replacements.
It’s crazy. One guy with a rifle could have totally changed the complexion of the Senate, from a four seat GOP majority to a Democrat majority. Trump’s legislation could have gone from a slim chance to make it out of committee, to none at all.
I didn’t think about the idea of clamoring for elections to replace those seats, rather than appointments, but I think you’re right about them screaming to do it.
Yup. Unless the dead senator was from a state with a Dem gov. Then they would have been all for appointments. And don’t think for a moment that they wouldn’t blatantly argue that it is fine for Dem govs to appoint AND have elections in states with GOP govs.
Double standards are the only standards these people have..
Partly I think it’s that progs usually aren’t much good at anything.
Partly I think that he picked a bad spot for his attack. The rampage killings with the highest body counts tend to be ones in which the victims were physically concentrated, and had no easy ways of fleeing – schools, movie theaters, nightclubs.
Trying to pull a mass shooting in a public park does not speak to one’s planning skills.
Was it a security detail that returned fire, or capitol police, or are those the same thing in this situation?
AIUI, only certain Congresscritters get details, and those that do get them from USCP, not the Secret Service. No idea if that holds true for, say, Supreme Court Justices too.
Then again, remember when Souter got mugged on Capitol Hill, during a nighttime jog?
Still didn’t turn him into a conservative.
The stupid is strong with that one..
Probably had his wallet filled with other peoples money.
In Alexandria? Probably the security detail. If they actually hit the shooter and he was more than 10 feet away, *definitely* the security detail.
What makes me sad is that now us plebes will be banned from even more places. Those congress critters will still play baseball, but now the entire park will be closed all day for “security” reasons.
That, and, since I’ve read the shooter’s rifle was an AR-pattern rifle, I’m semi-expecting/dreading Trump to restart the Assault Weapons Ban with Pelosi, in exchange for her help in getting some of Trump’s pet legislation passed.
Tell me you’d be surprised.
Well, I’m not sure the AR-pattern issue would be the justification for an attack on long gun ownership in general. It’s just as likely the fact it’s black, or has high-capacity clips, or goes bang-bang-bang. We can’t buy new AR’s here in Connecticunt, so the next tactitard larper is likely to be using an M1A or something in 308 that is really gonna ruin the victim’s day.
I find it interesting that it’s happening on the morning of the bill that includes the Hearing Protection Act is up for consideration by the House subcommittee for Natural Resources, but I’m sure it’s a coincidence.
It’s just as likely the fact it’s black, or has high-capacity clips, or goes bang-bang-bang.
Don’t forget the scary fold-up thing on the back
Holy Shit, that’s a lot of drug lollipops!
A concerned neighbor called police Monday to report that a house was being burglarized. When officers arrived on the scene they discovered a male and female removing the lollipops from the home, the Harris County Sheriff’s Office said.
“They had so many narcotics in their vehicle they couldn’t close the back hatch of their car,” Lt. Ruben Diaz said during a press conference Tuesday.
Quibble: meth is not a narcotic.
Every drug is narcotic, every firearm is an assault rifle and every dog is a pit bull. Cops and journalists are simple folk.
Those things would make excellent stirrers for the morning coffee with the added benefit of you feeling like you had a rocket up your ass.
I’m not sure “benefit” means what you think it means.
Rep Roger Williams was hit too.
Those poor autumn leaves…
The founder of Rhode Island? Christ, how old is that guy?
meth is not a narcotic.
Yeah, like when they describe cocaine as an “illegal narcotic”. It may be illegal, but it ain’t a narcotic.
Bernie knows how to win America back
In 2016, the Democratic Party lost the presidency to possibly the least popular candidate in American history.
Second-least-popular, Bernie.
I have a better chance of winning the presidency than that evil old commie.
Hey suthen. How do you dispose of fish carcasses after you filet them? I had a good weekend of fishing and took the carcasses to the back of my property and dumped them. By the morning my dogs had drug fish skins into my yard.
I suppose I could dig a hole and bury them, but there has to be an easier way.
I turn them into stock, and freeze it, but I suppose it depends on just how many you’re talking about.
Aren’t they supposed to make decent fertilizer, as ‘fish meal?’
That’s an idea, making them stock. I don’t know what I would use it for. Fish guts do make fertilizer, but it stinks and I don’t want that.
Thai fish stew, bouillabaisse?
I use fish stock often to fill out a sauce/make a stew when cooking vegetables. E.g., soften onions, garlic, add box choy and nappa, cook down, deglaze with frozen fish stock, water, and a touch of vinegar, serve. Not fishy at all. Not as versatile as chicken stock though.
Then again, my GF loves fish and vegetables, and I pretty much cook what she wants. Might be “too much flavor” for some.
Key thing to remember when making Fish Stock.
It does not work the same as making Stock from land animals where you need a good 8 to 24 hours to get all of the goodness out of the bones, anything more than 30 minutes for fish carcasses and you will end up with some very very unpalatable stock
I always bury them in the garden during the summer (in the winter they just go in the trash). They make good fertilizer. The secret though is that you have to remember where you have already buried them in the summer. If you hit a previous burial site, retch inducing smells will happen.
If you want to toss them in the garbage in the summer, the trick is to freeze them and only toss them into the garbage can right before pickup. That way there is no smell and the trashman doesn’t get in a tizzy.
2016 ain’t got shit on 1824
Didn’t he endorse the guy in Virginia who just got his clock cleaned in the gov. primary?
Why yes, yes he did.
Well, at least I won’t be seeing those fucking commercials anymore.
Second-least-popular, Bernie.
Nope. He lost the popular vote.
Just checking in. Anyone watching the news?
I am surprised it took them this long.
Mark this post. It’s Antifa
I’m at work, I can’t visit Glibs, but watching the news is too far…
*can visit Glibs
sheesh, I can’t type.
Judging by the comments above, people are watching.
presidency to possibly the least popular candidate in American history. In recent years, Democrats have also lost the Senate and House to right-wing Republicans whose extremist agenda is far removed from where most Americans are politically. Republicans now control almost two-thirds of governor’s offices and have gained about 1,000 seats in state legislatures in the past nine years. In 24 states, Democrats have almost no political influence at all.
If these results are not a clear manifestation of a failed political strategy, I don’t know what is. For the sake of our country and the world, the Democratic Party, in a very fundamental way, must change direction. It has got to open its doors wide to working people and young people. It must become less dependent on wealthy contributors, and it must make clear to the working families of this country that, in these difficult times, it is prepared to stand up and fight for their rights. Without hesitation, it must take on the powerful corporate interests that dominate the economic and political life of the country.
That’s right, Bernie.
You’re just not hitting it hard enough. Maybe you need a bigger hammer (and sickle).
In Bernie’s world, you win elections by not representing voters, apparently.
Yes, this is why the solution to their electoral woes is always to prog harder.
Have we discussed the latest plane outrage?
A lady on a plane went into the bathroom and died. The crew only noticed when it was time to land and there was someone in there. Anyhow, the plane lands and an EMT crew gets her out of the can and hauls her down the aisle off the plane. People are mad because when she was hauled out she was nude (or partially clothed). They think the crew should have dressed her or at least put a blanket over her private bits.
Did the research engineer or any passengers point that out? Or offer a blanket? Or help?
Dude! He’s an idea man. Not an implementer.
They’re probably just disappointed that the decedent was an ugly nude.
Pics or GTFO.
Um, if she was already dead why didn’t they just let all of the living passengers off the plane first?
Some dumb bint on Facebook:
Politics makes fools of everyone, but that’s a special kind of retard.
Hello Secret Service.
Setting aside all the other ways it’s wrong, if you murdered an 11 year old Adolf Hitler, you would still have murdered an innocent young boy. If you have the technology to go back in time, why wouldn’t you just find a way to prevent 11 year old Adolf from growing up into a mass murdering dictator instead?
Look at Mr. Socrates over here.
I mean shit, if you gotta kill people that badly in that timeframe, kill everybody who thought going to war in 1914 was a good idea.
everybody in power, that is
Von Schleifenn?
Can any one member of the Imperial High Command really be singled out as most responsible?
Maybe stopping Gavrilo Princip from killing the heir to the Austria Hungarian empire would suffice
The spark was not the primary driver of the flame.
The whole balance of power was a powderkeg.
Yeah, WWI was going to happen at some point, if it wasn’t Princip something else would have set it off.
Just kill Woodrow Wilson before he flipped on his promised WWI neutrality. Maybe Thomas Marshall would have had to “honor” Wilson’s legacy by staying out of the war – in which the U.S. had no real national interest.
The Europeans would have eventually fought themselves to some kind of standstill that didn’t cripple Germany – and Hitler would have gone back to art school.
Toms Woods glibly referred to Roosevelt’s misfortune as a “stroke of luck” for the post-war economy.
Would that Wilson suffered a similar fate.
I told my son if he finds himself in a time machine to kill Woodrow Wilson.
Maybe dress up as a Hasidic Jew and give the boy a bit of candy every day as you walked past his house? (not in a creepy OMWC way, either).
I guess she’s a precog and knows that Barron will slaughter millions in a genocidal holocaust 40 years from now.
I’ve always wondered, what if you kill Hitler, go back to the present and the world is shittier? Like someone worse rose in his place and nuked most of Western Civilization.
“You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.”
+1 Man in the High Castle
Without Hitler, would we have had an entirely Soviet Europe, for instance? That wouldn’t have been any kind of improvement.
Maybe. WWI added to the instability of the Russian Empire and provided an opportunity for the Russian revolution. Had the russians not been mired in the Eastern front, the tsars would have had a better chance of forcefully putting down the revolutionaries in 1918
And without the eastern front of WWI, Lenin doesn’t make it back into Russia.
And without the bolshevik revolution, Russia stays involved in WWI. That puts more pressure on the germans. Maybe the Central Powers end up conquered instead of signing an armistice. A conquered Central powers would have lead to a totally different outcome of the 20th century. Better? maybe. Worse? Maybe
One of my favorite Alt-History scenarios is Fascist Russia, Communist Germany. Whites win Russian Civil War, Hitler goes to art school and gets radicalized as a Red, all it takes is a few things zagging instead of zigging and WWII looks a whole lot different.
I loved that video game series
Like someone worse rose in his place and nuked most of Western Civilization.
Like a German nationalist intent on conquering the world who doesn’t hate the Jews and therefor doesn’t expel the people who figured out how to make the atomic bomb? Talk about alternate history…
What exactly has Barron Trump done to warrant his murder?
His dad had the audacity to get elected president over cankleness, and he has an “R” after his name!
He is the demon seed?
Has there ever been an obviously autistic genocidal dictator?
Kim Jong Un?
Hmm… Good point.
If you could go back in time and find a baby or very young Hitler, you could always just kidnap them and take them to the present in your time machine, where they would grow up under very different cultural norms, assuming you didn’t change the outcome of the war unfavorably or whatever.
Unless you think being a fascist is genetic.
Don’t insult retards by ascribing evil as retardedness man…
Everybody kills Hitler on their first trip
Can the NFL withstand the influx of women without going full SJW? How long until we here nonstop tales of all the sexist discrimination faced by women in the NFL?
hear* edit fairy help me!!!
“Can the NFL withstand the influx of women without going full SJW?”
How’s that working for ESPN?
What’s an espin?
Wait, wut? Aren’t they there already? I mean full retarded because of SJW shit..
It is bad enough that you run boondoggle programs that are nothing more than fucking slush funds, but at least stop stop bragging about them.
Oh, yeah it is soooooooo hard to find a tech job in Minnesoda right now (implied sarc tag).
The state is paying up to $1,250/mo for these interns. Yup. No way any of these companies would have used interns on their own.
The secret is out though when it is revealed that the CEO of MHTA is Margaret Anderson Kelliher. She was the former Speaker of the Minnesoda House for the Dems. Anyone want to bet that those interns are all at Green companies (or other big Dem donors?)
Yeah, everyone knows those STEM majors are the ones who find it really challenging to land that first (six-figure) job.
How do you get a decent job without yet having any of the experience needed to get a decent job?
Just like everybody since the invention of jobs? You take an indecent job and work your way up?
Please. An extremely large contingent of decent jobs are acquired through nepotism. Even highly qualified and competent workers often get their break through nepotism rather than working their way up. Networking and contacts are far more useful in this era than any amount of fortitude.
Or show up at the college placement office, see which employers are coming to campus, sign up for an interview, and show up on time in a suit with a well crafted resume?
Used to work really well.. Did it change recently?
As TLAH notes below, in fairness, lots of traditional candidates can improve their chances by not fucking up in the areas where they can differentiate themselves.
With so many potential candidates out there, it simply makes sense to eliminate applications or applicants who have failed to meet very basic levels of spelling, grammar and presentation. No manager has the time (or luxury) of shortlisting candidates that leave him wondering whether applicant X’s alleged excellence in writing multi-threaded real-time applications outweighs the downside that the applicant can’t string two sentences together in a controlled environment with no pressure.
To be fair it really isn’t always that easy because there are more and more companies where they would rather just hire someone in India who claims to have the desired experience than hire someone here who doesn’t have it.
“The study found that many of the false allegations were made by vulnerable people or those with mental health problems and, in a handful of cases, the person alleged to have made the false report had been the victim of some form of abuse.”
That could probably be said of most rapists too.
What exactly has Barron Trump done to warrant his murder?
Blood guilt.
I thought that only certain (((peoples))) could be guilty of that.
Trumpers and conservatives qualify…
Whenever you feel bad about something you’ve done, just remember: you aren’t posting on Facebook about wanting to kill children.
Many years ago, in another lifetime, I did paternity tests for a big pharmaceutical company. At that time, most of these rather expensive tests were done by court order. So they came with “chain of custody” documents and photos of the people getting their blood drawn. Every now and then a famous athlete would show up among the cases.
So, as one might expect, we’d all take a look and try to guess if the kid was going to turn out to belong to the famous athlete, or if she was just a gold digger and full of crap. Our analysis was often exactly as you suggest.
One came after NFL quarterback Doug Williams right after he won the Super Bowl. The kid was 12 at the time, placing conception way back when he was a huge big-shot on campus.
So we were all immediately suspect. Then we saw the photo of the mom. As you say…. not one chance in hell. Not even blind drunk. And sure enough, the first allele showed no match. As did every other marker – which is a bit of a rarity. I mean, you generally match something even by chance.
Another famous NBA player showed up about the same time. The chain of custody photos were polaroids shot in a phlebotomist’s chair while drawing blood, so not your best look. She was absolutely stunning in her polaroid. Like, hard not to look at stunning – with no makeup and wearing sweats. Amazingly gorgeous. Oh, yeah.. Absolutely, he hit that.
Nobody could have turned her down. And sure enough, it was a match.
The job paid for shit, and it was second shift, which is the worst…. but we did get to have that small bit of fun.
Great story. I wonder though how often phenotype corresponds with genotype?
Trolly McTrollface twitter account to follow today:
It was only a matter of time.
It’s amusing how many progs still haven’t caught on that it’s a parody account.
How often does the DPRK News account *still* fool people?
It’s actually a little unsettling. Most Twitter parodies that succeed in duping people tend to fall off shortly after being outed, while this one just seems to be gaining momentum. It’s almost as if progs know and don’t care; they just want something convenient to be the focus of their two minutes hate, and this happens to be it.
They need straw men. The alt-right, white supremist, racist baby killers they hate so bad are just as blurry in real life as Sasquatch.
Or Spicer is an idiot defending a fool and watching him being made fun of is entertaining.
I’m not sure who is actually being made fun of in that parody account, but I suspect the reason the progs just can’t let it go is because it pushes their confirmation bias button SO HARD. That account captures the Spicer who lives in their head.
I showed my wife some Sean Spicer IRL, juxtaposed to SNL ‘Spicy’. She couldn’t understand what the hell SNL was basing their character on. Truly the progs worst enemies live in the mind.
Narrative uber alles.
These are people that believe The Daily Show is actually a news source so not caring seems right to me.
I’m totally using that.
Umm, “I went on vacation instead” is rarely an acceptable excuse for blowing off a court date.
Dude = meditating with monks. that’s not not a vacation. that’s pursuit of enlightenment.
Not unless those monks echo proggy think…
Why were at least 13 elected representatives of the people playing baseball in the morning of a work week?
Let the fuckers play on Saturday, like their employers have to.
Why would we want any of those jamokes doing actual work?
That’s not really how congress works. They don’t all show up to ‘the office’ at 8am and man their desks. I’ve seen the schedules a few different times and it seems more like the way things were in college = sometimes they need to pop into the Capitol in the AM, sometimes in the PM, sometimes not at all that day. Most of their time is blocked off to deal with their own business; some of which is apparently “to fuck around playing ball”
Well yes, but then again, these aren’t students (aside from the fact that like many students, they know fuck all about whet they’re blathering on about, and are basically a waste of oxygen).
Unlike students, some of whom will acquire skills which make them valuable members of society, this is nothing more than professional networking on the public’s dime. Doubly expensive in that seemingly, they need constant oversight by specialist baby-sitters that simply isolate them even further from their constituents.
aka “The People’s Business“.
I believe they do it to raise money for charity. That is, by far, better than what they would be doing if they were actually “working”
I’ll make ’em a deal. They can fuck off and stop taking my dime, and I’ll contribute direct to the charity.
Well, until that day happens, I’ll gladly pay their ransom if they promise to do nothing
I am with you on that Jefe.
Now you can have a tan every year without turning into a shriveled, wrinkly, leather meatsuit.
Hasn’t that been around for literally decades? I remember accidentally turning myself a fine Trumpian shade of orange with the stuff way back in high school.
Those were cheetos.
Had a buddy that saw a doctor because some part of him had turned orange suddenly… After lots of tests that showed him in great health and during a Q&A session about his recent activities, he admitted that he had been laid off and was home watching porn and eating cheetos…
Nah, that’s a dye. This actually stimulates melanin production. Rachel Dolezal is their first human test subject.
Cracker Reduction
Why would you want to ruin them like that? Flame or copper hair works much better with a pale face. (freckles optional)
Yeah, I’m trying to picture a bronze redhead…..and it’s not a good look.
I’m thinking kind of demonic.
I’m thinking South Bronx in the 90’s.
Like I said.
We can all look like this! Pat Krentcil
I ended up a Bronzed Transparent Haired Guy by about 45
I was a Copper head
This post is outrageous. Freckles are NOT optional.
Fuck as a red head who burns like a vampire, I’d kill for a way to avoid the constant sun burns.
I don’t care if I look stupid. It can’t look worse than the leper look with skin peeling off all the time.
Without looking at Liverpool’s, I doubt it is as brutal as Everton’s.
Games 2-5: Man City, Chelsea, Hotspur, Man U.
Freakin impossible start. We will know quick if we are competing for Champions League.
How is Watford/Crystal Palace getting hit hard early?
They both need to be hit hard. A GBU-43 sounds about right.
Some sort of anti-Mersey sentiment?
Anti-soccer really.
22 effete poseurs chasing a pig’s bladder.
You are a true patriot. I salute you!
I grew up about 10 minutes from Selhurst Park. That kind of experience makes you very, very dismissive of ‘footy culture’, very quickly.
Their early schedule has a couple sets of brutal back to back games mixed in with their UCL fixtures.
Yes, but it still is mild compared to another team in the same city.
Just seemed weird to mention theirs.
Plus, fuck liverpool.
Jealous of the relative silverware and the direction of the two squads?
I’ll have to remember that when we take 4-6 points from you again next season.
Everton supporter? Now I have seen everything.
The first Everton match I saw was Everton-Wimbledon 1994.
Sure, it might have been fixed, but it was amazing.
Tolerance and diversity:
For a second there I thought it said 175K singers, and I was wondering just how many damned singers are even out there in the first place.
(not clicking link)
this suggests that they’ve hired *some* white conservatives already. Did they? I would be surprised. Well, maybe not; maybe they got one to throw rotten vegetables at on the air. Like Brett Stevens.
they forgot “nazi”.
So they hired Hugh Hewitt and Megyn Kelly.
(i don’t consider ‘contributors’ hires, and Greta or Nicole aren’t conservatives – they just spin in favor of whomever is paying them)
Right of Trotsky=conservative.
I thought the guy with the ice axe was to Trotsky’s right.
Ha! nice.
That is quite a list of charges. George Will: climate denier. LOL.
Are you one of those commies who believe there’s such a thing as climate?!?
I love that (a) allofasudden they are worried about sexual predators in office and (b) they think NBC’s relentlessly and brutally negative coverage of Trump was “giving him a platform”.
I’m just about ready to classify these people as “brain-damaged” rather than merely “delusional”.
Race to irrelevance. Excellent.
“The House Committee on Natural Resources has cancelled the legislative hearing on the “Sportsmen Heritage and Recreational Enhancement act.” The bill contained a strengthened version of the Hearing Protection Act removing regulation from silencers/suppressors.
Rep. Jack Bergman, a member of the Committee, was at the GOP baseball practice this morning that came under attack. No word yet if this is the reason for the cancellation of the Hearing.”
See? Toldya!
It couldn’t be that he was at a shooting and that’s why he cancelled it. No it’s because he knows guns are evil now.
“threatens backlash”?
Get to the fallout shelter!
This is one of the gawd awfullest things I have ever heard of.
Beale’s first allegation was against Mahad Cassim, who had given her a lift home after a night out. He was charged with rape and jailed for seven years.
Two months later, she reported a gang rape by eight men.
One of those she identified, Luke Williams, was held on bail for two years.
Life in prison is a light sentence for this horrid pig monster.
this suggests that they’ve hired *some* white conservatives already.
They’ve got that fire-breathing radical Tea Party guy… what’s his name? Scarborough, I think it is.
“Flake said the shooter “had a rifle of some kind. It was obviously a large gauge rifle”
—-Jeff Flake
I’m no expert on guns, but that probably wasn’t an accurate description. That’s okay. Flake is good at other things.
Aren’t gauges more of a shotgun thing? One of them was shot in the hip and managed to get himself off the field.
When I think large calibers, I think .45-70, .338 Lapua, . . . I’m not sure a grizzly bear is getting himself off the field after taking one of those in the hip.
Rand Paul said the shooter may have gotten off 50 rounds. I’d guess it was an AR-15. Flake may have meant to say “high capacity”. If so, I ‘m glad he screwed it up.
Gauge can be used as a measurement for any firearm, but since the 19th century you’re right that it’s been almost exclusively used regarding shotguns.
And when you add in Flake’s “obviously”, I think he meant to say it was a “high capacity” rifle rather than “large gauge”.
If reports are right that there were 50-100 rounds fired, I might say it was “obviously” a high capacity rifle.
Swapping magazines is pretty quick. Never mind “high capacity” is arbitrary. Many would argue that 30-round is standard for an AR-15.
Look, we have to go back to muzzle loaders the way that the 2nd amendment intended. I mean, if you have a good reason to own one. Like if someone starts shooting at you, you can go to city hall and apply for a license to get your muzzle loader. Could take up to two years to do all the paper work, so make sure to hunker down until then.
If it saves just one child’s life…
If all this is true, 50 rounds fired, 75 yards, negligible carnage.
It’s probably pajama boy.
With an M&P15-22
Guy was probably a cop. God knows they usually can’t shoot for shit.
Brenda Ann Spencer hit eight people with 30 rounds from a .22. She was a 16 year-old.
An ISIS militant probably wouldn’t have spent ten minutes from a distance like that.
I’m guessing pajama boy, psychological problems, ne’er do well, too, if that’s what you’re saying.
But it’s Wednesday. We don’t know how she felt about Wednesdays.
Partially tongue-in-cheek.
If the rounds fired/time/casualties are anywhere near accurate, everyone’s very lucky. Even with an AR-15-alike in .22 is lethal at that range, and this guy couldn’t manage to kill anyone, so “bravo”.
I think we can reliably predict that the narrative, such as it is, will be that the perp is a disgruntled former Trump voter. When reliable evidence does come out that he wasn’t, it’ll be claimed he was a Bernie voter. Then, someone will dig up the perp’s facebook page with is “I’m with Her” logo, and the narrative will change to “insane man fears for life with demise of ACA”.
I saw that too but I’m inclined to give people who were just shot at a break. That adrenaline spike high then low is a bitch.
Absolutely give him a break–no doubt. He probably just misspoke.
It’s just an early indication, I think, that we’re about to hear a lot of hoopla about high capacity magazines.
Sure. His spray and pray tactic was so much worse than say… somebody who could actually shoot with a deer rifle or M1 Garand. Hell, my brother-in-law would have done more damage with his black-powder hunting rifle.
What was needed was a law-abiding citizen who just happened to have his M1A truck gun to hand.
I could have done more with my little ol’ Marlin Model 60 that I keep around to plink beer cans with.
I’m checking the CNN livestream every so often, and just saw a bit of the press conference. So far nobody will confirm anything except that shooting happened. They won’t confirm the number of victims or even if the shooter was one of those transported to the hospital. I know that it’s still early and a rush to judgement could lead to some unpleasant consequences but their refusal to entertain any sort of question that doesn’t confirm the ‘we won’t release anything’ byline is frustrating. Why even have a press conference at that point?
“The wounded also included at least one Capitol Police officer and the suspected shooter, according to one law enforcement official and witness accounts.”
Reports from elsewhere say the shooter was white.
Of course, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t Muslim–if that’s what everybody wants to know.
Yeah, it just seems way to early to be gathering a bunch of faux-stoic cops and suits together to refuse to answer any question and then watch them get clearly frustrated by reprorters continually asking questions they just refused to answer. Also, as a side not, the cheif of police of DC looks like an undercooked ham, that man has jowls like the rolling hills of Ky.
Not a Muslim. That’s my guess. The person is most likely an unhinged leftist all hyped up on all the Trumpocalypse outrage. Also most likely not too mentally stable. One of the useful idiots the left are counting on to start their revolution.
I was at the gym last night and our local lib was there. In the cardio room he had one TV on MSNBC and the other on CNN as both were just looping streams of nonsense and hate. I swear he was getting off on it. (Of course he’s probably the richest guy there with a brand-new BMW 5-series)
I turned to last TV to the Celtics-Lakers 30 for 30 and forgot about him.
I flipped on MSNBC and was inundated immediately with gun control nonsense. Also 100 repetitions of ‘we dont know what his motivation was’.
They should probably do a role-call in the studio to see if anyone’s missing.
Good one man.
Uber- threat, or menace?
You gasp with each new report on Uber’s toxicity. On Tuesday, there was the harassment and discrimination documented in an endless list of internal recommendations by Eric H. Holder Jr., the former attorney general, who was hired to peer into Uber’s ugly depths. Then, while presenting the report to employees, an Uber board member made a sexist remark. (He later resigned.) All of it comes after a parade of escalating scandals that seem more fitting at a company run by Tony Soprano than by nerds in San Francisco.
Believe it or not, I don’t.
What makes me gasp with horror is that Uber hired that corrupt sack of shit Holder in the first place.
It’s the perfect insurance policy if you believe that the DOJ is ‘properly indoctrinated’.
All that really shows is that a Silicon Valley company is desperate to show how much they love their god-king Obama.
More like “An Uberman always pays his debts”. Obama didn’t go after them and shut them down, they promised him some cushy spots for his crew when the administration ended.
There’s a lot at stake. Ride-sharing, as an industry and a civic utility, is too big an idea to be left to a company like the one Uber is now. The company that wins this industry is bound to become one of the world’s most powerful corporations. Its executives and culture will indirectly shape how we build cities, how we use energy, how we employ and pay people. We will entrust it with the safety and the security of our families, our streets, our private data and even, conceivably, the national infrastructure.
The whole reason that Uber is appealing to begin with is because it is not a civic utility, it actually provides competition to the established taxi business, and can be competed against. Of course, calling it a civic utility gives the left more excuses to get Uber workers into mandatory unions.
This industry that we did our level best to strangle with government, is too important to be run by anyone except government.
Then start your own ride-sharing company you stupid fuck.
Aaaand THIS is why I think it’s largely futile for libertarians to try and find common ground with devoted “progressives”. That paragraph demonstrates their theory that once a certain company reaches an unspecified level of popularity, they are now too important and too influential to leave to the private sector and need to be nationalized or controlled in some way. I’ve heard them say this about social media too; the quote was something along the lines of “our public squares are now websites run by corporations, so we need to regulate them to ensure that everyone has an equal voice in the debate”.
The whole viewpoint demonstrates zero understanding whatsoever of basic property rights.
Say what you want about some of the factions in the GOP, like the “law-and-order” Sessions/Clarke/Arpaio wing or the SoCon wing, there’s at least a large group of conservatives (especially under-60 types) willing to invite and listen to libertarians. Can’t say that about the profs.
I still can’t completely eliminate the suspicion that the pre-meeting meeting with their aides becomes a stratgy session about “co-opting what the young people think”.
Anyone on the fringe of real American politics thinks that libertarians are all “kids” and the few older people who call themselves ‘libertarians’ are really confused (early phase) Tea Partiers or hardcore Ancaps.
I get told I’m a ‘disaffected Tea Partier’ if I ever get into any kind of discussion about politics at the office (and in general, I don’t) – although I don’t hide my pro-2A views.
Today is challenging. I have lots of coworkers stopping by asking “If I heard …”
Yep. As bad as SoCons are on social/moral issues like marijuana and sodomy, you at least stand a chance of turning them to the viewpoint of “I despise X, but making it illegal is the wrong approach”.
“Progressives” don’t even seem to understand the concept of disliking something while supporting the right of others to engage in it.
same diff.
So this is the shooter, eh. Hmmm
It will sure take some effort to spin this one in the mainstream press.
I’m guessing they’ll say he shouldn’t have been able to buy guns because whatever.
Jared Loughner – Clearly a far right conservative
This guy – hey, man, he’s just crazy, ok?
An article on the (nearly always wrong) assumption that every shooter is right-wing…
This guy is crazy because he obviously bought all the way into the MSN narrative on Trump and the election. And he doesn’t even seem to care that his man Bernie was screwed out of the nomination by Hillary’s cheating.
So he’s a Sandersnista. Figures.
I’m shocked, shocked, that a loony leftist would take the left’s hysterical rhetoric toward Republicans seriously.
So, radical leftist. Not much of a shock there. MSM will still find a way to blame this on Trump.
That’s justified, dontcha know! Trump is like Hitler or something!!!!1!!eleventy
He actually said, “yon” too, and that wasn’t just the writer taking artistic license. Because GOP congresspeople talk like hayseeds.
By facebook/twitter standards, this is ‘sane and reasonable’.
I mean, come on people, do you really need to keep going on about his weight? ITS GLANDULAR. He’s big boned.
I honestly hate the way journalists write stories like this. Just fucking make the effort to organize your thoughts and write some profile = don’t just dump his facebook page into print and litter it with huge piles of irrelevant info like his recent traffic incidents. They don’t get to his actual occupation until 3/4 the way down. Its this spastic, “include everything” instinct that internet-journos do.
I think it is perfectly reasonable that he tripped and fell on the trigger 50-100 times.
They are always “quiet guys”.
So they’ll ignore motive and go straight to “THIS IS WHY WE NEED GUN CONTROL!”
No, I’m quite sure it was not an assault rifle.
Given that the term is virtually meaningless, it probably could have been. I just leave this here.
Another pinko shooting people that he disagrees with?
I, for one, am shocked.
Holy shit! It’s Walter Sobchak
Rand Paul on Scalise shooting reveals: IMPURE
“I can tell you, that I think with absolute certainty, nobody would have survived without the Capitol Hill police.”
I feel betrayed. Michael Hihn was right about the Pauls!
Don’t say his name!!!
He actually praised the police! (that saved his life)
Your doing it wrong:
Shaun King dishes up the SIZZLINGEST HOT TAKE
Immediately followed by many variations of “Starting with you.”
Micah Johnson hardest hit.
A human band? Like the Beatles?
Human Music
Oops, that’s my mistake. Having to typo these up sinc Twatter is blcekd at wprk.
Because black guys and Latino guys never ever shoot people. Especially not in Democrat-run, strict gun control places like Chicago, LA, Detroit, or Baltimore.
Right? I hate to be that guy, but do we want to compare shooting statistics by race? Because it’s not going to do much for Shaun’s narrative, I’m afraid.
Actually, Shaun, since most of these shooters seem to lean strongly to the left, maybe we should ban progressivism instead.
Actually, VA does have background checks. I’d also like to know how you “concealed carry” a fucking rifle. Was the shooter Slenderman, and he had an AR tucked down one of his sleeves?
Frum’s an ignorant idiot.
Yes – particularly as none it applies to an Illinois resident.
Why do they feel the need to speak about stuff they have no idea about? How about just waiting a half a second and checking?
Incentives, my good SR. Seriously, where would David Frum be if he didn’t spout nonsense about things he doesn’t understand? Working the cash register at a 7-11, that’s where.
In Toronto, hopefully.
You ever played a RPG and your character is holding 10 swords, 8 different suits of armor, and a couple hundred assorted potions, in what seems to be a magical bag of holding? Concealed carry of long guns is like that.
Damn, I knew I shouldn’t have stopped playing those games so I could have kept my bag of holding (not to be confused with my scro).
I spent a lot of money in one game, having an artisan design and build what was in effect a golf cart to carry around my magical bladed weapons.
I see the left is trying to get in front of this. Rather than being a politically motivated shooting, it’s more reason for gun control.
This. Much like the Gabby Gifford’s shooter wasnt a nutjob communist but a Sarah Palin inspired militiaman
The shooter is from illinois.
which, unless i’m mistaken, is one of those states with “Strict” gun laws.
Re: Frum’s tweet
… and?
Those are fairly typical lies told by the gun grabbers.
Virginia has background checks.
licensing for what?
registration as opposed to what? There are records of the sale in the gun store.
virginia does require a permit for concealed carry. There is no distinction made for rifles or pistols.
None of the violation of rights that he implies we should be doing would have stopped what happened this morning.
*Overheard a witness quote this morning. I am betting it wont be repeated very much, if at all:
“It is very hard to see people shot and you dont have a gun, you are just helpless to stop it. It’s not a good feeling”
My reply: I know why you want to take my guns. It isnt for my own good. You want your boot on my neck. Come give it a try.
I think some of them (not the ones doing victory laps on Twitter, mind you) actually believe that further restricting gun ownership and possession will reduce “gun violence” and thus is “the right thing to do”. The problem is that all of the statistics they base this belief on are thoroughly cherry picked. It’s the fatal conceit of technocracy; when you want rule by “data” and “experts” then what matters is who is considered an “expert” and who gets to pick the “data”.
Did the shooter have something on his record (like a felony conviction or being adjudicated as a mental defective) that would have stopped him from getting a firearm? If not, these things would have made zero difference. Most mass shooters just bought their guns at a federally-licensed dealer and passed the background check.
Again, is there something on his record that would have stopped him from getting a permit for these? And even if the state had a permit system in place, would that have stopped him from putting the guns in the trunk of his car and driving to the park, or would he have just done it anyway because he didn’t plan on surviving?
What a maroon. Background checks are federal.
Terry McAullife: We have too many guns on the street. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence.”
Well that does seem like a pretty serious issue then. And we only have 3 days to resolve it.
Oh please, please, please tell me that’s an actual quote.
It is. I remarked to my wife when I heard it, she tried to correct me because she didn’t think anyone would say that.
*He meant to say 93. For some reason he failed to mention who those people were.
If that were true, I would probably change my opinions about immigration after a few days.
God damn, 93 MILLION?! Well, everybody better get to fuckin’, ’cause we’re gonna run out of people here pretty soon.
Another “so what?” response from me here. Murder is illegal.
That’s even worse than the 40 million who were dying in the streets for lack of healthcare insurance, every year before the ACA. Hell, that’s exponentially worse since all Americans will be dead in less than a week if we don’t get common sense gun control. I guess we don’t need it next week.
Have you heard that McAullife is the new hero who’s going to save the Democrats in 2020? Poor Kamala only lasted a week as hero. Must be racism or something.
Clinton’s bag man? They are desperate.
If the Dem primary gets a huge amount of candidates, I could see the prog vote getting broken up and the establishment lining up behind one guy. McAuliffe might end up being that choice (or Biden if he decides to run). He would be creamed even harder than Hillary in the general, but that’s another point altogether.
Good things happening today: Power is out at the office. I still have to work from home, but hey.
Looks like the shooter is one of the brain dead progs we knew it was if this is accurate.
Time to Destroy those Trumpets
Huh, I wonder where the guy got this derp from?
In the meantime, leftist Twitter are in celebration mode just like ISIS after a suicide attack. Apparently, they see this as a huge WIN for them. Can’t even make this shit up before it’s real.
Dropping gun violence? See, you don’t need guns. Shooting spree? See, you don’t need guns.
I imagine they think they’re going to get gun control passed because it happened to Republicans in Congress, who will now all pull a Jim Brady.
This ain’t the ’80s. They’re in for yet another rude awakening. Sad!
I hope so. I wouldn’t be shocked if there was some grand bargain between most of the Democrats and some of the Republicans, like what happened with the spending bill. It’s just “common sense” after all!
Nah. If it didn’t happen after Sandy Hook, it’s not going to happen after this. Dead kindergartners >>>>>>> wounded congressmen
Except in the case of SH, the congresscritter were never in danger. When was the last time, before this, that a member of congress had been targeted for assasination, the 70’s? Having it hit home might scare some RINOs
Already forgot about Giffords? To be fair, though, that was some sociopath and not inherently political.
Gabby Giffords, 2011
I had forgotten, though TBF, hers was more of a true lone gun man thing, a loon with no real motive if I recall, while this guy seems to have targeted repubs
Although, if you think back, there was a lot of effort to pin GG’s shooting on the Tea Partiers, all wee-wee’d up on campaign signs that incorporated bulls-eye targets creating an atmosphere conducive to eliminationist behavior.
The way I see it, the latter claim is far more apt in this situation, whether today’s shooter is deemed insane or not.
More than that, they flat out blamed Palin for the shooting. A quick google of “palin giffords” brings up many examples published by major media outlets. It’s a derpetologist’s gold mine.
Unfortunately, you may underestimate the value Congresscritters put on their lives vs. the lives of random kinder-gardeners.
… viz, I think media outlets deserve a lot of blame for today.
This just shows how incredibly retarded leftist twitter is.
they think this is going to be good for gun-control. which is both ridiculous and wrong. none of these people are going to blame the NRA and neither is anyone else to the right of Rachel Maddow.
Imagine that
No one could have ever predicted a tolerant uber liberal could ever do something like this.
Hmm. Bitter old commie failure decides to air his frustrations by shooting people he thinks he disagrees with. Or, the left’s poisonous rhetoric spread through a compliant mass media has inspired yet another unhinged lunatic to murder.
What a surprise.
No wonder the left are so sympathetic of radical Islam. They imagine themselves using the same tactics. I look forward to seeing them blow themselves up soon. The good thing being that most of them will blow themselves up in their own garage trying to make the bomb. I’m surprised that guy didn’t shoot himself before he made it to the place.
If he had shot himself, he would still be a statistic used by gun-grabbers to try to implement gun control…
Probably a rural Joe Sixpack who was laid off in 2008 and couldn’t get a job.
For some people, Bernie’s message was as seductive as any of The Donald’s siren songs, especially if their personality runs at the envy end of the spectrum. Some of them might even be somewhat accomplished field shooters, so it’s not wise to laugh *too much* about how improbable it is that a barista or urban poet might not be a good shot.
Socialism is predicated on blaming others in order to justify theft. Bernie Sanders ran on envy and spite. It’s no coincidence that there are unhinged, hateful murderers spawned from the ranks of his supporters.
Islam is the one major religion that, like the leftists, believes in fanaticism and not restraint.
I will say for silver linings: at least a commie is dead.
▪ “The Road to Hell is Paved with Republicans”
▪ “Donald Trump is not my President”
▪ “President Bernie Sanders”
▪ “Illinois Berners United to Resist Trump”
▪ “Boycott the Republican Party”
▪ “Expose Republican Fraud”
▪ “Terminate the Republican Party”
Motive unclear.
if you don’t believe in pluralism, you don’t really believe in democracy. what you believe in is some sort of “winner takes all” world where you periodically get to oppress your neighbors.
Wow. I didn’t realize that the rich are no longer taxed.
Alexandria shooter reportedly dead.
“… futher reports confirm he is also still fat”
At least he finally figured out a way to lose that unsightly pork.
Why is Trump giving the play by play on this?
Because Trump cannot ever just STFU. That’s his worst attribute. Even worse than the hair.
The consensus of the not-Trump-deranged (i.e., anywhere from supportive to opposed, just not in retarded ways) that I’ve spoken to is, “take his goddamn phone away”.
His tweet was OK this time. He should have stopped at that.
It’s Schroedinger’s Trump. When he tweets every half-thought that enters his brain, he wins an election but comes off as a buffoon with no self-control. If he knew when to stop, would he still be politically viable?
Shooter was apparently a Bernie Bro. I am Jack’s…
I expected a Berni-bro or a member of the religion of peace, but I would have bet my right kidney that this was some proggy ass responding to the media agitprop.
My favorite tweet so far (of the, “I think they’re being serious” category), paraphrased:
No matter what his political beliefs were, the moment he used violence he became a right wing domestic terrorist.
At least they’re open about their stupidity *shoulder shrug*?
If someone said that to me directly I’d punch them in the face.
It’s what any self respecting right wing domestic terrorist would do.
You don’t see a naked No True Scotsman fallacy that often any more, people tend to prefer layering one fallacy and rhetorical trick atop another.
I see. You simply define your enemies to be everything hateful. Therefore anyone who does something hateful is an enemy of yours and it completly absovles you. It’s brilliant. I wish i had thought of that before. I guess we can’t all have the intelligence of a 6 year old.
Sure, why not? That situation has worked out pretty well for the Scots.
“Two Congressmen, Rep. Jeff Duncan and Rep. Ron DeSantis, described an encounter with a man who asked them if those practicing were “Republicans or Democrats” before the shooting. DeSantis, when shown a photo of Hodgkinson, confirmed he was the man who approached him, CNBC reports.”
He was a Bernie Sanders guy.
He was a Trump hater.
What is it about progressives that makes them so violent?
Failure, envy, self loathing….
Hoffer covers this pretty well.
I have said it many times. If your political strategy is to appeal to the worst parts of human nature your supporters are going to be the worst kinds of people.
– Hoffer
What is it about progressives that makes them so violent?
The existence of people who aren’t progressive?
Their ideology contains absolutely no restraints. That’s true since at least Robespierre.
What happened to him? I forget. *No, I didn’t. Just love hearing it again and again.
When I read that he was shrieking in agony from the moment the executioner ripped the bandage off his broken jaw to the moment that the guillotine severed his head form his neck, I found myself thinking, “good!”. Contemplating it actually gave me pleasure.
What a monster that man was.
He’s actually a really important case study in human psychology. He wrote one of the earliest and most powerful critiques of capital punishment….and then he got the reigns of power himself. One of history’s most perfect examples of power’s corrupting influence
Well all we know is that, no matter what his politics was, as soon as he started to hate, he became a sith right-wing domestic terrorist.
I don’t know, progressives get pretty rabid about other progressives, too.
Because once they get so far with their movement and the mask comes off, people start seeing them for what they really are and start shying away from them. Their political movement has started to implode and they have no viable political tactics remaining except move back to the center. They cannot do that. So hatefulness and violence are the only remaining options for them, and that’s the road they’re already started down.
Just last night I heard some democrat strategists saying that they think the party should move sharply to the left. I never heard any justification for it, nothing rational. Apparently the party big wigs actually think this is a good idea.
I think they all go home and jerk off to the idea of a violent socialist revolution.
I agree with them. They should double down on moving further left. And identity politics, that’s a sure winner too.
And yet, post-glorious revolution, each of them will be surprised when they are put up against the wall.
Stupid, stupid people.
… but they won’t be shot, because they’ll have eliminated guns, right?
Don’t be silly. The State keeps the guns.
For the wreckers and kulaks, ya know.
And these idiots can’t see they will be amongst that group as soon as they say or do something that is frowned upon by the ruling class they straddle us all with..
It’s called a “revolution” for a reason. Full circle, rinse and repeat.
What makes them so violent? I’ll repost this for you, Ken.
Leftists want more government. When they can’t get it by persuasion, they get it by violence. Leftists creating violence creates a government reaction to violence that spawns more government. This is how it works. If the left loses elections, they can’t create more government by decree. So the left resorts to violence, which creates more governmemt by reaction.
“What is it about progressives that makes them so violent?”
That damn Johnson.
The shooter has died… now we’ll never know his motive.
He hated Planned Parenthood
And Antifa, and BLM, and those poor illegal immigrants, and unicorns that fart rainbows, and the hat and the hair…
Is that you, CNN?
He’s getting pretty much flamed to a crisp though.
do not click
wait, you don’t think this shooting would’ve been prevented if people didn’t have guns….
That is the most retarted i could stand. Remember Charlie Hebdo. I’m pretty sure they couldn’t have guns either. But seems like they had some. But thanks for making sure that we know that the best argument for gun control is some fantasy land where they were never invented.
ISIS brought those guns in from Indiana.
It was kinda worth it to get to this one:
But yeah, there’s an impressive level of derp in there. I’d wear protective gear if you go in for more than five minutes.
It was triggered. No one bothered to warn it.
Well done, that man!
Damn. That’s gonna leave a mark.
Cooke has good twitter-fu
*standing ovation*
“conceal carry a long gun” is street slang for “I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT”
So my work’s network outage is apparently not internal. Somme eejits cut 4 fiber optic cables out in Tempe, AZ.
And you’re based in VA? Are you on a leased line?
The whole idea of the internet is that it’s inherently resilient to failure.
Our systems are at our HQ in AZ. I’m not in IT, so I have no idea how this shit works.
Did you turn your computer off and then back on?
/Pakistani accent
Could be worse.
His name: Richard Smith
You now owe the IRS and need to go to Walmart to buy gift cards to pay that off young lady… Pronto!
For a long time the servers for the law firm I work for were located in Minnesota. Now I think they’re in Atlanta.
Lots of data centers here. Saves on cooling systems.
I’m definitely investing in better, quieter cooling when I build my next gaming rig.
Well, Kristen, think of the internet as a vast system of tubes…
I thought you said you were a webmistress or something … I always consider that webpersoning to be a miscegenated hybrid of technology, authorship and design.
I’m not that technical. I know HTML, CSS, and a little PHP & JS. None of which involves hardware of any kind. But right now, my title is pretty much equivalent to “Project Manager”.
I have a project manager on all of my projects. Good thing, I don’t like maintaining project software and I refuse to be that organized. But I’m almost always my own analysts, so there’s really no one between me and the clients except for the project manager and that is really an almost invisible barrier.
So you are a PowerPoint and Excel Spreadsheet jockey? Or do you jockey MS Project? Are we there yet???
There’s several different ranks of web folks. Those who know some CSS, HTML, and other design stuff. Then there’s the devs. Then there’s the nerdy devs who also know some server stuff and mess around with hardware, because.
I wish web folks would be required to take a class in basic infrastructural terms before being put to work. I keep running into application developers for our website who are all but computer illiterate when dealing with OS, networking and hardware matters. Even the vocabulary is missing.
I hate talking to a ‘computer guy’ in the same terms reserved for end users.
There are computer guys, and there are “Computer Guys”…
Networking = Black magic darker than any Necromancy
Interesting. I wonder if it was an accident or intentional. Someone intentionally cut some cables a few years ago and knocked out all the internet to northern Arizona. There are some pretty entertaining articles about snowflake students melting down without their internet.
Have we had any prominent democrats comment on the shooting yet? If they dont give it a full throated condemnation there will be more of this shit. This wont be the end of it.
As long as we get Obama to cry it will be ok.
Bernie has.
As much as I disagree with his politics, he seems to have more honesty in him than most on the left.
Bernie’s the only honest Democrat out there: he identifies as a socialist.
Bernie is just a true believer that thinks that he and the academics will be the “right people” in charge of the revolution. He’s like a slightly less Commie version of Trotsky, waiting to be eaten by a Stalin-like strongman.
Yep. Bernie ‘pro-2A’ Sanders (C) would be the first one shot and he would have no idea why.
Why did the shooter need more than 1 kind of gun?
Only one bwand of muzzle loadah allowed in Bernietopia! Like how the 2nd Amendment was “originally intended”!
Yeah, because those old white guys could never have foreseen repeating arms…
Or these
Unfortunately for the acadmics, its not academics who wind up in power after a glorious revolution. It’s semi-illiterate bus drivers like Maduro or murderous thugs like Sadam Hussein. These type WILL line the academic know-it-alls up against the proverbial wall the minute they insist that they know it all and should tell the thugs what to do.
I posted nearly the same thing after your post. PhDs do not necessarily make one wise. They make you knowledgeable in typically one narrow field of study. That won’t do you any good against the thuggish strongman you helped put in place.
I once had a couple of Long Island Ice Teas at Moray’s – “The Finest Saloon in The Marianas Trench”; It’s the only lower bar I can think of.
Because I love to be pedantic…..Bernie isn’t actually a Democrat.
Could have fooled me…
I may actually watch the news this evening, to see all the denunciations of the rhetoric of violence coming from the left. Perhaps even an announcement that the nightly assassination of Trump play in NY has been cancelled.
Please don’t hold your breath.
We thought we’d lost you forever when H&R fell apart.
I, too, will wait patiently for Anderson Cooper to announce that leading Democrats and progressive political figures have expressed their horror at the escalation of violence coming from their supporters and regret any hand they may have had in inspiring it. To be followed by Anderson’s own personal observation that a breathless media eager to punish its political enemies and drive a particular agenda must surely bear some responsibility for exacerbating the decay of calm and respectful political discourse in this country.
Important question, how did Rand’s swing look?
Silky smooth.
Like his hair.