Manchineel tree just chillin’ there all innocent
Beloved commenter and Glibertarian co-overlord, Brett L., recently shared a fascinating Atlas Obscura link with the rest of the secret Glibertarian cabal that controls your thoughts and feelings and bends the Glibertarian firmament to its slightest whim. Because Florida is America’s Australia, it has the deadliest tree, the tree whose Spanish names translate to “tree of death” and “death apple tree” The author gives us an appropriately dramatic intro to the tree:
You might be tempted to eat the fruit. Do not eat the fruit. You might want to rest your hand on the trunk, or touch a branch. Do not touch the tree trunk or any branches. Do not stand under or even near the tree for any length of time whatsoever. Do not touch your eyes while near the tree. Do not pick up any of the ominously shiny, tropic-green leaves. If you want to slowly but firmly back away from this tree, you would not find any argument from any botanist who has studied it.
And the whole thing gets more entertaining from there. Of special note: the manichneel tree is the deadliest tree in North America, but not the deadliest plant, which apparently goes to the spotted water hemlock…also a resident of Florida, because…Florida.
If you’re not woke to Atlas Obscura, you probably should be. Click here for their main page.
Neat. I read the first three Lovecraft stories. Reminds me of Poe.
Nice. Did you find them ‘unutterable, unnameable, cyclopean, accursed, hideous, gibbering, Stygian, or unspeakable’?
Because that’s why I love them.
I read “Beast in the Cave”, “the alchemist” and “The Tomb”. I enjoyed them, but didn’t find them too bizarre. Maybe that comes later.
It sounds like the stories are in chronological order; he gets much weirder later on.
Clark Ashton Smith is probably my favorite in the whole weird fiction genre
This is on the outskirts of the Lovecraft mythos, but well worth a read if you haven’t already.
I know of this one. But haven’t had a chance to read it
I think Chambers predates Lovecraft from some things I’ve read. I read one of those stories in another anthology of weird literature though and I am planning to check him out further. Reviews on amazon are mixed though.
Some of his stuff hasn’t aged well at all. Like that bit in At The Mountains of Madness where things are getting suitably tense when they’re attacked by giant albino penguins, and this is supposed to be terrifying.
Have you seen the inside of a penguins mouth?
Or the one where the main character owns a black cat named “Nigger-Man”.
Which was based off of Lovecraft’s real cat that he owned as a kid and named “Nigger-Man”.
That’s my Howard!
One of the officers in the movie The Dam Busters owns a black Lab named Nigger. Damn good movie, too and based on a true story.
The ‘adoption’ of the mythos by August Derleth after Lovecraft’s death hasn’t helped either.
Lovecraft’s “Dream Cycle” stuff wasn’t touched very much and I’d say it’s held up well.
His macabre, early work stands the test of time pretty well too, especially stuff like the Cats of Ulthar and Polaris, which are very clearly the result of Machen’s influence.
Then you have the canon “Cthulhu Mythos” stuff which was heavily bastardized as time went on, with one layer of gods lording it over another set of gods, lording it over weird monsters, who in turn were hiding in the shadows trying to eat humans. The motivations of some of the actors in the later stories stretching credibility.
Brian Lumley, for example, lifted the whole xxx region and teleported it to an inaccessible corner of Somerset/Wiltshire and built his own pastiche based on Lovecraft’s work, which is surprisingly good, despite the disdain of the purists.
Some of the later contributors were very restrained in their interfacing with canon Lovecraft materials. Clark Ashton Smith being one of the best examples of this group. Others, like Robert Bloch, did considerable violence to the canon.
And then lastly, no aspiring horror author can resist writing at least one “The XXX in the YYY” short story complete with a final paragraph, that terminates with an ellipsis.
Ugh. “The whole xxx region” == “The whole Miskatonic region”
Smith is one of my favorite
I mean in general, not just as a lovecraftian contributor
It’s always the non-Euclidean angles and archaic fanes that get me.
In case you didn’t see it, my recommendations from the last thread:
“Pickman’s Model” had always been a favorite of mine. “The Dunwich Horror” and “The Dreams in the Witch House” are also good, though most of the stories aren’t directly connected so you can jump in anywhere.
If you finish and want some more, check out Arthur Machen; he was one of Lovecraft’s favorite authors.
Thanks so much.
Robert E. Howard wrote a few Mythos stories, too. One of my all-time favorite writers
There were a few contemporaries of Lovecraft that carried on and expanded the mythos. Machen was before Lovecraft, and served as one of his inspirations. “The Great God Pan” in particular.
Lovecraft was a master of dread, but could he withstand the horrors of the Derponomicon?
According to Orson Scott Card, what is called horror is actually either dread, terror, or horror.
Dread is the feeling that something has gone wrong. Your friend should have returned by now. That howling sound is getting closer.
Terror is the immediate fear of death. The knife-wielding maniac lunges at you; the huge shark fin races toward you.
Horror is the fear of seeing the aftermath. Flies buzz around the mutilated corpses. STEVE SMITH WAS HERE is clawed into the cabin’s wall.
Every now and then I’ll see someone with vaguely fish-y features, and I’ll think to myself, “That one’s got the taint.”
Despite JT’s spoiler of “At the Mountains of Madness”, a quite good “3 Course Meal” can be had when combined with “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket” by Poe and “The Invisible City” by Clark Ashton Smith , which appeared in a volume titled “The Antarktos Cycle”.
Looking at Amazon, there’s a book with that title, an anthology of a number of stories, but the lineup of content is different.
Wait. You haven’t seen Re-Animator or From Beyond?
I’m dying to see Re-Animator because it has Weyoun in it.
Re-Animator is some damn fine B-movie goofiness.
I was happy to see Weyoun getting some video game work lately.
Proof that he can class up anything.
DS9> all other Treks
I’ll see your scary tree, and raise you the one Kurt Eichenwald keeps feeding women into.
Don’t you mean Preet Bharara? 😉
The Tree of Shmoe?
Swiss – get in touch with me. Secret Nazi President has a job for you.
Just e-mailed you.
Um… did I just see Clark Kent go into a booth and Superman come out?
Swiss is actually Raven. and Brett. and SF. and OMWC and Tulpa. especially tulpa
And Zardoz
I thought we were *all* Tulpa now?
Give it up 6, it’s Tulsa town
I always did like Don Williams’ Tulpa Time.
Is this in any way related to Tulpa Time?
You better leave this tree alone.
If you know whats good fir you.
This is advice I wood listen to.
I hate yuw so much right now.
I arbor no ill will towards you.
Any more of this and i’m going to be syc
Oh, how I pine for the days when we could just discuss libertarian politics without pun wars…
It doesn’t hurt to branch out
Nuts! I bough to your quick fingers.
I don’t know, I think pun wars spruce the place up a bit.
I pine for the days when puns were less poplar.
All of you guys are a bunch of beeches.
I knew this thread had wandered off and became doomed when I saw the Ent trails.
Oh fir fuck. Enough already.
Orange you glad you’re here?
No, I’m board.
There’s an apple for that.
If someone could orient the strands of libertarianism here, we could have a board.
It’s plane that a lot of effort was put into this, and all you can do is beech and moan.
I’m ash-amed of yew.
Don’t get crotchety!
*narrows gaze*
It’s a bough time Swiss.
Leaf him alone
Jesus, Vhyrus just killing it today.
I’ll just add a couple more, since you lot deserve it.
*Narrows gaze*
*Narrows gaze*
Lightning bolt!
Lightning bolt!
I was going to say that’s not nearly as funny w/o the video, but even with the video, it’s just sad.
So instead, I’ll just relink this vid of glam rock with hot chicks. For no reason.
I’m rooting for him!
Whom is the keyboard warrior? It’s John isn’t it?
Only his hairdresser knows for sure.
The tropics are a bastard.
Green hell.
Everything wants to eat you, and there is precious little to eat.
Missed it by THAT much…
What Ken is doing is the commenting version of giving himself a nickname.
“Hey Florida botanist, you know that tree that causes blisters if you stand under it? Bet you won’t eat the fruit.”
“Hold my beer.”
I’m not going to lie. My first though was “can you ferment this into alcohol.”.
Those happen to be the same symptoms Huma had last year.
Kind of like this?
Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Sharia UK: Two Arrested for Burning Qur’ans
Meanwhile, Sky News reported that in a raid of a safe house that the London jihad attackers used, “investigators found an English-language copy of the Koran opened at a page describing martyrdom.”
One might almost get the idea that the Qur’an had something to do with inciting the London jihad mass murderers to commit their great jihad, if we didn’t have learned imams such as British Prime Minister Theresa May to explain to us that jihad terror is a “perversion of Islam.”
In May’s view, which is, of course, the view of the entire British establishment, jihad terror has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, and Muslims constitute a race different from that of non-Muslim Britons, such as to insult them – by, say, noticing that Islamic jihadis justify violence against Infidels by referring to clear texts of their holy book — is to commit an act of “racial hatred.”
That’s what these Qur’an-burners were arrested for: “suspicion of racial hatred.” Is it “racial hatred” to burn a Bible in the UK? Why, of course not. Christians are not a special protected class in the UK; only Muslims are. Theresa May and her cohorts know that Christians will not leave their Bibles open to pages praising martyrdom and go off to kill as many of their countrymen as possible. May also knows that if someone burns a Bible, no Christians are likely even to care, much less to riot in the streets.
Yes, Virginia, there is a difference.
UK police were also investigating an incident where bacon was used to glue anti-jihad flyers on to the windshields of cars outside a mosque. Because hate crime.
This is how I feel about the UK police at this point:
Not bad, but I like this one more:
“OK, we have a motive and a murder weapon. Now all we need is the time of death.”
The far side has and always will be a favorite of mine
I’ve had this one on my cubicle wall for 18 years or so.
Nice. My college library had a two volume hardback collectors edition of the complete series. Spent many a night procrastinating over those tomes
There’s a cartoon I can’t find, so I’ll describe it.
A dinosaur is addressing some others with concerned expressions. Above them, a flaming asteroid takes up most of the sky.
The caption reads: we are aware of the problem and are working to solve it.
I think I know that one. Personally my favorite ones were his weird cow stuff and caveman stuff
I have the ‘Cat Fud’ one on my desk here.
Here they are in action.
It’s missing this.
Muslims vs. Skinheads
You win.
It’s not really a new idea either.
I see they are on the endangered species list here in the states. I think the residents of Florida should work to get the tree off of the list.
I can imagine a Florida version of Johnny Appleseed throwing machineel fruits in people’s yards, schoolyards, parks, etc.
I have been looking for a hobby that uses my impulse to litter…
*rubs chin*
That isnt exactly what I had in mind.
The fact that the tree kills anything that tries to spread its seeds, tells me this is one of mother natures evolutionary dead ends.
Give me your address. I am going to have 100 gallons of Crossbow shipped to you.
Does UPS deliver to “some dude’s lawn”?
If you pay them they will deliver anywhere you ask them to.
Oh, for you non-timber people Crossbow is a powerful brush/tree killing herbicide.
That shit works. Great for poison oak.
Surely a 55 gallon drum would be more appropriate
If I give you my address will you send me 100 gallons of Strongbow? I promise to be a bigger dick than Florida Man!
The manchineel tree will take your “evolutionary dead end” comment seriously when your offspring have a geographic distribution of two continents and most of the Caribbean.
Besides. I’d think you’d like this plant. It’s so surly.
Fatalities not known huh? It is possible people have died? Ya right. The fruit probably cures cancer. It is a government cover up.
Quick, get cancer and then eat some. Tell us how it goes.
As far as I know I already have cancer. Get me a plane ticket to Florida and I will do it. Honest.
…that escalated quickly…
ya that should have been, “For all I know”. Not “As far as I know” I don’t actually know that I have cancer. I just figure I will end up with it some day, and I like going to Florida.
Leader of UK Liberal Democrats ( lost vote share, got 50% more seats) resigns because he’s failed the religious test
On one hand, it’s probably a bad thing. On the other, fuck LibDems, they should be destroyed for cultural appropriation of both terms.
“I’m a liberal to my finger tips, and that liberalism means that I am passionate about defending the rights and liberties of people who believe different things to me.”
No, you are lying sack of shit attempting to poison peoples minds against Christianity.
OK, this I have to hear – how do you figure that?
Yeah this comes off as slightly unhinged.
Also, this immediately came to mind.
Yet despite that the LibDems somehow aren’t as far left as Labour.
Gallows for some, Maxim guns in front of open pits for others, when the counter-revolution comes!
Twirling, twirling, twirling toward the future
Deadliest tree in the universe
Do you suppose that series will make any sense if I read it a third time?
No. The first book was good as a half assed sci-fi cantibury tales with a mysterious demon. After that I read all of the others to my disappointment.
[I’m just gunna say it]
How the fuck did some people here turn into MAGA TRUMP TRAIN? Fucking A. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy. I can laugh at the hilarious shit progs say about every thing he does while being super-concerned about the real shit he does. Every time he gets criticized there’s more “FAKE NEWS!” comments than on Mike Cernovich’s twitter feed.
Here’s my thing though, and I am genuinely not being a dick about this: what bad things has he actually done?
So far I can count them on one hand, and none of them have been egregious or out of line compared to previous administrations. They are the Syria missile strike, the Sessions appointment, and the Saudi arms sale.
Did I miss anything?
When I first voted for Trump I was extremely nervous about it, but so far he has exceeded all of my expectations. Granted I had a fucking low bar for him but I am so far not at all unhappy in the way things are going.
It’s more than that, at least for me. The Syria missile strike, among other things, is killing my hopes that he’d be anything but a typical politician when it came to foreign policy. The AHCA is a disaster and isn’t any better than Obamacare. There’s been no movement at all on tax reform.
Really it’s not what he’s done so much , at least to me, he’s proven that he’s no better than any other establishment politician.
I’d love to see every establishment politician treated with the same amount of hatred and hysteria, not gonna lie. Daily Two Minute Hate sessions with PM Zoolander as target would fill my heart with joy.
We may be underestimating the size of Sisyphus’s rock. I really blame congressional R’s for every bit of that.
Won’t argue with you there.
This. Trump didn’t write the AHCA, (his would probably be worse) and the assholes gave up on complete repeal. It is infuriating. I thought Sessions was going to quite? And I never expected the Trump admin to not sell arms to whoever it could. I knew he was not a libertarian who was going to end the military industrial complex. At least we are not sending confiscated arms to terrorists from a failed state we created.
“…the assholes gave up on complete repeal. It is infuriating.”
I will agree with you on that but at the same time a lot of that is very much not in his control, and he has been president for less than 1/8 of his scheduled term. I want shit done right now too but as badly as the dems are hamstringing him over RUSSIA! it’s just not going to happen.
The Syria thing was pretty bad but as some people pointed out it did give him some leverage in the media and abroad so it was not a terrible move even if it wasn’t inline with his promises. And in all fairness I don’t remember anyone here that did not give him hell for it. I’m probably one of his biggest supporters on her e and I was furious until someone pointed out that it wasn’t a total awful move so I softened my stance on it.
The Syria strikes and Sessions. Just in case anyone thinks Trump is a reliable ally. If the left were the liberals of the 90’s, Trump would look terrible in comparison. But, Trump is standing next to a death cult and that makes his warts look a little smaller.
It might be cold comfort for you to realize that the reason foreign policy doesn’t change 180-degrees between presidencies is because =
1) most voters don’t give a shit about foreign policy; being “good” on it never won anyone any elections. mostly they want to avoid big bad problems a la Bush. And they like to have a few good photo ops (like the Paris Agreement) which are entirely insubstantial, but which the media pretends spins as “Global Shit Happening”
2) because politicians care about domestic policy, foreign policy tends to be controlled by cadres of unelected Top Men in the shadow government. They tell the president what they think the best move is, and the president rubber-stamps it (or not)
If there is any change in US policy, at best what you will see is tinkering on the margins. turning the ship of state takes years.
Peter Bacevitch had a great podcast w/ reuters “War College” where he basically outlined that US policy in the middle east basically got established around the time of Carter and Reagan, and hasn’t really been updated or changed in any significant way since then.
its a little more complex than that, but basically his point is similar to mine = no administration ever really comes on board and says, “we’re going to throw out all the playbooks and start fresh” – instead, they basically re-heat the same policies of the previous admins, and garnish it a bit so people can pretend that something new is happening.
“…he’s no better than any other establishment politician.”
I’d agree with this, with one exception – he really pisses off establishment pols, so he’s good for lulz. That may not be much (it isn’t), but it’s better than Lindsey Graham or Jeb Bush as pres.
He hasn’t really done much that I disagree with too much. He also hasn’t really done much at all. I really want to see my hobby horses advanced, and that hasn’t happened. On the other hand, he at least hasn’t done anything that sets back progress on my hobby horses.
I’d agree except in foreign policy and healthcare. That’s what’s worrying me right now.
A big test for me is going to be how we get involved (or hopefully not) in this Qatar mess.
I’m going to become less and less supportive of him and the Rs in Congress as time passes if they don’t start doing something serious about deregulating the economy. That is what I want to see more than anything right now.
Personally I’m just hoping he’s unable to achieve anything, on the other hand I hope to he’s able to keep the left from achieving anything either then perhaps more people will wake up and realize that’s government isn’t the answer to problems, it is the source. As for why I am not criticizing him too much, honestly I was expecting the absolute worst, and on the other hand I don’t really see how anyone short of rand Paul would’ve been much better. Even Gary Johnson, who was the one I voted for mentioned a number of unsavory things, such as supporting more funds to the inner city, and also supporting the provisions weakening free association.
Sessions is atrocious. I don’t need constant reminders the dude is attempting to reopen the war on drugs.
Reopen? It never stopped.
Escalate? Increase? Make even more ridiculous?
Did I miss anything?
He implied I was a rapist. (sarc)
Then again, the Everyday Fem types would likely label me the same.
this makes me laugh.
Yeah, I wish Paul had won too JB, but he didn’t. Ding Dong the witch is dead. Thats what really counts.
That Hillary would have been worse doesn’t mean anything at this point. (Something something WDATPDIM)
What does someone do who has some mundane object unexpectedly stop a bullet that otherwise would have surely killed them? Cut ’em a little slack.
When the hat sends cannibal rape gangs with secret nazi haircuts to ravage the land there will be plenty of ‘I told you so’ opportunities for everyone.
I’ve never been one of those “vote for chaos and gridlock” folks, but people who voted for Trump with that aim in mind got it in spades. Instead of another eight years of a palace guard media and further intentional politicization of the civil service, etc., we have the current circus with three rings of dancing Russian bears.
(I’m not saying Republicans don’t put worthless leeches on the government payroll, but certainly less Reality Winners.)
Ditching the Paris Accord was pretty nice. I ended up holding my nose and voting for GayJo, but if the Trumpster manages to get some tax reform and regulation cuttin’ he will get my vote next round (if he manages to hold on). Seeing the absolute destruction of the proggies would be great.
Paul would be facing the nearly the same kind of resistance as Trump (honestly.)
I dunno… I’ve lived thru several Republican administrations and I haven’t seen anything like this.
The closest thing is actually how Sarah Palin was treated. That was the precursor. Incidentally, two or three weeks after she was selected to be McCain’s running mate was the only time since 2004 when the left didn’t take for granted that they would hold the presidency from then on. That’s why she was vilified. The left has changed a lot in the last 12-15 years.
The whole Giffords/Palin idiocy really got to me. The manufactured outrage over the crosshair and “eliminationist rhetoric” seamlessly morphed into utter hypocrisy over the debt ceiling.
Contrary to popular libertarian belief It aint turtles all the way down JB, it’s narratives.
Depends on what the criticism is. If it’s just something about Trump being his typical boorish and egotistical self, or something nonsensical about two scoops of ice cream or some shit, it falls flat because of how fucking tiring the media freakout have been. Same for the childish semantics of people bending over backwards so they can call him a Nazi or ‘national socialist’.
Also, some people are aware of the blatant double standard the majority of Trump critics have and are overcompensating the other way. Policy criticisms based on actual reality are few and far between. The Syrian bombing produced decent criticism, for example. I’ll accept criticism as long as it’s sane and logical criticism.
Except criticizing Mattis, because Mattis is awesome, the best thing Trump has done, and the Only Adult In The Room right now.
I’ll note that I basically gave Obama like two years of fuckups before I openly admitted he was godawful, and then the Libyan intervention pushed him over into pure scum territory.
“Same for the childish semantics of people bending over backwards so they can call him a Nazi… ”
SecretNazi. Tow the lion!
The people on The Other Site who freak out about how “TRUMP IS BASICALLY A NATIONAL SOCIALIST BECAUSE TARIFFS GUYS” don’t seem to consider him ‘Secret’ about it.
Yeah, I’m not on it, but he’s at least doing some decent things (dereg). I held out some hope that Obama would follow through on some of his promises, and he did – all of the ones I hated, while ignoring the ones (such a “the most transparent”) that I’d have liked to see (he was transparent, just not in the way he promised). Clinton would have been more of that fucking cancer, with added corruption, stupidity, and incompetence.
Yeah, I’ll take Trump at this point.
Obama could have sealed his legacy easily as a decent President (even to the left) by coming in after the Bush years and tearing down at least some of the surveillance state while avoiding foreign engagements and winding down the Iraq and Afghanistan occupations. Criticizing and even going against the bailouts would have also been loved by his base and libertarians alike.
Instead he spent all his political capital on a bad healthcare bill, and then stumbled obnoxiously through another eight years of issues while his scandals were covered up by a compliant media. He had every advantage in the world and he still managed to fuck up.
I heard on NPR last weekend the wise NPR host and correspondent wondering if Trump is going to go after journalists. They then glossed over what Obama did and ignored the facts of what his administration actually did as far as monitoring journalists and prosecuting leakers. Part of this nation does not live in reality.
His lack of transparency worked well when combined with what the media focused on.
I don’t even know what you’re talking about.
Do you mean to suggest kamala harris actually has a point?
Or that stories like this DON’T actually rely entirely on wild misconceptions* about how ‘some random dude’s computers’ actually affect something dubbed “our election infrastructure”?
I don’t particularly like Trump, and the nicest thing i can say about him is that he’s not Hillary Clinton. The best thing he’s going to do for this country is (hopefully) stick another SC justice in the court who will prevent the left from shredding the constitution. Aside from that, he’s purely a source of lulz.
The issue of the media (what you might be referring to as “fake news”) is something completely separate from trump, imo. Yes a lot of their bullshit is *about* Trump, but that’s just incidental.
The “mainstream/prestige media” (CNN, NYT/WaPo, NBC/ABC/CBS, et al) basically threw every scrap of their professional ethics and decades of built-up credibility out of the window in 2016. Since then, they’ve actually gotten worse.
As some other scribblers have correctly pointed out, the Democratic party has effectively imploded and the News Media have effectively taken over as a non-elected political party.
Regardless of what you think about Trump, or anything to do with public policy, the fact that the media have basically turned into a full-time political propaganda-mill for a vague coalition of establishment lefty organizations is something that should concern everyone, imo.
Yeah, Trump isn’t exactly the libertarian messiah, but he’s not operating from a “you didn’t built that” worldview, despite all his faults, and the left-wing political and media establishment are basically reenacting that scene from A Man For All Seasons, screaming that we should cut down every law to get Trump.
Also, it doesn’t take a weatherman to see which way the wind is blowing on who’s actually been committing nearly all the politically-motivated violence recently. Ugh, so sick of the nonstop false equivalencies on that front.
I’m definitely not on board the Trump train. I am, however, getting quite a dose of devilish enjoyment from watching people spastically losing their shit like scalded cats.
If anything, the Age of Trump has solidified my belief that progressives are not, never have been and never will be friends of libertarians. They’re emotional wrecks acting at their absolute worst right now.
Trump is Trump, DeVos could be awesome or could be a total dud – we have yet to see, Sessions can go suck a fat baby’s dick and Spicer is a laugh riot at times. I don’t know nor care who the fifth Beatle is.
“It’s awful and everything is terrible! the world is over!!!!!1”
“Has anything in your life drastically changed?”
“No, but my friend is afraid for her life!!!”
If DeVos was the Czar of All the Educations, that would be amazing. But that’s not how education works in this country. Education is a local issue, it’s run by local school boards.
The most disturbing thing to come of all this, to me, has been the resurgence of anti-intellectualism on the right, supposedly justified by the left abandoning intellectualism first (a statement which, on its own, I wholeheartedly agree with–it’s the part where people use it as a justification for their own shitty attitudes that I diverge sharply from). If neither mainstream political movement has any intellectual core, then what are we left with? How far away might we be from fascists and communists fighting each other in the streets? Whoever wins, the rest of us lose.
No, you are not excused from having to defend your positions against reasoned critiques just because some other people did it first.
And if you can stomach it, idiot Tory who lost election explains why it was lost, sees nothing wrong with his policies.
Yes, I remember when Burke said “If you saved money, state should take it to provide you health care. If you didn’t save, state will provide the same care. This has no perverse incentives. Also, Marie Antoinette is one hot bitch.”
“Also, Marie Antoinette is one hot bitch.”
Well, she does go around topless all of the time.
He’ll be here all week, folks. Try your waitress, tip the veal.
So, lemme see if I got this straight… the Tories win big in the previous general election. Labour selects an outright fucking commie as their leader, who presides over a virtual civil war within his party between the loonies who back him and the non-loonies who don’t. Said commie enters the next general with a -20% favourable rating.
And the brilliant Tory strategy for that general is to write a manifesto that sounds like it came from the pen of Clement Attlee?
Burkean! BURKEAN! /retard
Yeah, if I lived in UK, that thing would have made me pull for UKIP, even though they are becoming Old Labour (only without the competence of Foote and Skargill, and yes, that’s irony there).
But to be fair, I’d have backed Gove over May, and my manifesto would sink them to 50 seats, so…
Hell, I’d already have my “Pan Zagloba is a filthy Polack lover” viral campaign started if you were running the show.
“Here is a totally not photoshopped picture of him making out with a Jan Sobieski statue in Warsaw!”
So you would be more courageous than controversial, as it were?
Oh, courageous by Yes, Minister definition, for sure.
The opening sentence of the manifesto: “UK’s relationship to the NHS is like that of Germany to Austria-Hungary a century ago: that of a man shackled to a corpse.”
Or my proposal for devolved English parliament, that handled health, education, policing, local government, environment, energy, business, etc. Headquartered in York. So MPs can have power, or they can live in London.
This story goes best with the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme song.
At UT Knoxville this past spring semester, reports Colleen Flaherty at Inside Higher Ed, a question on a test related to slavery eventually led to a professor’s being fired. The ordeal began in February, where a black student, Kayla Parker, answered a question on a quiz related to familial bonds among black American slaves. Parker believed that the historical record shows that “black family bonds were destroyed by the abuses of slave owners, who regularly sold off family members to other slave owners.” The professor, Judy Morelock, marked Parker’s answer as incorrect, writing that she should have chosen an alternate answer: “Most slave families were headed by two parents.”
Parker disputed that interpretation, believing that Morelock was “whitewashing” the historical record on slavery. What followed was a bizarre months-long ordeal that spilled over to the Internet and eventually ended with Morelock’s termination at UT Knoxville. At one point, Morelock offered to let Parker “lecture the class on the topic,” a challenge that Parker ended up accepting (“because,” she claims, “I have had enough of white people defining my history, especially inaccurately”). Morelock eventually began posting what appeared to be thinly-veiled threats against Parker on the former’s Facebook page, writing, for instance, “after she graduates, all bets are off.” (Morelock, Flaherty writes, claims “some of” the comments were in fact not about Parker.)
Over all, Parker accuses Morelock of being a false ally to people of color. “She wears a safety pin so everyone knows she’s an ally for minorities,” reads the blog post. “She regularly discusses her love for the Obamas, the Black Lives Matter movement and her admonishment for this current administration. However, I would soon realize that nothing would shake her more than a confident black woman contradicting her in front of a classroom of her own students.”
I presume that after slaying the weaker prog, experienced the derp version of The Prize from Highlander. Windows shattered as she was enveloped by a cyclone of pink lightning bolts and swarms of hipster wraiths snapping and uptwinkling.
such a happy headline: Professor fights student over test question, loses job
If I taught any non STEM field I would retire as quickly as I could. The next minority that walks through your door could literally ruin your life.
If you click through to the original story, you’ll see the instructor was a complete dick who threw a hissy fit because she was challenged over a poorly written multiple-choice question on a test. (And by the way, what the fuck? A multiple-choice test in college? What’s next, coloring assignments?) There is no universe in which publishing on social media “After the semester is over and she is no longer my student, I will post her name, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn … after she graduates, all bets are off” is professional behavior. Much less the fact that the university states the instructor’s contract wasn’t renewed because they are cutting down on courses taught by adjuncts, and with the current economic situation most universities find themselves in that’s a more believable reason, from my perspective.
And by the way, what the fuck? A multiple-choice test in college?
Uh…those were common by the time I was in university. In the 2000s.
I’m told that there’s been no decline in the standards of universities however. Nosiree.
How big were your classes? I could see maybe in one of those 300 person intro lecture classes you have to do multiple choice.
Intro first years were about 200-300 students, second and third ended up being around 40 to 100, still had multiple choice even with several TAs. Third and fourth year Seminars were a lot better, most had no exam whatsoever and the ones that did didn’t have multiple choice. They also at least had decent standards for term papers.
My degree is in chemistry, and I had multiple choice tests up to 300 level courses. If nothing else they made you double check because some of my professors liked to screw with the students and put the “answer” that corresponds to common methodical errors.
Yeah, my degree was in geography, and we’d get those at least until the 2000 classes.
Also mex, I checked out the Mayweather – Burton fight. If taking a punch was the qualification, Burton would’ve won. Fortunately for Mayweather, it’s not.
Yeah, he and maybe (big maybe) De La Hoya were about the only oponents that managed to hit him. My comment about Mayweather was sarcasm.
Any comment thread about Mayweather has the same three step cycle: 1) Mayweather doensn’t fight, he runs, hugs and wins by decision. 2) Boxing is a chess match and Mayweather is an intellegent fighter, that understands the key to outlasting you opponent is to avoid his strikes. 3). Intelligent fighter? Floyd Mayweather can’t even read.
I personally never liked Mayweather’s approach, but he was hugely successful at it and I’m really in no position to criticize.
yeah, that struck me as weird as well. I can’t remember that ever happening.
I had a few of those in some low level big lecture classes like psychology and biology. I went to Bovine University from 2003 to 2007.
You’d think if she posed the question, she’d have a citation for the correct answer…
Heh. Just noticed the professor’s name is Morelock.
Beware Eloi! Beware!
I presume that after slaying the weaker prog, experienced the derp version of The Prize from Highlander. Windows shattered as she was enveloped by a cyclone of pink lightning bolts and swarms of hipster wraiths snapping and uptwinkling.
Pretty much what it looks like when someone gets tenure, yes.
Read the rest of the inside higher ed article. The professor goes off the deep end. This is a case of why couldn’t they both lose.
Fuck this “ally” shit.
Do not taunt Happy Fun Tree.
Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to Happy Fun Tree.
If Happy Fun Tree begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.
Happy Fun Tree may stick to certain types of skin.
When not in use, Happy Fun Tree should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration. Failure to do so relieves the makers of Happy Fun Tree, Wacky Products Incorporated, and its parent company, Global Chemical Unlimited, of any and all liability.
Ingredients of Happy Fun Tree include an unknown glowing green substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.
Happy Fun Tree has been shipped to our troops in Saudi Arabia and is being dropped by our warplanes on Iraq.
Really kinda ironic that the guy who actually kills folks is totally overshadowed by a failure.
You know he’s gotta be thinking now….today was supposed to be *my* day dammit!
That was all over my FB (my first visit in weeks) with people bitching about how come the not-dead Nazis got all the attention.
Checked my FB and only 1 post on the shooting. My Trumpfan brother calling AntiFa AntiAmerican F***ing Assholes. Check the media and it’s all been one giant Whoosh!
He’s got to have a good gimmick to get the attention, he should have screamed something about how UPS uniforms are ‘nigger clothes’ or something.
Yipe! Go sit in the corner with Bill Maher until we can find a righteously angry Black dude to lecture you about that word.
It’s cool, I’m like 1/128 black or something.
That’s just a mole.
I wonder what set that crazy off. Who knows these days.
They had to throw that in didn’t they? And I am not so sure gun control measures where not tightened in some places after those shootings. Citation needed.
Anyone have a solid definition for ‘assault pistol’?
Something like this maybe?
I would bet five grand to fifty bucks that “assault pistol” means a standard semi handgun.
So Glock with a high capacity 15 round magazine? Probably so.
Well, a Glock 18, with a butchered sear (do striker-fireds have sears?) maybe.
Yes, stiker fire systems do have a sear.
As Stinky indicated, basically a sporting rifle with the stock removed.
In the case of an AR-15 pattern body, it would have a tubular extension for the necessary springs.
If you’re a CZ fanboy like me, the CZ Evos are usually referred to as ‘pistols’.
No, but I keep mine next to my pepperbox.
Is that your pepperbox in your avatar picture there?
You’ll have to get your nose in there to find out!
Is that melanoma?
Mel and Oma?
Other than a pistol used in an assault, I would have no idea.
Perhaps Vhyrus knows.
It is a legal term in California:
Bah, the formatting got chewed. Check the link if you want to see how California defines assault weapons, including pistols.
There is talk in the industry that soon, Remington will be offering a new carbine, chambered in 300 Blackout (and other calibers) that will incorporate a Thordsen stock and a bunch of other features, that is specifically intended to avoid federal and current ‘assault weapon’ features, without resorting to arm braces etc.
I have no information on release or official announcement dates, and frankly I wouldn’t even give it much credence except I got word from someone who swears it’s gonna happen, and is definitely in a position where he would know. When I asked him what it was going to look like, he pointed me at this, but to expect a receiver and mag that look far more like a conventional AR-15.
I’m sufficiently convinced that I’ve started my own ‘skim account’ so I can be ready to buy one when they come out.
Behold, the NFA Nut Kicker
In California, where this happened, they’ve been steadily passing more and more gun laws for the past few years. San Francisco is particularly unfriendly towards gun ownership.
Anyone else have fun filing their quarterly taxes (self-employed)? Bleh. There were reasons why this shit was explicitly unconstitutional. Good reasons.
You should appreciate the opportunity to surface from your swimming pool of gold coins at regular intervals.
I fervently wish that tjere was no such thing as automatic withholding for taxes. I wish everyone In this country kept everything they made all year and then in February got a big fat bill from the government due on April 15th.
If you want tax reform, This is how you get tax reform.
Agreed, but the bill should be due the first Monday of November.
Nah. You’d just have private escrow accounts, including ones sponsored by employers with automatic deductions. How many people pay lump sum property tax and house insurance instead of lumped in with their mortgage payments?
I do, but I’m probably in the minority. I get a discount on my home owners by paying it 6 months at a time. Property tax, not so much. No discount for timely and lump sum payment.
I do also. 3% discount for lump sum property tax payment. That and my wife likes to pay the entire sum for bills even if they offer no penalty for spreading payments.
I have a guy for that. I should check in.
1099-ES is pure duck. I hate it.
(I can’t be the first person to think of this. It is too freaking obvious.)
“I call this my love table.”
Martha Stewart and Nick Offerman discuss woodworking.
I kept waiting for the sketch to end, and it never did
random memories
I was thinking today about what got me interested in libertarian ideas. I have shocked many a prog by saying it was not Ayn Rand, but JS Mill, specifically his essay “On Liberty”.
“There is a limit to the legitimate interference of collective opinion with individual independence.”
That’s it in a nutshell.
Like other tyrannies, the tyranny of the majority was at first, and is still vulgarly, held in dread, chiefly as operating through the acts of the public authorities. But reflecting persons perceived that when society is itself the tyrant — society collectively over the separate individuals who compose it — its means of tyrannizing are not restricted to the acts which it may do by the hands of its political functionaries. Society can and does execute its own mandates; and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with which it ought not to meddle, it practices a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such extreme penalties, it leaves fewer means of escape, penetrating much more deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself. Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough; there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling, against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development and, if possible, prevent the formation of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own. There is a limit to the legitimate interference of collective opinion with individual independence; and to find that limit, and maintain it against encroachment, is as indispensable to a good condition of human affairs as protection against political despotism.
I really like his defense of free speech, which boils down to saying even if one person’s idea is opposed by everyone else on earth, that idea should be freely expressed because in the first place, suppressing it would have some cost and more importantly, the idea might be useful.
Another book I really liked was “How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World”. I was already a libertarian, but it was from that book that I learned about Bastiat and Herbert Spencer. The book is a nice guide on the practical aspects of individualism.
oopsy, I bungled the quote.
“If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”
Oh, he also said:
“Despotism is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians.”
Not sure about that one. Depends on the meaning of despotism and barbarian.
Ah, it makes more sense in context.
“Despotism is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians, provided the end be their improvement, and the means justified by actually effecting that end. Liberty, as a principle, has no application to any state of things anterior to the time when mankind have become capable of being improved by free and equal discussion. Until then, there is nothing for them but implicit obedience to an Akbar or a Charlemagne, if they are so fortunate as to find one.”
I believe there was a fair amount of discussion along these lines amongst the founders. They warned that liberty can only be enjoyed by a civil society, that the form of govt they were creating was not suitable for the uncivilized.
How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World is a great one, I didn’t read it till a few years ago, but it is inspiring. I was libertarian minded in all but economics (and yes, that is really the key) from childhood, but it took until my 30’s to read Sowell and Friedman and start to go down the libertarian road. Having kids has only made me more liberty minded.
I started libertarian enough. Social stuff.
I didnt have any economics, except for my HS. Which means i had none.
Realizing that economic and social are the same was my enlightenment moment. I don’t know who said it to me. It was probably 2011, digging into ron paul videos.
My introduction to libertarianism was Bastiat’s The Law.
And if we’re talking books that are foundations of libertarian thought, “I, Pencil” is one that isn’t thought of a lot but is pretty good.
+1 pencil
I began to recognize the great danger of government authority through gun politics. This was around the 2008 primaries, and I also remember watching a lot of Ron Paul videos and being very impressed with the cut of his jib.
Anyway, the first place I heard the word “libertarian” was on some gun forum or another. I began hashing out my position on other issues by using the same principle that I learned from the gun issue:
Humans have certain rights. These rights are identical and eternal, and the government cannot interfere with them no matter what kind of “public safety benefit” they are promising.
Another big intellectual growth spurt came about when I discovered The Old Site. I had ended up there before from searching the Internet for articles on gun politics, but I had never really looked at any of their other articles. Around the time of the Sandy Hook shooting, I bookmarked the site and read it on breaks at work. It was there that I first heard the names Mises, Rothbard, Hayek, Hazlitt, and Bastiat. I read some of the major works from these authors, and well, the rest is history.
PS: I think Herbert Spencer is an excellent proto-libertarian author. Social Statics and Principles of Ethics are both worthwhile reads. The hardcore an-cap may find some things to disagree with, but his reasoning is very interesting. Also, First Principles is an amazing book if you can slog through it. I’ve read it twice, and I’m always itching to crack it open again. It’s kind of hard to explain, but reading that book has helped me apprehend new knowledge (of any subject) much quicker.
I’m with Woko Haram on this one, there’s something disturbingly attractive about former Breitbart writer Katie McHugh, at least in her good photos. She has an almost terminal case of the crazy eyes but I still want to preserve the white race with her.
Looks like Laina Morris in that one.
Way to aim for the middle, bro.
He’s probably thinking more about ‘center of mass’.
Hey man, I said disturbingly, I can’t explain why I find her so attractive. Maybe I need some form of hatred involved in order to maintain an erection.
I like her too…looks like she might have quite a brain behind that fivehead.
“” Woko Haram “”
you’re kidding. is that a new slang term for the Twitter Mob?
Quasi-libertarianish centrist Twitter troll, he’s hilarious.
Was going to submit another piece, but I think I’ll just drop the main point here. If you read the original story of The Sword of Damocles you’ll notice that it’s about a tyrant fearing that the people could revolt at any time and lop the tyrant’s head off. We use the phrase “sword of Damocles” to indicate a feeling of impending doom, but the main point was to warn tyrants that being tyrant doesn’t come without a high price.
It’s a great story and it’d be nice to use it the way it was originally. Government needs to be reminded that ultimately it is the people that allow them to govern and that if it oppresses the people, that horse hair holding the sword may snap.
BTW, what triggered that was a friend telling me that his mom beat cancer, but it was still hanging over her head like the sword of Damocles. I hope she beats it, but your mom isn’t Dionysus.
So it turns out Evergreen State College has an official youtube channel and its filled with struggle sessions. In the video below, Evergreen professors speak on the importance of social justice and checking their privilege.
Credit where credit’s due, at least they didn’t make the comments a safe space.
That’s just Goddamn pathetic. Why anyone would pay for their kid to go there is beyond me.
I think the point is that many people don’t have to pay much to go there. its quasi-public, and they heavily subsidize the more-snowflakey of types.
if your kid is kind of a kook, and has mixed grades, he might be better off going there and getting ‘special attention’ than they would going to a state school where they’d be lost in the tide of students.
there was a good brief piece not so long ago from a 37 yr old veteran conservative-guy who was going there to finally get his degree.
he basically said, ‘if you’re not already a crazy lefty, you can actually go there and get an good education for the money’. Its just that many students are more interested in the social-justice activism than they are in ‘school’.
Struggle session is cultural appropriation.
This video from Evergreen State College on the purpose of schools is the most disturbing thing I have seen since I compiled the Derponomicon 2 years ago.
Here’s something fun!
I went to use my Flonase-like spray and I got it right up to my nostril before I realized it was actually the cleaning spray for my glasses.
Don’t feel bad. I once accidentally stabbed myself in the hand while trying to use a potato peeler to uncork a bottle of wine. That was the day I learned the purpose of Hibeclens.
“Here, hold my wine glass.”
To be fair, it was the type you use to make curly fries.
this happens about as often as you think it would
Jesus Christ, the fucking NY Times wins the title for the most disgusting response to the Alexandria shooting.
“You win – this time!”
see? that’s exactly what i was talking about above.
they don’t even just ‘spin’ stuff anymore. they wage full-frontal assaults on the truth, taking no prisoners, and salt the earth wherever truth might later emerge
And most people — even those not on the left — take it as unquestioning truth, because this is the paper of record.
I get that media’s going to do this shit. But when outlets like the NYT and WSJ and WaPo do it, to me, it’s far, far worse.
They’ve done that for a long time though, it’s just now there’s an active group of people who have the ability to push back, via the Internet and social media in particular.
When Walter Cronkite told everyone the war in Vietnam was lost, that was a lie. But no one was able to dispute it effectively.
i disagree with the idea that it was always this way and its only the world outside that has evolved. there’s some of that, but its not the whole ballgame.
I’d also dispute your example; i understand what you mean by ‘it was a lie’. but it was also probably true that the war was never going to achieve any of its originally-conceived objectives by that point anyway. what “winning” meant at that point was simply upping the ante and re-committing to something that had little real strategic value.
you’re right that its an example of the media effectively ‘creating a narrative’ and then forcing policy change on the back of it. but that’s the sort of stuff that only happened in very-broad-brush terms, and only once or so per-decade.
what they do now is far more daily, ubiquitous, constant, and ranges from ‘big deals’ like your example (e.g. creating conflict w/ russia for no real reason other than to deflect from Dem domestic implosion)… to the most petty tiny details of disposable stories. Fake hate crimes, petty character assassination , the way they’re collaborating to destroy youtube, etc. The way they collaborate to destroy Uber, etc.
i personally think the change has less to do with the emergence of any ‘pushback’, and is more a consequence of rapidly declining revenues and a shrinking core audience. *that example is just newspapers, but the same is true for most ‘news’ networks, cable, etc. When the boomers die off, they’re going to lose what’s left.
They’re turning into viscious tabloids because they *have* to. They don’t know what else to do.
The median age of a cable news viewer is about 60. That’s why all the commercials are for cholesterol medicine and life insurance.
When your audience is scared old people, you cater to their interests. Hence the abundance of Old Man Yells at Cloud type shows.
The Weather Channel is even more geriatric. Plus bonus DOOM about the imminent Climate Rapture.
I am not affiliated with The Weather Channel.
I think you’re reversing cause and effect there. They are losing their revenues and audience because they’ve become agitprop for the Left and nothing but that.
I think if you go through the NYT for a random week in 1957, you’ll find just as many outright falsehoods, mischaracterizations, slanders, and propaganda as in 2017. But in 1957 there was no way to pushback with any kind of footprint.
this claim and the one below it contradict each other
Which is it? they’ve *become* agitprop, or they always were?
they’re losing revenues and audience not because of their content, but because of changing behaviors. no one waits until 6pm to watch the nightly news with the family. everyone already knows ‘what happened’. No one gets the paper delivered to their home anymore because its a handy way to check on their stock portfolio and learn the weather forecast. Everyone gets all the ‘facts’ that the news media used to deliver in far more convenient ways now.
newspapers are becoming narrative pumpers/soap-opera producers, because the only thing they sell which people enjoy is “Stories”. they offer people bias-confirmation and smug self righteousness.
This is not the way it was 20, 30, 40 years ago.
Yeah, the blatantly partisan bullshit was usually reserved for the editorial page back then.
I particularly enjoyed the part where the nameless vermin said that “studies have shown” that people who shoot back at assailants are more likely hit to hit an innocent bystander. First of all: what studies?
Secondly: bullshit!
It’s like that bullshit about people are more likely to shoot themselves instead of an attacker. Well hell, if that’s true, shouldn’t we be giving guns to criminals so they shoot themselves?
It’s one of the more asinine uses of statistics out there, and that’s saying something.
There are more suicides via gun in this country every year then there are homicides of all types, combined. (~17,000 suicides via gun[roughly half the total suicides] vs ~12,000 homicides of all kinds). There are around ~250 “civilian kills felon in the commission of a felony” events every year.
None of this actually means anything, but gun grabbers love repeating the talking point.
It’s much better if they get shot by an unimpeded bad guy.
This incident has barely been mentioned on FB feed. Imagine if this was a Trump supporter who killed Democratic legislators. Holleeeeeeeeeeee shit. Social media and the MSM would be going nuts condemning anyone right of Marx.
Yeah, I checked FB. I’ve set a lot of the DU like pages to block, so i might be missing some shares, but my FB feed is very quiet.
Office progs had nothing to fucking say today too.
Forget the media. If some kind of Gadsen flag waving/MOLON LABE NRA member had shot up the Democrat baseball practice, they’d already have the NRA leadership in custody in fucking Gitmo.
I couldn’t believe that they actually wrote that sentence. It’s like they don’t give a shit about at least appearing objective.
According to Woko Haram, 2 CNN reporters were Twitter followers of the Berniebro shooter:
Andrew Kaczynski and Tom Lobianco.
Also this gem:
According to CNN, “the gun was semi-automatic, it continued to fire at people.”
Damn those self-shooting guns! They were forged by the hands of Lucifer himself!
Now, stop and imagine if the situations were reversed, and the shooter could be linked to anything vaguely right-wing and had reporters from Breitbart/Infowars/Fox following him on Twitter, one of which is named Kaczynski. Imagine those takes. Those hot, hot takes.
file under: can’t win ’em all
Multi-Millionaire Professor, 80, Dies After Being Trampled by Herd of Cows
At least he died…doing what he….loved?
So, you know how when your friend is looking for work they say,”I’m between jobs right now.”
Do the Irish say “I’m between pubs?”
well, no one liked my joke.
*quits stand up forever*
Because that never happens. The Irish aren’t between pubs, they go to 2 at the same time,.
If “between jobs” is a euphamism for unemployed, does “between pubs” mean he’s sober? That doesn’t make any sense.
Is this a euphamism within a euphamism?
This is getting weird. I’m going back to drinking.
So this is what brought the Lizard People to our planet.
Iguana steals man’s pizza slice in Mexico
I found one. something along the lines of “We can’t blame Bernie for this. He has a perfect record for all things nonviolent.”
Bitch, his entire philosophy says I’m owned by the state. That’s about as pro violence as I can think of.
I swear, Progressives really think they won’t come under the axe. Even when I can cite examples of the left moving ever further, eating anyone who says “here’s far enough.”
Look at evergreen. Look at feminism in the last few years.
This is also ignoring his years of actively supporting murderous and violent leftists in South and Central America. He’s avoiding the association now, but thirty years ago he was praising people who murdered their political rivals and paraded their body in the street.
Microsoft A.I. achieved maximum ‘Ms. Pac-Man’ score
OK, but leave Frogger alone. You know how proud George is about his score.
Venezuela protesters set fire to Supreme Court building as crisis deepens
Government is just the courthouses we burn down together.
As I posted previously but immediately had to leave for, the people who work in public schools are fucking fascists
The Chicago Tribune has an article up about the sad loser that shot up the ball field today.
There are some choice passages in it, but this one is my favorite:
SKS totally can’t shoot a deer, only humans
I have personally killed many deer with an SKS. It’s what I took hunting with my dad when I was a kid.
Yep, it’s a nice cheap deer rifle option. Not perfect but it gets the job done.
lists a bunch of his quotes that aren’t that vague.
I guess it wasn’t much fun to stay at the YMCA?
Mosquito bite right on the ear lobe. Well played, ya little bastard.
And Japsquitos are the WORST!
Mosquitos could disappear off the face of the earth with no detrimental environmental or ecological effects.
I’m from Buenos Aires, and I say kill em all.
You’re from good air, and mosquitos cause bad air.
This is when the canned studio audience goes “OOOOOOOOOOOO!” Well-played, Dr. Manhattan!
I didn’t think it was possible for her to be more obnoxious, but she did it.
It was bound to happen sooner or later—Hillary Clinton has weighed in on Wonder Woman.
She admits she hasn’t seen the DC Comics superhero blockbuster but now it’s a huge smash hit, she’s keen to talk about it, characteristically relating the film to herself, her never-ending political ambition and her determination to avenge last November’s shock presidential election defeat to Donald Trump.
Speaking in a 95-second video message at the Women in Film Los Angeles’ Crystal + Lucy Awards on Tuesday night, Clinton paid tribute to Elizabeth Banks, actress, director and Clinton activist who was receiving an award for Crystal Award for Excellence in Film.
She then moved on to Wonder Woman: “Now I haven’t seen Wonder Woman yet, but I’m going to, in part because it’s directed by the fabulous Patty Jenkins.
“But something tells me that a movie about a strong, powerful woman fighting to save the world from a massive international disaster is right up my alley.”
A source at Warner Brothers, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Heat Street: “It’s great that Hillary Clinton will see the movie but her remarks aren’t particularly helpful and our publicity team certainly won’t be spreading them about.
“Wonder Woman doesn’t need Hillary Clinton’s endorsement—it will make $250 million by the end of this week. We’re anxious to keep politics out of Wonder Woman any way we can.
“Secretary Clinton- your campaign has all the momentum of dough bursting forth from a pierced biscuit can. Why are you so popular?”
God, when will she leave?
If she or Bill kicks it in the near future, they’ll be lauded as martyrs and Chelsea will be “obligated” to run.
I’m hoping both come down with dementia or whatever Burt Reynolds is suffering from and have to be kept away from the limelight but still here.
Hillary has the white hot burning hatred of Donald Trump and the Deplorables to keep her going for another decade. She is done with any real office in her one true love, government and the power it brings, but she will smolder on as she gets even more irrelevant.
“But something tells me that a movie about a strong, powerful woman fighting to save the world from a massive international disaster is right up my alley.”
These euphemisms…
“It’s great that Hillary Clinton will see the movie but her remarks aren’t particularly helpful and our publicity team certainly won’t be spreading them about.”
I see. So everyone knows the bitch is poison.
Poison to half of the public, Manna from Heaven to the undeploreables. The studio hack is is a tight spot, to be sure.
At the gym and some guy a couple machines down is having a fight with someone, possibly his soon to be baby momma, about their individual weights and his diet via texts. Except that he’s using Siri or something for the “typing” and it’s complete shit so he has to repeat his angry sentences multiple times.
I’m dying over here trying not to laugh and then I read you glibs and it’s like Wilt Chamberlain at a sorority conference.
Just laugh.
Or try to get siri to text something stupid. yell something out while he’s talking.
“Yeah I’d like a lapdance!”
*Drums fingers on desk, sips 3rd cup of coffee*
Good lord you people sleep late. Are you all teenagers?
Raises hand, hesistantly, “I’m Hear Mr. Suthen but I work nights…”.
And Festus does like his beer when he gets home (sorry for the typos).