According to The Observatory of Economic Complexity, Rwandan exports include Niobium, Tantalum, Vanadium and Zirconium Ore, Tea, Refined Petroleum, Tin Ores, Coffee, and thicc girls like Nana.
And of special interest to the Glibertarian readership, she’s attracted to portly, middle-aged White guys:
Who’s that fucking honkey?
Her husband, apparently.
Dammit, I knew I should have gotten one of those imported negroes. The domestic ones just aren’t built to the same standards.
And yet the Japanese still can’t build a better negro.
They came pretty close, though
Didn’t go with Miss Japan?
Yeah? You just wait until they come out with their robot anime negro.
With tentacles.
Careful HM, their kid could be taking your jerb in 20 years.
Memento mulatto mori?
If he hasn’t advanced in that time, it serves him right.
It seems like if you started filling in for Manly Mondays it would make you an HR wet dream.
And it ain’t even a cool ass honkey.
OT – while waiting for approval to do a bigger shill, I’m going to implore people to Buy my book.
/Imperial Capitalist Pig-Dog
Not available in Canada till 20th, but I preordered.
Serious talk, everyone should check out Shadowboy.
It’s up for pre-order everywhere. I usually give it a few days of preorder period. I might stop doing that in the future.
Oh, for people who want to start at Shadowboy, there is An Omnibus edition that collects the current volumes. Since it too contains Shadowrealm, it is on pre-order to release on the 20th.
Ooh, Lucid Blue is in there! That’s good value!
Are there more volumes coming?! I like to shoot through a whole series at once.
There will be more volumes for as long as I keep coming up with stories. There is no overarching plot. It’s pretty much intended as an open-ended storytelling engine.
Ah, OK. Maybe I’ll pick up the omnibus after I finish the current huge tetralogy I’m in.
Actually, I pre-ordered. You’re welcome.
“Travis Colfax” is the protagonist’s name. “Travis Colfax”.
yes. Your point is?
No point. It’s just fun to say. “Travis Colfax”
Ya, whatever. You know a bum named Travis on Colfax don’t you?
Doesn’t everyone?
Ah Colfax Avenue. The childhood mythological center of drugs, prostitution, and Very Very Strange things.
Now, after 30+ pls years of rehabilitation and urban renewal, it’s still the center of drugs, prostitution, and Very Very Strange Things.
So what you are saying is you know a transvestite hooker named Travis that deals on Colfax. Got it.
*bookmarked and considered*
That’s the best this cheapskate can promise.
Fair enough.
You could also pass the link to anyone you think might like to read it…
You think my friends read.
It’s 4$ bucks. I know you’re a hippie, but surely you can scrounge up 4$.
Jeez, DJ. Way to make a rational argument, there by forcing me to buy the damn book.
Christ, What an asshole.
It’s the internet. You can say you bought the book without actually buying it; who’s going to know?
Well, if the good folks who run this site wanted to, I suppose they could dox(spelling?) me so UnCivil could see if somebody from my email address actually purchased a book.
I highly doubt they would care to though, it’s only $4, not even remotely worth the effort to check*
*+1 Pay Up Buttplug*
Did he eve honor that bet, or did he just waste that money on stepped-on, 3:2 blow?
Actually, to put your mind at ease, Amazon doesn’t tell me who bought the book, just how many units sold.
FYI I believe there is a typo in the book description “Peniteniary”. *Ducks for cover from anti grammar Nazi rage.*
Luckily, I have 23 hours to make corrections before the lock sets in on the pre-order…
4 bucks? Geeze man, that is eight days of Ramen noodles.
The current volume is always $3.99. The previous volumes are always $2.99 . It’s my pricing schema for novel-length works.
Good god man how many (much?) Ramen noodles can you eat, aren’t they like fifty for a quarter?
The cheapest I’ve seen was one for five cents.
Around $7 for a box of 36 in the bulk stores here. I was basing my smart ass comment on grocery store prices. Fucking pedants around here. You can’t even make a bad joke these days without doing math.
My king soopers has the individual ones at 40 or 45 cents. it sounded right to me.
Hey, I’m fat and white. This could be me!!!
*prematurely ejaculates*
I wonder if John likes thicc chicks.
We know he likes fat chicks, but what about thicc chicks?
If he doesn’t like them, does that mean he’s a racist?
I think it’s actually thicc chicks that he likes and people just started taunting him about fat chicks because you know, sometimes he can be a dick.
OT, this is finally happening:
“WASHINGTON—Police in the nation’s capital issued arrest warrants and wanted posters Thursday for a dozen members of the Turkish president’s security team who are accused of assaulting demonstrators protesting the visit of Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Washington last month.
The unusual prosecution of a foreign leader’s security team sets the stage for a diplomatic showdown between Turkey and the U.S.”
Trump, gettin’ shit done.
So, too little, too late?
Or precipitous and trampling diplomatic relations?
Trying to think how NYT will spin this tomorrow.
“Reckless disregard for diplomatic propriety.”
“Trump administration again strains relations with a NATO ally.”
“Tut, tut.”
However they spin it, it will come down to ‘Obama would have just ignored it’ which is good, because. Fuck those goons and fuck their dictator.
“Trump gets heavy handed in complete disregard of the good relations President Obama built with a NATO ally. Is another War in US future???”
I used all of the above.
Turks are already shooting at us and our allies. What difference at this point does it make?
I remember the link to that video. If anything ever wanted me to go all Murtaugh on somebody’s ass, that was it.
And if anyone ever wanted to make me go all Riggs on somebody’s ass, it was Patsy Kensit.
I like the third set of photos best. I’m a fan of that “dapper” look.
The bottom set reminds me of this:
The “bottom set”.
AKA “Glibs”.
How Glibertarians have sex.
Why did I click that? Why?
I’m glad you stepped on that mine and not me.
Don’t pretend you never thought about it.
Youtube videos don’t autoplay on my desktop computer.
I honestly thought it was a skit, especially when Andy Richter showed up.
I hope you opened in a private browsing window.
Always wear a rubber for HM’s links.
Glibertarians don’t have sex, since there are no female libertarians.
Duh, the gays!
Pretty sure the gays look at the rest of us askance.
I’m saying the gays are having sex even without libertarian women.
The gays have all the fun
Seconded – classy and hawt!
What would be the word for Nana–Hottentotty?
Least number of likes…I love my husband.
Becky, look at her butt.
I’m looking! I’M LOOKING!
Turtle smuggling?
She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends.
God. Damn.
*sweats profusely*
*hands over towel*
Yeah…I know what you mean.
I get that way when I eat too much Taco Bell too.
FYI, I have a fake facebook page for lurking hot chicks from work, and for some strange reason, I’m friends with a whole bunch of African women that look a lot like that. And post selfies of themselves like that. It gives me a warm feeling.
So several of your co-workers have Diane Reynolds as a suggested friend?
Alright, this level of THICC I can certainly abide by. Cute, totally natural and proportionate. Thank you, HM.
You’re welcome.

That guy in the background doesnt have a jawbone
I just noticed my Google Image search is *not* set to “safe”.
Go on…
I’m sure it isn’t anything you haven’t already seen after performing a search for him.
How many hair does the girl have in her closet?
I giver her a thumps up.
What an adventure for a carb.
So you did manage to escape the reefer zombies. I was worried.
Never thought that many cops were interested in a private carburetor sale.
Well, if the carburetor wouldn’t have been stuffed full of the devils’s weed… The way the reefer zombies figure it, once you put that thing on and start driving around, you can addict a lot of children and thus their ranks continue to swell.
Wait, what happened? Or link to previous discussion?
Ok ‘DENVER’ J, you know full well what happend, you reefer crazed child murderer!
So I arrived at the owners home a few minutes before he did. He texted me saying he’d be a little late, i was as well. Theres a truck in the driveway, so i figure he just got home. I ring the doorbell, and only hear a dog barking.
So i hang back for a few.
5 minutes later, he and his wife pull in. We shake hands and he opens the garage. Great looking seafoam green fj there, half apart.
We get to talking and walk back outside the garage
Two cops walk up and asks if hes the homeowner.
Asks if he has a roommate. “My wife and son?”
His 16 year old heard me ring the bell, then heard the door open. Got scared, called the cops and opened the gun safe.
There were 5 cop cars, 7 cops, and one on a motorcycle.
Ah. Thank you. Better safe than sorry?
Yea, everyone kinda went “well, that was smart. oh well.”
The part Doom is leaving out is that he was wearing a clown mask and humping the porch railing when he rang the bell.
Geezus, what kind of problems do you guys in Colorado have with Ding Dong Ditch?
Seriously, that kid sounds great. Hears intruder, calls cops and gets ready.
And of special interest to the Glibertarian readership, she’s attracted to portly, middle-aged White guys:
You mean, there’s a chance?
You calling me fat?
ooh someone’s getting negged.
…It’s working
*puts on lab coat, takes notes*
I see.
When you average all of us out, the mean value is overweight.
I’m trying to bring the average down but those damn powdered donuts are so tasty.
I’m also working on that…
Soda. Pepsi. Coke (not the healthy kind). Mountain dew.
I try, Lord how i try to deny myself the pleasure… But Lord, it’s sweet and cold and full of caffeine.
But i only have a few a week. The true culprits are beer and whiskey, but if you think I’m giving those up, you’re higher than I am.
Have you tried club soda? It obviously doesn’t have the sweetness, but it’s still intensely refreshing. You can also put some cocktail bitters in it for a little bit of flavor. I drink a big glass of club soda after I come back from my 5 mile runs, and I swear nothing could quench my thirst better than that.
I’ll try it. I remember club soda being gross from when I was a kid, but tastes change. Maybe some lemon in it?
Sure, any kind of fruit in there will be good.
It is gross. I’ve actually wanted to mix it with regular soda to cut the sugar down – not just for health but taste reasons, US soda is too damn sweet – but so far too lazy.
There are a bunch of seltzers/sparkling waters that already have a light fruit flavor added in and no sugar added. Club Soda usually means that there’s added salt or potassium salt added in to make it taste better and I believe it always comes plain.
You’re right, Jesse. I always forget about all those options. Some are really good. Gotta be careful if you’re trying to avoid sugars, though, i learned all that with the diabetics wife etc.
Salts don’t really concern me, what’s your take?
If you find that you really like club soda, it’s more economical to buy a soda siphon. I only spent about $60 on mine, and it has lasted me five years and counting.
Plus, it’s handy to have around for cocktails.
So there’s some wiminz who ain’t? They’re missing out on the good stuff.
Apparently, once one brave martyr makes the ultimate sacrifice, more brave soldiers are ready to further the righteous cause.
Trump supporter shot at in Indiana
I am actually a little worried that this trend will continue.
Count on it. If those antifa gun classes are any indication.
They should just start training with ISIS. I suggest in Syrian.
My first thought is false flag
Really? My first thought usually involves tig ol bitties.
Is that Danish for “she thicc”?
It’s 80’s Mitchell high school in Colorado springs for “big ol titties”.
Whoosh *whooshes hand over head*
We were a little more plain-spoken in Rochester.
I believe it’s pronounced “Rachester”
Which Rochester? MN?
Rahch’ster NY.
Ah, never been. I have been to Rochester, MN, but, so what?
I haven’t been in 20 years. It’s kind of dying, what with Kodak on its last legs. Typical rust-belt mixture of once-great and now-horrible.
Wow, i can’t believe Kodak is still around. Man, they were once, like a giant! What are they living on, disposable cameras?
Patent sales.
They had something like 100,000 employees at their peak, now under 10,000.
It’s also West Vagina for same.
It’s probably fairly common, but I didn’t want to embarrass Rhywun, which is why I did the whoosh thing.
To be sure, I didn’t spend a lot of hours in HS talking about titties.
Man, I sure did 🙂
I spent more time feeling them than talking about them. But whatever turns your crank, DJ
My first thought is how many light skinned black guys with sleeve tats are there in Indiana riding around in a car with LA plates? Run a GSR test on both of them to see which one it was.
It was on the Indy beltway. Unlike the entire rest of Indiana, there are 2 million residents. It’s not entirely impossible by any means.
But I think it was the Trump guys’s cousin and he was pissed because Trump guy’s been grabbing his Aunt by the pussy.
Meh, dollars to donuts this is just you’re run of the mill road rage assholery.
Not a whole lot of info on the incident, but I feel like rushing to judgement anyways. I’m naturally an untrusting person. They got a good enough look at the license plate to tell it was Louisiana, but didn’t get a single letter or number? Hard to tell on the picture but it looks like the bullet hit the truck at a downward angle. Seems weird, because the victim was in a truck and the suspect in a car. Unless he was trying to scare the guy or the truck was lowered wouldn’t the angle of the shot be upward? This all happened after the baseball shooting. I’m no detective but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.
Louisiana plates. Sigh. Louisiana really is the Florida of the south.
Anyone seen Suthen lately?
Florida isn’t the Florida of the south?
Finally! Jeebuz, if I had had to explain that joke, the orphans would have been on half rations for a week!
Plenty of Southerners will tell you that Florida isn’t part of the South.
Northern Florida certainly is, from what i’ve heard.
Northern Florida is South. Southern Florida isn’t. Any questions?
OT, but I was listening to some random assholes’ commentary tracks on one of the Star Trek movies and they had this great rant where they shit all over Star Trek communism.
Heh, that’s good.
I have no idea why this showed up in the sidebar.
OK, which one of you was that.
Tasteful choice. Props.
Yes, more of this and less just plain ole fatties, please. I can see all the fatties i want in real life. ‘K thanks
Those fatties work real hard to be tasteful fatties. I don’t enjoy it, but goddamn I will fight to my death to defend their terrible life choices.
Very pretty woman. Also a plus on picking one from an interracial relationship. Mixed couples are the best, especially black women with white men.
Like I can get off to anything else.
Wait… did I say that out loud?
No, you didn’t. You’re good.
Obviously you’re too young to remember The Jeffersons.
Did they have a mixed race couple in the show?
The next door neighbors. Tom and Helen Willis. And then their hot mulatto daughter hooked up with George’s son.