Well thank God yesterday is over. The toxic levels of retardation I waded through on the internet in reaction to the shooting in NoVa nearly did me in for a while. Fortunately, I realized the responsibility, nay the pleasure, I have been granted in getting to put together morning links for this great place that I battled through and found joy later in the day.

Part of that joy includes power washing a kid’s face.
And the Astros won. Which is nice seeing as its been a little uncommon the past week. And the US Open starts this morning. And even though this course is retardedly difficult, almost comically so, its still the best tournament in golf to watch…by far.
Anyway, look past all the fuckery and find bright things out there. Sometimes its all we got. Well, that and…the links!
I will link to one dose of retardation so strong that it might give you cancer to read it. There’s so much wrong with this that there’s nowhere to begin. This newspaper has slid to the point its little more than a propaganda piece for the Team Blue/Deep State complex.

Neil Gorsuch
Gorsuch seems to be settling in just fine. And he’s filling the shoes Scalia molded for him pretty well.
Christ, what an asshole. (And no, I don’t mean the cop.)
I can’t even try to come up with a clever rejoinder for this. But I’m sure you sick bastards will.
OK, who forgot to put the gas cap back on?
Sleazy politicians are sleazy. Film at 11:00.

Good people doing good things.
Had enough assholes already? So have I. So the last link is about the exact opposite from the people that normally make the news.
Go out there and avoid the derp, friends!
“DenverJ|6.13.17 @ 9:16PM|# They’ve immigrated. Check out Glibertarians.com reply to this report spam
No Yards Penalty|6.14.17 @ 12:00AM|# Are you kidding? That’s where all the assholes went. In 10 years of reading comments here it’s never been more civil.”
Congrats people. Now you know.
First? Again? A Canadian?
I was sitting here waiting for someone to comment. Becuase it was either that or give in to the impulse to shill my book. And I already asked the Glib Editors formally to be able to do that in an article.
You know who else had a book to shill…
Barry O?
Chelsea Clinton?
John Shepphird?
Dammit… threading fail. Sorry, I’m new here.
Karl Marx?
Joe shattered all credulity when he claimed to have found divine revalation buried in Upstate New York.
Lol. I’m a Mormon and that have me a good chuckle.
Dr Suess?
Sneetches get steeches.
Which Bitch is which?
Mao Zedong?
It Takes A Village?
“….:The My Lai Story“
Hitler. Always Hitler.
OT, but I’m curious since you’ve submitted an article before. How long after you put in the submission request did it take for you to get a response back? Just curious because I submitted my own idea yesterday and just want to know what kind of timeframe I should expect on hearing back.
It depends on who’s watching their mailboxes.
I submitted commentary and a video a couple months back. I got a few happy replies and then nothing. Oh well. I’m not a very good video editor or commentator.
*hangs head in shame*
Well, that’s a little disheartening.
…I think.
Remember, we were just getting started and it was an … interesting time.
let me know swiss. I’d like to see it posted.
They published an article I wrote last week. There is an extreme vetting process which includes a background check on criminal history, FICO score and a written exam. Be prepared to submit a birth certificate, SSN and checking account number as a part of the editing process.
All in all it took about 2 weeks.
Oh hoh ho! Who’s the editorial board’s favorite then?
*I* had to submit to a “physical examination” as well. I was lucky because STEVE SMITH is only an associate board member…
I guarantee that certainly is not the case. Unless you mean they only people who fail all those things.
My latest articles are staying in the pipeline longer than usual, not that I’m complaining, the lab lost the urine sample and needed a new one.
BTW, Fusionman, I dead threaded your response on the Hamlet thread. And also, yes, the Act 1, scene 2 part you mentioned was about suicide. No doubt about that. No the soliloquy I was referring to though.
They want me to fill the sample container all the way to the top.
That last remark was not about Hamlet, concerning which straffinrun had some excellent insights.
Also, Hello.
I was at work. Where are you?
Yeah, it’s real civil over there, now that it’s just all the trolls talking to each other.
Looks like the collective IQ over there has dropped a bit and by a bit I mean a lot. Oh well, it seems more on par with the staff’s so they have to be happier.
It reads like the paper’s Letters to the Editor column now. Which is sad, but perhaps what the site owners want.
Probably a lot fewer subpoenas from Preet et al that way.
That’s why I left. The staff has gotten bad enough but got to the point where I found myself day after day dealing with Hail Retaxes and Hihn socks.
I go back every now and then to dog pile on Tony though.
I left because the wouldn’t carry my sex robot preview section. Prudes.
I think you’re turning Japanese.
I really think so.
Interesting…..don’t recall anyone called No Yards Penalty in the past 10 years.
Probably a shriek sock.
No doubt. Half of the comments there now are from various troll sock accounts.
There are like 125 different forum accounts and like 17 people. I’d swear on some articles the comment section is just one dude logging into different socks to talk to himself.
Well, you can pay services for that. Presuming that you’re looking to seed comments for discussion, gotta look active for the donors.
Earliest post I can find is from Feb 2017. The handle hasn’t posted much, usually late night, humps dead threads. I’m calling it a Hihn sock.
Corpse fucking – That is his M.O.
Other than Anal Vanneman, I don’t recognize any of the posters and I posted on H&R nearly 14 years.
Is that the one that’s incredibly pissy to everyone, but doesn’t have the spit-flecked text that denotes a Mary Stack sock?
“Wow, Mike, your blog post on Sessions got more views than any other has for months! Good job!”
In 10 years of reading comments here it’s never been more civil.
Yeah, all five comments.
I’ve tried going back a couple of times. For old times’ sake. The comments sections are just pathetic. And, honestly, I think it’s brought the quality of the actual writing down. To be sure, they still have some good writers. But, I think they did a better job when they had the “assholes” to keep them on their toes.
That doesn’t make any sense. By definition? By the definition of “Mr. Hodgkinson”? The NYT editorial board doesn’t even know how to write, and people are supposed to take them seriously?
“I’m sorry sir, as much as we’d like to give you a gun, we are forbidden from selling them to straight white males as that would perpetuate the patriarchy. By definition, you as a straight white male are not allowed to buy guns.”
“But I identify as a disabled black lesbian”
“Negative, I am a meat popsicle.”
“Thank you for your cooperation.”
“You appear to be a socialist, and socialists have a history of violence, so no permit for you.”
The Twits are in an uproar over this ridiculous editorial.
Dude, it’s the New York Times. That’s a joke publication at this point
that seanmdav one is a good “gotcha, you hypocritical motherfuckers.”
A great reply to seanmdav: (and by “great” I mean “delusional”)
“In 2011, when Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a supermarket parking lot, grievously wounding Representative Gabby Giffords and killing six people, including a 9-year-old girl, the link to political incitement was clear. Before the shooting, Sarah Palin’s political action committee circulated a map of targeted electoral districts that put Ms. Giffords and 19 other Democrats under stylized cross hairs.
Conservatives and right-wing media were quick on Wednesday to demand forceful condemnation of hate speech and crimes by anti-Trump liberals. They’re right. Though there’s no sign of incitement as direct as in the Giffords attack, liberals should of course hold themselves to the same standard of decency that they ask of the right.”
WTF?? Jared Lee Loughner was just plain crazy. There was no “link to political incitement”, or any evidence that he ever saw that ad.
Repeat a lie often enough….
I made a quick skim of the comments to see if anyone would point out that blatant lie. I didn’t see it if it was there.
This is why so many progressives think it is right wing nutjobs who do all the mass shootings. They are told that. I have seen comments on /r/ that make that claim. I can’t think of one. I am sure there has been, but I can’t think of it. They even think Dylan Roof, the racist shitbag, was a rightwinger. Dude was a National Socialist who was a Marx fanboy. Kind of like Bernie.
If I remember correctly, Loughner actually tried working for Gifford’s campaign. A review of his bookshelf by the local police during the investigation suggested that he was certainly a nut job, but not a right wing nut job.
It’s almost an exact reversal of reality.
NYT must’ve been flamed hard over that because they corrected the piece and removed that horseshit.
“And then, when an attack came and they returned fire, they would probably kill or wound not the assailant but another innocent bystander, as studies have repeatedly shown.”
What fucking studies, asshole? People who legally carry guns shoot far fewer people than police “accidentally” do.
And when they do, seem to shoot straighter.
Precisely. That’s an extraordinary claim to make–as the author clearly knows–without providing specific, reputable, reproducible evidence to support it.
Show me the studies. I’ve been following gun stuff for years and have often heard that claim yet have never seen any evidence that even comes close to backing it up. DGU’s by citizens are almost always better than DGU’s by cops because of incentives.
If I accidentally shoot the wrong person, I have a serious legal problem ahead. Cops can afford to be much more indiscriminate in their choices of targets.
So, those words mean that the author is saying that the name Mr. Hodgkinson refers specifically to a person for whom not owning a gun is a primary foundation of his identity. Like saying a fish shouldn’t be warm-blooded. Some might say that’s a pedantic observation, but I say it’s a symptom of muddled, sloppy thinking. And this person believes they’re in a good position to decide who should and should not own firearms.
Also, Hodgkinson passed a background check, and he bought the gun in a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country. If the NYT means that people who are going to commit murder shouldn’t have had access to guns to begin with, then, yeah, duh. We already try to weed out people likely to use guns to commit crimes through background checks, etc., with questionable results. Lacking the ability to predict the future, we can’t tell who’s going to do bad things with guns. We can’t even keep people who we don’t think should have guns from getting them using the tools we have. So, given that, it seems to me the only just thing is to make it easier for people to defend themselves against the unpredictable bad actors, and that means not interfering with their access to firearms.
“Lacking the ability to predict the future, we can’t tell who’s going to do bad things with guns.”
I think we should use statistical analysis. No guns for urban blacks between the ages of 18 and 30. We can’t trust those niggers with guns.
Lacking the ability to predict the future, we can’t tell who’s going to do bad things with guns.
but stringent gun laws in major metropolitan areas basically do this.
The NYT editorial board doesn’t even know how to write…
I was told many years ago “Writing is thinking and thinking is writing”. Don’t know if I agree with that in its entirety, but I think it is fair to say that if you don’t know how to think, you don’t know how to write.
NYT comments continue to fascinate in its macabre stupidity:
“RobMadison, NJ
The ultimate blame rests with the shooter.
As for gun laws, make NJ state regulations into national regulations. It is a royal pain to buy a gun here, and it should be. For everything the Garden State does wrong, and the list is long, access to firearms in not one of them.”
Yeah, I bet Rob woud say the same thing had it been a Teabagger shooting up Democrats. Suddenly, blame on the shooter would extend to the entire conservative political class.
Just when you thought….
I pray all the shooting victims for a speedy recovery and I am heartened by the bipartisanship in Congress when Rep. Pelosi echoed Speaker Ryan’s solidarity. I am even encouraged when President Trump read out his we-are-all-Americans-in-times-like-this speech. But it is a mistake to whitewash this. The chicken is coming home to roost.
Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot years ago even if people don’t remember Brady in the Reagan era. So sad to say, this is nothing new. The new part is any gated communities can become the next Chicago. Guns are like drugs. Crack and even meth epidemics are not a real crisis until opioid addictions spread. Suddenly, the crisis doesn’t confine to the poor neighborhood or certain subcultures. Instead, it is killing young people and destroying families.
By no means this is schadenfreude. Instead, this points to a greater Republican/libertarian fallacy. President Obama used to argue everyone has the shared responsibility because all use public roads and infrastructures but they refused to acknowledge that. Remember the tea party folks in the south refused to pay for NJ Sandy relief until they were reminded of Katrina? The same here when they sided with NRA no matter how many gun deaths happened in Chicago? Now, gun violence not only invaded a well heeded Virginia suburb Alexandra but also hit a congressional bedroom community. Perhaps this time – or so I pray – politicians know this is a real problem and not just a fundraising issue”
That second paragraph is killing my brain cells.
Yes, a schizophrenic having a psychotic break is exactly the same as some lefty extremist shooting up political opponents for political reasons.
And doesn’t Chicago have very strict gun laws? Why yes, yes it does.
And things would be perfect there if Indiana didn’t exist! Or is it Iowa? I forget which one.
Yet somehow they cannot explain why Indiana, allegedly the source of those guns, does not have the same murder issues as Chicago.
Well, because they ran out, having shipped them all to Chicago.
Is this person seriously bringing up Chicago in a pro gun control argument? Really?
Yeah, asshole. He is. Becausneif it weren’t for lax gun laws in Indiana and Wisconsin, Chicago wouldn’t have a gun problem. When anybody can drive to those states and buy any gun without a background check, those
dumb savage blackspoor people in Chicago don’t have a chance becausethey have no impulse controlwhite men have kept them down for so long.-what progs
actually thinkand say in public.They’re just to simple to not shoot each other given half the chance, the poor dears. Really, they’re just like innocent, simple little children.
The racism of the left is astounding. Yet they seemingly get a pass in the major stuff (like treating blacks like morons when it comes to being able to get voter ID or treating them like dangerous savages when it comes to gun control laws that target them) and only get called out for saying the wrong thing (like Maher) when nothingnof consequence really happens.
The right has done a shitty job of using the moral high ground when it comes to how the left treats minorities. They’d have a perpetual majority if they ever figured that out.
Racist, elitist, classist scumabgs.
And I forgot sexist
It’s a bit too early for word salad. I’m gonna go get a breakfast burrito instead.
Camden, model of peace and tranquility because there are no guns.
Of all prog retardation, their retardation on guns might be there most retarded. I kind of get that economics are complicated, and zero sum fallacies are common there.
But how exactly does one come to the conclusion that guns cause violence? Like, they do know that people killed each other before the invention of the firearm, right? They at least saw movies like Gladiator, 300, Kingdom of Heaven? I know they watch Game of Thrones, because they’re always talking about it.
They also watched Commando and thought it was realistic.
I’ve asked this before, but maybe we should encourage this gun retardation for progs? They’re already control freaks who want to restrict and regulate just about everything so I don’t think learning more about guns will change that, and at least if they have a strong aversion to guns when antifa, this guy, and other prog hypocrites take up arms we’ll at least be assured they’ll be bad shots.
It’s just fear combined with a herd mentality.
Because with a gun it’s easy to kill lots of people, but with a knife you can only kill like one or two, maybe.
Seriously, that’s the reasoning. They even referred to it in the American Gods show, which I’m starting to tire of because of the constant prog preaching. It’s because they think guns are magic. And, strangely, they think that a person stabbing people will get tackled by good Samaritans before too much damage is done, while at the same time believing that someone carrying a gun in the same situation would more likely shoot bystanders if not just join in on the murder rampage themselves. It’s amazing in a jaw-droppingly stupid way.
You would think the recent stabby terrorist attacks in London would provide a counter-point to that, but I guess not.
well, those guys with guns in Paris did kill 150+ people.
[not really the point they’re trying to make]
They hate individuals. I swear to God, these cocksuckers think the Borg were the good guys.
Yet support big government for the greater good.
Borg, sounds Swedish. Did you know Sweden is Social Democrat, Bernie wants to make us that, obvisoulsy Sweden and Bernie are great. /Prog.
What I am seeing in common with those is that they are written by herd animals. They are communists. I dont mean old style soviets, of course. I mean people who insist that we live in a commune, people who despise individualism. They dont think of themselves as communists but that is what they are. They all want conformity to be enforced by law and of course they are the ones deciding what everyone else must conform to.
Yes, we all know how the gangbangers in Newark and Paterson can’t get their hands on any guns…oh, wait….
Fuck NJ and their shitty gun laws. I can’t wait to leave this hellhole.
What everyone in NJ has down is lock away all their outlawed guns in attics waiting for the day they escape or the Supreme Court finally hears one of our gun cases.
…until you’re pulled over, arrested, and sentenced to a 2 year mandatory minimum for having the gun in your car while escaping?
I’m the most careful law-abiding driver ever when I have a gun in the car in NJ (even a legal one).
And that’s very suspicious behavior.
No kidding. A guy doing exactly the speed limit and using turn signals has to be up to something.
Remy has got you covered
whoops wasn’t Remy. Still appropriate.
Not to mention that you can only have ball ammo. If I was under that kind of restriction, I’d be carrying a Glock 29 or a Tanfoglio Hunter to compensate.
You can shoot hollow-points at the range if you want. But if are one of the few people allowed to carry concealed and not an active duty cop – you cannot carry with hollow-points.
I do wonder if these are okay.
They don’t seem to fit New Jersey’s definition of hollow-point, but who the fuck knows how the courts would come down on it.
Hey, that’s pretty cool. I’d never heard of those before. I’m intrigued. I’ve been a fan of Hornady Critical Defense, but I’ve often wondered if penetration might be an issue. My home defense gun is a Glock 17, I live in an old Cape Cod and I’ve got old-school thick, plaster walls, so generally speaking there isn’t a place in my house where I’d be shooting in such a way that I’d go through a wall into a room where someone else would be, but then again, it might be better safe than sorry.
I’d always been dismissive of traditional frangibles, but I have to say, if I happened to be carrying a 9, hypothetically, I’d probably have a mag full of these.
I popped off two boxes of these at the range a few weeks ago, and they were quite impressive – they don’t completely break up when going thru’ 2 thicknesses of 1/2″ sheetrock, but they’re pretty much spent when they do. I’m not one of these guys who freaks out about overpenetration with a handgun, but I see no reason to ignore the potential dangers of it.
Shouldn’t be, in 9mm through a 17. http://www.luckygunner.com/labs/self-defense-ammo-ballistic-tests/#9mm
How thick is “thick”, Bill? (Sounds like a question more in HM’s wheelhouse, but w/e. The chart from a few days ago was appreciated.) Anyway, I wouldn’t think that plaster would pose an appreciable barrier to 9mm, but I don’t have any citeable tests at hand to say yes or no.
It certainly scores on “safer” side penetration which is what I want for home defense.
Ah, onto my pet peeve.
Yes, next time you’re attacked by a gelatinous cube on the 8th level of that orc lair, you’re totes gonna nail that sucka. 🙂
You put a gelatinous cube at the bottom of a pit trap instead of spikes. Works much better, and can be mistaken for water if the fools even see it.
I think the gel test (what it would do to a human body) should be 1 factor. The rounds should also be fired at drywall and 2×4’s to see if they don’t just zip through like 9mm FMJ ball ammo does.
I’d stay away from frangible ammo for anything other than training.
I don’t worry about overpenetration. I do worry about underpenetration – not being able to reach the important bits in the chest cavity that will quickly shut down an attacker.
Frangible rounds won’t do that. If you can’t legally use jacketed hollow point ammo, go with ball ammo from a big manufacturer.
On the few occasions I have carried in the past, I’ve had HSTs in the mag, but the Liberty Defense stuff isn’t like ordinary frangible – 2000fps, copper slugs and negligible recoil in my CZ PCR makes it pretty appealing for defensive use if I ever needed to use it.
A hell of a lot of splash if you hit something hard though, and really messes up a pig carcass, and the round breaks up a lot inside the wound, not on the surface.
2k FPS, huh #6?
Out of what pistol, because that sounds awfully interesting. Something I’d love to toy with is an ultra-lightweight bullet out of a 9×25. Get the velocity high enough so that you can start to see terminal effects beyond permanent cavity crush. Concealing a 5 inch plus barrel with a comp might be a problem though.
Then again, 5.7 x28 out of the P90 was supposed to hit the velocities I’m talking about, and Houston SWAT nevertheless is supposed to have given it up in the early 00’s due to poor terminal performance.
Any pistol. It’s a 50 grain all copper round. I guess it might be a bit less than 2000 from a 4.5 in barrel, but out of any standard plastic sidearm, it’ll be damn close to that
A friend of mine chrono’ed the 40SW out of a Glock 43 at 2050fps IIRC.
The only thing 5.7×28 is good for is ripping up the backstop at my range.
uhhh, brain fart. Not a G43, but the small Glock in 40SW
The liberty rounds aren’t frangible. They’re good stuff which I carry for a very particular purpose. I keep two mags of 127 gr SXT +P+ and one mag of liberty.
I believe the US Open course is retardedly difficult, not retiredly. Hth
I swear to god it was there
*jedi wave* There was no error.
I saw it, you’re not crazy! Well maybe you are… but it was there.
Huh, maybe we have a Gaslight Fairy too?
About 3 months ago I was FB arguing (stupid i know) with my prog cousin about the wonders of a free market in education. She told me I was gaslighting her. I had to look it up to find figure out what it meant.
What I discovered is that it means you are telling someone something that they don’t want to hear, at least in the context of talking politics to progs.
I admit I dig watching the best players in the world trying to play scratch golf. Some of those pricks won’t shoot under 80 today
-2 should win this week going away. Especially with clear weather in the forecast.
They’ll roll those greens till it’s like putting on a pool table by Sunday. And the rough is all but unplayable. I hope Spieth is able to play it long enough to contend but I feel this is DJ’s to lose.
Lol: https://youtu.be/TNt-XIZO-n4
Sweet fucking Jesus. I hope they have 24 hour monitoring of the players through the weekend. Because one or two might go on a homicidal rampage after a few errant shots.
Although, much of that will get trampled socitnsont be as bad. Still, three yards off the fairway and you’re completely fucked? Na’s got a point there.
Can you carry a scythe in the bag?
Didn’t I ask that in the links already this week? Although I said sicle instead of scythe because I forgot that word.
Then don’t miss the fairway.
Play safe, lay up on par 4s, make par and be happy.
This assumes the fairway doesn’t have some ridiculous slope and hardness that throws nearly every ball into the rough anyway.
Been more than a few of those in the USGA’s past (Pebble Beach 9, one at Olympic that is slipping my mind).
Also not sure that laying up on a par 4 US Open hole is going to be your best bet to get par. Not with those greens.
Still, the USGA does this shit every year. You’d think Na et al wouldn’t be surprised.
And how is that any different than the stuff in Scotland?
And they have impossible bunkers in the middle of a fairway to grab you when you play a perfect tee shot.
And speaking of Scotland, laying up on a par 4 is a valid strategy on #17 at St Andrews.
And any of the other long par 4s when the wind is in your face.
Fairways are wider, usually. You have to really screw up to put it in an unplayable lie, not miss the fairway by 10 feet. Of course, the weather is usually a whole lot worse.
The solution to a gigantic par 4 isn’t to lay up; it’s for the course directors to admit that it’s a par 5. Having holes like the USGA does some years, that average out to a 4.6+ for a par 4 is just asinine. I get that par is the goal, but IMHO shouldn’t be like trying to win the bear at a carnival. What the Royal and Ancient did the Road Hole is a shame. 4.9 scoring average on a par 4?! What was wrong with it before they decided to tart it up?
What was wrong with it before they decided to tart it up?
You mean when they decided that the current direction was better than the reverse?
#17 plays much more naturally as #1 on the reverse course.
Holy shit, that’s the rough???
I can’t read the NYT link. The link insists that I subscribe (even in incognito window) and I’d sooner subscribe to The Daily Worker than the New York Times.
But, are you talking about its disgraceful editorial?
Yeah. The Loughner lie is right up there with the “Timothy McVeigh: Christian Terrorist” canard they trot out every time a Muslim gets all explodey.
That’s why I have a hard time trusting liars to tell me when someone is lying
I mean, it’s the NYT. James Comey himself said they were printing outright lies. Right before he said he deliberately leaked shit to them.
…that actually makes sense. If you want to spite your old boss but don’t have anything substantial to go on, would you leak to an honest journalist who will try to stick to the facts, or a bunch of liars with a big platform who already have an axe to grind and arw desperately grasping at anything to smear him?
That silly mustache has made Sloopy wise beyond his years
What exactly is the difference between the Daily Worker, and the NYT?
One is full of rabid leftist propaganda intended to feed the egos of a relatively small minority of politically naive activists who seek to impose a tyrannical rule over a benighted proletariat, and the other one is the official mouthpiece of the CPUSA.
Going to ask the asshole question. What is the full value of a “vent hood technician” who doesn’t understand about what hot oil can do?
When I worked at Burger King one employee said that because he could put his and into a hot oven without consequence, he could put his hand in hot grease and his hand would be OK.
I would think vent head tech 101 would include “How not to fall into hot grease.”. If it didn’t, his school should be the object of the lawsuit.
Probably qualified at ITT or U Phoenix. Those guys never care once they got your money.
Personal responsibility seems to have declined in inverse proportion to the increase in personal injury lawyers.
They are not unrelated.
I suffered a frisson of excitement with the possibilities of the McGee/Ghee, but came up blank. Won’t some truly sick, smart Glibertarian help me out and come up with an inappropriate double entendre or pun?
Nearest thing I could think of was that it’s odd, since he’d been immersing parts of himself in ghee for a while now.
Just in case, Imma leave this here *narrows gaze*
“Next thing you know this idiot will be pouring himself on a funeral pyre for a living widow.”
Robert Service’s lesser know first draft of “The Frying of Blount, McGee”?
There are strange things done in the peach sun,
by the men who moil for oil;
The Southern fryer trays have their secret ways
That would make your blood run crispy;
The Midtown nights have seen queer sights,
But the queerest they ever did see
Was that morning in the vat of Publix fat
I fryed Blount, McGee.
OK, for you, *thunderous ovation*
So bad, it’s good. *standing ovation*
Obviously the guy was not a San Antonio Spurs fan. Because if he had been, he’d have seen Greg Popovich’s face enough to know what sticking a body part in a deep fryer can do to it.
Same applies to Edward James Olmos films.
Pop was a great athlete in his youth. He used to play goalie for the darts team.
“Safety Third!”
I feel for the guy and his family. Likely trained for shit, in a still bad economy (4.6% unemployment aside), and probably had a supervisor breathing down his neck wondering why that fucking store wasn’t finished yet. Probably no one to point out that no way in hell is that flimsy cover going to take his weight. Not like the store is going to drain the oil or let the thing cool either.
And still a remarkably stupid thing for him to do.
I mean, it totally makes sense so long as you haven’t expended any effort whatsoever thinking about the problem. Please tell me you encouraged him to personally test this assumption.
I had to clean the fryers, so no, I didn’t encourage that.
Ah, rancid oil, I do not miss thee.
“Had enough assholes already? So have I. So the last link is about the exact opposite from the people that normally make the news.”
Meh. They’re not even naked.
Of course they’re not naked, Rufus, that would reintroduce assholes to the equation.
Writing of links instead of:
One can just:
Most often, anything after an “?” is just SEO, tracking, crap.
Look, my skills only extend to cut-n-paste. I’m doing my best here.
Sorry, no offense intended. I’m just trying to help. I’ve seen people post links here that were five times longer than they needed to be.
No offense taken. I’m just letting y’all know that you’re not exactly dealing with the brightest bulb when it comes to working the internet and links and all that shit.
It also helps if you link to something that’s not behind a paywall.
I keep hearing that if those two cops hadn’t been at the ball field it would have been a bloodbath.
I heard lots of people’s account of how long the shooting went on and how helpless they were to stop the shooting.
What I am not hearing is anyone point out that the whole affair would probably have been shut down more quickly if several attendees had been armed.
Last night on Tucker Carlson gun control liar was asked what law would have stopped the shooting. He had no answer. I can answer that very easily. A law for national constitutional carry.
I saw that. Did you notice that his body went into weird convulsions? It was like he was trying to shake a small animal out of his pants.
It’s a really really really good thing that guy was such a terrible shot. A halfway competent rifleman could easily have killed 10+ people.
That’s what I keep thinking. If I had that many misses at 75 yards with a rifle – I would have died of shame before the cops got there.
Two way range. He made o.k. hits until he started receiving fire from the plain-clothes guy and gal on Scalise’s detail. One of those hits may yet end up killing Representative Scalise. Then, like damned near every other pathetic failure that decided to shoot up a mall or school, Walter Sobchak’s retarded cousin ran away from the people shooting at him. Looking at most mass shootings, it seems like it doesn’t even have to be effective return fire; just something that rattles the spree shooter and gets them out of thinking they’re starring in “No Russian.” A bonus is that their aim and general weapons manipulation goes to shit. Wouldn’t surprise me at all to learn that he still had ammo for that SKS; he just screwed up feeding stripper clips/mags into it and locked it up.
It’s a good thing that very few untrained people have the onions of a Michael Platt (the guy in the 1986 Miami FBI killings that did all of the damage.), to advance into fire and kill those that are shooting at you. One of the reasons I guess, why places like the School of Infantry hammer drills like React to Ambush into people’s heads: because otherwise it makes no sense to charge someone who’s shooting at you.
Platt was a Ranger in Vietnam, which is why those FBI agents were terminally stupid. Going up against two veterans, one a no shit CIB holder, armed with centerfire rifles, who have already killed people and you bring revolvers with the ammo in the cardboard box tucked away in a glovebox.
I’ve read conflicting things about Platt re: Rangers, was he tabbed or did he have a scroll? I put little faith in wiki’s description.
Given I’ve read he served at Fort Campbell when he was stateside, I think he “only” passed Ranger School, which is still kind of a big deal. Either (and serving in Vietnam as an 11b) would have taught him to assault through the ambush, which is what he did. And makes him not untrained, so a poor example of what I was trying to point out.
I can see at the time why the FBI didn’t bring M-16s to an urban fight, but jeez, they let you guys carry Uzis and MP5s for a reason.
“but jeez, they let you guys carry Uzis and MP5s for a reason.”
If you believe John Ross’s wonderful novel Unintended Consequences, the two feds with MP5s were double teaming a waitress in a diner.
It’s been I while since I read up on it, but I think Vietnam era Ranger units were only in Vietnam and stood up in country. I don’t think there were stateside Ranger units like there are currently. Early 80’s or so was when that changed?
I’m also racking my brains but there might have been an in-country school or so many days of service and you were tabbed.
I was thinking the same thing. In that situation with that equipment how the fuck? Then I thought The guy was batshit fucking crazy…which suddenly makes me wonder if shreek is still around…anyway, crazy people are often dysfunctional in more ways than just saying crazy things. He may not have had full understanding of what he was doing or properly perceiving what was around him.
No kidding. You’re allowed to get the drop on a dozen people standing in an open field and that is your best? Oswald has a sad.
I wouldn’t call him crazy. That’s a disservice to people that suffer from legitimate mental illness, and it relieves him of some of the blame for his actions. This guy was a pathetic loser of his own creation. I’ve had the displeasure of meeting more than a few people like him. They are intellectually lazy, do nothing to make any sort of measurable progress in life and pin the blame for their constant failures on everyone but themselves. This guy knew exactly what he was doing with no influence from mental disturbance. He was not mentally defective; he was morally defective. Fuck him.
He was a bad shot because he sucked at firearms just as badly as he sucked at life in general. It’s as simple as that.
Needs sayin’. Thanks.
Maybe after he landed the first couple hits he lost his murderboner. This isn’t like your average Islamist killer who’s been trained since birth to look on non-Muslims as subhumans whose deaths clear his way to heaven. The guy certainly had a hatred for Republicans, but Republicans tend to look and dress and act like non-Republicans. Once that bullet lands it’s got to be difficult to overcome one’s aversion to bloodshed and violence, however great his ideological antipathy.
Or maybe I’m projecting. I’d have difficulty shooting at peaceful people.
That’s what I said to my wife: I’m glad the guy wasn’t a Marine, or even a half-competent soldier from any of the branches.
I think even a decent deer hunter would have been way more deadly.
Deer hunting has its own set of psychological challenges. I missed my first good buck by a long ways on a shot I could have made without effort had the adrenaline not been flowing at the prospect of such a nice kill. Time and experience has given a much older me the ability to calm my emotions and take accurate shots.
I own an SKS with the AK mag conversion, because fuck a stripper clip.
I love it because it’s a clunky old rifle with wood on it that’s uncomplicated and damned reliable, but even well sighted in it’s not the most accurate gun in the world, to put it mildly.
I have a cheap norinko sks. It’s not all that accurate but will definitely hit human sized targets at baseball diamond range.
Mine’s a Norinco. It’s reliable, it’s just that I’m looking at 1.5 MOA at 100 yds, which I’m fine with, but probably 2.5-3 MOA at 200 yds, and at 300 yds I’m just psyssed if I hit the target at all. So yeah, I guess thinking in terms of just putting lead on someone I could probably guarantee a hit to 200 yards, which is probably about what you’d expect out of a carbine. And I’m sure a lot of that is user error, but I’ve seen friends who are excellent marksmen get similar results.
I’m planning on putting tech sights on it, so I’ll be curious to see what effect that has, if any.
I think that’s part of your problem – Norinco. Aren’t the Eastern Bloc SKSs considered superior?
I don’t think your standard Yugo SKS is going to be much better honestly
This is probably going to get me a lot of hate from the Glibs, but I actually agree that if the cops hadn’t been there it would have been a bloodbath. However, that is only because none of the other people there were armed and could defend themselves. If noone in the area has a weapon, you’d better hope some friendlies with guns come to help, cops or not. Of course, it would be far preferable if some of the people there were carrying, but since none were (and because the guys was a lousy shot) the cops did shut him down before he killed anyone.
Rand Paul loses some libertarian cred from me for not being armed while on the pitcher’s mound. Dude, do you even libertarian?
You mean for Mrs. Paul not being armed on the sidelines?
I said this last night and the wife said “They were at a ballgame. Who would think to…” We were in the car…I just reached over and opened the console. Two pistols. “You dont have to think about it. You just make it a habit to bring a gun with you everywhere you go. You dont forget your shoes, do you? Someone there besides the cops and shooter should have had a gun. Half a dozen people there should have.”
How awesome would it have been if Rand Paul was armed and took down the shooter. Damn it, Rand. Your father needs to smack some sense into you
How awesome would it have been if Rand Paul was armed and took down the shooter.
Especially if he got off the pitch before the bastard’s head even hit the ground.
If I’m not mistaken, Ron always said that he didn’t even own any guns.
I think many of them would have carried, at least in the car, were it not that D.C. would evulse their intestines in a manner to put Warty to shame, if D.C. caught them with a weapon. Yeah, they were in Alexandria, but they were headed to D.C. for work immediately afterwards.
And though I carry damned near everywhere, even I’m not going to be carrying while I’m in the middle of baseball practice. With the area they were in, a gun in the car may as well have been on Mars.
Pretty damned awesome of those cops. One of whom, IIRC, advanced on Shithead while he was wounded in the leg. Guy saved probably 4-5 Senators, including pretty much all of the libertarian ones (Paul, Flake, and wasn’t Lee there too?), and maybe a dozen Reps. I am guessing that Shithead’s next move, once he stopped firing at people leaving the diamond, was to advance on the nearest dugout and hose the thing down. Including that Rep’s 10 year old kid that Flake threw underneath the dugout bench. Then he’d do the next one, and after that in his mind, whatever happened, happened.
That’s a good point. It takes a massive effort just to legally own a handgun in D.C.
That sounds a bit uncomfortable.
Maybe he doesn’t spend that much time in VA?
I’m not such a cop hater that I can’t acknowledge that they will, after a shooter runs dry on rifle ammo (50-100 rounds fired) and switches to pistol and begins moving, that at that point they will return fire.
But as we have seen from numerous school shootings, workplace shootings, and “workplace violence” your average cop is not going to be doing a fucking breach and clear to save the civilians in the building. No matter who is in there. They fucking set up a perimeter around elementary schools, because they’re cowards. Notice in the shooting yesterday, they did not break cover to engage, they did not do anything other than hide, until the shooter transitioned to pistol and began moving in their direction.
I have no words of blame for anyone there besides the actual shooter.
Have you ever used an SKS? It is accurate, fucking loud, and can send a lot of lead downrange with amazing ease. It is an incredible amount of firepower. Being on the receiving end of that would unnerve anyone. I cant blame anyone for anything they did that day.
Same here. I don’t have an SKS but I’ve fired them many times. It’s an underrated rifle. I wouldn’t go dashing out into the open while one is being fired.
In the early 90s you could buy a Chinese one, dissembled in factory grease, for about $50. Best Lego Kit Evar.
I’m not so much harshing the cops from yesterday, especially the one who I hear advanced on Fuckhead and took a round in the foot.
But speaking more in general: there is a common assumption I see from the fluffy bunnies/”why do you need a gun??” crowd that if they ever find themselves sheltering in place as an active shooter compensates for his failures in life via murdering people, that Special Agent Gibbs or Dirty Harry is gonna burst in a minute into the shooting, make a quip, and put the bad guy down hard with his Glock. That they just need to grab their kids, and roll behind a planter in the food court, and the authorities will be there quickly guns blazing. We have seen from case after case that isn’t in fact true. They stop outside, create a perimeter, and wait for SWAT to show up.
Fact is: this shooting ended about as well as it could have because the cops were in close protection of federal politicians, so they were caught up in the crossfire. It was self-defense as much as it was altruistic heroism. If Berniebro had decided to shoot up some Wall Street firms baseball team, there would have been no cops there to return fire, and the patrol cops first on the scene would have stopped, sealed the area, and waited for SWAT.
FWIW, AIUI modern doctrine on an active spree shooter is to go in guns blazing. I don’t think they do the perimeter thing anymore if asshole is still thumping people. This is rough on the first cops responding, but hey, it’s supposed to be a heroic profession for a reason…
Now, as I think we saw with Pulse, if he’s holed up in location #2 with hostages, it’s just too damned bad about the people laying there wounded in location #1. And if the cops go in guns blazing, everyone is getting shot. (Did we ever get a breakdown on how many of the 50 dead were the shooter’s and how many were from LE?)
But, e.g., Columbine today wouldn’t go down with the cops sitting there waiting for those two to kill everyone in the library.
As to your greater point, yep: “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.”
I know they have changed the doctrine. I will believe it when I see it.
Did we ever get a breakdown on how many of the 50 dead were the shooter’s and how many were from LE?
No, and I’m sure we never will.
FWIW, AIUI modern doctrine on an active spree shooter is to go in guns blazing.
How recently has that been changed? The cops in Orlando let the the medieval religious bigot have an hour with his victims before any government guns came in blazing.
AIUI, Lachowsky, part of the problem is that Mateen was holed up with another set of hostages in the bathroom, that he wasn’t shooting at the time, but that he probably would start shooting if the cops busted in. Which did no good for the people bleeding out on the main dance floor/bar area.
For Cho at Va Tech, the cops tried to storm the place, but took 5 minutes to get through Cho’s locking the doors with bike locks. And it shouldn’t have taken 5 minutes to get through the doors, either, but the point remains that they weren’t setting up a perimeter and waiting the guy out while he was still shooting.
Article purporting to go through and analyze some 84 active shooter incidents in the 2000-2010 period. http://www.policeforum.org/assets/docs/Critical_Issues_Series/the%20police%20response%20to%20active%20shooter%20incidents%202014.pdf The gist I got is that the cops are trying to get at the guy much faster than they used to, while balancing against the potential that, by doing so, they’re running into an ambush/IED.
Interesting. Thanks, Ghost. I’ve been letting my confirmation bias get in my way.
I still think the cops botched the Orlando shooting. They knew for a fact people were dying while they perimetered. At that point, the cost/benefit of going in hot changes.
Maybe mine’s a crap SKS but I might beg to differ on the accurate part. I’ll totally agree to everything else, though. I would not want to be on the other end of that gun. And knowing I can get through a cinder block just makes me even more certain about that.
A hit in the pelvis from a 7.62 round stands a fairly good chance at putting the recipient in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
7.62X39 is not as powerful as 7.62X51
Why don’t you stand downrange and we can see if you can tell the difference when I shoot you with my M1A and Naptown can unleash his SKS on you?
Potato has a point. x51 is far superior to x39 when it comes to terminal ballistics. Here are some drawings of gels comparing the two (and others): http://www.10-8forums.com/ubbthreads/postimages/40052-MilitaryAssaultRifleWPcopy.jpg Further Russian gel drawings here: http://s1260.photobucket.com/user/maxxmojo/media/RussianWP_zps1d0e445c.jpg.html
FMJ x39 often ice picks unless it hits bone or the wound path is long enough for it to tumble. x51 can too, depending on the projectile. But see what happens with some of the OTM bullets. Yikes.
Because I wouldn’t want to be shot with a 25 ACP doesn’t make it a 45.
Just about any 30 cal round at under 100 yards is gonna leave a bit more than a bruise. It’s like these people who say the M1 Carbine was a daft weapon to give to tankers in WW2 because it was “useless”.
“OK, stand over there and let me shoot you – let’s see you laugh off its ‘uselessness’ “.
But to wax more serious, sure, the ballistics of x39 are different, but both rounds are gonna dump a large fraction of their energy into loose viscera and then bone. Easily enough energy to smash the pelvis and put the poor bastard in a wheelchair for the rest of his natural.
Relatively accurate. It’s not an M1A, but from short range such as that baseball field yesterday, it’s plenty accurate enough.
If you aren’t Walter Sobchak’s retarded cousin, that is.
I don’t actually have a problem with beat cops doing containment and waiting for SWAT. They’re liable to do more harm than help.
I just wish the distinction were greater and SWAT was used reactively rather than having beat cops throw on riot gear to serve warrants what with the tossing flashbangs into cribs and shooting poor schmoes who had the temerity to want to defend themselves.
Isn’t that pretty much the consensus opinion? I don’t think you’ll get shit for saying the obvious.
Also, it may not be so easy for these people to get a permit in DC. And yes, I know they were in NoVa, but they were all heading back across the river in a few. And they were in a gun-free zone. So the last thing one of them would want is to get pinched for toting a gun illegally in a gun free zone, giving an idiot grabber ammunition to use against them. You know, like: “these guys want to abolish safe gun-free zones but are careless enough to leave a loaded gun in an unattended gym bag around children.”
Fuck that. They play the game they’re forced to play because the narrative is so unevenly presented there’s no way to win.
I live in NoVa and work mostly in DC, and it’s exactly that. I know that I should carry, but I can go from legal to first-offense felony with mandantory jail time just by crossing the street. So I usually don’t. It’s an annoying pain in the ass.
If no one had been armed, maybe the field could’ve been used for purgings.
“What’s a barrel shroud?”
Chris Collins: My handgun will be in my pocket from this day forward
Fucking grandstanding. Breaks rule #1 of concealed carry. Idiot.
“Fucking grandstanding.”
Um, politician? It kinda goes with the territory.
Easy for him to say too, when if caught, he can claim he’s running to go vote or whatever the magic words are that enable Reps/Senators to tell D.C. cops to fuck off.
If I were a nutcase, I’d make sure I knew what he looked like so I could neutralize him first.
I am not up on DC conceal carry laws, but I bet it is not hard for any politician or staffer to get a CC permit. But, as numero seis points out there, it’s not very wise to be advertising it.
I like the vehicles with gun manufacturer stickers all over them.
Break into my car. Please!
I used to have foreign ‘oval’ stickers on my truck befoe I sold it.
The “CZ” one caused at least two people to tell me that my English was very good for a foreigner, and the “BHP” one had some people scratching their heads. I had an “M1A” one, but never put it on because I felt it would give the game away.
I saw a guy on the highway driving a van with about six kayaks on the roof yesterday. The van had honest to god European plates on it. I wanted to follow him so I could ask if he was lost, and how many times the yokels around here pulled him over to ask about his plates. Dude was driving too slow though. I don’t know what it costs to ship a piece of shit van over the Atlantic, but I bet it was more than what a piece of shit van costs here.
The difference being, if he was on secondment to the US with his firm, the firm may have paid for the piece of shit van to be shipped over. Companies are dumb like that.
“Break into my car. Please!”
Also please wait for me and my wife to go to work, then break into my house.
No one keeps large quantities of cash in the house. Few people have really expensive jewelry. Electronics don’t have as much value, and are large and bulky. But guns? Oh man. Handguns are fucking valuable to thieves, you can get double or even triple retail for a good handgun from the drug dealers.
Also please wait for me and my wife to go to work, then break into my house
I have more vehicles at my house than people who drive them. Also everybody knows I have guns. I don’t have break in problems.
It partly because of where I live. Everybody is armed around here. It’s an extremely risky proposition to break into the houses of a populace that is armed.
That is probably a locality thing. It is still not uncommon to see rifles in back window gun racks here. Not like it was 20-30 years ago when every truck had two or three.
I suspect that even staffers of pols find it hard to get a permit in DC, although there’s probably a lot of arm bending being done with the Police firearms board as we speak.
My guess is that most of the pols themselves that want to carry, have the permits to do so already, but now they’ll be actually carrying, and not letting their gat acquire lint in their sock draw.
They were all Congressmen or congressional aids, had they wanted to be armed they absolutely could have been so we also need even more of a culture where people understand it is their own responsibility to protect themselves because they can’t rely on the police to always do it.
I am back from Ann Arbor, den of hippies, the rich, and overpriced everything.
Streets: Panhandlers on every corner. Saw someone spare-changing for their “hormone treatment” / transitioning to a woman.
Shopping: The internet has certainly taken the fun out of shopping. I mean if I want something specific then I can find exactly what I want. The urge to browse is still there and my wife and I hit up a good antique/junk store. I also got a new pair of Birkenstocks (hippie!) and a handful of records. A few other place of little interested were visited but we went home with only a small amount of loot.
Women: It’s summer so most of the kids are back home, but what I did see on the U of M campus wasn’t impressive – Michigan State in Lansing has a much higher quotient of good looking gals. U of M seems rampant with dykes – not that’s there’s anything wrong with that.
The Ark: Live music venue run by volunteers. The John Moreland show was excellent! I was disappointed by the lack of a full band. Instead John (who is a big, big man) had a single (and very talented) accompanist. Also – is there some rule that there is at least one dick in the audience? Between songs there was that “one guy” who had to shout something stupid out. Or his girlfriend was giggling during a sad song. I mean why would you go to a concert like this? It wasn’t Van Halen.
Food: lots of good restaurants. The steak at Conor O’Neill’s Irish Pub was excellent, especially the peppercorn n cream sauce.
Ann Arbor is a whore.
And no one there can drive worth a shit. My brother works for a contractor for one of the big 3, and lives on the outskirts of Ann Arbor. We were there two weeks ago, and luckily his car has emergency auto braking, because there was all sorts of stupid going on in the streets. No wonder they want automated cars up there.
“Saw someone spare-changing for their “hormone treatment” / transitioning to a woman.”
It’s a parody onto itself
If health care was treated as the right it should be treated as, that poor transgender wouldn’t have had to beg for your money, Xe would have been able to maintain Xis dignity by having the state state steal it from you and hand it over to Xim.
I got pissed off in Asheville when some filthy hippies, surrounded by a cloud of weed smoke, asked me for money. Weed is a fucking luxury item.
“But..it’s like medicinal and shit, man”
Asheville aka Patchouli City
Panhandlers on every corner.
They’re on every major street corner and are steadily showing up in four-lane intersections. I’ve seen them shouting at one another if they set up shop too close. Most of the old folks have disappeared: now they’re uniformly 20 and 30-somethings. No limps, no crutches, no reason to be out there. But it’s endemic.
DU sets a new standard in self-defeating arguments
Um, can we get some names for this “endless parade of right wing shooters/murderers” please?
That’s all of them. As soon as they shoot someone, they’re rightwing, QED.
Maybe it’s what you’re referencing, and I can’t find it right now, but I could’ve sworn I saw somebody link to a comment yesterday that said exactly that.
Yes you did. I don’t remember where it was, but I read the exact same thing linked yesterday.
There was also that knuckle-dragger that shot up a Sikh temple in Wisconsin.
Dylan Roof! Jared Lee Loughner! …um, John Wilkes Booth?
Why don’t we know know Dylan Roof’s middle name? Does he have to become an author before getting that privilege?
I thought he had the whitest middle name ever – a blank space.
You think a black hole ate it?
Storm. Dylan Storm Roof. He’s an ad for home repair.
Sounds appropriate for a white supremacist.
Yeah, it’s like naming your daughter “Sinnamon” and acting shocked when she ends up working as a stripper.
Or a weather reporter at some third tier local TV station.
Most mass shootings seem to be committed by extremely conservative religious fundamentalists.
George Zimmerman- right wing terrorist, because he dared to defend himself against a murderous black kid.
George Zimmerman – right wing terrorist because he was Peruvian on his mom’s side rather than his dad’s.
I am not sure what is going on here. They have essentially thrown their masks away but pretending they haven’t?
They are damned desperate to disown Hodgkinson but no one will buy it.
Shitlords – all of of you!
Why are men still choosing to be so ignorant about feminism?
a chance to walk into a job interview wearing a wedding ring without the words ‘maternity leave’ hanging in the air
As long as it’s not their money, who cares… right?
Yeah, if maternity leave wasn’t a thing that negatively effects businesses, then nobody would care.
I’m not ignorant of feminism. I just think it doesn’t achieve any of the goals it aspires to
Oh? I think it’s done a pretty good job of giving women privileges over men. Oh, you mean what they claim to aspire to.
Slammer gets it. I cant remember who around here said it but “feminism is just marxism in drag” nails it pretty well.
I normally completely ignore this stuff but I waded into that because I’m waiting for the end of the world to arrive:
“Girls all over the world are subjected to unsterile, agonising genital mutilation, including in the UK.
Girls all over the world are prevented from attending school, let alone university, also including in the UK.
Feminism is also about men. Because women are seen as mothers and men are seen as providers, men often lose out in custody hearings and are shoehorned into jobs that they don’t enjoy.”
I truly enjoy (and by enjoy I mean hate) reading pipsqueak thinkers engage in sloppy moral and cultural relativism. All over the world….including the UK! Gee, I wonder who in the UK though, right?
I have no idea about what he see means about men as feminists. Is she suggesting men really are fucked over? Or is she making the case more emasculated cucks are needed to further the unhinged and untenable feminist agenda in its current mode?
You should start an online company selling strap on Cucks.
I’m aware of feminism. I consider it a shit-test by all but the craziest women.
Whoa whoa whoa…….recent movies have told me that 110 pound women can beat the living shit out of any man. What’s with this defeatist attitude?
If only there were some small tool that made that less of an issue. Maybe something that chemically propelled a small dense object at high velocity with a mechanical mechanism to trigger the chemical reaction…
Like this?
Who knew SugarFree was a mechanical engineer?
I certainly didn’t.
Look at it this way, you’re now qualified to comment on SCIENCE!
We’d like you to understand that it can be frightening, knowing that every second person on the street is physically stronger than you.
Wait, so the next sentence is about how all women should empower themselves and level the playing field by learning how to operate a handgun and then buying one, right? Because that’s the logical next sentence in a sane world.
In a sane world every young lady, upon reaching the age of 12, would be issued one of these.
::good edit faerie scratches head…flutters away::
I dont think that would help.
Shit.How about one of these, then?
“IDK, Where do I press on this to take a selfie?”
It’s OK, I like the SIG better.
Or, if your daughter would like a little more firepower: there’s this.
Shit, I might transition myself if I get a free AK out of the deal.
I hate this line anyway.
I’m 6’3″ and weigh like 140. I’m not going to be beating anyone up.
I’m not living in fear.
also, Gun. as we’ve all said.
If only there was some way to even that out, some way that a person could defend themselves against someone who is phyiscally stronger. Oh well.
That would be nice, but we can’t live in fairy tale land. That’s why we must believe that there are no physical strength differences between man and woman. That will solve this problem.
*looking in the mirror*
The ability to be valued for your talents. This makes no sense. Freudian slip much? You meant to say ‘To be valued for talent’. Ability means you want the ability to control what others value.
Employers value productivity, they dont give a shit about your talents. Maternity leave exponentially increased your cost to them and reduces your productivity.
Everybody is stronger than you? There is a way of leveling that field but I am guessing you are a passionate opponent of that.
Who let this person have a keyboard?
It’s not a matter of let. By principle, you don’t try to stop the idiots from speaking.
Let, hell. Encourage them. They are their own worst enemies.
What’s with all these
womenwomyn that are constantly in fear for their lives just walking the streets? I take it she doesn’t know that men are more likely to be the victims of assault. Women are pretty damn safe in the Western world. There are not rapists around every corner.The cult of modern feminism is built on a foundation fo female victimhood. If they did not feel that they were either a victim or on the cusp of being a victim, at all times, they would realize it’s bunk.
Thaddeus Russell interviewed a sex-positive feminist porn director on a recent podcast episode. Anna Arrowsmith seems to be a genuinely reflective philosopher rather than a combative ideologue, and in any event wasn’t there to shill on behalf of anything. I suppose it helps that she’s been calved off the broader feminist movement due to her profession, but even that is selling her a bit short. She came across as opposed to third-wave reactionary campus feminism, anyway.
One of the points she and Russell parted company over was whether women really do, or in any event should, feel unsafe among men. And the way she put it is to think of being a man of your height and mass who is surrounded by giants who average seven feet, 300lbs, and have a ten inch reach advantage. (I’m elaborating to make her point, I don’t think she gave specifics.) And give them tendencies even more unpredictable and violent than men on average possess. And that’s what it’s like living among men, not that you need to be worried about men in general but that any given man can give you a lot to worry about if he takes a mind.
Why are men still choosing to be so ignorant about feminism?\
For the same damned reason men still choose to be ignorant about sodium cyanide or hydrochloric acid – it’s toxic.
The very fact that you expect me to kowtow to your irrational pantshitting because I’m stronger than you should make you stop, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself what the hell gave you such an inflated sense of entitlement.
Maybe you should consider not going out in public, without a male relative to protect you…
Did Texas park officials release photos of Bigfoot tracks?
I’ll take “UT or Southwestern U prank for $1000, Alex.”
Liberal Democrat leader in UK resigns over the fact that the Left in his party has become too intolerant of his faith (hint: he’s not Muslim)
You reap what you sow.
I think I got that backwards yesterday. I thought he left his faith because it is intolerant but remained a liberal because it defends people’s rights.
That would be Jimmy Carter.
A new (spit) take on yesterday’s shooting. You’re going to love this one.
Fucking Christ, at least put a trigger warning on a Balloon Juice link. Their writers make the people who post at DU look sane and intelligent.
BJ’ers just like to wrap their derp in an air of superiority and lousy statistics. They’re amateur technocrats with a forum.
Oh, Jeebus. Never mention this place over there. They start sending their commenters to troll us, like they did Reason.
Just something Tulpa would say to throw us of the scent.
What an idiot. I don’t think the continental army could be called professional in any way in comparison to British. Nor was the army effective at stopping the British. The army did excel at losing, and fleeing, and freezing to death.
Umm. I’m not the greatest military historian, but I’m going to call bullshit on this one. You don’t get a real professional army and officer corps (you do get some regulars prior but only a few in peacetime) until after the war of 1812. Partly due to perceived ineffectiveness of the militia (they refused to invade Canada).
You mean I coulda been Minnesotan or something?
I think I’d rather be Canadian than Minnesotan. *Ducks*
Hard to tell the difference sometimes. People are generally polite, the politicians are insane, and hockey is still revered. We even have a TIm Horton’s now.
Of course we also carry guns, so there’s that…
The first morning in Niagara falls the only thing open where I could get breakfast was the Tim Hortons in the casino. I don’t know why I thought of that, my point wasn’t going anywhere.
We also play “Duck, Duck, Grey Duck”. Get outta here with your whole “goose” bullshit.
Some one at work just mentioned this. Growing up (Eastern NoDak) it was always goose. The coworker said in certain pockets of Minny it’s grey duck. WTF? I didn’t ask him where these “certain pockets” are because I don’t like talking to him.
Is goose a Canadian thing? Because more than one out of state friend has called us Southern Canada. Maybe they were on to something…
I’m originally from Rochester, and we played “grey duck”. Never thought anything about it until we moved to VT.
I’ve never heard of this “grey duck” nonsense before today. It was always goose.
— Upstate New York.
Always duck in the Twin Cities.
That’s because “grey duck” is a Minnesotan thing. Not upstate NY.
Is there a difference?
Duck tastes good and goose tastes like shit?
Northern North Dakotan. AKA, a NoNoDak
I will say that the Continental Army was more professional than the militia, but a legitimate army by the European standards of the time it was not.
Also, the finest commander on either side in the war, Nathanael Greene, came from the militia.
“Also, the finest commander on either side in the war, Nathanael Greene, came from the militia.”
And it was Greene’s tactics with the southern militia units which forced Cornwallis to retreat to Yorktown.
It’s called Balloon Juice for a reason. They are just trolling.
It’s really fashionable to use the term “unpack” recently. Even Neil Gorsuch used it at least once during his confirmation hearing.
Maybe nsfw if your boss is not a real hoopy frood.
Well that’s just wrong.
The choice of music is hilarious.
Anyway, I’ll wait until this is finished:
Now we’re getting somewhere.
What’s with the winter coat? Does nothing for me. And the anime one made me spit my coffee. Gaaaah!
Well, the more you of that uncanny valley monstrosity you leave up to the imagination the better, I’d guess.
Well thank God yesterday is over. The toxic levels of retardation I waded through on the internet in reaction to the shooting in NoVa nearly did me in for a while.
Which is why I studiously avoid reading about occurrences such as that for several days. Aside from the part where everything initially reported is wrong, the spin is dizzying.
Had a coworker start talking about how the NoVA shooter had an AR and “that should be illegal, no one needs that kind of weapon” and on and on.
I replied “I’m sorry to hear you hate freedom.”
He got all flustered and kept trying to say he didn’t hate freedom and I kept bringing it back to freedom is messy, and he really had no answer. I finished with freedom is awesome, we need more of it, not less.
I am so tired of hr=earing the same crap over and over.
Holy crap I suck at typing.
hr=earing ? how did I miss that?
SKS – the Russian AR!
I wasn’t aware that the SKS was an accessory whore.
I guess I should have been clearer, that was yesterday, right after it happened, when the reporter said it was an AR type weapon.
I try really hard to ignore all reporting on these types of things for at least a day.
Aha. Thought it was just another case of progs labeling everything as an AR.
Some idiot from the NYT times tweeted it was an “assault rifle”. This was right after the attack, before there was any way she could have known.
It was a rifle that was used in an assault. That obviously makes it an assault rifle.
AR-15s really are the “pit bull” of rifles in the media. I’m waiting for the day someone starts taking people out with a Ruger American and the media calls it an AR-type rifle.
Hell, I’m waiting for someone to try a mass shooting with a single-action revolver and have the media turn it into an AR. They wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.
A Henry repeating rifle would be funnier.
So Director Mueller, who makes Inspector Jacques Clouseau look like a genius, is now going to go after Trump for obstruction of justice. Without an actual crime having taken place, how exactly does that work. What does he think Trump is obstructing (other than the Democrats)?
Just like you can be arrested for resisting arrest with no other reason for the arrest, you can obstruct justice when the police are investigating something even if there turns out to be no underlying crime.
Ask Martha Stewart how that worked out for her.
Who was prosecuted by none other than James Comey.
Damn your nimble fingers!
‘The surprising and relatively accurate list of Comey’s use of obstruction to prosecute mooks he didn’t like’
“Chief” Inspector…
He can’t be charged for an obstruction crime he’s the president. This is honestly just an attempt to goad Trump into firing Mueller which would cause all kinds of issues. If Trump is able to let this go the obstruction bullshit will subside in a couple of months, if he can’t and fires him his presidency will last a matter of months.
I thought he was investigating Trump for raping Comey at dinner.
Ask Martha Stewart. She can explain it to you.
“Was this attack evidence of how vicious American politics has become? Probably. In 2011, when Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a supermarket parking lot, grievously wounding Representative Gabby Giffords and killing six people, including a 9-year-old girl, the link to political incitement was clear. Before the shooting, Sarah Palin’s political action committee circulated a map of targeted electoral districts that put Ms. Giffords and 19 other Democrats under stylized cross hairs.”
Are you kidding me!? Loughner was schizophrenic, the target map had absolutely nothing to do with it. He had stated his dislike for Gifford multiple times before that map came out. He was all over the place politically.
Look pal, the left can’t come out of this looking like the murderous assholes.
There’s been tons of leftists allusions to assassination/rebellion/resistance/etc. By the left’s very own arguments, they are directly responsible for this.
For Uncivil Servant:
I wasn’t trying to be an asshole yesterday in responding to your putting together a book blurb. I actually attended a local workshop on putting together hooks for book pitches and query letters just a few weeks ago, and this was a pretty frequent thing among the authors there, especially with more fantasy- or SF-oriented titles. Authors want to show off all the cool ideas and concepts they came up with, but readers only pick a book up if they think they’ll connect with the characters.
Anyway, I don’t know a lot about your book but I’ve tried to put together a quick sample of what I mean. It’s a little generic, and takes some liberties of what your book’s about where I didn’t have that information, but I think you’ll get the idea:
Travis X never wanted to fight the Spirits. He just wanted to say on the farm and till his land and try to drink away the memory of his wife running away with his best friend. But now the Spirits have captured his brother and threaten to release the prisoners at the Penitentiary for Powered Criminals next to his land, and Travis finds himself seeking help in places he never expected.
Now Travis must seek the assistance of his former best friend, the only one who knows how to bottle the Spirits up using a 500-year old secret ritual long thought to be lost. Together they may just be able to stop the Red Death before she kills his brother, releases the criminals, and brings chaos to the land. That is, if they can keep from killing each other first.
You write Larry Correia’s blurbs for his Monster Hunter series?
Blurbing about the narrator four books into the series… I get the feeling I’d end up making it sound like I’m putting out the same book over and over again.
I’m almost convinced that if I can find someone who can read the book and write an effective blurb, I’d be willing to pay them for the service. Because I run into this same issue. Every. Single. Book.
“Aging actor with no career has just dialed it up to an ’11′”
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I can’t remember what I did to make him mad.
It wouldn’t take much. He’s an angry dude.
Are you a vampire?
What about xerself? shitlord
Given his political evolution, I wonder if he sits around wishing he had never done Salvador.
That’s like a 7 at best.
Gotta love a dude in his 60s who keeps trading his 20 something girlfriends for younger 20 something girlfriends. I mean, you don’t really gotta, but I do.
Conservatives in Hollywood might be a significant minority, but the ones that are there seem like the guys you’d really want to have beers with, right? James Woods, Robert Duvall, Clint Eastwood… might stick with coffee if I’m hanging out with Mel Gibson though.
Mel Gibson has to be a fucking crazy hang. Robert Duvall is kind of an asshole he lives here in Virginia and fervent practitioner of Nimbyism.
Really? I never would have thought he was a jerk. Maybe it’s a reflection of how well he plays likable characters.
Lived in the same area of California as Clint Eastwood when I was a kid, and while I never met him, seems like all the people who had some sort of interaction with him thought he was great.
Tom Selleck’s supposed to be somewhat conservative. From people I used to work with who dealt with him, he’s supposedly a hell of a nice guy.
Then again, I’ve personally dealt with Billy Bob Thornton, and he was extremely polite and seemed like a decent guy. To others, he’s supposed to make drunk Hunter S. Thompson blanch. No idea if BBT is a conservative.
I’ve seen Billy Bob interact with fans once and he was cool, he was with Laura Dern at the time and she seemed nice but looked like she wanted to get the hell out of Arkansas as fast as she could. I didn’t have the nerve to talk to them.
I heard he and Danny DeVito went on a wild bender in town (Little Rock) once. He seems too weird to have strong political inclinations one way or the other, but who knows?
I remember Selleck doing TV commercials for National Review 20+ years ago.
I think Selleck was a spokesman for the NRA in the 90’s. The guy’s a GOPe dude, IIRC
Selleck is on the board of directors for the NRA currently. One of the few outed right-ish celebrities.
Why not?
If I had the kind of scratch to do that, I would.
And I’d pick younger friends who would be happy to willingly exchange a few years of something they have in abundance and value less than I do for something I would have in abundance and value less than they do.
And they can call me “Uncle Milt” on our dates. ‘cos I’m weird.
Conservatives and right-wing media were quick on Wednesday to demand forceful condemnation of hate speech and crimes by anti-Trump liberals. They’re right. Though there’s no sign of incitement as direct as in the Giffords attack, liberals should of course hold themselves to the same standard of decency that they ask of the right.
That’s pretty goddam rich, coming from the NYT, which has done everything it can to delegitimize a duly elected President, and which publishes Paul Fucking Krugman, whose columns are at this point exclusively deranged spittle-flecked diatribes about the intrinsic evilness of Republicans and the need to stop them.
Though there’s no sign of incitement as direct as in the Giffords attack,
You mean something like:
Loretta Lynch, former Obama Attorney General: “It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”
Tim Kaine, Democrat V.P. candidate: “Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) said Democrats must “fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box,” against the administration of President Donald Trump.
Of course, putting target symbols over congressional districts, which there is no evidence Loughner ever even saw, is much more direct in inciting violence against one’s political opponents.
The left really is shameless.
From Bernie’s PAC “Our Revolution”
they put it up ~2 weeks ago
For a Democrat to paraphrase that racist cishet shitlord Churchill is pretty delicious irony.
Also the use of such a quote in a “the president is mean and we hate him” rather than a “if our island falls to Hitler Western civilization is literally finished” kinda situation.
Such mindboggling ass-hatery. I love it.
You have to forgive the NYT. You would think that as journos and writers, they would understand symbols, and metaphors. But as incurable hacks they can’t think that way when a politician puts a Target on a district they want to switch party representation of. But when someone Parrots the exact same rhetoric you write in your columns, well that’s just great minds thinking alike.
Even Matt Welch is attacking the editorial on the Twitters. Robby is probably ‘to be sure’ing it up at some cocktail party
RE: The Liberty County Deputy
It does seem that if the guy can batter a deputy and evade capture for several hours that maybe the asshole was right about not needing medical attention.
A hangover cure, if anything.
Still, why not agree with the drunk/stoned terrible driver, drive off, and then call Liberty County Sheriff’s? The stitches he saved could’ve been his own.
Rest in peace, feminism. This is the end
I thought watching trannies beat the snot out teenage girls at sporting events was the death of feminism?
Why are you so hateful that you can’t accept that a person with a penis and a mustache is just as much a girl as any of her competitors?
I think it’s hilarious. Some washed up college basketball players should declare themselves in transition and join the WNBA.
What is a WNBA?
A national organization of lesbian singles bars, judging by friends who’ve gone to Comets games.
Feminism in its most textbook definition of equal rights for men and women has been pornographised and reduced to smut in the name of materialism.
Well, then I say we don’t interrupt.
One of my biggest pet peeves is Look-at-Meism. If you’re organically a weird person, fine. But I perceive most of these people are simply desperate to have eyes focused on them, including the Male Gaze™.
What a problematic comment!
Maybe this link will work. I saw this poster for the Japanese Communist party today and couldn’t resist spicing it up a bit.
“Your balls will be in my vice!”
Pretty close. “We can open the future by putting out power together”.
out. “our”.The more I think about this Comey thing the more I think this is the Bureaucratic wet dream scenario. Comey viewed himself as the last wall between an increasing politicized executive branch and the independence of the FBI and wanted to keep to keep his job at all costs. This “obstruction of justice” bit would have happened no matter who won in November but the safe bet was on Hillary, as it turned out he had the goods on Lynch from a DNC email that leadership had assurances that the Clinton investigation would go no where and a direct command to from Lynch to refer to the criminal probe as a matter. If Clinton had won the election I would have no doubt that this would have played out exactly the same way or Comey would have been fired day one and leaked the goods sooner. As it is though Donald Trump won, something nobody expected to happen, and was probably viewed as an even more mentally unfit/corrupt for the office than Hillary by Comey and more dangerous for him as he didn’t have any dirt on the guy and Trump is a notorious loose cannon. Comey than used the media through systematic leaks of details of the “russian investigation” that made the Trump administration look questionable knowing that Trump being Trump would either say something to him that constituted a possible crime or somebody in his orbit would but either way he would have a process crime hanging over Trumps head as insurance for Comey keeping his job. Either way the game was fixed the whole time for Comey to emerge as the bureaucratic hero/jesus figure, by either the right or the left, if he got fired or have Hoover level Job security and latitude to do whatever the fuck he wanted.
Either way I don’t think Comey is the villain everyone on the right is making him but he’s definitely not the saint the left make him out to be. He’s a career bureaucrat who just happened to be smarter/more educated on the the role of gov. than Trump(not hard) and less corrupt than literally everyone in the Obama administration(with the possible exception of Joe Biden but again not hard). He’s just a guy who wanted to keep his job or if he didn’t fall on a sword of money through book/speaking deals and be held up as a hero by 50% of the country no matter what happened.
Comey is what us limeys would call a “chancer”. Not inherently evil, he’s just prepared to “do the unright thing” to try and wriggle out of a corner and try and avoid the consequences of some less-than-principled-but-not-actually-illegal behavior.
And that’s “chancer”. ER, not “chancre”, “RE”.
I think he’s a shithead whose conduct is all over the map and worthy of a pink slip and some indefinite time away.
Thinking about going to the creationist museum this weekend. Learn about how dinosaurs and people mingled in the early days, a couple thousand years ago.
Here is an interesting documentary. It will give you a heads up on what to expect.
Bill Maher’s documentary had a little about t. Kinda wanna go in not knowing anymore about it than I already know
go on…
And T. Rex had those big teeth because of his diet of coconuts.
Hey, lay off Marc Bolan’s teeth! He was British, it wasn’t his fault.
“The Meathawk Immaculate” would make a good handle.
I thought they were going with the, “Dinosaurs fossils were placed there by the devil to deceive us” line.
I’ll investigate it.
No, they are Young Earthers. The Universe is >6,000 years old. Before Eve ate the apple, men and dinosaurs lived together (there were no carnivores, even though all living animals were in their current form,) and The Great Flood killed them, buried them and the pressure of the water caused rapid fossilization.
The Waterfall family is the best running gag in Futurama.
Sounds like we need a miracle somewhere in that story for it to be true.
And for the speed of light not to be a constant.
I’d say go on, but being an idiot is one of my charms.
Aw, I was going to molest your delicious mind grapes with my groping knowledge.
Here ya go:
Humphreys’ theory is irremediably flawed.
Therefore: perfect.
The EU is launching legal charges against Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland for refusing to take their fair of worthless burdens.
I think this will probably what ends the EU, at least in Eastern Europe. Here’s the forformer President of the Czech Republic talking about leavingCzexit?
I’m for calling it “Early Czechout Procedure”.
EZ(Eurozone) Czechout?
Yours is better.
Just Czechout works too!
I almost Gilmored that link.
Well that’s genuinely good news.
Hmm – saw this article on another link:
The sinking of the HMS Birkenhead in 1852
To take your chance in the thick of a rush, with firing all about,
Is nothing so bad when you’ve cover to ‘and, an’ leave an’ likin’ to shout;
But to stand an’ be still to the Birken’ead drill is a damn tough bullet to chew,
An’ they done it, the Jollies — ‘Er Majesty’s Jollies — soldier an’ sailor too!
Their work was done when it ‘adn’t begun; they was younger nor me an’ you;
Their choice it was plain between drownin’ in ‘eaps an’ bein’ mopped by the screw,
So they stood an’ was still to the Birken’ead drill, soldier an’ sailor too!
Criminal masterminds steal GPS devices from tech company. I mean… yeah.
No fair! I was going to make that spin joke.
You know, I don’t think the drug was is the reason for overcrowded prisons. It’s the video education system. If our general population was more intelligent, fewer criminals would be caught.
That must be the most out-of-shape cop that I have ever seen. Is a sheriff’s “investigator” an actual cop or more of a technical position?
Stay classy lefties.
I have heard that David Duke is Steve Scalise thing over and over. Whatl did Scalise do to become a KKK member? Or is he a KKK member?
*What, not Whatl
I don’t know. I figured he’s a white male from the South so automatically: KKK grand wizard.
Refers to this..from Wikipedia:
He was on speaking tour that was pushing some legislation in Louisiana and one of the groups he spoke to were white nationalists. So….Literally Hitler.
You just know they hate them for giving him a platform than they hate him for speaking to them.
I’ve never seen a company move this fast to distance themselves from someone. I mean, when you’ve gone too far for Vox…
Maybe I should cash in my interest in politics and go all-in on sports. As arbitrary as sports fandom seems, it can’t be anywhere near as retarded as watching the constant theatrics in Washington and, get this, forming opinions like they matters or make a difference. Political fandom has to be the least consequential yet most narcissistic fandom imaginable.
The only problem is that when I ignore the NBA or AFL, they’re not clamoring at my door within a couple years demanding some of my rights be stripped. Sports franchises tend to stay put in their venues… not so much politics.
Till they want a place to play their sportsball game.
it can’t be anywhere near as retarded as watching the constant theatrics in Washington
Shall I point you to some recruiting day threads?
Actively following the decision making process of a 17 year old may be one of the dumbest things around.
Dumber than teenagers taking to DU to voice their half-baked political hypotheses as worldly philosophy, though?
Naive teens with half-baked political opinions.
Adult men obsessing over whether their school is signing talented enough 17 year olds.
I have been both (to a degree) and the latter is far more pathetic.
*Nothing* – not even a dorm full of drunk stoned college Marxists – is stupider than DI football recruiting. (Though the NFL draft runs a close second.)
Good news from the Alexandria shooting.
That is nice to know. My border collie is no fan of guns either, I’ve got to remember to put her inside before I start shooting anywhere on my property or she’ll spend a few days roaming the countryside.
More from the thought leaders at the NYT:
The sense that national political conflict had escalated out of control was underscored by the fact that the gunman had taken out his deranged political rage on preparations for a rare congressional event that actually brings lawmakers together. Though the annual congressional baseball game pits Republicans against Democrats, it is more a moment for bipartisan camaraderie, fun and bragging rights for frustrated jocks who get to suit up for a good cause.
But such gatherings cannot mask the acrid partisan atmosphere in Congress as well as back home, where lawmakers say they are increasingly worried about hostile audiences and constituents filled with vitriol who are unrestrained in venting at their member of Congress.
They just can’t help themselves. Where could all this bitter partisanship have come from? It’s baffling, I tell you.
Aww it’s those dirty proles fault for creating a culture of hate.
You know what, I’m fine with the enslaved being angry when people want to ensure then even more.
Putin: Russians do not see America as enemy
Domestic struggle for power is right. The Democrats’ antics keep making Putin seem like such a reasonable and credible guy.
Yeah, when you make the KGB thug seem like the credible and reasonable adult in the room…
Watching CNN accusing RT of being propaganda has made my life worth all the pain I’ve been through.
Well they aren’t wrong, but it is a bit of a pot – kettle situation
This is one of the things that baffles me about all this “OMG RUSSIA connection!!!!11!!!” So fucking what? Russia is not at war with the US, it’s not illegal to do business with Russia or to communicate with Russia. It’s really quite insane.
Nothing left to cut. MN DOT is hanging up posters about human trafficking in 41 rest stops.
There must be some big slush fund for human trafficking that exists because lately I’ve been seeing all sorts of stories about various local agencies “getting the word out”. I think that most of it is related to the Super Bowl being here next year.
WTF? Hasn’t it been pretty much proven that there is no “surge” in human trafficking at SB’s?
If given the choice, no woman would be a prostitute, ergo, ipso facto, abracadabra, all hookers are “trafficked”. Plays nicely to the notion that leftists are racist, sexist, elitist shitbags who don’t think anyone has agency except white intellectual elites and a few useful token minorities that keep the dark people and womenfolk in line.
I also wonder about the entire “I don’t have my passport and ID, so I can’t escape” logic.
You don’t need either of those to walk into a cop shop and tell them that you have been held as a slave. Sure they might send you back to wherever you came from, but you wouldn’t be a slave. The only way that works is if being a slave in the US is better than being free from the old shit hole you came from. Right?
Well, the real solution would be to let people do whatever the fuck they want with their own bodies, including making money. I can go to NIH and get paid hundreds of $$ for letting them inject me with all kind of experimental shit, but dog forbid I make some scratch via letting some dude inject me with something else.
Playing devil’s advocate here, but, allegedly, aren’t a lot of trafficking victims in hock to various organized crime groups? Who then threaten all sorts of vile things to the victim’s relatives back home if the victim doesn’t perform for the group?
Double-G, maybe. That is one of the things that you hear about. But then why does having a passport of ID help at all?
Sorry, but I’m just hung up on that stupid poster because it makes no sense.
Trafficking exists, sure, and I’d expect that the scenario you propose happens, but the prevalence is unclear.
I’m confident that there are far more women (and men) out there turning tricks in far more conventional, far less coercive situations; prostitution in the US is more like being an Uber driver, than it is like being one of the victims in a 20/20 expose.
Standard libertarian statement: … and much of the latter could be eliminated by recognizing that the exchange of money for sex between two consenting adults should not be considered a criminal act.
I’m trying to dig up actual data, but IIRC the whole mafia angle is vanishingly rare, but it’s a great tool to stir up hysteria. Even y’all apparently buy into it. Most whores don’t even have pimps, much less are part of some organization.
You know what’s going to help free sex workers from their sexual slavery? Make it impossible to self-organize safely and anonymously by denying them tools like internet forums and websites where they can vet prospective clients and confer with other sex workers. BRILLIANT.
If I didn’t know better, I’d think anti-sex work feminists are actively trying to punish sex workers for going against the narrative. Not, like, inadvertently harming them with poorly reasoned policies because feminists don’t understand unintended consequences, but deliberately doing their level-best to persecute sex workers out of a sense of malevolent hatred. Because they can’t accidentally be this stupid, evil and loathsome. No way.
I’m not talking about whores qua whores, Kristen. Just the ones in situations like these: http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Madam-of-sex-trafficking-brothel-heads-to-federal-6771822.php
Legalize it. There’ll still be fraud and abuse, but a whole lot less than exists now.
That’s like asking lefties to decriminalize possession and use. That’s no way to enrich the administrative state. Regulation is built into their bones. They’ll want an opaque, onerous, unworkable and self-defeating regulatory system with lots of knobs to turn and levers to pull. And lots of rents to extract and penalties to exact.
You know what’s going to help free sex workers from their sexual slavery? Making prostitution illegal and forcing women to face criminal sanctions, plus having to deal with mostly-male cops one-on-one. BRILLIANT!
The fixation on “human trafficking” is baffling to me. How often does this really happen? How many verified cases have law enforcement encountered? The fact that the vast majority of prostitutes are A) Homeless and/or drug addicted and doing it to support a habit or B) Utilizing their sexual capital by choice to make money on the market place of surplus male desire seems irrelevant to the screeching moralists. I’m sure some tiny percentage are “trafficked sex slaves” but how many? Does it justify spending millions on “consciousness raising”? As far as I can see, it’s just more criminalization of human pleasure-seeking as these campaigns are clearly targeted at guilting potential johns away from patronizing prostitutes by claiming supports some sinister cabal of evil slave traders.
Maggie McNeill has great data on trafficking. And “vast majority of prostitutes are A) Homeless and/or drug addicted and doing it to support a habit” is not true.
I was just saying that the A and B categories together make up the vast majority, not necessarily that A dominates, but point taken. The crux was that sex slaves make up a minuscule percentage of prostitutes. Perhaps women in category B are by far the largest group and, if so, all the better.
That’s not even getting into the enormous number of kept women, sugar babies, and other euphemisms.
I’m in a committed relationship, but I have a friend who is in his mid 30s, single, making over 400,000. He keeps essentially a harem of college girls who like expensive lingerie, weekend trips to the Caribbean, the occasional jewelry purchase. Not one of them would characterize themself as a prostitute or an escort. They just like going out to a nice restaurant maybe once every couple weeks followed by sex, the occasional late night drink and sex, a night in a nice hotel on their 20th birthday with a jewlery box on the nightstand. But don’t you dare suggest they’re sex workers. They’re not that kind of girl.
Man, if only my talents were to be found in lucrative things rather than useless shit.
You don’t pay for the sex because everyone does. You pay for them to leave.
The problem with those girls is they see something wrong with what they’re doing, and what “professional” whore do. There is literally nothing wrong with bartering your fleeting youthful body for financial gain. Soon enough, they’ll be wearing sneakers with their suits and heading off to make a buck the new-fashioned way.
Make hay while the suns shines, sez I.
KK, Do you have a web site?
This is why there are no libertarian women.
–“There is literally nothing wrong with bartering your fleeting youthful body for financial gain”–
Indeed, ask any professional football player.
Furthermore the body doesn’t even need to be all that youthful, even a modicum of effort into keeping the body in shape would allow a woman to at the very least earn a comfortable living as a prostitute well into her 50’s
I think many women who leave whoring to go into more “mainstream” careers don’t leave because they don’t want to put in a “modicum” of effort, but more because it’s a career choice that is only well-suited in the long term to very few women. In other words, changing career from whore to accountant is probably less about the male clientele’s needs and more about the woman’s own desires and personality.
Heard back from Ms. McNeill on some data. Here’s a good start.
Some more McNeill, but not as much data-driven
Those posters will work for sures.
Randy Barnett says Mueller should resign.
Here is your dose of females looking highly mammalian.
those glands….
From the Dept. of Big Time Crime from here in Minnesota:
Golf ball with protruding nails found in Lakeville park, prompting police warning
It is like the police there have never been a Jr. High kid with time to kill during summer vacation.
On the other hand…
But long before the shooting on Wednesday, some of Mr. Sanders’s supporters had earned a belligerent reputation for their criticism of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party and others who they believed disagreed with their ideas. Sanders fans, sometimes referred to derogatorily as “Bernie Bros” or “Bernie Bots,” at times harassed reporters covering Mr. Sanders and flooded social media with angry posts directed at the “corporate media,” a term often used by the senator.
The suspect in the shooting in Virginia put a new spotlight on the rage buried in some corners of the progressive left.
On Tuesday, Mr. Hodgkinson posted a cartoon on Facebook explaining “How does a bill work?” “That’s an easy one, Billy,” the cartoon reads. “Corporations write the bill and then bribe Congress until it becomes law.”
“That’s Exactly How It Works. ….” Mr. Hodgkinson wrote.
That is not far from Mr. Sanders’s own message. On Saturday, during a conference in Chicago filled with Sanders supporters, he thundered, “Today in the White House, we have perhaps the worst and most dangerous president in the history of our country,” to cheers from thousands. “And we also have, not to be forgotten, extreme right-wing leadership in the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate.”
Not a bad article, for the Times. I have no idea how it got printed.
Commentariat freakout ensues.
(Pssst – lefties! Bernie IS IN THE FUCKING CONGRESS!)
Someone more tech able than me has to do that cartoon over again with activists judges writing the law.
I don’t think anyone incited violence per se. What they in the media and hysterical left have done, is to paint the president as literally Hitler and the bringer of the apocalypse. Protected groups’ organizations are out there saying Trump is going to kill the gays, lynch the blacks and kill the Muslims and the media is happy to carry the water of every fringe theory with no evidence whatsoever to back it up.
While this does not amount to an incitement of violence for any “normal” person, some people are fucking nuts and the left has constructed a narrative that gives those fucking nuts a moral theory to justify virtually any amount of violence, because what could be more noble than killing Literally Hitler and his minions?
What is it with fruitloops capitalizing every word? Every time on twitter, right or left, commie or supremacist or nationalist, the biggest lunatics always advertise themselves that way.
the rage buried in some corners of the progressive left
Its not buried. Its quite overt. Celebrated, even.
Just pretend I closed my italic tags.
If you’re going to confuse everyone by your crusade against threading, you could at least get your tags right.
Next you’ll be asking us to pretend you’re a non gendered alien. No sir. This is where it stops
I also pretend your replies are threaded, so there.
They identify as threaded.
Government housing, non-existent libertarian ladies and gents
(we’ll ignore that they Guardian’d the story up in the next paragraph by blaming deregulation)
it would ‘make too many people homeless’.
Something that doesn’t happen when the building Burns down.
Just becuase their home is a burning cinder doesn’t mean they’re homeless?
I was saying Boo-urns!
Well, yeah, technically they are ‘post war’, but not in the way people might be led to believe.
It’s not like most of these high-rises were erected on land pockmarked with craters and strewn with rubble created by the Luftwaffe. They were erected on land pockmarked with craters and strewn with rubble created by local government officials via compulsory purchase orders (limey eminent domain).
You ever consider writing up some thoughts putting the UK’s unique brand of paternal socialism into perspective? I’m a huge anglophile when it comes to English TV and conservative authors, but their politics is sad and miasmic. Especially the shit trickling out of their campuses… scary, unsettling stuff.
I’m too disorganized and nowhere near detached enough to talk about the Septic Isle. Plus, I’ve only been there a handful of times since the 90’s (and I wasn’t there much for the rest of my adult life).
The real problem is I’m inherently biased. My older brother is (as I think I’ve mentioned before) a devout Trades Unionist and socialist. I was brought up that way, which is why I sometimes sound like i’m an emigre from behind the Iron Curtain. The whiplash from that when I became converted to a pro-Liberty stance was quite traumatic. Going from Tressell to Hayek over a 6 month period is a helluva drug.
I have plenty of anecdotes about how fucked up British Socialism was (and is), but I doubt I could do a credible job of explaining it in a coherent manner.
Swedish town mulls musical school toilets for embarrassed pupils
A Swedish councillor has suggested installing music in school toilets, to help pupils worried about embarrassing noises.
Centre Party councillor Cecilia Cato, in the town of Tingsryd, says some are so concerned that they refuse to use the toilet all day.
She raised the musical solution in a proposal to the council.
“I don’t think it’s just about number two on the toilet, but many also don’t do number one,” Ms Cato told The Local.
I genuinely don’t understand our Scandinavian cousins. No matter how many Scandinavia and the World strips I’ve read. https://satwcomic.com/the-world
This woman hasn’t heard of the courtesy flush? Or is she that freaked out about wasting water?
Got the 11 year old one of these for a birthday present. Anyone here use one? Have any thoughts? Seems like it should be a decent amount of fun.
Haven’t, but I have been thinking of getting my friend’s daughter one of those Kiwi crate subscriptions.
Wife was looking at those as well for the kids. I have a hard time pulling the trigger on a box of stuff I probably have lying around already. But as a gift to someone else they look nice.
Big Data.
And on Election Night last year, Pornhub’s overall traffic grew 10 percent immediately after Donald Trump officially won.
People are fucking nasty.
The Hat was probably responsible for most of that spike.
Personally, I think that’s got nothing on this other factoid from that article:
On Father’s Day, searches for “dad” and “daddy” went up 1,361 percent.
I use a VPN server, usually pick a country depending on what I’m watching, in order to give that country a bad name. All that fart-fetish stuff Brazil gets credit for? That’s all me brah.
“HOW TRANNIES GET BEAT UP Be honest when you’re dating & having sex. Protect yourself & don’t be shitty.”
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
I never played COD, but this is another example of zelotry. No one would think a game where you go around killing Nazis is promoting facisim. But we can’t use any Nazi Simmons for great of being white supremacists
Symbols not Simmons! Damnit.
You vill lift that leg higher, citizen. Higher! HIGHER! ZIS HIGH, CITIZEN! *heil salute*
Nazi Richard Simmons is almost as good as Nazi Julie Andrews.
Pretty sure that’s straight up financial. Germany IIRC is a top 5 market for video games, and it’s illegal to display the swastika there.
Probably. Not unprecedented either – I used to play a lot of Panzer General back in the ’90s, and that one used crosses instead of swastikas, too.
The Hearts of Iron series uses the cross too.
But how hard is it to have an art asset called “german_symbol.dds” or something that’s a swastika and merely replace that with a non-swastika symbol for the German edition?
They also have the option to choose a female characters in multiplayer. They’re are taking away historical accuracy in order to appease the SJWs. Most people won’t care and will buy it. However, for history nerds like me it drives me nuts.
How can you make a video game about fighting Nazi’s and not include their national symbol? Stupid fucking shit. It would be like making a game about the Civil War and omitting any reference to slavery.
Um, they have made games about the civil war and removed all references to the Confederate Battle Flag after snowflakes complained
Unlike the swastika thing, this is an actual terrible decision on the part of the developers.
You are apparently unfamiliar with the documentary called Agent Carter.
Putin’s troll level approaching that of Trump.
They have different trolling styles. I’d say Putin is the better troll.
Great Camille Paglia interview. Definitely worth a read:
Great interview. Very incisive. It’s nice to see that there are still some old school liberals.
Fantastic interview. I really appreciate her “strategy” of declaring her own recent voting history right up front (registered Dem, Bernie in the primaries, Stein in the general), I’m guessing she does this often when being interviewed given the statements she makes and beliefs she holds. The reader cannot simply dismiss her as a partisan hack or a shill. I have queued up her new book in my audible.com account because she’s clearly passionate about what she speaks and has real substance that is worth listening to. There will be items I do not agree with her on, but that’s the beauty of it: I want to learn more about how she thinks and how she portrays her thoughts to the world despite not knowing ahead of time if I’m going to disagree with 10% of it or 90% of it. Either way, I know she’s got depth and thinking behind her views so it will not be a waste of my time.
This is too stupid not to be deliberate lying:
Yesterday Colion Noir corrected her and she blocked him. LOL.
I prefer his other less-used name Black Turdshoot.
Turdchute. Damnit!
This is what happens when you try to poke fun at the Mr.
I actually prefer the first one.
Supposedly this woman is a former secret service agent.
If I ran the Secret Service, I’d send someone out to spin that shit as “Oh, she only worked in an administrative capacity” toot sweet. That’s gotta be embarrassing.
It makes some of the crazier stories of their incompetency over the last eight years or so, that much more believable. The one where the guys didn’t even realize the White House was taking rifle fire until a maintenance guy the next day wondered why an upstairs window was cracked… And of course, all of the people jumping the fence and getting into the White House.
Then again, it’s cruised on its reputation for a long time. An interesting book on the 70s Secret Service came from interviewing an agent, Marty Venker, of the Presidential Detail who did that by day, and was a club D.J. by night. https://www.amazon.com/Confessions-Ex-Secret-Service-Agent-George/dp/1556110545
We just had 8 years of leadership that made ‘diversity’ a priority for the SS. Y’all decide what that means.
We need to ban assault olives.
“Sanders Fundraised in 2011 by Falsely Blaming Sarah Palin for Tucson Shooting”
Gary Gygax, known libertarian, FOIA docs. (TW: TSTSNBN)
The kids in my office are playing D&D now. I got insane amounts of street cred when I brought in some of the old pewter figurines from back in my Jr. High days (my mom saved them in the basement for years).
Now I am in the weekly games and I forgot how much fun it can be.
The Gygax story makes me sad because one of my Jr. High dreams was to go on a road trip to Lake Geneva, WI once I got my license. Unfortunately, sports, beer and girls got in the way of that and I never did it.
“Gary Gygax saved more lives than penicillin.”
And reduced the *need* for penicillin.
“Yeah, honey, I’d love to engage in some sexually risky behavior, but my Magic-User needs to cast some spells.”
“And, no, that isn’t a dirty euphemism.”
“I cast….Web!”
So tons of people are upset that Megyn Kelly platformed (that just can’t be a proper word) Alex Jones because he called Sandy Hook a hoax and tons of people are upset that Kelly is doing a hatchet job on Jones. Ratings bonanza! Tune in on the 18th.
Hey straffinrun, I found your YouTube channel.
Sunovabitch. That guy. He’s the default white american dude that completely squandered his own life and then blames it on the Japanese for not bowing before his wisdom and charisma. You found the nerve, F. S Jr. Despise that guy.
From the comments:
WTF? If you’re so miserable just leave and go back to the US or Canada or wherever you’re from. No, it’s much better to make whiny youtube videos about how your life sucks.
I lived in Japan for about 5 months in the 90’s.
My reaction to the experience is both rich and nuanced, and let’s just say that it makes me laugh when I have weeaboos fawning over how wonderful it must have been. Japanese culture, like all cultures, is flawed.
But that guy is poison.
Wherever you go, there you are. The decade of me cultivating relationships with the in laws, neighbors, coworkers, the kid’s friend’s parents etc… is just ignored by that guy. Why come nobody execpt me? I haven’t changed in twenty years?
I ain’t complaining. I enjoyed my sojourn, and then I moved on to another assignment. I’m glad I spent the time there, it helped my career, it was interesting, and life goes on. But if I’d decided to stay there (instead of, say, New York) I would have embraced the culture, warts an’ all, because that *is* what you do, and built a life.
That guy? He can kare jishin ne tawagoto no choku.
Many of my friends started at the same time twenty years ago. Most left after a year two. Good for them. They actually seemed happy and fulfilled. A few more left after 6 or 7 years. They seemed frustrated and just wanted to cut their loses and get home. The long timers have split into two groups: Half like that douche in the video who still drink like college students and sleep to noon every day and the other half with families of their own and jobs that are actual careers and not teaching at some crappy english school in their 40’s.
Waiting six or seven years to decide to cut our losses? Ugh.
Japan’s not for everyone, but it wasn’t really a hard decision for me. The default situation was I was on six months secondment, and by default, I’d be moved on at the end to another assignment. I was tempted to try and finesse an extension of a few months, I was enjoying the life and the experience, but career called and I hopped on a ‘plane to my next gig.
I was young, unattached and the gypsy blood was still hot in my veins. New scenery, new conquests, new lifestyle. How could a single guy in his mid-20’s refuse?
Nothing about Japan was awful. I was subjected to a bit of mild (but sincere) racism, the diet was a challenge, and the work-life balance was difficult, in part die to the Japanese work ethic, but it wouldn’t have been difficult to have lived there if I’d put down roots. It might have been difficult to live *WELL*, since it was the early 90’s and the economy was blowing up.
You did it right it sounds. Having fun and rolling with the punches. And work. It’s not some big secret.
I do find the Weeaboos depressing though.
They ask you what it was like (of course, I’m 25 years out of date) and when you try and give them a balanced review of what it’ll be like to visit Japan and move beyond being a tourist, and that they’ll have to adapt, they seem to think they’ll be able to live on Pocky and soba forevermore, watching endless repeats of Studio Ghibli classics.
Ratings bonanza!
If so, it will be a surprise, because her ratings are in the toilet.
That’s why she’s having Jones on. I heard someone saying today that Roger Ailes would turn off the sound when watching his anchors and judge them solely on how they looked.
I rarely watch anything Jones does, but he made one great comment, about how his expectations were confirmed, when they up-lit his face on the set so he’d scare the children.
Putin doing some epic trolling right now. He’s ready to grant Comey political asylum for his leaking.
SO what do people think of the Oliver Stone series with Putin. I know you don’t want to upset your interviewee to get as much information out of him but Putin is not Obama. Stone can get get up off of his knees and not feed into and buy whatever Putin is selling.
The New York Times finally edited that detestable editorial.
They really have not been able to get their shit together since that whole Jayson Blair fiasco.
Jayson Blair was carrying on a fine tradition.
/Walter Duranty
I like how they throw that out there as if it were just a minor technical correction rather than one that undercuts their entire premise.
“was established”
What a shitrag. Fuck you. “No link was established” despite an energetic political marathon to find a link, any link. No link has been established between aspartame and Gulf War Syndrome, either, but it’s disingenuous to toss off the fact as a tiny footnoted mea culpa as if a link might be found, someday, if only enough time and resources are applied.
It’s unfortunate that there are enough cocooned, upper-middle class white guilt liberals around to keep this fishwrap afloat. I just wish people would stop treating it as “the newspaper of record(TM)” and acknowledge that it’s an ideological rag.
It’s the Newspaper of Broken Record,
The New York Onion, only not trying to be funny.
Saw a comment on twitter that I liked:
“New York Times sucks so bad I have to fact check their weather report”
Before or after Sarah Palin tweeted that she’d contacted her lawyers? lol
The only thing keeping the New York Times off the bottom of the barrel is the Washington Post.
I need a Publix sub for lunch now
I’ve missed those for the past 6 years, but soon no more. The Richmond area’s first Publix opens next month.
Everyone can use more Publix deli in their lives. Well except maybe the guy in the article.
Crispy pork loin, I guess?
The definition of actual malice.
bout fucking time
News Media “We agree with Q, Palin is malicious slunt”
This amused me much more than it should have: Operation Vandelay Industries busts a fake architect named Newman.
No soup for HIM, then.
That is pure gold.
Maybe this is a case for IJ!
It would be nice to know if he took money for services he never provided, or if the guy provided all the work, but just wasn’t properly licensed.
Advice when being chased by the po-po: duck into a parking garage in a large downtown area. They’re like cop cryptonite.
The squeeze tells me lying down in a corn field will work, too.
Roger Thornhill would like a word with your squeeze
He escaped, didn’t he?
Works in GTAV.
A cop I know told me they once had a gang using motorcycles as getaway vehicles, and it drove them crazy because it made them so hard to catch.
When I lived in Bowie cops wouldn’t even bother. People on sport bikes would race on 301 and if a cop tried to chase them they’d just hit the highway and haul ass.
I used to watch the live chases when I lived in Los Angeles. Once in a while they got away. Best way seemed to be driving past the airport where the helicopters can’t follow without shutting down LAX.
I like the LA ones because they have the best commentary (Stu Mundel FTW). They happen so rarely in DC, that the news anchors don’t even know what a PIT maneuver is.
Speaking of police chases – these guys are shining stars! I predict them rising through the ranks very quickly. Maybe all the way to Chief!
Committed brash, asinine, unnecessary, counterproductive crime with no apparent concern for consequences.
And they’re only cadets!
I love the responses that naively assume that the police cadets who committed crimes were kicked out.