*stuffs waffles and eggs into gob* Umph?! Oh, sorry about that….Links, uh…yeah. We got some links. *sets fork down* Let me go get them…. here they are. Enjoy! *returns to devouring eggs*
- No word if Lobster Girl was sighted.
- I see a new budget item that may come up in old London Town.
- Does this mean Comey won’t get sanctuary now?
- Just putting this one in, because I can. (NSFW)
Mmph! Ah. *gulps coffee*
So the BBC finally changed their headline here
The original headline was “Three Palestinians Killed After Deadly Stabbing in Jerusalem”
…slightly different connotations.
Not enough parentheses, huh?
Forty-two Israelis have been killed in knife, gun and car-ramming attacks by Palestinians or Israeli Arabs since October 2015.
*sadly shakes head*
Needz moar knife and car control?
No, that is just necessary resistance against the
JewsZionists occupying rightful Palestinian land. Duh.So, in the Eastern Hemisphere, they use passive voice when a police officer is killed, just as we do when a police officer kills?
12 kindergartners shot by handgun in peace officers hands
Because I have an obsession with links, here is a Tweet with the original headline.
Yeah, totally not a misleading headline at all. Do the clowns in the media even try to hide their biases anymore?
If anything, CNN managed to be even worse:
Oh I saw that looking through some of the responses. #PalestinianLivesMatter?
Palestinian lives matter to whom?
Obviously not to Palestinians: Hamas leaders “We love death like Israelis love life.“
To Western leftists? I could see this being an attempt to start a BLM like movement for them. Wasn’t it lies like “hands up, don’t shoot” that got that crap started here? Now they’ll just put out some similar lies regarding Israel like this in an attempt to start something similar.
Start to? That’s been going on for a couple of decades.
Also, it’s worth noting that the fact ISIS/Daesh claim responsibility for the attack is buried in the lede. Of course, ISIS claims responsibility for last night’s indigestion, so it might not mean anything.
I would be curious to trace the connections, if any, to the hyper-violent, death cult version of Islam that has festered in Arab-Occupied Judea and Samaria for the past century to the overall rise in Islamist ideology around the world. It really seems that Palestinians were Patient Zero, and I’d be interested in reading an account of how it spread.
Oh, I know the left’s hate for Israel has been going on for a long time. Just like the left’s blacks versus whites narrative has. I’m just wondering if this might be part of an attempt for a PalestinianLivesMatter like movement to bring the issue even more to the front like BLM did for their race bullshit.
^^^ look at this guy throwing out ideas for dissertation as if he was making a stack of $1 bills rain down
Occupational hazard.
It’s Corbyn’s UK now, and British Jews are just living it in (until he figures out a way to expel them again.).
+1 Solution to the (((problem)))
I’ve mostly been lurking as I’m a recluse in general, but is there any interest here in a first-hand libertarian perspective on living in Israel?
Would it include a good shakshuka recipe?
Shakshouka is thankfully fairly apolitical, but I suppose I could throw something in there.
Damn straight.
Yes. All I have on it now is a lefty perspective on israel
Hebrew media isn’t all that much better, but part of the problem is English media using Ha’aretz as the go-to local source for a quote or citation. On the albeit flawed left-right spectrum, it’s the Israeli equivalent of Salon.
How’d you find us, fried?
(And don’t say you took a left at Greenland)
I followed y’all from TSTSNBN.
Well obviously he didn’t take a left. He kept going straight, to Canada.
The last time I went to Canada the border control officer chastised me for having run out of visa pages in my passport. Little did she know I had a second passport I could have used!
So where would be a good place to start informing one’s self on Israeli issues? I know little about it but am kinda curious
I’ve read a couple of articles on Jerusalem post. What’s the skinny on thozd guys?
“thozd”? Wow. Guess the concert I went to last night hit me harder than I thought!
Generally more conservative, english-language.
I’ve started to get sick of some of the Open Source general analysis stuff (State, etc) – because everything is either Left wing or right wing with them – not liberal vs. conservative. So technically a lot of Euro papers are labeled as “center-right” or “right-wing” just because they’re “right” of the local center even though they’d still fall left of Salon or Guardian.
Sounds legit?
Totally legit. I’m in the process of selling the NYPost a bridge.
And then scarfing cheeseburgers when no one is looking.
So fucking much this… I have a boss that was turned into a vegan by his woman and every chance he gets he extolling the virtues of that new lifestyle. Especially when others they know are around. But as soon as he is out of sight and earshot of those people, he is eating anything that looks like meat, and barely bothers to chew.
I saw that earlier. I commented the other day that we have more food available to us than any time in history and yet we are infested with idiots that cannot figure out how to eat. At least those liars can figure out how to breath.
Rocky director John G. Avildsen dies at 81
Or was it PINA?
I forget.
Where is the YO!?
If you like Stella Coladas,
And getting caught in the rain?
So apparently words are now violence in America.
Well the left has been pushing that idea.
The kicker? The judge’s decision hinged on a phone call that the lady made…which they don’t actually have.
I am hoping the Appellate Court sends this out the window with some really scathing remarks to boot.
That conviction is predicated on the victim having no agency. Madonna’s conviction to follow?
Sounds more like doing nothing is violence (cue Seinfeld final ep), or was she encouraging him to do it as well?
From what I understand, the girl (Carter) had mental health and self-esteem issues. She started dating this guy (Cory) who was suicidal. He talked about killing himself, and she was initially discouraging it and telling him to get health. However, around the time she switched anti-depressant drugs she started encouraging him to kill himself. One day Cory drives his truck out and hooks it up to kill himself with carbon monoxide. A few months later Carter texts a friend and says she was talking to Cory live on the cellphone at the time, that he had gotten out of the truck and she told him to get back in, and never told him to stop or alerted anyone.
Messed up? Yes. Scummy thing to do? Yeah, even if you do have mental issues and switched drugs. But the ruling is still that her words killed Cory based on the call that we only have an idea of the contents of from texts of a disturbed young lady. And it’s a pretty horrifying precedent for free speech.
Don’t tell anyone to kill themselves on the internet anymore, cause if they do you’re going up for manslaughter.
Is this particular confluence a sign of apocalypse?
Looks like those cocktail parties paid off.
I think technically, according to the law, “inaction” is violence here.
So, what if I yell “Fuck You!” in a crowded theater?
Might that make me a rapist?
Swiss, you eat breakfast like a savage.
*sticks face into pile of toast and grazes out of it*
We miss you, R&S
They are still in business, as far as I know.
Assault olives cause theft.
a sudden increase in avocado-cutting hand injuries
ffs, they’re one of the easiest fruits to disassemble.
Ugh, what am I doing up at this hour on a saturday…
*hands over pot of coffee*
Kirkland Costa Rica for me this morning. Damn fine coffee.
Peet’s Major Dickinson (purchased at Costco). Anyone try any of the Black Rifle Coffee offerings?
That sounds like some kind of assault coffee. Nobody needs that much caffeine!!
I used to have a BRCC subscription. It is good coffee. I liked Murdered Out and CAF. They have some new roasts I want to try but last time I went to order some they were out of everything due to media freakout/veterans jobs thing.
Kirkland coffee is great stuff. I always grab a bag of their Colombian at Costco and last time the y had a darker roast Rawandan that is mighty good. Have I mentioned that I love Costco?
200mg caffeine tablet and hash browns with Sriracha.
That really gets the heart going in the morning.
I had no idea lobsters lived that long.
So, over-under one year on how long it will take for this “pardoned” lobster to get eaten by a predator?
I’d wager someone tied a line to it so that after the PR stunt, they reeled it back in and boiled the bastard.
I once dated a chick that took the live lobsters I had just bought and set them free because she was an animal lover. Man, was she pissed when I pointed out that letting them go in a fresh water lake was a sure to be painful way to murder the damned salt water cockroaches.
Lobsters are one the few animals to exhibit negligible senescence. In other words, they don’t age liked other animals. Lobsters will never die of old age. If they aren’t killed by disease, injury, or predation, they will continue to grow throughout their lives. eventually they will grow large enough that they cannot molt any more and they die from exhaustion.
So you’re saying Ron Bailey’s immortality will be less likely to come from cybernetic implants and more from being genetically spliced with a lobster?
I heard on NPR’s Science Friday yesterday
that flatworms are essentially immortal,
but nothing about how tasty they might be.
I have heard mixed reporting on “whether or not eating huge (and therefore old) lobster is good”
When i say “good”, i mean as in ‘tasty’. I was @ bobby flay’s restaurant in the borgatta a while back and they were serving these 10-20lb lobsters and people at the table were saying, “its a scam, they’re actually shit to eat.”.
I ended up eating a 5-7lb’er or something like that, and it was ok, but i would have been sympathetic to an argument if someone told me that you get better quality from your normal 1.5-2.5lb ‘normal’ sized, young and mature ones.
i think its also possible (i was also getting pretty hammered) that the problem with the very big ones is that you can’t cook them properly without overcooking them a bit. tho i don’t know really. I think the way they did them was to par-boil, then grill
I think they had it right in the olde days:
no accounting for taste.
i think it has more to do with how critters look. people didn’t like the idea of eating sea-cockroaches.
With regard to ass art, “People wrote books and movies, movies that had stories so you cared whose ass it was and why it was farting, and I believe that time can come again!”
Here I sit, all broken-hearted. I tried to shit, but I only farted. True story.
That is written on almost every job site porta Jon in existence. That and “free Obama dolls”
Is it fair to say ive
Is it fair to say you’ve never seen “Free George W Bush dolls” graffiti around an unkempt dog park with weeks-old dessicated dog turds laying about, ripening in the sun? Americans really are racist SOBs.
“Whatever happened to that white dog shit from the 70’s?”
They made the two stepbrothers lick it?
Ha! Great scene. I just youtubed it, never seen the movie.
My theory is that it’s the same three people writing their cleverness over and over . Three people could write on a lot of portojons in a year or two time. “Pipeline to Mexico” with an arrow down is a common one too. I do remember bush stuff but not as “clever” so I don’t recall what.
Nah, that was written on the bathroom wall in my dorm in the 80s.
That and the famous Ted Kennedy limerick
NY Post throwing around the word “stunning.” Those are average asses at best.
Man complains that people make his box difficult
My “favorite” right-wing response to the Julius Caesar/Trump play:
Why do people never pay a goddamn bit of attention to the context of Shakespeare? In Julius Caesar, assassination is shown as a *bad* thing. “First, we kill all the lawyers” was in the context of sowing chaos! Take a damn 11th grade English class, people!
Why learn something when there is probably a meme that sums up what you are thinking?
Though killing all the lawyers doesn’t sound all that bag.
To be fair, I’m less struck by the response from the right than by the Public Theater’s failure to grasp that pretty obvious point. The scene was presented by the Public and cheered by the audience with exactly the same lack of understanding. The only thing that differed was the two groups’ evaluation of the scene. When one of the country’s most prominent stage companies can’t grasp the basics of one of Shakespeare’s major plays, you know culture in this country is in a sad state.
To be fair, the theater company has the disadvantage of being staffed by people with a modern arts education. These are people who’ve convinced themselves they can extract a deeper symbolic meaning than the author ever put in there even from ‘see spot run’.
Oh, autism! You so crazy!
Personally, I think the Right should be running with this and glorifying this as a witty satire of the mainstream media trying to metaphorically assassinate God Emperor Trump, and of the inevitable horrific civil unrest that is sure to follow, particularly against the “assassins.”
Brutus didn’t love too long after the death of ceasar. The Senate lost all its power and Ceasars nephew became the new Emporer after a bloody civil war that saw the demise of everyone involved in the assassination plot.
You are talking consequences, they are talking intentions.
you know culture in this country is in a sad state.
Well it wouldn’t be if you let us situate appropriate it.
I did like Ben Shapiro’s response
An example of Shapiro not getting it. One of the tenants of the Alt-Right, in so far as there are tenants, is that you hold the enemy to its own standards, only harder. Particularly when it is an important issue at stake as it is the fastest way to get them to retreat from trying to basic rights. While I don’t consider myself Alt-Right, that is one tactic I agree with them on; from a game theory perspective it’s also the right strategy. IE: Iterative Prisoner’s dilemma and tit (or double tit, or triple tit) for tat.
I agree that applying Alinksy-ite tactics back on the left can be …. distasteful. But until somebody shows me something that works better, I can’t get too upset about it.
Ben Shapiro is usually brilliant, but he’s too set in his morality standards to understand what these people are doing. They understand that the left uses Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals whether they have read it or not, and the new Right is trying to force the Left to follow their own standards for what “RACISM!” or “NAZISM!” is.
“Both the president and Caesar are power-hungry braggarts with an unhealthy need for flattery.”
The depth of their ignorance truly goes deep.
Well, there is that and the fact that traditionally, Shakespearean history plays were performed with actors wearing contemporary grab. The original production in the Globe Theater didn’t have actors in togas, they were wearing doublets and breeches.
And also Iowahawk
YES. I have been saying this for years. Left and Right at this point, are meaningless constructs. I think the Nolan chart is probably the best visualization of political orientation, but if you insist on a one-dimensional representation then I just go with Liberty vs. Authoritarian. There are aspects of Liberty and Authoritarian on both sides of traditional “Right” and “Left” but the current Left as we know it has embraced Authoritarianism in most things. The only Freedoms they seem to respect now are those relating to identity and their perverse obsession with abortion. Everything else, they’ve gone full Statist.
Agreed, but the problem is that absolutely no one uses it that way. Personally, I think a lot of people are more tribal than they like to admit, and define their policies by whatever the Top Men! in their tribes parties push for (good!) and what the Top Men! in the other tribe push for (bad!). For that matter, left-right was originally completely tribal, just “who supported the French king” as right wing and “who supported the glorious French revolution” as the left wing. Because of this “left” and “right” positions are subject to change over time because they were never clearly defined in the first place; they’re mainly just to easily signal who is “good” and who is bad. I’m still shocked that Marie Le Pen was considered radical right wing when by traditional measures she was a hard leftists, and it the label was almost solely because 1) her stance on immigration, and 2) the French establishment didn’t like her and France as a whole prides itself on being “left” however useless that term may be.
And another big problem is that there are certain rights that NEITHER side is sticking up for. Both Obama and Bush agree – war is wonderful and domestic spying is great (as long as The People don’t find out about it).
You’re spot-on: the big difference is between politicians who recognize meaningful limitations on what the government can do, and those who think that the government can do whatever it wants so long as it puts out some excuse pandering to “the greater good”.
I remember taking an English class and reading something called “An Indecent Proposal”. Can you believe, the author suggested we should all eat babies?? What a monster!
You’re thinking of that movie where millionaire Robert Redford offers $1m to fuck someone else’s wife
*i always thought it was implausible. of course they’d take the money. and i bet woody harrelson would be like, “and I’ll tickle your balls for another half-mil”
apologies, i’m hungover; low sensitivity to subtlety
I’m going to pick up a steer I went in halves on this morning. I will now have 1 whole pig and 1/2 cow in my freezer. I foresee much grilling this summer.
Glib Summerfest 2017 at Lachowsky’s house!
Seconded! I will bring booze.
So you’re a millionaire truck driver?
uh…Southeast down and bound, loaded up and rolling!
That’s a big 10-4 there pig pen. Yeah we definitely got the front door, good buddy. Mercy sakes alive, looks like we got us a convoy!
Summer in Arkansas? Pass.
Jealous. What’d those cost you, you don’t mind me asking?
The pig, I raised myself, so little to nothing. The beef, I have 3 bucks a pound in it.
*tips fedora*
These euphemisms…
Tips MAGA trucker hat in response
I know everything here is euphemisms, but that’s the first bestiality euphemism I think I’ve seen.
Dude, I am sitting here with coffee trying to read.
I just found out that people who read text on a screen have no agency. You are making me have to get up and go cook bacon. Lots of bacon.
I have about 20 lbs of thick cut peppered bacon in my freezer. I doubt it lasts much more than a month.
BLT’s for breakfast. 6 slices per. My tomatoes are coming in faster than I can eat them so every meal has fresh tomato in it.
That really hit the spot.
I’m still about a week away from my tomatoes being ready. I have cucumbers coming out my ears right now. I’m probably 2 weeks out on corn. The stalks are about 6 foot high and tasseled out. It won’t be long.
I think you’re inserting those cucumbers in the wrong orifice.
“where’s the beef”
Soon to be in his freezer.
Now currently in the freezer.
So, the kid had his first sleep over last night. My wife and I have such different parenting styles. She’s more of the “OMG, WHy are the screaming!?!?! This is so hard!!!” type. I’m the complete opposite.
“Hey, is anyone on fire or bleeding out? No? OK, goodnight!”
She spent all night trying to boss them around and contain them to the playroom/living room, which did not work and only made them less agreeable. This morning I woke them up at 6 and sent them outside to play by themselves. Remarkably, without an adult around, they are great and having fun.
Be sure to call us when CPS arrives after your neighbors report you.
This is why your kid will be working for Mr. Wei, who at 6 today, began his Saturday math exercises after an hour of violin practice.
Mr. Wei I think has a promising future as a bank auditor, but thankfully he took all of those violin lessons.
It’s also worth noting that at this point, he’s an embryo. You can see how they hand the violin to him on Pornhub.
Mr. Wei was scolded for his B+ grade. Mr. Wei contemplated suicide.
Especially if the kids are in a tag team or greater numbers, you only have to worry about genu-wine blood curdling screams followed by running little feet, or worse…..complete silence.
If the kid is dead, there’s no real hurry to do anything, I mean at this point, what v difference does it make. /HRC
When my 5 year old is playing with other kids his age, I find it best to just let them be and then make them clean up their mess when they are done. It seems to work best.
Low effort too. Funny how that works, innit?
The Chinese are experimenting with quantum communication. https://news.google.com/news/amp?caurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fscience-environment-40294795#pt0-516493
The Beeb article discusses the tech like it will be used for personal communication and not the military. No mention of how the Chinese gov would never allow its own people secret comms even with the encryption available today.
China’s quantum satellite in big leap
On purpose? Or simple coincidence?
I am sure that’s right, on the other hand, they seem pretty relaxed about people using VPNs .
Meh. *farts*
I’m sure he hope so. More funding and accolades for him.
It’s just typical State-driven face seeking that is to be expected coming from the PRC.
“Look we are the first to put quantum comms on a satellite!”
I hope they committed their arduino controllers to proper environmental testing. Hate for their space race instrument to have a Yutu moment.
Harvard big data wizard claims He knew Trump was going to win because so many people were Googling the KKK or something.
Sounds like he had a deep understanding of the currents that drove the election resuIts. It’s not like, with a big data set like all American Google searches, you could produce any type of false positive you want, or anything like that.
I guess this guy is auditioning to be the next Robby Mook. His shitty Google-driven analytics can replace Mook’s poll-driven analytics and lose the Democrats another presidential election.
What does Kelly’s Korean Kitchen have to do with the presidential election?
Announcer: It’s the Krusty Komedy Klassic!
Krusty: Hey, hey! It’s great to be back at the Apollo Theater, and… [notices the letters behind him] K-K-K? That’s not good…
The joke I was ripping off came from the M*A*S*H TV series.
I work in data, and it’s stuff like this that drives me insane about how bloated it is getting. You get fools like this, with PhD’s, and everyone thinks, well you can’t argue with the data, he knows what he’s doing. No he doesn’t most of these PhD’s have never worked for a real company, solving real problems, with real data. They are over paid elitist snots /end rant
He has a job to do and he’s doing it. He’s cherry picking data that enable his fellow elites to feel smug and superior. There is always good money in that, not to mention the cocktail party invites.
They’re reverting back to the authority-based model of knowledge, which is most common in children and is typically (hopefully) abandoned in early adulthood and replaced with the logic- and evidence-based model of knowledge.
Logic and evidence gathering are tools of Western cishet imperialism and sexism you shitlord!
Without actually understanding the data (context of searches in this case) you have no idea what your results mean.
So he’s a pessimist who thought Trump winning was a worst case scenario and therefore likely, and now he’s going back and saying he came to that conclusion because people Googled racist things.
Also, I couldn’t find anywhere in the article where it gave hard data on how much the data was “spiking.” If searches of racist jokes go from 2 a year to 10 a year that’s a 400% increase (a “spike”) but in terms of raw numbers shockingly low. Typically I’ve found that when they only show the percent change or the raw numbers, but not both, they’re usually trying to hide something.
A beholder! I get your profile pic. I only ever saw them in B &W in the old Monster Manual.
Heh, yeah. There are a lot cooler pics of beholders in some of the new monster manuals, but I really like the goofy, campy look of the old ones, especially for an avatar.
Also, love your name and profile pic. Are you an actual German, or do you just play one on the internet?
I live and work in Germany. But I am an American citizen, and I think my German skills are in fact inferior to several of the people on this board. (But because I speak it every day, at least I can walk up to someone and say “Na?” convincingly.)
I’ve been learning German on and off for decades but I haven’t spoken it daily since the 80s so you’re way ahead by that measure. I can barely hold a conversation any more.
I don’t get to speak much, either, but I make a point of listening to German-language news every day.
Where do you find that?
Even if the data did appear to show a ramp-up in racist search terms prior to Trump’s election, couldn’t this be because the media kept saying that Trump was literally Hitler and pandering to the KKK and people wanted to investigate this for themselves?
So people googled racist things. Racist by whose definition? Why were they googling those things?
Harvard Prof completely full of shit. Also, water is wet.
I have another theory…just spitballin’ here.
Pinkos scream racism around the clock during campaign. People google stuff pinkos are screaming about and find out pinkos are full of shit. People vote Trump because now they know pinkos are liars.
It’s nice to have political opponents that are deluded.
And this happens, despite Google blatantly tweaking search results to try to nudge searchers to politically correct pages. Almost restores your faith in humanity.
Phone sex?
“Oh yes, Alex, you dirty Truther, tell me more about how they’re turning the frogs gay! Oh yes, oh yes!”
Oxford Rewrites History Exam to Make it Easier for Women to Get Top Grades
You just can’t make this shit up.
That’s how you create value, people. Well done.
Aren’t women already the majority of college graduates? Why do they think they still need to help them? Are they just that paternalistic? Do they really want so badly to devalue the achievements of women who actually work hard in college?
When you put it that way, it sounds like a… Dare I say it?… A plot by the patriarchy!
Oxford’s new final exam question “Like, OMG, can you BELIEVE, that Brutus only called on countrymen? What a misogynistic dick. Tell us how that makes you feel.”
“It’s a complex issue. On the one hand Brutus reveals himself as a sexist bigot with that comment, but on the other hand he does a favor for women across Rome by killing
TrumpCaesar. On the whole I’d say he was right to kill the fascist dictator, but it’s also good that the misogynist kills himself at the end.”I feel fat.
I sit on an industrial advisory board for my alma mater. A couple months ago at one of the semi-annual meetings, I was gobsmacked when one of my favourite professors floated the idea of relaxing the standards and rigor of the curriculum in order to increase enrollment. The unanimous response was a resounding “fuck no” from everybody in attendance.
I’m surprised that they didn’t have it that way already. I think I had only one or two upper level history classes that were in-class finals. The rest were either take-home or were final papers.
Just another step in the left’s plan to make another permanent dependency group like blacks. When no one wants to hire women because all their accomplishments are now in question because of crap like this, the left gets to scream about how the patriarchy is keeping the women down, and get to have them permanently on the dole (something that’s already too common with the continued rise of the single mother), thus ensuring their continued vote. Completely disgusting.
Off topic but along the same line of thinking regarding everyone being worried about GS Warriors dominating the NBA.
New rule!
Everyone gets a Kevin Durant because ‘fairness’ and ‘competitive balance’!
Nah. Since Adam Silver hates the 76ers, he’ll wait 5 years and do that to break up the dominance of Embiid/Simmons/Fultz (fingers crossed)
You been dippin’ in to Agile Cyborg’s stash?
I hope to god that the Celtics and Sixers trade picks, with Boston getting either the Philly or Lakers 1st round pick next year. Next year’s draft is supposed to have a couple of franchise big men at the top of it instead of point guards. I’ll take Josh Jackson today and the next Shaquille O’Neal next year over Markelle Fultz.
I prefer the “Everyone has to have a short white guy as a starter” Helps both racial diversity and fairness. Plus, I want to play for the Celtics, but I’m short, white, and have no talent. Those last two may be redundant.
+1 John Stockton
I’ve been waiting on the Hawks to give me a 10 day contract so I can show em my mad skills. But I’m only short-ish white so it should be easier for me to get on the roster.
The entire purpose of these organizations today is no long educating people at all, it’s about churning out another mindless brain addled drone to become part of the herd. If you’ve convinced them that communism actually works and get them to help usher it in for the USA, you’ve done your job.
US sailors missing after Navy destroyer collision off Japan
Holy shit! Check out the damage pics.
The larger size of the container ship could have left the smaller US destroyer vulnerable in the collision, Schuster said
/Captain Obvious
Or is it Lieutenant Obvious? /Bad joke
It will be after the board of inquiry.
Commander Obvious?
Did they tell everyone in Oregon about this?
Everyone. Particularly those who were out and about last night.
Radar (on both ships) and human watches (on both ships) should have kept this from happening. The destroyer is much more maneuverable than the cargo ship. Somebody’s (probably multiple somebodies) career is probably over.
Even if the cargo ship was violating the rules of the road, the destroyer can definitely turn on a dime if necessary.
There are general sea rules of right-of-way (too lazy to look them up) and from what I remember, it looks like the destroyer broke a couple of them.
Without seeing the surface plot/tracks, impossible to tell. Also, all the bridge to bridge communications should be recorded. I’d be very interested to hear those tapes – legally required to have english-speakers on the bridge, etc.
This is effectively “I’m a lighthouse, your call.” acted out for real
I did not see anyone mention this yet.
Amazon looking to dominate the retail food market.
This has to be one of the few if only brick and mortar companies that Amazon has purchased.
I’m curious to see how they will execute the combined business. Will they slowly eliminate the physical store, keep both separated for a time, or try to leverage their logistics advantages to crush their traditional grocery competitors like Walmart. With something new.
I use Amazon prime for basics like paper products right now. It might take a few tries with fresh food before I’m confident they can deliver me meats and vegetables.
Produce and dairy are good through Amazon fresh. The generic meat is no different than what you would find in a typical grocery store.
In Los Angeles, Amazon had partnered with a couple of legacy butcher shops to sell premium meats through Amazon fresh. They have also partnered with a premium produce distributor if you want a typical farmers market produce selection.
I need coffee.
I’d never seen that video before – it’s terrific!
I still listen to Oranges & Lemons quite often. This one is still my favorite, though.
Can I be open and honest in this forum? That album disturbs me on a primal level. There is something haunting about the songs, which was what they were aiming for. I just listened to it again about a month ago. It really kind of scares me.
Great band.
I have it on now and I agree with you wholeheartedly. There’s a tension there that I’ve never experienced on another record.
“Can I be open and honest in this forum?”
+1 Peter pumpkin head
Until I have an apartment where neighbors don’t steal my packages I’m gonna have to “Pass” on this idea.
Except for that girl in 3C, she can steal my package anytime. HAYOOOO!
Don’t you mean 38C?
I ordered 6 cases of bottled water from them last week because I was out of drinking water and I didn’t feel like going to the store. So I used Prime Now. 2 hours later I looked out and see they sent some old guy like 75 years old. So I went out and carried the water myself because I couldn’t in good conscience watch this old guy do it. Anyway, it works.
But I don’t buy anything at Wholefoods right now because their products mostly suck. Overpriced scraggly looking vegetables. No thanks. If I’m in the mood to spend entirely too much on produce, I’ll just go the Fresh Market because at least their stuff is always nice looking. I wonder how many of the lefty douchebags that hang out at Wholefoods because an evil big corporations now owns it? If all them go away, that will be the first thing Amazon did right. They have a lot more work to do to get me to go there.
Wholefoods can in no way compete with any of the big Supermarkets around here and there are many of them. Wholefoods is too expensive for probably at least 60% of people and they only have a small selection of stuff that most people buy to feed their families. I mean the basic staples like grape soda, cheesy poofs, bags of hard candy, and frozen entres. Wholefoods don’t have any of that.
I’ve only glanced at a few of the reports about the AMZN/WFM acquisition, but i haven’t seen anyone really point out that the reason whole foods was ready to sell itself was because its own organic growth (both in-store and new-store) had been crawling to a halt.
in short, the market for overpriced produce and upper-middle-class pretensions is probably fairly saturated. The new/future growth in profitability in that area will mostly come from improved logistics/cost-cutting, stuff Amazon can probably do better than the legacy management.
there might be new product areas that AMZN thinks they can leverage the WF retail presence in, or cross-selling platforms, etc that i’m not aware off, but in my superficial view, it just seems to me to be a case of a premium-brand selling itself at the right time – when its run out of new customers.
Amazon has been playing around with grocery / produce for a long time. In Seattle they have a grocery delivery service. My son was working for that part of the company years ago. I’m thinking it was close to a decade ago. So it’s not like the food industry is anything new to them.
yeah, that’s what i meant by a cross selling platform. they can pump WF “stuff” through their own sales networks, or apply that model in new places where they wouldn’t have had the ability before.
i know the “Freshdirect.com” thing worked in manhattan, but i’ve always been a little leery of the growth-potential of supermarket-delivery in the rest of the country. people don’t change behaviors as easily as one might think. I do think it would work in places with, say, large populations of retired people, and rich gated-communities, etc. but not w/ the general population so much.
I’m not buying produce or meat or anything like that unless I can see and touch it. And I shop a lot online.
I did not see anyone mention this yet.
The thing that caught my attention wasn’t that the other grocers’ stocks were hammered. It was that the food suppliers were hammered too. That gives me the impression that everyone expects Amazon to squeeze its vendors dry.
Completely unforeseen! Who could have predicted??
Obviously CA should pass a law to force these businesses to stay open. Then another law to ensure people go eat at these restaurants. Then an advisory board to ensure everyone is participating in their local economy. Should probably develop a task force to oversee the advisory board too…
/jobs program
Well, you’re also clearly going to need a secret police to make sure that everyone adheres to the new policies. Saboteurs and wreckers will not be tolerated. Perhaps we could have somewhere, like a camp, where we could put together, or concentrate, all the enemies of the people; y’know just so we could keep an eye on them. We’re also going to have to involve the children. We need them to keep their parents honest. We could reward them every time they report one of these vile sub-humans who are attempting to undermine our glorious revolution. I think we’ve really got something here.
And then when it all burns to the ground and leaves everyone impoverished, everyone will know that this was the inevitable product of State Capitalism.
Hey it’s working in Venezuela.
“Part of our whole concern with (the $15 wage) is it’s a one-size-fits-all”
Now that is the truth. These councillors are always calculating these things from their privileged enclaves. This reminds me of the UK’s new rule that every non-EU resident making less than the median income has to leave. A pretty dumb criterion by any measure. But it is not so bad in London where wages are massively higher than the rest of the UK. Basically a Londoner has to only make ~25% of the London median or so, while settled families from Australia or the US have had to leave northern England and Scotland in droves.
“the UK’s new rule that every non-EU resident making less than the median income has to leave”
I mean unless they get mad and threaten to blow people up, then they can stay.
Well this is it. All the Canadians and Kiwis leave when asked, because they go back to a decent country.
But what if you’re from Syria or Pakistan? You’ll go underground long before you agree to get repatriated.
So it has exactly the unintended consequences any non-TOP MAN can see.
They’ll explain this away. Greedy business owners, good riddance, we don’t need you! The good progressives restaurants will stay!
I don’t know if this has already been posted. And I don’t play video games. But this is retarded.
There was a post a couple of days ago about how there are no Swastikas in the game either. It bears repeating how stupid embracing SJW-ness makes you, even to historical fact. As I said at the time, it would be like making a Civil War game with no references to slavery and no Confederate flags.
Eh, it’s multiplayer and it’s fucking Call of Duty, not a historical Paradox sim. The whole point of multiplayer avatars in FPSes is to make yourself look as redonklous as possible, as well as using a gamer tag like “Pediatric_Cancer” or “CumLord”. My Spidey-Outrage sense is not tingling. Just like the FarCry 5 freakout, Culture Justice Warriors prove to be as hysterical and myopic as their SJW counterparts.
A pox on both their houses.
Wait HM, are you CumLord? Dood, you have got l33t skillz!!!
I think stuff like this is a lot less dumb than, say, the whole freakout about how you could play the Taliban in Medal of Honor multiplayer.
Yeah, COD, I will not be playing that either.
Pretty sure both of those are already taken on Steam.
It depends on what they do with the multiplayer. Are they going to continue with the ridiculous perks and killstreaks that have infested the multiplayer since Modern Warfare 2? Will they simplify it back to how it was with the original Modern Warfare and World at War? Will they scrap those garbage systems entirely and go back to when COD was great, like COD1 and COD2 were? (#MCODGA?)
I just don’t get into pure FPS games at all. I like first person shooters if it’s an RPG, like Fallout. Also, I hate multiplayer. I blame RUST and GTA 5. I for one welcome our new AI overlords.
Wait, so from what that article is saying is you can do that with multiplayer player customization? I don’t see the problem. What’s really worthy of noting is the stupid “no swastikas” crap in a WWII game. Just let hypersensitive Germany manually edit them out like they did for World at War nine years ago.
If they were really woke, they would replace all of the swastikas with their real life neo-nazi counterparts.
I’d play the fuck out of that mod.
Shadilay, my Obersturmbannführer!
Fighting against Kekistan? That’d be fun, shooting all those Pepe frogs. But then I’d feel bad afterwords.
I laughed. Am I a bad person?
Reading Babylon’s Ashes, which is the latest in The Expanse series. It’s pretty good, I quite enjoy the world building but there’s a little too much “FOR THE EVULZZZZ!!!” motivations for some of the factions.
The clitoris is real. It’s the female orgasm that’s the myth.
Of course they did. They’re french.
That’s awesome. My day just got 15% better.
Putin’s on live TV. Christ, now they’re hacking FIFA.
He should start wearing one of these.
NO. Putin is laughing right now from his secret lair under a volcano. Protected by sharks with laser beams on their head.
How long will it be before soccer hooligans start killing each other cause PUTIN HACKED THE GAME! WE WOULD HAVE WON YOU PUTIN STOOGES!
So how much more of the tax payer’s money are they going to spend on this circus? Not the NSFW, but the Cosby circus? Is a judge actually trying to force a jury to convict someone when they’ve clearly shown they don’t want to?
Enemies of the narrative must be punished.
Looks like it finally got mistrialed.
I am not a lawyer, but at some point, if the judge keeps telling the jury to rethink their verdict, there’s some kind of case for a due process violation, IMO.
Like, jury comes out, tells him they’re deadlocked, he says go back and rethink it. How many times does the judge do that before some juror goes “Look, clearly the fucker’s not gonna let us go home until we reach a verdict. I say he’s guilty!”
Maybe this is where Mueller finally finds his obstruction of justice. Otherwise, he’s probably going to have to bring his bud, Comey, up on charges.
Hey guys, here’s a pointer from an idiot: Don’t argue with the wife about who does more housework.
Do you have a comfy sofa?
If she only has one black eye, tell her again.
/doesn’t actually condone domestic violence
Does she do more real work? You know, the kind that pays?
Rookie mistake. Check your testicle privilege, shitlord.
I’ve apologized. Didn’t mean it. God, I hate myself.
Time to deploy the pointless expensive gift gambit.
Since it’s all her money, that doesn’t work. Marry an Asian to figure out this works.
Last time I did something really ignorant, my wife ended up with a new Jeep. It works, just damn it’s a drain on the finances.
It’s good to be Queen.
A Jeep? What did you do? Does it involve the baby sitter?
The tough part is keeping up with her while she drives it, right?
I bought my boyfriend a nice ’04 F150 last year.
He got mad at me for some reason, got drunk,
decide to end it all, ran the truck into a
concrete wall.
Ended the truck all right, but he’s still here.
I learned this from the George Lopez show.
Why would you go there? Glutton for punishment?
HM proves to the pretenders that he is still the master.
*scurries away*
We’ve devolved to this? Awesome.
Won’t let me use a gif for my avatar?. Prudes.
Mine is a gif. You mean an animated gif. Sorry, had to get technical there.
So that’s how iggy got a record deal.
Great, so the next kanban meeting this image will be stuck in my head.
From the mumbo jumbo desk-
In remarks on Wednesday, Yellen called an emerging debate over raising global inflation targets “one of the most important questions facing monetary policy,” as central bankers grapple with an economic rut in which low growth, low interest rates and weak price and wage increases reinforce each other.
The aim would be a change of households’ and businesses’ psychology, convincing them that prices would rise fast enough in the future that they would be better off borrowing and spending more today.
That 2 percent target, which translates into prices doubling roughly every 35 years and is considered both offering stability and a sufficient buffer from deflation, is now common for the developed world’s central banks.
Raising that target to 3 or even 4 percent as some economists have suggested would shift the outlook of firms in particular, allowing them to charge more for goods and pay more for labor without the fear that a central bank would step on the brakes.
Top Men will make us rich!
If we get 3 or 4 percent raise in prices we won’t have to fear the central banks raining on the asset bubble parade? That’s a threat, no?
We can’t be out of money. Look at all the checks we have left!
If ever “middling intellect” could be perfectly captured in a tweet, this is it:
California: Woman who left bacon at mosque banned from social media for 5 years
Lauren Kirk-Coehlo, who pled guilty to felony charges for vandalizing of the Islamic Center of Davis, was sentenced to five years probation on Friday.
Her crimes were caught on surveillance camera, but it’s what she said off camera that is raising red flags.
“The social media postings that she had, and the chats we were able to recover, showed that she harbored extreme feeling where she wanted to hurt people,” explained Ryan Couzens, with the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office.
The judge said jail time was an option but in the end, decided against it.
Back in January, Kirk-Coehlo, 30, vandalized the Islamic Center of Davis, breaking windows, damaging property and placing bacon on door handles – a way to antagonize Muslims who don’t eat pork.
Kirk-Coehlo, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, pleaded guilty to the felony vandalism charges with a hate crime enhancement. But instead of jail time, she given five years probation and has been banned from social media for five years, given community service, ordered weekly psychiatric counseling and must pay $7,000 in restitution. She also will not be allowed to own a firearm.
The Yolo County District Attorney’s Office wanted Kirk-Coehlo to go to jail – especially considering the motive behind her attack.
“We can’t live in a free society if people’s political views are expressed through violence,” said Couzens.
[head desk]
Yolo country.
So I take it you’re going to demand the police crack down on Anti-fa and BAMN then?
Not gonna defend the lady for vandalism, but I’m getting real tired of wrongthink being considered worse than the actual crime.
That’s why I don’t think “hate crime” laws should even exist. They essentially criminalize what someone was thinking when they committed the crime. Some racist neanderthal murdered someone because he was black? Ok, so give him 25-to-life for murder. Why is that not good enough?
Bacon is violence.
Was it exploding bacon?
I forgot Trump used to do Pizza Hut commercials and appeared on pro wrestling.
TrumpWave- a music video of Trump in the 80s and 90s
My 80’s looked nothing like that. *Pulls lever*
UC Berkeley has a regressive leftist Stasi that surveils conservative students
In case you thought YouTube was worse than legacy media. I love these two. Yeah, I know Lionel is not a libertarian, but he’s funny.
Found commercial on YouTube for STEVE SMITH.
Gotta admit, with all the raping he does, I didn’t think STEVE SMITH was a family man. Is it a double life he leads, not letting the wife and kid know what he does? Or do they know and it’s OK with them?
Gonna decant my gin mixture today. I’ll post photos and stuff later.
Boo hoo hoo
It is important to point out that Mr. Weinstein was within his rights to question how these initiatives were structured. But his critiques seemed to diminish the very purpose of them. Students wanted him to understand why these initiatives were so important to so many in our community.
What can’t be seen in the viral video of the student protest in his office is that students started by calmly stating their concerns. The way he responded to those concerns made students feel invalidated. It may have seemed inappropriate that they let their emotions escalate in frustration, but that doesn’t mean there was no context.
How dare you outsiders judge us for judging that guy? He invalidated us!
So, it went something like this, then?
Students : [say stupid shit calmly]
Adult : “That’s some stupid shit, yo.”
Students : [scream stupid shit]
Any knowledgeable glide out there bored enough to explain the technological aspects behind Russian hacking story? Like could it really be traced back to a remotely decent hacker? If any evidence has been given as to the programing used to do it, anything like that?
Serious journalism, meticulously researched
After three decades of running a beloved chain of upscale grocers that had helped revolutionize the way Americans ate, Mr. Mackey, a hippie who rails against greed, was mired in a bare-knuckle fight with Wall Street.
If you say so, it must be true.
What utter tripe. Can’t the media at least be bothered to Google anything anymore.
I’ll post photos and stuff later.
A time lapse series of your descent into degradation and monstrosity, Mister Hyde?
Kamala Harris is every woman who stands up to speakCNN is so convenient, you can get your news AND your PR all from one source.
In was at an engineering nerd conference in Baltimore all week, and got very chummy with an English fellow (the most charming Englishman I’ve ever met, and he even had nice teeth!) hanging out drinking every night.
On Wednesday morning at coffee, I found him pacing on the balcony and joined him. He started talking about the horrible high rise fire in Kensington. He, being a typical Brit, wanted to keep the stiff upper lip and no-show emotions, but as he went on about the spray-on “environmentally friendly” insulation that caused the chimney effect that destroyed the tower so quickly, and then onto the requirement to use more dangerous chemicals than freon in fridges (again because environment) that helped start the fire, and then onto “council housing” in general, his simmering anger was showing just beneath the surface.
I think he was used to having to pretend to be politically correct and might have assumed he needed to be especially around an American woman, but he eventually let it all pour out. Even came in for a long hug, very non-English. It gave me hope that the great UK still has men who are Libertarian in spirit, even if they have no political party to turn to. He was only 42 (my age), so maybe there is hope for the future. God bless that man, and the Nation that gave birth to America in a way.
an American woman
Okay, Tulpa.
Female electrical engineer libertarian = Unicorn