Ah Illinois, is there any budget they can’t fuck up
Wrong handle… again, Mr. we’re-squatch. 😉
Curse you autocorrect. Were-squatch.
We are all STEVE SMITH?
But some, are more STEVE SMITH than others.
STEVE SMITH, spread love equally, and by love mean RAPE
According to our progressive friends, “All men rape”. By that logic, we are, indeed, all STEVE SMITH.
SS = S_S = Zardoz? Exactly how narrow are their gazes?
Stone cold gaze and a raping when hiking.
Working for the Swiss has really stretched his moral compass.
I am so done editing for anyone.
Just mother Jones freaking out, ssdd
Sad, on at least a couple levels. Rubin’s right that he’s not “right” and they’re insane to call him far right. Also, while MoJo is way left, they’re so far out of the establishment they’ll (often) actually report accurately on the BS from the establishment lefties.
I do not like the current season of Doctor Who…yet I keep watching.
I’ve not seen past season nine, which I liked for the most part, esp cause Clara got bounced, what issues are you having with it?
I’ve heard a lot of people complain about propaganda in recent seasons/series of Doctor Who.
I only noticed one joke about the President being orange.
Oh yes, it’s gotten steadily more blatant in the last few years. In the last one I watched the KKKorporations sell you air in order to survive in space and if you run out oh well them’s the brreaks. Some years ago the doctor was regularly praising the welfare state and NHS. I thought it was a joke but the more I learned about recent British culture the more I realized he wasn’t kidding.
Like the time evil aliens masquerading as the British Cabinet convinced the entire world to give them nuclear codes because of non-existing Massive Weapons of Destruction that could hit Earth in 45 minutes? That was in first season of the reboot.
It is hard to top last season. This season has a great dynamic with Bill, but the stories have been pretty awful. The monk episodes had a great first part and shitty second
It seems likes the very lame story lines/recycled stories/ and a lame companion are the correct combination to achieve the lamest season since Sylvester McCoy….
And no, I do not count McGann as a Doctor.
I never thought I’d be missing the Billie Piper years…
Speaking of obvious propaganda… watched Happiness Patrol recently. Of course there was preaching in the series long before that, but the production value is just absolute crap. Let not even try to hide it’s a studio set with shitty props.
I gave up about the 2nd or 3rd season of the revival.
Bill Potts? Christ on a crutch.
I saw a recent two-parter – some twaddle about the Pope – but then I took it out of my rotation anyways. It’s just meh anymore.
So far you aren’t missing much. But I’m still soldiering on, mostly out of habit. And yes, I feel stupid for having watched each episode.
I like Peter Capaldi as an actor, but if you don’t have chemistry with Jenna Coleman, there’s definitely something wrong. I’m going to place most of the blame with the writing though. This season has been really bad, both for story telling and for oddly obtrusive LGBT content, which I’m laying at the door of the writers.
Heh, known homosexual Russell Davies was not averse to a little gratuitous LGBT’ing.
I think Capaldi’s great. Last year’s “Heaven Sent” was outstanding – notably, there was little companion presence. This year’s companion in the one (2-part) story I watched was… annoying.
But yeah, I agree it’s all about the writing and it’s largely gone to shit.
Jesus Christ! Sometimes I forget which table that I’ve sat down in the lunchroom and then a thread like this one rears up and spits poison in my eyes like a fucking cobra. I love you , fellow Glibs, never change!
For the second link (to the Financial Times), I get a subscribe page, not the actual article. Unless that was the point.
Does anybody here follow English politics? What’s the deal with the marches demanding May resign due to the highrise fire, is it thought to be sort of her fault somehow or is this some stupid attempt to get the moron Corbyn in?
The Brits I’ve read think part of this is a rent-a-mob thing: apparently the printed signs are a giveaway. (I haven’t actually watched footage so can’t confirm any of this.)
It was mostly the fault of environmental regulations. Which aren’t quite Tory. So I’m thinking the latter.
He persisted.
Left has gone full retard and they know anything bad that happens is due to Tory government cuts of one kind or another. So as #1 Tory it’s all her fault. Exact process is not necessary.
Hi everyone, longtime lurker from TSTSNBN. Came over after the exodus killed the only content that made it worth visiting. Before that the comments were the only reason I visited that page; usually the only time I read the articles was when you guys referenced something in it that required reading the whole article to understand, especially on Shikha’s pieces.
I usually don’t get to any given thread until after its dead and didn’t want to be like Hihn on my first post, but I finally saw something that I felt compelled to share.
The theories about the other site effectively serving as a stepping stone for some writers, who aren’t really that libertarian but are pretending to be in order to get those delicious cocktail party invites, get a boost from this NYT article. Note the byline, if you don’t mind giving them the click. Do they serve fruit sushi to their editorial contributors?
Are you sealed or ported?
Sweden overwhelmed by racist police shortage.
The URL is a tad misleading. Interesting, that.
To be fair, slugs are usually generated by some process of removing important but short prepositions
Yeah, I’ve seen many examples but this one is especially egregious.
It’s like how media players sort albums/artists by ignoring leading “The”s, so you don’t have a huge section of “The…..” to scroll through.
That’s how alphabetization of those works, though.
yes, which is why….is this a trick?
I think the proper term is Tyrian.
“the city of Trollhattan”
A metropolis for Scandinavian monsters. You got a problem wit dat?
Why Latin America Is Finally Getting Tough on Corruption
Oh, I’m sure they’ll wipe it out this time.
They don’t have toilet paper anymore.
They can claw their way out.
Onward! through the Peanuts and Corn!
no cloths?
“Some historians attribute the region’s endemic corruption to the legacy of the Spanish and Portuguese colonial masters”
So the moral of that is?
Be conquered by English-speaking peoples?
Damnit Rhywun, ixnay on the olonizationcay.
Blame the patriarchy?
From The Spectator, Alt-hate: Who knew the left had so much venom?
(I did, Julie. I did)
(I did, Julie. I did)
I was thinkin the same thing.
Even my wife, who’s mostly non-political, has been thinking the same thing lately every time the news comes on recently. They’re slitting their own throats in public.
Illinois falling apart but the national media would rather focus on the Kansas “tax cut experiment”.
Of course. If they look to closely at Illinois, they might have to confront the fact that their preferred policies don’t work. It may even lead to the shocking revelation that while Illinois is further down this particular rabbit hole, there are plenty of other states trying to jam themselves into this warren.
Kansas on the other hand seems to validate their policies, at least as long as they don’t look beyond the surface.
Any good refutations of that, I really want some ammo to toss back when my prof friends bring it up
Essentially, they cut taxes, but increased spending. Unsurprisingly, the budget deficit grew.
Of course. The lawmaker’s job to hand out pork to his constituents. Left/right doesn’t matter.
Nice was just about to type the same. Another issue is the Ag economy is in the dumps and Ag is the primary focus of the Kansas economy.
Brownback using the laugher curve.
And something I found when looking for news from Kansas b STEVE SMITH and Warty have competition:
Kansas man charged after allegedly seeking mom-daughter sex slaves
Lately I’ve felt like our state is trying to challenge Florida for headlines.
Kanas really is the Nebraska of the west.
“I’m a sadist and enjoy inflicting pain.”
Hope that dude dies in prison
Another person who misread a work of fiction as a how to manual. Lolita, this time.
Was thinking of a King of the Hill episode the other day. It has a great libertarian message. It’s the one where people start to panic because someone finds a snake in their toilet. So the town spends lavish amounts of money one some exterminators who are dubbed Team Snake Hunt who goldbrick and bask in the praise and free stuff they get from the townsfolk. To make things worse, they push for a bond measure so they get even more money. Eventually, Hank shames them into doing their job and the exterminators kill the snake. Hank forces them to protest against the bond measure but it passes anyway.
There’s another really good one where the most popular restaurant in the town is forced to close because of an ordinance banning trans fats. Of course, people still want food cooked with it, so a few rival food trucks quickly fill the demand. The whole thing is a great metaphor for the war on drugs as the rival food trucks try to sabotage each other by snitching to cops and bribing health inspectors.
My favorite episode that deals with government is the one with the low flow toilets.
However, this is my favorite episode overall.
+1 pocket full of pocket sand
Pocket sand!
Hank: “What the heck is a carbon offset?”
Dale: “It’s like a ‘get out of jail free’ card for people concerned about the environment but not concerned enough to do anything.”
Dale Gribble:
[regarding global warming] I say let the world warm up, see what Boutros Boutros-Ghali-Ghali thinks about that! We’ll grow oranges in Alaska.
Hank Hill:
Dale, you giblet-head, we live in Texas. It’s already a hundred and ten in the summer, and if it gets one degree hotter, I’m gonna kick your ass!
Dale: Placebo. It’s the name of the drug they gave him. I think it’s made by Pfiser.
Hank: (On Christian Rock) Can’t you see you’re not making Christianity any better, you’re just making Rock ‘n Roll worse.
Great line.
King of the Hill is one of my favorite shows
Is it on cable anywhere? I liked it but I missed a lot of episodes.
8, 11, and 11:30 Monday through Friday on cartoon network.
I think also on Netflix.
I don’t do Netflix, I pay enough for cable.
I get that. I went the other way – dumped cable.
I actually prefer the mercurial nature of cable. But I’m old that way. That and I watch a lot of sports.
It was, but it got pulled off a couple years ago.
That is another reason I don’t do Netflix.
I just successfully pan-fried my first fresh skin-on salmon.
That frozen, skinless crap I used to make can kiss my grits.
The skin on salmon or trout is like the skin on chicken; done right, it is by far the best part.
I dunno if I done right but I was surprised at how easy it was – easier than skinless that’s for sure. It came out exactly as described where I learned it, The Food Lab book. That book is a godsend because it describes why I was always doing it wrong before…
Depends on what cooking methods you use, but salmon has enough oil to get the skin to crisp. It can turn out like the skin on fried chicken, nice and crispy but with half the grease. I’ll usually finish salmon and trout skin side up under the broiler for a few minutes to get that.
I just pan-fried it in some canola for about 8 to 10 minutes skin-side down, then flipped it to finish for another minute or so. The skin came out perfectly crispy but it was very thin and without a lot of flavor. The meat underneath was buttery perfection. There was a tiny amount of that white crud oozing out of one side but unlike my skinless disasters it was easy work to scrape it off.
Here’s a kickass way to cook salmon fillet: get a really nice fatty, skin-on fillet on a lightly oiled cookie sheet. Put skin side down and season. Preheat your oven to a high temperature of 450-500F. Once it’s up to temp, cook the filet until it’s done – don’t overcook. Eat the salmon meat. The best part of this is that there should be this decadent thick film of slightly congealed fish fat, that just scrapes off like butter with the side of a fork or spoon – spread on crispbread or eat alone. And if you get really lucky, the skin is good to go as a salmon skin cracker in terms of consistency.
^This well also work. If you don’t mind carbs, pair it with a good lemon risotto.
That looks good – I’ll try it. I actually didn’t make any sides tonight because I wanted to get the fish right first.
Once I started making every-few-years fishing trips to Alaska, Mrs. Shpip won’t touch farmed salmon. And she’s right: if availability and budget permit, always get wild-caught.
And FWIW, when we host a dinner party for The Eating of The Salmon, we’ll cook the beasts several different ways, but the most popular is always poached in mead.
Is there a particular mead you use? The girlfriend is a fan of both salmon and (sweet) mead. Although there’s a part of me that thinks that Acerglyn (fermented maple syrup), may work better.
Typically, just Chaucer’s or something similarly pedestrian. I add the juice of one lemon, and poach the tail end eight inches or so of the filet, so a thinner cut. Works well with steelhead or arctic char, too.
I’ve got a pile of home made mead in the basement, so I may have something to make for the girlfriend coming up.
Poached in mead is not something I have heard of. Give me smoked with some capers, red onion and cream cheese with some snooty dry crackers and I am cleaning the plate.
*envious of the Alaska trips. I bet that is fun.
I like it stuffed with brie, crab, and shrimp and plank cooked.
There’s also a big difference in the taste of the various salmon species. A lot of people put chinook at the top, but I find coho better personally.
Smoked I always thought chinook was better since it seemed to be more firm and flaked apart in bigger chunks, but ya, coho cooked any other way was a superior fish in my opinion as well. Butter, lemon and garlic on a coho fillet cooked on the grill is some good salmon eats.
There’s a local grocery that makes their own smoked steelhead. Wouldn’t be good for flaking but the perfect ratio of smoked/glaze edge to fish to fat. I can eat that out of the package.
The first time I did it (2006 IIRC), I just happened to have a half bottle of leftover mead in the refrigerator and thought “Hey, let’s give this a try.” Damn, but it worked. Guests hoovered up the stuff like a marquesa going after caviar.
And fishing in Alaska is a boot in the ass. Trips can be arranged to fit most budgets. I was born on an island in Florida, and have been fishing for nearly half a century, and Alaska, both fresh- and saltwater, still ranks among my favorite places to wet a line.
This might be the most Glibs sentence ever.
I have fished salmon in WA state 20 some years ago before the rec season was closed down (so I heard) It was a lot of fun. I have not made it to Alaska. I know people who go to BC to fish salmon season, and nothing but great reviews from them.
Here we have kokanee, but they are nothing like their ocean spawning relatives for size or tastiness.
Gen. Keane: 10,000 to 20,000 additional troops needed in Afghanistan
Gen. Jack Keane, former vice chief of staff of the U.S. Army, called the United States’ 16-year-long involvement in Afghanistan a “disgrace” and said some 10,000 to 20,000 additional troops were needed to win the war.
Keane spoke with Fox News on Friday as reports surfaced the Pentagon will send roughly 4,000 additional American forces to fight a reinvigorated Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has not made an announcement on increasing troop levels in Afghanistan, but a Trump administration official told the Associated Press such an announcement could come as early as next week.
Keane said the 4,000 figure is “only speculation at this point” and not enough to defeat the Taliban and boost the Afghan Army’s military might.
“There’s no doubt the 4,000 will be helpful,” he said. “But the real question is: Will it change the momentum of the war to our favor? My judgment is it’s likely not to.”
With ya so far…
Oh fuck me.
It seems reasonable.
“Hey what do you think of the war in Afghanistan?”
“Never should have gotten involved in the mess in the first place.”
“OK, So what do you need to win the war.”
“Afghanistan is already a clusterfuck but I would need 10K minimum. to project overwhelming power.”
“Ok, here’s an extra 1K soldiers, go conquer Afghanistan.”
“Go fuck yourself If you think I’m going on the hook for your bullshit.”
At least no American now alive has to worry about being the last one to die in that useless war.
Welch shares Mike Moynihan’s Vice-News bit on the Evergreen College insanity
Moyny sounds like he’s doing a fake “serious journalist voice”. Which i think is what the HBO/Vice producers do to his normally-nasally voice in post-processing.
its nothing new. I’d be happier if Vice said something as obvious as “lets stop pretending these kids are anything except crazy assholes”. But that would be ‘right wing’. Which is absurd. they treat this bitch talking about how “daring to contradict them is the same as empowering Nazis and White Supremacists” as though she has a not-crazy opinion.
“lets stop pretending these kids are anything except crazy assholes”
The media should have been treating the derp patrol like this all along but as you point out they treat them as of they’re not insane idiots. Worse yet they often insinuate that much of America shares their ridicules opinions.
Not only the media, the faculty should have been telling them to shut the hell up and if they didn’t and continued to disrupt classes, chucked them out of school.
Go protest in a tent in a park. There are other students at the school who might want to learn something other than asshattery.
You probably become a student at Evergreen to lecture, not learn.
Those students would’ve been a bit more triggered by my hand gestures. Moynihan always sounds like he let a silent one rip and is waiting for everyone to smell it.
I thought the “treat them as if they are not crazy” treatment worked pretty well. They sounded completely unhinged. And the administration sounded completely feckless. Although I did like the bit about bathroom escorts.
I’d say one more layer off of the onion would have been nice, as it was difficult to see what anyone’s motivation was beyond “I’m really, really full of myself and really, really stupid”.
A socialist student group has disbanded itself after the University of Georgia began investigating its statement that House Republicans should be “guillotined” for voting to replace Obamacare.
Members of the Young Democratic Socialists group voted unanimously to renounce their school sponsorship, restyling themselves the “Athens Democratic Socialists of America.”
Rospierre would like to have a word
Considering he broke his jaw when trying to kill himself to avoid being guillotined, I don’t think they’ll be able to understand it.
Thom Hartmann says exactly what you’d expect him to say.
Republican Congressman Steve Scalise was among the wounded yesterday when a gunman opened fire at a congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.
With one of their own now a victim of a mass shooting, will Republicans finally start thinking sensibly about gun control and finally rethink their penchant for violent political rhetoric?
The man identified as the shooter in yesterday’s attack on a congressional baseball practice in Virginia was a Bernie Sanders supporter who hated Republicans and Donald Trump.
Bernie has condemned the shooter – and the attack:
“Our prayers go out for a full recovery of Rep. Scalise, the congressional aides and police who were injured. We’ve got to stop the violence.”
The irony, of course, is that it’s historically been Republicans who’ve openly endorsed violence against politicians and the government.
For example, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul – who witnessed yesterday’s shooting – said this in a tweet last year: “Why do we have a Second Amendment? It’s not to shoot deer. It’s to shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical!”
When it comes to mainstream politicians, only Republicans talk this way about political violence. Maybe it’s time for them to rethink that kind of talk?
Should we repeal the second Amendment?
Every time there’s a mass shooting, this guy gets a hard-on that could knock over a card table.
What a putz
No idea who that is but he sounds a bit mentally-challenged.
And the quote from Rand Paul turns out to have been posted by a staffer, who was quoting Judge Nap in a series of tweets. But I’m sure Thom is getting around to posting a correction. Anytime now…
But the thing is, it’s true. That’s why the right for individual citizens to bear arms was codified in the founding document of the nation. That’s why there’s a reference to militias, and specifically to maintaining their effectiveness. The American Revolution was begun with private militias supplied with whatever arms the members happened to have to hand. And they got their asses handed to them more often than not. What if the Brits decide to have another go at it–which they did in 1812?
While there was a professional army, the founders clearly placed a high priority on ensuring that there was a ready supply of riflemen outside of the standing army. If most people are armed and can fight, they can resist an invading army, slowing it down until the pros can engage them, harassing their supply lines, keeping them on the defensive. If the government is taken over by a faction loyal to the crown, perhaps, or at least hostile to the principles of the revolution, the population can resist and potentially overthrow them. The Constitution was written and signed by people who had just fought a revolution where the first step taken by the government was to try to disarm the populace. It’s no mistake that the first item of concern was freedom to protest, nor was it a coincidence that the very next amendment was, “Oh, and you can take their guns, either.”
Repeal it? Go ahead, bitch, give it the old college try.
I worked for a company that was trying to get work there prior to the shit show it has become. I am glad that work didn’t pan out.
I liked how the article pointed out it has escalated under Trump, but not how US involvement started under Obama. We shouldn’t be involved at all imho.
Nothing happened in Yemen before Trump. Obama wouldn’t start a war without congressional approval and public debate that had no casus belli. He won the Nobel peace prize!
I see no good scenario there. Even more so than Afghanistan. Some places are not worth fighting over. I know that is an asshole thing to say for the people stuck there, but hey, reality is reality. I think the same applies to Afghanistan now. It was justified for the first six months after 9/11. Now it is pissing into the wind.
With Yemen, it is a regional war between different sects of Islam. What does one gain out of being in control if Yemen? It has a bit of oil, but it is not like it is a military powerhouse that can destabilize anything. I don’t get it.
A friendly Yemen is useful to Iran in a couple of ways. First, it’s a place from which annoying people can annoy Saudi Arabia – and in the long struggle, every little bit of annoyance counts. Second, it’s a potential pressure point on the principal Europe-Asia sea route, which is the single biggest shipping route in the world – its security matters a whole lot to a whole lotta people (even if the vast majority of those people don’t realise it.) There’s a reason several billion dollars worth of warships from dozens of navies have been floating around off Somalia for the last several years – and why zero dollars worth of foreign warships have been sent to other piracy hotspots like the Gulf of Guinea.
oh, and i’m sure no one cares, but the America’s Cup is underway again.
i watched the entire season in 2013…
(which includes the Americas Cup ‘world series’ events – which are a series of races over the course of the preceding year in 8-10 venues around the world…. as well as the Luis Vuitton Cup, which is like the “finals”… then the actual head-to-head race between the current cup holder and the challenger)
…and it was surprisingly really good stuff.
they changed the boats and the race-formats and pretty much everything in 2013 to try and make it more entertaining
(and dangerous ; a guy got killed in 2013 in one of about a dozen capsizes/crashes); it worked, more or less. The final AC series was incredibly dramatic. the US came close to a sweep, then NZ went on a tear facing sudden death and won 5 in a row, and it basically all came down to the very last race, where they lost. It was the equivalent of a game 7 4th quarter buzzer beating shot from halfcourt.
this year the Kiwis challenge again. If they win it will be the first cup win for their country after a very long and expensive struggle. anyway, if you’re not following it, you might as well try to catch at least 1 race at some point just to see what its about.
the downside of the sport is… well its sailing. if you don’t know how starts work, its confusing, and while lower-wind-levels might look really boring, its actually where it gets much more competitive and strategic.
I would link to a source where you can watch it, but it seems like this year they’re trying to make it all 100% TV-broadcast. which sucks. I watched the whole thing last year on youtube livestreams. If you’re not in the US, i think the AC website allows everything to be streamed.
“i’m sure no one cares”
Get out of my head!
At least the watch commercials are sometimes cool.
It looks like you can register and watch, thanks
I would link to a source where you can watch it, but it seems like this year they’re trying to make it all 100% TV-broadcast. which sucks.
Ya, that does suck. I am not a huge follower, but that is good stuff there.
The speed they get out of boats these days is mind boggling. Engineering ftw.
30knots+ in a freaking sailboat.
i don’t know what the bicycle-pedaling-looking-shit is this year. i thought maybe they moved the ‘grinders’ to their legs, but no, they’ve still got the hand-cranks. so its some other thing. i have no idea what. something to do with maximising the hydrofoiling effect most likely.
i haven’t watched it yet, but here’s a /Drive network video on the technology in the AC72(?) cup boats this year
You’re right, they’re grinders:
Possible corrections:
“The final AC series was incredibly dramatic. the US came close to a sweep, then NZ went on a tear facing sudden death and won 5 in a row, and it basically all came down to the very last race, where they lost.”
I’m pretty sure NZ went out to a big lead, the US got one back, then NZ won two to take an 8-1 lead in the first to 9. Then the US won 8 in a row.
“this year the Kiwis challenge again. If they win it will be the first cup win for their country after a very long and expensive struggle.”
Under the current format. NZ won 5-0 in 1995, then retained it in 2000. They lost it in 2003.
ok, right it was the other way around. a huge choke.
yeah, current format is what i’d meant. I think the Kiwis have invested a lot in this new approach to the sport. i think they build the boats, or are a large component of the design, etc.
or maybe larry ellison just lends everyone else money so they’ll come play with him, i don’t know.
You’re right about the Kiwis. One guy from 2013 was helmsman for the Japanese team which became practice boat for the US.
You got that right.
Do they raise a glass of champagne as they race?
You can’t call them kiwis; that’s citricrascist
In sci-fi news, Vir Cotto (AKA Stephen Furst) has left us, really killing the chances for a Babylon 5 reunion.
I liked what little I saw but never really got into that show. Maybe bad timing – I moved around a lot in those years and was drunk half the time too.
It was DS9 but different. I liked them both equally but in different ways
And there’s a long standing rumor that DS9 exists just because of a Babylon 5 pitch.
I remember watching it live during the first season. Then missing a couple of episodes of the second season when it came back and wondering what the hell happened (there was a change in captains due to behind the scenes issues). Years later I hunted down all of the B5 episodes and re-watched them, and will stand by it being the best sci-fi series to be aired up until Fringe.
Better than X-Files?
Never got into the X-Files back in the day. It’s on my watch list, but I haven’t pulled the trigger yet.
I’ll point out that the showrunner (before the word existed) for B5 actually had plans to write out every main character from the show, and only had to use two. There are things that are teased in the first season that don’t come to fruition until the fourth/fifth season. From what I’ve heard of X-Files, they weren’t able to keep that level of control over the show.
I watched X-Files religiously until the last season or two when I felt it all went tits-up. The stand-alone “creature” episodes were pretty much always good but after a promising first few seasons the “mythology” story-arc never paid off.
First half season of X-F is a little choppy because the actors are figuring out their characters. And you can pretty much stop after S6E12. Don’t forget to watch the first movie between seasons 5 & 6.
Are you’re right, Chris Carter couldn’t control the show or didn’t want to. I remember somewhere around season 7 someone at Nat Rev (maybe Goldberg) wrote, “Fans of the show have never really been sure what’ going on but they’ve been confident that Chris Carter does. It’s no longer clear that Carter knows what’s going on.”
I still rate it one of my Top 5 shows of all time.
X-Files was still treated better then Fringe. There was an episode that wasn’t aired, and was aired in a later season. There was just one issue with that, a character had died between the two seasons, and was a major character in the episode. Thankfully it was basically a stand alone episode which has been ignored on the TV and DVD releases.
It depends on what you’re looking for. I’d say it really does the whole mythology arc a heck of a lot better with a satisfying beginning, middle, and end, but the stand-alone episodes are mostly just kind of mediocre. The first season drags a bit, but things pick up in seasons 2-4. Season 5 was kind of an afterthought, due to the show being uncancelled.
Fringe? Yep they closed it out. The last scene of S4 was obviously shot to only to be used if they didn’t cancel.
I was talking about B5, but now that you mention it Fringe had the same issues.
Both suffered the same thing, but I’ll argue that Fringe got treated better. However, I’ll say that both Fringe and B5 are great sci-fi shows that more people should watch.
I’m pretty sure that B5 was written for a full 5 season arc from the get-go. It would be nice to see some follow-up miniseries in the same universe (better than Crusader, etc).
Farscape is still the one that tears me up the most. Promised a 5th season, shafted and we got a 2 part closer for a true epic. Screw Syfy and Bonnie Hammer.
Fringe was the awesome
I missed the final five seasons or so of that for the same reason. But I caught up thanks to torrents and, later, DVDs.
Sic Transit Stephen Furst.
I figure most people around here would recognize him as Flounder in Animal House.
I think the reunion chance sailed awhile ago. The B5 cast, overall, has been hit hard.
I had the not-serious-but-not-really-joking idea that Anton Yelchin died because Death meant to get the “Chekov” who was also on B5 but picked the wrong one by accident. It’s all quite sad, and ridiculous how many of the cast have died. Sucks.
It seems like being one of the cast members on B5 means never hitting retirement age. Something like half a dozen of the main cast members have died young. Some like Michael O’Hare and Jeff Conaway had their problems long before B5 started. But pretty much everyone else seemed pretty healthy, then died young.
Second attempt maybe? Andrew Koenig died in 2010, after all.
I had to look him up, but jfc, he was even on DS9.
… and suddenly my “Final Destination” theory gets real.
Anton Yelchin’s death, (The reboot Chekov) really was something straight out of Final Destination. He was run over by his own car while picking up his mail.
He parked his car in his garage, then walked downhill to pick up his mail. His car slipped out of Neutral, rolled downhill and smashed him against a fence. It was one of those deaths that are so absurd that if you saw it in a Final Destination film you would question it, but since it happened in real life, it is what it is.
The rapper Wyclef Jean’s father was run over in a similarly freak manner by one of Wyclef’s Bentleys.
And Just an FYI, Stellaris has a mechanic where you can play out your Babylon 5 fantasies, although I think you need to buy the Leviathans DLC for The War in Heaven to happen.
You can start up the league of Non-aligned worlds, and tell those ancient empires to get the hell out of your galaxy,
Great Moments in Remove Kebab: The Battle of Didgori, 1121 AD
The king of Georgia stopped paying tribute to the Seljuk Turks, so they invaded with a huge army- at least 300,000. The Georgians could only muster 55,000, but their king had a cunning plan. He hid the bulk of his forces in the surrounding hills and was able to execute a pincer movement against the Turks. When the Turks were nearly surrounded, they panicked and ran, only to be cut down by the Georgian cavalry. This victory enabled the Georgians to retake the city of Tblisi which has been the capital of Georgia ever since. It was one of the bloodiest battles in history fought in a single day as well as the likely largest melee battle in history.
wiki sez:
“Early in the 1990s, an impressive monument was erected at the site of the battle, consisting of dozens of massive swords pushed into the ground and posing as crosses, and colossal sculptures of dismembered bodies of warriors scattered in the meadows.”
[Nelson laugh ]
I think I saw that episode of DS9.
Currently watching The Magnificent Seven.
I won’t be watching much longer.
Lacks the charm of the original, takes itself way too seriously with that diversity cast.
There is only one Magnificent Seven.
I always stop and watch that one.
I see this one scored well with the critics. Not sure why.
D’Onofrio is quite the actor though.
I assume you’re talking about the Kurosawa original. 😉
Watched John Wick instead of that last week. Sounds like I made the right choice.
I watched John Wick a few weeks ago. Kick ass movie.
The “They killed my dog” rationale was great.
It definately exceeded my expectations
It’s a shame, because I like a lot of the actors, but it’s just not even close to the original. God damn that’s a good movie. I actually convinced my wife to watch The Seven Samurai first. I sold that by saying, “Look, I’m going to go nuts during Magnificent Seven comparing it to Seven Samurai. If you already get the reference, I won’t have to annoy the shit out of you by explaining it at length and thereby adding two hours to the movie.”
per Gilmore’s recommendation, here is some excellent derp mining
LA: animal rights supporters try to get their dogs to shit on Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame
I have no idea what Trump’s animal policy is but I suddenly have the hankering for making my cats shit on a replica of Obama’s Peace Prize.
wow At least most of those people said they didn’t vote.
Paring down the EPA puts undue burden on…. No cheating. Take a wild guess.
Women- and minority-owned businesses?
Women and children hardest hit?
Is that a response to me or the Lolita perv up thread?
The DC job market because there are not enough open jobs available?
A govt commission finds reason to justify moar govt. Shocking, ain’t it?
lol I just clicked the link. So they want to start a commission to study the effects of their departures therefore delaying their departures? Fuck me, I hate the government. (No offense to any of you fine government workers out there)
Wait, wrong game.
That’s not it either. I better click the link.
So tonight I learned that I need to really read the labels on random beers I decide to pick up. I saw a Sweetwater Dank Tank 4 pack, and knowing that they’re known for IPA’s, figured it was either an IPA or an IIPA. After getting it home, I see it’s a Pulled Pork, bacon/smoked porter. Not exactly what I’m looking for on a 90+ degree day.
I would think one would have to leave that in the sun on a 90+ day to even make it liquid.
“Best served cold-smoked. Shake Well.”
I’m a fan of smoked porters, but they’re not what I’m reaching for on a hot day. I was hoping for a good citrus IIPA (AlmightyJB’s opinion aside) as I’m short on hop forward beers in my fridge at the present.
I did pop one, and it’s not bad, but it would be much better when the ambient temperature was in the 50’s.
Well the good news is that it’s not an IPA
That sounds terrible. It was 109 here today.
While our hosts probably can’t link to versions of paywalled stories, I am pretty sure I can.
Ant throws comrade off table in act of insect savagery
I’m imagining a high-pitched Wilhelm Scream
What was he doing to be recording ants in the first place?
‘I’m bored. Lemme record these ants on my table instead of clearing it of them.’
Do you even SimAnt, bro?
Does that game even play on modern computers? I really enjoyed that and SimCopter when I was a kid.
If you’re willing to mess around with config.sys and autoexec.bat like back in the day, you could probably get it to run in dosBox.
I remember the spiders that shot lasers in SimAnt.
for what it’s worth, none of my dos games necessitated any config beyond running their installer to setup the sound. (Master of Magic and Syndicate, ymmv)
Does that game even play on modern computers?
That’s why he has to play with real ants, duh.
Like this?
Good. That ant was an ahole.
You should have heard what he said about your mother.
Was the ant named Sully?
F*ck. Hopefully they were able to recover all 7.
Damn. According to the BBC, all seven were found on board.
It looks like The Mist outside tonight. Now I want to watch the movie – not the series – again.
Environmental group confirms own bias?
I read that pants pissing article this morning. The found some levels of Pb in baby food. They buried that fact that the quantity found is well below safe levels. They then find a source to say any quantity of Pb is too much. With the right equipment you can find almost anything in small quantities.
Always love the late-night visits to the pediatric urgent care clinic cuz the kid waited til 8 PM to tell me her ear really really hurt.Nice trip to the pediatric urgent care center, ear infection diagnosed, home an hour after her normal bedtime, whining then sleep, then trip to 24 hour pharmacy to get antibiotic, now finally home. Can’t drink, taking Klonopin, which I got more of yay.
Also, Brian Colangelo just raped Danny Ainge, which is awesome.
When I feel stressed, I try to remember that I am not my emotions, they are merely something I experience and all emotions are transitory. As the stoics said, it is not the world that upsets you, but your beliefs about it.
Beer also helps.
I just remember that I’m not a parent. That helps.
“Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!”
Nope. The Celtics don’t need another guard, so them getting the first pick in this draft was more than they needed. Next year they’ll have unprotected first round picks from Brooklyn and the Lakers, so they’ll almost certainly have the top pick again, which could mean a franchise big man like DeAndre Ayton. Then they can trade out of the lower of those two picks and get a first the following year. I’ll gladly take Josh Jackson this year and a very good chance at the next Shaq/Tim Duncan/David Robinson next year.
They don’t need another guard? What, they need to protect Terry Rozier’s minutes? Fultz is clearly the best player in this draft, and the Lakers pick isn’t unprotected. If it lands at #1 it stays in Philly (and the Celtics get Sacramento’s 2019 1st)
You don’t understand how cheap those first round picks were for the Sixers. This was effectively the trade from the Sixers POV:
The #5 pick in the 2017 draft, Michael Carter-Williams, the rights to Arturas Gudaitis and the rights to Luka Mitrovic for the #1 overall pick in the 2017 draft, either a 2018 first round pick (2-5 protected) or a 2019 first round pick (unprotected, only if 2018 doesn’t convey), and Nik Stauskas.
USS Fitzgerald collision update: bodies of the 7 missing sailors found aboard
Kind of amazing boat collisions happen given how big the ocean is. On the other hand, the waters around big ports can get very crowded.
Side note: very few naval battles were more than 25 miles from the shore
Another fun naval fact: The largest naval battle in history, in terms of number of men involved, happened about 350 miles from the ocean.
Prior to WWII deep sea battles were very rare indeed. It makes sense, though – pre-radar/radio/aircraft, it was really difficult to *find* the other guy except close to shore; and the stuff worth fighting over in the immediate sense (access to ports & straits etc) are rarely out in the middle of the ocean. Indeed, even those battles that were well away from continental masses often pivoted on islands – true from the start of the true sailing period (multiple tangles around the Azores) to Midway, Leyte Gulf and the Falklands (both times.) The Glorious First of June is just about the only true middle of nowhere battle that I can think of, and even that involved the interception of a convoy in transit from the States to France.
Yep. A surprising number of major battles happened in what is today northern Turkey because it was a crossroad of continents there is plenty of open ground there.
Another fun war fact: the typical load of a modern day US infantryman is about 60 pounds, which is similar to the loads of a medieval knight and a Roman legionnaire.
Roman soldiers could march 20 miles a day for 10 days before they would need to stop and resupply. Their training lasted about 4 months and they trained with wooden swords and shields twice as heavy as the real thing. It’s pretty easy to see why they were so effective.
The French Foreign Legion is hardcore:
To complete training, legionnaire trainees must complete the “Combatant’s Course” of 8 kilometers (5 mi) loaded with rifle, helmet and 12 kilograms (26 lb) in 40 minutes, and a night march of 25 kilometers (16 mi) in three hours with a load of 18 kilograms (40 lb). Various marches of much longer distances are also a part of training such as the “Kepi” march of 50 km in full combat gear carrying a rifle, helmet and 30 kg load and the “Raid march” of 120 km in full combat gear carrying a rifle, helmet and 30 kg load simulating the navigation to and raiding of different checkpoints in 3 days. Troublemakers are made to place extra rocks in their backpacks for the duration of the marches. Further in the training of a “Caporal” there is a 100 km march which must be completed in 24 hours.
Troublemakers are made to place extra rocks in their backpacks for the duration of the marches
Foreigners in France often take time from their busy schedules to make trouble.
for some reason I assumed the Foreign Legion fought foreigners, not recruited them. Shows what I know about legions.
Surpise, surprise, surprise
New research out of Australian National University has determined that “purportedly tolerant people can be highly intolerant of those who live by a different set of principles.”
“Ethnic tolerance does not inevitably translate into universal tolerance towards everyone,” concludes the research led by psychologist Boris Bizumic. “The ethnically tolerant can be discriminatory, prejudiced, and politically intolerant.”
In a nutshell: Those allegedly enlightened on racial matters aren’t so open in other realms.
A final study conducted in the UK confirmed what was found in the others — that “intolerance was driven by the perception of prejudiced and racist people as an out-group, and not moral conviction.”
I would think anybody who has looked at the history of places like the Balkans. To the outside observer, figuring out who was shooting at whom made no logical sense, since the loyalties ran across both ethnic and religious lines.
So you needed buy a program to figure out why everybody was shooting at each other. If it was a straight up religious war, I could understand that. If it was a race war, I could understand that as well. But instead it was just some really horrible mess with everybody shooting at everybody else that made sense to everyone involved, but to the outside observer it looked like Calvinball with heavy artillery.
Interesting read about a Julius Caesar from 1864. Teaser: A man named Wilkes performed in it. He’d do something kind of big a few months later.