In response to some interest in floating a few dollars to the people maintaining the site – we have established a Paypal (yes, I know…Elon Musk) means to do so. Look at the right side or bottom of the page and you will see the word “Donate” – the link will be there. Also, one does not need a Paypal account to use Paypal.
A couple of things, right up front;
THIS IS NOT A TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION. A non-profit corporation runs this site – but it is NOT a federal 501(c)(3) corp. That takes a lot of fees, paperwork and gets the Feds all up in your business. So we said “no thank you”, and kept it smaller and State only.
We have put a limit in place – trying to keep our paperwork and reporting burdens down, we do not intend to take in more than a few thousand (under 5, if you must know) in any year. We are doing this not for Mammon, but for the Love of the Game. Well, and the groupies. Always that.
If someday, one of you has Bill Gates money – we can talk. But for now, a small token of your appreciation is more than enough. Feel free to give zero too…we are libertarians, for goodness sake – this is voluntary.
Will throw some money over this week.
what a bunch of hypocritical CUCKS!! begging for money like a bunch of filthy cosmo socialists? Which one of you will take on the role of Robby since this place midas whale be reason dot com
Will kick some in this week
To be sure, Trump has said some very reprehensible and disgusting things, which we condemn in the strongest terms possible and do not endorse at all.
You’re hired! Here’s the wig and if you do any research before writing you will be shot.
When do I get to go to my first cocktail party?!
I really need a haircut, because I don’t feel that AK-47 muzzle against my skull?
In true evil capitalist fashion, I won’t give money for something I can get for free. Nah, at some point I’ll throw a little cash your way. Guess that means I’ll have to setup a PayPal account.
One can donate without a PayPal account.
How does one do that?
I can’t donate a lot, but if I can avoid PayPal I’ll donate *something.*
Can’t pay cash so where do I send these two goats I’m donating?
Just follow the instructions on the page and put in your credit card information. PayPal acts as a merchant processor, basically. It’s just the facilitator between your credit card and the glibertarians bank account. I use something similar for my business.
My donation is coming next month; the speeding ticket I got a few weeks back has cratered my discretionary spending for the month of June.
+1 I can’t drive 55
Fucken hippies and their hand outs.
It won’t let me donate in quatloos.
I know, right?
No Bitcoin either, what kind of alleged libertarian site is this?
Here I was, prepared with a few fractions of an ounce of gold, and no way to donate it!
But seriously, as BakedP says below. Patreon.
Not electrum?
See, Glibs? This is why you should include basic contributors in your discussions, even if they’re douchebags. Woo Hoo!
This was next in that play list. I had that song lined up as first song on my I-pad playlist for leaving third world shitholes where I could not have a beer for a month or two. I would get a beer on the plane, put my headphones on and enjoy!
I am kind of missing that now.
For just a large donation to the glibs, you can get that song an iPhone download!
I already have the song.
Also, you could have just not listened to it. But to be nice, I won’t load my Stone Roses playlist.
load it. lets have a listen.
Okay, it’s not mine, but it’s the one I listen to when I want a Madchester fix.
That was good stuff until my browser freezes up. I am not sure if is is the browser or the old Mac mini where it lives.
Gah I hate that song. And I like Blur.
It was a one-off, meant as a parody of grunge. I tended to like Blur until I found out how much they hated grunge. Sorry, I’ll take Smells Like Teen Spirit as my desert island single over Coffee and TV, thank you very little.
I had to look that up. I stopped paying attention to them after the previous album. Modern Life is Rubbish from ’93 is their best IMHO.
I kind of liked that song.
But you can donate quaaludes. How else do we get the female libertarians to stick around?
Kaepernick again:
I … can’t disagree with him, actually.
He still has the “so dumb he makes me question my own beliefs when he agrees with them” problem though.
Dumb comment but the point is that someone should have been held accountable in that story.
And what drives me nuts is the media runs with the idea that we should only talk about police thuggery and their overclass status in terms of race relations.
And that the primary goal of BLM is to have 8 of every 10 incidents of police brutality happen to a white person instead of, you know, reducing police brutality altogether. But the media won’t put it that way, of course.
Paypal? That’s unfortunate – I cancelled my Paypal account after they tried to bribe a state into restricting the religious freedom and freedom of association of small business owners. 🙁
Do you have a link to that story?
Believe he’s referring to when they pulled out of a planned North Carolina office over the kerfuffle due to HB2.
Paypal execs cancels expansion in North Carolina because of the state’s associational freedoms, won’t even promise to come back now that these freedoms have been scrapped
(also Paypal has a great concern about who uses which bathroom. But not much of a concern about what Saudi Arabia, where they have facilities, does to gay people).
“Saudi Arabia is one of the most barbaric regimes in the world when it comes to LGBT rights.
“Homosexuality is illegal, and gay people can face public flogging, torture and even execution. Vigilante attacks are also common, while authorities are known to ‘hunt’ for gay people.”
As of last year, at least, This is a link“PayPal has operational centres in Singapore, Russia and Malaysia….–all countries that have anti-LGBT laws on the books.”
Human Rights Watch demands an investigation into the death of a transgender person in police custody in Saudi Arabia
To sum up – a company doesn’t have to play morals police. It doesn’t have to punish customers and employees in particular places for governmental policies. But if a company believes in masturbating at the thought of its own righteousness, to the extent of announcing boycotts of “anti-LGBT” jurisdictions, then do it properly.
Without double standards they’d have no standards at all.
It’s Eddies all the way down!
This is what happens when you don’t have an edit button.
This sort of stuff drives me fucken nuts.
Hey Paypal…DO YOUR JOBS.
Do… any of you… work?
Ah, now here’s a better way of doing it, especially if you want to keep it below a certain amount.
They have cheerleaders!!
Where’s the preview feature for posting? Then we can talk. Love you guys.
Perhaps if you were perfect and sinless like Ted S. you wouldn’t have need of a preview feature.
Yeah, I know, Ted. But not everyone can achieve that level of perfection.
I think what I was really asking is that, does Glibs want to trade admin access for their loyal brutals for donations to us tech savvy? So that we can try to help out?
See what I mean
You did that on purpose!
Of course I did SS, it’s part of my diabolical plan!
I tried to donate $10. When it forwarded to PayPal, it showed $1. I think there’s a glitch.
Yeah, same thing happened to me when going through the “Pay with credit/debit card” option.
That is being worked on now… thanks for pointing that out!
Should be fixed. PayPal didn’t like the way we named the amount options. It just let me select and finish donating a different amount.
“Option 1 – Swiss Servator Scotch Fund”
“Option 2 – Swiss Servator Raclette Fund”
“Option 3 – Swiss Servator Vacation Fund”
“Option 4 – Swiss Servator Bail Fund”?
No, we’re going to let him rot in jail.
Swiss jails are not really too terrible.
That’s just a funeral fund in disguise
A sophisticated ad campaign to “attract” (read: lure) clueless city slickers into the wild, actually.
It’s working now…just sent mine through. Just treat your servers better than you treat your orphans. When
wethey rise up, the good humans will be remembered.Working now.
Thanks to the founders and the whole lot o’ ye. Nice site here. On my shortest list of faves.
FWIW, what specifically is the money going towards – esp if you’re talking up to 5k a year? Software upgrades for the site, maintenance costs, etc? Contributors are still voluntary, etc. so it’s not like paying for content.
Just kinda curious since it’s not a one person job or personal site.
If we can break even on server fees, we’ll be doing OK.
Note that the $5k is an upper limit of what the legal Foundation can accept without tax and paperwork hassles.
It’s only going toward things like server fees. Everyone involved is donating their time, including our esteemed in house counsel, without whom this site wouldn’t exist because the Founders are all scaredy cats.
Fair enough – actually clicking the donate button does bring up that info. Just put in $5.
Your Future Reptilian Overlords are interested in putting you mammals on the take. However the PayPal only let me select $1. So take it and like it
I have an article written by a Brazilian that my wife knows, that is a great, in my opinion, argument for free markets. I’m trying to get permission from the guy to submit it as an article for Glibs. Otherwise, I’ll just post a link in a day or two.
Can’t I just donate an orphan?
They’re tax deductible…
Are you using the orphan for business purposes? What’s the depreciation?
Depends how you feed them. It is complicated.
And if they’re working in your mines, that means they can claim *you* as a dependent instead of vice versa.
Ah…a fellow businessman.
/secret handshake
Not sure you want to. I got a letter from the IRS last week. Fuckers.
Hey, I got a certified letter from them today! I haven’t opened it yet, but I’m sure it’s something fun…
(Note – not joking about the letter)
Sorry to hear that!
However, this is why I pay someone to do my taxes. He’s first on the chopping block.
Ya, I am not joking either. They smell something amiss when someones income goes from six figures to 15-20 grand over a year or two. Throw in some deductions for business expenses IE tools and what not, and I fully expect to be in big trouble because I am not the best book keeper. I do my own taxes, because fuck that paying for that service. Why the hell is there an entire industry whose sole purpose is to fill out paper work for the government? How did that happen? I don’t have a payroll to meet, I am me. Sole proprietorship/contractor in the past. They never had a problem when I was writing $20,000 checks to them every April. That stops when the income stops. I get a letter.
The thing that really sucks is that I know this one’s certified. I got a letter about a year ago from them stating that I owed $20,000. After changing my pants, I called them only to find out that they’d mixed up the SSN and Tax ID on one of my W4’s.
No such “luck” this time.
Also – “Why the hell is there an entire industry whose sole purpose is to fill out paper work for the government?”
There are numerous industries whose sole purpose is to fill out paper work for the government. I’ve worked for a couple firms whose function was to deal with government compliance with regulation.
If you ever find yourself doubting your libertarianism, join one of those firms. You’ll find it again, quick.
Ya, you break enough windows with regulations, we can all work for window breaking regulators and it will be Utopia. I can’t wait.
My quarterly payments where always not enough as my income increased over the years. I always had a big check to write to them in April. The last check I wrote to them really pissed me off. When my crew was shut down, and work ended, I figured I would roll with it and move on to a new chapter in life. Now I get hassled.
Western – sorry to hear about your business being shuttered.
Shit happens BP. That is life. Enjoy cheap gas in the US. The world won’t end.
Fucking Taylorism.
So when you donate an orphan, you don’t mean throwing them to the hungry gators in your mote? I have a confuse.
Have you thought about selling Glib Merch?
And? How’s that coming along?
This is the ultimate proof of the lack of profit motive and slow response.
How dare you run a “Libertarian” web site without a profit motive!?
I’d buy a bumper sticker, so you assholes know who to cut off in traffic.
There may have just been another terrorist attack in UK via
gunautomobile.So, according to the latest wild speculation, it was a white non Muslim allegedly targeting Muslims leaving from prayer services.—london-vehicle-collision/index.html
Well, it’s CNN, so no doubt now.
Well according to witnesses he was screaming that he wants to kill all Muslims. So according to the usual analysis when similar incidents have occurred, his motive will be one of those eternal mysteries.
Well, he’ll need a lot more than a car if he wants to kill over a billion people.
He’ll need an ideology.
Witness: “The man shouted ‘I’m killing you because I F****** Hate your guts’, before opening fire”
Reporter: “The Man’s motive is still a mystery”
If it’s on CNN, it shouldn’t be more than a few minutes until they tie the attacker to Trump.
I just dropped most of an entire paycheck on daycare, but I’ll catch you by Friday at the latest. Servers ain’t free, that’s for sure.
Do NOT cut into any essential services, or your beer fund or anything to donate. Please. Only if you are doing better than Illinois, in the discretionary funds department, should you even consider donating at all.
Don’t worry I got credit cards that aren’t maxed out, I’m good.
I can’t be out of money, I still have checks left.
My neighbors got some cash we can
stealtax from him.Oh, yeah, no, I’ve already budgeted funds for necessities such as beard oil, booze and baccy, and tips for the cam girls.
North Korea is doing better than Illinois in the discretionary funds department.
Are you shilling for a donation from International Libertarian Colossus, Kim Jong-un?
As true libertarians, They shouldn’t care where the money came from.
The Norks can print (fake US) money which Illinois so far hasn’t done.
See, this is what happens when you don’t vote for Democrats. You have to pay for shit with YOUR money. NOT FAIR!
Since gold pressed latinum is off the table I’ll be sending over a bit of digital federal scrip asap
A whole new book on the evils of libertarianism.
So many lies in what is a short review, imagine the how many are n the book!
Do you believe this shit?
Tried to read it, got as far as the first sentence before I blacked out from a heady mix of rage and derp
Rerp? Dage? Derparage?
it’s more like reading sugar free while on a bad ether binge and Mariah Carry is playing in the background
I laffed. Wait… they’re serious?
Unfortunately, yes I do. Just one paragraph in, we hear deranged screams of KKKOCH!
If it makes you feel any better, or maybe worse, that review was written by a 35 year old science fiction writer. I’d be surprised if she has the knowledge necessary to actually critique the book, as opposed to writing an uncritical synopsis.
Wait, wut? The courts have been doing that for years. Or do they mean the actual real way to change it as written in the Constitution?
Don’t worry, it’s just a slight case of projection.
By enforcing it was written!!!!!
Ha. She basically said nothing.
Yeh, that’s how came to my classical liberal roots; via the Koch brothers.
Man, the presumptuous, pompous arrogance of these people.
/chains up orpans while shaking head.
Rufus: Could you believe this shit?
Orphan: I-I’m thirsty.
Rufus: What? I gave you water yesterday!
I know I would never have become a libertarian were it not for my monthly stipend from the Koch brothers.
How much is the going rate for an ideological shift?
Oh yeah, that Koch check. Do you get the monthly bonus for running over as many homeless peasants as possible in your giant gas guzzling SUV? That one really helps put the food on the table for my 1000 hungry orphans.
You haven’t switched your orphans over to breathtarianism yet?
Nice, we will handily out-compete you in the market place.
That’s why I’m working on my robot orphan army. Damn Japanese engineers, get to work!
And if they don’t work out, I’m sure Kurt Eichenwald will take the entire batch.
20 quatloos says the demented tart says nary a word about Lysander Spooner. How I would like to rub her utter ignorance in her face.
She should come in here and debate us.
Would love to see how she does.
Yeah, I’d love to see all 3 seconds of that.
Breitbart: Right Splits over Civil Disobedience, Left Splits over Political Violence
Interesting article about the factions that are beginning to form on the Republican side, specifically “Old Right” vs. “New Right”, over Loomer and Posobiec. I personally side with the New Right here – I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with giving the Left a small taste of its own medicine as long as it’s non-violent and no one is hurt by it.
I sympathize with the New Right, certainly, and I won’t say I don’t enjoy giving the Left a bit of the business. I’m just worried that it’s trading long-term political, social, and cultural health for short-term feelgoods. On the other hand, turning the other cheek has not been a successful strategy. The Gavin McInnes’s of the world have a point when they say that, and I paraphrase, conservatives have been the only ones fighting by the Marquise of Queensbury Rules, and that’s why the Left dominates popular culture, the mainstream media, universities, and urban areas.
The Left has been getting in the grills of many a congressman in Town Halls and have been “infringing on their free speech” (using the Ben Shapiro standard) without the MSM or the Old Left saying a peep about it. IMO giving the left a taste of that in their little Trump assassination play is 100% fair game using the Left’s rules; debating ideas with cordiality and civility is ineffective with leftists.
Except they won’t win in the hall of public opinion.
The left started all this without question but it’s conservatives who will look bad.
The old the person who retaliates gets caught and punished axiom I’m afraid.
But the left does deserve the proverbial ‘beating’.
Yeah, that’s the thing. The media is deeply sympathetic to the ideals that the Left claims to stand for, so when people shout down conservatives it’s a brave act of civil protest. When a conservative protests people on the Left, it’s far-right extremism. Shit, TSOT (that site over there) put out a piece recently about how everybody’s too violent and both sides hate free speech, and they juxtaposed the Berkeley riots, university shenanigans, and Antifa with the Colorado guy who scuffled with a reporter in his grill, the vet who stopped people from burning a flag, and Based Stick Man. They bemoaned people who celebrated that one dude who threw a pretty solid cross at that one Antifa chick who tried to clock him in the jaw. I suppose the appropriate response was for him to either remove himself from the scene or just take it on the chin or something.
I don’t know. I don’t like the tone political “discourse” has taken, but, and maybe I’m old fashioned here or just a cishetero shitlord with unchecked privilege, when people start showing up to demonstrations armed because they keep getting threatened or attacked by Antifa I have a hard time seeing them as the bad guys.
I absolutely fall into that category. You throw the first punch expect to get a retaliation.
Years ago we were having a party at a buddy’s house – he was Cuban-American. Some assholes showed up and began stirring trouble. He warned them to cut it out or else. One of the guys tried to calm them down and it worked for about five minutes and they began acting up again. People warned them they were about to find trouble. Finally, one of them took a swing at our buddy who dodged the punch and clocked him (did I mentioned he boxed in Cuba?) one with a rousing right. The guy lay down on the ground crumpled.
Out comes the girlfriend of one of our guys screaming about how barbaric we all were. This when she was privy to the entire episode. The part when they were harassing girls, telling my friend off in his home and the subsequent pleading to ask them to tone it down or leave. She saw it all. She also knew us very well and we weren’t exactly known to be pugilists. Didn’t matter. Despite the guy getting his deserved comeuppance she went off on us.
Everyone looked at her like she was bat shit crazy; even the other girls were like, ‘ho, are you nuts?’
Rufus looks like Otter in his Ralph Lauren v-neck and you think they’re barbaric?
I thought that SOP in Candadia was to pull the guy’s shirt over his head and start delivering uppercuts.
Point being, I am unfamiliar with the saying, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” Other point being, There has been a pretty clear double-standard in the media (and I mean not just news, but all media) with regard to the conduct of the Left, especially the Progressive Left. I firmly believe that PC culture, particularly as expressed in the rise of the SJW phenomenon, the concept of “privilege”, etc., has culminated in an environment where one ideological tribe feels not just free but morally obligated to use violence to promote their point of view against a villainous “other”, and it’s being supported by sympathetic politicians, academia, and the mainstream media (and I hate using that term).
Nobody should attack anyone for disagreeing with them. Everyone should be able to maintain an atmosphere of civility while discussing topics about which they may disagree. But if you create an environment where, to use the modern parlance, people are made to feel unsafe and where you are “punching down” using your “privilege”, then the only rational response on their part is to fight back.
Though I have my disagreements and furor with the “tough-on-crime” side of conservatives (exemplified by folks like Sessions, Clarke, Pompeo, Arpaio, etc.), for the most part I think that conservatives almost always handily win the battle of ideas. Until now, however, they have had no effective tactics to fight the left’s cultural. What I’m seeing with people like Milo, McInnes, and the New Right is that they’re spreading libertarian and conservative ideas using leftist tactics. It may not look good in the sphere of public opinion right now, but that might quickly change.
cultural monopoly*
Wait, there are libertarian groupies?
Now….fwiw, I’ve been on a bit of a patreon kick lately for different folks – if/when I ever set up a youtube channel, I’ll probably set up one on the side for that as well.
That said…would anyone be interested in something like that – patreon for monthly content, etc for Glibs – but with donation tiers that included something like this. Basically skype/livestream discussions on current topics – obviously these would be generally more relevant…although maybe not necessarily.
A chance to discuss in a “civil” forum and converse with fellow glibs while supporting the site and maybe getting more interest by posting on youtube afterwards….
I’d be up for that for more than a flat donation in the tip jar. Alternatively, it wouldn’t require a patreon, and we would just schedule a time to call in and talk and then post the stream after the fact.
Well, I’d straight up pay for a permanent meet-up channel or something to that effect, for regional Glibcons. That’s Glibcon, and you’re welcome to copyright (or is it trademark?) that.
Glibcon East, and Glibcon West sound awfully good.
There’s a lot of country in between…
But, that’s flyover country. Who cares about anyone living there?
Hitler? Is the answer Hitler?
Oh yeah. He “cares”.
Glibcon Central sounds acceptable too.
We’re libertarians FFS! Do we need committees to make this shit happen?
Tundra and I call Glibcon Utopia for Minnesoda meetups…
I was actually thinking of setting up a meetup site for Glibs. I bought back before this site when we were all using the Google group. Maybe use that domain?
Can you send beer over paypal?
Is there a way I can donate my ex-girlfriend’s car?
I can’t get the title, but I can get the car.
I can help with that… but it might make things worse.
Lurv, BakedPenguin.
Secret Nazi President episode 102, Megacankles takes the 5th.
I was actually going to do a thing on beloved popular vote President, but then I had another idea.
Just go with it, BP. Haven’t seen one of your episodes yet that I don’t love. More random drunken asshole and Latin mulheres titties, please.
And Becky. Sweet, naïve, lissome Becky, just waiting to be turned . . .
Where is Becky wondering off to? STEVE SMITH WANT TO KNOW!
You never have to worry about not seeing Becky. Too bad none of the wimmens or gays like Cortez.
Dude, you NEVER have to worry about me not putting Latina hotties in my comics. I mean, maybe once in a while, but as a thing… um, no. And random drunken asshole shows up when he shows up. I can’t control the guy.
That said, you might enjoy the next one.
Sure that I will, bro, sure that I will. Titties, let’s see em, titties.
It’s all the affirmative action policies. I have to put Latinas (and Asian girls in owl glasses) in 67% of my comics, or I can face regulatory infractions. I reluctantly acquiesce. So reluctantly…
Absolutely, BP, you have to. We need more Latina bunda and tittie, we have to prove how liberal we are.
I will keep searching – continuously – for more Latina talent, Hyperion, because, that’s just how committed I am to, um… social justice… and stuff *sniff*
Sounds like they’re pretty slow with getting back to people on their contributions. By the time I ever hear back about my idea for a contribution, it’ll be too late and irrelevant to read an article about. Will donating help with the response time?
Thought you guys wanted to keep it under $3000?
. . . per day.
Ok, now you’re talking… we all get to be on the bootay commitee, amirite?
Oliver Stone angers the left. Gee, when you lose Stone…anyway, he makes sense:
The Democrats have stepped into a giant pile of poo.
Yikes, we drowning!
Donation, done and dusted.
My only regret is that, when converted to Canadian dollars, PayPal says I just donated three billion dollars.
Huh. Easy come, easy go.
Well, that’s 13 years of marriage down the drain.
I’m in love.
I always liked Pho better than Tom-Yum Goong anyway.
Yeah, seen her stuff before. She’s way awse.
Cô ấy nóng!
If you donate enough, we will add her to Glibertarian staff.
She needs to become a regular contributor to this site.
I’m always down for more principled Voluntaryists/An-Caps around here.
You’re always in love, HM, just admit it. I myself am completely innocent…
It’s the avatar that belies that fact, isn’t it?
Back in the 18th Century, I was known as the “Brown Casanova”.
Moises Italiano
Well done, crystal clear. Btw, I consent to have a relationship with you <3
The Pholosopher
Ponied up.
Dear god, you go away to Montana for 4 days, and a whole bunch of good content comes out.
I’ll kick in a few bucks later on this week when I get my paycheck if I don’t have to use Paypal.
So how many Somali Shillings do you need?
Seriously? Do you know what the condition of the roads in glibertaria?
Who needs roads?
That was strangely captivating.
I’ve got to call shenanigans on that vid . So they just casually flipped over a car, and it didn’t sustain any frame damage and then they they just drove on like that? If that actually happened then the Dodge Brothers would be be on the bleeding edge of materials research. Since I don’t know of any car that that just be flipped over like that and be expected to somewhat drivable.
OK, maybe some WW2 era Jeeps, since they don’t have roofs.
Maybe the frame materials were stronger. This was before people really cared much about fuel economy, so those early cars were probably built like tanks.
The reason that modern cars crumple up like origami when they crash is because they’re made of plastics and very thin metal.
Modern cars have “crumple zones”, designed to take the force of a crash. Being in something sturdy when it crashes doesn’t necessarily help you survive, the damage will just be on the inside of your body, instead of the outside.
Next paycheck I’ll send you guys $10 trillion (Zimbabwe).
Can I destroy the hopes of my heirs and wife by donating my entire net worth (three dollars!!??!) to Glibertarians?
I just shit out a donation for you.
*goes back to prepping for today’s colonoscopy*
A token of appreciation is winging its way through the Internet to you, but I won’t really be happy until I can get my morning Glib fix while drinking coffee from a genuine Glibertarians mug.